European Coordinator of the European study upon Tuberose Sclerosis Complex (TSC) and Linphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM)

Born February 4, 1948; in Capriolo (Bs) Citizenship Italian Address Via G. B. Pergolesi 7, Milano; telefono 02/6702975 Dr in Biological Sciences, Univ...
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Born February 4, 1948; in Capriolo (Bs) Citizenship Italian Address Via G. B. Pergolesi 7, Milano; telefono 02/6702975 Dr in Biological Sciences, Università degli Studi di Milano; June 1974 Actual position: Full Professor of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, Department of Medicine, Surgery, and Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Milano Lecturer in Medical Pharmacology, “Separate Track” Istituto Clinico Humanitas (ICH) , and in Pharmacology of Diseases Affecting Major Organ Systems, Dipartimento di Chirurgia, Medicina e Odontoiatria, Polo Universitario H San Paolo, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università degli Studi di Milano Scientific Director of University Medical School Library, Scientific Coordinator and Chief Clinical Pharmacologist , Dipartimento di Chirurgia, Medicina e Odontoiatria and H San Paolo Chief Clinical Pharmacology, IRCCS Humanitas General Hospital, Rozzano, Milano, Italy European Coordinator of the European study upon Tuberose Sclerosis Complex (TSC) and Linphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) Member of the Lombardy Region Committee on DAMA (Disabled Advanced Medical Assistance) Member della Commissione del Ministero della Sanità per lo Studio dell’Organizzazione delle Unità Spinali Unipolari, sottogruppo con incarico della valutazione dei percorsi assistenziali (art. 6 del DM 3/6/99) CURRICULUM VITAE 1971-74 --- Internship, Centro per la Farmacologia delle Infrastrutture Cellulari del CNR (Supervisore Prof. B. Ceccarelli), Istituto di Farmacologia, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università di Milano June 1974 --- Doctorate in Biological Sciences, Università degli Studi di Milano (110/110 con lode). Titolo della tesi: “Interazione elettrostatica ed idrofobica tra sostanze ad azione anestetica locale e bilayers artificiali di fosfolipidi”

1974-1978 --- Post-Doctoral Fellow, Biophysics department, Rockfeller University, New York 1976 --- Research Fellow, Muscular Distrophy Association of USA 1979-81 --- Chief Laboratory of Cytopharmacology, Fidia Research Laboratories, Abano Terme, Padova 1981-86 --- Director Dept Cytopharmacology, Fidia Research Laboratories, Abano Terme, Padova

1980 Lecturer presso la Scuola di Specializzazione in Farmacologia, Facoltà di Farmacia, Università degli Studi di Milano 1981-91 Contract Professor Of Cellular Pharmacology and Psyconeuroendocrynology, Scuole di Specialità in Farmacologia ed in Endocrinologia Sperimentale, Facoltà di Farmacia, Università di Milano 1986-98 --- Chief of Laboratory of Neurodegenerative Disorders, Department of Medical Pharmacology, University of Milan 1986-91 --- Visiting Research Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, New York University Medical Center, New York 1988-89 --- Coordinator of the Project “Dipartimento di Neuroscienze”, Istituto Scientifico H. S. Raffaele 1991-98 Lecturer in Pharmacology, Corso Integrato di Farmacologia Speciale, Polo Didattico H. S. Paolo, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università degli Studi di Milano; 1994-1996 Visiting Professor and Lecturer, Dept. of Human Biological Chemistry and Genetics, and Dept. of Neurology, Medical Branch at Galveston, Univ. of Texas Since 1999 Chief of Laboratory of Neurodegenerative Disorders and Lecturer in Psycopharmacology, Dipartimento di Medicina, Chirurgia, e Odontoiatria, Polo Didattico H. San Paolo, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università degli Studi di Milano Since 1999 Coordinatore Didattico IV Anno, Polo Didattico H. San Paolo, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università degli Studi di Milano Since 1997 Member of Commissione di Studio per la Organizzazione delle Unità Spinali Unipolari, Ministero della Sanità, art.6 del D.M. 3/6/99 Since 2001 Director of the course on Pharmacology, Internal Medicine and Surgery, Laurea Breve in Discipline Infermieristiche, Istituto Clinico Humanitas Since 2001 Director of the course on Pharmacology , Laurea Breve in Fisioterapia, Università degli Studi di Milano, H San Paolo Since 2002 Professor in Pharmacology, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università degli studi di Milano


Development of new pharmacological strategies for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders with emphasis on motor neuron disease and spinal cord injury Tissue repair by stem cell transplantation Tuberose sclerosis complex Neutropenia in glycogen storage disease type Ib Role of growth factors and focal adhesion kinases in lung tumors

BOOKS and PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS La Rigenerazione Nervosa nella Neuropatia Periferica, Ed. by A. Gorio, Liviana Editrice, Padova, 1981 Post-Traumatic Peripheral Nerve Regeneration, Ed. by A. Gorio, H. Millesi and S. Mingrino, Raven Press, New York, 1981 Gangliosides in Neurological and Neuromuscular Function, Development and Repair, Ed. by M.M. Rapport and A. Gorio, Raven Press, New York, 1981 Transport in Biomembranes: Model Systems and Reconstruction, Ed. by R. Antolini, A. Gliozzi and A. Gorio, Raven Press, New York, 1982 Axoplasmic Transport in Physiology and Pathology, Ed. by D.G. Weiss and A. Gorio, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1982 Neurobiology of Gangliosides, series “Progress in Clinical and Biological Research”, Ed by B. Haber and A. Gorio, Alan Liss Inc., New York, 1984 Clinical Neurophysiology in Peripheral Neuropathies, vol. 1 series “Restorative neurology”, Ed. by P.J. Delwaide and A. Gorio, Elsevier Science Publisher Biomedical Division, Amsterdam, 1985 Recovery from Neural Trauma, Ed. by G. Gilad, A. Gorio and G. Kreutzberg, Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York, 1986 Development and Plasticity of the Mammalian Spinal Cord, Ed. by M. Goldeberg and A. Gorio, Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York, 1987 Neural Development and Regeneration. Cellular and Molecular Aspects, Ed. by A. Gorio, J.R. Perez-Polo de Vellis and B. Haber, NATO ASI Series, Springer-Verlag, 1988 Int. J. Clin. Pharmacology Research Special Issue on “Peripheral Neuropathies”, Ed. by A. Bertelli, A. Gorio, G. Scarlato, 1992 Neuroregeneration, Ed. by A. Gorio, Raven Press, New York, 1993

Farmacologia, A. Gorio e Di Giulio authors of the Italian Version of “Pharmacology” by Rang, Dale and Ritter, 1a versione anno 1998 e 2a nel 2001

ORGANIZATION OF MEETINGS AND COURSES 1980 ---Tavola Rotonda “La Rigenerazione Nervosa nella Neuropatia (Roma, 4 Febbraio)


---International Symposium on “Post-traumatic Peripheral Regeneration - Experimental Basis and Clinical Implications” (Padova, 16-18 Ottobre) ---International Symposium “Gangliosides in Neurological and Neuromuscular Function, Development and Repair - (New York, 17-18 Novembre) 1981 --- EMBO Workshop on “Axoplasmic Transport” (Schloss Elmau, West Germany, 27 Aprile - 2 Maggio) --- 2nd Course “Transport in Biomembranes, Reconstruction” (Arco, Trento, 8-10 Febbraio)




1982 --- “WHO Conference on Peripheral Neuropathies” (Ibadan, Nigeria, 24-25 Febbraio) --- “European Symposium on Cholinergic Transmission: Presynaptic Aspects” (Strasburgo 23-27 Maggio) 1983 --- International Symposium “Restorative Neurology in the Central and Peripheral Nervous System” (Venezia 24-27 Maggio) --- International Symposium “The Cell Biology of Neuronal Plasticity” (Villasimius, 6-10 Giugno) --- “Neurotrasmettitori e Loro Funzione Biologica” (Santa Margherita Ligure, 27-29 Ottobre) 1984 --- International Symposium on “Processes of Recovery from Neural Trauma” (Rehovot, Israele, 10-15 Giugno) --- International Symposium on “Development and Plasticity of Mammalian Spinal Cord” (Spoleto 16-20 Settembre) --- “Cellular and Pathological Aspects of Glycoconjugate Metabolism” (Strasbourg, Francia, 23-27 Settembre) 1985 --- Convegno Internazionale “Dal Neurone al Pensiero” (Firenze, 25-30 Marzo)

--- International Symposium on “Neural Mechanisms and Cardiovascular Diseases” (Santa Margherita Ligure, 1-3Maggio) 1986 --- Corso di aggiornamento in Riabilitazione Neuromotoria (Spoleto, 17-22 Marzo) 1987 --- NATO Advanced Research Workshop “Cellular and Molecular Aspects of Neural Development and Regeneration” (Bal Harbour, Florida, 21-25 Maggio) 1988 --- Workshop, Satellite ISDN Meeting: “Neural Grafting and Brain Repair” (Jerusalem, Israele, 19-21 Giugno) 1990 --- 8° Congresso dell’”International Society for Developmental Neuroscience”, MIAMI, USA, Giugno 16-22 1991 --- Co-chairmain (W; Young, USA; M. Dimitrijevic, USA; A. Gorio) dell’International Symposium on Neurotrauma”, (Fukushima, Giappone, maggio) --- IX Congresso Nazionale della Società di Farmacologia Clinica, Venezia, ottobre 1991: Simposio “Neuropatie Periferiche: Ricerche di Base e Progressi Terapeutici” 1992 --- 3° International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology, Villa Olmo, Como, maggio. Simposio “Metodi di Valutazione dei Farmaci Attivi sulle Neuropatie Periferiche” --- 10° Congresso dell' "International Society for Developmental Neuroscience", Simposio "Developmental Aspects of Diabetes Mellitus in the Nervous System" S. Diego, USA, 31 luglio-4 agosto 1994 --- XVIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Torino, 25-29 settembre Simposio "Farmaci e Malattie Neurodegenerative" (Co-chairman Angelucci L., Gorio A.) 1995 --- International Symposium "Recent Advances in Neurobiology" and Symposium "Neuronal Regeneration" Saint-Vincent, 8-10 ottobre

Scientific Publication on Current Contents-Life Sciences Journals 1. RAGAZZI M., GORIO A. and PELUCHETTI D: Influence of calcium on the interaction of anesthetic drugs with artificial phosholipid membranes. Experientia 31, 567-568, 1975 2. PELUCCHETTI D., RAGAZZI M. and GORIO A., Effect of tetracaine and hexobarbital on artificial phospholipid membranes. Experientia 31, 569-570, 1975 3. FRONTALI N., CECCARELLI B., GORIO A., MAURO A., SIEKEVITZ P., TZENG M.C. and HURBUT W.P., Purification from black widow spider venom of a protein factor causing the depletion of synaptic vesicles at neuromuscular junctions. J. Cell Biology, 68, 462-479, 1976 (I.F. 9.876) 4. RUBIN L.L., GORIO A. and MAURO A., Effect of cytochalasin B on neuromuscular transmission in tissue culture. Brain Research, 104, 171-175, 1976 (I.F. 3.924) 5. GORIO A., HURBULT W.P. and CECCARELLI B., Acetylcholine compartments in mouse diaphragm. Comparison of the effects of black widow spider venom, electrical stimulation and high concenration of potassium. J. Cell Biology, 78, 716-733, 1978 ( I.F. 9.419) 6. GORIO A., RUBIN L.L. and MAURO A., Double mode of action of black widow spider venom on frog neuromuscular junction. Neurocytology, 7, -193-205, 1978 (I.F. 4.938) 7. RUBIN L.L., GORIO A. and MAURO A., Effect on concanavalin A on black widow spider venom activity at the neuromuscular junction: implications for mechanism of venom action. Brain Research, 143, 107-124, 1978 8. GORIO A. and MAURO A., Reversibility and mode of action of black widow spider venom on the vertebrate neuromuscular junction. J. Gen. Physiol., 73, 245-263, 1979 (I.F. 4.941) 9. FRITZ L.C., WANG C.C. and GORIO A., Avermectin B 1A irreversibly blocks postsynaptic potentials at the lobster neuromuscular junction by reducing muscle membrane resisteance. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 76, 2062-2066, 1979 (I.F. 8.965 ) 10. GORIO A., CARMIGNOTO G., FACCI L. and FINESSO M., Motor nerve sprouting induced by ganglioside treatment. Possible implications for gangliosides on neuronal growth. Brain Res., 197, 236-241, 1980 (I.F. 3.331) 11. NORIDO F., CANELLA R. and GORIO A., Gangloside treatment of neuropathy in dibetic mice. Muscle & Nerve, 5, 107-110, 1982 (I.F. 2.395) 12. MASSARELLI R., GORIO A. and DREYFUS H., Influx, metabolism and efflux of choline in nerve cells and synaptosomes; role of sialocompounds and glycoconjugates. J. Physiology, 78, (4), 392-398, 1982

13. GORIO A., CARMIGNOTO G., FERRARI G., MARINI P. and NUNZI M.G., Plasticity in neuronal regeneration. Implications for the role of exogenous gangliosides. Birth Defects: original article series, 19 (4), 157-174, 1983 14. LOUIS J.C., GORIO A., MASSARELLI R., HARTH S. and DREYFUS H., Effects of gangliosides on the development of neurons in cell cultures. Birth Defects: original article series, 19 (4), 505-510, 1983 15. CARMIGNOTO G., FINESSO M., SILIPRANDI R. and GORIO A., Muscle reinnervation I. Restoration of transmitter release mechanism. Neuroscience, 8, (3), 393-401, 1983 (I.F. 5.245) 16. GORIO A., CARMIGNOTO G., FINESSO M., POLATO P. and NUNZI M.G., Muscle reinnervation II. Sprouting, synapse formation and repression. Neuroscience 8 (3), 403416, 1983 (I.F. 5.245) 17. GORIO A., MARINI P. and ZANONI R., Muscle reinnervation III: Motoneuron srpouting capacity, enhancement by exogenous gangliosides. Neuroscience, 8 (3), 417-429, 1983 (I.F. 5.245) 18. SOMOGYI P., NUNZI M.G., GORIO A. and SMITH A.D., A new type of specific interneuron in the monkey hippocampus forming synapses exclusively with the axon initial segments of pyramidal cells. Brain Research, 259, 137-142, 1983 19. USAI C., MARCHETTI C., GAMBALE F., ROBELLO M. and GORIO A., Capacitancevoltage reationship in phospholipid bilayers containing gangliosides. FEBS Letters, 153 (2), 315-319, 1983 (I.F. 2.879) 20. SOMOGYI P., SMITH A.D., NUNZI M.G., GORIO A., TAKAGI H. and WU J.Y., Glutamate decarboxylase immunoreactivity in the hyppocampus of the cat: Distribution of immunoreactive synaptic terminals with special reference to the axonal initial segment of pyramidal neurons. J. Neurosci., 3 (7), 1450-1468, 1983 (I.F. 7.814) 21. FERRARI G., FABRIS M. and GORIO A., Gangliosides enhance neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells. Develop. Brain Res., 8, 215-221, 1983 (I.F. 3.114) 22. VITADELLO M., COURAUD J.Y., HASSIG R., GORIO A. and L. DI GIMBERARDINO, Axonal tranpost of acetylcholinesterase in the diabetic mutant mouse. Experimental Neurology, 82, 143-147, 1983 (I.F. 3.013) 23. NORIDO F., CANELLA R., ZANONI R. and GORIO A., Functional and morphological abnormalities induced by ouabain intoxication of the rabbit retina. Acta Neuropathologica, 62, 41-45, 1983 (I.F. 1.490) 24. NORIDO F., CANELLA R., ZANONI R. and GORIO A., Monosialoganglioside (GM1) treatment of ouabain-induced retinopathy in the rabbit. Acta Neuropathologica, 62, 4650, 1983 (I.F. 1.490) 25. NORIDO F., CANELLA R., ZANONI R. and GORIO A., Development of diabetic neuropathy in the C57BL/Ks (db/db) mouse and its treatment with gangliosides. Experimental Neurology, 83, 221-232, 1984 (I.F. 3.180)

26. VITADELLO M., FILLIATREAU G., DUPONT J.L., HASSIG R., GORIO A. and DI GIAMBERARDINO L., Altered axonal tranposrt of cytoskelatal proteins in the diabetic mouse C57BL:ks (db/db). J. Submicrosc. Cytol., 16 (1), 199, 1984 27. DI GREGORIO F., FERRARI G., MARINI P., SILIPRANDI R. and GORIO A., The influence of gangliosides on neurite growth and regeneration. Neuropediatrics, 15, 9396, 1984 28. JONSSON G., GORIO A., HALLMAN H, JANIGRO D., KOJIMA H. and ZANONI R., Effect of GM1 ganglioside on neonatally neurotoxin induced degeneration of serotonin neurons in the rat brain. Develop. Brain Res., 16, 171-180, 1984 29. SOMOGYI P., HODGSON A.J., SMITH A.D., NUNZI M.G., GORIO A. and WU J.Y., Different populations of GABAergic neurons in the visual cortex and hippocampus of cat contain somatostatin or cholecystokinin-immunoreactive material. J. Neurosci., 4, 2590-2603, 1984 (I.F. 7.421) 30. DREYFUS H., FERRET B., HATH S., GORIO A., DURANT M., FREYSZ L. and MASSARELLI R., Metabolism and function of gangliosides in developing neurons. J. Neurosci. Res., 12, 311-322, 1984 (I.F. 13.122) 31. GAMBALE F., MARCHETTI C., USAI C., ROBELLO M. and GORIO A., GM1 micelles modify the transport properties of the ionophore gramicidin D in artificial planar bilayers. J. Neurosci. Res., 12, 355-375, 1984 (I.F. 13.122) 32. JONSSON G., GORIO A., HALLMAN H., JANIGRO D., KOJIMA H., LUTHMAN J. and ZANONI R., Effects of GM1 ganglioside on developing and mature serotonin and noradrenaline neurons lesioned by selective neurotoxins. J. Neurosci. Res. 12, 459475, 1984 (I.F. 13.122) 33. JANIGRO D., DI GREGORIO F., VYSKOCIL F. and GORIO A., Gangliosides dual mode of action: a working hypothesis. J. Neurosci. Res., 12, 499-509, 1984 (I.F. 13.122) 34. KOJIMA H., GORIO A., JANIGRO D. and JONSSON G., GM1 ganglioside enhances regrowth of noradrenaline nerve terminals in rat cerebral cortex lesioned by the neurotoxin 6-Hydroxydopamine. Neuroscience, 13(4), 1011-1022, 1984 35. GORIO A., FERRARI G., FUSCO M., JANIGRO D., ZANONI R. and JONSSON G., Gangliosides and their effects on rearranging peripheral and central neural pathways. C.N.S. Trauma (J. Neurotrauma), 1, 29-37, 1984 (I.F. 3.022) 36. PROSDOCIMI M., FINESSO M., GORIO A., LANGUINO L.R., DEL MASCHIO A., CASTAGNOLI M.N., DE GAETANO G. and DEJANA E., Coronary and systemic 6Keto-PGF-1-alpha and TXB2 during myocardial ischemia in dog. Am.J.Physiol., H493H499, 1985 37. VYSKOCIL F., DI GREGORIO F. and GORIO A., The facilitating effect of gangliosides on the electrogenic (Na+/k+) pump and resistence of the membrane potential to hypoxia in neuromuscular preparation. Pflugers Archiv., 403, 1-6, 1985 (I.F. 2.991)

38. SCHIAVINATO A., MORANDIN A. and GORIO A., Quantitative analysis of mielyn and axolemma particle distribution in C57B/ks diabetic mice and the effects of ganglioside treatment. J. Neurol. Sci., 69, 301-317, 1985 (I.F 1.984) 39. NUNZI M.G., GORIO A., MILAN F., FREUND T., SOMOGYI P. and SMITH A.D., Cholecysyokinin-immunoreactive cells form symmetrical synaptic contacts with pyramidal and nonpyramidal neurons in the hippocampus. J. Comp. Neurol. 237, 485505, 1985 (I.F. 4.673) 40. VITADELLO M., FILLIATREAU G., DUPONT J.L., HASSIG. R., GORIO A. and DI GIAMBERARDINO L., Altered axonal transport of cytoskeletal proteins in the mutant diabetic mouse. J. Neurochem., 45:3, 860-868, 1985 (I.F. 5.590) 41. DI GIULIO A.M., MANTEGAZZA P., M. DONA’ and GORIO A., Peripheral nerve lesions cause simultaneous alterations of substance P and enkephalin levels in the spinal cord. Brain Research, 342, 405-408, 1985 (I.F. 2.914) 42. PROSDOCIMI M., FINESSO M., TESSARI F., GORIO A., LANGUINO L.R., DE GAETANO G. and DEJANA E., Inhibition byAD (8-monochloro-3-betadiethylaminoethyl-4-methyl-ethoxy-carbonyl-methoxy coumarin) of platelet aggregation in dog stenosed coronary artery. Thrombosis Res., 39, 399-409, 1985 43. DI GIULIO A.M., BORELLA F., MANTEGAZZA P., HONG J.S., PANOZZO C., ZANONI R. and GORIO A., Structural and biochemical alterations in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord caused by peripheral nerve lesions. Peptides 6, 249-256, 1985 (I.F. 2.972) 44. MASSARELLI R., FERRET B., GORIO A., DURAND M. and DREYFUS H., The effect of exogenous gangliosides on neurons in culture: a morphometric analysis. Int. J. Develop. Neurosci., 3, 341-348, 1985 45. GORIO A., JANIGRO D., DI GREGORIO F., FERRARI G., JONSSON G., VYSKOCIL F. and ZANONI R., Gangliosides enhance mechanisms of recovery from neural damage by a dual mechanisms. Exp. Brain Res. (suppl. 13), 283-290, 1986 (I.F. 2.923) 46. JONSSON G., GORIO A., HALLMAN H., JANIGRO D., KOJIMA H. and LUTHMAN J., GM1 ganglioside treatment enhances regrowth of central peripheral noradrenaline neurons after selective 6-hydroxydopamine induced lesions. Exp. Brain Res. (Suppl. 13) 291-299, 1986 47. BIANCHI R., JANIGRO D., MILAN F., GIUDICI G. and GORIO A., “In vivo” treatment with GM1 prevents the rapid decay of ATPase activities and mitochondrial damage in hippocampal slices. Brain Res., 364, 400-404, 1986 (I.F. 2. 859) 48. VITADELLO M., TRIBAN C., FABRIS M., GORIO A.. and SCHIAFFINO S., Heterogeneity of rat neurofilament polypeptides revealed by a monoclonal antibody. Journal of Neurochemistry, 46, 665-670, 1986 (I.F.5.439) 49. BERTOLINO M., PROSDOCIMI M., APORTI F., FINESSO M. and GORIO A., The action of AD6 on experimental ariythmias and on action potentials of cardiac fibers. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. ther., 281, 66-78, 1986

