ATMS01 - Network Surveillance MassDOT Highway Division. MassDOT - Highway Division HOC

ATMS01 - Network Surveillance MassDOT – Highway Division road network conditions Information Service Provider MassDOT - Highway Division Website + ...
Author: Darcy Stokes
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ATMS01 - Network Surveillance MassDOT – Highway Division

road network conditions

Information Service Provider

MassDOT - Highway Division Website + Private Traveler Information Services traffic flow

traffic information coordination

MassDOT - Highway Division Event Reporting System

road network conditions traffic information coordination

road network conditions

Roadway Subsystem

Private Traveler Information Service Provider Detectors

Traffic Management

traffic operator data

Traffic Management

MassDOT Highway Division HOC

traffic flow LEGEND

This Market Package implies that Incident Information is being passed from the MassHighway Event Reporting System to MassDOT Highway Operations Center.

pl anned and future flow

traffic operator inputs

Traffic Operations Personnel

MassDOT - Highway Division Event Reporting System Authorized Users

traffic images

existing flow user defined flow

Roadway Subsystem Roadway Subsystem

Army Corps of Engineers Field Equipment

Roadway Subsystem

traffic images

traffic flow traffic sensor control

MassDOT Highway Division Detectors

MassDOT Highway Division Cameras

ATMS01 - Network Surveillance Army Corps of Engineers

Information Service Provider

Local City/Town Websites + Private Traveler Information Services

Traffic Management

Roadway Subsystem

traffic flow

road network conditions

Army Corps of Engineers Cape Cod Canal Field Office

Army Corps of Engineers Field Equipment traffic sensor control

traffic images

video surveillance control

LEGEND pl anned and future flow existing flow user defined flow

ATMS08 - Incident Management Army Corps of Engineers (TM to EM)

Emergency Management

City/Town/ County Public Safety Dispatch + MEMA Operations Center (St) + MSP Marine Section + MSP Troop D (Middleboro)

LEGEND pl anned and future flow existing flow user defined flow

incident information + incident response status + resource request

incident information + resource deployment status + road network conditions

Traffic Management

event plans

Army Corps of Engineers Cape Cod Canal Field Office

Event Promoters

Regional Event Promoters

ATMS08 - Incident Management Army Corps of Engineers (TM to MCM)

Traffic Management

Army Corps of Engineers Cape Cod Canal Field Office

incident information + maint and constr resource request

incident information + maint and constr resource response

LEGEND pl anned and future flow existing flow user defined flow

Maintenance and Construction Management

Local City/Town DPW Maintenance and Construction Dispatch + MassDOT - Highway Division District Offices / DTOC + MassDOT - Highway Division Maintenance Operations Depots

ATMS08 - Incident Management Army Corps of Engineers (EM to MCM)

Emergency Management

Army Corps of Engineers Cape Cod Canal Field Office

incident information + incident response status + maint and constr resource request

incident information + maint and constr resource response

LEGEND pl anned and future flow existing flow user defined flow

Maintenance and Construction Management

Local City/Town DPW Maintenance and Construction Dispatch

ATMS08 - Incident Management Army Corps of Engineers and Cape Cod National Seashore (EM to EV)

Emergency Management

Army Corps of Engineers Cape Cod Canal Field Office

Emergency Management

Cape Cod National Seashore Emergency Dispatch

LEGEND pl anned and future flow existing flow user defined flow

emergency dispatch requests

incident status

emergency dispatch requests

incident status

Emergency Vehicle Subsystem

Army Corps of Engineers Emergency Vehicles

Emergency Vehicle Subsystem

Cape Cod National Seashore Emergency Vehicles

ATMS08 - Incident Management U.S. Coast Guard

Emergency Management

emergency dispatch requests

U.S. Coast Guard Field Office

Emergency Vehicle Subsystem

U.S. Coast Guard Boats incident status

incident command information coordination + incident response coordination

incident command information coordination + incident response coordination

incident response coordination

incident response coordination

Emergency Vehicle Subsystem Emergency Management

LEGEND pl anned and future flow existing flow user defined flow

MEMA Operations Center (St) + MSP Marine Section + MSP Troop D (Middleboro)

Army Corps of Engineers Emergency Vehicles + Cape Cod National Seashore Emergency Vehicles + MSP Patrol Boats

ATMS20 - Drawbridge Management Army Corps of Engineers

Roadway Subsystem

Army Corps of Engineers Drawbridge Equipment

LEGEND pl anned and future flow existing flow user defined flow

multimodal crossing status

highway control status

Multimodal Crossings

Army Corps of Engineers Drawbridge

multimodal crossing status

Emergency Management

Army Corps of Engineers Cape Cod Canal Field Office + U.S. Coast Guard Field Office

ATMS21 - Roadway Closure Management MassDOT – Highways Division

Information Service Provider

MassDOT Highway Division 511 System

Emergency Management

Roadway Subsystem Traffic Management

road network conditions

MassDOT Highway Division District Offices / DTOC + MassDOT Highway Division HOC road network conditions

roadway information system status

roadway information system data

traffic images

City/Town/ County Public Safety Dispatch + MSP Troop D (Middleboro)

pl anned and future flow existing flow user defined flow

Roadway Subsystem

Army Corps of Engineers Field Equipment

traffic images LEGEND

MassDOT Highway Division VMS

Roadway Subsystem

MassDOT Highway Division Cameras

EM01 - Emergency Response Coordination City/Town/County Emergency Management Center

Emergency Management

City/Town/ County Public Safety Dispatch + MSP Troop D (Middleboro)

