Fractional Derivative and Integral

Fractional Derivative and Integral Aysel Aygören Submitted to the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfillment of the requireme...
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Fractional Derivative and Integral

Aysel Aygören

Submitted to the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of

Master of Science in Mathematics

Eastern Mediterranean University July 2014 Gazima˘gusa, North Cyprus

Approval of the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research

Prof. Dr. Elvan Yılmaz Director

I certify that this thesis satisfies the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science in Mathematics.

Prof. Dr. Nazim Mahmudov Chair, Department of Mathematics

We certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate in scope and quality as a thesis of the degree of Master of Science in Mathematics.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Aktu˘glu Supervisor

Examining Committee 1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Aktu˘glu 2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sonuç Zorlu O˘gurlu 3. Asst. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Bozer


In this thesis we studied fractional order derivative and integral. In Chapter1, a brief history on the foundation of fractional derivative and integration has been given. In the second chapter, some definitions and theorems have been provided. Also some needed special functions such as Gamma, Beta, Mittag-Leffler and Wright function have taken place in this chapter.

Properties of fractional derivative and integral are discussed in Chapter 3. We started to this chapter by the discussion of the Abel integral equation and it’s application. In the first section of Chapter 3, fractional integral in the space of integrable functions and related properties has been given. The second section is devoted to basic definitions and properties of fractional derivative and integral. Definition of fractional integral and derivative of complex order take place in the third section together with some related theorems. Fourth section contains fractional integrals of some elementary functions. In the last section of Chapter 3, we discussed fractional differentiation and integration as reciprocal operations.

Keywords: Fractional Equation, Fractional Derivative, Fractional Integral.



Bu tez üç bölümden olu¸smaktadır. Birinci bölüm giri¸s kısmına ayrılmı¸stır. Kesirli türev ve integralin nasıl meydana getirildi˘ginden bahsedilmi¸stir.

˙Ikinci bölümde bazı fonksiyon tanımlarına yer verilmi¸stir. Ayrıca tezde kullanılacak olan bazı özel fonksiyonlar verilmi¸stir. Bu özel fonksiyonlar Gama fonksiyonu, Beta fonksiyonu, Mittang Leffler fonksiyonu ve Wright Fonksiyonu’dur.

Üçüncü bölümde genel olarak kesirli türev ve integrale giri¸s yapılmi¸stir , bazı özel fonksiyonlarla ili¸skilendirildi ve bunların özelliklerine yer verildi. Bu bölümü inceliyelim. Öncelikle Abel integral denklemi açıklanmi¸s , özel fonksiyonlarla i¸slemler yapılmi¸stir. Birinci kısımda integrallenebilir fonksiyonlar uzayında kesirli integeralin çözülebilirli˘gi bazı teoremlerle ispatlanarak açıklanmı¸stır. ˙Ikinci kısımda kesirli türev ve integralin tanımları verilmi¸s ayrıca kesirli türev ve inegralin bazı basit özelliklerinden bahsedilmi¸stir. Üçüncü kısımda kompleks mertebeden, kesirli türev ve integral alındı ve bunlarla ilgili teoremler ispatlanarak açıklanmi¸stir. Dördüncü kısımda bazı temel fonksiyonlarin kesirli integrali alınmi¸s ve bunlarla ilgili i¸slemler yapılıp istenilen temel fonksiyonlara ula¸sılmi¸stir. Be¸sinci kısımda, kesirli türev ve integral kar¸sılıklı operatör alınarak bir takım tanımlara yer verilmi¸s ve teoremlerle ispatlanarak açıklanmi¸stir. Son olarak ise, yarıgrup tanımları verilmi¸s, operatörlerin yarı gruplarla ili¸skisi incelenmi¸s ve bazı uzaylarla da ili¸skilendirilip ispatlar yapılmi¸stir.

Anahtar Kelimeler:Kesirli Denklemler, Kesirli Türev, Kesirli ˙Integral.



My beloved mother and father for giving me the love and understanding that without their persistent encouragement, I would not have been able to complete this research.



I must thank my supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Aktu˘glu, for his precious advice, encouragement and guidance he had provided throughout my education as his student. I have been extremely lucky to have such a supervisor who cared so much about my work and who responded to my questions so promptly.

I would also like to give my thanks to all staff members of Department of Mathematics in Eastern Mediterranean University who helped me.

I must express my gratitude to my family for their continuous support, encouragement and patience whom experienced all of the ups and downs of my research.

Finally, I would like to thank my father Erhan A., my mother Sündüz A., my brother Mehmet A. and my sister Sümeyra A. who helped me throughout my work especially Noushin H. G. , Serhan D., Cihan Ö. and Hande K. who were with me all through my research.



ABSTRACT................................................................................................................. iii ÖZ ................................................................................................................................ iv DEDICATION .............................................................................................................


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................... vi 1 PRELIMINARIES ....................................................................................................


2 NOTATION AND BACKGROUND MATERIAL ..................................................


2.1 Spaces of Integrable, Absolutely Continuous and Continuous Function ........


2.2 Some Special Function In Fractional Calculus............................................... 10 3 FRACTIONAL INTEGRALS AND DERIVATIVES ............................................. 14 3.1 Fractional Integral in The Space Of Integrable Functions............................... 18 3.2 Basic Definitions and Properties of Fractional Integral and Derivatives ........ 24 3.3 Fractional Integrals and Derivatives of Complex Order ................................. 35 3.4 Fractional Integrals of Some Elementary Functions....................................... 41 3.5 Fractional Integration and Differentiation as Reciprocal Operations .............. 44 4 CONCLUSION......................................................................................................... 64 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ 65



In this thesis we focus on fractional integrals and derivatives. We begin with a brief historical development of the theory of fractional integral and derivative.

In 1965, L’hopital wrote a letter to Leibnitz and asked the solution of the following equation when n = 12 ;

f (x) = x

Dn Dxn

Leibnitz’s response was "An apperent paradox, from which one day useful consequences will be drown". So the story of fractional calculus has started with the question of L’hopital.

After, L’hopital and Leibnitz and many other mathematicans like Fourier, Euler, Laplace, etc. have studied to answer L’hopital’s questions. Each used their own notation and methotology and they found many concepts of a non-integer order integral or derivative.

The main part of mathematical theory of fractional calculus was developed in 20th century. But engineers and scientists started using these theories 100 years later. Recently, the theory of fractional differential equation gain popularity among researchers and dif-


ferent studies involving solutions of linear or non-linear fractional differential equations, solutions of boundary value problems etc. been published.



2.1 Spaces of Integrable, Absolutely Continuous and Continuous Function In this section we give some required definitions and properties that will be needed to study fractional integrals and derivatives. Definition 1 Let a and b be two real numbers then a) [a, b] := {x ∈ R : a ≤ x ≤ b} is called the closed interval. b) (a, b) := {x ∈ R : a < x < b} is called the open interval. c) (a, b] := {x ∈ R : a < x ≤ b} and [a, b) := {x ∈ R : a ≤ x < b} are called half open intervals. d) [a, ∞) := {x ∈ R : a < x ≤ b} (−∞, b] := {x ∈ R : a < x ≤ b} are called closed infinite intervals. e) (a, ∞) := {x ∈ R : a < x ≤ b} (−∞, b) := {x ∈ R : a < x ≤ b} are called open infinite intervals. Definition 2 Let Λ be a subset of real numbers then C (Λ) is the set of all continuous functions on Λ. Definition 3 Let Λ be a finite interval and h (x) be a function defined on Λ. We say that the function h(x) satisfies Hölder condition of order λ if

|h (x1 ) − h (x2 )| ≤ A |x1 − x2 |λ



for all pairs of points x1 , x2 of Λ where A is a constant. In this case the number λ is called the Hölder exponent.

Definition 4 For a finite interval Λ, the space of all complex valued functions, which satisfy the Hölder condition of order λ is denoted by H λ = H λ (Λ) i.e { } H λ (Λ) = h : |h (x1 ) − h (x2 )| ≤ A |x1 − x2 |λ , x1 , x2 ∈ Λ .

For λ = 1, H 1 is known as Lipschitz space. Remark 5 It is clear that H λ (Λ) ⊂ C (Λ). Remark 6 For H λ , we are only interested in the case 0 < λ ≤ 1, because otherwise only constant functions will be contained in H λ .

Definition 7 The space hλ := hλ (Λ) is defined by {

h (x) − h (x1 ) → 0 as x → x1 h := h (Λ) := h : |x − x1 | λ



for all x1 ∈ Λ.

Remark 8 It is easy to see that hλ ⊂ H λ . In the following we will provide a space wider than H 1 , which is known as the space of absolutely continuous functions. Definition 9 A function h is called absolutely continuous on an interval Λ, if for all ϵ > 0, ∃δ > 0 such that for any finite set of pairwise disjoint subintervals [ak , bk ] ⊂ Λ, (k = 1, 2, ..., n), such that,


n ∑

(bk − ak ) < δ


the following inequality holds:

n ∑

|h (bk ) − h (ak )| < ϵ.


The space of all absolutely continuous functions is denoted by AC (Λ). In other words AC (Λ) := {h : h is absolutely continuous} .