50. FUSCO M., DONA’ M., TESSARI F., HALLMANN H., JONSSON G. and GORIO A., GM1 gangloside counteracts selective neurotoxin induced lesion of developing serotonin neurons in rat spinal cord. J. Neurosci. Res., 15, 467-479, 1986 (I.F. 22.616) 51. PROSDOCIMI M., ZATTA A., GORIO A., ZANETTI A. and DEJANA E., Action of AD6 (8-monochloro-3beta-diethylamino-ethyl-4-methyl-7-ethoxycarbonylmethoxy coumarin) on human platelets in vitro. Archives Pharmacology, 332, 305-310, 1986 52. MARINI P., VITADELLO M., BIANCHI R., TRIBAN C. and GORIO A., Impaired axonal transport of acetylcholinesterase in the sciatic nerve of alloxan-diabetic rats: effect of ganglioside treatment. Diabetologia, 29, 254-258, 1986 (I.F. 3.000) 53. GORIO A., Spreading depression: metabolic and ionic implications. Functional Neurology, 2, 203-205, 1986 54. GORIO A., Ganglioside enhancement of neuronal differentiation, plasticity and repair. Clinical Neurobiology, 2 (2), 241-296, 1986 (I.F. 8.691) 55. PROSDOCIMI M., FINESSO M. and GORIO A., Enkephalin modulation of neural trasmission in the cat stellate ganglion: pharmacological actions of exogenous opiates. J. of the Autonomic Nervous System. 17, 217-230, 1986 (I.F. 1.506) 56. DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B., MANNAVOLA M., MANTEGAZZA P., SCHIAVINATO A. and GORIO A., Spinal cord interneuron degenerative atrophy caused by peripheral nerve lesions is prevented by serotonin depletion. J. Neurosci. Res., 18 (3), 443-448, 1987 (I.F. 22.275) 57. GORIO A., TENCONI B. and DI GIULIO A.M., Neuronal decay of function and degeneration are prevented by processes secondary to membrane functional preservation. Central Nervous System Trauma ( J. Neurotrauma), 4 (2), 135-143, 1987 (I.F. 3.022) 58. BIANCHI R. BOCCASAVIA E., VITADELLO M., SCHIAVINATO A. and GORIO A., Sciatic nerve ATPase activity is unaffected in diabetic mutant C57BI/ks (DB/DB) mice. Diabetes, 36, 1082-1085, 1987 (I.F. 3.826) 59. VITADELLO M., TRIBAN C., FABRIS M., DONA’ M., GORIO A. and SCHIAFFINO S., A developmentally regulated isoform of 150,000 molecular weight neurofilament protein specifically expressed in autonomic and small sensory neurons. Neuroscience, 23, 931-941, 1987 (I.F. 5.324) 60. DI GIULIO A.M., RESTANI P., GALLI C.L., TENCONI B., LA CROIX R. and GORIO A., Modified ontogenesis of enkephalin and substance P containing neurons in rat after perinatal exposure to morphine. Toxicology 49, 197-201, 1988 (I.F. 1.164) 61. DE CAMILLI P., VITADELLO M., CANEVINI M.P., ZANONI R., JAHN R. and GORIO A., The synaptic vescicle proteins Sinapsin I and Synaptophysin (Protein P38) are concentrated both in efferent and afferent nerve endings of the skeletal muscle. J. Neuroscience, 8, 1625-1631, 1988 (I.F. 6.161)

62. FUSCO M., FIGLIOMENI B., GORIO A. and VANTINI G., Postnatal development of bulbospinal serotoninergic system. Effects of GM1 ganglioside following neonatal 5,7Dihydroxytryptamine treatment. Neurochem. Int. 13, 251-259,1988 63. DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B., MANTEGAZZA P. and GORIO A., Reversibility and prevention of intraspinal peptidergic loss caused by sciatic nerve lesions. J. Neurosci. Res., 22, 92-96, 1988 (I.F. 2.164) 64. LA CROIX R., TENCONI B., DI GIULIO A.M., MANTEGAZZA P. and GORIO A., The gastrointestinal innervation is altered in experimental diabetes. Pharmacological Research, 21,129-130, 1989 (I.F. 0.732) 65. DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B., LA CROIX R., MANTEGAZZA P., CATTABENI F. and GORIO A., Denervation and hyperinnervation in the nervous system of diabetic animals. I. The autonomic neuronal dystrophy of the gut. J. Neurosci. Res., 24, 355361, 1989 (I.F. 2.521) 66. DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B., LA CROIX R., MANTEGAZZA P., ABBRACCHIO M.P., CATTABENI F. and GORIO A., Denervation and hyperinnervation in the nervous system of diabetic animals. II Monoaminergic and peptidergic alterations in the diabetic encephalopathy. J. Neurosci. Res., 24, 362-368, 1989 (I.F. 2.521) 67. ABBRACCHIO M.P., DI LUCA M., CATTABENI F., DI GIULIO A.M., MANTEGAZZA P. and GORIO A., Denervation and hyperinnervation in the nervous system of diabetic animals. III. Functional alterations of the G-protein sistem in the diabetic encephalopathy. J. Neurosci. Res., 24, 517-523, 1989 (I.F. 2.521) 68. GORIO A., CATTABENI F., ABBRACCHIO M.P., DI LUCA M., TENCONI B., LA CROIX R., MANTEGAZZA P. and DI GIULIO A.M., Met-enkephalin metabolism and signal transduction is altered in the corpus striatum of diabetic animals. J. Endocrinol. Invest. 12, 87-90, 1989 69. DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B. and GORIO A., The development of met-enkephalin innervation in the brain is altered by perinatal exposure to morphine. J. Endocrinol. Invest, 12, 5-8, 1989 70. TENCONI B., LA CROIX R., DONADONI M.L., DI GIULIO A.M., MANTEGAZZA P. and GORIO A., The developmental pattern of met-enkephalin innervation is altered in animals perinatally exposed to morphine. Pharmacol. Res., 21, 61-62, 1989 (I.F. 1.315) 71. ABBRACCHIO M.P., CATTABENI F., DI GIULIO A.M., PAOLETTI A.M., TENCONI B., FINCO C. and GORIO A., Early alterations of Gi/Go protein-dependent transductional processes in the retina of diabetic animals. J. Neurosci. Res., 29, 196-200, 1991 (I.F. 2.679) 72. Gorio A., Tenconi B., Zonta N., Mantegazza P., Di Giulio A.M. , Reactive sprouting (pruning effect) is altered in the brain of rats perinatally exposed to morphine. Advances in Experimental Medicine & Biology, 296, 61-67, 1991,

73. GORIO A., TENCONI B., DONADONI M.L., MALOSIO M.L., FINCO C., DI GIULIO A.M. and MANTEGAZZA P., Reactive CNS compensatory events are inhibited by perinatal exposure to morphine. Pharmacol. Toxicol., 69, 11, 1991 74. FINCO C., ABBRACCHIO M.P., PATERNIERI B., CATTABENI F., DI GIULIO A.M., MALOSIO M.L., MANTEGAZZA P. and GORIO A., G-proteins and diabetic encephalopathy, molecular mechanisms underlyng the functional alterations. Pharmacol. Res. 25, 109-110, 1992 75. TENCONI B., GERMANI E., MANTEGAZZA P., DI GIULIO A.M. and GORIO A., Collateral sprouting in the frontal cortex and reactive “pruning effect” are suppressed by perinatal exposure to morphine. Pharmacol. Res. 25, 86, 1992 76. BERTELLI A., GORIO A., SCARLATO G., Introduction, Int. J. Clin. Pharm. Res. XII; 209, 1992 77. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M., DONADONI M.L., TENCONI B., GERMANI E., BERTELLI A. and MANTEGAZZA P., Early neurochemical changes in the autonomic neuropathy of the gut in experimental diabetes. Int. J. Clin. Pharm., Res., XII, 217-224, 1992 78. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B., DONADONI M.L., GERMANI E., BERTELLI A., MANTEGAZZA P., MACCARI F. and RAMACCI M.T., Peptide alterations in autonomic diabetic neuropathy prevented by acetyl-1-carnitine. Int. J. Clin. Pharm. Res., XII, 225-230, 1992 79. DI GIULIO A.M., GORIO A., BERTELLI A., MANTEGAZZA P., FERRARIS L. and RAMACCI M.T., Acetyl-1-carnitine prevents substance P loss in the sciatic nerve and lumbar spinal cord of diabetic animals. Int. J. Clin. Pharm. Res., XII, 243-246, 1992 80. TENCONI B., DONADONI M.L., GERMANI E., BERTELLI A., MANTEGAZZA P., DI GIULIO A.M., RAMACCI M.T. and GORIO A., Intraspinal degenerative atrophy caused by sciatic nerve lesions prevented by Acetyl-1-carnitine, Int. J. Clin. Pharm. Res., XII, 263-267, 1992 81. PACIFICI L., BELLUCCI A., PIOVESAN P., MACCARI F., GORIO A. and RAMACCI M.T., Counteraction on experimentally induced diabetic neuropathy by levocanitine acetyl. Int. J. Clin. Pharm. Res. XII, 231-236, 1992 82. FINCO C., ABBRACCHIO M.P., MALOSIO M.L., CATTABENI F., DI GIULIO A.M., PATERNIERI B., MANTEGAZZA P. and GORIO A., Diabetes-induced alterations of central nervous system G-proteins: ADP-ribosylation, immuno reactivity and geneexpression studies in rat striatum. Molecular and Chemical Neuropathology, 17, 259272, 1992 83. TENCONI B., DONADONI M.L., FINCO C., GERMANI E., MALOSIO M.L., DI GIULIO A.M., MANTEGAZZA P. and GORIO A., Perinatal morphine exposure alters peptidergic development in the striatum. Int. J. Devl. Neuroscience 6, 517-526, 1992 (I.F. 1.748)

84. ZONTA N., FERRARIO P., DI GIULIO A.M., ZECCA L., GORIO A. and MANTEGAZZA P., Neurochemical changes of long-term adrenalectomy in rat brain: effects on neurotransmitter amino acids. Int. J. Devl. Neuroscience 5, 439-445, 1992 85. BERTELLI A., CLERICO A., CHICCA A., GIOVANNINI L., GORIO A. and ROMANO M.A., Role of endothelin-1 in carragenin-induced inflammation. Int. J. Tiss. React. XIV, 225-230, 1992 86. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B., FINCO C., GERMANI E., MALOSIO M.L., BERTELLI A. and MANTEGAZZA P., Cellular and molecular mechanisms underlyng the effects on neuronal plasticity by substances of abuse such as alcohol and opiates Pharmacol. Res. 26, 41, 1992 87. DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B., DONADONI M.L., GORIO A., BERTELLI A. and MANTEGAZZA P., Substance P containing axons in diabetic neuropathy. Effects of Acetyl-l-carnitine in axonal transport and degeneration. Pharmacol. Res. 26, 59, 1992 88. GORIO A., GERMANI E., BERTELLI A., MANTEGAZZA P. and DI GIULIO A.M., Perinatal exposure to ethanol affects postnatal degeneration and regeneration of serotoninergic pathways on the spinals cord. Drug Exp. Clin. Res., XVIII (11-12), 461464, 1992 89. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M., GERMANI E., BENDOTTI C., BERTELLI A. and MANTEGAZZA P., Perinatal morphine treatment inhibits pruning effect and regeneration of serotoninergic pathways following neonatal 5, 7-HT lesions. J. Neuroscience. Res., 34, 462-471, 1993 (I.F. 3.005) 90. CONTI A.M., MALOSIO M.L., SCARPINI E., DI GIULIO A.M., SCARLATO G., MANTEGAZZA P. and GORIO A., Myelin proteins transcript increase in experimental diabetic neuropathy. Neurosc. Letters, 161, 203-206, 1993 (I.F. 2.645) 91. GORIO A., DONADONI M.L. and DI GIULIO A.M., Nitric oxide sensitive protein ADPribosylation is altered in diabetic neuropathy. J. Neurosci. Res., 40, 420-426, 1995 (I.F. 3.377) 92. DONADONI M.L., GAVEZZOTTI R., BORELLA F., DI GIULIO A.M. and GORIO A., Experimental diabetic neuropathy. Inhibition of protein mono-ADP-ribosylation prevents reduction of substance P axonal transport. J. Pharmacol. Experimental Therap., 274, 570-576, 1995 (I.F. 3.582) 93. DI GIULIO A.M., LESMA E. and GORIO A., Diabetic neuropathy in the rat. I. Alcar augments the reduced levels and axoplasmatic transport of substance P. J. Neurosci. Res., 40, 414-419, 1995 (I.F. 3.377) 94. DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B., MALOSIO M.L., VERGANI L., BERTELLI A. and GORIO A., Perinatal morphine. I: Effects on synapsin and neurotransmitter system in the brain. J. Neurosci. Res., 42, 479-485, 1995 (I.F. 3.377) 95. GERMANI E., LESMA E., DE BIASI S., DI GIULIO A.M., BERTELLI A. and GORIO A., Perinatal morphine. II: Changes in cortical plasticity. J. Neurosci. Res., 42, 829-834, 1995 (I.F. 3.377)

96. Conti A.M., Scarpini E., Malosio M.L., Di Giulio A.M., Baron P., Scarlato G., Mantegazza P. and Gorio A. (1996) In situ hybridization of Po and MBP myelin protein mRNA in experimental diabetic neuropathy. Neurosci. Letters, 207, 65-69 (I.F. 2.090) 97. Tenconi B., Lesma E., Di Giulio A.M. and Gorio A. (1996) High opioid doses inhibit whereas low doses enhance neuritogenesis in PC12 cells. Dev. Brain Res.94, 175-181 (I.F. 1.911) 98. Gorio A., Vergani L., Malosio M.L., Lesma E. and Di Giulio A.M.(1996) Perinatal exposure to morphine: reactive changes in the brain after 6-hydroxydopamine. Europ. J. Pharmacol. 303, 21-26 (I.F. 3.352) 99. Gorio A., Donadoni M.L., Finco C., Borella F. and Di Giulio A.M. (1996) Alterations of protein mono-ADP-ribosylation and diabetic neuropathy: a novel pharmacological approach. Europ. J. Pharmacol. 311, 21-28 (I.F.3.352) 100. Gorio A., Malosio M.L., Vergani L. and Di Giulio A.M. (1996) Exposure to morphine promotes developmental changes in the rat striatum. Int. J. Develop. Neurosci. 14, 471-479 (I.F. 1.352) 101. Lesma E., Di Giulio A.M., Ferro L., Prino G. and Gorio A. (1996) Glycosaminoglycans in nerve injury. I. Low doses of glycosaminoglycans promote neurite formation. J. Neurosci. Res., 1996 46, 565-571 (I.F. 2.843) 102. Gorio A., Vergani L., Ferro L., Prino G. and Di Giulio A.M. (1996) Glycosaminoglycans in nerve injury. II. Effects on transglionic degeneration and on the expression of neurotrophic factors. J. Neurosci. Res. 46, 572-580 (I.F. 2.843) 103. Gorio A., Donadoni M.L., Finco C., Di Giulio A.M., Endogenous mono-ADPribosylation in retina and peripheral nervous system. Effects of diabetes. Advances in experimental Medicine & Biology 419, 289-295, 1997 104. Vergani L., Finco C., Di Giulio A.M., Muller EE. Gorio A. (1997) Effects of low doses of glycosaminoglycans and insulin-like growth factor-I on motor neuron disease in wobbler mouse. Neurosci Lett 228, 41-44 (I.F. 1.768) 105. Gorio A., Lesma E., Vergani L., Di Giulio A.M. (1997) Glycosaminoglycan supplementation promotes nerve regeneration and muscle reinnervation. Eur J Neurosci 9, 1748-1753 (I.F. 3.947) 106. Gorio A., Vergani L, Lesma E. Di Giulio A.M. (1998) Neuroprotection, neuroregeneration, and interaction with insulin-like growth factor-I: Novel nonanticoagulant action of glycosaminoglycans. J Neurosci Res 51, 559-562 (I.F. 2.874) 107. Gorio A., Vergani L., De Tollis A., Di Giulio A.M., Torsello A., Cattaneo L., Muller EE (1998) Muscle reinnervation following neonatal nerve crush. Interactive effects of glycosaminoglycans and insulin-like growth factor-I. Neuroscience 82, 1029-1037 (I.F. 3.591)

108. Vergani L., Di Giulio A.M., Losa M., Rossoni G., Muller E.E., Gorio A (1998) Sistemic administration of IGF-I decreases motor neuron death and promotes muscle reinnervation. J Neurosci Res 54, 840-847 (I.F. 2.874) 109. Losa M., Vergani L., Lesma E, Rossoni G., Muller E., and Gorio A (1999) Glycosaminoglycans treatment increases IGF-I muscle levels and counteracts motor neuron death. J Neurosci Res 55, 496-503 (I.F. 2.968) 110. Vergani L., Losa M., Lesma E., Di Giulio, Torsello A, Muller E.E.and Gorio A. (1999) Glycosaminoglycans boost insulin-like growth factor-I-promoted neuroprotection. Blockade of motor neuron death in wobbler mouse. Neuroscience 93, 565-572 (I.F. 3.890) 111. Gorio A.. Germani E, Lesma E. Di Giulio A.M. (1999) Long-term neuroprotective effects of GAGs-IGF-I cotreatment in the motor neuron degeneration (Mnd) mutant mouse. Eur J Neurosci 11, 3395-3404 (I.F. 4.020) 112. Germani E., Lesma E., Di Giulio A. M., Gorio A. (1999) Progressive and selective changes in neurotrophic factor expression and substance P axonal transport induced by perinatal diabetes. Protective action of antioxidant treatment. J Neurosci Res 57, 521-528 (I.F. 2.968) 113. Di Giulio A.M., Lesma E., Germani E., Gorio A. (1999) Inhibition of high glucoseinduced protein mono-ADP-ribosylation restores neuritogenesis and sodium-pump activity in SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. J Neurosci Res 57, 663-669 (I.F. 2.968) 114. Germani E., Tena Suck M. L., Di Giulio A.M, Gorio A. (1999) Perinatal supplementation of low doses of ethanol enhances 5-HT restoration in the central nervous system. J Neurosci Res 58, 449-455 (I.F. 2.968) 115. Gorio A. and Di Giulio A.M.(1999) Regeneration and neurotrophic phenomenon. Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, 2nd Edition, 1772-1774 116. Di Giulio A.M., Germani E., Lesma E., Muller E., Gorio A. (2000) Glycosaminoglycans co-administration enhance insulin-like growth factor-I Neuroprotective and neuroregenerative activity in traumatic and genetic models of motor neuron disease. Int J Dev Neurosci, 18, 339-346 117. Gorio A., Citterio C., Muller E.E. and Di Giulio A.M. (2001) Glycosaminoglycanpromoted muscle reinnervation and insulin-like growth factor-I levels are affected by anti-growth hormone-realeasing hormone exposure. J Neurosci. Res, 66, 1112-1117 (I.F. 3.062) 118. De Luca A., Pierno S., Liantonio A., Cetrone M., Gorio A., Rilegg U.T. and Conte Camerino D. (2001) Evaluation of drug efficacy on muscular distrophy by in vivo treatments in exercised mdx mouse. Neuromuscular Disorders, 11, 673-674 119. Gorio A., Lesma E., Madaschi L., Di Giulio A.M. (2002) Co-administration of IGF-I and glycosaminoglycans greatly delays motor neuron disease and affects IGF-I expression in the wobbler mouse: a long term study. J Neurochem , 81, 194-202 (I.F. 4.9)

120. Gorio A., Gokman N., Erbayraktar S., Madaschi L., Cichetti C., Di Giulio A.M., Vardor E., Cerami A., Brines M. (2002) Recombinant human erythropoietin counteracts secondary injury and markedly enhances neurological recovery from experimental spinal cord trauma. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 99, n° 14, 9450-9455 (I.F. 10.79) 121. Gorio A., Meriani F., Madaschi L., Cichetti C., Di Giulio A.M., (2002) Description of UTS impactor. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, web site Supporting Informations, vol 99, n° 14, (I.F. 10.79) 122. Brancaccio D., Cozzolino M., Gorio A., Di Giulio A.M., Gallieni M. (2002), Bone disease in uremic patients: advances in PTH suppression. J Neprology, 15, 86-93 123. Gorio A. and Di Giulio AM (2003), Erythropoietin a new neuronal repair-promoting factor for CNS injuries: attenuation of secondary degeneration versus regeneration in spinal cord injuries. Encyclopedia of Neuroscience 3rd Edition,

124. Madaschi L., Di Giulio A.M., Gorio A. (2003), Muscle reinnervation and IGF-I synthesis are affected by exposure to heparin. An effect partially antagonized by antigrowth hormone releasing hormone. Neurochemical Research, 28, 163-168

125. Gorio A., Torrente Y., Madaschi L., Di Stefano B., Pisati F., Marchesi C, Belicchi M., Di Giulio A.M., Bresolin N. (2004). Fate of autologous dermal stem cells transplanted into the spinal cord after traumatic injury (TSCI). Evaluation of the recovery from hindlimb disability. Neuroscience, 125, 179-189

126. Di Giulio A.m., Carelli S., Castaldi R.E., Gorio A., Tarocco E., Cetin I. (2004) Plasma amino acid concentrations throughout pregnancy ans early stages of intrauterine growth restricted pregnancy. J. Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, 15:356-362 127. Lesma E., Di Giulio A.M., Riva E., Giovannini G., Gorio A., (2005) Amelioration of submembrane abnormalities underlies G-CSF action on neutrophils from glycogen storage disease type 1b patients. Int. J. Immunopathology and Pharmacology, 18:297307 (I.F. 3.9)

128. Gorio A., Di Giulio AM, Pathophysiology and Pharmacology of acute spinal cord injury with insight into the transplantation of stem cells into the injured cord (2005). Spinal Cord, 42:27-36 (I.F. 4.3) 129. Elena Lesma, Vera Grande, Stephana Carelli,Diego Brancaccio,Maria Paola Canevini, Rosa Maria Alfano,Guido Coggi, Anna Maria Di Giulio, Alfredo Gorio (2005). Isolation and growth of smooth muscle-like cells derived from tuberous sclerosis complex-2 human renal angiomyolipoma: EGF is the required growth factor. The American Journal of Pathology, 167:1093-1103 (I.F. 7.02)

130. Alfredo Gorio, Laura Madaschi, Barbara Di Stefano, Stephana Carelli, Anna Maria Di Giulio, Silvia De Biasi, Thomas Coleman, Anthony Cerami, Michael Brines (2005). Methilprednisolone neutralizes the beneficial effects of erythropoietin in experimental spinal cord injury. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 102:16379-16384 (I.F. 10.98) 131. Alfredo Gorio, Spinal Cord Injuries (2006), New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Elseviers, 132. Stephana Carelli, Anna Maria Di Giulio, Simona Paratore, Silvano Bosari, Alfredo Gorio (2006), Degradation of Insulin like Growth Factor-I Receptor Occurs Via Ubiquitin-Proteasome Pathway in Human Lung Cancer Cells. J Cellular Physiology, 208: 354-362 ( I.F. 5.96) 133. Elena Lesma, Vera Grande, Anna Maria Di Giulio, Paola Castellana, Andrea Crosignani, Amilcare Cerri, Alfredo Gorio (2006), G protein-mediated signal transduction is affected in primary biliary cirrhosis. Hepatology Research, 35: 45-52 ( I.F. 1.96) 134. Stephana Carelli, Giorgia Zadra, Valentina Vaira, Monica Falleni, Luca Bottiglieri, Mario Nosotti, Anna Maria Di Giulio, Alfredo Gorio, Silvano Bosari (2006), Upregulation of focal adhesion kinase in Non Small Cell Lung Cancer. Lung Cancer , 53:263-271 (I.F. 3,97) 135. Laura Vitellaro, Samanta Mazzetti, Laura Maraschi, Paola Bosisio, Alfredo Gorio, Silvia De Biasi (2007), Erithropoietin-mediated preservation of the white matter in the spinal cord after traumatic injury. Neuroscience, 144: 865-877 (I.F. 3.479) 136. Stephana Carelli, Elena Lesma, Giorgia Zadra, Vera Grande, Silvano Bosari, Anna Maria di Giulio, Alfredo Gorio (2007), Survivin expression in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex cells. Journal of Molecular Medicine in press (I.F. 3,432) 137. Maria Vittoria Arcidiacono, Mario Cozzolino, diego brancaccio, Maurizio Gallieni, Elena Lesma, Stephana Carelli, Alfredo Gorio, Anna Maria di Giulio (2007) A role for enhanced integrin and FAK expression in uremia-induced parathyroid hyperplasia. Journal of Nephrology, in press (I.F. 2.013)

