Short TOC Long TOC Help Indexes APPENDIX B -----------------------------CLASSICAL VERSIFICATION The literature of classical versification spans near...
Author: Julius Newton
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APPENDIX B -----------------------------CLASSICAL VERSIFICATION

The literature of classical versification spans nearly two millennia, from the early Medieval grammars and prosodies through the nineteenth-century German and twentiethcentury British and American scholarship. The literature is vast—far more extensive than for any modern language—and other scholars have devoted careers if not lives to charting it. Here I have attempted to include only a representative survey of (1) the major early texts, (2) the principal modern authorities, and (3) some important recent work, and I have weighted the selections somewhat on the side of (4) sound-effects and (5) prose rhythm, as these are important topics for the modern languages. I direct the reader's attention to the five very useful bibliographic-review essays cited below: Dale (M37), Getty (M73), Harsh (M92), Parker (M158), and West (M230). The annual bibliography for classical studies is L'Année Philologique, flanked by Bibliographie Classique and Dix Années de Bibliographie Classique, all cited in section II of Appendix D. Some other information of interest will be found in H. T. Peck's History of Classical Philology (New York, 1911) and J. E. Sandys' History of Classical Scholarship (3rd ed., 3 vols., Cambridge, 1921). CLASSICAL GREEK AND LATIN M1 Allen, Frederic. "Ueber den Ursprung des homerischen Versmasses." Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung 24 (1879): 556–92. M2 Allen, W. Sidney. Accent and Rhythm. Prosodic Features of Latin and Greek: A Study in Theory and Accentuation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1973. Rev.: in Language and Style 9 (1976): 70–74; by M. L. West in Gnomon 48 (1976): 1–7; in Phonetica 30 (1974): 239–41. A major monograph on the suprasegmental features of the classical languages-stress, pitch, duration, juncture--in relation to versification. Part I treats theoretical subjects, Part II Latin, Part III Greek, and an Appendix "The Latin Hexameter" in English verse. -- 705 --

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M3 -----. "Correlations of Tone and Stress in Ancient Greek." To Honor Roman Jakobson: Essays on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday. 3 vols. The Hague: Mouton, 1967. Vol. 1, pp. 46–62. M4 -----. "Prosody and Prosodies in Greek." Transactions of the Philological Society, 1966, pp. 107–48. M5 -----. "On Quantity and Quantitative Verse." In Honour of Daniel Jones. Ed. David Abercrombie et al. London: Longmans, Green, 1964. pp. 3–15. A succinct (indeed dense) account of the views on classical metrics set forth in the author's monograph. Required reading. M6

Anthon, Charles. A System of Latin Prosody and Metre. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1841. 216 pp.


Apel, [Johann] August. Metrik. 2 vols. Leipzig: E. Weigandt, 1814–16; 2nd ed. 1834.


Atkinson, Robert. "On the Trisyllabic Endings of the Pentameter in Propertius." Hermathena, no. 1 (1873–74), pp. 276–85.

M9 Barham, Thomas Foster. The Enkheiridion of Hehfaistiown concerning metres and poems translated into English and Illustrated by notes and a rhythmical notation, with prolegomena on rhythm and accent. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1843. 229 pp. Not a critical edition but intended for wider circulation; based on the text by Gaisford. The introductory Prolegomena, on classical versification, covers fifty-eight pages. "Catalogue of Metres with Examples in English" at the end. M10 Bassett, S. E. "The Theory of the Homeric Caesura According to the Extant Remains of Ancient Doctrine." American Journal of Philology 40 (1919): 343–72. M11 -----. "Versus Tetracolos." Classical Philology 14 (1919): 216–33. M12 Beare, William. "The Meaning of Ictus as Applied to Latin Verse." Hermathena, no. 81 (1953), pp. 29–40. M13 -----. "The Origin of Rhythmic Latin Verse." Hermathena, no. 87 (1956), pp. 3–20. M14 -----. "Pollicis Ictus, the Saturnian, and Beowulf." Classical Philology 50 (1955): 89–97. M15 Beekes, R. S. P. "On the Structure of the Greek Hexameter: 'O'Neill' Reinterpreted." Glotta 50 (1972): 1–10. M16 Bennett, Charles E. "What Was Ictus in Latin Prosody?" American Journal of Philology 19 (1898): 361–83. Criticism by G. L. Hendrickson in 20 (1899): 198–210; reply by Bennett, pp. 412–28; H's rejoinder, pp. 429–34. M17 Bentley, Richard. Schediasma de Metris Terentianis. Cambridge, 1726. M18 Birt, Th. Ad Historiam Hexametri Latini Symbola. Bonn, 1877. M19 Blackett, A. W. "Rhyme in the Odes of Horace." Diss., London University, 1962. M20 Blass, F. "A Chapter on the Rhythms of Bacchylides." Hermathena, no. 13 (1904– 05), pp. 163–77. M21 -----. "On Attic Prose Rhythm." Hermathena, no. 14 (1906–07), pp. 18–34. -- 706 --

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M22 -----. Die Rhythmen der antiken Kunstprosa. Leipzig, 1901. M23 Bolling, G. M. "Contributions to the Study of Homeric Metre." American Journal of Philology 33 (1912): 401–25; 34 (1913): 153–71. M24 Broadhead, H. D. Latin Prose Rhythm: A New Method of Investigation. London: Deighton, Bell, 1922. 137 pp. M25 Cahen, Raymond. Mensura Membrorum rhythmica cum Metrica comparatur. Paris: P. Geuthner, 1910. 120 pp. M26 Carpenter, Alice H. "Hypermetric Lines and Interlinear Hiatus in Latin Hexameter Verse." PQ 9 (1930): 351–62. M27 Craignet, A. E. Essai de métrique grecque. Paris, 1887. M28 Christ, Wilhelm. Metrik der Griechen und Römer. Leipzig: Teubner, 1874. 684 pp.; 2nd ed. 1879. 716 pp. M29 Clark, Arthur Melville. "The Rhyming Ancients." In his Studies in Literary Modes. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1946. pp. 142–65. Occasional rhyme in Greek, heavier in Latin; Clark offers an intriguing explanation for the correlation of accent and rhyme in vowel-consonant ratios in language. Further comments on the Saturnian, hexameter, the vogue for quantitative meters in Latin, and the reappearance of accentual-stressing and rhyme in Christian and medieval verse. M30 Cole, A. Thomas. "Classical Greek and Latin [Versification]." Wimsatt (A20), pp. 66–88. M31 Consbruch, Maximilianus, ed. Hephæstionis Enchiridion. Cum commentariis veteribus edidit M. Consbruch. Accedunt variæ metricorum Græcorum reliquiæ. Leipzig: Teubner, 1906; rpt. 1971. 420 pp. The most recent edition (Greek text and Latin notes) of Hephaestion's Enchiridion, the earliest extant Greek manual of meters (written ca. 200 A.D.). First discovered and published in the West in 1526, the text also appeared in a Clarendon Press edition in 1810, followed by an English translation by T. F. Barham at Cambridge, 1843 (M9). M32 Cooper, C[harles] G[ordon]. An Introduction to the Latin Hexameter. Melbourne: Macmillan, 1952. 70 pp. M33 Cordier, André. L'Allitération latine: Le Procédé dans l'Énédie" de Virgile. Paris, 1939. 112 pp. M34

Costa, Tr. "Formele Hexametrului Ovidiu." In Publius Ovidius Naso. Biblioteca Antica Studii, vol. 2. Bucarest, 1957. pp. 236–75.


