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THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

Ika Adelia Qusaroh 112008104








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Copyright@ 2013 Ika Adelia Qusaroh and Nugrahenny T. Zacharias, Ph.D All rights reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced by any means without the permission of at least one of the copyright owners or the English Department, Faculty of Language and Literature, SatyaWacana University, Salatiga.

Ika Adelia Qusaroh



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Nugrahenny T. Zacharias, Ph.D


Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

AN ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH STUDENT-TEACHERS IN MANAGING THE USE OF BAHASA INDONESIA IN SATYA WACANA CHRISTIAN JUNIOR LAB SCHOOL ENGLISH CLASSROOM Ika Adelia Qusaroh Abstract This paper addresses the important use of teacher‟ mother tongue (Bahasa Indonesia) in the English classroom. This finding aims to analyze the importance use of Bahasa Indonesia in the English class interactions. A total of ten English Department studentteachers who taught in Satya Wacana Junior Lab School Salatiga, Indonesia participated and were interviewed by using stimulated recall interview. Qualitative analysis is carried out to analyze the data. The findings demonstrate that student-teachers use Bahasa Indonesia in four domains: explaining English tenses, giving instruction, checking comprehension and classroom management. The results showed that the important use of Bahasa Indonesia are for giving clearer English explanation to the students, reinforcing the students‟ knowledge and to save time. As a result of this study may be useful for English teachers to be judicious teachers in using Bahasa Indonesia in English class classroom. This paper is also completed with the pedagogical implications at the end of the paper.

Key words: Mother tongue (MT/L1/Bahasa Indonesia), Target language (TL/ English), student-teachers, classroom interactions, students (Ss), a student (S).


Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

Introduction Bringing Bahasa Indonesia into the English classroom has been a controversial matter; especially in Junior High School where English is a compulsory subject in the curriculum. The controversial matter indicates that there are two different perspectives among researchers. Those two different perspectives are the use of Bahasa Indonesia brings many dangers in learning English, but some researchers stated that the use of Bahasa Indonesia also brings more benefits in foreign language learning than the use of English only. The experts said that the overuse of L1 can create an over reliance on it (Polio, 1994). Furthermore, English teaching learning should be carried out in English since it will give more exposure to the language, so students will be familiar with English in use and will be accustomed to use it (Harmer, 2001). As an opponent of the use of MT (Bahasa Indonesia), McDonald (1993) also stated that classroom situations can create various experiences for students such as real-life situations through simulations, if the teacher uses the MT to a great extent, students may lose the chance to benefit from these situations. As above, Levine (2003) agrees that it is a chance for using the target language for pure communication that should not be wasted. However, Cook (2001) elaborated by stating teachers should use L1 to convey meaning and organize the class. Atkinson also said that “furthermore, techniques involving use of the mother tongue can be very efficient as regards the amount of time needed to achieve a specific aim,” (Atkinson, 1987). My experience about the problem in managing the use of Bahasa Indonesia is when I had to bring the English material to my students, they often ask me to also explain English material in Bahasa Indonesia. Whereas, I often used both English and then Bahasa Indonesia to give a clearer understanding to my students, but sometimes as I often use translation (English to Bahasa Indonesia), it spends lots of time. My big question is when should I use Bahasa Indonesia to my students in order not to make 2

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it overuse? Because how can I manage my teaching time well in the classroom if I always translate every single English explanation into Bahasa Indonesia? There are also lots of studies that analyzed when MT works efficiently in English learning interaction between teacher and students. The following studies are; C. Schweers (1999) conducted a research and found that a high percentage (88,7 %) of participants felt that mother tongue should be used in their English classes, Nunan and Lamb (1996), they had reported that EFL teachers found prohibition of mother tongue in language classroom to be practically impossible. Krieger (2005), supporting that research, reported the experience of teaching English in Japan, "English is not intrinsically better or superior in any way, just necessary." Based on those studies, they show that although English is the target language that has to be taught, MT still has a great position in the process of learning. The MT (Bahasa Indonesia) itself has certain parts in English learning that can make English material more understandable, however, in which parts Bahasa Indonesia mostly works in English classroom? As MT (Bahasa Indonesia) itself arises many issues among the experts, and also I had some problems toward managing Bahasa Indonesia in my English when I was an English student-teacher, I will make a research which have a main goal to answer my research question “How do English student-teachers manage the use of MT (Bahasa Indonesia) in Satya Wacana Christian Lab School classroom interaction?” In my research I wonder how other SWC Junior Lab School student-teachers manage the use of Bahasa Indonesia in English class interaction. The significance of the study lays in the fact that there is limited research concerning what use of L1 is actually made in practice in the classroom and what the perceptions of the teachers and teacher educators are (Ferrer, 2005). Therefore, hopefully this study will be beneficial to English teachers in junior high who want to 3

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improve their English teaching quality by managing the use of MT. This study also will help the English student-teachers to make a better strategy in teaching English effectively. LITERATURE REVIEW The use of Mother Tongue (Bahasa Indonesia) in Classroom Interactions On one hand, teachers who overuse their students‟ MT deprive these learners of an important language process in which students try to make sense of what is being said in class (Ellis, 1994). Macdonald (1993) argues that switching to the L1 to explain what the teacher has said to learners is unnecessary and undermines the learning process. Another danger of overuse in using MT (Bahasa Indonesia) was also mentioned by Atkinson (1987), it can oversimplify differences between the two languages, create laziness among students and a failure to maximize English. The same point of view was also stated by Sharma (2006), he stated that English should be exposed more when the learners want to learn English quickly, because the only way they will learn it is if they are forced to use it. On the other hand, the use of Bahasa Indonesia gives some benefits when it is only used in certain classroom interactions. Since my research question is “How do English student-teachers manage the use of MT (Bahasa Indonesia) in Satya Wacana Christian Lab School classroom interaction?” So, my aim in this literature review will focus on in which situations/ interactions the student-teachers should use Bahasa Indonesia and the importance to use it. Prodromou (2002) said that „the role of mother tongue will be to enrich the quality of classroom interaction‟. The following paragraphs will present three classroom interactions where Bahasa Indonesia can give many important advantages in learning English. The first class interaction is explaining English tenses. As stated by Mitchell (1988). He surveyed teachers and found that situations where grammar was being explained were the

area that most teachers felt L1 use was acceptable. Auerbach (1993) also acknowledges the 4

