Author: Felicity Cooper
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Konferensi Internasional Akuakultur Indonesia (ICAI 2010) Konferensi Internasional Budidaya Udang (ICOSA 2010)



Akuakultur Sebagai Sumber Makanan dan Lingkungan Sehat (ICAI 2010)

Keberlanjutan dan Pangsa Pasar Industri Udang Dunia (ICOSA 2010)

Waktu Pelaksanaan


25 – 30 Oktober 2010



Gedung F6 & GSG Kampus Universitas Hang Tuah Jl. Arief Rahman Hakim 150 Surabaya



500 delegasi stakeholders akuakultur lokal, regional dan internasional

Alamat Sekretariat Panitia MAI


The convener International Conference of Aquaculture Indonesia 2010 CP: Dwisetiono (0856 307 6399) Rico Hendrawan (0857 4031 3146) Indonesian Aquaculture Society PO BOX 8032 SMEL Semarang, Jawa Tengah INDONESIA Research & Public Service Institute (LPPM) Diponegoro University Tel: 024 70194598 Fax: 024 8318908 Email : [email protected] Website:

A/n. Ketua Masyarakat Akuakultur Indonesia Wakil Ketua,

Sekretaris Jenderal MAI,

Dr Ir Edward Danakusumah, M.Sc

Agung Sudaryonoo, Ph.D



PROFIL MAI Masyarakat Akuakultur Indonesia (MAI) merupakan organisasi profesi akuakultur nonprofit tingkat nasional dengan jumlah anggota 618 yang tersebar di 20 provinsi di Indonesia. Anggota MAI berasal dari berbagai elemen profesi masyarakat (peneliti, dosen, produsen, pebisnis, pegawai pemerintah dan swasta, organisasi atau asosiasi dll). MAI dideklarasikan pada tanggal 30 Oktober 2001 di Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang Jawa Tengah oleh Dr. Agung Sudaryono, Mr. R.P. Poernomo, Dr. Fatuchri Sukrdi, Prof. Dr. Johannes Hutabarat, Drs. Kurnia Subakti, dan Dr. Edison Saade. MAI dibentuk secara khusus sebagai wadah atau forum komunikasi dan pertukaran informasi antar berbagai kelompok masyarakat akuakultur Indonesia. Masyarakat Akuakultur Indonesia (MAI), melalui komitmennya menuju keunggulan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, pendidikan, pelatihan dan pertukaran informasi, akan memberikan sumbangan terhadap kemajuan dan perkembangan akuakultur berkelanjutan di seluruh wilayah nusantara Indonesia. Konsep wacana pembentukan MAI muncul pada awal tahun 2000 diinisiasi oleh Dr. Agung Sudaryono yang diawali rangkaian pertemuan dan diskusi tidak resmi dengan berbagai tokoh dan pakar akukultur nasional dari berbagai instansi (IPB, UNDIP, DKP, Swasta) tentang perlunya suatu forum persatuan masyarakat akuakultur dari sisi akademis dan praktisi. Forum interaksi ini sangat bermanfaat dan pertemuan seharusnya dijadualkan secara berkala serta terus-menerus melibatkan kedua kelompok masyarakat ilmiah dan praktisi. MAI akan membantu pemerintah untuk mempercepat kemajuan dan perkembangan industri akuakultur di Indonesia sebagai salah satu produser terunggul di era kompetisi global. MAI dikelola oleh Dewan Pengurus terpilih dan bekerja tanpa pemberian kompensasi. Pada awal pembentukan 2001 hingga 2003, MAI hanya beranggotakan 84 orang. Kemudian hingga tahun 2006, anggota MAI aktif tercatat sebanyak 673 orang dari 20 wilayah provinsi di Indonesia. MAI berinteraksi dengan asosiasi internasional WAS (World Aquaculture Society) dan berbagai asosiasi nasional lainnya diantaranya dengan MPN (Masyarakat Perikanan Nusantara), SCI (Shrimp Club Indonesia), ASBUMI (Asosiasi Budidaya Mutiara Indonesia), PIHI (Perhimpunan Ikan Hias Indonesia) dll.

Informasi dan Saran: Sekretariat Besar MAI Indonesian Aquaculture Society PO BOX 8032 SMEL Semarang, Jawa Tengah INDONESIA Gd. Widya Puraya, Puslit Bangtek-LPPM Universitas Diponegoro Kampus Tembalang, Semarang Indonesia Tel: 024-70194598 Fax: 024-8318908 Mobile phone: 0857 4031 3146 [email protected]



INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF AQUACULTURE INDONESIA (ICAI) 2010 DEAR AQUACULTURE ENTHUSIAST, We would like to invite you to participate in International Conference of Aquaculture Indonesia 2010 (ICAI 2010), which will be one of the most significant regional or global aquaculture events yet staged in Indonesia. This brochure is intended to encourage you to submit papers during the conference, to exhibit your aquaculture products and services, or simply to be a participating member of the audience in the multiple sessions of the conference or a visitor to the exposition to gain information about the latest technical developments in aquaculture. This conference has regularly taken place since 2004, and until now this event has become the principal forum for discussion on all aquaculture topics. This is an annual conference organized by Indonesian Aquaculture Society with every two years the event is designed to be international or regional aquaculture conference held in Indonesia. This conference is designed to encourage the exchange of ideas, information and knowledge between scientists and industry personnel on important issues in aquaculture and how finding solutions and supporting to the industry. The theme for ICAI 2010 is “Sustainable Aquaculture For Healthy Food and Environment”. According to FAO (2009), the world population in 2010 is approximately 6.9 billion with 1.02 billion is hungry people in 2009 (65% in Asia Pacific). Global food demand increases 70% up to 2050 due to an increasing of the population. Economic crisis causing high unemployed people and high food demand has positioned aquaculture becoming an important industry sector as food supply and economic mover. Aquaculture is the only way to meet the increasing demand for seafood and it is an efficient food production method with low FCR and carbon footprint. Improvement of the productivity and competitiveness is one of the ways to overcome the food and economic security problems. The development of an aquaculture-based urban area as food and economic sources in a healthy environment is needed to increase nutritional, economic and social status of the people. There will be plenary sessions and commodity-based parallel class sessions during the two days of the conference. The class sessions consist of aquaculture for Marine Finfish (grouper, seabass, milkfish etc), Freshwater Fish (catfish, tilapia, gouramy, eel etc.), Ornamentals, Seaweeds and Algae (E. cottonii, Gracilaria etc.) and Shellfish (pearl oysters, molluscs, abalone etc,). This conference will be a meeting forum and current information sharing between scientists and business actors in aquaculture coming from all over places in Asian Pacific and other countries. Experts in aquaculture will be invited to deliver keynote addresses during the conference. The names of the speakers will be finalized soon and will be posted in the website ( We extend an invitation to present your research results at the poster exhibition or parallel class discussion sessions. Parallel, there will be a commercial exposition and technical trade show where you can see the last aquaculture technology advances for different species, equipment and general supplies for aquaculture. We hope that you will find out an interesting conference program and a fascinating exposition. The conference is expected to attract over 600 participants and 60 exhibitors to Surabaya, East Java Province, Indonesia. Participation is expected to be very strong from Asia, Australia, Indonesia and other countries. Do join us in INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF AQUACULTURE INDONESIA 2010! We look forward to seeing you on October 26-28, 2010 in Surabaya–Indonesia. A. SUDARYONO Secretary General, Indonesian Aquaculture Society



