Behind every hero is great training and practice

Effective Facilitator Training Workshop B e h in d ever y h e r o i s g r eat tr ainin g a n d pr a c t i c e. ©2015 B e Le g endary www.B eLegend a...
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Effective Facilitator Training Workshop

B e h in d ever y h e r o i s g r eat tr ainin g a n d pr a c t i c e. ©2015 B e Le g endary

www.B eLegend ary. org

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O BJE C TI V ES for Effective Facilitation Training

Become familiar with a simple, practical framework for designing and leading effective meeting, group planning sessions and other facilitated and experiential events. Understand and use a range techniques and creating behavioral shifts/change in teams and individuals. Learn skills to deal with disruptive, difficult meeting behaviors and dominating team members Develop an increased ability to support organizational change. Gain an increased sense of confidence and leave energized to take on a greater leadership role within your organization. ©2015 B e Le g endary

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KEY BENEFITS Facilitation is a ‘Life’ and leadership skill to be used in many areas of your life. Unveil the power of structured, collaborative thinking paired with action for achieving goals. Cultivate the potential of a group by involving participants in building consensus and promoting quick results while creating opportunities for broader-based participation and influence. Generate more and better solutions to problems. Manage (or better yet, prevent) dysfunctional behavior in the group. Practice facilitation techniques with interactive feedback and coaching. While there are certain ‘classroom’ elements that will occur to give everyone a baseline of knowledge, you will help direct which elements receive the most attention. However, there are a few items that WILL occur during those two days: 1. You WILL learn how to run and debrief activities. 2. You WILL facilitate and process an activity from start to finish. 3.

You WILL receive feedback from participants and instructor about your facilitation.

©2015 B e Le g endary

www.B eLegend ary. org

Telling Ain’t Training!

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CONTENT DETAILS Facilitate the Process

Facilitate the Event Define the session objectives, deliverables, participants, and roles and responsibilities Identify and/or modify room layout, equipment for maximum group results Create a session agenda and detailed facilitator’s agenda

Facilitate Yourself

Facilitate the Group

Self-assess performance Maintain neutrality Take appropriate risks for better results How to facilitate when you’re the boss Stay 100% energized throughout the session

©2015 B e Le g endary

Open the session Apply correct methods and techniques to gain the greatest value in each session Maintain focus on the desired outcome Engage participants Record the session results Close the session

Use a simple questioning technique to keep the group on track and create life applications Understand and apply facilitative techniques to deepen dialogue, mine and manage for conflict Understand and manage group behavior and group dynamics for maximum effect

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What Will I Learn?

Please check our website for correct dates.

The Greatest Responsibility of a Great Facilitator The Single Most Abused Role of a Poor Facilitator The Greatest Challenge of all Facilitators How to select, setup, execute and process a successful activity Facilitative behaviors of a professional facilitator How to overcome resistance, seek clarity and intervene in the right situations


$1,395 $995 for early bird pricing by booking 
 before October 10th. What do I Receive?

Bound copy of Effective Facilitators Handbook 2.5 days of training from a Be Legendary Facilitator Eligibility to become a Be Legendary Facilitator A fun environment to learn and test your skills Learn with the activities and tools we use in our own workshops and programs Discounts for purchasing our products.

©2015 B e Le g endary

What will we do?

This will be an active workout in which you will not only learn from a professional facilitator, not only participate in actual activities, but also RUN and DEBRIEF a real activity. While you are doing that for participants, you will be tested on what was learned in the classroom setting

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WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING Jam e s Ca r ter i s p u re g e n iu s. Anyo n e wh o i s a f a c i l i t a t o r or w ho wa nts to b e a f ac i l i t at or h a s t o a t t en d t h is wor ks h op. The oppor tun it y t o l e a r n f r o m Ja mes is a r a r e gif t . Beyon d the o p p o r t u n i t i e s t o l e ar n a bo ut f a c ilit a t io n is s imp ly the op p o r t u n i t y t o b r ain st o r m wit h Ja mes. He w ill move you r b u s i n e s s fo r war d in a h ea r t bea t wit h o n e id ea. T h at' s t he s p e c i al b o n u s I r ec eived f r o m a t t en din g this even t l a s t ye a r. Much o f w ha t I l e a r n e d f r o m Ja me s dur in g t h e wor ks h op wa s im med iately ap plied t o my wor k wit h at ri sk kid s. We u s e d s o m e o f Ja m e s's team building games in o ur a fte r- s ch o o l p r o g r am a t a h igh sch o o l cont inu a tion scho o l an d t h e r es pon se f r o m t h e k ids wa s amaz in g. E x p on e n t i a l l e a r n i n g.