Crusius, Friedrich. Römische Metrik. 2nd ed. Munich: M. Hueber, 1955.

M36 Dale, A. M. Collected Papers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969. M37 -----. "Greek Metric 1936–1957." Lustrum 2 (1957): 5–51. A very important bibliographic-review article; Dale collects and discusses 105 items, organized as New Material, General Treatises, The Nature of Greek Verse-rhythm, Special Studies, Prosody, Ancient Authorities, and Terminol-- 707 --

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ogy and Notation. Interestingly, her summary judgment is that "the last 20 years have seen no spectacular advance" in the field; particular texts have been examined more closely, but nothing on the order of Wilamowitz or Maas has been done. See the continuation of this review by Parker (M158). M38 -----. The Lyric Metres of Greek Drama. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1948; 2nd ed. 1968. M39 -----. "The Metrical Units of Greek Lyric Verse." Classical Quarterly 44 (1950): 138–48. M40 -----. "The Metrical Units of Greek Lyric Verse, 2." Classical Quarterly n.s. 1 (1951): 20–30, 119–29. M41 -----. "Stichos and Stanza." Classical Quarterly n.s. 13 (1963): 46–50. M42 Danielsson, O. Zur metrischen Dehnung im griechischen Epos. Stockholm, 1897. M42a Defradas, Jean. "Le Rôle de l'allitération dans la poésie grecque." Revue des études anciennes 60 (1958): 36–49. M43 Dein, A. Traité de métrique grecque. Paris, 1965. M44 D[enniston], J. D. "Metre, Greek." Oxford Classical Dictionary. Ed. N. G. L. Hammond and H. H. Scullard. 2nd ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1970. pp. 679–84. M45 Descroix, J. Le Trimètre iambique. Macon, 1931. M46 Deutsch, Rosamund E. The Patterns of Sound in Lucretius. Philadelphia, 1939. 188 pp. Her thesis at Bryn Mawr in 1937. M47 Devine, Andrew M., and Laurence Stephens. "The Homeric Hexameter and a Basic Principle of Metrical Theory." Classical Philology 71 (1976): 141–63. Refutes the work of Irigoin and others who believe that ancient Greek had "a multiplicity of metrical units" rather than the traditional binary set of longum and breve. (This refutation is heavily methodological.) Also confronts the theoretical question, "the most basic question that can be raised in the description of any metrical system: what and how many are the constituent, structural elements of that system, and what is their relation to the language employed for the system?" Highly sophisticated argumentation and analysis. M48 -----. "Preliminaries to an Explicit Theory of Greek Metre." Transactions of the American Philological Association 107 (1977): 103–29. M49 Dihle, Albrecht. "Die Anfänge der griechischen akzenturierenden Verskunst." Hermes 82 (1954): 182–99. M50 Dingeldein, O. Gleichklang und Reim in antiker Poesie. Büdingen, 1888. M51 -----. Der Reim bei den Griechen und Römern. Leipzig, 1892. M52 Drewitt, J. A. J. "Some Differences Between Speech-Scansion and NarrativeScansion in Homeric Verse." Classical Quarterly 2 (1908): 94–109. M53 Drexler, Hans. Einführung in die römische Metrik. Darmstadt, 1967. M54 -----. Die Iambenkürzung. Hildesheim (Germany), 1969. -- 708 --

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M55 Du Bois, Elizabeth H. The Stress Accent in Latin Poetry. New York: Macmillan, 1906. 96 pp. Based on her dissertation at Columbia University in 1906. M56 Duckworth, G. E. Vergil and Classical Hexameter Poetry: A Study in Metrical Variety. Ann Arbor, 1969. M57 Eichner, Ernest. Bemerkungen über den metrischen und rhythmischen Bau, sowie über den Gebrauch der Homoeoteleuta in den Distichen des Catull, Tibull, Properz, und Ovid. Gnessen, 1875. 42 pp. M58 Evans, Walter J. Alliteratio Latina, or Alliteration in Latin Verse Reduced to Rule. London: Williams and Norgate, 1921. 195 pp. M59 Exon, Charles. "The Relation of Metrical Ictus to Accent and Quantity in Plautine Verse." Hermathena, no. 12 (1902–03), pp. 470–504. M60 Fletcher, G. B. A. "Alliteration in Juvenal." Durham University Journal n.s. 5 (1944): 59–64. M61 Foster, B. O. "On Certain Euphonic Embellishments in the Verse of Propertius." Transactions of the American Philological Association 40 (1909): 31–62. --- Foster, John. See Gally (M66). M62 Fraenkel, Eduard. Akzent und Iktus im lateinischen Sprechvers. Berlin, 1928. M63 Fraser, John. "Saturnian Metre." Classical Quarterly 2 (1908): M64 115–18. Continued in American Journal of Philology 30 (1909): 430–46. M65 Gaisford, Thomas. Scriptores Latini Rei Metricae: Manuscriptorum Codicum Ope. Oxford, 1837. 616 pp. M66 [Gally, Henry.] A Dissertation against Pronouncing the Greek Language according to Accents. London, 1754. This work begat a long controversey and also a more famous work written in reply, commonly referred to as "Foster on Accent": M67 Foster, John. An Essay on the different nature of accent and quantity, with their use and application in the pronunciation of the English, Latin, and Greek languages. Eton: J. Pote, 1762. Gally at once set to work on a reply, and even as M68 Foster's enlarged second edition was passing through the press (pub. 1763), Gally published his: M69 Gally, H. A Second Dissertation against pronouncing the Greek Language according to accents, in answer to Mr. Foster's Essay. London: A. Miellar, 1763. The argument was expanded with the appearance of: M70 Primatt, William. Accentus Redivivi: or, a defence of an accented pronunciation of Greek prose. . . . Cambridge, 1764. (Primatt argued that stressed syllables are always long.) The best source for the scholar to consult on this controversy, M71 however, is the third, augmented edition of Foster (London: Richard Priestly, 1820), which includes as appendices both of Gally's dissertations. There is also discussion in the Monthly Review 27 (1762): 308–10; the Critical Review 13 (1762): 489–95; the Dublin Magazine (1762): 432; and the Eclectic Review n.s. 3 (1838). M72 Geadel, E. B. "Tragic Trimeters in Euripides." Classical Quarterly 35 (1941): 66–89. M73 Getty, R. J. "Classical Latin Metre and Prosody 1935–1962." Lustrum 8 (1964): 103–60. -- 709 --

