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This directory is a collation of postgraduate historical research currently being undertaken at Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand universities. It has largely been compiled from information on current enrolments in 2003 that has been kindly provided by most of the universities in the region. This is the second year that postgraduate research in the Aotearoa New Zealand has been included in this directory, and this inclusion reflects the Editorial Collective’s desire to continue to broaden postgraduate research connections. The Editorial Collective regrets that some universities were not able to supply a listing of their postgraduate students others asked students to reply to the collective directly with their details due to privacy issues. For those institutions that did not respond, we included the postgraduate listings for 2002 on the assumption that the research is still current, though some of the students may have completed their degrees. The names of the institutions for which the 2002 lists have been used are identified with an asterisk. The Editorial Collective is also grateful to the Australian Society for Classical Studies (ASCS), who collates an Australia-wide list of postgraduate research being carried out into the ancient world (see ASCS/). ASCS kindy allowed us to include their listing in this directory. This enabled us to include information about research being undertaken which is often difficult to capture due to the different departments and schools to which this research is attached.


AUSTRALIA Australian Catholic University (New South Wales), Faculty of Arts and Sciences CUSACK, Mella, The young Irelanders in Australia 1849-1856, MPhil GEOGEHEGAN, Clara, Bishop Martin Crane of Sandhurst 1875-1900, PhD QUAYLE, Victor, Andrew Fisher: a study in Labor leadership, MPhil

Australian Catholic University (Queensland), Faculty of Arts and Sciences CAREW, Rhonda, Women and the Australian bush myth, PhD HARDY, Margaret, The Chaplaincy in the Australian Armed Forces, 1901-1945, PhD LLOYD, Fiona, Women in the Australian Army, PhD LYNCH, Michael, Religion and culture in the thought of Arnold Toynbee and Christopher Dawson, PhD

Australian Catholic University (Victoria), Faculty of Arts and Sciences RUE, Charles, A history of the Columban Order in Australia, PhD WICKHAM, Dorothy, A history of the Ballarat Female Refuge, MPhil

Australian Defence Force Academy (ACT), School of History BENNETT, John, A History of No. 3 Squadron RAAF, 1916-96 CLIFFORD, Darren Scott, Colonial warfare & the First World War CONNOR, John, Senator George Pearce as Minister for Defence 1914-1918 CROKER, Jeanette, Australian US Relations 1949-1966 DAVIES, Murray, The idea of ‘Threat’: the defence of Australia FENTON, Damien Marc, A Study of SEATO as a Military Alliance 1954-1974 GREENHALGH, Elizabeth, The mechanics of coalition: The Franco-British alliance during the First World War HELSON, Peter Norman, A biography of Air Marshal Sir George Jones, KBE, CB, DFC LEE, Roger Vernon, The Australian Staff - a forgotten but essential element of the First AIF: 1916-1918 PALMER, Carolyne Louise, British Commonwealth Occupation Force, Japan 1945-52 SIDOTI, Salvatore John, A History of RAAF Strike Operations 1915-1971 STRAZCEK, Jozef Henry, Development of Signals Intelligence in the Royal Australian Navy 1914-1946 SUTTIE, Andrew, Lloyd George’s War Memoirs as History WILSON, David Joseph, Development of RAAF Maritime Strike Capability 1921-c.1970



Australian National University (ACT), History Department, School of Social Sciences ARCHER, Verity, In search of the Australian dole bludger: constructing images of welfare recipients, 1975–1983, PhD BAILEY, Merridee, Children's Literature in England, 1400s-1600s, PhD BISHOP, Christopher, Society and Culture in 10th Century Wessex, PhD BUCK, Darren, Lay Religious Fraternities and the English Reformation, 1510–1559, PhD CLARKE, David, The Winograd Commission 1975-1978: Reform in the Democratic Party and Presidential Incumbency, PhD COHEN, Daniel, A Historical Reconstruction of the Marcan Community, PhD COLE, Maribeth, Cheong Liew and the Evolution of Australian Cuisine, PhD COLWELL, Tania, Melusine: a Comparative Study in Historical Reception, PhD DIBLEY, Benjamin, Museum, Culture, Hybridity: a Comparative Study of National Museums in Australia and New Zealand, PhD ELLIOTT, Christopher, The Social World of Galen, PhD GREENWOOD, Emma, British Immigration to South Africa and Australia, 1945–1960, PhD HAY, David, Military Manœuvres: National Service in Australia, 1945-1972, PhD HOTCHIN, Julie, Female Monastic Life and the Cura Monalium in Germany, c.1100 to 1500, PhD IRVINE, Lachlan, An Australian Odyssey: The Long Journey Home for Vietnam Veterans, PhD KEEN, Elizabeth, From Bartholomeus to Batman: Four Hundred Years of De Proprietatibus Rerum, PhD LIAU, Stephanie, The Many Bodies of China: a critical reading of the culture of British Imperial Medicine, c. 1840–1890, PhD MCCORMACK, Patrick, The Popular Movement to Federation in New South Wales, 1897–1899, PhD MCEWEN, Melissa, The depiction of the 1960s in Hollywood films since 1985, PhD MITCHELL, Jessie, Missionaries and Aboriginal people in south-eastern Australia, 1830–1850, PhD MOYE, Rosemary, Participation of Women in Patenting and Technological and Industrial Change, Australia, 1850–1950, PhD MUGGERIDGE, Bernard, A History of Homiletics in the 20th Century Catholic Church, PhD NEWELL, Jennifer, Pacific Voyaging and Creative Representations of the Self in Late 18th Century Europe and Tahiti, PhD PHOUMIRATH, Thongrith, Identity and Lao Diaspora across Time and Space, PhD PLAYER, Anne, The Development of Catholic Education in Southern New South Wales, 1870–1920, PhD


DIRECTORY QUARTERMAINE, Janet, An Analysis of Social and Religious Structures in the Roman Imperial Period, PhD STIVALA, Joan, Influence of Roman Stoicism on Early Christianity, PhD SULLIVAN, Ann, The Australian Woman's Sphere, the Woman Voter and the Women's Political Association, 1900 to 1919, PhD TANNI, Katri, Dissolving the White Australia Policy: the Immigration Reform Group, 1950s-1980s, PhD TREVILLIAN, Jinki, Talking with the Old People: histories of Cape York Peninsula, 1930s- 1950s, PhD TRUDINGER, David, Christian Missionaries in South Australia, 1911-1967, PhD VICKERY, Edward, To Tell Australia’s Story to the World: The Department of Information 1939-1950, PhD WISEMAN, Robert, The Development of Communication in Scientific Thought, PhD WRIGHT, Christine, ‘Really Respectable Settlers’: The Impact of the Peninsular War Veterans on the Australian Colonies, 1820s-1830s, PhD

Australian National University (ACT), Division of Pacific and Asian History* BALEIWAQA, T, Land and Land Tenure in the South Pacific, PhD COOKSON, M B, Civil Society in Melanesia, PhD DURUTALO, A L, Fijian Political Culture; Trends in Political Thinking and, the Formation of Alternative Political Parties, 1960-2001, PhD EDO, J, The Identity Dynamics of the Kanaks in New Caledonia since 1945, PhD FLETCHER, R, Batchelor Yaeko: A Life, PhD GREENBAUM, J M D, Ch’en Chi-ju, the construction and manipulation of his image, PhD HIGUCHI, W, The Japanese Presence on Guam, From Meiji to Nanshinron to the Pacific War, PhD HUMPHRY, J, Archipelago Trails: The life and times of Iha Fuyu 1876-1947, PhD HUTT, J P D, The Triumph of the Vulgar: Shanghai Style 1927-1937, PhD LIUA’ANA, F, Samoa Tula’i: Ecclesiastical and Political Face of Samoa’s Independence, 1900-1962, PhD LLOYD, G J, Influences, Motivation and Identity Formation: A study of Indonesia’s Independent and Active Foreign Policy during the New Order, PhD MCCORMACK, N Y, The ‘creation’ of buraku in Meiji Japan, PhD MORGAN, M G, State and Society in Vanuatu’s Churches of Christ Communities, 19001991, PhD MUCKLE, A G, The Spectre of Revolt. Mastering violence in New Caledonia – Kanak and colonial strategies 1895-1920, PhD MUNRO, R B, The Foundations of the Australia-Korea Relationship: the first 75 years of contact, 1889-1964, PhD


DIRECTORY OAKMAN, D B, The Colombo Plan: Regional security and Australia’s engagement with Asia, 1950-1965, PhD PETROV, L, Korean leftist historians of the colonial period and the formation of North Korean official historiography, PhD PLATZDASCH, B W, Islamic Politics in a Time of Transition – Indonesia: 1997-1999, PhD ROBERTS, C, National Painting and Artistic Identity in twentieth century China, PhD SHIN, Y, Destruction and reconstruction – the anarchist challenge in the family system in China and Japan, 1900-1930, PhD SPURWAY, J T, Ma’afu: The Making of the Tui Lau, PhD TAYLOR, J, Heritage in Taiwan’s Southern Capital, PhD TOOHILL, D, Vision, wise administration, and a co-operative and energetic people? Papua New Guinean development, 1930-1965, PhD TROTT, R G, The Politics of Famine in a Far-off Place: Nyùi Mitsugi and the Hòreki Crisis in Tsugaru, PhD WADA, Y, The Japanese Welfare State and the Paradox of Equality, PhD WARD, V B, Not Quite History: writing and reading ‘contemporary history’ in early postwar Japan, PhD WEIR, C, ‘With Proper Christian Industry’: Missionary Attitudes To Pacific Islander Workers, 1870-1930, PhD WELCH, I, Alien Son: A Life of Cheok-Hong Cheong, 1851-1928, PhD WHITE, S J, Women, Reformist Islam and the Family in twentieth century Java, PhD WINTER, C, A political history of the Neuendettelsauer Mission in Australia, New Guinea and Germany 1928-1947, PhD YANG, T R, Hometown as Fatherland: Nanyang Chinese Under Japanese Pan-Asianism and Pribumi Nationalism in Malaya and Indonesia, 1937-1955, PhD

Australian National University, Art History and Film Studies Program (School of Humanities) Classics Program (School of Language Studies) History Program (School of Social Sciences) BLACK, James, Non-verbal communication in the Homeric epics, PhD CLARKE, Naomi, Story telling in Apuleius’ Metamophoses, PhD MCDONALD, James, Asebeia in fifth-century Athens, PhD POWER, Michael, Narrative structures in Homer, PhD QUARTERMAINE, Janet, Roman imperial Italy: cultural and social diversity in the regions of the north, PhD RANDLES, Sarah, The depiction of the Tristan legend in medieval narrative embroidery, PhD STAWOWCZYK, Anna, The presentation of Galilee in the first century AD as seen in Josephus, MLitt TANGRI, Daniel, Relevance in Athenian Orators, MA WILLIAMS, Gael, The place of the rose in the ancient Roman world, MPhil 115


Australian National University (ACT), School of Social Sciences* ALLAN, Susan, Gender Roles in War and Peace in Australia and Britain, 1914-1922, PhD DOUGLAS, Kirsty, Six Dioramas from the Top Tenth of Time: Earth Science and the Interpretation of the Deep Past in Australia, PhD DOUST, Janet, English Migrants to New South Wales 1830-1860: The Transmission of Culture between England and Australia, PhD HANNAH, Mark, Australian Aboriginal history, PhD LEWIS, Darrell, The Hundred-Year Frontier: Life in the Victoria/Ord River District, Northern Territory, PhD PFEIL, Helen, The History of Parent-child Relationships in Australia, 1850-1914, PhD SHERRATT, Tim, Choosing a Future in the Atomic Age: Science and Culture in twentieth century Australia, PhD TAYLOR, Rebe, The Unshafted Axe: Stone Tools, Race and the Myth of Tasmanian Extinction, PhD THOMPSON, John, Geoffrey Serle and the Melbourne Intellectual Tradition: A Study of Shaping and Making, Achievement and Influence, PhD

Australian National University (ACT), School of Humanities, School of Language Studies and School of Social Sciences* LETCHFORD, Rod, The early Christian understanding of the presence of God in particular places, PhD MACKEY, Nan, Martianus Capella, MLitt MCDONALD, James, Asebeia in fifth century Athens, PhD QUARTERMAINE, Janet, Roman imperial Italy: cultural and social diversity in the regions of the north, PhD RANDLES, Sarah, The depiction of the Tristan legend in medieval narrative embroidery, MPhil TANGRI, Daniel, Relevance in Athenian Orators, MA

Charles Sturt University, Faculty of Arts O'CONNELL, Mary, Catholic romances and impossible journeys: the life of Eileen O'Connor, 1892-1921, PhD WHITFORD, Troy, The Reception of the rural reconstruction commission's reports and their impact on policy, 1943-1949

Curtin University of Technology, Department of Social Sciences BAILEY, Damien, Capitalist Bengal in time and space, 1848-1947, PhD


DIRECTORY BOURKE, Simon, History and postmodernism, PhD DAMACHIS, Bill, The role of the Reserve Bank of India in the process of economic liberalism: 1980-1998, PhD GOODING, Janda, Constructing an empire: the work of British artists in South Africa, India and Australia 1770-1870, PhD HAMILTON, Karine, Memory and identity: historical representations and the shaping of Israeli identities, PhD HILL, Douglas, The construction and the local implications for the politics of development, PhD LEE, Fiona, Transformation of community and identity: a historical ethnographic study of the Chinese community in Perth, Western Australia, 1970-2000, PhD MASON, Victoria, The consequences of the Gulf War 1990-1 for Palestinian migrant workers within Kuwait and their families, PhD MOREDOUNDT, Wayne, Australia-India relations 1901-1947, PhD REID, Dorothy, An historical analysis of French decisions not to act upon proposals to lay claim to Western Australia, MA STEVENS, Simon, The granary of the colony: a history of the Greenough Flats, 18571901, PhD TALLIS, Denise, Privilege, oppression and power: a history, Western Australia 19461975, PhD

Deakin University, Faculty of Arts ABBOTT, Jacqueline, Biography and Assessment of Australian artist (Melb.) Dora Wilson (1883-1946), PhD BLUM, Morgan, A study of genocide and the Aborigines, MA BOYD, Jodie, Australian political culture and the Korean War, PhD DO, Quang, Globalisation and migration: A study of Vietnamese communities around the world in terms of refugee and settlement issues from 1975 onward, PhD ELLERY, Craig, Jewish representations within British scientific romance 1880-1914, PhD HUMBLE, Geoffrey, Contemporary representations of ANZAC Day, PhD MURRAY, Michael, The Gaelic Experience in Australia: A Case Study of Scottish Emigrants from Moidart to the Colony of Port Phillip 1850 - 1920, MA QIAN, Fengqi, Chinese Peceptions of Cultural Heritage, PhD REID, William, Sir Owen Dixon's mediation of the Kashmir Dispute, 1950: international consequences, PhD RUSTICHELLI, Maureen, A biography of Edward Selby Little: Australia's first Trade Commissioner to China, PhD SCHACHT, Ilka, Making room for the past: determining significance in archaeological collections from historic sites, PhD SWEET, Jonathan, The colonial museum in the Asia-Pacific Region: transformations in the ages of colonisation, nationalism and globalisation, 1870-2000, PhD 117

DIRECTORY TEOH, Remedios, Gender and National Identity in Radical Philippine Theatre, PhD WATTERS, Gregory, Medical aspects of the Australian/Asian relationship, PhD

