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AN ANALYSIS OF PERSONALITY DISORDER OF THE MAIN CHARACTER IN FRANKIE & ALICE FILM Tubagus Satriyadi LB LIA Pamulang, Tangerang, Email: [email protected] Abstract This writing is an analysis of the psychological problems of Frankie as the main character in Frankie & Alice film. The writer uses qualitative descriptive analysis method and psychoanalysis theory of Sigmund Freud. The analysis shows that Frankie as the main character is a loving family person but she is weak because of her personality disorder. Her problem is because of her traumatic experiences that makes her feel high anxiety. To protect herself from the traumatic experience, she uses dissociative identity disorder, part of dissociation, as her defense mechanism that creates two other personalities (multiple personalities), namely Alice and Genius who have different functions. The first functions to protect her from guilty feeling to make her a better person. On the other hand, the second functions as a helper. Key words: Psycoanalysis, personality disorder, multiple personalities. Abstrak Tulisan ini adalah sebuah analsis terhadap permasalahan psikologis dari Frankie, tokoh utama dalam film Frankie & Alice. Penulis menggunakan metode qualitative deskriptif dan teori psikoanalisis dari Sigmund Freud. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa Frankie sebagai tokoh utama, memiliki sifat cinta pada keluarga namun dia lemah karena adanya gangguan kepribadian. Permasalahannya itu muncul karena pengalaman traumatisnya yang membuat dia merasa gelisah tingkat tinggi. Untuk melindungi dirinya dari pengalaman traumatis itu, Ia menggunakan identitas dissosiatif, sebagai mekanisme perlawanan dirinya yang memunculkan dua jenis kepribadian, yaitu Alice dan Genius yang memiliki fungsi yang berbeda. Kepribadin pertama berfungsi untuk melindunginya dari perasaan bersalah. Sementara itu kepribadian kedua, berfungsi sebagai pembantu. Kata Kunci: Psikoanalisis, ganggguan kepribadian, kepribadian ganda.

practice of asking the patient to lie upon a sofa with the analyst seated unseen behind him.”1 Freud said that,” Psychoanalysis stands firstly for the investigation of physic processes which otherwise are barely accessible; secondly for a method of treatment of neurotic disorders based on this investigation; thirdly, for a series of psychological concepts acquaired by

Introduction Psychoanalysis was invented by Sigmund Freud because he realized that there maybe a powerful mental processes which were hidden behind human consciousness. M.A.R Habib noted that “in 1895 Freud and Breuer jointly published their finding as Studies of Hysteria, a text which stressed the emotional life of the patient, distinguish of conscious and unconscious mental acts. Freud eventually abandoned hypnosis in favor of what he would call psychoanalysis, though he retained his


M. A. R. Habib. A History of Literature Criticism. USA: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2005. pp. 573-574.


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this means which gradually from a new scientific discipline.”2 In the development of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud divides the personality structure of human mind into three components, namely id, ego, and superego. Person's behavior is the result of interaction between the three components. The id is unconscious “The id constitute the lustful, aggresive (in Freud’s terminology, sexual) part of our personality. The superego comprises the norme values, and ideals that up bringing and education have instilled in us. Whereas the id and the superego strive for immediate satisfaction without regard for well-being of the person as a whole, the ego seeks to achieve compromises.”3 If one of the personality structures of mind is too dominating than others and the ego cannot control it, the mental of people will be disturbed and they will get. mental disorder. The mental disorder and psychiatric problem are also used as the theme in a number of literary works and films. Joseph M. Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie define that “film is recognized as a unique and powerful art form on a par with painting, sculpture, music, literature, and drama.”4 So, film has some aspects of the other art and it makes film is unique. One of the popular films that shows mental disorder and psychiatric problem as the main theme is Frankie & Alice. Frankie & Alice film was realeased in Canada in 2010. This film is based on true events. This film was directed by Geoffrey Sax. This film is produced by Access Motion Pictures and

the language which is used in this film is English. Frankie & Alice used several filming location, such as Vancouver, British Columbia, and Canada. This film got some awards and nominations in some events.5 Francine Lucinda Murdoch or called Frankie is the main character. Frankie is a black person and an erotic dancer. She has a mother and a sister, but she doesn’t live with them. In her past, Frankie and her family work as a servant in the house of white people family. There is no peculiarity with her, but Frankie sometimes does not realize what she has done and she really cannot remember it. At one time Frankie wakes up in the hospital, but she doesn’t remember what happen to herself before. Doctor Joseph Oswald who is called Doctor Oz as one of the psychiatrists at the mental hospital examines the state of Frankie’s health. He asks Frankie some questions about what happen before, but Frankie does not remember at all. He thinks that Frankie consumes drugs or alcohol and he asks Frankie about it, but Frankie says that she doesn’t consume it. After that Dr. Oswald lets her to go home and doesn’t give any treatment, because he doesn’t see any problem. Actually, before she passes out, she wants to have sex with a black man, 5

Frankie & Alice was nominated as the best actress in the BET award in 2011. Halle Berry was also nominated as the best performance in the Golden Globes in 2011. In the Image Awards, Halle Berry won the category outstanding actress in a motion picture and Geoffrey Sax as the director was nominated the category outstanding directing in a motion picture (theatrical or television) in 2011. In the Prism Awards, Halle Berry won the category performance in a feature film and Frankie & Alice film was nominated in the category feature film-mental health. Cheryl Edwards, Mary King, Joe Shrapnel, Marko King, Anna Waterhouse, Jonathan Watters were nominated as outstanding writing in a motion picture (theatrical or television) in 2011. IMDb.Com. Award for Frankie & Alice. 2011. (Accessed on January 5th, 2012, 9:30 am)


Claude Smadja. The Terapist at Work: Personal Factors Affecting the Analytic Process. Penyunt. Dimitris Anastasspoulos. London: H. Karnac (books) Ltd., 2004. p.109. 3 Joseph M. Boggs & Dennis W. Petrie. The Art of Watching Films. New York: McGrawHill, 2008. p. 3. 4 Maria Pramaggiore & Tom Wallis. Film: A Critical Introduction. London: Laurence King Publishing Ltd, 2005. p. 2.


