Aug. 4, 1931. I



' 1,316,994


Filed June 6, 1929


2 Sheets-Sheet 1


Aug. 4, 1931.




2 Sheets-Sheet 2


Patented Aug. 4, 1931





AUTOHATIG COFFIH) PEBCOLATOR Application ?led June 6, 1929. Serial No. 888,860.

My said invention relates to improve Fig. 4 is a detail of the water elevating I ments in coffee percolators of the drip type; tube. i. e., those in which the hot water passes Fi . 5 is a detail of the water heating » through the co?ee but once. cham er. 5 One object of the invention is to roduce Figs. 6 to 10 inclusive are views of further an electric percolator of this type which will details. ' be of an automatic nature, the su ply of Referrin b reference characters to this. heat being automatically cut o?’ a

r the


designates the main body or

required amount of water has passed container of the pot which may be of any 10 ‘through the coffee.


Another object is to accomplish this auto matic action by providing a two com art ment container with interposed perco ator means arranged so that the water will be 1; transferred from one to the other and that the heat will be cut o?’ by the tilting of the

container resulting from said transfer of

desired size and shape but is preferably of


oval shape in cross section as shown, for reasons which will hereinafter ap e'ar, be ing provided with the customary andle a and spout a’ and with a top portion B which may be made of glass or metal. The 6.0 bottom of the body or container is dished upwardly or made of approximately trun

the water. cated cone shape as indicated at A’. Still another object is to provide a device The interior chamber of the container is 20 of this type in which the percolating action divided into two compartments A2 and A3 05 will be started in a minmium amount of respectively by a transverse partition Cv time. , . which has a central offset portion of ap A further object is to provide a construc proximately semi-cylindrical shape-as indi tion in which all coffee and water contain cated at C’, the spouti'a’, as will be ob25 ing parts are removable for washin and served, leading from the compartment A’. 70

cleansing without endangerin the e ectri g

The bottom A’ carries a water heating

cal equipment which is con ned entirely chamber 0 which comprises a bottom plate to the base. I 03 made of metal ,having a high thermal With these and other objects ' in view, ‘conductivity, such as copper for example; 30 which will hereinafter appear, the invention and an upper portion 02 made of metal 75 includes the novel construction and arrange? having a comparatively low thermal con ment and combination of parts hereinafter ductivity such as anickel-silver alloy, the described, what I consider as my invention parts being secured together to effect a wa being de?ned by the claims appended ter tight joint in any desired ‘manner, as

by providmg them with overlapping mar

35 hereto.

What I at present consider as the .pre

ferred embodiment of the invention is illus


glnal ?anges as shown.



The upper portion 02 is made of stepped

trated in the, accompanying drawings in formation vto provide an annular shoulder o2 and externally threaded nippel 0a which which: v latter passes through a central opening in Figure 1 is a section on line 1—1 of the bottom A’, the edge of the bottom wall



around said opening resting upon the ‘shoul Fig.' 2is a plan view of the coffee pot'or der 02 and being clamped thereon by a nut pel'colator partly broken away. M. 45

Fig. 3 is a section on line 3—3 of Fig. 1.

The ?ange 02 carries a disk member K .0 -



provided with openings E10 which place the the ends as would preclude the free tipping

water compartment A? in communication action. order to apply the heat for heating with the heating chamber 0, and said disk theInwater and alsc to provide for the auto K carries a percolator tube J leading up matic action of the percolator, I arrange ward from the heating chamber through the the following instrumentalities. ~

> water chamber and into the basket E here

inafter described.


X designates a base of pressed sheet metal

its upper surface provided with a A percolator disk valve L is loosely having peripheral ?ange or rib X’ and having a mounted on the tube in underlying relation central depressed portion X2 to receive the 75

to the openings 7:, the arrangement being heating element P which may be of any such that water from chamber A2 will pass


construction and on the up er sur downward into the heating chamber 0 and desired face of the heating plate 3 rests the heated” water will be driven upward when thewhich pot is in place and by which it is through the pipe J into the coffee contain supported. ing basket E in the manner well understood Said heatin element has a transverse boss.



by those skilled in the art.