James Cook University (Queensland), Faculty of Arts, Education & Social Sciences BALANZATEGUI, Bianka Vidonja, Early farmers’ associations in the sugar industry: the Herbert River Farmers League, PhD BLUETT, Margaret, Experiences of Iranian Baha'i refugees in Australia, PhD GILMORE, Marjorie, Deregulation of three agricultural industries on the Atherton Tableland, PhD GORDON, Gillian, The Sociological Survey, Townsville, 1924, PhD HALL-MATTHEWS, Tony, Fiduciary relations between the Anglican Church and the Diocese of Carpentaria, PhD HANNAN, Agnes, The Rotuman Community in Australia, PhD JENSEN, Judith, Unpacking the Travellers’ Baggage: Travel Literature of Australia, 1850-1914, PhD KIRKMAN, Noreen, Company social infrastructure in mining towns: Mt Isa, PhD MCASKILL, Tracy, The Social Composition of the NSW Corps, PhD ROBB, Sandi, Chinese families and their heritage in Queensland, PhD

History Program, La Trobe University ANDERSON, Max, Boy Soldiers & the American Civil War, MA BADGER, Jim, Australian Horse Drawn Vehicles, PhD BARRIGAN, Graham, Trench Warfare & its Impact on Civil War soldiers: the Petersburg-Vicksburg Experience, MA BRETT, Christine, Missionaries, Government & Aborigines in NSW 1890-1920, PhD BROOKS, Ross, Imagining the Nation: the visual & material culture of the confederate states of America, MA BUTLER, Janet, A Study of World War One Army Nurse, Kitty McNaughton RRC, PhD BUTTROSE, John, Sealers, Whalers & Indigenous People in Australasia, MA CALIGARI, Jennifer, Representation of Female Authority in 16th Century Portraits, MA CAMPO, Natasha, The Construction of Ideal Femininity in Australian Popular Culture 1990-2000, MA DEERSON, Denise, Trauma, Loss, Resolution & Retrieval: Aboriginal Reactions, MA DONNELLY, Karen, The Work, Life & Times of a 19th Century Photographer Thomas Cleary 1854-1899, MA FARAH, Issa, Al-Jazeera TV: an analysis of alternative images of the War on Terror, MA FENTON, Sophie, Migrant Perceptions of a Changing Australia, 1950-1995: an examination of national identity through the eyes of Victorian Migrants, PhD FERGUSON, Kathryn, Mean Streets: Melbourne’s Nineteenth Century Slums, PhD


DIRECTORY FRASER, Janet, Town Life in Eighteenth Century Belfast, PhD GERRAND, Jennifer, Violence Within & Between Black & White Settlements in Port Phillip & Victoria in 19th Century, MA GLASBEEK, Denise, A Political Peace to an Economic War: labour relations & conflict in Guatemala, 1871-1999, PhD GOODES, Sheryl, Economic Policies of the Board for Protection of Aborigines, MA GRANT, Richard, Sport and the American Civil War. A Case Study of Pennsylvania, MA GREENWAY, Emma, The Dog in the Australian Social and Cultural Landscape From 1788, MA GUZMAN, Vania, The Contemporary Face of the Farabundo Martinatural Liberation Front, MA HAMILTON, Carole, In Search of a Voice that is Silent: Women! Stories of Migration from Post War Britain, PhD HANLON, Kaye, Social Context of Witchcraft Accusations in England – 1600-1660, MA HARE, Phil, The History of Cattle Graziers in the Victorian Alps, MA HARROP, Malcolm, Good Things Came in Glass, PhD HEALEY, Tim, Will Clayton: His strategic Vision for Post War America, PhD HERMANS, Barbara, A Study of the Interaction Between Religious and Secular Journeys in the Context of the Pilgrimage to Santigo de Compostela, MA HOVENGA, Peter, Communication and the Russian Revolutions of 1917 and 1989, PhD KALIVAS, Tina, The Development of (Greek) Cypriot Food Cultures & Practices in Melbourne During the Postwar Period, PhD LARSSON, Marina, Returned Soldiers & Disability in Australia 1919-1939, PhD LEE, Margaret, An Investigation of Civilian Endeavour on Behalf of the Union War Effort During the American Civil War and of Contemporary Celebration of Such Endeavour, PhD LISLE, Phillip, An Epistemic analysis of Early Modern Australia Using the Diary of Judge Advocate, Richard Atkins, PhD MAKSAY, Almos, Deconstructing 19th Century Aboriginal Policy in Victoria: Text & Context 1865-1886, MA MCBURNIE, Alex, The Promotion, Affirmation & Challenging of Mothering Techniques in 1950s Victoria, PhD MCDERMOTT, Alex, Batman and Fawkner and the Afterlife, PhD MCGILLIVERY, Angus, Agricultural Imperialism in the Antipodes, PhD McMAHON, Teresa, Equatorial Guinea in the Federation of French Africa - Economic, Political and Cultural Problems, PhD NAISMITH, Browny, An Investigation of the Appelation of Jews & Jewish Sects in the New Testament, MA O’BRIEN, Glen, North American Perfectionist Sects in Australia, PhD OKE, Noelle, The Boarding School in Public Discourse & Practice, MA


DIRECTORY OVERTON, Derek, Decolonisation and the Kenyan Highlands European Settler Community, PhD PAUL, Amanda, Pastoralism in Central Australia 1863-1939: Whose Country?, PhD POOLEY, Andrew, Australian Fears of Japan & External Policy 1939-41, PhD RASSMUSSEN, Amanda, Chinese in Melbourne, PhD ROGERS, Jennifer. An Exploration of the History of an Inland Australian City’s Political Landscape, PhD ROGERS, Oliver, Indigenous Rights Movements in Mexico & Guatemala, MA ROSS, Michael, A Seventeenth Century Episode: The Book of Sports, 1618-1633, PhD RYAN, Edward, Indigenous/European Relations in North-West Victoria and South-West New South Wales, PhD SHARMAN, Nick, The Rhetoric of Protest & Power: a Study of the Chicago Seven Trial, PhD SHNOOKAL, Deborah, Miami or the Mountains: Operation Pedro Pan & the Children of the Revolution, PhD STUART-ANDREWS, Roger, The Search for Fletcher Christian, MA TOWNS, Deborah, Equal Opportunity for Women Teachers, 1872-1932, PhD VERROCCHIO, Jacqueline, Evolution of Heritage Values in North-East Victoria, PhD WALTON, Inga, Representations of Lady Jane Grey, 1537-1554, PhD WARD, Yvonne, Queen Victoria & Prince Albert as Royal Parents 1840-1861: Ideas and Experiences, PhD WAYLAND, Lucy, Issues of National Identity as Visualised by Contemporary Mexican & Chicano Art, MA WOODLAND, John, A New Golden Era: - The Revival of Gold Mining in Victoria in 1980s, PhD WOODRUFF, Peter, Dignity & Power – undoing racist & cultural oppression in Northern Lima, Peru, MA

Macquarie University, Department of Ancient History ANDERSON, June, The scribe in Old Kingdom Egypt, PhD ANGERT-QUILTER, Theresa, Women travelling for religious purposes in the first to third centuries CE, PhD ARANZAMENDEZ, Rolando, The early Christians as resident aliens: a study of Christian spirituality in First Peter, PhD AYER, Kavita, Roman History, PhD BINDER, Susanne, The Ancient Egyptian honours system: rewarding scenes and the gold of honour, PhD BRIGHT, Desmond, A study of funerary and memorial stelae of the Twelfth Dynasty, PhD CORDIN, Anna, Old Kingdom Egyptian officials abroad: a study of their titles and travels, PhD


DIRECTORY COWIE, Paul, Pax Aegyptiaca? The New Kingdom Egyptian Empire in the land of Canaan with special reference to Egyptian garrisons and garrison cities, PhD DALRYMPLE, Jon, Non-rational healing in the Ancient Greek world from 1200 BC to AD 900, PhD EDWELL, Peter, The development of religion and defence in north-eastern Syria during the late Roman Period, PhD EVANS, Linda, Ethological observations in Egyptian art, MA (Hons) GALAN, Andrew, The aesthetic ambiguity of Catullus: a syndic reading of the family, PhD GALE, William, Roman History, PhD GIBSON, Richard, Emotion in early Christian thought, PhD GILBERT, Gregory, Weapons, warriors and warfare in Early Egypt, PhD GRIMES, Bruce, Greek History, PhD HAMPSON, Michelle, A comparative study of scenes of craft and industry in private tombs of the old kingdom in Ancient Egypt, PhD JONES, Jana, The textile vocabulary of the ancient Egyptian funerary texts: a lexicographic, iconographic and archaeological analysis, PhD KAATZ, Kevin, Augustine’s ‘Against the Fundamental Epistle’, PhD KARIATLIS, Peter, Attitudes to death and dying in Late Antiquity, MA (Hons) KATSIKAROS, Terri, Trials of late fifth century Athens, PhD KINNEY, Lesley, Egyptian History, PhD LANCASTER, Warwick, Roman ambitions in the Middle East as Greek pre-eminence was displaced, MA (Hons) LOVELL, Graham, The life and works of Gregory of Neocaesarea, PhD MARKLEY, Jonathan, Tacitus and Sima Qian: an historiographical comparison, PhD MATHIESON, Erica, Women in the Papyri, PhD MCCORQUODALE, Kim, Representations of the family in Old Kingdom Egypt, PhD MORRIS, Sally, Craft and chaos: the origins, development and influences of the mythology, cult and iconography of the Greek war god Ares, PhD O’BRIEN, Darren, History of the blood libel accusation and ancillary charges among the Jews, PhD PONT, Jaye, Red-slipped tableware from Pompeii, MA (Hons) REFAEI, Ezzat, Funerary beliefs in predynastic and early dynastic Egypt, PhD RICKLEFS, Norman, The pursuit of perfection: angels in the first four centuries of Christianity, PhD SMITH, Margaret, ‘Men who make the city’: citizens and others in classical Athens, PhD SMYTHE, Jane, (Egyptian History), MA (Hons) THOMPSON, Elizabeth, A study of the architecture of the cemetery of tel-Hawawish in Upper Egypt in the Old Kingdom, MA (Hons) WILSON, Elizabeth, Titles in the cult of Re in Old Kingdom Egypt, PhD WINDON, Bradley, (Tertullian), PhD



Monash University, Centre for Archaeology and Ancient History, Department of Philosophy ELIOPOULOS, Nick, Civic friendship in Plato, PhD ECCLESTON, Mark, Technological and social aspects of high temperature manufacturing processes in the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt, during the Roman Period, PhD LEIGH, Fiona, Interpreting being in Plato’s Sophist, PhD HUBSCHMANN, Caroline, Egypt’s Western Desert during the third intermediate and late period with specific reference to the impact of the internal fragmentation and foreign domination that occurred during these times, PhD KUCERA, Paul, The military and administration in the Western Desert of Egypt in the Roman period, PhD MCKINNON, Leigh, Boethuis’ De Arithmetica, PhD NEUMANN, Kerri, Aspects of kingship in the Egyptian New Kingdom, PhD WARFE, Ashten, Holocene ceramics of the Dakhleh Oasis, PhD WILLIS, Chris, The archaeology of the Dakhleh Oasis, PhD O'BRIEN, Lainie, Kingship under Thutmose III, MA SLADEN, Cynthia, A study of the iconographic material from the late Predynastic Period, MA TSITOURIDIS, John, Minoan colonies in the Eastern Mediterranean, MA

Northern Territory University (NT), Faculty of Law, Business and Arts ANGEL, Anita, Defining the Territory: a history of the Northern Territory Artists’ Camps 1980-1991, PhD CAMERON, Andrew, Policy development on indigenous education in the Northern Territory, 1946-2002, PhD DAVIS, Alan, The history of special library collections in the Northern Territory, PhD FARRAM, Steve, The history of West Timor, PhD GIBSON, Eve, Beyond the boundary: a history of land use and planning in Fannie Bay 1869-2000, PhD GORDON, Christine, The Catholic Church and the status of aboriginal women: Port Keats 1934-1973, PhD HARRIS, Phillip, A history of European community music in the Northern Territory from 1869 to the present, PhD JARVIS, Martin, Did J S Bach write the Cello Suites?, PhD JOHN, Bender, A history of the Royal Australian Air Force base, Darwin, MA LLOYD, Browne, B T Finniss and the Escape Cliffs settlement, MA MACKELLAR, Malcolm, Orang Gelap: illegal immigration from Indonesia, PhD MILLER, Michelle, Reformasi and rebellion on the verandah of Mecca: Jakarta's shifting security and autonomy policies in Aceh, PhD NIXON, Rod, Customary law, local politics and identity during East Timor’s transition to independence, PhD


DIRECTORY PHELTS, Bev, History of Northern Territory water development, PhD STANTON, Sue, Countrymen and Christians: the Catholic Church and part-Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory’s Top End, PhD WALTER, Adrian, Stylistic trends present in the music of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries as reflected in the Guitar Concerti of Mauro Giuliani (1781-1828) and the guitar music of Fernando Sor (1778-1839), PhD WHITEBEACH, Terry, Biography of Donald Ross, Kaytetye senior man, PhD YATES, Julian, Vestiges of empire: a case study into the development of a voluntary organisation in Northern Australia (Boy Scouts), PhD

Queensland University of Technology, School of Humanities & Human Services, Carseldine Campus Centre for Social Change Research BERLEB, Stefan, German Military Influence in China, 1919-1939, PhD BOWRA, Jean Morag, ‘Into the Abdomen. Ovariotomy and the Medical Gaze’ ovariotomy as a case of Foucault's medical gaze, PhD DEWHIRST, Catherine Marguerita, Ethhnic identity in Italo-Australian History: an immigrant family history case study of the transformation of ethnicity over 120 years, PhD DICKINSON, Janine Isobel, Images of Cosimo de Medici in Writings of the 15th and 16th Century, MA HENDERSON, Lindsay Jane, Britain and European Integration: The Effect of the Growth of Scottish and Welsh Nationalism on Britain's Relationship with the Process of European Integration 1945-1992, PhD JIGGENS, John Lawrence, Marijuana Australiana: A History of Cannabis Use, Popular Culture & the Americanisation of Drugs Policy in Australia 1938 to 1988, PhD JOHNSTONE, Giselle Yvette, Young Australians in 1976: A Cultural, Social & Historical Study of the Importance of Popular Music to Young Adults, MA KARI, Sam Sirox, Papua New Guinea's National Goals and Principles: The achievement of national sovereignty & self reliance goal, PhD KEIR, Warren Neill, Voting Behaviour and Constitutional Change in Australia since the 1970s, PhD KELK, Michael John, A history of the factors involved in decisions on the adoption of computers by the Queensland Government and the subsequent initial problems: 19561984, MA KEOGH, Donna Maree, Ideology & structure: Reworking of the labour movement, PhD LAWSON, David, Indigenous Australians and Islam: Spiritual, Cultural and Political Alliances in the Twenty First Century, PhD MOZAFFARI FALARTI, Maziar, Hikayat Rambutan: Islam & the 1867 Penang Riots, PhD SLAGHTER-KNOWLES, Marcelle, An Archaeology of 20th Century Poverty & Income Support in Australia & New Zealand., PhD


DIRECTORY SPELMAN, Greg Thomas, Reconciling a policy of neutrality with the prospect of integration: Ireland, the European community & Ireland's United Nation's Policy 19651972, PhD TYSOE, Jason Terry, Australian masculinity: a cultural history, PhD USHAY, Joshua Levi, Paul H. Nitze and American Cold War Strategy 1949-1953: Towards an Intellectual History of the Cold War, PhD