Remark 10 ([3],[4]) It is easy to see that the space of primitives of Lebesgue summable functions is equivalent to AC (Λ), that is;

∫b ψ (t) dt,

h (x) ∈ AC (Λ) ⇔ h (x) = c +



∫b |ψ (t)| dt < ∞.

where a

Remark 11 The space H 1 (Λ) is included in AC (Λ).

The following example shows that the inverse implication does not hold in general. Example 12 Let c be a point in Λ then consider the function h(x) = (x − c)γ ∈ AC (Λ). The equation (2.1) does not hold at x = c, therefore (x − a)γ < H 1 (Λ) for 0 < γ < 1.

Definition 13 Let Λ be an interval then for each n ∈ N, one can define the following space, { AC n (Λ) := f : f


} ∈ AC(Λ) and it has continuous derivatives of order n − 1 on Λ .

Remark 14 It is obvious that AC ′ (Λ) = AC (Λ). For the case Λ is R or half line. Then to define H λ (Λ) for Λ = R or Λ is half line we need to explain the Hölder property at infinity. This explanation is given below. 5

Definition 15 Let Λ be R or half line then H λ (Λ) is the space of functions; (i) satisfying equation (2.1) for any finite subinterval of Λ. (ii) satisfying the functions h(x) Hölder property in the neighborhood of infinite 1 1 λ |h (x1 ) − h (x2 )| ≤ A − . x1 x2


(i.e. for all x1 ,x2 ∈ Λ, with sufficiently large absolute values)

Definition 16 The set of all Lebesgue measurable functions h (x) satisfying, ∫ |h (x)| p dx < ∞,

1≤ p p2 ≥ 1. Theorem 23 ([4])(Fubini’s Theorem) Assume that Λ1 = [a, b], Λ2 = [c, d] where −∞ ≤ a < b ≤ ∞, −∞ ≤ c < d ≤ ∞, for a measurable function h(x, y) defined on Λ1 × Λ2 , and at least one of the following integrals ∫

∫ h (x, y) dy,

dx Λ1


∫ h (x, y) dx,

dy Λ2


and " h (x, y) dxdy Λ1 ×Λ2

are absolutely convergent, then they are all equal.

Remark 24 The following particular case of the Fubini’s Theorem is known as the


Dirichlet formula, ∫b

∫x h (x, y) dy =

dx a



∫b h (x, y) dx

dy a



where one of the integrals is absolutely convergent.

Remark 25 We also have the following inequality, p  1    1p p    ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫                  p (x, (x, dy dx h y) dy ≤ y)| dx |h                 Λ    Λ2 Λ1 Λ2 1


which is known as the generalized Minkowski inequality.

Lemma 26 ([4]) Let h (x) ∈ L p (Λ), 1 ≤ p < ∞ then we have: ∫ |h (x + t) − h (x)| p dx → 0



as t → 0. We say that the function h(x) is continued by zero for x + t < Λ.

Theorem 27 ([4])(Lebesgue dominated convergence) Assume h (x, t) and H(x) satisfies condition |h (x, t)| ≤ H (x)

where H (x) does not depend on the parameter t and H (x) ∈ L1 (Λ). If limh (x, t) t→0

exists for almost all x, then


∫ h (x, t) dx =

lim t→0


limh (x, t) dx. Λ


2.2 Some Special Function In Fractional Calculus In this section, we introduce and discuss Gamma and Beta functions and their properties. Those functions plays an important role in the theory of fractional derivative and integral.

One of the basic special functions in analysis is n!. For non-integer values, or even complex numbers, which is called Euler’s Gamma function and denoted by Γ(z). Gamma function is simply said to be the extension of factorial for real numbers.

Definition 28 ([3]) The gamma function Γ(z) is defined as, ∫∞ Γ (z) =

e−s sz−1 ds, z ∈ R



and is convergent on the plane Re(z) > 0.

Lemma 29 For any z ∈ C with Re(z) > 0, Γ (z + 1) = zΓ (z) .


Proof. This property can be easily proved by integration by parts. ∫∞ Γ (z + 1) =

∫∞ [ ] −s z ∞ e s ds = −e s + s e−s sz−1 ds = zΓ (z) . −s z




It’s clear that Γ (1) = 1 and using (2.16) for z = 1, 2, 3, ..., we have;


Γ (2) = 1.Γ (1) = 1 = 1! Γ (3) = 2.Γ (2) = 2.1! = 2! Γ (4) = 3.Γ (3) = 3.2! = 3! ... Γ (n + 1) = n.Γ (n) = n. (n − 1) = n!

An other important special function which plays basic role in the theory of fractional calculus is the the Beta function which is defined as follows: ∫1 t p−1 (1 − t)q−1 dt,

B(p, q) =

Re p > 0, Re q > 0



It is well known that, Gamma and Beta functions are related to each other. In order to show the relation between Beta and Gamma fuction we will use Laplace transformation: ∫x t p−1 (1 − t)q−1 dt.

h p,q (x) =



If we take x = 1 in (2.18) gives h p,q (1) = B(p, q).

Since the laplace transform of convolution of two functions is equal to the multiplication of their Laplace transformation, we get:

H p,q (s) =

Γ (p) Γ (q) Γ (p) Γ (q) = s p sq s p+q


where H p,q (s) is laplace transform of h p,q (x). Since Γ (p) Γ (q) is constant, taking inverse Laplace transformation of the right-hand side of (2.19) we can get the original function


h p,q (x). From the uniqueness of the Laplace transformations, we have:

h p,q (x) =

Γ (p) Γ (q) p+q−1 x . Γ (p + q)


If x = 1, we will get one of the most important properties of Beta function:

B(p, q) =

Γ (p) Γ (q) Γ (p + q)


By the above definition it is obvious that,

B(p, q) = B(q, p).


The Mittag-Leffler function is defined by, ∞ ∑

Eµ (x) =


xk (µ > 0) . Γ (µk + 1)


The more general form which is given by Prabhakar ([2]) of Mittag-Leffler function is given by,

Eµ,ν (z) =

∞ ∑ k=0

zk (µ > 0, ν > 0) . Γ (µk + ν)

Taking µ = 1 and ν = 1 in (2.24) gives,

E1,1 (z) =

∑ zk zk = = ez (k + 1) Γ k! k=0 k=0

∞ ∑



which is the well known exponential function. Similarly for µ = 1 and ν = 2 in (2.24) we have, ∞ ∑

∑ zk zk 1 ∑ zk+1 ez−1 = = E1,2 (z) = = . (k + 1)! Γ (k + 2) k=0 (k + 1)! z z k=0 ∞


∞  ∞ k ∑ ∑ zk  z z  = 1+ = e  k! k! k=0 k=1

∞ ∞ ∑ zk zk 1 ∑ zk+2 ez − 1 − z = = 2 = . E1,3 (z) = Γ (k + 3)! k=0 (k + 2)! z k=0 (k + 1)! z2 k=0 ∞ ∑

More generally,   n−2   1   z ∑ zk   E1,n (z) = n−1  e −    k!  z 



where n is a natural number.

The Wright function which is an extension of both Bessel and exponential functions, is denoted by W and defined as;

W(z; µ; ν) =

∞ ∑ k=0

zk . k!Γ (µk + ν)

Using (2.24) for some valus µ and ν we can get that, W(z; 0; 1) = ez ,



) ( 2) 1 1 1 z W −z; − , − = √ exp − . 2 2 4 π




This chapter is devoted to the theory of fractional integral and fractional derivatives. We shall start from Abel’s integral equation which plays an important role in the definition of fractional integral and derivatives. After giving the idea and mathematical background of the theory of fractional integral and derivatives, we also consider some basic properties of fractional integral and derivatives. Recall that, Abel’s equation is the integral equation given below for 0 < γ < 1. ∫x

1 Γ (γ)

ψ (t) (x − t)1−γ


dt = h(x), x > 0.


Now apply the following process on (3.1) which is also used in ([4]). Firstly, changing x → t and t → p in (3.1) we get: 1 Γ (γ)

∫t 0

ψ (p) (t − p)1−γ

d p = h(t).

Then multiplying both sides of the equation by Γ (γ) (x − t)−γ and integrating we get that, ∫x a

dt (x − t)γ

∫t a


ψ (p)

d p = Γ (γ) (t − p)1−γ


h (t) dt. (x − t)γ


Using Dirichlet formula in (3.2), we have: ∫x

∫x ψ (p) d p



dt = Γ (γ) γ (x − t) (t − p)1−γ


∫x a

h (t) dt . (x − t)γ


Taking t = p + υ(x − p) in ∫x p

dt (x − t)γ (t − p)1−γ

and using the fact that,

1 1 = 1−γ γ (x − t) (t − p) (x − p − υ (x − p)) (p + υ (x − p) − p)1−γ 1 = [ ] [ ] x (1 − υ) − p (1 − υ) γ υ (x − p) 1−γ 1 = [ ] [ ] (x − p) (1 − υ) γ υ (x − p) 1−γ 1 = γ γ (x − p) (1 − υ) (υ)1−γ (x − p)1−γ 1 = (x − p) (1 − υ)γ (υ)1−γ γ

we get that, ∫x

(x − t)−γ (t − p)γ−1 dt =


∫1 0

dυ . (1 − υ)γ (υ)1−γ


Using the definition of Beta function on the right-hand side of (3.4) gives, ∫x


(x − t)


(t − p)

∫1 dt =


(1 − υ)−γ υγ−1 dυ


= B (γ, 1 − γ) = Γ (γ) Γ (1 − γ) .

