Extracts of The Bullitt Pioneer

Extracts of The Bullitt Pioneer PREFACE In March 2000, I began a project to extract an index of names published in the turn of the century editions of...
Author: Hugh Griffith
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Extracts of The Bullitt Pioneer PREFACE In March 2000, I began a project to extract an index of names published in the turn of the century editions of the Bullitt Pioneer Newspaper. Microfilm of these early newspapers was available at the Ridgeway Memorial Library in Shepherdsville. I first envisioned strictly an index of names only. After working through several editions I realized that the style and content were unique and I started over with the intent of using a line or two from the articles. Later, wanting to include even more of the content I started the project a third time including significant articles. Hundreds or thousands of hours later, I have this finished product. I have tried to include every piece of information that would be of interest to a genealogist or local historian, using "article", "etc" or "highlights only" for items not typed in its entirety, especially in wedding descriptions or flowery obituaries. Omitted are most state-wide or national political items. The images on the microfilm range from fair to completely unreadable. Many were faded, torn, wrinkled and stained. I can't help but wonder how many went through our famous Shepherdsville floods. The issues are scattered. Several years had only a few issues available. The spellings of names often varied with the author. I have no idea as to the correct spelling of many of the names. I typed them as they were printed. The quality of the images caused many questions. A smudge, wrinkle or hole created gaps. Ink-filled letter let to difficulty with e-a-o-c, u-n, i-l-t, R-B-H. Many looked so much alike. You many want to look closer at names with these letters. Although diligent in the preparation and editing of this project, there may be many instances of error. If you have questions, the microfilm is available at the library. Dates are entered in order as they appear on the microfilm. Some issues are out of order. I have included date published as well as the original page number with the articles to make it easier to find if you wish to look at the microfilm. I have enjoyed reading and typing the newspaper into the database. My hope is that someone, somewhere will enjoy the results of my many late night sessions at the computer. Edith Blissett February 22, 2001

The 1906 Bullitt Pioneer Extracted from microfilm by Edith Blissett Daniel Gobe r, Editor 1906 T hrough June 7, 1907 ***January 26, 1906 (Pg. 1) Politics: The State Legislature down to real work. Spirit of reform prevails in both b ranches. Another horse thief almost caught on Preston Street pike. Jailer Croan and Deputy C . Smith , T ow n M arshall C. A. Hatzell, Herbert Lee, Ed. Tyler.

have been the casu e of the rash act. He was 59 years old, and had a large circle of relatives and friends in Jefferson and B ullitt counties, by all of whom he was admired and respected and by whom this untimely end will be greatly deplored . His funeral will take place at the P e n n s y lv a nia Run Church in Jefferso n Co unty this afternoon..

Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. T. C. Coleman Sr.

Brought to jail charged with stealing brass from the L & N . - Will Hutchison

Miss Ada Jones closed her school near Kings Church and returned home.

***January 26, 1906 (Pg. 3)

Mr. Egb ert Mo xham of W ilmington, DE, visited his grandmother, Mrs. T. C. Coleman Sr at the Mea dows.

Roll of Bardstown Junction Graded School month ending Jan. 12, 1906. Am elia L Oaks, Bess ie E ula Carpenter, Paul Mo oney, Frank Field, Jas. Dawson, Grover M aram an, Ella Dawson, Pearl Starks, Mam ie Crigler, Ernest Masde n, Ralph Henderson, Betty Cash, Harry Bradbury, Mary Trunnell, Clyde Crigler, Roy Ward, W alter Mathis, Ro bert R enniso n, Ella Stansb ury, Nannie Crigler, Frank Field.


T. C. Cochran - Principal of Bardstown Junction Graded Scho ol.

Born to the wife of Oliver Clark, a 10 pound boy.

Miss Nannie Mooney - Assistant at Bardstown Junction Graded Scho ol.

Mrs. Evalyn M cFarland was here Monday.

Fiscal Court M eeting, salaries fixed, tax rate settled, claims allowed, purchase of franchise for public telephone, petition for bridge across Floyds Fork at the old Bells mill place, request for a bridge across Pond Cree k in western end o f county. Judge R. F. Hays, Squire John T. Griffin, Squires Barrall, Hough, Burch and Newman, County Clerk Tilden, surveyor Herps.

Mrs. Lora B ates was in Louisville W ednesday.

For sale or trade, 2 bro wn mules. - L. F. Stevens

Ben Ridgway and wife spent Sunday with Dr. S. H. Ridgway and wife.

Dr. M iles Bates, a prominent farmer of Jefferso n Co unty living .... committed s u icid e Wed n esd ay morning about 8 o'clock by hanging himself with a trace chain in his barn. Mr. Bates had been in bad health for a number of years and temporary insanity caused thereb y is though t to

Judge Eugene O 'Brian of Louisville spent Mond ay with her mother.

Church Directory - Revs. S. P. Martin, C. W. Knight, C. B. Glaze, C. D. S pillman, H . B . J ones, J . M . W ooldridge, J. G. Freeman, C. D. Ward, David Hartsfield. ***January 26, 1906 (Pg. 4)

Bud Gentry of M t. W ashington was here. Miss Ora Funk spent Saturday with her sister, Mrs. Daniel Gober. Mrs. Chas. Carroll of Lo uisville visited here.

Lee Barger and wife, and Sex Barger and wife spent Thurs. with friends here. Mr. Tom Co leman of T exas spent last

Geo. Shepherd and w ife of Lo uisville have been visiting Messrs. Joel and Tom Tucker. Miss Letitia Hornbec k is improving; chances for recovery are now considered exc ellent.

Croan and Griffin, the hustling stock dealers shipped a c ar load of cattle to New Jersey and a car load of hog s to the Bourb on Stock Yard s in Louisville. Mrs. T. C. Coleman Sr, Mr. & Mrs. T. C. Coleman Jr, M iss Ophelia and Be rtie C o l em an w il l g o to W ilmington, DE, for wedding of Miss Dulcie Mo xham and M r. Huston. The W .F.M.S. had an all day sewing at M rs. Emma Combs. About $5.00 was realized. Directors meeting of the Bullitt County Fair Assoc. called. W. O. Bra dbury. Mr. J. B. Ridgway, son of Captain J. W . Ridgway, of this place, was married in Morganfield, KY, January 18th to Miss Alice M attingly, a charming young lady of that place. Immediately after the ceremony, the happy couple left for Evansville, Louisville and other points, spending Sunday and M onday with Dr. and Mrs. Ridgway. The attendants were Dr. Allan and Roy Mattingly, ushers. Mr. Lindsay Ridgway was groomsman and M iss Bessie Hamilton, bridesmaid. The wedding was a home affair and

The 1906 Bullitt Pioneer Extracted from microfilm by Edith Blissett largely attended. Mr. and M rs. Ridgway left for Cloverport Monday evening where he is engaged in business and where they will make their future home. ***Clermont John Duvall is very sick. Mrs. Pete Perkins is on the sick list.

On the morning of Jan. 13th, the angel of death entered the home of Mrs. G. B . Tinnell and carried away her beloved daughter, Sophia. She was 18 years of age. Sophia had been a dear good girl to her family. She had been ill for several weeks but death was not unexpected . She will long be remembered by her friends and those w ho knew her. Her remains were laid to rest at St. Gregory's Cem etery. M ay God com fort the b ereav ed fam ily.

Miss Sarah Braithwait and son, John, spent Sunday with M rs. Joseph Fisher.

Mike Cockerell, young son of M rs. Kate Cockere ll shot his hand with a blank cartridge pistol. Mr. Ridgway treated the wound.

Joe Raym an and family will mo ve to the house of Ed. Croan near B ethel Church this week.

Curt Stansbury and wife of the city visited his mo ther, M rs. Sue Stansb ury. James Browne of Fairfield, visited his son, Ed. Brown a few days. Miss Birta Harris visited her cousins, Mrs. John Long.

W alter W iggington was in the city. Mrs. Jerry Tinnell Sr. still continues sick. Born the 16 th, to the wife of Bud Halbert, a girl. Mrs. Montgo mery was with M rs. Stevenson recently.

Advertisement for Geo. W. Maraman & Sons, Undertakers and Emb almers, Shepherdsville, KY ***January 26, 1906 (Pg. 5)

Virgil Duvall made a flying visit to Clermont last week. P. K. Jones mad e a flying visit to this place Saturd ay. Charlie Duvall of Belmont spent last Saturday with his pare nts. Mrs. Lee Middleton spent Saturday with her sister, Mrs. Henry Deacon. Mrs. Jerry Tinnell spending week in city with her daughter. Eddie McC leavy of the city spent last week with his parents here. Proc. Stoner of Bardstown spent Saturday with his sister, Mrs. Walter W iggington. Oscar Hefley of Weber, KY , visited his brother-in-law, Wm. Hoagland. Mrs. Tom Roby of the city visited her sister, M rs. Clarence Duv all. Jess Hawn, of Samuels, has accepted a positio n with W alter Wiggington and will move to this place real soon.

Chas. Caswell, the young man who stole Col. Jim Stansbury's mare last September was caught by special policeman, Lew is Gilb ert, o f Jefferson County, there last week and lodged in ja il here Saturday. A t hi s e x am i n i n g t r ia l la st W ednesday, he confessed guilt and was held over to the March term of Circuit Court in the sum of $500 bail. He failed to give bond for his appearance and will be held in jail here to the time of the March G rand Jury. ***Mt. Washington Roy Parrish was in Jeffersontown Sund ay. Mrs. James Queen has been very sick for the past week. Born the 14th, to the wife of James Cunningham, a 10 po und b oy. James Ridgway and wife visited M rs. J. W . Harris.

J. H. McF arland of Lebanon Junction was with his mother, Mrs. W. S. McFarland. James Harris, wife and children, Thomas Parrish, wife and children visited W . H. Harris. Mrs. Erne st W iggington and four children, of Heb ron, visited her mother, Mrs. Sidney Queen. C. O. Pa rrish, who is door -keeper of the House at Frankfort, was home with his family for the weekend. Mr. & Mrs. Will Queen spent Sunday with her father, Mrs. Funk, who has been quite sick at his sons, Joseph Funk at Seatonville. Mrs. C. O. Parrish visited her mother, Mrs. Hardy in the city. Her brother, Arch Hardy of Columbus, NC was there also. Prof. Edgar Pound and Miss Hallie Bogard treated the pupils to entertainment of speeches, dialogues, etc. Mrs. Ollie Tyler Morgan died at the home of her mother, Mrs. Nancy J. Tyler the 21st of TB at 36 years of age. Rev. Mood y preached funeral. Her husband died about 15 mo nths ago. Leaves mother, 3 sisters, Mrs. Ernest Harris, Mrs. Della Grobel, and

The 1906 Bullitt Pioneer Extracted from microfilm by Edith Blissett Miss Ruby Tyler, 3 brothers, W illiam, Hampton, and Orlando Tyler. For rent: store house and dwelling comb ined . A. E. Funk, Brooks. Pub lic sale of Graded Common School Bonds to build a school house. W. T. Lee, H. H. Combs, W . N. G riffin Atty. Chas. Carroll. Comm issioners Sale. Geo . G. Briggs, Adm 'r of John B. Swan VS Harriet Swan, about 250 acres of land in B u l l i t t C o u n ty (F ro man 's to W hitaker's Station and crossing one of the branches of Cedar Creek) land willed to heirs of Anna M. Daniel. (A small grave yard about 75 yards east of hou se). R. W . Herr, Comm issioner.

Mrs. W hitney of Louisville is visiting Mrs. John N ewman. Mr. D. W . Davis of Louisville is at the Junction this week. M r. Gilbert Newman has returned home from South Africa. Mr. W ard of Hodge nville is visiting his brother, W. C. Ward. Mrs. Clay Daniels and children of Louisville are visiting relatives here. Father Guerrin's residence is now completed and he will mo ve in this week. Miss Sophia Morrison of this place is visiting her parents at Hodgenville. T. J. W ells who has be en home for the holida ys, has retu rned to Cincinnati.

***January 26, 1906 (Pg. 6) Interesting facts about Lo uisville industry a n d business in an advertisement for Bryant & Stratton Business College. Interesting article on some "que er" lakes around the world. I sell and p ut up the best wire fence on the market - A. E. Funk, Brooks KY ***January 26, 1906 (Pg. 7) American Lady Shoes sold at Troutman Bro s., Shepherdsville, KY ***January 26, 1906 (Pg. 8) ***Bardstown Junction

W . S. Carpenter has re turned to Louisville after paying the Junction a short visit. John Daniels of Louisville is visiting his parents here. W e see Jo hn's smiling face quite often, surely there must be a "great" attraction for John around here. The Bardstown Junction Graded School will give a box supp er to obtain maps and books for the school library.

Lee and Mary Oliver T runnell, Mamie Mathis, Marie and Bessie Carpenter, Nannie Mooney, Amy Newma n, Sarah B ell, Emma Ma this, Lizzie Wathen, Mary Hardaway, Ethel Newman, Pearl Stark, Lolah Hoagland and Amelia Lee Oaks. Messrs John Daniels, W. L. Barr, Paul Mount, Henry and Neal Trunnell, James Hardaway, Herc W eller, Eugene Henderson, Gilbert and Arthur Newman, Brol M athis, W illie Carpenter, Harland Mathis, Hamilton Stark, Paul Moo ney and others. Several attended the Miller sale. Alfard Dacon spent Sunday with Mrs. Arp Ha rmon. A. J. Roby and family spent Sunday with K. S. Jones. W . L. Barger was in Shepherdsville. Miss Etta Nusz spent Sunday with Miss Cleopatra Hattie. James Roby and wife spent Sunday with K. S. Jones. John Nutt visite d his uncle A. M. Lutes. Mrs. James Lavely guest of her sister, Mrs. E. R. Ash. C. M. Dacon and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Arp Harm on.