Emergency Management

Traffic Management

incident report + incident response coordination

Emergency Management

incident report + incident response coordination

traffic images

City/Town/ County Emergency Management Center

incident report

MEMA Region II Headquarters incident response coordination

incident report

Emergency Management

MEMA Operations Center (St) incident response coordination

LEGEND pl anned and future flow existing flow user defined flow

Army Corps of Engineers Cape Cod Canal Field Office + City of Brockton TMC + City of New Bedford TMC + Local City/Town TMC + Town of Barnstable TMC + Town of Plymouth TMC

EM01 - Emergency Response Coordination Massachusetts State Police (Marine)

Emergency Management

Army Corps of Engineers Cape Cod Canal Field Office + Cape Cod National Seashore Emergency Dispatch + City/Town/County Public Safety Dispatch + U.S. Coast Guard Field Office + MSP Headquarters (St) + MSP Troop D (Middleboro)

LEGEND pl anned and future flow existing flow user defined flow

Emergency Management

incident report

incident response coordination

incident report

incident response coordination

MSP Marine Section

EM01 - Emergency Response Coordination U.S. Coast Guard

Emergency Management

Army Corps of Engineers Cape Cod Canal Field Office + Cape Cod National Seashore Emergency Dispatch + City/Town/County Public Safety Dispatch + MSP Headquarters (St) + MSP Marine Section + MSP Troop D (Middleboro)

LEGEND pl anned and future flow existing flow user defined flow

Emergency Management

incident report

incident response coordination

incident report

incident response coordination

U.S. Coast Guard Field Office

EM01 - Emergency Response Coordination Massachusetts State Police (Troop D)

Emergency Management

Army Corps of Engineers Cape Cod Canal Field Office + Cape Cod National Seashore Emergency Dispatch + City/Town/County Public Safety Dispatch + U.S. Coast Guard Field Office + MSP Headquarters (St)

LEGEND pl anned and future flow existing flow user defined flow

Emergency Management

incident report

Emergency Vehicle Subsystem

MSP Troop D (Middleboro)

MSP Vehicles

incident response coordination

emergency dispatch requests

incident report

emergency dispatch response + incident status

incident response coordination

EM08 - Disaster Response City/Town/County Emergency Management Center (1 of 2)

Traffic Management

Army Corps of Engineers Cape Cod Canal Field Office + Cape Cod National Seashore TMC + City of Brockton TMC + City of New Bedford TMC + Local City/Town TMC + MassDOT - Highway Division District Offices / DTOC + MassDOT - Highway Division HOC + MassDOT - Highway Division Remote Backup HOC + Town of Barnstable TMC + Town of Plymouth TMC

emergency plan coordination + emergency traffic control information

Emergency Management

City/Town/ County Emergency Management Center

emergency plan coordination + maint and constr resource response

emergency plan coordination + evacuation information + maint and constr resource request

emergency plan coordination + emergency traffic control request + evacuation information LEGEND pl anned and future flow existing flow user defined flow

Maintenance and Construction Management

City of Brockton Maintenance Garage + City of New Bedford Maintenance Garage + Local City/Town DPW Maintenance and Construction Dispatch + MassDOT - Highway Division Maintenance Operations Depots + Town of Barnstable Maintenance Garage + Town of Plymouth Maintenance Garage

EM09 - Evacuation and Reentry Management City/Town/County Emergency Management Center (1 of 2)

Traffic Management

Army Corps of Engineers Cape Cod Canal Field Office + Cape Cod National Seashore TMC + City of Brockton TMC + City of New Bedford TMC + Local City/Town TMC + MassDOT - Highway Division District Offices / DTOC + MassDOT - Highway Division HOC + MassDOT - Highway Division Remote Backup HOC + Town of Barnstable TMC + Town of Plymouth TMC

emergency plan coordination + emergency traffic control information

Emergency Management

City/Town/ County Emergency Management Center

emergency plan coordination + emergency traffic control request + evacuation information

emergency plan coordination + maint and constr resource response

emergency plan coordination + evacuation information + maint and constr resource request

LEGEND pl anned and future flow existing flow user defined flow

Maintenance and Construction Management

City of Brockton Maintenance Garage + City of New Bedford Maintenance Garage + Local City/Town DPW Maintenance and Construction Dispatch + Town of Barnstable Maintenance Garage + Town of Plymouth Maintenance Garage

EM09 - Evacuation and Reentry Management City/Town/County Emergency Management Center (2 of 2)

Emergency Management

Army Corps of Engineers Cape Cod Canal Field Office + City/Town/ County Public Safety Dispatch + U.S. Coast Guard Field Office + MSP Marine Section + MSP Troop D (Middleboro)

emergency plan coordination + evacuation coordination

emergency plan coordination + evacuation coordination

LEGEND pl anned and future flow existing flow user defined flow

Emergency Management

City/Town/ County Emergency Management Center

emergency plan coordination + emergency transit service request + evacuation information

emergency plan coordination + emergency transit schedule information + emergency transit service response

Transit Management BAT Paratransit Dispatch + BAT Transit Dispatch + Cape Cod National Seashore Transit Dispatch + CCRTA Transit Dispatch + GATRA Paratransit Dispatch + GATRA Transit Dispatch + Local Transit Dispatch + Local/Regional School District Dispatch + MBTA Commuter Rail Control Center + NRTA Transit Dispatch + Private Surface Transportation Provider Dispatch + SRTA Transit Dispatch + VTA Transit Dispatch

MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution MEMA Operations Center (St) and Army Corps of Engineers

Emergency Management

weather information

MEMA Operations Center (St)

LEGEND pl anned and future flow existing flow user defined flow

Weather Service

National Weather Service + Private Weather Services

Emergency Management

weather information

Army Corps of Engineers Cape Cod Canal Field Office