Substitute (3.5) and (3.4) into (3.3), we get: ∫x

∫x ψ (p) d p



1 dt = Γ (γ) γ (x − t) (t − p)1−γ


∫x a

h(t) dt (x − t)γ


or ∫x a

1 ψ (p) d p = Γ (1 − γ)


(x − t)−γ h (t) dt.



Now if we differentiate both sides, we can get that,

1 d ψ (x) = Γ (1 − γ) dx

∫x a

h (t) dt. (x − t)γ


This means that if the equation given in (3.1) has a solution then it has the form given in (3.7). Moreover this solution is unique. In (3.1) we have assumed that 0 < γ < 1. The case γ = 1, is clear and the case γ > 1 can be reduced to the case 0 < γ < 1 by differentiating both sides of (3.1).

It should be mentioned that if we use the Abel equation,

1 Γ (γ)

∫b x

ψ (t) (t − x)1−γ

dt = h (x) ,



and apply the same steps then we obtain the solution,

1 d ψ (x) = − Γ (1 − γ) dx

∫b x

h(t) dt. (t − x)γ

Example 30 Solve the equation

1 Γ (γ)

∫x a

ψ (t) (x − t)1−γ

dt = 1, where 0 < γ < 1.

Let by (3.7)



1 d ψ (x) = Γ (1 − γ) dx


1 (x − t)−γ dt.


Taking x − t = u, 1 d x1−γ Γ (1 − γ) dx 1 − γ 1 1 d 1−γ = x Γ (1 − γ) 1 − γ dx 1 = x−γ . Γ (1 − γ)

ψ (x) =

Example 31 Solve the equation

1 Γ (γ)


ψ (t) (x − t)



dt = tβ , where β > 0.

Let from (3.7)

1 d ψ (x) = Γ (1 − γ) dx


tβ (x − t)−γ dt


1 d −γ = x Γ (1 − γ) dx Taking u =


( t )−γ tβ 1 − dt. x


t x

1 d −γ ψ (x) = x Γ (1 − γ) dx


(xu)β (1 − u)−γ xdu


1 d β−γ+1 x = Γ (1 − γ) dx


uβ (1 − u)−γ du


1 d β−γ+1 x B (β + 1, − γ + 1) Γ (1 − γ) dx Γ (β + 1) β−γ 1 Γ (β + 1) Γ (1 − γ) d β−γ+1 x = x . = Γ (1 − γ) Γ (β − γ + 2) dx Γ (β − γ + 1) =


3.1 Fractional Integral in The Space Of Integrable Functions In this section we shall investigate conditions on h(t) ∈ L1 (a, b) under which the Abel equation given in (3.1) has a solution. Definition 32 For 0 < γ < 1, the function h1−γ (x) is defined by,

1 h1−γ (x) = Γ (1 − γ)

∫x a

h (t) dt. (x − t)γ


Lemma 33 h (t) ∈ L1 (a, b) implies that h1−γ (x) ∈ L1 (a, b).

Proof. Assume that h (t) is any element of L1 (a, b) we have to show that h1−γ (x) ∈ L1 (a, b). Now consider the integral ∫b h (x) dx = 1−γ a

∫b ∫x 1 −γ ψ (t) (x − t) dt dx Γ (1 − γ) a a

1 ≤ Γ (1 − γ) 1 = Γ (1 − γ)

∫b ∫x

|ψ (t)| (x − t)−γ dtdx

a a ∫b


|ψ (t)| dt a

(x − t)−γ dx



On the other hand, the second integral on right hand side is ∫b


(x − t) t

b  1−γ  (x − t)−γ+1   = (b − t) . dx =  (−γ + 1) t 1−γ

Substituting (3.12) in (3.11) we have, ∫b h (x) dx ≤ 1−γ a

1 Γ (1 − γ) (1 − γ)


∫b |ψ (t)| (b − t)1−γ dt a


We have; ∫b h (x) dx ≤ 1−γ a

1 Γ (2 − γ)

∫b |ψ (t)| (b − t)1−γ dt .



Since (b − t)1−γ is bounded on [a, b] we have h1−γ ∈ L1 (a.b).

Theorem 34 ([4],[3])The equation (3.1) defined on γ ∈ (0, 1) is solvable in L1 (a, b) if and only if

h1−γ (x) ∈ AC ([a, b]) and h1−γ (a) = 0


In this case, the equation (3.14) has a unique solution in the form of (3.7). Proof. Assume that the equation (3.1) is solvable in L1 (a, b). Applying the same steps as in previous section we can obtained that ∫x ψ (p) d p = h1−γ (x) . a

As a consequence of (3.7) and (2.2), we have,

h1−γ (x) ∈ AC ([a, b]) and h1−γ (a) = 0.

Conversely assume that h1−γ (x) ∈ AC ([a, b]). Then ′

h1−γ (x) =

d h1−γ (x) ∈ L1 (a, b) dx



Therefore (3.7) exists a.e and belongs to L1 (a, b). We must show that (3.7) is a solution of (3.1). By substituting (3.7) in (3.1) we get,

1 Γ (γ)

∫x a

d dx h1−γ (x) dt 1−γ

(x − t)

= g(x),


1 Γ (γ)

∫x h′ (t) 1−γ a

(x − t)1−γ

dt = g(x).


Now, it suffices to show that g(x) = h(x). Since (3.16) is an equation similar to (3.1) with ′

respect to h1−γ (x) , using (3.7) we have, d 1 h1−γ (x) = Γ (1 − γ) dx ′


′ g (x) γ dt = g1−γ (x) (x − t)


or equivalently, ′

h1−γ (x) = g1−γ (x) .

Functions h1−γ (x) and g1−γ (x) are elements of AC ([a, b]). The first one by hypothesis and the second one by virtue of (3.6) with g(t) on the right hand side. Hence, h1−γ (x) − g1−γ (x)

is a constant function. On the other hand, h1−γ (0) = 0 and g1−γ (0) = 0, since (3.16) is solvable. Hence, h1−γ (x) − g1−γ (x) = 0.


So ∫x a

h(t) − g(t) dt = 0. (x − t)γ

This is an equation of the form (3.1). Since the solution is unique from (3.7), we get h(x) − g(x) = 0 or equivalently h(x) = g(x).

Lemma 35 ([4]) If h(x) is an absolutely continuous function on [a, b], then h1−γ (x) is also an absolutely continuous function on [a, b] and   ∫x   ′ 1  1−γ 1−γ  h1−γ (x) = h (a) (x − a) + h (t) (x − t) dt . Γ (2 − γ)  a

Proof. From (2.2) we have: ∫t h(t) = h (a) +

h (p) d p.



Now substitute (3.17) into (3.10) to get,


  ∫t   ′ ∫x  h (a) + h (p)  1   a =   dt γ Γ (1 − γ)  (x − t)   a  x  ∫x ∫t ′ ∫  1 h (a) h (p)   dt + dt . =  (x − t)γ  Γ (1 − γ)  (x − t)γ a

a a



For the first integral apply the change variable, we get;  0  [ −γ+1 ]0  ∫  1 1 u 1   (a) h (a) − = h − du   Γ (1 − γ) uγ  Γ (1 − γ) 1 − γ x−a x−a [ ] (x − a)1−γ 1 = h (a) Γ (1 − γ) 1−γ 1 = h (a) (x − a)1−γ (1 − γ) Γ (1 − γ) 1 = h (a) (x − a)1−γ . Γ (2 − γ) Substiting this in (3.18) gives,

1 h1−γ (x) = h (a) (x − a)1−γ + Γ (2 − γ)


1 dt (x − t)γ



h (p) d p.



Then first term is absolutely continuous function because ∫x (x − a)


= (1 − γ)

(t − a)−γ dt,


then we change the variable u = t − a, to obtain, x−a ∫



u−γ+1 u du = −γ + 1 −γ

] x−a = 0

(x − a)1−γ . 1−γ

The second term is also a primitive of summable function and it is absolutely continuous, ∫x a

1 dt (x − t)γ

∫t a

  ∫x ∫t ′   h (p)  h (p) d p =  d p dt.  (t − p)γ  ′


Abel’s solution is unique.




Corollary 36 ([4]): If h (x) ∈ AC ([a, b]), the Abel’s equation (3.1) with 0 < γ < 1 is solvable in L1 (a, b) and its solution (3.7) may be written in the form   ∫x   1   γ ′ γ ψ (x) = h(0)x + h (s) (x − s) ds . Γ (1 − γ)



Proof. Using Lemma (3.0.34), (3.19) and (3.20), the solvability conditions (3.14) are satisfied. Using the fact that,

ψ (x) =

d h1−γ (x) dx

and differentiating (3.35) we can obtain (3.21).

Corollary 37 Similar to Theorem 3.0.33, we can show that (3.8) is solvable in L1 (a, b) if and only if h˜ 1−γ (x) ∈ AC ([a, b]) and h˜ 1−γ (b) = 0, where,

1 h˜ 1−γ (x) = Γ (1 − γ)

∫b x

h (t) dt, (t − x)γ

0 < γ < 1.