Dr. & M rs. Go dbe y have mo ved to Louisville. He has been in poor health for a year. Dr. G odb ey sold his house to Miss Sophia Morrison and it is for rent.

Miss Ma ry Jones of H igh Grove guest of M rs. K. S. Jone s.

Mrs. T. J. Trunnell gave p arty in honor of the Misses M attie Lee and Mary Olive Tru nnell of Corothersville, IN. List of those prese nt: J. T. Trunnell and wife, J. B. Stark and wife, N. B. Trunnell and wife, of Cedar Gro ve, Richard W athen St, M rs. Clay Daniels and children of Louisville, M isses M attie

M rs. A. M. Lutes and daughter Geraldine have returned home after a short stay in Nelson County with relatives.

Lou Harris of Mt. Washington visited W . L. Barger.

Mrs. Ed . Sutton visited in the city. Pro f. T. E. Coc hran was in the city. Mr. R. K. Louisville.




John Newman paid the city a short visit.

***W ilson Creek Miss Irene Dawson began teaching school here Jan 15th.

The 1906 Bullitt Pioneer Extracted from microfilm by Edith Blissett Miss Ruth Hughes was called home on acco unt of illness of relatives.

girls, Jessie and Irman spent Sunday with M r. C. M . Fisher and fam ily.

Hansford Harned is out after being confined with a severe cold.

Malcolm Ma ys resumed his school duties at Stonestreet Academy Jan. 1 after a one week intermission.

D. Bumgardner and James W aterford attended the sale at Clermo nt last Saturday. Fredrick Myers died Jan 14 at the home of son, James Myers. Had been in feeble health due to advanced age, in his 92nd year. Survived by wife, 3 sons, 4 daughters. Buried fam ily burying ground. ***Rabbittsborough Grandpa Woolett paid us a flying visit. Everett Stansbury of Beuchel spent Sund ay in the city.

Mrs. W . E. Fisher visited by her daughter, Mrs. Hornbeck and baby and her niece, Miss Sedonia Fisher. Mrs. C. M . Fisher and d aughter, M iss Sedonia, spent W ed . with the forme r's son and wife, M r. & M rs. Leslie Fisher. Robert Hawes and wife and C . M . Fisher and daughter, Miss Sedonia, spent Sunday with E. Bowert and wife; after attending church at Oak Grove. ***Prestonia Mr. Chas. ? H ujo is quite sick.

Mrs. Harry Hall made an extended visit to the city. Miss Sedo nia Fisher has a Sultana as large as a drum stove. It is a beauty. Mr. Harry Hall visited M r. & M rs. Hawes of Fairmount??. Mr. Hornbeck and three little children spent Sunday with Mr. C. M. Fisher. Misses Thedosia and Eula Parrish spent Tuesd ay night with Miss Virginia Fisher. Ms. W m. Alcorn is quite ill. Mr. Bruck has erected a new barn and chicken house on his farm near Cedar Creek. Harry Hall and niece, M iss Sed onia Fisher, spent last Sund ay with M r. & Mrs. Ho rnbeck. C. M . Fisher and daughter, M iss Virginia spent last Sunday afternoon with Mr. & M rs. Wm. Alcorn. Mr. & Mrs. Collins and two little

Mr. Boston has moved to his property near here. Born, Jan 19, to the wife of Prof. Mo ore, a son. Mrs. G. B. Kyser visited friends at Lyndon last week. Dr. Baley and brother visited his farm here.

Miss Bettie Ireland of Louisville spent last week with relatives near here. Mrs. M ary Jones and son, Clark, of Louisville were guests of M rs. J. W . Gilmore. Mrs. Mary Jones and son, Clark, of Louisville were guests of M rs. J. W . Gilmore. Miss Roxie Gilmore who is attending school at Bowling Green is at home for a coup le of weeks. A son of M rs. Ulrich died at Lakeland Monday and was buried at St. Louis Cemetery. Mr. Barbee met a horrible death by being run over by a train of cars at Highland P ark last Friday. Eld. C. L. Vincent has been engaged to preach twice a month at Newburg. Fruit farm for sale. We will sell our "M ountain To p" farm, containing 200 acres, 4,000 peach, apple, pear and cherry trees, of b est varieties in prime bearing. Good tobacco land and barn. W . Jeff Lee and S ons, Belmont. ***Lakeview Mrs. Joe Foster has the mump s.

Miss Ida B eeler sp ent last week with friends in the city.

W . E. Ashby made a trip to the city.

Eld. Shanks of Portland preached at F St. church Sunday.

F. M . Hardy and wife made a trip to the city.

Miss Lula Briscoe has returned from a weeks visit to Eminence.

Mrs. Malinda John ston of Cupio is visiting M rs. Do ra Ash by.

Mrs. W elch of Louisville visited Mrs. J. Sale.

Jacob Mathews made a trip to Elizabethto wn last Saturday.

Mr. Turner has about recovered from a severe spe ll of sickness.

... unreadable ... Mrs. Martena Carpenter a day this week.

Eld. R. A. Zahn of Louisville guest of Mr. J. Gilmore.

J. T. Hardy a nd fa mily visite d F. M. Hardy of West Po int.

The 1906 Bullitt Pioneer Extracted from microfilm by Edith Blissett J. Q. C arpenter has his new house about completed and will move into it shortly. Lawrence Holsclaw of Gap in Knob s, was with his daughter, M rs. M attie Rodgers last week. Otto Eblesisor and wife are visiting the former's parents at New Albany, IN Mrs. Gertrude Gober of Highland Park guest of her parents, Burn Holsclaw and wife. Leonard Ho wlett seems to be ....unreadable....with his gasoline grist mill at this place. Mrs. Minnie P ulliam and Mrs. Maggie Armstrong visited M rs. Mattie Kimball on day last week. Miss Birdie Ashby has returned home after a visit to her sister, Mrs. Clarence Ho lsclaw o f the M ountain Top. Mrs. Joseph Carpenter is on the sick list for the week. Mrs. J. B. Froman is on the sick list for the week. Mrs. W m. Howlett is on the sick list for the week. Claude Ho lsclaw is on the sick list for the week. Howard Holsclaw is on the sick list for the week. Verlie Ashby is on the sick list for the week. Many friends of Miss Nannie C??? (may be Chappell) and Mr. Charles Rodgers wish them much joy in their new married life. W . F. Robbins of Brooks, Ky wants to buy a small farm of 25 to 50 acres near the Jefferson or Bullitt County Lines. Will pay cash.

***March 9, 1906 (Pg. 1) Pho to and article of Hon. Ben Johnson of Nelson County, our next congressman. Mee ting of the subscribers of proposed Shep. or Bullitt Co. Commercial Club for organization. These businesses: Bullitt Pioneer, Shepherd-Croan & Co., O. A. Lutes & Co. These ind ividuals: S. A. Hornbec k, Richard W athen, Dr. J. F. Shaver, J. T. Tucker, S. C. Brid well, W . T. Lee, J. F. Combs, Jno. L. Com bs, Jno. L. Sneed, C. A. H atzell, G. W . Simmons, W . M . Combs, J. C. Holsclaw, Tom Cochran, A. E. Funk, Ed. E. Tyler, W. R. Tilden, R. F. Hays, H. H. Combs, Dr. S. H. Ridg way, Jas. W . Croan, C. P. Bra dbury, Pearl Bros., W. O. Bradb ury, T. B . Easto n, Dr. S. W . Bates, W . M. W iggington, J. I. Rickerson, C. E. McCormick, W m. Simmons Sr, J. H. Linn, J. R. Zimmerman, Lee Dawson, J. H. Tucker, C. L. Croan, J. F. Collings, Leonard Ho wlett, W . B. Camp bell, Fred Harshfield, Bert Hall, H. H. Glenn, Jas. A. Ice, W. S. Rouse, S. N. Brooks, Jas. W . Ridgway, J. W . Hardaw ay, Wm. Troutwine, W. N. Griffin, Lindsay Ridgway, H. D. Shafer, B. L. Bowman, Leroy Daniels, J. B. Buky, Ben Chapeze, C. R. Smith, J. B. Monroe, W . C. Herp s, H. C. Ham ilton, and W m. Shafer.

Lee D awson - Deputy W. W . Stallings - Assessor R. H. Miller - Deputy Assessor Preston Parrish - Deputy Assessor Lindsay Ridgway - Superintendent W. C. Herps - Surveyor C. M. Maraman - Coroner J. R. G riffin - Magistrate Jno. Q. H ough - Ma gistrate B. D . Burch - M agistrate Chas. Newman - Magistrate E. T. Colvin - Constable. Chas. Long - Constable. J. H. Crenshaw - Constable. J. R. Howell - Constable. E. D. Jones - Police Judge. W . C. Herps - Town Attorney C. A. Hatzell - To wn M arshall. Conrad Maraman - Trustee W arren Holsclaw - Trustee S. C. Bridwell -Trustee W . C. Morrison - Trustee Tom T ucker - Trustee E. A. Cochran - Clerk H. H. Combs - Treasurer J. W. Thompson - Assessor Local board of health - H. W. Kirk, S. W . Bates, S. H . Ridgway, C. W . Newman and R. F. Ha ys. Article - More folks need ed in No rth Carolina; only 39 people to the square mile, average land value $7 an acre. ***March 9, 1906 (Pg. 3) ***Church Directory

State Legislature: M any important measures acted on. ***County Directory S. E. Jones - Circuit Judge. D. J. W ood - Com mon wealth's Atty. O. W . Pearl - Circuit Clerk.

Bap tist - Revs. S. P. M artin, C. W . Knight, W. A. Burns, C. B. Glaze, C. D. Sp illman, H. R. Jones. Methodist - Revs. E. P. Deacon, J. G. Freeman, J. L. M urrell, S. P. Stiles. Christian - Rev. David Hartsfield.

J. F. Combs - Master Commissioner R. F. Hays - County Judge. C. P. Bradbury - County Attorney W . B. Tilden - County Clerk J. W. Croan - Jailer W . B. Camp bell - Sheriff Burr Ha rris - Deputy W . S. Ro use - Deputy

***March 09, 1906 (Pg. 4) Tuesday, February 27, was a great day for the Sisters of N azareth, near Bardstown, as it marked the blessing and final completion of the new building which has been in course of

The 1906 Bullitt Pioneer Extracted from microfilm by Edith Blissett erection for the past eighteen mo nths. Just on the site of the old building, when the foundations were dug, there seemed to be undergrou nd chapp els or caves, which in many instances had to be filled be fore work could proceed. The building is a handsome one of brick, costing in the neighborhood of $60 ,0000 and acro ss the front is a large colonial porch. Up in the niche in the facade is a Carrara marb le statue of St. V incent de Paul. Father Cronin, Vicar General of the diocese and Ecclesiastical Superior of Nazareth, officiated on the occasion in the absence of Bishop McClo skey, who was kept at home by the inclement weather. After the blessing of the building, the pupils sang "H oly God" and then Mother Alpho nsa gave the girls a half holiday. ***Personal Miss Ma yme Ro by was in the city Saturday. Born to the wife of Ed . C. T yler, a boy, Neil Broo ks. Ed. Hardy of West Point, Ky was here M ond ay. Born to the wife of Jo hn G reenw ell, a 10 p ound boy. Mrs. Josie Barrall spent Sund ay with Mrs. C. C. M artin. M rs.W . B. Tilden sp ent Frid ay with her brother, John Hill at B elmo nt. H. W . Lee so ld his river farm to Aimee Genton of Louisville for $5,900 M iss Letiti a H o r nb e ck spent Thursday with her brother, S. T. Hornbec k. Miss Ora Funk has returned home after a two weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. Daniel Go ber. Miss Martha Hornbeck of Louisville visited her parents, Mr. & Mrs. S. A.

Hornbec k.

Joseph Rogers.

Rep orts from Sam B. Magruder of Lebanon Junction, KY who was accid ently shot in the leg by his partner are encouraging.

County Court Day - A. E. Funk was seen in to wn from Bro oks..

Missies Susie Satterw hite and Fannie McDo nald of Lo uisville visited M rs. Barrett Gibson of Gap-in-knob. Mr. & M rs. C. P. Bradbury had as guests, Pasto r S. P. Martin, Dr. & Mrs. Bates and daughter, Evalyn, Miss Nellie Richardson, Mrs. W. T. Lee, Miss May Lee, Mr. Jno. L. Sneed and Miss Rachael Tilden Mrs. T. C. Coleman Sr, and daughters, Miss Op helia and ?? ?tie returned from an extended visit to Mrs. Colem an's daughter, M rs. Arthur M oxham at W ilmington, DE, and Mrs. Margaret Moxham at the Martha Washington Hotel, New York, NY Misses Satterwhite and McDonald, who are visiting Mrs. Barrett Gibson were entertained with M r. & M rs. W alters and M rs. Gib son at a dinner by Mr. R. J. Finck. Same p arties also entertained by Mr. Wm. A. Wade. S. P. Martin will preach at Oak G rove Scho ol .

County Court Day. These were seen in town from Hubers: J. H. Linn and Ben B ealmear. County Court Day. These were seen in town from Lebanon Junction: G. S. Patterson, Geo. W. Harned and J. M. Harned. County Court Day. These were seen in town: J. W . Gab an, H . J. M assey, Jas. Stansbury, Wm. Simmons, Geo. Kulmer, W. J. Phelps, Jno. J. Bradb ury, J. F. Hecker, and Fred Harshfield. Colonel Ben Bealmear entertained with a theater party at play of Dr. Jekyll and M r. Hyd e. Included in guest list: Mr. and M rs. H. Walter, Mrs. Barrett Gibson, Miss McDonald and Miss Satterwhite, Wm. W. W ade, Henry Ham ilton. Additional subscribers to Shep. or Bullitt County Commercial club: Jas. B. Meyers, W m. Foster, Robert Shanklin, J. W . Gaban, and J. Wesley Shepherd.

