Complainant Pays Fine of Man He Had Arrested

RED BANK REGISTER AH the News oJ BED BA2HEI and Surrounding Towns Told rearltmly and Without BUf, VOLUME LVII, NO. 46. lnuod Wwklj. Entered u tteco...
Author: Dwight Beasley
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AH the News oJ BED BA2HEI and Surrounding Towns Told rearltmly and Without BUf,


lnuod Wwklj. Entered u ttecond-Ulua Mattai >t the Poitoffic* »t Bid Sank, N. J., ,uud«r the Act of March 8. 1879.

New Beach Club Is Formed A t Sea Bright

Lands Are Sold For New Schools


Bubacilptloa Price) One Year Q2.Q0. Six Hor.tbi $1.00. Single Copy 4c.




. "••••-'-JUJl'JW

PAGES 1 TO 16. •fftl

Complainant Pays Fine of Man He Had Arrested

Agreements Signed for Three Propertiei for Enlarging River Saturday afternoon thcro was an Street Schoolhouae — Early automobile accident in the Bayslde Mayor and Council and Zoning Board Grant Special Heights section of Belford with such Construction Planned. unusual consequences that If prePermit to the Ship Ahoy Beach Club to Use Agreements have been signed for sented as a story of fiction It would

summoned and he stated after an examination that Mr. Smith was under the Influence of liquor. Mr.- Smith denied that this was true. The outcome was that Mr. Honchel, against tho advice of Louis H. Meesc, recorder of Middletown township, refused to make a complaint that Mr. Smith was operaling an automobile while Intoxicated hut Instead accused Mr. Hnilth of reckless driving. Recorder Meese found tho Newark roan guilty and decreed that he was to pay a fine of $10 and costs, which with the doctor's charge, amounted altogether to .$22. The recorder also ruled that Mr. Smiths license he revoked for ono year. Mr. Smith said that he was unable to pay. He was thereupon locked up in tho township Jail at Campbell's Junction. He made a plea for someone to pay the line imposed. He said that if he did not get back to Newark he would lose his job and not only himself but his dependents would suffer, The. outcome was that Mr. Hcnchel paid the full amount of the fine of $22. Mr. Smith was then released and he went on his way towards Newark after expressing his appreciation tn Mr. Honche! and promising; to pay the money as soon as possible. "If you dont believe it, look at this," said Recorder -Mecsc, aa he exhibited to a Register reporter Monday a check ifor the amount mentioned, signed by Mr. Henchel.

Everything Ready For Choral Concert

New York Firm Leases Factory At Red Bank

Prominent Guest Artists to be Heard at Red Bank Elks Auditorium on Tuesday Night, Manufacturer of Ladies' and Children's Coatt to May 2 1 . Reopen Powers Plant on River Street—> The Thursday morning choral con-

the sale of three properties for the generally be believed as Impossible cert to be held Tuesday night, May enlargement of tho River street to happen In real life. The accident 21, in the Elks auditorium on Blond To Hire 50 at Start. Bchoolhouse at Ketl Bank, and It is Itself was not especially spectacular. street promises to he a real musical It happened at the corner of Route expected that at the meeting of the AL a sgecial meeting of the bortreat, and according to the advance The former Powers clothing tttf board of education Tuesday night ac- 36 and one of the streets of the Bayough council and the zoning board sale of tickets it will also lie a filory at the foot of River »tre»t, tion will be taken to this end and al- side Heights section, near the homo of the borough of Sea Bright Tuesnancial micci'*;;!. The conceit will bewhich has been closed tho past two so to build an addition to the Me- of J. Crawford Compton. day evening, tho zoning ordinance gin promptly at half-past eight years, will again hum with activity chanic street Hchoolhouse, as was The principal actor was Edwin S, was modified and an exception given o'clock. W. A. Cold-^worlhy, assowithin a few days. Tho building has authorized by the votcra at a special Smith of Newark. He was driving with regard to property owned by ciate; conductor of the Rubenstcin been leased for two years to the election last winter. The board of a car which had three girls aa passthe Ship Ahoy Beach club on both club of New York and conductor of Charncy-B'reed corporation of Now aides of Ocean avenue, removing the Annual Sale of Sacrificial Flower education had anticipated that con- engers. The automobile skidded, ran tho I'Jiuiijday morning choral, will Harold Stout of Red Bank to York, which concern manufactures demnation proceedings would be reover a curbing about a foot high and restrictions against the use of the direct the program. Give Free Motion Picture ladies' ami children's coats. - Ralaton property (or business purposes, and . to be Held Throughout the quired to ohtain possession of some stopped with the front wheels In a Waterbury of Ked Bank wa» tht The choral will present thoughtUnited States Next Week for of the properties needed for the ditch and the rear end projecting pormittlnX the club to use tho propShows in St. James's Audi- broker in the transaction. fully chosen numbers, comprising a River street project, but a comproover the railroad tracks. Not much erty, heretofore restricted to resi Benefit ot Diaabled Veterans. mise was effected for sufficient land damage was done to thecar. One ol torium. proRram of more than ordinary apReopening of the factory will prodential purposes, for an exclusive peal. The guest artists will be Mrs. the girls was slightly hurt. Everything Is In readiness for the to be obtained for the extension. private beach club. It isn't often the puhlie is given Vide employment for many Rod Edith Wynne Savage, pionologist, Bank residents. Mr. Freed, treasAt the special election the board In the course of Its skidding the car the privilege of free admission to a Rumors have been current for Bale of popples for tho benefit of dls- of education was authorized to build narrowly missed hitting an automoand Thomas L. Thomas, sensational picture show lasting two hours, com- urer of the Charncy-Freod firm, name lime that a new club was be- abled veterans of tho World war the additions at a cost not to exceed bile owned and driven by C. J. Henyoung baritone of New York. parable to many ;r Infrae.tlnnti, They A dossort-brldgo under (ho direc- Frost for lumber and 5,11.93 to Mc- Adclphia and Colt's Neck. streets were in good shape and nt-xt program wi)[ be prp.-scntod toJuKgor, Benjamin Biom nml III/..', i, t'liailc, C. M. Petty is In charge of tho ready for the application-of-oil.^iinp.uin, Unhert, were required to pay the coatu of the tion of tho Fair Haven auxillaryof Qough & Ellis for plumbing work. morrow night by Mr. Lnros on the ward Arnnn?; Romeo were elei'toit memTrustocs present were Daniel Btllfl, tickets, Philip Sllvoi-st.ein of tho adtho Rlvervlow hospital will bo hold ' Krcmer • organ nt the Strnnd, and bers, making tire total membership Ln.-ui, Kit on Hammimd, Jimmy cases-. Clavtnii. .lack Adler, Alfred Ksposito, Monday nftemoon, May 20, at half- J. S. Hoffman, Flank llnll, Charles vertising program and Floyd Wycklike the opening concert will be. 61, The asHoelatiun's charter war. reHunco 1'nrty At Fire House. past one o'clock, at tho homo of Mr«. Greenfield, Mrs. Mac Dempiiry nnd off of publicity. • broadcast over radio station WIJRB. ceived anfl further plan.i \V,'1T in.iiir Miliim (iulilill, Kniil Wllley. tii'riNc; \ KTOUK. The Ladles' auxiliary of Union hose Paul* Miller, announcer at tho staIruiie Make, Kobert Tiuex, .Jessie P, D. Browster on Glllonplo avoriue, Mrs. Viola Horan. for the sales cnmpuliin, which will dene Palke-i, Paul -Ralph, Hiirolhy Alte Democratic Card l'nrty. eompnny will hold n bunco party In tion, will be at the microphone. Fair Havon. Mrs. John W. Ivlna and llclii); Mini,- To Herman begin May la nnd end .Inn'1 1H. l'TA Benefit at Sea Drlglil. V.inNnle. Silvio Ki/v.a, .Maiy PhiiMrs. Carl Schwonkur are in general Tho Women's Democratic club of tho company's headquarters on Ijlbn'ct|Ue,'n llulldlns. Mr. Lnros, who presided nt the lip--. .ricoh (Iraf, I V i h l c e I,Inn. (iuilii uhnrgo of tho nranjromcnta. Miss The Sea Bright Parent-Teacher as- Middletown township will hold a card Shrewsbury avenue, on Wednesday, Strand theater orj;nn in the ilnyn ot Herman Labreeiiue Ut having ft new FOlt TKAOHKHS' SAl.Mill.S. TrimlM-li. Anna l''amu!,viy ;md Mary Emma Hondrlekson and Miaa aoclatlon will hold a card party Mon- party this evening nt the ilro house Mny 15. Miss Esther Crelln l3 chair- silent ]>lctun\.i, wan given n flno ovailati! Si'> front put In and other Th,d.!!.i (i.ihlin. Kllzaboth Rcowcroft. are In rhnrgo of day ovenlng, Mny 13, In the Bchool- of liln IHevent Park and Leonardo man of the committee in eliaiRr. tion upon hid return hist week. He nipruv HMit.-i made to Una of till the tahles; MIHS Lillian Flnnnery, houec at that plnco. Mm. Clnronco Ilro company, under the direction o f Prizes will ho awarded tho winners played several cbssii-nl nml popular Kntonlowu Applies (a Stjite I'uiid tn itoreM at (.'nnipbellV Junction for the MIM'1 Hucli l'ay. ml/en; MIHH Margaret Tobln, candy, Carlson and Mrs. Jack llyan are In Mm, rtoiio Kovalcnky, who will bo nnd a special prizo for the prison selections in n pro>:rnjn which f-on Kiiiilmni;o Sale, iccupaiicy nf thn Atlantic, and I'»Mod by Mrs. Loulii Bottlno. The (hrowitig "buncos" will al.'io !> in the vacant storu at 7-1 ii); 1ms been used by Mr. lrgcortfe»1 will not ho responsible for nny —tho kind The KoKlator lino—la tho r uniloryvoiM', hnnlnry, glnVM, Any make cleaned oiled and adThe I'lexeeutivo. CullMlllttee, l l rrabtn'H Typewriter IInai) extra thfif. l.flwld Hliec Latent ballroom dancing. Hut on Advertisement. Bny« nan malte extra piielwt money and repaired, Trubln'o, 8(1 Broad Wiiiler Collroll. 1 JlioMd »Uc«t, 1U4 * ducements havo «ver bnftn offered to rcunmuibln. Phono 2011, Iff tliwlur Typewriter Srtrvleo, Keyport, N, J.. Ked Bank.—Advertisement. —Advei'tlaouieut. imlllnK The Rudluter.—Advertisement, ttt la Tl»e pluca, Ked flunk.—AdvtuUtetMUU •ecur* circulation.—-Advertisement. pUou« 4 8 1 . — A d U t to

Property in Residential Zone.

All In Readiness For Poppy Day

Excellent Bill Of Entertainment

Methodist Roll County Meeting Call On May. 22 Here Tomorrow

Bus Men Picked Up But No Fines Made

Highlands School To Close June 14

Building Code For Sea Bright

Pre-Views "At Strand Every Saturday Night

Business Men Elect Officers


Councilman Irwin Talks To Rotarian



MONDAY, MAY M T H Chocolate Covered Plan- i a , rations 49 (Vtl«-/i// pvnut I * P Home Made Black Walnut o 0 , Nougat Slicei 60f V«W»« tt.XJJp Home Made Cocoanat h l C k

Old Fashion Molasses «_ AssortmenMO( Vil .—fall Immd+I P Chocolate Covered -—Prunowlipnt. .0:4ri—SMidlo l'rogram. il:00—Tho Theaters. M. 5:110—Tea lima lunei. 5:15—Musical Masterpieces. li:.')0—Prunowheat.' 6:31—News llovlsw, r . : « — Mu.lcnlo. fi:00~-To b* announced. «:ll—Old K-ilU at Home. 11:30— Prnnnwheal. (!:S1—Travrllnir Four Quartet. 7:00— "lesume.

May IB, from


Our price* am right , m

o'clock In the morning until 1:30 for defonstratlon and estimate. o'clock In the afternoon In the social Reinet, 536 Cookman Ave. hall of Ihe chtireh.


Ice Creain


Sodas 10c

-j .00 to «>.00

All Flavors

a Box Banana Split* 12o


Phone 1444



«** QC|c O5f


10o SIZE

Woodbury's SOAP Q< 2 FOR ISc

Porcelain Base Dripolator




Toilet Tissue l.OOa SheetB

5 for


Channona Cold Cream, l-lli. Jar : S3o Hand lotion, 16 ounces 20c Charmonn Talc, 1-lb box, 17o; 3 for SOo Mineral Oil, Russian type ..._ pt. 33c, qt. 80o Caacara Aroinntlo... pt COo Castor Oil, 4 ounces ....13o Dr. Ilnli's Baby Tnlo .... Ub.tln,.17o;. 3 for 600 Tooth 1'nste, jumho tube 13c, 2 for ZBc Lilao Vegetal (i oi., 17c; 8 for 60c Beef, Iron & Wine, qt OOo Mills of Magnesia.... qt. 3,1c Bodiv Mint Tablets, 100's do Cod Liver Oil ..._ _._ pt 33c, q t S!)c 40c Squlhb'u Tooth Paste _ SOo BOo Onmpnnn's Italian Balm 44o (We Mum . _ 40o Via SIZE

ATLAS Shoe Polish

/Ic Tan, Brown or Black. - Special

Temnooria Cigars Long Filler Sumatra Wrapper

5- 1 0

1.00 Adex Tablets 70o 25c Epsotnbs ...; . Ho Lifebuoy Shavine Orenm, 35c siio . „ . . 2Bc Gtlletto Blades, 5'* .._. 18o S5o Dr. Scholl'B Pafls.-. SDc 60c Mr. iyon's looth Powder i ..-,'.~... _ 85o Dr. Hall's Tale, 1b. tin.. Ho 25o Phillips' Tooth paste 18c 25o Z. B. T. Talcum ... 10c fide Yfratfonm 1'abletH 34c 35c Grove's Laxative Brorho Quinine Z4o (10c Sol Hepotlca 40o 50c Ungfintine SOo 1.00 Zonlto 67c 25o Noxzcmn 12c 10c Lifebuoy Soap Oo, 3 for 17c 50c Wntkln's Shampoo 35c S5c Colgate's Paste 27c 500 ilunls Orwm 38o GOo Fitch's Shampoo .... 44c


?6o Colgate's Tooth Tanto .....— 16a 2So Valmollvo Sliaving Creoni 20o BOo riillllps' Milk of Magnesia 34b 7So IJstorlne SOo 1.50 Pettolagnr 84o 40c Cantorla, Fletcher's 28o 1.00 Layorls . fl70 i n . Pure Cod Liver OH 83c SOo Burbasol _ 85o BOo Forlian's Tooth Paste _, S4o lOo Camay Soap.... % for Oo 10c F'lmollvc Soap 3 for 13c 50c Irmnn Tooth Paste 34o COo KolynoB Tooth Paste , _ S4o Pt. Russian Mineral Oil 33c l.OO Blaodol ...i _. «7o 25o Feenamlnt BOo 1.00 I. V. C. Fearla 67o



SOo Adoration Shampoo S4o Lady Esther Cream ... 55o 60o Pond's Cream SOo 25c nine Jay Fads 10c 15o P. D. Dlso _ _ _ . . 13o 35c Smith Bros. Couth Syrup . S4c 75o Alophen Pills 40o 1.00 Wlldroot _ 74o 1 II). Moth Balls or Flakes 60 Plnkham's Compound, 1.50 size 98c 1.00 Angelus Lipstick .. 74c l.OO Tangco 74c 55c Three Flowers Rouge 47o 60o Astrlnirosol 42o BOo Williams' Bhavlng Cream 84o 75c Barbasol, Jar SOo 65c PIso 62o BOo Mermen's Baby Oil 84c



Pepsodent Tooth Paste 31c

Box of SO for 98c

GUARANTEED Electric Vibrator with 8 Applicators



AC ONLY National Dairy Chocolate


75c VInoe 63c 75c Squlhb's Petrolatum fiOc 40c — Danco llita. 5:00—Synilcr. 6:01—'it, lie. announced. 0:11—Prunowheat.—Betty mid Anne. 6:30—.Music Shop. ":31—Adventures of Flash Gordon. 1:44—Prunowheat. :45—Arnold and PeU, :U0—Reaiimc.

of Christ." Those who took part la the discussion that followed were Mr. Doremui, George Straus, Joseph Koehne and Ralph Eckert. Next Sunday morning Charles A, Wolbach, principal of ttumaon high school, will spoolc.

Mother's Day Candy


M. Tuesday, M»y 14, 1035 «:rl*r ]lp«ar*f,..WInflPld Hpwartl, Johrj :ns. ohnsou, Krnest Nichlnus, Ernest Heevoy, The committee wishes to thnnk all lyrnond Taylor, Ilobert West. hose who co-operated to make it tho Grammar department—Joseph Nichols*, mccess that it was, particularly the [enneth Taylor, Kenneth Brown, William Ho well Harris, Georue Crawford, erchants of Red Bank and Middle- Taylor, iVlIUnm Harris, 'Roland BoyJ, Whalen own who contributed prizes, and al- llownrd, Robert Scott, Anna Mae Hicks. io Harvey Bedle of Keyport for the iertnidc Alborl, 'Agnes Wad«, Muriel ons. Grrlrudc Booltcr, Dorothy Brown, iso of his chairs. elyn Biown, Dorothy Crawford, Irene Because of the great success of the own. Maliel Hoyd, Eatelle Senre, EJIiaHarris, Myrtle Brown, Eleie Howard, larty, plans are being considered for >cth "lorence Lasarui. ;nother early in tho fall,


the gift.

School Children Neither Abcent Nor Tardy JLast Month.

The'following piiplls of the Fair Councilman Joseph Irwin ac dressed the Red Bank Hotary clu Haven public schools have been ltMsl Thursday on tbo matter of deep neither absent nor tardy la April. enlng and improving the channel i the asterisk denoting those who have the river leading to the Red Bank been perfect in attendance since last wharf. Mr. Invin. gave a most In- September: teresting talk on the years of enWILLOW STREET SCHOOL. UeBinnrrB and lr>t gr»d«—*\A%Ut E n s deavor relative to channel mainland, •Ilusiell Marcellus, Margu*«t Camtenance and he urged upon the Ko- eron, Jean Chmxttar, HeJen Chandltr, Jc&n tai'ians and their friends to suppor Acker, Helen Emmoni. tho present movement in every way. Second and third gradca—•Harold EmHe told of the meeting scheduled foi iioni, 'Karl Kristlanecn, •Rhelnhwt LioJohn llabito. Warren Chandler, Friday afternoon, MAy 24, a t tin iccli, Ernest Fiugel, 'Leonard JPlugeL *M*rlon Elks club, at which time War depart Cameron, • Virginia Conov«r, *LoU Engmont officials will hear proposals and land, Lillian Cruiler, 'Nancy Hgtn, • Laura will pnyj upon tho proposed Improve Acker. Fourth grade—*Grae» Aoker, Ida Anznent. There will be no long speeches lerMun, Dorothy Arrowsinith, Jana Bradat this gathering, but the matter of ihnv, Jean llunnicker, JacAmlnnR Huli«river dredging will bo presented in a lios, •Florence Jcitrey, *Ellcabeth Roll Miriam Sllboratcin, JnDl?( Ack«r, Chtiter logical way. Mr. Invin was unani- Bennett, Osbom Fatten, *Vernou Pet«rmously thanked for his presentation •on. I,erby'Slckler. Fifth grade—Charlei Andenon, Albert and was urged to come before tho lotfnrt. Norm tin Cameron. George Chandclub again and talk oil matters ol cr, 'James Costcllo, 'itobert Lundy, *Harcivic interest. cy Marcellus, Jnck Minton, Chariea Rehriir. *Karl Sickler, "Evelyn Bennett, BarTho board of directors of the club tar a Dent, Beatric» Kobblni. have approved the election of MorSixth uraife—Dorla liloxom, *Margrettfl ris H. Jacks .as a Rotarian under the 'olo, Anctto Johnson, Julienne Lepelre, •LoutsQ Licbeck, »Ruth MacAdam, Elizaclassification' of motion picture thu- beth I'atterson, Jean Prcdmore, Alvera nters, lie will be oIHcially received J M . Mary Kobbina. Dorothy Silber. nto (he club on Thursday, May 16. i, Jtrrmlit Smilii, »Sadle VanNote. (lerToday's session will bo combined .mile enilorsrnK most of the statesmen at the national capital seem to be The Surgeon. more concerned about perpetuating and creating alphaBetween 1014 and 1018, tho world betical bureaucracies than in passing such comnuintearing sense, practical legislation ;us that sponsored by the twoj';"' amuck, amuu>, destroying, ciesuoying, tearing


A l e t t e r from John W. BoyUnd About This Matter. ESTABLISHED 1878 B * JOHN H. COOK. 82 Hubbard, Avenue, Rivet' Plaza. Red Bank, GEORGE a HANCE, Editor. Now Jersey, May 6th, 1935. FRKUUKIC S. HAVES. Managing Editor. The Editor. Red Bank Register, 1HOMAS IKVIN(! BROWN, Red Bank, New Jersey. pr and Business Blamiucr. Dear 'air:— • . ,, It was good of you to publish my T H E BED BANK REGISTEH •Jow Itrsrv «mtof« : down, harking civilization to bits. In summary uf tho insurance of Middleis a membci ol town township boa ill of education ' — L ^ o a d S , e c t bank picture U ,S pica, i ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ parallel with tho report of tho mootI I R E ASSOCIATED fltfcSb nt b by way^of wy^bf contrast, o n t r t If nothing else, else to recall the great thl J'„,„,.„, J' oat adysm of history In Ing. However, from the report of the The Associated Presa IB exclusively entitled to the rervtce which Colonel Kelly performed by helping to get session, It Is obvious that the techniwhich many millions of young g men cal features of insurance seem someuse for republication of all news dispatches to it or not the slate banks opened. Even though he 13 out of olilce d the th whole thing of a mystery to the layman, wore killed or crippled and otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news he will not be forgotten. Thnt his successor will fill the economic system shattered. and 1 ask the favor of your columns published therein position as ably ami will never bo confronted will) such | fipcdllcnlly, what had happened In to correct'a few misunderstandings. a bank crisis as that Ihrmish which Cnlnncl Kelly our own Unite.1 States? 51,000 AmerYour report stated that I waa a n* n Telephone l\ecl Bank 13. .itecrcd ,-.n .Micccshfullv will he iho hope of every nnod ; '™> soldiers and sailors had been pointed for ono year. There was no " killod; 2^0,000 2io000 were wounded. wounded i Killed; Our definite period agreed upon by either parly. At the May, 1934, meeting, I j farmers had put into cultivation over Member National Edltoral Association publicly that I anticipated that I forty million new, uncultivated acres stated the first year's expenses would exi of land in order to feed the warring ceed the commissions, as I was Member New Jersey I'ress Association world. Out factories had speeded up aware that shortly before that date, Our Wonderful Climate—Even Mheir production and increased their a-large block of insurance had been Subscription Prices: output to an undreamed of degree to placed.. As most of the policies in . j:.oo the Nudists Find It Salubrious. One year 1 — j supply steel, cloth, coal, food to the force were for a long period, there 1.00 Six months battlingg nations. When the war end- appeared little prospect for any profhe a IK it. Ho there was an implied conHnu.50 pled Folfc Three months extensively, know that our climate is mighty line. ed we ve had nau this tni: ; hmine burpius acreage :. Io1 in fact without a peer In [lie whole wide world, hut Ut*t j fo ' raising • food, those thuuyands of I !,„,?, THURSDAY, MAY !!, IMS. week something happened to cause them to appraise it 1 fnytorloti with their production scale Tlic quotation that wo did not write uny Insurance means that we, more highly than ever before. This incident was thc VZnaVu^o2a acreage and as brokers, arc not insurers. We arrental 'if a farm of 22 acres near Pine BrooK hy a nudist I | h i _ inrrc.Afl. Harry (irnnwood, Hoy HcNnlly, Pntsy Rlrcl, Stuart flpgers, J S l Room 28—J«fk Balm. Wilh m B a r d man. Edward Field*. 6t*ph«n F dlay. llofrlrn llance. Wllllim Havlland Franklyn lUvlland, Hubert Kennedy, Josi Hunting Srnrrlll, Oeorgo Shorn ph Marks. ker, Russell fttroup*. l i s t e r T i u » . len JlirkBoom Boom 39—Pearl 3 9 P e l flreenhUtt.. Inir, Hilth f h son, nfarle Loxani Dorothy Hen Holmis, d rk Kemp, Room Hfi ^.D Bnslejr .White.

mouth Saturday afternoon for ,Mlsi Frances Hllllker of New York, formerly ot Belford, whose eng&goment to Lewis Liming of Highlands wan recently announced. Tho featlvltlca took place amid yellow and green decorations and the bride-tobe rocelved many line gift*. Others present beslda* those mentioned wore Mrs. H. L. fcoott, Mr*. Curtis, .Mr». Schmidt, Mrs. Dt«m«Uy, ****• Mary Llmlnr, Mrs. O'Brien, Mrs. The road to belter and bl K«r bullIxnvln Liming. Hr., Mrs, Willett and lieu leads through Thn Rcf; stcr's ad> Mrs, Joseph Till, ', l Ul l M

Many Persons Attend Musicale Fisk Chapel, Fair Haven, Scene of Spring Musicale, Presented, by Mils Nancy Field, Choral Dircctren. More than 100 porsons attended tho spring musical presented Friday evening by the Junior and Intermediate choirs of Fisk chapel, Fair Haven, under the direction of Mils Nancy Field, choral directress, and accompanied by Miss Gertrude Albert and MIsa Alma Rodgera of Somervlllo. A moat entertaining program wus rendered by the pupils ot tile school. Rev, W, H. Hicka openod with tha Invocation end concluded the entertainment with remarks. The program was as follows: PART I

Processional—Priest's March Mendelssohn National Negro Anthem Johnson Chc-rui and Audience invocation Rev. W* H. Hfoke Piano Solo—Blue Dird Walts ..._ olao Misn Esteile Scarsi Pupils of Mrat M Manns Gill Piano Solo—Laughing Water Blake Mlaa Babel Boyu, Pupil ot Mrs. M, Manns Cilll FepiU Wilson Mate Chorus Piano Solo— Fairy Wedding ., Turner Mian Cicrtrude Booker, Pupil o{ Mra, Haxel Pcdfle Barcarolle OfTenbach Girli Chorus PART II Piano Solo—Thc Beautiful Blue Danubs 011. all Strauia Miss Theresa Bears, Pupil oj Mrs. M. Manna Qlll Vocal Solo—.''Because," De Har Court.... Mist Nancy Field Piano Solo—Minuet op. 11 No. 1 Faderemii;, tmily Layton, Jacob i'earl. Otto Stroh CLEANING SHOr mentcer, Donald Sutherland. Commercial arithm«tic-~Hfenrjr Runsek. Phone 33. Chemistry—Roland Marianl, Helen Pi! • We Call and Deliver. Mrs. Nellie McHcnry Webster ol inff. Chiriea Wolbtch. Jr. 18 Froipoct Avc, Bed Bank Kooiiohiitn—LoUis Mallacl.- Ann Smith, Highlandu, a stage star of yester. living VanBrunt. year, died Friday at the Hazard ho«EnsIlBh—Roland MsrJani. Helta PiHin_ Sue biers. Dorm Hlllfctrtim. Chester Van- pital at Long Branch at the age ol 82 years. Her home at Highland* B u n t , Muriel Seaman, Mildred Kane! MnrKitret Layton, Mary Scalco, Shir, fey was on Portland road in the section Yellen. where the late movie star, Wallao French—Sue By era, Roland Mariani Jack Murphy, Helen Pilling, Chester Van- Reed, made his home. Her daughterU «nt. in-law, Mrs. Franchon Campbell . to look hipr best at all times... General science—William DavUon. Jack tl> feel at ease and perfectly Hand, Otto Pearl, Muriel Seaman, Harold Webster, also an actress, has a cottape in that locality. West. - poised. Geography—Bruce Anderson, Marion Known professionally as Nellie MeMIS-SUtPUCTTY* Boyle, Charles Brigs*. Arthur Brodsky, Henry, the stage career of Mrs, John. CadwatUderi Sophie Campanella, Created by Jars* Corbett, Betty Casler. Alice Delanoy. Webster took her to many countries. Janet Farrier, Samuel Karinja, Eileen She was born at St. Louis, Miewurl. Qoisard Karp, John Lamberts on MarK&ret Layton, She played many parts in comedy Mitry Lazaro, Arthur Murphy, Tony Mella tie answer. lac i. No!son Parks, Jane Pearsall, Mary and drama and was a star in 1880 The pull of tbe Sralzo. Charles Schuller. Anthony Wil- with Webster and Salsbury, troubabaolc • straps liams, Roberta West. Warren West, Patsy dours. For many years she starred Williams, Hhirley Yellen. Battens the abHistory—Mary Lataro, Muriel Seaman, In several one-act plays, Including domen, uplifts Marion Boyle, Eileen Karp, Jack HanJ, "Hunting the Turtle" and "M'llM." the bust, and Walter Kerr, Georga Lane, Otto Stroh- When she played a week's engagementcer, Gladys Niederer, Rose Scalzo, -oontrols t h e Hyyicne—Lillian B'riegs, Betty Casler, ment In the Chestnut street theater hips. Nancy Emery, Jean Jacqueit, Mildred in Philadelphia In 1880, the extra Let ots expert Kanehl, Mary Laiaro, Harry Leo, Doris players for those performances were M rCue, Harold Patterson, James Purfitters show

:ic Health Service Honor Lists Of Walter F. Reinhaut, D. C , Rumson Schooli »1 HUNCH AVE, RED BANK. N. J.



House 'At Home' Anywhere

They, CMIM » H w r y L o u to tha

Noted Actress Dies At Age Of 8


Every Woman f Wants


you what Mis-Simplicity can do.

Junior business training—Florence Martin. Pauline Sears. Latin—Jack Murphy, Helen FillincPinna geometry—floJand Marianl, Chester VanBrunt, Charles Wolbach, Jr. Stenography—Emily Layton, Trigonometry—Roland Marian!, Typing—John Murphy, Emily Layton, Eleanor Hansen, Doris Hillstrom, Dorofay Sutherland.

$4.80 to $10

17 Broad Street, Bed Bank; N. 1,

Sale Every Thursday



Thursday, May 16th, at 1:00 r. M.

Plenty Freah Cows and Springers alway« on hand. New arrivals every Real fancy Guernseys, Holand Jeraeya. Full guarantee tuberculin retest, real milk producers and high testers. Always buy 8. good cow here at reasonable prices. Horses Always on Hand. Mated teams and single horses, good selection at all times; also teams mules and single mules, Always get your kind of a horse here at price you want to pay. Also sell pigs, harness and farm machinery. Bring anything to sell. Small comimission. Exchanges made. Private Sales Daily. JACOB ZLOTltlN & SON Phones: Rw>. 330—Stnblea 956 Frfiehold, N, J.

ATTENDANCEKindergarten—Edward Andre, John Adams, Royal Betts, Frank Burlett, Sidney Burlett, Frank. CaropanBlla, Thomas Desmond, Dorin Cattts. John Gaynor. Grace Hallam, Veronica Hecht, Olga Morris, Barnard Relis, Lester Rogers. First tifidc—Abram Burlott, DOUKIRS Delmase, Patricia Byrne, Janet Gaynor, Boiothy Jlallam, Frank Mazia, Edna Pomphrey, Robert Roy, Barbara Scalzo, Louis Vinci. Wolford Weit, Walter White. Jans Willscn. Sscorict grade—Jar* AppUgaU. John yle, Mary Ann Byrnt, Richard Cam^SfHa, J«r* Catew, Viola Carter, Frank CflUnzariti, George DeLanoy, Frank Desmond, Robert Enstiee, Thomas Gnjpy, David Hicks, Robert Lauber, Benjamin Lebo, Raymon8'McG!rr." William McVitty. Mn ry M oran, Louise Prlchard, Charles Reies. John Ruddy. Dorothy Schultz, Grace Soverlnncn. Raymond Tilton, Phyllis Vinri, Henry Williams, Eleanor Woodruff. Third grade—LOBUS Brighton, Madelyn Carew, William Connett, Margaret Delanoy, BoBp Foderaro, Mary Heckt> Louis Hill, Nora Leo, John MRIZH, William MeCue, John MacDonald. Joseph S locum, Nick Vinci. Frederick Willson. Fourth grade—June Anderson, Gloria U tight on, Joan Emiry, William Emery, RoBfl Lazara. Jean Mitckay, Charlotte MeGlrr, Alms Morris, Marsraret Ryan, Thomas Shea. Edwin Wilkinson. Fifth grade—Doris. Apptagite, Jean Boyle, Perry CampantHa, Eleanor Carew, Edytho Champitn, Ella CoaVlfty, Frank Forieraro, Stanley Kerr, Anna Layton, Grace McGirr, Allyn Prlchard. Catherine Purgavie, Helen Riegelmann, Adeline Robinson, Mary Joy Ruddy, Christina Smith, Melrona Stanley. Clarence VanBrunt, William Vital, Donald Wilkinson, Anna WitHams. Sixth trade—Rusiell Bedford, Phyllis Boyre, Prank Boyle, William Brighton, Clinton Casler, Marjorle Chatnplin. Ruth Depreaux, Georga Grat'z, Mildred Lease, Marie Kanehl, Willfam Naughton. Carmela Pasqua, Lester Patterson, William Pilling. Walter Pomphrey, Frances Ru«sek, Ella Ryan, Joneph Schmttz, Harold Sheehnn, Sarah Wolbach. Seventh grade—Victor Bond, Sophie Campanclls. • Betty Casler, Runnel Coyne, Barbara DeVlto. Grace Emery, Nancy Emery. Robert Johnson, Mildred Kanehl, Samuel Karinga, Mary Ij&zaro, Tony Mellaci, Jame« Purgavle, Edward Sherman, John Stanley, Dorjs Walker, Patsy Williams, Robert Wilson. Eighth grade—Florence Boman. Emily Bond, Marion BoyJe, Arthur Brodek-y. John Cadwallader. Joseph Campanelln. Alire DeLanoy, Janet Farrier, Munmet Layton, Erling Monsen, Arthur Murphy. Mary Realzo, Harold VanBrunt, Anthony Williams. Ninth grade—Cora Boman, Edwin Con-

Anthony PisiBcratta, ten years old, if Shrewsbury avenue was treated at Iverview hospital last Sunday afernoon for contusions of the right 'orearm, received when he was

12-H5.00O United Smet coal mintra •trike, 1902. 13—The lint air mai e » » i u m l " *re

You'll find these thrilling features in the new

WestiBghouse jfa^iUu


1060 Ocean Avenue,

m FOR MOTHERS' DAY (Sunday, May 12, 1935) We have • wonderfully fine assortment of

Hardy Azaleas, Dahpnes, Redleaf Maples Evergreens in Variety And all popular hardy ornamental Nursery Stock.

Lovett's Nursery, Inc. Little Silver, N. J. Tel. Bod Bank «00.

Telephone Directory go«i to press soon. I t will be months before

On the second floor are three chambers with bath sleeping porch and ample closet and storago space. If an additional bath, private to the owner's chamber' is desired, it can be obtained by vonvertlnt; the sleeping porch.

Handy Service Tray Folda up out of the way


• rtruck by an automobile while crossing Shrewsbury avenue between Oakland street and Locust avenue. The car, driven by Mrs. Evelyn Hoey of Neptune, was proceeding north. According to witnesses, the boy ran across the street hi the middle of the block. Policeman Charles Brickson investigated but no complaints wer* made.


Needd no Oiling,



S YIARf SISVKI PKOTICTION Standard one-year warranty, plus four years' additional protection on the sealcd-in medianitm for only $5.00 , . . • dollar a year

...Included in ptircheae price/

16 Monmouth Street Red Bank


9 Most of the twenty Westinghouse models have auch other features as automatic interior lighting, all-steel cabinet construction, and double-quick Sanalloy frosters. All have such quality points as life time finish, dual-automatic operation, and Westinghouse approved insulation which keeps the p p i p c c FROM operating cost so low. You have a real thrill coming when you see these Westinghouse Streamline Refrigerator* — and you'll marvel at their moderate costl


Tusting PianoCo,

609 Mattijon Avenue Asbury Park


is issued.

' lilted In Kit new book. Low-coit builneM-giHIng asVerHiem.nft M l l i H n , . in the Clsuiflsd Diratl«ry (lha Yellow Pages).

~ "

Chingt ef Lilting—If you srs mov.

Lilting names ef members of yaur ltounholj or buiinsn In the directory.

Call Our Business Office Before It It Too Late To Arrange For These Items NIW






mest... is there any difference in Gasolines? }

Uncle Sam says, "Yes!" Uncle Sam, unlike some

solvent) that Is blended into

prominent people, won't

every gallon of Tydol gives your

endorse a single product. But he does

motor extra top-cylinder

IS1» that's how he taxes them.


that is vital to smooth per-


formance and long life.