LETTER OF INVITATION FROM THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE FOR ICOSA 2010 Dear colleagues and friends, It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the International Conference On Shrimp Aquaculture (ICOSA) 2010, October 27-30 in Surabaya, Indonesia. This conference is hosted by the Indonesian Aquaculture Society (IAS) or called as MAI (Masyarakat Akuakultur Indonesia), affiliate of the World Aquaculture Society. This event is a replacement of International Conference & Exhibition on Shrimp Aquaculture (ICE-SA) 2010 that to be planned to conduct on May 5-7, 2010 in Jakarta. This will be the first and biggest international shrimp aquaculture conference for Indonesia. Participants attending the 2 effective day-conference will see first hand the rapidly expanding shrimp aquaculture industry in Indonesia and other countries. ICOSA 2010 will be an update forum for the stakeholders of shrimp aquaculture industry as it grows so fast as well as faced with the challenging issues e.g. global warming, production efficiency, disease, genetic improvement, food safety, environment and market share. Indonesian Aquaculture Society (MAI) is professional organization (NGO) who serves as a strategic interaction forum to promote the scientific and technological development of aquaculture throughout Indonesia, gather and disseminate aquaculture information and holds meetings to foster aquaculture development and information exchange. In activities, MAI support and assist the programs of the Indonesian government in development of aquaculture. The theme of ICOSA 2010 is “Sustainability and Global Market Share of Shrimp Aquaculture Industry”. The event will provide a wonderful opportunity for all participants to exchange information among the shrimp industry players. This is a forum to discuss existing issue in shrimp aquaculture industry which is related to problems and constrains in sustainable production and market. Our hope is that with this event will bring new information to your hands. ICOSA 2010 is designed to be ‘one stop event’ to satisfy the need of approximately 600 participants of different background (academic, scientists, business owners, traders, investors, consultants, advisors, technicians and specialized people from financial institutions, government agencies, and economists). This makes ICESA 2010 an excellent opportunity to share views, experiences and broaden network. This event is also to strengthen the exchange of experiences among scientists/associations and industry, locally and internationally. The conference will feature four concurrent sessions ranging aspects in (1) Production System & Nutrition (management, technology), (2) Breeding and Genetics, (3) Disease and health, and (4) Business Forum for cultured shrimp (marine shrimp, crabs, lobster, freshwater prawn). Business Forum is an opportunity to discuss the current issues of business development in shrimp aquaculture industry. All programs is open to all stakeholders involved in shrimp aquaculture. Finally, may we encourage you to participate in ICOSA 2010 in ways suit you. We are pleased to mention that there are various packages of sponsorship with huge benefits to your company or your institution.

Thank you Agung Sudaryono, Ph.D Secretary General MAI



LATAR BELAKANG Indonesia sebagai salah satu produser perikanan budidaya (akuakultur) terkemuka di dunia memiliki potensi untuk meningkatkan produksinya 353% pada tahun 2014. Tahun 2009 produksi akuakultur Indonesia mencapai 4,5 juta ton, produksi ini diharapkan akan naik mencapai 15 juta ton pada akhir tahun 2014. Guna mencapai target produksi tersebut diperlukan dukungan semua pihak untuk bersama pemerintah menggiatkan produksi ikan hasil akuakultur melalui program revitalisasi dan intensifikasi budidaya perikanan. Peranan usaha perikanan budidaya sebagai sektor riil dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional Indonesia sangat significant karena sebagai penggerak ekonomi nasional (sumber lapangan kerja, sumber pendapatan, sumber pangan). Dalam rangka memacu produksi perikanan budidaya nasional, pertemuan ilmiah dan forum bisnis akuakultur guna saling tukar informasi dan pengalaman sangat diperlukan. Masyarakat Akuakultur Indonesia (MAI) melalui visi misinya ingin membangun sinergitas dari berbagai stakeholders untuk bersama memajukan akuakultur nasional melalui diseminasi informasi akuakultur dan mengadakan konferensi sebagai ajang pertukaran informasi perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi dan bisnis akuakultur. Penyelenggaraan konferensi akuakultur internasional yang akan digelar di Universitas Hang Tuah, Surabaya pada tanggal 25-30 Oktober yang akan datang ini merupakan salah satu bentuk kepedulian MAI dalam komitmen membantu pemerintah dalam penyebaran informasi dan mempromosikan status perkembangan industri akuakulktur Indonesia kepada negara-negara produser akuakultur lain. Diharapkan konferensi ini menjadi tempat komunikasi paling efektif dalam berbagi informasi tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi dan pengalaman bisnis dari berbagai stakeholder akuakultur tingkat lokal, regional dan internasional. Last but not least, semoga konferensi internasional akuakultur dan udang yang diselenggarakan oleh MAI ini bisa sebagai pemicu awal bagi peningkatan produksi akuakultur Indonesia dan penguatan posisi tawar Indonesia dalam pergaulan perdagangan akuakultur internasional sekarang dan masa yang akan datang.

TIME SCHEDULE KEGIATAN 2010 Mei-Juli Distribusi, Sosialisasi Program, Pra-Persiapan 23 Agustus Batas akhir penyerahan abstrak 25 September Batas akhir penyerahan Full papers 25-27 Oktober Pelaksanaan ICAI 2010 28-30 Oktober Pelaksanaan ICOSA 2010 26-29 Oktober Pameran Internasional Akuakultur Indonesia 2010



PROGRAM OF ICAI 2010 MONDAY, OCTOBER 25 10:00 – 20:00 16:00 – 18:00 18:00 – 19:30

Registration Open & Exhibit Set-up Submission of files for oral presentations, Poster Set-up, Annual Meeting of Indonesian Aquaculture Society Board Welcome Drink

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26 07:00 – 17:30

Registration Open

09:00 – 17:30

Trade Show & Posters Open

08:00 – 09:00

Plenary Session I: Climate Change Impacts On Fishery and Aquaculture (ADB)

09:00 – 09:30

Opening Ceremony and Keynote Speech: “Break Through & Real Action of Indonesian Government to Strengthen and Speed Up Sustainable National Aquaculture Production” Minister for Marine and Fisheries Affairs of Indonesia, Dr. Fadel Muhammad

09:00 – 13:00

09:30 – 10:00

Refreshment break (Provided)

10:00 – 12:30

Plenary Session II • Current Issues of Global Sustainable Aquaculture Production and Business (President WAS, Dr. Jay Parsons) • Recent Progress of Genetic Improvement and Management for Aquaculture (Dr. Alimuddin) •

09:00 – 17:00 Exhibition Open

Recent Progress of Dietary Alternative Protein Sources for Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Environment Aquaculture

12:30 – 13:30

Lunch (Provided)

13:30 – 15:30

Parallel Session I (Selected Papers) Feed & Nutrition Class Session

13:30 – 13:50

The development of artificial feeds with high protein and omega_3 contents enriched by lemuru (Sardinella longiceps) and tawes (Puntius gonionotus) –T.I. Agustin

13:50 – 14:10

Optimal stocking density of tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) in brackish water ponds fed with natural food of Tilapia mussambicus –- S. Tonnek

14:10 – 14:30

Interaction between dietary phosphorus and phytase supplement on growth, feed intake and vertebral mineral content in juvenile Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus -- A. Laining

14:30 – 14:50

Effect of CMC and enzyme as binder in moist pellet and feeding frequency on adaptation of artificial feed for juvenile tiger grouper Epinephelus fuscogutatus -K.Suwirya

14:50 – 15:10

Effects of equal mixed beneficial microorganisms to induce periphyton as natural feed on tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) body weight and ponds water quality -A. Irianto