County Court Day. These were seen in town from the Mt. Washington section: Ex-Sheriff Bert Hall, N. L. Harris, Jas. O . O 'Brien, Wm. Carrithers and Dep uty Burr H arris.

Committee appointed for Shep. or Bullitt County Commercial Club: Conrad Maram an, H. H. Comb s, John B. Summers, A. E. Funk, Jas. B. Myers, John W . Gaban and Bert Hall. Jn. L. Sneed, Chairman and Daniel Go ber, S ecretary.

County Court Day. These were seen in town from down Salt River: J. B. Meyers, O. P. Means, Herbert Lee and W illiam Foster.

For Rent: 35 acres of good corn land, adjoining the old Smith farm at Bardstown Junction. - M rs. Lula Smith

County Court Day. These were seen in town from Pitts Point: Clarence Dawson, Alvin Viers and Lee Dawson.

Mr. John C. Buky, formerly of Bullitt County died in Querida, Co. Survived by two sisters and other relatives in Nelson and Bullitt Co. Buried beside brother W ill Buky who died several years ago there.

County Court Day. These were seen in town fro m Zo neton: S. N. B rooks, Ed. C. T yler, Ro bt. Shanklin and

Representative David H . Smith will

The 1906 Bullitt Pioneer Extracted from microfilm by Edith Blissett not run for another term.

(no groom listed)


Hon. D. J. W ood show rapid convalescence after his strenuous experience. Surge ons will smoo th out scars and he will soon be back to his legal duties. (M unfordsville News).

T. R. McA hron of this vicinity has moved over near River View.

Mathias Schubert for 100 acres adjoining H . Wells.

J. F. Froman spent Sund ay night with Jos. C arpenter's family.

W . R. Co ok for land a djoining Robt. Ridg way.

Robert Armstrong, wife and children spent Sunday with Granville W elch.

M rs. Minerva Murphy for land near Lebanon Junction.

Mrs. Lawrence Holsclaw visited her daughter Mrs. Mattie Rodgers for some time.

A. F. Jones town lot in Lebanon Junction.

For Sale: H orse a nd wa gon. - E. D . Jones For Sale: Clyde's Dale (sic) Stallion, sires blue ribbon colts. - E. S. Brookshire For Sale: A pair of M ules. - H. C. Hamilton ***Lakeview W m. Croxton was in the vicinity. Edward Quick and family of the city visited relatives here for two wee ks. Jos. C arpenter is quite ill. Mrs. ??? Howlett and mother, Mrs. Cowley have m o ve d to Shepherdsville. Mrs. Wm. Foster visited relatives in IN and Shelbyville, KY. Wm. Foster has covered his turkey house. Miss M aud Ashby is with her sister, Mrs. Essie Holsclaw. M rs. Martha H olsclaw is visiting Lawrence Holsclaw family of Gap-inKnob. David Blev ins of H ardin County has moved on A. M. Troutman's place. ??? Ashby spent Thursday night with W . E. Ashby. Miss Hulda Kimball was with friends in this neighborhood. The many friends o f M iss Clara Shepherd surprise d by her marriage.

Leonard How lett lost a fine mule this week. John Carpenter and wife spent Sunday with A. A. Thompson. James Harris and family have moved to James Meyers' farm.

H. & R. M cNutt for 28 acres adjoining Mrs. Eliza Moore. Susan Lyenager for land in Jones Flats. Alford Orms for land adjoining Andy Mann. T. E . Pierso n town lot in Belmont.

M iss Ida B. Holsclaw - Welcome to her Hebron and Zoneton news columns after some months absence. ***March 09, 1906 (Pg. 5) The Puryear Hotel/W. J. Puryear, Proprietor, Shepherdsville KY Supreme Court of US sent back to state court the case of Caleb Powers charged with being an accessory to the murder of Gov. Goebel. Case to be tried in Sco tt Cou nty in spring/summer. Children's Ho me Society - Louisville, KY, trying to place children who need ho mes.

Tho s. Raley town lot in Lebanon Junction. Ben Vanracter for land near Lebanon Junction. Barney Cundiff Belmont.




John Cockere ll town lots in Lebanon Junction. J a m es Cum mings h eirs, adjo ining G . H. B radb ury.

la nd

James Carlisle for town lot in Pitts Point.

***Delinquent T ax list

Ed. Cook for land near Lebanon Junction.

J. H. Beghtol for 100 acres adjoining Ben K ing.

W m Hartman for land adjoining Jacob Showa ters.

John H. Foster for 20 acres adjoining Ed Cro an.

W . R. M cPhe rson fo r town lots in Lebanon Junction.

Miss Mattie Stanfield for 150 acres adjo ining H . C. Beghtol.

***Colored Delinque nt Tax list

Wm. Milan 128 acres adjoining John

Peter Hayden for 21 acres adjoining

The 1906 Bullitt Pioneer Extracted from microfilm by Edith Blissett H. W ells. Ed. Garr for 21 acres adjoining Harry Wells and the Smith farm.

Edison Phonographs available on the easy payment plan at Bowma n Bro s. Music Company, Shepherdsville, KY. ***March 09, 1906 (Pg. 8)

Tilman Coward for 4 acres adjoining A. Sloan. Sarah Hardin's heirs for 18 acres adjoining A. Crigler. Lue M agruder for 2 and 1/2 acres adjo ining Sa rah K elley. Albert Sloan for 10 acres adjoining Josh Curd. Dave Sheckles, eight acres of land. Dug Alred town lot in Lebanon Junction. Sidney Carter for town lot in Lebanon Junction. Phil Cochran for land near Lebanon Junction.. Jerry Howlett land near Lebanon Junction. Sam Howlett for land near Lebanon Junction. Nace Smith for land near Lebanon Junction.

***Mt. Washington Horace & Jean M cGe e spent Saturday with their cousins, Clyde and Vernon Troutman at High Grove. W . L. M cGee, wife and two children spent a day with H. J. B arnes, Mr. & Mrs. W . P. B arnes and M iss Ella Barnes. Mrs. J. C. Gentry entertained in honor of a young lady friend from B oston, Ky: Present were Misses Ada Smith, Lelia Swearingen, Susie McFarland, Mary Williams, John Gentry, Dr. C. Overall, Charlie Long, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. G entry. Mr. Fairfax has rented W m. Owen's place for a year and will move in a short time. John Borders of the city has rented the house that Mr. Fairfax will vacate and will move in the near future. Mrs. Fairfax has been poorly for several days.

Ed Cunningham for town lot in Lebanon Junction.

Preston Parrish, wife and children spent Sunday with her brother, Jode Harris.

Silas Rowletts for land near Lebanon Junction.

Rev. Bro okshire spent Sund ay with Smith Bogard.

Tho s. Tuel town lot in Lebanon Junction.

Rev. Edgar Po und is attending the Baptist Theological Seminary in the city. He is a good, young man.

while Sunda y night. Wm. Carithers lost a fine mare that had to be destroyed after being kicked by a horse and broke her leg. Mrs. F. O. Carithers is some better at this time. J. Q. Hough was with his brother, Charles Hough, at Taylorsville. In a few days, W m. Owen will move to farm of Wm. McFarland. W . L. Hall, and wife spent some time in the city with relatives and friends. Mrs. C. O. Parrish has returned home from Frankfort. M r. Parrish is somewhat improved. Isolene, little daugh ter of M r. and Mrs. Maurice Harris was quite sick a day or so last week. After the sale, W . H. M cFarland will move in with his mother, Mrs. W. S. McFarland for a while. Misses Jennie Parrish and Carrie Taylor visited Miss Viola Boston. Joe Owen moved M onday to the place he bought from Mrs. M ary Cornell. ***Rabbitsborough Henry Hall visited Rob ert Hauser.

Wm. Miles for land near Lebanon Junction. ***March 09, 1906 (Pg. 6) Article - Chartier's Electric System of Shorthand.

Miss Sedonia Fisher spent a week with Miss Jennie Hansbrough of Louisville.

Brinton H arris is right p oorly.

Malcolm Hays school closed F riday, March 9, after a successful term of 6 months.

Clarence Hause visited his parents in Jefferso n Co unty.

Miss Sedonia Fisher visited Mrs. T. Stansb ury.

Hubert W iggington visited his parents in Spencer County.

Mart Hornbeck hired his nephew, Stephen Davis, of Hardin County to work for him this year.

***March 09, 1906 (Pg. 7) John Gentry visited Ed. Browne a

The 1906 Bullitt Pioneer Extracted from microfilm by Edith Blissett ***Prestonia

Mrs. Julia Hough and daughter, Rosalie, visited M rs. Eliza James. J. C. Dickey left for Bowling Green .... can't read...John Dickey.

Albert Armstrong and wife spent Sunday with his brother, Robert Armstrong.

J. D. Hough spe nt a night with son, Clyde of South Louisville.

Mrs. Lillie Bigwood and children visited her sister, Mrs. Eunice Long.

Miss Rosalie Hough spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Viola Whitledge.

Dug Hall visited his sister, Mrs. J. C. Dickey.

Mrs. P. A. Armstrong spent a day with Mrs. W. C. Ow en.

Mrs. Katie Hall and two children visited M rs. J. C. D ickey.

Edward Owen visited his brother, Oscar Owe n.

Mrs. T. H . W ise visited Mrs. J. C. Dickey.

Oscar Owen, wife and children visited his father, W. C. Ow en.

Charles King took dinner with his aunt one day this week.

Miss Ethel Simm ons visited M iss ...can't read.

John Honaker Sr of Louisville is spending a few days with his fam ily.

Herman Mothershead spent Sunday with Edward Owen.

***Cedar Grove

***Starks-Marrs Married Feb. 23, 1 906 , in Lexington, Miss Emma C ooper Starks and James Marrs. The attendants were Mr. Clarence Marrs, brother of the groom, and Arville J. Stivers of Buechel, KY , cousin of the bride. After the ceremony, there were entertained at the home the bride 's uncle, M r. J. T. Jackson. After visiting relatives and friends in Lexington for a few days, they came to Louisville M onday to visit relatives. Miss Starks was quite a popular girl in this and the adjoining counties, but the past few years, she has spent in Lexington as a student at the State College and also taught the past term. Mr. M arrs is an excellent young man and seems worthy in every way of the bride he has won. He is a prospero us farmer in the bluegrass region. Mrs. J. W. Gilmore entertained the wedding party from L exingto n Mond ay, consisting of Mr. James Marrs and bride, Mr. Otis Stivers and wife, M iss Mattie Bell Stivers and Miss Lula Starks, also Miss Niva Bell, Mr. H. G . Coo per and M rs. G. S. M ills. M iss Bird ie Be nnett of Louisville visited friends here. Mrs. Welch visited friends here. H. G. Cooper has leased a farm in this neighborhood and will move in soon. Mr. & Mrs. J. P. Barnard, Mr. & G. G. Neel (sic) have moved to their farm here after spe nding the winter in the city. Miss Lula Brown attended the educational meeting in Louisville.

Sam Armstrong and w ife visited his sister, Miss Blanche Armstrong.

Rev. E. P. Dacon filled his regular app ointment Sunday. Little Golden Hall has pneumonia.

Geo. Owen visited Richard Owen.

his brother,

Tom Bridwell, wife and son and George Honaker spent Sund ay with Richard Owen. Tom Bridwell, wife and son and George Honaker spent Sund ay with Richard Owen. Mrs. Lue Owen and two children visited M rs. Alice Jackson. Rev. Murrell had dinner with Geo. Owen Sunday.

Bert Roby and wife visited the latter's mother. Mrs. J. V. Rouse is visiting her mother at Salt River. Mrs. Conrad Ratliff spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. H. H. (?) Dacon. George M. B owman and wife spent Sunday with the latter's mother. G. B. Herps and family visited Mack Roby. Charles Bolton was at Boston on day.

Hugh Hall and sister, M iss Stella spent Sunday with Rudie Stringer and sister, Clara. Miss Lilia Simmons visited Mrs. Eliza Jam es.

***On the Hill Henry Owen is sick at this writing.


M rs. Icie Glasgow, of Louisville, visiting her parents, Mat Gentry and

Mrs. J. T. James was called to Boston last week to see her grandson, James Livers, who is very ill with pneumonia. Miss Eunice B olton visited M rs. Nettie Bolton.

The 1906 Bullitt Pioneer Extracted from microfilm by Edith Blissett Mrs. Middleton of Clerm ont is with Mrs. ...can't read. W . R. Greenwell and family will move to Ewing Crenshaw farm. G. W . Bowman was in S hepherdsville Mond ay. Mrs. Van Crenshaw little daughter, Isabe l, age 17 mo nths, died Feb. 28 of pneumonia. Leaves a mother, brother and 3 sisters. Father died about 2 years ago. ***Solitude P. K. Jones, Lee Bird and Jim Bell are buying rags and old iron. Jim Harris and E. L. Prather spent last Sunday with the M isses Ashbough. Geo. Thomp son sp ent Sunda y with To m G reenw ell. Judge Cassell had a sale; everything sold w ell.

Representative and Spencer one, too, if the bill is sustained and upheld by the courts and the Pioneer believes it will be. Session of legislature - revenue bill amendm ents taxing rectified spirits under consideration.

Miss Jennie B ridwell visited Mrs. Lue Jones. Bud Jone s and sister, M iss Maggie visited Miss M ary Jones. Mrs. Lue Jones entertained Ja s. Crenshaw and wife, Henry Jones and wife, and Mack Murray and wife. Elmore Hatfield visited his sister, Mrs. P. K. Jones. Can't read...May Jackson a few Sundays ago.

