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COMM 460.01M: Research Methods Stephen M. Yoshimura University of Montana - Missoula, [email protected]

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COMM 460: Communication Research Methods Spring, 2013 CRN # 30365 (Blended course) Classroom: SS 258 In-Class: Tuesday 11-12:30 Online: Thursday 11-12:30 (classroom reserved, but not required) Instructor: Dr. Steve Yoshimura O ffice: UK 347 Phone: 406.243.4951 O ffice Hours: M onday, 1:30-3, Thursday 11-12:30, and always by a p p o in tm e n t Email: stephen.yoshim ura@ um

Course Objectives The purpose o f th is course is to intro du ce you to ways o f conducting research on human com m unication. By finishin g th is course, you should be able to: •

Com prehend and accurately use research vocabulary

Locate, read, and w rite ab ou t peer-review ed research on human com m unication

Develop questions a b o u t hum an com m unication th a t can be answered th ro u g h research.

A pp ly com m unication research m ethods to research questions.

• •

Analyze and in te rp re t data a t a basic level Evaluate th e quality o f research findings

Required Texts •

Baxter, L. A., & Babbie, E. (2004). The basics o f com m unication research. Belm ont, CA: W adsw orth.

Am erican Psychological Association (2009). Concise Rules ofAPA style (6 th ed.) W ashington, DC. APA. (Available online, th ro u g h w h a te ve r source you pre fe r)

Course Policies (1)

Attendance and Participation This is a hybrid (B lended) course. Attendance is expected in b o th th e online and face-to-face sections. A tte n d in g th e face-to-face sections means th a t you are b o th physically, m entally, and socially present. A ttendance in th e online section means listening and ta kin g notes on th e course lecture recordings, and participating in the forum s. A fte r listening to th e lecture each week, I w o uld like you to post one com m ent o r question th a t I can b ring to th e class at th e fo llo w in g m eeting. In your post, you can do any o f th e fo llo w in g *:

• Post an op in ion based on additional reading o r research you do on th e topic. • Respond th o u g h tfu lly to th e lecture o r readings fro m you r o w n experience. • Provide links and resources related to th e to p ic th a t w o uld be o f in te rest to o th e r participants. • Pose a th o u g h t-p ro vo kin g question related to th e topic. • Collect m ultiple perspectives on a to p ic o r provide an alternate perspective to th e one curre ntly do m inating th e discussion. • T hou gh tfu lly and respectfully re b u t an othe r p a rticip a n t’s com m ents. • Synthesize th e curre nt class discussion by sum m ing up argum ents o r discussion points. • Ask a question th a t w o uld help clarify your understanding o f th e cu rre n t topic.

* T h ank you t o th e U niversity o f O re gon’s Teaching E ffectiveness Program fo r the se guidelines

Forum posts are due by 9am o f th e day w e m eet in class, and w ill be evaluated by th e criteria above. Posts th a t do n o t m eet any o f th e above criteria, show no relevance to th e course o r to p ic a t hand, show disregard fo r civility norm s, o r are posted a fte r th e due date w ill n o t be given points. In-class activities are only assigned po in ts w hen th e y are sub m itte d in class, and may n o t be made up except w hen a face-to-face class is missed due to a university-sponsored event o r docum ented illness. (2)

Late W ork Assignm ents becom e late w h en the y are turne d in a fte r th e class period o f th e ir due date. A late assignment w ill receive a 10% penalty for each weekday th a t it is late. The assistants in th e main office do not m ark tim es o r dates on papers th a t are turne d in to them . Exceptions to th e late penalty w ill n o t be d istribu te d freely. If you are sick w hen an assignm ent is due and w a n t to tu rn it in late, you must provide a legitimate doctor’s note th a t indicates th e days th a t you were unable to atten d class. This m ust be turne d in w ith y ou r com pleted assignment. If you w ill miss class due to a university-sponsored activity, you are required to (a) intro du ce you rself p rio r to missing class, (b ) provide a copy o f your travel schedule th a t indicates th e days you w ill be missing, and (c) discuss w ith me y ou r plans fo r m aking up th e w ork. A Note on Computer Problems: You are responsible fo r k n o w in g how your com p uter w o rks and the po tentia l problem s o f using it. Save your w o rk frequ en tly, take care o f you r discs, make sure th a t your com p uter is using an updated viru s-prote ction program , and make every a tte m p t to p rin t you r papers ahead o f tim e. Given th e co m p u te r resources on this campus, I cannot reasonably accept com puter-related excuses fo r late w o rk.


Group collaboration This course requires th a t you to w o rk collaboratively. You are expected to act responsibly and manage problem atic issues as the y arise (do n o t le t the m take care o f themselves). Your c o n trib u tio n to collaborative w o rk is expected. A lth o u g h grades on collaborative w o rk w ill be shared, I retain th e ab ility to make adjustm ents and m od ifica tions to th e assignment, group/dyad, o r individual’ s grade fo r reasons related to non-equitable con tribu tions, non-participation, o r group conflict.