Remember how you were advised to mix

When it comes to Tydol, Sam says,

lubricating oil with your gasoline in

" H o ! Guess I'll have to soak you fellows

breaking in your new motor?

twice! Once, because Tydol

Well, Tydol gives you that"

* „ •• Mra. Tlionjae Kolly and sons Ray, runs away with a coal rolno policeBilly and Paul, Mrs. Weist, Miss man, and Joe, grief-stricken and beLady Esther BOX OF ISO Helen Kelly, all of Everett; Frank wildered, falls easy prey to the maFace Powder Creevey of Wlckatunk, Mr. and Mrs. chinations of a group of thugs -who John H. Hylln of Holmdel, Mr. and foment a strike in ordor to get the SQUIBB'S TOOTH PASTE rinlK»«ml will AIM you *try ««tl9fftctofy ««rvlcn. ONLY


Red Bank

RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 9,1935. homo near Ferrlnevllle last Monday ealth until recently when compile*- Saturday with Interment being made Freehold, died suddenly of cerebral apoplexy last Saturday week. week following a long Illness. Ber- .Ions arose and owing to his age an in Maplewood cemetery, vlces war* held Friday with inter- >peratlon was Impossible, Sells Bonds. Named Eralted Baler. ment being made In the adjoining Burned. cemetery of the Perrlnevllle church. Lieutenant Arthur Romalne of tho Tho West Long Branch eonvails- Jules Golden, Long Branch attorsloners havo been Informed that ney, has been elected exalted ruler A»bury Park flre ccoipany suffered $36,500 worth of bor.ough refunding of Long Branch lodge of Elks, sucPenonal Notei, Sales of Prop- Dies at Trenton, Mrs. Catherine Ireland, wife of govern burns about the hand's Thurs- bondH which had been placed on tho ceeding Alton V. Evans. He will be erty, Building Operations, Arthur Ireland ot Freehold, died in day when a can of gasoline with Installed in June. Lodge Doingi, Births. Mar- St. Francis hospital at Trenton, Sat- which ho was cleaning the engino market have been sold. urday weak following a paralytic the apparatus became Ignited, Elected Vresident. riages and Deaths. Announce Engagement. stroke. Services were held last Mr. and Mrs. Adam Moss of Long James Isola, proprietor of the DenwllHhcH Gntc«. Win Beachfront l'08»i«»lun. Wednesday, Klngsley Arms taproom, has - been Tho gates nt the West Main Branch announce the engagement of elected president of tho Asbury Bark Sevsrul renldentB of Eyboron treet, Freehold, crouyliitf havo been their daughter, Mue Moaa, to Harry r.lccnoecl Bovorago Dealers' associawon undisputed possession of beach- Dies at Eighty. Rebecca Longntreet, 80, moth- emovod by Pennsylvania railroad W. Lane, son of Mr, and Mra. Mon* tion, succeeding William Oieman. front property Hear the Peal lino erMrs. of Archie Longstreet of Manas- workers and new Hl^nal Ilghtahavo roo i,ane, also of Long Branch. Friday when Vlco Chancellor Maja quan, died her homo Saturday been initialled. l*on Berry signed a decree or- night Services Memorial Parade. Training Gump. were held dering the , Elberon -Improvement Tuesday -with interment bolng Firemen's Mention. Two hundred young volunteers will A Memorial day obaerance and rn^do company, the South Elberon Keal at Atlantic View cemetery. The Freehold (Ire department has bo given const artillery training at parade will ho held nt Freehold unEstate company and tho South l£lelected Adrian E. Murcau president, Foil Hancock August 1 to August der the direction of tho American boron Bathing-company to removo at Unemployed To Farm. Forrest Jrlulsart vice president, Jos- 30. Tliey wiil coma from New Jer- Legion. ones bathing houses, pavilions and Unemployed members of the Free- eph H. Crotchfclt secretary and sey, New York and Delaware. Detective Moves. aolarliraia erected In that section ot hold Colored Republican club aro to treasurer. William Horn, Btate pollen detecthe city. farm a plot of ground on the Free- Midget lluclng. Stolen Car Found. hold-Asbury Park highway and will A car owned by Philip Nowman tive attached to Troop C, hns moved Long Branch Bird Wing, The Asbury P.-irk. school stadium Bradley Beach was stolen laBt hla fatnily from Hackcrtsack to the A homing pigeon owned by Percy sell produce at a roadgtand on the has been leaned by the board of ed- of Sunday week while visiting Mrs. Nicholas Dombroskl house near Lake Smith of North Long Branch won property. ucation to tho Interstate Racing as- Newman's father, Walter Stillwelt of Topanemus at Freehold. the race from Wilmington, Dela- Heart Attack. sociation for midget automobile rac- Hull avenue, Freehold. ware, over a flock o! same ot the Bernhard Suumann of Eatontown ing. Freehold Man Dead. fMtest birds in thin part of the died suddenly Thursday of a heart I)r. Costlll Dies. James A. Crouse of Freehold died Fred Jennings, well ltnown roofing attack while gardening on tho Louis country on Sunday. The bird's died at his home at Free- Dr. Henry 13. Costlll, for fifty years Saturday at tho age of 49 years. He speed averaged 010.07 yarda per min- Funlto estate, Long Branch. Services contractor, a prominent surgeon and physician Is survived by his father, Albert hold last Tliuraday In his 70th year ute in oplto of the strong wind and were In charge of Funeral Director of of Trenton and a former resident of Crouse, and a son, both, of Freehold. a heart attack. Services wero held tho rainy weather. Charles Breese. Get« Job Bach, Ocean Gxovo Girl Engaged. Joseph Haat, chief engineer of the Announcement has been made of eUte hospital at Marlboro since Oc- tho engagement of Mlsa Eve Polntober, 1032, who v!ua ousted April 5 tett of Ocean Grove to Philip D. on a charge of assault nnd battery Adalr of Wichita, Kansas. The wedupon Frank Sadkowskl, also an em- ding will take place sometime In ployee of tho hospital, has been re- June. instated. Forgot His Glosses. The Dog Track Receipts. John Muly of Farmingdale was The state racing commission has lined H lost week after his automoreported that a total of $1,702,416 bile had collided -with a truck. Muly was but at tho Long Branch dog Is supposed to wear glasses while track last year. Of this amount driving, but on this occasion he for$1,422,991,32 waa returned to tho bet- got to put them on. ters. Tho track management collect- Fire In Deal Home. 28 BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. J. ed $204,380.92 for profits. Tho homo of M. E. Handler of Deal was damaged to tho extent of $1,000 Engagement Announced. Announcement has been made of by lire Sunday night. Tho flro startthe engagement of MIHH Rose Allno ed from an overheated fluo. The KUUman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. house had been, reconditioned durMeyer Klltzman of Belmar, to Har- ing tho winter. old Felnborg, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Hurt in Fight. Jacob Folnberg of Union City. The James Strollo, 21, of Long Branch wedding will take place Juno 23. was treated at the Hazard hospital for a cut on his head Sunday. It IB On Trafllo Duty. Capt. Alfred N. Giles, acting head said he suffered the cut In a light at of the Aabury Pnrk police dopartr- Freehold when he was struck with a ment for more than a year under hammer. the old city managor council, has AAA Payments. been assigned to a special detail at Monmouth county farmers wero the Bangs avenue nahaol, Anbury paid a total of $8,245.88 in rental Park. and benefit payments during the month of March by the Agricultural Celebrates 04th Birthday. Adjustment administration. The suitable for the sheerest of Mrs. Amelia Lefferson of Ocean drove celebrated her 05th birthday total paid in tho state was $260,623 dresses. Generously cut, last Tuesday week. A feature of tho Will Seek Court Action. full length, full width. Tea observance was a bouquet of apple Nino Asbury Park policemen who blossoms from a tree In the yard were demoted after the now city RUBO and White. Lace or which was raised from seed planted council was elected will seek their embroidery trimmed, "V" years ego by Mrs. Lefferson. return In rank through court aoneck, straight, and pertlon. Thoy have engaged Lester C 18,680 for Injuries. fectly pluin tailored. Sizes Mies Bozella Camp, a Belmar beau- Leonard of Red Dank. tician, and her mother, Mrs. A. Em-Good Hauls of Fish. 34 to 44. 54c each or 2 for ma Camp, havo secured Judgments The Qallloo pound net fishermen $1.00. for $3,000 and $050 In that order made good hauls of squid and whitfrom Mre. Valealta Hugo of Wce- ing on Monday. Fishing previous hawken and Otto Beubort of Anbury to that hud. not been favorable. Tho Park for injurleo received In an ac- mackerel fishermen aro now getting cident In June, 1033. thotr boats In roadlnosa, Holmes—Colnner. New Supervisor. George Wieghorst, who Is em- Miss Mabel Holmes, daughtor of ployed by the Now Jersey State Bur- Mrs. Sarah Holmes of Koyport, and eau of Fooda and Drugs, haa been Josoph Colanor of Freehold, son of transferred frocn Washington, N. J., Louis Colanor of Asbury Park, wera to the Freehold area and hns already married last Saturday week at St. taken up the work of dairy inspec- Joseph's church, Keyport. tion. , Flro in Ills Own Homo. Injured In Full. An excited voico spoko when OffiFifty stitches were required to cer Lewis Norrls of Spring Lako, on dole outs suffered by Miss Allco night duty, answered tho phono at Gllmore of Neptune ity after BIIQ Spring Lako police headquarters and ftll down a flight of Btepa In tho asked, "Where's the flro?" The reWoolworth E-and-10 cent store, As- ply wa3, "It's at your house." bury Park, with an armful of glassware. Dies at Hazard Hospital, ' Mrs. Elsie F. Dormnn, 68, wlfo of Buys a House. Andrew Dorman of Oceanport, died ;ancy nets, dotted marGeorge J. Taylor of Freehold has last Wednesday night at Hazard quisettes, printed flowered purchased the rcsldonco property at hospital following a year's iilnosa. 26 Marcy street, Freohold, from Wal- Services were held Saturday with marquisette^, flat, ready to ter C. McElwalno of Conover street Interment in Woodbine cemetery. bang, or the popular ruffled Freehold. Mr. Taylor purchased tho Resigns as Auditor. . property as an investment. Priscillu styles. Full 2-1/6 Otis Auor, superintendent of tho Falls From Car. yd. long. Ecru, cream, rusl, Long Branch hospital, recently anNorman - Meglll, Jr., of Jackson nounced the-resignation of Alexanand green. 54c per pair or street, Frochold, la In the, Long der Frazor as auditor of tho Institu2 for $1.00. Branch hospital suffering from a tion. Bently Fredericks will succoncussion of tho brain suffered re- ceed him. cently when ho fell from a car driven Dins Suddenly. by Mike Piskln. Georgo W. Dunham, 70, died last Dies After Long Illness, Friday woek at his homo at CliffJacob J. Preston, 88, died at his wood. Ho had been In excellent

Here and There in the County



FOR MOTiiR'S DAY Heavy Rayon




Matawan Woman Run Down By Car Driven By Sldner B. Lawrence. Mrs. Sara McNally of Church street, Matawan, narrowly escaped death or serious Injury Sunday afternoon when she was struck by a car on the Middletown highway driven by Sldner R. Lawrence of Chapel Hill road, Headden's Corner. Mrs. McNally was picked up and rushed to the Rivervlew hospital where she waa treated for lacerations of the left side of the neck and other minor Injuries. She returned home following her treatment.

CHIROPODIST Announces the Removal of Hli Office from 21 Broad Street to

60 BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. J. Office Hours: 0:80 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. Evenings by Appointment. ;ily

Telephone MM


Quality Liquors at Low Prices CRAB ORCHARD Straight Whiskey

LAVITA WINES Irlnn California Vintages. I Types

Wall St. Special

A Repeat Sale !

Blend of 25% J-YEAU-OI.D RYE Smooth 4 29 Mellow pt.


Bottled In Bond 14-Yr.-Old Straight Bye 2S-oz. bottle O.I4

Limited Quantities 1.U5 qt.

"170" Straight Whiskey BYE or B0UI1B0N Value Big 1.89 q t nt.

99 C




Johnnie Walker White Horse Halg & Halg Grand Liqueur

French Dry



T^nndun Typo


Monmouth County's I'opular Brand

1921 Canadian Club



Vanderveer Apple Jack




At n Sale




COBB'S CREEK Straight Whiskey

3.49 8.49 3.89 , 2.08

Grand Mixer




NATURALLY—Seagram's products are ^included in the famous brands of Schulte-United's complete stock of quality wines and liquors! Say Seagram's— and be sure!

FIVE CROWN Crowned by popular choice, —over 40 million bottles of Seagram's sold In America In less than a jeur!

Flat or Priscilla

1 .67 1 .42

SEVEN CROWN A blond designed for people who are willing to pay a littio bit more to enjoy the bouquet, warmth and flavor of the finest whiskey 1


2 for


5 1 00

Seagrams King Atthu

As fast as we cam build them N America

o noi'iiT about it—flic Silver Streak Pontiac is exactly what America lvaiitB. An eager buyer nwaits every car that leaves the factory, and Pontiac's 1935 Bales are double thosn of last year. Tho reason? The Pontiac is something new to motoring—a lowpriced car (hat is tho most beautiful thing on wheels. A look, a ride, and you, too, will decide — you. can't do hrtlcr than a Pontiac.


LONDON DRY GIN A fine, fragrant, ills-

of (he o!iolc of the Boys Hi-Y club. The spagetti niture which has been made from supper planned for April 30 was held wooden crates. Willimlna Knight Tuesday night. \ / Carry Vincent and Klizabeth Geen The first of the girls tract practice have made orange and white awnwas held last week at tho high school ngs for tho house. T h e class has athletic field with Miss. Evelyn composed an original song entitled, Sloane and June McVey, hcad3 of the "Our Playhouse," T h e furniture was girl's tract, in charge, iriterclass tract made by Peter Doremus, Ralph meets ar,e being planned to be held Coreale, Ronald Jeffrey, Barbara later in the season, Those who re- Bergen, Sammy Christopher, Bob ported for the first practice were Mil- Howard, Bob Quackenbush, Albert licent Chinnock, Anna Sweel, Esther Bennett, Jay Walcott and Ethel Ann Levtne, Vivian Helm, Helen *McKee, 'arhart, T h e walls were made by will be blooming for this and next blossoms are to be found. On the Bety Good, Ella Dey, Dorothy Bar- .Melville Tufts, Bob Quackenbush, week-enda, and The Register is glad other hand, some of them .may not | toll, Virginia Eilert, Katherino Ream- Olhcl Ann Carhart, Gloria Cook, to reproduce Mr. Ivlns's article for be able to. Some villagers do not er, Eva Greene, Mildred Greene, Lorraine Guilliams, Peter Doremus its local readers. know the beauties of Nature that lie 111}His Miles and June McVey. The map accompanying the article all around them. If any folk like and 'Jack Kaney. Tho wallpaper was designed by Patty Poxon, Rich- was drawn by one of the artists of that are encountered, don't be disrd Brown, Robert Findlay, Mavis the Hudson Dispatch and was fur-couraged, but make further inquiry. Junior High News nished to Tho Register through the The places shown on the map need not give mother a costly gift The Girls camping club held a Smith, Jack Kaney a n d Warren courtesy of Mr. Ivins. where Blossom Time is in Its glory bunco party at Trinity parish house iartman, which the flower borders to make her happy! She will be outsidn of Keansburg, Friday night. Prizes were awarded .vcre made by Milvillp Tufts, Wil- This week-end will be Blossom are sections Monmouth",' Matawan (Freneau, thrilled with your thoughtfulness if you and refreshments served. Those who imina Knight, Peggy DeSante, Dor- Time In beautiful Monmouth County. Port ithy Zellman, Bill White, George That wide section lying between one mile from Matawan should be were in charge of the affair included Snttrpll, Dorothy Steffer, Marie Ben- Keyport, Red Bank and Freeport is noted), Spring Valley, Robertsvllle, send her a box of our fresh cut, stem flowDorothy VanSauter, - Grace Lewis, expected to "be In the full glory of Its Chapel Hill, Llncroft, Phalanx, ScoVirginia Smith, Doris Perry, Vir- nett nnrl Carry Vincent. beyvllle, Bradevelt and Marlboro. ers . . . a lasting plant . . . Japanese GarSpring splendor of its apple blossoms Tho pupils of the 4-B class are ginia Wyckoff, Barbara Smith and 'ehearaing . their original two-act by Saturday and Sunday. Perth Amboy, Keyport, Red Bank Emily Newman. den . . . or personal corsage! Exquisite 1 entitled, "A Trip to the Ncthei While Monmouth county has no and Freehold are dotted on the map Thr Riding club has resumed Its ilay ands." Those talcing part in the play such extensive orchards as those of for the purpose of identifying well blooms at most moderate prices always. activities by riding every week at nclude Robert Fix, Robert StillGrants' riding academy. Tho club agon, Edward Schwartz, Ann Min- he Del Bay Company farms near known road map centers. Bridgeton, In South Jersey, whore My suggestion would bo to go to holds weekly rides each Thursday Georgiana Makrig, Anna Bruno, three are 40,000 poaeh trees and 20,000 Perth Amboy and'Keyport, and then morning1. Those riding last weelc Lon, Marjorie Newman,. Abraham Kaplan, apple trees, Monmouth has its ownstart wandering through the lovely wei e Shirley Morow, Mary Ingles rthur Gordon, Sylvia Ohl, Lorraine charm In the smaller orchards which back roads. The back roads are In and Martha Ann Ruddy. Martin and Guy VanNeas. The on- sit like lovely boqucts In the winding fine condition for driving. Many of Member Florists' Telogrnph Ilpllviry AK«O. aouncer is Howard Vehslage. Joe country roads and narrow lanes that them are dirt, but they are well kept. Oakland Street News. and Dante Summonte are in make that section like unto the coun- They are full of curves and twists, SEVEN BH1DGE HI)., Nciir Kiimscin ltd, LITTLE SILVER In social science class the pupils iharge o l the scenery and the cur- tryside of provincial Bngland. but slow, careful driving make them of grade 6-A are studying about :ains. Phone lteil Unnlt 2571 sale; and the country Is so beautiful The map appearing today was China. . An interesting travelogue The 1-A pupils have composed two drawn by Kay fnr t.ho purpose of nld- at this time that It can bo seen much was recently presented by the fol- iongs about Egypt. Tliu titles are lng those who wish to make plans more enjoyably by driving slowly. lowing committee: Laurence Wcin- Egyptian Sunset" and "A Prayer to timih, Marjory Moore, pMty Mogio Father Nile." and Miriam Golden. Friday morn- Evelyn Leavens, Audrey Johnson ing Dr. Rankin of the Junior col- and N o r m a Olsen were appointed by lege at Long Branch spoko to the tho class to paint a picture of the class on China and showed them three ships of Columbus. many Interesting Chinese articles. The 4-A class has completed three STATION LAND IMPROVED. original songs, "Beautiful Spain," "The French Riviera'1 and "Sunny Two railroad employees spent Italy." The pupils have illustrated most of their spare time Saturday the songs by drawing dancers typi- aft moon in clearing brush and decal of the country, such as Boleio of off tho Middeltown village staSpain, the Farandole for France and bris tion grounds and in making a flow the Tarantella for Italy. len. The __.„ work ....... has ...... greatly e gard Grade 1-A Is continuing work on hanc the appearance appearance of of the the prop; the pro Your Furs and Winter Garments their New York city unit. They are crty :cd1The men made no charge for now constructing tho elevated rail- their ;ervices. They are Tony Chimroad, statue of Liberty and painting erallo, should be Sanitoned and Placed more scenery for their play. The klntergartcn has boon making May baskets and have been printing in our Cold Storage Vault. coal project.

Blossom Time In Montnouth

High School Notes







BRIDGE TABU That's rigid enough lor work or piny flaked enamel Masonite top, nniquc in Its six beautiful combination!) of coW ami design. Smart but not gaud • Baked like the . on your eor r


i,- Screen nllnclimenl r optional


* . Durable Washable


'« Alcohol Proof ' . Water Proof • Burn Proof.



STERLING Furniture Shop 21 WHITE ST.


Open Every Evening


School Personals. Jacob Halperin has returned to

TV\I i\ei


r*\\f* rtra.

.in t h a t the residents of t h a place a p p r e c i a t e t h e valuable a n d public-spirited gift.

19 EAST FRONT ST., RED BANK. Phone 372.

Specials! Friday and Saturday, May 10 & 11th




Hams (Whnlo)

Bologna and Frankfurters LOIN or BIB



Air WEAK Thura. 11:30 * OD DID

Ruppert's Beer In Bottles or Kegs IMSTKIBUTEI) 11V

H. G. DEGENRING Red Bank, N. J.

Phone 1051.

25 25f,,


Lamb Chops 29fb | Lamb Sultry day* coming them com* with o cc yaure(bow...o r id more In the refrigerator




There IsOnly One Cold Storage Vault In Red Bank and LEON'S Operate I t

. . 15fb

CHOPPED MEAT . . . COUNTRY TtOLL Plate Beef (Fresh or Corned) Butter . . 32;; 2 lbs. 25c UNITED SERVICE GROCERS. Armour's Star CORN BEEF 2 cans 29c Mueller's Macaroni or Spaghetti .... 2 pkgs. 17c ROYAL GELATIN DESSERTS .... 3 pkgs. 17C PHILLIP'S PORK & BEANS 4 cans 19c Phillip's Tomato or Vegetable Soup 4 cans 19c PEANUT BUTTER 10-oz. jar 17c SARDINES in Oil 3 cans 25c DILL PICKLES q t . jar 15c KEN-L RATION DOG FOOD 2 cans 15c CHIPSO Flakes or Granules large pkc. 19c ? & G WHITE NAPTHA SOAP . 4 cakes 17c ivins' Honey Graham Crackers .. 1-lb. pkg. 17c FRESH TOMATOES 2 lbs. 29c

Full Insurance Against All Losses

Furriers (MJS® Launderers

From the Minute the Garment is Called for Until Delivered to You.


Main Office and Plant 70-76 WHITE STREET, RED BANK, N . J . Telephone 28U0

May 9, 1935 DEAR PUBLIC: At this time, we offer you the three following services:


Laundry—A quality service for every need—Wet Wash, Thrifty, Rough Dry and a complete finished bundle. You will be delighted with our work. SAtflTONE CLEANING—It has proven itself to be the better cleaning process, because, it not only cleanses the fabric thoroughly, but also brings out all the beauty and lustre of the .cloth. Sanitone revitalizes as it cleans, refinishing silks, restoring woolens and cleaning furs. You pay no more for this quality service. Gas Chamber—This air-tight chamber and EULA.N protects your rugs, wearing apparel and upholstered furniture against moth damage for a period of five years. May we have the opportunity of serving you?


Very truly yours, LEON'S


RED BANK REGISTER, MAY.9,1935. would not b« unij«rlaken until next from the St. Franel« hospital, Trenton, where else was a surgical paMr, Campbell slid, that oome of the tient. . •: leading doctors, lawyer! and bual- Mr. and Mrs. George Goerig celene«« men or New ,Tork were mem- brated their 26th wedding anniversbers of the colony. He »ald that no ary last week. one w»» admitted to membenhlp un- Mrs. Pearl Lentz, who has spent Atla itic Township Resident* Try- til after a very careful Investigation. months in Florida, has reWB to Find Means to Prevent He said that after the colony wa» at several turned and will open her photograph TWo New York Cult Club* ths farm he Intended to Invite citi- studio on tho boardwalk within a zens of thla eectlon to visit It. He few days. from Moving to Johnson Farm declared that this would prove more Tho local post of Veterans of Foreffective than anything else In conThp former Dr. Johnson farm In vincing those who are hostile to the eign Wars will hold a card party on Atlantic township near Pino Brook movement that there li nothing Im- May 18. Tho local public library reports nan leen rented for a nudist colony, moral or wrong about It He eald with an option of purchase. The the conduct of the people at nudist the recent arrival of a large selection of new books. Ieasf3» are two New York organlza- colonies was hotter than that of gathMrs. Margaret Ogden -has been Honsf thn Roxnnna Heufth club with erings at beachea and that the nud136 jnembers unrt the Nude Health lats, In addition to being better be- visiting at New York. Mrs. A. A. Franck was hostess at club (with 75 nicmbciu, The farm In haved, were more comfortable bettboijt two rallcH BOiithcaBt of Pine cause they did not have to experi- a card party last week. A large number of patronn were In Brocwc ami It compriyea about 22 ence the disagreeable sensation of acreil. Already a largo Bwlmmlng wearing wet, aoggy clothing after attendance at the dance given by fire company No. 1 Saturday night. pooljjla heluK made and plans arejbe- getting out of the water. Mr. CampIng j>repnred.'to cnlnrgrs and Improve bell said the public would be surTho following pupils had a perfect the hniiHC. The properly la In a prised If they knew how many prom- attendance nt the Francis place densfly winded section and the bound inent and well known citizens were school during April: In cijiiiBlriPiHlily dialanl. from a little members of nudiet colonleB. He said Orxlc niii-—Florence ninomer. Join usedjj road. nepre^entuflven of the that because of the false opinions Tmi»ry. OLhelia l.uiili.«r, lrm» Z.hlmann. nutlljit clubs cay thut It was Bclected formed by citizens In general about William Hill, William M«h»n, Jackie and Ilulainl Jiiranloi*. [o h, leased It la so located this movement many nudlsta con> Younit Second KrHflp—.John Lasher, Robert thnljthosc who use it will bo seclud- coaled the fact that they were mem- Morley, George Ponle, Hurry Kuchs. Wnr-

Ntdist Colony For Pine Brook



venllon ot the Young People'* Bepubllc&n clubs of New Jersey laet w«ek at the Hotel Berkeley-Carteret in Aabury Park. Carol, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thome, has been on the elck Hat. Peter W. Karlogg of tr»l» P lali(!

known to Monrnoufh county's radio «nd Chrlftins Hopla of Keyport, attended the housewannlng party held by the Democratic club at Belford Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. John Hlggins of Amboy spent Saturday and Headden's Corner Perrh Sunday with Mrs. Catherine Sullivan, who in Mrs. Higfcina'e mother. The Brower brothers are tilling

audience J*H the "Hchooiday SWPPU Ian, Miss Fellow is a Sunday mornhearts." ron now bo hf»rd over Sta- ing soloist over Statipn WHAM. tion WAAT, Jersey City network every Thurrday mornlnfr at 11:45 o'clock. Miss June. Fellow of Kearny wnc a Mondny gucft of Miss Neil HataA number of residents of thla placa


rtn Ytmnu, Alien Ilorner, Kthrl Culclana, Bernlcp Trotter and Uorolhy DIMIduwlti. Third nrftlU1—Kriink lioliumo, trod Foster, Itaymonil K'mp, Donald Kraim, William Laalicr, Walter Lchmnri, John Miller, Kenneth Walllntr, (ieortr Vlilo. tlo. lores feellezr-a nnd Ciilherlno. 1'eeden. Fourlh Kr.-ide—Margaret nr-llajZH, lona (Tht Kerl Bank Kusnter can ba boulhl Bortfcr, Shlrlry licrrmnnn. Hetty Hum>n Keansburs: •* lh« «tOT«» of E. 1*. MUltr. phrey, Hetty .Tesflen, (jlorln litnr, J\J srN. S«nt« Luclt, Philip Kelltr, Ch»rlos jorle Matthews, Cleorce Ackerinan, KrnVosel and 1. Zuckcrman.) neth noil, Hubert Farley, Wallace fierbert Nrphi '/.ahlman. A large number of people attended andKiCtli grade—'Harry Andrews, Hairy hnvo not been paid for a tha class room exhibit and ths oper- Clark, Allen Dale. Harold Fahrcr, El«-

Acibrdlrij; to 'fcports printed in vai 1 dully novvfipaperH, three other fain In t.lin locality have been lcaR d by nudlat clulm. Poopla llvp Ing n th the neighborhood do not bolive thi.s lo ho Irue and tlild fiame bellr In held by the ofllclals of Atlant p tnwn.'ihip. ' It Is pointed out that. tuxe:i nn Ih'o farms in t H three h

inn number o[ yearn and that the ownero ari! iuilcnown. In fact doubt Is oxpreMJitul as to whether they have any owners oilier Uinn Atlantic township, wliiijih hna acquirer! a n interest in tlicnl liy rcuenn of the unpaid taxes. It, igj evident from remarks made by tho Imvnuhlp ofuclalu that the nudIfitujwlll not get posuession of the farms If their consent la required. Tlj|e Dr, Johnson place 1B ownedby Willjani Felsii of Paterson, who la a pain) or nnd decorator. During tho prohibition era a large still on tho f.irrn Was raided nnd conilscated by fedqhil agents. Mr. Fclah bought the property about a year ago. People living in the vicinity aro very much nppiscil to having u nudlet colony in thelj" mlri:;t. and they have appealed to rhr township olllcial.4 and to Prosecutor T. Raymond Bazley to prevenjj tlio. two clubn In queuiion from usidW the fiirm, Tlic reason usually asslpnrrt for tho nudists moving to Atlantic township in that lejrlslatlon neeiiiu likely to bo liiiaseil In NeW York state to drive them out. AJiMtin Campbell, director of the nud 1st movement, slated in talking witty a RcRifitcr reporter yesterday thn I, the colony would begin uso of the farm early in June. Ho mild ho wafj awnie that some people in this locality wore opposed to the. establishment of the plate hut that he felt nurfl this hostile nontiment would soo4 disappear after the public bccanja more fnmlllnr with the purpoHjs of ihe nullify, llv. said the fnn:n would be posted with siprnB to preterit nnyonri except memhera of tlinl lwt> health orpanlzatlona from enl|rlnp and thai ihe location back frnfji tlio road, together with itbe Rareon of trcea and other vegetation, wmfli! miilto It Impoaoiblc for travelers! ho nee the Inmntes. jjr. C.-impbnll H.ild Hint the opponlIforJ! wan hnnerl entirely on a false bollcf||thiit nudism was indulged In for tho/purpoKe of having wild, bacchanal orplcs. Ho Hfild this was not the purpo3J|s at nil. l i e said that the colonij;t.'ipln Roing nude had only one chief objiict in view, that of health. He raid fhey holirved (hut. it wna healthful for tho whole body to he exposed to he curative effects of freuh air

Hie r;iy;i of the nun. lie paid thn am ets not go about naked all mil timewould only at certain times the ng thehut day. said they would rluii c the largestHouse of the farm g mr nve; week-ends nnd during the aumm vacation period. Ho stated that it. *an planned to enclose Ihe swimmine pool no that it could bo used doling cold weather but that this

Keamburg News.

etta, "The Mikado," given by the public school pupils In the Francis place school Thursday night. The production, was under the direction of Mlsa Huth Cunningham, echool music teacher. County Firo Marshal Charles Harvey and George D. Schelff, special agent of the National Board of Firo Underwriters, have concluded an investigation of the flre that; occurred on April 25, when the house owned by Anthony D'Oral of 212 Park avonuo WEB burned. The Investigators havo made no public report. Tho local Men's ^Republican and Women's Republican clubs will hold a Joint card party in the Manning nlaco flre house tomorrow night. Otto Bcrbert will appear before Recorder William Haag next Tuesday night on a reckless driving chargo on complaint of Mrs. Ella Menken, who charges that Oerbert collided with her car while making a left hand turn. Due to bad weather conditions the pnaaenger service of tho Keansburg Steamboat company was not very well patronized ovor tho week-end. Paul Foulks of Port Monmouth road has taken the agency of tho Electrolux Bweoper. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bngle of Flushing, N. Y., have ended a visit.with Mrs. Louis Kuhn. Mrs. Walter Conroy was hostess-at a card party last week. Georgo Snellgrove Is a patient In the Monmouth Memorial hospital at Long Branch. Mrs. Eva Whltehead is homo from a visit at Now York. Mrs. Katherlne Compton will attend the Monmouth County Round Table association meeting at Freehold tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. H. G, Lawson of Nowark have heen the guests of Mrs. James Porter of Garr avenue. Mrs. John Murphy of Maple street has been on the sick list. Tho Schaffer brothers, who conduct an amusement bUBlness on the boardwalk during the summer, have returned from a Btay In Florida. Toby Clefll has opened his barber shop on Carr avenue. Ho now enters hlg 25th year as a barber In Keansburg. Mrs. A. Frlckle of Main street was tendered a surprise birthday party on Wednesday of last week. The Thornns Jefferson Democratic dub will hold a card party on May 12. Mrs. Richard Jessen has been visiting at Brooklyn. Mrs. Charles Fromkln has returned

Three Big Days To Start Penney's Cotton Carnival!

worth Hwklnn. Hurry Lcntzxeh, Joseph

Maz&iitll. William uloomcr, Bernlcr Uurkhnrd, Lorraine r.'ecerc. Bernicr Doll. Alice Humphrey, Ailelc Jca B en. Clollio IVeilcn, Ruth Williams and Wallrout /ahlinan. Slxtli irailo—William Arkermnn, El'a Zullerrniill, Michael AntiroB. Anthony Belieizn, Albert Bloomer, Patsy Hunomo, John Ci-'cere, Jame^ Davin, DougluH Foulks, eel».' Sizes C to 11 • See it!

Police Shots

full Si -Indies wide. Viilnel

J;C.Penney Co. Inc. 21-23 BROAD STREET,


rtoabW IMUMT

rubber heth, « to It. fnvoriten for mi? hind at« J


Page Twelve

. NOTICE. . Chancery 7/38 SHERIFFS SALE. T«k« no Lie* that Paul Psilckr inUniU to apply to Mayor and Council of Boroiish By virtus of it writ, to me diof Humeon. N. J.. for a Semonnl BtUll rected, Issued out of tha Court of ChanConsumption Llctnon for pretnlMi »tu* eery of the State of New Jersey, will t>« nted «t 16 L«f*y«Ue Hreet. Rumion, N. exposed to sale a t public vendue on J. Objections. If any, should bs mads MONDAY, THE 27th DAY OF MAY, 183B, ment of new plants and factories, gold as a commodity, then wo must Second National Bunk and Trust Com- Immediately fn writing; to Jars J . Carew, between t h a hours of 12:00 o'clock and lodged with it. Now we will assume in order to enjoy higher interest Red Bank. New Jersey, for the pur* Boroufh Clerk of the Borough of Rum ion, 6100 o'clock (at 2;00 o'clock, Daylight which draw laborers from their old make our calculations by the, aamo pany, The Register Presents Anothe that a banker loans all ho can ao- rates. [IOSO of electing directors, whose terms N. J. Saving Time) ,ln the afternoon of HM|,i of employment Into new and methods and take into consideration expire, nnd fur the transaction of such (Signed) . day, a t the Court IIOUBO in the DorouKh Part of Newton D . Alling's cording to the aforesaid regulations The doctrine WHS preached that It fcrina oilier business us may come before the when the inflation ceases and con- the b'arne influences that we would In of Freehold, County of Monmouth, New and still has idle founds which he canPAUL PAZICKV. was logical to invest the time or savmeeting. • Article on "A Scientific Bank- not use. What jviif'Tic do then? He River Road, Rumaon, N. J . Jersey, to satisfy n decree of said court ings accounts in the more permanent traction sets in, those laborers are analyzing commodity vatu&s. With 1 Sluu-chnitiera pre, requested to send In ntnountititf to approximately. |U,50».00. ing System. will cither loan/or Invest the surplus forms of security just as mutual left fiat in new surroundings and un- them we consider the demand aa puss books for annual nudlt. able to provide for themselves and well as, tho supply. Tho supply of A. ALVIN WHITING, Chancery 7/45 ALL that certain lot, tract or parcel of without regard to those regulations savings banks tilt The parallel, families. Secretary, (Second Installment) land and premises hereinafter particularly SHERIFF'S SALE. pold certainly ban not varied, aa Inor he will have to stop receiving By virtue of * writ of fl, fa. to me di- described, Bltuate. lying and being in tba The Register herewith presents more deposits. Instead of entirely however, was not complete, as mu- The increase in credit and the con- dicated by the indexes quoted, but fled Bank. N. J., April 16, 1935. torough of Monmouth Bench, In the Counrected, indued out of t h t Court of Chanthe second installment of the series stopping the receipt of deposits, sup- tual savings banks carry only in- fidence It breeds makes the uso of tho demand'has changed duo to the Chancery 7 / 4 cery of tho £UaU of New J«ney, will b« ty of Monmouth and State of New Jersey with the building thereon, known as the SHERIFF'S SALE. started in a previous issue on "Apose he bethinks himself of another vestment funds and only time de- gold almost unnecessary and the expansion or contraction of credit. expotod to sale a t public vendua on posits and when they avail themTHE 27th DAY OF MAY. 1985, 'Gothic Cottuse." Scientific Banking System," an arCertainly the demands of tho war By virtue of a writ of fi. fa. to me dl- MONDAY, j;ood rule ami only takes deposits BECINNINO at a «tona monument iu-mcri out of tho Court of Chan* between tho. hours of 22:00 o'clock and tlclo written by Newton D. Ailing of which are entitled to be received. He selves of tho delayed withdrawals cold probicrn disappears. Then, when period were the causes of increases rcrlctl, 5:00 o'clock (at 2:00 o'clock. Daylight standing ir% tho weaterly line of River Av«eery of the State of New Jersey, will b« Red Bank, past president of the uav tu depositors: You can de- they impose it en all accounts anvl tho contraction sets, in, confidencein commodity values and not the exposed to uulo ut imlilic vendue on Savins Time) in the afternoon of said nue (as tha same is luld down on a man disappears, people want gold instead of the Monmouth Ueach Property, made • day, at the Court House In the Borough American Institute or Banlilnj;. anil posit with me your current funds not on half of them. Therefore, abundance of sold. These war de- MONDAY. THIS *^0lh DAY OF MAY, 1836, of. Freehold, County of Monmouth, Now hy K. Fornburir In 1871. and on flla In tha tho liouta of 1^:00 o'clock and 1 who Is at present receiver • of the hut your investment funds you when n. muliml pavings bank takes of credit instruments and the gold rmmds were strongly supplemented between olllce of the Clerk of Monmouth County) Jcrfley, to satisfy a decree of said court 6:(](f u clock tut -:00 o'clock, Daylight advantage of the delay it is safe, problem la with us again. Wo aro by, the. increase in credits as evi- Huvinu Time! In the - afternoon of aald amounting to Approximately 13,102,00. at a point therein distant throo hundred Broad Street National lank of Heel feet southerly from the southwest corner .linuhl invent for yourself. If lio did j whereas n commercial bank ndver- cautioned by economists about the denced by government bond issues dny, a t tho Court JIOUHB in tho Borough of Bank. All the following tract or parcel of land of said IUver Avenue and Beach Road, Freehold, County of Monmouth, New Jerscarcity of gold and, falling prices t h a r h o would have little trouble in Jti , I I ,ii. tross when it takes adSPF 3 s and increase in deposits of banks; sey, to Biitiafy a decica of enld court and piemtuea hereinafter particularly de- said point being also tha southeasterly The first installment was entitled, scribed, situate, lying and being in thecorner of a lot, of land now or latt of aniruinthiw amn-ONlmutcly to >4,10B.0l}, "What It Is Necessary to Do." Theemployin^ all of t h e deposits which j vnntafie of t h e rtolnv a n d tlio d t - and advised to have a dollar with a Borough of Fair Haven, In the County ot Mnry HaetlhfiB, and running thence (1) fluctuating gohl content, but the real he receiver. manfl accounts aro withdrawn. Credit and Triers. caption of today's serial h "A SciniAll th:it ccitiiin tract or parcel of land Monmouth and State of New Jersey. westerly and parallel with Beach Road 11 pieitiUcB, hurolititftor particularly detlflo Banking System. The article Sepanilion of C u r r e n t a n d Invest- So much for t h e Immediate effect etui so of the fluctuations in pHeo That the increase In bank credit and Beginning a t n point in tha easterly line along the tine of said land now or late of on t h e individual h a n k of time dc- level is the plenitude or scarcity oi 1.5 the UiOHt potent force in raising scribed, aitunlo, lylitir and boine in theof Crosier Lane, which Lane is a new Mary Hnstings, one hundred ninety-four presented here taltes (he reader ment F l u i d s . Ho rough of Red Dank, in the Count; of street or roadway recently laid out over oet eevcii inches more or lesa to a, private through much valuable information Here is the kerne! of the problem. posits, but. the ultimate effect on ic credit dollar an reflected in de- the price index is what haa already Mrmrntmth and Stuta of Now Jersey. landH of Charles W. Crotler and running nne or roadway now or late bolonglng to posits in our tiankft. Beginning tit u point In the mtrthsrly northerly froin Third Street as recently the Monmouth Reach Club Homo Comleading up to a detailed plan whlrli Hero is the kerne] of the problem. _ hern Raid and we must repeat that pf Merlmnic Street, distant westerly emended, eald beginning point being dis- pany; thence (2) southerly along BR|. Cooper, C, E.. eald map being direction along the southerly side of Whlto By virtue of a writ of n. fn., to m>1 ditherefore, tho problem which con- per rent and thirteen per cent for filed in the Monmouth County Clerk i of- Street fifty-thruo feet and five Inchea to rected, insuod out of the Court of Chaafronts us. How to rlo it and still demand deposits. tho place of JBeginnlng. •ery of tho Stoto of New Jersey, will M Intcnded to he tho aamo premises eonutilize the system which wn have This gave an impetus to time deSeized as tho property of George IT. oxposed to s»le nt public venduo on ,-eyed to the said Inez Iola Squicrs by Herbert S. Dwleht and David MONDAY, THE 27th DAY OF MAY. 1011. with proper adjustments, is the task posits in national banks nil over the deed from DouglaB R. Bnlloch Company, Cwitht, Uwlght, et nls., taken in oxecutlon at tho botweon the hourB of 12:00 o'clock and dated January 4, 1029, nnd subject to tho suit Most writers on the subject make Nathan Ruda and Sarah Ruda, and r,:00 o'clock (nt 2:00 o'clock, Cnyllght and enabled them to comsame covenants and restriction! men- to boofsold Saving Time) In tlio afternoon of said an admirable start by layint; down country by tioned therein. pete on more favorable terms with ilny. at tho Court Houso In Iho Uorough rules as to loans and investments Male banks. It laid the foundation . . . . HOWARD HEIGHT, Sheriff. Seized ns tho property of Inez Io!a nf Freehold, County of Monmouth, New Jated Aprif 18th, 1036. Squires, unmarried, taken In execution at made by banlts, but unfortunately for inflation and made possible the Jersey, to satisfy a decree of said court Harry Klatsky, Sol'r. Jie suit of Hod Bank Building and Loan amounting to nunroxlmntoly $8,367.00. there they stop. (62 1.) .,, Association, a corporation of tho State of great increase in bank deposits sucw Jersey, nnd to be sold by AJ1 tho following trnct or parrel of land A bank has two primary functions. ceeding the establishment, of the HOWARD HEIGHT, Sheriff. and'premlaea hornlnnftor particularly deChancery 7/33 Dated April Cth, J93fi. scribed, situate, lying and lulng In the SHERIFF'S SALE. Howard S. liigzinson, Sol'r. Borough, of Kcd Bank, In tho County « By virtue of a writ of fl. fa., to mo (11. Monmouth and State of Now Jersey. (43 1.) $18.06 •octod, Issued out of the Court of Chanut a point In the easterly coiy of the State of New Jersey, will be linoBeginning IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. of Shrewsbury Avenue nt the northexposed to snlo a t public vendue on west corner of Iniids of Benny Lobjatido 106-85. MONDAY, THE 27th DAY OP MAY, 1035 and Mnry Loblnndo; thonco (1) easterly To ELIZABETH B. BITTER: between tho hours of 12:00 o'clock and along the northorly lino of the Loblando By virtue of an order of the Court of 6:00 o'clock (at 2:00 o'clock, Daylight lands, one hundred and sixty-eight feet t» Chancery made on the day of tho data Saving Time) in tho afternoon of ."idthe northwest corner thereof: thence (!) hereof, in a CHUKG wherein Louisa French day, at the Court House In tho Borough northerly pnrullcl with Shrewsbury AveBrower Is complainant, and you and oth- of Freehold, County of Monmouth Now nuo sixty-one feet, six Inches, more or ers nro defendants, you aro required to Jersey, to satisfy a decree of snld court loss, to tho Boutbonst corner of lands of appear, nnd answer to tho complainant's -mounting to approximately »7,114,00, now or formerly Frederick DcMnloj thence bill on or before tho Cth day of June, nionir DoMnio's southerly line All the following tract or parcol of land CD westerly next, or the said bill will be taken as conparallel with tho first course one hunand premises hereinafter particularly do- and fBperf aKuin»t you. dred nnd alxty-eight foot to his southwest scrlbod. situate, lying and belnit In tho The aald bill U filed to foreclose a raortcorner In the enntorly line of Shrewsbury jraKo made- by you to said Loutae French Township of .Shrewsbury, | n tho County of Avenue; thence (41 southerly along the Hmwcr, tinted Juno 1. 1927, in the sum of Monmouth and State of New Jersey 'aBtnriy lino of Shrewsbury Avenue, slxty$5,000.00, coveiinK certain promises in the BEGINNING "f nn order of tlia Court of Clcrk'H Ollico in Book till4 of Mortgages, along the westerly line of lands ot f'hanccry of Now Jorooy, made on tha day Rockhlll north three degrees forty.m,...,, of tho date hereof, In a certain caul* PH8B 2JO. minutes east (3*47') twolve hundred t\U wherein Carmola Mocclo Is the petitioner Dated April 4th, 1H35. ty-ono and sixty-five one-hiindredths feel. and you aro tiio defendant, you ara r t APrLEtJATK, STKVENS. FOSTER (1261.Or,') to a stake, said stoke M u . flutrod to auiwer the potltloner'a p«tltion & KEUS3ILLK, distant In a southerly direction uUma tha on or beforo tha nineteenth day of Juno Solicitors of Complainant, 34 Broad Sticet, Red Bank, N. J . westerly line of lands of snld ridnkiilll next, or In default thereof, etich docro* irlll three hundred thirty-three and ninety-live )te taken mrnlunt you aa tha Chancellor one-hundredthi fast (3:1 J.or,') (,„„, if,, • hall think eriultalile and juat. Monrqouth County Surrogate's Office. southerly line of Rlveidale Avenue afoieTha object of anid'auit la to obtain a Our Meter-Ice Purchase Plan Makos It Easy In tho matter of tlic catate of George W. anld; thenoe (4) south eighty-nine de- decreo of divorce, dlfliolving tha marrlaga grees forty minutes west (80*40') three between you and tha aaid petitioner for Hvaiis, deceased. We deliver your Frigidaire with Meter-Ice hundred seventy-four and elghty-ntna mie. ths rauno nf dexertlon. Not I co to creditors to present claims hundredths feet (874.HI)') to a, stake Dated April IS, Ina5. nyiilriHt CHtiito. The Frigidaire pictured above is a Standard attached. Into this handy bank-like device you Vtiraunnl to the order of Josotili L. Don- thence (fi) north four degrees one mlihite JOIIN v. cnowK.rx. oast (40*1'), parallel with the first course iriay, JSurroguto ol the County qf MonModel 4-35. It gives you 8.4 square feet of drop odd nickels and dimes which otherwise .Solicitor ot Petitioner. mouth, mudu (in tho twenty-third (lay of and distant thirty.five feet W l a t rlul, 1Z Drond Street, Hed Dank, New Jenejr* angles therefrom, three hundred thirty April, lUBfi. on tha application of Fciciviil shelf space nnd freezes 41 large ice cubes. might slip through your fingers and leave OF II. Evnii», Kmma H, Cooper and George W. four and thirty-six one hundredths f«e 107-803 Kvans, Jr., executors of tho estate of (334.36') to e. Blake standing In the Beautiful Dulux exterior. Lifetime Porcelain nothing behind. Once a month our representNlverdale Avenue afor«- To WILUAM CLANTONi Get)rue W. Evans, deceased, notice la here- Boutherly line of A By virtue of an order of tha Court o( by give n to tha creditor* of en Id deceased naldi thenco ( ) In a westerly direction interior. Equipped with the Super Freezer, ative calls, collects the money and credits your to exhibit to tho AiihtH'rfheri, executorn as along the southerly line of Rlverdale Ave- Chancery of Now Jeriey, made on Uia nfoit^ni»lh, 1 » « . Knydor &. Hubert*, KDWAIll) W. WI8B. Consult ot ** few* (Qulnn, ParaoM all DoitgMIs, Sol'rs, BoH c jtoirj,fPtU| Atlantic HlshUnds, M. J., onsult member* b