Neil Trunnell Jr, of Beechmont, spent weekend with parents near Salt River. Little Mary Ca rroll of L ouisville spent Sunday with her cousin, Miss Mary Com bs.

Commercial Club Meeting held. ***March 23, 1906 (Pg. 2) Catholic Church Services - Lebanon Junction, B a r d stow n J unc tion, Hubers, Pitts Point. R ev. Paul M . Guerin H. L. Formhals, Agent for Alfred Peat's prized wall paper. Sample can be seen at the Buky Hotel, Shepherdsville. Breeders Column - James Davis of Crisp, KY, G. K. Johnson, J. O. Dickey, J. E . Smith o f Belm ont.

St. Eugeune's Church, Bardstown Junction, held raffle to help furnish the rectory. Clint Hargan and M rs. M. Saunders had winning nu mbers. Miss Maud Smith entertained her class in the Baptist Sunday School and in honor of her guest, Miss Helen Lou Lee. G uests include: Mrs. R. L. Troutman, Misses M ay Lee , Allie Ashb y, Lilliam Thomp son, N annie Jackson, Master Charles Stringer, Miss Elizab eth Lee, M iss Lillie Mo rrison, Miss Nannie Johnson, Charles Tilden, Frazier Lee, Vernon Martin, Leyton Ashby and M alcolm Lively.

***March 23, 1906 Pr. 4) ***Personal

If anyone wants to buy anything in the way of stock, call at P. K . Jones.

Robert Lee of Beechmo nt spent the weekend at home.

C. F. Troutm an and Ho well Sm ith were in Jefferso n Co unty Sunday. Pastor S. P. M artin will preach at Oak Grove school house. Miss Maud O 'Brien visited relatives in the city. Mrs. Jennie Hall and niece and Lizzie Smith of Jefferson County visited Mrs. C. F. T routm an recently. Clyde Hough, wife and b aby of South Louisville spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. W . R. Johnson.

***March 23, 1906 (Pg. 1)

W . R. Johnson, who is employed at the Kentucky W agon W orks in South Louisville, spent Sunday at home.

A r ticle - N e w L e g i s l a t u re redistricting bill. Largely due to work of Hon. Ed. Croan, the H ouse passed a bill that B ullitt County will h e r e a f te r h a v e a s e p a r a te

W oodford and C. F. Troutman Jr, who have been on the sick list are able to be in school this week.

From the Sp ringfield Sun, tribute to the Hon. Ben Johnson of Bardstown who will be elected to Congress next Novem ber. Peoples Telephone Company has directory of all subscribers at the Pioneer to print. Notice of sale o f the scho ol building in Shepherdsville and the teachers residence nearby. Buildings only and must be torn down and removed soon. For sale: A bay mare and ho rse wagon. E. D. Jones Last Sunday, Mrs. Lora Ba tes, who was teaching the infant class at the Bap tist Sunday School, the lesson being a review, explained to her pupils about Jesus calling part of his disciples, who were fisherman, and telling them he would make them fishers of men. She was also trying to impress on their young minds that all Christians should be fishers for souls

The 1906 Bullitt Pioneer Extracted from microfilm by Edith Blissett of the unsaved. After a short time, she asked the class the question, "W hat are we fishing for?" "I know", said one b right little six year old Miss. "What?", said M rs. Bates. "W hy, to catch men to marry us promptly," replied the little girl.

Miss Niva Bell has been ill for the past week. Logan Gooch, of Fort Garret, KY and Dr. John Jean, of Ke en, K Y visited G. S. Mills this week. wife


H. G. Cooper and w ife have moved to the farm they leased in this neighborhood. Norman Jenkins and wife visited Pete Fisher Sund ay. J. A. Marrs and wife, recently married in Lexington, left for Eugene, Oregon, where they will make their home. Have been visiting relatives here at Zoneton.

May Blair - nuisance/2 cases Joe Ice - selling liquor/2 cases

Miss Luly Brown attended the funeral for J. Lipton of the city T uesday.


Walter Burnett - seduction James Green - selling liquor/2 cases

Mrs. John Parsons died at her home in Highland park Saturday and was buried in Fa irmount Ce metery. J. R. Cook is visiting relatives in Spencer County this week.

***March 23, 1906 (Pg. 5)

Spence Minor and relatives in the city.

J. C. Sale and wife will move to the city soon.

E. McKenny is quite sick pneumonia. Dr. C oleman Highland Park is attending him.

of of

***Circuit Court Cases

John Pugh - petit larceny Geo. G ore - petit larceny Tom Alcorn - willful and malicious wounding C. C. Huff - forgery J. W . Wiggington - concealing mortgage p roperty

Grover Forsyth VS L & N Joe Miller - breach of peach J. B. Dawson V S. H. H. Glenn, Adm'r.

John Eddingto n malicious wounding



W . M. Scott VS J. V. Crenshaw. N. M . Rowland VS A . E. Funk

Benia Lee - willful and malicious wounding

R. L. G rigsby V S Jode T . Harris

Milt W eir - assault & battery

Annie Munford Vs L & N

Philip Clapper - carrying a concealed deadly weapon.

Wm. Troutwine VS L & N Jesse Watkins - petit larceny Geo. W. Henderson VS L & N

Mr. Ken ne dy and M r. Hill of near Taylorsville, were guests of J. W . Gilmore. Mr. Kenned y and M r. Hill of near Taylorsville, were guests of J. W . Gilmore. Harry Robb, wife and little son have returne d from the city. Clarence Vincent will preach at Newburg Sun day.

John H. Barnes VS L & N

James Miller - disturbing public worship

W m. Carrithers VS Chas. Long

Robert McCullum - selling liquor

John R. T. Barbour - Murder

Robert Payne - grand larceny

Fred Leonard - Ro bbery

Geo. Dawson - murder

James Snawder - house breaking

Coleman M ooney - gaming

Dave And erson - house breaking

Nelson W ilson - discharging at random

Thos. Bates - murder Miss Verna M . M ills visited Mrs. Lemuel Holloway at St. Mathews Sund ay.

L. A. Gratz - nuisance Wm. Fox - selling liquor M. W . Taylor - nuisance Alfred Hughes - grand larceny

M iss Virginia Lym an spent the weekend at her home near here.

M. A. W athen - nuisance H. H. W right - false swearing and selling liquor

Columbus Ball - Detaining a woman.

The 1906 Bullitt Pioneer Extracted from microfilm by Edith Blissett W . H. Ashby - malicious wounding and carrying a concealed deadly weapon. Press W ilburn - Carrying a concealed deadly weapon. Thos. Manake e - Carrying a concealed deadly weapon/2 cases

Margaret Beeler VS L & N Annie Purdy VS Bert Hall & C.F. Troutman C. L. C roan VS Robert Lloyd

Rev. Ehrman Thornsbury preached at Salem last Sund ay/He is now a student at the S. B. T. Semina ry Louisville. Rev. C. W . Knight prea ched at Little Flock.

J. B. Dawson V S A. Glenn ***Rabbitsborough

Mrs. S. N. Brooks has be en ill for the past week, but is now able to sit up.

Harry Ashby - Breach of peace. Ode M iller - Breach of peace. Holloway King - Breach of peace.

Leslie Fisher and wife spent Sunday with Mr. Hornbeck. Miss Mary Smith is very ill at this writing.

Ed. Batman - Breach of peace. Kane H utchison - Selling liquor.

Mr. Fisher and two daughters and Mrs. F. Stansbury visited Everet Stansb ury.

Paul Kulver - Selling liquor. W. V. Hardin - Rape

W . (can't read) and family mo ved into M r . E l l io t t 's h o u s e on t h e Jeffersontown road.

Pleas Gibbs - petit larceny W. H. Hall VS L & N

Harry Hall is visiting relatives in Bullitt County.

E. C. Beeler, Adm'r VS C & H T el Co.

George, little son of W. Alcorn is suffering from a sprained knee.

F. Hagan VS J. H. Linn

Everet Stansb ury went to the city last week.

Eugene Brents VS L & N RR W m. Sanders, Adm'r. VS Louisville, Henderson, St Louis RR J. P. Cund iff VS C? ?b and W estern Union. B & L Turnpike Co. VS Nelson County. Elizabeth Hartman VS Steve Riley M. Dorsey V S J. M . Trunnell Smith Agriculture Co. VS Wm. Troutwine.

Mr. Severance and family attended the marriage of Mrs. Severance's sister, Miss Evalyn Garr to Mr. Offutt in Lou isville last ... Hebron Scho ol will close Frid ay; Miss Sarah Robard s has given satisfaction as teacher. Miss Sallie W illiams opened a spring term at Beech G rove Scho ol M ond ay. A large crowd attended Frank B ell's sale where everything so ld well. Miss Lodi Simmons of the city, guest of M iss Edith Cochran Sund ay. Misses Sha??on and Sheehan of the city were guests of Miss ??? Abe ll. Taylor Bealmear is at home from school for a few days.

Mr. Fisher and two daughters, Misses Sedonia and Virginia, spent Sunday with Mr. Hornbeck.

W . H. Beeler and wife spent last Sund ay with J. H ough's family.

Everet Stansb ury and wife attended church at Oak Grove and took dinner with Jack Smith.

Little Myrtle Brooks is quite sick with inflammation of the lungs, Later, is much better.

***March 23, 1906 (Pg. 7)

Mrs. Albert Priest and sons of Okolona spent Monday at S. W . Brooks.

For rent: hotel at Bardstown Junction, a fine opportunity for opening a money-making hotel. Inquire on premises or by mail, T. J. Daniel, Proprietor Mules for sale or trade. L. F. Stevens

Commonwealth of KY VS B. A. Murray and Burr Leslie.

***March 23, 1906 (Pg. 8)

J. W. Gaines VS L & N


Miss Lizzie Miller is visiting relatives in Jefferso n Co unty, Henry Jenkins and son attended the funeral of his nephew, W alter Mo ss, who died of pneumonia at his home near Anchorage last Thursday and was buried in Eastern Cemetery, Louisville.

The 1906 Bullitt Pioneer Extracted from microfilm by Edith Blissett The relatives and friends of M rs. Adolph Thum sympathize with her and her husband in the loss o f their beautiful home at Crescent H ill which burned last Saturday night. Mrs. Thum is a niece of S. D . Brooks and his sister was with them. Miss Cad die Samuels of the c ity visited her sister, Mrs. Luther Masden this week. Burke McD owell has bought the Kochley place at Okolona and will ope n a livery. Mr. J. R. H olsclaw was quite ill. Baptists of Lebanon Junction have lost their church and parsonage by fire.

had "outsoared the shadows of our night" before his family realized the presence of the dread messenger. Mr. Summers was aged 76 years and 9 months, and was married in 1850 to Miss Sarah Knight, who with one daughter, Miss Georgia Summers survives him. He also leaves one sister, Mrs. M . E. Balee, and a large family connection. Mr. Summ ers was an hono rable, upright citizen, a member of the Christian Church for many years, a good neighbor, and no one who shared the hospitality of his beautiful home can ever forget the courtesy and kindness of the genial host. Etc. ***Lake View Miss Carrie Beghtol, of the city visited frien ds in this vicinity.

***Vine gar H ill Mrs. William Crandall with leave for the South on business. Jordan Gilmore is visiting his aunt near Shepherdsville.

Mrs. Pat Daugherty visited M rs. Frank Goldsmith. Lawrence, the youngest son o f Mrs. Mattie Ro dgers, is very ill.

Lan Showalters fell on an ax and received a severe wound.

Miss Hallie Howlett, who is attending school at Aub urn has been quite ill, but is some better.

Mrs. Clara Terry has erysipelas and has been confined to her bed.

Charles Rodgers visited Mrs. M attie Rodgers and family.

Mrs. J. A. Owen spent several evenings soliciting orders.

Clarence Croan and W m. Griffin passed through here with a lot of horses and mules they had purchased in Breckinridge C ounty.

Miss Ruth Foster and Mabel spent Sund ay with their aunt. J. A. Owen lost a fine buggy horse. Passed away at 4 o'clock am T uesday, March 20, at his home near Hubers of heart failure. Mr. Silas B. Sum mers, had been an invalid for several years and for the past two or three years, his health had be en so precacous (sic) that death seemed likely at any time, and he had longed to be at rest, yet when in the silent darkness, the summo ns, "The M aster is come and calleth for thee", reached him , he laid aside the prison garb of earth, and

Jacob Mathis was in Shepherdsville a day. Mrs. James Harris's bab y was quite sick last week. O. G. R ayman has m oved to the Rayman farm just vacated by T. R. McA hron. Wm. Foster has returned home, having survived the Federal jury in Louisville. Claud Snaw der, o f the city, was guest

of Jos. Foster. Jos. Carpenter is som e better at this writing. Lawrence Ho wlett visited his brother, Standford, at Auburn, KY. last week. Jas. Foster took dinner with Dr. Shac klett Sunday. Billy Bettman of Pitts Point visited A. M. Tro utman Sund ay. ***On the Hill Clyde Hough, wife and son visited his parents, J. D. Hough and her p arents, W . R. Johnson of Shepherdsville. Miss Georgia Hall, Effie and Vernon Dickey visited their cousin, Stella and Rob Hall of Horse Shoe Bend. Miss Georgia Hall, Effie and Vernon Dickey visited their cousin, Stella and Rob Hall of Horse Shoe Bend. J. D. Hough and wife spent Sunday with W . R. Johnson of Shepherdsville. Sim Owens and w ife and children, L. Q. Owens, W . T. Hall and wife spent Sunday with Joe Fisher. Miss Katie Hall visited M iss Sola Mothershead. Miss Lyla Simmo ns visited Miss Georgia Hall of Pleasant Grove. Edward Owen Armstrong.