Proof. The proof can be done in a way paralle to the proof of above corollary. The solution (3.9) of (3.8) where h (x) is absolutely continuous on [a, b] , may be written as,   ∫b   1   −γ ′ −γ ψ (t) = h(b) (b − t) + h (s) (s − t) ds . Γ (1 − γ) t



3.2 Basic Definitions and Properties of Fractional Integral and Derivatives Lemma 38 We shall start with the formula for n-fold integrals ; ∫x1 ∫x2

∫xn ...

a a


1 ψ (xn ) dxn ...dx2 dx1 = (n − 1)!

∫x ψ (t) (x − t)n−1 dt. a

Proof. We shall prove by induction, for n = 1, obviously ∫x


ψ (x) dx.

ψ (x1 ) dx1 = a


Assume that (3.23) is true for n − 1, that is ∫x1 ∫x2 ∫x3

x∫ n−1

... a a a


1 ψ (xn ) dxn ...dx3 dx2 = (n − 2)!

∫x1 (x1 − t)n−2 ψ (t) dt. a

Integrating both sides from a to x, to get: ∫x ∫x1 ∫x2

x∫ n−1

... a a a

ψ (xn ) dxn ...dx2 dx1 a

 x1  ∫x  ∫      1   n−2 (x (t) − t) ψ dt =   1    (n − 2)!    a a x  ∫x ∫       1   n−2 (x = ψ (t)  − t) dx dt  1 1     (n − 2)!   a

1 (n − 1)!




ψ (t) (x − t)n−1 dt . a

(3.23) may be written as,

γ (Ia+ ψ) =

1 Γ (γ)

∫x ψ (t) (x − t)n−1 dt. a



On the other hand using Γ(n) = (n − 1)!, we get the desired result. Now, we are ready to give Riemann-Liouville fractional integral see also ([4],[3]).

Definition 39 ([2],[3],[4]) Let ψ (x) ∈ L1 (a, b) then the left-sided and right-sided Riemann Liouville fractional integrals of order γ are defined respectively as follows,

γ (Ia+ ψ) (x) =


1 Γ (γ)

(Ib− ψ) (x) =


ψ (t)




1 ∫b ψ (t) dt Γ (γ) x (t − x)1−γ

x 0.

Lemma 40 Let Q be the reflection operator with (Qψ) (x) = ψ (a + b − x) then





QIa+ = Ib− Q and QIb− = Ia+ Q .


( γ ) γ Proof. Take any ψ ∈ L1 (a, b). We want to show that Q Ia+ ψ (x) = Ib− (Qψ) (x) .



γ Ia+ ψ


1 (x) = Γ (γ)

a+b−x ∫



ψ (t) (t − a − b + x)1−γ


Now take t = a + b − u, we get,




γ Ia+ ψ

1 (x) = Γ (γ) =


−1 Γ (γ) 1 Γ (γ)

a+b−x ∫

∫x b





ψ (t) (t − a − b + x)1−γ


ψ (a + b − u) du (−u + x)1−γ Q (ψ) (u) du (x − u)1−γ

= Ib− (Qψ) (x) .

In a parallel way, one can prove that



γ Ib− ψ


ψ (t) 1 ∫b (x) = dt. Γ (γ) a+b−x (t − a − b + x)1−γ

Taking t = a + b − u we have, ( γ ) Q Ib− ψ (x) =

−1 ∫a ψ (a + b − u) du Γ (γ) x (x − u)1−γ 1 ∫x ψ (a + b − u) = du Γ (γ) a (x − u)1−γ γ

= Ia+ Q (ψ) (x).

Therefore γ


QIb− = Ia+ Q .

Lemma 41 ([4]) For any pair of functions ψ, φ ∈ L1 (a, b) , we have, ∫b

∫ ) ( γ ) γ ψ (x) Ia+ φ (x) dx = φ (x) Ib− ψ (x) dx . b






Proof. Let ψ, φ ∈ L1 (a, b) then, ∫b ψ (x)



γ Ia+ φ


1 (x) dx = Γ (γ)


∫x ψ (x)



φ (x) (x − t)1−γ


By using Dirichlet formula we get; ∫b a

  b  b  ∫ ∫     ( γ )   1 ψ (x)   ψ (x) Ia+ φ (x) dx = dx φ (t) dt     1−γ  Γ (γ)    (x − t)   a t ∫b =

( γ ) φ (t) Ib− ψ (t) dt.


Changing variable t by x we get the result which satisfies (3.27).

Remark 42 The equation (3.27) is valid for any pair of functions ψ (x) ∈ L p , φ (x) ∈ Lq ; where, i) ii)

1 p

+ 1q ≤ 1 + γ,

1 p

+ 1q = γ + 1, if p , 1 and q , 1.

Lemma 43 ([3],[4]) Let ψ (t) ∈ C (a, b) , then







Ia+ Ia+ ψ = Ia+ ψ, Ib− Ib− ψ = Ib− ψ, where γ > 0, β > 0.

Proof. Now let ψ (t) ∈ C (a, b) then,  t  ∫x  ∫      ψ (υ) 1 dt   γ β Ia+ Ia+ ψ = dυ .     1−β   Γ (γ) Γ (β)  (x − υ)  (x − t)1−γ a




Using the Dirichlet formula we have,

1 = Γ (γ) Γ (β) =

1 Γ (γ) Γ (β)

∫x υ



dt (x − t)1−γ


∫x ψ (υ) dυ


ψ (υ) (t − υ)1−β


1 dt. (x − t)1−γ

(t − υ)




In the the second integral, take t = υ + p (x − υ), we have: ∫x υ

1 dt = (t − υ)1−β (x − t)1−γ

∫x υ

1 (x − υ) d p (υ + p (x − υ) − υ)1−β (x − υ − p (x − υ))1−γ

∫x =

[ υ ∫x

= υ

(x − υ) dp ]1−β (x − υ)1−γ (1 − p)1−γ p (x − υ) (x − υ)

(x − υ)2−β−γ p1−β (1 − p)1−γ

∫x =


= =

1 (x − υ)1−β−γ p1−β (1 − p)1−γ ∫x

1 (x − υ)

1−γ−β υ

1 (x − υ)1−γ−β



1 p1−β (1 − p)1−γ


B (γ, β) .


Writing (3.30) in (3.29) we have,

γ β Ia+ Ia+ ψ

1 = Γ (γ) Γ (β)

∫x ψ (υ) a

1 (x − υ)1−γ−β

Γ (γ) Γ (β) 1 = Γ (γ + β) Γ (γ) Γ (β) =

1 Γ (γ + β)

∫x a

∫x a

ψ (υ) (x − υ)1−γ−β

ψ (υ) (x − υ)1−γ−β

proving (3.28).


B (γ, β) dυ


The equations in (3.28) are called "a semigroup property of fractional integration". It is natural to show that fractional differentiation is an operation inverse to fractional integration. For this consider the definition below:

Remark 44 Equation (3.28) holds almost all ψ (t) ∈ L1 (a, b) when γ + β ≥ 1.

Definition 45 ([3],[4],[2]) The left and right-handed Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives of order γ, for a functions h(x) on interval [a, b] are defined as follows: (



γ Da+ h

γ Db− h


1 d (x) = Γ (1 − γ) dx


1 d (x) = − Γ (1 − γ) dx


h (t) dt (x − t)γ


h (t) dt. (t − x)γ


∫b x

In the next lemma, we will provide a sufficient condition for the existence of fractional derivatives.


Lemma 46 ([4]) Let h (x) be an absolutely continuous function on [a, b] then Da+ h and γ



Db− h exist almost everywhere for γ ∈ (0, 1). Moreover Da+ h , Db− h ∈ Lυ (a, b) for 1 ≤ υ < γ1 , and

  ∫x ′ (t)   (a) 1 h h   γ Da+ h = + dt  γ γ  (x (x (1 − a) − t) Γ − γ) a



  ∫b ′ (t)   1 h  h (b)  γ Db− h =  γ− γ dt . (t − x) Γ (1 − γ) (b − x)



Proof. Using conditions given in the statement of the Lemma and the definition of fractional derivative we get, (


γ Da+ h








h (t) dt (x − t)γ a   ∫x  ∫t   ′ 1 d h (a) + h (u) du (x − t)−γ dt  Γ (1 − γ) dx  a a   ∫x ∫x ∫t ′   1 d  h (u)  −γ h (a) (x − t) dt + dudt γ  (x − t) Γ (1 − γ) dx  a a a   ∫x ∫t ′   1 h (u) d  h (a)   γ+ γ dudt  (x − t) Γ (1 − γ) (x − a) dx a a   ∫x  ∫t   ′ d 1   −γ h (a) + h (u) du (x − t) dt Γ (1 − γ) dx a a   x ∫ ∫x ∫t ′   (u) d  1 h  h (a) (x − t)−γ dt + dudt  γ  (x − t) Γ (1 − γ) dx a a a   x t ∫ ∫ ′   (u) (a) h d h 1   . + dudt  (x − t)γ Γ (1 − γ)  (x − a)γ dx

d 1 (x) = Γ (1 − γ) dx

a a


We use the Dirichlet formula in second term and we get: (


γ Da+ h (x) =




 x  ∫x  ∫  (a) ′ 1 h d   −γ  (u) (x + h du − t) dt    Γ (1 − γ)  (x − a)γ dx  a u  x   ∫ −γ+1  (x − u) ′ d  1  h (a)   h (u) du   γ+ Γ (1 − γ) (x − a) dx  −γ + 1 a   x ∫  −γ+1  ′ 1 d (x − u)  h (a)  h (u) du   γ+ Γ (1 − γ) (x − a) dx −γ + 1 a   x ∫ ′   h (u) 1  h (a) +  . du (x − u)γ  Γ (1 − γ)  (x − a)γ a

Example 47 ([4]) Consider the function h (x) = (x − a)−η , 0 < η < 1, then (

γ Da+ h


1 d (x) = Γ (1 − γ) dx =


d 1 Γ (1 − γ) dx d 1 Γ (1 − γ) dx

∫x a




h (t) dt (x − t)γ (x − t)−η dt (x − t)γ (x − t)−η−γ dt.