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positive role of L1 in explaining English tenses. Cook (2001) and Buckmaster (2000) have the same point as Auerbach. They point out that using L1 to explain grammar makes it easier for learners to understand. Other researchers believe that L1 is suitable for grammar (Levine, 2003 ; Prodromou, 2000). The second classroom interaction that is often cited as the situation that really needs Bahasa Indonesia is giving instruction (Atkinson, 1987). This is in accordance with Crawford‟s study (2004) where the teachers were aware of the benefit providing maximum comprehensible input although they mentioned having „reservations in using the L1 as the main medium of instruction‟. Mitchell (1988) also surveyed teachers and found that situations where the explanation of the instructions for activities was the area that most teachers felt that L1 use was acceptable besides explaining grammar, disciplining students and giving out background information. Those three research findings are supported by Jones (2010). He identifies that the benefits of L1 is to provide instructions or explanation in English classroom. Cook (2001) as cited by Zacharias (2002) also stated that the purpose of using L1 is useful to give instruction about classroom activities. Checking comprehension takes the third number of the classroom interaction that really needs Bahasa Indonesia as the language to verify students‟ understanding. Atkinson (1987) stated that L1 can be used to check comprehension of the concept behind a structure and also for listening task. Atkinson suggested that the use of L1 for the questions to a get quicker and more accurate task for the students. Auerbach (1993) also believes that the positive role of L1 is obviously seen for checking students‟ comprehension. The last but not least, classroom management also needs Bahasa Indonesia as the language to deliver. Cook elaborated by stating teachers should use L1 to organize the class (Cook, 2001). Macaro (1997) noted that the important use of Bahasa Indonesia is to maintain 5

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discipline in class besides create rapport with individual students. The same finding was also reported by the researcher (Mitchell, 1988 ; Auerbach, 1993). They acknowledged the high use of L1 to keep control of the classrooms. For the purpose of this study, my analytical framework is founded on the classroom interaction and the usefulness in using Bahasa Indonesia in English class discussed above. From the discussions, it can be concluded that the use of Bahasa Indonesia should be applied in important parts of teaching to save time and enhance understanding (Turnbull, 2001). In summary, for enriching the quality of classroom interaction, student-teachers use Bahasa Indonesia in these four class interaction below: 

Explaining English tenses

Giving instruction

Checking students‟ comprehension

Managing the classroom activities


Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

THE STUDY Context of the study The setting of this study was in Satya Wacana Christian Junior Lab School (SWCJLS) which was the Laboratory school of Satya Wacana institution. This school was located in a small city in Central Java called Salatiga where there were a lot of English native speakers in this city. The vision of this school itself was to aim international quality in many aspects and one of the missions was aim to achieve bilingual teaching in class. The school had four-hour English subject every week for each class. I observed nine classes from class VII A to IX C which had 25-26 students for each class. The reason why I chose this school as the setting of my study was because SWCJLS is a pioneer of bilingual junior high school where the English teachers also used Bahasa Indonesia as the language for explanation and instruction besides English. Furthermore, I also wanted to investigate how the English student-teachers managed and used Bahasa Indonesia in English classroom. Participants The participants of my study were ten student-teachers of Satya Wacana Christian Junior Lab School in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia. Those ten participants were from both gender male and female (three males and seven females) who were around 21-23 years old. They taught from class VII A to IX C. For selecting the participants, “criterion-based selection” and convenience sampling were employed. I used “criterion-based selection” because of the purpose of this study; I will only focus on the use of Bahasa Indonesia in Junior High School teachers to more explore a research in High school English level, so I only selected participants who use Bahasa Indonesia as their L1 or mother tongue and be English student-teachers in Junior High School. The use of convenience sample was for 7

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convenience purpose; to get richer data and experiences from the student-teachers. Their experiences and suggestions could be the reflections for English teacher in general. Then, it also could be the reflections for the next student-teachers who would teach in Junior High School in the next semester related to manage the use of Bahasa Indonesia in teaching English. Every personal name that showed in this study is all pseudonyms for the amenity purpose to my participants. Instrument of data collection I used stimulated recall interview for the instrument of data collection. Stimulated recall interview is a technique in which the researcher record, transcrib parts of a lesson and then get the participants to comment on what was happening at the time the activity under study took place (Brown & Rodgers, 2002; Nunan, 1989). Meijer, Beijaard & Verloop (2002) reported that video stimulated recall was used being more in educational research and professional development of teachers. By using stimulated recall interview technique, richer data was gathered because I could collect the data both from observation (using video recording) and interview. From the video observations, I could explore some interview questions from interesting parts which were related to my topic. Moreover, in interview session the participants could share their experiences more during teaching because they could watch certain parts of their own video which were related to the interview question. Stimulated recall interview allowed teachers to reflect and revisit recorded scenes at anytime; the videotapes could be examined to gather further specific evidence when necessary; and it allowed the teachers to decide for themselves what they wanted to focus on (Pirie, 1996). I will also give an observation and interview table (see Appendix A & B).


Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

Procedure of data collection This study used qualitative data. I used stimulated recall interview as my instrument of data collection. This instrument was very useful to get clearer stories and explanations of teaching experiences from my participants. First, I conducted the ten observations from class VIIA-IXC. I observed around 150-160 minutes for each class and recorded it by using video recorder. Then, I interviewed those ten participants from one participant to another participant. In a day, I conducted two or three interviews for two or three participants. The interviews took 25-30 minutes and were recorded and transcribed. At the beginning of the interview session I asked the interviewees about their opinion of the role of Bahasa Indonesia in the classroom. Then, the second part of my interview questions was focus on parts of class interaction that the student-teachers often used Bahasa Indonesia. In this part of interview, I asked about the reasons why they really needed to use Bahasa Indonesia with the students. I played the student-teachers‟ own video whenever they forgot the part of interaction that was being discussed. Therefore, the participants could focus on certain parts in the video that were related to the interview questions and elaborate their answers. The last part of interview was the questions about whether they had any interesting experiences or additional opinion toward the use of Bahasa Indonesia in English teaching. The participants‟ experiences could become reflections for other English teachers who wanted to improve their teaching quality by managing the use of Bahasa Indonesia in the English classroom. Data Analysis procedure In data analysis the first step was reading the observation transcripts to categorize the classroom interaction. Mc-Kay (2006, p.57) stated “… overall goal is to arrive at a list of categories that developed data from the data and capture the ideas in the data.” When I 9

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categorized the data, I could find the main idea easily. I read all the transcripts collected from the interview session. While reading the interview transcripts, I also took a look again at the observation transcript to look for and then match certain situations in classroom that were mentioned in interview transcripts. I also used „Gee‟s unit‟ of analysis. Elliot (2005) noted that one advantage of transcribing interview data using Gee‟s unit of analysis was by breaking the text into relatively small units. By doing so, it focused the attention on the precise detail of what was said. Finally, the following themes emerged was the important the use of Bahasa Indonesia for explaining English tenses, giving instruction, checking comprehension and managing the classroom. Finding and Discussion The finding of this paper aims to find how to English student-teachers of Satya Wacana Junior Lab School (SWJLS) manage the use of mother tongue (Bahasa Indonesia) in English class. After the data were analyzed, it is found that student-teachers use Bahasa Indonesia









comprehension and classroom management. 1. Bahasa Indonesia is used for explaining English tenses Dita, Hani, Raisa and Andre experienced that Bahasa Indonesia was important to explain English tenses. „Subject-verb agreement‟ was the first tense that really needed Bahasa Indonesia to give a clearer explanation. The extract 1.1 below would show that Dita as the student-teacher used Bahasa Indonesia to give explanation about „subject-verb agreement‟ (Topic: „Feelings‟) in class VII A: Extract 1.1 207

Dita : Feeling sendiri itu ada dua pattern-nya, jadi selalu ada pola untuk membuat suatu kalimat,


Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

dalam feeling sendiri itu ada Subject terus objeknya ada 5 210

am, is, are, were, was. (Feeling itself has two patterns, so it always has a pattern to make it into a sentence, in feeling, there are 5 subjects which are am, is, are, were, was)


Dita : The second pattern is kalau subject-nya I,you,we,they itu pakainya feel, bukan



jadi kalau feels dipakainya sama yang bawah ini he,she,it (If the subjects are I, you, we, they, you should use feel, not feels, so we use feels with he, she, it)

In this case, the important role of Bahasa Indonesia was stated by Dita in the interview session. She said that:

Yup, like I have said before that the use of mother tongue is very useful, because it emphasis and more explains about what we are teaching about, for example the explanation of the formula or English pattern. The use of Bahasa Indonesia is badly needed to make the pattern understandable and the students will be able to directly apply it in sentences. I also think that it’s just useless if we explain it in English all the time but the students can’t grab the point of the formula and later can’t make a correct sentence by using that pattern. (Dita, eighth interview, 5/11/12, my translation)

From the extract 1.1 above, we can see that Dita used Bahasa Indonesia to explain about „subject-verb agreement‟. Dita says in lines 214-217: ‘kalau subject-nya I, you, we, they itu pakainya feel, bukan feels, jadi kalau feels dipakainya sama yang bawah ini he, she, it.’ She explains it in Bahasa Indonesia to give clearer explanations when the subject „he‟, „she‟ and „it‟, the verb should be ended with „s/-es‟, but if the subject are „I‟, „you‟, „we‟, „they‟, the verb does not have „s/-es‟ ending. The use of Bahasa Indonesia here was useful to maximize


Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

comprehensible input toward „subject-verb agreement‟ which was used to make two patterns when we wanted to express feelings (lines 209-217). Another beneficial use of Bahasa Indonesia is to explain the „imperative form‟ in procedural text. The extract 1.2 below would present the finding when Raisa taught „procedural text‟ in class VIII C : Extract 1.2 113

Raisa : …… jadi yang biasanya kalian nulis kalimat pernyataan itu kan dari subject plus verb plus object, kalau di procedure text jadinya


Verb plus object tanpa subject di depan, because in imperative sentence we do not need a subject.


Biasanya kan kalau kalimat perintah pasti ada exclamation mark-nya, tapi kalau di procedural text beda,


di sini kita gak perlu menambahakan tanda seru, but the meaning or the purpose is still same, to direct or instruct someone to do something . (… so when we write a statement ‘subject plus verb plus object’, if the procedure text it will be ‘verb plus object’ with no subject at the beginning because in imperative sentence we do not need a subject. Usually in common imperative form, there is an exclamation mark at the end of the sentence, but if in procedure text is different, we do not add it, but the meaning or the


purpose is still same, to direct or instruct someone to do something.)