Jurden Gilmore of Mud dy Lane visited his aunt, M rs. Lizzie Hall. Richard Owen, wife and children visited Henry Stallings. Miss Ethel Simmons visited Miss Blanche Armstrong. Herman W hitledge spent Sund ay with Ernest Simmons

The 1906 Bullitt Pioneer Extracted from microfilm by Edith Blissett T. H. W ise and wife visited Henry Bell. Thornton Trigg of Jefferson spent Sunday with his uncle, J. A. Trigg. Herman Owen visited his cousin, Fred Owe n. Tom, Charles and Herman Owen were in Taylorsville one d ay last week. Tom Hardy and wife spent Sunday with Dr. Ridg way. Charles Fisher and Harry Hall, of Rabbitsborough, spent one d ay with Dick Ha ll. Herman Owen spent one day with Albert Fisher. Miss Sallie W oodfort, of Louisville, and Mrs. Nicholson of Frankfort, spending a few days with their aunt, Mrs. M ary Honaker.

with her mother, Mrs. Lue Mattingly. W . B. M attingly and family spent Sunday with J. H. Miller.

***Mt. Washington George Quick was o ut from the city Sund ay. Perd McD aniel and wife spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Ed. Mattingly. J. H. Miller and W. B. M attingly, our leading merchant, were in the city Frida y. Do rris Miller spent Sunday with her parents, R. H. Miller and wife. W . B. Mattingly has purchased a new buggy. W ill Burns and wife spent Sunday with Ed Mattingly. ***East View

Mrs. Harriet Bobbitt spent Sunday with M rs. Haydon Brid well.

Miss Roxana Gilmore is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Cooley of Hardin County.

Hugh Hall spent M onday night with his cousin, Herman W hitledge.

Mrs. W alter Terry, who has been ill for several days, is improving.

Claud Stallings, Virgil and James Price spent Sunday with John W hitledge Jr.

Mrs. W . H. Crandall Birmingham, AL.

Jim Smith sp ent Saturday night with John W hitledge Sr. For sale: Engines, Saw mills, and threshers. O. A. Lutes & Co., Shepherdsville, KY



Judge and Mrs. N. A. Richardson was the guest of their daughter, M rs. George Gilmore. Mrs. J. L. Foster visited relatives and friends in Louisville last week.

***Bullitts Lick

Mrs. Ada Kelley spent Sund ay with Miss Annie Owen.

Ott Sadler and wife spent Sunday with Fred Sadler.

Mr. Cooley of Vine Grove is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Atcher.

Mrs. Roger Stevens is visiting her aunt in New Albany who is right sick.

Mrs. Wm . Hutchison has returned from Jeffersontown.

Mrs. Ed. Croan is able to be up again. Hamlet Croan and wife spent Sunday

W illiam A. Wade (lost, strayed or stolen) a 10 month old fox hound. Reward.

Mrs. Carl Shepherd and children visited M rs. J. L. Foster.

The Mcabees have bought the lot from F. M. Burd ett where the drug store burned and a strip of ground adjoining it from A lex M cAfee for $175.00 They exp ect to put up a house in the near future. Clarence Thurman was called to see his brother, John, in Illinois, who is very sick with spine trouble. Misses Lizzie Porter and Birta Harris spent Sunday with Mrs. Ed. Brown. Mrs. Maggie Ellaby has been with Mrs. John Ellab y a few days. James Loyell is working for W. D. Ellab y, going with the huckster wagon part of the time. Bert Hall sold his black mare to Hillery Bell for $175.00 P. N. Fox and wife visited his brother, W . T. Fox on P. N. Fox 's birthday. If sister, Mrs. E. A. Barnes of Kissimmee, Fl has been present, circle would have been complete. Barnes Bros. shipped 100 pounds of ham meat at 12 cents a pound to Charles Dann, Kissimmee, FL. J. C. Dent is with his granddaughter, Mrs. Joe Harris. W . L. Harris has been right sick for a few days. The infant child of Mr. & M rs. John Ellaby died the 17th, four days old. Miss Jennie Parrish visited Miss Eunice C arrithers. Miss Lizzie Porter visited Miss Birta Harris. Miss Susie McFarland gave a tacky

The 1906 Bullitt Pioneer Extracted from microfilm by Edith Blissett party, not a man present. Gue st list: Miss Mary E. Bridw ell, Birtha Harris, Mrs. W illard Bell, M rs. J. W . Harris, Mrs. J. C. G entry. ***Clermont Mrs. O'Bryant visited Mrs. Jud Thornton last week. She was out looking over her farm. Charlie Duv all of Belmont visited his parents Sunday. Tom Conniff Tennessee.




Miss Bessie Thompson of Bardstown visited her mother at Chapeze Sund ay. Miss Fay Thompson spent last week with Ca rrie Duvall. ***May 18, 1906 (Pg. 1) General Henry Crist. A three column, full page long article, an editorial and an autobiography ...To be continued next issue. Unfortunately, next issue is missing. The lives of eminent citizens are pub lic property in which all are interested, and should be held as sacred by all and carefully preserved as a part of a Nation's history. Esp ecially should the people of Kentucky reverance the memories of her Boones, her Kenton,s her Ballards, her Logans and others whose heroic devotion and high sense of duty to their race impelled them to forgo the security and ease o f their homes in the populous portions of the country, to contend with savage foes in the wilderness for the dominion of the soil we now inherit. It would be difficult to estima te the obligations we owe to men of this stamp; they are our only true models of knightly courage and courtest; of self satisfying devotion to a defenseless frontier, expo sed to the incessant attacks of savages, that spared no age or sex; of that lofty scorn of danger

and death that has signalized the heroes that illuminate the pages of history through all time. They havd passed away from earth; and though the pride a gratitude of their countrymen have been shown by collecting the remains of many and erecting monuments to their memory in the State Cem etery in Frankfo rt, yet many more lit scattered over the country in graves so obscure and unmarked that the next generation will be unable to distinguish the benefactors to whom they owe so much. Of this latter number is General Henry Crist, one of that heroic race of men, who, in the council and in the field, lent the aid of a clear, strong mind and a high heart to the achievement of our pioneer stock of whom we are still so proud. A tomb and a column among Kentucky's honored dead should be his, and his county could say to him: "Rest Thee There is no prouder grave evin in thy own proud clim e." The historian is mistaken in the statement that the remains of General Crist still lie buried in an obscure and neglected spot. A number of years a g o , th e S t a t e L e g i s l a t u re appropriated quite a handsome sum for the purpose and the remains were removed from their obscure ... here in Bullitt and ... in the State's lot in the beautiful cemetery at Frankfort, and a handsome granite m onum ent with suitable inscriptions commem orating his services to his State and country, erected over the sam e. As is fitting and appropriate, they will rest with Kentucky's other brave and honored heroes in that beautiful spot and be duly cared for at the State's expense till the Final Trumpet shall sound. (Editor) Autobiography of Genl. H enry Crist of Kentucky. Henry Crist was born in Barkley County, Virginia, in the year 1764. During the Revolutionary W ay, his father, with his numerous family ... the part of Pennsylvania,

from whence young Crist and other ardent youths o f the neighborhood, made frequent daring excursions into the western wilderness; sometimes into what is now the State of Ohio; sometimes to Limestone, now Maysville, and finally to the Falls of the Ohio, which later place, he first saw in 177 9, whe n in his sixteenth year. The buffalo and deear had clearly indicated to the pioneer the places where salt might be found, and the great difficulty of importing sa lt, the increasing demand and high price of the article encouraged the attempt to manufacture it at Bullitts Lick, three miles west of Shepherdsville, as early as the year 1780. In his youth in Pennsylvania, C rist knew three persons whose names have long b een fam iliar to the readers of werstern adventure. These persons were Simon Girty, Col. Cressan and Logan, the Mingo chief, whom Mr. Jefferson has imm ortalized by preserving his celebrated speech that we read in our history bo oks fifty years ago. H is eventful life and death, as we have heard them repeated, are better suited to form the burden of a romance or an epic song, than to fill a page in history of monotonous routine of savage life; but a comparison between him and the first two named would no t furnish a argument in favor of the right of the civilized man to seize the savages inheritance and drive him into the western ocean, as the only means of silencing his com plaint. In his early years, Crist participated in many of the contests with the savages along the Ohio border. Young, active and fearless, he ro se rapid ly in the estimation of the early settlers in Kentucky, and though at this time, he held no military commission, his youth was a series of contests with savage foes, and in many of the battles in which he was engaged, he distinguished himself by a presence of mind and intrepidity so indispensab le to success in that character of warfare.

The 1906 Bullitt Pioneer Extracted from microfilm by Edith Blissett In Crist's excursions in the west, he became acquainted and associated with an enterprising Dutchman named Meyers, a land agent and general locator; in whose name more land has been entered than any man 's in Kentucky, John May only excepted. This pursuit of land locater brought Crist at an early dafy to Bullitt's Lick, where he took a prominent and leading part in m ost of the scenes which have contributed to the notoriety of that renowned resort of those who lived within a hundred miles of the place. Here the first salt was made in Kentucky, and here from five hundred to a thousand men were collected, engaged in the various b r a n c he s o f the businss o f manufacturing salt; some cutting and hauling wood for the furnaces; others acting as armed outposts, to prevent the laborers being surprised and tomahawked by the roaming bands of Indians who d aily skulked in the adjacent forests, waiting for favorable opp ortunity to steal horses and take scalps. Bullitts Lick was the .... of Kentucky, when Louisville and Lexington could boast but a few .... each, and when herds of buffalo slept in security around the base of the hill on which the capitol of the state now stands. In May, 1788, a flat bottome d bo at, loaded with kettles intended to be used in the manufacture of salt of Bullitts Lick, left Louisville with 14 persons, 12 armed men, a woman and a negro boy, on board. The boat was owned by Henry Crist, Christian Crepps and So lomon Spears, all of whom, with Thomas Flloyd, Joseph Boyce, Evans M oore, an Irishman named Fosset, and five other men whose names are not remembered, composed the boat's crew. The intention of the party was to descend the Ohio , which was then at high water in the mouth of Salt River, and then ascend the latter river, the current which was entirely deadened as high up as M ud G arrison, a temporary fortification constructed of two rows o f slight stockades, the

space between being filled with mud and gravel taken from the bank of the river hard by. T he works en closed about a half acre of ground, and stood about midway between the Lick and the Falls of Salt River, where Shepherdsville is now. The fort was then occupied by the families of salt makers, and those who hunted to supply them with food, and acted as an advance guard to give notice of the approach of any considerable body of Indians. On the tenth of M ay, the boat entered the mouth of Salt River and the crew commenced working her up that stream with sweep oars, there being no current either way. While in the Ohio, the great width of the river enabled them to keep so far from shore as to secure them from any sudden attack by Indians on either side; but in Salt River, they could not get out of rifle range, and it was necessary to send out sco uts to apprise them of any dange ahead. In the evening of the first day o f their voyage up the river, Crist and Floyd went ashore to reconnoitre the banks ahead of the boat. Late in the evening, they discovered a fresh trail, but for wan t of light, they could not make out the number of Indians. (To be contineud next issue, which is missing) Honor Roll of Bardstown Junction Graded and H igh School: Bessie Eula Carp enter, A melia Lee O aks, Tho s. Paul Mooney, James Dawson, Frank Field, Isophane Porter, Nannie Davis, May Masters, Ella Dawson, Ethel Newm an, Hard in Masters, Charles Stevenson, Lolah Hoagland, Pearl Starks, Maggie Taylor, Nora Conniff, Ralph Henderson, Clay Porter, Audrey Davis, Mab el Sutton, Mary Jane Trunnell, Thomas J. Trunnell, Archie Phillips, Hugh Porter. Principal, T. E. Cochran, Assistant, Nannie M ooney. Judge Hays Court - Kans Hutchison, Selling Liquor in Lebanon Junction.

Judge Hays Court - James H olt, Selling Liquor in Lebanon Junction. Judge Hays Court - Charley W illett Breach of Peace Gazette C will be at stud at Fair Grounds (enter off Phelps road) and at farm of late Almer P. Com bs. W . M. Comb s. ***November ??? The next several pages seem to be a mixture of No vember and M ay, 1906. Some ads mention November, some May. Adv. for new livery firm, Summers and Dawson, Shep herdsville Ad by T. C . Coleman of Gap-inKnob, lost on L & N train on Sunday morning No v. 4 .(H e forgo t to mention what he lost) Reward. Expenses of the late prima ry. State headquarters being dismantled at the Seelbach. The timber on the Harshfield land will be sold between the 15th and 20th of Nov. to highest bidder. For sale: 14 acres near Mt. Ede n, 1/2 mile from M illers store, adjoins the old Wm . Green place. Apply to R. F. Hays or A. Heise. ***November, 1906 (Pg. 5) ***Personal Rev. S. P. Martin was in the city Wed. Mrs. Sarah O'B rian is visiting relatives in Louisville this week. Frank Ma rtin, of South Louisville, guest of relatives here. Ohio river salt for sale by O. A. Lutes and Co., Shep herdsville, Ky. Senator Chas. Carroll of L ouisville

The 1906 Bullitt Pioneer Extracted from microfilm by Edith Blissett was in town on business. W . B. Tilden, wife and son shopped in the city. I. N. Martin is visiting relatives at Newburg, Jefferson C ounty. M rs. J. T. Martin is spending week with her parents at Horse Cave. J. L. Sneed left for Chicago, Il. on a business trip. Eugene O'Brian, of Louisville, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Sarah O'Brian. C. L. Croan, W. T. Lee, Richard W athen and Ben C hapeze were in the city.

G. S. Patterson has purchased a 25 horse power O ldsmobile. Chauffeur Chas. Morrison brought it from Louisville.

Barbour, Zillah Dawes, Mary Jane Barbo ur, Rufer Finck, Kendrick Lewis, Sevier Bonnie, James S. Barret Barbo ur.

