Better opportunities for everybody? Talking about globalisation

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Talking about globalisation

Business communication: speaking • 16


Better opportunities for everybody? – Talking about globalisation Von Petra Schappert, Stuttgart

S-amerikanische Sportschuhe „Made in Indonesia“, schwedische Kleidung hergestellt in Bulgarien und deutsche Autos aus Mexiko – willkommen in einer globalisierten Welt! Aber welche Vor- und Nachteile bringt die Globalisierung mit sich? Um zu einem reflektierten Umgang mit dem Thema zu gelangen, setzen Ihre Schüler sich anhand von Texten kritisch mit unterschiedlichen Aspekten der Globalisierung auseinander. Sie erweitern ihren thematischen Wortschatz und wenden diesen in einem Gruppenpuzzle an. Profitieren nur die Industrieländer von der GlobalisieSchließlich diskutieren sie in einem Rollenspiel rung? die Vor- und Nachteile von Outsourcing.

Das Wichtigste auf einen Blick Kompetenzen


Wissen über die Vor- und Nachteile von Globalisierung erwerben

5 Schulstunden + Test

den Wortschatz zum Thema „Globalisierung“ erweitern und anwenden

Texten Informationen entnehmen

Karikaturen und Schaubilder beschreiben und interpretieren

12 RAAbits Englisch

Niveau B1/B2 (Differenzierungsmaterial für B1 und B2) Ihr Plus Rollenkarten für eine Podiumsdiskussion

Berufliche Schulen August 2014




Business communication: speaking • 16

Talking about globalisation

5 von 31

Verlaufsübersicht 1. Stunde: Material

Talking about globalisation – an introduction Verlauf

M 1, OHP

What do you already know about globalisation? / Vorwissen anhand von Bildimpulsen aktivieren


What is globalisation? – Finding a definition / eine eigene Definitionen mithilfe der Think-Pair-Share-Methode erarbeiten


Quotes about globalisation / die eigenen Definitionen mit Zitaten zum Thema „Globalisierung“ vergleichen


Globalisation shakes the world – reading a text / einen Text lesen und Verständnisfragen beantworten


Die Schüler tragen ihr Vorwissen zusammen und ergänzen dieses durch Informationen aus Bild-und Textimpulsen. Sie verfassen eine eigene Definition von Globalisierung.

2./3. Stunde:

Collecting facts – implications of globalisation




Talking about globalisation – a mind map / Vokabular zum Thema „Globalisierung“ in einer Mindmap sammeln und strukturieren

M 11

Talking about globalisation / thematische Wortschatzliste

M 6, OHP

Taking part in a jigsaw – how does it work? / eine Anleitung für die Methode „Gruppenpuzzle“ lesen und besprechen

M 11

Talking about globalisation / thematische Wortschatzliste


Outsourcing – a jigsaw / mittels eines Gruppenpuzzles Informationen zu den unterschiedlichen Aspekten des Outsourcings erarbeiten und präsentieren


Die Schüler beherrschen und strukturieren den wesentlichen thematischen Wortschatz und kennen unterschiedliche Aspekte von Outsourcing.

4./5. Stunde:

Outsourcing to Mexico?– Taking part in a panel discussion




Taking part in a panel discussion – how does it work? / eine Anleitung für die Methode „Podiumsdiskussion“ lesen und besprechen


Panel discussion: Outsourcing to Mexico? – Role cards / anhand von Rollenkarten eine Podiumsdiskussion vorbereiten und durchführen

M 11

Talking about globalisation / thematische Wortschatzliste

M 10

How was our panel discussion? – An evaluation / die Diskussion beobachten und mithilfe eines Feedbackbogens bewerten


Die Schüler bereiten eine Podiumsdiskussion vor, führen diese durch und geben sich gegenseitig Feedback.

Sie finden alle Materialien im veränderbaren Word-Format sowie Materialien zur Differenzierung auf der CD RAAbits Englisch Berufliche Schulen (CD 12). Bei Bedarf können Sie die Materialien am Computer gezielt überarbeiten, um sie auf Ihre Lerngruppe abzustimmen.