University of Adelaide, Centre for European Studies and General Linguistics, Discipline of Classics AGUTTER, Karen Maree, Enforced repatriation of Italians from Australia during World War I, PhD BARDAK, Katherine, Film and propaganda - Australian newsreels, MA BLACK, Sarah Jane Shepherd, The community cookbook in Australia, 1895-1969, PhD BRENNAN, Michael, The history of the US Military Intelligence Division 1919-1941, PhD CALVERT, John, The life and contribution to Australian historiography of Douglas Pike (1908-1974), MA CLARKE, Sharyn Beth, A History of the River Torrens in the nineteenth century, MA COWEN, David John, History of mining in South Australia, MA DERMODY, Kristy Ann, Post World War II German immigration to Australia, MA DONAGHY, Gerald Alleyne, The decline of the Australian domestic shipping industry, 1945-1975, PhD FERGUSON, Tennille Michelle, American foreign economic policy, PhD GARA, Thomas J, Effects of the Maralinga nuclear tests on the Aboriginal people, PhD HALL, Ellen, Consequences of unemployment in early 1930s Britain upon children, PhD HASDA, Roy, Global terrorism: national cause, international consequences, PhD HEUZENROEDER, Angela May, History of the food culture of the Barossa Valley, PhD HILL, Craig S, History of the olive industry in South Australia, MA HYLAND, Skye Seona, Modern British history – country houses, PhD HYLTON, Jane, South Australian colonial art and the development of visual art culture, PhD JEFFRIES, Tania Claire, The earls and countesses of Huntingdon in the seventeenth century, PhD KATE, Maria, Women in Fascist thought and history, PhD KAUKAS, Anthony, A history of the South Australian police, MA KINSEY-TROTMAN, Matthew, Churchill's World War II history – agency and democracy – comparison with the writings of Harold MacMillan and Anthony Eden, PhD LAFFIN, Josephine Dene, Matthew Beovich, Cardinal Archbishop of Adelaide, 19401971, PhD LEADER, Andrew Jon, The relationship between historical context and rhetorical structure of the major Presidential speeches of Roosevelt and Reagan. How political speech shapes and is shaped by politics and society, MA


DIRECTORY LEE, Julie, Analysis of feminist comic sensibility by way of critiquing selected examples of black/grotesque visual humour, and demonstrating the Reversal Theory as a device for theoretical analysis and interpretation, PhD LU, Ming, Overseas Chinese business with focus on the Chaoshan community, PhD MATTHEWS, Carol Joan, Architecture and polite culture in eighteenth century England: Blackstone's architecture manuscripts, PhD MOLYNEUX, Denis David, Sport and leisure in South Australian colonial history, PhD MOSLER, Sharon Ann, Built heritage activism in South Australia since World War II, MA MOULE, Ronald, Changing Western perceptions of Zhou En Lai, PhD NOBBS, Christopher, South Australian indigenous history, MA OHFF, Hans-Juergen, German colonial possessions in the Pacific, PhD OLIPHANT, Rachael Ann, Australian heritage consumption: exploring our appetite for the heritage commodity in modern Australia, PhD PAVILS, Janice Gwenllian, Anzac Culture in Australian History, PhD PITMAN, Julia Louise, Australian Church history. Congregationalist women, 1920-1960, PhD RATLEDGE, Andrew James, Indian sugar industry, PhD SMITH, Avis Carol, History of China painting in Australia, PhD STRAWHAN, Peter D, Don Dunstan and the history of food and drink in South Australia, PhD THOMAS, Ashley James, Comparative study of Fascism and culture (Britain and France), PhD THORPE, Julie Anne, Twentieth-century Austrian history – nation and identity, PhD TURNER, Sean Matthew, Dean Rusk and US China Policy, PhD VAN KONKELENBERG, Jude Nicholas, The ANU and the formation of Australian Policy towards Indonesia, PhD VERCO, Fiona Helen, Sister Cities, PhD ZHANG, Ning, The development of secondary vocational and technical education in urban China 1978-1996, PhD

University of Melbourne, Centre for Classics and Archaeology, School of Fine Arts, Classical Studies and Archaeology BARLOW, J, Chemical characterisation of pottery from north-east Turkey, MA BOSCHETTI, J, Roman theatres in Provence (Gallia Narbonensis), MA BOULET, J, An exportation in Hellenistic diffusion: the case of Jebel Khalid, MA CHAPMAN, E, The language of disease in Roman love poetry, PhD CONNOR, S, Plants, people and environment in the prehistoric south Caucasian region, PhD COUGLE, LM, Iron Age settlements in the area of the Roman forum, MA COURTNEY, K, Piece pipes: the clay tobacco pipes from ‘Little Lon’, Melbourne, Australia, MA 125

DIRECTORY FINCH, SA, Religious connections between the Aegean and Anatolia during the Iron Age, MA FRASER, T, Hadrian – builder and benefactor of provincial cities? An investigation of Hadrianic building in the western Roman empire, PhD FURLONG, P, James Indo-Europeans in Greece, MA HALL, F, An examination and analysis of the transformation in the ‘visual code’ employed, in terms of the self and public depiction of the Emperor in the period from Diocletian to Theodosius I, MA HAYMES, C, The imperial policy and coinage of Trajian Decius, PhD IRVIN, G, Modelling the ancient economy: subsistence strategies and agrarian economy of the Mesopotamian cultures through time via an examination of the faunal record of Tell Ahmar on the Euphrates, PhD IRVIN, G, Formal analysis of animal remains from Tell Ahmar, MA KEARNEY, A, A biography of landscape: Yanyuwa, PhD KEYS, O, Reading the Roman Forum: An interpretation of the Forum as a site of dynamic Roman identity, MA LINDSAY, J, An examination of the ancient Edomite state/people in the Transjordan during Iron Age Two and the Persian period, MA LIVERMORE, NL, Anatolian Bronze Age figurines, MA MARTINO, J, Cultures of violence in the old world and the new: Rome and the Mexica, PhD MCNAMARA, L, The role of folk healers in the Greek medical system during the Classical period, PhD MESSER, A, Translation of ten of Romanos’ Byzantine Hymns from Greek into English, MA MIALANES, J, Why Aboriginal people began using geometric microliths in large quantities during the last 4,000 years, PhD MONAGHAN, P, Theatrical language and Greek tragedy, PhD MOTTERSHEAD, G, The constructions of Marcus Agrippa in the West, PhD NELSON, B, The Peloponnesian war revolutionary effects for the nature of the Greek polis, MA NICHOLS, M, Gesture in Neopalatial Human-shaped images, MA O’NEILL, J, The development of complex societies in Anatolia in the third millennium B.C., MA ORCHARD, A, Bronzed bodies: smith and warrior in Greek myth, PhD ORCHARD, A, The immersion motif: metaphor of technology in Bronze and Iron Age Myth, MA PARR, E, Anatomical analysis of bones buried at Sos Hoyuk in Turkey, PhD RAWLINSON, K, Political and social theory in the Roman historians, MA RICKERBY, S, Apostolic traditions in the early Church, MA SEBO, H, Euripides’ Helen, PhD STRATFORD, J, The culture of the warrior in the Iliad, MA


DIRECTORY VAN TWEST, M, The archaeology of the Burhs of Aetheflaed tenth century Anglosaxon female military commander, MA WALLIS, J, Defining elegy in Propertius Book Three, MA WHINCOP, M, The Iron Age levels at Tell Nebi Mend (Trench 5), MA WILKS, L, Kingship and power relations in Bronze Age Syria, MA WITHERS, G, The political use of miracles in the first five centuries of the Christian era, PhD YOUNG, J, The influence of Old Testament Scriptures on the corpus of New Testament Kontakia by Romanos, MA

University of Melbourne, Department of History & Gender Studies ADU-BOAHEN, Kwabena, Reshaping their own fortunes in a new order: women and slaveholding in nineteenth-century Coastal Fante, PhD ANDERSON, Judith, Liberté, égalité, esclaevage...Grand universal principles meet economic self-interest in Bordeaux, 1789-1794, PhD BARNES, Robert, John Hunter, NSW’s second governor: Promotion beyond competence?, PhD BAXTER, Kylie, Bush administration foreign policy in the middle east, PhD BELING, Joel, On the changing conceptualisation of adult male hypersexuality: From romanticised Don Juanism to pathological sexual addiction, PhD BICE, Sarah, Nationalism, gender and citizenship, MA BIRD, David, Joseph Lyons 1879-1939: The ‘Tame Tasmanian’, PhD BIRRELL, Ralph, The development of mining technology in Australia, PhD BOOTH, Simon, Cartoons and the left: Representations of the politics of labour, Melbourne 1890-1920, PhD BORLAND, Janet, Responses to the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, MA BRAISER, Angelina, The role of the Chaplaincy in Bermuda and Australian convict establishments – A comparative study, MA BRENNAN, Claire, Imperial Game: Hunting, society and environment in New Zealand and Victoria, 1840-1901, PhD BURKE, Roland, Political prison cells and unmarked police cars: The politics of human rights at the United Nations, PhD CADMAN, Samuel, Criminal Trials and the Process of Settlement, PhD CARNIEL, Jessica, Representations of gender, culture and identity in literature and film of Italian Australians, PhD CAROLANE, Peter, Is Colonial Religion all bad? The attitudes of Postcolonial historians towards Christianity and the Church, MA CLAPTON, Rick, Origins: Policing of Melbourne’s traffic 1900-1930, PhD CLARK, Anna, Teaching History in Australian schools, PhD COLLER, Ian, History of Arabs in Paris, PhD CRUICKSHANK, Joanna, Charles Wesley and the idea of suffering in the eighteenth century, PhD 127

DIRECTORY DALTON, Heather, Roger Barlow and Tudor Mercantilism, PhD DART, Christopher, The Transformation of the Principate and the Rise of the Equestrian Order, MA DAVIES, Helen, Jewish identity, social justice and banking: The Pereire Brothers, PhD DAVINE, Annamaria, A comparative study of the immigration and settlement of regional Italian groups in Gippsland between 1925-1970, PhD DESHON, Janet, An historical analysis of possible allusions to the Lodge of Strict Observance, the Illuminati and the Lodge of Wisdom Triumphant in Die Zauberflote, MA DICK, Ruth, Ellen Mulcahy: A study of her life in the context of her era, PhD DICKENSON, Jacqueline, H.H. Champion: An Incoherent Romance, PhD DOLAN, Erin, ‘My Home, My Prison’: Human Rights in the Autobiographies of women political prisoners from the Middle East and North Africa, MA DONATI, Laura, History of Sydney Road, MA (Public History) DULHUNTLY, Helen, Origins and Representations: The History and Politics of Twentieth-Century Witchcraft, MA DUX, Monica, History of VD in Australia, 1940-1970, PhD EDMONDS, Penelope, Race and space in urban Australia: ‘urban frontiers’, PhD ELFIRA, Mina, Gender and discourse in contemporary Indonesian culture, PhD ELKNER, Cate, Italian Post-War Migration to Australia: The Role of Lena Santespirito as Intermediary between Italian Immigrants and the Host Society, PhD FREAME, Jessica, Hollywood and American society: from isolation to McCarthyism, PhD FRIEDEL, Janice, Art in Dissent, MA FRIGO, Nicholas, Posing, poster and personal promotion: An examination of the commercialisation of Oscar Wilde, PhD FURPHY, Sam, Edward Micklethwaite Curr, PhD 1820-1889, PhD GAYNOR, Nicholas, Japanese invasion fear to ANZUS treaty: An analysis of Australia’s battle for regional priorities and security in its relations with the US 1942-1952, MA GENTRY, Kynan, Associations make identities: Pakeha preservation of Maori historic places in New Zealand, 1890-1955, PhD GIVEN, Donald, Sir Earnest – A biography, PhD GODFREY, Rachel, Origin of Australian animal rights, PhD GOLDSMITH, Timothy, Communalism and violence in contemporary America, PhD GREY, Madeline, Towards full citizenship: Feminist endeavours to place women in the Victorian Parliament 1972-96, PhD GULI, Claudia, The inconsistencies in Fortescue: Obedience to the law versus a right of rebellion, MA HARDING, Sharon, Female Perpetrators: The Role of Female Doctors and Nurses in the Third Reich, MA HARPER, Anne, Scandalous songs and scurvy rhymes: Cultural history through the ballads of Smithfield, 1622-1642, PhD HARRIS, Deborah, The Danger Signs: Identifying Factors that Cause Genocide, PhD


DIRECTORY HARRIS, Kristy, Not just routine nursing: The role and skills of the Australian Army Nursing Service in the Great War 1914-1919, PhD HARRIS, Catherine, Heresy, Blasphemy and Language: Liberty of Conscience and the Protectorate Parliamentary Trials of John Biddle and James Naylor, 1653-57, MA HARRISON, Andrew, When the revolution comes: black power, cultural nationalism and signifying within African-American music during the period 1968-1972, and its manifestation within contemporary black music, PhD HEALY, Sianan, Australian and American indigenous peoples in popular culture, 18801930, PhD HEARDER, Rosalind, Careers in Captivity: Australian POW Medical Personnel in World War Two, PhD HOLST, Heather, Making a home in post-goldrush Castlemaine, PhD HUMPHREYS, Edward, Some aspects of the Federal Political Career of Andrew Fisher, MA INGLIS, Andrea, An investigation of Australia's inland resorts in the nineteenth century, PhD JENSZ, Felicity, Collecting cultures: The Moravian missionaries in Australia, PhD JONES, Timothy, Mind, soul and…penis?: Modernism and early twentieth-century British Christian masculinities, PhD KALLINIKIOS, John, A study of ethnicity and multiculturalism as seen through the development of soccer in Victoria, PhD KALMAN, Julie, The organisation of the Jews of France, PhD KELLY, Michael, Recollections of the Italian Anti-fascist Movement: A Study in National Self Identity, PhD KLOESTER, Jennifer, Georgette Heyer: the Novelist as historian, PhD KOEHNE, Samuel, Points of Conflict: Experiences of Nationalism, Deportation and Internment in the Tempelgesellschaft (Temple Society), 1930-1950, MA KRONGOLD, Jeanette, Fortress Australia: ‘Isolationism’ and migration policy, PhD KULA, Agata, Hiding: An investigation of the experiences of Jewish men and women who hid or passed as ‘Aryans’ during the Holocaust in the General Government, 19401945, MA LEACH, Daniel, Erin go Bragh – Breiz Atao: Breton nationalists in Irish exile, 19441999, PhD LECKEY, John, ‘Little Lon’: A Study of a Residential Area in Transition, PhD LEE, Edwin, A study of John Buchan’s social, religious and political ideas through an analysis of his private and public writings, PhD LENNE, Meredith, Adoption by any other name: ‘The best interests of the child?’ An exploration of the experience of adopted and donor-conceived people focusing on issues of secrecy and identity, and processes of changing legislation., PhD LITTLEJOHN, Rebecca, Individual or Community? The Search for Utopia in Contemporary America, MA LOBO, Sharon, ‘Hell No, We Won’t Go’: Resistance By Australians To Participation in Warfare, PhD 129

