Center for Neuroacoustic Research Biotunin

Centerfor NeuroacousticResearch Biotunin SO UND for the Millennium The NewMedicine expand Humanbeingshavebeenusingsoundto accessdeeperstatesof conscio...
Author: Pearl Osborne
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Centerfor NeuroacousticResearch Biotunin SO UND for the Millennium The NewMedicine expand Humanbeingshavebeenusingsoundto accessdeeperstatesof consciousness, toning,Tibetansinging of years.Chanting, and healthe bodyfor thousands gongs,and mantras,arejust a few examplesof thisuseof sound. , Chinesemeditation we can notonlyobservethe equipment, technological oday,withhighlysophisticated detail,but alsomeasurethe changes nctioning of the bodyandthe brainin unprecedented and differentstates at take placein the mindand bodyin differentstatesof consciousness health.

acrossthe countryhaveexploredthe Researchprojectsin majoruniversities during interactions statesand mind/body deeprelaxation of meditation, neurophysiology caused minutes a day for 20 used meditation technique healing.In one studya simple profoundchangesin bloodpressure, stresshandlingability,immuneresponseandfeelings ll being- nevermindusingany kindof high{echapproachwhichcouldbring as a dailytoolfor Usingthistechnology to verydeeplevelsof relaxation. sciousness mind/bodyintegrationand stressreductioncan havemanypositivebenefits. Presenttechnologyallowsus to affectthe body/mindin two parallelways: vibrations. usingsoundfrequency 1. Healingthe bodywith physicalresonance resonance of brain-wave usingsoundwithsympathetic 2. Changingstatesof consciousness Entrainment. on - Brainwave ln is likemakinga wineglassvibratewiththe correctsoundfrequency. hysicalresonance is case,we €n resonatedifferentpartsof the bodywithsoundfor healing.My firstattemp usingsound.Eachvertebrais a differentsize, spinaladjustments th thiswerechiropractic just withthe correctsound.This likea wineglass, can be resonated , and massand, cranial s the vertebrato vibratebackintopositionusingonlysoundwaves.Similarly, is a Each organ resonance. with sound fluidcan be influenced and cerebro-spinal frequency, fferentsize,densityand massfor eachpersonandalsohasa fundamental of the cellularfunction.Thesechangescan be seenon a blood ich causesa balancing

istry-screening test.

brainitselfis an organ.Thisorganalsohasa uniquesize,densityand mass.\Mat would frequencyvibrationpattern?A effectbe of exposingthe brainto its own fundamental just wouldrespond,Sincethe function any organ normalizing its as an organ, as other of anddirectthe functionof all the othersystems,we should brain'sfunctionis to coordinate of all the body'ssystemsat the momentthe brainis exposedto it's a globalbalancing singlefundamental soundfrequency. pattemsandstatesof Usingsound,it is possibleto makeprofoundchangesin brainwave mappingequipment(EEG),as wellas positive observable on brainwave consciousness, andother withbloodtests,biofeedback equipment changesin the bodymeasurable procedures. sophisticated BIO-TUNING - Usingthe sound of your own voice to facilitateself-healing. becamethe objectof my full{imeresearchafterI Thisprocess,whichI called"Bio-tuning," the Centerfor movedfrommy HolisticHealthCenterin Virginiaand established in 1988. Researchin San Diego,California Neuroacoustic accurateto 1/100th we can testwithfrequencies soundequipment, Withmodernelectronic divisionof sharpor flat betweentwo noteson the piano.To raisethe accuracyand effectto a note.Thisreleases higherlevel,we mustusea person'sownvoicesingingthisfundamental and overtones, whichonlyyourownvocalcordscan produce- a a uniqueset of harmonics voicevibrationfingerprint.This is an exactpatternmatchof youressentialvibratorytemplate usedin the firstplaceto formyourbodyfrom OrganicIntelligence" - the oneyour"Biological Thereis alsoa profound cellsand thento maintainit momentby momentthereafter. of the vibrationfrequencies by the samepartof the deepsubconscious senseof recognition your own voice. of and healing, soundingthe exacttonefor balancing We thenusethisvoice-tone-frequency, table.Thistablehasspeakersbuiltintoit, so thatyou througha specialsound-therapy wherethe bodyendsandthe becomethe becomesdifficultto distinguish vibration melting into the of yourownsoundand yourown soundbegins.Thereis a senseof voice. To us,thisis whatthe mantrareallywas,You go to the greatmasterwho seesthatthe entire d is vibratorypatterns.He seesthatyou are a uniquevibratorypatternin the universe. He singsthe acousticoctaveof thissoundto you,you singit backuntilyou knowit and memorizeit, thenyou go off and meditateand chantthissoundto yourself- resonate fromthe insideout and balanceyourselfrightdownto the coreof yourconsciousness. physically, or mentallyare emotionally, Forexample,the imbalances one mayexperience itself. thatcan exist- in consciousness rnalprojections of the onlyrealimbalance place way I can heal and comingintobalance- me with my Self- is the only chingthis the realcauseof my painand suffering. nd frequencypatternsbuilt into music causepositivechangesin brainwave function. a seriesof recordingsbasedon theseprinciplesI haveusedsoundfrequencypatterns to causepositivechangesin ilt intothe musicthathavebeenshownclinically function. and brainwave consciousness