15:10 – 15:30

Nutritional conditions evaluated by RNA/DNA ratios of early juvenile-stage marble goby, Oxyeleotris marmoratus under different salinity levels in relation to their growth and survival – M. Darwis

13:30 – 15:30

Parallel Session I (Selected Papers) Disease Class Session

13:30 – 13:50

Molecular epidemiology of zoonotic streptococcosis/lactococcosis in rainbow trout aquaculture in Iran -- Mehdi Soltani

13:50 – 14:10

Proliferation of B220 isoform on defend immunity cellular mechanism to humpback grouper (Cromileptes altivelis) after threated by immunogenic protein of Vibrio alginolyticus –- U.Yanuhar

14:10 – 14:30

The activation of immunogenic protein of viral nervous necrosis (VNN) as immunomodulator cluster of differentiation (CD-4) cell and toll like receptor (tlr) of humpback grouper Cromileptes altivelis -- U.Yanuhar

14:30 – 14:50

The potential of sea microalgae Nannochloropsis oculata extract as antibacteria, antiviral and antioxidant for Cromileptes altivelis (humpback grouper) exposured by viral nervous necrotic and Vibrio alginolyticus -- R. Nurdiani



Cooking competetion of catfishbased foods Open

14:50 – 15:10

Characteristic of fungus and controlling by in vitro on larvae of cobia, Rachycentron canadum -- D. Roza

15:10 – 15:30

Electron microscopic analysis of enlarged cells derived from red sea bream iridovirus (RSIV)-infected cultured grunt fin (GF) cells -- K. Mahardika

15:30 – 15:50

Refreshment break (Provided)

15:50 – 17:30

Parallel Sessions II (Selected Papers) Feed and Nutrition Class Session

15:50 – 16:10

Effects of rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis sp.) enrichment on improved survival and growth of golden trevally fish larvae (Gnathanodon speciosus Forsskal) -T.S. Dharma

16:10 – 16:30

Digestive system development of the humpback grouper, Cromileptes altivelis, fish larvae -- U. Bulanin

16:30 – 16:50

The activity of protease enzyme from the stomach three kinds of oysters (Crassostrea cucullata, C. glomerata and C. iredalei) -- D.Arfiati

16:50 – 17:10

The inventory of bivalves as alternative food in Adonara Island, Nusa Tenggara Timur -- C.V. Mrajita P.

17:10 – 17:30

Fatty acid compositions and prostaglandin contents of the red alga, Gracilaria verrucosa -- M.I. Illijas

15:50 – 17:30

Parallel Sessions II (Selected Papers): Disease Class Session

15:50 – 16:10

Efficacy of Nigella sativa filtrates in curing motile Aeromonas septicemia on Cyprinus carpio juveniles -- R. Grandiosa

16:10 – 16:30

Immunogenicity and protective effects of formalin-killed polyvalent vibrio vaccine in tiger grouper Epinephelus fuscoguttatus -- Zafran

16:30 – 16:50

Potency of jellyfish (Bougainvillia sp.) alkaloid bioactive substance on cellular immune respon -- S. Andayani

16:50 – 17:10

Selective medium for in vitro activity evaluation of bacterial biocontrol against pathogenic vibrios -- A. Isnansetyo

17:10 – 17:30

Fungus infection on soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis juvenile -- F.Johnny

17:30 – 18:00 19:00 – 21:00

Poster sessions/Happy hour President’s Reception/Gala Dinner

09:00 – 13:00 Cooking competetion of catfishbased foods Open 09:00 – 17:00 Exhibition Open

  WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27 07:00 – 10:00

Registration Open

09:00 – 13:00

09:00 – 17:30

Trade Show & Posters Open

08:00 – 09:30

Plenary Session III (Aquaculture Industry Development: Trends & Prospects): • Prospect and Current Market For Aquaculture in Indonesia & Global (AP5I) • Current Disease Problems in Finfish Aquaculture (FAO)

Demo and Promo Fish Consumption Open

09:30 – 10:00

Refreshment break (Provided)

10:00 – 12:30

Plenary Session IV (Aquaculture Industry Development: Trends & Prospects): • Recent Progress of Aquaculture Feed Development in Indonesia (GPMT) • Current Innovation in Aquaculture Biotechnology: The use of Enzymes (Alltech) • The Best Aquaculture Practices for Seafood Processing Industry: Trends and prospects development in Indonesia ( BMI)

12:30 – 13:30 13:30 – 15:30

Lunch (Provided) Parallel Sessions III (Selected Papers) Genetic & Reproduction Class Session

13:30 – 13:50

Grading as a basic technique for monosex of aquculture tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) -- P. Setyawan

13:50 – 14:10

Growth and survival of catfish, Clarias gariepinus, having different domestication history in indoor nursery -- Imron

14:10 – 14:30

Growth variation on three-lines crossbreeding of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus, in Indonesia: implication to aquaculture -- A. Sunarma

14:30 – 14:50

Gonadal development and spawning of cobia, Rachycentron canadum in captivity -- A. Priyono



09:00 – 17:00 Exhibition Open

14:50 – 15:10 15:10 – 15:30

Observation on natural spawning of black saddled coral grouper (Plectropoma laevis) in captivity -- B. Slamet Genotypic performance of humpback grouper (Cromileptes altivelis) fry that having fast and slow growth traits -- Haryanti

13:30 – 15:30

Parallel Sessions III (Selected Papers) Management & Technology Class Session

13:30 – 13:50

MDGs and Aquaculture: Indicators to evaluate the conservation of resource base for poverty reduction -- P. Wattage

13:50 – 14:10

The potential for culture of donkey’s ear abalone (Haliotis asinina linné) in coastal area of Eastern Sumba Island -- Ricky G.

14:10 – 14:30

Efficacy of utilization of zeolite, activated charcoal and clove oil to suppress stress level of juvenile of Pangasius hipopthalmus in high density sealed transportation system -- E. Supriyono

14:30 – 14:50

The implementation of procedure and standard specification on technique development of tiger grouper (Ephinephelus fuscoguttatus) at nursery phase in Batam -- S. Akbar

14:50 – 15:10

Glass Eels (Anguilla sp.) Recruiting of Palu River, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia -- S. Ndobe

15:10 – 15:30

Effect of transportation on flesh quality of rainbow trout -- Yunita M.

15:30 – 15:50

Refreshment break (Provided)

15:50 – 16:50

Parallel Sessions IV (Selected Papers) Genetic & Reproduction Class Session

15:50 – 16:10

Reproductive performance of the mud clam Anodontia edentula -- Insafitri

16:10 – 16:30

Study on induced spawning of the Indonesian abalone Haliotis squamata with various methods -- I. Rusdi

16:30 – 16:50

Ultrastructural changes after verification of spermatozoa of sand worm Perinereis nuntia -- W. Srithumsuk

15:50 – 17:10

Parallel Sessions IV (Selected Papers) Management & Technology Class Session

15:50 – 16:10

Seaweed culture in net bag --- Edward D.

16:10 – 16:30

The important of baseline data and monitoring program for sustainable cage culture in Indonesia --- Co-presenter of A. Hanafi

16:30 – 16:50

Grouper hatchery business empowerment for coastal community --- Suko I.