most of the His and ascribed causes ations in the value of gold. In the


Is taking in deposits and paying Federal Reserve banks. It brought Notice U hereby given that the annual them out. In the course of which a a great volume of Investment funds of depressions will bo eliminated.price, perhaps, but not In the real meeting of the shareholders of the CltiSecond Installment One Building and Loin Association Of certain amount is lodged with It. into the current funds market and Uncontrolled expansion of credit value as measured by what the iena jewelers and the arts would appraise Red Bank. N. J., will be held on Tueiday, The other function Is to loan or in- forced commercial banks to seek in- raises prices, encourages tho inMay 21, 1935, ut seven-thirty o'clock P. Of Banking Story vest that certain amount which- is vestments of more permanent forms crease of plants and the establish- it at.. If wo aro going to consider M., at the office of the Association at the


il •»«»?





PRUN cs mature


New Jersey's Own Hat

Jersey CartralPewcr &LightCc>. JB^UfJLE

RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 9,1935. ed into districts, the concentration of account and was buying and selling holding jso-callod guaranteed mort- be avoided, but this Utopian dream so much detail in Washington would by check. Not everyone, but topgages is enough to convince ono of can only be obtained by the sacrifice a« Is the custom now. be avoided, yet a reasonable control large a prop6rtlon were borrowing proposition that no investment of the dearest word to the American The discouragement of the use of over the general situation could, b« money from bank» on «tock«, bondi, (.he be guaranteed except as to heart, namely, prosperity in its highchecks would help to separate in- retained there. real estate and everything of any should genuineness of purpose and issue. pressure form, A reasonable living (Continued J'rom Last Page) ' vestment funds from current funds The Investment and savings banks value excupt jigsaw puzzlo. can be assured for all, but the manuIn the minda of the depositors. It of the cities should be authorized to Every loan from banks Increases I can visualize a banking system facture of miilionairea and huge rtvarying the gold content of the dol- is not a novelty, for back In theopen branches in tho surrounding the total volume of deposits. The such as has been outlined herein, nancial structures over night must lar, but must be corrected by aleady- days when trust companies were districts eg that no small community investment fundu poured Into tho functioning in such a manner that bo a thing of the past if we would Ing the amount of bank credit out- more or less investment Institutions I would be without some means of sav- banks, attracted by high Interest the several cries for a managed cur- preserve our institutions, our liberty standing. That gold' has Increased the old-line companies actually dis- '• Ing ita surplus funds. They wouldrates, almost doubled tho volume of rency, for a fluctuating standard of and our scif-rcsprxt. In relative valuo during the past four couraged the u«o of checks. The oldI bo state institutions and allowed deposits and, therefore, of tho me-value, for government ownership and years is .not disputed. In tha natui-s NBW York Life Insurance and Trust greater freedom about Investing In dium of exchange. No wonder prices for nation-wide branch banking, will (To BR Continued!. o." ttiltijja that would ho »o, but I do company, later merged with the long-term securities and mortgages soared! No wonder, when In Sop- be forestalled. In fact, I believe not bolicvo that the Incrcasa In theBank of New York, would not glvo on real estate and their business temper, 192B, people suddenly awoke panics an'l depressions can largely It pays to advertise in The Register relative valuo of gold was the orig- a checkbook to a new depositor Un- would bo separated from and of a to the Inordinately high pricon and inal cause of the disaster, nor do I til >lx months had olapied after different typo from that of the mem- confidence In the future of values Mll&vo It to ba permanent. Bond opening the account. This was tober reserve national banks. Thus was lost, that prices crumbled. Banks iesuoa, bofWo and olnce the war;impress him with tha fact that they any disturbance in the Investment called their loans and prices crumbled International dobta, especially those •were not In the checking business field would not disturb the reserve more. Deponllors of investment with the United Stales; and import but In the trust and Investment busi- banks which will furnish tho credit funds (time deposits) withdrew those Investment funds, eithcr,.to hoard or restrictions have been so out of pro- ness. It has been through the violent currency of tho country. —Ob — to buy at fallen prices, and caused portion to all other things and es-competition for business In which alGovernment Guarantee Limited. innumerable banks to close. pecially out of proportion to exlnling most all types of banking buslne«3 No Red Tape . . . No Delay. wealth and lnco-mo,"that It in virtu- engaged during the last forty years Tho government guarantee of deally Impossible to estimate causes or that that «a!utary dlatinetlon In posits will cover member rcscrv- Separate Two Types of Funds, The Property of Mrs. Frank Osborn bcnlta only and thus the governmen effects. DD WO need more to convince us Tire P u l On Immediately, banking has been lost sight of. The icgrcgation of the gold hold- Why Separate Current Funds? will not guarantee investment fund that our banking system should be at 223 Corliea Avenue, Allenhurst, or investments. The guarantee of d ings of the country and the revalureorganlgcd that investment funds why should Investment funds maud deposits not subject to Intcres so ation of tho dollnr by President beJust and current funds would bo entirely from current funds is perfectly logical, as they are th separated; As ROOBOVOII was absolutely necessary, otherseparated not segregated. In the the reasons already out- currency—the medium of oxchange- eame, or similar, Per at 1:00 o'clock sharp, but, in my bumble opinion, not be-lined? than or allied instituLow of the people and business and an It Is because funds on decauso gold had permanently ln- posit In reserve banks immediately loss of conlldence In the soundnc tions? Current funds should be ona .The 'undersigned will soil to the Jiighc-t bidder, Without reserve,, a Week As creaacd in purchasing power or rela- add to the current purchasing pow- of interference with the fluidity c o? tho mediums of exchange of the large' collection of antiques and pieces of art collected from all parta vt tive value, but becnuso tho debts re- er of tho country and through loans, theso deposits results in paralysl country and tied to the reserve car- the world. The following is a partial Jitit; 2 walnut tip tables, 1 antique mahogany tip table, 1 square, mahogany sulting from tho war and from wild rying and redemption features of the that purchasing' power In and stflgnation in business. l£yer; Federal table, 1 corner table, 1 Queen Anne mahogany drop-leaf table, 2 large expenditures and bondflotationsdur- the Inverse Reserve system. of tho reserve re- one knows that if coin, the origins antique metal trays, 2 bras3 warming pans, 'J pra. brars .'inrlironB, 1 font ing the period of inflation had sad-quirements. ratio Investment funds, on the other 1» a llttlo abstruse, medium of exchange, la tampcrc hand, should not bo tied to, nor af- warmer, nianui snuffers with trays, '.i prs. hr;if;r; candle sticks, odd candle dled Industry and labor with a bur- hut It meansThat with and conlldence in lost in it, a that the smaller tho den they could not bear. The only reserve requirement IB, tho greater trade and exchange Is paralyzed. Th fect the leterve carrying features of sticks, incense burner, \\ -buffalo robes, 3 banjos, brass (lower holder, Inanswer was to cut that burden in enn bo the Increase of deposits same may bo said of the next ton the Federal Reserve system. Tho dian baskets, 3 mahogany console tables, 179!) grandfather's flock, Engclock, card and chip box, set chips, walnut card and chip two. . money; that is, currency or-pap loaning of investment funds ahourd lish maho»iiny loans, and vice versa.: A of pearl inlay writing desk, mahogany, desk with handle, inhiid mnho;?The debts and bond Issues result- through money. If it is tampered with i not incrcaBo bank credit, nO r should box,, bank is required to carry say 25 per any open box, carved" tray, maple "chairs, v\u\\ bottom ch;iirs, Windsor Quick Road Service—Phone Red Bank 1296. ing from tho war could not be avoid- cent of its deposits In cash; then its its redemption features removed o they be guaranteed by the governchiiira, ladder back chairs, birdseye maple chairs, caribou head, nioujc: ed, but those Issued during tho porlod deposits can bo four tlmca the destroyed, or ita volume Increase ment. . head, moose antlers, deer antlers, a West Indian collection of Inflation could have been largely diminished unnaturally, the Investments arc the particular head, buffalo 151-153 West Front St., RED BANK, N. J. of the reserve it carries. If or glasses, champagne glasses, Austrian Klas3 ware, dinner set, 10i) avoided, us they were made possible amount again is confidence removed business and risk of the owner. He cocktail the reserve requirement ts reduced piccuo; fruit set, U-.i\ set, luster pitchcrsi very old blue warn, antique toilet OriON 15VKN1MGS by the unnecessary Increase In ban to ten per cent, then Its deposits can trade and business discommode purchases them at his own peril or seta, and hundreds of pieces of cut glass and odd antique plans and and paralyzed. credit. The unnecessary Incrcaso profit. Therefore, why should the silverware, demijohn, whiskey jugs, 13 volumes of Shakespeare, 10 bank credit would havo been largel; rise to ten times its reserve. government or- the banks be loaded china, volumes Poe, VZ volumes Dickens; other sets by Dumas, Wavcrly, fiord, Please note that the terms "com- Demand Deposits Equivalent to Cur with the risk? In fact, there IB reaavoided if commercial banks ha Prescott and Cooper; 88 volumes various fiction, 3 boxes email silvernot been encouraged through lcgls mercial bank" »nd_ "reserve bank" son to believe that the guarantee of ware, 'I Chippendale mirrors, 3 colon in 1 i Mirrors, odd mirrors and hunrency. latlon and custom to tnke* on tlm are interchangeable in this plan Investments by bond and mortgage dred;* of articles too numerous to mention. The house- will be open for the economic development deposits, which I like to call Invcs' When a reserve bank makes a loan theIn business and numerous other in- inspection at 0:00 A. IX, May the 11th. of this country, a,nd c companies It Increases the amount of bank went funds. stitutions is a fatuous idea and never Shrewd, careful buyers read The Register's Clawcredit or credit; currency in the much of the rest of the World, ban! should have been allowed. The pic- TEHMS:—Cash. Two Classes of Hanks Necessary. country, but when a savings bank, deposits havo come to form a'thin ture at this time of thousands, yes ified Advertisements. Here you find the seller who GEORGE H. ROBERTS, This brings me lo the purpose insurance company, private banker, step in tho evolution of the mediu millions, of innocent misled people JOHN ADAMS and JAMES E. GRICJGS, Clerks. Auctioneer. wants to sell and the buyer who wants to buy. this paper, which Is to offer a pla! investment banker or broker, or of exchange. First there was go 1 for an ideal banking system whlc1 other person makes a loan credit, and silver coin, something that ha will avoid the violent Increases an currency is not so increased. The intrinsic value, and completed eacl decreases in bank credit, which reason why this is so is that all transaction with its physical e the moat potent cause of Increase other concerns but- reserve banks, change. Next came currency—papei and decreases in the price level. Tlv when they make a loan, draw a money—which represented the col ideal banking system would fir check on a bank and transfer the ba It bank notes or government I •eparate tho strictly banking bus! credit from ono reserve bank to an-sues, the coin was actually or the ness from the investment buslnes: other, but when a reserve bank rctically in tho background. Thin Visif your Noarest by having commercial banks carr; makes a loan it does not transfer camo bank doposils transferable b; only iign-ftiteicst bearing demand d money from onn account to another check; at first used to a very Hmitei extent, hut Iri the last fifty years posits subject to check and lcavi but charges Its loan account and esU. 5. C. 5TORJT Iritercst bearing limo deposits to an tablishes a new credit. It Is the aim most universally adopted in th UNITED UNITED other class of institution. of tho plan submitted herewith to United States, to a lessor degree il and take advantage [ SERVICE | | SERVICE | The cormnorcia] banks would b limit the . power to Increaso bank Canada and England, still less ii of these specials our present national and stalo banks credit to banks carrying current France and other European coun except that they would confine the funds nnd to eliminate investment trlea, arid hardly known in thi Orient. activities lo the receipt of cavren funds from that operation, Thursday - Friday - Stturdty funds as demand deposits and loai The reserve requirement Is the Can we not see here an explanaMAY 9-10-llth only against self-liquidating commc b»sls of the theory on which control tion of tho violence of tho depresslor clal paper, bills of exchange, note! of credit by a central hank or Fed- ih the United States as eomparei and acceptances, and short-term eral Reserve bank Is based; that Is, with its extent ih other countries bonds. There would be nothing tc by Increasing the amount of reserve The higher up a thing goes, th provent. nueh a bank from loaning money available to the commercial farther and harder it falls. Th on collateral security no long as tin banks, the central bank can Increase higher and more complete Is the e* fund* were intended for a propo their ability to make loans. By in-tension of credit, the more disastron DILL PICKLES ARMOUR'S RINSO purpose and would be. repaid In creasing the ability of commercial U Its contraction. In the Unite 3000 RETAIL INDIVIDUAL GROCERS IN Statos almost everyone had a banl reasonable time. These banks woul> or reserve banks to make loans, tho GREEN CIRCLE STAR BRAND SOAP mike collections and transfers an* central bank can lower Interest rates NEW JERSEY JOIN IN A BIG STATE-WIDE perform such other services for t)ie and make bank funds more plentiI Regular 17c CORNED BEEF POWDER depositors as In customary. Thcj ful and thus raise prices. Exercised would he members of the Fedcra to perfection, the operation would | For the Best in Tonsorial Reserve, system, enjoying Us prlvll produce a managed currency. It was quart and offer you nationally known foods eges as to rosorvoa, rediscount employed by the Bank of England Work—Come to at savings Take advantage of thejo trnnsfors, clearings, collection!, ct for a contury, with great success, Consideration should be given ti but dcrangomonts of the war interNunzie's specials at your nosrest United having all of theno commercial o: fered with It. It could be employed Sorvico Grocer. reserve carrying banks ultlmatel by the United States under proper become national banks so that tho uldnncc. In fact, It was so emPolly Sardines inoiiv. o,i 3«n4ib. 21b. vestment funds of their patrons in crease in tho supply of reserve funds the form of interest-bearing time de- la a very potent forco toward stabiliP i c k l i n g Spices FLAGSTAFF 2's*p)15/ posits with such regulations as t< zation of prices. As explained, tho withdrawals as the individual bank banks which participate in this op1 ft. pWs. R o o f Beer Extract FLAGSTAFF might see fit to have within such eration of increasing bank credit do 12 legal restrictions as the States mlgh so whenever they make a lonn, so Flag Flour Atii>urpo» , . 5ib.t»9 2 5 l Impose. Theso banks would include that loans made by reserve banks Inthose state banks ,and trust com- crease the volume of credit and hence S C To* P«lioo»nd Mtt).any or firm. It is the confusion of ooiirsG, going to be open to consid- different types of banking and difCONDENSED G r e e n d a I® S o d a s D*iioo qt b erable objection, but remember we ferent types of loans in the past JACK FROST SUGAR. • nrc outlining an ideal system which which has brought about our bankCLOROX M I I K Lifebuoy Soap . 3b l.i Intended to utilize the prcscn' Ing troubles and which the plan unbanking system as far as possible der consideration Jg intended to corCRAKULATED after removing the weak points. rect. nn! been Issued, both postage and air three cents for forwarding charg necticut tercentenary stamps which j the Alameda Chamber of Commerce, mail. The postage consists of the hefore May 15. Croquignole of Individual Charm i l i .50 was sold to Governor Wilbur L. i Francis H. James, cachet directoi following valuej, designs and colors: Ends Crosn on April 56, 1935." It was Honorable mention, Ameroican I May 26. Send covers to Louis F". According to the Kansas City iverhead. he United States assembled at Hartand Formerly of Fifth Avenno, New York City. Dctzol, 2332 Calverton Heights aveTurkey—Women In Turkey havi thousands 'ortl on this date to purchase these Times of April 30, 1895, of, dollars of counterfeit stamps, rogressed In twenty years from tho nue, Baltimore, Maryland. itanips. For Appointment Cull H. B. 1172. Iicliabln Sorvleo RITOT on* bom from New yorU. and provldIng every d t j oonvenleniM.


M»IM4 W—klt, JSsttnd w gramd-UJiu Uait*/ at ih» Po»u ofiM at B*4 Bank. M. J. andv th« Act of Uircb 3. 1678.

were banked on the pulpit and about the casket. Rev. Edward W. Miller, pastor of the church and a close friend of the deceased, officiated, He chose as his theme the subject, "Life," and euloMrs. Lewis S. Thompson Offers Welt Known Resident and For- gized Mr. Magee for his many activiUse of Her Spacioui Stable* raer Councilman of Red Bank ties in church, musical, fraternal, social and political life of for Event on Saturday and Pcusea Away After Illness of business, the borough. Sunday, June 1 and 2. Several Weeks. Larry Laros, church organist and also a close friend of Mr. Magee's, The Bret County-wide Pet- Show to Eugene M. Magee, ono of the,beat played three of Mr. Magee's favorite be held In this vicinity )« being known residents of this section and hymns on tho new organ, which was planned under the joint auspices of a former member of the Bed Bank obtained largely through his untiring the Momnouih County Organization borough council, died last Sunday af- efforts. Tho hymns were "Abide tar Social Service and the Shrews- ternoon in Fitkln Memorial hospital With Me," "In tho Cross of Christ I bury Post No. 108 American Legion at Neptune, where ho had teen a pa- Glory" and "Nearer, My God, to of Red Bank for Saturday and Sun- tient for three days. He had been Theo." day, June' 1 and 2 from 1:80 to 5:00 in poor health for several weeks, The Craft choristers, of which Mr. P. M. Mr«. Lewis S. Thompson, but was able to attend to business Magee was one of tho organizers in president of the Social Service Or- until about two weeks ago. Sinus 1930, sang the hymn, "The City Four ganization, has generously agreed to and teoth trouble developed Into Square." Members ot tho Masonic have the Pet Show on tho grounds complications and ho was removed lodge, numbering 125 and led by Worot her home at Brookdale farm, Lin- to the hospital last Thursday. He shipful Master Frederick T. Hurley, croft. If the weather Is flno the show was apparently better Sunday morn- also took part In the service. will be held on the enclosed outdoor ing but his heart became affected Also present were Mayor Charles track where for so many years the and he sank rapidly.,,; R. English, members of the borough famous horaea of C. V. Whitney. took council, a large delegation of Red their exercises. If the weather should Bank and Fair Haven firemen in uniprove rainy, Mrs. Thompson Is planform, led by Chief George C. Worthning to make available two ot the ley of Red Bank, members ot tho largest barns on the estate, one Just Lions club, oflicers of the Red Bank opposite the other ao that there will building and loan association, membe plenty of room for the hundreds bers of Naveslnk lodge of Odd Felof pets which are expected to be enlows, Red Bank council of tho Royal tered from all over the county. Arcanum, Cavalry veterans' association and the Swimming River counJames 8. Parlies and John L, Monttry club. The Boy Scout troop of the gomery, both of Red Bank and coBaptist church served aB a guard of chairmen of the show, have mads It honor. very positive that this is primarily a "Pet Show" and that the animals Led by an escort of Red Bank poto be entered are In not any way lice, the funeral cortege moved from restricted merely to pedigreed dogs the church to Cooper's bridge. The and cats. Any boy or girl, man or automobile trucks of Independent enwoman, in Monmouth county may engine company conveyed tho floral ter any type of pet that "walks, pieces and members of tho Red Bank crawls, or flies." Entrance blanks and Pair Haven fire ''departments will be distributed if possible through were In line. all the schools In the county and alThe bearers, all close friends of the so will be available at all newspaper deceased, were Harry B. Clayton, offices, Including that of this publicaGeorge W. Bray, Edwin R. Conover, tion, as well as at the office of the LeBter C. Lovett, Warren Minton and Monaiouth County Organization for Homer C. Methot. Burial, In charge Social Service, 131 Pearl street. Red of the Worden funeral home, was In Bank. All pets must be entered for Fair View cemetery. the contest by May 25. Masonic services were conducted EUGENE M. MAGEE. at the gravo by Past Master Charles According to tha rules formulated who served as worshipful by the committee, each pet must be Mr. Magee was 46 years old and A. Minton, ond David H. Bonnett, who exhibited by the owner or a member resided on Irving place. He was a master, waB chaplain. Mr; Miller led the of the owner's family. There will bo member of tho men's clothing and closing prayersRev. and gave the benethroe prizes in each general class as haberdashery firm of Clayton & Ma- diction. well as special prizes for perform- gee of Broad street. Another memance judging and the bent pets In ber of the firm, James T. Clayton, the show. An outstanding feature died October 28, 1934, will bo the cjaes under the "Family Mr. i Magee was born at Tlnton Pack" of four or more pets owned Falls Sand was the son of the late by any Monmouth family in which Eugeifo and Luclna H, Shutts Maall the pets of a family May be en- ge*. He moved to Red Bank thirty tered and the prize will be awarded years ago, at the age of sixteen, and to tho family having the largest had resided in this borough ever Eleven Members Attended the number and the most Interesting since. For many years ho waa a Annual Convention at Philagroup of peta. In thin case, a dif- salesman in the J. Krldel clothing delphia Lait Week—Birthday ferent meoiber of tho family will store, but loft this storo at the orGift for National Guild. have to show each pet. Pets may bo ganisation of the firm of Clayton Sc onterpd for more than one clast, but Mages, • Tho Middletown branch of the the judges reserve the right to limit the number of times any one pot Is "Gene" Magee, as he waB popularly Needlework guild of America was knowrt by his host of friends, was represented by eleven of its memavhlb[tn County Pet Show Eugene M. Magee Died On Sunday At Brookdale Farm

The Middletown Needlework Guild

Elks To Celebrate Mother's Day


one Ke w dronlnger.

Ulan t w e n t y largo floral tributes


Raritan Bridge Bowling Dinner Measure Passes Held Last Night Port Authority Will be Aiked to Awards Made to Winners of Red Apply for Government Loan Bank Bowling League at Anto Build Eight-Million-Dollar nual Banquet at Elks Club— Structure. Attended by 250 Persons. Tuesday night the assembly of New Jersey passed a bill Introduced by Senator Frank Durand seeking federal funds to build a bridge across Raritan bay at an estimated cost of $8,00,000. The measure had previously passed the senate and it sow awaits the signature of Governor Harold G. Hoffman. The governor has indicated that he will sign the bill. It requests the New York Port Authority to apply for a Rational government loan. For the past six years a movement has been carried on for the proposed bridge. The project was flrat Introduced into the legislature in 1930 by B. Donald SUrner, who at that time was an assemblyman. It was disapproved by Governor Larson. Last winter the movement for the bridge was renewed by various civic organizations and service clubs. Since then Senator Durand has been pushing the scheme, with the aid of Mr. Sterner. The bridge would extend from Union Beach to Staten Island and It would shorten the distance between this section and New York by about eighteen miles. Not only quicker transportation but Increased real estate values are looked for as a result of building the bridge. Advocates of the project > r e gratified over the momentum It has gained because of tho passage of Senator Durand's measure. . ^ ' * —:—•

Awards to tho winning teams and players wore mado last night at the annual banquet of tho Red Bank bowling league at the Elks club. The affair was attended by about 250 persons. Cups were awarded to the Schneider Market, Utility and Clothiers and Insurance teams, which finished first, second and third, respectively.. In addition the Market team received a cash award of $80, the Utility team $40 and tho Clothiora $24. The Allen Shoo team, which made the highest score during the season, received $16. Joseph Mcnzzopane, who made the highest individual average, received $10. Second and third prize money of $5 and $2.50 went to Dillione and Tuttle. First prize of $5 was awarded Taylor for malting the highest indivtdi'al score. Louis Acerra received $3 for second place and Straus and Slattery split third-placi r money, which was $2. James Acerra received $5 for making the greatest number of total strikes. Dillione and Louis Acerra, who were second and third, were eliminated under tho ruling that no bowler may accept more than one Individual prize, and second and third place money of $3 and $2 were given Schroeder and Coles. A similar prize of $$5 was presented to Chasey for making the greatest number of spares. A prize of $3 was awarded Elgrim for second place and $2 went to Ming, who was third. Taylor, during the season, made the highest total for three games but ho having accepted another prize, the award for this feat, $5 in cash, was given Morris. Fair Haven Fire Company to The winners of the prizes in the "roll off" contests last week, the naDistribute Tickets on New ture of the prize and the donors folCar—Spring Dance May 18— lows: Firemen to Attend Church. Alex Curchln, Jr., $5 donated by Irving Brown; Ralph Lewis, The Fair Haven fire company at a Thomas donated by Recreation hall; Steve meeting Monday night made further $5 Castellaccio Leon Smock, $2,150 plans for the annual fair which will donated by and Recreation hall; Ray be held from July 27 to August 3. Phillips, sweater by Clayton Books will be distributed immedi- & Magce; Henrydonated bowling ately on tho now car to bo disposed shoes donated by Hansen, Tetley's; Arthur of on the co-operative plan. George Grdb, men's slippers donated by HarCurchln Is in general charge ot this ry Pattorson; Wallace Macintosh, department. men's slippers donated by Miller's Arthur B. Sickles, president of the shoe store; Gus Colmorgen, cigars docompany, appointed thene commit- nated by Chambers'^ pharmacy; tees: Advertising, Harry B. Kurtia Chester Henry, pen and pencil set chairman, Edward Little, Oscar donated by Reussille jewelry store; Becker, George Chandler, Jcuoc Me- William J. Sweeney, leather wallet Ilray, George Curchin, William An- donated by J.. Kridel; Adam Linzderson, William H. Chandler, Theo- mayer, leather wallet ' donated by dore Parker, Jr., Vernon Snyder, Ar- Kateln's pharmacy; Clancy Boynton, thur Crozler and Abram Dixon; pur- license plate holders donated by Mochasing, RusBell Minton and Charles tor Boys; William Darby, candy doP. Cross, and music and entertain- nated by Denlse & Swannell; Elmer ment, Percy D. Bennett chairman, Smith, clothes brush donated by William Miller and John Wagner. Schroeder's pharmacy; Millard AuHenry A. Friedlander, William mack, Sr., handkerchiefs donated by Anderson and Elmer Cleve will be Millard Aumack. in chargo of tho amplifiers on the Joseph E. Fix served as toastmasgrounds, and Charles Wesson has the Music for dancing was furnished job of announcer. The first aid squad ter. by Hackett's orchestra.' Ed Cogan will lend assistance at the fair and and his Hill Billy boys entertained. will receive a share of the proceeds. William McKnight was chairman It was announced that plans were of the banquet committee, which conprogressing for the spring dance to sisted of William Bradshaw, Walter be held Saturday night, May 18, at Schroeder, James Acerra and Alex the Molly Pitcher hotel at Red Bank. Curchin, Jr. The committee on prizes Larry LaRos and hlB orchestra will was composed of Charles Frazee and furnish tho music. Harry Patterson. The company will decorate the graves of deceased Bremen on Sunday, May 26. Thirty-seven members POSTMASTERS MEET. are on tho memorial roll. An invitation to attend service at the Fair County Association Has Dinner Haven Methodist church on Sunday Meeting at Little Silver. evening, May 26, waa accepted. The Forty persons attended a dinner .firemen will attend In uniform. Rev. Henry P. Bowen, the pastor, is chap- meeting of the Monmouth County Postmasters' association last night lain of the company. tho Rosevelt Tea room at Little Harry J. Herold wa3 elected an at Silver. Edward Brodstein of Asbury honorary member. president of the association, A discussion was held relative to Park, presided at the business session at the adoption of an arm band, chest which plans wero discussed to inband or some special device, which will distinguish the flro police at duce the National Postmasters' asfires. No definite action was taken sociation to hold its 1936 convention at Asbury Park. on tho matter. Tho firemen expect to organize a Thomas Ross, who is in charge of baseball team to play a twilight the carrier pigeon lofts at Fort Mongame with the Atlantic Highlands mouth, gave an interesting talk on tho valuable services rendered by firemen. carrier pigeons in the World war. JOINS THE REGISTER FAMILY. Pedor J. Gisleson of tho Red Bank postofficc explained various postal, Tho Great Atlantic * TaclVlc Ten Co. bills and regulations. Now Using Register Columns. Another advertiser of national ImBOAT CLUB DANCK. portance haa added the Red Bank Register to Its list of publications to Mjiimimth Boat Club's First Dunce receive regularly Its announcements. Of Scuscm on Mny 35. This well known firm is tho Great Atlantio & Pacific Tea company, The Monmouth Boot club of Red which has stores in Red Bank located Bank will hold its first dance of the at 37 Broad street, i{\ Monmouth spring aeason Saturday night, May street, 70 Linden place, 25 West 25, at tho club house. Tho club pinna Front street and 355 Shrewsbury ave- to hold a dunce once a month. The nuo, as wcllaa other stores in this committee co.iipri.seii Ernest Hall vicinity located at Rumson, Eaton- and Edgar V. Dcnlna co-chairmen, town, Atlantic Highlands, Highlands Harold W. Allen, Frank Hnvlland, Fred J. Noblo and Melvln Creo. and Sea'Erlght. Tho firm's initial advertisement is Robert C. Brown nf Peters place and Joseph T. Laird 3d, of Little Silappearing In today's Issue of Tho ver, wero elected members of the Register. club at a meeting Monday night. Mr. Brown haa bought a new 42-foot Conducting Dental Clinic. Dr. Horbort Ely Williams of Red cabin cruiser. Hank Is giving a clinic on tho goldfoil filling at, tho Penmylvanln stnti» AIoglslrnt Oni

Six Monthi 11.00.


Red Bank Catholic Pupils to Give Annual Performance. The pupils of the Red Bank Catholic high school will present their eighth annual production, Victor Herbert' operetta, "Sweethearts," Friday evening, May 17. Last year the high school recelveJ plaudits for the presentation of "Naughty Marietta," which haa recently attracted Holly wood claims. It will be refliembered at that time that tho performers played a return engagement in tho Caiiton theater for the benefit of the Rlverview hospital. Daniel A. Hogan, well-known figure in the musical world, Is coachin? and a presentation equal to those of previous years is expected. Reports from tho faculty Indicate that the play is rounding Into fine shape and all concerned are fully satisfied that a top-notch show will be the result of their untiring efforts. Tickets, which are all reserved, may be obtained through the student body or direct from the school.

Fisherman's Body Is Washed Ashore Body of Arne Hansen of Atlantic Highlands, One of Four Missing from Trawler, Found Yesterday at Sandy Hook. The body of Arne Hansen of Garfield avenue, Atlantic Highlands, was washed ashore at Sandy Hook yesterday morning. Ho was one of four men of the scallop trawler W. H. Reed, who have been missing since the boat left Atlantic Highlands April 3 for the fishing grounds sixty miles southeast of Scotland lightship, pieces of wreckage identified as parts of the trawler were found on the shore at Sandy Hook during a severe storm which lashed the Jersey coast several days after the men departed. With the finding of the body of Mr, Hansen all hope that any of tho four survived has been abandoned. Coast guards from the Spermacettl station came across the body in the surf. Yesterday afternoon the body was identified by Harry Pqsten of Atlantic Highlands with tho aid of a description of the clothing and location of body marks given to Mr. Posten by Mr. Hansen's wife. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at eleven o'clock at hia late homo, with Rev. George R. Ellin officiating. Burial by A. M. Posten and Sons will be in Fair View cemetery, Mr. Hansen, who win 38 years old, is survived by bis wife, Mrs. Karen Hansen, and three children, Frederick, Arnold and Anna Hanson. Ho also leaves a brother, Tryave Hanson of New Orleans. Tho other men oh the trawler were Cnpt. William Janus, 54, skipper and owner; Siguard Samueison, 35. and Ernest Rankin, 35, all of Atlantic Highlands.

Young Woman's Club Elects Officers The fining Woman's cluh of Red Bank at Monday night's meeting elected Mrs. James VanNostrand president, Mrs. Ronald Mulliken vice ^resident, Mrs. R. T. Bixler recording secretary, Mrs. William Sherwood corresponding; secretary and Miss Marian Woolley treasurer. Miss Mary Gill, the retiring president, gave a report of the junior state convention at Atlantic City, Miss Catherine Russell reported that $300 had been collected for the fund to aid the blind. The club's scrapbook won second prize and it will be exhibited at the federation convention thi3 week. Meetings will be continued during the summer months. Miss Marion Harm was appointed to prepare the programs for the meetings.

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PAGES 17 TO 28.