12 RAAbits Englisch

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6 von 31

Talking about globalisation

Business communication: speaking • 16


Materialübersicht 1. Stunde

Talking about globalisation – an introduction



What do you already know about globalisation?



What is globalisation? – Finding a definition



Quotes about globalisation



Globalisation shakes the world – reading a text

2./3. Stunde

Collecting facts – implications of globalisation



Talking about globalisation – a mind map



Taking part in a jigsaw – how does it work?



Outsourcing – a jigsaw

4./5. Stunde

Outsourcing to Mexico? – Taking part in a panel discussion



Taking part in a panel discussion – how does it work?



Panel discussion: Outsourcing to Mexico? – Role cards

M 10


How was our panel discussion? – An evaluation


Talking about globalisation (M 11)


What do you remember about globalisation? (M 12)


Was ich kann: Talking about globalisation

Bedeutung der Abkürzungen Rp: Roleplay; Tr: Transparency; Tx: Text; Ws: Worksheet

Minimalplan Sie haben nur zwei Stunden zur Verfügung? So können Sie die wichtigsten Inhalte erarbeiten: 1. Stunde:

Defining globalisation

M 1–M 4

2. Stunde:

Implications of globalisation – outsourcing

M 6 und M 7

Zusatzmaterialien auf CD M1_Zusatz_B1

(zusätzliches Arbeitsblatt für Niveau B1 mit Tipps und Redemitteln für die Cartoon-Interpretation)


(alternatives Arbeitsblatt für Niveau B1mit Redemitteln für eine Diskussion)


(alternatives Arbeitsblatt für Niveau B1 mit Textverständnisfragen)


(zusätzliches Arbeitsblatt für Niveau B1 mit discussion phrases)

Writing_a_comment_B2 (zusätzliches Arbeitsblatt für Niveau B2 mit Schreibauftrag und scaffolding für einen comment)

12 RAAbits Englisch

Berufliche Schulen August 2014


Business communication: speaking • 16

Talking about globalisation

7 von 31

What do you already know about globalisation?




© 1. Bild; 2. und 3. Bild


Vocabulary 1 speech bubble: die Sprechblase – 2 tie: die Krawatte – 3 to explain: erklären – 4 confused: verwirrt – 5 map of the world: die Weltkarte – 6 blurred: unscharf – 7 to connect: verbinden – 8 to draw a line: eine Linie zeichnen – 9 connected: verbunden – 10 globe: der Erdball, der Globus – 11 circle: der Kreis Tasks 1. Look at the pictures and describe them. 2. Interpret the pictures. 3. What impact1 does globalisation have on your private and professional life? 1 impact: die Auswirkung

12 RAAbits Englisch

Berufliche Schulen August 2014

10 von 31

Talking about globalisation

Business communication: speaking • 16


Globalisation shakes the world – reading a text


Let’s find out more about globalisation and its consequences.

Santosh, a tour guide in Bangalore, India, is feeling good. Because of the IT boom, he was able to found1 his own online travel agency, and now sells holidays to IT workers. Dean, a skilled2 car engineer near Detroit, is not feeling so good. He was fired3 from his company when it was closed and hasn’t worked since. Globalisation is the cause for many of the problems of the modern world, but its advocates4 argue that it increases wealth5. But what is globalisation, and what influences it? The speed of globalisation is having a very big effect on life in rich as well as in poor countries and it can transform a place such as Detroit to an area with serious economic problems or Bangalore to a booming region in only a few years. Many economists believe that globalisation is probably the reason for new trends in the world economy such as a growth in profits of companies in the Western world, a reduction in workers´ pay, as well as the movement of people to cities in poor countries and low inflation and low interest rates6. Globalisation is not new, but comes from the time of the industrial revolution. Britain grew rich in the 19th century as the first global economic superpower, because it was ahead of the world in manufacturing7 technology as well as having better ways of transporting its goods. But since World War II, and especially in the last 25 years the speed of globalisation has become faster and faster. The spread8 of information technology (IT) and the Internet is also changing the way companies organise production, as well as making it easier to buy in services on a worldwide scale. When India and China opened their economies to the world this helped stimulate globalisation even more and the global labour force9 increased twofold overnight. Source:

Vocabulary 1 to found sth.: etw. gründen – 2 skilled: ausgebildet – 3 to fire sb.: jmndn. hinauswerfen – 4 advocate.: der Befürworter, der Verfechter – 5 wealth: der Wohlstand – 6 interest rate: die Zinsrate – 7 manufacturing: die Herstellung, die Produktion – 8 spread: die Verbreitung – 9 global labour force: die globale Erwerbsbevölkerung – 10 twofold: zweifach

Tasks 1.

Read the headline and comment on it. Why do you think “globalisation shakes the world”?


Read the text.


Read the text again and finish the statements from the text by ticking pare your results with a partner.

the correct box. Com-

a) As a result of globalisation … Santosh successfully founded an online travel agency. Dean became a successful engineer.

b) Globalisation affects … mainly rich countries. poor and rich countries.

c) Globalisation is the reason for … higher profits in Western countries. the flood of migrants to India.

d) The opening of China’s and India’s economy to the world … didn’t have a major effect on Western countries. doubled the global labour force.

4. Summarise the content of the text in one sentence.

12 RAAbits Englisch

Berufliche Schulen August 2014


Globalisation shakes the world


Illustration: Oliver Wetterauer

Taking part in a jigsaw – how does it work?

How to take part in a jigsaw 1. Home group: Get together in groups of 4. 2. Expert group: Form new groups of 4. Individually read the material which is assigned to your group and work on the tasks. 3. Discuss your findings. Make sure that everybody understands everything. 4. Create a worksheet with a summary of the material you have worked on. 5. Home Group: Each student goes back to his/her home group. Take turns and present what you have learned in the expert group.


Business communication: speaking • 16

Talking about globalisation

15 von 31

Outsourcing – a jigsaw


In the jigsaw you’ll discover some of the reasons, effects and consequences of outsourcing.

Expert group A – positive aspects of outsourcing Tasks 1. Read the text. Describe what outsourcing is in one sentence. 2. Read the text again. Underline what the text says about the positive aspects of outsourcing for the news agency. 3. Write down the positive aspects.

In an office in India, many employees are working on the night shift1. They are journalists employed by the world’s biggest news agency2 to report on3 the very latest news in the US financial markets. 5




But why is Reuters covering Wall Street from Bangalore, India? The reason is the lower cost of employment. The Indian journalists can be employed by Reuters for considerably less than their counterparts4 at their New York office. Reuters say that this decision means that they can report more on US companies without having to pay high costs. Reuters was able to hire 100 new journalists in Bangalore but without reducing the size of their New York office. A Reuters spokesman5 said “we can now send our journalists in New York out to do more interesting stories. This is good for our business and good for journalism”. But the spokesman insists that this is not outsourcing6. “Bangalore is a Reuters bureau like any other in the world. And Reuters journalists there work to the standards as Reuters journalists anywhere.” This kind of arrangement has only recently become possible because of the Internet. Most US companies now release7 their statements to the press8 via the Internet. So Reuters journalists in Bangalore can access the same basic information as their colleagues in New York. The low cost of telecommunications links means that the news written in Bangalore can be sent around the world as quickly as the news written in New York. What is happening at Reuters in Bangalore is only one example of a trend in outsourcing by media companies. Many US-American newspapers are under a lot of pressure to save costs and so outsource some of their key functions9 to India. Source:

Vocabulary 1 night shift: die Nachtschicht – 2 news agency: die Nachrichtenagentur – 3 to report on: hier: berichten – 4 counterparts: die Entsprechung, der Gegenüber – 5 spokesman: der Sprecher – 6 outsourcing: die Ausgliederung der Produktion oder Dienstleistungen an Externe – 7 to release: veröffentlichen – 8 statement to the press : die Pressemitteilung – 9 key function: die Schlüsselfunktion

12 RAAbits Englisch

Berufliche Schulen August 2014


Here is the US News from India


Business communication: speaking • 16

Talking about globalisation

17 von 31

Expert group C – the impact of outsourcing on employees 1. Observe and describe What do you see? What is in the cartoons? Name the items shown in the cartoons. Is there any text?