DIRECTORY LOW, Sharon, Romancing the Orient: A comparative study of gendered western representations of the Middle East in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century western travel writing and contemporary Mills and Boon oriental passion/desert romance fiction, PhD LOWE, Bianca, How does the migrant experience of nationalism support the national identity of the ethnic majority?, PhD MACDONALD, Michelle, Iconoclasm in England 1530-1650, MA MACKENZIE, Laurel, Femininity, Gentility, and Slavery: Self-Representation in Southern Women’s Intimate Writings, MA, MARTIN, Philip, Small Spaces – Representations of Sexual Violence in Papua New Guinean Myths, MA MASON, Robin, Southern Identity in the reconstruction period, MA MCCARTHY, Ann, The Darkened Eye Restored: authorship and amanuensis in two American texts, MA MCDOWELL, Kate, Immigration of Danes from the Schleswig-Holstein region to Australia in the nineteenth century, MA MCMILLIAN, Melissa, After the war is over: Vietnam veterans and their families, MA MCPHEE, Kit, Race in a ‘racial democracy’: Afro-Brazilian politics in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, 1915-1940, PhD MEAHER IV, Agustine, The concept of Imperial Defence in Australia, 1918-1939, PhD MELCHOIR, Nicholas, Representations of Allied non-white soldiers and German soldiers during WWI, MA MICHAEL, Daniel, Throw another shrimp on the Barbie: Mattell’s Barbie Doll Downunder, MA MILLAR, Erica, Constructed gender and socialization: The case of World War Two Australia, MA MOORE, Lucy, Memories of childhood: Growing up in a Japanese Prisoner of War Camp, MA MUSGROVE, Nell, Social Service and ‘the Family’ in Melbourne, 1945-1965, MA NANNI, Giordano, Temporal colonialism, PhD NELSON, Elizabeth, Domestic violence in Melbourne in the early twentieth century, PhD NEWTON, Louise, An Emotional Decade: The impact of the Second World War on the Australian Family, PhD NICHOL, Barbara, Chinese Businesses in Victoria in the Early Twentieth Century, MA NICKOLAI, Henry, Change and Continuity in the Flavian Dynasty, MA NURMILA, Nina, Marriages in contemporary Indonesia: ‘Women’s perspectives’, PhD O’TOOLE, Peter, Television coverage of the Vietnam War: A comparative international perspective, PhD PAUL, Aron, Royalty and the Australian nation, PhD PEEK, Amy, Slavery in early-modern Italy, PhD PINTO, Sarah, Contemporary Australian historical fiction, PhD PLUNKETT, Leonie, South Gippsland’s Settlement and the Early Surveyors, MA (Public History)


DIRECTORY POLLARD, Kate, The history and culture of ‘closer settlement’ in the Western district of Victoria, MA (Public History) POTTER, Mark, A Militaristic Conception of Patriotism: The Heroic Warrior in the USA 1876-1900, PhD PREST, Jean, A Biography of Sir John Langdon Bonython, PhD PRINCE, Anne, The beaters of dangerous memories: Intergenerational communication and subjectivities of five Victorian women, PhD REEVES, Keir, Studies in Victoria’s goldfield heritage: The Mt Alexander diggings, 1851-1901, PhD REYNOLDS, Keryn, Australian Police as international peace keepers, PhD RICHARDSON, Nicholas, Ted McDonald: An agent of change in Australian sport, PhD ROBSON, Rosalind, The gaoler of Mary Queen of Scots, MA RULJANCICH, Sally, Beyond written data: an exploration of urban history and the importance of material culture, PhD SALZBERG, Rosa, The conspicuous consumption of books: models of leadership and female book collectors in late fifteenth-century Italy, MA SAUL, Neil, Prisoners of the American Civil War: A comparative analysis of the attitudes held by Union and Confederate prisoners to the land and people of their captors and of perceptions in the North and South about the treatment of prisoners of war, PhD SCHMULOW, Andrew, Banking industry regulation and deregulation in Indonesia under the Soeharto government, PhD SHAW, Pauline, Mission through journalism: Elizabeth Hayes and the annals of our Lady of the Angels, PhD SLUSHER, Gerald, St Brigit as a sovereignty figure for St Patrick in Irish hagiography, legends and folklore, PhD SMITH, Merete Colding, Never any work but all joy: Frederick and Penelope Morgan and their collection of children’s books in the Baillieu Library, The University Of Melbourne, PhD SOLDATOW, Sasha, Biography of Harry Hooton, PhD SPEAR, Jonathan, A history of the Australian Red Cross during the Second World War, PhD SPINKS, Jennifer, Monstrous hybrids: creating & visualising the decorative grotesque in sixteenth-century Northern Europe, PhD STEGALL, Victoria, The Influence of Landscape in Australian Writing for Children: An Historical Perspective, 1850-1950, MA STEPHENS, Marguerita, Shades of grey: Racial identities and public policy in Victoria 1859-1924, PhD STRUGNELL, Emma, Roman Foreign Policy in the East, MA SWEENEY, Belinda, Feminist activism in Australia and America 1880-1930, PhD TARULEVICZ, Nicki, Constructing the Future, essentialism the past Singapore, 19592002, PhD TOMSIC, Mary, Women and the screen: Australian women’s involvement with filmmaking and film culture, 1925-1995, PhD 131

DIRECTORY TRAN, An, Queenship and Sanctity: English and Scottish Queens of the 10th to 12th Centuries, MA TURNER-GRAHAM, Emily, The Impact of National Socialism on the GermanAustralian Community, PhD ULYANNIKOVA, Yulia, Forms of organised violence: Discourses and practices on prison and police in Russia, PhD VARNAVA, Andrekos, The Cyprus problem and British defence policy in the Middle East, PhD VITELLI, Frank, Robert Hoddle and the ornament of empire: Melbourne memory – cartography and architecture 1834-1934, PhD VORATH, Helen, Analysis of the impact of the ‘’ on Australian owned entrepreneurial IT companies using Sausage as a case study, PhD WALKER, Miranda, New Women: A comparative study of the origins of feminism in Britain, Australia and New Zealand, PhD WARE, Alison, The wages of sin: A study of lay concepts of sin in late fifteenth-century England, PhD WEHNER, Monica, German hardcore, cultural transformation and the visual space of history, PhD WHEELER, Jillian, Who owns Lincoln’s past? Multiple histories in a Victorian goldfields town, PhD WHITEHOUSE, John, History writing in the ancient world, MA WOLF, Gabrielle, An analysis of the origins of Melbourne theatre, 1967-1980, PhD WONG, Cyprus, A History of the Brisbane Bears, 1986-1996, MA WRIGHT, John, History of the Holden motorcar and its role in Australian cultural and social history, PhD ZIINO, Bart, Burying Their Differences: The Imperial War Graves Commission, the Dominions and the Bereaved, PhD

University of New England, School of Classics, History and Religion ARMSTRONG, Michael Paul, James Mill, PhD ARULANANDAM, Antony Charles, Tamil Sri Lankans in Australia, PhD BISSAKER, Geoffrey Frank, The Commonwealth office of Aboriginal Affairs 19691973, MA (Hons) BRISKEY, Mark, The officer corps in the Pakistan Army, PhD CLARKE, Bronwyn, English domestic textiles c.1600-1800, PhD COOMS, Valerie, The administration of Aboriginal affairs 1967-1972, PhD COOTE, Anne Isobel, Colonial nationalism, PhD CRAIG, Valerie, Heresy in the legislation of the Theodosian dynasty, MA (Hons) DAVIES, Glenn, Australian Republicanism, PhD DAVIES, John Robert, The miniature and the photograph in Colonial Australia, PhD DODSWORTH, Samantha Jean, The World War II Christmas books: a study, MA (Hons)


DIRECTORY DUNN, Elaine, Life in Kiama, 1900-1940, MA (Hons) EAST, Nathan, The Normans and the first crusade, MA (Hons) GAHAN, Kathleen Elizabeth, Dawn magazine and the NSW Aborigines’ Welfare Board’s campaign to assimilate Aboriginal people, PhD GERBER, Albrecht, Gustaf Adolf-Deissmann 1866-1937, PhD GOGOV, Dimiter, Symbols and identity in Islam, PhD HALL, David William, Highland Scots immigration to Australia in the mid-nineteenth century, MA (Hons) HUNT, Bruce Geoffrey, Papua New Guinea in Australia's strategic Thinking, 1880-1977: The Path to the 1977 Statement on the Defence Relationship, PhD JENNISON, Karen Lynette, Aphrodite in Greek religion, PhD JOHNSTON, Ian Hugh, The works of Galen, PhD KORVIN, Gabor, Patterns of Islamisation. The spread of Islam as a spatial-temporal diffusion process, PhD LEWIS, John Peter, Karl Barth and new American theology, PhD LOWRY, Robin Katherine, Changing times: civic virtue, morality and Clinton’s impeachment, PhD MACNAMARA, Elizabeth Rita, 'Slaves of slaves': Women's pages in the Labour press 1900-1940, PhD MANSFIELD, Grant, Popular reactions to Australia's entry into World War I: August to Anzac, PhD MARSH, Julie, Maya – Indian identity formation, PhD McCONACHY, Bruce, English perceptions of Napoleon, PhD McINERNEY, Gavan, Varro’s De re rustica, MA (Hons) MILLS, Kerry, Legislative developments in NSW: 1849-75, PhD MORAN, Andrew, International Control of Drugs, PhD MOSS, John, Influence without Power: The interaction of bilateral Australasian dialogue with Australian Defence Policy 1944-1972, PhD MUGRIDGE, Alan, Scribal professionalism in the ancient world, PhD NEIL, Jean Margaret, Patronage and trade in the East India company, PhD NOBLE, Margaret Elizabeth, The Stonors, PhD NURDIN, Ahmad Ali, The Muslim women’s movement in Indonesia; a study of the Aisyiyah organisation 1966-2001, MA (Hons) O'DONNELL, David, The emperor Julian and his reforms, PhD RABOT, Eustace Duncan Mitchell, From elitism to exile: Ceylonese Dutch Burgherdom in Australia 1945-1973, MA (Hons) RANKEILOR, Lynn, Australian women 1900-1930 as invalid carers, MA (Hons) REDGEN, Wesley Reece, Grace in the Pauline Corpus, MA (Hons) RODWELL, Margaret, Migration from Wiltshire to New England, 1840-1880, PhD SCHMITZ, Michael, Enemies of Rome, PhD STANFORD, Alan, The development of Agriculture in Central Western NSW, PhD STANSBURY, Gwendolyn, The making of a multicultural palate and the Australian kitchen 1945-1975, PhD 133

DIRECTORY STRICKLAND, Philip Walter, The geopolitics of a small power: Australia's strategic approach to Indonesia, 1955-65, PhD TERENTIENA, Anna, Representations of Christ, MA (Hons) TIDSWELL, Toni Grace, The case of women in the Old Testament Hebrew scriptures and in the Qu’ran, PhD TURNER, Eric, The Orange Order in NSW, PhD WEEKS, Paul Jonathan, Hotels in Sydney, 1888-1988, PhD WILLCOCKS, Wendy Lavinia, A social history of the 2/18th battalion in Malaya, 19411942, MA (Hons) WORMELL, Anthony, Roman concepts of the Afterlife, PhD ZAKI, Mohammed, Occidentalism: Muslim images of the West, MA (Hons)

University of New South Wales, School of History, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences ALAFACI, Francesco, Australian Conservative politics since 1945, PhD BARTULIN, Nev, The Croatian Fascist Ustasha regime (1941-1945) and policies towards minorities, PhD BRENNAN, David, Politics of immigration to Australia – especially concerning war criminals, PhD BURGESS, Jasen, The Left in the Paris region between the wars: the suburbs of ArcueilCachan, PhD CAREW, Roberta, History of the NSW Treasury, PhD CERDA, Joe, Origins of parliamentary institutions in Western Europe, PhD CONDIE, Keith, Seventeenth Century – Richard Baxter and Puritanism, MA(Hons) COVE, Sally, Shifting Identities: Jewish émigré writers and the Polish past, PhD CUMMINS, Philip, Australian identity during the Vietnam War, PhD DAVIS, Sacha, Ethnic German communities on the Balkan, PhD DAVIS-FINNEY, Elizabeth, Race and medicine in Australia, 1880-1945, PhD DEAN, Peter, Biography of Lt. Gen Sir FH Berryman, PhD DUNSTAN, Iain, Australian colonial legal history, MA EDWARDS, Benjamin, Twentieth-century Australian Sectarianism, PhD FITZPATRICK, Matthew, German fiction and relationship to German colonial history, PhD FORSYTH, Holly, The garden in Australia: a woman's history, PhD GLEESON, Damien, Catholic social welfare in Australia, 1920-1990, PhD GOWERS, Richard, Nineteenth-century USA, PhD HUGHES, Anthony, Ethnicity and sport In Australia: a case study of the Hakoah Club, PhD HUMPHREYS, Andrea, Indigenous building – a history, Australia, PHD JOHANI, Mikael, The Myth about Bradman, PhD JOHNSON, Stuart, Australian history, PhD LIEBERMAN, Sophie, Historical memory and memorials: the USA and France, PhD


DIRECTORY LOEFFEL, Robert, Sippenhaft in the Third Reich, PhD LUSCOMBE, Desley, The Profession of the architect in sixteenth-century Italy, PhD MAGUIRE, Carmel, Biography of Godfrey Remington – librarian, PhD MCLACHLAN, Ross, Women and the post office in the nineteenth century, PhD MCMAHON, Edmund, Australian social history – family and the state post WWII, PhD MEADOWS, Elida, Eighteenth-century travellers, PhD MERRITT, Alan, Political culture in Australia 1920-1970, PhD MICHON-BORDER, Helena, The role of diamonds in India, MA PARDEY, Kate, Historical context of the World Trade Centre, PhD PARRY, Naomi, Charity and state welfare: 1880s-1930s in Australia, PhD PERERA, Ajith, Haiti in pro-slavery thought, MA Research PROTSCHKY, Susie, Representations of Indonesia's natural environment. By Dutch and Indonesian artists, textile-makers, diarists, PhD SECOMB, Nicole, History of the trawling industry, PhD SHARP, Pamela, Aboriginal soldiers, PhD SIEW HOON, Tan, Illegal immigrants in Singapore, MA Research STAPLES, Euan, American culture and the transformation of Afro-American music 1930s-1960s, PhD STEWART, Heather, Christina Stead: the American years 1937-1947, PhD TOVIAS, Blanca, Discourses of resistance in Revitalization movements: three subaltern rebellions of the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries, PhD TURNBULL, Craig, Modern American history: race and gender in civil rights movements – Chicago 1890-1920, PhD UPTON, Stuart, Transmigration and migration in Indonesia, PhD VALIOTIS, Chris, Early history of Pakistani cricket, PhD

University of Newcastle, Department of History AUSTIN, Colleen, Representations of Charles I in 17th Century Writing, PhD BANNISTER, Errol, Millennial Beliefs in 17th Century England, PhD BUTTERSS, Robert, The Life and Times of St John’s Church, Stroud, MA CARR, Ashley, The Life of Anne von Betouch, MA DAVIES, Lynette, Embracing The Near North: a revision of Australian attitudes to Asia, 1931-1941, MA DUNCAN, Troy, William Goodell: A Life in Reform, PhD GILBERT, Stephanie, A Re-evaluation of the ‘Bringing Them Home’ report, MA HENDERSON, Lindy, Images of Drought in Australian History, PhD KEMP, Persephone, Images and Rituals of Australian Childhood, 1945-1990, PhD MAKEPEACE, Katherine, An Economic History of the Central West of New South Wales, 1851-1891, MA MELVILLE, Rosemary, Working for the Company: BHP and Newcastle 1915-1999, PhD MILLBANK, Roland, A History of the Australian Instructional Corps, MA 135