16:50 – 17:10

Molecular exploration using sequencing method on internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of marine yeast --- Sukoso, N. Khaqiqi

17:10 – 17:30

Sustainable Use of Lake Water Resource: Study Case on Floated Fish Farm Net Cages at Rawapening Lake, Bawen, Semarang Regency -- Sapto. P. Putro

16:50 – 17:50

Parallel Sessions V (Selected Papers) Feed & Nutrition Class Session

16:50 – 17:10

Improvement of digestive enzyme activity of rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis) by Bacillus sp. with different periods of enrichment -- Sutia B.

17:10 – 17:30

Protein expression of seagrass on heavy metal pollution of lead (Pb) in coastal waters North East Java --- Endang Y.H.

17:30 – 17:50

The use of feed formulation to evaluate alternative ingredients for aquaculture --B. Tangendjaja

17:30 – 18:10

Parallel Sessions V (Selected Papers) Disease Class Session

17:30 – 17:50

Purification of lactonase, a recombinant protein produced in E. coli M15 , opportunity for a vibriosis inhibitor in aquaculture --- M. Fadjar

17:50 – 18:10

Antibacterial afficacy test of extracted sponge, Geodia sp. on Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli --- Happy Nursyam

18:10 – 18:20 18:20 – 18:40

Closing Ceremony of ICAI 2010 Farewell Drink



09:00 – 13:00 Demo and Promo Fish Consumption Open

09:00 – 17:00 Exhibition Open

PROGRAM OF ICOSA 2010 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27 Submission of files for oral presentations and Poster Set-up 12:00 – 17:00 18:00 – 18:30

Welcome Drink

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28 07:00 – 17:30

Registration Open

09:00 – 17:30

Trade Show & Posters Open

08:00 – 09:00

Plenary Session I: Recent Progress of Biofloc Technology for Sustainable Shrimp (Pacific white shrimp) Farming: Efficiency and Profitability (Dr. Nyan Taw, Blue Archipelago BHD, Malaysia)

09:00 – 09:30

Keynote Speech: “Support of NAVY in Strengthening the Production of Aquaculture for National Food Security” Head of Navy Staff, Indonesia (KASAL)

09:30 – 10:00

Refreshment break (Provided)

10:00 – 12:30

Plenary Session II: • Recent Progress of Breeding SPF White Shrimp, Blue Shrimp and Black Tiger at High Health Aquaculture (Dr. Jim Wyban, HHA Kina Hawaii) • Recent Progress of The BAP in Shrimp Hatcheries (CPP) • Review: Experiences in the Best Aquaculture Practices for Pacific White Shrimp in Indonesia. ( Mr. Wayan, BIA)

12:30 – 13:30

Lunch (Provided)

13:30 – 15:10

Parallel Session I (Selected Papers) Management & Technology Class Session

13:30 – 13:55 13:55 – 14:20

Quality management in extensive shrimp farming in Bangladesh -- Nazmul Alam Indicators for sustainability analysis of shrimp aquaculture --- MD. Arif Chowdhury

14:20 – 14:45 14:45 – 15:10

Valuation of coastal ecosystems: Challenges and Solutions -- P. Wattage Rate of cannibalism of mangrove crab (Scylla serrata Forskal, 1775) larvae in controlled conditions --- Sulaeman

13:30 – 15:10 13:30 – 13:55

Parallel Session I (Selected Papers) Genetic & Reproduction Class Session Hybridization of tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon Fabricius) broodstock from Siwa and Takalar Waters --- Jayadi Performance of domesticated juvenile giant freshwater (Macrobrachium rosenbergii De Man) --- A. Sopian Electroejaculation of spermatophore of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii De Man) strain Gimacro --- Yogi H. Construction of rna interference for gih gene silencing and its application on ovary development of black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) --- Soni H., A. Pancoro

13:55 – 14:20 14:20 – 14:45 14:45 – 15:10 15:10 – 15:30

Refreshment break (Provided)

15:30 – 16:45

Parallel Sessions II (Selected Papers) Management & Technology Class Session

15:30 – 15:55

Removal rate of waste of suspended sediment, ammonia and organic matter in the Macrobracium rosenbergii intensive culture with corrugated plastic biofilter --Muslim

15:55 – 16:20

The black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) broodstock improvement:the use of recirculation aquaculture system ---- G. Suantika Utilization shrimp waste to chitosan production as chelating agent ion Cd2+ to decrease heavy metal pollution in waterworks --- T. Wahyuni Parallel Sessions II (Selected Papers) Genetic & Reproduction Class Session

16:20 – 16:45 15:30 – 16:45 15:30 – 15:55

Genetic diversity analysis of the first derivative of black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) from Aceh and Pangandaran using microsatellite --- A. Pancoro

15:55 – 16:20

Resistance gene expression in Indonesian SPF vannamei shrimp that attacked by WSSV --- Y. Kilawati



09:00 – 13:00 Demo and Promo Fish Consumption Open

09:00 – 17:00 Exhibition Open

16:20 – 16:45 16:45 – 17:15 19:00 – 21:00

DNA expression of pacific white shrimp, L. vannamei infected by Taura Syndrome Virus (TSV) using SSCP (single strand conformation polymorphism) analysis --G.N. Permana Poster sessions/Happy hour President’s Reception/Gala Dinner

  FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29 07:00 – 10:00

Registration Open

09:00 – 17:00

09:00 – 17:30

Exhibition Open

08:00 – 09:30

Trade Show & Posters Open Plenary Session III: World Shrimp Aquaculture Industry Development: Trends & Prospects (FAO)

09:30 – 10:00

Refreshment break (Provided)

10:00 – 12:30

Plenary Session IV: • Recent Progress of Feed Nutrition and Formulation for Sustainable and Profitable Shrimp Aquaculture (Professor Shunsuke Koshio, Kagoshima University) • Recent Progress of Shrimp Disease (Professor Toshiaki Itami, Miyazaki Univ.) • Shrimp (Pacific white shrimp) Farm Biosecurity: Practical Methods to Prevent Virus Entering Farm and Quarantine if Infected to Prevent From Spreading (Dr. Nyan Taw, Blue Archipelago, BHD, Malaysia)

12:30 – 13:30 13:30 – 15:30

Lunch (Provided) Parallel Sessions III (Selected Papers) Disease Class Session

13:30 – 13:50

The effect of immunostimulants β-glucant and lipopolysaccharide on lysozyme activity of the tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon, Fabricus) --- A. Rantetondok Using the immunostimulants as a friendly enviroment in controling the virus diseases on the shrimp aquaculture in Indonesia --- A. Rantetondok The effect of tapioca flour and probiotic addition on water quality and shrimp production in extensive white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei pond culture --Gunarto New probiotics for tiger shrimp culture in Indonesia --- M. Atmomarsono Improving the water quality media, survival and growth performances of shrimp Penaeus monodon through an application of probiotic --- Iskandar The potency of amilolitic indigenous mangrove bacteria on waste decomposition in shrimp pond --- Maftuch. Parallel Sessions III Shrimp Farmer’s Day Session

13:50 – 14:10 14:10 – 14:30

14:30 – 14:50 14:50 – 15:10 15:10 – 15:30 13:30 – 16:00

• Practical management of shrimp farming in Indonesia: A Review (Mr. Wayan, BIA) • Problem solving in practical water quality management (Dr Nyan Taw) • Disease Problem & Solution in Indonesia (Dr Yuri S., Aquatic Health Cent, CPP) • Significant efforts and contribution of scientists in assisting shrimp farmers in Indonesia (Professor Kamiso) 15:30 – 15:50

Refreshment break (Provided)