\ on its un er side Fig 7 which rests in The basket E, which is of reticulated P2 _ groove or channel a: Fig. 6

form, is contained within an outer or sup 20

porting basket H of imperforate material (sheet metal) having an outwardly curved upper edge E’ designed to be supported by the upper edge of the top portion B, and



' a corresponding

in the base in such a manner that the heat ing element is free to rock on said boss as 85

a fulcrum and with it the pot supported

thereby, said pot being retained against dis

having a central opening to receive the pipe placement by the annular ?ange X’ engag the base of the pot. J, the edge of which opening may be ?ared ingThus when the coffee pot is placed ‘on the upwardly as at h so as to form a rounded base with the compartment A2 ?lled with edge to seat on a bead j formed on tube J. Said edge also serves as a support for the water, the right hand side (Fig. 1) will be central-portion of the bottom of basket E depressed and after the water or the bulk which is likewise apertured for the pas thereof has been transferred to the compart sage of tube J and has projections or feet e ment A3 as above described, the pot will



‘on its under surface which, together with rock towards the left and its left hand side flange h, serve to keep the bottom of basket be Idepressed. utilize the removability of the pot from E spaced from the bottom of basket H. Said basket H has in its side wall adja

cent the spout and overlying the compart

its base and its tilting action while rest

ing thereon to control the heating current by


ment A3 an opening H’ provided with a automatic switch means, the preferred form 7 screen h’ and it will be seen that when bas of which will now be described.

ket E is supplied with coffee the water 40



R designates a mercury switch which is

pivotally connected to the base to oscillate drawn from chamber A and ejected through about an axis '1' and is provided with a pipe J will, after percolating through the projection projecting through an open coffee and into basket H, be delivered ing in the R’ top the base in positionto through openin H’ into compartment A3. contact with theofbottom of the coffee pot The bottom of asket H is preferably pro near its right hand edge (Fig. 1). A spring vided with an inclined drainage channel H3 R2 tends to rock said mercury switch in to facilitate the flow of the liquid towards suchdirection as to elevate the pin R’ at the outlet opening. , which time the globule of mercury will be Said basket H is also provided with a rib H2 designed to coact with a groove 132 in such position as to break the circuit.



in section B to prevent basket H from be-‘ ' The placing of the coffee pot in position 115 ing inserted in other than the correct posi on the base with the compartment A’ sup plied with the desired amount of water will tion. . It is desirable to rovide means which depress the pin R’ and rock the mercury will ensure the pot being placed on the base switch into position to cause the globule in such position that neither the front nor of mercury to close the circuit. After the . 120 back edges of the ot will have asfrictional water has been transferred to the compart contact with the anges of the base which ment A“, the pot will be tilted as above de would interfere with the free tilting of the scribed which will permit spring R2 to re~ pot. To this end I provide the ?ange X’ turn the switch to circuit breaking position.

on o posite sides and in line with its short To guard against the co?ee pot being 125 est 'ameter' with recesses 41:‘ in its inner placed on the base in reversed position, I face which are designed to receive corre provide the bottom on one side, as for in

sponding ribs or projections a.‘ on the sides stance adjacent the spout, with a projection of the pot, thereby holding the pot central a’ to cooperate with the recess (a3 in the ized lengthwise of the base and preventing base, this projection preventing seating of the ‘feasibility of such frictional contact at


1,816,994 the pot on the base if the pot. should be re . versed in position. v


3 in the‘ base for contact with the bot

tom 0 the pot on one side of said pivotal It will be understood that the sprin R2 axis. will be made strong enough so that i the

A co?'ee percolator comprising a base, empty coffee pot is placed on the base, its an3.electric heating element having a piv weight will be insu?icient to operate the otal connection therewith, said ivotal conswitch. .


