CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONAND SUGGESTIONS CHAPTERV CONCLUSIONAND SUGGESTIONS This chaptercovenia b'riefsuurmaryof the first four chaptersof this study wh...
Author: Everett Mosley
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This chaptercovenia b'riefsuurmaryof the first four chaptersof this study whichdiscusses the summaryandthe inferences madeby thewriter.Tbischspt€r alsoprovidessomesuggestiolrs regadingttrefindingsof learningofwriting using Ms.Wordin themultimedialaboratoryat WMSCU.

5.1Conclusion The grow0rof technology,especiallythe computerhasgonewidespread into manyareasof life, includingeducational sector.ln education, lhe compulersenes threefunctions;instntcbr, collaborolor,and facilitator. In thiscase,thestudyis intendedto exploremore about Ms.Wordthat firnaioned as word prcses$r (facilitatorfuncnon).Sinceseveral yearsago,a lecturcrat theEnglishDepartmcnt of WMSCU has beenconductingher writing classesusing Ms,Word in tlre multimedialaboratoryby applyingelectronicportfoliosandmailinglist. In this study,the rvriterdid not observeboth electrcnicportfoliosand mailinglist, but sheemphasized moreon obserungMs. Word for the leamingof writing.The writer set the limitation in which she only analyzedthe anitudesof Engli$r Department's studentstowardthe leamingof writing using Ms.Wordin the multimedia laboratory at WMSCU. This study was designedusingdescriptivequalitativesurvey.The writer intendedto describetheshdents'attitudetowardthelearningof writingusingMs.


Word in multimedialaboraory at WMSCU without applyingany statisrical measurement. In addition,sincethis studywasalsoconsidered as a surveyin which the process€s of it followeda specialflowchartwhich was discussedin Chapter3. Sixty-onestudentswerechosenas the subjectsof this study using convenienceor accidentalsampling.In gathering0re dota, a questionnaire consistingof 20 closed+ndedquestionswith l{

scaleswas used; while

un$ucturedor in depthinterviewwasappliedfor clarificationon the zubjects' responses on thequestionnaire. Thequestionnaire wastried duf finf beforeit was usedin therealresearch. Theanalysisof thequestionnaire, in general,discovered thatthe$bjtrts held positiveattitudetowardthe learningof rwiting usingMs.Wordin themultimedia laboratoryat WMSCU.The srbjectsdiscoveredthatthis classwasenjoyableand non-threatening sincelt/s. Word provideda lotsof toolsthat help€dthe snrdens improvetheirwriting,for instances; spellingchecker, thesaurus page dictionary, formatting paragraphformaning editing text, word count,rack changes,ud insertandview comment.Spellingcheckerandthesaunrs dictionarybenefitedthe students in minimizingthe spellingand grammarfiors. Me,anwhile, paragraph formattingassistedthe snrdentsin arrangingthe paragraph neatrress. Next, word countmadethesndentsnot worriedin makingcompositionwithinc€rtainnumber of words.Thecomments gven by the lectruerthroughinserturd view comments or trackchanges werevaluablein improvingthestudents'composition. Besides, anotherfactorthatsupported the students' attitudetowardlearning writingusingMs.Wordis the conditionof theteachingleamingactivitysuchas

the lecturer'sactingasthe facilitatorard rsing differenttshniqu€sin delivaing also playedsigrificant role. In addition,the studentsloved rvritingclassin the multimedialaboratorybecause theyhad&eir own PCsandnriting foldcrin it. As theresult,theycouldworkin accordance theirtimeandpace. The studentslikd this classand it was shownby the satenrentaborl their behaviortowardthat class,theyatt€ndedthe classregularlyandpunctu,alty, they alsosubminedtheassignment on time.In caseof abaence, therespective sMeirts activelycaughtup with the otherstrdentsuied to gain informationduringtheir absence. As general,it can be concludedthat the strdentsof EnglishDeparunent of WMSCUheldpositiveattitrde towardthe leamingof writing rsing Ms.Wordin the multimedialaboratoryat WMSCU in terms of affective,behavioral,and cogrritivecomporcnts.

5.2Suggestions In accordancewith the result of this study, the writer proposesseveral suggestions dealingwith thelearningof writingusingMs.Wordin themultimedia laboratory at WMSCU.Theyareasfollows: l. In line with the questionno.l2, mostof the srbjectscomplained aboutthe speedof Internet.Therefore,the writer suggests that the EnglishDepartnent of WMSCUupgndethecomputerin themultimedialaboratory. 2. It is alsosuggested thatthenumberof computers in themultimedia laboratory at WMSCUshouldbe addedsincethe capacityof the computersnow arefar


from beingsufficientis comparedwith the frumb€rof lhe stude,nts of Englistr Department of WMSCU. 5.

In line with the resultof this snrdy,thewriter suggests thatothersrbjectsmay be conductedby integratingit with computersincethis machineoffersmany advantages in faciliatingthelanguage leaming.

4 . Meanwhile,for the lecnrcr, it is suggested that before implementingthe

Iessonin the multimedialaboratory,sheshouldpr€paretlre computerfacility in themultimedialaboratorysinceit doesnot suppontheclassto run well.

53 Rccommcndetion for Furthcr Strrdics At theendof this srudy,the writer wouldlike to encourage otherresearchers to developa furthersdy thathasnotb€endiscussed in thisstudy. qualitative This srudymadeuseof a descriptive survey;'therefore, thewriter otherresearchers to takearnthertechniquein measuring suggests theaftinrdeqfor instanceusingquantitrtivedesignby applying*atisticalmeasurern€nt, namely Chi Square TestQf). Besides, thissnrdyonlyanalyzcthestudents' anitudes towardthelearning of writing rsing Ms.Word,while the processof writing is beyondthis study. focusmoreon the processof Therefore,it is suggesedthat the nextresearchers rvritingusingMs.Word. In addition,it is alsosuggested conduda rcsearch 0ratthe otherrcsearchers in mmparingtheleamingof writingusingcomputer andpaperandpatcil writing.



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