Tubagus Satriyadi: An Analysis of…

named Cliff. When she steps on a small doll, she really scares and then she hears a crying of a baby. She moves to the crib with fear feeling and then she opens the blanket, but there is no baby. This causes she gets a headache. After that, she acts differently. She doesn’t want to be touched by a black man. She hits the man’s head with a vase photo and gets out from the hotel. She runs to the street and passes out on the street. Finally, She is taken by the police and then she is brought by the police to the hospital. After the accident, Frankie is back to her ordinary life, but strange things happen again to her. Firstly, Frankie believes that she has money in the bank, but actually she has already taken her money from the bank and bought an expensive dress and wig unconsciously. Secondly, she also often gets hallucination about her past and it seems so real. Finally, Frankie asks Dr. Oswald to check her condition, because she realizes that there is something wrong with herself. After Doctor Joseph Oswald examines Frankie for a few times, he realizes that Frankie has multiple personality. Frankie has two other personalities in herself. The first personality is the real Frankie and she remembers who she is. She is a black woman and really loves her family. The second personality of Frankie is Alice who hates black people, because she thinks that she is a white person. The third personality is called Genius who is very smart. Genius shows child behaviour. Alice and Genius are part of Frankie’s personalities that appear when she feels so anxiety about someone or something. Based on the story above, the writer tries to understand, analyze, and explain Lucinda Murdoch or called Frankie as the main character who has multiple personality disorder and mental disorder in Frankie & Alice film. The writer tries to identify Frankie’s multiple personality disorder from psychoanalysis

view. To do this, the writer uses film theory and psychoanalysis approach with qualitative method. The film of Frankie & Alice is important to be studied because the film shows the life of a woman who has multiple personality that is different from the majority characters and films. In real life, some people maybe have multiple personality disorder but the multiple personality is hard to be seen, because the differences of all personalities are hard to be seen. In Frankie &Alice film, the multiple personality disorder is shown and described clearly. It is easy to know and see the differences among all personalities in the main female character as a woman who has multiple personality disorder. The writer hopes that the results of the research can be useful for the readers, can be used as a reference for understanding the multiple personality disorder, and also can be used to understand how to analyze film which has mental disorder as the main theme by using the theory of psychoanalysis. Frankie & Alice is a Canadian drama film released on December 10th, 2010. Frankie & Alice is a Canadian drama film that was directed by Geoffrey Sax and it is produced by Access Motion Pictures. Film and Character Film is one of the objects in is studied in the literature. Film as an art work has some similarities with the other literary works, such as poetry, short story, drama, and novel, especially because they have narratives (story). According Joseph M. Boggs & Dennis W. Petrie, film is like poetry which communicates through symbol, imagery, and also methaphor. Film also has some similarities with drama. Film communicates through visually such as action and gesture and film communicates with verbally through dialogue. The last is similarity with novel which can compress time and space,


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traveling back and forth freely within their wide borders.6 Although film has the similarities, film is unique and has differentiation with the other literary works. Film surpasses drama, because film revealing various points of view, portraying action, manipulating time, and conveying a boundless sense of space. Film is different from the stage play, because film can provide a continuous, unbroken flow, which blurs and minimizes transitions without compromising the story's unity. Unlike the novel and the poem, film communicates directly, not through abstract symbols like words on a page but through concrete images and sounds. So, film has some aspects of all literary works and it makes film unique, because film is a complex art.7 The character in film is called actor for the man and actress for the woman. In other words, “Actor/ actress also called performer or talent. Dramatic performer who plays a part and acts in a program or film.”8 The actors or the actresses have their own characters, characteristics, and roles in the in the film. Director can use several techniques of characterizations to reveal and potray the characteristics of each character. Character creation is the art of characterization and it is the way which is used by the director and also screenwriter to bring a character to life, to provide the audience with a sense of that character’s personality, to make that character unique. The film maybe has the actors and the actresses that are not popular, but a good characterization which is given to the character and played by the actors and the actresses can make the film interesting. To be interesting, characters must seem real,

understandable, and worth caring about. The director can reveal and describe the character’s personality by some ways of characterization, namely: characterization through appearance, dialogue, external action, internal action, reactions of other characters, contrast: dramatic foils, caricature and leitmotif, and choice of name.9 Psychoanalysis Theory At first, many people don’t believe with psychoanalysis and its method to cure the patient for the first time, but finally some peoples believe with psychoanalysis and its method. Sigmund Freud, Nandor Fodor, and Frank Gaynor made a definition about psychoanalysis in the book Freud: Dictionary of Psychoanalysis: “Psychoanalysis is the name of a procedure for the investigation of mental processes which are almost inaccessible in any other way, of a method (based upon the investigation) for the treatment of neurotic disorders and of a collection of psychological information obtained a collection of psychological information obtained along those lines, which is gradually being accumulated into a new scientific discipline.”10 Psychoanalysis was invented by Sigmund Freud in the late nineteenth century. According to Freud, the three systems of the human psyche that help regulate the libido are the id, the ego, and the superego.11 The ego has special functions and one of them is defense 9

Joseph M. Boggs & Dennis W. Petrie. Op. cit., p. 60. 10 Sigmund Freud, Nandor Fodor, & Frank Gaynor. Freud: Dictionary of Psychoanalysis. USA: The Philosophical Library, Inc, 1950. p. 155. 21 Susan Nolen-Hoeksema. Abnormal Psychology. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2007. p. 47. 22 M. Asch. Psychoanalysis: Its Evolution and Development. Sarup & Sons: New Delhi, 2004. p. 48.


Joseph M. Boggs & Dennis W. Petrie. Op. cit., p. 3. 9 Ibid. 10 Desi K. Bognar. International Dictionary of Broadcasting and Film. United States of America: Focal Press, 2000. p.5.


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mechanism to defend and protect the personality from the anxiety. Id, Ego, and Superego According to M. Ash, Freud said when human is born only consisting of id. The id only tries to find the pleasure. The id is modified time by time when the id has a contact with the reality of the real world. The id is also called uncosciousness. Many of its forces tries to reach consciousness but many of it fails to reach the consciousness. The id is the generator of energy of our personality, because the id raises a variety of desires and impulses moves the basic behavior of the personality. The id contains of the sex drive and the aggression but it is sublimated by the ego.12 Ego appears after the id has contacts with the reality of the real world. The ego is not synonymous with the consciousness, because only a small part of the ego is conscious. A great part of the ego as now defined exists outside of awareness but can readily be called into awareness when needed. This part is called the preconscious. Still another part of the ego is unconscious and cannot readily be made conscious. This part consists of the experiences and feelings which have been repressed. These experiences, by the fact of their repression, are somehow brought into more intimate contact with the forces of the id. One of the ego’s functions is defense mechanism. It is psychological mechanism to defend and protect the personality. The ego has the most crucial role is to bridge the internal world and the external reality of the personality or between the id, the outside world, and also the superego. It must permit the id to let off enough steam so that its forces are not a dangerous threat and yet not offend the superego or run afoul of the outside world.13 If the id or the superego demands too much and the 23

ego cannot maintain it, the people will feel anxiety. Superego is the personality structure and part our internal world which represents the values of the external reality. The superego takes some standards of value of the culture. The superego of the personality takes the values from the training of the parents in early childhood. It exercises a criticizing and censoring power. The functions of dream censor and resistance described in Freud’s earlier writings are now seen as part of the superego. The superego pushes the individual to follow the values, so it avoids the conflict between the individual and the external reality. Much of the superego is unconscious because it was incorporated by the child very early and without his awareness. This means that like all unconscious material this portion is not available for reality testing. If people violate the values of superego, people will feel guilty.14 If id, ego, and superego are not balance and the ego cannot mantain it, people will feel anxiety. Anxiety Anxiety