15:50 – 17:30

Parallel Sessions IV (Selected Papers) Feed and Nutrition Class Session

15:50 – 16:10 16:10 – 16:30 16:30 – 16:50

A novel passive acoustic feed control system for shrimp --- Peter Blyth The effect of natural foods on the rate of moulting of crab (Scylla serrata) ---- H. Iromo Characteristic of Nitrospira sp. isolated from shrimp pond sediment as nitrite oxidizing bacteria --- A.M. Hariati Biomas production and quality performances of Artemia sp. fed different food sources under salt pond conditions --- A. Sudaryono, K. Wahyuadi, Jumaeri, The effect of carbohydrate addition on the survival and growth rate of Litopenaeus vannamei PL24 --- Ating Y. Closing Ceremony of ICOSA 2010 Farewell Drink

16:50 – 17:10 17:10 – 17:30 17:50 – 18:00 18:00 – 18:30



  SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30 07:00 – 18:30

City & Aquaculture Tour Day (optional for have relax & fun) (Visit eel farm, farmed shrimp Vaname village, farmed grouper village in Lamongan, Suromadu bridge, lunch with delicious unaqi (traditionally cooked eel) and dinner with healthy traditional Javanese foods)


OBJECTIVES OF ICAI 2010 The conference represents an excellent forum to communicate and discuss relevant topics to culturing marine and freshwater finfish, ornamental fish, shellfish and seaweeds. The objectives are: • • • • •

To discuss and update information on the latest aquaculture technology advances in marine finfish, freshwater finfish, ornamental fish, and seaweeds To share experiences among scientists, policy makers and industry on emerging needs for aquaculture. To promote collaboration among scientists and institutions involved in aquaculture industry, research and development. To enhance interaction between scientists and producers To identify priority research areas to promote and develop sustainable aquaculture

INTRODUCTION The International Conference On Shrimp Aquaculture (ICOSA) 2010 will be held in Hang Tuah University, Surabaya, Indonesia from 27 to 30 October 2010. The event aims to create a sustainable platform for the industry players to exchange information, ideas, and experience among producer and consumer on shrimp product, also provides a unique opportunity to review the advances in shrimp aquaculture industry development and to analyse the global supply, demand and price of the shrimp commodity. ICOSA 2010 is arranged to be a “one stop event” for shrimp aquaculture stakeholders to promote the industry and develop networking. It consists of 2 programs of conference and exhibition. The conference itself is expected to be attended by over 600 participants from around Asian Pacific with different professions and more than 1000 people from Surabaya and other region in Indonesia who are enthusiast in shrimp aquaculture (businessmen, scientist up to government representative). As usual, the exhibition will be part of the event to show the new products, services and technologies related to the industry. The participants include the the following: • • • • •

Producers Exporters Importers Traders Scientists

Engineers Technologists Policy and Decision makers Investors Financial Institutions or Bankers

Through out the precious moment we would like to invite companies to take part in promoting their product and services, taking the advantage to stand out and be acknowledged by the major industry players in shrimp aquaculture industry around the world.




To discuss issues on shrimp aquaculture industry in productivity, technology (disease, breeding, feed and nutrition), shrimp trade, marketing and investment. To expose the recent development of shrimp aquaculture products, technology resulting from scientists, producers and policy makers. To expose the products, services and supporting related the shrimp industry.

PARTICIPANTS AND VARIED CONFERENCE ACTIVITIES AIC 2010 and ICOSA 2010 are expected to be attended by educators, policy makers, scientists, technical services, students, industry partners, bankers, associations and development professionals in aquaculture. ICAI 2010 will have many activities beyond the sessions: Producer workshops, Association meetings, Poster displays, trade show of over 60 stands, Special Aquaculture Day to let the public learn about aquaculture and compete on creativity and testing of Pangasius sp. and Clarias sp. based food products, A special introduction day for high school students, Media/Press events, 5 concurrent sessions of technical and practical presentations on all aspects of aquaculture (excluding shrimp), Experts from around the Asian Pacific on all phases of aquaculture.

OFFICIAL LANGUAGE Presentations and working language in the conference will be English. Oral presentations must be made in PowerPoint only. Slides and Video players will not be available or allowed.

REGISTRATION FEES FOR ICAI 2010 OR ICOSA 2010 CATEGORY International • Participants • Students1 Local Participants • MAI Member Rate2 • Non-Member Rate • Students1 S1



US$ 125 US$ 75

US$ 150 US$ 100

IDR 300,000 IDR 450,000 IDR 150,000

IDR 450,000 IDR 600,000 IDR 200,000

REGISTRATION FEES FOR A 2-EVENT PACKAGE OF ICAI 2010 & ICOSA 2010 CATEGORY International • Participants • Students1 Local Participants • MAI Member Rate2 • Non-Member Rate • Students1 S1 1 2

BEFORE AUGUST 31, 2010 US$ 200 US$ 125

US$ 250 US$ 175

IDR 500,000 IDR 750,000 IDR 250,000

IDR 800,000 IDR 1,000,000 IDR 350,000

To qualify for student rate, a copy of student ID must be attached along with the registration form To qualify for member rate you must be the active member of MAI (include copy of the MAI ID).




YOUR FULL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION (ICAI 2010 OR ICOSA 2010) INCLUDES: Only pre-registered attendees will be guaranteed conference materials. 1) Admission to all sessions, 2) Admission to welcome drink, happy hour and farewell drink for 3 days with drink coupons, 3) Refreshment breaks during the 2-day conference (with snack coupons), 4) Lunch for 2 days with coupons, 5) Conference bag, Abstract CD and Conference Directory, 6) Certificate.

CONFERENCE COMMITTEE STEERING COMMITTEE: Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan RI Menteri Negara Riset dan Teknologi RI Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut RI Gubernur Jawa Timur Walikota Surabaya Dr. Ir. Made L. Nurjana (Dirjen Perikanan Budidaya DKP) Prof. Dr. Ir. Martani Huseini, M.Sc (Dirjen P2HP DKP) Dr. Sutarno, Sp.THT, SpKL, SH, MH (Rektor Universitas Hang Tuah) Ketua KADIN Indonesia Ketua Umum Masyarakat Perikanan Nasional (MPN) Ketua Komisi Udang Indonesia (KUI) Ketua Shrimp Club Indonesia (SCI) Ketua Asosiasi Budidaya Mutiara Indonesia (ASBUMI) Ketua Asosiasi Pengusaha Rumput Laut Indonesia (ARLI) Ketua Himpunan Pengusaha Ikan Hias Indonesia (HPIHI) Ketua Forum Dekan Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan (Prof. Johannes Hutabarat) Ketua Asosiasi Pengusaha Pakan Udang Indonesia (APPUI) Ketua Asosiasi Produsen Pakan Indonesia (GPMT) Ketua Asosiasi Pengusaha Cold Storage Indonesia (APCI) Ketua WWF-Indonesia President PT. BMI President PT Central Proteinaprima (CPP) President PT. Suri Tani Pemuka President PT. Matahari Sakti President PT. Gold Coin Indonesia President PT CJ Feed President PT. Sinta Prima Feedmill President PT. Alltech Biotechnology Indonesia President PT. Sanbe Farma President PT. Biliton Indonesia Aquaculture CONFERENCE CHAIRMAN: Agung Sudaryono, PhD ICAI PROGRAM CHAIR: Edward Danakusumah, PhD ICOSA PROGRAM CHAIR: Prof. Agus Irianto SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Agus Oman Sudrajat, PhD (IPB) Prof. Antonius Suwanto (IPB) Prof. Budi S. Prayitno (Undip) Sonny Koeshendrajana, PhD (DKP) Agus Somamihardja, PhD (PT. STP) Prof. Winda Mercedes Mingkid (Unsrat) Prof. Shunsuke Koshio (Japan)