New Building For Matters Before Mount-English Co. The Town Father* Brick Structure for Quick Serv- Contract for Oil for the.Strwtt ice Work Under Way on ForAwarded to C. C. Randolph, Jr mer Carroll Property on Ma—Varioui Street Improve, ple Avenue. menti Considered. The, Mount-English company la At the meeting of the mayor «nt

having a brick building for quick :ouncll of Red Bank Monday night service automobile work constructed i contract was awarded to C. a on the former Carroll property on Randolph, Jr., to supply lfs,747 ~ j . the east side of Maple 'avenue, which Ions of oil for $1,165.07 for street 5m. it bought some time ago. The new There were five other bidden, all ot place Is diagonally opposite tho com- them concerns at distant places with pany's office and main quarters at :onaiderably higher prices than thaB the corner of Maple avenue and Jffered by Mr. Randolph. Monmouth street. Louis Trlpodo of A petition with thirteen alracri Red Bank Is the contractor. was received asking that oil b* The building will be 38 feet square- spread on Marlon street. Counciland upon completion early next man Kenneth Wyckoff Btated that month It will Immediately bo put Marion street was not Included In into use. It will have five entrances, the oil program but that sufflcianli each with an overhead door. There :rankcase oil was on hand to ipray will be two hydraulic lifts and five ho street. He said that Marlon was In need of a coating of work stalls,, one of which will be street enclosed for a waah stand. Also a gravel. portion of tho building will be used The first reading of an ordinance for a stock and supply store, and was passed to have Elm place and there will be a modern lubrication Horace place improved with gravel system operated by air pressure. The at a cost not to exceed $2,500. It w u old-fashioned method of lubricating explained that this Improvement by means of pump guns wiil be would be paid for by state aid under eliminated. A modern heating sys- the Public Works act and that It wa» necessary to pass the ordinance In tem will be in the basement. to apply for such aid. The Mount-English company is order Councilman Wyckoff, who Is chairerecting the new place for, two rea- man of the street committee, said sons. One of these reasons is in- that Enigneer K. Allen had creased business and tho.other'is an prepared a planGeorge the Improvement increased demand for quick service of all,streets not for paved with concreta '" changes. Mayor Charles R. English, without borough taxes being Inone of the members of the company, creased. He said that a meeting of stated In talking wltH a Register re- the street committee of the council porter that by reason of-mass pro- would be held next Monday night to duction and new methods it was this proposal. oftentimes no more expensive to consider R. S. Bicknell, in a latter, eomhave worn-out parts on automobiles plained about a brook back of Bel*replaced with new ones than it waa gen place, between Broad street and to have repairs made. It is chiefly South street, and asked that It ba work of this type which will be done cleaned out before Ifc became choked In the new building. The long-time with vegetation. It was stated th»t Jobs will continue to be done in the the brook was likely to become a main building. In the new building, mosquito breeding place. The comamong other things, such work will plaint was referred to Ensley M, be done as changing, oil, greasing, White, who has directed several adjusting and repairing brakes, emergency relief projects at R«d ignition work and other jobs of that Bank. kind. Recorder Harry Klatsky turned In; The senior member of the Mount- $41 in fines which he had Collected Englioh company Is William K. the past month. Fines for parking; Mount of Engllshtown. At first the automobiles overtime amounted to» business was operated as the W. B. $9. Mount company. Mr. English en- Mrs. Julia M. Keough, the borough " tered tho employ of Mr. Mount in collector, was directed to pay J27,(MJ- i 1908 and became his partner in Hie 48 to tho county for taxes. Mayor Bed Bank business in 1023. In 1924 Charles R. English stated that th» the company bought the property at collector had enough county acrlp on the corner of Maple avenue and Mon- hand to pay the entire amount of th» inuulh otrcct, where It now carries taxes in this currency. on Its business. Prior to that time J. Albert VanSchoIck, chairman of it occupied the Stryker &. Stryker the fire committee, stated that till , building nn Monmouth street, Tho new aerial truck for Navealnk hoofc' business of the company prospered and ladder fire company would bfr from-the outset and it now has 23 shipped Monday, May 20. employes. At the suggestion of Councilman Thomas M. Gopsill a resolution o'ffered by Councilman Joseph C. Irwla was passed expressing regret over the death of Eugene M. Magee, who a few years ago served two terms of three years each as a councilman. The resolution directed that this symFoVty members attended the meet- pathy of the mayor and council ba ing of the Little Silver Woman's club extended tu Mr. Magee's family; that yesterday afternoon. It was votetl a floral piece be given for the list to join the auxiliary being formed rites: and that the officials attend among the women's clubs of the the funeral In a body. county to aid the county welfare Mr. Gopsill, who Is chairman of tha home at Freehold. police committee, made a reporb Plans were discussed for the an- about applications from Charles J. nual card party Tuesday afternoon, Wesson, Charles Scoff! and Joseph J. June 4, at the home of Mrs, Edward Talarico for taxlcab licenses, H» C. Fiedler on Seven Bridge road. It said the police committee had decidwill be under tho direction of tho ed that it would be unwise to grant welfare committee. any more applications for licenses. Mrs. Glenn Wishard of Red Bank There aro five licensees at present. The officials mado no comment on gave an interesting talk on India, where she lived several years. She Mr. Gopsill's report Mr. Wesson, who lives at Fair Hadescribed the dresses and habits of tho women in that country and she ven, said he bought his taxicaba at Red Bank and made most of hli exhibited several articles of clothing other purchases here. Ho said h» brought from India. tried four times within the past Refreshments were served by the had twelve years to get a license and had hostess committee consisting of Mrs. boen refused on various grounds. Ha Nelson K. Vanderbeek, Mrs, Alfred said he regarded tho present fee of Luyster, Miss May Hendrickson, Mrs, fifty centsjtif service as too T. W. Bidgoway and Mrs. J. Topper. high and tint taxlcab If granted a llcens* The president's party will take he would charge 25 cents for ono or place at the May 29 meeting. Presi- two persons and thirty cents for each dents of neighboring clubs will be additional person. Ho Inferred that invited to attend and Mrs. J. William live taxicabs were not sufficient Mr. Helm will bo tho guest soloist. Gopsill disagreed with Mr. Wesson, stating that he knew by observation that five were enough. Mr. Wesson, indicating that he still did not coincide with this, viewpoint, said h\ had nothing more to say and left the. meeting. Mr. Gopslil remarked thai The resignation of Mrs. Susanno the applications of Mr. Wesson and Felten as teacher of domestic sci- tho other two men were not turned ence was accepted at last night's down because of anything agalnat meeting of the Rumson board of ed- them but because moro taxlcabu wera ucation. The Rumson Presbyterian not desirable, church was selected for the bac- For a number of years pant Mr. calaureate servico for the graduating Wesson has been carrying on a taxiclass. This is the first class to com- cab business, at Hod Bank without a plete a four-year high school courso llccnac nnd the uctlon of the mayor n Hu:nsun. The board voted to givo nnd council Monday night does not school letters to those In tho grad- prohibit him from continuing thll uating class who arc In the school service. The only advantage In havband and who aro associated with ing a liconso IK that It would enabU the Rumsonlan, t!ie school paper. him to solicit business. Without a Commencement exercises will be license he ha« no right to do this and held Friday night. Juno 14. Tho ho can provide uorvlco only when speaker will be Prof. Charles Partcb, called upon to do so. Councilman Joseph C, Irwln, doan of tho school of education of chairman of tho waterway lmprovaRutgers university. ment commission, mado a report Indicating that prospects were encoupl^iirgor Quurtars, aginK that tho War Department Palsy Boielll has finished making would deepen and widen tho channel an addition anil Improvements to hia of tho liver.' Went. End tavnrn at the cornor of West Front street and Morford place, Red Hank, and ho will have IIOl'FM/VN TO 1(15 AT IltfMHON. opening celebration In tho enlarged quartoi-H Saturday night. Govornor Will M|iruk at 1'rlvnte School Coniinenramtint June 1> Dancing, with music by tho Village Rascals, will be one of the features Govornrir Harold O. Hoffnrnn will )>• nnd thero will bo an ontertainmont. tho oiilifr at the comtnancafiMnt Sandwiches will bo given.away. RXflrriHoti of tho nu.jison private school on Sntiirdny aititrnoon, JuflS Nmv 8nrje# Now Open. 1, I'ii'piiiatlt»i)» aro now und»r Way Tho Mainstay Building and Loan for p. [mgeant to he presenlid on Wth Association has opened a n«w series day, Muy 2IS. The entirn lebool W\ of shares offering a good Investment which can be mudi) In small monlJhly tulic part in tlio production, payments. Information mny be obtained at thn olllco of tho rmtiORlatlon, Auto HI]e r e a I e w I. Jacob., cookinI: Walter E._ Miller, j 1 ff , , Present. The club voted to urge members TO HONOR M IKS. ooklng, personal health; Edwin McQueen, i i c a , cooking; Donald Ossood, civics, to be present at the hearing on the ooking, personal health, reading: Ralph Improvement of the Shrewsbury riviiatontown Methodist Church To Iscco, chemistry; l i s t e r ' Shibla, rea-jlnRPruent Special Program Sunday. Troop 24—RuBsell Bennett, firat aid, er channel, which is to be held at the and ie raft, pioneering, stamp colIectlnR; Red Bank Elks home Friday after.'• An entertaining Mothers' day pro- flobert Cdlltnan, cpment work, masonry, noon, May 24. gram has been arranged by Rev. •lumblng, public health; William Davidson, .thletics, cooking, Icathercraft, patlifindinR; Several years ago the late CommoLouis _M. Case, pastor of the Eaton- lalph Handerion, carpentry, plumbing; town Methodist church, for the Sun- Paul Smith, carpentry, music, plumbing, dore James B. Weaver's Scud won a handsome sterling silver cup. at Orday morning Bervlca which' will be mblio health. Troop 26—Frank Braun, bird study, ange Lake, Kew York, Tho c"p Is fully Jn charge of the mothers. Ush- remsnshlp, gardening, personal health: known as the VanNoatrand cup and ers for the affair will bo Mrs. Eva Idward Boughton, conservation, cookinK, !%lkenburg and Mrs. Catherine .andictaft, pathflnding. fltcmanship; Wilr is open for competition for boats lam Kelly, firemannhip; Willlnm Ryiler, carrying 750 or more square feet of Smock. Mrs. Armabelle Dennis is in mimal Industry, nutomobilinff, cookinK, sail. In, recent years, duo to mildnr general charge. Irit aid; Gcorgo Toop, bird .study, eat- weather, there has been practically The program for Sunday morning >fintry, connervatlnn, cookinff, Troop 60—David Wood, cooking, first no activity of boats of this size in the #111 be as follows: •id to anlmalii, voodeaxylnR, safety; Stew- Kast. This, cup in now held in the 6ri»n prelude. irt VanVllct, poultry Seeping, Bchulnrnhlii. custody of the North Shrewsbury invocation by H n . Goldln WhIUWJ. Ice Boat and Yacht club and an, efDuet—"Can A Boy Forget HU Mother." by Mrt. Verna Frailer mid Mre. Dorfort will be made before next ycara's FOR CRrPPLED CHILDREN. .. othy Chaaey. ice. yachting season to get the donor Stetdins:, "A Trinity ol Motherhood," by or his club representatives to change Mrt. Anne Reynold!, Stamp Seal Campaign of The Elks the Story to a child—Itn. EdnA Seely. deed of gift ao that this cup may Was a Great Success. iteMlng, "A Mother's Picture," br Mr«. be raced for in class A competition, . ' Alida Zincale. The Crippled Kiddies committee thereby putting up a worth-while Hymn—"I Lov« Thy Kingdom Lord." AwftrdB to mother. The oldest tnd the ot the Red Bank Ellw lodge is grat^ trophy for inter-club meets. noBt children. : fled at tho most generous response While the meeting was in session, Tribute to Mother by Rev. Louis M. Case. Song "Dear Lord and Father of Monldnd." to their recent "Stamp-Seal" cam- the ice yachtsmen were agreeably paign. The committee headed by benediction. surprised to receive a call from The evening services will bo con- ihalrman Herbert E. Edwards ami Georgo W. DoUlver, an enthusiastic ducted under the supervision of Dan- Dr. Fred L. Newman, secretary- member of the club, who had been iel Morris, who has arranged a dra- treasurer, desire to thank the hoat in Florida waters for the past five jnatlo portrait of motherhood to be if contributors to the cause of the months in his large cabin yacht shown in five scenes. The Senior unfortunate. ReviUod, III. Mr. BoUiver and his Not one penny of the seal fund is HOn Bertram docked at Red Bank Epworth league will conduct special service at 6:45 o'clock Sunday even- 3 be applied to salaries or other late Thursday afternoon after hav"overhead" expenses. Many letters ing had a most unusual trip North ing: for. the mothers. regret were received from former through the inland waterway from 1 contributors to similar causes, who Miami. DAMAGES OB $1,000. owing to financial stress were unable Mr. Dolliver advocated that the Thomas Bergonzi Successful In Suit ,o participate In this campaign. The club use its influence to hnve a chancommittee ia most appreciative of Against New York Concern. nel improved in the vicinity of Cape •he receipt of regrets of that nature. Thomas Bergonzi, formerly of The passing of Joseph Salz, a de- May lor shortening the distance in Highlands, was the successful plain' voted friend of the crippled ktddied that particular section of the route. tiff in a suit tried before Judge Law- cause, left an irreparable vacancy In He also advocated that pressure be rence last week against the Layne- he committee, and the memory of brought to bear that would ultimately Kew York corporation, manufactur- 'Joe" Salz serves aa an inspiration give control of the inland waterway ers of deep wells. Mr. Bergonzi is a o his successors in the perpetuation through New Jersey from tho Manbrother of Ralph Bergonzi, who op- of his Ideals. The groat fraternity asquaii river to Chesapeake bay to erates the Villa Ritchie at Highlands. of the Elks is doing far more for federal authorities. He said the waterHe was in the trucking business and Jio relief and comfort of the dis- wiiy from Chesapeakn bay south is on August 21, 1933, one of'his trucks, tressed than is generally known ajid all under federal control and is in while proceeding from Philadelphia the crippled kiddies phase of activ- much bettnr condition than that porto Hightstown, was struck by ty is one that it is endeavoring to tion of the inland waterway that truck of the Layne-New Rork cor- cover adequately. passes through New Jersey and poration. Mr. Bergonzi's truck had which is under state control, been loaded with barrels of beer and IN MUSIC CONCERT. as a result of the accident it was I upset and a portion of the cargo was OFFICERS damaged us well as tho truck Itself. Shrewsbury School Pupils To Take I Mr. Bcrgoniil charged that the Part in Asbury Muslcalo Tomorrow, j S h r c W sbury Towne Chapter, ». A. brakes of the New York truck were A number of the grammar school K., Entertained By Mrs. Stillman. improperly adjusted. upila o£ the Shrewsbury school will Mrs. \ w Paul Stillman bf Fisher o represented in tho Monmouth placo Monday night entertained the The Jury gave a verdict awarding county musicalo festival tomorrow olllccrs und members of the Shrewsdamages of $1,000 to Mr. Bergonzi, who was represented by Quinn, Par- night in the Asbury Park Convcn- bury Townc Chapter, Daughters of .ion hall. Tho Shrewsbury,, pupils tho American He volution at her sons & Doremus. will bo hoard in the large chorua home nt which time the annual made up from Monmouth county meeting of the chapter was held folMOTHER'S DAI' OBSERVED. tChools. lowod by an eveningg of sociability. y Those to take part include David M J M f th Special Program at Meeting of Mrs. MatUmlee, regent of the bVood, Westort Buchanan, James Ladles' Hebrew Society, gave a very interesting reSamuel Fnrroll, Wallace chapter, o£ the. -14th Continental ConThe Ladies' Hebrew society of Davidson, Frank Quackcnbusli, Mnr- povt of the A. It. held recently Bed Bank observed Mother's day in uerite Wood, Claudia Rivenburgh, nt Washington nt whichh she and the new auditorium of the B'nai \nna Conzalitui, Edna Bennett, Huth, Mrs. C. Frank Uordert attended as Israol synagogue Tuesday evening Francis, Peggy Pogrnm, IHoronco delegates from tho Shrewsbury amid profuso rteco-nUons of blossoms Wilson, Wimnm Ylvisalter, Winitial Towno chapter. nnd lilacs. FloWPrn wore presented Drake,' Muriel Sanborn, Evelyn At tho buflinr-Fa session all the ofto each mother find Mrp. 1. J. Tru- l>ange. Margttret Ahern. Jane Ma- ficers were re-elected. The-y are: bln Bang; selections appropriate to ion, Margnret Silver, Jonn Best, !(ef.'CUt — MrH. .Tinnc M n t t e n l e c . the day. with occomiianlmenl by Miss -largaret I^ange, Patricia Hughes, V i m regent — M r * . I.'. F r a n k l l o n l m . Hose Haft, rtnbhl Arthur H! Her- Lnna Louise Campbell, Dorothy Hrct-.Mra. llnnlel I), i l l ehop spoke on "Mother3 In Israel." ack.son, Helen Herman, Helen Jnhny—Mrn. Charle A business meeting followed at ;on, Betty May, Robert Wihum, John which plans were made for a paid- lalgh, John Jlylancl, Helen Powers, o r — M r s . Hay mom I t eorgo Marx, HMon liordon nnd n r — M r s . Kclwin M. J airier. up membership dinner to be held In n — M r * , t ' l u r l r s (i. Ctnwver. tlis hall, Tuesday, May 21. Refresh- lelen Buckalcw. uTi—Mrf. Frmil; (Jnn >ltoitltii!>h. ment* were served at n tea table Stcwnrt V nVlict. decorated with lilacs, bridal wreath PAUTV FOR ISKUKAKl) KELUfM j A lunclioon will ho hold Tuesday, and candles. .Fane 11 at the Ithin Door Iofi room Surprl&o Kvont Held At Ilio Home at Shrewsbury. A historical tour SAFE DEPOSIT EXHIBIT. Of Stanley Croydon I-ast Wtcii. wiU fnllow to include the. tea room, tho Quaker meetlitp house, and the A surprise parly was given Contrast of New und Old Methods Bernard Kellum one night last week Kplscnpnl and PrabyliTinn churches, Shown a t Second National. g all located jn Shrtnv.stmry. In the lobby of thn .Second National at the ho:ne of Stanley Croydon of Mrs. Olson In addressing the group Marlon street. Games and dancing Bank and Trust company there la Monday, .spoke of tho formation of were enjoyed and at midnight rean Interesting display Bhowing the frcahmente were served. Those prtM- a Children of the American Uovoludanger of keeping valuable papers ent were Eatlier Bictiormjin, Mac tlon t:(ie.icty to bo formed in tho fall. In cigar boxes and other receptacles Llnbach und Charlotte Broun of Hever.'il f,'a\'*' nairn^f of prospective that are not fireproof, In tho home. Oakhumt; Clara Woolley and Jean- members. A ffrr»d b In a mixture of sports, Includ- tho resolution. ing hockey, golf, polo, etc. Along that same llr.p. Fr«!-.ol,1pr A new fourteen-foot bar has been Arthur Fryer of In'.er'sltpn exinstalled in the old library next to plained that the signals at the railthe ballroom, and a number of min- road crossing on Corllw nvcr.ue wer* or changes have been made to put inadequate and a fisiardous condithe club In readiness for their future tion existed there. The board a o n j programs. • t'» ask Neptune township to seek Tho polo season In the form of a more protective r.iesHirps for the practice game, which was supposed crossing. to have gotten underway last Sunday A cpmmunica)k-.n from Mrj. J. H. but wns postponed due to rainy Matlaee of Shrewrtftiry. representing weather, will get underway this af- the Daughters cf ihp American Revternoon under the supervision of olution chapter, r*queMed permisGeorge Oliver. sion f«m the t^ard to erfrct a markGolf tournaments are being er on a.vfry o^d trfe on the plot of planned for woek-ends and outside ground near the pwtafflce butldlnc matches have been scheduled to be on Sycamore arenue. It was explayed next month. The club's big | plained that a tour of historic plscM event which Is now being planned is ia to be he!d on June 11. and an efthe New Jersey State Open golf ' fort Is heirs;: made to have the markchampionship to be held there In i er erected at the conclusion of that August. A number of artists at the J tour. Director Reicbey told the dele'hit and chase" game will be repre- | gatlon of members attending that he seted in the large field of profes- did not believe thst the county had sional golfers. jurisdiction over the trees and advised them to obtain the consent of ATTEND JUBILEE CELEBRATION the municipal authorities and persons In Shrewsbury who are inRed Boiikan Present At Annual terested. The board granted Its permission, however, In case it was later Convention In Philadelphia. found that they had the jurisdiction. Mrs. Walter G. French, Mrs. IsaChief of Police Edwin Bloat of bella Field, Mrs. William A. Patter- Matawan was again present in refson and Miss Alice Morford repreerence to the police radio system for sented tho Red Bank branch of the Needle-work Guild of America .at Us the county. He explained that' adfiftieth anniversary convention held ditional work had been done by the last Thursday at .the Belleview committee and they were ready to Director Stratford hotel at Philadelphia. They report to the board. made the trip in Mrs. French's car. Reichey told of his Investigation of the angle of hooking up with the A feature of the opening program state police system. In an interview waa the roll call. Each city or town with Colonel Schwarzkopf ho was was called alphabetically and as the told that the state police system Is name of the place was called tho purely experimental at preBent and president or her representative of that particular district responded and will be confined solely to state police told how many delegates were pres- work. He was assured, however, that ent from her group. The Westmin- when the county system become opster choir of Prlnceto^ was a lea- erative, receiving sets will be Inture of the afternoon program. Oth- stalled In state police stations at Keyer features of the assembly were the port, Milltown, Farmlngdale and Thursday morning, various reports given by the national Hightstown. May 16, at ten o'clock, was set for and state officers. the time when the police chiefs of Mias Rosamond K. Bender, executive secretary of tho board of direc- the county and the board will distors, reported that 46,881,000 gar- cuss the systetn. Freeholder Mayer ments had been collected during the expressed his pleasure that the matllfo of the guild and that last year ter was to ho talked over and added 1,849,584 garments haa Ifcen" collectr Hthat he had a letter in his possession, the contents of which Indicated ed and distributed. The Red Bank branch of the guild that the matter had been completely is planning a card party to be held settled. A delegation of officials from West at the Molly Pitcher hotel on Riverside avenue Tuesday, June 11. The Long Branch appeared to remind the committees have not yet been ap- board of a petition they presented pointed and as soon as they are last January, requesting that Locust avenue and Wall street, in their bornamed they will be published. ough, be taken over as county roads. Director Reichey Informed them WHO OWNS THE EQUIPMENT? that their .application was in the hands of the highway committee and Controversy Over Brewing Machln- •would be acted -upon in due course. inery Follows Tax Sale. Tho delegation Included Mayor A writ of mandamus hag been Is- .Tames R. Mount, Councilman Wilsued by Justice Joseph B. Persklo ^o liam H. . Dennis, Councilman Dr. determine ownership of equipment Owen Woolley and Borough Clerk J. formerly belonging to tho Jersey Russell Woolley. Lester Mount, who lives near the Brewing corporation and valued at $25,000. The corporation operated a county lino near Lakewood, apbrewery on Palmer avenue, In Mld- peared before the board to complain dletown township, near tho Keans- of a broken' drain pipe on the road burg Gateway, but It is now In tho noar his farm which, because of Its hands of a receiver. condition, failed to carry off the The equipment was-struck off at water, and as a . result, a large a tax salo March 13, which was con- amount of his potatoes had been ductod by Constable Thcoias Hackett. washed out. The board was of the Back taxes of $1,300 wero due. Ed- Impression from his description that mund Csmzona, representing his tho road in question was a township client, John J. Sonncn, one of the road, but advised tho bridge departowners of the corporation, tendered ment In Investigate. a check for $1,387 to cover tho enClerk Colo reported on return lettire bill and costa. The property was ters from public utilities concerns In declared struck off to him, but" this Monmouth county, with whom ho was dlsputod by Ehler Meyer, who had corresponded upon orders from made a bid of $1,500. Mr. Mey- the board, requosting more co-operor declared that because ho was the ation In the acceptance of scrip in high bidder he should be considered payment of bills. The Monmouth the owner, nnd tho application for Consolidated VVator Supply company tho writ of mandamus was made on replied that they had never refused this ground. Tho township haa received the amount of taxes duo and to accept it. The Monmouth Gas tho decision will not affect this as- company, tho Jersey Central Power pect of the matter. The township & Light company and the Kow Jercannot lose rogardloua of how tho sey Boll Telephono company replied case turns out. The township Is rep- that they accepted a great quantity resented in thin matter by T. Cyril of tho Bcrlp and would continue to accept It In payment of bills from Butler. •• employees of tho county. Tho letter from the board waa prompted by tho NINTH BIRTHDAY. complaint of merchants of tho county that they could not accept the Jeanne Frommcr Tendered Party In ncrip from customers Inasmuch as Birthday Celebration. tho utility concerns woujd not acMre. Nathan Fronimer entertained cept It from them. Tho tone of the with a children's party Tuesday af- letters did not suggest any remedy ternoon at her home on John atrect for that problem. Tho borough of Katontown Inin celebration of the ninth birthday of her daughter, Jeanne. Games were formed the board of a bad drainage played and refreshments served. condition on Tlnton avenue, which Those attending wero Evelyn was referred to tho brldgo departLeavens, Norma Olnon, Phyllis Hen- ment. Tho borough of Brlollo comderson, Betty Bowen, Lola VnnOs- plained because plans for the span tenbrldgc, Jean VanDorn, Hclitn Os- over the Upper M«naoquan river did trov, Kay Poremua, Dorothy Law- not prnvldo -for a draw, and- Enrence, Doris KLilln, Judy Miller, gineer Hogon wan directed to supply Audrey Johnson, Martha Corning, them with the details. A communiGuinevere Dey, Buddy Frommor »Dd cation from Prose'cutor Raymond

Busy Season At Eatontown Club

ilic sixteenth annual hall of the New Jersey chapter of tlio Rainbow division votcvuna, hold Ui3t Saturday nlRht In the auditorium of the Jlert Bunk Ellm club, waa nttended by nearly two hundred persona. The hall wna attractively decorated in the colors of tho rainbow. Music for tho dancing way furnished by Hackett'a orchestra. Tho entertainment portion of tlio program consisted of vocal selection!) by Victor Ilclinont of Long Branch nnd tap danco numbers by Tony Iluntini;. An nfphfin, nindn by members of the wnmen'n auxiliary of tlio clinpler, wan awarded to Michael DeLlsa of IjOiip Branch. Tlio committee In charge wan headed by John Vlx and consisted of II. Raymond Phillips, Joseph liclinonl. Thnmn.i Valentine nnd Arthur Hlattrry. Mr. Valentin* ia pro»ldont ot tlio ciinnt«r. J a u rrommer.

Informed uU board ol tho

would b# honortd. Among othar matters which were quickly dlapottd ot by th» board were a communication from the Cotnmlulon on Crime, Inclosing a copy of a resolution pertaining to the, housing of juvenile delinquents, which was ret erred to the county aSjuster; tho report that the recent request of the Atlantlo Supply company that other concerns be allowed to supply tho fuel and coal tor which thoy contracted with the county, had been withdrawn; and a resolution providing for the transfer ot $1,000 of road maintenance funds tor the township of Freehold, from the Freehold-cjordon'n cornur ro»rt to the Froehold4C*»t Freehold road Improvement fund, Dana mul n|iccl(k«tlon« for the Improvement nf thn dhm ami erection of tho bulkhead M, YNtrrlnevltlo, nravlouily mibmtlted tn the bnnnl by County Knittneer Jri>n F. Hogan, were approv*d, »nd th« eWk was ftiithorUM tn ndwrllie tw bid* to )a*t w*ol must bo used for secondary roads, exclusive of stato hifrhwray maintained roads. Monmouth county should receive at least SlOO.OOfl of that amount, In his opinion, and the board adopted a resolution demanding that tho funds allotcd for secondary roada be used for that purposo only! copies of which -will be sent to Governor Hoffman, the Stato Highway commission and the Federal Bureau of Roads. Freeholder Mayer called attention lo two bills with out of tho county concerns, which have boon owed for more than a year. Although he contended that the hills had been previously presented and referred from first one and then another, other members of the board said that they had never seen them before. Director Reichey referred thorn to Solicitor Stevens, -who will determine the claims, and then refer them to the finance department. The board adopted resolutions providing for taking over as county roads, a portion of tho old Mount Holly road In Upper Freehold townBhip and of Neptune avenue, between Sylvanla and Sixth avenue, In Neptune City, •

m • «»


In tho Broad Street bank, building has an unusual advertisement in todays Issue of Tho Register. Th« advertisement features selling life Insurance on a ton-year-term policy at a penny a day. Jt shows a table for eaoh year, ranging from' ago ten to age fifty and the amount of insurance a person can got for the annual payment of 53.65. Mr. Boyce, In talking with a Register representative yesterday concerning this new ponny-a-d&y policy, stated that It Is Issued to both males and females- between the ages of ten and fifty years, who are now In good health, without medical examination, but not more than five of these policies will bo Issued to any one person. The peimy-a-day Investment buys an old-line legal reserve llfo Insurance protection with the Bankers' National Life Insurance company of Jersey City, which is rated "A," (excellent), among tho Eastern companies. A feature of each policy Ik an Immediate payment coupon and If the beneficiary needs money for Immediate expenses the company's official receipt for tho last premium can be presented to the local bank and a sight draft will be Issued which will give the beneficiary the Immediate use of $100, At tho end of tho third policy year tho policy participates annually on the policy anniversary in the distribution of tho cornpany'B dlvlsnhls surplus, which is paid In cash or applied In reduction of premiums as the policy holder shall elect, and If the dividend Is left on deposit with tho company to accumulate at such rate of Interest as tho company may from year to year determine, it will never earn less than throe and one-half per cent per annum, compounded annually. The amount of tho policy varies with tho ago of the applicant and doubles after tho first year. As an example, a person at the age of forty receives $300 llfo Insurance for the dally penny, $150 tho first year and amount of the insurance doubles on tho second year, the annual cost remaining tho same, a penny a day. Mr. Boyce states that the policy has beon developed for the purpose of meeting a present-day condition and Is really a depression policy. Being a ten-year-term Insuranco, at the very moat ono can only spend '$36.80 per unit In tho entire ten-year period.

New Tenants Tor Homes In Little Silver and Vicinity. Recent rentals made by Ralston Waterbury are as follows: The Hurst cottage at Little Silver Point for the 6ummor to O. H. Smith of South Orange, formerly of Shrewsbury. Edward, H. Simpson's cottage at Gooseneck point for' the simmer to Charles Black, Jr., of Elizabeth, who Is associated with the Standard oil company. C. K. Knoll's bungalow, "Sunnylands," at Little Silver for the summer to Grenvllle Harris of West End and California. A bungalow a t Little Silver, owned by Mrs. Ada Crandall, for one year to Louis Grob, Jr., of Red Bank. Thomas Hasler's farm on Silver. side avenue, Little Silver, to Stephen Greenwood of Mlddletiwn. Mrs. Carroll Burck'a house on GROUP INSTITUTE. Plnckney road for one year to Howard Halk of Mount Vernon, formerly of Fair Haven. Ked Bunk W. C. T. V. To Meet With Mlddletown Unit.' The Woman's Christian TomperENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. anco' union ot Red Bank will hold a Miss Marlon L. Simmons to Wed group institute With tho Middlotown unit Thursday, May 10, at the Red Henry Clay Pierce. Bank headquarters. There will be Mr. and Mrs. Cheston Simmons of two scsslonB, ono in the morning at Locust Point, have announced the half-past ton o'clock and ono in tb» engagement of Miss Marion Louisa afternoon at two o'clock. A covered Simmons, sister of Mr. Simmons, to dlBh luncheon will be served at halfHenry Clay Pierce, a grandson and past twelve. All the members are renamesake- of the lato Henry Clay quested to bring a dish of food. MM. Pletco. Albert M. VanNOBtrand Is chairman Miss Simmons, daughtor of the of the cmimltteo. late Mr. and Mrs. Chc3ton SimMiss Elma A. Mathfs, state recoroV mons, attended the Finch school, New Ing secretary, will bo the principal York and the Academic Delecluse speaker. Mrs. Leroy Thorns, county and Clouet school In Paris, She is Y. P. B. sccrotary, address the a member of tho American Water young people. Mrs. will Lizzlo A. Hlght, Color society and National Arts club. county president, will also address Mr. Plorce, the son of Mr. and tho gathering. Mrs. Henry Arthur Pierce of Bluo The Mlddletown unit will conduct Water, Rumson, prepared at Pomfret school for Harvard, from which tho afternoon session and the R,ed he was graduated In 1027, and whore Bank unit will conduct the morning he was a meaiber of the Fly, Iro- session. The publlo Is invited to atquols, Hasty Pudding and Stilus tend the sessions. clubs. Ho Is connected with HaySERIOUSLY INJURED. den, Stone & Co. Postern on Exhibition. Tho posters which wore reoently exhibited In ;tho ABbury Park Convention Hall under tho auspices of tho Monmouth County Organization for Social Sorvlce are now on exhibition at tho Hod Bank Elks home. They will bo thero all this week and longer If necessary. Those posters will be used by tho organization for Itn publicity work. T. C. Woodhead of Red Bank was tho winner of tho uicond prize In tho contest. Judge For Dog Show. Tho Jersey Shore Kennel club has he on fortunate In scouring the services of Hubert G. Doll of, Union as judge for tho club's Snatch show to bo hold tomorrow night *t the ElUn1 club auditorium^ Mr, Doll Is well known as a Judge Of sporting dogs and many other broeds. I'oppy Day Addreu. Walter Gogarty, publicity ofllcer for Post ,1053 of Veterans of Foreign Ware of Keansburg,' will broadcast an address from Station WBRB at. Red Bank next Thursday morning In the Interest of the Buddy Poppy Day isflleq Qf the Va^eraOa Pt For•18Q



*. • • ' • • • • ' . " •


Eatontown Youth Bun Down By Cfl Friday at South Amboy. Fred Covert, Jr., elevon-yiiar-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Covert, Sr., of Monmouth Park, Katontown, waa seriously Injured Friday nlgbt at nine o'clock when a car ran off tho road at South Amboy ana struck him. , Tho boy was spending the weekend assisting his undo at his toml stand at South Amboy. At the, time of tho accident ho was moving « wheelbarrow full of oranges. The car, driven by Nick Moore of Newark came from tho right hand side of tho road on to tho road stand property and struck tho youth. He wan rushed to tho South Amboy hospital where- ho did not regain consciousness until Saturday afternoon. His condition Is reported to bo Improved. X-rays Monday showed that no bones were broken but that h« had n concussion and waa soverely bruised about the shoulders and back. The driver was placed under arrest, . Newspaper circulation that count* with the advertlsor 1« the bonafi.H ono—tha Kind The Register has. No premiums or other Inducements h a v

ever been offered to n«cute olroul*' UBQldtiaOV '