The pot will, of course, be provided with nection having its axis dispose in a hori~ the usual cover as shown. By having the pot zontal plane substantially centrally, of the 10 and base of oval shape in cross section, base, a coffee pot having a substantially cen disposed transverse vertical partition proper alinement of the parts is ensured trally forming water and coffee compartments, a without detracting from the ornamental ap— heating chamber on the bottom of the pot pearance. ' While it is possible to place the ot on the adapted to be supported on said heating ele 15 base in reversed position, this, ue to the‘ ment,.said heating chamber being in com munication with said water compartment, a‘ 80 projection a’, will result in noharm and the coffee in the upper» part of said pot, operator would \readily discover the 'mis~ a pipebasket for conveying water from the heat The provision of‘ the water chamber be ing chamber to said basket, means for caus 20 neath the bottom of the pot ‘segregates a in the li uid passing from the basket to be de ivered into the coffee compartment, and 85 small quantity of. the water and brings it means the rocking of the base un in intimate contact with the surface exposed der the whereby weight of the accumulated liquid in to the heating means while at the same time, the co ' the forming of the upper wall of the cham off theffee compartment automatically cuts ' supply of current to the heating ele 25 her of material of low heat conductivity ment. 90 avoids conduction of heat to the water out 4. A coffee percolator according to claim side the chamber which avoidance is in ‘3 in which the means for deliverin take.



creased by the provision of the air s ace


they cof

fee impregnated water to the co ee com

formed by spacing the major portion 0 the partment comprises an outer 'imperforate top of the water chamber from the bottom basket having a delivery opening leading to of the pot. This enables the rapid starting of the the coffee compartment, and a horizontal

bottom with inclined drainage channels


percolator or drip coffee action due to the leading to said opening. extremely rapid heating of the small amount‘ therein 5. A coffee percolator comprising a base, of segregate water in the heating chamber

electric heating element carried thereby, and the reduction in heat conducted to parts aanpot supported on said base and compris when heating is not desired. ~ water and coffee receiving compartments Having thus described my invention, what ‘ ing and a coffee basket, percolator means op erating the action of said heating ele 1. A co?'eepercolator comprising a base, ment to under transfer water from said water com


I claim is:



an electric heating element pivotall sup partment through the basket to the coffee ‘ ported thereby substantially central t ereof, compartment, and means for automatically a coffee pot supported on said heating ele cutting o? the current to the heating element ment and comprising compartments on op posite sides of an approximately vertical controlled by the water thus transferredl plane passing through said pivotal axis, and 6. A coffee percolator comprising a base,


percolator means operating under the .ac ‘an electric heating element carried thereby, tion of the heating element to transfer water a pot removably supported on the base and from one compartment to the other and comprising water and coffee compartments


and percolator means operating under the thereby rock said base, and means whereby action of said heating element to transfer the rocking of said base cuts off current from water from the water compartment to the said heating element.

coffee compartment, and means whereby the 2. A co?ee percolator comprising abase, placing of the pot containing water on the an electric heating element carried thereby base automatically turns on current to the


means to support said element on said base heater and the transfer of said water auto 120 and to enable it to oscillate about a hori matically cuts off the current. vzontal axis substantially centrally thereof, 7 .' A coffee percolator comprising an oval a co?'ee pot carried ‘thereby comprising two 60

liquid compartments and a separating par

base having a marginal ?ange, an electric

heating element carried thereby mounted to 'tition located in a plane passing through said oscillate on a transverse axis, a coffee pot of

erring oval shape in cross section adapted to be liquid from one compartment to the other, supported on said heating element and to switch means for controlling current to the ?t within said ?ange, said coffee eating element, said switch means includ pot comprising marginal water and coffee compart ing a movable part projecting through an ments and percolator means adapted to axis and percolator means for trans




