Clash between Two Kingdoms Complete Manual of Prayer and Intercession

Angela Strong

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PREFACE.................................................................................ix PROLOGUE………….............................................................xi DEDICATION …………........................................................xv INTRODUCTION ................................................................xvii POWER AND DOMINION...............................................................................1 FAITHFUL WITNESSES.........................................................5 DEALING WITH LABELS FROM THE ………….………...9 WHY THE ENEMY ATTACKS OUR PROSPERITY..........12 THE WHY OF THE TEMPTATIONS OF THE ENEMY.... 14 KNOWING OUR IDENTITY……………………………….16 CITIZENS OF A NEW KINGDOM………………………...23 CHANGING OUR PERSPECTIVE ......................................27 POWER ..................................................................................30 ASSUMING THE COMMITMENT.......................................32 THE TEACHERS PROFILE .................................................35 WHY DO WE ASK AND DO NOT RECEIVE...……...........40 WHEN WE ALTER THE ESTABLISHED ORDER..............45 LACK OF COMMITMENT ...................................................47 WHEN WE OPERATE UNDER CYCLES OF CURSES......48 ASKING FOR THE WRONG REASONS……..……………50 USING THE WEAPONS INCORRECTLY.......................... 51 HOW TO ASK PROPERLY….……………………………. 52

PRAYER..................................................................................55 THE INTERCESSOR..............................................................56

WHAT REALLY IS AN INTERCESSOR ..........................,. 57 TYPES OF PRAYER...............................................................59 LEARNING TO EXERCISE AUTHORITY OVER THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS..................................................63 CHANGING THE WAY YOU TALK....................................68 PROPHETIC INTERCESSION…….......................................71 PRAYER APPELATES GOD AS JUDGE…….....................74 YOU CAN APPEAL YOUR CASE…………………………77 THE SILENT PRAYER...........................................................79 STRATEGIES OF WAR …...................................................85 WORSHIP AS A WEAPON OF WAR...................................88 WHY WE SHOULD WORSHIP BEFORE WE INTERCEDE............................................................................90 GIVING THANKS, A WEAPON OF WAR ………………..93 FASTING.................................................................................98 FASTING AS A WEAPON OF WAR..................................101 DECRETS AS A WEAPON OF WAR……………………..104 PRRAYER OF BLESSING OR PROPHETIC BLESSING………………………………………………….108 COVENANT PRAYER ……………………........................111 PRAYER OF RENUNCIATION …………………………..115 THE SPIRITS OF INIQUITY................................................118 PRAYERS OF RENUNCIATION, BREAKING GENERATION CURSES AND INHERITANCE OF INIQUITY…………………………………………………..120 LEARNING TO OPERATE THE WEAPONS OF WAR….129 "THERAPEUTIC DEMAND"...............................................133 EVERY INTERCESSOR HAS HIS ASSIGNMENT...........135 LEARNING TO PROPHESY................................................138

THE ROLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IN INTERCESSION..145 FUNCTIONS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT….............................147 WHY WE NEED TO ALLOW THE HOLY SPIRIT TO OPERATE IN OUR LIFE...150 THE ROLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IN DELIVERANCE………………………………………..…..152 FORGIVENESS ……………................................................153 LOVING OUR ENEMIES…………….................................155 THE ENEMIES BRING US TO DISCOVER OUR POTENTIAL………………………………………………..158 DISCOVERING OUR POTENTIAL....................................160 APPRECIATING THE PROCESS........................................161 ENEMIES BRING US TO MAKING DECISIONS.............163 ENEMIES BRING YOU CLOSER TO YOUR DESTINATION…………………………………………….165 GOD IS POSITIONING YOU .........................……………168 THE WHY OF THE LONG WAIT......................................170 THE FEAR………………………………............................173 WHY DOES THE KINGDOM OF DARKENESS UTILIZE FEAR………………………………………………………174 FEAR MAKES US WEAK…..............................................176 FEAR LIMITS US ...............................................................177 FEAR CRIES OUT STRONGLY........................................179 COUNTER ATTACK! ……………………………………181 IMPORTANCE OF SECRET PLACE................................185 FROM SPIRIT TO SPIRIT..................................................187 THE TRAINING PROCESS................................................189 MAKING GOOD USE OF OUR AUTHORITY.................194 LOOKING LIKE THE PERFECT MODEL........................196 BIBLIOGRAPHY……........................................................ 205