As Raisa stated in the interview session, Bahasa Indonesia in this case aims to: Usually when explaining the material, especially when I explain about the imperative form in procedure text because at that time my topic is procedure text. Most of the explanation, I used Bahasa Indoesia because that was the first time, the students learned procedure text. So, I used mother tongue to explain the sentence form that they should use in procedure text. My reason of using Bahasa Indonesia is just to recall their


Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

memory about imperative form, but as the additional information, in procedure text, we do not need an exclamation mark that we usually use in common imperative form. (Raisa, fifth interview, 3/11/12, my translation)

The „imperative form‟ commonly uses an exclamation mark at the end of the sentence, but in procedural text it is optional (mostly with no exclamation mark). In extract 1.2, Raisa uses Bahasa Indonesia to give the additional information about the „imperative form‟ in procedure text that the students learned at the first time. The additional information here was that in the procedure text the students did not need to add an exclamation mark at the end of the sentence (lines 121-122): ‘tapi kalau di procedural text beda, di sini kita gak perlu menambahakan tanda seru’ The important thing of using Bahasa Indonesia in giving additional information about imperative form here is obviously seen that to reinforce the students‟ understanding about imperative form. Besides „subject-verb agreement‟ and „imperative form‟, the student-teachers also used Bahasa Indonesia to respond individually the students‟ question toward tenses. The extract 1.3 will present the finding about Andre who used Bahasa Indonesia to respond the Bahasa Indonesia question from one of the students about present continuous tense in class IX A and the topic was about present continuous tense : Extract 1.3 89


: (Raise his hand). Sir mau tanya, Ini yang pakai –ing tadi present continuous tense ya Sir? (Sir, I want to ask you, the one which uses verb plus –ing, is that present continuous tense, Sir?)


Andre : Iya tadi kan sudah dijelaskan kalau ditambah –ing itu kata kerjanya dikasih „sedang‟ (Yes, I have explained it before if there is verb plus –ing, the translation uses „sedang‟) S

: O iya tau … (Oh I see) (Inaudible)


Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

The use of Bahasa Indonesia in this case has the important role as Andre stated in interview session below: I also use Bahasa if I responded my students’ questions about grammar especially when they were still confused with tenses that are related to the exercise. Personally, I preferred to use Bahasa Indonesia in this situation because Bahasa Indonesia here is to affirm the students’ comprehension about the tense that I have explained before. So, the use of Bahasa Indonesia here is to make it practical. (Andre, fourth interview, 3/10/12, my translation)

From the extract 1.3 is clearly seen that one of the students asked to Andre (line 91): ‘Ini yang pakai –ing tadi present continuous tense ya Sir?’ to confirm his understanding about the material

(present continuous tense) that were related to exercise (line 83-85). Then Andre used Bahasa Indonesia to respond the student‟s question (line 93-94): ‘Iya tadi kan sudah dijelaskan kalau ditambah –ing itu kata kerjanya dikasih ‘sedang’’. Actually Andre had explained the pattern of present continuous tense before to all of the students mostly in English: 79

Andre: Ok, now we are going to learn about the pattern or the formula of present continuous tense. When we talk about present continuous tense, it means we talk about something that is happening now, right? Ss

: Right…

Andre: Yes, so the formula will be subject plus Verb-ing plus object. Kenapa kita pakai Verb plus –ing? Ada yang tau? (Why should we use verb plus –ing? Anyone knows?) 85

S(1) : Karena „sedang‟ pak. (Because it means ‘sedang’ sir) Andre : Yes correct!

In this case, Andre spoke in Bahasa Indonesia to respond personally the student‟s question. When Andre used Bahasa Indonesia: ‘Iya tadi kan sudah dijelaskan; kalau ditambah –ing itu kata kerjanya dikasih ‘sedang’’ (lines 93-94), the student get the clearer understanding about the present continuous formula that has been explained before and later he can apply the formula to the exercise (line 96: ‘O iya tau …’). The important role of Bahasa Indonesia here 14

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is clearly seen to affirm the student comprehension about the previous explanation of present continuous formula in English. Explaining „subject-verb agreement‟, „imperative form‟ and also responding personally the students‟ questions need to be done in Bahasa Indonesia in order to give clear comprehension toward the tenses that forms a correct English sentence. Auerbach (1998) stated that one of classroom interactions that make MT had a positive role was presenting rules that govern grammar. This finding was also in line with other researches that MT had a great role to present English grammar (Ferrer, 2005; Prodomou, 2000; Crawford, 2004). Hence, it is obvious that Bahasa Indonesia is very important to explain English tenses. 2. Bahasa Indonesia is used for giving instruction Instruction is also the process of teaching that guide the students to master the material from the beginning to the end. Hani, Andre, Sandrina, Wina, Vina and Ardy also used Bahasa Indonesia to give instruction of the exercise. Extract 2.1 below would show the finding that Bahasa Indonesia was useful when the instruction of grammar exercise was given (the students had to match the English present continuous sentences in group A with the correct Indonesian translation in group B). Hani taught in class VII B with the topic about „present continuous tense‟: Extract 2.1 46


: I have an exercise for you, you have to match the correct translation, so you have to match the sentences A which use English sentences to sentences B which are its Indonesia translation.




: Gimana Miss? nggak ngerti? (What do you mean Miss? I don’t understand)


: Iya Miss… (Yes miss)


: Jadi kalian harus cocokkan sentences A yang pakai bahasa Inggris 15

Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

ke sentences B yang terjemahan Bahasa Indonesianya. (So, you have to match the sentences in group B with their correct translation in sentences B). 57


: O…h (I see…)

Bahasa Indonesia in this case has the important purpose as Hani stated in interview session below: Mother tongue is to make the instruction clearer. Bahasa Indonesia helps me to give instruction clearer rather than I use English. It’s because when I was giving instruction in English especially giving task in that video, in the dictation part, there were some instructions. They should match between sentences A to B, but they didn’t get it. So, I explained it clearer by using Bahasa Indonesia. It’s just because my students asked me again and again because of my English use, so, then I used Bahasa Indonesia. (Hani, third interview, 29/10/12, my translation).