Scientific Articles Published on Books

1. GORIO A. and MAURO A., Mode of action of black widow spider venom on vertebrate neuromuscular junction. In, Advances in Cytopharmacology, vol; 3 eds. B. Ceccarelli and F. Clementi,, Raven Press, New York, 129-140, 1979 2. GORIO A., Muscle innervation and reinnervation as a model for development and specificity of neuronal connections. In: Multidisciplinary Approach to Brain Development, eds. C. Di Benedetta, R. Balazs, G. Gombos and Porcellati, ElsevierNorth Holland Biomedical Press, Amsterdam, 439-452, 1980 3. GORIO A., Receptors, innervation and neurotransmitter release: microphysiology of chemical synapses. In: Receptors for Neurotransmitter and Peptide Hormones, eds. G. Pepeu, M.J. Kuhar and S.J. Enna, Raven Press, New York, 57-65, 1980 4. GORIO A., Modelli sperimentali per lo studio della rigenerazione nervosa periferica. Uno studio sull’azione riparatoria dei gangliosidi. In: La Rigenerazione Nervosa nella Neuropatia Periferica, eds. A. Gorio et al., Liviana Editrice, Padova, 1-31, 1981 5. CARMIGNOTO G., FINESSO M., TREDESE L. and GORIO A., Transmitter release mechanisms during the early stages of reinnervation of a fast twitch muscle of rat. Effects of ganglioside treatments. In: Membranes, Molecules, Toxins and Cells, eds. K. Bloch, L. Bolis and D.C. Tosteson, PSG Inc., Littleton, Ma, 297-312, 1981 6. GORIO A., CARMIGNOTO G., FINESSO M., LEON A., MARINI P., TREDESE L. and ZANONI R., Electrophysiological and morphological correlates of the reinnervation of rat neuromuscular junction: implications on the role of membrane components such as gangliosides in the motor nerve sprouting. In: Cholinergic Mechanisms, eds. G. Pepeu and H. Ladinsky, Plenum Press, New York, 221-233, 1981 7. GORIO A. and CARMIGNOTO G., Reformation, maturation and stabilization of neuromuscular junctions in peripheral nerve regeneration. The possible role of exogenous gangliosides in determining motoneuron sprouting. In: Post-Traumatic Peripheral Nerve Regeneration, eds. A. Gorio, H. Millesi and S. Mingrino, Raven Press, New York, 481-492, 1981 8. DI GIAMBERARDINO L., COURAUD J.Y., HASSIG R., MARINI P. and GORIO A., The use of acetylcholinesterase molecular forms to appraise post-traumatic recovery of nerve and muscle. In: Post-Traumatic Peripheral Nerve Regeneration, eds. A. Gorio, H. Millesi and S. Mingrino, Raven Press, New York, 453-458, 1981 9. GORIO A., CARMIGNOTO G. and FERRARI G., Axon sprouting stimulated by gangliosides: A new model for elongation and sprouting. In: Gangliosides in Neurological and Neuromuscular Function, Development and Repair, eds. M.M. Rapport and Gorio A., Raven Press, New York, 177-195, 1981 10. GORIO A., APORTI F., CANELLA R. and NORIDO F., Ganglioside treatment in experimental diabetic neuropathy. In: Gangliosides in Neurological and Neuromuscular Function, Development and Repair, eds. M.M. Rapport and Gorio A., Raven Press, New York, 259-266, 1981 11. GORIO A., CARMIGNOTO G., FERRARI G., NORIDO F., NUNZI M.G., RUBINI R. and ZANONI R;, Pharmacological aspects of experimental peripheral neuropathy. In:

International Conference on Peripheral Nuropathies, eds. S. Refsum, L. Bolis and A. Portera-Sanchez, Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, 29-48,1982 12. GORIO A., The role of axoplasmic transport in the restoration of synaptic transmission and the process of sprouting during nerve regeneration. In: Axoplasmic Transport in Physiology and Pathology, eds. D.G. Weiss and A. Gorio, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 8189, 1982 13. DI GIAMBERARDINO L., COURAUD J.Y., HASSIG R. and GORIO A., Recovery of axonal transport of AChE in regenerating sciatic nerve precedes muscle reinnervation. In: Axoplasmic Transport in Physiology and Pathology, eds. D.G. Weiss and A. Gorio, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 77-80, 1982 14. VITADELLO M., COURAUD J.Y., HASSIG R., GORIO A. and DI GIAMBERARDINO L., Axonal transport of AChE molecular form in sciatic nerve of genetically diabetic mice. In: Axoplasmic Transport in Physiology and Pathology, eds. D.G. Weiss and A. Gorio, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 137-139, 1982 15. GORIO A., NUNZI M.G., POLATO P. and ZANONI R., Synapse reformation and repression in muscle reinnervation: An evaluation of endogenous and exogenous influences on nerve regeneration. In: Membranes in Growth and Development, eds. L. Bolis, G. Giebisch and J. F. Hoffman, Alan Liss Inc. New York, 299-309, 1982 16. LEON A., TOFFANO G., GORIO A. and FERRARI G., Gangliosides and neuronal cell differentiation. In: Membranes in Growth and Development, eds. L. Bolis, G. Giebisch and J. F. Hoffman, Alan Liss Inc., New York, 311-320, 1982 17. GORIO A., ZANONI R. and CARMIGNOTO G., Muscle reinnervation and its enhancement by ganglioside treatment. In: Clinical and Biological Aspects of Peripheral Nerve in Diseases, eds. L. Battistin, G.A. Hashim, A. Laitha, Alan Liss Inc., New York, 321-334, 1983 18. GORIO A., FERRARI G., FABRIS M. and VICINI S., The use of animal models and cultured human biopsies to study disease mechanisms and possible therapies. The case of ganglioside treatment. In: Electromyography in the Diagnosis and Management of Peripheral nerve Injuries, eds. G.Caruso and H.P. Ludin, Hans Huber Publishers, Bern/Stuttgard/Wien, 113-128, 1983 19. GORIO A. and CARMIGNOTO G., Enhancing reinnervation of muscle by ganglioside treatment. In: Neuromuscular Diseases, eds. G. Serratrice et al. Raven Press, New York, 287-292, 1984 20. GORIO A., DI GREGORIO F., JANIGRO D., MARINI P., SILIPRANDI R., ZANONI R. and JONSSON G., Regenerative capacity of the nervous system, enhancement by exogenous gangliosides. In: Neuromodulation and Brain Function, eds. G. Biggio, P.F., Spano, G. Toffano, G.L. Gessa, Pergamon Press 48, 363-372, 1984 21. GORIO A., JANIGRO D. and ZANONI R., Neuritogenesis and regeneration in the nervous system. An overview of the problem and on the promoting action of ganglosides. In: Ganglioside Structure, Function and Biomedical Potential, eds. R.W.

Ledeen, R.K. Yu, M.M. Rapport and K. Suzuki, Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York, 465-473, 1984 22. GORIO A., APORTI F., DI GREGORIO F., SCHIAVINATO A., SILIPRANDI R. and VITADELLO M., Ganglioside treatment of genetic and alloxan-induced diabetic neuropathy. In: Ganglioside Structure, Function and Biomedical Potential, eds. R.W. Ledeen, R.K. Yu, M.M. Rapport and K. Suzuki, Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York, 549-564, 1984 23. DREYFUS H. FERRET B., HARTH S., GORIO A., FREYSZ L. and MASSARELLI R., Effect of exogenous gangliosides on the morphology and biochemistry of cultured neurons. In: Gangloside Structure, Function and Biomedical Potential, eds. R.W. Ledeen, R.K. Yu, M.M. Rapport and K. Suzuki, Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York, 513-524, 1984 24. GORIO A., CARMIGNOTO G., FUSCO M., DI GREGORIO F., JANIGRO D., VYSKOCIL F. and JONSSON G., Ganglioside and neuronal plasticity. In: Regulation of Transmitter Function: Basic and Clinical Aspects, eds. E.S. Vizi and K. Magyar, Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 395-397, 1984 25. MASSARELLI R., DURANT M., GORIO A. and DREYFUS H., Roles of Glycoconjugates in neuron to neuron interactions. In: Regulation of Transmitter Function: Basic and Clinical Aspects, eds. E.S. Vizi and K. Magyar, Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 405-408, 1984 26. JONSSON G., GORIO A., HALLMAN H., JANIGRO D., KOJIMA H. and ZANONI R., Effects of GM1 gangliosides in the postnatal development of monoamine neurons in rat CNS after neurotoxin damage in neonatal stage. In: Regulation of Transmitter Function: Basic and Clinical Aspects, eds. E.S. Vizi and K. Magyar, Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 559-562, 1984 27. PROSDOCIMI M., DI GIULIO A.M., FINESSO M. and GORIO A., Inhibitory role of opiates and ganglionic transmission. In: Central and Peripheral Endorphins: Basic and Clinical Aspects, eds. E.E. Muller and A.R. Genazzani, Raven Press, New York, 21126, 1984 28. GORIO A., Sprouting and regeneration of peripheral nerve. In: cellular Neurobiology: A Series. The Node of Ranvier, eds. J. Zagoren and S. Fedoroff, Academic Press, New York, 353-374, 1984 29. PROSDOCIMI M., TESSARI F., FINESSO M., GORIO A., DEJANA E., LANGUINO L.R., DEL MASCHIO A. and GAETANO G.: Prostacyclin and thromboxane levels during cardiac ischemia in dogs. In: Advance in Prostaglandin, Thromboxane and Leukotriene Research, ed. G.G. Neri-Serneri, Raven Press, new York, vol. 13, 93-96, 1985 30. DREYFUS H., MASSARELLI R., LOMBARD D., GORIO A., FREYSZ L. and DURAND M., Effects of exogenous gangliosides on morphology and biochemistry of neurons. In: Developmental Neuroscience: Physiological, Pharmacological and Clinical Aspects, eds. F. Caciagli, E. Giacobini, R. Paoletti, Elsevier/Biomedical Press; 27-32, 1984

31. FUSCO M., JONSSON G., HALLMAN H., ZANONI R. and GORIO A., Effects of monosialoganglioside GM1 on the regeneration of serotoninergic pathways lesioned at birth. In: Metabolism, H. Dreyfus, R. Massarelli, L. Freysz, G. Rebel eds., Inserm series, vol. 126, 599-610, 1984 32. SCHIAVINATO A., CANELLA R., MORANDIN A., NORIDO F. and GORIO A., Ganglioside treatment of experimental diabetic neuropathy. In: Cellular and Pathological Aspects of Glyco-conjugate Metabolism, H. Dreyfus, R. Massarelli, L. Freysz, G. Rebel eds., Inserm series, vol. 126, 561-574, 1984 33. DI GREGORIO F., VYSKOCIL F. and GORIO A., Effects of ganglioside on membrane ionic activities. In: Cellular and Pathological Aspects of Glyco-conjugate Metabolism, H. Dreyfus, R. Massarelli, L. Freysz, G. Rebel eds., Inserm series, vol. 126, 225-237, 1984 34. GORIO A., Plasticità neuronale nella neurologia riabilitativa. In: Neurologia Riabilitativa, Ed., M.M. Formica, Marrapese Editore, Roma, 61-110, 1985 35. PROSDOCIMI M., ZATTA A., DEJANA E. and GORIO A., Release di b-tiroboglobulina (BTG) e fattore piastrinico 4 (PF4) da piastrine umane in vitro. In: Le basi Razionali della Terapia, vol. XV, 2, 84-85, 1985 36. VITADELLO M., TRIBAN C., MARINI P., ZANONI R., FABRIS M. and GORIO A., Assessment of the regenerative capacity of peripheral nerve system. In: Celle biology and clinical management in functional electrosimulation of nerones and muscles, V. Carraro and C. Angelini eds., CLEUP, Padova, 5-7, 1985 37. DI GREGORIO F., SILIPRANDI R., LINI E., SCHIAVINATO A., ZANONI R. and GORIO A., Peripheral nerve regeneration and muscle reinnervation in experimental diabetes. A comparison between normal and alloxan trated rats. In: Clinical Neurophysiology in Peripheral Neuropathies, vol. I, Series “Restoration Neurology”, eds. P.J. Delwaide and A. Gorio, Elsevier Biomedical Press, Amsterdam, 1-22, 1985 38. GORIO A., DI GREGORIO F. and JANIGRO D., Gangliosides as potential repair agents after neuronal injury. In: Clinical Neurophysiology in Peripheral Neuropathies, vol. I, Series “Restoration Neurology”, eds. P.J. Delwaide and A. Gorio, Elsevier Biomedical Press, Amsterdam, 23-40, 1985 39. GORIO A., JANIGRO D., DI GREGORIO F. and JONSSON G., Gangliosides as reagents that promote synaptic plasticity and recovery of functions. In: Synaptic Plasticity, ed. C.W. Cotman, The Guilford Press, new York, 507-539, 1985 40. FIGLIOMENI B., FUSCO M., VANTINI G. and GORIO A., Monosialoganglioside GM1 antagonizes the alterations induced neonatally by 5,7-HT in the bulbo-spinal serotoninergic pathways. In: Modulation of central and peripheral transmitter function G. Biggio, P.S. Spano, G. Toffano and L. Gessa eds. Springer/Verlag, 611-621, 1985 41. DI GIULIO A.M., BORELLA F., PARENTI M., MANTEGAZZA P., ZANONI R., SCHIAVINATO A., VANTINI G. and GORIO A., Transganglionic intraspinal alterations of opioid peptides caused by lesions to peripheral nerves. In: Modulation of Central and

Peripheral Transmitter Function, G. Biggio, P.S. Spano, G. Toffano and L. Gessa eds., Symposia in Neuroscience, vol. 3, Liviana Press, Springer/Verlag, 537-534, 1986 42. VITADELLO M., TRIBAN C., MARINI P., ZANONI R., FABRIS M. and GORIO A., Assessment of the regenerative capacity of peripheral nervous system: enhancement of sprouting capacity by exogenous gangliosides. In: Electrical Stimulation and neuromuscular disordes, W.A. Nix and G. Vrbova eds., Spriger/verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, 75-79, 1986 43. GORIO A., VITADELLO M., SCHIAVINATO A., ZANONI R. and DI GREGORIO F., Effects of gangliosides on experimental peripheral neuropathy. In: Proceedings of WHO Training Course on Perpheral Neuropathies, “Les Maladies du Neurone Peripherique, ed. G. Serratrice. Campisi Press, Vicenza, 35-44, 1986 44. NUNZI M.G., MILAN F., POLATO P. and GORIO A., Gabaergic neurons and coexistence of GABA and neuropeptides in the hippocampal microcircuitry. In: Ion Channels in Neural Membranes, J.M. Ritchie, R.D., Keynes and L. Bolis eds., Alan R. Liss. New York, 333-345, 1986 45. PROSDOCIMI M., FINESSO M., GORIO A. and MALLIANI A., Neural transmissione in the stellate ganglion. In: Neural Mechanisms and Cardiovascular Disease. B. Lown, A. Malliani and M. Prosdocimi eds., Liviana Press, vol. 5, 109-118, 1986 46. TESSARI F., GORIO A. and PROSDOCIMI M., Effect of sympathetic stimulation on myocardial noradrenaline release. In: Neural Mechanisms and Cardiovascular Disease. B. Lown, A. Malliani and M. Prosdocimi eds., Liviana Press, vol. 5, 615-616, 1986 47. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M., YOUNG W., GRUNER J., BLIGHT A., DE CRESCITO V., DONA’ M., LAZZARO A., FIGLIOMENI B., FUSCO M., HALLMAN H., JONSSON G., PANOZZO C., ZANONI R. and VANTINI G., GM1 effects on chemical, traumatic and peripheral nerve induced lesions to the spinal cord. In: Development and Plasticity of the Mammalian Spinal Cord, M.E. Goldeberger, A; Gorio and M. Murray eds., Liviana Press, Pringer/Verlag, 227-242, 1986 48. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M. and MANTEGAZZA P., A review on the gabaergic microcircuits in the hippocampus and cortex. In: Receptors in Pharmacology, A. Alessandri and S. Fumero eds., RBM, Ivrea, 189-196, 1986 49. SILIPRANDI R., CONSOLO S., DI GREGORIO F., LADINSKY H., SCOZZESI C. ZANONI R. and GORIO A., Studies on the synaptic function in muscle after nerve crush in normal and diabetic rats. In: Dynamics of Cholinergic Functions, ed. I. Hanin Plenum Press, 365-374, 1986 50. VANTINI G., FIGLIOMENI B., ZANONI R., GORIO A., JONSSON G. and FUSCO M., Effect of GM1 on the alterations induced by selective neurotoxins in the devoloping CNS. In: Gangliosides and neuronal plasticity, G. Tettamanti, R.W. Ledeen, K. Sandhoff, Y. Nagai and G. Toffano eds., Liviana Press, Padova, vol. 6, 415-425, 1986 51. GORIO A. and DI GIULIO A.M., Neuronal repair processes enhanced by membrane triggered events. In: Metabolism and development of the nervous system, S. Tucek ed., J. Wiley and Sons, Chichester, 229-231, 1987

52. GORIO A. and VITADELLO M., Ganglioside prevention of neuronal functional decay. In: Progress in Brain Research, vol; 71, F.J. Seil, E. Herbert and B.M. Carlson eds., Elsevier Science Publishers, vol. 71, 203-208, 1987 53. GORIO A., Gangliosides and functional recovery of injured nervous system. In: Gangliosides and modulation of neuronal function, H; Rahmann ed. NATO ASI Series, vol. H7, 561, 1987 54. DI GIULIO A.M., GORIO A., CARRUBA M.O. and MANTEGAZZA P., Neurotrasmettitori e ischemia cerebrale. In: Coma postanossico: un approccio multidisciplinare, C. Morosini ed., A.RI.CO., Milano, 143-148, 1987 55. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M. and MANTEGAZZA P., Le conseguenze patofisiologiche del trauma cranico e spinale e la riparazione neuronale. In: Coma postanossico: un approccio multidisciplinare, C. Morosini ed., A.RI.CO., Milano, 133-142, 1987 56. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M. and MANTEGAZZA P., La plasticità neuronale ed il trauma cranico; basi sperimentali per lo sviluppo di interventi terapeutici. In: Recenti acquisizioni in traumatologia cranica, L. Beretta and R. Massei eds., System Editoriale, Milano, 220-228, 1987 57. GORIO A., MARINI P. and VITADELLO M., Acetylcholinesterase axonal transport is impaired in alloxan-diabetic rats. In: Metabolism and development of the nervous system, S. Tucek ed., J. Wiley and Sons, Chichester, 241-243, 1987 58. GORIO A., YOUNG W., DE CRESCITO V., MANNAVOLA A. and DI GIULIO A.M., Ganglioside treatment of experimental brain injury. In: Neural Development and Regeneration, A. Gorio, J. R. Perez-Polo, J. de Vellis and B. Haber eds., NATO ASI Series H. vol. 22, 481-490, 1988 59. DI GIULIO A.M., MANNAVOLA A., TENCONI B., MANTEGAZZA P and GORIO A., Role of factors intrinsic and extrinsic to CNS regulating intraspinal degenerative atrophy following sciatic nerve injury. In: Neural Development and Regeneration, A. Gorio, J. R. Perez-Polo, J. de Vellis and B. Haber eds., NATO ASI Series H. vol. 22, 377-384, 1988 60. GORIO A., Gangliosides as a possible treatment affecting neuronal repair processes. In: Advances in Neurology, vol. 47, S.G. WAXMAN ed., Raven press, New York, 523530, 1988 61. GORIO A. and DI GIULIO A.M., Ganglioside treatment and post-lesion neural plasticity. A unifying theory on ganglioside mechanism of action. In: Post-Lesion neural plasticity, H. Flohr ed., Springer/verlag, BerlinHeidelberg, 645-653, 1988 62. GORIO A. and CATTABENI F., Regeneration of the nervous system. In: The necessity of animal experimentation for safety and biomedical progress, Comité European pour la defense de l’experimentation animale, J. Bridges, J.R. Claude, L. Cittanova, S. Garattini, K.J. Netter, D.W. Van Bekkum eds., 105-132., 1989

63. GORIO A., CATTABENI F., DI GIULIO A.M. and YOUNG W., Brain reactive processes triggered by permanent ischemic insult. In: Advances in the Biosciences, G. Biggio and G.L. Gessa eds., Plenum Press, New York, 78, 29-34, 1990 64. GORIO A., TENCONI B., ZONTA N., MANTEGAZZA P. and DI GIULIO A.M., Reactive sprouting (pruning effect) is altered in the brain of rats perinatally exposed to morphine. In: Plasticity and regeneration of the nervous system, A. Privat, Timiras P.S., Giacobini E., Lauder J.M., Vernadakis A. (EDS), pp. 61-67, 1991 65. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M. and MANTEGAZZA P., Experimental models for the evalutation of drugs active on neuronal plasticity. In: Biological Psychiatry, vol. 2, Racagni G., Brunello N., Fukuda T. eds., Excerpta Medica, pp. 192-198, 1991 66. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B., DONADONI M.L., BERTELLI A., PUGLISI L., PINNA C. and MANTEGAZZA P., The diabetic autonomic dystrophy of the gut. In: Natural drugs and the digestive tract, F. Capasso and N. Mascolo eds. EMSI, Roma, pp. 167-171, 1992 67. PINNA C., GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M. and PUGLISI L., Prostaglandin-induced responses of gastric fundus, ileum and urinary bladder smooth muscle are altered in alloxan-diabetic rats. In: Natural drugs and the digestive tract, F. Capasso and N. Mascolo eds., EMSI, Roma, pp. 159-166, 1992 68. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M. and MANTEGAZZA P., Historical bases for an introduction to neuroregeneration. In: Neuroregeneration, Gorio A. ed., Raven Press, New York, pp. 1-5, 1993 69. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M. and MANTEGAZZA P., Pharmacology of neuronal regeneration. In: Neuroregeneration, Gorio A. ed., Raven Press, New York, pp. 289320, 1993 70. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M. and MANTEGAZZA P., Future directions on neroregeneration research. In: Neuroregeneration, Gorio A. ed., Raven Press, New York, pp. 321-323, 1993 71. GORIO A. and DI GIULIO A.M., Neuroregeneration as repair mechanism in brain injuries. Pharmacological role of growth-promoting factors. In: Novel therapies for CNS injures. Rationales and results. J.W. Phillis and P.L. Peterson eds.,CRC Press, Chicago, USA, pp 273-290, 1995 72. GORIO A., DONADONI M.L., FINCO C. and DI GIULIO A.M., Endogenous mono-ADPribosylation in retina and peripheral nervous system. Effects of diabetes. In: Biological significance of mono-ADP-ribosylation in animal tissues, F. Haag and F. Koch-Nolte eds., Plenum Press, New York, 1997, 289-295 73. GORIO A. and DI GIULIO A.M., Black widow spider venenom. Presynaptic neurotoxins and tools for studying neurotrasmitters release. In: Experimental and clinical neurotoxicology, second edition, P.S. Spencer and H.S. Schaumburg eds., Oxford University Press, New Jersey, USA, 2001