Anxiety occurs because there is movement from equilibrium to disequilibrium. When people move from equilibrium to disequilibrium, people will get unpleasant feeling and anxiety. When people move from disequilibrium to equilibrium, people will get joy and feel happy. There are two aspects which can increase anxiety; first aspect is how far the people leave equilibrium and the 24

Ibid. pp. 47-48.


Ibid. pp. 47-48.

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second aspect is how fast the people move from equilibrium to disequilibrium. Anxiety can be so high if people leave equilibrium condition farther and longer. Something that makes the people move so far away from the equilibrium is called trauma and something that makes people need much time to get the equilibrium condition is called conflict.15 Trauma happens when people get the excitation which is the capacity of the people, so the people leave the equilibrium condition so far. People will get high anxiety and get high disequilibrium condition. The trauma will be higher if it happens to people who have vulnerable personality, such as a kid and happen suddenly. For young people, the effect of the trauma can become bigger and more premanent. The effect of the trauma maybe cannot be seen after the traumatic event happens, but the effect maybe appears in the next time.16 If people are in disequilibrium condition, they have to move to equilibrium to reduce the unpleasant feeling. There is a process to get the equilibrium condition. Firstly, libido is stack and it is directed to desired and the first process is called cathexis. Secondly, when people do the effort to fulfill the desire and it is called discharge. It sometimes becomes a problem if there are two different cathexises appear and contrast each other. This condition is called conflict.17 Because there is a conflict between the cathexis, the discharge process becomes hampered and people cannot reach the equilibrium condition. This condition is called damming up. In damming up condition, equilibrium condition and the anxiety will be bigger

and higher. People will try to do some efforts to reduce anxiety and get the equilibrium condition, such as catharsis and defense mechanism.18 Symptom psychopathology can appear if the process of the catharsis and defensive fail to reduce the anxiety. Catharsis is an effort to reduce the anxiety with the psycic energy that is hampered through certain activities. When the anxiety is too high, the catharsis cannot help well and psychic energy that should be spent on defense mechanism is bigger. People will use various defense mechanism to maintain a balance of a personality. If defense mechanism does not work effectivly any more, the symptom of psychopathology will appear, such as migraine that is called psychosomatic.19 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Posttraumatic stress disorder includes anxiety disorders. If the people have anxiety disorder, the effect of the anxiety is worse than the people without anxiety disorder. According to SusanNolen Hoeksema, “people with anxiety disorders live with fears that are not mild, short term, or reasonable. The fears of the people with anxiety disorders are severe and ultimately lower the quality of their lives. Their fears are chronic and frequent enough to interfere with their functioning. Finally, their fears are out proportion of dangers that they truly face.”20 Posttraumatic stress disorder is caused by traumatic event. The people who have posttraumatic stress disorder can show some sets of symptoms. The first set of symptoms in PTSD is repeated the re-experiencing the traumatic event. The people with PTSD may experience the disturbing images or thoughts, recurring nightmares, and also flashbacks in which they relive the event. They can react psychologically and


Iman Setiadi Arif. Dinamika Kepribadian: Gangguan dan Terapinya (Understanding the Unconscious). PT. Refika Aditama: Bandung, 2006. pp. 25-26. 16 Ibid. p. 27. 17 Ibid. p. 28.


Ibid. Ibid. pp. 28-29. 20 Ibid. p. 219. 19


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physiologically to the stimuli which can make them remind the traumatic event. Re-experiencing the traumatic events as the first set of PTSD symptoms has some characteristics, such as distressing memories of the event, distressing dreams about the event, reliving of the event by acting or feeling as if the event were recurring, intense psychological and psychological distress exposed to situations reminiscent of the event.21 The second set of symptoms in PTSD is emotionaly numbing and detachment. There are some symptoms which is explained by Susan NolenHoeksema. “As the second set of symptoms, it consists of some symptoms, such as: avoidance of thoughts, feeling, or conversations about the event, avoidance activities, place, or people associated with the event, trouble recalling important aspect of the event, loss of interest activities, feeling detachment from others, inability to have loving feelings toward others and a general restriction of feelings, sense that the future is black.”22 The third set of symptoms involves hypervigilance and chronic arousal. PTSD sufferers always aware about the traumatic event, because they think the traumatic event will happen again. It makes them can get panic easily if they hear the sound or see the image which has correlation with the traumatic event. PTSD survivors can feel guilty, because they can survive but the other people fail.23 The posttraumatic disorder can be caused by various traumatic events, such as natural disaster, abuse, combat- and –war related traumas, and common traumatic events.24

Defense mechanism is also part of the theory of psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud. It is further explained by Sigmund Freud’s daughter, Anna Freud. Defense mechanism is a psychological mechanism to defend itself and defense mechanism has a main function to maintain the balance between the internal world and external world of the individual. Defense mechanism is activated when the internal reality demands too much. When external world demands too much, defense mechanism will be activated too.25 So, defense mechanism as the function of the ego tries to maintain the balance between the id which always tries to seek the pleasure and superego which always tries to use the norms from the eksternal world. There are some defense mechanisms which are explained by Sigmund Freud and Ana Freud, such as: dissociation, denial, projection, displacement, rationalization, reaction formation, sublimation, regression, identification, and intellectualization. Firstly, repression is the separation between the consciousness and the unconsciousness and dissociation is the splitting of the consciousness into separate compartments.26 Secondly, denial means that people deny the fact about the event which happens. Denial is used because people do not want to accept the fact about the events that are considered scary or unwanted.27 Thirdly, projection does not seem like move the thing, because this process is done unconsciously. In short, “Klein [1934] (1968) proposed the further step of projection, by which a person projects these unacceptable parts of her/himself on to another person, and attributes to this other person that which s/he is denying in her/himself.”28

Defense Mechanism 21


Ibid. p. 192-193. Ibid. p. 193. 33 Ibid. 34 Ibid. pp. 194-199.