Drs. S. H. Ridgway and S. W. Bates attending meeting of Ohio River M e d i cal Asso c i a ti o n he l d in Louisville.


Quarterly meeting of the Lebanon Junction charge. R ev. S. G . Shelly. Miss Ella and Blanche Harris guests of Mrs. C. E. McC ormick. Miss Ruth Brooks was with them on their illfated trip to Europe two years ago and they were with her when she died a short time after reaching Rome. They just returned to Louisville a few days ago.

S. B. Simmons left for Brandenburg for the opening of the hunting season.

Present at the regular monthly meeting of the B ullitt County Medical Associa tion: Drs. A. C. Overall, S. H. Ridgway, J. T. Hough, W. S. Napp er, R. L. H ackworth, G. W . Kirk, S. J. Fryer, C. O. Tydings, S. W . Bates, W . W . Hill.

M rs. J. L. O 'Brien a nd two grandchildren are visiting relatives at Boston, KY.

O. J. Chandler will lecture at the Court Ho use "The Anglo Saxon race in Histo ry"

Mrs. R. L. T routm an was in the city. Mrs. Geo. Pierce and daughter, M iss Annie, guests o f relatives in the city.

Sam and Will Simmons of Louisville visiting friends and relatives in the county.

Mr. Carl Neilson and Dr. Germ an, of Louisville, are to conduct service at Cedar G rove Church.

Miss Linnie H ardy o f Pitts Point visiting her co usin, M iss W illie May Ridg way.

Ira. A. Griffin and M iss Birtie T. Ashb y, two o f Bullitts most prominent young people, were married in Jefferson ville, Thursday, by Magistrate Bengiman (sic) T. Nixon. They will make their home in the city where the groom is employed as a carpenter.

A large crowd from this county attended the National Fox Hunters Mee t at Bardstown. Mr. & M rs. Heartick, of Louisville, and Master Percy H enry spent Sunday with C. F. Troutm an's family. R. L. Troutman is laying a new curbing in front of his residence and will build a new pave ment. W . T. McElroy will lecture at Brooks Station Saturd ay night.

Mrs. R. T. Lewis entertained q uite charm ingly last Saturday at her beautiful home in Hubers for her niece, Virginia Barbour. Gue sts spent morning nut hunting in the hills and the afternoon was spent at the beautiful Club House of W. A. W ade, roller skating. G ue sts: M iss Marion Canbel, Janet Colsto n, Virginia

Pro f. Rush, the lecturer and impersonator will entertain with a recital at Beech Grove. E. L. Bowling ... Louisville. The bowling alley is....fun blast every day an d ...night. The skating ring is doing a nice business, floor full every night. Little Aline Burnett won con test ....gent's contest...Fred Johnson. B. F. Myers and wife were in Louisville shopping. R. W . Dallas, up to date barber, has opened up a neat barber shop in the room adjoining the public room at the hotel. That makes four sho ps no w in town. Senator Jas. B. McC reary only polled 18 votes at this place. Gov. Beckham received 48 votes at this place. J. H. M cFarland spent Sund ay with relatives a nd friends a t M t. W ashington. Gov. Beckham is surely "it". H ave you read of the nice work he and his friends did in the "bushes" Nov. 6? Pro found ly sorry for Mr. Hearst of New Y ork, but can't shed a tear. Mrs. Mattie Ireland of Louisville, visited her sister, Mrs. Mark Thorne, Sund ay. M r s . R i l la Kendall and granddaughters of the city visited Mrs. W. L. Bishop. Mrs. G. W . Kirk and daughter visited

The 1906 Bullitt Pioneer Extracted from microfilm by Edith Blissett went to Jeffersontown to se e their pastor, Rev. S. P. Stile who continues ill.

Dr. J. R. Holsclaw, Mrs. Holsclaw and Mrs. J. F. Church were in the city.

Miss Myra Sanders is at home.

S. D. Brooks is sick.

Tom Badgett and wife and M rs. Helen Long spent Sunday with Bud James and family.

Misses Jennie Lewis and Margaret Bo swell, Drs. Claxton and Miller guests of the M isses Hedg es.

Miss Virginia Bell and Gabe Bealmear guests of Sam W illiams.

Miss Stella Troutwine spent Saturday in the city.

M rs. Lindsa y Ridg way o f Shepherdsville visited Mrs. J. F. Church.

relatives in Louisville. Mrs. C. C. Hackney visited by Mr. & M rs. Latmer and Mrs. Eva Henry of Louisville.

Mrs. A. Estes visited by her sister, Mrs. Shaw and niece, M iss Bullock. Mrs. J. B. W ash i ng t o n Bra ithwait.

B raithwait of M t. guest of Richard

??? Crumbacker spent Sund ay with the Misses Finley of Jefferson. Misses Laura and Josie Raym??? guests of M iss Hallie ???try this week. Sheriffs sale (Nov. 15, 1906). Summers & Co. against Angereau Glenn. W . G. Campbell SBC, 315 acres bounded by Ed Rogers, J. A. Snawder, N. J. W eller, W m. H owlett, Salt River, Mrs. M. A. Rayman, P. A. Armstrong. ***November, 1906 (P6. 5) 1/3 Page ad. T routm an Bros. Mammoth Department Store, General Merchandise. ***May 7, 1906 ?? (Pg. 8) ***Hebron J. L. Sneed visited C apt. Robt. Tyler Sund ay.

Tom Melton and family guests of John Bell Sund ay. John Be ll & W . H. Smith guests of Asa Ove rall in Spencer County, at a dinner in hono r of his comrades in the war. W ere but four veterans prese nt, M essrs Bell, Smith, Overall and a number of gentlemen who were staunch defendants of the lost cause.

Miss Virginia B ell and Gabe Bealmear guests of Sam W illiams. Lee C ochran has a new buggy. Mrs. Hornbeck and Miss Maggie M c C l a s k e y o f Shep herd sville attended services at Hebron. Dr. W . P. H arvey o f Louisville will preach at Little Flock.

Hebron congregation has singing instructions by Mr. Straeffer.

Rev. A. L. Mell of Greensbury (sic) spoke a t C oope rs M emorial on 1 0th anniversary of W.M .S which he organized while pastor of the old church, Cooper Chape l. Of the charter memb ers, three have died and one is a missionary at Po rto Allegro, Brazil. In the ten years, the ladies have raised $680, including $40 per year paid for several years for the education of a little girl in Clopton school, Shanghai, China. Each year the Society raises $20 and hono rs one with a life membership. This year, Miss Janie Grant was the recipient.

Miss Taylor o f Beechmont was guest of M iss Straeffer Sunday.

Miss Susie Brooks is with her brother.

Misses Johnson of Lebanon Junction visited Miss N ora H edges.

Som e Little Flock ladies m et at Mrs. Wm. Crumbacker's to organize a ladies aid.

Mrs. Sheridan of Louisville is visiting her brother, D. S. Brooks. Adolph Thum of the city spent Sunday with S. D. Brooks W arner Bell, wife and son are with S. W . Broo ks.

H. L. and J. R. Holsclaw were in Shepherdsville.

Miss Edith Cochran left to visit her brother, Henry at Charleston, MO.

Mrs. Johnson of Louisville, nee M iss Bevil Summers of this vicinity, came out to Co ope r M emo rial and was guest of Mrs. Turpin.

Tom Miller is at hom e quite sick with the fever.

Mrs. McC rocklin and daughter are sick.

J. H. Ro gers and wife, Mrs. C. L. Cooper and M iss Kate Shive ly, all

Mrs. Mattie Ridgway of the city was out to visit relatives Sunda y.

Wm. Lovering accidently shot two fingers off one hand. Repeat of the M arch 2 0, 19 06 d eath of M r. Silas B. Summers. ***Lake View Miss Blanch Howlett visited her cousin, Miss Mary Ice of Upper Bullitt.

The 1906 Bullitt Pioneer Extracted from microfilm by Edith Blissett Mrs. Mattie Carpenter visited her brother, Otto Sadler. Mrs. Julia Tydings guest of her sister, Mrs. Sallie Harris. Misses Myrtle and Minnie Welch visited M rs. Joe Foster.

W hitledge, and Miss Virgie of Gapin-Knob s, spent Sunda y with Miss Rosa Ho ugh. Virgil Price and Miss Blanche Armstrong spent Sunday with John Smith and sister.

C. V. Carpenter and A. A. Thompson attended church at Bullitts Lick.

Louis Stallings, wife and children spent Sund ay with his father, W ill Stallings.

A. Glenn of Chica go is at his c ounty home (the Meadow s) for a short visit.

Bill Ridgway and two daughters spent Sunday with Mr. Prather and wife.

Emmett and Ebe H olsclaw have gone to the city to work.

John Bridwel l a n d wife, o f Smithville, spent Sund ay with J. C. Dickey.

Mrs. W m. W right visited her daughter, Mrs. Seymour Arnold. C. V. Carpenter has purchased a new bugg y.

Charlie Ridgway and wife spent Sunday with John Lloyd. A. Heise, wife and children spent Sund ay with H enry B ell.

***September 14, 1906 (Pg. 4) Advertisement for G. S. Patterson, Shepherdsville, Cheap Cash Store. ***Mt. Washington M rs. Conrad Swineback and her father of the city visited M rs. M aggie Ellaby and other friends here. Mr. Hare and daughters of the city, came out in an automobile Sunday and visited M rs. M aggie E llaby. Charles Jasper, wife and children, of Waterford were there also. John W aggo ner and wife of Seymour, IN. are visiting her parents, W. T. W iggington and wife. W . D. Ellaby attended th B aptist Association this week in Bloomfield.

Mrs. Minnie Pulliam and little son, Henry spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. McC ubbins.

John Stallings and wife spent Sunday with her father, John Whitledge Sr.

Mrs. W. D. Ellaby and little son, W yble, visited relatives at Fairfield this week.

Miss Linnie Hardy visited her cousin, Miss Ollie B ell Hardy.

E. Y. Stiger, wife and grandson spent Sunday with Mrs. Mary Ho naker.

Miss Mary W illiams has begun teaching her music class.

Mrs. Emma W elch and daughter, Minnie visiting relatives in the city.

Curt Jackson of the city, is visiting his son, Claud Jackson.

Thoma s Hall was in the city.

W alter Armstrong visited his mother, Mrs. P. A. Armstrong.

***September 14, 1906 (Pg. 1)

Mrs. Mattie Rodgers visited M rs. Do ra Ash by. Miss Ada Snawd er spent Sunday with Misses Ch rissie and Maud Ashb y.

Article on the KY State Fair. Trotting and running races every d ay. De moc ratic nom ination fo r co mm onwealth's attorney to replace Hon. David J. W ood who died several months ago.

***On the Hill Jasper Hall and daughter and M iss Viola W hitledge spent Sunda y with his sister, M rs. Dickey. Hugh Hall visited Ernest Simmons. M rs. M arkwe ll, M iss Ida Mothershead and Albert Fisher spent Sunday with Miss Mary Owe n. M iss

E th el

Si mm o ns ,

V io la

Fifth State Developm ent Convention to be held at Winchester, KY Bullitt Co unty D emo crati c Co mm ittee well and property organized, knows its duty and will perform them. Hon. Harry V. McChesney withdraws from race for auditor. Can't stand expenses o r uncertainty.

John Gentry took M iss Jennie Parrish to the Nelson County Fair. Miss Susie M cFarland and Orlando Tyler, Miss Lelia Swearingen and Mr. Taylor attended the fair at ETown. W arren Troutman, of High Grove, was with his brother-in-law, W. L. McGee Sunday. Ade Harris, wife and children of Solitude, Maurice H arris, wife and children, Jode, wife and children spent Sunday with M rs. Thos. Parrish. Miss Ora Funk is teaching the Edgewo od S chool. Miss Bessie Cunningham is teaching the Sugar V alley School.

The 1906 Bullitt Pioneer Extracted from microfilm by Edith Blissett Bo lt of lighting struck Jo hn Lloyd's stable, killing a ho rse, mare and mule colt. J. C. Dent was with James Lloyd. Na t h a n B r a ith w ait is layin g foundation for R. L. Grigsby's new room s. J. S. Harris will do the carpenter work.

On account of the Salt River Bridge being nearly torn away, only a few from here went to the Nelson County Fair. The large beams and timbers to the bridge were burned one day last week and they fell into the river. As a matter of course, they had to be taken out as soon as possible.

Hatfield, a girl.

Pro f. E. A. Fox's lecture stereopticon views enjoyed.

Mr. Utterback and wife returned to their home in the city after an extended visit with ?. D. Brooks family here and Mrs. Strange of Knoxville, TN.


Mrs. Jam es Harris is not so well. Mrs. W ill Anderson has been very low. Drs. O verall and Kirk delivered her of a twelve pound boy babe on the 8th. Child is dead, mother came near to dying and is not out of woods yet.

James Swearingen Jr., wife and three children spent Sunday with Mrs. J. C. W hitledge. James Swearingen Jr., wife and three children spent Sunday with Mrs. J. C. W hitledge.

Emory Samuels took Miss Lulie Swearingen to the N elson County Fair.

Mrs. Mary Clark will go to Falmouth, Pendleton County, to visit relatives there.

On the 8th, Miss Annie Watkins and Henry Messenger, oldest son of John Messenger, were married at home of Mrs. Gilla Crenshaw by Rev. Edgar Pounds. The groom is a very nice young man. T he bride is a stranger to us, but she is a very sweet looking girl. Groom works at Parrish Brothers shop.