Submitting W ritten Work: All papers m ust be typed, double-spaced, and in th e ap pro pria te fo rm a t (APA). All papers m ust have a cover page in APA style. Staple your w o rk in th e upper left-hand corner. Please provide me w ith hard-copies o f you r w o rk. Do n o t send me email copies o f your w o rk w ith o u t firs t o b tain ing d irect perm ission fro m me. Assignm ents due at tim es o th e r than class m eetings should be subm itted directly to m y o ffice (LA 347).


Exam policy: The exams w ill be taken in class, and can be taken alone o r collaboratively w ith one o th e r person. For each exam, I w ill d istrib u te an online survey th a t allow s you to declare w h e th e r you w ish to take th e exam alone or collaboratively. If you choose to take th e exam collaboratively, you may choose one p a rtn e r to w o rk w ith . Your p a rtn e r m ust be declared in advance, and b o th partners m ust agree to take th e exam w ith each other. You w ill be allow ed to choose a specific partner, o r ask me to assign you a partner. You can choose th e same fo rm a t fo r each exam, o r choose d iffe re n t fo rm a ts o r d iffe re n t partners. Flowever, no exam can be made up w ith o u t a valid and le gitim a te excuse. Valid and legitim ate w ill be decided on th e basis o f evidence provided. Note th a t valid and legitim ate never involves plane tickets, vacations, o u td o o r recreation, o r any o th e r random and unverifiable excuses. Dr.’s notes m ust be originals (no photocopies, carbons, faxes, o r emails).

Your attendance is expected at all classes. Therefore, you are expected to be available fo r any date at w hich th e exam is held. If exam dates change, exams w ill n o t be held a t o th e r tim es to accom m odate absences fo r reasons o th e r than university sponsored events o r docum ented illnesses. Exams taken at tim es o th e r tha n th e scheduled day may be in essay fo rm a t. (6)

Academic Misconduct: All students m ust practice academic honesty. Academ ic m isconduct is subject to an academic penalty by the course in stru cto r and/or a disciplinary sanction by th e University. All students need to be fam iliar w ith the stud ent conduct code. Please see th e S tudent Conduct Code fo r de finitions and consequences o f cheating and plagiarism at: A ccording to th e U niversity o f M ontana Bulletin, “ Plagiarism is th e representing o f a n o th e r’s w o rk as o ne’s ow n. It is a particularly intolerable offense in th e academic com m unity and is strictly forb id d e n . Students w ho plagiarize may fail th e course and may be rem anded to Academ ic Court fo r possible suspension or expulsion... Students m ust always be very careful to acknow ledge any kind o f b o rro w in g th a t is included in th e ir w o rk. This means n o t only b o rro w e d w o rdin g, b u t also ideas. A ckno w ledg em e nt o f w h a te ve r is n o t one’s o w n original w o rk is th e p ro p e r and honest use o f sources. Failure to acknow ledge w h a te ve r is n o t one’s o w n original w o rk is plagiarism ” (Plagiarism W arning, para. 1). Papers w ritte n fo r o th e r courses are also unacceptable to subm it.


Incompletesand course withdrawals: See th e University o f Montana Catalog fo r m ore in fo rm a tio n on the policy regarding these options. Incom pletes are very rarely granted, and only under th e m ost unique circumstances. You may w ith d ra w fro m th e course until th e 45th day o f th e semester. A fte r th a t, you may p e titio n to w ith d ra w , b u t only fo r medical reasons, fam ily emergencies, a change in w o rk schedule, o r o th e r un controllable reason. It is th e policy o f th e university, depa rtm e nt, and this course to n o t norm ally gra nt w ith d ra w a l p e titio n s a fte r th e 45th day w ith o u t docum entation.

(8 ) Grade requirements and the Credit/No Credit grade option: This course is required fo r Com m unication Studies Majors. If you entered UM a fte r th e 2005 course catalog, you m ust take th e course fo r a tra d itio n a l le tte r grade, and earn at least a C- in ord er fo r th e course to co u n t to w a rd s your graduation. As fo r o th e r grade options, please no te th a t th e university b u lle tin indicates th a t th e Credit/No Credit grade o p tio n exists “ to encourage students to ven ture in to courses w here the y m ig h t otherw ise hesitate because o f uncertainty regarding th e ir ap titu d e o r pre pa ration ...’’(Credit/No Credit Grading [CR, NCR, para. 1). It does n o t exist as p ro te ctio n fro m p o o r perform ance a fte r th e 30th day o f in stru ction . So, if you desire th e credit/no credit grade op tion , you m ust indicate this decision to me w ith in th e firs t 30 days o f th e semester. (9)

Unique Needs I and th e University w a n t everyone to have a fa ir chance a t do in g w ell in class. If you have unique needs th a t help you overcom e some challenge to you r learning, please see Disability Services fo r S tudents (DSS) in the Lommasson Center (Room 144; 243-2243). They w ill help you determ ine w h a t types o f resources are available to help you and w ill provide you w ith a le tte r to me detailing those resources. Give me th e le tte r and w e w ill w o rk to g e th e r to make sure th a t you begin w ith a “ level playing fie ld ” fo r you r perform ance in th is course.