Changing the variable t by a + p (x − a) in (3.35) we have, ∫x


(x − t)

∫1 dt = (x − a)





(1 − p)−γ p−η d p.


Substitute into (3.35) we have, (

γ Da+ h


1 d (x) = Γ (1 − γ) dx

∫1 0

p−η (x − a)1−η dp (x − a)γ (1 − p)γ

] 1 d [ (x − a)1−η−γ = Γ (1 − γ) dx



(1 − p)−γ p−η d p


1 Γ (1 − γ) Γ (1 − η) (1 − η − γ) (x − a)1−η−γ−1 Γ (1 − γ) Γ (2 − γ − η) Γ (1 − η) 1 = . Γ (1 − γ − η) (x − a)η+γ =

Example 48 ([4]) Consider the function

h(x) =

1 (x − a)1−γ

where 0 < γ < 1, then (

γ Da+ h


1 d (x) = Γ (1 − γ) dx


(x − a)γ−1 (x − t)−γ dt


d 1 (x − a)γ−1 = Γ (1 − γ) dx


(x − t)−γ dt



1 d − (x − t)−γ+1 (x − a)γ−1 = Γ (1 − γ) dx −γ + 1

]x a

= 0.

We have (

) γ Da+ h (x) ≡ 0 where h(x) =


1 (x − a)1−γ



[ ] Now let us assume that γ ≥ 1. In such cases we will use the notation γ to represent the integer part of a number γ and {γ} to represent the fractional part of γ. It is obvious that for any real number γ, 0 ≤ {γ} < 1 and [ ] γ = γ + {γ} .


Definition 49 If γ is an integer then

γ Da+


d = dx

)γ (3.39)


γ Db−

( )γ d = − . dx

Definition 50 If γ is not an integer then

γ Da+ h


)γ d [ ] {γ} = Da+ h dx ( )[γ]+1 d 1−{γ} = Ia+ h dx ( )n ∫x [ ] d 1 h(t) dt, where n = γ + 1 . = γ−n+1 Γ (n − γ) dx (x − t) a




γ Db− h

( )γ d [ ] {γ} Db− h = − dx ( ) γ +1 d [ ] 1−{γ} Ib− h = − dx ( )n ∫b (−1)n d h(t) = dt, Γ (n − γ) dx (t − x)γ−n+1 x

[ ] where n = γ + 1.

Remark 51 Using definitions we see that,




Da+ h = Ia+ h = (Ia+ )−1 h





Db− h = Ib− h = (Ib− )−1 h.

Remark 52 The fractional derivatives formula (3.31) an (3.32), are exist if ∫x a

h(t) (x − t)


∈ AC

[γ ]

([a, b])

or equivalently

h(x) ∈ AC


([a, b]) .

( γ ) [ ] Lemma 53 If h (x) = (x − a)γ−k , k = 1, 2, ..., γ + 1 then Da+ h (x) ≡ 0.



Proof. It is not difficult to verify that (3.36) is true for any γ > 0 and similarly for (3.37). Recall that,

γ Da+ (x − a)γ−k

( )n ∫x 1 d (t − a)γ−k = dt, Γ (n − γ) dx (x − k)γ−n+1

[ ] n = γ + 1.


Changing t by a + p(x − a) we have:


Da+ (x − a)γ−k

( )n ∫1 pγ−k (x − a)γ−k+1 1 d dp = Γ (n − γ) dx (x − a)γ−n+1 (1 − p)γ−n+1 0   ( )n  ∫1  1 d  (x − a)n−k pγ−k (1 − p)γ−n+1 d p =  Γ (n − γ) dx  0

≡ 0. [ ] n = γ + 1, n − k < n, k = 1, 2, . . .

3.3 Fractional Integrals and Derivatives of Complex Order In this section we focus on fractional integral and derivatives of complex order. Recall that, for a complex number γ = γ0 + iθ, If γ0 = 0 then γ = iθ is called purely imaginary complex number.

Definition 54 ([3],[4]) Let γ = iθ then the formula (

γ Da+ h


1 d (x) = Γ (1 − γ) dx

∫x a

h(t) dt. (x − t)γ

below make sense. Thus, replace γ by iθ we have, (


Diθ a+ h

1 d (x) = Γ (1 − iθ) dx


∫x h(t) (x − t)iθ dt . a


The formula given in (3.24) does not work for the fractional integral of purely imaginary order since the integral is divergent for γ = iθ. Therefore, in this case we need a different definition which is given below.

Definition 55 ([3],[4]) Let γ = iθ, then

iθ Ia+ h =

d 1+iθ I h dx a+

1 d = Γ (1 + iθ) dx

∫x h (t) (x − t)iθ dt,





iθ h= Ib−

1 d Γ (1 + iθ) dx

∫b (t − x)iθ h(t)dt.



In order to extend above definition to all complex number we need to define the identity operator, D0a+ ψ.

Definition 56 The identity operation, D0a+ , acts on ψ as follows;

0 D0a+ ψ = Ia+ ψ=ψ


and in (3.42), take γ = 0 (

D0a+ ψ


1 d (x) = Γ (1) dx

∫x a

1 d ψ (t) dt = Γ (1) dx


∫x a

) ( 0 ψ . ψ (t) dt = Ia+

Lemma 57 ([4]) Let h(x) be an absolutely continuous function on [a, b] then Diθ a+ h exists for all x and it may be represented in the form   ∫x   ′ 1  γ −γ −γ  Da+ h = h(a) (x − a) + h (t) (x − t) dt Γ (1 − γ)  a

(3.33) with γ = iθ.

Proof. Assume, h(x) ∈ AC [a, b] then h1−γ (x) ∈ AC ([a, b]) where ∫t h(t) = h(a) +

h (p)d p


h(t) (x − t)−iθ dt.




1 h1−γ (x) = Γ (1 − iθ)




Now use (3.46) in (3.47) we have,

1 h1−γ (x) = Γ (1 − iθ) =





  ∫x  ∫t   ′ h(a) + h (p) d p (x − t)−iθ dt   a


  ∫x ∫x ∫t   ′ 1   −iθ −iθ (x (p) (x h(a) − t) dt + h − t) d pdt   Γ (1 − iθ)  a a a   ∫t ∫x ∫x   ′ 1   −iθ −iθ h(a) (x − t) dt + (x − t) dt h (p) d p Γ (1 − iθ) a a a   x x ∫   1−iθ ∫ (x − a) ′ 1  −iθ  + h (p) d p (x − t) dt h(a) (1 − iθ) Γ (1 − iθ)   a p   x   1−iθ ∫ 1−iθ (x − a) (x − p) ′ 1   + h (p) d p h(a)  (1 − iθ) (1 − iθ) Γ (1 − iθ) a   ∫x   ′ 1   1−iθ 1−iθ d p . + h (p) (x − p) h(a) (x − a)  Γ (2 − iθ) a


h1−γ (x) = ψ (x)

  ∫x   ′ 1   −iθ −iθ (t) (1 (x (1 (x = h − iθ) − p) d p h(a) − iθ) − a) +   Γ (2 − iθ)  a   ∫x   ′ 1   −iθ −iθ = h(a) (x − a) + h (t) (x − t) d p Γ (1 − iθ) a

which is (3.33) where γ = iθ.

Lemma 58 ([4]) The space AC n [a, b] consists of those and only those functions h(x), which are represented in the form:

1 h(x) = (n − 1)!

∫x (x − t)


ψ (t) dt +

n−1 ∑ k=0



ck (x − a)k

where ψ (t) ∈ L1 (a, b) and ck is constant.

Proof. Assume that ψ (t) = h(n) (t) and ck =

h(k) (a) k!


∫x h


(x) = c +

ψ (t) dt a

∫x =


h(n) (t) dt a

which implies that ∫x ∫x

∫x (n−1)


(x) dx = c (x − a) +

h(n) (t) dt a a


∫x ∫x = c (x − a) +

ψ (t) dt. a a

On the other hand, ∫x ∫x h


(x) − h


ψ (t) dt.

(a) = c(x − a) + a a

Continuing in this way we obtain that,

h(x) =

n−1 ∑

∫x (x − a)k ck +



(x − t)n−1 ψ (t) dt. (n − 1)!

[ ] γ Theorem 59 ([4]) Let Reγ ≥ 0 and h(x) ∈ AC n [a, b] , n = Re γ + 1. Then Da+ h exists almost everywhere and may be represented in the form.