' HEDT3ANK REGISTER," MAY ». 1935. League sirvlces at sev»n o'clock la ths evening. A third choir, to b* knoWo u tfe« ,'Mri,°A. M. White and Crawford B. Young People's; choir, has b o n orWJilU of Wait Front rtreet were ganized under, the direction of Mr*. After more than nine hour* fruitrt(iitered l u t week as gueiU nt Theresa Wllley and. MUs Jans I « v Garrett V. Conqver, a well known The Boy Scout court of honor for the Chalfonte-Haddon Hall at At- fetra. A rehearsal wlll'ba' held every resident of Atlantlo township for less search for a vessel which was district 4, comprising troops 27 and reported In distress twenty mile* off lantic City. many years, executed hi* will in OcSunday night at' 7:18 o'elook. 74 of Atlantic Highlands, troop 25 of George Anderson, Methodist evam tober, 1921, and be made a codicil to New Jersey, Coast Guard headquart- Highlands and troop 88 of Port MonMr. «nd M M . Tltui Hammond of J i n e y City were Sunday gueita at gell.t, will contlnus to hold meetings the will in January, 1923. He left to er* at New York Tuesday appealed mouth, m e t last night a t the Atlanthe homi of Mr«, Hammond's •Inter at thB church Monday' nlghU. The his children Samuel ,W. Conover, to all snipping to watch for the tic Highlands high school. Life awards were conferred on Jack and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mra. churoh was crowded to capacity law Daniel D. Conover and Alletta J. mysterious vessel. 45 PATTERSON ST., 45 BROAD ST., The position given by the ship, Kwlk and Gerard Dempsey of troop G»orge Gramann, Jr., of Brown Monday. The subject this Monday Mount, each 13,000. All the rest of Prompt and Free his' estate was left to his jrandchllr "twenty miles off Sea Bright," Is the NEW BRUNSWICK. 25. Six scouts were promoted from will be "The White Tlobed Crirlst." place. RED BANK. dren, Mary K. Garth, Walter H. Con"grave yard" of the Atlantic, near Delivery. second to flrst class. They were Mr. and MM. Frank Sharabba of TEL 85. TEX. R. B. 8202, over, Arthur B. Conover, Louis J. the scene of the Morro Cattle and Thomas Bouldln, Hayword LeRue Atlanta, Georgia, are visiting Mr. "Mothers of Men" will be the suband Earl Scruby of troop 74 and WilSharabba'i parents, Mr. and Mm. R. ject of the sermon to be given Sun- Conover and Clarence S. Conover. He Mohawk disasters. named his grandsons, Walter and The faint plea, for help was inter- liam Gardner, Louis Helneck and Saro Sharsbba o( Bridge avenue. THE CREAM OF day morning a t the Mother's day Martini & Rossi Italian GINS at Lowest Prices! Conover as executors of the cepted at 1:30 A. M., Alden W. Lester Rembert of troop 25. WoodsMlM Jean Dleckman of Washing- service at the Presbyterian, church by Arthur Smith, 25-year-old law student and worth Minor of troop 27 and Donton Heights and Willis Hess of the. pastor, Rev. John A. Hayes. In, will. Lord Saulsberry $-f .49 30 oz. SCOTCHES amateur wireless operator, reported. Mrs. Helen h. Wyckoff of Aabury ald Wcatbrook of troop 74 were adHa^kenaack were Sunday guests of the evening the pastor will preach oji , •!• bottle Mr. and lift. ThomaB Irving Brown ths theme, "The Christ: of.Revela- Park executed'her will in 1980. Be- He notified police. Part of the mes-vanced from tenderfoot to second 85 proof, At the Lowest Price quest* of household furnishings were sage was also heard at the Bay Head class. of Broad street: tion." ' '. Noilly Prat French made to her daughter, Ann M. Wyc- Coast Guard station. fifth Mils Alice Gumon of Flnckney The annual missionary tea will be koff; her son, Edward c; Wyckoff DBWAR'S Members of troop 25 who received Although the message was signed road and Miss Elsie Wildanger of held In the church auditorium to$ i 39 30 oz. Middletown township will take part morrow afternoon at 8:80 o'clock. and her sister, Ann M. Wyckoff. An "XX6," a check showed no vessel merit badges were Ralph Coleman WHITE Jolly Roger, QQC -•bottM In the annual Parents' Day festi- Rev. J. W. Honing, a missionary in undivided half Interest In a property listed under those call letters, A for camping and pathflnding, BenLABEL; on Fourth avenue, Asbury Park, nett Comer for CIVICB and woodturnCoast Guard radio later picked up vities Saturday afternoon, May 11, Africa, will be the speaker. His sub-s 85 proof, fifth VU was. bequeathed to her daughter, Ideal Vermouths a,l the New Jersey College for Wom- Ject will be, "Presenting Christ 'JOHNNY in Artn, and her son, Lewis B. Wyckoff. the name "Hal" on the same wave lng, Gerard Dempsey for camping, length, but officials were unable to metal work, Hchplarship and readen at New Brunswick, Miss Gamon , WAUUEIi She left property known as Sunset Identify the supposedly stricken Ing; Fred Koch for metal work, i« on the committee for printing-and Africa." Silver Shield, 85 proof. Landing on the north side of Sunset boat. John Kwik for handicraft and woodBacardi Gold Seal programs and Miss Wildanger will BED Rev. W. Carman Trembath, pa(H avenue In trust, This property is full $-1.34 work, and Lester Rembert for perCoast Guard headquarters, baffled be a. Jester |n the pageant. tor of the Reformed church, and used as a boat livery and Mrs. WycLABEL; Mrs. Ann Waters of Delray Beach, George S. Duncan, an elder of that koff directed that the income should by the night-long search in a com- sonal health and woodwork. Merit qt. ., * fUH Florida, la spending several weeks church, were among the representa- be paid to her eons, Joseph, Oliver paratively well defined area, suspect- badge awards In troop 88 were at the home of her daughter, Mrs. tives of the Classls of Monmouth of arid Frances Wyckoff and her daugh- ed « ruse. They believed the call Clmrles Liebhauser for bookbinding, BUCHANAN'S BLACK ANT) Bacardi White Seal Dixie Belle, 90 proof-— Joseph Miller of the Country club the Reformed church to the Particu- ter, Helen C. Wyckoff. Edward C. may have been a fake like the game Albert Quackenbush for gardening WHITE. of rum runners during prohibition to estates. • , lar synod of New Brunswick, which Wyckoff and Harry A. Watson were draw the cutters away from their po- and John Havens for handicraft and full $4.69 personal health. Abraham Zager, who Is now at- met Tuesday at Plaindeld. White Horje named as executors of the will. sition. X tending Bucknell university at Lew- A delegation from the local church The court of honor was composed qt ' Elizabeth E. Newcomb of Ocean Isburg, Pennsylvania, was a week- attended the meeting of the Youth The ship was reported leaking and of Herbert S. Melnert of Atlantic end visitor at hla parents' home on Fellowship Tuesday night. Albert Grove executed her will In 1934. She disabled by motor failure, but able to Highlands chairman, A. Beeler of BOTTLED IK BOND. 8 year left a attare of one-sixteenth each of "keep afloat about two hours." , Imported Spanish Port, William street. Highlands, Arthur Andrews of Belold Canadian Bourbon Wtlskey. Snlffen was chairman of the trans- her estate to Franklin Newcomb, Mr. and Mrs, Lamar Felton of Besides a fleet of Coast Guard ves- ford, Walter Burkhart of Port MonGold Stream Apple 100 proof. two types, Tawney Dry Oceenport and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph portation committee. The speakers John Newcomb, Evelyn Newcomb, Bels groping off the foggy coast, with mouth and Morgan Knapp, assistMiller of the Country club estates were Dr. Daniel A. Poling, president Everett Newcocnb, Jr., and Nelson about a mile visibility, two airplanes ant scout executive. Brandy and Full Rich Sweet— of the International society of the Newcomb, all grand-nephews and 9 $ 75 opent Sunday In Philadelphia. from Cape May skimmed the ocean Endeavor; Dr. Milton J. grand-nieces. The remainder of her .without Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rachcsky of Christian Blghtlng. the ship or wreck1 $ 09 ls The Red Bank R e n t e r travels Little Sliver are the parents of a Hoffman , professor of church his- estate was bequeathed to her nep age. Ideal for that Old Fashioned over every street in town and every daughter born Sunday morning at tory at the New Brunswick theo- hew, Franklin L. Newcomb, and her CoclrtalL road in the county. Let It carry your Guaranteed to SatUfy. the Passalc General hospital. The In- logical seminary, and Dr. John Van- niece, Ethel M. Saunders. 1 Year Old Card of Thanks. message to those who live on these fant has been named Phyllis Raches- Ess, principal of the Basrah boys' Mrs. Marvlna B. Scudder of BelI wish to thank all those who of- thoroughfares.—Advertisement. ky. Mr. Racheeky Is a pharmacist school at Iraq, Arabia. mar left her house to her daughter, fered sympathy during my recent beThe Ladles' Aid society met last Mary L. Scudder, In a. will which she reavement; especially Rev. J, B. McIn IJggett's drug store on Broad night In the social hall, with Mrs. executed in 1033. Bequests of per- Closkey, John Day, B. J. HigginB, W: street. and family, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Osborn as hostess. sonal effects were made to her sons, C. Dennis Miss Carolyn Sherman of ShrewsScott, Mra. J. L. Harrison, Mr. Trembath wll.1 be the prlnol- Henry and James Scudder, her Walter bury and Harry Worden of East those who donated cars, Miss Harriet Front street attended a performance pal speaker at the annual meeting granddaughter, Darcy Scudder, and Taylor, Mrs. J. H. Sullivan, James of the Rlngling Brothers and Bar-of the congregation of the Long her daughter-in-law, Inez Scudder. Curley, George H. Hickey and John num and Bailey circus at Madison Branch Reformed church to be held The rest of the estate was divided Oakes^Jr. equally among all her children. ' ,"• Edward J. Rellly. Square Garden at New York recent- tonight. A Mother'* day service will be ly. Mrs. Anna L. Smith of Long —Advertisement. Edward Mealier of West Front hold at the local church on Sunday Branch left J2.000 to her nephew, Card of Thanks. street Is a patient in the United morning at 10:30 o'clock by the Louis Engelhardt, $500 to her grandTo the many friends and relatives States veterans' hospital at Now Young Women's league. At the conT daughter, Mrs. Amia Smith, and who so kindly assisted in any way elusion of the aervlce the young wom- $1,000 each to Dorothy and Elisabeth during our recent bereavement, we York. to extend our sincere appreciaMrs. Fred Gill of Monmouth street en, who will be attired In white, will West. All 1the rest of her estate was wish tion. »nd thanks. baa returned home after spending present a flower to every mother bequeathed to her step-daughter, QUALITY PWS SERVICE Thn F. A. Sutphin Family. Elizabeth S. West of Oceanport, and several months at St. Petersburg present. —Advertisement. On Sunday night, May 18. *••« •he was named executrix of the will. 4nd Miami, Florida. Mrs. Anna Brady of Long Branch Card of Thanks. Mme. Sara Harding of Bergen place Monmouth Junior college glee ctub We sincerely wish to thank all attended a meeting of the Splrella of fifty voices, under the direction executed her will last November. 2 PHONES—NO WA.TING. Cbnetlere company Tuesday at the of Laurence Dllnner, will present a She left all of her estate, to her those who assisted us during our resacred cantata. Jean Templeton will grandsons, Joseph and Edward Mc- cent bereavement, especially Mr. Hotel Victoria, New York. PHONES: 3262 or 3263. FREE DELIVERY. Freeman, relatives, friends, all who Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mills, who re- be the soprano Bolofst. The selec- Guire. She named them as execu- sent flowers or loaned cars. ' . cently went housekeeping at 58 Wal- tions will inolude "Dear Land of tors. Mrs. E, Porter and Family. Mr. and Mrt. E. Walt Havens of —Advertisement laca street, spent Sunday visiting Mr. Home" by Sebelllus, "We Praise MIlU's mother, Mrs. Kate Mills of Thee" by Dinner and "Gajlla" by Sea Girt In a joint will which was Card of Thanks. executed last December, left their Gunoud. , East Orange. We wish to thank the many friends entire estate to their daughter, Miss Vera McKnlght of Foxwood who gave expressions of their sym"Adam and Fallen Man" will he Pauline de Cordova, and she was pathy in our recent bereavement; for park spent Sunday visiting relatives , the subject of th« Lesson-Sermon In named as, executrix floral tributes and other marks of a t Trenton. Joseph Simon of Asbury Park kindness. Mr«. C. L. Clark of Brooklyn spent the First churoh of Christ, Scientist, Mrs. Charles Gross and Family. OLD DUTCH ynterday visiting her daughter, Mrs. In Red Bank, on Sunday, May 12. made his will last March. All of hi» —Advertisement. The Golden Text is: "A» Moses estate was left to his wife, Hannah H. S. Jackson of Foxwood park. CLEANSER Chocolate, Nut Chocolate, Pure Currant and Raspberry Simon. Large Pkg,—Keg. Miss Virginia Duske of New York lifted up the serpent In th» wilderLemon or Vanilla Jelly—lO-oi. Glaat Miss Lucy Vaugoln of Long spent the week-end visiting at the ness, even so must the Son of man IN MEMORIAM. home of Thomgs McKnlght and his be lifted up: that whosoever be- Branch made her will in 1932. Sho In lad but lovinir memory of our dear Ueveth in hfcn should not perish, but named her step-mother, Hortenae mourn-, Mrs. Edwanl Hoey, who departed family of Foxwood park. Vaugoln, and her sister-in-law. May this lift May 12, 1921. Miss Amy Hemming of Elm place, have eternal life" (John. 3:14, 15.) THE HOEY FAMILY. Among the citations which com- Vaugoln, as executrlces. Fifty per yvho has been employed at. the Broad cent of her estate was left to her Street' National hank for the past prise the Lesson-Sermon is tho fol- step-mother t-lb. and 25 per cent to each IN MEMORIAM. nine years, has accepted a position lowing from the Bible: • "Know ye of her brothers, Charles P. and FerTo t i t cherished ' memory of Gsorgin with the statistics research and not, that to whom ye yield your- dinand K. Vaugoin. Amslia Leonard, whons lofty idealn, helpPEACHES finance department at Washington, selves servants to obey, hi j servants . Joseph J. Keating, Sr:, of Belmar, ful and devoted companionship remain an X). C., Her jnoUier will move to jo arc to whom ye obey; whether of left $50 to St. Rose's church in a inspiration. or APRICOTS sin unto death, or of obedience unto Earth ha» Io>t, Heaven ha» calned, Washington on Juno 1. FANCY LIGHT MEAT will which he executed last month, HUBFF'S—15-oz. Jons of the bast earth contained. William WikofT, son of Mr. and righteousness? For when ye were He directed that his house be kept In One Tall Con—Her- 18° my memory ahe is ever dear— Mrs. William H. Wlkoff of Maple the servants of.sln, ye.were free from up until his daughter, Veronica, Is Ever bringing a eilent t«ar. avenue, la reported to be much im- righteousness. But iiow^ being made 21 years of age. He directed that H« came, her rath to brlirhten. To twin© a diamond band proved following an appendicitis op- free from sin, and become servants seventy shares' of American Stores Uniting earth and heaven, tratlon Friday at the Long Branch to God, ye have your fruit unto hol- stock be sold one year after his That holy, happy land. InesB, and the end everlasting life" And when her way was darkened hospital. death. His estate Is then to be di(Romans 6!l6, 20, 22.) She wanted not Bish nor tear. The vocalist who sang with the vided among all his children. But aaifl, "A thorn has pierced me— The Lesson-Sermon also includes Rumsonlans at the recent ChamSo 1-oAeB muflt ba near." It ffu to her the breath ot balm. ber of Commerce benefit was Jack the following passage from the That' niffhs from folded blosnomi vet . OFFICERS GIVE FABTY. Clark of Red Bank and not Arthur Christian Science textbook, "Science with dew. and Health with'Key to the ScripCurtln as previously stated. The day'n first dawn-ray— tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "When Fancy Pink, tall cans 2 " ^ 23c Mrs. W. J. Korver and sons John Elks Auxiliary Gather at Home of The nkien powder-blue. Royal Stag 2 "" 35c DAVIDSON Delicious Th« BtarllBht'a aotden ffleim, and Joel have returned to their home we wake to the truth of being, all Mrs. Walter meet between Long Branch, Prince- Walter B. Connor president, Mrs. Whathaa ahown T ton and Red Bank. Red Bank's Samuel Berkowitz first vice presila not All said. Beloved. Old Monk Roquefort Dres'g 20c Sanka 43c "> small portion of nine points were dent, Mrs. Clarence Legg second vice When I say, "Alwaya thinking of you, BU woman and your own?" scored principally when Fred WlkofT president, Mrs. John R. Snedeker EUEANOH BOOMHAUEK. Mother's day will be observed at coppcii a second In the 220 and * third vice president, Mrs. George Fruit Cocktail GRAPE JUICE LIMA BEANS PIMENTOS PRUNES the Baptist church with special ser- third in the 100-yard dash. Emery MacDoriald four vice president, Mrs. IN MEMORIAL. vices at eleven o'clock In the morn- Wlngerter tallied three points when Gene Handy secretary and Mrs. FANCY QUALITY Erer-Heady—Tall Can FANCY QtJAIJTY SUNSWEET he was eased out of a first, place by Harry Qulnn treasurer. ALL GOLD Brand Ing. The pastor, Rev. Edward W. In loving memory of our darling mother. 3-lb. Pkg. a yard by Washington of Long ANNIE L. WEST, C Others present were Mrs. C. Miller, will preach on tho subject, WIt.MER L. KTILWEDL. **- O Q "The First Mother's Day." Tho Branch to take a second in the mile Gulney, Mrs. Thomas Hackett, Mrs. HAROLD H. STILWELU bottles 2 t f Walter Layton, Mrs. Marie Weber, church school will present a bouquot run. Bob Matthews tallied another point Mrs. Michael Jacobs, Mrs. Richaii of flowers to tho oldest mother presUNEFJDA BAKE1VS ent. At thhe evening service at eight when he dropped the shot put for a McAllister, Mrs. James Balnes, Mrs. CNEEDA BAKER'S rniseiLLA BUTTER o'clock members of tho Order of the third place. Kebo Gettis finished the Jacob Landau, Mrs. Oliver Ovcrton, ASTOR TEA BUTTER COOKIES scoring when he threw the Javellne Mrs. Edward Frosh, Mrs. William SHREDDED WHEAT Eastern Star will bo guests. COCOA OftANGK TEKOE M 0 . E S STANDISH Snyder. Mra. Joseph Hexter, Mrs. All of the Wheat. The annual organization meeting for a third place. Too Late For Classification. ELMDALE fto 1b. CHOCOLATE COOKIE?, ALTER BAKER'S Michael Kane and Mrs. Murray Long Branch won the me«t with of the board of deacons will be held FIVE-ROOM buns-alow. all modorln imJOHN ALDEN lib. Cans Special'. Monday night In tho parsonage. The a total of 84 points, making this their Cowan. provements; oil burner hot water heat, MOLASSES COOKIES TEA BAIXS Senior World Wide"guild will meet 21st victory In two years, still being m i» til* bathroom. s«.rngt. 43 Poplar aveSpecial! nue* Fair Haven. Inquire a t Leon's, White 100 Size Tin th« same night at tho homo of Ml»s undefeated. Princeton was second NOVEL MILEAGE CONTEST. street, Red Bank, phone 2R0O. for with 21 points and Red Bank third Teresa Papa of Rlversldo avonu». FOR RENT, four-room modern apartment Bed Banker on Booster Committee Miss Papa will be n.'islstcd by Miss with nine points. YriUi bn.U.1 private home, on S(af« hiKhFor Women's Annual Session. Mae,' Prcdmoro. way, near Red Bank. Inquire FiUrat.rirk'B VeseUMe Stand._Sta(o hlmhway. Red Bnnk. The Thursday morning choral will NEW CHOIR HAST MEETING. The annual convention of the New FURNISHED room, all improvements; reapresent Ita drat evening concert on Jersey Business and Professional sonable; light hounekoeplnjj privilege* If Tuesday night, &ny 31, in the audi- Rehearsal Of Newly Formed Group Women will b» held at Haddon Hall, dff»frefl. '-£> Harding road, Red Bnnk, torium of the Elks club with W. A. phrn* 4K0-J. Atlantjo City, May 17 to 19. More Held At Methodist Church. Goldsworthy, associate conductor, In whiU slrl w«nt«h MorrUr. MM. (The tft San* Stfbtur uuss U bouM day visitors at the home of Mr. and it Unlieit from Go Gtorrt ~oe ~oep, who hai - 1-; HEn. Bong* at Fort Monmouth. Anne Reynoldi. Mr». Anna Adams, _„_ „._ JaW. Mururlto MeCor. Mra. Dan Daverlo. U) Mrs. El»)e Heidt. #r». Eva Falkent dil delivery rout*.) Btclna, MeKalakt, G.nefa Wlnkaw• Mr. asd Mra. 7r«d Rungs of Jer- burg and U n . Erne»t Wadley, all of Bobby Daverlo (pent Sunday vts- mkV. Mr. and Mn. William VanBrunt >ltl. Junta WlakawtM. ; " I Key City motored to Fort Monmouth EMontown, are members of th» jury The recent Item pertaining to th Friday attended the funeral of Mr, itlng his aunt, Mrs. EIo Monetti at Prrmarr «radti—Mab. I Gat, Furl - '.fenturday and celebrated their twen- for the Dr. Parks caie at Freehold. moving of the Kingsbury famllj VanBrunt's niece at Freneau. Stern, BUI* gtrawhand, H u r ; Lehae, Summitt. Jack O'JUiUr, Furvas Btrtwhand. SunU; tl»th wedding anniversary at their Samuel Johnson, ten years old, of from this district to Philadelphle E. E. McComb of Jersey City has Among the children of the Llncroft lliutnjner home at that place. The fes- Railroad avenue, fell from a barn was In error. The family moved tc opened his summer home on th sohool who will participate in the tivities were enjoyed amid pink and owned by Henry Hylln Tuesday af- Piainfleld. s Swimming River road. musical festival to be reld tomorrow ,graen decorations and Included sing- ternoon. He was rushed to the HazThe 600 club met at the home ol Joe Applegate'i bungalow on tin night at the Asbury Park Convening and dancing. Supper was served ard hospital by the Eatontown first Mrs. Henry Paasch last week. Mrs Main road is being papered and re- tion hall will be Jane Roy, Befcnon at nine o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Runge aid squad where be was treated for Benjamin H. Crate, Jr., won flr«t decorated. Force, Barbara, and Marjorie StewEdward StllweJt, Hoy Antonlden, the recipients of many fine a broken wrist prize and the heart prize. Mrs. Mary art, R u e Morris, Harriet Long, j . Herbert Sehanek, B. A. Hlckey, Mrs. Thomas Healy who Is report.ftirta. The Eatontown fire company was Longstreet received second prize. The ed to be much improved following Billy and Carol Ford, Sidney Sprung, Bernard Warnekei and a V. Still. . Those present were Mr. and Mrs. called out Tuesday afternoon to ex- consolation award wentto Mrs. John her recent Illness Sunday enter- Vincent Matuer and Aldo Melon*. wagon were bearers Friday at the Fred Runge and son Fred, Mr. and tinguish a chimney fire In the home McClaln. tained her oldest daughter of West- Those attending Leonardo high funeral of Thomas Stout of Dover, Mrs. John Runge and sons William, of Frank Hill of Wyckoff road. The The work of restoring the dam o cheater, New York. school and who reilde in Llncroft a former resident of this vicinity. Arthur and Robert, Mr. and Mrs. quick response of the Ealoiitown: Shadow lake is hearing completion, Bill Slater was a recent visitor of and are In the festival include Julia Mr. Stout'is the fathar of Harold MaUws and daughter Josephine, Mr. firemen resulted in preventing much i The road near the dam has been, re- New York city. McCarron, Phillip Roy, Thomas Stout of Bed Bank. ... . •nd Mrs. Jantzen, Mr. a°hd Mrs. damage. paired'to such an extent that can Lawrence and Michael Mahoney Klrkton, June Behofltld and Henry Mrs. Coiamo Falcons and family Crosby and D. A. Crosby of Jersey are allowed to pass over it during and BUI Kelly spent Sunday in Perth Jlolron. of Brooklyn .have Joined" Wr.. FalCity; Mr. and Mra. McLaughlln and the day time and the children are Amboy whera they mads plans for cone at their summer residence in •on Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Quill and now walking to school, instead of the organisation of a. horseshoe club t h e v i l l a g e , -; . , • .,' '••','-.'»' ion Timothy and Miss Anna Chanda bolng transported In Edward which will be connected with tha NaMr. and Mrs., Wilfred HaW»hur«t Of Bayonno; Mr. and Mr*. VanAsacn, (The Bad Bulls BtfUtW tan be bought Brasch's buss, as had been done tional Horseshoe association. and Hanlit' Ham^iurstipept; SunMisa Olga Strovcr and Miaa Helen i Shr«wibtiry from Richard Beake *t tot since the reopening of school last William O'Brien of Jersey City Mrs. Marian Macartney of New day vislUns ttierids an,d'iteff,tl'veB»( Currie of Soroerville; Mr. and Mrs. u.tofflce iod at afcnwf his home. o'clock instead of seven o'clock a* number of Improvement* were re- ine OaJtes.y • -.. ;. • . ; in the past moved from the Willis house on ApMiss, B^Uy. Warneker was' a BurlTony DeStefano, village barber, cently made to tha dwelling. Mrs. The Foreign Missionary society of plegato street to Red Bank. William ipent Sunday lh New York city, Macartney has a position with the day visitor at the home of her parthe Presbyterian church will hold a Stobo and family will move into the company which manufactures Bon ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Warhere he visited hla aunt. (Th. H«d Bank R e g W « can be bought In Ealontown at tke'.tonu of William 0. missionary tea this afternoon at 2:30 house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Stout. neker. ' William G. Domidion. Jr., Js a new Ami. o'clock in the social rooms of the Dauia, G. Edward Smonk and TOlen'a). A meeting of the fire company will employee on the Foster farm at Mr. and Mn. Isaao Foreman of Mrs. Frank Underbill and her chllchurch. Miss Margaret Gorey of the ba held tonight. Everett MM. E. Russell Tomlinson, daughIren Janet and Corina of Highb- Foreman's bearding school enterhospital will ba the Mrs. Edward H. Scattergood will ter-in-law of Mrs. Joseph Tomlinson Long Branch George Rlchdale of Phalanx ha« lown and Mrs. Albert Runyon of tained as week-end visitors Hilton t . speaker. Miss E. 3. Valen- entertain the members ofthe 500 club et Eatontown, will arrive tomororw guest ilanted squash and pumpkins in the Belford spent one day last week with Mayers, boys' work secretary of the tine is in charge. A number of oth- at her home next Thursday. ISSth street TMCA, New York city, On the S. S. President Roosevelt er orner field of Main and Swimming Mr. and Mrs, Charles A. Poole. societies have been invited to atThe Community club will meet at liver roads. (Ken France lor a two month's visit Mr. and Mrs. George R. Sutphen William Atkinson and Mrs. Mauds 1 the clubhouse next Tuesday alterMore than sixty persons attended tend, The attendance record of the Lln- md son of Bridgeport, Connecticut, Atkinson, and as Sunday visitors Miss Edith Bentley returned to noon. Mrs. Myrtle White, Mrs. Marie Ferthe Ladles' social club and Men's roft grammar school was low last spent the week-end with Mr. and guson her home at Jersey City Sunday afand Luther Cherry, all of building association bunco party The following pupils of the pub- nonth due to measles and whooping Mrs. Danle! S. Ely. New York city.. held Saturday night at Crescent hall. ter spending several days viaiting at ic school had perfect records for :ough which has confined a number Inquiries by city people with reAbout JU.50 waa cleared. A door the home of Miss Helen Sanborn. attendance and punctuality the past if pupils to their homes. The fol- ;ard to buying farms here continue Rev. Carroll M. Burck, pastor of month: prize was won by Mra. Carrie Baldowing were present every day: o be made. Several sales of propBoys can make extra pocket money win of Long Branch, while Mrs. C. Christ church, has been spending a Grades one, two and three—Charles irammar department, Carol Ford, irties are said to be pending. selling The Register,—Advertisement Breese of IiOng Branch was the win- few days at Troy, New York, where Desch, Harold Edmondaon, Richard Hen- lose Morris, Jane Roy, Michael Ma-, The deep ditch on the Keyport and : a'er of the prize for the most buncos. he was called by the death of his drlckfi. Edward Rynsoald, Patricia Far*' lOney and Albert and Aldo Melone; fanderburg road near the Reformed i-cll; Nancy Meeker. Audrey Olaen, Jean A flower bush, disposed of on the uncle. Olpen, Dorothy liunyon. . >rimary department, Gloria Morria, ihurch Is being piped by county emCo-operative plan wa3 won by Miss The Shrewsbury Reading club met Grades four, five and Bix—Muriel Ediloyees. Your Living Room Mary Allgor of Eatontown. Other Tuesday afternoon at the home of mondson, Marjorie KoiedB. Lorothy Ryn- tobert Daly, Grover Marshall and Robert R. Voorhees has recovered prizes were awarded and refresh- Mrs. Charlei Breese of Eatontown. koski, Catherine Corcoran. Charles Ed* •aymond Cole. Suite (two pieces) mondson.e Lloyd Holbrook, John Koleda. William Ryder, a member of the from Blckness. ments were served. Next Tuesday they will meet at the Gerald Matthewa. Robert Parker. Ralph Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Noble , Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bruce and home of Miss E. H. Boynton of Fair Runyon. George Ulrichny, Edward WeBt- .aven patrol of the Llncroft-Holmre-upholstered Ube turn. Includor. Burt Williams, Edward Wlldanuer, el Boy Scout troop, has been named sntertained a few friends at a conSlaughter spent the week-end Visit- Haven. ing new cover, $59.60. Also slip Edward. Moris. attend tho Washington Jamboree :ract bridge party Friday evening. More than sixty persona attended Grades aeven and eight—Joyce Good- n August. He won the opportunity Prizes for high scores went to Mrs. ing friends at Brooklyn. covers, satisfaction guaranteed. Rev. A. C. Banse of Simpson the Young People's Missionary meet- peed. Jeann* Matthews, Harriet Marcel- >y, obtaining the most number of Villlam A. Miller and Donald Locknf«. Helen Moran. Pauline Shkoda, Ruth Church. Long Branch, was the guest Ing Friday night at the Presbyter- SnifTcn. Call Bed Bank S376-W. Alice Townsend, Evelyn Craft, mints for advancement. George rood, Mr. and Mrs. John Scully, Mr. Speaker Monday evening at the reg- ian church when Councilman Archi- Mildred Morrifl,, John Fowler,, Robert 'oop was second by one point less. nd Mrs. Evart SHcox and Mr. and Rer ular meeting- of the Young People's bald Miller gave an Interesting talk ichael and Lawrence Mahoney will . H. Seabrook Sehanck of KeyTownsand. Donald Matthews, Edward Union held at the Eatontown Metho- on his recent Mediterranean trip. ie accepted in tho troop tomorrow port and Mr. and Mrs. William A, Mrs. Fletcher Sherman Is visiting dist church. light as new members. Miller of Red Hank. The road to better and bigger busiSO Monmoutb St, Bed Bank Mr. and Mrs. George Steele of Tin- relatives at Pitman for a few weeks. ness leads through The Register'iactMr. and Mrs. Harry Sprung enter- Pupils of the public school on th« More than 100 covered dish sup- ortising columns.—Advertisement. ton avenue returned home Sunday dncd Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Isaac lonor roll for perfect attendance and pers were served Tuesday night by .from a boat trip to the Western members of the Helping Hand soCoast : Benjamin Cox of Jersey City, has ciety of the Presbyterian church in been spending a few days vlslking the church social room. The profojends in town. \ ceeds, which amounted to $29.60, will Buy Her a Ham for Mother's D a y . . . All Brands—Whole n 23c : Mrs. Arthur Taylor, Mrs. LOUIB (M. go to the benefit of the church, Mrs. '. Case, Mra. Fred G. Steelman, Mf». Morgan C. Knapp headed the comGeorge B. Whltfleld, Mr. and Mrs. mittee in charge and was assisted John Bateman, Mrs, William Davis by Mrs. David Jackson, Mrs. Fred and Mn. Harry Dennis spent Thurs- England, Mrs. Frank Qimchtnhush day attending the all-day meeting of and Miss Emma Holmes, who did the serving. Edwin Hobbs and Wil: the New Brunswick district held in liam Haviland icrved the eogee. I Calvary church at Keyport. David Wood of the Shrewsbury Irma Bennett of Monmouth park f- Tuesday night entertained the mem- Boy Bcout troop under the superf W « of the Girls Friendly society at vision of Scoutmaster Raymond ijher home at which time plans were Guenther has bean elected by a scout j voto as the «cout who will represent i ? Made for their summer activities, '. Misses Nettie and Jennie Foster of the Shrewsbury troop at the, Wash; Main street, who have been spend- ington Jamboree in August. The ; Ing the winter months in Miami, troop will be hosts to the June 8 SPECIALS in Effect May 9th, 10th, 11th. 1 court of honor which will be held at Florida, have returned home. Ati the regular meeting of the the new school auditorium. . Gleaner's society held Friday plans The Junior Riding club will hold Legs Top or : were made for a social to be held the picnio ride, Saturday afternoon , latter part of May. with Mrs. Harry Brady and Mrs. of Bottom Theodore Wolcott of Clinton ave- Scudder acting a> hostesses. The

River Plaza News.

Everett News.

Shrewsbury New*.

• O>mo in now sad let «• •bow you theaennr Gmnom. Tlwy a n safe becaose of tins •*{« Carrea« refrigerant. TiiiBjnc© MauluoUf have cwtxy coDTonieooo and eare yon

money on Bgfct bills.

15c per Day. 5-Year Guarantee

Jack LaFreda Super Service Co. 117 Monmouth St.


Miller HardwareCo. .Wishes to inform his numerous friends and customers that we have moved to new and larger quarters, just around the corner at

5 Broad St.,

Red Bank

At our new and better location -p, e will carry a larger and more complete stock of Hardware, Radios, Refrigerators, Pamts, Wall Paper, Glass and Housefurnisfiings. We have at your service the finest equipped repair department in Monmouth county. Guaranteed repairs on all makes of Radios, Kefrigerators, Washers •and Vacuum Gleaners. Bone by our expert repair men.

Loin Chops "* 27c

Copper Screen Wire sq. ft.


Quality Sirloin Porterhouse or

Ball Bearing Lawn Mowers Jl .49




Miller HardwareCo. "Qualify AforHinndiRe—Plus Service"

5 BROAT> STREET, Phone 1140.


Fancy Carolina


'^ ^


Rye Crisps'""an 2 for 23c





HIM!/ "i






Rita or Crax


Once Mora

29c Ib. 14c lb.,25c * 29c

rExtra ?


Bottle* Fancy Aged

Preview Sat. Night PAUL MUNI in


* 17c


SUN., MON., TUES., MAY 12 - 13 - 14

ib. 25c


25c 19c 29c




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Florida No. 1

Radio Special!



Genuine Philadelphia 14" * Blade

Wall Paper priced at 5c per single roll and up



Saturday's Opening Specials! 16 Mesh

Phone 2654


Red Bank

Red Bank, N. J.

Phone 2653


Tel. 3937


W. E. Rolle



No Down Payment

Eatontown News.

21 West Front St.,


IT* hot* a Crunom tfutjluj your overy need at prk*$ md\ tmrmt to tail you.

Holmidel News.



Fresh Cut Flounder




6 ,bs17c 7 tor 25c 2 ib>. 1 5 c

2 ,b9 15c 3 ih,. 14c

Rye Crisps""** 23c




tall out

SSL* TOMATOES PRINT LARD Comet Rice Fresh Boston Trap




2 ib,. 31c

Ivory Soap

2 tbs. ISc

9c 17c 35c 25c

Mackerel 1 1

m JL. JL lb

Long Island Scallops



2 for 19c



15 - 16


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Soft Clams Haddock Fillet Buck Shad

Jumbo Shrimp



FREE CHINA to the Ladies Every Wed., Thurs. ADDED


Every Friday at 9:00 P. M. Larry LaRos at the Organ!






being redecorateS by Frank Danlellan. Mr, and Mr*. Eugene Crowell of ITha H.d B u k Battatar aan ba bonrhi New York have reopened their home ID Saabrlf ht at tha atoraa of Morrla W.Uon Seventh avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Ellsha K. Camp of New York are at man and H. Le?kowltz.) Canon Stacy Waddy and Sir Ed- their home on Hooper avenue, Mr. a n d Mrs. C h a r l e s E l l e n b e r g c r ward Midwinter of London to Mr. and Mrs. Lisle S. Patterson of celebrated their first wedding anniversary with a party Tuesday night South avenue will move to Bed Present Hiitorical Addreuef Bank, at their home on Church street at Shrewtfapry Church. Edward Voss, who has been spendMrs. M. Ehrllch of Plattmount has rented Charles Antonldes's cotUge on ing the winter at New York, has reA historical visitation will be West Highland avenue. turned for the summer, Mr. Voaa made Sunday, May 19, a t Christ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kridel and Is the drummer in the Sea Bright church, Shrewsbury, when Canon family, who spent the winter at New- band and his friends here say the Stacy Waddy and General Sir Ed-ark, have reopened their home on band will no pier a t tho foot of First avenue carrlea 5 year* Performance Protection Against CIIAS. U1CKFORD 'or tho convonlonco of tho dromon In Service Coatforonly »1 a year (Included in price). drawing water from the bay In tho TIIUES., Fill., MAY IB - 17 event of fire on tho pier. WALLACE BEERY In May dovotlona aro being held WedCRAIG & HORNER CO., Inc. nesday and Friday nights a t St. Ag01 MonmouMi Striwt, 'WEST POINT of the AIR" Bed Band nes's church, Jacob Llnzmayer has rented port ' SATUBIMY, MAY 18 M. K. SCHNEIDER O. H. SVTPHIN of Raymond Strykor'n meat market VtH Broadway Lon* Branch for a vegetable market. 88 South S t , Freehold "THE RIGHT TO LIVE" Mr«. Frank Siegfried and Infant Gaorya Brant - Joaaphlna llutchlmon •on have returned home from Monmouth Memorial hosptlal. EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT Miss Sally HIOROI of New York "AUCTION NIGHT" Bovn can make oxtia pookot money Donnhay. lurrogat* of the County o l l i e n pent tho weok-ond with her mother, 'lolling Tho Register.—Advertieemont mouth, raada on tha alghtaanth day of Mrs, Abo Slogol. rr April, 10as, on th« application of William EVERY WEDNESDAY Mr. and Mra. Pctor 'Dunne and 1*. Bcntt, Jr., aola vxacutor of the aataU hold. N. J7, Apr MonmDUlh County Surro(ati*> OHlta. of W. V. Scott (William P. Scott) da. J}> 1018- family havo moved back Into tha "1AJOKV" In l h . mattar o l thu aatata o t W. P. Ucolt caaftau, notlca la h*raby ftlvan t o th« cradWILLIAM v.i i D." No? 1, Brentwood hotel at Leonardo and «ra ltoi'» of n l d dacoaitd To exhibit la tha (William P.-SeoUl, 4 n » M « l . IB^t N. J., R. making preparations to roopon the Hollo* to creditor! lo i>r«ient rl»lmi •ubicrlbar, aola' ancutor aa afaraaaid, •""-"•a-*** yj w ffBank, Brotri &%„ MaOneci—Tuaa., Thura., Sat, SUB. thjlr ilabti an caught In a door of his car. feet On the first floor aro a foyer ined at Hazard hospital. beginning at one o'clock. hall, * living room with a beamed Mr. and Mrs. William Hyan of balance of $108.70. The proceeds of celling and a fireplace, a dining East Bergen place are the parents of the recent^:ard party, $51.81 .were given to thB eighth grade, to be used room, kitchen, servant's dinette and' a son bora Thursday. lavatory. Upstairs comprises four Sylvanus Carhart of Wilson ave- to finance their educational trip. master bedrooms and two bathrooms nue, Port Monmouth, was admitted The resignation ol Mrs. James Rlorand two maids' rooms and a bathSaturday night as a medical patient. dan was accepted. room. Attached to the house Is a twoPlans were made for a covered dish Mrs. Daniel Ahem of Warren car garage. O,B the river elde wil place, Keansburg, was admitted •upper to be held Friday night, May bs a screen enclosed porch. 17, in the new auditorium at 0:30 Thursday as a surgical patient. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Deahl of o'clock. The banner for the most Tho house will be enclosed with representatives present at tho meetPort Monmouth are the parentB of a shingles. One of the modern feaing went t o Mrs. Marie Irwln's son born Friday. tures will be a Garwood heating and George Curtis of Llnton place, room. The next meeting will be held alr-cohditionlng equipment, in which the first Monday In June. Keansburg, was admitted Monday the air is cleaned, warmed, autofor the treatment of a fractured matically humidified and fan-circuknee received early Sunday morning lated throughout the house. QuackenCLEAN VV DAYB. while attending the Keanshurgr flri bueh & Nevlus are tho contractor!. men's ball when he was struck by Eatontown Officials To Make Extena car. One of the quickest ways to find a tlve Repairs to South Street Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slovenz of Job is to advertise in The Register's Want Department—AdvertiseBrown place are the parents of a At the meeting of the Eatontown ment. son born Monday. , council last night, plans were apRudolph Buntenbach of Broad proved for the holding of "Clean-Up >MWM»MMMI»ltWIIIH*ltll»WIOI«l m i s» • — • . — street, Matawan, was admitted Tues- Days" in the borough Monday, May day night to undergo an operation 20, on the west side, and Tuesday, SAW THE DUPONT GARDENS. Exquisite bloMoms, symbolic of the yesterday morning for the removal May 21, on the east side. SPECIAL FOR beauty of the day, are first choice of his tonsils and adenoids. An ordinance 'was approved of on Neighborhood Garden Club Members as gifts for the one it honors. Make a Trip to Delaware, Mrs. Elizabeth Ford of Hubbard second and third reading for the Im(Th« S*d Bank Reitstw « u t>« bough) Park suffered a fractured right hip proving of South street and Locust Some of the members of the to Fair H*v«n In the store of Harry Kur- Tuesday night In a fall at her home. avenue with the state appropriation Neighborhood Garden club of Bed UJ. «1 Ye Odd Gedara snd (ram Mr, Rlpse.) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner of of $6,000. Clarence Hyalop waa apBank motortd to Longwood, the esMr. and Mrs. Harry Angelo have Front street, Keyport, are the par- proved of as a regular driver for tho tate of Pierre DuPont, near WilmingBills returned home from Florida, where ents of a son born Monday. Mr. Eatontown flro company. ton, Delaware, this week to see the Turner Is manager of the local At- amounting to $1,090.09 were ordered famous DuPont gardens under glass. they spent the winter. paid. ' The Sons and Daughters of Lib- lantic & Pacific Tea store on Broad They say It would be difficult to deWesley Seaman and eon were conscribe the perfection of the blooms erty lodge Is progressing with plans street. firmed by the council as engineers for the bunco party and dance to be and the magnificence of the rare lor the repair work on South street. k C each Machine Shop Burned. specimen plants of every variety. held Tuesday night. May 21, In Me- ' Our assortment of CUT FLOWThose who made the trip worfl Mra. chanics hall. Flro which broke out shortly after Mrs. Charles P. Cross Is still conHamilton Battln ol Fair Haven, Mrs. daylight Monday morning In the maMORE FARMS IN JERSEY. ERS and POTTED PLANTS fined to her bed with Illness. Henry ConovBr of Mlddletown, Mrs. chine shop of the Rumsori Country Mrs. Lester England Is spending o'.ub destroyed the building, together Tabulation Shows "Back To The Daniel V. Manahan of Red Bank, will enable you to pick Her Mrs. Joseph Honlgman of Red Bank, a week with Mr. and Mrs. Albert with two power lawnmowers, motors, Land Swing In Monmouth, Mrs. Philip Walton of Sea Bright, Jennings of Flushing, Long Island. lathes and other equipment Nearby Favorite BLOOM. Mrs. Austin Harvey entertained are the pony polo stables, which for William L. Austin, director of the Mrs. Harry Kingaley of Little Silver and Miss Marian Force of Llncroft. her mother, Mrs. S. J. Allgicr of Engtime were threatened, but flno census bureau at Washington, reportllshtown over the week-end. work by the Rumson firemen saved ed yesterday the number of farms in Mrs. Amanda Doughty, who Is athese buildings. I t la estimated the New Jersey has Increased from 25,387 Attending Contention. n 1830 to 29,498 in 1935. medical patient at the Rtveryiew hos- oss will exceed $6,000. Mrs. Ada B. Nafew, Mrs; Archie ital, is Improving. • ' The announcement was made on Bridge Avenue Mosby and Mrs. Charles Breese of the basis of preliminary tabulations James Rankla has bought a new Their Final Meeting. Opp. R. R. Station Eatontown ond Mrs. B. H. Boynton Ihevrolet. of the 1935 census of agriculture and The final meeting for all members the figures are subject to revision of Fair Haven left yesterday mornf the committees of the Mlddletown after schedules received from the Tel. R. B. 1159-J. ing to attend the four-day Federated Phone 3448 Red Bank. T ownship charity ball, which was field have been edited, Woman's club convention being held hold at the Molly PJtcher hotel on The preliminary report showing at Haddon hall, Atlantic City. 4 BROAD STREET, RED BANK. HMUHHMIIIIHIIIIIIHI IMMMIMMIHIW Hazlet flro company held a suc- Saturday evening, April 27, has been the number of farms and comparicessful bunco party In tho fire house called by Chairman Thomas B. Day son with 1930 followa: STORE OPEN EVENINGS. "hursday evening. The first prize or next Monday a t the Health Monmouth county farms on Jan•as awarded to Mrs. Elmet A. Dol- Center at Campbell's Junctiom Flowers Telegraphed to Any Part of the World. uary 1, 1935, 2,768; farms on April lon. The door prize was a home1, 1930, 2,228; increase 540; percentiade cake, which was awarded t o I t pays to advertise In The Register. age ot change 24.2. Mrs. Samuel H. WaJHng, Others reeiving prizes for high score were Horace Carhart, Miss Anna Cowles, Harvey Walling, William B. Barnes, Mrs. Alexla Norton, Mrs. Joseph Klnfiafer, Mrs. David K Snyder, Mrs. "'rank W. McCleaster, Mrs. Helen hlllips and Mrs. Clalr Orton. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. Peseux d family motored to Arlington on mlfty and spent the day with Mr. :1 Mrs. Harold Dally and family. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo P, Layton and •r. and Mrs. Lester V. Walling were Pelican Island visitors Sunday, I Mr. and Mra. Harold Teevan and mother of Jamaica, Long Island, were Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Emma T. Peseux. Miss Lydia Latham of New York la spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Latham, on the Holmdel turnpike. The next meeting ofthe Cardinal 4-H club will bo held at the homo of Elwood Douglass of Colt's Neck instead of at the home of William Ryer, as stated last week. Ernest E . Peseux presented his son Malcolm Welgand Peseux, with a new Century blcyclo in celebration of his fifteenth birthday, May 1. A birthday dinner was celebrated a t Our Regular Stock of $3 arid $4 his home Wednesday evening. His grandmother, MrB. Emma T, Peseuic, Women's Fine Footwear at this ot Bethany road was among those present Amazingly LOW PRICE. Cottage prayer meeting was held at the home of Mra. Harry 8. Cowlei Thursday morning at 10:30. The ' —NEWEST STYLESmeeting was well attended. The next BULK GRANUtATEtt —%egular JCow Trices— meeting will be held next Thursday morning at'the home of Miss EleaHeinz Vinegar *» 'is: l i e nor Webster. Marmalade oosnasucuwmi ib.i«19c A card party was held at the North Kre-mel Desserts uiruvM.3piw.10c Centervllle school Friday evening for BONELESS g%t§ Wilbert's No-Rub no«w« ^™39c the benefit of the school. Frizes for n i l — O i l * batllt of M*tel PoNih with iath pvnhei*. j high scores were awarded to M n . Carry Frarus, Margaret Krvln, Mrs. Worcester Salt . 2!&9o GOOD LUCK LEMON E. Arncal, Mrs. John B. Bozarth, SalShaker Salt mum ennuD • i. .k, 6c vador Stranlero, Salvador Nappl, < Sugar SmJi>% KpW. D 2^ b .13c Beulah Mas3ey and Dorothy Walling. The door prize was awarded to Mrs. CHOICE GRADE . l b . Baker's Breakfast, Cocoa \ %!M0e John B. Bozarth. A supper will be Hershey's Syrup oncdun ,«t In Bol/ord *t t i n a t o m of Ahaarn'i, U. ClayBaJr and Bmnp Wai**raut'a waiting room.)

