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SCIENCES EXAM Last Name/First Name: Group: Orthography: 1. Syntax: Number: 4.1 Date: Global: PART 1 Write three differences between the animals...
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SCIENCES EXAM Last Name/First Name:





Number: 4.1 Date:


PART 1 Write three differences between the animals shown in the pictures (2 points). Escribe tres diferencias entre los animales representados en las figuras




The picture represents some invertebrates. All of them belongs to the Philum of ____________________ (write here this category). The living beings of this Phylum can be divided into different classes. You must classify the animals represented in the picture into the Order they belong to (1,10 points). La figura representa algunos invertebrados. Todos ellos pertenecen al Tipo de los ______________________ (escribe aquí esta categoría). Los seres vivos de este Tipo pueden dividirse en diferentes clases. Tienes que clasificar los animales representados en la figura en los distintos Órdenes a los que pertenecen.



No. 1 2

4 3

3 4 5 6

6 7

5 7

8 9 10

8 9 10



Complete the table below (1,20 points): Completa la tabla inferior.




Main physical characteristics Habitat




Which Group of Arthropods does each animal belong to? How does every one of them breathe? You must answer at right of the represented picture (2,00 points). ¿A qué grupo de Artrópodos pertenece cada animal? ¿Cómo respira cada uno de ellos? Debes responder al lado de la figura representada.


What do the pictures represent? Make a Venn diagram to show the main differences and similiarities between both of them (0,70 points). ¿Qué representan las figuras? Haz un diagrama de Venn para mostrar las principales diferencias y semejanzas entre ambas.


SCIENCES EXAM Last Name/First Name: Orthography:

Group: Syntax:

Number: 4.2 Date:


PART 1. Test: Tick with an “x” the accurate answer to every question OBSERVATIONS.

Every question counts a maximum of 0,2 points.


The invertebrates  have an internal skeleton made of bone.  have not an internal skeleton of bone.  have an external skeleton made of chitin.  have not an external skeleton made of minerals.


The animal of the picture on the side is an  Insect.  Chelicerate.  Crustacean.  Echinoderm.


Porifers do not have  Spongin.  Pores.  Anum.  Mineral Spicules.


The gastrovascular cavity is found  into the the body of the echinoderms.  into the the body of the porifers.  into the the body of the cnidarians.  Only into the worms.


The only multi-cellular organisms that have not organs, movable parts or appendages are  the Mammals.  the Segmented worms.  the crustaceans.  the Porifers.


Why this animal is a crustacean?  Because its body is divided into three segments: head, thorax an abdomen.  Because it has eight legs.  Because it has ten legs.  Because it has eight legs and its body is divided into two segments: cephalothorax and abdomen.


Bivalves breathe by  Lungs.  Gills.  Tracheal system.  These animals are so simple that they do not need to breathe.


Insects have got  Four legs.  Six legs.  Ten legs.  More than ten legs.


Centipedes belong to the  crustaceans.  insects.  segmented worms.  chelicerates.


They have reduced cephalisation (no head) with reduced sense organs, and they are important detritivores in many ecosystems:  They are the Porifers.  They are the Segmented Worms.  They are the Cnidarians.  They are the Echinoderms.


The ambulacral feet is present in the...  Echinoderms.  Insects.  Arthropoda.  Birds.


What kind of organs are the chelicerae  They are the mouth appendages of the insects.  They are the mouth appendages of the cephalopods.  They are the mouth appendages of the spiders.  They are the mouth appendages of the crustaceans.


What kind of invertebrates can breathe through a tracheal system?  The jellyfish.  The earthworms.  The spiders.  The sea urchins.


The figure show a  crustacean.  cephalopod.  gastropod.  jellyfish.


What invertebrates breathe through lungs?  Clams.  Garden snails.  Squids.  Dogs.

TRANSTLATION/TRADUCCIÓN PARTE 2. Para facilitar la realización del ejercicio se suministra a continuación en castellano los enunciados de las cuestiones planteadas: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15

Los invertebrados... El animal de la figura de al lado es… Los Poríferos no tienen… La cavidad gastrovascular se encuentra… Los únicos organismos pluricelulares que no tienen órganos, partes móviles o apéndices son... ¿Por qué este animal es un crustáceo? Los bivalvos respiran mediante… Los insectos tienen… Los centípedos pertenecen a... Tienen una cefalización reducida (sin cabeza), con reducidos órganos de los sentidos y son importantes detritívoros en muchos ecosistemas. El pie ambulacral está presente en los… ¿Qué clase de órganos son los quelíceros? ¿Qué tipo de invertebrados pueden respirar a través de un sistema traqueal? La figura representa un/una... ¿Qué invertebrados respiran por pulmones?