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Mivida Febriani, Ir, MP M. Fadjar, Ir, MSc Dwisetiono, ST, M.MT Rita Rostika, Dr

Prof. Kamiso H.N (UGM) Prof. Ambariyanto (Undip) Purnama Sukardi, PhD (Unsoed) Nyoman A. Giri, PhD (DKP) Agung Sudaryono, PhD (Undip) Dr. Sunaryo (Undip) Glen Whisson, PhD (Australia)

Philipus H. Latief, Ir Purnomo, Ir Dedy Yaniharto, Ir, MSc M. Nadjib, Ir 14


Prof. Sukoso (Unibraw) Dr. Haryanti (DKP) Alimuddin, PhD (IPB) Prof. Agus Irianto (Unsoed) Dr. Yuri Sutanto (CP Prima) Dr. Isdy Sulistyo (Unsoed) Dr Ravi Fotedar (Australia)

A. Musyafik, Ir Agus Somamihardja, Dr S.M. Hari Mahardika Mussalimun, S.Pi

DAFTAR INSTITUSI YANG PERNAH MENJADI MITRA SPONSOR MAI 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

Balai Besar Riset Perikanan Budidaya Laut, Gondol–DKP Balai Riset Perikanan Budidaya Air Payau, Maros–DKP Badan Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi–BPPT Pemerintah Propinsi Jawa Tengah Fakultas Perikanan & Ilmu Kelautan UNPAD Bandung Fakultas Perikanan & Ilmu Kelautan UNDIP Semarang PT. Tirta Mutiara Makmur UD. Tirta Lampung Alltech Biotechnology Corp. Ltd PT. INVE Indonesia PT. Suri Tani Pemuka PT. Central Pertiwi Bahari PT. Central Proteina Prima PT. Gold Coin Indonesia PT. Matahari Sakti PT. Longmen Indo Nusantara PT. Dupont Agricultural Products Indonesia PT. Dwipa Megah Lestari PT. Sea Harvest PT. General Agro Mesin Lestari PT. Behn Meyer Kimia Farming Intelligene Corp. PT. Tequisa Indonesia Shrimp Club Indonesia PT. Surya Adi Satwa Mina Bank Rakyat Indonesia PT. Sanbe Farma PT. Central Invendomas PT. Central Pangan Lestari PT. Sinta Prima Feedmill Majalah TROBOS PT. Dipa Puspa Labsains PT. Mutu Agung Lestari



AQUACULTURE INDONESIA EXHIBITION 2010 A four day Aquaculture Indonesia Exhibition 2010 (AIE 2010) along with ICAI 2010 (aquaculture Indonesia International conference) on October 26-27 and ICOSA 2010 (shrimp aquaculture International conference) on October 28-29 is more than just exhibiting at a trade show. This is the first international aquaculture exhibition organized by Indonesian Aquaculture Society and held in Surabaya, Indonesia. Indonesia is a potential market for aquaculture business and products with aquaculture production over 5 million tones in 2008. Over 60 booths are anticipated for the exhibit area, providing a valuable business forum for the participants and companies to market products and services in aquaculture. The exhibition will be held in an exited spatial area of Hang Tuah University Campus during the conference. The conference and the exhibit booths are locate in close proximity. Exhibiting at the events of ICAI 2010 and ICOSA 2010 you can: • • • • • • • •

Raise your profile and image amongst the industry’s leaders Increase brand awareness and positioning within the industry Actively attract buyers either through pre-show or onsite marketing opportunities Ensure you stand out from your competitors Maximise your exposure above and beyond your presence at ICAI 2010 & ICOSA 2010 Generate new business, gain new leads and build your corporate database Promote you as a top supplier in the industry Introduce you to the industry’s most influential players

The conferences will be the gathering place for researchers, farmers and managers from all areas of the aquaculture and related fields. Over 600 attendees from around the world (Asian Pacific and Indonesia) are expected to converge to see the latest innovations in high performance products and services. The conference will provide such opportunities for interaction and networking. The Trade Show floor is a featured part of the four day Conference, giving delegates and other visitors around Indonesia the opportunity to see first hand the tools of your products and services. These are the prospects you need to meet! The Conference will be marketed to the aquaculture and related industry stakeholders and interested individuals in Indonesia and around the world via: • • • • • • •

A series of email announcements and other Conference industry updates Press releases to industry publications and news outlets Several Registration Brochures and a Program (onsite), distributed to industry representatives The Conference webpage Special letters of invitation to government, industry officials and trade associations Postings on industry calendar of events Distribution of printed materials at aquaculture and seafood related meetings

CLASS SESSION FOR AQUACULTURE BUSINESS FORUM We also provide presentation time slots in Aquaculture Business Forum Class Session on Wednesday 27 October (ICAI 2010 - non-shrimp industry) and Friday 29 October (ICOSA 2010 – shrimp industry) for you. This will be an opportunity for the first twelve exhibitors (contracts confirmed and signed) to have a presentation time slot within the conference to market their product and/or service performances supported by the scientific data. A special class session will be assigned for this purpose, allowing delegates to take a seat and listen what you have to promote.



VENUE ICAI 2010 and ICOSA 2010 will take place in Surabaya, the capital city of East Java Province, Australia. This city is the second biggest of Indonesia’s trade city after Jakarta. The Campus of Hang Tuah University is hosting the event from 26-29 October 2010. Surabaya is the ideal aquaculture conference location where the East Java Province is leading in aquaculture industry in the Indonesia region. Surabaya is the perfect place to balance business and pleasure in spectacular surroundings. We strongly recommend that you book early to take advantage of your ideal booth space. We believe all sessions and functions will be memorable and will provide you and your representatives with the opportunity to network with industry colleagues.

EXHIBITORS Exhibitors are made up of any company that supplies a product or service to the aquaculture or related industries – including stock and product suppliers – nutrition and feeding, culture techniques, quality control systems, husbandry and efficient production solutions; post-harvest products and services – processing equipment, grading and sorting mechanisms, packaging and distribution options and many more such as government departments and agencies, educational institutions and training providers, environmental and social sciences consultants, research and development investors and providers and seafood supply-chain specialists. it’s a great opportunity to be seen with the industry’s leading suppliers. Companies looking for brand exposure and market in Indonesia may choose to exhibit at Aquaculture Indonesia Exhibition 2010. If you involve in the aquaculture industry, you will find a collection of excellent information, unique products and services and networking opportunities at the next ICAI 2010, ICOSA 2010 and AIE 2010 – a dedicated event for a dynamic market! If you are looking to do business, gain new leads and build your database then AIE 2010 is the only place to be! The Trade Show will attract the buyers! Meetings of ICAI 2010 and ICOSA 2010 will be a magnet for scientists, regulators, policy makers, farmers, processors, post harvest handlers and more to hear and see of the latest industry innovations. As your consideration, this event will be attended by people from all over the world and the Indonesia region. The AIE 2010 offers you an opportunity to promote your company through various promotion packages.