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A supplementary bibliography to Harsh (M92), adding 210 entries with discussion; categories: Bibliographies, General Works, Hexameter (and Pentameter), Trimeter and Tetrameter, Lyric, and Later Influence (Transition from Quantitative to Rhythmic Verse). M74 -----. "Classical Prosody." Princeton (A18), pp. 134–36. M75 Gleditsch, Hugo. "Bericht über die Erscheinungen auf dem Gebiete der griechischen und römischen Metrik vom 1898 bis Anfang 1903." Jahresbericht für Altertumswissenschaft 125 (1905): 1–85. Amend this from the citation in Verseform M76 Godel, Robert. "Dorica castra: Sur une figure sonore de la poésie latine." To Honor Roman Jakobson: Essays on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday. 3 vols. The Hague: Mouton, 1966. Vol. 1, pp. 760–69. M77 Goodell, Thomas D. Chapters on Greek Metric. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1901. M78 Graf, Ernest. Rhythmus und Metrik. Zur Synonymik. Marburg: N. G. Elwert, 1891. 97 pp. M79 Greenberg, Nathan. "The Hexametrical Maze." Revue 4 (1970): 17–63. M80 Greenough, J. B. "Accentual Rhythm in Latin." Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 4 (1893): 105–15. M81 -----. "Early Latin Prosody." Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 5 (1894): 57–71. M82 Groot, A. W[illem] de. A Handbook of Antique Prose-Rhythm. The Hague: J. B. Wolters, 1919. 226 pp. Published with a Continuation as: M83 -----. Der Antike Prosarhythmus. The Hague: J. B. Wolters, 1921. M84 -----. "Le Vers saturnien littéraire." Revue des études latines 12 (1934): 284–312. M85 -----. Wesen und Gesetze der Caesur: Ein Kapitel der allgemeinen Versbaulehre (mit einem Anhang über Porsons Gesetze). Leyden: E. J. Brill, 1935. 154 pp. M86 Guggenheimer, Eva H. Rhyme Effects and Rhyming Figures: A Comparative Study of Sound Repetitions in the Classics with Emphasis on Latin Poetry. The Hague: Mouton, 1972. M87 Hack, Roy. "The Law of the Hendecasyllable." Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 25 (1914): 107–15. M88 Hadley, James. "Greek Rhythm and Metre." Essays, Philological and Critical. New York: Holt & Williams, 1873. pp. 81–109. M89 Halporn, J. W. "Nietzsche: On the Theory of Quantitative Rhythm." Arion 6 (1967): 233–43. M90 Halporn, James W., Martin Ostwald, and Thomas G. Rosenmeyer. The Meters of Greek and Latin Poetry. New York: Bobbs-Merrill, 1963; 2d ed. Norman, OK: Oklahoma University Press, 1980. M91 Hardie, William Ross. Res Metrica: An Introduction to the Study of Greek and Roman Versification. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1920. -- 710 --

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M92 Harsh, Philip W. "Early Latin Meter and Prosody 1935–1955." Lustrum 3 (1958): 215–50. A bibliographic review essay citing and discussing over 130 works on the subject in the following areas: General Works, Saturnian, Ictus and Accent, Enclitics and Word-Position, Hiatus and Elision, Iambic Shortening, Caesura and Diaeresis, Meter and Rhythm and Assonance, Cantica, and Other Specific Problems in Prosody. Continued by Getty (M73). M93 Haslam, M. W. "Homeric Words and Homeric Metre: Two Doublets Examined." Glotta 54 (1976): 204–11. M94 Havet, Louis. De Saturnio Latinorum Versu. Paris: A. F. Vieweg, 1880. 517 pp. M95 -----. La Prose métrique de Symmaque et les origines métriques du cursus. Paris, 1892. M96 Heinze, R. Die lyrischen Vers des Horaz. Leipzig, 1918; rpt. Amsterdam, 1959. M97 Hellegouarch, J. Le Monosyllabe dans l'hexamètre latin: Essai de métrique verbale. Paris, 1964. M98 -----. "Les Rapports de la phrase et du vers dans le constructions métriques et strophiques latines." Actes du Xe Congres International des Linguistes. Ed. A. Graur et al. Bucarest: Ed. Acad. R.S.R., 1969–70. Vol. 3, pp. 27–32. M99 Herbert, William (Dean of Manchester). "Note on Horatian Metres" and "Additional Note"; "Note on Pindaric Metre." In his Works. . . . 3 vols. London: H. G. Bohn, 1842. Vol. 2, pp. 79–90, 151–58, 377–80. M100 Herescu, Niculae I. La Poésie latine: étude des structures phoniques. Paris: Société d'éditions "Les Belles Lettres," 1960. 227 pp. M101 Highet, Gilbert. "Consonant Clashes in Latin Poetry." Classical Philology 69 (1974): 178–85. M102 -----. "Sound-Effects in Juvenal's Poetry." SP 48 (1951): 697–706. M103 Hill, D. E. "Questio Prosodiae." Glotto 52 (1974): 218–31. M104 [Horsley, Samuel.] On the Prosodies of the Greek and Latin Languages. London, 1796. Coleridge reviewed this work in the February 1797 number of the Critical Review; see E262. M105 Housman, A. E. "Prosody and Method." Classical Quarterly 21 (1927): 1–12; 22 (1928): 1–10. M106 Humphreys, Milton W. "On the Equivalence of Rhythmical Bars and Metrical Feet." Transactions of the American Philological Association 23 (1892): 157–77. Concerning rhythm he affirms that modern verse has quantity, spondees, and isochrony. Uses musical notation. Omond (A5, p. 316) thought highly of this. M107 Husband, R. "The Old and the New in Metrics." Classical Journal 9 (1914): 212– 21. See also pp. 400–1. M108 Irigoin, Jean. "Lois et règles dans le trimètre iambique et le tetramètre trochaique." Revue d'études grecques 72 (1959): 67–80. M109 -----. Recherches sur les mètres de la lyrique chorale grecque: La Structure du vers. Paris, 1953. -- 711 --