1,816,994 ?ange, said coffee pot comprising water and

transfer water from the water compartment coffee compartments and percolator means to the coffee compartment under the action arranged to transfer water from the water of said heating element, and switch means compartment to the coffee compartment for controlling the passage of current to under the action of said heating element 70 5 said heating element, said switch means in and thereby tip the pot, switch means for cluding a depressible element beneath the cohtrolling the passage of current to said ' bottom of the water compartment, the coffee heating element actuated by the tipping of ‘pot having a projection on its lower edge the pot, said ?ange having inwardly facing and said marginal ?ange a recess to receive opposed recesses on opposite sides of the base and said pot having projections en 10 said projection. 8. A coffee percolator comprising a base, gaging said recesses. a heating plate carried thereby, a removable 12. A co?ee percolator comprising a pot pot having a basket in its upper part and having a substantially vertical partition a central opening in its bottom, a water forming water and coffee compartments 80 15 chamber beneath the pot bottom having a open at their upper ends, said partition ter bottom to overlie said heating element and minating below'the top of the pot, a water having on its top a shoulder to engage the elevating pipe extending above said parti pot bottom and an upstanding ?ange to en tion and having an annular bead, an imper gage the opening therein, means engaging forate basket overlying said compartments 85 20 said ?ange to clamp the bottom against said and having an opening to receive said pipe shoulder, a disk member held within said and a seat encircling said opening to coact ?ange and having a central and side open with said bead, said imperforate basket hav ings, a water elevating tube carried by the ing a discharge overlying the coffee compart 90 central opening, and check valve means co

operating wi'h said side openings.

ment, said seat’having an upwardly extend

ing thimble, and a reticulated basket hav 9. A coffee percolator comprising a pot ing, an opening to receive the pipe, the edge having a basket, said pot having a central of the opening resting on said thimbleQ opening in its bottom, a heating chamber 13. A coffee percolator comprising a pot having its top wall provided with an up having a substantially vertical partition 95 30 standing ?ange secured within said open forming water and co?ee compartments ing, a ported disk member carried within open at their upper ends, said partition ter said “?ange, and having an axial opening minating below the top of the pot, a water therethrough, a water elevating pipe‘held elevatin pipe extending above said parti in said opening and extending into said tion an having an annu ar bead, an imper 100 ‘as basket, said pipe depending below the disk forate basket having a substantially ?at bot 25

member, and a check valve located on said tom overlying

said compartments and

depending portion and cooperating with the through which said tube projects, said ports in the disk member. 10. A co?ee percolator comprising a sub

perforate basket having a delivery opening‘ leading to the coffee compartment and hav


40 stantially oval base having an upstanding ing inclined channels in its bottom leading ' marginal ?ange, an electric heating element to said delivery 0 ening, and a reticulated


carried thereby and mounted to oscillate basket within sai imperforate basket and about a transverse axis, a coffee pot of sub throu h the bottom of which said pipe also stantially oval shape in cross section exten s. adapted to be supported on said heating 14. A co?ee' percolator com rising a base element‘ and to ?t within said marginal including. an electric heating e ement mount ?ange, said coffee pot comprising water and ed to have limited pivotal movement about


, co?ee compartments and percolator means a horizontal axis, a co?ee ercolating pot - arranged to transfer water from the water removably supported on the eating element 115 '0 compartment to the coffee compartment, and comprising water and coffee compart- '



under the action of said heating element and thereby tip the pot, switch means for con trolling the passage of current to said heat ing element actuated ‘by the tipping of the pot, and means for centering the pot length

ments and means whereby heat a pliedlto said pot transfers water from t e water compartment to the co?ee com artment,

and means whereby the placing oi) the cof

fee pot on the heating element automatically wise of the base‘ to prevent frictional con closes the circuit ‘to said heating. element tact between the pot and ?ange at the ends. and the transfer of water to the coffee com 11.‘ A coffee percolator comprising a sub partment automatically opens said circuit.

stantially oval base having an upstanding 15. A co?ee percolator comprising a base, marginal ‘?ange, an electric heating element having a transverse groove in its upper face, carried‘thereby and mounted to oscillate a heating element having a transverse rib



about a transverse axis, a co?ee pot of sub

on its under side to pivotally engage said stantially oval shape in cross section gpoove, a co?ee pot having a water cham adapted to be supported on said heating

\ 65 element and to ?t within said marginal

r beneath its bottom to rest on said heat



ing element, said coffee pot comprising water and coffee compartments arranged on 0p

posite sides of a vertical plane passing through said rib and groove, said water ‘ compartment communicatin with said water chamber, a pipe for e evating water from said water chamber, a co?’ee basket and 10

de?ector means for receiving water from said pipe and transferring it to the coffee compartment, and switch means actuated by the rocking of the heating element to control _

the current to said heating element. In testimony whereof I a?ix my si ature.



