,1752'8&7,21 Dear customers, colleagues, friends, ATG Group is starting the third decade of providing of services for you and is ready to continue supporting your projects joined with special processes as NDT, Welding, Plant and Third Party Inspections. ATG Group has tried to adapt the company engineering and mechanical staff to give you widely acceptable solutions composed of services and expertize activities, personnel qualification and deliveries of equipment for NDT and accompanying processes as degreasing, etching or cleaning units. Simultaneously, ATG Group increased the capacity of composite production by start of operation of a new 9-meter autoclave located in LA composite’s facility in Prague and opening of supporting spaces in new 600 square meters hall in technological park Letnany in Prague. This space shall be used also for training and Prague facility’s capacity shall be increased be that up to 10 standard classrooms. ATG Group continuously improves its synergic activities, so the net of daughter companies and partner organizations in Europe, Asia and Africa enables distribution of ATG Group’s products and services in rapidly developing countries. This document presents all activities of the whole ATG Group. We know that some part of them is time to time forgotten, because ATG’s partners and customers are focused only to one chosen field. This document therefore focuses on providing the principal feature of ATG Group activities – to give a complete solution resulting from comprehensive competence of the whole group. ATG Group wishes you many successes and will have pleasure of cooperation with you.

Zbynek Zavadil President of ATG Group


$7**5283 ATG Group is the XQLW\ of companies with one corporate identity and ownership held by the parent company ATG Ltd. The members of ATG Group IROORZWKHVDPH&RUSRUDWH0LVVLRQ 9LVLRQDQG6WUDWHJLHV, as well as SUDLVHWKHVD PH&RUH YDOXHV, that are based on the centralized Quality Assurance. The executives of the ATG Group are centralized in ATG Prague and they are WKHJXDUDQWHHRIRQHXQLILHGDSSURDFKWR WKH6SHFLDO3URFHVVHV of the whole ATG Group for all potential customers. All the members of the ATG Group provide their customers with complete solution for related Special Processes that means both, products and services related to their industrial field. This may be applied both inside one member company (i.e. products and services for NDT in ATG Prague) and across more ATG Group members (i.e. production of composites in LAC and NDT testing of composites in ATG Prague). Close cooperation of all the group members ensures for the Customer that the activities not originally provided by the local member can be supplemented by other, adequate member on Customer’s request. The members of ATG Group are located in Group’s all current major geographic areas of interest: Prague (Czech Republic), Trencin (Slovakia), Moscow (Russia), Kiev (Ukraine), Istanbul (Turkey) and Dubai (United Arab Emirates). In addition to the ATG Group members, there is a broad range of partners and distributors directly cooperating with ATG Group in their respective regions. Achieved synergy between these organizations is used for the benefit of the Customer by extended distribution abilities and ATG Group’s product support.

0,66,21 0D[LPL]HRSHUDWLRQDOVDIHW\ of industrial products E\WRSOHYHOTXDOLW\ of industrial inspections.

9,6,21 Be a ILQDQFLDOO\VWURQJ, WHFKQRORJ\ FRPSDQ\ operating on the LQWHUQDWLRQDOVFDOH in the area of industrial inspections, ensuring the quality of Customer’s products by implementing the complete solution of DGYDQFHG WHFKQRORJLHV, SURGXFWV and VHUYLFHV, based on the ODWHVWWHFKQLFDOWUHQGDQGGHYHORSPHQW.

&25(9$/8(6 Honesty Æ Responsibility Æ Expertise Æ Quality Æ Integrity Æ Flexibility Æ Innovation

&25325$7(675$7(*,(6 „ „ „

Complete solution for the Special Processes, always fully in accordance with Customer’s specific requirements Implementation of both products and services as the two inseparable parts of the Special Processes Global approach, ensuring for the customer integrity with international standards


$7**5283352'8&73257)2/,2 $7* *URXS SURYLGHV FRPSOHWH VROXWLRQ IRU1 '7 E\ LPSOHPHQWLQJ ERWK SURGXFWV DQG VHUYLFHV LQ DOO VWDQGDUG 1'7 PHWKRGVDQGRWKHUUHODWHG6SHFLDO3URFHVVHV The products range from single devices up to complete solutions involving implementation of complex NDT systems using several NDT methods, personnel qualification of the operators and establishment of the whole NDT process including accompanying processes at the shopfloor.







„ „

Job-shop production of FXVWRPL]HG, automated / semi-automated / manual 1'7V\VWHPV for testing of robust, difficult or non-standard parts Batch production of VWDQGDUGL]HG automated / semiautomated / manual 1'7GHYLFHV for testing of standardized or widely used parts Mass production of HTXLSPHQW, tools and gauges Solution of accompanied processes to the NDT process (water / surface treatment etc.)

„ „ „ „ „

,QGHSHQGHQW qualification and certification for NDT, Welding and Inspection processes (PSOR\HU qualification and certification for NDT, Welding, Plant and Third-Party Inspection All VWDQGDUG1'7PHWKRGV in levels 1/2/3 and all relevant product / industrial sectors 6SHFLDOL]HG1'7PHWKRGV (IRT, ST, VA) 3UDFWLFDOSDUWof the training as the principal feature


Testing of batch or mass-produced components for transport and energy industry and machinery Suitable for each stage of the production process MT, PT , UT, ET, RT. LT methods of NDT process

„ „ „

Production quality assurance personnel Maintenance quality assurance (inspection) personnel Aerospace qualification acc. to EN4179/NAS410