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M110 Jakobson, Roman. "On Ancient Greek Prosody." Rpt. in his Selected Writings, I: Phonological Studies. The Hague: Mouton, 1962. pp. 262–71. M111 Kabell, Aage. Metrische Studien. Uppsala Universitets Årsskrift, Part 6, vols. 2 and 3. Uppsala, 1960. Vol. 2: Antiker Form sich nährend. Vol. 3: Systematisk. Move these M112 Kalinka, E. Griechisch-römische Metrik und Rhythmik im letzten Vierteljahrhundert. Berlin, 1935. Amend this from the citation in Verseform M113 Kapp, E. "Bentley's Schediasma De Metris Terentianis and the Modern Doctrine of Ictus in Classical Verse." Mnemosyne series 3, 9 (1941): 187 ff. M114 Kent, R. G. "The Alleged Conflict of the Accents in Latin Verse." Transactions of the American Philological Association 51 (1920): 19–29. M115 Key, T. Hewitt. "Accent a Guiding Principle, not Merely of the Old Comic Metres, but Generally of Latin Poetry; and First of Virgil's Hexameters." Transactions of the Philological Society, 1873–74, pp. 35–52. M116 -----. "A Partial Attempt to Reconcile the Laws of Latin Rhythm with Those of Modern Languages." Transactions of the Philological Society, 1868–69, pp. 311– 51. M117 Knight, W. F. J. Accentual Symmetry in Vergil. Oxford, 1939; 2nd ed. 1950. M118 -----. Homodyne in the Fourth Foot of the Vergillian Hexameter. London: John Murray, 1931. Rpt. from Classical Quarterly 25 (1931). M119 Knox, A. D. "The Early Iambus." Philologus 87 (1932): 18–39. M120 Kollmann, E. D. "Remarks on the Structure of the Latin Hexameter." Glotta 46 (1968): 293–316. M121 Korseniewski, D. Griechische Metrik. Darmstadt, 1968. pp. M122 Koster, W. J. W. Traité de métrique grecque, suivi d'un precis de métrique latine. Leyden, 1936; 2nd ed. 1953; 4th revised ed. 1966. 326 pp. M123 Laidlaw, W. A. The Prosody of Terence. London: Oxford University Press, 1938. 138 pp. M124 "Latin Versification." Blackwood's Magazine 76 (1854): 560–75. M125 Leo, F. Der saturnische Vers. Berlin, 1905. M126 Lindsay, W. M. Early Latin Verse. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1922. 372 pp. M127 -----. "The Saturnian Metre." American Journal of Philology 14 (1893): 139–70; 305– 34. M128 Loch, Eduard. De usu alliterationis apud Poetas Latinos. Diss., Halle, 1865. 60 pp. M129 Maas, Paul. Griechische Metrik. Leipzig & Berlin, 1923. Translated by H. LloydJones as Greek Metre. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1962; 2nd ed. 1966. pp. Slim but still fundamental, even if written in a very taut and spare prose style. Maas develops the concept of responsion and is very knowledgable on Byzantine metrics. -- 712 --

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M130 Manwaring, Edward. Stichology: or, a Recovery of the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew Numbers. Exemplified in the Reduction of all Horace's Metres, and the Greek and Hebrew Poetry. London: the Author, 1737; 2nd ed. 1738. M131 Messing, Gordon M. "Sound Symbolism in Greek and Some Modern Reverberations." Arethusa 4 (1971): 5–25. M132 Meyer, Wilhelm. "Anfang und Ursprung der lateinischen und griechischen rythmischen Dichtung." Abhandlungen der koeniglich-bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, philosophisch-philologische Klasse. Munich, 1886. Vol. 17, pp. 265–450. M133 -----. Caesur im Hendekasyllabus: über weibliche caesur des classischen latein hexameters und latein caesuren überhaupt. Zu Catullus 2 und 62 gedicht. Munich, 1889. 51 pp. M134 -----. "Zur Geschichte des griechischen und des lateinischen Hexameters." Sitzungsberichte der koenigliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, philosophischphilologische-historische Klasse. Munich, 1884. pp. 979–1089. M134a Middleton, Christopher. "Nietzsche on Music and Metre." Arion 6 (1967): 58–65. M135 Miller, C. W. E. "The Pronunciation of Greek and Latin Prose, or Ictus, Accent, and Quantity in Greek and Latin Prose and Poetry." Transactions of the American Philological Association 53 (1922): 169–97. M136 -----. "The Relation of the Rhythm of Poetry to That of the Spoken Language, with especial reference to ancient Greek." Studies in Honor of Basil L. Guildersleeve. Baltimore: n.p., 1902. pp. 497–511. Also published as an offprint. M137 M[ountford], J. F. "Metre, Latin." Oxford Classical Dictionary. Ed. N. G. L. Hammond and H. H. Scullard. 2nd ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1970. pp. 684–85. M138 Müller, Lucian. De Re Metrica Poetarum. . . . Latinorum. Leipzig, 1861. 490 pp.; rev. ed. 1894. 651 pp. Translated by M139 Samuel B. Platner as Greek and Roman Versification. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1892. 121 pp. M140 Munro, H[ugh] A. J. "On a Metrical Latin Inscription copied by Mr. Blakesley at Cirta. . . ." Cambridge Philosophical Society Transactions 10, part 2 (1860): 374– 408. The third-century inscription reflects the desuetude of the classical Latin scansion by quantity alone, that system being supplanted by a vulgar scansion by accent. The Appendix to the essay discusses the English hexameter: "quantity must be utterly discarded." (See Spedding, E238.) Probably Munro's article would have lapsed into complete obscurity had it not been taken up by Matthew Arnold in his Last Words lecture. M141 Nagy, Gregory. "Formula and Meter." In Oral Literature and the Formula. Ed. Benjamin A. Stolz and R. S. Shannon. Ann Arbor: Center for the Coordination of Ancient and Modern Studies, 1976. pp. 239–60. Response and discussion follow, pp. 261–72. M142 Newton, B. E. "Metre and Stress in Greek." Phoenix 23 (1969): 359–71. M143 Moved to M293 -- 713 --

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M144 Nilsonn, Nils-Olga. Metrische Stildifferenzen in den Satiren des Horaz. Uppsala, 1952. M145 Norden, Eduard. Die antike Kunstprosa. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1898; Most recent edition? M146 -----. "Die malerischen Mittel des Vergilischen Hexameters." Aeneis Buch VI. 4th ed. Stuttgart, 1957. pp. 413 ff. M147 Nougaret, Louis. Prosodie, métrique, et vocabulaire. Paris, 1966. M148 -----. Traité de métrique latine classique. Paris: C. Klincksieck, 1948; 3rd ed. 1963. 134 pp. M149 Novotný, F. État actuel des études sur le rythme de la prose latine. Lwow, 1929. M150 Numberger, K. Inhalt und Metrum in der Lyrik des Horaz. Munich, 1949. M151 O'Brien, W. The Ancient Rhythmical Art Recovered: or, a New Method of Explaining the Rhythmical Structure of a Greek Tragic Chorus. Dublin: Andrew Miliken, 1843. M152 Ohly, Kurt. Stichometrische Untersuchungen. Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswessen, vol. 61. Leipzig, 1928; rpt. Nendeln: Kraus Reprint Ltd., 1968. 131 pp. M153 O'Neill, E. G., Jr. "The Importance of Final Syllables in Greek Verse." Transactions of the American Philological Association 70 (1939): 256–94. M154 -----. "The Localization of Metrical Word-types in the Greek Hexameter." Yale Classical Studies 8 (1942): 103–78. Very important work, which demonstrates that words having a fixed metrical pattern tend to fall in only certain positions in the line (85% of the time in the first and third feet, for iambic words) rather than randomly. This phenomenon is termed "metrical localization." M154a Opelt, Ilona. "Alliteration im Griechischen?" Glotta 37 (1958): 205–32. M155 Ott, Wilhelm. Metrische Analysen zur "Ars poetica" des Horaz. Göttingen: Alfred Kummerle, 1970. Rev.: in Computers and the Humanities 7 (1972–73): 291–93. M156 Packard, David W. "Metrical and Grammatical Patterns in the Greek Hexameter." The Computer in Literary and Linguistic Studies. Ed. Alan Jones and R. F. Churchhouse. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1976. pp. 85–91. M157 Parker, L. P. E. "Greek Lyric Metre: The Incidence of Word-End." Diss., London University, 1962. M158 -----. "Greek Metric 1957–1970." Lustrum 15 (1970): 37–98. A bibliographic supplement to Dale (M37), citing and discussing recent scholarship; 196 entries. Organization: New Material, General Treatises, Terminology and History and Methods of Metrical Study, Rhythm and the Nature and Development of Greek Metre, Prosody, Stichic Metres, and Lyric Metres. M159 Parry, Milman. "The Distinctive Character of Enjambement in Homeric Verse." Transactions of the American Philological Association 50 (1929): 200–20; rpt. in his The Making of Homeric Verse (below), pp. 251–66. M160 -----. The Making of Homeric Verse. Ed. A. Parry. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971. -- 714 --