preciselyalteringthe soundsignalsin the rightand leftears,a "frequency modulated responsein the brain.Thisleadsto coordination lse"appearswhichcausesa sympathetic righUleftbrainwaveactivityand a generalslowingof brainwaveactivity,whichis associated insightand problemsolving.This ith deeprelaxation, stre$sreduction, creativity, phenomenon is called"brainwave entrainment." goodpartof the stresswe all experiencein the twentiethcenturyis due to the Thissametechnology, combinedwithourtraditional advancements of our owntechnology. the stresswe have for healingand achievingbalance,mayhelpneutralize ln thisseriesof recordings we haveusedthreecoordinated methodsfor bringingthe mind/body intoa stateof deeprelaxation Sounds,""Brainwave and balance;"Primordial music"recordedin 3D. Entrainment" and "multi-layered Manyof the soundsheardon theserecordings are soundsyou don'tevennotice.Certain mind.We in the subconscious soundshavethe powerto awakendeeplevelsof recognition primordially recognizable i.e., are to the ll thesesounds"Primordial Sounds,"soundsthat mind,regardless of race,sex or language. bconscious rimordialSounds" awakenour organic/biologicalintelligence firstsensoryexperiencein life as a fetusin the wombis of soundand vibration.We float We havefluidin our noseand mouth,which in bodytemperature amnioticfluid- weight-less. minatesthe sensesof smellandtaste.We haveour eyesclosedand are in the dark- no se of sight.We havefluidin our earspressedrightup againstthe eardrum- butsound velsthroughwaterfivestimesmoreeffectivelythanthroughair, thereforeour senseof at thistimewill The symphonyof soundpatternswe experience hearingis actuallyamplified. mindfor the restof our lives- the soundof water be deeplyembeddedin our subconscious of "Primordial ing,arterialpulsesoundsandvoices.Theseare our firstexperiences Sounds." sounds"heardon these Recordings of thesetypesof soundsformsomeof the "primordial recordings. Eachof thesesoundsis intentionally alteredand disguisedby slowingthemdown the speedingthemup. By changingthe speedof thesesoundswe can side-step l/thinking mind,whichwill no longerrecognize the sounds,andtap intothe directly,with soundsit deeplyrecognizes and respondsto. In one sense,the ubconscious rganic/biological intelligence, thatgrewour entirebodyout of two the sameintelligence s, will certainlybe awakenedwith a recognitionof soundsrecordedfromthis body. perimentswith sound haveled to some startlingrevelations interesting of peoplespeakingare speededup and thinghappenswhenrecordings loweddown.lf theserecordings are doubledin speedthreetimes(raisingthe pitchby three likebirdschirping,\lVhenraisedin speed aves),humanspeechpatternssoundremarkably soundjust likecricketschirping.Sloweddownfromnormal eightoctaves,theserecordings peedby threeoctavestheysoundlikedolphinsand at eightoctavessloweddown,sound ikethe ebb andflowof the ocean. fromthe humanvoiceshouldsoundlikenaturesounds.\Mrat s interesting that recordings if we takecricketsoundsand slowthemdown?Theysoundlikebirdschirping.Bird sloweddownsoundlikedolphins,and dolphinsoundssloweddownsoundlike