In extract 2.1 above, Hani delivered the instruction to do the exercise (Matching the English sentences in present continuous tense form in group A with the correct Indonesia translation in group B) in Bahasa Indonesia after the students did not get the point of the instruction (lines 53-56: ‘jadi kalian harus cocokkan sentences A yang pakai Bahasa Inggris ke sentence B yang terjemahan Bahasa Indonesianya’). The students did not understand the instruction when Hani delivered the instruction in English (lines 51-52): ‘Gimana Miss? nggak ngerti?’). Then, in lines 53-56 Hani translated the English instruction into Bahasa Indonesia, and the students finally understood the point of the instruction (line 57: ‘O…h’). The use of Bahasa Indonesia in this case is obviously seen for enlightening the English instruction toward the exercise to the students. The next kind of instruction that is delivered in Bahasa Indonesia is the instruction for writing exercise. The extract 2.2 below will show classroom discourse when Ardy delivered the instruction in Bahasa Indonesia in class VIIIA with the topic „recount text (Independence day)‟: 16

Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

Extract 2.2 141

Ardy : Now, I have an exercise for you. Tulis cerita tentang independence day, 3 paragraf ya!


Menceritakan pengalaman kalian waktu hari kemerdekaan kemarin, nanti dikumpulin ya! (Make a story about Independence Day in 3 paragraphs! It will tell about your experience in Independence Day, submit it later!)

The data of classroom discourse above were gathered with the following reason stated by Ardy in the interview session; the transcript of the interview below is the reason why in this case Bahasa Indonesia is really needed: Then, for giving instruction of the exercise, it’s very vital, because if they didn’t understand the instructions, they never know what they have to do and then they will ask each other and make noise. (Ardy, seventh interview, 5/11/12, my translation).

Extract 2.2 above presents that Ardy expounded about the instruction to make three recount paragraphs to the students. Since the instruction consisted of: (1) Write a story about Independence Day! (2) Write the story in three paragraphs! (3) The paragraph should tell about the students‟ experience in last Independence Day and (4) Submit the story later! (line 142-145) Ardy used Bahasa Indonesia to deliver those instructions. The use of Bahasa Indonesia here was clearly seen as the language to deliver the instruction toward the writing exercise in order to make the students get the important points of the instruction quickly. The students could understand that they had to write three recount paragraphs which told about their experience in Independence Day and they had to submit their works later. So, they did not ask each other with their friends and made any noise during working on the writing activity („…if they didn’t understand the instructions, they never know what they have to do and then they will ask each other and make noise’ (Ardy, the seventh interviewee, 5/11/12, my translation)).


Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

The third instruction that really needs Bahasa Indonesia to explain is instruction for speaking activity. Extract 2.3 below will show the data in how Vina asked the students to make expression of inviting someone. The classroom discourse was in class VIII B with the topic was about „giving invitation‟: Extract 2.3 147

Vina : Nah sekarang coba bikin ekspresi untuk mengundang teman-teman kalian! Bisa didiskusikan dulu sama temen yang lain, (Now, try to make an expression to invite your friends! You can discuss it first with your friends)


Ss: Ok, Miss (They start to discuss the task with another student next to them).

When I conducted the interview session, I found that Vina used Bahasa Indonesia for instruction of speaking exercise because of the following reason: For example when I was giving instruction. I often used Bahasa, so the student wouldn’t get the wrong direction to do the activities. (Vina, sixth interview, 5/11/2012)

Extract 2.3 from lines 147-151 presented that Vina asked the students to make an expression of inviting someone in Bahasa Indonesia. She also provided an opportunity for the students to discuss the task (make an expression of inviting someone) with other students in Bahasa Indonesia (line 149): ‘Bisa didiskusikan dulu sama temen yang lain.’ In this situation, Bahasa Indonesia was very important to be used in the class to make the instruction understandable for the students, and then they could start discussing the task with their friends as soon as possible (line 152: „Ok, Miss’ (They start to discuss the task with another student next to them)). The important role of Bahasa Indonesia is also seen in giving instruction for grammar exercise, writing exercise and speaking practice. Cook (2001) as cited by Zacharias (2002) notes that the purpose of using L1 is useful to give instruction for classroom activities. As other researchers agree toward this finding, they recommend English teachers to use MT in 18

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giving instruction (Atkinson, 1987; Prodromou, 2000). Therefore, the use of Bahasa Indonesia is inseparability in giving instruction. 3. Bahasa Indonesia is used as the language for checking students’ comprehension The third important use of Bahasa Indonesia is for checking students‟ comprehension. Sela, Raisa and Josua acknowledged that they used Bahasa Indonesia as the language for checking students‟ comprehension during teaching. In extract 3.1, at the end of the lesson, Sela used Bahasa Indonesia for checking students‟ comprehension in class VII B toward grammar („simple present tense‟) practice that had been explained during teaching : Extract 3.1 35

Sela : Tadi yang I, You, We, They kata kerjanya pake s/es atau gak? (How about if the subjects are I, you, we, they? We have discussed it . Should we add s/es behind the verb?)


Ss : Ngga……k (No….)