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M161 Pighi, G. B. Studi di ritmica e metrica. Turin, 1970. 633 pp. M162 Platnauer, M. Latin Elegiac Verse. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1951. M163 Pohlsander, H. A. Metrical Studies in the Lyrics of Sophocles. Leyden, 1964. M164 Polheim, Karl. Die lateinische Reimprosa. Berlin: Weidmann, 1925. 539 pp. M165 Porter, H. N. "The Early Greek Hexameter." Yale Classical Studies 12 (1951): 1–63. M166 Porzig, Walter. "Der Wert der Laute." Aischylos: die attische Tragödie. Leipzig: E. Weigandt, 1926. pp. 73–94. M167 Postgate, J. P. Prosodia Latina: An Introduction to Classical Verse. Oxford, 1923. M168 Pugsley, James W. "A Metrical Analysis of the Choral Odes of Aeschylus, Based Primarily upon the Headlam Theory of Greek Lyric Metre." Diss., Cornell University, 1928. M169 Quicherat, Louis Marie. Traité de versification latine. 12th ed. Paris, 1848. M170 Rash, James N. "Meter and Language in the Suppliants of Aeschylus." DAI 38 (1977): 5447A (Princeton). M171 Raven, David. Greek Metre: An Introduction. London: Faber & Faber, 1962; 2nd ed. 1968. Utterly unreliable; should be ignored. M172 -----. Latin Metre. London, 1965. Somewhat better but best given a wide berth. M173 Riedel, Christian. Alliteration bei den drei grossen griechischen Tragikern. Erlangen: E. T. Jacob, 1900. 124 pp. M173a Ritschl, Friedrich. "Zur Geschichte der griechischen Metrik." In his Kleine philologische Schriften. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1866. Vol. 1, pp. 271–99. See also essays 3 and 4. M174 Rossbach, A., and R. Westphal. Metrik der Griechen im Vereine mit der übrigen musischen Künsten. 2nd ed. 2 vols. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1867–68. [Written almost exclusively by Westphal.] Vol. 1: Griechische Rhythmik und Harmonik nebst der Geschichte der drei musischen Disciplinen. Vol. 2: Die allgemeine und specielle Metrik Enthaltend. M175 Roussel, L. Le Vers grec ancien: Son Harmonie, ses moyens d'expression. Montpellier, 1954. M176 Rupprecht, Karl. Einführung in die griechische Metrik. 2nd ed. Munich, 1933; 3rd ed. 1950. M177 -----. Abriss der griechischen Verslehre. Munich, 1949. M178 Russo, J. A. "The Structural Formula in Homeric Verse." Yale Classical Studies 20 (1966): 217–40. M179 Sandford, P. "The Quasi-Caesura in Vergil." Hermathena, no. 11 (1900–01), pp. 110–21.

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M180 Schein, S. L. "The Iambic Trimeter in Aeschylus and Sophocles." Diss., Columbia University, 1967. M181 Schlicher, John J. "The Origin of Rhythmical Verse in Late Latin." Diss., University of Chicago, 1900. 91 pp. In opposition to those scholars who have believed that a popular accentual verse existed alongside the classical quantitative verse throughout the Roman era, eventually superseding it through the agency of the Christian hymns, Schlicher demonstrates that accentual and quantitative coincidence on the ictus was prevalent in certain high Latin meters all along, simply on account of certain features in the language and in the quantitative system itself, especially "the presence . . . of one syllable in each dipody which might be either long or short." Critiques of the theories of Heumer, C. M. Lewis, Lucian Müller, and Meyer. Appendix on prose rhythms. M182 Schmidt, J. H. Heinrich. Die Kunstformen der griechischen Poesie und ihre Bedeutung. 4 vols. Leipzig, 1868–72. (Vol. 4 is Griechische Metrik.) Condensed as: M183 -----. Leitfaden in der Rhythmik und Metrik der classischen Sprache. Leipzig, 1869. Translated by John Williams White of Harvard as M184 Introduction to the Rhythmic and Metric of the Classical Languages. Boston: Ginn and Heath, 1878, 1883. M185 Schmiel, R. C. "Rhythm and Accent in Homer." Diss., University of Washington, 1968. M186 Schroeder, Otto. Nomenclator metricus: alphabetisch geordnete Terminologie der griechischen Verswissenschaft. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1929. 47 pp. Terms in Greek; definitions in German. Still worth consulting. M187 Scripture, E. W. "Experimental Phonetics and Ancient Greek Verse." Nature 136 (1935): 340–41. M188 Seager, John, tr. Hermann's "Elements of the Doctrine of Metres," Abridged and Translated into English. London: Longman, [1830]. Johann G. J. Hermann's treatise on Classical prosody, Elementa Doctrina Metricae, rendered into English. M189 Shewring, W. H. "Prose-Rhythm and the Comparative Method." Classical Quarterly 24 (1930): 164–73; 25 (1931): 12–22. A valuable review of scholarship. Responses by H. Rackham, p. 211; "Prose Rhythm and Prose Metre" by H. D. Broadhead, 26 (1932): 35–44; Shewring replies in "Prose Rhythm: An Apologia," 27 (1933): 46–50. M190 S[hewring], W. H., and K. J. D[over]. "Prose-Rhythm." Oxford Classical Dictionary. Ed. N. G. L. Hammond and H. H. Scullard. 2nd ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1970. pp. 888–90. M191 Shipley, F. W. "Hiatus, Elision, Caesura in Virgil's Hexameter." Transactions of the American Philological Association 55 (1924): 137–58. M192 -----. "Problems of the Latin Hexameter." Transactions of the American Philological Association 69 (1938): 134–60. M193 Deleted. M194 Siedow, G. A. De Elisionis Aphaeresis Hiatus usu in Hexametris Latinis. Greifswald, 1911. -- 716 --