John Birtchnell. The Two of Me: The Rational Outer Me and the Emotional Inner. East Sussex: Routlege, 2003. pp. 207-208. 27 Susan Nolen-Hoeksema. Op cit., p. 50. 28 John Birtchnell. Op cit., p. 208.



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Fourthly, displacement is defense mechanism that tries to change the object of unacceptable feelings against someone or something, such as a woman who is angry with her children, but she cannot do anything to her children. And then to reduce her feeling, she kicks the dog.29 Fifthly, rationalization is to invent an acceptable motive or reason to explain unacceptably motive behavior, for example a soldier who killed civilians tries to rationalize their action by thinking that they only follow the order, so it can reduce the anxiety.30 Sixthly, reaction formation is defense mechanism that tries to adopt the attitudes or behaviors that are the opposite of one’s true disposition.31 Seventhly, sublimation is the process to transform the sexual pressure to become the pressure which is suitable to the norms and the cultures which exist in the society, such as a person who has strong aggressive impulses trains to be a boxer.32 Eighthly, regression is the condition when people cannot move to the next step of human development, because they cannot feel comfortable with the next step that they have to face.33 Ninthly, identification is to adopt ideas and values of someone in a superior position in order to elevate selfworth.34 Tenthly, intellectualization is the defense mechanism that tries to show cognitive aspect excessively to cover their weakness.35 Finally, dissociation is defined to become four kinds of disorder, such as dissociative identity disorder (DID), dissociative fugue, dissociative amnesia, and depersonalization disorder. Dissociative identity disorder is in the same individual there are multiple personalities and the personalities may

aware or amnesia for each other. Dissociative fugue is a person who moves away and assumes a new identity, with amnesia for previous identity, but there is no switching personality like dissociative identity disorder. Dissociative amnesia is kind of disorder which a person loses memory for important personal facts, including personal identity. What is more, depersonalization disorder has a meaning there are frequent episodes in which individual feels detached from his or mental state of body, but the person does not develop new identity or amnesia for the episodes.36 Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) Dissosiative Identity disorder is one of the most controversial and fascinating disorders recognized in clinical psychology and psychiatry. People with this disorder have more than one distinct identity or personality, and many people have more than a dozen personalities. Each personality has different ways of perceiving and relating the world, and each personality takes control over the individual’s behaviour on a regular basis.37 According to Richard P. Halgin and Susan Krauss Whitbourne, “the most frequently seen alters include children, “protectors,” “helpers,” expressers of forbidden impulses, personalities based on the loved ones, carriers of lost memories or family secret, and defenders of the abuser.”38 The cardinal symptom in dissosiative identity disorder in the presence of multiple personalities with distinct qualities, reffered as to alters. These alters can take many forms and perform many functions. The first type of alters is child alter. Child alters are


Susan Nolen-Hoeksema. Loc cit. Ibid. 31 Ibid. 32 Ibid. 33 John Birtchnell. Op cit., p. 208. 34 Susan Nolen-Hoeksema. Loc cit. 35 Iman Setiadi Arif. Op cit., p. 37. 30


Ibid. p. 283. Ibid. p. 285. 38 Richard P. Halgin & Susan Krauss Whitbourne. Abnormal Psychology: Clinical Perspectives on Psychological Disorders. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2007. p. 198. 37


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young children, who do not act like their to be the most common type of alter. Childhood trauma is often associated with the development of dissosiative identity disorder. A child alter may be created during traumatic experience to become the victim of the trauma, while the “host” personality escapes into the protection of psychological oblivion. It may be created as a type of big brother or sister to protect the host personality from traumas. When a child alter is “out”, or in control of the individual’s behaviour, the adult may speak and act in a childlike way.39 The second type of alter that is very frequent is the presecutor personality. These alters inflict pain or punishment on the other personalities by engaging in self-multilative behaviour, such as self-cutting or burning and suicide attempts. A presecutor alter may engage in a dangerous behaviour and he/ she wants the host personality to experience the pain.40 Furthermore, the third type of alter is the protector or helper personality. The function of this personality is to offer advise to other personality or to perform functions the host personality is unable to perform, such as engaging in sexual relations or hidding from abusive parents. Helper sometimes control the switching from one personality to another or act as passive observers who can report on the thoughts and intentions of all the other personalities.41 People with disosiative identity disorder typically claim to have significant periods of amnesia, or blank spells. They describe of being completely amnestic for the periods when other personalities are in control or having one-way amnesia between certain personalities in which one personality is aware of what the other is doing, but the 50

Susan Nolen-Hoeksema. Op cit., p.


Ibid. pp. 285-286. Ibid. p. 286.

second is completely amnestic for periods when the first personality is in control. People with dissosiative identity disorder may suddenly discover unknown objects in their homes, or they may lose objects.42 The Character Analysis Frankie was born in Georgia around 1942. Frankie comes from black family and she has curly hair (see picture 1). She only has a mother and an elder sister. Since she was child, she and her family live in Pete Prescott’s house because her mother works as a servant there. She looks her mother does her job as a servant and then she helps her mother to do her job when she is teenager.

Picture 1

She lives in Pete Prescott family who are white people, so she was surrounded by white people from her employer’s family and friends. At that time, people in Georgia really pay attention to skin color between black people and white people, but Pete’s family do not really discriminate Frankie and her family because of the skin color. Frankie does not get racist things from her employer’s family, but she gets racist things from her mother. Her mother forbids her to make contact with white people, because she thinks that they are different, including with Pete’s sister Paige who wants to play with Frankie (picture 3). Frankie as a child really wants to play with the other children like Paige, but it is hard for her because her mother always says that they are only servants and black people that are

285. 52

Picture 2




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different with Paige family who are white people and aristocrat. Nevertheless, Frankie makes friend with Paige. Frankie and Pete Prescott fall in love when her age is around 15 years old in 1957, but they try to hide their relationship because Pete’s family will not agree with their relationship. On the other hand, Paige as Pete’s sister knows about sexual relation between Frankie and Pete (picture 3) and it makes the relationship between Paige and Frankie is broken. After that Paige drives Frankie away from her house, and then Frankie and Pete run away by car to live together in a place where skin color is not important, but then they get car accident that kills Pete (picture 4). After that, Frankie is really shock and gets traumatic experience.

