CONSTITUTION of THE LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF THE AMERICAN LEGION PREAMBLE For God and Country, we associateourselvestogetherfor the following purpose...
Author: Maude Hudson
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PREAMBLE For God and Country, we associateourselvestogetherfor the following purposes: :Touphold and defendthe Constitution of the United Statesof America; to

maintainlaw andorder;to fosterandperpetuate a onehundredpercent


Americanism;to preservethe memoriesand incidents of our associationin the GreatWars;to inculcate a senseof individual obligation to the community,state and nation; to combatthe autocracyof both the classesand the masses;to make right the masterof might; to promotepeaceand good will on earth;to safeguard and transmitto posterity the principles of justice, freedomand democracy;to consecrateand sanctify our comradeshipby our devotion to mutual helpfulness.




The na~e of this organizationshall be THE LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF THE AMERICAN LEGION.



Section 1. The American Legion is a civilian organization;membership therein doesnot affect or increaseliability for military or police service. Rank doesnot exist in The American Legion. Membersshall not be addressedby military or naval title in any conventionor meetingof The American Legion. Section2. THE LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF THE AMERICAN LEGION shall be absolutelynonpolitical, and shall not be usedfor the disseminationof partisanprinciples nor for the promotion of the candidacyof any personseekingpublic office or prefennent.



Section3. Membersshall perform their full duties ascitizens accordingto their own conscienceand understanding.

ARTICLE ill DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION Section 1. THE LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF THE AMERICAN LEGION shall be organizedinto local units termedPosts. In addition, THE LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF THE AMERICAN LEGION may create intermediatebodiesbetweenthe Postsand Departmentto act as a liaison between suchorganizationsand for the purposeof promoting the programsof THE AMERICAN LEGION. The DepartmentExecutiveCommitteeshall define the powersof suchintermediategroups,but in no event shall suchpowers invade the prerogativesnow vestedeither in the Postor Departmentor National organization. Suchintermediatebodiesnow existing within THE LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF THE AMERICAN LEGION or recognizedby THE LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF THE AMERICAN LEGION are herebyofficially recognized to the extent of the powersherein granted. Section 2. Those who desire to form a Post shall make application for a temporary charter to the Commander of THE LOrnSIANA DEPARTMENT OF

THE AMERICAN LEGION. Upon approval of the application by the Department Commander,the applicationwill be forwardedto the National Commanderand the National Adjutant with the recommendationthat a temporarycharterbe issued. Section3. The minimum membershipof a Post is herebyfixed at fifteen (15) membersin good standing,exceptwhere deathshall reducethe membershipfor a period not to exceedthe current year. Section4. No Post shall be namedafter any living person. Section5. A Postreceiving a temporarychartermust abideby the terms and conditionsset forth in said temporarycharterand shall uphold the declared principles of THE AMERICAN LEGION and shall conform to and abide by the regulationsand decisionof THE LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF THE AMERICAN LEGION and of the National Executive Committee~or other duly constitutednational governingbody of THE AMERICAN LEGION.


Section6. After a temporarycharterhasbeenin effect for a probationary period of at least ninety (90) days,application for a permanentchartermay be made. Suchprobationaryperiod shall not exceedone year upon the termination of which THE LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF THE AMERICAN LEGION shall determinewhetheror not a permanentchartershall be issuedor deniedand the action of THE LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF THE AMERICAN LEGION shall be final. Section7. All charters.shallbe countersignedby the DepartmentCommander and DepartmentAdjutant. Section8. Pennanentchartermay be suspended,canceled,or revokedby the DepartmentExecutive Committeeasprovided in the DepartmentBylaws.

ARTICLE IV ELIGIBILITY Section 1. Membershipshall be restrictedto thosedeclaredeligible by the national organizationof The AmericanLegion. Section2. There shall be no form or classof membershipexceptan active membershipand duesshall be paid annuallyor for life. Section3. No personmay be a memberat anyone time of more than one Post. Section4. No person,who hasbeenexpelledby a post, shall be admittedto membershipin anotherpost, without the consentof the expelling post, exceptthat where such consenthas beenaskedfor and deniedby suchpost, the person expelledmay appealto the DepartmentExecutive

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