γ Da+ h =

n−1 ∑ k=0

1 h(k) (a) (x − a)k−γ + Γ (1 + k − γ) Γ (n − γ)

∫x a

h(n) (t) (x − t)γ−n+1




Lemma 60 ([4]) Let ψ (t) ∈ L1 (a, b) . The homogenous Abel integral equation Ia+ ψ ≡ 0 has only trivial solution ψ (x) ≡ 0 for any γ with Re γ > 0.


[ ] Let m = Re γ , and let Re γ , 1, 2, ... . Differentiating m times the equality


Ia+ ψ = 0, we have, γ−m

Ia+ ψ = 0.

It is obvious that, 0 < Re (γ − m) < 1, so ψ in view of Theorem3.0.33, which is valid for γ

complex exponent. If γ = m − iθ, differentiating (m − 1) times, the result Ia+ ψ = 0 and ∫x

ψ (t) (x − t)−iθ dt = 0.


If θ = 0, clearly ψ (x) = 0 , a.e. If θ , 0, then replace x to t, t to s multiply both sides by

1 (x−t)1+iθ

sides over [a, x − ε], to get  x−ε ∫ ∫t a

  


  1  −iθ (t − s) ψ (s) dt = 0  (x − t)1+iθ

 x−ε   ∫   −iθ −1−iθ  ψ (s)  (t − s) (x − t) dt ds = 0.  

x−ε ∫




and integrate both

Change the variable, ε =

t−s x−s , ε 1− x−s

x−ε ∫

ψ (s) a

εiθ (1 − ε)−1−iθ dεds = 0.



Since ψ (s) ∈ L1 , the passage to the limit is possible under the first integral sign if the inner integral converges as ε → 0. To show this, we need some facts, for the imaginary order Beta function. It is known that the Beta function is defined by (2.17).(2.17) make sense when Re p = 0 or Re q = 0 (p , 0, q , 0). In this case, it is understood to be conditionally convergent.In particular, there exists the limit 1−ε ∫

B(p, iθ) = lim

t p−1 (1 − t)iθ−1 dt,


Re p > 0, θ , 0



which coincides with the analytic continuation of B (p, q) with respect to the values Re q = 0, q , 0. The inner integral in (3.49) converges as ε → 0. So letting ε → 0 in (3.49), we have by (3.50) that ∫s B (1 − iθ, iθ)

ψ (s) ds = 0 a

ψ (s) = 0 a.e which completes the proof.

3.4 Fractional Integrals of Some Elementary Functions In this section we shall evaluate fractional integral of some well known functions.

Lemma 61 Consider the power function

ψ (x) = (x − a)β−1


and assume that Re β > 0, then β+γ−1


Ia+ ψ = (x − a)

Γ (β) Γ (β + γ)


where aϵC. Proof. Let we use (3.24) and taking t = a + (x − a) p, 1 γ Ia+ ψ (x) = Γ (γ)



(x − a)

(x − t)1−γ




(x − a) = Γ (γ)


= (x − a)




(1 − p)γ−1


Γ (β) aϵC. Γ (β + γ)

Lemma 62 Consider the power function

ψ (x) = (b − x)β−1

and assume that Re β > 0, then



Ib− ψ = (b − x)


Γ (β) . Γ (β + γ)


Proof. Let we use (3.25) and taking t = a + (b − x) p,

γ Ib− ψ (x)

1 = Γ (γ)

∫b x


(b − x)

(t − x)1−γ ∫1


(b − x) = Γ (γ)




(1 − p)γ−1



= (b − x)

Γ (β) . Γ (β + γ)

Lemma 63 Consider the function

γ Ia+


] (x − a)β−1 Γ (β) (x − a)γ+β−1 1 = , (b − a)γ Γ (β + γ) (b − x)β (b − x)γ+β

a < x < b.

Proof. We use, (3.24) we get:

γ Ia+ ψ =

1 Γ (γ)



(x − a)


(b − x)

(x − t)1−γ



Changing to variable; t = a + p(x − a), we have:

γ Ia+ ψ

β+γ−1 1 (x − a) = Γ (γ) β+γ−1


(x − a) Γ (γ)

γ−1 γ Ia+ ψ = (b − x)



p 0


(1 − p)

( ( x − a ) )γ−1 1− p dp b−a

( x − a) B (β, γ)2 F1 1 − γ, β, γ + β; b−a

( β+γ−1 x − a) Γ (β) (x − a) . 2 F 1 1 − γ, β, γ + β; Γ (β + γ) b−a



Useful particular:

γ Ia+


] (x − a)β−1 1 Γ (β) (x − a)γ+β−1 = (b − a)γ Γ (β + γ) (b − x)β (b − x)γ+β

a 0, it is neccessary and sufficient that


hn−γ (x) = Ia+ h ∈ AC n ([a, b])


(k) (a) = 0, k = 1, 2, ..., n − 1. hn−γ


[ ] where n = Re γ + 1 and that


Proof. Let h = Ia+ (ψ) and ψ ∈ L1 (a, b). Because of the semigroup property we have n−γ



Ia+ h = Ia+ (ψ), where ψ ∈ L1 (a, b) and Ia+ h ∈ AC n ([a, b]). Therefore we get (3.56) and then (3.57) is satisfied. Conversly, let (3.56) and (3.57) be satisfied, we can write n h where ψ ∈ L (a, b). Consequently, by semigroup property; hn−γ (x) = Ia+ 1

n Ia+ h = Ia+ ψ = I n−γ I γ ψ. n−γ


Hence [ ] n−γ γ Ia+ h − Ia+ ψ = 0. γ

Since Re (n − γ) > 0, by Lemma 3.0.59 we have that h − Ia+ ψ = 0 a.e therefore the proof is completed.

Definition 66 Let Re γ > 0, a function h(x) ∈ L1 (a, b) is said to have a summable frac[ ] γ n−γ tional derivative Da+ h, if Ia+ h ∈ AC n ([a, b]), n = Re γ + 1.



Remark 67 If Ia+ h is n times differentiable at every point i.e Da+ h =

( )n d dx


Ia+ h exist

then h (x) has a summable fractional derivatives.

Theorem 68 ([4]) Let Re γ > 0. Then the equality



Da+ Ia+ ψ = ψ (x)


is valid for any summable function ψ (x) while



Ia+ Da+ h = h (x)


is satisfied for


h (x) ∈ Ia+ (L1 ) .


If we assume that instead of (3.60) a function h(x) ∈ L1 (a, b) has a summable derivative



Da+ h then (3.59) is not true in general and is to be replaced by the result γ


Ia+ Da+ h = h (x) −

n−1 ∑ (x − a)γ−k−1

Γ (γ − k)


(a) , h(n−k−1) n−γ


[ ] n−γ where n = Re γ + 1 and hn−γ (x) = Ia+ h. In particular we have: γ


Ia+ Da+ h = h (x) −

h1−γ (x) (x − a)γ−1 , Γ (γ)


for 0 < Re γ < 1. Proof. By the definitions we have, ( )n ∫x 1 d γ γ Da+ Ia+ ψ = Γ (γ) Γ (n − γ) dx


 t  ∫  (p) ψ dt   d p .   (t − p)1−γ  (x − t)γ−n+1 a

Interchanging the order of integration and evaluating the inner integral we get:

γ γ Da+ Ia+ ψ =

( )n ∫x 1 d ψ (p) (x − p)n−1 . Γ (n) dx a

Therefore (3.58) follows by (3.1) and (2.17). To prove (3.59); with the assumption (3.60) immediately follows from (3.58).


Corollary 69 ([4]) Assume that h (x) have a summable derivative Da+ h in the sense of the above definition. Then,

h (x) =

( ) n−1 Dγ+ j h (a) ∑ a+ Γ (γ + j + 1) j=−n

(x − a)γ+ j + Rn (x) , (Re γ > 0)

( γ+n γ+n ) is valid for where Rn (x) = Ia+ Da+ h (x) .



( ) ( ) γ γ Corollary 70 ([4]) Assume that h (x) ∈ Ib− L p , g (x) ∈ Ia+ Lq ;

∫b h (x)


γ Da+ g


∫b (x) dx =


1 p

+ 1q ≤ 1 + γ, then

( γ ) g (x) Db− h (x) dx (0 < Re γ < 1) .



Simple sufficiency conditions for functionsh(x), g(x) to satisfy (3.64) is that h(x), g(x) ( γ ) ( γ ) should be continuous and Da+ g (x) and Db− h (x) exists at every point x ∈ [a, b] and they are also continuous.

In the following part section we will use the notations of (??) to represent fractional γ


integral and fractional derivatives. Consedering Ia+ = Da+ for Re γ < 0.

Theorem 71 ([4]) Assume that Re β > 0, Re (γ + β) > 0 and ψ (x) ∈ L1 (a, b) then,




Ia+ Ia+ ψ = Ia+ ψ.