In the interview session, I found the reason why the use of Bahasa Indonesia has an important rule to check comprehension about grammar. Sela gave the following reason as the data source : Second one is for checking their understanding, they understand or not what I have explained. They would get the information well or not, in this part I used Bahasa (mother tongue). I used Bahasa Indonesia is to get the faster respond from my students.’(Sela, first interview, 26/10/12, my translation)

From extract 3.1 we can see that Sela used Bahasa Indonesia to check the students‟ understanding about „simple present tense‟ that had been discussed during lesson. The important purpose of Bahasa Indonesia here was to make the question becomes clearer and the students noticed faster toward the question then responded it quickly (line 37: ‘Ngga……k’) because the teacher and the students used the same MT (Bahasa Indonesia).


Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

Checking comprehension for listening activity is included the part of checking comprehension that often uses Bahasa Indonesia as the language to deliver the question for the students. Raisa also experienced it in class VIII C when she asked the students‟ understanding of listening activity where one of the students had to read aloud his/her writing (about self-biography) while the other students had to pay attention: Extract 3.2 93

Raisa : Ok, kuis, Dia lahir dimana? (Ok, for quiz, where was she born?) Ss


: Tangerang (Tangerang)

Raisa : Ya benar (Yes, right!)

The important purpose of Bahasa Indonesia in this case was found in the interview session, Raisa stated the reason why she needed Bahasa Indonesia as the language for checking listening comprehension in the following transcript : The purpose is to make them pay attention to their friend who was reading, so to attract their attention. Why I used Bahasa is because just to make them notice faster. (Raisa, fifth interview, 3/11/12, my translation)

The extract 3.2 presented the classroom discourse where the use of Bahasa Indonesia took an important part to check the students‟ understanding about the student‟s biography that she/he read in front of class. Regarding to the finding above, it can be concluded that Bahasa Indonesia was more practical to be used rather than English because seeing from line 94 (‘Tangerang’), the students noticed faster toward the student-teacher‟s question (line 93: „Ok, kuis, Dia lahir dimana?‟) and answered it quickly. From two findings above, we can draw a conclusion that the use of Bahasa Indonesia takes a great part in checking grammar and listening comprehension at the end of the activity (grammar and listening activities). Auerbach (1993) agreed that the use of L1 has the positive role in checking students‟ understanding. Atkinson (1987) also suggested using L1 as the 20

Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

language of questions in checking students‟ comprehension for the students to get an accurate point toward the question. Therefore, the student-teachers really need Bahasa Indonesia as the language for checking students‟ comprehension. 4. Bahasa Indonesia is used as the language for classroom management. Classroom management is also one of the important components in teaching and learning to make all the activities work well. Andre, Sandrina and Sela experienced that Bahasa Indonesia was very helpful to manage the classroom activities. The extract 4.1 below will show the important goal in using Bahasa Indonesia for „giving rules of class‟ at the beginning. Andre as the student-teacher in class IX A announced the rules of class at the beginning of the lesson : Extract 4.1 64

Andre : Since this is my first time entering this class, I have the rules during at least eighty minutes with me. The first one is I want you to respect each other.


Saya pengen kalian saling menghormati, saya gak pengen kalian cuma menghormati saya, tapi saya pengen kalian menghormati temen-teman kalian juga (I don’t want you to


just respect me, but I also want you to respect your friends.)

The important role of Bahasa Indonesia in this situation was stated by Andre in the interview session below: To connect what I was thinking in English to be understood by my students, then to make sure everyone understood about what I’m saying.(Andre, fourth interview, 3/10/12, my translation)

The classroom discourse in extract 4.1 showed that when Andre delivered the rules of class at the beginning was in English first and then translated it into Bahasa Indonesia. He said: „The first one is I want you to respect each other‟ (line 66). Then, translated it into ‘Saya pengen 21

Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

kalian saling menghormati’ (line 67) and he continues with „saya gak pengen kalian cuma menghormati saya, tapi saya pengen kalian menghormati temen-teman kalian juga’ (lines 6869). In this case, Bahasa Indonesia had an important role that was to deliver the important teaching and learning rules and explain it further in order to make students understand well about what Andre hoped from the students‟ attitude during the class. The translation technique was also common in English classroom as Harbord (1992) stated that "translation/transfer is a natural phenomenon and an inevitable part of second language acquisition……” The second kind of classroom management that is suggested to use Bahasa Indonesia is „reprimanding the students‟. Sandrina asked the students in class VIII A to be silent when they were moving to the front chairs. Extract 4.2 will show when Sandrina played the recording twice about someone who invited her friend for watching movie, some of the students decided to move to the front chairs to get the clearer voice from the recording. Sandrina directly reprimanded the students at front seats to be silent and not to gossip with other students: Extract 4.2 180


: Miss, boleh pindah kursi depan gak? Biar lebih jelas? (Miss, Could I move to the front chair?)


Sandrina : Ok deh (Ok) S(2),(3)

: Saya juga ya Miss? (May I too Miss?)


: Ok, tapi janji ya gak boleh pada berisik atau malah ngrumpi di depan! (Ok, but promise me not to be noisy or even gossiping there?)