It gives me much joy that you have chosen to become part of this transforming and enriching experience. If what you are seeking for is to take your relationship with God to another level, discovering your identity as His child and learning how to pray effectively or receiving an answer when you pray, then you have made the right choice. It is my purpose that each person discover the divine potential and purpose that lies in each of us. That every believer know and operate in the dimension of power and authority that God has placed in his people. This book is also a practical handy tool designed to bring the believer step by step to discovering their place in God's kingdom. To have knowledge of the laws and principals governing our kingdom and how to operate them. The revelations found in this book will take the reader to discover key principles of prayer and intercession which have been unrevealed, until now, as are the reasons why we pray and do not receive our answer.

IX Also, the different types of prayer to God that exist and the importance of utilizing the right kind of prayer, according to the situation we are facing, the area in which we are being attacked and the dimension and intensity of that attack. This material is a manual and complete guide to intercession which will not only bring light and answers to many of the questions that arise in the life of believers, during our walk with God but also empower you like never before in the area of prophetic intercession, spiritual warfare, deliverance, warfare strategies; breaking with curse cycles, among other topics, deliverers presented to the light, from the bible. I invite you to join me in entering unto the presence of God and let’s experiment the transforming power of his word. .


PRÓLOGUE At the end of each year, as many of you, I usually make resolutions of the things I desire to accomplish next year. In late 2009, I decided to do the same as I would each year end: my list of goals for next year. The only difference was that in this occasion, my long list of resolutions had been reduced to only one goal. This was a very unique and unusual goal in relation with what I was accustomed to programing in previous years. Everything I wrote on my resolutions sheet was: for the year 2010, what I desire to accomplish is an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. That one decision changed my life. Despite being born in a Christian home, I only knew the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Trinity. For many years I thought that the third position was relative to a hierarchical position which determined his power, influence and importance in the lives of believers. That misconception, about the person of the Holy Spirit, led me to think, as I feel many believers think; why should I develop an intimate relationship with the third person of the Trinity, if I could have it directly to the first person.

Xi For many years, my objective was limited to just having a relationship with God the father or God the Son but the presence of the Holy Spirit obviated in my life. I had not realized that it was impossible to achieve a relationship of intimacy with God the father, if you first did not initiate a relationship with the Holy Spirit because it is the Holy Spirit who reveals the Father to us. That decision taken at the end of 2009 completely changed my life and my perspective of faith. This is why, in this opportunity, I desire to break the schematics and change the order. Instead of having someone make me a prologue, as a writer, I will then make a prologue to the Holy Spirit, who is the true protagonist of this story and is the one who really deserves the credit for this work. I am only one of his collaborators. I would like to honor the Holy Spirit for being my best friend, my mentor, and counselor; for being the one who renews my strength, for being my guide, my livelihood, he who reveals the hidden mysteries and he that guides me into all truth and justice. I wish to honor his presence in my life, his care, wisdom, his direction, his revelation. I honor him for being my protective shield, my defender. But above all, I desire to honor him because even though he is so holy, he has decided to abide in me and make me a temple. I am sure that every truth revealed by the Holy Spirit in this book is destined to break the linkages in this chain that has kept you detained from your destination.

Xii The breakthrough which you've been waiting on for years will be produced in your life. The truths revealed here will liberate you, your long wait will end and at the measurement that your spirit is submerges in this material, and the Holy Spirit will bring confirmation to your life. You will begin to enter the level of authority, the plenitude and control that the father designed for you.


DEDICATION I dedicate this material to all those whom God has placed in their heart the need to operate in the area of Intercession but have not taken the step due to lack of guidance or adequate equipment. To those who have made use of prayer for years just based on the knowledge they have had so far but still have not seen the visible manifestation of their requests. I dedicate it to those who have been feeling in their spirit that there is something more profound than the experiences which they have experienced thus far in their walk with God. Those who have longed wholeheartedly to be guided by the Holy Spirit to operate in more profound dimensions of intercession and spiritual warfare. This book is also dedicated to those who are tired of operating under the same cycles of oppression which have them remaining stagnant for years, people who yearn to produce a radical change in their lives, ministry or nation and want to bring the principles and designs of the kingdom of God to their circumstances. Finally, I dedicate this book to believers who are waiting to see the fulfillment of the promises of God to their lives.