Proof. In the case Re (γ) > 0 and Re (β) > 0, the semigroup property (3.65) is already established in (3.28). Let’s consider the case Re (γ) = 0, Re β > 0, letting γ = iθ. Then,

iθ β Ia+ ψ Ia+

1 d = Γ (β) Γ (1 + iθ) dx =


B (1 + iθ, β) d Γ (β) Γ (1 + iθ) dx 1 d Γ (1 + iθ + β) dx


∫x ψ (s) ds




(x − t)iθ (t − s)β−1 dt


ψ (s) (t − s)iθ+β ds a

ψ (s) (t − s)iθ+β ds a



d iθ+β+1 I ψ. dx a+


Since Re (1 + iθ + β) = Re (β) + 1 > 1, and (3.65) is already proved in the case Re (γ) > 0, Re (β) > 0, we have;

iθ+β+1 1 Ia+ ψ = Ia+


iθ+β Ia+ ψ



∫x (

) iθ+β Ia+ ψ (t) dt


so by (3.66) we get, x  ∫ (  ) d   iθ+β iθ β (t) Ia+ Ia+ ψ = I ψ dt   a+ dx  =

a iθ+β Ia+ ψ

which is (3.65), when γ = iθ. It remains to consider the case Re (γ) < 0, then use (3.65)



−γ −γ+β+γ

Ia+ Ia+ ψ = Da+ Ia+



−γ −γ β+γ

= Da+ Ia+ Ia+ ψ

from (3.65), because Re (−γ) > 0, Re (γ + β) > 0. By (3.58), since




Ia+ Ia+ ψ = Ia+ ψ

which is (3.65).


Theorem 72 ([4]) Assume that Re γ < 0, Re (γ + β) < 0 and ψ (x) ∈ Ia+ γ



Ia+ Ia+ ψ = Ia+ ψ.


(L1 ), then,


Proof. Now consider the case Re (β) < 0, Re (γ) > 0. Since ψ (x) ∈ Ia+ (L1 ), we have −β

ψ = Ia+ φ,

where φ ∈ L1 (a, b). Thus


γ+β −β

Ia+ ψ = Ia+ Ia+ φ.

Since Re (γ + β − β) > 0, by the case1 that



Ia+ ψ = Ia+



= Ia+ φ γ


= Ia+ Da+ ψ γ


= Ia+ Ia+ ψ.


Theorem 73 Assume that Re γ < 0, Re (γ + β) < 0 and ψ (x) ∈ Ia+ γ


(L1 ) then,


Ia+ Ia+ ψ = Ia+ ψ.


Proof. Let Re (γ) < 0, Re (γ + β) < 0. By the assumption ψ (x) ∈ Ia+


ψ (x) = Ia+ φ, φ ∈ L1 (a, b)


(L1 ), then

By case1,










Ia+ Ia+ ψ = Ia+ Ia+ Ia+ φ = Ia+ Ia+


= Ia+ Ia+ φ −γ −γ

= Da+ Ia+ φ.

So, by (3.58),




Ia+ Ia+ ψ = φ = Ia+ ψ.

Finally, note that the cases γ = 0, β = 0 are trivial, while the case γ + β = 0 coincides with (3.58) and (3.59), which completes the proof.

Remark 74 The cases γ = 0, β = 0 and γ + β = 0 being also admissible for real γ and β.

Remark 75 Theorem does not incluede the fallowing cases i) Re β = 0, Re γ > 0, ii) Re(γ + β) = 0, Re β > 0, iii) Re γ = 0, Re β < 0.

Theorem 76 Assume that −β

i) Re β = 0, Re γ > 0 and there exists a summable derivative Da+ ψ of purely imaginary order. −β−γ

ii) Re(γ + β) = 0, Re β > 0 and there exists a summable derivative Da+ ψ of purely imag-


inary order. −β


iii) Re γ = 0, Re β < 0,and there exists a summable derivative Da+ ψ and Da+ ψ, then




Ia+ Ia+ ψ = φ = Ia+ ψ


Theorem 77 Assume that Re γ < 0, Re (γ + β) < 0 and ψ(x) has a summable fractional derivative then

γ β γ+β Ia+ Ia+ ψ = Ia+ ψ −

n−1 ψ(n−k−1) ∑ n+β k=0

Γ (γ − k)

(x − a)γ−k−1 ,


[ ] n+β where n = − Re β + 1 and ψn+β (x) = Ia+ ψ.

Definition 78 ([4]) Let X be a Banach space and T γ be a linear bounded operator in X for γ ≥ 0, a one parameter family of T γ is called a semigroup if

T γ T β = T γ+β , γ ≥ 0, β ≥ 0


T 0 ψ = ψ, ψ ∈ X.



Definition 79 A semigroup is called strongly continuous if for any ψ ∈ X,


T γ ψ − T γ0 ψ

x = 0, 0 ≤ γ0 < ∞.



Definition 80 A semigroup is called continuous in uniform topology if the limit above (3.70) exists in the operator topology in other words if


T γ − T γ0

= 0

when γ → γ0 .

Lemma 81 If the semigroup mentioned in (3.69) is strongly continuous for γ = 0 then it is strongly continuous for all γ ≥ 0.



Lemma 82 The operator Ia+ and Ib− are bounded in L p (a, b) .

Proof. By using simple operations and the generalized Minkowski inequality one can show that


Ia+ ψ L

(b − a)Re γ ≤ ∥ψ∥L p (a,b) , Re γ > 0, p (a,b) Re γ |Γ (γ)|


Ib− ψ L


≤ (a,b)

(b − a)Re γ ∥ψ∥L p (a,b) , Re γ > 0. Re γ |Γ (γ)|






Ia+ ψ (x)


p (a,b)

1 ∫x ψ (t)



Γ (γ) (x − t)1−γ


  ∫b     =      a

L p (a,b)

1 p  p   1 ∫x ψ (t)    dt dx  Γ (γ) (x − t)1−γ   


1  p  p   ∫b ∫x       1  ψ (t)  = dt  dx  1−γ   |Γ (γ)|      a a (x − t) 

we use generalized Minkowski inequality in (2.13),   1p b  ∫b  ∫   p     1  ψ (t)  ≤ dt dx dt     1−γ (x − t)  |Γ (γ)|      a t   1p   ∫b ∫b       1   (γ−1)p (x = − t) dt dx |ψ (t)|       |Γ (γ)|     a

1 = |Γ (γ)| =

∫b a



(b − t)(γ−1)p+1 |ψ (t)| (γ − 1) p + 1 ∫b


[ ]1 |Γ (γ)| (γ − 1) p + 1 p

} 1p dt

(γ−1)+ 1p

|ψ (t)| (b − t)



and use Hölder’s inequality in (2.8) and (2.9) gives

= = =

  1p   1q b b     ∫ ∫         q     1     (γ−1)q+ p p (t)| (b dt dt − t) |ψ        ] 1p  [       a   a  |Γ (γ)| (γ − 1) p + 1   1 q  (b − a)(γ−1)q+ p +1  q ∥ψ∥L p (a,b)   [ ] 1p  (γ − 1) q + p + 1  q |Γ (γ)| (γ − 1) p + 1 (b − a)γ ∥ψ∥L p (a,b) 1 [ ]1 |Γ (γ)| (γ − 1) p + 1 p (γq) q (b − a)Re γ ∥ψ∥L p (a,b) . Re γ |Γ (γ)|


Theorem 83 ([4]) Operators of fractional integration form a semigroup in L p (a, b), p ≥ 1, which is continuous in uniform topology for γ > 0 and strongly continuous for all γ ≥ 0. Proof. It is obvious that

T γ T β = T γ+β , γ ≥ 0, β ≥ 0.

Now we have to show the continutiy of the semigroup . For γ0 > 0, we have: γ


Ia+0 ψ − Ia+ ψ [ ] ∫x ∫x [ ] 1 1 ψ (t) 1 γ0 −1 γ−1 (x (x = ( )− dt + − t) − − t) ψ (t) dt Γ γ0 Γ (γ) Γ (γ) (x − t)1−γ0 a


= Aψ + Bψ.

On the other hand we have:

∥Aψ∥L p

( ) Γ γ0 (b − a)γ0 ≤ 1 − ( ) ∥ψ∥L p . Γ (γ) γ0 Γ γ0

Let ψ (x) to be zero outside [a, b]. Then, 1 ∫x |Bψ| = Γ (γ) ax ∫ 1 ≤ Γ (γ)


[ ] γ0 −1 γ−1 (x − t) − (x − t) ψ (t) dt [ ] (x − t)γ0 −1 − (x − t)γ−1 ψ (t) dt



taking t = x − t, ∫0 [ ] 1 γ −1 γ−1 − (x − (x − t)) 0 − (x − (x − t)) ≤ ψ (x − t) dt Γ (γ) x−a ∫ x−a 1 [ γ0 −1 γ−1 ] t −t ψ (x − t) dt = Γ (γ) ≤

1 Γ (γ)

1 = Γ (γ) =

1 Γ (γ)

1 = Γ (γ)

0 b−a ∫

γ −1 γ−1 t 0 − t ψ (x − t) dt

0 b−a ∫


tγ−1 1 − γ0 −1 ψ (x − t) dt t

γ0 −1

0 b−a ∫

tγ0 −1 1 − tγ−γ0 ψ (x − t) dt

0 b−a ∫

1 − tγ−γ0 t1−γ0

|ψ (x − t) dt| .


Applying Minkowski’s inequality

∥Bψ∥L p ≤

1 Γ (γ)

b−a ∫

1 − tγ−γ0 t1−γ0

b  1p ∫    p dt  |ψ (x − t)| dx  


1 ≤ Γ (γ)

1 − tγ−γ0


b−a ∫


dt ∥ψ∥L p .