Picture 3

Frankie only has her mother and her sister as her family and she loves them very much, especially her mother. She always remembers the birthday of her mother to gift a gift. She also does not want to hurt her mother because her mother really cares about her so she lies about her condition. She doesn’t want her mother worries about her condition. For instance, after she hits a man in the wedding of Paige Prescott, she is checked by Dr. Oswald and then she must be examined in the mental hospital if she doesn’t want to go to jail. Therefore, she must stay in the hospital for 30 days. For this, she does not want her mother knows about it by saying she goes to Florida to take a rest. When Frankie becomes an adult, she works as a stripper (picture 10) and lives alone in a small rented house. She often experiences some weird things. She does not remember about what she has done and after that she always fells confuse. One of the incidents is when she passes out in the street and then she is brought by the police officers to the mental hospital to meet Dr. Joseph Oswald, a psychiatrist. The result of the examination shows that she does not remember what happen to her.

Picture 4

From Dr. Oswald’s examination through different ways to examine her, it is known that Frankie has ever had a baby. In the examination, she looks like communicating with her mother and shows the gesture like she wants to give birth. She gets a flash back about her past and she feels coming back to her past (picture 5). Her baby is a white girl, but her mother took the baby after she was born (picture 6). Frankie wants to take her baby back, but she fails. She thinks that her mother killed her baby.

Picture 5

Dr. Oswald : What are you doing running in traffic? You being attacked? You don’t recall, do you?

What is more, Dr. Oswald finds that she has multiple personality in herself. She has two other personalities, named Alice and Genius. Her problem is multiple personality disorder (MPD) called dissociative identity disorder and not the other mental disorders. Dr. Warren Backman : Murdoch, Francine L. History of substance abuse, amnesia episodes, outbursts of rage. Schizophrenia or manic depression possibly, just thinking we might wanna start her on lithium. Dr. Oswald : I know what it is. That’s not the problem at all. She has

Picture 6


Tubagus Satriyadi: An Analysis of…

dissociative identity disorder. It’s really quite extreme. Dr. Warren Backman : MPD? Dr. Oswald : Under hypnosis of pentobarbital anaeshesia, she

in herself named Alice and Genius. To understand this, the next part is the analysis of Frankie’s multiple personalities, Alice and Genius, and her defence mechanism.

presented two quite distinct inconsistent adulterers.

Frankie’s Defense Mechanism Frankie’s traumatic experiences can make her feels anxiety when she remembers about that. The anxiety which is felt by Frankie is caused by her id which is much stronger than her ego. Id forces her ego to forget her traumatic experiences. It happens because id always tries to seek pleasure and her traumatic experiences are painful, so Frankie’s id always forces the ego to forget her traumatic experiences. Moreover she has posttraumatic stress disorder, one of anxiety disorders, so the anxiety which is felt by her is worse and her fears are out of proportion of dangers that she truly faces. Consequently, her ego uses one of its functions, defense mechanism, to overcome and reduce the anxiety. Frankie unconsciously uses dissociative identity disorder, one kind of dissociations, as her defense mechanism. Dissociative identity disorder is formerly known as multiple personality disorder. As it is explained before, she has two other personalities named Alice and Genius. These alters can take many forms and perform many functions. The alternate personalities are often different ages, different genders, and perform specific functions. There are other kinds of alternate and the most frequently seen alters are children, “protectors,” “helpers,” expressers of forbidden impulses, personalities based on the loved ones, carriers of lost memories or family secret, and defenders of the abuser.43 The kinds of alternate personality which appear and become the other personality of the people who have multiple personality disorder depend on what the

Frankie is weak and it is mentioned by Alice when Frankie is examined by Dr. Oswald with all traumatic experiences which she has and also the problem which she cannot understand like she often forgets what she has done. Dr. Oswald : maybe Ms. Murdoch would be kind enough to make our introduction next time. Alice : well, that’s quite slippery of you, doctor. That is a trait common to your race. Well, you don’t deny that your are a hebrew? Dr. Oswald : no Alice : well, by any right. She won’t be able to make an introduction, because she won’t remember a word of our encounter. Dr. Oswald : Oh? How’s that? Alice : she’s weak. She’s frightened. She’s incapable.

Because Frankie is weak, she needs another personality which is stronger than her to overcome her traumatic experience. Frankie has very unpleasant experiences. She works as a maid with her mother in Pete’s house. She is surrounded by white people but she is forbidden by her mother to make contact with them, because she is a black person. Frankie falls in love with Pete, a White man, but their relationship will be not permitted by their families. They try to run away, but they get car accident and her boyfriend died. She has a baby, but her baby is taken by her mother. She works as a stripper when she is adult and she sometimes can not remember what she has done. Finally she knows from Dr. Oswald that she has multiple personality


Richard P. Halgin & Susan Krauss Whitbourne. Loc cit.


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problem or traumatic experience which is had by the people. The first alter which is had by Frankie is Alice. Based on Dr. Oswald’s examination, he finds that Alice is a white woman. When Frankie who was taken by Alice saw her reflection in the mirror, she sees her face with white skin, straight hair, and blue eyes (picture 7).

Frankie has been controlled by Alice, but Dr. Oswald does not realize it. The nurse named Freeman is a black person who brings some clothes for her, but Alice refuses it rudely and does not want to be touched by the nurse. This is a strange act of Frankie who is known as friendly to everyone. The nurse Freeman : Honey, we got some clothes for you. These oughta be just about your size. Alice : Don’t you ever dare touch me and I choose what I wear.

It is so weird and makes Dr. Oswald realizes that there is something wrong with Frankie, because she never shows the action like that before. Thirdly, after a few days Frankie lives in the mental hospital, her hair will be cut by the same nurse. At first she wants to do it, but then a strange thing happens when she is listening a song from a radio that makes her remembers about her boy friend who died. It makes Alice personality appears. She looks at the nurse twho ouches her hair and then she attacks the nurse (picture 8 and 9). Alice does not want to be touched by black people and she also can become very aggressive if black people touch her. It shows that she really hates black people and thinks that they are different.

Picture 7 Alice is aggressive. She often does racist things. She does not want to be touched by black people and it happens a few times in this film (characterization through external action). Firstly, Frankie wants to have a sex with a black man named Cliff. After that Alice appears and she does not want to be touched by Cliff. Then she hits his head with vase photo to avoid him and escapes from the room to the street and finally she passes out. Alice : take your fillthy nagger hands of me. Mortify therefore you’ll remember which our only earth. Fornincation, uncleanliness, inordinary affection. Evil concupiscene and covertness which is idolatry, for which they said wrath of god. Comes to children who disobeyed. Cliff : Frankie, Frankie, come on, baby. Alice : Frankie is not here. Cliff : what are you talking about? Come here, Frankie. What are you... hey!Come on. Alice : get of..I didn’t mean.. get off! Cliff : No, I’m not... okay, okay.