2. Explain What symbols represent?






3. Interpret


What is the message of the cartoons? What do the cartoonists want the viewer to think about? What is your opinion?

Helpful vocabulary for describing and interpreting cartoons Description


In the foreground/background/centre there is …

The cartoon shows/describes/expresses …

At the top/at the bottom/on the right-hand side/on the left-hand side … can be seen.

The cartoonist makes fun of/criticises/draws attention to the fact that ...

The figure/person on the right/left is facing the reader/is shown in profile/addresses the reader …

The message of the cartoon is …

Helpful vocabulary cap: das Käppi – trainers: die Sportschuhe – easy-going: lässig – sewing machine: die Nähmaschine – to sew: nähen – a pile of sth.: ein Stapel … – brand logo: das Markenzeichen – outsourcing: die Ausgliederung der Produktion oder Dienstleistungen an Externe – homeless person: der Obdachlose – to beg: betteln

12 RAAbits Englisch

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Talking about globalisation

Business communication: speaking • 16


Expert group D – reasons for outsourcing Tasks 1. Describe the diagrams.


2. What information do they give about reasons for outsourcing? Write down the results on an extra sheet of paper.

© Stevia Mummert Consulting

outsourced: ausgegliederte Produktion oder Dienstleistungen an Externe – accountant: der Buchhalter map: die Landkarte – arrow: der Pfeil

core business: das Kerngeschäft – liquidity: die Zahlungsfähigkeit, die Liquidität

Useful vocabulary for describing diagrams survey: die Studie, die Befragung – bar chart: das Balkendiagramm– axis: die Achse – figures: die Zahlen – share: der Anteil – to account for: ausmachen, betragen Tip: to compare information use: bigger than – smaller than; higher than – lower than; as high as – as low as

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Talking about globalisation

Lösung (M 5)

12 RAAbits Englisch

Berufliche Schulen August 2014

Business communication: speaking • 16


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Talking about globalisation

Business communication: speaking • 16


Taking part in a panel discussion – how does it work?


A well-known car manufacturer is planning to move the production department1 of their best-selling model to Mexico. Affected by the outsourcing would be the workers who would not move to Mexico because the company would have to pay them higher wages than the Mexican workers. But some of the other German staff would have to go, e.g. office employees and managers. The advantages for the company are obvious: lower production costs and lower wages. The outsourcing plans of the car manufacturer is a topic of the British political talk-show Lakeford at Eight … Joachim Wagner – CEO1

Hans Kamp – works council1

You are new in the company. You were hired a year ago because the company needed an expert to make the business more efficient. In other companies you were a specialist at saving money. You don’t really care about anybody or anything but your company’s profit. But you also see a lot of advantages in outsourcing for the employees and workers.

You have been working for this company for 30 years. 2 You want to prevent the move of the production department to Mexico at all costs. You are afraid that most of the workers who work in the department will be fired. A lot of them are 50 years and older. It could be that they won’t find a job anymore.

If you successfully save the company money you will get a big bonus. 1 CEO (chief executive officer): der Firmenchef


You are angry about the greed of the managers. You don’t find it right that they earn so much more money than the workers and their jobs are safe. You know that the company makes enough money, no matter where the production department is. 1 works council: der Betriebsrat – 2 to prevent sth.: etw. verhindern – 3 greed: die Geldgier

Gomez Vicario – Mexican mayor

Linda Hoffmann – politician

You were glad when the German car manufacturer told you that they planned to move the production to Mexico. You met them when they visited the region and you get along very well. You see the chance for many Mexicans to get a good job. You are looking for the ideal location for the production department and you have also started to offer them land at a very low price. Another thing you have offered them to make the move attractive is a lot of 1 tax relief . Your hope is that if this car company moves to Mexico many more will follow.