DIRECTORY MOELLER, David, Kaliningrad: The Germans of East Prussia, MA MYERS, Galina, One From Many: Unity and National Commemorations in the United States, PhD PATERSON, Wendy, Equal Pay, the International Labour Organization and Australian Foreign Policy, PhD PFENNIGWERTH, Ian, The Role of Intelligence in RAN operations, 1939-1972., PhD POTTS, Desmond, Worldview: Dr Peter Chamberlen, PhD SHARPE, Ronald, The Socialist Labor Party of Australia, 1887-1930, MA SHERLOCK, Shawn, Public Ownership in New South Wales and Queensland, 1890 to 1930, PhD WARBURTON, Greg, Witchcraft in Early Modern England, PhD WEST, Susan, Bushrangers, Working-class Identity and the Policing of Rural Disorder in New South Wales, PhD WILSON, Justin, Australia and Regional Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons in the 1960s, PhD

University of Newcastle, Department of Classics ACKLAND, H, Diet and health in the Graeco-Roman world, PhD COATES, A, Exorcism in early Christianity and the Graeco-Roman World, MA CONRADIE, P, Hebrews 6.4-8, and its hortatory background, MA GOFF, R, The transmission of the Eikones of the Philostratoi, PhD HAYES, K L, Society in the ancient novel, PhD MANNING, B, Infanticide in Greek and Roman Literature, MA MIYASAKI, M, The thought of Marcus Aurelius, PhD NEWTON, RJ, Fabius Maximus Cunctator Verrucosus, PhD SIVARATHNAM, S, The self in Plotinus, PhD WALLER, L, Women in Ovid, PhD WILKINSON, R, Narrative and structural patterning in Euripides’ Bacchae, MA

University of Queensland, Department of Classics and Ancient History BIGGE, J, Symposia on black figure vases, MPhil BRICE, J, Late Iron Age and early Romano-British settlement in Lincolnshire and East Anglia, PhD BRIGDEN, L, A linguistic study of Josephus, BJ VI, PhD CHARLES, M, Vegetius in context, PhD CHRISTOU, S, The concept of duality in Greek and near eastern religions, PhD CRANE, E, Health and nutrition in late Iron Age and Roman Britain, PhD DAVENPORT, P, The economy of Roman Cyprus, PhD EBELING, M, Triumphal Arches, MPhil HERRERA, I, The first society of spectacle, MPhil


DIRECTORY HOCKINGS, G, The role and function of towers in the ancient Greek countryside in the Classical and Hellenistic periods, MPhil HOW, P, Roman influences in early Christianity, MPhil HUNT, Y, Pantomimes for plebs and pleasure: imperial policies towards pantomimes and public entertainment in Rome, PhD IRWIN, M, Magic and religion in ancient Macedonia, MPhil JOHNSON, P, The concept of the disgraced soldier in the Roman army, PhD KELLY, M, Jealousy in love relations in Greek and Latin literature, PhD LATOUF, R, The relationship between museums and libraries in the ancient world, PhD MACK, J, The family and friends of Germanicus, PhD MCCARTHY, P, Administrative policy from Domitian to Hadrian, MPhil MCNAMARA, P, The connection between the East and West Mediterranean as evidenced by the metal trade, MPhil MEYER, J, A historical and literary commentary on speech seventeen of the Demosthenic Corpu, PhD MILLER, M, Livy and his ‘dire portents’: elegant manipulation of truth or sensationalist fiction?, MPhil MURPHY, P, Bacchylides’ Epinikia, a translation and commentary, PhD NOYES, J, The question of ritual or symbolic sacrifice in the celebration of the Eleusinian mysteries, PhD PETKOVICH, V, Time in Homer, MPhil SUTTON, F, Greek knowledge of India before Alexander, MPhil SWEENEY, A, Children in Roman Britain, PhD TULLY, D, Settlement patterns in late Iron Age and early Roman Britain, PhD TUNNY, J, A biography of Ptolemy Philadelphus, PhD TUNNY, R, Invective against masculinities in Republican and Imperial Rome, PhD VINE, E, Women in early Christianity, MPhil WHITING, C, Conspiracies against the emperors, 24BC-AD138, MPhil WOODCOCK, I, Political aspects in the odes, epodes and satires of Horace, MPhil

University of Queensland, Department of History ANDREA, Guerra, The Danube Swabians: a minority group as objects and protagonists of National Socialist Policy, 1941-1945, MPhil ARAFEH, Ihssan, The Institution of the Early Khalifate, PhD AUSTIN, Denise A, The Contributions of Chinese Business Christians to the making of modern China, PhD BAIN, Andrew, Four interpretations of the Crucifixion and resurrection narratives in the Latin West, PhD BANNAH, Sylvia, Family Planning in Queensland, MPhil BAUMGARTEN, Jan, German Women in World War II: Image versus Reality, PhD BETROS, Gemma, Ravished Minds: Shell Shock and the Australian War Experience, PhD 137

DIRECTORY BIGGE, Julia, Symposia on Black Figure Vases, MPhil BIRD, Jacqueline, Scientists in Conflict: Hans Bethe, Edward Teller and the shaping of United States nuclear weapons policy, PhD BOBINSKAS, Peter, History of and Background to the Kachin Insurgency in Modern Burma, MA BOYD, Cameron, Origins of the Australian Space Programme: Emphasis on the American and European Contributions (1946-1998), MPhil BRADY, Peter, Right away: The Newfoundland and Tasmanian railway systems, 19451996, PhD BREMNER, Barbara, The life, times and correspondence of Maria Josepha Holroyd (later Lady Stanley of Alderley), PhD BRICE, Jo, Late Iron Age and Early Romano-British Settlement in Lincolnshire and East Anglia., MPhil BRIGDEN, Larry, A Linguistic Study of Book VI of the Bellum Judaicum, PhD BROWN, Laurence, Richard Nixon and the American Diplomatic Tradition, PhD BROWN, Jodie, Wicca: a history of a religion in the making, PhD BROWN, Elaine, William Pettigrew (1825-1906). Surveyor, sawmiller, ship owner and citizen: an immigrant's life in colonial Queensland, PhD BRYAN, Jamison, Leisure and Hegemony: a Queensland case study 1870-1914, PhD CARTER, Liza, A Reassessment of Braxton Bragg in the Chickamauga Campaign (Sep. 1863) in the American Civil War, MPhil CERNOVS, Jasmine, How close and whose union?: Women, human rights and the European integration process, PhD CHARLES, Michael, Vegetius in Context: establishing the date of the Epitoma Rei Militaris, PhD CHRISTOU, Sandra, The Concept of Duality in Greek and Near Eastern Religions, PhD COATES, Michael, Roman Frontier Policies, PhD CRANE, Elizabeth, Health and Nutrition in Late Iron Age and Roman Britain, PhD CRONE, Rosalind, Violent Spectacle and Cruel Crimes in the Theatrical Entertainments of Working Class London, 1780-1850, PhD CURRAN, Thomas, The Grand Deception: How and Why Winston Churchill has been able to avoid appropriate censure for his role in the Dardanelles Disaster, PhD DAVIES, Hilary, The Hume Family of Drayton & Brisbane: A bourgeois family of colonial Queensland, PhD DAVIS, Nicole, Public Representations of Julio-Claudian women in the provinces, MPhil DENNIS, Valerie, Wings and Windsocks: Archerfield Aerodrome and the Australian Airport System, PhD DONEGAN, Jacqui, Australia, war-time popular culture and Americanisation: a comparative study, PhD DOWNS, Peter, Royal New Zealand Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Corps involvement in Vietnam, MPhil


DIRECTORY DUNN, Margaret, The mobilisation of New Hebridean labour for work within the New Hebrides Group and without in the period c1860-1910, with emphasis on the period 1860-1880, MA EDWARDS, Jacob, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, in the military sphere: a revisionist study of the factors that contributed to his defeat of the French, PhD FIELDING, George, Why did Tennessee join the Confederacy?, MA FLANAGAN, Jason, American perceptions of the enemy: The evolution of a concept, PhD FLETCHER, Valerie, Nineteenth-century railways: Federation and the conventions, PhD GALL, Maurice, The covert activities of the CIA in Vietnam 1945 to 1963, PhD GALWAY, Majella, Popular Attitudes towards Warfare in interwar British Society, 1919-1939, PhD GOLDSTON, Desley, How the Pathet Lao gained power in Laos in 1975, MA GOODSIR-CULLEN, Dayan, The Anglo Irish in Queensland 1860-1890, PhD GOODWIN, Kathleen, Defining Manly's Sequence Occupancy, Built Environment and Response to the Wider Cultural Impact of Tourism and Urbanization in Relation to its Geographical Position and Natural Environment, MA GOSS, Roisin, The Life of Dr Eugen Hirschfeld (1866-1946), PhD GOWLETT, Ben, The role of international law in America's attempts to politically reorientate Japan during the Occupation period, PhD HAMLEY, Helen, Aspects of Queensland Labour History, PhD HARRIDEN, Jessica, Gender and Kinship in Burmese Politics, PhD HAUSER, Richard, The Patriarchs: major personalities involved in Australian Lutheran Schooling 1839-1939 and their influence on its development, PhD HELMAN, Susannah, The Collections of Charles II, PhD HENDERSON, Rowan, Australia and the United States in the Vietnam War, PhD HILTON, Julie, Animals and Birds in Indian Literature, Archaeology and Art 600BC300AD, PhD HOARE, Ann, The Appeal to Force: Americans interpret their wars, PhD HOCKINGS, Gary, The Role and Function of Towers in the ancient Greek Countryside in the Classical and Hellenistic periods, PhD HOPKINS-WEISE, Jeff, Australian Colonial Involvement in the New Zealand Wars of the 1840s and 1860s, PhD HOUSTON, Anthony, The Democratic Party and the Oregon Crisis, PhD HUMPHREYS, Andrea, Green foreign policy in Germany, 1977-1998, PhD HUNT, Yvette, Pantomimes and Emperors: the relationship between emperors and pantomimes, and the entertainment policies at Rome, MPhil IRVIN, Margaret, The Macedonian Court of the Temenid Kings, MPhil ISHIGURO, Yoshiaki, Japan's Korean Communities in the post-1945 period, PhD JACOBSEN, Trudy, Apsaras, Accoutrements, Activists: 2000 Years of Cambodian Women and their History, PhD JAMISON, Bryan, Leisure and Hegemony: A Queensland Case Study 1870-1914, PhD


DIRECTORY JOHNSON, Paula, The Treatment of Hostages and Prisoners of War in the Ancient World, PhD JOHNSON, Murray, Honour denied: a Socio-Economic study of Soldier Settlement in Queensland, 1916-1929, PhD KABIR, Nahid, The Muslims in Australia: An historical and sociological analysis, 195098, PhD KAMPMARK, Binoy, The American Response to Atrocity from the Lusitania to the World Trade Centre, PhD KANE, Malcolm, Robert F. Kennedy and Desegregation with particular reference to the Desegregation Crisis at the University of Mississippi 1962, PhD KELLY, Michael, Some Classical Cases of Sexual Jealousy, PhD KERR, David, Nixon Revisited, MA KING, Anthony, History of the Drug Enforcement Agency, PhD KITABAYASHI, Chiho, Aung San Suu Kyi and the Movement for Democracy in Burma, PhD KNOWLES, Robert, Communitarian Anarchism, 1840-1914: A Neglected Tradition in Economic Thought, PhD LEACH, Carolyn, Childhood and the 1930s Depression in Brisbane, PhD LLOYD, Neil, Anti-communism in Queensland, 1880-1965, PhD LOHRISCH, Belinda, James Forrestall: an American interprets his Cold War, PhD MACK, Janet, The Family and Friends of Germanicus, PhD MACKENZIE, Marion, The Lives of those placed First in Queensland in the State Scholarship Examination, 1873-1962, PhD MADDEN, Michael, Contentious Histories of the Reformation: emanations of antiProtestantism in Britain during the nineteenth century, PhD MASKEY, Jan, Fruitless and Friendless: Australia and the West New Guinea Dispute, 1949-1862, PhD MATTHEWS, Eliza, The Great Powers and the Nuclear Regime: 1945-1991, PhD MAUCH, Peter, Japan, the United States and the Cold War, 1950-1971, the Anatomy of a Relationship, PhD MCCARTHY, Pamela, Administrative Policy from Domitian to Hadrian, MPhil MCCONNEL, Katherine, The Federation of Australia: Queensland attitudes and issues in the movement towards Federation, PhD MCGRATH, Tim, The Role of Agricultural Policy in Vietnam's Economic and Political Development from 1954 to the Present, PhD MCGUIRE, John, Disciplining the Criminal: reconstructing crime and punishment in Queensland 1859-1914, PhD MCKENNA, Margaret, History of the Congregation of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart in Queensland 1870-1970, MA MCNAMARA, Pat, The Connection between the East and West Mediterranean as Evidenced by the Metal Trade, MPhil MCTAVISH, Leigh, Early Dark Age commonplace culture, MPhil


DIRECTORY MCTAVISH, Catherine, Every Day a Struggle: Germany in 1945, and how women found a way through the chaos, PhD MELROSE, Craig, The Museum in Public Memory: The Australian War Memorial and the Anzac Legend, PhD MEYER, John, Commentary on Demosthenes XVII On the Treaty with Alexander, MPhil MONSOUR, Anne, The Settlement of Syrian/Lebanese Immigrants in Queensland from 1880s to 1947, PhD MORICE, Tara, Criminal Insanity in English Penal Policy and Criminal Justice Administration 1880-1914, MPhil MURPHY, Paul, Bacchylides’ Epinikia: A Translation and Commentary, PhD MURTAGH, Therese, Perspectives on Place, People and their Palavers: social interaction on Kangaroo Point 1854-1920, MA NICHOLSON, Graham, The place of authority in Augustine’s Apologetics, PhD NISSEN, Judith, Reconstructing Local Communities – Theory and Method, PhD NITINS, Bradley, Finding a Soul in the Synthetic Machine: A study into the aesthetics of the English Positivist Movement, PhD NOYES, Jacqueline, The Question of Ritual or Symbolic Sacrifice in the Celebration of the Eleusinian Mysteries, PhD NUSKE, Stephen, Development of inner-city Lutheran Churches – Australia, MPhil NUSS, Derek, The Americanisation of Britain 1919-1939: attitudes towards the new and the American in interwar Britain, PhD O'DONNELL, Frances, A study of the Nuclear Doctrine of Massive Retaliation (NSC 162/2) from the perspective of nuclear feminist historiography, MA OSBOURNE, Raymond, The Malting Industry in Queensland, 1871-1971, MA OTTWAY, Carole, The Role of the Keep Australia Beautiful Council, MA PETKOVICH, Veronika, Time in Homer, MPhil PETZL, Nicola, From Independence to Enclosure: a history of female religious life in the West, MA PONIEWIERSKI, Barbara, The Impact of National Socialism on German Communities in Australia, 1933-47, PhD RATHIE, Martin, The historical development of Lao-Cambodian relations, PhD RICKERTT, Jeffrey, A History of the Australian Telephone and Phonogram Officers’ Association, MPhil RIVIERE, Janine, A study of dreams in early modern Scottish and Irish popular culture, MPhil ROBERTS, Margaret, Queensland Acclimatisation Society 1862-1900, MA ROBINSON, Shirleene, The exploitation of Aboriginal child labour in Queensland from the 1800s to 1945, PhD ROSE, Meredith, A Study of the History of International Race Relations with a Special Focus on African Diasporic Communities in the Americas, PhD SALISBURY, Chris, Woodrow Wilson, World War I and the rise of Poland, MPhil SEAWRIGHT, Donald, Not just a pretty place – A history of Toowoomba, PhD 141