Picture 8

Picture 9

Alice is the personality of Frankie who acts and speaks like a white aristocrat. She really cares about her words when she speaks (characterization through dialogue). She also gives a comment to Dr. Oswald about the choice of words which are used by him to speak. She speaks slowly with a good stress and intonation in each word. She seems like

Secondly, after Frankie is examined by Dr. Oswald for the first time, she gets out from the room weirdly. 214

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very educated woman. This characteristic is different with that of Frankie.

Cliff : what are you talking about? Come here, Frankie. What are you... hey! Come on. Alice : get off..I didn’t mean.. get off! Cliff : No, I’m not... okay, okay

Dr. Oswald : Here, I have some water here. Alice : Good Lord. Thank you. Dr. Oswald : Can I ask who am I speaking with? Alice : Well, you never end a sentence with a preposition, doctor. Isn’t that what we were taught in school?

She tells to him if he does not follow the God’s rules, he will get the wrath of the God. Here superego appears as the norms and values, so this scene shows that she follows the norms and values and takes control Frankie’s body. The main function of Alice is to protect Frankie about her traumatic experiences, so she often appears when Frankie remembers about her traumatic events and feels anxiety. When Dr. Oswald examines her by using flashlight, she remembers about her car accident with her boyfriend, Pete, and then Alice appears and takes control of her. Furthermore, After Dr. Oswald’s examination, Frankie also remembers that she has ever had a baby. Frankie’s action, speech, and gesture show her past experience and she really re-experiences the event of delivering birth (picture 12 and 13).

Alice also likes to wear and use luxurious things. She buys expensive dress and jewelry from expensive Beverly Hills Boutique and she wears it to the Paige’s wedding party. She also likes to go to luxurious place and associates with the rich people who are white people (pitures 10 and 11). Alice’s life style is very different with Frankie and she really is really like an aristocrat.

Picture 10

: Frankie is not


Picture 11

Alice is Frankie’s personality which is dominated by superego. When Frankie and Cliff want to have sex, Alice appears and talks about her religious view to Cliff that makes her doesnot want to have sex with him. She does not want to be touched by him after she remembers about her traumatic experience.

Picture 12

Picture 13

Frankie : Me and Pete, we got names picked out. Emmet if it’s a boy and if it’s a girl… Tell me what it is. Is it a girl? Mama, what’s wrong? Mama, what’s wrong? Why isn’t she crying? Let me see my baby! (Frankie tries to catch her mother and takes her baby, but she fails)Wait mama! Where are you going? No mama! Mama! No! Mama Mama!

Alice : Take your filthy nigger hands off me. Mortify therefore you’ll remember which our only earth, fornication, uncleanliness, inordinary affection, evil concupiscence and covertness which is idolatry. For which they said the wrath of God comes to children who disobeyed Cliff : Frankie, Frankie, come on, baby.

Alice also appears after Frankie is told by her sister that there is news about the wedding on the news paper. She 215

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thinks about Paige’s wedding after that she remembers about her childhood when she plays with Paige. She also remembers her past when she wants to have a sex with a black man named Cliff, but Frankie steps on the doll and the doll triggers her traumatic experience of losing her baby. Her memory about her past trauma makes her dizzy and then Aice personality appears. As it is explained in the above character analysis, Frankie is weak so she needs another personality who is stronger than her to protect her from trumatic experience. Her mother often does the racist things and makes her cannot make contact with white people, so she uses her defense mechanism by dissociation that creates Alice as a white person, because she thinks that white people is stronger and superior than black people. One of the functions of Alice is to make Frankie feels that she has her missing daughter. To explain about Frankie’s condition, Dr. Oswald shows the examination video to Frankie. He shows some parts of the examination like when Frankie wants to give birth to her baby. Frankie thinks that her mother has killed her baby, but Dr. Oswald thinks that may be the baby cannot survive and Frankie’s mother wants to protect Frankie because of it. Frankie thinks that her mother does not want to protect her, because she always needs and thinks about the baby.

remember, and then she remembers that the baby would be named Emmet if the baby is a boy and if the baby is girl, the baby would be named Alice (picture 14 and 15). Frankie : Me and Pete, we got names picked out. Emmet if it’s a boy and if it’s a girl… Tell me what it is. Is it a girl? Mama, what’s wrong? Mama, what’s wrong? Why isn’t she crying? Let me see my baby! (Frankie tries to catch her mother and takes her baby, but she fails)Wait mama! Where are you going? No mama! Mama! No! Mama Mama!

Picture 14 Picture15 Frankie really loves her daughter and does not want to lose her child, because her daughter is a sweet memory with her boy friend that has died. Alice as alter personality of Frankie appears because she really needs her daughter. The other function of Alice personality is to protest or revenge her mother and people who send her away from Pete’s house. Frankie thinks that her mother has killed her baby and she is angry with that, but she cannot protest and revenge her mother about it because she is weak and on the other hand she still loves her mother, so she creates Alice who can protest and revenge her mother. Even though Frankie seems that she has forgotten and forgiven what her mother does, but in her heart she is still upset and angry with her mother who killed her baby. It can be known when she appears and tells it to Dr. Oswald.

Dr. Oswald : Frankie. Frankie : I saw her hand moved. My mama killed it. Dr. Oswald : Our memories are not always trustworthy. Maybe the child wouldn’t have survived anyway. Perhaps your mother just tried to protect you from that. Frankie : Protect me? Every dream I had, was in that baby. It was the only thing I had left of Pete.

Alice : She lied to me. She made me a promise and she broke it. Dr. Oswald : What kind of promise? Alice : Well, the only promise that really matters.

Dr. Oswald also shows to Frankie about the name which she gives if her child is boy or girl. At first she does not 216

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Dr. Oswald : Alice, what promise? What’s happening Frankie? Where are you? Can you tell me where you are? Alice : With skin and flesh you clothe me.with bones you knit me together. Your hands have formed and furnished me while you then turn and destroy me. Dr. Oswald : Who wants to destroy you Alice?

Frankie also needs Alice is to be together with white people, so Frankie can associate with white people without feels minority. This is shown when Alice attends Paige wedding where many white people come and see her weirdly, but she still confidently walks and talks among the white people because she feels equal as a white person with the others (picture 16 and 17).