Next Sunday will be observed as Mother's day at St. Clement's church, and the sermon topic will be "Mothex", at the ten o'clock service. A covered dlqh cupper will be held In tre annex of the Methodist church this evening from half-past five until half-past seven o'clock. A largo attendance of Belford young folks is expected at tho meeting of. the Young People's Council of Religious Education at the Methodist church at Fair Haven tonight. The Junior Epworth league society of the Metliodlat church will hold lta regular weekly meeting In tho church afternoon at half-past three o'clock, A prayer and fellowship meeting will be held at eight o'clock, to be followed by rehearsal of senior choir at quarter to nine o'clock. Mother's day will be observed in the Methodist church Sunday, The pastor will preach a special mother's day sermons both morning and night. Everybody Is requested to wear a flower, Tho regular monthly meeting of the Senior Ladles' Bible class of the Methodist church will bo held Wednesday afternoon at half-paat two o'clock. The regular annual trustees' meet. Ing of the Methodist church will be held In the church next Wednesday evening after prayer meeting. . Foui trusteeu will bo elected. All cnen* bers of the church, 21 years of age and above are eligible to vote. Mr. and Mrs. Plttenger of Red Dank spont Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Schnoor. Fred Smith and Earl Eastmond went on a- fishing trip Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Ahcarn spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Richardson at Freehold. Ralph Poling spent the week-end with relatives at Keansburg. Mr. and Mrs. Talbot Travers of Glen Mary Gardens are the parents of a son born at Monmouth Memorial hospital at Long Branch, Mrs. Travers was formerly MIBB Mary Mulder of Belford. \ Harrison Cherry has returned home after spending the week-end with relatives at Keyport. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hesse, Jr., aro spending a week In Virginia. Mian Margaret Crotty and brother Edward spont Friday visiting relatives and friends at Bayonne and Jersey City. Mr. and MrB. Howard VanVarse and son Howard of Jersey City spent tiie week-end with Mr, and Mm Melvln Pease. Mrs. Jennie Trimble is at her home for the summer. Her daughter, Mrs. Nettle Wright ot Atlantic Highlands, spent Ilia past wcok with her. Lola Compton, the young daughter of Mr, and Mrs. T. RolUston Compton, has been confined to the houso with a severe cold. Mrs. Thomas Pottit of River Plaza gave a party, for her father, Capt. John W. Qloea, In celebration of his birthday a few days ago. MIBS Clalro Ahearn has accepted a position with the Packard Motor car company of Bed Bank, Harry Wilson is suffering from a broken collar bone, Mrs. Lucy Anderson, who has been spending the winter in Florida, has returned to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Miller. Felix McGovern la confined to tho houso with sickness. Mrs. Mary Klnney and son John Klnney ot Port Monmouth and Mrs. C. Harry Lohsen of Belford spent Friday at New York. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Runyon and children of River Plaza spent Sunday with Mrs. Pearl White. Mrs. Martha Truex celebrated her 02nd birthday at nor homo Wednesday of last week. Many relatives and friends called on her. Sho received a largo number of cards and tolegrams of congratulations and gifts Including flowers. . Mrs. Truex enjoys very good health. Mrs. Fred Smith spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Roberta of Keyport Miss Ohrlstlno Schnoor of New York spent the week-eond with Mr. and Mrs. David Schnoor. Capt. and Mrs. John V. Glass of Bolford and Mrs. Anderson and daughter Ethel of Red Bank were recent guests of Mrs. Franklin Anderson of Matawan. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clay of Fair Haven wore recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. T. Bolliston Compton. Mrs, James Ashe and son James have been making a two-weeks' visit at Newark. John Broander has accepted a position with tho coast guards, and ho Is stationed at Cape May. Mra. J, C. Crawford Compton gavo health lunchoon at hor home last Thureday. About twenty guests were present. Melvln Schanck of Keansburg visited his Bloter, Mrs. Fred Smith, Saturday. Irving Roop spent Friday at New York. Mr. and Mrs, Lester Walling spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard FlecklnBtlno ot Fair Haven. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barnes entertained at dinner on Sunday, Mr. and Mis. William Barritt, and daughter Wllma of Trenton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stutz and son William and Mr«. Kate Voorheos of Englishtown, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Herbert of Asbury Park and Mr. and Mrs. George Leak of Bolford. Mr. and Mrs. Harry White, who have been spending tho winter In

FJorld*, returned bom* Thursday, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Runyon spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Underbill of Hlghtstown. Mrs. Walter Havens of Sea Girt •pent Saturday with Mr. and Mra, Louis Richmond. Capt. and Mrs. John V. Glass have had a bathroom built for their house. Mrs. Herman Doran and daughters Betty and Doris, Mrs. Paul RoberU son and daughters Beth and Jean, Miss Beatrice Broander, Miss Edith Baker, Mrs. Norman Johnson and daughter Dorothy, Miss Mary Paxton, Miss Doris Post and Mlsa Louise Elton spent Saturday at tho Girl Scout camp at Brlelle. Mrs. William Fox of Oakwood Heights spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schanck. Mrs, John Foster met with a painful accident when a door blew open and her arm went through tho pane of glass in the door. She was badly cut. The card party for the benefit of St. Mary's church of New Monmouth Friday evening, was both a social and financial success. The door prize, a permanent wave, donated by Emily's Beauty Shoppe of Port Monmouth, was won by Mrs. Mlnnlo Eddy. A table lamp was awarded to Mrs. George Carroll and a net of dishes was won by Mrs. Fred Smith. First prizes for euchre, pinochle and bridge were won by Miss May Logan, Mrs. George Morvan, ( Miss Hanna Baston. Mrs. Robert Porter got the bunco prize and Mrs. Albert E. Langford received the non-player's prize.

Little Silver News (The Red Bank Besliter can ba bought In Little Sliver at the Union N e m Stand •t thi depot and at George Quacktnbutb'a general atore.) Mr.

and Mrs. W i l l i a m W . S h a m -

panore of Llttlo Silver celebrated their 48th wedding anniversary Sunday. A family dinner party WBB given In their honor Sunday night at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Selbert. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Morris have rented a houso on Occanport avenue. Mr.; Morris is proprietor of a garage at the corner of Bridge and Riverside avenues, Rod Bank, and Mrs. Morris Js employed by Albert W. Worden of Red Bank. Mary Elizabeth Borden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Borden, is a patient at Fitkln Memorial hospital, where she underwent an operation for appendicitis; The child recent-

Pairs Twentv.THwia ly recovered from an attack of mtulei. The Ladles' aid society of the Methodist church cleared |67 at the turkey supper held last week. Alonjo Bennett of Clalrbone, Maryland, spent the week-end with his brother, William Bennett, and his sister, Mrs. Jessie Spencer. Mr. Bennett is an engineer on a ferryboat and It was his first visit here In about a year. Tho ferryboat was formerly the steamer Thomas Patten, whJch ran between Long Branch and New York for many years. Miss Lois Wilkinson, daughter of Mr. and Mro. V. Parker WllkinBon, Is confined to her home with mumps. Louis D'Auby of Orange has moved back here and is occupying his property on Prospect avenue. A car driven by Richard Parker struck Allen Conkllii while tliu lattei waa riding a bicyclo Monday. Allen was riding on the sidewalk and wan hit when he turned to ride In the street. He wns not hurt. John Petrie has been spending several days with frlenda at New York. Arthur H. McGulre has reopened hie summer home at Little Silver Point. Elizabeth Ziegler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zieglor, returned home yesterday from the Kivervlew hospital, where sho underwent an operation for appendicitis.

their regular monthly meeting In the Reformed church Tuesday. Breaks Wrist. Mrs. Gregory E. Sacco, wife of Dr. Sacco of Broad street, formerly Miss Madeline Sajurton of Shrewsbury, In a fall Friday night suffered a broken right wrist. She Is now convalescing at her home with her wrist In a caat.

Won M H u l a •« Wool. Ten h»nk» of Duvoen weei.wm dlapoiut ot on tb* c*-op*nUv« pltn at a meeting of Sbrtwsbury Toyt»» chapter, Paughtem of the American Revolution, Monday at the home of Mrs. W. P. Steelman on Fluber place and were won by Mr», p, Brondut Powers of East Front street Th« wool was donated by the Needlework shop of Wallace street.

my washer is a

• Women who have owned other Waihert are quickest to recognize the merita of the, Maytag,


• No other washer hai" so many practical, err;. clugive improvements, and in every detail it is built for long service. • Only a M*yUg gi™, yon the one-piece, eaat*aluraj. nvitn tub, tho Roller Water Hemover, with enclosed, self-reverting drain, tho Gjnratator washing action originated and perfected by Maytag, sediment trap, quiet, oil-packed drive, and other feature* of long life cttd convenience,

Middletown Village. (The Red Batik Eleglatef oan be bousht m Middletown at thfc etorea of J. G. Knlttht anil William U. WaUri.) Miss Rachel Taylor has returned home from California, where she spent tho winter with her sister, Mra. Fern Taylor. The station grounds have been cleared of brush and rubbish and a flower garden has been made. The grounds aro more attractive than they have been for a number of yean past. Employees of the railroad company did tho work. Frank Morris of Freehold, formerly of this place, was hero over the week-end calling on old friends, P. Otto Wlegand, the station agent, has a new Ford coupe. Mrs. Margaret Conover of Red Bank and a party of friends called on Kenneth Smith Saturday. Mother's day will be observed at the Reformed church Sunday at the morning Bervice. There will be spoclal music by the choir, and a special mother'6 day flower service. The Ladles' aid society will, hold

Ws ffltt)f Mill tmtmii TERMS VERY

Miytag W»htn ind Irontn « •Illlbla (Of loam undai Ftdtral Homing A d

Tusting's 16 MONMOUTH ST.,


Tel. 39,



HIGH COST OF LIVING Agolh we ttoret Hero's another weekend of outstanding A & P bargains... many of them at'the very lowest prices «od»s permit Stock up TODAYI For quits a few of these unusual values 'Wilt last through Saturday onfyi

Fresh New Cabba Spri Spring Rhubarb .

P E A S SOAKCD DRIED vm i l z .


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2 «*„,. 11
rsM riflt left hook to VanNote's chin, snapping his head back and driving him to the.mat for the count of four. ' In a dazed condition VanNote took the count of nine and rose to his feet to finish his bout. Stupelli taking BASEBALL! the first two opening rounds. VanSunday, May 12th Note, however, came back strong in the final round to take that semester. Leonardo Baseball Players BeatAlbert Wagner and J. C. Rush StuUkl 4. Baiea on balls—Off Crawford Only one bout went an extra round i, off Schneider 4, off Stutaki 0, Umpires EATONTOWN ALERTS en o n Home Grounds Sunday The members of the committee, in —Meyera in Charge of City Bowling Continued stocking of trout and Falandrano, when,a slugging couple met in the TAILER FIELD, RUMSON, N. J. treama in New Jersey during the addition to Mr. Kelly, were Jerome by the Jansen Field Club of Bottino, Admission ZSc 3:00 P . M. • 127-pound class and Mike Carotenuto Banquet May 1 6 at Hill Top balance of tho present season until Herman Wenzel, Walter was upset by Johnny Summonte. As Keyport by Score of 6 to 4 . Scott, James Murphy and William —Fred Morris as Toastmaster July 15, assures licensed angler* of BOD AND OCN CLUB. both lada fought their way through many more splendid catches, the Bohh. three two-minute rounds for a chamPlana have been made for Lhe State Fish and Game Commission The Leonardo Field club baseball Seven New Member* Becelved At pionship, their bout twas called a cam suffered their first setback of Eatontown bowling league banquet announced. Meeting Held Last Week. draw. Summonte took the advantIN MUSICAL FESTIVAL. which will be held Thursday, May 16, Heavy trucks from tho Hacketta- he season when they were defeated AL. HERMANN age in the extra round. i _____ at Hill Top club, Portaupeek. Prod ;own Hatchery are daily replenish- Sunday afternoon on their home field The Sunrise Rod and Gun club of by the Jansen Field club of KeyLocal Band and Orchestra Members Red Bank Three technical knockouts were The official American league mo- Morris, secretary of the Eatontown ing the supply of brook, brown and held its regular monthly To Appear Tomorrow Night staged throughout the evening's box- tion picture, "Play Ball," in which flre company, will act as toastmaater. rainbow trout in the various streams port by a score of 6 to i. meeting Friday evening and reing when in the 100-pound class, Mel- Babe Ruth and other star players of Albert Wagner and J. C. Rush are of the State upder tho direction of Kovelesky, southpaw hurler and A number of puplla of the Redceived seven new members. Those vin Mandello. stocky Westside youth, the major leagues appear, will be in charge of the affair. Assistant Chief Protector Harry-E, victorious in his first two starts, was high school who are members admitted to membership were Harkayoed Edward "Bud" Johnson in shown, Albert B. Herman of Mill- The city league schedule ended last udney. Alexander H. Phillips, of on the mound for the Leonardo club. Bank of the local school orchestra and ry Hoffman, Harry Feeney, Thomas He ran into plenty of trouble. The .one minute, flvo aoconds of the open- :own, former big Icoguo star, will bo week when Saling'a Diner sewed the Princeton, chairaian of the Hatch- Keyportsrs pounded out thirteen hits band undor tho supervision of A. Lo- Collins, Jen»e Nlblett, Charles Seals, ing round. The second technical me of the speakers. Addresses will league up, winning 49 and losing 35 ery Committee the commission, for a total of nineteen bases to roy Baker and Chester Wilhelm will Harry Supp and Sidney Supp. knockout came in the 133-pound class also be made by Rev. Dr. John B. -games. In second place came the announces there of will be no let-up in score their six runs, while Conroy, be represented in tho second annual Game Warden Cottrell gave a talk when Charlie "White Boy" Harring- McCloskey, rector of SL James' Pine Tree Inn bowlers with 45 wins he sport as the season advances, ho visiting pitcher, held the homo musical festival given by the pub-about nsh and game, ilustratlnR his ton, colored, delivered a right to tha church, and a prominent baseball and 39 defeats. Other tenmn fin- despite tho great uatchea to eight scattered blows. How- io schools of Monmouth county to- remarks with four reels of moving faco of Laurie Luclnano in the fast fan, and Freeholder Raymond IJ. ished in the following order: Hill's taken. Thousands of adult fish being have talent ever, Kovelesky'a support, especially morrow evening In tho Convention pictures showing the raising of trout moving first round. Punches from Wyckoff of Keyport, a supporter of Diner, Broad Street Garage, Taylor been held in reserve at tho hatchery In the Hackettstown hatchery and the bodies of both lads flew with ad- the Honmouth County Athletic as- A.. C, Miller's Department store, pools for distribution during the n the infield was very ragged and Hall at Asbury Park. directly responsible for Keyport put- A band of 105 pieces and an or-the raising of' pheasants at Forked vanced power to the head and mis- sociation, Mnrrla-VnnKeuren and the Dodger open Beaaon. ting over three runs. chestra of 100 pieces will be mada River and Rlchport. section of each other. By the time Krlt'chell, well-known scout team. TJhe many letters of .commendation The score see-sawed back and up of schools of the county. Those A line donated by the Motor Boys one minute, 55 seconds of that round forPaul the New York Yankees, who was The winning team, which is comreceived by the State Fish and Game taking part from the local high of Broad street, Red Bank, waa disgot underway, the colored athletic expected to be present, has wired posed of Chet Riddle, Answorth J. Commission from sportsmen who forth in the early innings and wasschool orchestra are Michael Caro- posed of on the co-operative plan .delivered an injurious punch to the Mr. tied at three all In the fourth frame, from the West, where Hague, Sr., Joe Batti, Stanley Van- have met with unprecedented suctenuto, Peter Galatro, Elmer Sutphln and awarded to Harry Estclle. head of Lucisano'a face and the of- he IsBennett seeking talent for the Yankee Brunt, Nicholas Marcella, Irving cess in securing daily bag limits, but in the sixth inning the visitors and Dorothy Gerity, first violins; Eary Battersby is having a bamficials called the bout a K. O. farms, that ho will be unable to re-VanBrunt and Carl Dwyer will be guarantee tho success of this year's put over two tallies. They added Leslie Douglas, Jean Hackctt, John boo casting rod mado and he will A slugging contest was staged as ,urn in time for the meeting. It is awarded fifty dollars, w^iile the sec-stocking program. During the warm, another in the seventh. The local donate it to the club to be disposed Kebo Gettis won a technical knock- expected that another representative ond place team will be awarded S35, sunny days to come the fly-casters players got a single tally In the last Sinica and Michael Nero, second of. . violins; Newton Terzlan and Donald Charles Gardner reported having out over Johnny Barberlo in the 160- if organized baseball will be present. third place $20 and fourth place $10. of the state may continue to look stanza. Hembllng, trumpets; .Robert Worpound class. Pounding away at each will be no admission charge Luke Meyer copped the high indiv- orward to filling their creels with Next Sunday the Leonardo Field drn, baritone saxophone; Joseph To- caught a brook trout weighing two other throughout their encounter oThere large size trout, it was announced. club will play the Scarlet Raiders of ber, first clarinet; Myrl RichardBon, pounds and an ounce at Hamilton. the meeting, which is scheduled idual averages with 100 and will be Gettis late in the bout, drove his op- o get underway at 8:15 o'clock. awarded $15 for his winnings. Sec- Based on the contribution of food Asbury Park at Leonardo. Sunday's second clarinet; Fred Williamson, At the conclusion of the meeting ponent several times to the ropes ond prize of $10 will be given to Ed valuo to the home budget many a box scqre follows: first flute; William Robinson, bass an army dinner was served by Henbut was saved from defeat by the Chasey, while Chet Biddle will take fisherman took enough fish on the JANSEN E. C. violin. The last seven named are ry Higglns, chef of the club. bell. The second round got underthe third prize of six dollars. High opening day of the season to more ,, , AB R H PO A E also members of the local band, way and again jabs and hooks individual score of 278 j held by than pay for his state fishing license, B Alger, If 6 0 1 1 0 0 pounded Barberio's face. After one HIGH SCHOOL GOLF. Whito Ash Frame, freshly strung Chet Riddle, who will bo awarded and without further license costs, he Slovcnz, 2b 5 1 2 8 1 3 minute, fifteen seconds got under5 0 2 1 0 0 in weatherproof Bilk. Made by $6 for first place, Nelson Warren can continue to enjoy the privileges Mount, cf PERFECT ATTENDANCE. way, Gettis drove his opponent to the M. Breicese, us. , 5 0 1 1 0 0 First Practice Held At Swimming the largest Tennis Frame manuwith a 266 score will receive $3 for it extends through the various open WaverB, 11K 5 1 . 2 12 1 0 ropes where he pounded his opponfacturer In V. IS. An opening seaRiver Monday Afternoon. second prize. seasons for game fish Up to Novem- Bmiaieh, c 5 1 2 6 0 0 Many Shrewsbury l'upils Listed On ent from the ring into the laps of son special. See this and others R. BrelceBe, 3b. 4 1 0 1 6 1 Attendance List For April. the pressmen. Following thisv battle Match on Saturday Afternoon The $5 prize for individual three ber 30. First practice for the Rod Bank now on display. SprlnBBteen, rf. 4 2 2 2 0 0 Dropped to South River 56- game series of 667 will bo awarded The seasons for pike, pickerel and Conroy, n Which was rumored to be a grudge high school 1935 golf season was 4 0 1 0 4 0 A large number of pupils of the encounter, both lads showing their Monday at Swimming River 42 6 IS 27 11 ~4 34—Locals Fail in Weight to Edward Dodd. High team score pike-perch open in New Jersey on Shrewsbury grammar Bchool have held LEONARDO F. C. sportsmanship greeted each other of 1,034. was won by the Hill's Diner May 20, and large and small mouth country club. Contests. AB R H PO A E been named on the perfect attendfor their skill at boxing. team consisting of Stanley Roberts, bass on June 15. Both seasons con- Egidlo, If Athletlo Director Will Rinehart _ 4 1 1 5 0 0 ance list for April. They are: tinue until November 30. The lakes Smith, l b within a short time will prepare a _... 4 0 1 5 0 0 STATIONERY Alfred Ralph, last year defender Being weak in the weight ovents Eugene Verick, Edward Aumack, of Reception grad(!—Whitney Crowell. the state have been amply stocked Maxson, cf., p 4 1 2 4 1 0 schedule for the school golfers. Canol the 142-pound class, dropped his Coach Don Needham's tracksters of Fred Hill, George Cavanaugh and with largo and small mouth basa and Conover, cf SPORTING COODS-TOYS First grade—Joseph Scott, William Van5 1 1 0 0 0 didates for the team include William he Red Bank high school dropped Roscoe Norwood. They will be championship to Jim Bennett khen c 5 0 0 11 1 1 Pelt, John Jeffrey, . Alexander H a y and should be a banner year. Fish- I.oshen. Cannavo, Daniel DeLuca, Valentine KovoleBky, p.. cf 5 0 1 0 2 0 Margnret Contalfna. IT BROAD ST. the youths both staged a hard fought heir second scholastic cinder match awarded $5. Second, place for high this ing for trout from September 1 to Second grade—^-Clarence Berger. Chsrlei BB 4 0 0 1 0 1 DeFazIo, Patsy Tomaine, F. Tomalnc, three-round battle. Ralph waa Saturday afternoon -when they played team score ended in a tie between September 30 will also be legal again O'Snge, RED BANK MlleB. 8b 8 1 1 0 0 1 Cushman, Addlson Davidson, Edward Sag. Joe Chrlstman, Frank Cannavo, Loo floored in the third semester by his hosts to the South Riverites and lost Miller's department store and Mor- this year. Daynrd, 2b 4 0 1 1 1 0 urton, l-'rancis Sagurton, Leon Buckalew, LaBionda and Bill Brooks. ris-VanKeuren. Macintosh 1 0 0 0 0 0 Alice Gallwan and Margaret Hyland. opponent but came back to his feet 56-34 score. Third grade—Robert Campbell, Wlllett to finish his light. Fred Wikoff, who last Wednesday The first ten high individual av- The State Fish and Game ComHaggerty, Cicorge Silver. Joyce Ayers, 39 4 3 27 5 3 mission announces in the future Three-base hits—Wavers, Conover. Two- Lucy Conzelino, Shirley Mason, Ruth Scott An enthused crowd of spectators afternoon against the Asbury Park- erages are as follows: trout streams WM be posted for 48 hits—Mount. Wavers. Springsteen and Elsie Stone. greeted the ten youths who struggled men did the hundred yard dash in o Hfi hours after stocking to prevent base Fourth grade—Wallace Ayera, Raymond (2), E c i d l c Smith, Kovelcaky. Hits off IT COSTS NO MORE TO BUY THE BEST AT for teir championship medals as the 9.9 seconds, again took a first place I.uke Meyer ..._ 81 218 in 8 innings, off Maxson Grover, Milton Marx, Raymond Sanbom, Chnsey 78 259 those who follow the fish trucks Kovclesky—13 wrestling bouts got underway for Saturday in the hundred, doing the Ed none In one Inning. Bases on balls—Oft Barbara Knapp and Dorla Scott, Fred Morris 52 246 from taking undue advantage over fifth grade—Helen Borden, Murial SanKoveleBky 1 in 8 innings. Maxson 1 In one the evening's card. dash in 10.2. He also tallied nine Chet Riddle 278 fellow anglers. Metal signs will be inning, Conroy 2. Struck out—By Kovel- born, Lois Silver, Anthony Conzalina, Wal74 In the 115-pound class, Max Brltto, more points when he copped the 440 Stanley Roberta 241 76 lace Davidson. John Haigh and J o h n By24 7 posted at points where stocking is csky 10, Mnxson 2, Conroy 4. Ed Taylor 82 eolored, won over Johnny Harrison and tied for a first in the high jump. Vincent land. 23 4 done, one sign being placed at the Moyos 79 Sixth grade—Elizabeth Fesram, Jane when the former pinned his oppon- Wingerter of the local team tallied J. C. Ru»h 240 main point of stocking, another 500 78 Mason, Mildred Marx, Evelyn Lange, DorINSTALLATION LUNCHEON. ent with an arm lock in four min- ten points when he led the field of Ralph Lewis ..._ - ~ 8.1 othy Jackson, Charles Comalina, William feet above and another 500 feet beGeorge Winning 71 utes, 45 seconds. An arm scissor and Unners in the 880-yard ami mile and Wlllinm Ylvlsaher. low the stocking point. The penalty HadnsRah Chapter Plans For Second Drake lock pinned Ernie Wingerter in the runs. Holmes, Matthews and GorSeventh grade—George Marx and Anna for violation, according to a new law, Conzelino. Annual Social For May 88. 125-pound class when Newton Terzlan such were the only other Red BankEighth grade—Francis Borden/ Weston made fast work of his opponent in ers to score. Red. Bank Marksmen is revocation of license for one year. Tho second annual installation Buchanan. Monroe Miirx, James VanHlse, throwing him in the time of one The North Jersey boys made their Wood, Joan Dest, Ruth Freneli, ESt. 19O2 luncheon of the Jersey Shore chap- David Margaret Lange and Margaret Silver. minute, twenty seconds. Lose To Sea Girt ter, Hadassah, will bo held Thun Red Bank Tennis winning pointa when they took nine Jack Morrow did the same as the points in both the broad jump and day, May 23, In the Berkoley-Car123 W E S T FRONT STREET BRAILLE FUND BENEFIT. previous match when he pinned Carl hotel, Asbury Park. A program Match Postponed ofteretentertainment throw, took first and second The Red Bank police pistol team VanWinkle with the same hold in discus was defeated by the Sea Girt rifle and the yearly rehonors in polo vaulting and a first one minute, 25 seconds. In the only and third in shot put. Other points and pistol club revolver team last Following tho play of three single view will be featured. Triad Club to Sponsor Bridge Party 2 PHONES: R.\ 678—R. B. 1410. match of the evening to go its full were scored by taking first and acc- Sunday morning at Sea Girt by tho tennis matches last Friday afternoon The chapter's final meeting of the Tonight at the Woman's Club. F B E E DELIVERY. ALL Meats Protected by G-M Frigldalre, time, Robert Scott won on a time of 1,157 to 1,445. Tho Sea Girt tho scholastic tennis encounter be- season will bo held this afternoon at places in the mile, 330, 880, 1120, score plans have been completed advantage over Harold Pollacek in second team was third with 1,353. tween Red Bank and Plalnfield was tro home of Mrs. Victor Pareonnet of forFinal tho Triad club's bridge party toes a second in the hundred one minute, 55 seconds. A . laugh nobert M. White and James Cedar avenue, West End, who ia re- night at the Woman's club on Broad was supplied when in the heavy yard dash and a third In high jump- O'Rourke fired perfect scores In the halted, due to heavy rains. tiring as active president to become street for the benefit of the Braille Plainflold was loading at the postweight class Ralph Schwarz, flabby ing. 75 foot alow fire stage. White also poned time by a score of 2-1, but a honorary president. Mrs. Parsonnet fund. The senior, junior and Young wrestler, was dropped by Frank The summaries: accounted for the best score of the rally by the double forces might have will read a paper on "Henrietta Women's clubs arc invited to attend. Full Cream 0 9 C Fresh Jersey A A r . Garutto with a combination arm lock 100-yard dash—Won hy Wil;r»fT of Tied match, posting 204 points. OTloiirkc Szold," founder of Hadassah, who is At their meeting held Thursday rouand sciBsor hold in one minute, sev-Bank, Moroz, South River, noeonil; Holmes, of Sea. Girt and Policeman Charles given the Red Bank court men residing In Palestine. tine business was transacted, after Hed Bank, third. lead to victory. However, tho match Time 10:2. enteen seconds. Mile run—Wo hy of Bed Erlckson of Red Bank were tied for was postponed until a probable date Mrs. Sidney Komar of Red Bank which bridge was played. Those' Anplehy, South River, second; H' second high with 203. heads the committee In charge of tho winning prizes were Misses GeralMedals for the winners and run-Bank. in June. South River, third. Time 5:17. ner'-up were presented through the 440-yard d«»h—Won hy WikofT of Tied Lieutenant Harold Davison made Harold Bcrkowltj, No. 1 Red Bank program for : May 23 and is being dinn Langell and Cecils Dlxon. Bank. Sltie, South River, second;. fiereM, the second highest score for the local man, was turned away by Willis of assisted by MIBS Florence Forgotson, courtesy of Tetley's Sport depart- South Others attending the meeting were Plate Corned Iliver, third. Time M seouii^, plstolmen with a mark of 291. Sef-Plalnfield In three hard fought president-elect; Mrs. Samuel Yanko, Mrs. ment. Virginia Rathsmith, Mm. Helen HKO-yard dnnh — Won hy U'inKcrter Roant George Clayton fired 290, SerMrs. Herman Korriar, of Red Bank; Red Bnnk. Appleliy, South River, ner.ond; matches of 4-6, 6-1 andft-2ns was Summary for WWBUIMKI Warner and Mlssea Grace Brooks, geant James J. Sheedy made 286 and 115-pound d a s " -MHX Hritto, colored, Borak, South River, third. Time 2:16.S. Jack Schooloy of Red Bank by Hud- Mrs. A. Lawrence Pltiger, Sirs. Jules Elizabeth Hanklnabn, Dorothy Mar•220-yanl dn«h- Won hy Holmes of R«d Policeman Benjnmln Pryor scored Uirew Johnny Harrison ^ith an mm lock. (all sites) son of South River in two straight Golden, Mrs. Victor Parsonnet, Mrs. tinson, Gladys Forrar, Robert MoHank, Shinn, .South River, second; Bell, 2S5. Time, * minutes. 4& Becomls. (James. Their scores were 6-2, 6-3.Samuel Klein of Long Branch; Mrs. Knight, Alene Patterson, Loretta 125-pound ciass—Newton Trr/inn threw South River, third. Time 2h:b. Hiirh jump—Tied for first. Wikoff of Brnle Wintierter with »m arm pemjor and Tho scores of (he Sea Girt marks Tho third singles event went to Red Charles Frankel, Mrs. Herman Splel- Regan, Mildred Scheldt, Olgi SIRLOIN Red Hank and Scotty of South River, men follow: First team, White 204 Bank for their only victory when fogcl of Asbury Park and Mrs. Joslock. Time. 1 i«8nulc. 20 second.. Schwonkcr, Allco Slmmonda, Helen 185-pound clRan—Ji.[» seconds of * Art! round. iii-poanA *!M*-~Jimmy lUnnolt won • rwUMlRll dMlslon • prtnlMi beln« forecloaed In tha bill-of eomplalnt mentioned, and by reupn tlnreof may claim aom* Intereat, In, tke laid mortgaged, premliiu nn

Each AH Other Sizes at Low Prices.

JSatontown Topil* Who A n 1MUA On April Honor BoU, Th» eighth grade of the Eitontown grammar tchool ia the holder of the highest percentage of perfect attendance pupllt far the month of April. The percentage la 83.2 per cent. The list of perfect attendance pupils l< Hated aa follow*:


4 ft. wide—



(The Red Bank Remitter eeji be bought n flumion at tb» etorea of Harry Baw ;an. fred frlonerty »nd Walter Torbera nd from Mr. Ueyer.l A card party for the benefit of loiy Cross church will be held Frl;ay night, May 24, in the church ia.ll. Mrs. John H. Naughton la in eneral charge or arrangements. Raymond Shea and Robert VanBrunt were elected active members of Rumson fire company at last FOB THE FARMERS, week's meeting. Francis Murphy Sportsmen's Association To Give was appointed chairman OI the committee In charge of the annual dance Show For Them Tuesday. which will take place In Juno. The George C. Warren Sportsmen's This la "Clean-up Week." The borassociation is making final prepar- iugh council has designated this ations to, entertain farmers on whose eek as the time for residents to lands they shoot and fish next Tues- ;lean up their properties, All rubday night nt the Elks' Home at Hed bish will be carted away by the borBank. The chief feature will be a sugh. Special trips to homes wil moving picture entitled "The Lost >B made with trucks by telephoning World" and dealing with pro-htstorio animals. The members of the ha borough clerk's office. sportsmen's association say that they The Rumson Patrolmen'0 Benevohave endeavored to send Invitations lent association met Monday night to nil the farmers who have favored at Oceanic fire house. them, but that thoy may have over- Mr. and Mrs. John JdeCabe wil: looked norhe. They gay that all farm- move to New York this week. ers they have overlooked will be wel- Seventy-five persons attended tin come to attend with their fainlUoB. dinner given Tuesday night In the high school cafeteria by the senior class for Lhe benefit of the year book CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY. fund.' It was knovm as "Mrs. Bradley'a Advertising Dinner." Astor Florence Kowland Tendered Party anga peko tea was served and th< by Friends on Thirteenth Birthday, lecturer Informed the audience that Miss Plorence Rowland of College Astor tea can be purchased at Davidavenue, Eatontown, was tendered a son Bros., at Red Bank. Th» Rumson school band, orchei party Saturday night by a number of 'friends at the home of her par- tra and chorus will take part in th1 county musical festival tomorro ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rowland in celebration of her thirteenth night at Asbury Park, About 150 pubirthday. Games were played and pils from this place will participate An exhibit of school work will fea. refreshments wore served. Those attending were Bill Mazza, ture tha meeting of the ParentTeacher association next Tuesday Doris Brltton, Alice Holmgren, Ruth Emmons, Frank TuttTe, Doris Hys- night In the senior high school buildng. Indian instruments lop, Dolly Mazza, Lydia Hathaway, made by pupilsmusical ol the sixth grad Delores More, Ruth Chasey, Ran- will be on display In the auditorium. dolph Rowland, Harry Rowland, Cal- The classrooms In tha building will vin Allen, Adolph Kyski, Orland be open from seven to eigh Grant, Alfred Jervls and Tom Case. o'clock for public Inspection. In each room there will be an exhibit of work Elver Flaza Pupils at Aabury Park. accomplished during the year. Phy Adults who took the children of sical training drills will be given un River Plaza In cars to the rehearsal der the direction of Miss Virginia at Asbury Park yesterday for the Spencer, physical training instructor, county musio festival tomorrow at Red Men's hall lrom seven to night were Mrs. John Fowler, Mrs. eight, and selections will be given Franklin Sniffen, Mrs. David Noon- by the rhythm band of school No. an, Mrs. fiurt Williams. Mr«. Arthur ! at eight o'clock, under the dirocFarrell, Charles Conklin, Frederick Ion of Miss Catherine Tllton. Baden and Fred Aycrs. Mrs. George Hallanan, Mrs. J. B W. Kuper and Mrs. Albert Niedere It pays to advertise In The Register. have arrived home from a motor trip —Advertisement. to Washington, D. C., and Virginia. At Washington they stopped at th home of. Mrs. Dave Barrows. Tho; 8DNDAV had an enjoyable trip. Time Trials The Rumson Hi-Y Olrls entertained the Red Bank Hi-Y Girla al Start 1:30 P. M. a treasure hunt and weenie roar Admission 75o evening at the home, o Woodbridge Monday Incl. Tax Eleanor Hansen. Those present wer Route 4, Miss Kithcrine Barney, advisor, Shore Road. Speedway Anna Brill, Mlllicent Chlnnock, Dot Conover, Betty English, Verna, Harrison, Lois Laymann, Margie MeInneii, June McVey, Phyllis Miles, Muriel Rath, Caroline Sherman, Dot Winning, Marna Rouckhaua an' Wllda VanWagcnen. all of Rod Bank, and Misa Esther Barnes, advisor, Gertrude Broadbent, Uarj Fanning, Louise Hiltbrunnor, Ethe' Hillstrom, Ann Klint, Ellzibot Gratz, Emily Layton, Louiso Lemlgi S3 Teeth, Gladys Niederer, Katherlne O'Brien, Copperbound. Doris Pomphrey, Helen Pilling, LH Parks, Rose Scalzo, Ann Smith Regular SUo Value. ICleanor Hansen, ail of Kumson.