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M195 Skutsch, Otto. Prosodische und metrische Gesetze der Iambenkürzung. Göttingen, 1934. M196 Snell, Bruno. Griechische Metrik. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1955; 3rd ed. 1962; Perhaps the best available introduction for students with a reading knowledge of German; Snell is full without undue bulk yet very clear and direct. M197 Soubiran, J. L'élision dans la poésie latine. Paris, 1966. M198 Stanford, W. B. Aeschylus in His Style. Dublin: Dublin University Press, 1942. M199 -----. "Euphonic Reasons for the Choice of Homeric Formulae?" Hermathena, no. 108 (1969), pp. 14–17. M200 -----. "Greek Views on Euphony." Hermathena, no. 61 (1943), pp. 3–20. M201 Steele, R. B. "Elision in Latin Dactylic Hexameter." PQ 8 (1929): 43–60. M202 -----. "Variation in the Latin Dactylic Hexameter." PQ 5 (1926): 212–25. M203 Stephens, Laurence. "The Myth of the Lex de positione debili and a Fundamental Question in Metrical Theory." Phoenix 29 (1975): 171–80. M204 Sturtevant, E. H. "Accent and Ictus in the Latin Elegiac Distich." Transactions of the American Philological Association 55 (1924): 73–89. M205 -----. "The Coincidence of Accent and Ictus in Plautus and Terence." Classical Philology 14 (1919): 234–44. M206 -----. "The Doctrine of the Caesura, a Philological Ghost." American Journal of Philology 45 (1924): 329–50. M207 -----. "Horace and the Sapphic Stanza." Transactions of the American Philological Association 70 (1969): 295–302. M208 -----. "The Ictus of Classical Verse." American Journal of Philology 44 (1923): 319– 38. M209 -----. "Syllabification and Syllabic Quantity in Greek and Latin." Transactions of the American Philological Association 53 (1922): 35–51. M210 Sturtevant, E. H., and R. G. Kent. "Elision and Hiatus in Latin Prose and Verse." Transactions of the American Philological Association 46 (1915): 129–55. M211 Switala, William J. "The Incidence and Use of Alliteration in the Elegies of Propertius." DAI 38 (1977): 5448A (Pittsburgh). M212 Tamerle, E. Der lateinische Vers ein akzenturierender Vers. Innsbruck, 1936. M213 Tanner, R. G. "The Arval Hymn and Early Latin Verse." Classical Quarterly 11 (1961): 209–38. M214 Thomson, George. Greek Lyric Metre. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1929; 2nd ed. 1961. M215 Tisdall, Fitzgerald. A Theory of the Origins and Development of the Heroic Hexameter. New York, 1889.

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M216 Todd, O. J. "The Nature of Elision in Latin Verse." Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, 3rd series, 38 (1944): 175–89. M217 -----. "Sense and Sound in Classical Poetry." Classical Quarterly 36 (1942): 29–39. M218 -----. "Servius on the Saturnian Metre." Classical Quarterly 34 (1940): 133–43. M219 Tordeur, Pol. "Métrique et statistique." Revue (International Organization for Ancient Languages Analysis by Computer), no. 4 (1971), pp. 1–7. M220 Tyrrell, R. Y. "Metrical Prose in the Correspondence of Cicero." Hermathena, no. 13 (1904–05), pp. 289–304. M221 -----. "On the Third Foot of the Greek Hexameter." Hermathena, no. 12 (1902– 03), pp. 280–87. M222 "Versification and the Edinburgh Academy," The Phrenological Journal and Miscellany 2 (1824–25): 235–39. A complaint, on the soundest Phrenological grounds, against forcing young boys to learn to write Greek and Latin verses at school, along with corporeal punishment as penalty for failure. M223 Voyles, J. B. "Ancient Greek Accentuation." Glotta 52 (1974): 65–91. M224 Wahlström, Erik. Accentual Responsion in Greek Strophic Poetry. Helsinki, 1970. M225 Waite, Stephen V. F. "Approaches to Metrical Research in Plautus." The Computer and Literary Studies. Ed. A. J. Aitken et al. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1973. pp. 253–62. M226 -----. "Word Position in Plautus: Interplay of Verse Ictus and Word Stress." The Computer in Literary and Linguistic Studies. Ed. Alan Jones and R. F. Churchhouse. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1976. pp. 92–105. M227 Walker, R. J. ANTI MIAΣ: An Essay in Isometry. 2 vols. London: Macmillan, 1910. M228 Warburton, Irene P. "Rules of Accentuation in Classical and Modern Greek." Glotta 48 (1970): 107–21. Applies the generative phonology and syntax of Chomsky and Halle's Sound Pattern of English (D1) to Classical Greek and compares the phonologies of Classical and Modern Greek. The former has pitch-accent, the latter stressaccent, creating difficulty in formulating stress rules to cover both. M229 [Warner, J.] Metronariston: or a new pleasure recommended, in a Dissertation upon a part of Greek and Latin Prosody. London, 1797. M230 West, M. L. "Greek Poetry 2000–700 B.C." Classical Quarterly 23 (1973): 179–92. An extremely valuable review article summarizing the known facts of the early development of Greek verseform from its parent, Indo-European, and its siblings. Concludes with the most important Greek genre, heroic epic. M231 -----. "A New Approach to Greek Prosody." Glotta 48 (1970): 185–94. Challenges directly the received view that Greek meter consisted of longs and shorts, one long equalling two shorts. West identifies seven quantities metrically significant, with contraints on which can appear in certain positions in lines of certain meters; they all vary slightly in metrical length and time-value. A complex classification system designed to fit complex facts. -- 718 --