DIRECTORY SMITH, Kay Lynette, Outside Orders: A systematic theology of lay people in France in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries based on the chansons de geste of the Charlemagne Cycle, PhD SPURLING, Helen, A comparative analysis of the attitudes and policies of Britain's and Australia's governments in relation to the removal of children from their families, PhD STRINGER, Damien, The Politicisation of the Australian Security and Intelligence Services, PhD SUMMY, Hilary, Constance Duncan and the Victorian League of Nations Union, PhD SUTTON, Fiona, The Ancient Greek Descriptions of India, PhD SWEENEY, Mary, The Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society – Brisbane branches 1879-1906: a heritage study, PhD SWEENEY, Anita, Children in Roman Britain, MPhil TAYLOR, Barbara, Women's History and Cultural Heritage in Queensland: Themes and place-based dimensions, PhD THOMSON, Kirsteen, The Pathfinder Force: A study of their development, evolution and contribution to the British bombing offensive against Germany, MPhil THORLEY, Virginia, An Historical Analysis of marketing and other factors influencing mothers' decisions concerning infant feeding: twentieth century, PhD TIFFIN, Sarah, British Views of Southeast Asia, 1700-1830, PhD TULLY, Devon, Settlement Patterns in Late Iron Age and Early Roman Britain, PhD TULLY, Geoffrey, Vexillations in the Roman Army, PhD TUNNY, Jennifer, A Biography of Ptolemy Philadelphus, MPhil TUNNY, Ricky, Invective Against Masculinities in Republican and Imperial Rome, MPhil USTINOFF, Julie, Defining Men and Women: Images of the relationship between popular culture and masculinity, femininity and gender roles in Australian popular magazines of the 1960s, PhD VICKERS, Julie-Anne, Medieval Forgery: The production and reception of forged texts in twelfth-century Italy, PhD WATSON, Peter, The Transition from a British to a Colonial Mind: The Rev. T. E. Clouston D.D. and the late nineteenth-century Presbyterian and Protestant Establishment in New South Wales, PhD WEBSTER, Peter, White Dust: Black Death – A Report on the tragedy of asbestos mining at Baryulgil, MPhil WHITING, Claire, Common themes and results of conspiracies against the emperors: from Augustus to Domitian, MPhil WILKINS, Ian, An Analysis of the Connection between the Royal Navy and Natural History in the nineteenth Century, PhD WILKINSON, John, The USA's Strategy towards Indonesia within its Wider Military Strategy in the Asia-Pacific Theatre, 1945-1965, PhD WILSON, Emily, Mental institutions in the postwar period – Australia and Britain, PhD WOLFFRAM, Heather, Psychological research in Germany, 1830-1933, PhD YATES, Sylvia, Cinema houses in Queensland: Picture houses to Multiplexes, PhD


DIRECTORY YATES, Anthony, Civilising the seventh state: ‘development’ and ‘dependency’ in postPacific War Papua New Guinea, PhD

University of Southern Queensland, Department of Humanities and International Studies, Faculty of Arts* GEHRMANN, Pauline, Responses to Things Japanese, 1880-1941, MA HAYES, Anna, Memoirs of Separation from China, MA ISON, Christopher, Australian Reportage of Indonesia, MA MARRION, Beth, The Chinese in the Wide Bay-Burnett Region of Queensland, 18501910, MA NYMAN, Mikaela, Middle Class Activists in Indonesia’s Political Transition, MA ROBERTS, Christopher, Southeast Asia as a Security Community, MA YAMASHITA, Kazuo, Japan’s Strategic Environment in North Asia, MA

University of Sydney, Department of History ALDER, Baron, Evelyn Waugh as a critic of Modernity, MPhil ALLAN, Jean Margaret, A History of Swimming in Sydney Harbour and Sydney’s ocean beaches 1803-1960 (2002): The natatorial art, PhD ANDERSON, Helen, The Sydney Gazette, MPhil ANTHONY, Thalia, The Ghost of Feudalism in the Australian pastoral industry, PhD AYRES, David, Australia-China relations 1975-1990, PhD BAGNALL, Katherine, Golden Shadows on a white land: the real and imagined lives of Chinese men, white women and their children in colonial Australia, PhD BALE, Colin Robert, Billy Graham in Australia 1959, PhD BARNES, Jillian, Gazing at Uluru: The sacralisation of a tourist site by the Australian tourism industry and Indigenous reclamation of the right to represent, PhD BARNIER, John, A cultural history of the Golden Dawn, PhD BARROW, Lorna, Royal Women as trade gifts in fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Scotland: pawns and players, PhD BEATTIE, Andrew, Coming to terms with the East German past, PhD BEER, John, The Life and Times of Dr P A Micklem – Rector of St James Church, King St, Sydney 1917-1937, PhD BELLANTA, Melissa, Utopian experimentation in Australia from the 1850s, PhD BENTLEY, Amy, Japanese women immigrants in Australia, MPhil BRADY, Sharon, Theatre as Exegesis: the place of Hohenstaufen culture in the twelfthcentury Renaissance, MPhil BUCHEN, Antony, New world nationalism and Jews: Australia and America 1914-1924, PhD BUCHEN, Simon, Nostalgia as product of a unique cultural formation, namely Viennese Jewry of the fin-de-siecle and early twentieth century, PhD CARMODY, Caroline, The Australian woman before WWI, PhD 143

DIRECTORY COOPER, Gordon, Reform of German universities at the end of WWII, PhD CORBOULD, Clare, Discovering Africa during the Harlem renaissance: New York 1919-1936, PhD COUACAUD, Zoe, History of the extraterrestrial life idea in 20th century American culture, PhD CRAWFORD, Joanna, Clothing connections: dress and social life in late medieval England 1300-1500, PhD CUTLER, Christopher, Representations of male homosexuality in Australian fiction 1920-1980, MPhil DONOVAN, Jennifer Anne, Intellectual traditions of Australian feminism, PhD DOOHAN, Robyn, The visual expression of the Celtic revival, PhD DOUGLAS MAJOR, Louise, The ethnic experience in the Allied armed forces, PhD DROWN, James Michael, The survey department in colonial NSW, PhD ENGLAND, Catherine, Children in renaissance Florence, PhD EVELY, Derelie, A biography of Alexander MacLeay, PhD FALKINGHAM, Tom, Awareness and expression of self in late antiquity, PhD FORD, Caroline, Emergence of popular beach culture in Sydney 1850-1930, PhD GILCHRIST, Catherine, Male convicts, PhD GOTTSCHALL, Kristina, Sexuality, image and identity of young people 1950-2000 Australia, PhD GREENE, Charlotte, William Liv and the origins and influence of protest against the White Australia Policy, PhD HALL, Laina, History of overland travel as a leisure activity in Australia 1920-2000, PhD HOGAN, Liam, Ethnic media in Australian history, PhD HOWARTH, Geoffrey, The Role of Professor R.G. Howarth (1906-1974) in the Australian literary network, PhD HUNT, Emma, Irish History: the myth of the Easter rising, PhD JONES, Caroline, Australian Imprint: The influence of the publisher George Robertson on national cultural identity, 1890-1935, PhD KABANOFF, Joanna, ‘The bit and the bridle’ - women, illness and creativity, PhD KEVIN, Catherine, Australian feminisms and the maternal body: feminists negotiate reproductive technologies, PhD KIM, Eddy, Origins of the White Australia Policy, PhD KONISHI, Shino, Eighteenth-century European representations of Aboriginal masculinity, PhD KOUTTS, Andreana, Tourism to Chinatown - comparative Australian-American, late nineteenth – twentieth century, PhD LANE, Jon Adrian, Historians as public intellectuals in Australia, PhD LE, Maya, A cultural history of Buddhism in Australia, PhD LEDGARD, Bronwyn, Celtic notions of time, PhD LEHANE, Richard, Edward Hutton’s colonial career, PhD


DIRECTORY LEVENBERG, Jill, Medicine versus morals: psychiatry’s intervention in the criminal law 1890-1960, PhD MAITLAND, Gary, The history of the development of British colonial museums in Southeast Asia, PhD MARTIN, Toby, History of Australian country music, PhD MCDONALD, Dorothy, The human experience in battle in the age of sail in the British Navy c. 1545-1805, PhD MICHEL, Dieter, Nuclear energy and weapons and the relationships between Commonwealth dominions, WWII-1970s, PhD MODJESKA, Obelia, The representation of the father in American film 1970-2000, PhD MOORE, Anthony, Australia's bohemian tradition, PhD MORGAN, Sarah, Women in Fascist Italy, PhD MUSICO, Francesca, Italian migrant welfare in NSW 1881-2001, PhD NEBHAN, Katy, Australian Muslim masculinity, PhD POTHEN, Nayantara, Construction of Indian elite identities, 1931-1952, PhD PRYKE, Olwen, The Australia house and the Australian abroad, PhD QUINN, Peter, NSW juvenile correction system 1905-1988, PhD REASON, Matthew, Uluru and Mt Rushmore – a comparative study in land rights, PhD RICHARDS, Gwenyth, From footnotes to narrative: Welsh noblewomen in the thirteenth century, PhD RILEY, Jean, Censorship of the press in England and Ireland prior to and after the expiry of the printing act in 1695, PhD ROBERTS, Alexandra, The development of community facilities by local councils in Sydney and Melbourne after WWII, PhD ROBERTS, Elizabeth, Foreign intervention and nationalism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, PhD SELDON, Tobias, The Influence of political culture on the Australian imperial forces, PhD SHEEHAN, Juanita, The influence on women of the Hollywood movie in post war reconstruction Australia, PhD SIMIC, Zora, A hall of selective mirrors: Australian feminism and history, PhD SUGOWDZ, Eugenie, Medico-legal responses to crimes against children in midtwentieth-century America, PhD TAKAHASHI, Yuri, Burmese literary movement under British Colonial period (esp. 1930s), MPhil THURSBY, Jonathan, Were the Americans and the Australians in Vietnam fighting the same cold war?, MPhil TRUDINGER, David, The middleness of modernisation., PhD USSHER, Greg, The ‘medical gaze’ and the ‘watchful eye’: the treatment, prevention and epidemiology of venereal diseases in NSW 1910-1925, PhD WHITE, Cameron, Surfbathing in Sydney 1810-1912, PhD WILLIAMS, Alwyn, Jazz and race in America c. 1918-1943, PhD WONG, Anna Mei Ling, History of house museums, PhD 145

DIRECTORY WOODCOCK, Shannon, Roma as other in Romanian ethno-national identity construction, PhD

University of Sydney, School of Languages and Culture (Semitic)* ALSOP, DG, The Cairo Genizah MSS compared with the Book of Daniel, PhD COHEN, S, The Rashi Manuscript in the Fisher Library, MPhil GOSWELL, G, A Literary Reading of Isaiah, PhD JORDAN, D, Wine in Ancient Judaism, PhD MARKS, B, Judith and its Interpretation in European Literature, PhD PETCH, E, Early Syriac Literature, PhD SAED, T, Mandaean Literary Texts, MPhil SHIELDS, M, The Book of Qoheleth in its Canonical Context, PhD

University of Sydney, School of Philosophy, History, Gender and Ancient World Studies* ANGEL, N, Caesar and Clementia: representation and reality, PhD AZIZE, J, Certain Mesopotamian Texts Relevant to Monotheism, Polytheism and Pantheism: Edited with Commentary and Comparison in the Ancient Near East from Sumer to the New Testament, PhD BARKER, C, Hellenistic Amphorae from ‘The Tomb of the Kings’, Paphos, Cyprus, PhD BEAMES, H, A Catalogue of the Lamps in the Nicholson Museum, MPhil BLAIR, PA, Roman Republican portraits in Greece, PhD BOLLEN, E, A Comparative Study of Hellenistic Painted Pottery, PhD BOTOFF, L, Comparison of the public imagery of imperial women of the Augustan and Trajanic period, MA BUCKLEY, T, Neoplatonism, PhD CHASTON, C, Greek tragedy, especially Euripides and Sophocles, PhD CHRISTIAN, E, Legitimacy discourses in Late Republican Rome, PhD COLAHAN, B, Ancient gemstones: their recovery, analysis and current locations (Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology), MPhil COOK, H, Cypriot Medieval pottery, PhD DA COSTA, K, Byzantine ceramic provenances in the S Levant, PhD DAVIS, K, Plant residues on ground stone from the Oman peninsula, PhD DEVITT, E, The Social Significance of Greek Hairstyles, MPhil EIRING, L, The Hellenistic Pottery of Crete, PhD ELLIS, S, Roman Tavernae – An Archaeological Investigation, PhD FRAHER, R, Continuity and change in ritual in Iron Age and Roman Britain, PhD GABRIELI, S, Ceramic Technology and Social Change in Iron Age Southern Italy, PhD GALATHRIS, N, Commentary on the Rhesus of Euripides, MPhil


DIRECTORY GEDDES, K, Reading the past: ideas of history in the historiography of the Ancient Near East, PhD GIANNAKI, K, The gestures of female figures in Minoan and Mycenaean art, PhD GUTTMAN, G, Representations of women in South Italian vase painting, MPhil HOPWOOD, B, Contemporary representations of women in Augustan Rome, PhD INALL, Y, Arms and Armour in Southern Italy, MPhil JACKSON, M, Hellenistic gold jewellery from an art historical perspective, PhD JOHNSON, D, Roman army supply, PhD KELLY, M, The landscape as a process in acculturation: the Iron Age to the Roman period in Western Europe, PhD KIDD, F, Anthropomorphic Figurines in Central Asia, PhD MacARTHUR, A, The construction of discourses about Roman armies, PhD MACLAREN, B, Middle Bronze Age fortifications in Syria, Jordan and Palestine, PhD MARCZEWSKA, A, Animals and Society in Ancient Cyprus, PhD MATTERS, E, The history of teaching Vergil in early modern Europe, PhD McCALL, B, Archaeology of Soqotra (Yemen), PhD MCCALLUM, M, The Form and Development of the Masks of Greek Tragedy, PhD McLOUGHLIN, BM, Relief pithoi of the Cyclades in the early Iron Age, MPhil McPHILLIPS, S, Islamic archaeology in Jordan, PhD MERRYWEATHER, A, Romanisation in Southern Italy: Burial Customs, PhD MODDER, S, The impact of Rome’s veterans on foreign and domestic policies 29023BC, MPhil MYERS, B, Archaic Trade in the Western Mediterranean, PhD NICHOLSON, H, Iconographical study of satyrs with armour and weapons, MPhil PETRIE, C, Hindu-Shahi problems in NW Pakistan, PhD ROBERTS, TJ, Lexicographical studies in Thucydides, PhD RODGERS, NRJ, The Archaic temple of Athena at Torone, PhD ROWE, A, A Late Roman streetscape at Nea Paphos, PhD SEATON, P, Specialisation in the Chalcolithic with special reference to Area E at Teleilat Ghassul, MPhil SHEPHARD, JW, Greco-Roman trade in the Indian Ocean, MPhil SHEWAN, L, Diet and sedentism in the Natufian culture, PhD SOWADA, K, Material culture of first and second dynasty Egypt, PhD TAYLOR, F, Violence and sedition in Late Republican Rome, PhD THOMPSON, E, Mortuary practices in prehistoric Iran, PhD THORNLEY, R, Hellenistic Fortifications in the Near East, MPhil TUPMAN, B, Greek and Roman Demonology, PhD TURNER, MC, The function of South Italian red-figure, PhD VASSILIADES, A, Paphos in its Medieval Context, MPhil WADDINGTON, C, Late Roman red slip ware in the Eastern Mediterranean, PhD WAKEFIELD, J, Palladio’s debt to Vitruvius, MA WATERS, A, Image and Ideology of the house in Roman literature, PhD WELCH, J, Unifying strands in the Epodes of Horace, MPhil 147