SPONSORSHIP AND PROMOTION OPPORTUNITIES The AIE 2010 will provide your company an opportunity to meet more than 600 participants of ICAI 2010 and ICOSA 2010 and 1000 visitors who have interested on aquaculture industry. In this occasion, we have alternative promotional packages in 4 categories for you to browse on to take the advantage in this precious event: Platinum, Gold, Silver and Exhibition. Get more exposure during the conference by becoming a sponsor of an official event or product. Increase that exposure by committing to Exhibition, Platinum, Gold or Silver level sponsorship. If your company is interested to participate in the above mentioned event and would like to take one of the Sponsorship and Promotion Packages offered, please find the below information regarding all the beneficial values that your company can obtain in details. Should you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. It is our great honor to have your company participation in The Aquaculture Indonesia Exhibition 2010 along with the ICAI 2010 and ICOSA 2010. Your company can gain valuable exposure and good will as the sponsor of a show event. Sponsorship can be shared with another company. Deadline the registration for exhibitors and sponsors to take part in promotion for the conference is 30 September 2010.



HOW TO TAKE PART IN PROMOTION A. Publication before the Event Information of the event will be distributed throughout mass media, such as website, newspaper and magazine. Logo and the name of your company could be published inside our publication event. B. Publication during Event During the 2 days conference ICAI 2010 and 2 days ICASO 2010, we allow you to take the advantage creating awareness of your company in every potential promotion spots, through displaying or even an interaction meeting with the major potential clients. To accommodate this requirement we have provide option for you to browse, such as: a. Hosting social activities such as Hosted Welcome Dinner, Happy Hours, Farewell Drink. The sponsor will be promoted on announcements and in the conference program. b. Take part in presenting papers or slot commercial (business forum sessions) during the conference. c. Exhibition Booth To take chance of presenting your product and with a more exclusive one on one meeting, taking part in the exhibition is the best choice. In conjunction with the conference a highly standard exhibition will also take place giving more than 1000 visitors and participants, we have created activities through the 4 (four) days to make sure the maximum exposure of the exhibition. We strongly recommend to register your interest earlier to get the most strategic space for your exposure. Please find the registration form for the exhibitors and sponsors are included at the back page of this brochure. d. Program Book To appear in the Program Book is also important. It would be able to create a strong image and to be acknowledged by the market. This full colored black is a great reference and guide for all visitors to see the lay out and who are exhibiting in the event. Taking this opportunity is something your company should consider. e. President’s Reception (Industry Gala Dinner) Exclusive or shared sponsorship for these receptions f. Session Sponsor Sponsor a session with your company’s name on the program and in the session room.

EXHIBITION BOOTH (4 days; 26-29 October 2010) Exhibition



Standard Booth

3x3 m2

IDR 6,000,000

Double Booth

3x6 m


IDR 10,000,000

Each booth comes with: • Walls on 3 sides with needle punch carpet • 2 trade show badges (including catering) • 1 Full 4-day Conference Free Registration • 2 of 40W fluorescent lamp mounted behind fascia, One Power Outlet, • Fascia Identification Sign (company name with booth number in vinyl sticker cut out for normal booth one side open) • 2 of stainless folding chair • 1 of counter desk




OCTOBER 2010 Preparation

International Conference of Aquaculture Indonesia 2010 (ICAI)

International Conference On Shrimp Aquaculture 2010 (ICOSA)











10:00am - 7:00pm

9:00 am - 5:30 pm

9:00 am - 5:30 pm

9:00 am - 5:30 pm

9:00 am - 5:30 pm

WELCOME DRINK 6:00 – 7:30 pm

HAPPY HOUR 5:30 – 6:30 pm

FAREWELL DRINK 5:30 – 7:00 pm

HAPPY HOUR 5:30 – 6:30 pm

FAREWELL DRINK 5:30 – 7:00 pm



MOVE-OUT 3:30 - 7:00 pm



Program/Directory Book (up to 1000 copies) For each event (ICAI or ICOSA)

You may include your advertisement in the program book distributed during the event to all conference participants

Presentation Slot at Business Forum Session (30 minutes)

You have a presentation time slot within the conference to market your product and/or service performance supported by the scientific data. A special class session will be assigned for this purpose, allowing delegates to have a seat and listen what you have to promote

Per time slot

IDR 7,500,000

President’s Reception

Exclusive or shared sponsorship for these receptions (hosted gala dinner)

Exclusive for ICAI Shared for ICAI Exclusive for ICOSA Share for ICOSA

IDR 30,000,000 IDR 10,000,000 IDR 30,000,000 IDR 10,000,000

Session Sponsor

You sponsor a session with your company’s name on the program and in the session room You host a social activity and your company’s name will be promoted on announcements and in the conference program.

Per session room per day

IDR 5,000,000

Per Day Activity

IDR 5,000,000

Hosting Social Activity (Welcome Drink, Happy Hour, Farewell Drink)





• Full Page

IDR 3,000,000

• Half Page

IDR 2,000,000

PROMOTION PACKAGE Platinum IDR 30,000,000 Compensation offered: Free double booth Logo company on promotional material: • Advertisement on MAI Website for 6 months • Outdoor and plenary indoor promotion media: Backdrop, Horizontal banner, X Banner, Hanging banner Show Directory (Program Book: full page) Free 4 aquaculture tour tickets Free 2 ICAI & 2 ICOSA gala dinner invitations

Gold Compensation offered: Free 1 standard booths Logo company on promotional material: • Advertisement on MAI Website for 3 months • Plenary indoor promotion media: Backdrop, Horizontal banner Show Directory (Program Book: full page) Free 2 aquaculture tour tickets Free 1 ICAI & 1 ICOSA gala dinner invitations

IDR 15,000,000

Silver Compensation offered: Logo company on promotional material • Indoor promotion media: Backdrop Show Directory (Program Book: ½ page) Free 1 day aquaculture tour ticket

IDR 7,500,000



FURTHER CONTACT: The convener International Conference of Aquaculture Indonesia 2010

CP: Dwisetiono (0856 307 6399) Rico Hendrawan (0857 4031 3146) Post: PO BOX 8032 SMEL Semarang, Jawa Tengah - INDONESIA Fax: 024-8318908 / Tel: 024-70194598 Email : [email protected] Web page:



INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF AQUACULTURE INDONESIA 2010 (ICAI)  Hang Tuah University, Surabaya – Indonesia, October 26-27, 2010

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SHRIMP AQUACULTURE 2010 (ICOSA)  Surabaya – Indonesia, October 28-29, 2010

SPONSORSHIP & PROMOTION REGISTRATION FORM Yes, I would like to take part in Promotion : Contact Name: Position: Company/Institution Name: Address: City / Zip Code:





Line of Business:

Sponsorship Package:

_____ Platinum



_____Double Booth

_____Standard Booth


Retail Promotion for ICAI 2010: Program Book (Directory Ad.) . Ad size: __Full Page __Half Page Sponsor an event at the conference: _____Welcome Drink _____Happy Hour _____Farewell Drink _____President’s Reception _____Session _____ Commercial Slot Retail Promotion for ICOSA 2010: Program Book (Directory Ad.) . Ad size: __Full Page __Half Page Sponsor an event at the conference: _____Welcome Drink _____Happy Hour _____Farewell Drink _____President’s Reception _____Session _____ Commercial Slot Sum of IDR (Rp) _________________________

Stand Number required: ____________________

Please fill out this form to register your company personnel & send in ASAP and Return this form to (via mail/fax/emai): Secretariat for ICAI & ICOSA 2010; CP: Dwisetiono (+62-85-6307-6399)

Indonesian Aquaculture Society PO BOX 8032 SMEL Semarang, Jawa Tengah, INDONESIA Fax: 024-8318908 [email protected] Please make your deposit payment by telegraphic transfer to Account name: Dewi Sunarningsih, Bank BCA, Kcp Siliwangi – Semarang, Indonesia, Acc/no. 246-532-9732 Swift Code: CENAIDJA and forward attached to your registration form by fax (+62 24-70780649 or 24-8318908) or email in PDF to: ([email protected])