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M232 -----. Studies in Greek Elegy and Iambus. Berlin, 1974. M233 Westphal, Rudolf. Die Fragmente und Lehrsätze der griechischen Rhythmiker. Leipzig: Teubner, 1861. M234 -----. Harmonik und Melopöie der Griechen. Leipzig: Teubner, 1863. M235 -----. "Die Tradition der alten Metriker." Philologus 20 (1863): 76–108. M236 Westphal, Rudolf, ed. Scriptores Metrici Graeci. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1866. Texts of the ancient authorities on Greek versification. M237 White, John Williams. The Verse of Greek Comedy. London: Macmillan, 1912. 479 pp. M238 Wilamowitz-Möllendorf, Ulrich von. Griechische Verskunst. Berlin, 1921; rpt. Darmstadt, 1958. 630 pp. M239 Wilkinson, L. P. "Accentual Rhythm in Horatian Sapphics." Classical Review 54 (1940): 131–33. M240 -----. "The Augustan Rules for Dactylic Verse." Classical Quarterly 34 (1940): 30– 43. M241 -----. Golden Latin Artistry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1940. 283 pp. An immensely readable--yet solidly informed--survey of Latin views and practices in verbal euphony, expressiveness, verse rhythm, prose rhythm, and architectonics. See also his: M242 -----. "Onomatopoeia and the Sceptics." Classical Quarterly 36 (1942): 121–33. M242a Williams, C. F. Abby. The Aristoxenian Theory of Musical Rhythm. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1911. M243 Winnington-Ingram, R. P. "Ancient Greek Music 1932–1957." Lustrum 3 (1958): 5–57. A bibliographic-review essay. M244 Wölfflin, Eduard. "Zur Alliteration." In his Ausgewählte Schriften. Leipzig, 1933; rpt. Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1977. pp. 225–84. Two essays, written 1881 and 1903, and an alphabetical index of alliterative phrases. M245 Wyatt, W. F. Metrical Lengthening in Homer. Rome, 1969. Rev.: in Lingua 27 (1971): 263–76; by H. M. Hoenigswald (important) in Language 48 (1971 or 1972): 929–40. M246 Zander, Carl. Eurythmia vel compositio rythmica prosae antiquae. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1910. M247 Zielinski, Th. "Das Ausleben des Clauselgesetzes in der römischen Kunstprosa." Philologus (Supplement) 10 (1906): 429–66. See also 9 (1904): 591–844; also 13 (1914). M248 -----. "Der Rhythmus der römischen Kunstprosa und seine psychologischen Grundlagen." Archiv für die gesamte Psychologie 7 (1906): 125–42. M249 Zirin, Ronald, A. The Phonological Basis of Latin Prosody. The Hague: Mouton, 1970. -- 719 --

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See also: D260, E78, E372, E404–8, E437, E757, J331, L9. And see the section on Quantitative Metrics in Chapter Six.

MEDIEVAL LATIN M250 Beda Venerabilis. De Arte Metrica. In Bedae Venerabilis Opera. Part I: Opera Didascalica. Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina, vol. 123a. Turnholti: Typographi Brepols Editores Pontifici, 1975. pp. 60–141. M251 Blackmur, R. P. "St. Augustine's De Musica: A Synopsis." In his Language as Gesture. London: G. Allen & Unwin, 1952. pp. 365–71. See M304. M252 Brinkmann, Hennig. "Der Reim im frühen Mittelalter." Britannica: Festschrift für Hermann Flasdieck. Ed. Wolfgang Iser. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1960. pp. 62– 81; rpt. in Ernst and Neuser (L337), pp. 149–76. M253 Brittain, Frederick. The Medieval Latin and Romance Lyric to A.D. 1300. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1937. Mainly an anthology of texts but contains an excellent and long introduction (pp. 1–61), and the headnotes usually note the meter. M254 Bulst, Walther. "Almus altus agnus aptus." In Britannica: Festschrift für Hermann Flasdieck. Ed. Wolfgang Iser. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1960. pp. 82–95; rpt. in Ernst and Neuser (L337), pp. 177–95. Study of this poem (form: stanzas of two lines usually having twelve syllables each, one-fourth of the lines trochaic, the rising or falling rhythm being determined by the end of the line, with alphabet acrostic, rhyme, and alliteration) offers an occasion for a review of the histories of rhyme, alliteration, and accentual rhythm vs. quantitative meter. Proposed: Latin alliterative verse may have been the origin of Germanic vernacular poetry. M255 -----. "Bedae Opera Rhythmica?" ZDA 89 (1959): 83–91. M256 Campbell, A. "Some Linguistic Features of Early Anglo-Latin Verse and Its Use of Classical Models." Transactions of the Philological Society, 1953. pp. 1–20. M257 Chambers, R. W. "Bede." Proceedings of the British Academy 22 (1936): 129–56. M258 Clark, Albert C. The Cursus in Mediaeval and Vulgar Latin. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1910. M259 -----. Fontes Prosae Numerosae. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1909. 48 pp. Bound together with his Cursus in Mediaeval and Vulgar Latin (above); the latter is an explanatory lecture, the present work a collection of statements by twenty authorities and passages by twenty-six authors. Useful Preface and important Bibliography. M260 Crocker, Richard L. "Musica Rhythmica and Musica Metrica in Antique and Medieval Theory." Journal of Music Theory 2 (1958): 2–23. M261 Davis, Ruby. "Bede's De Arte Metrica, With an Introduction, a Translation, and Notes." Diss., Cornell University, 1925. M262 Dechevrens, A. Du Rythme dans l'hymnographie latine. Paris, 1895. 159 pp. -- 720 --

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M263 Denholm-Young, Noël. "The Cursus in England." In Essays in Medieval History Presented to H. E. Salter. Oxford, 1934. Rpt. in his Collected Papers on Mediaeval Subjects. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1946. pp. 26–55. Rpt. Cardiff, 1969. pp. 42– 73. M264 Di Capua, Francesco. "Il ritmo prosaico nelle lettere dei papi e nei documenti della cancelleria romana dal IV al XIV secolo, vol. I." Lateranum 3 (1937): 1–274. A survey of the prose rhythms of the Roman Catholic Curia and the Pope. M265 -----. "Lo stile della curia romana e il 'cursus' nelle epistole di pier della vigna e nei documenti della cancelleria sueva." Giornale italiano di filologia 2 (1949): 96– 116. An influence on Dante. M266 Ehwald, Rudolf, ed. Aldhelmi Opera. Berlin, 1919. See "Aldhemus de Metris et Enigmatibus ac Pedum Regulis," pp. 59–204, and its preface on pp. 33–58. This is generally known as the Epistola ad Acircium. M267 Epstein, Marcy J. "Ludovicus Decus Regnantium: Perspectives on the Rhymed Office." Speculum 53 (1978): 283–334. M268 Friedman, Albert B. "The Late Mediaeval Ballade and the Origin of Broadside Balladry." Medium Ævum 27 (1958): 95–110. M269 Gaselee, Stephen. The Transition from the Later Latin Lyric to the Medieval Love Poem. Cambridge: Bowes & Bowes, 1931. 34 pp. Offprint of his 1930 Cambridge lectures. M270 Gennrich, Friedrich. Grundriss einer Formenlehre des mittelalterlichen Liedes als Grundlage einer musikalischen Formenlehre des Liedes. Halle: Max Niemeyer, 1932. 288 pp. Argues that medieval meters were derived from music. M271 Gillingham, Bryan R. "Modal Rhythm and the Medieval Sequence." Studies in Music (Western Ontario) 1 (1976): 105–23. M272 Hanssen, F. De Arte Metrica Commodiani. Kaiser-Wilhelms-Universität, Dissertationes, vol. 5. Strassburg, 1881. 90 pp. M273 Hélin, Maurice. A History of Medieval Latin Literature. Tr. J. C. Snow. New York: William Salloch, 1949. M274 Huemer, Johann. Untersuchungen über die ältesten lateinisch-christlichen Rhythm: Mit einem Anhange von Hymnen. Vienna, 1879. M275 -----. Untersuchungen über den jambischen Dimeter bei den christlichlateinischen Hymnendichtern der vorkarolingischen Zeit. Vienna, 1876. M276 Hughes, David G. "Music and Meter in Liturgical Poetry." Medievalia et Humanistica 7 (1976): 29–43. M277 Keil, Heinrich, ed. Scriptores Artis Metricae. Vol. 6 of his Grammatici Latini. 7 vols. Leipzig: Teubner, 1857–80. M278 Klopsch, Paul. Einführung in die mittellateinische Verslehre. Darmstadt, 1972. 117 pp.