You were shocked when you heard that the car manufacturer plans to move the production of the best-selling car model to Mexico. You are afraid that all the people who will be fired will not get a job in the area. Then the 1 unemployment rate will go up again. You won the elec2 tion because you were able to reduce the unemployment rate and so you are afraid of losing the next elec3 tion. Apart from that, the car manufacturer is the pride of the region and you are afraid that the move will have 4 other consequences as well, e.g. less tax income or less purchasing power.

1 tax relief: der Steuernachlass

Denise Graf – employee

Sara Lakeford – host

You work as the secretary of one of the managers and you have already been told that if the production department moves to Mexico, you will be able to go with 1 them. Additionally, you have been offered a pay rise if you decide to go there. The company would pay for your move and they would also help you to find a nice apartment.

You are the host of the British political talk-show Lakeford at Eight that is on TV once a week. You are highly respected by everybody and have good contacts with the car manufacturer since you advertise for their cars. They have asked you whether you could host the discussion and you accepted. Actually, you think that the production should stay in Germany, but of course you have to stay neutral and prepare good questions.

You are single and you think this would be a great opportunity to see the world. You don’t understand colleagues who don’t want to take the opportunity and prefer to stay in Germany. As an 2 employee you have to be flexible nowadays . 1 pay rise: die Lohnerhöhung – 2 nowadays: heutzutage

12 RAAbits Englisch

Berufliche Schulen August 2014


1 unemployment rate: die Arbeitslosenquote – 2 election: die Wahl – 3 pride: der Stolz – 4 tax income: die Steuereinnahmen


Business communication: speaking • 16

Talking about globalisation

25 von 31

How was our panel discussion? – An evaluation

M 10

Give your classmates feedback on their discussion. Tasks 1. Watch the panel discussion and fill in the table. For each line tick

the appropriate smiley.

2. Do you have any comments? Write them down in the space for tips and recommendations1. 3. Give the group feedback on how they discussed the topic. Content

Tips and recommendations

She/he gave convincing2 arguments for or against something.


Tips and recommendations

She/he was polite3.

She/he listened to the others and showed interest in what they were saying.

She/he answered the questions convincingly.


Tips and recommendations

She/he used correct vocabulary.

She/he spoke naturally (didn’t just read out her/his notes, not so many stops, “ehms”, no mixing with German).

Vocabulary 1 recommendation: die Empfehlung, der Vorschlag – 2 convincing: überzeugend – 3 polite: höflich

12 RAAbits Englisch

Berufliche Schulen August 2014


Business communication: speaking • 16

Talking about globalisation

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Test: What do you remember about globalisation?

M 12

1. Filling in the blanks Fill in the blanks in the two definitions with the words from the boxes. Definition A economic





___________________ (1) means the process by which the world is becoming integrated on an ___________________ (2), technological and cultural level. The concept includes1 the growing mobility of people and the steady flow of money and ___________________ (3) between international ___________________ (4) and production sites. It also stands for the global spread of ___________________ (5) and ideas by media like the Internet all over the world. Definition B Outsourcing



production costs

___________________ (1) is a cost-saving strategy. It is sometimes cheaper to relocate departments to other countries than it is to produce the ___________________ (2) in the company’s own country. An example of a ___________________________ (3) company outsourcing would be a computer company producing some of its computer components in another country in order to save _________________________ (4). 2. Interpreting a cartoon a) Describe the cartoon. b) Interpret the cartoon. Which disadvantages of globalisation does it point out? Helpful vocabulary 1 to point at sb.: auf jmndn. zeigen – 2 to explain: erklären – ©

3 suitcase: der Koffer – 4 to clarify sth.: etw. klarstellen

3. Disadvantages and advantages of globalisation Write down two more disadvantages and two more advantages of globalisation.

1 to include: beinhalten

12 RAAbits Englisch

Berufliche Schulen August 2014