Gorio A., Madaschi L., Di Stefano B., Gervasi N. M., Di Giulio A.M. (2003) Regeneration versus attenuation of secondary degeneration: new perspectives in spinal cord injury. Proceedings 11th National Congress So.Mi. Par. and European Meeting I.S.Co.S. , May 21-24, Genova

75. GORIO A., Fate of stem cells after transplantation into the spinal cord, Atti del Symposium on “La lesione midollare: stato dell’arte e nuovi orizzonti”, AUSL 6 Palermo, June 10-12, 2003 76. Gorio A., Nuove prospettive nella rigenerazione midollare, Atti del Convegno su “ Informazione: la cultura nell’informazione e formazione per il miglioramento della performance”. ULSS n 6 Vicenza, Ospedale San Bortolo, Vicenza, 12 Dicembre, 2003 77. Gorio A., Fisiopatologia della lesione midollare da trauma, Atti del Corso di Aggiornamento “ Trattamento Globale del Traumatizzato Vertebro-Midollare Acuto”, CTO-AO Careggi, Firenze, 23-24 Gennaio, 2004 78. Gorio A., Farmacologia della lesione midollare, Atti del Corso di aggiornamento “ Il Percorso Assistenziale Riabilitativo del Trauma Vertebro-Midollare nell’Area dell’Emergenza”, AO Ospedale Niguarda Ca’ Granda - Unità Spinale Unipolare, 20 - 21 Febbraio, 2004 79. Gorio A., Madaschi L.,. di Stefano B, May Gervasi N., Paratore S., and Di Giulio A. M., La ricerca scientifica ed il recupero funzionale dopo lesione midollare: speranze e realtà, in “ La Riabilitazione delle mielolesioni” , editore P. Bonavita, Edizioni Masson, Milano, 2004 , in press 80. Gorio A. , Di Giulio A.M. Recupero funzionale dopo la lesione traumatica acuta del midollo spinale. Potenzialità dei trattamenti farmacologici acuti e del trapianto di cellule staminali. Blue Book 200 Risposte alla Mielolesione, in press 2004

Scientific Articles on Italian Press 1. GORIO A., CATTABENI F. and DI GIULIO A.M., Patogenesi molecolare e cellulare dell’ischemia cerebrale: conseguenze e prevenzione farmacologica. Rass. Clin. Sci. 63, 3-7, 1988 2. ABBRACCHIO M.P., CATTABENI F., DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B., PAOLETTI A.M. and GORIO A., Diabete sperimentale e alterazioni G trasduzioali nel sistema nervoso centrale. Boll. Aggiorn. Neuropsicofarmacol., 32, 1990

Abstract for Scientific Meetings 1. GORIO A., RAGAZZI M., PELUCHETTI D., Influence of tetracaine, hexobarbital and calcium on artificial lipid membrane permeability. 1 st Meeting Italian Society of Biophysics, Camogli, Giugno 1973 2. GORIO A., CECCARELLI B., FRONTALI N., MAURO A., SIEKEVITZ P., HURLBUT W.P., Purification and charachterization of the active components from black widow spider venom. 5th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New York, October 15-18 1975 3. GORIO A., CECCARELLI B., HURLBUT W.P.. Mechanisms of acetylcholine release at the neuromuscular junction. Cold Spring Harbour Symposium on “Synaptic Transmission”, Cold Spring Harbour, June, 1976 4. GORIO A., CECCARELLI B., HURLBUT W.P.. Quantal and non-quantal release of acetylcholine at mammalian neuromuscular junction. 6 th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Toronto, October 22-26 1976 5. GORIO A., MAURO A.. Action of black widow spider venom on vertebrate and invertebrate synapses. Columbia University Symposium on “Chemical Synaptic Transmission”, Bear Mountains Lodge, New York, June, 1977 6. GORIO A., RUBIN L.L., MAURO A.. Double mode of action of black widow spider venom., Los Angeles, October 19-23 1977 7. GORIO A., RUBIN L.L., MAURO A.. Cellular and electrophysiological effects of black widow spider venom. Meeting of the Society for Cell Biology, San Diego, October 2630 1977 8. GORIO A., Mauro A.. Black widow spider venom mode of action. “Neutoxins: tools in Neurobiology”, Venice, July 1978 9. Gorio A., Mauro A. Reversebility of black widow spider venom action. 8 th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, St.Louis, November 1978 10. GORIO A., Receptors innervation and neurotransmitter release Microphysiology of chemical synapses. 1st International Colloquium on Receptors and Peptide, Capri 1318 Maggio 1979 11. CARMIGNOTO G. FINESSO M., TREDESE L. and GORIO A., Transmitter release mechanism during the early stages of innervation of a fast twitch muscle of the rat. Effects of ganglioside treatment. International Conference on Biological Membranes, Crans-sur-Sierre, 11-16 Giugno 1979 12. CARMIGNOTO G., FINESSO M. and GORIO A., Maturation of transmitter release during the early stages of the EDL reinnervation. 31° Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Fisiologia, L’Aquila, 27-29 Settembre 1979

13. GORIO A., Muscle innervation and reinnervation as a model for development and specificity of neuronal connections. Study Group on Peripheral Neuropathy, Geneve, 14 Ottobre 1979 14. GORIO A., Modelli sperimentali per lo studio della rigenerazione nervosa nella neuropatia periferica. Uno studio sull’azione riparatoria dei gangliosidi. Tavola Rotonda “La Rigenerazione Nervosa nella Neuropatia Periferica”, Roma, 4 Febbraio 1980 15. GORIO A., FINESSO M. and CARMIGNOTO G., Histochemical and electrophysiological study of the reinnervation process of the fast twitch muscle of the rat. Effects of ganglioside treatment. International Symposium on Cholinergic Mechanisms, Firenze, 11-15 maggio 1980 16. GORIO A., CARMIGNOTO G., FINESSO M., CARMIGNOTO G., LEON A., MARINI P., TREDESE L. and ZANONI R., Termini di correlazioni elettrofisiologiche e morfologiche della reinnervazione neuromuscolare nel ratto. Il ruolo dei gangliosidi nello sprouting dei nervi motori. Tavola Rotonda “Neuropatie Diabetiche”, Roma, 21 marzo 1980 17. GORIO A., Studi sulla reinnervazione del muscolo. Tavola Rotonda “Neuropatie Periferiche”, Chianciano Terme, 22 marzo 1980 18. GORIO A., Electrophysiological and histochemical characteristic of the reinnervation of the EDL muscle of the rat. Round Table, Geneve, 26 marzo 1980 19. GORIO A., La riformazione ed il mantenimento del contatto neuromuscolare nella rigenerazione nervosa. Tavola Rotonda “Esperienze Terapeutiche con Farmaci Neurospecifici”, Acireale, 9 -10 maggio 1980 20. GORIO A., FERRARI G., FABRIS and VICINI S., The use of animal models and cultured human biopsies to study disease mechanisms and eventual theraphies. The case of ganglioside treatment. Swiss-italina EMG Meeting, Capri, 29-31 maggio 1980 21. GORIO A., Electrophysiological and morphological charachteristics of the innervation rat muscles. Ist Meeting of the International Society for Developmental Neuroscience, Strasbourg, 14 luglio 1980 22. CARMIGNOTO G., FINESSO M. and GORIO A., Electrophysiological and morphological correlates of the reinnervation of rat neuromuscular components such as gangliosides in the motor nerve sprouting. 1st Meeting of the International Society for Developmental Neuroscience, Strasbourg, 14 luglio 1980 23. GORIO A., The neuromuscular regeneration as repairing model in peripheral neuropathies: pharmacological aspects of gangliosides. International Symposium on peripheral neuropathies. Clinical and Epidemiological Aspect and Therapeutical Views, Rio de Janeiro, 25-26 agosto 1980 24. CARMIGNOTO G., FINESSO M. and GORIO A., The reinnervation process in mammalian muscle. Possible role of gangliosides in the sprouting phenomenon. 3rd Meeting of the European Society for Neurochemistry, Bled, 31 agosto 5 settembre 1980

25. GORIO A., ACh release and synaptic vesicles. 3rd ESN-workshop on the Current Status of the Vescicular Hypothesis for ACh Release, Bled, 31 agosto-5 settembre 1980 26. GORIO A., Plasticità nella reinnervazione del muscolo di mammifero. Riunione Società Italiana di Biochimica su Flusso Assoplasmatico, Bologna, 23 settembre 1980 27. GORIO A., Neuronal regeneration in peripheral neuropathies: dependence on an endogenous stimulus and membrane components such as gangliosides. 16a Riunione Sezione di Neuropatologia della S.I.N., Milano, 26 Settembre 1980 28. GORIO A. and CARMIGNOTO G., Reformation, maturation and stabilization of the neuromuscular junctions in peripheral nerve regeneration. The possible role of exogenous gangliosides on determining motoneurons sprouting. International Symposium on Post-Traumatic peripheral Nerve Regeneration, Padova, 16-18 ottobre 1980 29. GORIO A., CARMIGNOTO G. and FINESSO M., Electrophysiological and morphological correlates of the reinnervation of rat muscles. Implications on the role of membrane components such as gangliosides in the motor nerve sprouting. 10th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Cincinnati, 8-9 novembre 1980 30. GORIO A., Application of new therapeutical agents in the treatment of peripheral neuropathies. Task Force-WHO Studyng Group on Peripheral Neuropathies, Geneve, 13-15 novembre 1980 31. GORIO A., CARMIGNOTO G. and FERRARI G., Axon sprouting stimulated by gangliosides: a new model for elongation and sprouting. Two days International Symposium on Gangliosides in Neurological and Neuromuscular Functions, Development and Repair, New York, 17-18 novembre 1980 32. GORIO A., APORTI F., NORIDO F. and CANELLA R., Gangliosides treatment in experimental diabetic neuropathy. Two Days International Symposium on Gangliosides in Neurological and Neuromuscular Functions, Development and Repair, New York, 17-18 novembre 1980 33. GORIO A., The role of axoplasmic transport in the restoration of synaptic transmission and in the process of sprouting during nerve regeneration. Workshop on Axoplasmic Transport, Schloss-Elmau Bavaria, 27 aprile - 2 maggio 1981 34. GORIO A., La neurobiologia della riparazione neuronale. Aggiornamenti Scientifici di Neurobiologia, Bologna, 9 maggio 1981 35. GORIO A., CARMIGNOTO G., NUNZI M.G. and DI GIAMBERARDINO L., The role of axonal transport in the restoration of ACh release mechanisms in peripheral nerve regeneration. 2nd Capo Boi Conference on Neuroscience, CapoBoi, 7-10 giugno 1981 36. GORIO A., NUNZI M.G., POLATO P. and ZANONI R., Synapse formation and regression in muscle reinnervation. An evaluation of endogenous and exogenous influences on nerve regeneratio. International Conference on Biological Membrane, Crans-sur-Sierre, 15-19 giugno 1981

37. LEON A., TOFFANO G., GORIO A. and FERRARI G., Ganglioside and neuronal differentiation. International Conference on Biological Membrane, Crans-sur-Sierre, 1519 giugno 1981 38. GORIO A., CARMIGNOTO G., FERRARI G., NORIDO F., NUNZI M.G., RUBINI R. and ZANONI R., Pharmacological aspects of experimental peripheral neuropathies. WHOInternational Conference on Peripheral Neuropathies, Madrid, 24-25 giugno 1981 39. PROSDOCIMI M., BERTOLINO M., FINESSO M. and GORIO A., Cardiovascular actions of coumarin derivatives: a review. Congresso Hearing on Vasoactive Drugs Cerebrovascular and Peripherally Active Agents, Roma, 6-7 luglio 1981 40. GORIO A., CARMIGNOTO G., FERRARI G., FINESSO M. and NUNZI M.G., The neurobiology of the regenerating motor neuron. 15th World Congress of S.I.C.O.T., Rio de Janeiro, 30 agosto - 4 settembre 1981 41. CARMIGNOTO G., FINESSO M. and GORIO A., Gradual recovery of transmitter release mechanisms during the regeneration of rat neuromuscular junction. International Summer school of Brain Research, Amsterdam, 31 agosto-4 settembre 1981 42. GORIO A., FINESSO M., CARMIGNOTO G. and NUNZI M.G., Electrophysiological and morphological correlates of neuromuscular junction regeneration after peripheral nerve injury. International Society for Neurochemistry - Satellite Symposium on Central Nervous System Regeneration, Taormina, 1-5 settembre 1981 43. FERRARI G., FABRIS M. and GORIO A., Influence of gangliosides on PC12 neurite outgrowth. International Society for Nuerochemistry - Satellite Symposium on Central Nervous System Regeneration, Taormina, 1-5 settembre 1981 44. DI GIAMBERARDINO L., COURAUD J.Y. and GORIO A., Axonal transport of AChE in regeneration of sciatic nerve. International Society for Neurochemistry - Satellite Symposium on Central Nervous System Regeneration, Taormina, 1-5 settembre 1981 45. GORIO A., NORIDO F. CANELLA R. and ZANONI R., Effect of exogenous monosialoganglioside (GM1) on the ouabain induced retinopathy and optic neuropathy in the rabbit. 4th European Conference on Visual Perception, Gouvieux, 8-11 settembre 1981 46. GORIO A., Neuronal plasticity in experimental diabetic neuropathies. 12th World Congress on Neurology, Kyoto, 20-25 settembre 1981 47. GORIO A., CARMIGNOTO G., FINESSO M., DI GIAMBERARDINO L., COURAUD J.Y. and NUNZI M.G., Plasticità sinaptica nella rigenerazione nervosa e nella reinnervazione. 13° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Microscopia Elettronica, Firenze, 30 settembre-3 ottobre 1981 48. GORIO A., CARMIGNOTO G., FINESSO M., DI GIAMBERARDINO L., COURAUD J.Y. and NUNZI M.G., Formazione e repressione sinaptica nella rigenerazione del

nervo periferico. 12° Congresso della Società Italiana di Medicina Fisica e Riabilitazione, Castelvecchio-Pascoli (Lucca), 8-11 ottobre 1981 49. GORIO A., CARMIGNOTO G., FINESSO M., DI GIAMBERARDINO L., COURAUD J.Y. and NUNZI M.G., Electrophysiological, morphological and biochemical correlates of neuromuscular junction reformation in rat peripheral nerve regeneration. 11th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Los Angeles, 18-23 ottobre 1981 50. NORIDO F., CANELLA R. and GORIO A., Ganglioside treatment of neuropathy in the diabetic mouse. International Symposium on Diabetes and its Late Complications: New Prospects, Taormina-Giardini, 28-31 Ottobre 1981 51. GORIO A., Treatment of experimental neuropathy with gangliosides. Polyneuropathies - Symposium, Wien, 6-7 novembre 1981 52. FERRARI G., GORIO A. and FABRIS M., Influence of gangliosides on PC12 neurite outgrowth. 21st Annual Meeting of the American Society of the cell Biology, Anheim, 913 novembre 1981 53. GORIO A., Basic mechanisms of peripheral neuropathies. WHO Conference on Peripheral Neuropathies, Ibadan (Nigeria), 24-25 febbraio 1982 54. GORIO A., Endogenous and exogenous interferences in motoneurons plasticity. Round Table UCLAF on Molecular Mechanisms in the Formation of the Nerve Muscle Junction, Paris, 4-5 marzo 1982 55. GORIO A., CARMIGNOTO G. MARINI P and NUNZI M.G., La plasticità neuronale nella rigenerazione e reinnervazione: fattori intrinseci ed estrinseci. I Convegno Nazionale di Biologia Cellulare, Rimini, 29-31 marzo 1982 56. FERRARI G., FABRIS M. and GORIO A., Influenza dei gangliosidi sui fenomeni di differenziamento e rigenerazione di PC12 in vitro. I Convegno Nazionale di Biologia Cellulare, Rimini, 29-31 marzo 1982 57. VITADELLO M., COURAUD J.Y., HASSIG R., GORIO A. and DI GIABERARDINO L., Trasporto assonale delle forme molecolari dell’acetilcolinesterasi nel nervo sciatico del topo C57BL/ks (db/db). I Convegno Nazionale di Biologia Cellulare, Rimini, 29-31 marzo 1982 58. FERRARI G., FABRIS M. and GORIO A., PC12 neurite outgrowth increased by gangliosides. 1st World Congress of the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO), Lausanne, 31 marzo-6 aprile 1982 59. GORIO A., Neuromuscular plasticity in peripheral neuropathy. 1st World Congress of the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO), Lausanne, 31 marzo-6 aprile 1982 60. DI GIAMBERARDINO L., VITADELLO M., COURAUD J.Y., HASSIG R. and GORIO A., Axonal transport of acetylcholinesterase molecular forms in sciatic nerve of the diabetic mouse. 1st World Congress of the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO), Lausanne, 31 marzo-6 aprile 1982

61. PROSDOCIMI M., BERTOLINO M., FINESSO M. and GORIO A., AD6, A new coumarinic derivative. Action on guinea pig heart. 21° Congresso della Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Napoli, 2-5 giugno 1982 62. BERTOLINO M., PROSDOCIMI M. and GORIO A., Adenosine effect on guinea pig sino-atrial node. 21° Congresso della Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Napoli, 2-5 giugno 1982 63. GORIO A., CARMIGNOTO G., MARINI P., NUNZI M.G. and ZANONI R., Exogenous gangliosides stimulate neuronal plasticity in regeneration and reinnervation. 21° Congresso della Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Napoli, 2-5 giugno 1982 64. GORIO A., CARMIGNOTO G., FERRARI G., MARINI P. and NUNZI M.G., Plasticity in neuronal regeneration. Implications for the role of exogenous gangliosides. 3rd International Meeting of International Society for Developmental Neuroscience, Patras, 4-8 luglio 1982 65. FERRARI G., FABRIS M. and GORIO A., Ganglioside influence on PC12 differentiation and regeneration. 3rd International Meeting of International Society for Developmental Neuroscience, Patras, 4-8 luglio 1982 66. DI GIAMBERARDINO L., COURAUD J.Y., CARMIGNOTO G. and GORIO A., Biochemical and electrophysiological correlates of nerve muscle interaction in peripheral nerve regeneration. 3rd International Meeting of International Society for Developmental Neuroscience, Patras, 4-8 luglio 1982 67. GORIO A., CARMIGNOTO G., MARINI P. and NUNZI M.G., Promoting muscle reinnervation by stimulating neuronal sprouting capacity. 5th International Congress on Neuromuscular Disease, Marseille, 12-17 settembre 1982 68. NUNZI M.G., CARMIGNOTO G., FINESSO M and GORIO A., Synapse formation and repression in muscle reinnervation. 4th Meeting of European Society for Neurochemistry, Catania, 12-18 settembre 1982 69. NORIDO F., CANELLA R. and GORIO A., Involvement of exogenous monosialoganglioside (GM1) on the rabbit visual system in normal and pathological situations. 4th Meeting of European Society for Neurochemistry, Catania, 12-18 settembre 1982 70. FERRARI G., FABRIS M. and GORIO A., Ganglioside influence on neuronal differentiation and regeneration in vitro. 4th Meeting of European Society for Neurochemistry, Catania, 12-18 settembre 1982 71. GORIO A., Enhancement of neuronal plasticity as a repair mechanism to a CNS. International Symposium on Advance in Neurotraumatology, Milano, 11-13 ottobre 1982 72. GORIO A., MARINI P. and ZANONI R., Motoneuron sprouting capacity, enhancement by exogenous gangliosides. 12th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Minneapolis, 31 ottobre-5 novembre 1982

73. NUNZI M.G., GORIO A., SMITH A.D. and SOMOGYI P., A specific interneuron forming synapses with the axon initial segment of pyramidal cells in monkey hippocampus. 12th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Minneapolis, 31 ottobre-5 novembre 1982 74. GORIO A., MARINI P., ZANONI R. and NUNZI M.G., Motoneuron collateral regeneration enhancement by exogenous gangliosides. 22nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology, Baltimore, 30 novembre-4 dicembre 1982 75. GORIO A., Neuronal plasticity in central nervous system. 1st International Workshop on Para and Tetralpagia, Milano, 10-12 dicembre 1982 76. GORIO A., A new therapeutic approach in peripheral neuropathies. OMS Conference: Gangliosidos on nuevo enfoque terapeutico en neuropatias perifericas, Buenos Aires, 12 aprile 1983 77. PROSDICIMI M., TESSARI F., FINESSO M., ZATTA A., GORIO A., DEJANA E., LANGUINO L.R., DEL MASCHIO A., DE GAETANO G., AD6 antagonizes intravascular platelet aggregation induced by coronary artery stenosis in the dog. Scandinavian Pharmacological Society & Italian Pharmacological Society, Taormina, 25-28 aprile 1983 78. PROSDICIMI M., FINESSO M., ZATTA A., GORIO A., DEJANA E., LANGUINO L.R., DEL MASCHIO A., DE GAETANO G., Metabolism of arachidonic acid during intracoronaric platelet aggregation induced by artery stenosis in the dog. Scandinavian Pharmacological Society & Italian Pharmacological Society, Taormina, 25-28 aprile 1983 79. GORIO A., Process of nerve regeneration and muscle innervation. Restorative neurology in the Central and Peripheral Nervous System, Venezia, 24-26 maggio 1983 80. GORIO A., Regenerative capacity of the nervous tissue. 3rd Capo Boi Conference on neuroscience, Villasimius, 29 maggio-2 giugno 1983 81. CARMIGNOTO G., GORIO A., BISTI S. and MAFFEI L., Can functional reorganization of area 17 following a delayed monocular deprivation in the cat be modified by GM1 treatment, 3rd Capo Boi Conference on Neuroscience, Villasimius, 29 maggio-2 giugno 1983 82. SCHIAVINATO A., CANELLA R., NORIDO F., ZANONI R. and GORIO A., The development of diabetic neuropathy in the C57BL:ks (db/db) mouse and its treatment with gangliosides. 3rd Capo Boi Conference on Neuroscience, Villasimius, 29 maggio-2 giugno 1983 83. DI GREGORIO F., SILIPRANDI R., ZANONI R. and GORIO A., Nerve regeneration and muscle reinnervation in the alloxan diabetic. 3rd Capo Boi Conference on Neuroscience, Villasimius, 29 maggio-2 giugno 1983 84. PRODICIMI M., DI GIULIO A.M. FINESSO M. and GORIO A., Do enkephalins have a role on the regulation of cardiovascular functions? 3rd Capo Boi Conference on Neuroscience, Villasimius, 29 maggio-2 giugno 1983