The W oman's Home M issionary Society met with Mrs. Helen Long. Taylor King of Stites Station is here. James Lloyd and son, Tom , are building a room for D r. W . W . Coleman. ***Clermont

R. L. Grigsby came out from Jeffersontown Saturday, where he hired a conveyance from James Cornell to bring him home . Cornell was driving the buggy and a conveyance was standing in the street, and b y some means he ran into it, upsetting the b uggy they were in and R. L. Grigsby was thrown out with such force he was bruised right badly. Cornell not hurt very much. Mrs. Georgia Gentry Baskett and little son, Lee of the city visiting her aunt, M rs. Be rt Hall. W . L. Hall and wife spent Sunday with his son, Be rt Hall. Miss Marion McG ee visited her aunt, Mrs. Warren Troutman at High Grove.

Miss Ruby Carlisle of the city spent Sunday with his (sic) parents. Miss Gertie Roney, of the city, visited her aunt, Mrs. Clarence Duvall of this place. Hale Tinnell and wife visited latter's parents. Miss Lille Culver spent Sunday with the Misses Hoagland. Mrs. Pearl Durrell visited her mother.

Wm. Gaddie, age 68, died Sept. 15 in the evening. Le aves wife, 5 daughters, one brother, two sons and 11 grandchildren. ***Hebron

Miss Mary Miller is with her brother at Taylorsville. Mack Miller, of Cox's Creek, Nelson County, is here buying young mules from S. B . Williams. J. R. B all has co ntract to erect a residence for S . W. Broo ks. S. W . Brooks has sold his store pro perty to W arner Be ll for $1,100.00. Mr. Bell will also buy his stock and continue the store. Fam ily of Mrs. Cloud, age 87, he ld a reunion at the Okolona Park. Miss Mabel W illiams of near Taylorsville visited M rs. John Bell. John Bell and wife had as guests S u n d a y , a l l t h e i r c h i ld r e n , g r a n d c h il d r e n an d t h e ir tw o daughters-in-law. Miss Delia Krouth guest of Miss Ida Beeler. T. J. Brooks and family spent Mo nday with F. Smithers at Huber. Bu llitt Lodge #155 meets in Troutman Bros. Hall. R. F. Hays, Master, C. F. Troutm an, Secy.

Miss Bertha M cCleavy is quite ill. ***October 26, 1906 (Pg. 1) Mrs. Tom Ro by and children visited her sister.

Bullitt County Elec tion Officers:

Born the 8th, to the wife of Herbert

Shep herdsville #1 - Daniel Gober,

The 1906 Bullitt Pioneer Extracted from microfilm by Edith Blissett Herbert Croan, Wesly Shepherd, J. B. Dawson. Cupio #2 - J. T. Ritchey, Richard Miller, John Skinner, Elmer Ridgway. Zoneton #3 - Henry Davis, W. B. Gentry, S. N. Brooks, W . H. Smith. Mt. W ashington #4 - J. S. Harris, P. N. Fo x, Bert H all, and J. A. Ha rris. Leaches #5 - J. A. Roby, John Burch, Ade H arris, Kenney Bo lton.

prove of substantial aid in his worthy endeavors and be greatly prized by this dese rving young stud ent. Pho to and article/Atty General N. B. Hays, Candidate for governor. Annual Bullitt County teachers meeting: Profs. Boyd, W right and Stivers, M isses N annie M ooney, Mamie Roby, Letitia Hornbeck, W illett, Thos. E. Cochran, M r. Robert Zimm erma n and Elizab eth Raymond mentioned.

Clermont #6 - G eo. W . Tinnell, Christ Schaefer, John C . Adam s, John Hatfield Sr.

***October 26, 1906 (Pg. 3)

Belmont #7 - O. T. Lee, Tom Coakley, E . L. Bo yd, Levi Roby.

I. N. Martin and wife are on the sick list.

Lebanon Junction #8 - Thomas Hurley, Beverly Brashear, S. B. Magruder, William Lamb.

G. S. Patterson has begun work on his new residence.


Mrs. J. F. Collings sp ent seve ral days in city with relatives and friends. T. H. Prewitt who has been visiting mother for three weeks, left for Chicago. Mrs. W . W . Helm and M rs. J. Banks Helm of Louisville spent Tues. with Mrs. E. D. Prewitt at Okolona. Mrs. Delbert Fulkerson and daughter, Mary Ruth, spent weekend with her uncle, Lawrence O gle, near W est Point. J. B. Gathright and wife, Mrs. Samuel Drabelle, J. E. M cGrath and M rs. James Carter and little daughter, all of Louisville, visited Mrs. M. E. Balee. Notice to election officers, return keys to the ballot boxes and precincts seals.

E. C. W ade was in the city. Pitts Point #9 - Chas. J. Dawson, Jasper Pearl, Frank Harned, J. B. Myers.

Mrs. C. F. Troutman visited friends in the city.

Griffin #10 - I. P. Arnold, R. C. Hardesty, John L. Quick, J. H. Beard.

J. L. Sneed spent several days in Mt. W ashington.

Shep herdsville #11 - H. C. Hamilton, Neil Trunnell, T . J. Trunnell, John B. Summ ers.

J. B. Monroe was in Jeffersontown on business.

W . T. M cElroy, the youg student who is anxious to prepare himself for the ministry, delived his lecture on "Success" here at the Bap tist Church Tuesday night to a large, elegant and appreciative audience. For about an hour he had the closest attention of his hearers, who seemed deeply interested in his address. Mr. McElroy is a native of this county, and is only seventeen years old. Since his earliest year, he has been the main stay and supp ort of a widowed mother. His subject was handled in a masterly manner and delivered in a style creditable to veteran lecturer. A handsome sum was prese nted to him at the close of the lecture, which will doubtless

Miss Ada Snawder is spending week with Mrs. J. H. Shafer.

Pho to and article /M r. Johnson, De moc ratic nom inee fo r State Representative. ***Bullitts Lick Rev. K ing app ointment.



re gular

Mrs. Herbert Croan entertained at dinner Sunday. Present were Ed. Croan and wife, Ed. Mattingly and wife, and Pred McDaniel and wife.

Miss Ada Jones closed her school near Kings Church and returned home.

Sam Burns and family spent Sunday with his son, W ill Burns.

Dr. J. B. Thom pson of Louisville spent Sat. with H. C. Ham ilton.

J. H. Miller and wife spent Sunday with R. H. Shepherd.

Dr. S. J. Fryer and little daughter of Lebanon Junction spent last Thursday here.

W . B. Mattingly was in the city, buying winter goo ds.

Mrs. R. K . Fryer of Fern Creek was with Mrs. C . F. Troutman a few da ys.

Herman Pearl was in the city looking for a house to move. He is tired of the country.

T. C. Coleman Jr. returned home Sat. from an extended business trip to the East.

Miss Ella Sadler who came out from the city to wait on her brother, Ot Sadler, while he was low with

The 1906 Bullitt Pioneer Extracted from microfilm by Edith Blissett Edward Bridwell spent Sund ay with his father, H aydo n Bridwell.

Blanche Armstrong spent Sunday with George Armstrong.

Miss Stella Hall and two sisters spent one night with M rs. Kate Ha ll.

John Scott, wife and two children spent Sund ay with La fe Ge ntry.

Mrs. Julia Hough and daughter spent one night with M rs. Kate Ha ll.

Miss Lyla Simmons visiting her brother, M inter Simmo ns.

Glad to see M rs. Effie Dickey out again.

Miss Lue F isher and K atie Lee Hall visited M iss Emma G entry.

Mrs. Lou Mattingly spent Sunday with her son, Tom.

Mrs. Annie Newton and two children spend Sunday with her sister, Mrs. May Harris.

Toab Stallings, wife and two children spent Sunday with her father, M r. Deacon.

Roger Stevens and wife were out from the city.

Virgil Price spent Sund ay with Ernest Simmons

Misses Marsha and Virgie Sco tt, Will Gentry and Charles Raymon spent Sunday with Hardin Ja mes.

Miss Viola Stulcks spent several day with her cousin, Virgie Croan.

Albert Fisher and Miss Mary Owen spent Sund ay with her uncle, Richard Owen.

typhoid fever, is no w very low, at Deaconess Hosp ital with the same fever. James Johnson and M iss Eva Thompson were in the city Saturday. Miss Minnie P earl is visiting her brother, Herman. Jim Foster spent Sund ay with his brother, Warren.

O. P. M eans and wife attended church in She pherdsville S unda y. Mrs. Ed. Croan and daughter, Bettie, spent Tuesday with her son, Ham Croan. Miss Virgie Croan is attending school at Shepherdsville. Charley Hoa gland was in ou r midst Sund ay. M rs. C. Q. Shepherd and daughter, Effie, are spending a few days with her mother, M rs. We ss Cundiff at Beech Grove. Miss Clara Harshfield is staying with Mrs. W ess Shep herd this week while her husband is awa y. Miss Eva T homp son spent last Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Mack McDaniel. Mrs. Arch Hoagland was in our midst visiting her husband's grave. ***On the Hill J. D. Hough visited his son, C. V. Hough of South Louisville.

Miss Stella Hall visited her cousin, Miss Emma E thel Owen o f Mt. W ashington. Mrs. W . C. Owen and d aughter, M ary, were in Shepherdsville one day. J. C. Dickey, wife and three children, Hardin W ise and wife and Lyman Hall spent Sunda y with M rs. Jessie Thurman o f Mt. Washington. Herman Owen, Bessie Smith, Hugh Hall and M iss Georgia Hall spent Sund ay with Mrs. Jessie Thurman of Mt. W ashington. Albert Armstrong and wife spent Sunday with his brother, Dave Armstrong of Waterford. Dug Hall, wife and two children, Tom Hall and wife, Oad Arms and Mr. C. Owen and son spent Sunday with Richard Owen. John Golden and wife of Anderson County visiting his sister, M rs. John Proctor. W . C. Owen and wife, J. F. Hecker and family, Ethel Simmo ns and

Mrs. Sallie Sutt, of Louisville, visiting Mrs. Eliza Jam es. John Smith and wife spent Sunday with Hardin James. List of speakers at Bond Issue mass meeting at Court House: Dan G ober, C. P. Bradb ury, R . F. H ays, W. M. Com bs, Chas. Brid well, W . Jeff Lee, Henry Shafer, T. L. Coakley, B. F. Myers, J. R. Zimmerman, Ben Chapeze, C. O. Parrish, J. F. Com bs, K. S. Jones, B . H. Crist, Chas. Brid well, J. R. Zimmerman, Ed. Croan, Burk Vaughn, J. T. Key, R. M . Hocker, J. R. McFarland, J. W . Gaban, W . C. W ard, T hos. E. Cochran, A. E. Funk, J. A. B arrall, J. E. Quick, Dave Smith, C. O. Parrish, I. P. Arnold , R. C. H ardesty ***October 26, 1906 (Pg. 5) Election officers appointed to hold regular election Nov. 6: Shep herdsville #1 - James M iller, John R. Buckman, O. P. M eans, Harrison Foster. Cup io #2 - James Cund iff, Chas. Applegate, J. T. Ferguson, J. A. Smith. Zoneton #3 - Wilson Summes, Wm.

The 1906 Bullitt Pioneer Extracted from microfilm by Edith Blissett Jenkins, Chas. Hackney, Jas. Pope. M t. W ashington #4 - E. F . Brookshire, J. D. Stansbury, Sim Owens, W m. Anderson. Leaches #5 - Malcomb Harmon, Ed. Ash, C has. T roll, Ben H . Crist.

marriage ceremony of Miss Edna Field Brooks, o ne of Bullitt's lovliest and most pop ular you ng ladies, fom last Sunday's Courier Journal will prove of interest to many here in Bullitt County.

Pitts Point #9 - John Chambers, W. J. Lee, W m. Foster, W . E. Ashby.

A beautiful wedding was that of M iss Edna Field Brooks and Mr. W. S. Matthews, of St. Louis, which was solemnized at St. M ary M agda lene's church of the nuptial high mass at 9 o'c lock last Saturday morning. Ushers - Messrs Henry Donigan, Frank Green, of St. Louis, and Charles B. R iley. Maid o f Honor Miss Austine Brooks, sister of the bride. Her brother, Abram F. B rooks gave her in marriage. B est man, Dr. Murphy, of St. Louis. The Rt. Rev. Father W illett officiated, assisted by Fathers W illiams and M urphy.

Griffin #10 - T. J. Barrall, R. B. Ridg way, W . F. Joyce, Frank Goldsmith.

The wedding was followed by a breakfast for fifty guests at Mrs. John S. Jac kman's home on B rook Stree t.

Shep herdsville #11 - Lero y Daniel, S. A. Hornbeck, Wm. Combs, Hardin W ise.

The bride and groom left for an extend ed tour through the west.

Clermont #6 - Alonzo Hatfield, Wm. Schaefer, Jno . Conniff, Ed P erkins. Belmont #7 - Jn o. R. H ill, Jas. Stansb ury, Henry She lton, Sam McCub bins/ Lebanon Junction #8 - A. L. Roby, I. L. Dawson, Jno. L. Hoagland, Joe Dob son.