INTRODUCTION It does not cease to amaze me, the amount of believers living submerged in a life of limitation, scarcity, sickness, oppression, fear, weaknesses, and recurrence in sinful behaviors ect. First, they are unaware of their identity as children of God and the position that gives that identity within the kingdom and secondly, their authority within the kingdom. This authority with which they have been empowered, through conversion, once they receive Jesus, thus becoming citizens of a new kingdom, the kingdom of God. Moreover, I consider it alarming to see how many believers are very knowledgeable about the offenses and sins we can make as citizens of the kingdom of God but do not know all the benefits that the Kingdom offers. Believers who are convinced that our mission as Christians is to just live a life without sin to ensure, with this, their salvation. They think that this is all they need to do to, in order to live a victorious Christian life and that this is what Christianity is all about. In actuality, this is only representing one part of the whole scheme of rules and benefits that conform our kingdom, the kingdom of God.

Xvii It is not a monotonous and limited system to go through life thinking only of how to avoid sinning in order to achieve having access to salvation. The kingdom of God is much more than that! It is a set of rules that we must follow as citizens of that kingdom, but obeying those rules also gives us access to great benefits. Benefits which few believers know its entirety. In this material, I will talk substantially about those benefits that are offered by the kingdom of God and within which are the authority and dominion, power to operate in the supernatural, power to make use of the weapons of warfare, power to exercise authority over the kingdom of darkness. My objective is that every reader would know what level of authority has been granted to them. How to exercise authority over the kingdom of darkness; how to operate in the domain that has been given to us; how to utilize our words to produce a breakthrough in our own life and in others and how to make proper use of the spiritual weapons which are at our disposal. In other words, my desire is that every believer knows the power which has been granted through Jesus' death on the cross and how to make proper use of that power, to bring about a breakthrough over our lives, our nation, our marriage, our finances, our ministry, etc. It is also my objective to make you aware of other great benefits that are granted by this new identity as children of God and co-heirs of the promise.

Xviii It is disturbing that despite prayer being the route through which we allow God to work on earth, many believers do not make use of such a powerful weapon. Either because they find it a monotonous practice or because they only know one or two kinds of prayer: prayer of surrendering and intercessory prayer. Actually there is a wide range of types of prayer which exist. Other believers lose interest in making use of prayer because they have lost faith in its efficiency and the reason why they have lost faith in its efficiency is because they have not seen the results of their prayers. The reason why they have not seen results is because they have been using a type of prayer that does not corresponds to their area of need. In other words, they are making use of a powerful weapon of war but in the wrong type of war. This can bring about an undesired effect. For these reasons, in this book, I pose the types of prayer that exist and what kind of prayer we must use depending on the need, the area or the place, and depending on the size of the attack. We will also address topics such as why we ask and do not receive, what are the strategies war, how to utilize prayer to bring change in our life, family, marriage, nation, ministry, finance etc. and how to obtain results when we pray. Also, we will delve into topics such as the decrees and their effectiveness as a weapon of spiritual warfare and how to operate in deliverance. I also include a practical guide to the decrees and also the deliverance that will allow believers in general, intercessors, future intercessors and leaders of intercession to operate in

Xix these dimensions of the kingdom of God and empower your team in this wonderful practice. The main focus is that every believer knows their identity as a son of God, the potential with which they have been empowered, the place which is occupied in the kingdom and the authority that has been delegated by God. I want to raise awareness, among believers, regarding prayer not being a gift. It is a discipline that all as followers of Jesus and his kingdom, we have a responsibility to practice. I also wish that through this material, the body of Christ can be equipped to make proper use of all spiritual weapons that we have at our disposal and to stop waiting on someone who knows the authority that has been equipped by God to pray, prophesy and bring a breakthrough to our lives. Every believer can operate in the power that has been granted and rise up as part of the great army of the Lord. We have not been called by God as spectators but instead as part of the solution to the daily problems facing our society. We must stand as an active part of that army which has been called to establish the kingdom of God on earth. It is also my objective that every believer locate their area of calling because our assignment as believers is much broader than our struggle for our salvation. It is living a life of fulfillment. It is diligently corresponding to the challenge of establishing the Kingdom of God on earth and to undo all the work of the kingdom of darkness.