85. NUNZI M.G., GORIO A., SMITH A.D. and SOMOGYI P., A specific type of interneuron forming synapses esclusively with the axon initial segment of pyramidal cells in monkey hippocampus. 3rd Capo Boi Conference on Neuroscience, Villasimius, 29 maggio-2 giugno 1983 86. VITADELLO M., FILLIATREAU G., DUPONT J.L., HASSIG R., GORIO A. and DI GIAMBERARDINO L., Altered axonal transport of cytoskeletal proteins in the diabetic mutant mouse. The Cell Biology of Neuronal Plasticity Meeting, Villasimius, 6-10 giugno 1983 87. GORIO A., Modification of neuronal plasticity by gangliosides. The Cell Biology of Neuronal Plasticity Meeting, Villasimius, 6-10 giugno 1983 88. CARMIGNOTO G. GORIO A., BISTI S. and MAFFEI L., Can functional reorganization of area 17 following a delayed monocular deprivation in the cat be modified by GM1 treatment? The Cell Biology of Neuronal Plasticity Meeting, Villasimius, 6-10 giugno 1983 89. DI GREGORIO F., SILIPRANDI R., ZANONI R. and GORIO A., Nerve regeneration and muscle reinnervation in the alloxan diabetic rat. The Cell Biology of Neuronal Plasticity Meeting, Villasimius, 6-10 giugno 1983 90. DREYFUS H., GORIO A., FERRET B., HOFFMAN D., DAINOUS F., FREYSZ L. and MASSARELLI R., Morphological and Neurochemical changes induced by exogenous gangliosides in neuronal membranes. The Cell Biology of Neuronal Plasticity Meeting, Villasimius, 6-10 giugno 1983 91. NUNZI M.G., GORIO A., SMITH A.D. and SOMOGYI P., A specific type of interneuron forming synapses esclusively with the axon initial segment of pyramidal cells in monkey hippocampus. The Cell Biology of Neuronal Plasticity Meeting, Villasimius, 6-10 giugno 1983 92. PRODOCIMI M., TESSARI F., FINESSO M., ZATTA A., GORIO A., DEJANA E., LANGUINO L.R., DEL MASCHIO A. and DE GAETANO G., Coronary artery stenosis in the dog. Intravascular platelet aggregatin, 6-keto-PGF-1-alpha and TXB2 determinations. 9th International Congress on Trombosis and Haemostasis, Stockholm, 3-8 luglio 1983 93. GORIO A., NORIDO F., CANELLA R. and ZANONI R., The development of diabetic neuropathy in the C57BL:ks (db/db) mouse and its treatment with gangliosides. Peripheral Nerve Study Group, Fontevraud, 5-8 luglio 1983 94. DI GIAMBERARDINO L., VITADELLO M., FILLIATREAU G., COURAUD J.Y. and GORIO A., Impaired slow axonal transport in the peripheral neuropathy in the diabetic mutant mouse. Peripheral Nerve Study Group, Fontevraud, 5-8 luglio 1983 95. GORIO A., NORIDO F., CANELLA R. and ZANONI R., The development of diabetic neuropathy in the C57BL/ks (db/db) mouse and its treatment with gangliosides. International Society for Neurochemistry - Satellite Meeting Gangliosides Structure, Function and Biomedical Potential, Parksville, 6-10 luglio 1983

96. GORIO A., DI GIAMBERARDINO L., NORIDO F., SCHIAVINATO A. and VITADELLO M., In diabetic neuropathy changes of conduction velocity preceed alteration in axonal tranport. implications for the pharmacological effect of gangliosides. 9th Meeting International Society for Neurochemistry, Vancouver, 10-15 luglio 1983 97. BERTOLINO M., PROSDOCIMI M. and GORIO A., Functional antagonism of adenosine and catecholamines on action potentials of sino-atrial mode. 11th Congress International Society for Heart Research, London, 11-14 luglio 1983 98. PROSDICIMI M., DI GIULIO A.M., FINESSO M. and GORIO A., Enkephalins are present in the cat stellate ganglia and may inhibit neurotrasmission. The Pharmacologist, Philadelphia, 7-11 agosto 1983 99. VITADELLO M., FILLIATREAU G., DUPONT J.L., HASSIG R., GORIO A. and DI GIAMBERARDINO L., Altered axonal transposrt of cytoskeletal proteins in the diabetic mouse C57BL:ks (db/db). 2dn Meeting European Cytoskeletal club, Siena, 1-3 settembre 1983 100. DI GREGORIO F., SILIPRANDI R., ZANONI R. and GORIO A., Nerve regeneration and reinnervation in experimental diabetes. 7th European Neuroscience Congress, Hamburg 12-16 settembre 1983 101. CARMIGNOTO G., GORIO A., BISTI S. and MAFFEI L., Can functional reorganization of area 17 following a delayed monocular deprivation in the cat be modified by GM1 treatment? 7th European Neuroscience Congress, Hamburg 12-16 settembre 1983 102. PROSDICIMI M., DI GIULIO A.M., FINESSO M. and GORIO A., Inhibitory role of opiates on ganglionic transmission. 1st International Meeting of the Italian Society for Endocrinology. Recent Progress in Opioid Research. Second Section: Central and Peripheral Endorphins. Basic and Clinical Aspects, Viareggio 6-8 ottobre 1983 103. GORIO A., DI GREGORIO F., CANELLA R., SCHIAVINATO A., SILIPRANDI R., NORIDO F., ZANONI R. and VITADELLO M., Treatment with gangliosides of the alteration in neuronal conduction velocity, regeneration and transport in diabetic neuropathy. 13th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Boston, 6-11 novembre 1983 104. JONSSON G., KOJIMA H. and GORIO A., Effect of GM1 gangliosides on monoamine neurotoxin induced alteration of the postnatal development of noradrenaline and serotonin neurons. 13th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Boston, 6-11 novembre 1983 105. CARMIGNOTO G., CANELLA R., COMELLI C., GORIO A. and BISTI S., Functional and morphological reorganization of area 17 and lateral geniculute nucleus following monocular deprivation in GM1 treated cats. 13th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Boston, 6-11 novembre 1983 106. PROSDOCIMI M., TESSARI F., FINESSO M., GORIO A., DEJANA E., LANGUINO R., DEL MASCHIO A. and DE GAETANO G., Prostacyclin and thromboxane during

cardiac ischemia in the dog. Platelets, Prostaglandins and Cardiovascular System. An International Meeting, Firenze, 8-11 febbraio 1984 107. TESSARI F., PROSDOCIMI M. and GORIO A., A model for studyng in vitro sympathetic stimulation of the heart; electrochemical detection (ED) of endogenous noradrenaline outflow. 68th Annual Meeting of FASEB, St Louis, 1-6 aprile 1984 108. GORIO A., DI GREGORIO F., FUSCO M., JONSSON G., JANIGRO D., VYSCOCIL F. and ZANONI R., Gangliosides and their effect on rearranging peripheral and central neural pathways. International Symposium on central Nervous System Trauma: Restoration, Plasticity, Regeneration, San Francisco, 20-23 maggio 1984 109. GORIO A., FUSCO M., DI GREGORIO F., JANIGRO D. and JONSSON G., Sprouting and regeneration in adult and developing central nervous system are enhanced by GM1 treatment. International Symposium on Processes of Recovery from Neural Trauma, Rehovot, 10-15 giugno 1984 110. JONSSON G., GORIO A., HALLMAN H., JANIGRO D., KOJIMA H. and LUTHMAN J., GM1 ganglioside treatment enhances regrowth of central and peripheral noradrenaline neurons after selective 6-hydroxydopamine induced lesions. International Symposium on Processes of Recovery from Neural Trauma, Rehovot, 1015 giugno 1984 111. GORIO A., SCHIAVINATO A., NORIDO F., APORTI F. and VITADELLO M., Development and treatment with ganglosides of experimental diabetic neuropathy. International Symposium on Diabetic Neuropathy, Keystone, 19-22 giugno, 1984 112. NUNZI M.G., GORIO A., MILAN F., POLATO P., FREUND T., SOMOGYI P. and SMITH A.D., Cholecystokinin-immunoreactive cells form synaptic connections with pyramidal and non pyramidal neurons in the hyppocampus. 14th C.I.N.P. Congress, Firenze, 19-23 giugno 1984 113. CARMIGNOTO G., COMELLI C., CANELLA R., GORIO A. and BISTI S., Effect of monosialoganglioside internal ester (AGF2) in monocular deprived kittens. 5th International Meeting of International Society for Developmental Neuroscience, Chieti, 24-28 giugno 1984 114. GORIO A., JONSSON G., COMELLI C., CANELLA R., JANIGRO D., ZANONI R. and CARMIGNOTO G., GM1 modulates neuronal plasticity in developing animals. 5th International Meeting of International Society for Developmental Neuroscience, Chieti, 24-28 giugno 1984 115. PROSDOCIMI M., FINESSO M., GORIO A., DEJANA E., ZANETTI A. and DE GAETANO G., Evaluation of prostanoids production in the dog coronary circulation. Platelet inhibition and vascular occlusion in man. Satellite Meeting of the 9th International Congress pf Pharmacology, London, 3-4 agosto 1984 116. GORIO A., FUSCO M., DI GREGORIO F., JANIGRO D. and JONSSON G., Gangliosides and neuronal plasticity. 5th European Society for Neurochemistry Congress, Budapest, 21-26 agosto 1984

117. DI GREGORIO F., VYSKOCIL F. and GORIO A., Ganglioside treatment enhances the activity of electrogenic (Na+, K+) pump in skeletal muscle. 5th European Society for Neurochemistry Congress, Budapest, 21-26 agosto 1984 118. VITADELLO M., TRIBAN C., FABRIS M. and GORIO A., Heterogeneity of rat 200,000 dalton neurofilament protein as revealed by a monoclonan antibody. 5th European Society for Neurochemistry Congress, Budapest, 21-26 agosto 1984 119. JONSSON G., GORIO A., HALLMAN H., JANIGRO D., KOJIMA H. and ZANONI R., Effects of GM1 ganglioside on the postnatal development of monoamine (MA) neurons in rat CNS after neurotoxin induced damage in the neonatal stage. 5th European Society for Neurochemistry Congress, Budapest, 21-26 agosto 1984 120. CARMIGNOTO G., CANELLA R., COMELLI C., GORIO A. and BISTI S., Effect of monosialogangliosides internal ester treatment in monocular deprived kittens. 7th ECPV, Cambridge, 31 agosto-3 settembre 1984 121. NUNZI M.G., GORIO A., MILAN F., POLATO P., FREUND T., SOMOGYI P. and SMITH A.D., Cholecystokinin-immunoreactive cells form synaptic connections with pyramidal and non pyramidal neurons in the hippocampus. 8th Annual Meeting of the European Neuroscience Assoc., The Hague, 11-15 settembre 1984 122. COMELLI C., CARMIGNOTO G., GORIO A. and BISTI S., Morphometrical analysis of lateral geniculate nucleus neurons in monocular deprived kittens. Effect of monosialoganglioside internal ester treatment (AGF2). 8th Annual Meeting of the European Neuroscience Assoc., The Hague, 11-15 settembre 1984 123. SCHIAVINATO A., MORANDIN A. and GORIO A., Membranes alterations in diabetic neuropathy. 8th Annual Meeting of the European Neuroscience Assoc., The Hague, 11-15 settembre 1984 124. VITADELLO M., TRIBAN C., FABRIS M., GORIO A. and SCHIAFFINO S., Regional heterogeneity and developmental changes of rat 200.000 daltons neurofilaments protein. 8th Annual Meeting of the European Neuroscience Assoc., The Hague, 11-15 settembre 1984 125. LUTHMAN J., GORIO A., HALLMAN H. and JONSSON G., GM1 ganglioside enhances regeneration of sympathetic adrenergic nerves in mouse iris after chemical sympathetomy. 8th Annual Meeting of the European Neuroscience Assoc., The Hague, 11-15 settembre 1984 126. PROSDOCIMI M., ZATTA A., DEJANA E. and GORIO A., Release di betatromboglobulina (BTG) e fattore piastrinico 4 (PF4) da piastrine umane in vitro. 7° Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Farmacologia Clinica, Padova, 13-15 settembre 1984 127. FUSCO M., HALLMAN H., JONSSON S., DONA’ M., ERROI A. and GORIO A., GM1 treatment promotes regeneration of serotoninergic axons in spinal cord and cerebral cortex after chemical lesion at birth. International Symposium on Development and Plasticity of the Mammalian Spinal Cord, Spoleto, 16-20 settembre 1984

128. YOUNG W., BLIGHT A., DE CRESCITO V., GRUNER J., ZANONI R., VANTINI G. and GORIO A., Effect of GM1 on experimental spinal cord injury. International Symposium on Development and Plasticity of the Mammalian Spinal Cord, Spoleto, 1620 settembre 1984 129. GORIO A., YOUNG W., GRUNER J., BLIGHT A., DE CRESCITO V., DONA’ M., ERROI A.L., FIGLIOMENI B., FUSCO M., HALLMAN H., JONSSON G., PANOZZO C., VANTINI G. and ZANONI R., Gangloside effects on axonal regrowth and restoration of function after various types of lesions to the spinal cord. International Symposium on Development and Plasticity of the Mammalian Spinal Cord, Spoleto, 16-20 settembre 1984 130. FUSCO M., JONSSON G., HALLMAN H., JANIGRO D., ZANONI R. and GORIO A., Effect of gangliosides on regeneration of central neuronal pathways. European Symposium on Cellular and Pathological Aspects of Glycoconjugates Metabolism, Strasbourg, 23-27 settembre 1984 131. SCHIAVINATO A., BRUNI A., CANELLA R., MARINI P., NORIDO F., VITADELLO M. and GORIO A., Ganglioside treatment of experimental diabetic neuropathy. European Symposium on Cellular and Pathological Aspects of Glycoconjugates Metabolism, Strasbourg, 23-27 settembre 1984 132. DI GREGORIO F., VYSKOCIL F. and GORIO A., Effect of gangliosides on membrane ionic pump activities. European Symposium on Cellular and Pathological Aspects of Glycoconjugates Metabolism, Strasbourg, 23-27 settembre 1984 133. DURAND M., FREYSZ L., GORIO A., MASSARELLI R. and DREYFUS H., Effects of gangliosides (GM1, GT1b) on the development of neurons in culture. European Symposium on Cellular and Pathological Aspects of Glycoconjugates Metabolism, Strasbourg, 23-27 settembre 1984 134. ERROI A., JANIGRO D., FUSCO M., JONSSON G., ZANONI R. and GORIO A., GM1 ganglioside effect on neonatally neurotoxin induced degeneration of serotonin neurons in the rat. XXII Congresso Società Italiana Farmacologia, Bologna, 10-13 ottobre 1984 135. COMELLI C., CARMIGNOTO G., CANDEO P. and GORIO A., Morphological observations of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus after monocular deprivation. Effect of monosialoganglioside Internal Eser (AGF2) treatment. XXII Congresso Società Italiana Farmacologia, Bologna, 10-13 ottobre 1984 136. MARIN P., VITADELLO M. and GORIO A., Axonal transport in the development of peripheral diabetic neuropathy in the mutant diabetic mouse C57BL/ks (db/db). effect of ganglioside treatment. XXII Congresso Società Italiana Farmacologia, Bologna, 1013 ottobre 1984 137. PROSDOCIMI M., ZATTA A., DEJANA E. and GORIO A., Pharmacological control of beta-thromboglobulin (BTG) and platelet factor 4 (PF4) release from human platelets in vitro. XXII Congresso Società Italiana Farmacologia, Bologna, 10-13 ottobre 1984

138. DI GREGORIO F., VISKOCIL F. and GORIO A., Ganglioside treatment increases Na+/K+ pump activity in Na loaded muscles and prevents membrane depolarization caused by K+ deprivation and hypoxia. XXII Congresso Società Italiana Farmacologia, Bologna, 10-12 ottobre 1984 139. TESSARI F., PROSDOCIMI M. and GORIO A., HPLC - Electrochemical detection of neurotransmitter release from rat isolated perfused heart. XXII Congresso Società Italiana Farmacologia, Bologna, 10-13 ottobre 1984 140. MILAN F., NUNZI M.G., GORIO A., FREUND T., POLATO P., SOMOGYI P. and SMITH A.D. Cholecystokinin-immunocreative cells from symmetrical synaptic connections with pyramidal and non pyramidal neurons in the hippocampus. XXII Congresso Società Italiana Farmacologia, Bologna, 10-13 ottobre 1984 141. CARMIGNOTO G., CANELLA R., COMELLI C., GORIO A. and BISTI S., Effect of monosialoganglioside internal ester treatment in monocular deprived kittens. 14th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Anaheim, 10-15 ottobre 1984 142. NUNZI M.G., GORIO A., MILAN F., FREUND T., POLATO P., SOMOGYI P and SMITH A.D., Cholecystokinin-immunocreative cells form symmetrical synaptic connections with pyramidal and non pyramidal neurons in the hippocampus. 14th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Anaheim, 10-15 ottobre 1984 143. DI GREGORIO F., JANIGRO D., VISKOCIL F. and GORIO A., Ganglioside enhancement of neuronal repair mechanisms. 14th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Anaheim, 10-15 ottobre 1984 144. JONSSON G., GORIO A., HALLMAN H., JANIGRO D. and KOJIMA H., GM1 ganglioside enhances regeneration of noradrenaline nerve terminals in rat cerebral cortex after a local neurotoxin induced denervation. 14th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Anaheim, 10-15 ottobre 1984 145. VITADELLO M., TRIBAN C., FABRIS M., GORIO A. and SCHIAFFINO S., Heterogeneity of neurofilaments revealed by a monoclonal antibody. 24 th Annual Meeting American Society for Cell Biology, Kansas City, 12-16 novembre 1984 146. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M., DI GREGORIO F. and ZANONI R., Correlati morfologici, elettrofisiologici e biochimici dei processi degenerativi e rigenerativi del sistema nervoso periferico. Il Corso: Para e Tetraplegia da lesione del sistema nervoso periferica: aspetti terapeutici e riabilitativi, Milano, 16-18 novembre 1984 147. DE CAMILLI P., CANEVINI M.P., ZANONI R. and GORIO A., Presence of synapsin I in bothmotor and sensory endings in striated muscle. I Congresso Società Italiana di Neuroscienze, Roma, 12-15 dicembre 1984 148. DI GREGORIO F., JANIGRO D. and GORIO A., Ganglioside incorporation into membranes enhances activation of neuronal repair mechanisms. I Congresso Società Italiana di Neuroscienze, Roma, 12-15 dicembre 1984 149. FUSCO M., TESSARI F., HALLMAN H., JONSSON G., DONA’ M., ERROI A. and GORIO A., Regeneration of serotoninergic axon in cerebral cortex and spinal cord is

enhanced by GM1 treatment after chemical lesion at birth. I Congresso Società Italiana di Neuroscienze, Roma, 12-15 dicembre 1984 150. YOUNG W., BLIGHT A., DE CRESCITO V., GRUNER G., ZANONI R., VANTINI G. and GORIO A., Effect og GM1 on experimental spinal cord injury. I Congresso Società Italiana di Neuroscienze, Roma, 12-15 dicembre 1984 151. VITADELLO M., TRIBAN C., FABRIS M., ZANONI R. DONA’ M., GORIO A. and SCHIAFFINO S., Peripheral nerve regeneration monitored by an anti-neurofilament monoclonan antibody. I Congresso Società Italiana di Neuroscienze, Roma, 12-15 dicembre 1984 152. DI GIULIO A.M., MANTEGAZZA P., PANOZZO C., ZANONI R. and GORIO A., Peripheral lesions to rat sciatic nerve cause neuropeptide alterations in the spinal cord. I Congresso Società Italiana di Neuroscienze, Roma, 12-15 dicembre 1984 153. TESSARI F., GORIO A. and PROSDOCIMI M., Effect of sympathetic stimulation on myocardial noradrenaline release. Intern. Symposium on Neural Mechanisms and Cardiovascular Diseases, Santa Margherita Ligure, 1-3 maggio 1985 154. DI GIULIO A.M., MANTEGAZZA P. and GORIO A., Effect of peripheral nerve section on spinal cord neuropeptides in the rat. “Non-mammalian peptides” Meeting, Roma, 11-15 maggio 1985 155. GORIO A., Gangliosides as agents promoting neuronal development and plasticity. Nato Workshop on neuronal Membranes and Development, Cargese (Corsica), 11-17 maggio 1985 156. FUSCO M., FIGLIOMENI B., VANTINI G. and GORIO A., Antagonizing effects of GM1 on 5-HT spinal nerve termials alterations induced by 5,7-HT. Nato Workshop on Neuronal Membranes and Development, Cargese (Corsica), 13-17 maggio 1985 157. DI GIULIO A.M., BORELLA F., MANTEGAZZA P., PANOZZO C., ZANONI R., DONA’ M. and GORIO A.,Peripheral nerve lesions cause peptidergic alterations in the spinal cord. is there any relationship to pain? 10th International Meeting of the International Society for Neurochemistry, Riva del Garda, 19-24 maggio 1985 158. TRIBAN C., VITADELLO M., FABRIS M., ZANONI R., DONA’ M., GORIO A. and SCHIAFFINO S., Re-appearance of neurofilament subniuts in the sciatic nerve after injury. 10th International Meeting of the International Society for Neurochemistry, Riva del Garda, 19-24 maggio 1985 159. VITADELLO M., MARINI P. and GORIO A., Altered axonal transport of acetylcholinesterase in early experimental diabetes. Effect of ganglioside treatment. 10th International Meeting of the International Society for Neurochemistry, Riva del Garda, 19-24 maggio 1985 160. NUNZI M.G., GUIDOLIN D., POLATO P. and GORIO A., Analisi immunocitochimica di assoni serotoninergici nelle lamine VIII e IX del segmento lombare del midollo spinale. XV Congresso Nazionale di Microscopia Elettronica, Roma, 28-31 maggio 1985

161. GORIO A., DI GREGORIO F., JANIGRO D., MILAN F., VITADELLO M. and BIANCHI R., Gangliosides have a decay preventing activity on neuronal membrane function. Inter. Society for Neurochemistry Satellite Meeting on Neuronal Plasticity and Gangliosides, Mantova, 29-31 maggio 1985 162. VITADELLO M., MARINI P. and GORIO A., Altered axonal transport of acetylcholinesterase in the sciatic nerve of alloxan-diabetic rats: effect of ganglioside treatment. Inter. Society for Neurochemistry, Satellite Meeting on Neuronal Plasticity and Gangliosides, Mantova, 29-31 maggio 1985 163. DI GREGORIO F., JANIGRO D., MILAN F., BIANCHI R. and GORIO A., Protection of membrane properties with ganglioside treatment. Inter. Society for Neurochemistry, Satellite Meeting on Neuronal Plasticity and Gangliosides, Mantova, 29-31 maggio 1985 164. FIGLIOMENI B., FUSCO M., VANTINI G. and GORIO A., Monosialoganglioside GM1 antagonizes the alterations induced neonatally by 5,7-HT in the bulbo-spinal serotoninergic pathway. 4th Capo Boi Conference on Neuroscience, Capo Boi, 2-7 giugno 1985 165. MARINI P., VITADELLO M., BIANCHI R. and GORIO A., Axonal transport of AChE in early experimental diabetic neuropathy. Effect of ganglioside treatment. 4th Capo Boi Conference on Neuroscience, Capo Boi, 2-7 giugno 1985 166. DI GIULIO A.M., PARENTI M., MANTEGAZZA P., DONA’ M., PANOZZO C. and GORIO A., Transganglionic intraspinal alterations of opioid peptides caused by lesions to peripheral nerves. 4th Capo Boi Conference on Neuroscience, Capo Boi, 2-7 giugno 1985 167. VANTINI C., LAZZARO A., FIGLIOMENI B., ZANONI R., YOUNG W., DE CRESCITO V. and GORIO A., Immunocytochemical and electrophysiological analysis of spinal cord injury. Effect of GM1. 4th Capo Boi Conference on Neuroscience, Capo Boi, 2-7 giugno 1985 168. PROSDOCIMI M., FINESSO M., GORIO A., ZANETTI A., DE GAETANO G. and DEJANA E., Prostacyclin release during prolonged cardiac ischemia in the dog. X Congress of the intern. Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, San Diego (USA), 14-19 luglio 1985 169. GORIO A., Neuronal regeneration lectures I and II. Course on “Generation of Diversity and Specificity in the Nervous System”, dir. R. Levi Montalcini, Intern School of Biophysics, Erice, 14-24 luglio 1985 170. DI GIULIO A.M., MANTEGAZZA P., SCHIAVINATO A. and GORIO A., Intraspinal changes of opioid peptides caused by sciatic nerve lesions. 9th Annual Meeting of ENA, Oxford (GB), 8-12 settembre 1985 171. DI GREGORIO F., JANIGRO D., MILAN F., BIANCHI R. and GORIO A., Membrane protection with ganglioside treatment. 9th Annual Meeting of ENA, Oxford (GB), 8-12 settembre 1985