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M279 Lawler, Traugott, ed. and tr. The Parisiana poetria of John of Garland. Yale Studies in English, no. 182. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1974. M280 Liebermann, F. "Reim neben Alliteration im Anglolatein um 680." Archiv 141 (1921): 234. M281 Lindholm, Gundrun. Studien zur mittellateinischen Prosarhythmus. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksells, 1963. 204 pp. M282 Mari, Giovanni. "Ritmo latino e terminologia ritmica medievale." Studi di filologia romanza 8 (1901): 35–88. M283 Mari, Giovanni, ed. "Poetria magistri Johannis anglici de arte prosayca, metrica et rithmica." Romanische Forschungen 13 (1902): 883–965. M284 Meyer, Wilhelm. Gesammelte Abhandlungen zur mittellateinischen Rhythmik. 3 vols. Berlin: Weidmann, 1905–36. M285 -----. "Ein kapitel spatester Metrik." Nachrichten der königliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, philologisch-historische Klasse. Göttingen, 1903. pp. 215–35. M286 -----. "Lateinische Rythmik und Byzantinische Strophik." Nachrichten der königliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, philologisch-historische Klasse. Göttingen, 1908. pp. 194–222. M287 -----. "Der Ludus de Antichristo und Bemerkungen über die lateinischen Rhythmen des XII Jahrhunderts." Sitzungsberichte der königlich-bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaft, philosophisch-philologisch-historische Klasse. Munich, 1882. Vol. 1, pp. 1–192. M288 -----. "Die rythmischen Jamben des Auspicius." Nachrichten der königliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Göttingen, philologisch-historische Klasse. Berlin, 1906. pp. 192–229. M289 -----. "Der Rythmus über den h. Placidas-Eustasius." Nachrichten der königliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Göttingen, philologisch-historische Klasse. Berlin, 1915. pp. 226–87. M290 -----. "Spanisches zur Geschichte der ältesten mittellateinischen Rythmik." Nachrichten der königliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Göttingen, philologischhistorische Klasse. Berlin, 1913. pp. 104–75. M291 Morgan, Margery M. "A Treatise in Cadence." MLR 47 (1952): 156–64. An important inquiry into the precise sense of the Medieval Latin prosodic term "cadence," which seems to have been roughly synonymous with the cursus in the earlier stages; later, since the rhythmical clausulae of the cursus were often rhymed, the term came to stand for the whole genre of rhythmic prose, and eventually to be closely associated with the concepts of "like endings" and homoeoteleuton, hence ultimately "rhyme" in a broad sense, which is the sense in which Puttenham uses it. M292 Neumann, Friedrich. "Lateinische Reimverse Hrabans." Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 2 (1965): 55–62; rpt. in Ernst and Neuser (L337), pp. 256–68. M293 Nicolau, Mathieu G. L'Origine du "cursus" rythmique et les débuts de l'accent d'intensité en Latin. Paris, 1930. 161 pp.

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M294 Norberg, Dag. Introduction à l'étude de la versification latine médievale. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksells, 1958. 218 pp. M295 -----. La Poesie latine rythmique du haut Moyen Âge. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksells, 1953. 120 pp. M296 Palmer, Robert B. "Bede as Textbook Writer: A Study of His De Arte Metrica." Speculum 34 (1959): 573–84. The best available study in English, though it confines itself to the De Littera section; Palmer traces Bede's reorganization and clarification of his sourcematerials. See also Lucian Müller's denigrating remarks in M296a De Re Metrica (Leipzig, 1861) M296b and a defense by B. Gladysz, "éléments classiques et postclassiques de l'oeuvre de Bede, De Arte Metrica." Eos 34 (1932–33). M296c Also M. L. W. Laistner, "Bede as a Classical and Patristic Scholar," Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, fourth series, 16 (1933): 69–94. M297 Perret, J. "Prosodie et métrique chez Commodien." Pallas 5 (1957): 27–42. M298 Poole, R. L. Lectures on the History of the Papal Chancery. Cambridge, 1915. Chapter 4. M299 Rajna, P. "Per il cursus medievale e per Dante." Studi di filologia italiana 3 (1932): 84 ff. M300 Ronca, U. Metrica e ritmica latina nel medio evo. Rome, 1890. 174 pp. M301 Rudmose-Brown, T. B. "Some Medieval Latin Metres, Their Ancestry and Progeny." Hermathena, no. 53 (1939), pp. 29–58. M302 Salazar, Adolfo. Poesía y música en lengua vulgar y sus antecedentes en la edad media. Mexico, 1943. 65 pp. M303 Santi, Angelo De. Il cursus nella storia letteraria e nella liturgia. 2nd ed. Rome, 1903. M304 Schoeck, R. J. "St. Augustine and Blackmur on Rhythm." Renascence 8 (1955): 84–86. Comments on Blackmur (M251) and sketches out part of the critical heritage of De Musica. M305 Schreiber, J. Die Vaganten-Strophe der mittellateinischen Dichtung. Strassburg, 1894. 204 pp. M306 Seay, Albert. "Classical Metrics and Medieval Music." Bulletin of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association 23 (1969): 59–67. An elementary historical synopsis of the seminal influence of Augustine and Leonin, and remarks on the important contrapuntal music (setting classical verses, in their quantitative meters, to music) written around the turn of the sixteenth century. M307 Spanke, H. "Das lateinische Rondeau." Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur 53 (1929–30): 113–48. M308 Strutevant, E. H. "Commodian and Medieval Rhythmic Verse." Language 2 (1926): 223–37. M309 Tischler, Hans. "Rhythm, Meter, and Melodic Organization in Medieval Songs." Studies in Medieval Culture 8–9 (1976): 49–64.

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M310 Valois, N. "Étude sur le rythme des bulles pontificales." Bibliothèque de l'école des Chartes 42(?): ca. 250–70. M311 Vollaerts, J. W. A., S. J. Rhythmic Proportions in Early Medieval Ecclesiastical Chant. Leyden: Brill, 1958. M312 Zeydel, Edwin H. "A Note on Hrotsvitha's Aversion to Synalepha." PQ 23 (1944): 379–81. See also: J169, K16.

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