***October 26, 1906 (Pg. 6) ***Mrs. Augusta D. Holsclaw L o n g a n d f l o w e r y o b i t u a ry . Highlights only. Died Oct. 19, Mrs. Augusta D. Holsclaw, wife of J. W arren Holsclaw, to whom she married Oct. 31, 1900 by the Rev. J. P. Jenkins at Shepherdsville. Two children, Miss Mildred Francis Holsclaw, born July 28, 1901 and Master J. Perryman Holsclaw, born April 2, 19 05. O nly child o f M r. & Mrs. J. L. O'Brian, to whom she was born, July 28, 1883. Funeral by Rev. S. P. M artin. Buried H eb ron's resting place. Pallbearers: Enoch Cochran, Ben Bell, Jas. H ardaway, H. C. Weller Jr, Conrad Maraman, Curtis Lee. ***Brooks-Matthews The





The out of town guests were Dr. Murphy, Mr. Frank Green o f St. Louis, and Mrs. Charles Lyman of Cincinnati. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. M. M. Brooks of Brooks Station. Long descriptive article. Highlights only. ***Mrs. Gillie C undiff Death of Mrs. Gillie Cundiff, one of oldest residents in county, at home of her son, Ja mes C undiff near Belmont. Mother of Wm . Cundiff, ex-sheriff. Funeral by Re v. S. P. Martin, buried family burying ground near B elmont. High lights only. New wagon bridge across Salt River at this place should be finished by Dec. 1, New bridge at Sm ithville is not as sa tisfactory. ***October 26, 1906 (Pg. 8)

***Mt. Washington Miss Susie McFarland is spending time in c ity w ith her siste r, Mrs. W . E. Kaye. James Harris had his millet threshed this week. Miss Nettie Taylor was in the city a day. Joe Taylor has gone to Berea College. He expects one day to be a dentist. Mrs. Sue O 'Brien was in city with relatives. Coleman Showaters, wife and little son, Chester, of the city visiting his parents, John Showaters and wife. Born, the 21st, to the wife of Lee Parrish, a fine b oy, Ruth, the youngest child of Geo. Stout is right sick. The Junior League met at home of Mrs. Preston Parrish. Miss Puss Hawkins is visiting her niece, Mrs.Cal Mad ox. ??? Estes who formerly lived here, but has moved to Missouri visited Mrs. W . L. McGee. Mrs. Charles Dale of Fisherville came with her. W . L. McGee sold a suckling mare mule for $91. Geo. Stout sold one for the same price. Clarence Porter ce lebrated 2 1st birthday on the 21 st. Parents - Frank Porter and wife, grandmother M rs. Lizzie Parrish, aunt Mrs. W . L. Ha ll, Sunday school teacher, Mrs. W. T. Fox, and Miss Ethel King shared dinner. Miss Sola M othershead visited Mrs. Lou H arris. Samuel Bridwell, of Shepherdsville,

The 1906 Bullitt Pioneer Extracted from microfilm by Edith Blissett was with his sister, M rs. Jam es Herin Sund ay.

Mrs. J. N. C ochran and D essie will visit her father at Solitude this week.

Asa Ove rall and two daughters, of Cox 's Cree k and their comp any, Mrs. John Thompson of the city, spent a day with Mrs. John Keller.

W . F. Smithers and wife of Huber took dinner with J. R. Holsclaw and wife.

Miss Barbara M cFarland is staying with Miss Bernice Barnes during Mrs. Barnes' absence. Mrs. Laura Floore and granddaughter, Arnie Bruce of Jeffersontown were here with friends. Ed. Croan was with C. O. P arrish a night this week. Miss Mary W illiams visited her uncle, Sam W illiams. Ed. Showaters has returned from New Haven, where he attended funeral of his grandson, only a few months old.

Rev. Allen of the seminary preached at Little Flock. W ill Gentry and wife visited her father, M r . E llingsworth at Seatonville. J. R. Ball, wife and son spent Saturday in the city. Mrs. Silas Summers.....cow to get her hip broken Sunday. Mrs. Able and Miss Hattie Able, Misses Therese Bro oks, Susie Knight and Ada Montgomery of the city, were guests of Mrs. J. R. Holsclaw. Mrs. Hagins is in the city.

J. H. M cFarland, of Lebanon Junction, was with his mother, M rs. W . S. McFarland, Sunday. Have heard that he will be made postmaster at Lebanon Junction. Roy Parrish of the city, was with parents, C. O. Parrish and wife. Mac Borders, wife and son, Sam, of the city, were with her sister, Mrs. James H arris. ***Hebron Miss Ada Montgo mery is the pretty guest of M iss Therese Brooks. S. N. Brooks and wife spent Sunday with C. E. McCorm ick. Misses Pattie Pope and Martha Boswell guests of Mrs. Jas. Pope. Mrs. Shepherd was guest of her daughter, M rs. John B rooks. Ed M iller and wife are happy over..can't read.

W ill W hiteman and wife spent Sunday with Mrs. J. D. Roba rds. Messrs Bert Hall and J. Gentry of M t. W ashington and their wives spent Sund ay at W illard B ell's Miss Virgie Bell has returned from Mt. W ashington. Mrs. Dr. Kirk and mother, M rs. W allace of the city, visited M rs. Jas. Sco tt. Mrs. Mattie Ridgway visited her parents here and was accompanied home by her mother, Mrs. S. W . Bro oks. Joe Rush and wife spent Sunday with W . H. Smithers. John Shanklin was out Sunday, he and Gabe Bealmear were guests of E. Z. Wiggington. Pleasure of hearing Senator J. B. McC reary's great sp eech, truly one of our great men, Natures Nobleman.

Laying of Cornerstone of new M. E. Church at Shepherdsville. May the building pro gress ste adily to completion. Mrs . H. L . Rogers Corothersville, Mo.



Mrs. Luther Masden is the care of an osteo pathic doctor in the city. Mrs. Brewer, of Bloomfield, Miss Lloyd and M r. Zenone of the city visited Miss Hallie Able. Mrs. J. R. Holsclaw has been called to bedside of Mrs. S. A. Roby of Cox's Creek who suffered a stroke of paralysis. Frank Bates and wife leave Friday to visit their sister, M rs. Gentry in Union County. Mr. Stickler bought a horse at auction in the city, paid $20 for it, and it died on the way home. S. B. Williams is able to sit up. Large assembly at our beautiful cemetery to pay last tribute to Mrs. Gussie O'Brien Holsclaw. Sympathy to bereaved parents, the young husband and the little ones who will never know the devotion of a mother's love. Mrs. J. H. Rogers wa s called to Shep herdsville by death of her niece, Mrs. Warren Holsclaw. Mrs. Dr. Murray and children of Lebanon Junction are at her father's, Logan Hed ges. Died, Oct. 23, Mrs. Garr at her home in Jefferson County. Funeral arrangements not made. ***W ilson Creek Frank Shane and wife of the city, visited relatives and friends here. Mr. Shane will go to Central Am erica to work for C. C. Mengel and Bro.

The 1906 Bullitt Pioneer Extracted from microfilm by Edith Blissett cutting mahogany timber. Abe Shane has been right sick for some time, but is better.

New Method ist Church exp ected to be finished and ready for dedication by Christmas. ***November 16, 1906 (Pg. 4)

Rev. H. B. Jones of the city preached at M t. Carm el Sunday. Robert Dragoo spent several days at W oodlawn. Opening of Ray and Snider Com pany at Lebanon Junction. Mrs. Jane Monford of the city, visited her brother, R. N. Masden. John L. M asden and wife spent Sunday with his brother, J. Masden. ***November 16, 1906 (Pg. 1) Article - The handsome and useful new bridge spans Salt River, built by Bellefontaine Bridge & Iron C o., Mr. Green, Superintendent. Bridge at Smithville also about completed. United States 1906 Corn Crop projec ted to be large st in years. Article - Jamestown Ten-Centennial commem orating America's 30 0th Anniversary to be an elabo rate naval, military, historical, educational, industrial celebration on shores and water of Hampton Roads near Norfolk, Portsmouth and Newport News, VA . April thru November 1907. Article - Gov. Beckham ap pointed W illiam Rogers Clay of Lexington and Claud e B. Terrill of Bedford, special judges to replace Judges of Lassing & C antrill of the court of app eals in trial of the cases of Home Telephone Co. and East Tennessee Telephone Co. VS Beeler???, adm from Bullitt Co. Photo and Article Phil B. Thom pson, forme rly of this county, son of Judge J. W. T hompson, of this place, has been elected president of the Louisville School of Medicine.

***Hebron W . L. Ball is sick. Geo. Bailey and wife are happy over the arrival of a son, the 7th. Mrs. Hansbrough and son visited her mother. Miss Edith Cochran spent Monday at Shepherdsville.

city. H. L. Holsclaw , W ill Jenkins, Garrow Thornb erry, B. F. Pope, T. J. Brooks, John Brooks, Dr. Holsclaw, S. D. Brooks and M rs. Hackney were in Shep herdsville M onday. Mrs. W . H. Beeler and Mrs. J. R. Holsclaw visited Mrs. T. J. Bro oks. Messrs. Ball and Scott, architects, are progressing finely with the work on S. W. Brooks residence. Miss Lizzie Miller is still with her brothers at Smyrna. W e all miss her.

John Brooks and family and W. J. Bell and family spent Sunday with Albert Priest in Okolona.

M iss M attie Bell of Okolona entertained in honor of the American Beauty Club, formerly the Evening Star Club. Guests Misses Emma & Anna Bell Rogers, M ary & Lizzie Miller, Edith Cochran and Lee Cochran.

Miss Irene Brooks visited friend s in the city and attended the educational meeting at Broa dway B aptist Church.

Miss Mary T. Brooks spent a few days with Mrs. D. F. Brooks at Okolona.

Frank Terry of the city spent Sunday with B. F. Sm ithers.

W ill and Alonzo Jenkins have purchased the Brashear farm, now occupied by Lawrence Bishop.

Miss Nannie Millett of the city, guest of Miss Edith Cochran.

John Robard s and wife of M t. Washington are with Harry Hesler?? J. N. C ochran left for C ha rle ston, M o to visit his son, He nry. Arch Magruder and nephew, Hugh Magruder of Solitude visited his sister, M rs. J. N. Coc hran S unda y. Mrs. Huber and Miss Emma Huber of the city, Mrs. Masden and children and Miss Lillie Masden and Andy Beeler spent Sunday with W. H. Beeler. T. J. Broo ks sold 13 hogs, average weight 215 #, at $6 .30 p er cwt. Mrs. Abell sold 16 turkeys to Mr. Wade, of Huber, for $20.00. Mrs. Dave Sm ith spent Friday in the

Alex Smith, Al Long and Dr. John Myers of the city, spent Sund ay with Dave Sm ith. Miss Alice and Ja s. Pope had a birthday dinner Sunday. Sam McElro y of Leba non, K y, visited M iss Hattie Abell Sund ay. Henry Pope visited his brothers here Sund ay. Ben and G abe Bealmear and Ben Bell are attending the foxhu nt at Bardstown this week. C. C. B rewer and S. N. Abe ll bought mules from Spence M inor, Mr. Peters, Gabe Bealmear, Smith Bridge s, W ill Quick, Ad. Buckm an, J. Daugherty, Bertha Foreman.

The 1906 Bullitt Pioneer Extracted from microfilm by Edith Blissett Miss Emma B ailey is the city, also Mrs. W . J. Bell and son. Little Miss Kathleen Abell has been with her grandparents here.

relatives to supper.

Rev. Moody preached at River View.

Bert Hall and wife and Miss D aisy Rouse took dinner Sunday with Mrs. J. W . Harris.

Miss Daisy Rouse Visited Miss Ruby Tyler.

In a letter to W. J. Bell, Rev. C . W . Knight told of his cordial reception by his church in U tica, Miss.

Mrs Jesse L. Murrell was called to her sister at M illersburg, who was thought to be in a dying condition.

***Mt. Washington

Mrs. Sallie Roth spent a day in the city.

Mrs. Bert Hall spent last week in city with relatives. Fred Owen and his sisters, Misses Minnie and Annie, visited their brother, Jo e Owen in the city. W om en's Home Missionary Society met with Mrs. W. S. McFarland. J. S. Harris building rooms for R. L. Grigsby, completed soon. Wm. Anderson has put up a ho use on his fathers farm and will move there shortly. John Borders will move into the house vacated by Mr. And erson. Ed. Fitch spent last week at his home in Scottsburg, Indiana. Alva Fitch was in Scottsburg last week and while there bought (looks like) him a house there and will go in January. The presiding elder, Dr. Merrich, was with Rev. Jesse L . Murrell. W e are in the Louisville district now. Hardin Hall was at Fisherville a day last week. James Harris, wife and children, visited his sister, Mrs. M ac Bo rders, in the city. Mrs. Cad Coyle visited her father, H. J. Barne s. H. J. Barnes celebrated his 86th birthday on the 12 with friends and

Born, Novem ber the first, to the wife of Henry Stout, a boy. Tho s. Hardy and wife and daughter, Miss Laura, are spending a few days withy Mrs. Lula Clements at Botland.

Mrs. Millie Keller lost her gold framed sp ectacles.

James Stansb ury and wife of Deacon, spent Sunday with his mother, M rs. Sue S tansbury.

A pair of spectacles are at W. T. Fox's shop.

Henry Tyler and wife visited Mr. & Mrs. Henry Stout Sunday.

W . L. Harris has bought the house and land of Hal Hall for $1300.00 and the rent from now to M arch.

Chas. Brid well and wife of Pleasant Hill spent Sund ay night with Mrs. Thos. T insley.

W . L. Harris and wife spent a few days in the city with friends and relatives.

R. L. O'Bryan is quite sick.

Charles Hough and wife, o f Taylorsville, visited his brother, J. Q. Hough. Learned through Dr. O. M. Crenshaw of Taylorsville of the death of his half-brother, Dr. J. R. Landers, formerly of this place, and well known in Bullitt County, died the 9th at Teheran, Il. Buried the 10th at Fairlan d, Il. W . L. Hall and wife, Garry M oore and wife, Maurice Harris, wife and children took dinner Sund ay with Mrs. C. O. Parrish. Sixteen couples took dinner Sunday with Miss Vio la Boston, among them, Mr. & M rs. John Ge ntry, recently married. M arried at the home o f Mrs. W m. Orms, on the 7th, in Louisville, Miss Jennie Parrish and John Gentry, both of this place. Rev. Moody performed cerem ony. ***Smithville

Thomas Tinsley and family spent Sunday with Oscar Tinsley and family. Miss Ethel King visited (can't read) Chas. Jasper and wife of Waterford, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. W m. Jasper.