When Dr. Oswald tries to find her who runs away from the mental hospital, he visits her family and meets her mother and sister. Later on, he knows that she has visited her family before he comes and Frankie (in Alice personality) strangled her mother, asked money to her mother, and took rudely the necklace which she gave to her mother in her mother’s birthday. Her mother tries to cover what has done by Frankie because she really liver her daughter. Then Frankie is brought back to the mental hospital by Dr. Oswald. Frankie also hates Paige even though she still wants to become her friend. When Alice appears usually she does not want to be called Frankie by saying “Frankie is not here” for example when Alice with Cliff, but it is different when Alice attends Paige’s wedding. Her sister tells Frankie that Paige will marry. After she is told by her sister that her best friend wants to married. After failed to call Paige by phone, Frankie is upset. On the next day, when she washes her clothes, she remembers about her traumatic experience and Alice personality appears. Alice comes to Paige’s wedding and talks to her. Alice shows her identity as Frankie and she does not refure to be called Frankie. Paige screams and cries when she meets Frankie because she hates Frankie who have sex with his brother, Pete, and makes Pete killed in a car accident. The coming of Alice in Paige’s wedding is to revenge to Paige who sent her away from Paige’s house.

Picture 16

Picture 17

Alice also likes to go to luxurious places, to associate with white people, and to buy expensive things. She also can speak and act like and aristocrat when Alice appears. Alice, as Frankie’s defense mechanism, tries to protect her from inferior feeling with white people and especially white people who are rich, such as aristocrats, so when Alice personality appears, she can feel equal with white people. The last function of Alice for Frankie is to protect her from guilty feeling and hate herself as a black person. She feels guilty about what she has done in the past and she hates herself because bad events which are had by Frankie are mostly caused by her skin color. Frankie and Paige are best friends, but she has broken their friendship because she has sex with Pete and Paige sees it. Paige : You and me, Frankie, friends forever. Paige : what are you doing? This is my brother! Get out of my house! You filthy degenerate! Get out!

It shocks Frankie and she really feels guilty because she has had a sex with Pete. She thinks that she has made a big sin and bad events which come after she has sex with her boyfriend are wrath of 217

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such wildly divert in results or if it is highly irregular. And then the third time at Gateways, you scored a little better than average. Frankie : Guess they took one look at a black stripper and decided she were no Einstein.

God, such as she is sent away by Paige from Paige’s house, she lost her best friend, and then her boyfriend died in the car accident and her child also died. Besides because of her social status, Frankie’s skin color as a black girl also a reason that her relation with Pete are approved by Pete’s family. When Frankie remembers about her traumatic experience and she hates about herself and feels anxiety, it makes her defense mechanism is activated and Alice personality appears to release her desire because she is hated herself. After that she often does racist things to black people. Alice says “They [black people] actually smell different from you and me”. Frankie also has child alter and the name is Genius. She is black woman (characterization through appearance). She appears when Dr. Oswald examines Frankie. He gives name to Frankie’s other personality who is very smart and he calls her Genius (characterization through choice of name and reactions of other characters). Dr. Oswald also finds that Frankie has high IQ called genius and Genius personality is around 8-12 yeals old black girl (picture 18 and 19).

Picture 18 Picture 19 Genius really loves and cares about Frankie. When Frankie is examined by Dr. Oswald, Genius appears and she also knows the meaning of Frankie’s middle name ‘Lucinda” which means to think or see a think clearly. Genius feels sorry to Frankie, because Genius thinks that nobody cares about Frankie, except her mother and Pete, therefore Genius wants to help Frankie if she can do it. Dr. Oswald : I am not keeping her here. She is here on her own accord. I am just trying to help her. Genius : Nobody ever cared about Frankie, except for mama and Mr. Pete. Dr. Oswald : But you try to help her, don’t you? Genius : When I can…

Genius : Mr. Oz? Mr. Oz? Dr. Oswald : Hello Genius. I hope you don’t mind if I call you that. Genius : That’s a mighty big name. Dr. Oswald : Well, you are very smart kid you know. Dr. Oswald : Do you know your IQ? Frankie : My mommy tells me it’s pretty good. Up around 130..132. Dr. Oswald : Last year in March, you checked in Care Community Health. You tested 156. Frankie : It’s pretty high, isn’t it? Dr. Oswald : Well, technically, it’s genius. Frankie : What can I say? My mama ain’t raised no sucker. Dr. Oswald : No, no, no. You don’t understand. It’s not possible to have

Genius cannot see clearly without glasses (characterization through internal action and appearance). It is shown how Genius sees the world without glasses when Dr. Oswald examines Frankie. He sees that she never squint, so he gives her glasses when she appears. Genius also has child behavior. She speaks and acts like a child that contrasts with the age of Frankie (characterization through external action). When she appears, she asks Dr. Oswald about a book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, an American


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fairy tale.44 Fairy tales are usually liked by the children, so she as a child also likes that book. She acts and talks to him shyly like a child. Genius is dominated by id. Genius says to Dr. Oswald that Pete prescott is bad. After that Dr. Oswald finds out that actually Pete really loves and care to Frankie and vice versa. When he examines her, she also mentions that Pete Prescott loves her so much. It is different with what is said by Genius.

death.”45 There is a conflict between good, Eros, and bad, Thanatos. Alice, who is aggressive and often does sadistic and violent action to the other people and especially black people, is Thanatos, so Genius, who has nice personality, is Eros and her personality traits and her behavior are the opposite of Alice. She wants to help Frankie, so it proves that she cares and loves her and it is different from Alice who hates Frankie and hurts the other people. Genius is created unconsciously by Frankie’s defense mechanism using dissociation. It has the main function to protect Frankie from her traumatic experience, so she can appear when Frankie remembers her traumatic experience. At one time, Frankie sleeps because she is given some sedative by Chief of the psychiantrists in the mental hospital. Before she wakes up, she has a dream when she and Pete have a sex, but Paige sees that. Actually she is pregnant and her boyfriend asks about it. After that Genius appears and takes control of Frankie’s body. And then she talks with Dr. Oswald. It shows that Genius sometimes appears when Frankie remembers about her traumatic experiences, so she can reduce the anxiety which is felt by Frankie. She also appears when Dr. Oswald examines Frankie using flashlight and after that she remembers about the event when she cleans Pete’s house and meets him. Then Genius appears and makes a conversation with Dr. Oswald. After a few seconds she communicates with Dr. Oswald, she hears about the event when Frankie gives a birth to her baby and she looks very scared and suddenly Alice appears. Genius cannot stand with higher pressure and anxiety, so Frankie’s ego uses her other personality who is much stronger, Alice, to reduce the anxiety and protect

Frankie : we had to leave. Dr. Oswald : ‘Cos of what happenned with pete? Frankie : He was gonna take me to a place where nothing matters. Not money. Not family. Not the skin colour. Dr. Oswald : he loved you? Frankie : he loved me so much.