CarlJung,wouldhavebeenpleased- thisseemsto falldirectlyin famousPsychiatrist, minddeeper A levelof the unconscious unconscious." ne withhistheoryof the "collective images populated archetypal with universal sharedby us all, n our personalunconscious primordially images,just as thesesoundsseemto be "primordially recognizable" in thissensewouldbe accessto my unconscious nizable"sounds).The collective 'gerbody/mind, whichknowshowto unconscious, the planetarylevelof my collective just a's almostas if the row"a planetaryecosystemof whichmy personalbodyis of the same le universeis one organicbeingwith manypartsall designedfromvariations blueprint. wakeningthe various levelsof the subconsciousmind fromthe engineerwithsoundrecordings In 1989I camein contactwithan aerospace passed by the outerplanetsof r!?gerspacecraft.Theserecordingsweretakenas Voyager fromouter r Solar$ystem- Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,and Neptune.TheseNASArecordings fields of particles (ions) in magnetic the ace,whichwereof chargedelectromagnetic likeoe€ansounds, netsvibratingwithinthe rangeof humanhearing,soundedremarkably phins,choirsof voicessinging,cricketsand birds.Thereare alsoothersoundstoo strange enough,the ringsof Uranusproduce identify,butwhichseemveryfamiliar.Interestingly thathavebeenslowedto reflecttheirsubtleharmonics. undslikeTibetanbowlrecordings mindwhichknowshowto unconscious ld this be a deeper,vasterlevelof the collective just part whichmy bodygrowsout and is a grow"a planetarysolarsystemof whichEarth ld thesesounds be recognizableat a deeperlevel of the "collectiveunconscious?" and"multiEntrainment" Sounds,""Brainwave It is thesethreeclassesof sound("Primordial to awaken musif') thatare embeddedin the soundtrackof someof theserecordings mind. subconscious e variouslevelsof the fromtwo cellsby the It is at thisinnerlevelof ourselvesthatour bodiesare self-organized and coordinated are of body sameinnersystemfromwhichthe dailyfunctions our of our problemsandthe answersand solutionsto them is fromherethatthe knowledge reside. Sounds"to accessa deeplevelof ourselves Thisis whatwe meanby the useof "Primordial and balance. healing,relaxation we haverecordedin sucha way that theycan Thesesoundsare mixedintothe soundtracks mind. for whattheyare by the rational-thinking recognized heardbut not necessarily or recordings are actuallyspace-sound of the naturesoundson theserecordings manbodysounds. ain Your Brain withsoundwavesusinga techniquecalled"Brainwave can be controlled Brainwaves thatcausea Thisinvolvescreatingspecialpulseratesin the recordings Entrainment." responsein the brain. Sympathetic functioncalled"Biological is partof a largerbiological Entrainment Brainwave

"clock"setsitselfto externalcosmicevents;day lengthcycles,full Oscillation". Our biological cyclesand seasonalcyclesto namea few. The bodywill set itselfto the mostpowerful externalpulsecycleit is exposedto. In this casewe can createpowerfulsoundfrequencies pulsingat exactbrainwavespeedsand causethe brainwavesto alterthemselvesto match to the soundpulsestherebyaltering e soundfrequencies - thatis, entrainthemselves, 's stateof consciousness. knowfrom manyresearchendeavorsthat certaindeeplyrelaxedstatesof consciousness re associatedwith specificbrainwavepatternson an EEGbrainmonitor.We also knowthat "lockon" to an ith brainwaveentrainmentwe can causebrainwavesto sympathetically I sound-pulse at a brainwave speed.Thisgivesus the toolsto gentlyguidebrainwave nctionand statesof consciousness intodeeplyrelaxedand balancedstates. all of the pulsefrequencies are builtintoeverysoundyou hear, On all of thesesoundtracks including eachinstrument sound,voicesound,naturesoundand NASAspacesoundon the The brai recording. Thefrequencies usedmostlyare lowAlphaand Thetabrainfrequencies. peaceful frequencies relaxation, heightened with these are statesassociated problemsolving,insight and intensecreativity. isualizationlimages, we composeand createthesemusicalsoundtracks, the brain-waveentrainment and stateof ses builtintothe instrument soundsentrainmy own brainwaves ousnessintoa stateof intensecreativity- that'swherethe musicyou hearis coming n typesof soundsand musichavea proveneffectin creatingstatesof relaxation, ance,healingand visualization. Generally theseincludecertaintypesof lyrical,flowing can createan atmosphere of Certainchordarrangements and chordarrangements. , mystery,awe and openness. pulse-wave whichrequires information, To getthe full effectsof the 3-D soundand brainwave right/leftsoundimagesto be completelyseparatedfromone another,it is bestto listento recordings with headphones on, eyesclosed,and lightsout.Youwill hearthe sounds you in three-dimensional ng around space.You can get a similareffectwithspeakersif placethemdirectlyto the rightand leftof yourbody.Thisway,youwillalsofeelcertain withcertainsoundtonesin the music. of yourbodyresonating c) 1997Dr JeffreyD. Thompson for Neuroacoustic Research