DIRECTORY WILSON, A, Theodosius I and the barbarians, PhD WOOD, R, Relations between Romans and Greeks in the first century BC, MPhil ZIOLKOWSKI, M, Islamic settlement in Fujairah (United Arab Emirates), PhD

University of South Australia BALDINO, Daniel Stefan, From containment to enlargement: The Clinton record on democracy building in a post Cold-War world, PhDSoScInternationalStudies BATTY, Philip John, Governing cultural difference: the development of Aboriginal broadcasting in central Australia, PhDSoSc(Communic,InformatStud) BOOTH, Jean, Government and South Australia 1830-1845, PhDSoSc(Communic,InformatStud) BOWLBY, Katharine Alice, Resisting school in the 90s, PhDEducation CARTER, Jennifer Anne, A genealogy of the ‘literacy teacher’ as an ethical subject: literacy policies, pedagogies and practices in Australia in the latter half of the twentieth century, MEducation COLLINS, Susan Lynette, South Australian architectural drawing in the twentieth century, MArchitecture DOWNEY, Georgina, SA Women artists' travel 1900 - 1930, PhDVisualArts ELTON, Judith May, Union relations with Aboriginal workers in the pastoral industry in South Australia and the Northern Territory 1878 -1975, PhDSoSc(Communic,InformatStud) FOPP, Brenton Dean, An investigation of the impact of education upon children adopted in South Australia between 1940 and 1970, PhDEducation FURLER, Loene M, Reviewing female imagery in London and Australia 1967-1969: the effect on personal visual imagery, MVisualArts HAMMOND, Lee, The shaping of place: the constitution of the west end of Adelaide from colonisation to the present, PhDSoSc(Communic,InformatStud) HILL, Elizabeth Esther, Motherhood and childhood: relationships in SA 1836-1901, MEducation JAMIESON, Jade Hazel, The reception of Frank Lloyd Wright in Australia through literature 1900-1930, MArchitecture KERSHAW, Janis, Representations and images of women in ‘The Australian Women’s Weekly’ 1933 - 1953, PhDSoSc(Communic,InformatStud) MOON, Damon Robert, The transforming fire: the influence of Japanese aesthetics and traditions on Australian studio pottery in the second half of the twentieth century, PhDVisualArts PAASUKE, Philip Dean, Domestic economic policies of the Carter administration 19771981, PhDSoScInternationalStudies RUSSELL, Meredith Sue, The danced space, ancient and modern: the role of transformation in classical Indian and Modern dance, MVisualArts SEDORKIN, Barbara June, The Parks High School – the demise of an ideal – 1973-1996, PhDEducation


DIRECTORY STACEY, Helen Joy, A critical analysis of visual arts exchange between Malaysia and Australia from 1983-2002, MVisualArts VARNEY, Robert William, The 1991 Gulf War, PhDSoScInternationalStudies

University of Tasmania, School of History and Classics ADKINS, Keith Edwin, Books and Reading in Colonial Tasmania: The Evandale Subscription Library 1847-1861, PhD ALGER, Sarah Jane, Queen Margaret of Scotland, MA ANDERSON, Timothy Joseph, Australian History, PhD APTED, Neil William, Roman History/Literature, MA BARDENHAGEN, Marita Elaine, Professional Independence and Isolation of Tasmanian Bush Nurses 1910-1957, PhD BARNES, Karen, The Roles and Powers of the Lieutenant Governors of Tasmania, PhD BOERSMA, Rachel Klazina, The Development of Lay Religious Instruction in England from the Late Middle Ages to the Reformation, MA BRENNAN, Sheryl, The Experience of European Women Living in the Furneaux, PhD BROWN, Bruce, The machine breaker convicts from the Proteus and the Eliza, MA CAVELL, Emma, A Memoir of the Court of Henry VII. An edition of B.L., Cotton MS. Julius B. XII, fols 8v-66r, with textual and general introduction, MA CONNOR, Michael, The Politics of Grievance: society and political controversy in New South Wales 1819-1827, PhD DEAN, Shirley Edith, Convict Child Labour in Van Diemen’s Land, MA DEVEREAUX, Melanie, The Legal and Social Position of Widows in Rome from the First Century BC to the Third Century, MA DILLON, Margaret Christina, Building a Community: The partnership between forced labour and enterprise in the Campbell Town Police District in the mid 1830s, PhD DWYER, Mary Elizabeth, A synoptic Edition of Latin redaction IV of the Visio Pauli, PhD GARWOOD, Julie, The Female Court: a discussion of the makeup, power and politics of the royal court from the reign of Edward IV to Henry VIII, PhD GREEN, Kevin Alfred, Immigration Scheme(s) to Tasmania 1855-1862, MA GRIMMER, Martin, Celt and Saxon: Interaction in Pre-Viking Britain, c600-800, PhD GRUBE, Dennis, From the Ripper to Oscar, PhD HARMAN, Olivia, Eighteenth Century French sociabilities: Women in Freemasonry – in Pre-Revolutionary France, PhD HARRISON, Ursula Lisa, Seneca’s Phaedra, PhD HAYGARTH, Nicolas, The ‘Father of Tasmania?’: A Biography of James ‘Philosopher’ Smith, PhD HIGGINS, Katrina, Treaty-making and the Tasmanian Aborigines, MA HILTON, Phillip James, A longitudinal study of military convicts transported, MA HYSLOP, Sarah, The Origins and Development of Early Imperial Roman Court Culture, Ceremonial and Architecture, PhD 149

DIRECTORY JETSON, Timothy John, History and Land Use of Cradle Mountain and Lake St. Clair National Park, PhD JOEL, Craig Robert, Party, Politics and Penalism in V.D.L. 1836-45, MA JOHNSON, Leonard David, A study of Convicts sentenced to transportation to Van Diemen’s Land by Salford Hundred Quarter Sessions between 1828 and 1837, PhD JORDAN, Renee, A History of the National Council of Women in Tasmania, MA MALHAM, Rosalie Ella, Popular Piety in Medieval Lincolnshire, MA MCFARLANE, Ian, Aboriginal society in North West Tasmania, PhD MCMAHON, John Farquhar, The British Army and its internal security responsibilities in Van Diemen’s Land during the convict era, PhD MICKLEBOROUGH, Leonie Clare, William Sorell, Lieut-Governor of V.D.L 18171824, MA PHILLIPS, Diane Rosemary, Convicts and Social Life in Early Port Dalrymple, MA PIPER, Andrew, The History of Pauper Age Care in Colonial Tasmania, from Probation to Federation, PhD RAE, Louis Gould, The settlement of the Lyell region including the areas of Strahan, Kelly Basin, Crotty, Darwin & Queenstown, PhD RAY, Anthony Brett, The Function of Saints in fifteenth-century England, MA RAYNER, Andrew, Science Patronage and Policy in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe, PhD RICHARDSON, Andrew Jay, The Repatriation of Returned Servicemen in Tasmania Post WW I, MA RIGNEY, Victoria, Luck be a Lady – A Social History Based on the Life of Princess Pauline Melikoff, MA ROBERTS, Glyn Tudor, Tasmanian Government & the metal mining industry: 18831920, PhD ROBERTS, Tansy Rayner, Heroine Myths and Perspectives of Femininity in Ancient Rome, PhD ROOTES, Grant, Regional History of North West Tasmania 1910-1960, MA ROSS, Esther, Language of racism – Tasmania 1804-28 – in print media, MA RYAN, Peter, Elites in Revolution: A Struggle for Power, MA SNOWDEN, Dianne, An examination of the subsequent lives of Irish convict women in Van Diemen’s Land, MA STRK, Frankie Krsto, The Euphrates frontier and the Roman east, PhD TAYLOR, Tristan, Stuart, ‘personae infames’; The Development of a Legal Concept in its Social Context, MA WALKER, Marian Jeane, The evolution of Tasmania’s tourism image from settlement to present day, PhD WALLACE, Jennifer Jill, Convicts and the Launceston Business Community, MA WOOF, Ginni, Transforming the Colonial Landscape, PhD



University of Technology Sydney, Facility of Humanities and Social Sciences* APOUCHTINE, Natalie, ‘I’m Russian…Sorry’ An Examination of the Russian Migration Experience Through Three Generations of One Family and Their Contemporaries Over Three Continents, PhD ATTFIELD, Sarah, The class experience in contemporary Australian poetry, PhD BAHFEN, Nasya Yadi, Cyber Muslims in South East Asia: processes and methods used in the construction of Islamic Internet Identity, PhD BAKER, Nicholas, Cultural Knowledge in an Aspect (Food and Drink) of Everyday Life (La Vie Quotidienne) and its Impact on a Reading of a Second Culture (French), PhD BARCLAY, Kathryn, Foreign Bodies in Tinned Tuna: Modern identity relations and economic behaviour in a Japanese joint venture – Solomon Islands, PhD CADZOW, Allison, Women Explorers and Australian History in the nineteenth and twentieth century, PhD CAREY, Marguerita Mary, Immigration – USA to NSW: Five Ships from New York to Sydney 1877-1878, Masters CODY, Michael, Parallel Lines: Transmission and Being in Central Australia, PhD COLE, Catherine, From Davitt to Deconstruction: Politics and Social Commentary in Feminist Crime Fiction, Doctor of Creative Arts CORCORAN, Kristine, Knowledge Management in the NSW Public Sector, PhD DAVEY, Mobile crowds: the cultural significance of Sydney’s crowds and transport, PhD DE BRUCE, Lucy, Race and Identity in Colonial Fiji: The Part-European (Kailoma) Experience (1920-1970), PhD DOYLE, Susan, Perceptions of Sydney in Fiction 1890-1914, Masters DUGGAN, Jo-Anne, Defining the Renaissance: Representation of Italian Renaissance Art in Contemporary Context and Environment, Doctor of Creative Arts FALKINER, Suzanne, Historical Biography, Doctor of Creative Arts FERRIS, Denise, The Last ‘ism’ – researching the authentic experiences of maternalism and their visual description, Doctor of Creative Arts FLYNN, Kathryn, Medical Fraud and Inappropriate Practice with a Focus on Whistleblowing, PhD GAPPS, Stephen, A cultural history of historical re-enactment, PhD GEORGEVITS, Susan, Place of the heart: personal memories and the objects people keep, PhD GRECH, John, The Work of Art in the Age of a Global Capitalism: Theory and Practice, PhD HADEN, Roger, Utopian Food: Dishing Up the dreams of the New World Order, PhD JANSON, Julie, Writing in the film landscape – Australian and American desert intercultural perceptions, Doctor of Creative Arts JONES, Stephen, Synthetics: A History of Electronic Image in Australia, PhD


DIRECTORY KARAMINAS, Vicki, The Construction and Representation of ‘Greekness’ in Western Dialectical Traditions, PhD KLEINSMIEDE, Hendrik, East of Epistemology, West of the Wayag: Competing Motives and Modes of Understanding in the Reading of Indonesian Narratives, PhD LAMBERT, Anthony, Censorship in Australia 1988-1998, Masters LAVERTY, Sonia, Ageing, Gender and power, PhD LAW, Wing Sang, The Making of Colonial Citizenship, PhD LONGDIN, Ruth, Margaret Rink: a portrait of migration, PhD LOWE, Barry, Portugal in the Orient: Heritage of Empire, Doctor of Creative Arts LUCAS, Damian, Shifting Ground: Narratives of environmental limits in rural Australia, PhD McCLEAN, Shilo, Silicon Spirit: The impact of digital effects on storycraft in filmmaking, PhD McCLEAN, Susan, The Preservation of Historic Buildings: History, Ideology and Politics, 1890-1939, PhD MEADOWS, Elida, Spaced Between Wor(l)ds: British Travellers in Italy with Particular Emphasis on Travellers to Calbria from the eighteenth to the mid-twentieth Centuries, PhD MEREWETHER, Janet, Women and Experimental Screen Arts in Australia, Masters. MORRISSEY, Phillip, Aboriginal Cultural Studies, PhD O’DONNELL, Penelope, Journalism Education in Australia, PhD PARK, Margaret, A Planning History for North Sydney, PhD RICHTER, Bettina, Performance Work for Theatre set in the Parramatta Female Factory of the 1800s, Masters (writing) SIMMONDS, Margaret, Meeting of the Waters – The Hindmarsh Island Bridge Affair, Doctor of Creative Arts TAN, Laurens, The Trinkets of Clubland: Cultural Architecture of Identity, Doctor of Creative Arts. WATSON, David, Rebellion and Sincerity: Defeat and Self-Realisation in European and Australian Film, PhD WELLS, Samantha, The Contact History of Darwin 1865-1911: who and where are the Larrakia?/Aboriginal Histories in Place: Darwin, Northern Territory, PhD WILLIAMS, Christine, Life and thoughts of Krishnamurti, Doctor of Creative Arts. WILLIAMS, Martin, Ethnicity and Politics: Taiwanese Aborigines since 1945 WULFF, Monica, Dancing the bridges: an exploration of traditional Cirebonese mask dance across cultural contexts and media forms, Doctor of Creative Arts



University of Western Australia, Discipline of History (in the School of Humanities) ABBOTT, Kellie, Transitional bodies: adolescence and work in Western Australia, 19071939 BARRON, Matthew, Religion: Jedi myth and metaphysics in SF in the Star Wars Era (1977-1997) BEINART, Lisa, The rights of the child in conflict situations: the second intifada as a case study BRANKOVICH, Jasmina, Feminism, power, and women in Western Australian parliamentary politics 1972-2000s BROERTJES, Andrew, Usurpation, nationalism and state-sponsored history: the propaganda revolution in fifteenth-century England BUTTSWORTH, Sara, Body count: the politics of representing the gendered body and combat in the late twentieth century BYERS, Karen, A dialogue of history and literature: imagining the m(other) country in the narratives of Australia CHEW, Wendy, Moulding the female form and mind: a comparison of Singaporean women's magazines of the late 1960s and early 1990s CHRISTENSEN, Joseph, An environmental history of Shark Bay, Western Australia, from the age of enlightenment to the beginning of the twenty-first century CRAWFORD, Nicole, Witches write history: remembering the old religion and constructing a historical imaginary DONOVAN, Ruth, Australian public history: the growth of a profession? DUCKHAM, Ian, Desert discourses: mission, government, and anthropological evaluations of aboriginal response to Christianity as espoused by Western Desert Missions in the period 1921-1984 DYMOND, Timothy, The New Class and the long march of the Australian Right FINANDER, Carolyn, Imaginary histories and the historical imagination: a historiography of contemporary fantasy fiction FINN, Sarah, ‘Father of the Italian nation’: Dante Alighieri and the construction of Italian national identity 1861-1945 FOLEY, Marcia, History of social work in Western Australia: mental health GROENHOUT, Fiona, Loyal feudatories or decadent tyrants?: contradiction and conflict under indirect rule in India, Malaya and Fiji, c1858-1947 HICKS, Anna, Clearings in the forest: points of negotiation in fifteenth-century English ideologies of class and gender apparent in forest law and literature HICKS, Marianne, R. Selkirk Panton, an Australian in Berlin: a foreign correspondent, the Daily Express and British public opinion on Germany, 1929-1952 KARGINOFF, Simon, The social and political thought of Michael Thomas Sadler 17801835: testament of a radical Tory Evangelical LLOYD, Natalie, Zoos in twentieth-century Australia