(10) If you participate in University-sponsored activities (e.g.. sports, debate, etc.): I need a le tte r fro m your coach docum enting you r pa rticip ation , as w ell as copy o f your schedule indicating w hich days o f class y ou’ ll need to miss due to you r activity. You are responsible fo r g e ttin g notes and m aking arrangem ents to tu rn in your assignm ents/take exams.

Course Assignments

Detailed assignm ent instructions are available elsewhere on th e course w ebsite. Grades fo r collaboratively com pleted activities and assignm ents w ill be shared am ong th e collaborators. •

In-class activities (Each activity = 5 po in ts possible,50 to ta l po in ts

Online fo ru m posts (10 required posts, each po st = 3 points; 30 po in ts to ta l)


Research paper (130 available po in ts) •

Purpose statem ent: 20 points

Literature review: 30 points

M ethod proposal: 30 points

M ethod re p o rt and O bservation results: 40 points

Full re p o rt, including discussion: 30 points

• •

Exam 1: 50 points Exam 2: 50 points

Exam 3: 50 points

Total course po in ts available: 380

Course Calendar This schedule may be revised as necessary. W eek

Topics and course activities

W eek 1 1/29 1/31

Class: Course In tro d u ctio n and overview Online: Com m unication Research Paradigms and th e Cycle o f Social Scientific Research Online forum: Discuss research paradigms or the cycle of research

W eek 2

Class: Paradigm activity Online: Developing research questions and hypotheses + APA style Online forum: Discuss Research questions or hypotheses

For online: Reinard (2001; Available on M oodle), and A pp en dix D and E in BB

Class: flo w to develop research questions and w rite hypotheses Online: Conceptualizing and operationalizing variables Online forum: Discuss Conceptualizing and Operationalizing variables

For online: BB Chapter 6 Due (By Thursday @ 4pm): Purpose statement

Class: Finding conceptual de finitions and operationalizations Online: The Ethics o f con du cting and w ritin g ab ou t research Online forum: Discuss research ethics,

For online: BB Chapter 5 This week: Locate and read scholarly sources fo r your lite rature review, and

or ask and answer questions about the exam study guide

begin w ritin g you r paper.

Class: Exam 1 Online: V alidity and Reliability Online forum: Discuss validity and reliability

For online: BB chapter 6, esp. pp. 121128 This week: Continue w ritin g the Literature Review.

2/5 2/7

W eek 3 2/12 2/14

W eek 4 2/19 2/21

W eek 5 2/26 2/28

Readings/assignment due dates BB = Baxter 81 Babbie For class: Course syllabus For online: BB Chapter 3 and 4

W eek 6

Class: Assessing reliab ility and validity Online: Sampling Online forum: Discuss Sampling

For online: BB Chapter 7 Due: Literature review (in class)

Class: Sampling strategies Online: Survey Research and Intensive Longitudinal M ethods Online forum: Discuss either survey research or Intensive Longitudinal Methods

For online: BB Chapter 8 BB Chapter 14, esp. pp. 340-342 This week: W rite you r m ethod proposal

3/ 19/ 3/21

Class: Developing surveys Online: Experiments Online forum: Discuss experimental design

For online: BB Chapter 9 Due: (by Thursday @ 4pm): Method proposal

W eek 9 3/26 3/28

Class: Evaluating experim ents Online: Naturalistic Research and te x t analysis Online forum: Discuss naturalistic research or te x t analysis

For online: ( i) “ How to do fie ld observations” handout on M oodle (2) BB Part 3 In tro (pp. 296-300) (3) Chapter 13

3/5 3/7 W eek 7 3/12 3/ H

W eek 8

Once 1approve your m ethod proposal, begin conducting field observations o r o th e r approved method. W eek 10

Spring Break

4/2 4/4 W eek 11

Class: Exam 2

This week: Continue/Finish conducting fie ld observations (o r oth er method), and w rite your M ethod Report and Results.

W eek 12 4/16 4/18

Class: T ext analysis: Practice and in te rp re ta tio n Online: Descriptive Statistics/M easures o f Central Tendency and Inferential S ta tistics-T e stin g Elypotheses Online Forum: Discuss hypothesis te stin g

For class: BB Chapter 10 For online: BB chapter 12, pp. 271-282 Due (In class): Method Report and Study Results

W eek 13

Class: In te rp re tin g statistics Online: Testing and A nalyzing Group Differences (t-te s t) Online forum: O ptional discussion

For online: BB pp. 283-286


4/23 4/25

This week: Revise previous papers, and begin w ritin g Discussion section W eek 14 4/30 5/2 W eek 15

Class: M aking sense o f gro up difference statistics Online: Associations Between Variables (C orrelation) Online forum: O ptional Discussion


Class: M aking sense o f correlations Online: Course conclusion Online forum: O ptional Discussion

W eek 16

Final Exam: Tuesday, May 14, 8:00am - 10:00am


For online: BB pp. 290-292 Due (By Thursday @ 4pm): Full report, including discussion