It happens because id always tries to seek pleasure and Frankie will feel sad if she remembers about her boyfriend, Pete, who died in the car accident, so id considers that he is bad because he can make Frankie feels sad. Genius is the name which is given by Dr. Oswald to call the alternate personality of Frankie who is very smart. There is no explanation why Genius is very smart if it is correlated with her past experience and the reason why Frankie needs this alternate personality, but there is a theory of Eros and Thanatos which is developed by Sigmund Freud that “Freud identifies two drives that both coincide and conflict within the individual and among individuals. Eros is the drive of life, love, creativity, and sexuality, selfsatisfaction, and species preservation. Thanatos, from the Greek word for “death” is the drive of aggression, sadism, destruction, violence, and 54

It was published in 1900 and it was the first truly American fairy tale which was written by L. Frank Baum. L. Frank Baum. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. (Accessed on June 21th, 2012, 9:15 am)


Freudian terminology. (Accessed on December 25th, 2012, 22:18 pm)


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Frankie from her trauma. Alice is much stronger than Genius and it is stated by Dr. Oswald to the other psychiatrists. Genius is only a child and Alice is an adult woman and also white person who is superior, so Alice is much stronger than Genius and she can stand to protect Frankie from her traumatic experience and reduce the anxiety. It makes Alice appears more often than Genius when Frankie remembers her traumatic experience and gets high anxiety. Genius also has a function as a sister for Frankie, because her sister, Maxine, does not care to Frankie and seems like she also hates her younger sister. She still tells to Frankie about Paige’s wedding even though her mother has forbidden her to tell it to Frankie because it will make Frankie sad. Maxine, does not like Frankie, because she even does not think about Frankie’s feeling. It makes Frankie creates Genius as her other personality, because she really needs a sister who can love her. Genius is also a helper. She tells about Frankie and she cares about Frankie. She thinks that Frankie is poor, because nobody cares about Frankie, except her mother and Mr. Pete. She wants to help Frankie when she can do it. Genius also appears to help Frankie to do activities which correlate with cleverness. She helps Frankie in doing the crossword and answers the whole questions. She also helps Frankie to do the IQ test and in Genius also helps Frankie to become a senior high school teacher. The people who have dissociative identity disorder describe that they are completely amnesic when the other personality appears.46 It also happens to Frankie for a few times in the film. It has been mentioned in character analysis that Frankie has ever done the crossword but she does not remember that she has ever done it. It happens because Genius who 57

has done the crossword. Furthermore, as it is told above, Frankie doesn’t remember the incident and the reason why she passes out in the street and gets up in the mental hospital where Dr. Oswald works, and also everything which happens to Frankie before she passes out. This moment is when Frankie’s personality is dominated by Alice personality, Frankie is completely amnesic about what she has been done. The people with multiple personality disorder can discover unknown objects in their homes, or they may lose objects.47 It also happens to Frankie when the owner of a rented house comes to her and wants to take his money, because she has debt to him. He says that the check which is given by Frankie is empty. She still believes that she has money in the bank, but Frankie sees immediately her bank account after she gives money to the man with cash money in her wallet. She finds the evidence from her bank account that she buys an expensive dress and wig in her wardrobe from Beverly Hill boutique, but she does not remember that she ever buys that (pictures 20 and 21). It happens because Alice who buys those expensive things, so Frankie cannot remember what Alice does.

Picture 20 Picture 21 In conclusion, Frankie as the main character has some characteristics such she really loves her family and she is weak. She has traumatic experiences in her childhood, so she will get high anxiety if she remembers about the traumatic experiences. To protect herself from the traumatic experience, she uses dissociative identity disorder, part of dissociation, as her defense mechanism. So, she has two other personalities, 58

Susan Nolen-Hoeksema. Op cit., p. 286.



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namely Alice and Genius. The functions of Alice are to make Frankie feels that she has her missing baby, protest or revenge her mother and Paige, get even with white people, and protect her from guilty feeling and hate herself who is black person. On the other hand, Genius has two functions as a sister of Frankie and as a helper. She often forgets about what she has done, because she will become amnesic when her other personality appear.

to be together equally with white people, and to protect her from guilty feeling and to hate herself as a black person. In short, each personality can appear and show her function based on the situation which is faced by Frankie. Frankie as the woman who has multiple personality disorder also often experiences amnesic condition about something or event that she has done. It can happen, because when the other personality of Frankie takes control of Frankie, Frankie cannot remember anything what the other personalities do.

Conclusion Based on the analysis of the main character of the film of Frankie & Alice, the film shows a story of a black woman who has multiple personality disorder, namely Francine Lucinda Murdoch or called Frankie. Frankie has two other personalities, namely Alice as the second personality and Genius as the third personality. The other personalities of Frankie have different characteristics which are very different with Frankie as the host personality. Frankie is the main character or stereotype character, because she has a big role in Frankie & Alice film. Frankie has traumatic experiences. She works as a servant and her mother often does racist things, her boyfriend died, and her child died. She is weak and she still loves her mother eventhough she thinks that her mother killed her daughter. She gets high anxiety if she remembers her traumatic experience, so she uses dissociation as her defense mechanism to reduce her anxiety and she has two other alternate personalities named Alice and Genius. Alice is a white person. She often does racist things and act like an aristocrat. Genius is a child. She is very smart and childish. Frankie’s alternate personality has some functions for herself. Genius is the child alter has a function as a sister and a helper who loves Frankie. The functions of Alice are to make Frankie to feel that she has her missing baby, to protest or revenge her mother and Paige,

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Halgin, Richard P. & Susan Krauss Whitbourne. Abnormal Psychology: Clinical Perspectives on Psychological Disorders. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2007. Hoeksema, Susan Nolen. Abnormal Psychology. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2007. Merriam, Sharan B. Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation. United States of America: A Wiley Imprint, 2009. Smadja, Claude. The Terapist at Work: Personal Factors Affecting the Analytic Process. London: H. Karnac (books) Ltd., 2004. Internet and websites Baum, Frank. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. (Accessed on June 21th, 2012, 9:15 am) Freudian terminology. (Accessed on December 25th, 2012, 22:18 pm) IMDb.Com. Award for Frankie & Alice. 2011. (Accessed on January 5th, 2012, 9:30 am) Film Frankie & Alice. Dir. Geoffrey Sax. Perf. Halle Berry. 2010.


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