“Fantastic session by world class facilitators who really are passionate and care about what they are doing. I would recommend to even experienced facilitators since there was so much knowledge and skills passed on. You guys are great.” Aileen Zaballero

Schedule thi s eve n t o n yo u r c a le n da r r igh t n ow befo r e it f ills u p … It ' s t h at i m p o r t a n t . Jo h n H aw kins, CE O Emotion a l L i t e r a c y Fo u n d a t i on ©2015 B e Le g endary

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WHY BE L EGENDARY? We have faci lit ated fo r ove r 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 p e o p l e ove r th e la st 1 5 ye ars. We kn ow w ha t wo r k s, w h a t d o e s n ’t a n d we t each what we k now !

O ur c lie nts i nclude 6 5% of t h e Fo r t u n e 1 0 0 , eve ry level of governm ent a nd t h o us and s of s mal l bu sinesses. See our cl i e nt l i s t .

Expertise James Carter, Founder and CEO, has co-authored two books with Stephen Covey, Ken Blanchard, Deepak Chopra and Brian Tracy. James has also created the Roadmap to Legendary, a research and experience guide to creating a legendary life and organization.

©2015 B e Le g endary

www.B eLegend ary. org

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WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING Attending the Ef fectiv e Facilitator Train in g w ith a han df u l of m y te am was the be st in v e stm e n t I m ade in m y com pan y this ye ar. Being critiqued by a seasoned profe ssion al w hile w e practice d fac i l i t at i n g ac t i v i t i e s an d de bri e f w as pri c e l e ss. I m yself a ppreciated the distin ction be tw e e n facilitation an d train in g , an d ho w to se le ct the be st activitie s to m e e t ou r obj e ctiv e s an d ho w to str u ctu re an e v e n t. I look forward to future trainings w it h B e Le g e n dar y. C on n i e P hel a n

Ja me s, t h an k yo u for s harin g so m uch fr o m your he art a n d yea rs of expe ri e nc e duri ng yo ur "Effective Fa c ilit a t or Tr a in in g ". As a pa r ti ci pan t , I wa s am aze d h ow much yo u share d a n d ge nui n ely ca r e t o em power oth er s to "be le gen da r y" in th ei r own way. I wa s a ble t o put ma ny o f th e tool s to use i mme diat el y, a n d I a m ver y gr a t ef ul th at I have been able to pass- o n wh a t I' ve le a rn e d t o a ssist othe rs. Kn ow th a t your g uida n ce, dist inctio ns, expe rience and wil lin gn es s t o give s o much is m akin g a po sitive im pac t a n d di ff e r en c e i n thi s wor ld! My h e a rt is f ill ed wit h g ratitude and I t hank yo u for bei n g you. .. a ut he n t ic, g enui ne and a gifted t eacher t h at sh a re s a ll he k n ows so I can do th e same as a f a ci lit a t or ! Kar en P fe ffe r

©2015 B e Le g endary

www.B eLegend ary. org

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You are not alone

B e for e, Du ri ng, A f t e r We a re h e r e t o s u p p ort yo u. 
 Anyt i m e you ne e d help, 
 we a r e o n e c a ll away… ©2015 B e Le g endary

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Facilitate to Create a Team

of legends who are: ON FIRE!

Aligned and motivated by the purpose of the organization.

High Performing

100% Engaged

Productive AND Efficient is a powerful combination.

Do you want a team of ‘out of the box thinkers’? NO! You want a team who will challenge the box itself.

Taking the time to align individuals on the team is essential to create the powerful cycle of synergy that comes from a team on fire.

Alignment without productivity is a waste. People will be working on what is most important to advance the organization. With alignment, everyone keeps #1 priorities #1.

©2015 B e Le g endary

www.B eLegend ary. org

Engaging the individuals of the team on a deep level creates a level of dedication and drive unseen in normal teams.

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Be Legendary: Guiding leaders who challenge the status quo and change this world for the better. ©2015 B e Le g endary

www.B eLegend ary. org

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You r Te am Below are the amazing staff that makes up Be Legendary.

Faciiltator Champion James Carter EXPERTISE: Transformation expert, leading change, experiential learning PHONE: 800-513-8759 Ext 311 EMAIL: [email protected]

Chris McIntyre EXPERTISE: Productivity, accountability, emotional intelligence, small business leadership

Colin Brine EXPERTISE: Strategic planning, facilitator, large problem solving, CPA

Jessica Haldane EXPERTISE: Leadership development, executive coach, organizational psychologist

Kristie McLean EXPERTISE: Executive coach, writing/editing expert, Circle Way facilitation, non-violent communication, World Cafe & Open Space facilitation, multi-

Ben Field EXPERTISE: Communications, strategic planning, project architecture, clarity

©2015 B e Le g endary

www.B eLegend ary. org

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A + B = Life’s Meaning



Those you touch.

©2015 B e Le g endary

What you do.

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