ndividualPrivateSessionswith SoundHealing Bio-Tuning TherapyProcess andSonicInduction Sound is processbeginswitha seriesof fourdistinctsteps:1).To findyourFundamental requencyto balanceyour body,2). To find key BrainwaveFrequencyPatternsassociated rithoptimalstatesof consciousness for healingyourphysical,emotional and mentallevels,

3). To exposeyou to thesesoundsthrougha speciallydesignedSoundTherapyTable,4). T makea 3-D recording of yourvoicesingingthis keyfrequencyto tap the specificharmonics nd overtonesof your"voice-print" to awakensubconscious recognition and healingat a level.Thisvoice-tonethengetstransferredto compactdiscto be usedat homein an intensive,everyday programin betweensessions. ere arefivecoresessionsin the initialBio-Tuning Program.Eachof thesefivesessions, the CD thataccompanies them,is workingon a differentlevelof healingand balancing body,emotionsand mind.Thesesessionsare usuallyoncea week,butvaryaccording yourresponsetimeand needs. firstBio-Tuning sessiontakesapproximately 1 1/2hoursand involvestestingthrougha of differentbodysystemsto findimbalances thatare usedas a guidein findingthe undamental Tone.Thesesystemsinclude.structural, muscular, bio-magnetic, acupuncture, n/gland,neurological and emotionalcenters.Althougheachof thesebodysystemshas s own uniqueresonantfrequency, the Fundamental frequencyTonefor the entire"Bio" of yourbodyresonates all of themthroughsympathetic resonance. Thiscausesa lobalbodyresponse, whichis the verythingwe are lookingto seeas confirmation thatwe havefoundthe correctfrequencypattern. high{echsoundgenerating equipmentusedin this processcan accurately divide musicalintervalsby 100steps- that's100divisionsof sharpor flat betweentwo noteson a pianokeyboard. s highlyaccuratefrequencypatternis thenplayedthroughyourbodyusinga specially "tuningfork"transducers, soundtherapytablewithelectronic whichturnthe entire ble intoa giantvibrational soundingboard.Partof the reasonfor the profoundresponses by somepeoplewho havegonethroughthis processis as a resultof direct lar vibrationstimulation withthissoundtable. n additionto thisprocessof physicalresonance withsound,testingis doneto findthe imalBrainwave Stateof Consciousness for you to be in for thisprocessto workmost Forthis,specialsound-pulse frequencies are usedwhichcausea sympathetic your of Thesefrequenciescausethe brainwavesto followinto brainwaves. specificstatesof consciousness througha processcalled"Brainwave Thereis Entrainment". a directrelationship betweenthe "Fundamental" SoundFrequency thatcausesa balancing your bodysystemsand variousspecificbrainwavestatesof consciousness. Thereare five Frequencies brainwave for healingwhichcan be calculated as octavesof yourFundamental HealingTone.Therefore, thereare FiveCoreBio-Tuning Sessions, onefor eachof these healingstatesof consciousness. brainwave It is thesefive brainwavefrequencystatesof consciousness for healing,whichare usedin e fiveBio-Tuning sessionsandthe fiveCD's,whichyouworkwithat home. youwill be lyingon the soundtherapy Duringthe firstsessionof the Bio-Tuning experience, blewith headphones on. Thespecificsoundfrequencyand brainwave entrainment ieswill be playingthroughyourbodyandyourears. e secondsessioninvolvesre-testing the Sound-Tone thatwas foundthe firsttime,to make bly sureit is correct.We then makea 3-D recordingof yourvoicesingingthis exacttone transferthis recordingintohighlysophisticated Withthis electronic equipment. ipment,we can dropthe speedof yourvoicerecordingby preciseoctavesso thatonly