172. FUSCO M., FIGLIOMENI B., VANTINI G. and GORIO A., Counteracting effect of GM1 on 5,7-HT induced alterations in the 5-HT bulbo spinal cord of newborn rats. 4th Capo Boi Conference on Neuroscience, Capo Boi, 2-7 giugno 1985 173. TRIBAN C., VITADELLO M., FABRIS M., DONA’ M., GORIO A. and SSCHIAFFINO S., Neurofilament heterogeneity revealed by monoclonal antibodies. 4th Capo Boi Conference on Neuroscience, Capo Boi, 2-7 giugno 1985 174. BORELLA F., DI GIULIO A.M., GORIO A., HONG J.F., MANTEGAZZA P., PARENTI M., VANTINI G. and ZANONI R., Peripheral nerve lesions cause peptidergic alterations in the spinal cord. Joint Meeting British & Italian Pharmacological Societies, Edimburgh (GB), 9-11 settembre 1985 175. FIGLIOMENI B., FUSCO M., GORIO A. and VANTINI G. Alterations of 5-HT bulbo spinal system induced by 5,7-HT: effects of monosialoganglioside GM1. Joint Meeting British & Italian Pharmacological Societies, Edimburgh (GB), 9-11 settembre 1985 176. GORIO A., PRODOSCIMI M. and TESSARI F., Analysis of endogenous noradrenaline outflow from cardiac sympathetic efferent fibers. Joint Meeting British & Italian Pharmacological Societies, Edimburgh (GB), 9-11 settembre 1985 177. GORIO A., MANTEGAZZA P. and DI GIULIO A.M., Opioid and non opioid peptide alterations in the spinal cord caused by sciatic nerve lesions. Peripheral Nerve Study Group, Murren (CH), 9-12 settembre 1985 178. VITADELLO M., MARINI P., BIANCHI R. and GORIO A., Altered axonal transport of acetylcholinesterase in the sciatic nerve of alloxan-diabetic rats: effect of ganglioside treatment. Meeting “Microvascular and Neurological Complications of Diabetes” Granada (E), 19-20 settembre 1985 179. GORIO A., Triggering mechanisms in neuronal regeneration. Int. School Biomembrane and Receptors Mechanisms. Cannizzaro (CT), 23 settembre-4 ottobre 1985 180. GORIO A., MARINI P., BIANCHI R. and VITADELLO M., Altered axonal transport of acetylcholinesterase in the sciatic nerve of alloxan-diabetic rats: effect of ganglioside treatment. 15th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Dallas (USA), 20-25 ottobre 1985 181. VITADELLO M., TRIBAN C., FABRIS M., ZANONI R. GORIO A. and SCHIAFFINO S., Regional heterogeneity of neurofilaments revealed by monoclonan antobodies. 15th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Dallas (USA), 20-25 ottobre 1985 182. VANTINI G., FUSCO M., FIGLIOMENI B., GORIO A., HALLMAN H., JONSSON G. and ZANONI R., Immunocytochemical and biomedical analysis of the bulbo-spinal serotoninergic pathway after neonatal 5,7-DHT lesion. Effects of the monosialoganglioside GM1. 15th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Dallas (USA), 20-25 ottobre 1985

183. BIANCHI R., MILAN F., JANIGRO D., DI GREGORIO F. and GORIO A., GM1 treatment in vivo pretects membrane ATPase activities and prevents mitochondrial damage in hippocampal slices. 15th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Dallas (USA), 20-25 ottobre 1985 184. DE CAMILLI P., CANEVINI M.P., ZANONI R., VITADELLO M., TRIBAN C. and GORIO A., Synapsin I is present in both efferent and afferent nerve endings in skeletal muscle. 15th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Dallas (USA), 20-25 ottobre 1985 185. NUNZI M G., GUIDOLIN D., POLATO P., FUSCO M. and GORIO A., Immunocytochemucal analysis of serotoninergic reinnervation in the ventral horn of the rat spinal cord after neonatal 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine lesioning. Effect of GM1 ganglioside treatment. 15th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Dallas (USA), 20-25 ottobre 1985 186. DI GIULIO A.M., BORELLA F., MANTEGAZZA P., PARENTI M., GROPPETTI A., ZANONI R. and GORIO A., Intraspinal peptidergic rearrangement following section of rat sciatic nerve. 15th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Dallas (USA), 20-25 ottobre 1985 187. GORIO A., Spreading depression, metabolic and ionic implications. IV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana do Psichiatria Biologica, Pavia, 19-25 ottobre 1985 188. KOJIMA H., ANNO N., ISHABASHI Y, YOKOO H., YAMADA S., TSUTSUMI T., ANRAKU S., NISHI S., INANAGA K., JONSSON G. and GORIO A., The effect of exogenous GM1 ganglioside on 5,7-HT induced damage of cerebral 5-HT nerve terminals in adult rats. The Japanese Neurochemistry Society Meeting, Kumamoto, 5-7 novembre 1985 189. GORIO A., Morfologia e elettrofisiologia di microcircuiti GABA-ergici. Corso “Basi neurobiologiche della farmacoterapia dell’epilessia”., Santa Margherita Ligure, 11-13 novembre 1985 190. GAMBALE F., MENINI A., RAUCH G. and GORIO A., Trasporto ionico da canali in membrane lipidiche artificiali. Congresso “La Fisica nella Ricerca Ambientale e Biomedica”, Roma, 26-29 novembre 1985 191. GORIO A., Enhancement of neural repair by membrane triggered events. Va-PVA Regeneration Research Symposium. Pacific Grove (USA), 8-12 dicembre 1985 192. GORIO A., Plasticità neuronale. Corso di aggiornamento su “Recenti acquisizioni in traumatologia cranica e spinale”, dir. L. Beretta e R. Massei, Lerici, 13-14 aprile 1986 193. GORIO A., I processi di trasduzione del calcio nella contrazione muscolare. Controllo della permeabilità al calcio nel muscolo striato. III Simposio Internazione di Neuroriabilitazione, dir. P. PInelli, Veruno, 24-25 maggio 1986 194. GORIO A., Le conseguenze patofisiologiche del trauma cranico e spinale e la riparazione neuronale. II Congresso Internazionale “Coma post-anossico: un approccio multidisciplinare”. Milano, 24-26 giugno 1986

195. FUSCO M., VANTINI G., PANOZZO C., ZANONI R., JONSSON G., FIGLIOMENI B. and GORIO A., GM1 administration sustain recovery processes in the bulbo-spinal serotoninergic system lesioned with 5,7-DHT at birth. 6th International Meeting of the Internationl Society for Developmental Neuroscience, Queretaro, Mexico, 8-12 luglio1986 196. GORIO A., FUSCO M., FIGLIOMENI B., VITADELLO M. and VANTINI G., Ganglioside treatment effects neuronal repair. 6th International Meeting of the Internationl Society for Developmental Neuroscience, Queretaro, Mexico, 8-12 luglio1986 197. DI GIULIO A.M., MANTEGAZZA P., SCHIAVINATO A. and GORIO A., Intraspinal morphological and biochemical correlates of sciatic nerve lesions. 6th International Meeting of the Internationl Society for Developmental Neuroscience, Queretaro, Mexico, 8-12 luglio1986 198. SCHIAVINATO A., DI GIULIO A.M., LINI E., GUIDOLIN D. and GORIO A., An electronmicroscopy and immunocitochemistry analysis in the spinal dorsal horn after peripheral nerve lesions. X Int. Congress of Neuropathology, Stockholm, 7-12 settembre 1986 199. DI GIULIO A.M., PARENTI M., MANTEGAZZA P., VANTINI G. and GORIO A., Regolazione intraspinale delle alterazioni causate da lesioni del nervo sciatico. XXIII Congresso Nazionale SIF, Sanremo, 6-8 ottobre 1986 200. GORIO A., SCHIAVINATO A., PANOZZO C., GROPPETTI A., DI GIULIO A.M. and MANTEGAZZA P., Sui meccanismi “trigger” delle alterazioni intraspinali causate da lesioni del nervo periferico. XXIII Congresso Nazionale SIF, Sanremo, 6-8 ottobre 1986 201. GORIO A., Gangliosides and functional recovery of injured nervous system. NATO advanced research workshop: “Gangliosides and modulation of neuronal functions”, Stuttgard, 20-24 ottobre 1986 202. GORIO A., Treatment of neuronal injuries. II Congress on Neurotrauma, Satellite Symp. 16th Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C., 9 novembre 1986 203. GORIO A., Genetic and epigenetic factors in nervous system development. Corso “Biological Aspects of Neuron Activity”, dir. A. Piccoli, Intn. School of Biophysics, Erice 6-11 dicembre 1986 204. GORIO A., Neuronal regeneration. Corso “Biological Aspects of Neuron Activity”, dir. A. Piccoli, Intn. School of Biophysics, Erice, 6-11 dicembre 1986 205. GORIO A., SCHIAVINATO A., PANOZZO C., GROPPETTI A., DI GIULIO A.M. and MANTEGAZZA P., On the causes regulating the loss of peptides in the spinal cord following sciatic nerve lesions. 16th Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C., 9-14 novembre 1986

206. DI GIULIO A.M., PARENTI M., MANTEGAZZA P., VANTINI G. and GORIO A., On the mechanisms of intraspinal peptidergic alterations caused by sciatic nerve lesions. 16th Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C., 9 novembre 1986 207. BIANCHI R. MARINI P., SCHIAVINATO A., TRIBAN C., FIORI M.G., GORIO A. and VITADELLO M., ATPase activity in diabetic mutant C57BL/ks (ob/od) mice and in alloxan treated rats. Effect of ganglioside treatment. 4th Milano Intn. Meeting on Diabetes, Milano, 12-14 marzo 1987 208. DI GIULIO A.M., MANNAVOLA A., TENCONI B., RESTANI P., GALLI C.L., GORIO A. and MANTEGAZZA P., Ontogeny of enkephalin and substance P containing neurons following perinatal exposure to morphine. First Joint Meeting of the Italian and Dutch Pharmacological Societies, Firenze 10-13 maggio 1987 209. RESTANI P., DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B., MANNAVOLA A., GORIO A. and GALLI C.L., Modified ontogenesis of enkephalin and substance P containing neurons in rat after perinatal exposure to morphine. First Meeting of the Intn. Neurotoxicology Association, Lunteren (The Netherlands), 10-16 maggio 1987 210. DI GIULIO A.M., MANNAVOLA A., TENCONI B., MANTEGAZZA P. and GORIO A., Role of factors intrinsic and extrinsic to CNS regulating intraspinal degenerative atrophy following sciatic nerve injury. “Neuronal development and repair: cellular and molecular aspects”, NATO Workshop, Miami, 21-25 maggio 1987 211. GORIO A., YOUNG W., DE CRESCITO V., MANNAVOLA A. and DI GIULIO A.M., Ganglioside treatment of experimental brain injury. “Neuronal development and repair: cellular and molecular aspects”, NATO Workshop, Miami, 21-25 maggio 1987 212. DI GIULIO A.M., MANNAVOLA A., TENCONI B., RESTANI P., GALLI C.L., GORIO A. and MANTEGAZZA P., CNS developmental hyperinnervation by met-enkephalin and substance P following perinatal exposure to morphine. 5th Capo Boi Conference on Neuroscience, Villasimius, 24-31 maggio 1987 213. DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B., MANNAVOLA A., MANTEGAZZA P. and GORIO A., Intraspinal degenerative atrophy of sensory imput and interneurons induced by diabetes. 5th Capo Boi Conference on Neuroscience, Villasimius, 24-31 maggio 1987 214. GORIO A. and DI GIULIO A.M., Ganglioside treatment affects post-lesion neural plasticity. “Post-lesion neural plasticity”. Satellite Symposium of the 2nd World Congress of Neuroscience, Bremen, FRG, 22-24 agosto 1987 215. DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B., MANNAVOLA A., MANTEGAZZA P., RESTANI P., GALLI C.L. and GORIO A., Perinatal exposure to morphine induces hyperinnervation by met-enkephalin and substance P neurons in the CNS. 17th Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, 16-21 novembre 1987 216. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M., MANNAVOLA A., TENCONI B. and MANTEGAZZA P., Experimental diabetes: degenerative atrophy of substance P primary afferents and met-enkephalin interneurons in the rat spinal cord. 7th Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, 16-21 novembre 1987

217. DI GIULIO A.M., LA CROIX R., RESTANI P. and GORIO A., Postnatal peptidergic hyperinnervation in the CNS caused by perinatal morphine exposure. Italy-USA Intn. Symposium on Perinatal Biology, Roma, 15-16 aprile 1988 218. DI GIULIO A.M., LA CROIX R., and GORIO A., The central and peripheral degenerative atrophy of neurons in experimentally induced diabetes. Intn. Symposium on Cellular and Molecular Correlates of Central Nervous System Trauma, Denton, Texas 21-24 aprile 1988 219. GORIO A., YOUNG W. an,d DI GIULIO A.M., Ganglioside treatment of experimental neuronal injuries. Intn. Symposium on Cellular and Molecular Correlates of Central Nervous System Trauma, Denton, Texas, 21-24 aprile 1988 220. GORIO A., Pharmacological treatment of peripheral nerve disorders. Mesa de Traballo, Società Neurologica Argentina Ciudad de Tandil, 23-26 maggio 1988 221. LA CROIX R., TENCONI B., DI GIULIO A.M. and GORIO A., Alterazioni del sistema enterico nel diabete sperimentale. IIa riunione interregionale SIF, Torino, 6 giugno 1988 222. GORIO A., Treatment of neural injuries with gangliosides. “Neural grafting and repair”. Satellite Meeting of ISDN Meeting, Jerusalem, 19-21 giugno 1988 223. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M. and YOUNG W., Sprouting in the striatum following permanent lesions. Intn. Sardinian Symposium “Degeneration and Regeneration Processes in CNS”, Villasimius (Cagliari), 16-18 settembre 1988 224. GORIO A. and DI GIULIO A.M., Treatment of ionic and cellular brain damage caused by irreversible cerebral ischemia with GM1 ganglioside. XXIV Congresso Nazionale SIF, Brescia, 25-28 settembre 1988 225. ABBRACCHIO M.P., CATTABENI F., DI LUCA M., DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B. and GORIO A., Alteration of striatal dopominergic receptor trasducion mechanism in experimental diabetes. XXIV Congresso Nazionale SIF, Brescia, 25-28 settembre 1988 226. GORIO A., Regeneration of the nervous system. Special Symposium “The necessity of animal experimentation for safety and biomedical progress”, Strasburgo, 24-25 ottobre 1988 227. GORIO A., Pharmacological approaches to peripheral neuropathies. 1st National Congress, Indonesian neurological Society, Ujung Pandang, 28-31 ottobre 1988 228. GORIO A., Fattori neurotrofici. 1° Corso Nazionale di Nuroriabilitazione, dir. P. Pinelli e G. Anderson, Gargnano, 31 ottobre-4 novembre 1988 229. DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B., LA CROIX R., ABBRACCHIO M.P., CATTABENI F and GORIO A., Central and peripheral neuronal alterations in exeperimental diabetes. 18th Annual Meeting, American Society for Neuroscience, Toronto, 13-18 novembre 1988

230. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M., DE CRESCITO V. and YOUNG W., Morphological and ionic changes in irreversibile cerebral ischemia: effect of ganglioside pre-and posttreatment. 18th Annual Meeting, American Society for Neuroscience, Toronto, 13-18 novembre 1988 231. DI GIULIO A.M., LA CROIX R., TENCONI B., RESTANI P. and GORIO A., Neuronal development and plasticity are altered by morphine perinatal treatment. Is there a central mechanism for drug addiction? III Congresso SIN, Bologna, 27-30 novembre 1988 232. DI GIULIO A.M., LA CROIX R., CATTABENI F., ABBRACCHIO M.P. and GORIO A., Experimental diabetes: alteration of selective biochemical markers of both central and peripheral neurons. III Congresso SIN, Bologna, 27-30 novembre 1988 233. GORIO A., ABBRACCHIO M.P., CATTABENI F., TENCONI B., LA CROIX R. and DI GIULIO A.M., Met-enkephalin and functions of G-inhibitory proteins are specifically altered in the striatum of diabetic rats. 2° Workshop “I Peptidi Oppioidi nei Liquidi Biologici. Clinica e Biologia”, Padova, 24-25 febbraio 1989 234. TENCONI B., LA CROIX R., DI GIULIO A.M. and GORIO A., Perinatal morphine treatment affects synaptic repression of peptidergic system in the CNS during development. 2° Workshop “I Peptidi Oppioidi nei Liquidi Biologici. Clinica e Biologia”, Padova, 24-25 febbraio 1989 235. ABBRACCHIO M.P., CATTABENI F., DI LUCA M., FINCO C., DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B. and GORIO A., Changes of pertussis toxin induced ADP-ribosylation of central nervous system G-proteins in experimental diabetes. 4th European Meeting on ADP-Ribosylation of Proteins”, Pavia, 20-23 aprile 1989 236. MELZI G., MONNI M., BORGOGLIO R. and GORIO A., SAS 310 antagonizes vasopressine induced coronary spasm in the isolated rabbit heart. 4th Intn. Symposium on “Calcium Antagosts: Pharmacology and Clinical Research”. Firenze, 25-27 maggio 1989 237. BORGOGLIO R., MONNI M., PIACENZA G., CARAZZONE M. and GORIO A., Hemodynamic effects of SAS 1310 in anesthetizes dogs. A new coronary specific calcium antagonist. 4th Intn. Symposium on “Calcium Antagosts: Pharmacology and Clinical Research”. Firenze, 25-27 maggio 1989 238. TENCONI B., LA CROIX R., DI GIULIO A.M. and GORIO A., Correlati neurochimici delle alterazioni neurobiologiche indotte dall’esposizione perinatale agli oppiacei. 3a Riunione Interregionale SIF, Milano, 2 giugno 1989 239. ABBRACCHIO M.P., CATTABENI F., DI LUCA M., FINCO C., DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B. and GORIO A., ADP-ribosylation of central nervous system G-proteins is altered in experimental diabetes. 6th Capo Boi Conference on neuroscience, Villasimius, 4-9 giugno 1989 240. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M., CATTABENI F., YOUNG W and HEUMANN R., Reactive processes in the brain following ischemia, 6th Capo Boi Conference on neuroscience, Villasimius, 4-9 giugno 1989

241. DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B., LA CROIX R., MANTEGAZZA P., CATTABENI F. and GORIO A., Neuronal distrophy in the gut innervation of diabetic animals. 6th Capo Boi Conference on neuroscience, Villasimius, 4-9 giugno 1989 242. GORIO A., TENCONI B., LA CROIX R., DI GIULIO A.M. and MANTEGAZZA P., Altered synapse formation and repression in the striatum of animals perinatally exposed to morphine. 19th Annual Meeting, American Society for Neuroscience, Phoenix, 29 ottobre -3 novembre 1989 243. DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B., LA CROIX R., MANTEGAZZA P., CATTABENI F. and GORIO A., Diabetic neuronal distrphy of the gut. 19th Annual Meeting, American Society for Neuroscience, Phoenix, 29 ottobre -3 novembre 1989 244. ABBRACCHIO M.P., CATTABENI F., DI LUCA M., DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B. and GORIO A., (Spon. M. Motta), Alterations of central nervous system G-proteins in experimental diabetes. 19th Annual Meeting, American Society for Neuroscience, Phoenix, 29 ottobre-3 novembre 1989 245. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M., LA CROIX R., TENCONI B., MANTEGAZZA P., DE BIASI S. and CATTABENI F., Factors regulating plasticity in neuronal regeneration. 8th Biennal Meeting Internat., Society Develop. neurosci., Bal Harbour, 16-22 giugno 1990 246. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M., LA CROIX R., TENCONI B., DE BIASI S. and CATTABENI F., Neuronal plasticity and regrowth in the CNS: physiology and pharmacology. Symposium on “Plasticity and regeneration of the nervous system”, Torino, 4-7 aprile 1990 247. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B., MALOSIO M.L., DONADONI M.L., MANTEGAZZA P., DE BIASI S. and CATTABENI F., Perinatal exposure to opiates alters CNS pruning and regenerative capacity, XXV Congresso nazionale della Società di Farmacologia, Taormina, 14-18 ottobre 1990 248. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B., MALOSIO M.L., DONADONI M.L., DE BIASI S. and CATTABENI F. Pruning and regenerative capacity in the CNS is altered in perinatally morphine exposed rats. 20th Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, St. Louis, Missouri, 28 ottobre-2 novembre 1990 249. DI GIULIO A.M., MALOSIO M.L., TENCONI B., DONADONI M.L., ABBRACCHIO M.P. CATTABENI F and GORIO A., The G-protein system is altered in diabetic encephalopathy. 20th Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, St. Louis, Missouri, 28 ottobre-2 novembre 1990 250. ABBRACCHIO M.P., CATTABENI F., PAOLETTI A.M., DI GIULIO A.M., MALOSIO M.L., TENCONI B. and GORIO A., Early and late alterations of transducional GTPbinding proteins in the central nervous system of diabetic animals. 20th Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, St. Louis, Missouri, 28 ottobre-2 novembre 1990 251. ABBRACCHIO M.P., PAOLETTI A.M., DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B., GORIO A. and CATTABENI F., Alterazioni delle proteine G trasduzionali nel diabete sperimentale. Convegno su “I processi di ADP-ribosilazione”, Urbino, 27 marzo 1990