Combining the inequalities (3.73) and (3.74), we have;

( )

I γ − I γ0 ψ

a+ a+ ∥ψ∥

b−a ( ) ∫ γ−γ0 γ 0 1 − t Γ γ0 (b − a) 1 )+ dt. ≤ 1 − ( Γ (γ) Γ γ0 + 1 Γ (γ) t1−γ0 0


Taking limit as γ → γ0 in the integral in right hand side of above inequality and also having in mind that for γ > 0, Γ (γ) is continuous and nonzero, we have the following result

γ γ lim

Ia+ − Ia+0

= 0.


If γ0 = 0 then



Ia+ ψ − ψ

L = 0.




γ Ia+ ψ =

1 Γ (γ)


(x − t)γ−1 ψ (t) dt


and replacing t by x − t, gives 1 = Γ (γ)

x−a ∫

tγ−1 ψ (x − t) dt.



On the other hand,

γ Ia+ ψ − ψ

1 = Γ (γ) 1 = Γ (γ) 1 = Γ (γ) =


1 Γ (γ) 1 Γ (γ)

x−a ∫

tγ−1 ψ (x − t) dt − ψ (x)

0 x−a ∫

0 x−a ∫

0 x−a ∫

0 x−a ∫


γ = Γ (γ + 1)

ψ (x − t) − ψ (x) 1 dt + Γ (γ) t1−γ

x−a ∫

ψ (x) dt − ψ (x) t1−γ


[ γ ] x−a 1 ψ (x − t) − ψ (x) t (x) dt + − ψ (x) ψ Γ (γ) γ 0 t1−γ ψ (x − t) − ψ (x) 1 dt + ψ (x) (x − a)γ − ψ (x) γΓ (γ) t1−γ ψ (x − t) − ψ (x) ψ (x) (x − a)γ dt + − ψ (x) Γ (γ + 1) t1−γ x−a ∫


[ ] (x − a)γ ψ (x − t) − ψ (x) dt + ψ (x) −1 Γ (γ + 1) t1−γ

= Uψ + Vψ.



Ia+ ψ − ψ

L ≤ ∥Uψ∥L p + ∥Vψ∥L p . p

It is clear that,

p ∥Vψ∥L p

∫b ≤ a

p (x − a)γ − 1 dx. |ψ (x)| Γ (γ + 1) p

Appliying Lebesgue Dominated Convergence Theorem,we have

lim ∥Vψ∥L p = 0.



Furthermore, we approximate ψ(x) by a polynomial P(x) in L p -space, then

∥Uψ∥L p ≤ ∥U (ψ − P)∥L p + ∥UP∥L p .


Using Minkowski’s inequality on the first term ψ (x) = 0 outside [a, b], we get; γ Uψ = Γ (γ + 1)

γ U (ψ − P) = Γ (γ + 1) =

γ Γ (γ + 1)

= −

∥U (ψ − P)∥L p =

= = ≤

x−a ∫

0 x−a ∫

ψ (x − t) − ψ (x) dt t1−γ


(ψ − P) (x − t) − (ψ − P) (x) dt t1−γ (ψ − P) (x) − (ψ − P) (t) − (ψ − P) (x) dt t1−γ

0 x−a ∫

γ Γ (γ + 1)

x−a ∫

(ψ − P) (t) tγ−1 dt


x−a ∫

(ψ − P) (x − t) − (ψ − P) (x)

γ dt

Γ (γ + 1) 1−γ t


 x−a 

x−a ∫

 ∫  (ψ − P) (x) 

 (ψ − P) (x − t)

γ dt − dt

Γ (γ + 1)  1−γ 1−γ  t t

0 0

 

x−a x−a  ∫ ∫


 1 


γ−1 γ−1 (ψ − P) (x − t) t dt


(ψ − P) (x) t dt

 

Γ (γ)

 

Γ (γ) 0 0 Lp Lp

x−a ∫




Ia+ (ψ − P) L +

(ψ − P) (x − t) t dt


Γ (γ) 0 Lp



Ia+ (ψ − P) L + Ia+ (ψ − P) L p




(b − a) (b − a) ∥(ψ − P)∥L p + ∥(ψ − P)∥L p Γ (γ) γ Γ (γ) γ


∥U (ψ − P)∥L p ≤

2 (b − a)γ ∥(ψ − P)∥L p < constϵ. Γ (γ + 1)

The second term in (3.75); x−a b−a ∫ ∫ γ P (x − t) − P (x) γ P (x − t) − P (x) dt ≤ tγ dt, |UP| = 1−γ t t Γ (γ + 1) Γ (γ + 1) 0 0 and we have; γ |UP| ≤ Γ (γ + 1)

b−a ∫

′ tγ max P (t) dt → 0. γ→0


Therefore proof is complete.

Definition 84 ([4]) A Lebesgue point x0 of a function ψ (x) ∈ L1 (a, b) is a point which satisfies the following equation

1 lim t→0 t


[ ] ψ (x0 − s) − ψ (x0 ) ds = 0.



Remark 85 For the function ψ (x) ∈ L1 (a, b) almost all points x0 ∈ [a, b] are Lebesgue point.

Theorem 86 ([4]) Let ψ (x) ∈ L1 (a, b) then for any Lebesgue point of a function ψ (x),

( γ ) lim Ia+ ψ (x) = ψ (x) .



Proof. For a Lebesgue point x0 of a function ψ (x) we will have the following notation



∫x0 Ψ (t) =

ψ (s) ds =

ψ (x0 − s) ds.

x0 −t




Taking s = x0 − s, we have

Ψ (t) =

ψ (x0 − s) ds

ψ (s) ds = x0 −t


and use the second inequality in (3.78), we have: Ψ (t) 1 − ψ (x0 ) = t t

∫t ψ (x0 − s) ds − ψ (x0 ) 0

1 = t


1 ψ (x0 − s) ds − t



1 t


∫t ψ (x0 ) ds 0

[ ] ψ (x0 − s) − ψ (x0 ) ds.


We get: Ψ (t) 1 − ψ (x0 ) = t t


[ ] ψ (x0 − s) − ψ (x0 ) ds → 0


Thus we can write Ψ (t) as ] [ Ψ (t) = t ψ (x0 ) + b (t)



where b (t) is a bounded function such that 0 < t < τ = τ (ϵ). Therefore; 1 = Γ (γ)

γ Ia+ ψ


1 Γ (γ)

x∫ 0 −a

tγ−1 ψ (x0 − t) dt

0 x∫ 0 −a

tγ−1 dΨ


taking u = tγ−1 , v = Ψ (t) and using integration by parts,   x∫ 0 −a [  ] x −a 1 0  γ−1  γ γ−2 (γ (t) (t) Ia+ ψ = − 1) t Ψ dt t Ψ −   0 Γ (γ)  0   x∫ 0 −a   [ ] 1   (x0 − a)γ−1 Ψ (x0 − a) − tγ−1 Ψ (t) − (γ − 1) tγ−2 Ψ (t) dt = 0   Γ (γ) 0

1 Ψ (t) 1−γ Ψ (x0 − a) − |t=0 + 1−γ 1−γ Γ (γ) t Γ (γ) Γ (γ) (x0 − a)


1−γ Γ (γ)


x∫ 0 −a

tγ−1 b (t) dt +


1−γ + ψ (x0 ) Γ (γ)

x∫ 0 −a

Ψ (t) dt t2−γ


Ψ (x0 − a) Γ (γ) (x0 − a)1−γ

x∫ 0 −a




1−γ tγ−1 dt + Γ (γ)

tγ−1 b (t) dt.

So; (


γ Ia+ ψ

[ ] 1−γ Ψ (x0 − a) γ (x0 ) − ψ (x0 ) = (x0 − a) − 1 + ψ (x0 ) γΓ (γ) Γ (γ) (x0 − a)1−γ x∫ 0 −a ∫τ 1−γ 1 − γ γ−1 t b (t) dt + tγ−1 b (t) dt. + Γ (γ) Γ (γ) 0



By interchanging the limit and integral sign we get: [ ] ( ) 1 − γ γ γ (x0 − a) − 1 lim Ia+ ψ (x0 ) − ψ (x0 ) ≤ |ψ (x0 )| lim γ→0+ γ→0+ Γ (γ + 1) ∫τ 1 − γ γ−1 + lim t b (t) dt γ→0+ Γ (γ) 0

1−γ γ ≤ lim τ ϵ = ϵ. γ→0+ Γ (γ + 1) The equation (3.77) is obtained since ϵ is arbitrary.



As a result, we can take derivative and integral easily with integer but if we try to take fractional we will have some problem. Furthermore I tired some methods and operations for solving this problem. I solved some equation, theorem etc. with some special functions and properties.

The main problem is 0 < t < 1 and it may main purpose for making this research.



[1] R.G. Bartle, The elements of integration and Lebesque Measure, A wileyInterscience Publication, 1995. [2] K. Diethelm, The analysis of Fractional Differential equations. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2010. [3] A.A. Kilbas, H. M. Srivastava and J.J. Trujillo, Theory and Applications of Fractional Differential equations, Elsevier, 2006. [4] S.G. Samko, A.A. Kilbas and O.I. Marichev, Fractional Integrals and Derivatives Theory and Applications, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1993.


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