DIRECTORY MACKINNON, Elizabeth, Clerical perceptions of social and economic change in Scotland in the early nineteenth century MACNEIL, Lea, Clerical perceptions of social and economic change in Scotland in the early nineteenth century MACPHAIL, Isla, a study of electoral administration in Western Australia from the establishment of representative democracy MARCHANT, Alicia, Kingship and nationhood: cultural constructions of Owain Gyndwr in England and Wales from 1400-c1603 MATTHEWS, Wade, History and revolution: debates between E.P. Thompson and Perry Anderson MCDIARMID, Tracy, Film and the British memory of WW II. MCGUIRE, Jenny, The decline of the British monarchy between 1936 and 1996? A historiographical study MERCER, Ben, Remembering Auschwitz after the end of history MILLETT, Peter, ‘A Firm but just system of discipline’: British convicts and their punishment in Western Australia, 1820-1886 MOREL, Felicity, Northbridge, Western Australia: the evolution of an inner urban area NISHINO, Ryota, Living through a telescopic/myopic worldview? nationalism, racism, ethnocentrism and self-images in school History textbooks in south Africa and Japan, c1945-1990 O'BRIEN, Lesley, Authority, secularisation and the historiography of the English Reformation: London c1370-c1530 ONDAATJE, Michael, Multiculturalism and the intellectual right: a comparative study of the experiences of Australia and the United States ORBELL, Dylan, From the fall of France to Mururoa Atoll: the Australian press and France as a great power 1940-2000 O'SHAUGHNESSY, Kate, Marriage, mediation and divorce: a comparison of cases in Singapore and Java after the enactment of the 1961 Singapore Women’s Charter and the 1974 Indonesian Marriage Law OWEN, Chris, An examination of police and Aboriginal relations in the late nineteenthcentury in the North-West and Kimberley district of Western Australia PAULEY, Tessa, Female immigration from South Africa and Zimbabwe to Western Australia since 1960 POTTER, Sandra, Moral reformation, respectability and social acceptance? Experiences of educated, white-collar offenders transported to Western Australia between 1850 and 1868 PROSSER, Howard, Historical analysis of the context in which German intellectuals of (seemingly) different ends of the political spectrum experienced the Nazi rise and fall RAJAH-CLARKE, Asha, India’s military leadership and the development of the armed forces in Independent India REES, Jeska, The British women’s liberation movement: sexuality, revolution and feminist politics, 1970-1990 RITTER, David, The ‘Long Black Wars’ of Australian history and jurisprudence


DIRECTORY ROBINSON, David, The Mozambique National Resistance (Renamo): international relations, national dimensions and internal dynamics SABBIONI, Jennifer, Silence forever: the charges made against the colony SMITH, Derek, Landlord and tenant relations in Perth, WA, 1911-1961 THAM, Yoke Lei (Jennifer), Female writers and ‘New Women’: a study of Chinese women writers from the May Fourth Era to the early 1940’s THOMAS, Bonnie, Identity in the French Caribbean WALKER, William, edge of empire: the maritime struggle for the Pilbara 1875-1914 WILLIAMS, Deborah, The relationship between law and medicine in the context of forensic evidence in criminal trials in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century England and Australia WOLFE, Adam, A cruel business: a history of the whaling industry at Albany, Western Australia YEATS, Kristy Marie, Women and new Left politics in Australia, 1956-1975

University of Western Sydney, Department of History De Barse, Monique, Restoration of temperate eucalypt woodlands – getting it right, PhD

University of Wollongong, History and Politics Programme BEASLEY, Margaret, Domestic economies on the Sydney waterfront 1900-1920 BENTLEY, John, Our ablest soldier: Brudenell White, the AIF and the development of Australian military culture CARR, Robert, Broadcasting in plural societies: a comparative case study CLOTHIER, Craig, The AWU and the Queensland Labour movement 1913-1957 CRINIS, Vicki, The Silence of Malay(si)an women and work, 1870-1990 DUNN, Elaine, History of Kiama, 1900-1940 FORD, Michelle, NGO as labour intellectual: the role of labour-oriented NonGovernmental Organisations in the reconstruction of the Indonesian Labour movement, 1985-2001 GILLAN, Geoff, Multimedia and historical biography: Rowland Hassall and the Hassall family in time and place GOODFELLOW, Robert, Sing Wis YA Wis: forgetting what it was to remember the killings of 1965 KARL, James, The final campaigns of the Australian army in SWPA: Bougainville and Balikpapan KING, Philip, Malay identity in the MIT growth triangle MAHER, Simon, Citizens, Citizenship and Contemporary Australian Society MASCHKE, John, Maritime History MONTGOMERY, Rosemary, Adolescent girls and reading in Second World War Australia: culture, social conditions and subjectivity


DIRECTORY MUIR, Kristy, The hidden cost of war: the impact of the Second World War and the Indonesian confrontation on veterans and their families RIZZO, Susana, The contribution and role of Christianity to the development and formation of West Papuan nationalism ROTHERY, Alan, A clash of cultures 1914-1939 SHEIKO, Konstantin, Russian nationalism SIM, Yong, Military revolution in Portugal: a separate path of development 1400-1800? SMITH, Kylie, Bourgeois respectability, Labour discipline and counter-hegemony, Sydney, 1840-1920 WADE, Linda, ‘By Australians defended, by Victorians mended’: Victoria and VillersBretonneux WICKRAMASINGHE, Tilaka, Migrants and mental health in Australia 1969-1990 with special reference to the Illawarra WILLIS, Ian, The women's voluntary services: a study of war and volunteering in Camden, 1939-1945

Victoria University of Technology, Faculty of Arts ANASTASOVSKI, Nick, Contestations over Macedonian Identity, 1870-19, PhD AVENELL, Dianne, ‘We thought we were so much better off’: Australian women in the Communist Party of Australia and ‘front’ organizations during the Cold War, PhD BURSTON, Mary, The Shag Hair’d Kerne: Ireland, Politics, Place and the Woman Writer in Late Colonial Australia, PhD CALKIN, Rachel, The Impact of 1956 on the Australian Communist Party, MA CAPELLO, Anthony, Italian-Australian Religiosity BA Santamaria and Italian-American Religious Leaders, PhD EASDOWN, Geoffrey, Surrendering Sovereignty: Curtin, Macarthur and the Leonski Case, MA IPPOLITO, Rebecca, Women, Peace Activism and the Cold War, PhD MCADAM, Anthony, Dr Frank Knopfelmacher in Australia, 1955-1995: A Political Biography, PhD RANGELOV, James, The Colonial Magistracy: Port Phillip District, 1836-1851, PhD

NEW ZEALAND Massey University, History, Philosophy and Politics, College of Humanities and Social Sciences* ASHBY, A, New Zealand Trade with South-East Asia, 1955-1980, MA BARTLEET, M, New Zealand Military Aircraft Purchases, 1955-1981, MA BEATSON, E, The Development of the New Anglican Constitution of 1982, MA COURTNEY, L, Karitane Nurses, MA


DIRECTORY CROWLEY, G, New Zealand and the Fiji Coups of 1987, MA DUFFY, S, Native Schools, MA FOSTER, A, Apprenticeship in New Zealand, PhD GREENWOOD, W, Early Rugby League in the Southern North Island, MA HIRST, M, Capita Transformata: Reworking and Private Roman Portraiture First to Fourth Centuries, MA HONORE, C, German Missionaries in New Zealand, MA HUCKER, G, World War One in Stratford, PhD HUNTER, I, Development of Entrepreneurship in New Zealand, PhD INNES, C, The Supply of Firearms to Maori, MA KEATING, D, The Capitalisation of Family Benefit, MA MINCHAM, C, Development of the New Zealand Horseracing Industry, MA MITCHINSON, A, Nelson at Naples, MA MORRISON, H, The Development of an Overseas Protestant Missionary Contingent in New Zealand, PhD NEWELL, R, The Third New Zealand Division, PhD PATCHETT, A, The Wellington Ladies Christian Association, 1878-1927, MA RILEY, S, Continuity of Land Ownership in the Albertland Settlement, MA SHAW, R, Making Public Policy in the MMP Era, PhD TAYLOR, R, Logistics in the New Zealand Wars, PhD THOMAS, W, JT Brown and New Zealand Methodism, MA TURNER, W, New Zealand Division Morale after Passchendaele, MA YEO, C, The Protectorate of Aborigines, MA YUAN, K, Mao’s Influence and the Tiananmen Incident, MA

University of Auckland, Department of History BARRY, Roger, New Zealand’s Defence Policy from the Last Years of the First World War to the end of 1975, PhD BRAREN, Antje, A Social History of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in New Zealand, 1920–1970, PhD CHAPMAN, Stephanie, Gender, Race, Class and the Victorian Interpretation of Racial Conflict in New Zealand, 1840–1870, PhD DAY, Alison, Child Immunisation: Reactions and Responses in New Zealand Government Policy 1925–1975, PhD FORTUNE, Gay, War and Marriage. War Brides of New Zealand Servicemen during World War Two, PhD FRANK, Tim, About our father’s business: Fatherhood in New Zealand, 1900–1940, PhD HARRIS, Aroha, E kore e taea oranga mo te tangata i te aroha me te pipi anake: Maori leadership and representation, 1945–1975, PhD KOLESOVA, Elena, Changing values in Japanese education — an historical study, PhD MARGETTS, Giles, The first parliament of the reign of Charles I of England, 1625, PhD 157

DIRECTORY O’SHAUGHNESSY, Michael, New Zealand and the Spanish Civil War, PhD PREBBLE, Kate, Psychiatric Nursing in New Zealand 1945–1980, PhD REID, Nicholas, A Critical Biography of James Michael Liston, PhD TAONUI, Rawiri, Nga Tatai-Whakapapa: Dynamics in Oral Tradition, PhD WHITTLE, Joanne, Electricity and the New Zealand Landscape, 1888-1898, PhD WILCOX, Matthew, A Social and Cultural History of Gay Men in Auckland 1890–1990, PhD WYATT, Philippa, Issues of Peace: Maori and Pakeha from First Settlement to the 1840s, PhD

University of Otago, Department of History BEATTIE, James, Climates of Uncertainty: Rainfall, desiccation, and drought in nineteenth-century New Zealand, PhD BUDD, Robert, Christian Thought and History, MA CLAYTON, Neil, New Zealanders and Their Weeds 1770-1970, PhD COTTLE, Eleanor, Snakes and Ladders; Social Mobility Rates and Reasons in nineteenth-century New Zealand, PhD DEED, Stephen, History of Cemeteries, MA FINDLAY, Angela, The Campaign against Aramonana Smelter, MA GILMORE, Helen, Queen's Gardens: A Cultural Landscape Study., MA GRANT, Susannah, Sir George Grey; Science, Religion, Politics and Race, PhD GREEN, Albert, History of the Town Belt. Dn, MA HENNING, Jon, The development of measures establishing statutory minimum conditions of employment, PhD HEYDON, Sue, History of the Kunde Hospital, Nepal, PhD KEENAN, Lauren, The Taranaki Report: Kaupapa Tuatahi of 1996 meet the aspirations and expectations of Maori?, MA KNUDSON, Danny, Provisions for gifted children in New Zealand primary schools from 1878, PhD KUZMA, Julian, Environment, Literature and Identity: History and Literacy Responses to Landscape and Climate in the Formation of a Colonial Identity in New Zealand, 18901920, PhD LI, Kang Ying, The Global Economy and the Fall of the Ming, PhD LOCKERBIE, Mary Rose, Catholicism in Caversham, PhD LOUSBERG, Marjan, Edward Shortland, PhD MITCHELL, James, Immigration, PhD REDWOOD, Sian, Historical Study of ‘Burnside’ Oamaru, MA SARGISON, Patricia, A Social History of Nursing in New Zealand, 1820-1930, PhD SMITH, Bruce, Maori Work Experiences in the NZR in the Later Twentieth Century, PhD STEWART, Mary, William McCaw, foreign correspondent, MA STRACK, Mick, The spatial Extent of Rights in Watercourses, PhD


DIRECTORY VENNELL, Jock, The role of the New Zealand Division on the Western Front during World War I, MA WARBRICK, Paerau, Maori Land Court 1960-1980, PhD

University of Otago, Department of Art History BULLEN, Richard, The Aesthetics of Chanoyu, PhD CAMPBELL, Joanne, The Wheel of Fortune, PhD CRAIG, Chrissie, The Protean Grid: Mrkusich, Formalism and Change, PhD LUMMIS, Richard, Modeling the New Zealand Artist, PhD SMITH, Natalie, The Fashion/Art Debate, PhD STEAD, Oliver, Sir Rex Kivell and his historical activities as a collector and dealer of fine art, PhD WITHEROW, Alex, Real Places: Hopper Wyeth, Sydney, PhD

University of Victoria (Wellington), Department of History BROWN, Rachel, Family History: A part of history or apart from history?, MA BURBERY, Laura, Taonga and the politics of display: a case study of an exhibition on Hone Heke Pokai presented by Te Papa Tongarewa, the National Museum of New Zealand, MA in Public History CHRISTOFFEL, Paul, From swill to the cafe society: liquor control in New Zealand, 1920 to 1989, MA COOTE, Briony, The Foundation of the New Zealand Futures Trust, MA in Public History DEE, Emma, China and the Human Rights Question: The historical debates, MA FALKNER, Nancy, Schoolgirls of the 1940s; young women of the 1950s: A study of a Cohort, PhD GREGG, Andrew, The debate over social welfare benefits in the mainstream media from 1990 to 1998, MA HART, Wendy, The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (Aotearoa Section) in the Nuclear Age, MA HENG YOONG, Ru, Sino-Malay Relations and the 1969 riots, MA MERILUOTO-JAAKOLA, Marjo, An historical overview of the layers of land occupation and ownership in Te Whanganui-a-Tara – the Wellington harbour area, PhD(University of Tampere, Finland) MEYERSON, Elisabeth, A comparison of Swedish and New Zealand feminist movements, c1890s, MA (Lund University, Sweden) MILLAR, Grace, The New Zealand feminist movement 1970-1979, MA NELSON, Lydia, Thorndon Foothills Motorway Community Displacement, PhD POLLOCK, Kerryn, Botanic Gardens, Botanical Exchange and Economic Botany in New Zealand 1860s-1890s, MA POWER, Paddy, Rugby Football in Wellington, 1860s-1920s, MA 159

DIRECTORY RODRIGUEZ, Vivian, Running Away from a Labour System: A Case Study of the Egypt Plantation, Jamaica 1751-1766 and Thomas Thistledown’s Journals, MA SHOEBRIDGE, Tim, Interior Sightings and the Magic Circle: Helen Shaw and the world of New Zealand Writing, c1937-1985, MA SHUM, Lynette, A History of Haining Street – Wellington’s Chinatown, MA



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