yourunconscious mindrecognizes and is awakenedby it. recordingis highlyimporlantbecauseonlyyourownvocalcordscan TheVoice-Tone producethe uniqueset of harmonics whichare characteristic of yourpersonal, and overtones pattern- a patternhighlyrecognizable to the partof yourbiological unique"Voice-Print" systemwhichdesignedand grewyourbodyout of two cellsin the firstplace.Thispartof the the unique anddeeplyrecognizes minddesignedthe vocalcordsthemselves unconscious patternof soundthat they produce. Duringthissecondsessionon the soundtable,a pairof "LightGoggles"are used.Theseare glasseswithtinylightbulbsinsidewhichflashagainstyourclosed pairof lightweight of yourvoice ids.Theflashingof theselightsis drivenby the vibrationsoundfrequencies patternthatwe recorded.Thereforeyou are seeing- whatyou are hearing- whatyou are activity in the electrical synchronicity feelingthroughyourbody.Thiscausesa multi-faceted lt also in the visual,auditoryand vibrationsenseareasof the cortexand brainstem. modesin the body:Visual,Auditoryand Kinesthetic, the threeprimaryperceptual coordinates and bringsthemintobalancewithone another. Pattern Voice-Tone The nextfew sessionsinvolveplayingthis unique,inneractivating pattern your primary perfect your energy match of body,earsand is a through on You - usingyourownVoiceSound.Eachsessioncreatesa newcustom superimposed CD to workwith at home.Eachof theserecordingswill havea differentbrainwave andthen thenthe emotional the physical, frequency, uniqueto you,for balancing entrainment the mental"bodies". Voice-Tone is likeyourPersonalMantra.The Mantrawasn'tjust the YourFundamental butthe chantingof one'sown specialtone,which Sanskritsoundthatone usedin meditation, withone'sownvocalcordssingingintoone'sown "bio-mass" one'sconsciousness the rootof consciousness. ln Homeopathy". is alsoequivalent to "SonicConstitutional Voice-Tone our Fundamental Homeopathy, a remedyis madefroma dropof yourown esotericform of Constitutional patternof yourBeing.Exposureto this primary vibration energy This holds the subtle cod. pattern youressentialvibratory and leadsto a profoundlevelof imarypatternre-vitalizes Patterndo the samewithsound, fromyourVoice-Tone ner healing.YourBio-Frequencies we will be usingspecificsound sessions, the latercourseof theseBio-Tuning frequencies to helpyou uncover traumas, which buried emotional access deeply uencies personal evolution. for accelerating LifePurposeandtechniques yourvisitswill usuallyextendto 2 weekandthen of thesefivesessions, the conclusion at home. intervalsin whichyouwill be workingwithyourcustomsoundrecordings at homeon a regularbasis,actsas a is methodof workingwithyourcustomrecordings yst for initiating movingfonrardthe innerchangeprocess. and constantly It is at the conclusion of these30 day periodsworkingwithyourpersonalsound,thatit is to retestall of your bodysystemsto makesurethat all havestabilizedand to to reI possibledeeperlayerswhichmayneedto be is alsoimportant physical emotional periodically, or your kind of major any after voice-tone especially record to a clarifyingof the voicepatternand the reflection breakthrough - this alwayscorresponds the "newyou"in yourvoice.The newstateof balancein yourselfis reflectedin all of your theyproduce. and overtones bodytissues- includingyourvocalcordsandthe harmonics

Thisnewtransformedvocalpatternhas an acceleratedeffecton furtherbalancingyour ystemsand expandingyourself-empowerment. reacha placeof balancein whichwe are no longer timegoeson, we eventually ptingto balanceor repairwhatis broken.At this point,you maywishto beginPhase yourabilitiesas process:Expanding yourcapabilities wo of the Bio-Tuning and maximizing properly, we are in a humanbeing.Onceall of our systemsare "on-line"andfunctioning positionto beginto pushfonvardour ownevolutionand abilitiesto the maximum. whichwe havelearnedfromancient thispointwe can useall the toolsandtechniques, Ituresthat haveusedsoundfor self-perfection overthe pastfew thousandyears,combined all the high{echtoolsat our disposalto maximizethis proress. of theseprocessesinclude: . . . . .

YourPersonal SonicSriYantra. YourPersonalSonicChartesCathedralLabyrinth. TheAwakenedMindBrainwave Pattern" Brainwave States. The extraordinary Epsilonand Hyper-Gamma your your voice, key frequencies for body, and Sanskrit soundsto resonateand Using balanceyour sevenneuroplexus energycenters. . Specificfrequencies memory/learning. thatopenyourlong-term

Formoreinformation or to makean appointment elickhereto contactDr.Thompson

c) 1996Dr JeffreyD Thompson Research ter for Neuroacoustic