0 ft. 8 In. drop.



, MAY 9,


Real Holland Ecru, White, Green.

A service In observance of Mother's day will be held Sunday evening, May 12, at the Methodist church, The program will comprise organ se lections, prayer, scripture lesson, announcements, offering, solos, sormo ana benediction. Those who will pa ticipate are Mrs. Irene Suttrr, Mn Alice Slocurn, Mrs. A. H. Herbert Mrs. GiBleson, Airs. S. H. VanBrun and MM. Matthew Bowman. Tin choir will consist ot Mies MB no: Herbert, MUs Juno Bowman, Mrs. ( E. TlVton, Jr., and, Mrs. Paul Hall •way. The Butnson Women's Democrat club will hold a bake sale Saturda; ot this week from 10 A. M, to 1. f M. In the Flnkelsteln building on tit corner of River road and I*afaynt street. Mrs. Eva Cornell is t-hai man of the affair and her asaistan nro Mrs, Nicholas Lamb and Mr. James E. McGlrr. Baked goods wil be provided by the members. Th club will hold a social gathering fi members and friends Thurtday eve Ing, May 16, at the club headiuan ecu on Laiayetta «troot. A bunco party for me benefit c the Rumson Parent-Teacher aasoc atlon will be held Friday ovenlni May 31, id Holy Rosary hall. Mn Arthur Boyce, president, is In ge er«l r.harfre. Mr. and Mm. James Victor Kea' injr of J«oli»on Heights, bong Islani viitbwt friends hwa yeeterd/iy,






Household Needs!


3--19* 2 *» 9«> 2-0'

Shrewd, careful buyer* read The ified Advertitemento. Here you $fld tilt w&nU to icll and the buyer who wants Ut (ray


Red Bank Pistolmen Defeat Sea Girters


tion ot gJua It reducing the num- summer of 1917, my llfdong filtnd, ber of rum in i|]k «tooklnj«. Th» the Rev. Appleton Orannli, came Condensed From Popular Science 'wooden bobblni to comisda use, ex- back from a long sojourn in th» Monthly by Edwin Teale, Mrs. Lydla M. Bennett, periment* revealed, absorb lomt of West. H e had not been a t SunnyGerow—Galm. natural waxes from the silk bank In years. One not afternoon wife of Joshua Bennett and one of The Red Bank police plttol team Miss Ruth Gerow, daughter of Mr. A short time ago I watched a the thread and thus increast its brittle- he and. I were chatting at the dinthe oldest residents of this section, yesterday evened the count with the and Mrs. Clifford Gerow of East Or- dramatic demonstration at a glassdied Saturday night at the home of Sea Girt rifle and pistol club by de- ange, and John Galm, son of Mrs. manufacturlnjr plant In Toledo, Ohio. ness. By substituting glass bobblm Ing room table. Aa usual, I eat with h«r daughter, Mrs. Harry Heaviland, feating that tearn of Sea Girt. The Harold Knapp of East Orange, wero A steel ball, weighing more than a this plant has taken a long step to- my back to the long veranda window. W e were leaving the room of Wallace street, after a long 111- latter last week landed the locals a married Friday night at eight o'clock pound, fell from a height of eight ward overcoming the difficulty. at the, home of the bride's parents. feet, struck a pane of glass, and re- A recent product of the Corning when Grannls said to m e : neu. She was eighty years old. defeat. ' 'Mr«. Bennett was born at Belvl- The Red Bank marksmen made a Miss Gerow wore a long white lace bounded without leaving a mark. It research men In collaboration with "I thought I knew all your dogs dere and was the daughter of the total of 1,447 points. Lieutenant Har- gown ending In a train, a long veil was dropped again from twelve feet. tho Continental Can company is a But there's one I never saw till now. lite Alexander and Catherine Kuhn old Davison and Policeman Charles and carried a bouquet of gardenias This time the glass shattered, but tin can with a glass window that The big dog with the short fawn-cot Muckey. She had lived at Red Bank Erickson each made scores of 296. and lilies of the valley. Her two «ls- not as ordinary glass breaks. In a permits shoppers to inspect the con- ored coat and a scar across hla tor the past fifty years. Besides her Policeman Benjamin Pryor scored ters, Jane and Louise, who were flash It dissolved Into harmless gran- tents before buying. Tests conducted jse." husband, who Is a prominent con- 287, Policeman George Clayton made bridesmaids, wore duplicate frocks in ular fragments, the lines of break- in the Middle West showed a 340 "We have no short-haired dogs at tractor and builder, she is survived a mark of 286 and Sergeant James pink and blue and carried large bou- age criss-crossing like the threads of per cent Increase In the sale of vege- Sunnybank," I told him. "And none quets of spring flowers. Carolyn an elaborate lace. tables and fruits packed in such con- with a scarred foreface." by a son, William W. Bennett of J. Sheedy collected 282 points. "But thia dog has been otanding Tinton Falls; three daughters, Mrs. The scores of tho Sea Girt team Knapp, Btep-sister of the groom, was Produced by blasting cold air over tainers. Heaviland, Mrs. Georgo Whito and follows: White 205, Simpson 283, the flower girl. William Ruaeoll of glass that is almost molten, the new Frequently in research work sci- outside the window staring in at you Red Bank was best man. Tho bride material is said to be half as strong entists evolve by-products of Import- all the time we.were there," he proMrs. George Coventry, all of Red Bank; several grandchildren and Freerer 286, White and Barry 276. was given In marriage by her fath- as steel and three times as elastic. ance and value. While seeking to de- estcd. "He'B gone now. Which of r. • tfreat-grandchlldren; a sister, Mrs. Two men can stand on a windshield velop glass less affected by sudden your dogs Is he?" TALKS ON TREES. Mary A. Cowel of highlands, and a Following a trip to Bermuda, from without breaking It. The glass will extremes of temperature, so thai "I—I don't know," I made answer entire truthfulness. brother, William D. Muckey of Elizwhich the couple are expected to reunder the weight and then re- railway lantern globes, for Instance, with By B, Porter Felt of the Bartlett turn Saturday, they will reside in the bend Another close friend, Henry A. Ibeth. turn to its normal position after- would not break when struck by Healy, Tree Research Laboratories. used to drop In often at SunTwin Gables Apartments on Riverthundershowers, they evolved the ward. Used as a safety glass In EuMrs. Bennett had been a member side avenue. About seventy persons rope, it has just been Introduced in- formula for the revolutionary glass nybank. He was keenly Interested of the Red Bank Methodist church Surprise is being registered in attended In problems of cross-breeding. Thus now used in making cooking dishes. for many yars. She was an honor- many quarters on account of the ex- ceremony.the reception following the to this country. In a demonstration Experimenting further with this he had made more or less of a Btudy ary member of Pride of Monmouth treme abundance of apple tent cater- Mr. Galm is a graduate of the Red in England, not long ago, a huge same heat-rcslstrrig glasswaVo they of Rex. One evening In the autumn pane of one-inch glass supported a Council, Sons and Daughters of Lib- pillars. evolved a wholo new system of elec- of 1018, Hoaly and his wife dined There really Is little cause for sur- Bank high school and Wharton three-ton truck. erty of Bed Bank. school of finance. He Is employed by tric cooking which, may prove vastly with us. Afterward we sat lazily In The funeral was held Tuesday af- prise, since we predicted this last the Prudential Insurance company. This is but one ot the recent ad- Important In tho home. In It, ninety the firelight for an hour or two. As ternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Heavi- June on account of the enormous vances in the world of glass. An- per cent of the electrical energy the guests were starting for home, land residence, with Rev. Albert L. numbers of the moths flying to autoother Innovation wltfR, fascinating goes Into the food, and the latter is Healy said: Bottagaro—GIU. Baner, pastor of the Methodist mobile headlights. Later there were possibilities is a heat-absorbing wln"Bert, I wish there were some church, officiating. Mrs. Grace King reports of great numbers of recently Miss Anna Bottagaro, daughter of doi^n pane that cuts out seventy per just as well done at the center as creature so utterly devoted to me as Bang "Safe In the Arms of Jesus" deposited egg masses. These con- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bottagaro of cent of the heat rays from the sun. on tho top or bottom. An ordinary Rex Is to you. I've been watching tinued to come in from various lo- Harding road, and George Gill, son It filters out in Infra-red rays passed electric bulb in a reflector within a him as he lay at your feet. He kept and "Sleep On, Beloved." The bearers were two sons-in-law, calities well into the winter. Figures of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gill of Mld- by ordinary panes, and since in sum- special chamber gives off the radiant looking up into your face every minMr. Heaviland and George White, indicating the extraordinary abun- dletown, were married Sunday at mer more than fifty per cent of the energy that does the cooking. ute with a queer kind ot adoration, and William Dean and Henry F. Hy- dance of the egg masses were given Elkton, Maryland. The first factory in America was H sun's rays are infra-red, the new He -"" and apparently the statements failed lln. Burial In charge of the Worden man!" 1 sputtered. The couple were attended by Miss glass Is expected to clip alr-condi- a glass works. In 1609 a plant for Good Lord, funeral home was in Evergreen to register. b d more than two dead Rotler as maid of honor tloning bills by a large amount. In making colored beads and glassware "Rex haa been cemetery at Little Silver. The millions of egg masses are Caroline was turning out its crude product at years." Pullman cars, refrigerating plants, and Phil Matthews as best man, now represented by nearly as many both of Red Bank. Mrs. Gill la a store windows and homes, it may Jamestown, Virginia. Three and a Healy frowned worriedly for a millions of email, white tents in the graduate of -tho Red Bank high have wide application. When I ex- quarter centuries later, In the midst moment. Then he said, "Yes, I George I* Rlgney, forks of apple and wild cherry trees, school, where she was outstanding amined It recently at the famous of an age of glass undreamed of know he's dead. I remember now a resident of Rumson for the past 23 each containing several hundred . Just the same," he said with Corning Glass Works at Corning, then, research men are busy making yuan, died at his home on Church email caterpillars. A few warm days In athletics and was in the upper New York, the only difference from new discoveries, devising new meth- something like defiance, "I can •treet last Friday after an illness of will change the picture. The small half of her graduating class. Mr. ordinary panes that I could detect ods, opening up new fields, pushing swear he waa lying in the firelight several weeks. He was 31 years ,pld. tents will be much larger and the Gill is a graduate of the Red Bank was a slight greenish tinge. ahead toward dramatlo possibilities at .your feet all evening." Mr. Rigney was a chauffeur. He tiny caterpillars will stretch to one Catholic high school. My collie Bruce in those days was Mrs. Gill Is employed at Laird's Another product of the same plant which still He In the future. was born at Hoboken and was tho and one-half Inches. the one dog,allowed In my' atudy. He son of the late William Rigney and People want to know what can be office at Seobeyville and Mr. Gill Is is a glass that transmits heat rays lived four years after Rex's death. GHOST DOG OF SUNNYBANK Never once in that time would he Mrg. Agnes Dwyer Allen, wife of done. The small caterpillars are easly employed by tho White Star Taxi but cuts off light rays. An eighth of William Allen of Rumson. He was killed by poison. It is not too late company. Tho couple are at present an inch think it Is designed for set foot on the stretch of floor just therapeutic work In hospitals. So unmarried. to spray. Spraying at about this residing at the home of the bride. effective Is It that heat, coming Condensed from Herald Tribune outside the study where Rex had Magazine by Albert Fayson Terbune been wont to lie. He would skirt It Besides bin mother, Mr. Rigney to time Is likely to result in a more through the glass, will light a bit of survived by a brother, James A. Rig- complete kill than earlier applicaWright—Denzer. tissue paper without the holder be- In tackling ghost stories of any as ' though walking around someney. also of Rumson. tions and if the treatment is delayed Miss Edith P. Wright, daughter of ing able to see the source of the kind the teller lays himself open to thing that lay there. Again and The funeral was held Monday it is almost certain to mean a par- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wright of Atthe charge of lying or of loose men- again—before guests who can attest morning at nine o'clock at his late tial to nearly complete stripping of lantic Highlands, and John J. Den- rays. tal gear. But dog ghost stories are to the truth of this—I have ordered home and at 9:30 o'clock at the badly Infested trees. Many have a zer, Jr., also of Atlantic Highlands, Almost every week curious orders tenfold vulnerable than aro Bruce Into the study. Invariably he Church of the Holy Cross at Rum- few. small trees or one or two large son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Denzer come to the Corning plant from all those of more white-robed ex-humans. So would make that needless detour. son, where the rector, Rev. John E. ones, and for various reasons do not of Irvington, were married Sunday parts of the world. They range from I start by refusing to express any Why? I don't know. Murray, celebrated a high mass of at the Atlantic Highlands Methodist requests for polished plates for sun- personal belief or disbelief, I shall How did Grannia chance to eee a requiem. Mrs. Marie S. Lederhaua care to apply a spray. One, if not church power motors to an insulated sevengive only objective testimony on dog peering In through the window by Rev. Harry D. Hummer. was the organist and Bho chanted too faBtldlolls, may remove the nestj Attending at mo? Grannls who never had were the foot tubo of glass In which a patient Sunnybank's one alleged ghost. the mass and sang. "O, Paradise." with a gloved hand and crush the bride's sister,theMisscouple Margaret Wright, can be given treatments with high- I had a big cross-bred dog, Rex, heard of Hex. I don't know. Healy caterpillars. Do this in the early The bearers, six cousins, were evening or during a dull, cool period and the groom's brother, Nicholas frequency radio waves. Requests who was almost the size of a Great was a level-headed business execuJames and Joseph Duryea, John and when most of the caterpillars are in Denzer. have come in for glass teeth, for Dane, short-haired and fawn-colored, tive, not given to fancies. What did Martin Cooke and Thomas and The bride was given away by her glass fiddles, even for glass coffins! with a Jagged scar across his fore- he see lying at my feet In the fireJames Tanner. Burial in charge of tho nests. It is easy with a pole grandfather, A crack start of chemists, physi- face. Rex was a lovable chap. From light? Haywood Wright of the Worden funeral home was In the having a jagged tip to gently twlsi Both the bride and her sis- cists and optical experts keep busy puppyhood he was slavishly devoted I don't know. family plot In Holy Name cemetery out the nests and their contents, Roselle. developing new glasses for special to me. He would He for hours at my even if they are fifteen feet above ter were similarly attired in blue and at Jersey City. Whether by design or coincidence, th* ground. It may he necessary to had corsages of roses and sweet purposes, testing standard articles, feet, staring up Into my face. If repeat the operation, much depending peas. Forty guests attended a recep- and finding new uses for glassware. I moved he would get up quietly and the four Mooney brothers of NashJulius A. Miller upon the skill of the operator. Such tion at the bride's home. The couple As a result, on the market you find follow me, lying down again close to ville are named In alphabetical order, of West Bergen place, a resident of a method Is preferable to burning motored to Delaware Water Gap. glass wool, glass bricks, glass black- my feet. It waa the same at meals. their Initials being A A., B. B., C. C, R«4 Bank for tlm past 23 years, died the nests with a torch. This last not They will live for the present with boards, glass nuts and bolts that re- Rex was not allowed In the dining and D. D. So always he went out on the Monday night at his home after an only Injures the tree but is by no the bride's parents. Mr. Denzer is a sist the action of acid, and even glass room. pharmacist at the Atlantic spark-plugs for motor cars. Tho lat- voranda and stood looking In at mo Lumbermen say the only romalnIllness of several months. He was means entirely effective, since many registered through the French windows Just bepharmacy, Atlantic Highlands. ter, having a core of heat-resisting sixty years old. ot the caterpillars drop quickly and forest of virgin red cedar In the jrlass, are designed to let tho motor- hind my chair, never Bttrrlng until ing Mr. Miller before coming to Red escape the names. ths mea| WHO ended. Ho usod alrjo United States stands near Lebanon, ist see the spark and tell If tho plug Bank resided in New York city. He There are a few days of grace reTenn. Knight—Nett. Is functioning properly. Glass wall- to lie in one particular spot in the waa born at Charleston, South Caro- maining. A little well-directed effort Miss Mabel F. Knight, daughter of hallway outside my study door while lina. For 33 yearB he was employed will accomplish much in controlling Mr. and Mrs. Jason C. Knight ot paper Is also supplied in standard Tho rolls. It is formed of fine threads of It was at work. It was his favorito f"0., rPanchatantra, , , i , i t oldest . L extant 7M as a bank runner at New York but this caterpillar pest. Middletown village, and Karl E. colored glass placed on a paper back- and only restingg pplace. You will collectionn of Sanskrit apologs and p ,wa» forced to retire last January beNeff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Christian Ing, the hues blending together In presently see why I have dwelt so stories, was compilod by Vishnu-oarcause of poor health. Neff of Irvington, were married last novel and brilliant effects. One re- long on these petty details. Poultry Notes. Mr. Miller was a member of Terry man, a Brahman. Thursday afternoon at tho Little lodge of Odd Fellows of New York. Immediate removal of broody hens Church Around the Corner at New cent innovation in glass tubing is a In March, 1916, Re* was killed. Besides his wife, Mrs. Veda Newbold and confinement in a cool, slat bot- York, by Rev. Randolph Ray. The multibore product for use in neon Perhaps you have read of his death Adams county, Mississippi, claims Miller, he is survived by a daughter, tom coop is the practice followed Dy brido waa attired in a blue suit and signs. As many as three or four in my book, "Lad: a Dog." In the it is wholly free of outstanding debts. Miss Dorothy Miller, and two sons, good poultrymen. Broody hens low- she had a corsage of sweet peas. channels run side by side In tho tube Reginald and Leon Miller, all of New er the flock production and the egg The couple are living at the groom's to permit different-colored gases to Slow in close proximity for novel York. . . quality. home at Irvington. display effects. . The funeral will be held this afTho fact that glass can be pulled ternoon at his late home at one Sun flowers and corn are the two out into tho finest threads has given o'clock and at two o'clock at St. best crops to use for shade on the it new jobs to perform. For years Thomas Episcopal chapel with the range. Corn will give excellent FOOD FACTS surveyors have been having trouble rector, Bey. Charles W. Nelson, of- shade and will also provide some with the. sight wires of their tranficiating. Burial in charge of tho grain and some material for litter. Did You Know That: sits. Human hairs and spiders' webs Worden funeral home will be in The sun flowers are a wonderful buys In Canada all canned fruits were tried but they were affected by White Ridgo cemetery at Eaton- shade plant, but the value of the and vegetables most bear needs as feed is small and the stalk moisture. Platinum wire proved too town. the grade labels Fancy, has no value as litter. brittle. Recently, threads of glass, Choice, Standard or Second * * • pulled so fine they are barely visible, Mrs. Anna S. Intemann, Quality. have been found adapted to the widow of E. A. George Intemann, Hot weather Is an enemy of egg —-Fresh American hams are work. t] died Monday at her home on Nave- quality. If you want the eggs to shipped frozen to Scotland Glass wool, made of masses of such sink avenue. Highlands, at the age grade fancy during warm weather, for curing in that country. with collect them at least twice a day. threads, is employed In insulation ff 73 years. She had been a resiMilk bottles were Brat used work and in taking-dust from condent of Highlands many years. Sur- Keep them In a cool room until they in 1878 by Alexander Campditioned air. A new filter using glass viving Is a brother, Dr. William L. are chilled and then pack them in Bankers National Life Insurance Company bell in Brooklyn. the cases. wool Is reported to extract 99 per Haeve of Brooklyn. The primacy of wheat flour O r JERSEY CITY. N. J. cent of all dust, pollen and bacteria * • • The funeral was held yesterday as a breadstuff is due to its from the air that passes through it. high gluten content, "varying afternoon at the house and was con- A Leghorn pullet will use from One of the fine, highly rated, Eastern Companies Ocean liners, using blankets of glass from 8 to 16 per cent ducted by Rev. Percy R. Coraar, Sr., twenty to 25 pounds of feed from Rated "A" Excellent wool around steam lines in place of pastor of tho Highlands Methodist the chick stage until it reaches maThese "food facta" are compiled ordinary insulation, have been lightchurch. Tho remains were conveyed turity at six months. Ten pounds (The highest rating given any Life Insurance Company) by the Division of Consumer Inened as much as 380 tons, or the by A. M. Posten and Son to New of feed will be required to raise a formation, New Jersey State De-, equivalent of more than 4,000 pasYork, where another service was two-pound broiler In from ten to partment of Agrlcaltnre. sengers. held last night at St. John's Gorman twelve weeks. * * • In an Eastern mill, a new appllcaLutheran church on Christopher 10-Tear Term Policies street. Burial was made this morn- The male birds should be removed ing in the Lutheran cemetery at from the breeding flock as soon as (he last hatching eggfl have been are Issued to both males and females between the ages Brooklyn. collected. Those that show promise of 10 and 80 years who are MOW in good health as breeding birds for future years Miss Catherine Chlshoun, 26, daughter of Mrs. Catherine Chis- should be kept.« • * Without Medical Examination holm of Charles street, Keyport, died A few old cock birds thrown In Tuesday evening in the Long Branch The chart below shows the amount of insurance you can obtain hospital. The body was removed to with the young growing cockerels at your age with ONE of these 53.65 policies. Not more than the John E, and James C. Day fu- will act as police and will help to FIVE of these policies issued to any one person. neral home at 339 Maple place, Key- reduce losses among the young birds A red, rare Micacy preyed with a special sauce port, opposite St. Joseph's Roman through fighting among themselves. Catholic church. * • * Surviving besides tho mother are It Is often noted that cockerels By SIDNEY SNOW Amt. of Ins. Amt. of Ins. two brothers, Joseph of Keyport and that have been well raised away Age Age 2nd Year and 2nd Year and James of Bound Brook. Services will from the mature stock nre more •wFiich ttS!cd Thereafter Thereafter there ore many nuance "beast '• ? t I "P warm oven. Then 1 pound chopped veal chanted a requiem mass and burial ands. The exercises were conducted NOTE—One halt abovo figures during flret year. over «n open fire, place the baking 1 pound chopped porlc by A. M. Posten and Sons was In by officers of the Berlin lodge. Guests were present from Red Bank, Bcl2 tablespoons butter dish «nd into the drippinfls put V, Mount Olivet cemetery. ford and Keyport. 3 eggs tablespoon flour «nd the water. Brini; Take advantage of thin extremely low cost Insurance NOW— 1 cup soaked sole all to l boil. * Religious Groups to Meet Discontinues Huolneea, 1 lemon, juiced while you «re In good health, and give your loved ones the proIf you wish to give it «n extra M The annual meeting of the. Red Miss Peggy Sacco of Foxwood 1 tablespoon capers tection they need, for tomorrow may bo too late. gamy touch, stir into the gravy i 1 generous teaspoon lalt Bank district council of religious parlr, who last week opened a linor a cup of sweet 1 pinch ppepper e p p e cup r ofTsour cream ? education, «t which officers for the gerie and hosiery department at MaBANKEBS NATIONAL WFE IMSOBANCE COMrAMT new term will be elected, will bo dame Morell's on Monmouth street, % IxmnJ butter or fat for frying S " ^ n . J j£? arpness, ! held tonight in the Fair Haven Meth- has discontinued business. Vi tablespoon flour ITAr'J"e,cMt 9'. k I cup rolled dry bread crumbs ALFRED P. BOYCE, General Agent odist church. The Young People's fl o j F which may 1 \ In Hospital Fifteen Weeks. council will meet In tho same 1 cup water La ^ .erved " ' ^ ta,' S«* S"id' «^eid'"ucr, be i)h. BOYCE and HAIXANAN, Manager*. church Immediately after the adult Mr*. John Dlxon of Rumson hns ' cup beer And of course, If you happen to seielon. Jtev. Earl Compton, pas- returned homo from tho Monmouth Broad Street National Bank Building, Bed Bunk, N. J. tor of tii« MlddMown Reformed Memorlnl hospital st Long Branch,church, will ftddrena the junior whero she. wa« a patient fifteen AGENTS WANTED. f vttiu. Sb* la atcaauy improving'