252. GORIO A., CATTABENI F., TENCONI B., MALOSIO M.L., DONADONI M.L, FINCO C., MANTEGAZZA P and DI GIULIO A.M., L’esposizione perinatale alla morfina riduce la capacità di sprouting reattivo cerebrale. Convegno di Tossicologia Cellulare e Molecolare, Siena, 30 novembre-1 dicembre 1990 253. FINCO C., ABBRACCHIO M.P., PATERNIERI B., CATTABENI C., DI GIULIO A.M., MALOSIO M.L., MANTEGAZZA P. and GORIO A., Proteine G nell’encefalopatia diabetica: meccanismi molecolari alla base delle alterazioni funzionali. Riunione Interregionale SIF, Brescia, 24 maggio 1991 254. GORIO A., MALOSIO M.L., FINCO C., TENCONI B., DONADONI M.L., MANTEGAZZA P. and DI GIULIO A.M., Brain compensatory changes are impaired by perinatal morphine exposure. 7th Sardinian Conference on Neuroscience, Cagliari, 4-7 giugno 1991 255. MALOSIO M.L., DI GIULIO A.M., FINCO C., ABBRACCHIO M.P., PATERNIERI B., CATTABENI F., MANTEGAZZA P. and GORIO A., Molecular aspects of G-protein functions in experimental diabetic neuropathy. 7th Sardinian Conference on Neuroscience, Cagliari, 4-7 giugno 1991 256. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M. and MANTEGAZZA P., Experimental models for assessing drugs active upon neuronal regeneration. Intn. Meeting on “Biologycal Psychiatry”, Firenze, 9-14 giugno 1991 257. TENCONI B., DI GIULIO A.M., DONADONI M.L., MANTEGAZZA P. and GORIO A., Perinatal exposure to opiates alters reactive pruning and regeneration of serotoninergic neurons. 2nd Intn. Symposium on Brain Dysfunction, Trina, 23-26 settembre 1991 258. GORIO A., TENCONI B., MALOSIO M.L., FINCO C., DONADONI M.L., DE BIASI S., DI GIULIO A.M. and MANTEGAZZA P., Perinatal morphine exposure suppresses compensatory changes in the frontal cortex forrlowing partial denervation. 14th Annual Meeting European Neuroscience Association, Cambridge, 8-12 settembre 1991 259. GORIO A., Pharmacology of neuronal regeneration. Elba International Neuroscience Symposia, Marina di Campo, Isola d'Elba, 9-16 settembre 1991 260. ZONTA N., FERRARIO P., DI GIULIO A.M., ZECCA L. and GORIO A., Specific changes in brain development caused by adrenalectomy and corticosterone treatment. 14th Annual Meeting European Neuroscience Association, Cambridge, 8-12 settembre 1991 261. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M., BERTELLI A. and MANTEGAZZA P., Modelli sperimentali per la valutazione di farmaci attivi sulla rigenerazione neuronale. IX Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Farmacologia Clinica, Venezia, 8-10 ottobre 1991 262. DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B., DONADONI M.L., FINCO C., MALOSIO M.L., CONTI A.M., BARON P.L., SCARPINI E., SCARLATO G., MANTEGAZZA P. and GORIO A., Neuropatia diabetica sperimentale. recenti sviluppi sugli aspetti molecolari

e farmacologici. IX Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Farmacologia Clinica, Venezia, 8-10 ottobre 1991 263. GORIO A., MALOSIO M.L., TENCONI B., DONADONI M.L., MANTEGAZZA P. and DI GIULIO A.M., Supression of reactive compensatory changes in the brain by morphine. 21th Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, 10-15 novembre 1991 264. DI GIULIO A.M., FINCO C., MALOSIO M.L., ABBRACCHIO M.P., PATERNIERI B., CATTABENI F., MANTEGAZZA P. and GORIO A., G-proteins in diabetic encephalopathy: molecular mechanisms underlyng the functional alterations. 21th Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, 10-15 novembre 1991 265. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M., BARTOLOMUCCI G., MELLUCCI A., FERRARIS L., PACIFICI L., PIOVESAN P., Acetyl-l-carnitine counteracts experimentally induced diabetic neuropathy. 21th Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, 1015 novembre 1991 266. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M., DONADONI M.L., FINCO C., GERMANI E., MALOSIO M.L., TENCONI B. and MANTEGAZZA P., Perinatal exposure to opiates alters neuronal plasticity and regeneration. Is there a role for GTP-binding proteins? Cellular adn Molecular Aspects of neural Development, Ulm, 5-8 aprile 1992 267. DONADONI M.L., FINCO C., MALOSIO M.L., GERMANI E., TENCONI B., DI GIULIO A.M., GORIO A. and MANTEGAZZA P., Coinvolgimento delle proteine G nelle alterazioni della reattività neuronale indotte dall’esposizione perinatale agli oppiacei. VI Riunione Interregionale SIF, Varese, 15 maggio 1992 268. TENCONI B., GERMANI E., MANTEGAZZA P., DI GIULIO A.M. and GORIO A., Collateral sprouting in the frontal cortex and reactive “pruning effect” are suppressed by perinatal exposure to morphine. 3rd Joint Meeting of Hungarian, Italian and Polish Pharmacological Societies, Modena, 8-10 giugno 1992 269. TENCONI B., GERMANI E., DI GIULIO A.M. , BERTELLI A., MANTEGAZZA P.and GORIO A., Acetyl-l-carnitine prevents sciatic nerve and intraspinal loss of substance P in experimental peripheral neuropathies. Ninth Biennal Meeting International Society for Developmental Neuroscience, Montpellier, luglio 1992 270. DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B., GERMANI E., MANTEGAZZA P. and GORIO A., Perinatal morphine exposure suppresses collateral sprouting in the frontal cortex and reactive prunung effect of short axons in the CNS. Ninth Biennal Meeting International Society for Developmental Neuroscience, Montpellier, luglio 1992 271. GORIO A., MALOSIO M.L., FINCO C., DI GIULIO A.M., BERTELLI A. and MANTEGAZZA P., Expression of GPT-binding proteins and other molecular markers is affected in the brain of animals exposed to morphine during the perinatal period. Ninth Biennal Meeting International Society for Developmental Neuroscience, Montpellier, luglio 1992 272. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B., DONADONI M.L., BERTELLI A. and MANTEGAZZA P., Axonal transport and peripheral nerve functions are altered in

experimental diabetes. Cholinergic neurotransmission: function and dysfunction, Montreal, 26-30 luglio 1992 273. DI GIULIO A.M., GORIO A., TENCONI B., GERMANI E., BERTELLI A. and MANTEGAZZA P., Degeneration and regeneration of peripheral nerves are affected by acetyl-l-carnitine. Cholinergic neurotransmission: function and dysfunction, Montreal, 26-30 luglio 1992 274. PINNA C., GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M. and PUGLISI L., Prostaglandin induced response of gastric fundus, ileum and urinary bladder smooth muscle are altered in alloxan-diabetic rats. 1st International Symposium on Natural Drugs and the Digestive Tract, Napoli, 26-28 luglio 1992 275. DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B., PINNA C., PUGLISI L., GORIO A. and MANTEGAZZA P., The progressive neuronal distrophy of the gut in experimental diabetes. 1st International Symposium on Natural Drugs and the Digestive Tract, Napoli, 26-28 luglio 1992 276. GORIO A., Pharmacology of neuronal regeneration. Elba International Neuroscience Symposia, Marina di Campo, Isola d'Elba, 4-12 settembre 1992 277. DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B., DONADONI M.L., GORIO A., BERTELLI A. and MANTEGAZZA P., Substance P containing axons in diabetic neuropathy. Effects of acetyl-l-carnitine on axonal transport and degeneration. XXVI Congresso Nazionale SIF, Napoli, 29 settembre - 3 ottobre 1992 278. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B., FINCO C., GERMANI E., MALOSIO M.L., BERTELLI A. and MANTEGAZZA P., Cellular and molecular mechanisms underlyng the effects on neuronal plasticity by substances of abuse such as alchool and opiates. XXVI Congresso Nazionale SIF, Napoli, 29 settembre - 3 ottobre 1992 279. DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B., BERTELLI A., MANTEGAZZA P., GORIO A., DE BIASI S. and RAMACCI M.T., Treatment of experimental diabetic neuropathy with acetyl-l-carnitine. 22nd Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Anheim, 25-30 ottobre 1992 280. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M., MALOSIO M.L., FINCO C., BERTELLI A. and MANTEGAZZA P., G proteins and altered neuronal plasticity in morphine exposed rats. 22nd Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Anheim, 25-30 ottobre 1992 281. MALOSIO M.L., FINCO C., GERMANI E., TENCONI B., DI GIULIO A.M., BERTELLI A., MANTEGAZZA P. and GORIO A., Is there a relationship between opiate drug addiction and neuronal plasticity? Cellulare and molecular analisys. V° Congresso Società Italiana di Neuroscience, Modena, 1-4 dicembre 1992 282. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B., FINCO C., DONADONI M.L., BERTELLI A., SCARPINI E., SCARLATO G. and MANTEGAZZA P., Il diabete induce selettive alterazioni delle proteine G nel sistema nervoso. XXIX Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di neuropatologia, Verona, 17-19 giugno 1993

283. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M., MALOSIO M.L., TENCONI B., BERTELLI A., MANTEGAZZA P., Neuronal plasticity and regeneration are suppressed by opiate exposure. Role of GTP-binding proteins. 2nd International Neurotrauma Symposium, Glasgow, 4-9 luglio 1993 284. GORIO A., Pharmacology of neuronal regeneration. Elba International Neuroscience Symposia, Marina del Campo, Isola d'Elba, 4-12 settembre 1993 285. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M., GERMANI E., BERTELLI A. and MANTEGAZZA P., Prenatal exposure to low doses of ethanol promotes serotoninergic regeneration in the brain and spinal cord. V Joint Meeting between the British and Italian Societies of Pharmacology, Roma, 13-16 settembre 1993 286. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M., MALOSIO M.L., TENCONI B., BERTELLI A. and MANTEGAZZA P., Functional alteration of G-proteins by opiate exposure correlates to reduced neuronal plasticity and regeneration. V Joint Meeting between the British and Italian Societies of Pharmacology, Roma, 13-16 settembre 1993 287. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B., LESMA E., PRINO G., BERTELLI A. and MANTEGAZZA P., Powerful neuroprotective and neuroregenerative effects of glycosaminogly a tratment. A study of selectivity. 11th Annual Conference, Society of Neurotrauma, Washington D.C., 6-7 novembre 1993 288. DE ANGELIS C., SCARFO' C., FALCINELLI M., PERNA E., GORIO A. and RAMACCI M.T., Acetyl-L- carnitine affects neuromuscolar morphology changes induced by nerve trauma and aging in rats. 11th Annual Conference, Society of Neurotrauma, Washington D.C., 7-12 novembre 1993 289. GORIO A., TENCONI B., MALOSIO M.L., FINCO C., BERTELLI A., MANTEGAZZA P. and DI GIULIO A.M., Opiates affect neuronal plasticity and regeneration by functional impairment of G-proteins 23rd Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C., 7-12 novembre 1993 290. DI GIULIO MANTEGAZZA neuroprotection (ALCAR). 23rd novembre 1993

A.M., TENCONI B., LESMA E., RAMACCI M.T., BERTELLI A., P. and GORIO A., In vitro models of diabetic neuropathy. Selective on glucose- induced neuropathy by insulin and acetyl-l-carnitine Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C., 7-12

291. DI GIULIO A.M. and GORIO A., Alcool e neuropeptidi cerebrali. FORUM: Trends in Experimental and Clinical Medicine "Attualità sull'alcool: aspetti farmacologici e clinici", Residenziale 29, S. Margherita Ligure, 15-16 novembre 1993 292. GORIO A. and DI GIULIO A.M., Alcool e neuropeptidi cerebrali. FORUM: Trends in Experimental and Clinical Medicine "Attualità sull'alcool: aspetti farmacologici e clinici", Residenziale 29, S. Margherita Ligure, 15-16 novembre 1993 293. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M., TENCONI B., DONADONI M.L., FINCO C., VERGANI L., SCARPINI E., CONTI A., SCARLATO G., BERTELLI A. and MANTEGAZZA P., Senescenza e sistema nervoso periferico: risultati sperimentali e considerazioni

teoriche. 38° Cengresso Nazionale, Società Italiana di Gerontologia e Geriatria, Firenze, 14-17 novembre 1993 294. GORIO A., DONADONI M.L., TENCONI B., LESMA E., GAVEZZOTTI R., BORELLA F., BERTELLI A. and DI GIULIO A.M., Mono-ADP-ribosilazione proteica NO-sensibile. Un nuovo bersaglio farmacologico per la prevenzione dei correlati neurologici del diabete mellito. Scuola Superiore della Società Italiana di Neuroscienze, Como, 20 maggio 1994 295. CONTI A.M., SCARPINI E., MALOSIO M.L., BARON P.L., DI GIULIO A.M., PRAT E., MENICHELLA D., SCARLATO G., MANTEGAZZA P. and GORIO A.,In situ hybridization study of myelin protein mRNA expression in diabetic neuropathy. Congresso Soc. Italiana Neuropatologia, giugno 1994 296. GORIO A.,Embryonic and postnatal aspects of diabetic neuropathy development. Mono-ADP-ribosylation: a new pharmacological target. 10th Biennal Meeting of International Soc. of Developmental Neuroscience, S. Diego, 30 luglio-4 agosto 1994 297. GORIO A., Treatment of diabetic neuropathy, Elba International Neuroscience Symposia, Marina del Campo, Isola d'Elba, 10-22 settembre 1994 298. GORIO A., DONADONI M.L., TENCONI B. and DI GIULIO A.M., Proteine G nella neurodegenerazione e nella plasticità neuronale. XVII Congresso Nazionale SIF, Torino, 25-29 settembre 1994 299. GORIO A., Neuroprotective and neuroregenerative effects of glycosaminoglycans. 4th Symposium on Glycosaminoglycans. Non-anticoagulant actions of Glycosaminoglycans. Results and perspectives of the German-Italian Collaboration, Loveno (Co), 6-8 ottobre 1994 300. GORIO A., TENCONI B., LESMA E., VERGANI L. and DI GIULIO A.M., Glycosaminoglycan treatment promotes neuroprotection and neuroregeneration. 20th Neurotrauma Symposium, Miami Beach (Florida), 12-13 novembre 1994 301. GORIO A., DONADONI M.L., BERTELLI A., BORELLA F. and DI GIULIO A.M., Protein mono-ADP-ribosylation a new pharmacological target for the treatment of neurological correlates of diabetes mellitus. 24th Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, Miami Beach (Florida), 13-18 novembre 1994 302. DONADONI M.L., FINCO C., LESMA E., TENCONI B., DI GIULIO A.M. and GORIO A., Experimental diabetic neurophathy. Inhibition of excessive protein mono-ADPrybosilation prevents reduction of substance P axonal transport. First European Congress of Pharmacology, Milano, 16-19 giugno 1995 303. VERGANI L., GERMANI E., TENCONI B., DI GIULIO A.M. and GORIO A., Extracellular matrix in neuronal regeneration: Selective role of glycosaminoglycans. First European Congress of Pharmacology, Milano, 16-19 giugno 1995 304. GORIO A., Experimental models of neuronal regeneration. Elba International Neuroscience Symposia, Marina del Campo, Isola d'Elba, 8-19 settembre 1995

305. GORIO A., Neuronal death and regeneration. Role of extracellular matrix. Symposium on "Recent Advances in Neurobiology", Saint-Vincent , 8-11 ottobre 1995 306. GORIO A., Neuronal regeneration, IDNA neurobiology, Saint Vincent, 8-11 ottobre 1995





307. VERGANI L., GERMANI E., PRINO G., TENCONI B., DI GIULIO A.M. and GORIO A., Selective role of glycosaminoglycans in nerve regeneration. 13th Annual Meeting, Neurotrauma Society, San Diego (California), 10-11 novembre 1995 308. DI GIULIO A.M., VERGANI L., GERMANI E., TENCONI B., PRINO G. and GORIO A., Promoting effects of extracellular matrix in neuronal regeneration. Selective role of glycosaminoglycans. 25th Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, San Diego (California), 11-16 novembre 1995 309. GORIO A., DONADONI M.L., FINCO C., LESMA E., BORELLA F. and DI GIULIO A.M., Inhibition of excessive protein mono-ADP-ribosylation prevents functional alterations in diabetic neuropathy. 25th Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, San Diego (California), 11-16 novembre 1995 310. GORIO A., DONADONI M.L., FINCO C., DI GIULIO A.M., Endogenous mono-ADPribosylation in retina and peripheral nervous system. Workshops: Effects of diabetes. Biological significance of mono-ADP-ribosylation in animal tissues, Elsa brandstrom Haus, Hamburg (FRG), 19-23 maggio 1996 311. GORIO A., DONADONI M.L., FINCO C., DI GIULIO A.M., Endogenous mono-ADPribosylation in retina and peripheral nervous system. Effects of diabetes. 26th Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C., 16-21 novembre 1996 312. DI GIULIO A.M., VERGANI L., TORSELLO A., CATTANEO L., MULLER E.E., GORIO A., Glycosaminoglycan and insulin-like growth factor treatment of rat neonatal peripheral nerve lesions. 26th Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C., 16-21 novembre 1996 313. Gorio A. Third International Conference on Neuroprotective Agents, Varenna, Como, 6-10 Settembre 1996 314. GORIO A., FINCO C., DI GIULIO A.M., Nitric oxide regulated protein mono-ADPribosylation and diabetes mellitus. A pharmacological approach. II International Paraelios Symposium, Baia Paraelios, Calabria, 15-17 settembre 1996 315. GORIO A., VERGANI L., LOSA M., PEZZONI L., CALVANO L., FINCO C., DI GIULIO A.M., TORSELLO A., MUELLER E.E., Regulation of peripheral nerve regeneration by IGFs. IGFs in the nervous system, 16 maggio 1997 316. GORIO A., VERGANI L., FINCO C., DI GIULIO A.M., TORSELLO A., MULLER E.E., IGF-I im,proves peripheral nerve regeneration and motor neuron survival in animal models of motor neuron disease role of glycosaminoglycans. 6th meeting of the International Neurotoxicology Association on Neurotoxicity and Neurodegeneration: Biological Links, Soverato (Cz), 25-28 giugno 1997

317. GORIO A., VERGANI L., LOSA M., PEZZONI G., DI GIULIO A.M., TORSELLO A., MULLER E.E., Trattamento con insulin growth factor-I in modelli sperimentali di malattia dei motoneuroni. Influenza dei glicosaminoglicani. VII Congresso Nazionale, Società Italiana di Neuroscienze, Brescia, 20-23 settembre 1997 318. VERGANI L., LOSA M., PEZZONI G., CALVANO L., FINCO C., TORSELLO A., MULLER E.E., DI GIULIO A.M., GORIO A.; Neuroprotective and neurotrophic role of GAGs and IGF-I on muscle reinnervation after neonatal nerve crush lesion. VII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Neuroscienze, Brescia 20-23 settembre 1997. 319. DI GIULIO A.M., FINCO C., VERGANI L., TORSELLO A., MULLER E.E, Low doses of glycosaminoglycans or insulin-like growth factor-I on motor neuron disease in Wobbler mouse. Fifteenth Annual Meeting National Neurotrauma Society, New Orleans, 24-25 ottobre 1997 320. GORIO A., VERGANI L., DI GIULIO A.M., MULLER E.E., Neonatal axotomy-induced motor neuron death and muscle denervation are counteracted by glycosaminoglycans. Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, 25-30 ottobre 1997 321. DI GIULIO A.M., FINCO C., VERGANI L., TORSELLO A., MULLER E.E., GORIO A., Effects of low doses of glycosaminoglycans or insulin-like growth factor-I on motor neuron disease in Wobbler mouse. Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, 25-30 ottobre 1997 322. GORIO A., Treatment with IGF-I in experimental models of motor neuron trauma. Role of glycosaminoglycans. 2nd International Symposium on Experimental Spinal Cord Repair and Regeneration, Brescia, 6-7 marzo 1998 323. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M., VERGANI L., LOSA M., TORSELLO A., MULLER E.E., Motor neuron death and regeneration. Modulation of IGF-I effects by glycosaminoglycans. Int. Soc. for Dev. Neuroscience, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, 11-15 agosto 1998 324. GORIO A., DI GIULIO A.M., VERGANI L., LOSA M., LESMA E., TORSELLO A., MULLER E.E., Blockade of motor neuron death in the wobbler mouse by IGF-I and GAGs Cotreatment. Annual Natl Neurotrauma Soc. Meeting, 6-7 Novembre 1998, Los Angeles, Ca 325. DI GIULIO A.M., LESMA E., GORIO A., Protein mono-ADP-ribosylation as a pharmacological target of expermental diabetic neuropathy. Society for Neuroscience, 712 Novembre 1998, Los Angeles, Ca

326. GORIO A., VERGANI L., LOSA M., TORSELLO A., MULLER E.E., DI GIULIO A.M., Total prevention of motor neuron death promoted by glycosaminoglycans and IGF-I combination treatment. Society for Neuroscience, 7-12 Novembre 1998, Los Angeles, Ca 327. GORIO A. and DI GIULIO A.M., Pharmacological blockade of motor neuron death in the wobbler mouse. Fourth Int. Conf. on Neuroprotective Agents, 15-19 Novembre 1998, Annapolis, Md

328. GORIO A., GERMANI E., LESMA E., FARINA D., COZZI F., MULLER E.E., DI GIULIO A.M., Long term neuroprotective effects of glycosaminoglycan-IGF-I cotreatment in the neuromuscular disease of the Mnd mouse. ISN and ESN Joint Meeting, 8-14 Agosto 1999, Berlino 329. GORIO A., LESMA E., GERMANI E., MULLER E.E., DI GIULIO A.M., Blockade of motor neuron death in the wobbler mouse. National Neurotrauma Society 17th Annual Meeting, 22-23 October 1999, Miami, Florida, USA 330. GORIO A., GERMANI E., LESMA E., MULLER E.E., DI GIULIO A.M., Neuroprotective effects of glycosaminoglycans-IGF-I cotreatment in the motor neuron degeneration (Mnd) mutant mouse. Society for Neuroscience, 23-28 Ottobre 1999, Miami, Florida,USA 331. DI GIULIO A.M., GERMANI E., LESMA E., TORSELLO A., MULLER E.E. GORIO A. , Anti-GHRH exposure affects muscle reinnervation and IGF-I increase promoted by glycosaminoglycan treatment. Society for Neuroscience, 23-28 Ottobre 1999, Miami, Florida, USA 332. GORIO A., LESMA E., MULLER E.E., Di GIULIO A.M., Regenerative and nonregenerative pharmacological approaches to spinal cord injury. 3rd International Symposium on Experimental Spinal Cord Repair and Regeneration, 30 Marzo – 2 Aprile 2000, Brescia 333. LESMA E., MANCINA L., FIORI L., LAMMARDO A.M., Riva E., DI GIULIO A.M., GORIO A., Ridotta funzionalità e controllo invertito dell’adenilato ciclasi nei polimorfonucleati nella glicogenosi Ib. MILANOPEDIATRIA 2000, 25-28 Maggio 2000, Milano 334. LESMA E., MANCINA L., BONVISSUTO M., VERDUCI E., RIVA E., DI GIULIO A.M., GORIO A., Selettive alterazioni delle proteine trasduzionali e dell’actina nei PMN di pazienti affetti da glicogenosi Ib. Paragone con piastrine e PMN di pazienti affetti da glicogeni Ib. Paragone con piastrine e PMN di pazienti affetti da glicogenosi Ia. MILANO PEDIATRIA 2000, 25-28 Maggio 2000, Milano 335. GORIO A., LESMA E., CASTOLDI R., E.E. MULLER, DI GIULIO A.M., Insulin-like growth factor-I and glucosaminoglycans cotreatment promotes recovery of function after traumatic spinal cord injury. 30th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, 4-9 Novembre 2000, New Orleans, USA 336. GORIO A., Le alterazioni delle difese immunitarie nella glicogenosi tipo Ib. IV Convegno della Associazione Italiana Glicogenosi, 20-21 Maggio 2000, Rimini 337. DI GIULIO A.M., LESMA E., CASTOLDI R., MULLER E.E. and GORIO A. Long term prevention of neuromuscular deficit in motor neuron disease models by concomitantglycosaminoglycans and IGF-I treatment. 30th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, 4-9 Novembre 2000, New Orleans, USA 338. GORIO A., LESMA E., CASTOLDI R., MULLER E.E., DI GIULIO A.M., Concomitant treatment with glycosaminoglycans and IGF-I prevents forelimb behavioral impairment and motor neuron degeneration in motor neuron disease animal models. 18th Annual National Neurotrauma Society Symposium, 3-4 Novembre 2000, New Orleans, USA

