Barcroft Primary E-Safety Policy. November 2014

Barcroft Primary E-Safety Policy November 2014 Introduction The use of the Internet both within and outside school is an integral part of the lives o...
Author: Bertram Eaton
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Barcroft Primary E-Safety Policy November 2014

Introduction The use of the Internet both within and outside school is an integral part of the lives of both the pupils and staff at Barcroft Primary School. We recognise that whilst the Internet and other digital communication methods are powerful tools for development that they can be harmful to children and adults alike. By setting up an E-Safety policy we are aiming to promote awareness of the dangers these tools can contain and to mitigate the risks to our school community. The key risk areas identified are:  Access to inappropriate/harmful/illegal images  Sharing of personal information which can lead to loss of personal information  Sharing of images without the consent of the subject of those images  Risk of online grooming  Cyber-bullying  Access to unsuitable site content e.g. pornography, pro-anorexia, selfharm etc.  Access to unsuitable online games  Plagiarism  The inability to evaluate the relevance, accuracy, quality and bias of information on the Internet  Illegal downloading of files including aspects of Copyright Infringement  The effects of excessive use of Technology/Internet/Games and how this affects the social and emotional well-being of individuals. It is important that this E-Safety policy is used alongside existing school policies, e.g. Anti-Bullying, when dealing with issues within school. Whilst we cannot eliminate the risks to our staff and pupils the aim of this policy is to clarify the safeguards that are in place to help minimise risks.

B Kaur November 2014

Responsibilities Keeping safe is the aim of every person within the school community. At Barcroft we have staff that are E-Safety trained and as such, act as the key resource on Internet Safety within the school. Child Protection Officer The CP Officer is responsible for any issues that arise regarding Child Protection as a result of unsafe online behaviours by pupils including:  Consequences of personal data being shared  Pupils having access to unsuitable materials  Inappropriate contact with strangers/adults online e.g. in chat rooms or social media sites  Cyber-bullying  Perceived or actual incidents of grooming

E-Safety Coordinator ICT Services and Coordinator are responsible for:  Ensuring that the network is secure with firewalls and anti-virus software in order to minimise the chances of malicious attacks from external sources  Ensuring that our safety standards meet LEA guidelines  Ensuring that the school Internet filtering software (policy central) is installed and maintained.  To add any sites highlighted by staff to the blocked list on the filtering software.  Ensuring that the ICT Monitoring Software filter is installed and maintained  To attend updated training on E-Safety technical matters where appropriate  To keep updated on E-Safety matters via key websites, forums and technical bulletins.  To review the Policy Central logs to identify where issues have arisen and take the appropriate action.  To update/amend the Acceptable Use Policy for ICT Equipment as needs arise.  Ensuring that referrals from ICT Services with regards to misuse of the Internet areas are dealt with in a timely and effective manner  Guiding teachers and support staff in delivering E-Safety modules

B Kaur November 2014

To keep an overview of E-Safety issues within their year group in order to decide whether whole year interventions are appropriate (this could help in spotting trends in media usage)

Teaching and learning Why Internet and digital communications are important  The Internet is an essential element in 21st century life for education, business and social interaction. The school has a duty to provide students with quality Internet access as part of their learning experience. 

Internet use is a part of the curriculum and a necessary tool for staff and pupils.

The school Internet access is provided by Walsall Education Department and includes filtering appropriate to the age of pupils. School also pays for additional filtering to support E-Safety

Pupils will be taught what Internet use is acceptable and what is not and given clear objectives for Internet use.

Pupils will be educated in the effective use of the Internet.

Pupils will be shown how to publish and present information appropriately to a wider audience.

Pupils will be taught how to evaluate Internet content 

The school will seek to ensure that the use of Internet derived materials by staff and by pupils complies with copyright law.

Pupils should be taught to be critically aware of the materials they read and shown how to validate information before accepting its accuracy.

Pupils will be taught how to report unpleasant Internet content e.g. using the CEOP Report Abuse icon or Hector Protector.

B Kaur November 2014

Teaching and Support Staff Teaching and Support Staff are responsible for:  Keeping themselves up to date on E-Safety awareness  Following the school E-Safety policy  Reporting any suspected issues with regards to E-Safety to the E-Safety Co-ordinator, Child Protection Office, ICT Coordinator as appropriate  Avoiding the use of Social Networking sites; if they are used to keep profiles private  To only digitally communicate with pupils/parents on a professional level and by using the school e-mail system.  Staff to deliver E-Safety lessons as required for their subject.  To aid students with developing good research skills and to reject plagiarism  To monitor the use of ICT activity in lessons and extra-curricular activities.  Agreeing to and following the Acceptable Use Policy for ICT Equipment  Avoid the use of portable storage devices in work which contain personal data  Ensure that if computers are left for a period of time that they log-off or lock them in order to prevent unauthorised access  It is essential that staff follow the school procedures before publishing and digital video/audio footage of pupils in order to comply with Data Protection laws and parental wishes.  Staff are aware that the use of mobile phones for photographs is not permitted. Pupils Pupils       

are responsible for: Agreeing to and following the Acceptable Use Policy for ICT Equipment Using the Internet for research. Upholding copyright by quoting sources in work and not illegally downloading or uploading materials using the school system Developing an understanding of how to avoid unsuitable materials and where to seek guidance if they are disturbed by online content Developing an understanding of how to keep themselves safe on social media sites and keeping profiles secure and private. To follow the school anti-bullying rules both in and out of school To understand that their online conduct out of school can be sanctioned if it affects other members of our school community in contravention of our other policies e.g. anti-bullying.

B Kaur November 2014

Parents/Carers Parents/carers play a key role in keeping the children in their care safe online. It is acknowledged that parents have varying degrees of awareness of E-Safety so the school is aiming to guide parents in this area using different media (talks at new intake evenings, articles in newsletters, items on the VLE). Parents can assist the school in:  Talking with their children about E-Safety, particularly in response to newsletter articles  Monitoring the Internet usage in their home Handling E-Safety Complaints  Complaints of Internet misuse will be dealt with by a senior member of staff. 

Any complaint about staff misuse must be referred to the head teacher.

Complaints of a child protection nature must be referred to the Senior Designated Professional for Safeguarding and dealt with in accordance with school child protection procedures.

Education/Training Staff  New staff will receive E-Safety training as part of their Induction entitlement  Staff will be trained on delivering E-Safety lessons as appropriate  Training will be provided for staff on E-Safety  At any time staff who have concerns regarding E-Safety can speak to the Child Protection Officer, ICT Coordinator for further guidance. Pupils  Pupils will be educated on E-Safety matters via specifically arranged e - Safety lessons.

Annual Delivery of E- Safety Autumn Term – John Owen (CEOP Trained) to deliver E-Safety to all year groups. Last implemented November 2014. B Kaur November 2014

Spring Term – Pupils in upper school to visit Safe Side to experience hands on E-Safety Summer Term – Saltmine Trust to present lower and upper school (KS2) with a production on E-Safety called ‘Escape’. Saltmine will also provide Yr 1 and Yr 2 with E-Safety workshops. E-Safety for Parents Children to present E-Safety Carols to highlight the need for parental understanding and monitoring of their children on the internet. E-Safety leaflets to be given to all parents December 5th 2014...

B Kaur November 2014