NOW! One Gent a Day

Auxiluu? Mr*. Hu«l WMion, M n . Brnl* Otto, Mi4 taownmng treatments for tierveB and narcot- Shrewobury i venue. Rtd Bank. Phona me before you rent. Q, Howard Ltpplnlowed, tho experiment of providing '•ilij easily applied, B« I£w la price that 4 Mlichanlo nreat, nt Red Bank. _ _ ear tires and prest-o-Ute batteries. 149* alUed cott, 31 Monmoutta etreeu d o n e Red cs. Trained and practical nurses on ccall.. r a t i a l nurses 58 West Front street, Red Bank, phone ivery horns ownir can afford t o u u ttl cs ne IU0T0R. rebuilt Planet Jr., also BoU free of charge to the pupils of the ) a pound, direct ttotti, factory. Comes tatteb' N Illt h R d WANTED, will buy second-bund bicycle* Bunk 621. Ileslstry, phone Red am and repairs. Conover Bros,, tales led Bank 1298 «jid 1287. tattersby's Cottage Park school at Union Beach, eight colon, r*ady Ut ui«. Just m l t md tarvlcB. Wlckatunk. N. J., phone S ,UfbtfdInCSirdrlvere-r-Br!n»; your FidH and second'hand frameu. Orovsr Par- F $25 la your limit, you needn't com'Ith cold watar, Call lor lamplii. At- lolmdel. houaeworkers, ker. 8 Mechanic street Ued Bank* pbona ator and fender trork itj the man whoWANTED,, white general eoup or cocoa dally, members of the aiitle mutfl. j ^ t us show you a home * a g Paint A Wall Textur* Co,, l i e We it 140 t hn h f t h ma. 140; miiftt hnva references. es. MMonmouth oea It. For service and efficiency see nave in downtown Red Bank, newly decrefer 140; miiftt tlTTLfi WH1T10 HQUXK Antique Shop, he Parent-Teacher association of that 'ront street, phono Rad Bank 22M-W. Agency, 107 M Monraouth Bed Bank Radiator Worke, 113 Wast Employment h rated throughout; clean, convenient i MONEY to loan on flrnt bond and mortl Headden's Corner, Red Dank. Antiques ••.••• .„.._, s . - . t j • rjit* i tm. '2': "•'"''' i'"'.''' L'l J T T " T place have reported. treet, Red Uank, phone 3500.* front etreet. Red Bank. _ ^ eage. He nd rick son & Stoat, 2 Linden Hth, furnace, etc. Telephone R«d Bank ) AND PASTUHB for sale; eod at the mftht and sold. Tlie association, of which Mrs, M. .'arm A BARGAIN. 1031 Ford cabriolet, F I U P I N a "S(T.~ exiierlenceo, speaks good place. Red Bank, 100. . or delivered. Piuture 60 eenu ERBWOOD, 10 per load, 110 per cord; ITgood English; able to take entire charge of OLD GOLD— We par canh tor your eld FOR KENT at Fair Haven, ilx-room buncondition: need money and muBt J. Ehrhardt Is president, was formed eek for yearlings. Otter slock In prororboe>t rtba, oak tlmbarti, locust poaU i for small, family; excellent cooki Jewelry, watchei, teeth, etc. R galow, alt mod urn Improvement*) Ideal gold 1 H. T, Oullck * Sob,, ectrlo planing milt and sawmill for c m - tell. 08 Maple avenue or call 2144, Redhouse (net December. A school kitchen was lon. Irlves; mnkca nice appearance; references. allies1, t 6 Broad atreet. Red Bank. Sank.* , location. Ready for occupancy i unfurlerhone ttt-3. Mldjletowii, j iro work. Charles Q, Bennett & Co.. Nut* r n 1 7 7 1 1c e Bank. established aoon afterward. Funds 0WH0AT3 for (alt, alio tallboata arad namp road, phone Mlddletown S6B. " ' l Bunk nished, Apply M M . Jack Sparling, 0 C»tb« 92H ESBCX aedan SOT sale] very good con- * J L J ' i ? « «r[ne itreet. Fair Hnvm, N, J , dition t reasonable. Original owner OPERATORS wanted; experienced only. are raised from pard parties heM dinghies. Thompion Boat Works, S UI'ER TOP BOlL, humus, top dreiqlns ROOMS FOR RENT. ATTRACTIVE eight-room boat*, flnt r««Apply JOB Til troct. Red Bunk. av!ne; town. Can be Been Bt 61 John monthly and donations are receive* Center street, Bea Bright. N. J. for lawi)a that produces results. A t a idential eectlont central i larsre fireplace, tn pr.yiite JJank.* „„— WHITE WOMAN wl.hei day'a work to ROOM for ront; ,t; comfortable, comfi hardwood fioorB, built-in hookejuet tare* from residents of the community. SbOP PAINT for tin, tar and gravel ia», 2t>a and up. tl. L. Temp!e, Highway treet,_Rejl family; two lio. or tvould do laundry, In or out. Call minuten from depot. Ineednn, OOI>~UBen8 fi-onUee on west aide of State [Itgtiay. ttrteilan well on lot. Alaton B«tkan. attorney, Rad Bank. HOUSE and1 store In tmslnesi location, IBS Shrewsbury avenue; operated by t h e ate Louis Gettin. ' Must sell t o settle tip atate. For further Information see B. 61lUano, administrstor, £00 Broad t t r « t , ''itmtown, N. J , 3EUENTLY tnodernhed o l i bouas." b'ulf sere; ten minutes to Red Bsnk; Mvtn rooms, oil burner, steam heat, fireplace; ATTRACTIVE, Bunny, furnished room electrlclai troubles. Victor C. Perottf, K6 veKetjibles, repairs on buildings, l i bildi led Bank. open fire placea, oil heat, frljldntre, barn, (rult and shade treea. Bargain a t Scotch ,pfr.e, 25c and EOc. Up to sixChurch street, Bea Bright, phone 238-W flowertt,roods, near Broad street; reasonable. 24 Pe es, painting; good references; tras, electricity; tennis court, river privU HABLEV-DAVirJSON motorcycle foi 'ect tall:' Corns and get them at the old TiNSMITHINO—Sheet metal work, beat- cars, 6,860. Ray VanHorn. phone Red Bank three years last position. Address fJar- tere plnce. Red Bank.* liegeB; lawns cared for by owner; flv« sale; also a 1980 Herley-DavldBon mo- Kennedy farm, Nutswamp road, Middle erB, stove work; general jobbing. K»tl- denor, P. O, Box 15, Station B, Long FOiT"RENT, houBekeeplng rooms, with af minutes' walk to Btatlon. Garajee. Phone torcycle. William D, Dallenback,r Been wn, N. J. 0XW00D PARK—Two n«w housti. m . improvements, Bray, Newman Springs Red Dank 260.* mates cheerfully furnished. DeWltt C Branch. • road. R. P. No. 1. Keyport, N, J. iEVOLVINC. tiHELF. most unique, only Carhart, 69 Branch avenue, phone Red ulna Caps Cod Colonial, the othar six- ' HOUSEKEEPER, TroteBtHnt, good worker road. Red Bank, on the Wcstlnghowa refrigerator, with Bank 8816-W. ^OR RENT on Highway, rentaurant. flood oom cottayo type, both nave ever; moaLOST AND FOUND. WE BUY and eell everything! Hou™ and manngerj not RQrvant type: best FRONT ROOM, furnished, on firat floor; , live-year guarantee. See It a t Tuatlng's, frontage; established and equipped, b a r 3rn convenience and aro completelr dachold furnishings, office equipment, an modern conveniences for one or two reference. Address H. P.' G., box 511, Red 16 Monmouth atreet, Red Bank. end beer garden possibilities; living quararated throughout. Open for Inspection LOST In Keansburir, diamond Bet In plati- Llquflfl, ruga, booki, paintings, clothing, GEORGE B. BROWN, Insurance and Bank.* ___ women, with or without board j o r two ters. Fine opportunity. Address Hlgh- every very day day and nd heated for your eomfott. num; $50 reward. Notify Lulu Miller, shoes, FriBlrtalitB, ate. The Auction Gnl- TROPICAL FISH—Bnrgalns In fish am real estate, 8t Mct^ren street. Red write or phone, h G Howard H d or ddetails G. COOKING and general housework wanted; rooms for liffht housekeepins for couple; •way, bo.i 511. Red Bank. phone KeansburjtJjfJ).* aquariums; also plants and rUtr supplle lery,_87 Sent Front atre»t, phone 1608, etails 81 U Momnoutb t h street, t t pnoii h no laundry; sleep Call Red Bank kitchenette. Mrs. A. Moynnhan, 60 Lake VILLA. TYPE home, conveniently located Llpplncott, 81 Bank. 'or Sale a t Betsy Ross Fish Hatchery, LOST Saturduy lilifht at Monmouth Coun- FOH BALE^ Jour-burner Leonard HIu venue. Red Hank." Ited Bank 3 21. 1B10-W. tlten placo (juat oft Riverside avenue) Point kerosene stovet In uoofl condl yet a p a r t from other residences j chaj-rnty Country club, or In Ited Bonk, gold ATTRACTIVELY furnished large front TYPEWRITER heedquartere. Typewriters hone 886-W, Red Bank. MONMOUTH COUNTY farms i very select nsly dilTcient. Eight roonii, three bitths, Jon; cheap., Alio piano in excellent eon watch with Intliula J. M. T. on back; Bold room, six windows; Ideal location and rented, bought, sold and repaired. Tru. WHITE houseworkem, chambermnld-wnltliat of all sizes and types. Your I n fob on black rllilioti attached. Reward. jitiorw Apply 08 Poplar avenue. Fair Ha IANOS, violins, organs, Amplco Duo-Ar bin's, reBiGB, cooka wanted Immediately. Ked convenient to town and station; gnraga If :riplo gi.ra.ut. Wo are netlsfied that this quiries 80 Broad street, Red Bank. will be given personal attention. .a the bent rental value i n town. T o sea Address P . O. lio.x 65, Asbury Turk, N. J Welte Mlgnon tuning, voicing and re Bank Employment Agency, 111 Monmouth desired. 120 Maplo avenua. Red Bank* G. Howard Llpplneott, 81 Monmmith t call TUd Bnnk 110O for appointment. Dlrhan'a Piano Shop, Drum' PHONE 2317 Red Bank, for your plumb street. Red Bank, phone Red Bank 321. atreet, phone Red Bank 821. FOR BALI, 28 foot cabin sea skiff, eight- londltlonlng. tond place, Red Bank, phone 088. ing, heating end tinning problems. Ad- SALESMAN wanted to Bell new low coat FURNISHED ROOM for rent In private SIX ROOMS, Port-au-Peck, improve. FOR SALE, lot 100x400, hitch ground, foot beam; powered by six-cylinder ma ARTICLES FOR SALE. family: all conveniences *. BIBO complete vice and estimates free. Joseph W. Fox menta; garage; fruit, half aero; nea KNOW WHY the Weitlnshome refrlger. •lne motor In perfect workina; condition dovico wanted in every home and olllce; water system with electric pump for iftle, small llvinftr quarters, poultry h o n « ; 116 Plnckney road, Red Bank. rtver, station. $ E. G. Parker, Monmouth lalf ator 1B guaranteed for five years, See bargain price. For Information call at houBe to houRO ; large, commission. Apply In perfect condition. mile from Eatontown on Neptune HI South street, road. Went Long Branch. HOUSEHOLD furniture, including- parlor it them at Tuttine's, 16 Monmouth street. YOU ARE Invited to come In and Inveitl. at 183 IUveraide avenue. Red Dank.* Highway* Write t o W. Breda, 1406 Sfork couch, almost tiow, 910; sliding couch 14 Locust avenue, Red Bank/ p h o n e l l e d Bank_133(^M^ Red Bank. gate our full circle retreading process FARMS for rent, twenty-fiva acres, build avenue. New York City. EVPORT Tropical Fish Hatchery; speCOLORED BOY wanted for light Btoro (2.00, white enamelled bollUnd, with FURNISHED ROOMS for~rent, In private 10,000 mile guarantee a t half the* cost of Inns, road Ride Rt&nrl optional, or tan HOUSE at New-Mcnmouth, N. J., for t a l e ; cial on ten-vallon aquarium. I1.7S; jet USED CARS nnd parts bought and sold new •work; either half day or full time. Must springs and mattress complete- »6.nly. edge toolei welding and all kinds hand, bnokeepinff nnd filing. M!BB Ger-tric: private bathroom: hot water; heat* retary and Rlv*r, t h e boatman's para.lise; t » Baritone »&x, tenor ana alto BIE white cedar posts, tyvelve feet long, 2 Vi callbr. phone. Write Attorney, box L. B., pump action repealing rifle trude OIllBon, Freehold, N. J., R. F . D., fined atmosphere; pine and water front blacksmith work done. B. A. Hlckey special this week. D. Annese, 47 Wash inches on small end, 80 cents each; several model I860. Phone MUdletown 687-J.* porch; improvement*. Weller's House, 97 511. Red Bank, phone Freehold 109-W1.* lots. $360 t o 1600; 10% down, balance ngton Btreet, Red Bank. hundred pounds nalli, 4 cent, pound; lour West Fropt street. Red Bank.* & Son, Everett, phone Red Bnnk Bcaflold bracket., Co cants each, eight CHAUFFEUR, handyman, sardener. slnsle. COMFORTABLB room for . rent, private SPLENDID residence located on Sycamor monthly. Folder free. Ray H. Stlllman, MAYTAG WASHBR, model 80 holds foui 7M-J-1. avenue, Shrewsbury; four master bad* State Highway, Eatontown, N. J . ; phone BLUESTONB for walks and drives. uhlngllug braok.U 25 cents each, four excellent referencee, wishes position. Adgallons more water than any othei family: Rood location; very reasonable. roomR and three mastfir b a t h s ; two mnidi 1 178 • small Jack screws 11.00 each, few seconddress F. O. BUA 446, Red Dank. Prlcei on application. Jaines A. washer. This means a faster and bette: 21 Harrison avenue. Call Red Bank 8595. rooms nnd bath; oil hurner hunt, npen flr«- WINTEIl or Bummer homaj four rooms, hand doors 25c to II.00, lot of used sash MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, strlngi and rewasher. See It at Tustlng's, 16 Mon HOUSEWORKER, white, experienced, reFURNISHED ROOMS for housekeeping, places a n d spacious lawns with Bbad< pairing at Price's Music Store. SI West 50 cents each, almost new cross cut aaw Ryan, Bea Bright, phone 20. sun parlor: garage; imrrovementi: very mouth street. liable, lvisheB poBition In private family; BIIIHII family; no other roomers; rea- trees, Two-car garage with stalls to ac reasonable. *#fJT A. Mueller, Viola av#Front,street, Red Bnnk, (two-man) 11.50, buck saw CO cents, poreference*. # Mrs. R. Fit gee, R. D. 1, Free- sonable; next t o garage, opposite Fire ommodato two horses. Investigate, FOUR ECONOMIC ateam boilers, SO an tato planter, new, 50 oentsI almoBt new ANNUAL flower planti transplanted, no _______^___ KED BANK Business Institute prepares for hold, N. J . 100 horao power; oil storage tanks, 10( rjlnton •yVntflfhury, phon* Uo-l Bun . I^uiiHrdo, N. Jf," House In Mlddl garden hoae, 150 feet long with noxctea, ready for your selection. Over fifty secretarial positions. Day and night KIVEU ll6AU"homfc"TMng room, d}nln*. 350C." _ le.wn BPrayor, etc., $7.601 several large klnde for cutting, bedding, window boxe to l;G0O gallons; and four giccnhousei Florence O'Shea, 123 Broad street, FAMILY of two adulta; Jtirl wanted for kitchen, three bedrooms, all iraproTedrinking fountains for poultry $1.00 each; and rock gardens, 16 cents dos, $1.00 pe complete. R. (ielb & Bnnii, 214 Llvlny^ school. COUNTRY hou 19 of ilx roomi, tte&m hea .general housework; must bo wllllns and , ate am heat, two-cnr garagoj l o t APARTMENTS. lot of small fountains, hoppers, poultry mndred. On the John Wliley lerm, one • Ion street, Newark, N. J., phono Bigelow phone CSS, Red Bank. garage; 830 r « r month. Also town mentn; good home, medium, wasee, whole 50x100. Price $5,000. W. A. Hopping METAL WEATHERSTRIPS for doors and honest: wlra and several other articles chaap, and a quarter miles west of Mlddletown 3-2650. house, seven rooms, hot air heat, near sta- Agency, or part time; references. 79 Avenue D, 3 Linden place, Had Bank, phona e&ve 26% of fuel costi. H, Atlantic H i E h l a n c l G . _ _ APARTMENT o l three rooms for rent, Mat-shall, Lauiel avenue, fourth house on Highway 115, Charles H, Rue. tion, Bchooltt; $S5 per month. Roltta POWER SPRAYER for sale, Hayei, re A. windows; 397.* & Co.. phone Red Bank HELP WANTED.""female", "white; waitress Spring street, phone 3823-M. right aloe from Highway 35, near HenWateihury, nhoiie Red Bank 3tiO0.* built, and repainted) Hayes and Me yen " 0 .Hendrlckaon 114 Monmouth Btreet. Rtd Bank. drlekaon's Old Cherry Tree Farm, phone DINING ROOM table and five chalrB. Bet- sales and service, Conover Bros.. Wick BERGEN PLACE prbperty • Hvlnjr room; ATTRACTIVE, Riverside avenue; all t h e downfltaira, to assist with laundry; not OLD COLONIAL homestead building co tee and four leather club chairs, map! Mlddletown 2H0-J.* ^ ^ ^ _ dining and kitchen, three bedrooms, h o t advantages of an apartment; continuous THE HIGHEST prices paid for live chick- over forty years of HBC; all year round verted Into two apartments has on bedroom eet, double day bed; all in gooi tvink, N. J., phono Holmdel 0. ens. Joe Baker, 230 Mechanic street, position. Must have a t least one year'a hot water, oil burner and all the comforts apartment of six rooms and bath for rent air heat; every improvement; garagre; DAHLIA CLUMPS for Biile, J l a bushel phone oondltlon. Call Red Bank 1797 price $5,500; cnay terms. W. A. Hopping cf a real private home; five rooms, bath Garage. Close t o shopping:, near rive Red Bank 230P. referenco last place. Telephone between NEW S300 dining room suite for sale fo FOB BALE. Duro electrlo water pum all good varieties, Including Jeise: Agency, 8 Linden place. Bed Dank, phone sunparlor; large porch and garage; S35. Inquire Hed Bank 1100. 0:00 nnd 11:00 A. M. or 0:00 to 7:00 V-and (1001 need room for business. 27 Man 307." attractive grounds; near town and station. system, one-quarter horse power motoi Beauty. William Kane, Kane lane, MM FOR REAL ESTATE, insurance of all M. evenings. Long Branch 512. Rent reasonable. Inquire Owner, 1 Allen THREE-ROOM apartment, heat, water an FOXWOOD PARK—For sala or will r e n t nlng place. Keanaburg. phone 108-R. complete with eighty-gallon lank: In besi illetown. kinds or first mortgage loans, conFULL SIZE Water Witch electrlo washing of condition; very reasonable. Mrs. Barelectricity furnished; second floor of ] WHITE WOMAN wishes to bo companion place, or phone Red Bank 3662-W. furnished or - unfurnished, els-room machine with eleottlo wringer, l ! 0 s ha Ruhnke, Washington avenue, Leonar. suit Hawkins Brothers, 10 Monmouth or would do dally or weekly housework. THREE-ROOM apartment, all Improve- Mechanic street. Also apHrtment locate* house; double garage. Apply or phone FARM PRODUCE on West Front street, with three room W. S. Gray. Foxwood Park, Little GWvit, IDiM Phllco automobile radio 920, seven- lo. N. J. Address 2 7 East WeBtaldo avenue. Red street. Red Bank. ments; steam heat: unfurnished. Grover bath. Rolston Water bury, phone Ret N. J . tuba highboy Majestic radio 120; all inHOUSEHOLD furniture for sale. 42 El VEGETABLE planti for solo; lettuce, cab Bank." Apartments, 106 Wallace street, phone and Bank 3500.* bflBe, broccoli, cauliflower, tomato, pup good condition. Phone Ited jBank 30.5-W.'' place, Red Banic, phone 'C112-11.* TEN ACRES for lale, one and a half ml lee p , ogffrilanf, calory, red and yellow swosi PAINTER and paper hanger and decor- WORK WANTED a s general houseworker. 832 a»M. AROMA tootF powder—If you have beau MODERN home, flno condition, rent furator] reasonable prices. Wilt paper a from Red.Bank; 1109 par acre. Fiftytajco care of children or will do laundry FOK KENT a t 50 Leroy place; apartment potato; largo or email quantities. G BARGAIN, four 11x4 tlrei, three Goo tiful teeth and wish t o keep them, try nished or unfurnished, reliable party two acres and five-room bungaolw a n d of four large, sunny rooms and bath; references. Jounlag Parker, Rum ion road. Little 811. room for $8.50 and up; all work guaran- at home; reference. Margaret Jones, 62 year and one Hoodrlch, with tubes an< one can. If It Is not the best you ever Attractive grounds. Shouk teed. Joseph Hoffman, 22 Drumtnond furnished and heated; all improvements. be seen t o be appreciated. Gar ago Avail- b a m , wall paper for sate. O/lke, 41 Monmouth box fill, Ret. Bank.' 1HB Hnnce ro»d. Jncoha. Milton B.rk, S8 Broad street, phone R*4 r,a Black Point read, Rumaon, N. J. Inland Ked pullets, twelve to fourteei street, shop 20 Mount street,' Red Bank, WANTED, nnmeB men, women, 18-50, SEA SKIFF for aale. 2 ! feet long, fortSEVEN-ROOM house for rent, all improve- Bank 1616. : REAL ESTATE WANTED. aokfl old; large, well-U6vcloiJCd henlth phono 2CC0. •wishing etendy government jobo; sumGLASS wnll enpes. also mRrble base floorhorse potter Kermath marine motor ments; three-car garago. Inquire E. W BARGAIN In doublo house In Rod Bank. cases, suitable any business; cheap. Af- first class shape; newly painted. Prlc< birds. Thctio birdti will start to-lay bj DRESSMAKING done; excellent workman- mer examinatioiiB expected. Start $10fi- WANTED, small IIOURO or bungalow, Im- Worth ley, Oceanport Service Station. six roottifl each side, completely redec-» July, If you are thinklne of buying vnl month. Full particulars: fmrnple ternoons. 1H1! Msln street, Keansburg, 127 C._ Phono Rod Bank 8.13.* ship; reasonable rates. Phono Red S17 overnonts; garago ; near lied IJiink, FOR KENT or Bale, apartment and itori orated, «toam heat, all improvementa; l o t und wnnt early egijB, come out nnc Bank_l_575.J. teatB free. Wrlto immediately. Franklin Reasonable N. J . _ _ . BUTCHER"flxtiirei for Vitle: Icebox, cnei lets rent. Address S. A. M., box moderately priced; Monmouth ltr«« 60x150. Splendid income and Investment these over. Sidney Hamburger, Nu FOR SALE, Irehox and porch ullder: good and SCB.6H v»4ry cheap for cash. Co' look 11, Rod Dunk. FLOOR SURFACING and polishing. M o £ Institute. Pent &M-B, Rochester. N. Y. near Maple avenue. Apply 74 Soutl property; $3,SO0. Milton nerk. 38 Broad Swamp road, Red Bnnk. Phone 38&6-M. FAMILY of two adults wnnt middle need WANTED TO TLACE good .conservative gtrcflt,. Howard Frey, phono 1330-W. condition. 43 Loroy place, phon Long Branch 3458. son, 25 Cedar avenue, Fair Haven. street, phono Red Banlt 1616. TWO PIOS (sow and boar) for sale; vor senslhlo woman that would consider 100-IS. ICEBOXES, Ilk* njw, 17. $8 and J 9 ; v.a first mortjiapres; have unlimited ijn HOUSE of six R SALE, 55-acro fftrm located locate Syeay is, bath and sun FOR reasonable. Apply OBc&r Langer, 82 pood home, easy work, In preference to titiy of money, on Bmall loans up to SACRIFICE—General Electric H o t Poln nut bookcase |7» oak bookcaio $12 RUGS and carpets shampooed and renSh more nvenue. Shrewsbury, fruit tree*, lor; all improvementn; steam heat: [JR. high salary; references, Phone Atlnntlc j.nflO in Ited Bank only. Milton Berk. n u n , like new; cost (250, will sell fo 0x12 ruff $12, walnut bed, new spring" Carr avonue, KeanisburK, N. J.* ovated at reduced prices; 0x12 Do- Hlsblnmla 6RG, or 79 Avenue P . rage. Located at 381 Shrewsbury avenue outhulMlncfli stx-room houne; fT.BOOj fltm BROILERS or frying elckena, two to thrc new mattreM {IS. birch dressar and mirS00._Call Rad Bnnk 8988.* . HS Broad street, phone 1616. Ked liank. RoUton Waterbury. $30 per month. John H . Cook. J r . mortKa«e. S5.000. mestic, $8.60. Reduction also on IB, vrhlt* enamel dresier and mirroi pounds average; live or drcssod. Sid1 GIRL WANTED fo: Kcneral housework; WANT to rent Hniali houso with chicken Shrewsbury, phone Red Bank S426-J. FOR SALE, ten shares of Becond Natlona ror phone Red Bnnk 3500.* $4, chtat of drawirn $5, ten-piece mahogUnmburgoi-, Nuts warn p road, Re Orlentalt and Chi no s t y rugs. Monniiint bo capable. Apply 35 Waverly bank itocki will sell all or part. Ad any din In« room lulto, with tapestry bot' ney L-OOP, 200 to 600 henn capacity. (live Bank, phone UH5B-M. pIace,Red Bnnk. mouth Car pot Cleanlnc Co,, phone dress jBhareai ben t i l . Red Bunk.* full dotallB. AddroiB Chicken, box 611, torn chalra $4G; throe-placo ovantuffet ""WANTED" for pnrt timo Ked Batik.* E'OR SALE, oak dining room set and chin livina room aulte }60. L. E. Brown, 11 tli'i Monmouth Beach. AUTOMOBILES work, Stnte experionco with chain closet, throo mission chalra. small Ice Proiuectjiiv^n^uc,j^ona_Itod^^ank_B71 stores, etc. Can you sell and keep stock liox. mahogany bookcase, cooking utensllr 1020 C H R Y S L E R c o u p e , F o r d c o upp s ALL KINDS of lawn mowers sharpened rently? Address Salesgirl, box 511, Red REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR SALE, steel cooling or steam tabl r,7 nivejr.rosili East, Rnmnon, N. J.* Ford roadnter F d d t lOilO PPlymouth l h roadnter and repaired. Good uned hand mowers Sxfl ft; five burner uni ptanut vo»Bt*sr, 1920. Chevrolet C h l coach 11)20, Willys Knight for snle aa low aa $1.50. Order* called Bank. pATNTTnest finality at wholesale; sold o 1) Will K i h 150 tfoundB capacity. ( J. Morrow, River- 192K, Willys lOJii coach; tu be sold a t for and delivered, John Hansen, 32 Hud- WHITE GIRL wanted for Reneral houas- SMALL HOUSE for rent on Knne lano. money back guarantee, direct A. A gldg avenuo, Ocoanporty W. J.' Inquire William Kane, Mlddletown. worki help enre for rhlldren; part or ancrlflce. Apply Eatontown Auto Wrock- Bon nvenue. phone Red Hunk 1020. rated company. Anbe«to« roof paint $1.21 PIANO for nale, Horace W n t c n uprl«h i*TVE~ROOM~hoiiBe. lil wTllow street, Fair era, opposlta Freoho 1 d road, En to ntqwii, * LOCKSMITH," locks "fixed, keys fltteT; yhole time. Cnll lied Bunk fiS-J. gnllon. Factory representative Mr. Fish 110, a as rnngo |6.00, d o s grid' 1984 SIX.CYLIN1JEH PlymouTh Ro"darT Inwn mowers Rhnrpened, sclesorB, «av?B WORK WANTED for trunk and drlvor; Haven; alt Improvements; earngo; near 1174 Qrenn nvenue. flea Bright. die, elx burner, 14.(101 extension tabli also top noil, aod and landscape Rardcn- •chool. Phone 46G-J. Rod Bank. practically new, for milo. Iiuiuhe a t mid guns fixed. Croas, 115 Oakland WHII'PLE'S yellow corn seed Bad Heart 13.00, other tnlilei *1.0O. ' Next to trareu* Koan£bintf_i>OfJtofllce._ nsc done: very reasonable. Fred Drink, 5G MODERN nix-room houno, newly decor at* (street. Red Hank.* Robert Thorne. # of (Sold melon seed for nale. llafr; opposite Firo House, Headden'n Corne 1030 CIlEVROLET'coach. good "condition! ANNOUNCING tho opening of salesmen's Monroe avenue, Shrewsbury, N . J. cil [ enclosed porch with nwnhiffa Hchnrdlen, enro Harold Illllyer, Harmon Highway H5.' samples for sport knit suits, dresso*. two now tiros, valvan junt reKiound; screened throughout; vapor ntenm hent mad, near Mlddletown village.* FOR SALE. nUo disc nsparu. wciltera nnd cotits; every garment a barprice $140. Bee Samuel, ChoBtnut etrcet.H irnratrr. lnqulro of owner on premise*) MISCELLANEOUS. rldger, Kood as, new; ,-two*h!OI). Inviitory downntnlrs; double Karnpn;''t wo« any day at noon- 7t> Wast Front etrce TRUCK fof sale, 1028~~Chevrolet truck lantic Hotel, H. A, Hubbard, proprieCOMBINATION conl and B»B »tovo wnnt- acre plot; convenient b u s ; J3f. monthly DABV'S OI1IB and mattress nnd "lirlnu- Red Hank, ister's Classified Columns In seeking buyers or tenwith Ice body; in good conditiont prlrn eil; muBt bo In Bond comlltlon. AtHresH Hrokorn jnvHod. tJray, Main street. OceanEnlllanilerilay had »nd baby's cnrrlnK, FOH BALE, Ona share of tho Second Na tor, 121 Fair Haven rond, phone Rot! In perfect condition, for m i l . Mis. Jobl Rtovc. box filT, Hetl flank. tolnal Bank and Trust Company pro $T5. James A. Curley. Q Elm place, Red ants. , n doublo hou BO for rent. Apply Dunk S925. H Hcnd. It,-Rraad strait. Eatontown, N. J, ferred (t2flO> < stock. Will some one hell Bank, phone milts.» nplo wnuld A REFINED mldd' K. ft. Heoddcn. Chapel IIIU road, f« ^n phone. 163-W/ r^hrVsTor; PlF Ilka rooms, oi* Ilvl [pnntera In n wood entli houao from O'Flaherty'a t>tote, Hei phoneJ.«?.-_Wl.* , — me by buyliisr this share as I am In urea MAURICE mouth anil Internat,ionnl truck Snlen and TRY US l i n t for mod nuto parU nnd hmno In exrhniigfl f ° r cdrnpanlonslili), or den's (.'orner, Recently lie advortlsetl a bungalow for ront »nd liARdB nOUDLE Ice box, porcelain lined need of the money,, out of work for threi Harvico t-Ires. Ocvniipm-t Ante; Wreckers. Main HoadgunrleiB. Phono Rcrl Bank Addtaaa Block, Box M l . " look after homo. Could nmlio 15. Call after Eioo P . M., Long Branch years. street, Occnnport, N. J, Phono Ea tou- would help hot~wii7cr hrnt, fi flnnncln. pKrccment If nocrsBniy. SlX-KOOM~"houiy Blindc living room aiiltc, unto leg table, ete aervlro: 'US Htudebaker nednn. "I'd tostex rock tjnnlciiB, Kstimatoa si van. Phono limn ulreet, or pliom H>0O-J. !!D indiithly. Altn M. more res I bargalnf. comtngr in on new TRUCKS FOR HIRE—Movlntf and Miiul. raapliarry r,c each, cntnlii 5o each fitnr Eoutt No. 1, Ited pnnk.' I HAVE ? 10,n(!0 llrat bond and in I'lynioutha rlfrlit nlonif. For u better buy ortllcmltlrkaon, 108 Kant Front street, Itnl 1 rack trucks; top soil, sand and g r s ' rnmitlcr i""°- *b ' ench. Sunahlne Farm FOlt BALIS cheap, buranufi, btdi, chelt* In a used car. see your friend, Lee, a t Hunk." gnuo money to jiltico on Hmd i* vel supplied} lawns graded nnd llmod; KIX-ROOM"house \m HaViisoVr avomui, hi tableq, ^tdeboarai. fine Ivory and iireari Maurice Schwartt'd Used Car Lot, Wast street property. W. A. HnppiiiK eel!are dug. Wood for snlc. James aiollne stovei alia sbout flv* tliovnand Front street, at Pearl street. Had Bank, Knoil rnndttloii; modem plmnhlnu, hot F o i i c i T A N l ) VlEOK enamel ll.BB gallon Agencyi B Linden iilm-e, Hod Unnk, J . Dutl«r, Mlddletown, N. J., phono ard burnul brlckn, $& par than*nnd jihonfl 5117; Open even I nii tit a rial quality Iliia of P»ll>t«- Ooroe Ii wntpi- heat; modoratu rvntal. Call Rod phono 897.* mid I n (or youraeir. Other apectuls Duffltild, 80 Sacond avenue. Atlantic HighHunk 4UJ-M." MI. PACKAIU) toiirfiiiTciir i'or iinTeT^isTTlHB I awn seed 10m IH. B«lvnnlr.ed enreen win WKLlT IIUlL'i1 hmino~f>f nix rooms, "two Bulck sedan, four door, ISJJl Ford eport a" siiuare fool, trellis lOc, aa-ulecc ae t l S l l tor pooli ftn'd auuar|umi 6 (inupD and Maxwell aednu; all In A-1 con-FLAGPOLE and ImthH. hot water liiMit, r.wlnimliiH \nm\, WHO hliii rm-olveil a lotlor of inuiilry fur ilmuey .llsliel 12.05. «x0 «"•«» ruga »l.aO. Hoi and UP. A oomplete aaiorttnent o dition. At Taylor's Auto Ltuunlry. (lurk, linilmiitton fouil; itotttit 1 ful urounds Mm. Murln Merlin, n widow with two kinds of steeplejack work < i < 1 hind window ahadea 33c. beunboo I * " foodH and I'lnnti for yaur tropical an< 2tf Pearl street, H«u Hank. »hono '12fi1 -J, B •lil«. Call or will a Thonifu II. Mlllor, dntiiihtorB? l'loiino adtlresB M.. bo-i M l , nmi HIH-UIM; nwnot kccim Hume iti order; rakes 16o, B0 feet garden hono tl.B«. Hold riali. Baby turtleH, Paramount.Pe' I (ID per mo ii Hi. 'I'elopliDnc t)ntoiituwn Hod llimk.* lUllvery. Nnuanal*Bo, IOo nnd f l 8 Mlrhlgwi. nyenue, Port tVloiimoulhN J RBAL HAORIFICKi lfia< VonUno two-door Bhopi 87 Monraoulh itrettj^ned Ha^K. __ ___ Tr. nedtin, never been licensed; barualn. RUMMAGE HUIO «'lven by All Kuliits 1IKH1' (JATTLis" anil iiom wiinted. Ul«h- •U I." DELGO one-oylindiir aTT flooietTlC^r 8 cnl ensh murk.t ptlcfis paid. Also llfly AUo 1034 Pontlno four-door sedan, A church of Naveslnk a t the Pariih liouna d sedan, radio radio lmptovfitnontHi intnlil Hnolctim, t;i"«tn volt; 600 watt «l«otrlo Benarstlntr plan and ad hh ctuet err e t l p dd JJ lfi11 ( J h l t onn Thu Thursday, Mny 18, from ltOO until 5:00 plun fin* snle frum ten to UvcWn weckti lfi.11 (Jhevi-olet n .v.Vona or the varl.tle. otro, for boat or farm uiei f80, S«Rm«). Cheat o lclock. ok nl.!. Reasonable Plli'en. H. /.lull.In. -M itTM.lnK > «tuaw6. Olio door from tmn line. . .. 1031 1031 Hudson ssedan, 1DS1 Chrysler I 1 031 C h l ,.»l plaole «ver .hipped north. Mop Ir t t ^ J T l H J ^ J dt)uK« Blsht eedan, 10.10 Chrysler coupa, SIN(')EIt 'iTwInft maolilnoH, new and useil", Moi'limdi' »ti;oot, Frasjiuld. N. J.. phono ^0 ; Kemly Mny 21, for dvaaon. Call 1170-J, „",! Inok them over. Paramount Pet Shop 193rt Oakland rotipe, lUillt PonUmi sedsn, OlTSAI^^ | j | i i m a r ( r l e e . t ltlo I'et-oiiilttinned t'Qtlnl ni«olihi«R. \VAN'rKli,"iliilnu" (iilllvnlor In' isooil .-on- JIdtl UnitK. II I' ntrcftt, Fnli- HR^*U, FtaHHnn BiiitlieiD, 111-21 M»fh«n!o utreet, IOO lined* tO6*paund* cupiiRlty: ftnI O O up up. Repih (lltloii; ctntA inliko tind lowest cft.h VOIt RENT on Mai-la Avenue': half'-ot'doTlRepih- nil nil muktrt of of hl ditloni very cheaii, Cun lie *t*n B#d Bank, phone 30(1 fi. Open «venlngi. B hln hoiiBB; with Immovements, Inqulrt i h ' UtutlwiXt Birch's 6'.ore, phon* price, .lainep K. Orluypi, New Munmuuth, l 6 h TflALE. .Urtrio fall pump, like J«w at 33 Arthur rtact, lUd Bank. 0. 21. A. 0. auy at ii Mauls avenue,* t l N, 1., iihoua MlJilletown. 113-J.* Weal Riiver load, Bumion, M. J «


v— v - art *-n>* • » * *



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1_ *




w . .


Not Enough Houses.






Pacre Twentv-EidTt

horns after spending several daya day night the dance held by th» Itta Bitta club of girls at Totsy Doerr's with relatlv«i at Scotch Plains. inn was attended by about ISO perMr*. Henry Koone U able to bi Student Council Dance At Bed Bank Udi ebM major eompany •oUclta communieaUoru from dealer* Pupils of ths publio school with sona. ' •• ! about again after m sickness of sov > Proves Grand Success. desiring to duuige products, or In reference to new outlet* to b« perfect attendance records for the eral weeks. The flre company will bold a barn opened, More than 160 persons attended th Mr. and Mrs. William Sinn hav, past month are: rianco at ths fire house Saturday Red Bank hisrh school dance Frlda; rented the Belsler cottage on Van Tommy Gormlsy, Odrie Htnrr, John night Whelan's orchestra will proPETROLEUM night sponsored by the governini Budil Hill. Hamr liori. J. Warrra Seen- vide the muaic. Thers is every indiderbllt avenue. Louise Hopler, Jtfarvaret lull, GUdyi cation of a large attendance, body of the school. Patsy Sharappi Box 511, Red Bank. The monthly meeting of the ladles' cer. Neinun, Dorothy Smith, Anna Budelman. and hl« orchestra furnished th< Mr. Julianne of Newark, a summer auxiliary of Community fire com- Irene Cro»bl«, Madeline Sitfert, Ethel music for dancing. Kefreshmen Voorhneg, Robert BeinerUcn, Teddy Qormresident ot this place, died last week. pany will be held Tuesday afternoon lejv Rinsny Schftufsma. Dorothy Budelman. were served. at the flre house. nloria Cronble, Florence lule. Norm« The gymnasium was decorated In Card Party At Highland"! Mrs. Mary Pops of Red Bank has Krugfr. WHma Kruger, Hel*n Murry, May Gladyi Bankl. Verna Raynpr. springlike fashion. The committe rented one of the Mayer cottages Schmidt, Tho Women's Democratlo club of Buddy Frlnt. Harold Frlnt, Billy MorrL, waa composed of Frank Garutto ai on Hamilton avenue for the sum- Franci* Voset and Jack McMnnui. Highlands will hold a card party chairman, assisted by Jane Power mer. In a baseball game Saturday the Monday night, May JS, | n tho Uons Helen Mazza, Klla Dey, Helen He: Indians defeated the Belford Athletic den. It will be under the supervision and Esther Levliie. club by a score of 7 to 3. Walter of Mrs. Beatrice Bedle, secretary, For Thurt., Fr». & Sat., May 9, 10 & 11. VanNortwIck, pitcher for the win- who will bo assisted by Mrs. Mattie ning nine, struck out seventeen bats- Fehlhaber and Mrs. Frances Sayles. More than $13 ws» cleared for the men and allowed only six safe hits. Mrs. Fehlhaber will donate the door benefit of Hlverview hospital of Red Sunday the Indians defeated the prize. Refreshments, will be served, (The Bid Bulk Bcgtflter otn b« bought Bank Friday night by a supper at Leonardo Cubs by the score of 9 to 2. In Keyport at the atorea of Coata Brother* lire. Florence Mile*. Gui Senaoo and Mia, the home of Mrs. Wellington VVilIt rays to advertise In The Register. Clara Susaman). Despite the stormy weather.Satur- —Advertisement. kine. It was given by the Tinton Judge Henry E. Ackerson, Arthuj Falls auxiliary of the hospital. S. VanBuskirk and J. H. Hendrlck The school baseball team was deson attended a joint meeting of trus(The- K«d Bank KeBlit»r «in bi boajh feated In a game at West Bclmar ees and vice presidents of the H ^ in Leonardo at t h . itore. ot William May last week by the score of 6 to 3. land society of New York at th am. William Shepion and Albirt JaftIxmla Klein and family of Staten Metropolitan club at New York on mi&s.) [sland were week-end -visitors here; Twenty-seven members of th' Harry Beverly has moved from Thursday evening. 20 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK, N. J. Miss Pauline Ash spent the week Leonardo Woman's Republican club the Felch farm to a house owned by attended a meeting and covered dish Harry Mayberry. COMPAKB OrXB Q0ALITS WITH OTHEHR ind at Syracuse, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Covert of All Our Sea Food Guaranteed Fresh. No Gold Storage. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Weaver hav luncheon at Community flre housMonday afternoon. The speaker Wanantassa were recent guests of moved from Matawan to Keyport. BUY YOUR FISH IN A FISH MARKET. Mr. and Mrs. E . J. Holton, Jr were Mrs. Emma Van Scholck o Miss Margaret Dean. 1 Red Bank, vice chairman of th. Flani are being made for the anhave moved from the O'Hearn house on Broadway to Mrs. Muth's house Monmouth county women's Repub- lual commencement exercises to bo lican clubs, and Mrs. Howard Wool- ield at the' public school Thursday on the, same street. ley, of Long Branch, president of the WEEK-END SPECIALS! Mr. and Mrs. A. Bright of Sayre- United Woman's Republican clubs ivenlng, June 13. The themo will "Music," and William M. Smith •JIlo have rented Mrs. T. S. Coe'B it Monmouth county. . 14olb. Fresh Forgies Fresh Shad f Freshold, county superintendent louse on Main street. Fresh Bluoflsli Dr. Harrison McNear has opened if public schools, will be the princlFr'sh Boston Mackerel 1 Fo lb. Eugene Barrett has returned to Fresh Sea Bass Milford, Massachusetts, after a visit his summer home. The doctor, with lal speaker. Fresh Flounders *» Harry Mayberry Is having a buildFresh Native Soft with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eu- his aunts, Misses Josephine and Carrie Harrison and some friends, Ing constructed for his laundry busiClams Fresh Butter Fish 16c lb. 28c qt. ene Barrett, Sr. 36 Monmouth St, •eturned Sunday evening from ness. Joseph Fisher is doing the Red Bank Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Helnrlch are Miami, where they spent the win Soft Crnba Now In Season. Fresh Scallops SOotb. rork. 30 Church St., taking a trip through the Southern jr. Dr. McNear and the Misses Keansburg Mrs.., Frank Schultz of Wayside itatos. . •• 204 Broadway, Harrison have been summer re'slAll Kinds of Fresh Sea Food at Reasonable Prices at All Times. Thursday with Mrs. George Long Branch John A. Peer has been a surgical dents of Leonardo a number of [pent Stevens. mtient In the Blvervtew hospital at •ears. led Bank. The sermon topic at the Baptist Mrs. Robert Calt was the recent uest of Mrs. B. J. Carroll of Maple, :hurch Sunday morning will be 'Mother-Precious Gift." Group three ood. vill be in charge of the Christian Rev. and Mrs, A. P. Mershon have Endeavor meeting in the evening. •eturned from a visit at Penny Miss Mae Ronaldson will be the "arms, Florida. leader and the theme will be "A ReMr. and Mrs. J. L. Ansbro have re- warded Obedience." All who attend urned from a several months' stay ho prayer meeting next Wednesday it Miami, Florida. They made the svenlng are requested to bring a Slble verse beginning with the letter ip home by steamship. Dr. Edward Baldwin of Saranac ,ake, New York, was the guest of A mother's day program for the udge and Mrs. Henry E. Ackerson, others of the members of tha ., several days last week. unior Christian Endeavor society The music department ot the Key- willbe held at tile church tomorrow ort Literary club are preparing an afternoon. operetta. Mrs. William Emmons has The Baptist junior and intennedlcharge of the music and Mrs. C, te Christian Endeavor societies will Leon Garrison Is coaching the cast eet next Wednesday afternoon in Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Blood of Dover he leoture room of ths church, at Foxcrof, Maine, havB been spending hree o'clock. several days with their son-in-law The Ladles' aid society of the B*pand daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. M. ,6t church wilj meet this afternoon Mother's Day is the day appointed for die honorAnderson. Mr, and Mrs. Blood have : the home of Mrs. William. Guthler. juit returned from Florida and are Miss Anne Gallagher, former suing of motherhood, aad the loving remembrance returning to Maine shortly. lervislng nurso of Middletown townof one's Mother, by some act of regard; Mrs. Paulino Nelson and daughter hip Puhiio Health association, aad Betty of Highland Falls, New York, to. Agnea Dillon, Jisr sister, who were the recent guests of Misses ave been visiting Mrs. Mary SherlMother will appreciate loft Pure Candies, Nollio and Ella Brady. an, have returned t o Johnstown, fatnons for- more than forty years. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert BurroweB 'ennsylvanla, where Miss Gallagher have moved Into their horn* recently I the supervisor of Red Cross work purchased from Mrs. Caroline El- i Cambria county. liott. Mrs. Gertrude Schoellner and her Mr. and Mrs. J. Rile of Brooklyn Ister-ln-law, Mrs. Helen Deer, have were the week-end guests of Mr. and one to North Adams, MassachuMrs. Albert S. Rile. itts, where Walter Schoellner has Filled w i t h the Fcmous Local Woodmen of the World held aken a cottage for three months. Briarciiff Milk Chocolates, a dance at Blodgett's restaurant at Miss Helen Ruhnke returned home Fancy pieces, and Glace the Six Corners Saturday night. unday after a visit to Hoboken, Pineapple—beautiful satin Mrs. William Hlnson of Astrury rhere a party was given for her. covered heart thaped packPark was the recent guest of Mr. Miss Mary Nelson is confined to ages. and Mrs. Harry Cowles. er house with a heavy cola. Sptclal Mr. and Mrs. William Cronce of Miss Harriet Keifer has returned Hlghtstown spent several day* re- ome after a week's visit with cently with Mr. and Mrs. William H. fiends in Virginia. A choice assortment of Fruitj and Nuts, fancy Hyer. Mr. ana Mrs. Wallace Keeton and creams, caramels, nougats— Mrs. Harry Boyce and daughters .mlly have moved from Beechwoed Especially packed in a beautiful pink and • marvelous variety of centers of White Plains, New York, spent the Leonardo Park section. sold box, with Mother's Day — especially packed for the week-end here with Mr. Boyce. . Mrs. Walter Bills haBe returned decorations. (No extra charge Mother's Day. for this special packing). Special—Full Pound 70( Value Special—Pull Pound $LS8 two Pound Box $3 JO Value U.3S Vtdua Mr. and Mrs. Charles Butltr •: Barnegat City were recent guests Mrs. Bronaon P. Butler. Miss Sarah B. Askew, state llbrar ian, waa the guest speaker at tin rcderation day meeting Mondsy af ternoon ot the Keyport Improvemen association held at the publlo libra'' The Thought' club will be ente tained Monday night at ths home of Mrs. Earl H. Hegeman. Mrs. W. E. Bedle has arranged an "Edgar Guest" program. Mr. and Mrs. John Longstreet o Trenton were recent guests of Mr Jerome Blalsdell, Mr. Longstreet 1' Mrs, BlalsdeU's brother. The Keyport Literary club will b( entertained tomorrow afternoon at the Reformed church house by Mrs. W. T. VanMater and Mrs. Obadiah Bogardus. An operetta will be th feature of the afternoon's program



Keyport News.

East Keansburg New*,


Wagner Market Co.

Tinton Falls News.

Shoulder. Breast or Neck of


Leonardo News.

Sunday is Mother's Day, Gentlemen. Let's add some class to I the Carnation. HUSBANDS: If you are fortunate enough to have her with you . . . . that little lady whosefingeryou encircled with a wedding band . . , SONS: If the same tender hands that lifted you out of the cradle are s t i l l patting your cheek

s... If you would like to make her happier than at any time since the day the health officer removed the quarantine for your Scarlet Fever . . .

Veal Cutlets • • 395, L o b Veal Chops 29$, Boneless Veal . 23& Rib Veal Chops 245> of Shoulders Lamb • 15& Frying Chickens • 2% Chuck Roast • • 25$>

Hennessey's Fish Market Phone 1377.

, fc

We Deliver.


ts BeAiCmdy fob

Mother's Day, |Aay 12th


Mother's Day Satin Hearts

50 to 00 2235(

Many styles \ have two pants. /


Evangeline Ctioeol&tesw Milk Chocolate Fruits and Nuts

Chatelaine Assorted Chocolates

— Red Bank —



Fowler's Market 7 BROAD STREET





, Mother's Day Filled Heart

SPECIALS ! Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 9 - 10 - 11th. ALL SIZES


Fancy Milk-Fed



E s p e c i a l l y packed i n a Mother's Day package tied with silk ribbon and pink carnation. Special Full Pound 80i Value


TETLEY'S TEA Vi'-ft. pkg 39c l A-Vb. pkg. 21c

Fresh Chopped

Chuck Roast 26


Sm'kdHams 25 lb"




Mueller's Macaroni Noodles - Spaghetti 2 pkgR 1 7 c


. 32

Country Roll

Boneless Chuck

Crosse & Blackwell


Marmalade 23c

Crab Meat


Cooking Apples Oranges

Scallops .

32lb Weakfish Shrimp Bluefish Buttcrfi.h Buck Shad

14c 19c 15c 14c ,...15c

Grapefruit Grass Tomatoes Beets Carrots New Potatoes Berries


"' SO( Value 4

Gold Seal Old Fashion Candles


HOfTouad 1 Quality '



Silver Round Package w. BOX

, French Style Chocolates

, Chocolate Thyn-Mints Full Pound

, Salted Assorted Nuts

De Luxe Book Package Filled with the finest assorted chocolates, partly Milk Chocolate coating and partly iuian& tula ytuny Sweet Chocolate coat- * ings. Cannot be duplicated at double the price. Special 30 oz. Package 4/.75 Value


2 9 c>]m-

g 'or £5c 2 "»•• 23c 2 "'"• 19c 2 bunche* I3e 2 lar*° hunches j g c 6 1M- 25c 19c qt>


> Silver Dollar Fruits and Nuts

13 Ounces

Filled with the very finest assortment of Loft Famous "Little" Chocolates. Silver Topped, pink trimmed, tied twVi withpink W I U | ^IlliA silk SUE ribbon and Mother's Day seaL (No extra charge for this special packing.) Special Full Pound $1.50 Value


SOi Value

34 34

, Chocolate Covered Caramels Fun round



Gift Package


, Milk Chocolate Assorted NutS Full Pound

$1.00 Value

A delicious aasortment of famous Loft Chocolate covered candies. Especially packed i s • beautiful pink and gold box. Marvekrait

Mother's Day Chocolate Decorated Layer Cake A real treat for Mothermade from 4111 old; treasured recipe. Delicious, rich pound cake, with a chocolate Fudje filling. V Special H.00 V«/ui


5 ">»• 25c


, Milk Chocolate Cordial Fruits Pun pound

1 lb. Jar


8 Ounces

Full Pound

Whole Milk - Store

3 IN. 12c

Mackerel .. 9c "> Codfish 14c lb Salmon ...... Halibut . Roe Shad ..29c "'

"Mother's Own" Package of Assorted Chocolates

tvins Graham Crackers I lb. pkg. 16c

Loin Chops 31

Bologna 29fb Franks 25fb Sauerkraut

29 \h




Famous BriarcliH As'td Milk Chocolates

1 to s portion cake

Packed in a beautiful pink box. Especially dre«ed for Mother'a Day.


Special— • Full Pound


Milk Chocolate Peppermint Patties Delicious, siral-UqnMcitam fillings, Briarcliff Milk Chocolate coated. Espedolly pocVed in • beautiiul deeottted box with Mothet'iDay card.

11 to H portion rake

Hotmt Only 11,000 ot thetedelictoui paiM will &« xnaa* tot Moth*?* DUf,,, d.t /oui, « l > d f

f LOO pound quality $3.38 two pound Ban

S f © R IS - O N ! 43-A BROAD STREET,

nt Value



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