XX My greatest attempt would be fulfilled if through this material, I would be able to achieve that an army of believers would be convinced that as children of God, we are called to operate in the same spiritual dimension in which Jesus operated. My greatest desire is that every believer would become a warrior of the divine army with an identity and awareness that in their words, lies the power of life and death and that in their mouth, there is a miracle.


POWER AND DOMINION “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." (Genesis 1:28) One of the reasons that motivated me to write this book was to observed, during all this time of my walk with God, the amount of believers, who for one reason or another, do not know their identity. Believers who are dedicated to the work of the kingdom, with a genuine intention to follow Jesus and his principles. Believers who live a life apart from sin but have no identity. When I say without identity, I’m referring to the fact that they do not recognize who they are in the kingdom of God. What are their capabilities, limitations and what is the potential with which they have been empowered by God, before they were born. Believers who do not recognize their purpose on earth. We have all come into this world with a purpose, to fulfill a mission, to fill a space in the kingdom of God. Our birth was not coincidence. God has plans with us: “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” (Jeremiah 1: 5)

1 In the book of Genesis, God gave man the authority of being lord over all creation. The word to be lord refers to exercise dominion, to rule, conquer, put under your feet. In other words, God gave us authority and dominion over everything that is on land and in the sea, etc. Also the book of Genesis affirms: “So

God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."(Genesis 1:27) The word image means the exact duplicate of a species. The word similarity has to do with function. That is, God duplicated Himself through us. We are an exact replica. This act means that we have been empowered by Him to operate under the same authority in which He operates. This authority implies dominion over everything that exists, including poverty, disease, scarcity, power over evil spirits etc. This authority was stolen from us by the devil in the Garden of Eden, through the disobedience or sin of Adam and Eve. But through the death of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross we retrieve that lost dominion or it is returned back to us. What happens is that despite having recovered that lost domain, through Jesus, we are often unaware of that authority with which we have been empowered. This is due to several reasons, prominent among them,

is the lack of knowledge and the fact that sometimes we are saved but not delivered. 2 When I say; for lack of knowledge, I am referring to how often believers do not know the benefits of the cross in its entirety. It is very common in our center of faith or churches teach us about salvation and forgiveness of sins as the benefits obtained by Jesus on the cross. In fact, these are two powerful benefits of which we are participants as Christians. But these are not all the benefits. The death of Jesus also returned the identity which was lost in Eden. We reconciled once again with the father, returning that lost domain. The other reason, I mentioned, for which God's people live without identity is because we are saved but not delivered. The reason that I say that we are not delivered is because we often have years being born again Christians, but we continue consenting to the same giants of our past life. We continue feeding the same fears and insecurities and caressing the thoughts that are contrary to what God has said about us. In other words, there are many believers who know what God has said that they are through His Word, but there are situations of the past operating in their life that impede them to accept or receive that truth. One such situation could be the feeling of guilt. This occurs when certain situations that occurred in the past make us feel that we, as believers, are undeserving of such grace and such distinction from God. If we add to that feeling of guilt, the enemy's voice reminding us over and over again where we come from, and bringing with it that every time we are instructed by someone regarding

3 The authority with which we have been invested, thoughts come to us like: "I’ve committed such serious sin in my past life, that I think I am not worthy of the benefit of the cross." "After having sinned so much, I think it would be much to aspire to operate at these levels of authority." "I think I should just settle for the forgiveness of my sins." Another situation of the past that prevents us from accepting our identity in God is not having a biological father who was responsible or loving. People who have been physically, sexually or emotionally abused by their biological father feel rejection towards of all people of the masculine sex. Especially for those trying to exercise the role of caregiver, guidance of a natural parent. This includes God. They find it difficult to see God as a loving father who wants the best for His children when the experience they have had of a father has been the completely opposite . If for some of the reasons that I just mentioned, that son of a believer feels hatred towards that parent and has failed to forgive, it will become more complicated to further accept the paternity of God and the benefits that it offers. Part of these benefits is the dominion and power which have been granted to us. Hence the importance of deliverance, for us to afford to operate freely, without restraints in our calling.