339. DI GIULIO A.M., LESMA E., CASTOLDI R., GORIO A., Promotion of functional recovery after traumatic spinal cord injury by cotreatment with insulin-like growth factor-I and gllycosaminoglycans. 18th Annual National Neurotrauma Society Symposium, 3-4 November 2000, New Orleans, USA 340. GORIO A., LESMA E., RIVA E., DI GIULIO A.M., Molecular and cellular changes in neutrophils of patients affected by glycogen storage disease type Ib. 2nd Meeting Eur Soc for Pediatric Haematology and Immunology. 19-22 October 2000, Castelvecchio Pascoli, Lucca, Italy 341. LESMA E., GORIO A., RIVA E., DI GIULIO A.M., Molecular and cellular changes in neutrophils of patients affected by glycogen storage disease Ib. Insight into Signal Transduction, Washington, USA , 8-9 marzo 2001 342. CENTANNI S., SANTUS P., LESMA E., MEZZETTI M., DI GIULIO A.M., GORIO A., Proliferation and differentiation of epithelial cells from human lung explants are affected by low doses of retinoic acid. International Conference of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, American Thoracic Society, San Francisco, USA, 13-23 maggio 2001 343. GORIO A., MANCINA L., LESMA E., DI GIULIO A.M., SANTUS P., CENTANNI S., Retinoic acid exposure promotes proliferation and differentiation of human lung epithelial and human fibroblast cell lines. International Conference of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, American Thoracic Society, San Francisco, USA, 13-23 maggio 2001 344. GORIO A., LESMA E., DI GIULIO A.M., Regenerative and non-regenerative pharmacological approaches to spinal cord injury. AIRIC/AINP, Verbania, Italia, 24-26 maggio 2001 345. CITTERIO C., LESMA E., DI GIULIO A.M., GORIO A., Cotreatment with glycosaminoglycans promotes the IGF-I effect. Mechanism of action. AIRIC/AINP, Verbania, Italia, 24-26 maggio 2001 346. GORIO A., LESMA E., RIVA E., DI GIULIO A.M., Neutropenia and neutrophathy in glycogen storage disease type Ib in children. Changes in signal transduction and in response to treatments with growth factors. 30° Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Genova 30 maggio-2 giugno 2001 347. DI GIULIO A.M., LESMA E., MANCINA L., BOSARI S., MEZZETTI M., GORIO A., In vitro study of factors affecting proliferation and differentiation of lung cells with emphasis on interstitial cells. 30° Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Genova 30 maggio-2 giugno 2001 348. DE LUCA A., PIERNO S., LIANTONIO A., CETRONE M., TROISI P., GORIO A., RUEGG U.T., CONTE CAMERINO D., Potential therapeutic approaches to Duchenne muscular dystrophy in exercised mdx mouse. 30° Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Genova 30 maggio-2 giugno 2001 349. GORIO A., Aspetti cellulari e molecolari della neutropenia nella glicogenosi tipo 1b: uso terapeutico del G-CSF. Simposio “Aspetti Clinici e Genetici delle Glicogenosi”, 5°

Convegno Nazionale dell’Associazione Nazionale Glicogenosi, 2-3 Giugno 2001, Rocca di Papa, Italia 350. GORIO A., BSE: lo stato dell’arte. Alimentazione e Sicurezza, 52° Corso di Aggiornamento, Società Italiana di Pediatria Sezione Lombarda, 14 Giugno 2001, Milano 351. GORIO A., Oltre le vitamine. Master in Nutrizione Pediatrica 2001, IV Seminario, Società Italiana di Nutrizione Pediatrica, 11-12 Luglio 2001, Milano 352. MADASCHI L., CITTERIO C., DI GIULIO AM, GORIO A., Reversal of spinal cord injury induced behavioral deficit by cotreatment with IGF-I and glycosaminoglycans. Soc. Italiana di Neuroscienze, Torino, 8-11 Settembre 2001 353. CASTOLDI R., SCORRANO D., TARICCO E., CETIN I., DI GIULIO A.M:, GORIO A., Plasma amino acid concentrations during the first trimester in mothers of normal and IUGR fetuses. EPG-IFGA 2001, 9th Conference of the European Placenta Group, 19-23 September 2001, Sorrento Italy 354. DI GIULIO A.M., CASTOLDI R., SCORRANO D., LESMA E., RADAELLI T., CETIN I., GORIO A., Reversed correlation in the expression of insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor and insulin-like growth factor binding proteins in intrauterine growth restriction. EPGIFGA 2001, 9th Conference of the European Placenta Group, 19-23 September 2001, Sorrento, Italy

355. GORIO A., LESMA E., MANCINA L., SANTUS P.A., CENTANNI S., DI GIULIO A.M., Study on factors affecting proliferation and differentiation of lung cells with emphasis on interstitial cells, 11th Meeting of the European Respiratory Society, 22-26 September 2001, Berlino, Germania 356. DI GIULIO A.M., CITTERIO C., GORIO A., Molecular actions activated by the combined treatment with IGF-I and glycosaminoglycans. 31st Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, 10-15 November 2001, San Diego, USA 357. GORIO A., CITTERIO C., MADASCHI L., PAGGI P., DE SIMONE E., A.M. DI GIULIO, Molecular changes occurring in the superior cervical ganglion following axotomy. 31st Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, 10-15 November 2001, San Diego, USA 358. GORIO A., Studio in vitro ed in vivo della differenziazione cellulare, della generazione e rigenerazione del tessuto polmonare. Highlights in Pneumologia, 15-16 Dicembre 2001, Milano 359. GORIO A., Motivazioni etiche e finalità scientifiche della ricerca nei portatori di gravi disabilità motorie. “Il progetto DAMA all’Ospedale San Paolo si Confronta con l’Europa”, 22 febbraio 2002, Milano 360. GORIO A., Encefalopatia spongiforme bovina trasmissibile e la sua variante umana: dal “Kuru disease” alla situazione attuale della ricerca e della prevenzione. XXII Incontro di Pratica Pediatrica, 4-6 Giugno 2002,Sabaudia

361. GORIO A., MADASCHI L., CITTERIO C., DI GIULIO A.M. Promoting repair in the injured nervous system. IGF-I and glycosaminoglycan interactive effects. Meeting of the Italian Glycobiology Group, 25-26 June 2002, Milano 362. GORIO A., Oltre le vitamine.II. Master in Nutrizione Pediatrica 2002. Milano, 10-11 Luglio, 2002 363. GORIO. A, MADASCHI L., CITTERIO C., CICHETTI C., DI GIULIO A.M., Promoting neuronal regeneration and repair in the injured nervous system. Is there still a role for a therapy based on neurotrophic factors? Annual Meeting of the Italian Society of Physiology, 16-19 September 2002, Ferrara 364. GORIO A., MADASCHI L., CICHETTI C., DI GIULIO A.M., CERAMI A., BRINES M., A single dose of erythropoietin promotes preservation of white matter integrity and recovery of function after traumatic spinal cord injury in the rat. 32nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Orlando, Florida, 2-7 Novembre 2002 365. DI GIULIO, MADASCHI L., CICHETTI C., GORIO A., PISATI F., TORRENTE Y., BRESOLIN N., Migration and differentiation of exogenous skin-derived stem cells into rat spinal cord after traumatic injury. 32nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Orlando, Florida, 2-7 Novembre 2002 366. GORIO A., MADASCHI L., SANTUS P., CENTANNI S., DI Giulio A.M., Studio in vivo dell’effetto dei fattori di proliferazione e di differenziamento sul tessuto polmonare di ratto. Congresso Nazionale di Pneumologia, Roma, 6-9 Novembre 2002 367. LESMA A., MADASCHI L., SANTUS P., CENTANNI S., DI GIULIO A.M., GORIO A., Effetto dell’acido retinoico a basse dosi sulla proliferazione e differenziamento di cellule epiteliali, muscolari liscie, e fibroblasti isolati da espianti di polmone umano. Congresso Nazionale di Pneumologia, Roma, 6-9 Novembre 2002 368. LESMA A., Di GIULIO A.M., FIORI L., RIVA E., GORIO A., Neutropenia and neutrophil dysfunction in glycogen storage disease type Ib. Molecular and cellular effects of granulocyte colony stimulating factor. MILANOPEDIATRIA 2002, 28-30 Novembre 2002 369. GORIO A., Organizzazione e riorganizzazione del parenchima polmonare determinata dalla somministrazione perinatale di glucocorticoidi. IL POLMONE: Dalle Scienze Di Base Alla Clinica. Milano, 20-21 Dicembre 2002 370. GORIO A., Farmacologia delle Lesioni Spinali. International Symposium on “ Spinal Cord Injury and Repair”, Niguarda Hospital, Milano, 10 Maggio 2003 371. GORIO A., Nuroregeneration and Transplantation in Spinal Cord Injury. 11th National Congress So.Mi.Par and European Meeting I.S.Co.S., Genova, May 21-24, 2003 372. GORIO A., Therapy of the lesioned spinal cord, Symposium on “La lesione midollare: stato dell’arte e nuovi orizzonti”, Villa delle Ginestre, AUSL 6 Palermo, June 13-14, 2003

373. CARELLI S., PARATORE S., BOSARI S., DI GIULIO A.M. and GORIO A., Function and fate of insulin-like growth factor-I receptor in normal and neoplastic tissue. 374. ANNA MARIA DI GIULIO, CINZIA CICHETTI, LAURA MADASCHI, and ALFREDO GORIO, Neurotrophic factor independent survival of adult autonomic neurons is mediated by membrane and submembrane remodeling triggered by lesioning. Società Italiana di Farmacologia, 31° Congresso Nazionale, Trieste, 26-29 Giugno 2003 375. Alfredo Gorio, Laura Madaschi, Elena Lesma, Silvano Bosari, Diego Brancaccio, Paola Canevini e Anna Maria Di Giulio, Tuberose Sclerosis Complex 2: molecular and cellular adaptational strategies triggered by the lack of tuberin. Società Italiana di Farmacologia, 31° Congresso Nazionale, Trieste, 26-29 Giugno 2003 376. Alfredo Gorio, Laura Madaschi, Cinzia Cichetti, Anna Maria Di Giulio, Attenuation of secondary injury versus regeneration: a marked neurological recovery promoted by erythropoietin after experimental spinal cord trauma, Società Italiana di Farmacologia, 31° Congresso Nazionale, Trieste, 26-29 Giugno 2003 377. LESMA E., GRANDE V., SANTUS P, CENTANNI S., DI GIULIO A.M., GORIO A., Proliferation and differentiation of rat lung cells durino tissue repair: a pharmacological study. Società Italiana di Farmacologia, 31° Congresso Nazionale, Trieste, 26-29 Giugno 2003 378. Lesma E. Di Giulio AM, Gorio A., Neutrophil dysfunction in patients affected by glycogen storage disease type 1b. Submembrane alterations and effects of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor. Società Italiana di Farmacologia, 31° Congresso Nazionale, Trieste, 26-29 Giugno 2003 379. Laura Madaschi, Yvan Torrente, Nereo Bresolin, Anna Barbara Di Stefano, Anna Maria Di Giulio, and Alfredo Gorio. Fate of autologous dermal stem cells transplanted into the spinal cord after traumatic injury (TSCI). Evaluation of the recovery from hindlimb disability. Società Italiana di Farmacologia, 31° Congresso Nazionale, Trieste, 26-29 Giugno 2003 380. Gorio A., Di Giulio A.M, Erythropoietin as a neuronal repair-promoting factor. EuroConference “ Molecular Aspects of Neurodegenerative Diseases”, Kristineberg Marine Research Station, Fiskebackskil, Sweden, August 2-5, 2003 381. A. Gorio, Y. Torrente , L. Madaschi, N. Bresolin and A.. M. Di Giulio Transplantation of autologous dermal stem cells into the spinal cord after traumatic injury. Cell migration and differentiation. 21st National Neurotrauma Symposium, Biloxi, Mi, USA, Nov 5-8, 2003 382. A.Gorio, L. Madaschi, A.B. Di Stefano, A. M. Di Giulio. Recovery of function after spinal cord injury is greatly improved by erythropoietin administration within 24 hours. 21st National Neurotrauma Symposium, Biloxi, Mi, USA, Nov 5-8, 2003 383. A. M. Di Giulio , L. Madaschi, Y. Torrente, N. Bresolin and A. Gorio, Fate of autologous dermal stem cells transplanted into the spinal cord after traumatic injury.

Effects of erythropoitin in the recovery from hindlimb disability. 33rd Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, USA, Nov. 8-13, 2003 384. A.Gorio, L. Madaschi, A.B. Di Stefano, A. M. Di Giulio , Erythropoietin-promoted recovery of function after spinal cord injury. A pharmacological study. . 33rd Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, USA, Nov. 8-13, 2003 385. Gorio A., Nuove prospettive nella rigenerazione midollare, Convegno su “ Informazione: la cultura nell’informazione e formazione per il miglioramento della performance”. ULSS n 6 Vicenza, Ospedale San Bortolo, Vicenza, 12 Dicembre, 2003 386. Gorio A., Aspetti clinici e molecolari nella sclerosi tuberosa con particolare relazione alla linfangioleiomiomatosi. Congresso “Pneumologia Oggi – Un impegno globale”, Milano, 13 Dicembre, 2003 387. Gorio A., Disabilità e ricerca scientifica, “ High Tech…High Touch. L’esperienza della disabilità per una medicina più umana”, Aula Magna, Università degli Studi di Milano, 10 gennaio, 2004 388. Gorio A., Fisiopatologia della lesione midollare da trauma, Corso di Aggiornamento “ Trattamento Globale del Traumatizzato Vertebro-Midollare Acuto”, CTO-AO Careggi, Firenze, 23-24 Gennaio, 2004 389. Gorio A., Farmacologia della lesione midollare, Corso di aggiornamento “ Il Percorso Assistenziale Riabilitativo del Trauma Vertebro-Midollare nell’Area dell’Emergenza”, AO Ospedale Niguarda Ca’ Granda - Unità Spinale Unipolare, 20 21 Febbraio, 2004 390. Arcidiacono M.V., Cozzolino M., Di Giulio A.M., Gorio A., Brancaccio D., Changes in parathyroid focal adhesion kinase ( FAK) and EGFR expression in secondary hyperparathyroidism. Lisbon, ERA-EDTA Meeting, 14-18 May, 2004 391. Gorio A., Pharmacology of traumatic spinal cord lesion. 1st Meeting Anniversary Unita Spinale Unipolare, Pietra Ligure, 22 maggio 2004 392. Gorio A. . Fisiopatologia della Lesione spinale di origine traumatica ed il possibile ruolo riparatorio dei trapianti di cellule staminali. “Le cellule staminali nel trattamento delle mielolesioni: realtà e prospettive”, Montecatone Rehabilitation Institute, Imola, 24 Giugno 2004 393. Menni S., Gualandri L., Boccardi D., Canevini M.P., Bosari S., Gorio A. Skin changes in TSC patients are made of RhoA positive cells. X World Congress of Pediatric Dermatology , Rome, 7-10 July 2004 394. Carelli S, Paratore S., Vandoni D., Di Giulio A.M., Bosari S., Gorio A., insulin-like growth factor-I receptor is degraded via the ubiquitin-proteasom system in neoplastic lung tissue. ELSO Meeting, Nice, France, 4-8 Settembre 2004 395. Di Giulio A.M., Madaschi L., Di Stefano B., Marrani T., Bestini R., Colotta F., Gorio A. IL-8 receptor antagonist promotes recovery and neuroregeneration after traumatic

spinal cord injury. 34th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA, Oct 24-29, 2004 396. Gorio A., Madaschi L., Di Stefano B., Vescovi A., Bottai D., Gorio A.. Fate and action of neural stem cells after transplantation into the spinal cord after acute traumatic spinal cord injury. 34th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA, Oct 24-29, 2004 397. Gorio A. and Di Giulio A.M., Recovery of Function after Spinal Cord Injury: A pharmacological and stem cell transplantation study. Molecular Aspects of Aging and Development, Toxicology, Barcelona, Spain, September 4-7, 2004 398. Gorio A., Lesma E., Carelli S., Grande V., Vandoni D., Canevini M.P., Brancaccio D., and Di Giulio A.M. Characterization of two human cell types sub-cloned from a TSC angiomyolipoma. TSC International Research Conference, Queens’ College, Univ. of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, 16-18 Sept. 2004 399. Gorio A., Neuroprotection in spinal cord injury. 43rd ISCoS Annual Scientific Meeting, Center Athinais, Athens, Greece, Sept 26-29, 2004 400. Chifari R., Canevini MP, Piazzini A., .Turner K, Alfano RM, Bosari S., Caverni L., Lesma E., Boccardi D.,. Abati S, Rozza R., Canger R., Gorio A.. Gruppo di studio multidisciplinare per la TSC :risultati preliminari. LICE, 2004 401. Gorio A., Chifari R., Tassi L ., Madaschi L.; Di Stefano B., Alfano RM, Bosari S.,. Piazzini A., Caverni L., Lesma E., Boccardi D., Canger R. e Canevini MP. Survivina e sclerosi tuberosa complex: una proteina antiapoptotica espressa sui tuberi. LICE, 2004 402. Gorio A., Madaschi L., Di Stefano B., Vescovi A., Bottai D., Gorio A.. Transplantation of neural stem cells into the spinal cord after acute traumatic spinal cord injury: fate and effects. 22nd Annual National Neurotrauma Society Symposium, San Diego, USA, Oct 20-22, 2004 403. Di Giulio A.M., Madaschi L., Di Stefano B., Marrani T., Bestini R., Colotta F., Gorio A., Blockade of IL-8 receptor promotes recovery and neuroregeneration after traumatic spinal cord injury. 22nd Annual National Neurotrauma Society Symposium, San Diego, USA, Oct 20-22, 2004 404. Carelli S., Zadra G., Vaira V., Paratore S., Di Giulio A.M., Bosari S., Gorio A., Focal adhesion kinase expression in normal and neoplastic lung tissue. Congresso Nazionale di Cancerologia, Pisa, 24-27 Settembre 2004 405. Lesma E., Grande V., Alfano M., Bosari S., Di Giulio A.M., Gorio A., Isolation and Characterization of two types of human TSC2 deficient cells. 44th Annual Meeting American Society for Cell Biology, Washington, DC. December 4-8 2004 406. Lesma E., Carelli S., Grande V., D. Vandoni, Bosari S., Chifari R., Di Giulio A.M., and Gorio A. Pharmaclogical and Biochemical Characterization of Isolated and In Vitro Grown Human TSC2 Gene-Deficient Smooth Muscle-like Cells. TSC/LAM Research Symposium 2005. Cincinnati, USA, April 8-10 2005

407. Gorio A., Di Giulio A.M., Cellular therapy of spinal cord injury. European Congress on Neuroregeneration, Barcelona (Spagna), April 12-18 2005 408. A. Gorio, L. Madaschi, T. Marrari, B. Di Stefano, D. Bottai, A. Vescovi and A.M. Di Giulio; Somatic stem cells in traumatic spinal cord injury: fate, potential and hurdles. XXXII Congresso della Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Napoli 1-5 Giugno 2005 409. Lesma E., Grande V., Isaia E., Di Giulio A.M., Gorio A., TSC2 smooth muscle-like cells from human angiomyolipoma requie EGF for growth while rapamycin is inactive. XXXII Congresso della Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Napoli 1-5 Giugno 2005 410. Carelli S., Vandoni D., Lesma E.A., Di Giulio A.M., Gorio A; Survival pathway in TSC2 smooth muscle cells. XXXII Congresso della Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Napoli 1-5 Giugno 2005 411. Paratore S., Carelli S., Di Giulio A.M., Gorio A; Insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor is degraded via ubiquitin-proteasome system in lung cancer cells. XXXII Congresso della Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Napoli 1-5 Giugno 2005 412. Gorio A., Nuove strategie per il controllo dei livelli di acido urico: dal laboratorio al letto del paziente. Il Ruolo dell’Acido Urico nella Patogenesi dell’Uremia, Milano, 24 Gugno’05 413. R.Chifari, , L. Caverni A. Formenti, A. Piazzin,G. Pompili, K. Turner, E. Lesma, R. Canger, A. Gorio and MP. Canevini. White matter abnormalities in Sclerosis Tuberous Complex :an underdiagnosed “minor “criteria?; American Epilepsy Society, December 2005 414. Gorio A, Di Giulio A.M.; Stem cell therapy of spinal cord injury. 35th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C., USA, Nov. 12-16, 2005 415. Di Giulio A.M., Lesma E., Canevini M.P., and. A.Gorio; Brain tubers in TSC2 patients express the anti-apoptotic protein survivin. 35th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C., USA, Nov. 12-16, 2005 416. Chifari R., Piazzini A., Caverni L., Formenti A., Lesma E., Turner K., Canger R., Canevini M.P.. White matter abnormalities in tuberous sclerosis complex: an underdiagnosed “minor” criteria?. Joint Annual Meeting American Epilepsy Society and American Clinical Neurophysiology Society, Washington D.C., USA, Dec. 2-6, 2005 417. Elena Lesma, Vera Grande, Stephana Carelli, Anna Maria Di Giulio, and Alfredo Gorio. Molecular Characterization of growth and survival of human TSC2 gene-deficient smooth muscle cells. LAM Symposium, Cincinnati 2006, March 31April 2 Alfredo Gorio, Elena Lesma, Vera Grande, Eleonora Isaia and Anna Maria di Giulio. Pathogenesis and pharmacology of isolated human TSC2 smooth muscle


cells. Novel therapeutic perspectives. LAM Symposium, Cincinnati 2006, March 31-April 2 419. Grande V., Lesma E., Di Giulio A.M., Gorio A., Pharmacological reversion of the phenotype of human TSC2-/- smooth muscle cells. Target Therapies in cancer: myth or reality?, Milano 4-5 settembre 2006 420. Isaia E., Lesma E., Carelli S., Paratore S., Di Giulio A.M., Gorio A., Mechanisms of survival in TSC2-/- smooth muscle cells. Target Therapies in cancer: myth or reality?, Milano 4-5 settembre 2006421. Paratore S., Carelli S., Bosari S., Di Giulio A.M., Gorio A. Degradation of insulin like growth factor-I receptor occurs via ubiquitin-proteasome pathway in human lung cancer cells. Target Therapies in cancer: myth or reality?, Milano 4-5 settembre 2006422. Zadra G., Carelli S., Vaira V., Falleni M., Bosari S., Di Giulio A.M., Gorio A. Focal Adhesion Kinase up-regulation in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Target Therapies in cancer: myth or reality?, Milano 4-5 settembre 2006423. A. Gorio, Laura Madaschi, Daniele Bottai and A.M. Di Giulio; NEURAL STEM CELLS IN SPINAL CORD INJURY, 36th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, USA, Oct 14-18, 2006

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