Deadline: 30 September 2010

All badges will be available to pick up onsite at the Exhibitor Check-in desk at Registration starting on 25 Oct. 2010 from 12pm PLEASE MAKE COPIES OF THIS FORM AS NEEDED 22



Registration Form ICAI 2010

(Please type or use capital letters, you could copy this form for additional people) Yes, I want to attend the ICAI 2010 (use one form per person) First Name :

Surname :

Title :

Company/Institution : City/State : MAILING INFORMATION

Email :

Address : City :

State :

Post Code :

Country :

Telp. :

Fax :

As :


] Participant


] Oral Presenter


] Poster Presenter



AFTER SEPT 1, 2010

International • Participants • Students (include copy of Student I.D) • Industry Gala Dinner (A night of

[ [ [

] US$ 125 ] US$ 75 ] US$ 35

[ [ [

] US$ 150 ] US$ 100 ] US$ 50


] US$ 35


] US$ 50

[ [ [ [

] ] ] ]

300,000 450,000 150,000 75,000

[ [ [ [

] ] ] ]


] IDR 100,000


] IDR 150,000

great food, entertainment and networking opportunities) City & Technical Tours Day 28 (Visit fish/shrimp farm & industry, lunch, City tour, dinner)

Local Participants • MAI Member Rate 1) • Non-Member Rate • Students S1 (include copy of Student I.D) • Gala Dinner (A night of great food, entertainment •


networking opportunities)

City & Technical Tours Day 28 (Visit fish/shrimp farm & industry, lunch, City tour, dinner)



450,000 600,000 200,000 100,000

Please make your deposit payment by telegraphic transfer to Account name: Dewi Sunarningsih, Bank BCA, Kcp Siliwangi – Semarang, Indonesia, Acc/no. 246-532-9732 Swift Code: CENAIDJA and forward attached to your registration form by fax (+62 24-8318908) or email in PDF to: ([email protected]). 1) To qualify for member rate you must be the active member of MAI atteched with a copy of the ID card. • Cancelled registrations will receive a refund minus 20% handling. Cancelations must be writing and be received by September 30, 2010. Refunds will be issued after the conference. For more information : The convener ICAI 2010 Indonesian Aquaculture Society PO BOX 8032 SMEL Semarang, Jawa Tengah, INDONESIA CP: Dwisetiono (+62-85-6307-6399) Rico (+62 857 4031 3146) Fax: +62 24-8318908 ; Tel: +62 24-70194598 Email: [email protected] Website:



INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SHRIMP AQUACULTURE 2010 October 28-30, 2010 Hang Tuah University, Surabaya, INDONESIA

Registration Form ICOSA 2010

(Please type or use capital letters, you could copy this form for additional people) Yes, I want to attend the ICOSA 2010 (use one form per person) First Name :

Surname :

Title :

Company/Institution : City/State : MAILING INFORMATION

Email :

Address : City :

State :

Post Code :

Country :

Telp. :

Fax :

As :


] Participant


] Oral Presenter


] Poster Presenter



AFTER SEPT 1, 2010

International • Participants • Students (include copy of Student I.D) • Industry Gala Dinner (A night of

[ [ [

] US$ 125 ] US$ 75 ] US$ 35

[ [ [

] US$ 150 ] US$ 100 ] US$ 50


] US$ 35


] US$ 50

[ [ [ [

] ] ] ]

300,000 450,000 150,000 75,000

[ [ [ [

] ] ] ]


] IDR 100,000


] IDR 150,000

great food, and networking opportunities) City & Technical Tours Day 30 (Visit fish/shrimp farm & industry, lunch, City tour, dinner)


Local Participants • MAI Member Rate 1) • Non-Member Rate • Students S1 (include copy of Student I.D) • Gala Dinner (A night of great food, entertainment •


networking opportunities)

City & Technical Tours Day 30 (Visit fish/shrimp farm & industry, lunch, City tour, dinner)



450,000 600,000 200,000 100,000

Please make your deposit payment by telegraphic transfer to Account name: Dewi Sunarningsih, Bank BCA, Kcp Siliwangi – Semarang, Indonesia, Acc/no. 246-532-9732 Swift Code: CENAIDJA and forward attached to your registration form by fax (+62 24-8318908) or email in PDF to: ([email protected]). 1) To qualify for member rate you must be the active member of MAI atteched with a copy of the ID card. • Cancelled registrations will receive a refund minus 20% handling. Cancelations must be writing and be received by September 30, 2010. Refunds will be issued after the conference. For more information : The convener ICAI 2010 Indonesian Aquaculture Society PO BOX 8032 SMEL Semarang, Jawa Tengah, INDONESIA CP: Dwisetiono (+62-85-6307-6399) Rico (+62 857 4031 3146) Fax: +62 24-8318908 ; Tel: +62 24-70194598 Email: [email protected] Website:



October 25-30, 2010 Hang Tuah University, Surabaya, INDONESIA

Registration Form For A Two-Event Package ICAI 2010 & ICOSA 2010 (Please type or use capital letters, you could copy this form for additional people)

Yes, I want to attend the ICAI 2010 & ICOSA 2010 (use one form per person) First Name :

Surname :

Title :

Company/Institution : City/State : MAILING INFORMATION

Email :

Address : City :

State :

Post Code :

Country :

Telp. :

Fax :

As :


] Participant


] Oral Presenter


] Poster Presenter



AFTER SEPT 1, 2010

International • Participants • Students (include copy of Student I.D) • Industry Gala Dinner 26 or 28 Oct (A night of great

[ [ [

] US$ 200 ] US$ 125 ] US$ 35

[ [ [

] US$ 250 ] US$ 150 ] US$ 50


] US$ 35


] US$ 50

[ [ [ [

] ] ] ]

500,000 750,000 250,000 100,000

[ [ [ [

] ] ] ]


] IDR 150,000



food, entertainment

and networking opportunities)

City & Technical Tours Day 28 or 30 (Visit fish/shrimp farm & industry, lunch, City tour, dinner) Local Participants • MAI Member Rate 1) • Non-Member Rate • Students S1 (include copy of Student I.D) • Gala Dinner 26 or 28 Oct (A night of great food, •


and networking opportunities)

City & Technical Tours Day 28 or 30 Oct (Visit fish/shrimp farm & industry, lunch, City tour, dinner)


IDR 800,000 IDR 1,000,000 IDR 350,000 IDR 150,000 200,000

Please make your deposit payment by telegraphic transfer to Account name: Dewi Sunarningsih, Bank BCA, Kcp Siliwangi – Semarang, Indonesia, Acc/no. 246-532-9732 Swift Code: CENAIDJA and forward attached to your registration form by fax (+62 24-8318908) or email in PDF to: ([email protected]). 1) To qualify for member rate you must be the active member of MAI atteched with a copy of the ID card. • Cancelled registrations will receive a refund minus 20% handling. Cancelations must be writing and be received by September 30, 2010. Refunds will be issued after the conference. For more information : The convener ICAI 2010 Indonesian Aquaculture Society PO BOX 8032 SMEL Semarang, Jawa Tengah, INDONESIA CP: Dwisetiono (+62-85-6307-6399) Rico (+62 857 4031 3146) Fax: +62 24-8318908 ; Tel: +62 24-70194598 Email: [email protected] Website:



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