S(1),(2),(3): (Start to move in front) Iya iya Miss… (Yes Miss)

Bahasa Indonesia in this case is very important as Sandrina gave her own reason in interview session. The interview transcript will be presented below: 22

Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

Others, when I warned the students not to be noise when they hear the recording in front, I also used Bahasa Indonesia for it. The reason is to get a quick confirmation from the students. I mean, it was spontaneous, so I used Bahasa Indonesia in order to the students understand faster about what the rule to sit in front. (Sandrina, first interview, 26/10/12, my translation)

The extract 4.2 presented that when three students wanted to move to the front chairs to get a clearer sound of the recording, Sandrina reprimanded them to be silent and not make a noise while they sat in front and listened to the recording. She used Bahasa Indonesia to warn those three students (line 184-185): ‘Ok, tapi janji ya gak boleh pada berisik atau malah ngrumpi di depan!’. The use of Bahasa Indonesia here was obviously seen to give a quick notice to the students not to be noise at the front seats. Moreover the time became more efficient. So, all the students could move faster to listen the next recording (line 187 : (Start to move in front) ‘Iya iya Miss’)). Classroom management which consists of giving rules at class and reprimanding the students is the last classroom interaction that should bring Bahasa Indonesia as the language to deliver. Cook also advocates the English teachers to use L1 for organizing the class (Cook, 2001). The same The same finding was also reported by other researcher (Mitchell, 1988 ; Auerbach, 1993). They noted the high use of L1 to keep control of the classrooms. From many reasons above, it is clear that Bahasa Indonesia takes an important part as the language for classroom management. Conclusion and Implication This paper purposes to find out the English classroom interactions that surely need Bahasa Indonesia as the language to deliver. The study found that the student-teachers use Bahasa Indonesia only in these specific classroom interactions to get a good control between English and Bahasa Indonesia, they are: explaining English tenses, giving instruction, 23

Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

checking students‟ comprehension and managing the classroom. Meanwhile, in the next paragraphs, I give concise summary of the four major findings. The findings present that explaining English tenses is the first class interaction that obviously needs Bahasa Indonesia as its language. „Subject-verb agreement‟ and „imperative form‟ are included in the situation where explaining English tenses in Bahasa Indonesia is needed by the student-teachers to explain. Besides „Subject-verb agreement‟ and „imperative form‟, Bahasa Indonesia also has a great role to „respond individually the students‟ question toward tenses‟. Mitchell (1988) found the situations where grammar was being explained were the area that most teachers felt L1 use was acceptable. Auerbach (1993) acknowledges the positive role of L1 in explaining English tenses. The comprehensible input of the language especially the English tense is important to be explained clearly. Bahasa Indonesia here is very helpful to explain English tenses as Cook (2001) and Buckmaster (2000) stated. They point out that using L1 to explain grammar makes it easier for learners to understand. Levine (2003) and Prodromou (2000) also believe that L1 is suitable for English grammar. Another result of four major findings is giving instruction. Giving instruction is the major finding that other researchers often found when they conducted a study toward L1 use in English classroom (Atkinson, 1987 ; Cameron, 2001). „Instruction for grammar exercise‟, „instruction for writing exercise‟ and „instruction for speaking activity‟ are the three important instructions for student-teacher to use Bahasa Indonesia as the language to deliver the instructions. Crawford‟s study (2004) also noted that although the teachers were aware of the benefit providing maximum comprehensible input they mentioned having „reservations in using the L1 as the main medium of instruction‟. Jones (2010) identifies that the benefits of L1 is to provide instructions or explanation in English classroom. Cook (2001) as cited by


Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

Zacharias (2002) also stated that the purpose of using L1 is useful to give instruction about classroom activities. Checking students‟ comprehension is also included in the classroom interactions that use Bahasa Indonesia as the language to deliver. „Checking students‟ comprehension for grammar practice‟ and „checking comprehension for listening activity‟ are two major findings that really need the use of Bahasa Indonesia as the language for the asking the verifying questions. The teachers use L1 for the questions based on the grammar and listening activity to the students. Indeed, the use of L1 (Bahasa Indonesia) makes the questions more accurate (Atkinson, 1987). Auerbach (1993) believes that the positive role of L1 is obviously seen for checking students‟ comprehension. Teachers should use L1 to organize the class (Cook, 2001). The major finding shows that „giving rules of class‟ and „reprimanding the students‟ are two parts of classroom management that need Bahasa Indonesia. As Fahmida (2007) reported classroom management is concerned with maintenance of discipline by keeping friendly relationship with the class. By using L1, the teachers can organize the classroom activities well with a friendly atmosphere between the teacher and the students. Other researcher (Mitchell, 1988 ; Auerbach, 1993) also acknowledge the high use of L1 to keep control of the classrooms. If the teacher can organize the classroom activities well, all of the activities also can work well in English classroom. Based on four major findings above, we can conclude that explaining English tenses, giving instruction, checking comprehension and classroom management are the four essential classroom interactions that use Bahasa Indonesia as the language for explaining. The successful English teachers surely hope that they can manage the use of Bahasa Indonesia


Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

well in English class because Bahasa Indonesia cannot be eliminated in English teaching and learning. In spite of the conclusion reported here, this study may have certain limitations. First, during observation, I did not use a media that can make the voices of my participants during teaching louder. So, mostly I only get soft voice recordings from my participants and it was difficult to be transcribed. Maybe if I could download or use applications that can make the voice of the recording player better, it would make the voice of the recording louder and cleaner. Second, during the interview sessions, sometimes there are some interesting parts in observation transcript that actually I could ask to my participants, but I did not ask those interesting parts to my participants in interview session. This paper suggested certain English classroom interactions that should use Bahasa Indonesia to explain. The report of this paper focuses on those four classroom interactions (explaining English tenses, giving instruction, checking comprehension and classroom management) and the important uses of Bahasa Indonesia for English studentteachers/teachers reference. This paper can give a great contribution for L1 research especially in Junior High school level. The result of this finding hopefully can be a good reference for English teachers in general who want to improve the quality of English teaching without omitting the important use of Bahasa Indonesia in certain class interactions that have been discussed in this paper. Thus, it does not hinder the possibility for exploring a better finding in future L1 research. Future research needs to focus on the greater strategies to manage the use of Bahasa Indonesia and to improve quality of teaching English by using Bahasa Indonesia. So, I come to believe that future research will explore more the quality of teaching English for English student-teachers and English teachers in various levels. 26

Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

Acknowledgement My special thankfulness for finishing this paper is for my Lord, Allah SWT who always gives me a great spirit and capricious ideas to finish this thesis. Still, I am very thankful for my beloved parents who always pray for my success every day. This great achievement is for you, Mom, Dad also for my Grandma (The Deceased), I am so sorry I haven‟t realized your wish to see me in a great graduation gown but I believe you will see me wearing it this year from heaven over there. I am also thankful for all persevering guidance from my beloved supervisor, Nugrahenny T. Zacharias, Ph.D who had given me valuable times for sharing and giving solutions in every single problem in finishing my thesis. My deepest gratitude is also for Anita Kurniawati, M.Hum as my examiner who had given her assistance to complete the long journey of my study. A great gratitude is also for Satya Wacana Christian Junior Lab School Salatiga which permitted me to conduct observations there, especially for the students, I will miss you so much, all of you are so exhilarate. My endless gratitude is for my „hearth hero‟, Indra who had boosted my spirit whenever I feel hopeless to finish this thesis also my best friend Yosia, who had accompanied my journey for studying in English Department, we had passed every single thing here and I never forget it, just make all of our stories to be funny stories for our children and grandchildren later. Last but not least, I also give my great gratitude for my other friends Febi and Eca who had given precious times to give great solutions for finishing my thesis, „ED pinukers‟ (Paula, Cindy, Kethjil, Tacil, Sued, Adam, Triono, Anyak, Cheppy, Vico, Bogel) I am happy being part of your crazy life guys, Ila, Wanda, Silvi, Aulia, Rika, Nona, Ambar, Damaris, Dewa and other „2008-ers‟, let‟s prepare all of things for graduation day this year guys.


Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

References Atkinson, D. (1987). The Mother Tongue in the Classroom: A Neglected Resource? ELT Journal, 41(4), 241-247. Auerbach. (1993). Re-examining English only in the ESL classroom, TESOL Quarterly, 27(1), 9-32. Brown, J.D., & Rodgers, T.S. (2002). Doing second language research. New York: Oxford University Press. Buckmaster, L. (2000). First and Second Language do Battle for the Classroom. Retrieved May 3, 2012, from,3858,4032401,00.html. Cook, V. (2001). Using the First Language in the Classroom. Canadian Modern Language Review, 57(3), 402-423. Crawford, J. (2004). Language Choices in the Foreign Language Classroom: Target Language of the Learners‟ First Language? RELC Journal, 35(5), 5-20. Retrieved February 24, 2012, from http// Elliot, J. (2005). Using narrative in social research: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. London: Sage. Harbord, J. (1992). The Use of the Mother Tongue in the Classroom. ELT Journal, 46(4), 3055. Harmer, J. (2001). The Practice of English Language Teaching. England: Pearson Education Limited. Jones, H. (2010). First Language Communication in the Second Language Classroom: A Valuable








from pdf 28

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Krieger, D. (2005). Teaching ESL versus EFL : principles and practices. ln English Teaching Forum, 43 (2). Levine, J. (2003). Students and Instructor‟s beliefs and Attitudes about Target Language Use, First Language Use and Anxiety: Report of Questionnaire Study. The Modern Language Journal, 87(3), 343-364. Macaro, E. (1997). Target language, collaborative learning and autonomy. Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters. McDonald, C. (1993). Using the target language. Cheltenham, UK: Mary Glasgow. McKay, S. L. (2006). Researching second language classrooms. Mahwah, NJ.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Meijer, P.C., Beijaard, D. & Verloop, N. (2002). Examining teachers’ interactive cognitions using insights from research on teachers’ practical knowledge. In Sugrue, C. & Day, C. (Eds.), Developing Teachers and Teaching Practice. London and New York: Routledge/Falmer. Mitchell, R. (1988). Communicative language teaching: in Practice. London: CILT. Nunan, D. (1989). Understanding language classroom. London: Pretice Hall. Nunan, D. and C. Lamb. (1996). The Self-directed Teacher, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pirie, S. (1996). Classroom video-recording: When, why and how does it offer a valuable data source for qualitative research? Panama City, Florida: Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the North American. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED401128) Polio, C. (1994). Comments on Elsa Roberts Auerbach‟s “Reexamining English Only in the ESL Classroom”. TESOL Quarterly, 28(1), 153-161. 29

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Prodromou, L. (2000). From Mother Tongue to Other Tongue. TESOL Greece Newsletter 67. Sharma, K. (2006). Mother tongue use in English classroom. Journal of NELTA, 11 (1-2), 80-87 Schweers Jr, C.W. (1999). Using L1 in the Classroom. Forum: 37(2), 6-12. Zacharias, N.T. (2002). ”Come on In,Mother Tongue”:Evaluating the Role of Mother Tongue in English Language Teaching in Indonesia. The English Teacher: An International Journal, 5(4). Retrieved February 3, 2012, from


Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom


: Student-teacher

*S/ Ss

: Student/Students

*S(1), S(2) : Student one, Student two

Observation Protocol Name of course: Class length : Date :

Topic : Minutes Class/ Total number of Ss: Name of ST : Expression of Bahasa Indonesia

Kinds of class interaction

Pre teaching *event: *event: *event:

Whilst teaching

*event: *event:

Post teaching



Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom


Table of Interview Name of participant : Interview length : Date : Opinion toward the use of Bahasa Indonesia


The use of Bahasa Indonesia in class interaction Additional information



Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom


: Student-teacher

*S/ Ss

: Student/Students

*S(1), S(2) : Student one, Student two

Observation Protocol Name of course: English Topic :simple present tense Class length : 80 Minutes Class/ Total number of Ss: VIIB/ 25 students Date : 10th September 2012 Name of ST :Sela Expression of Bahasa Indonesia

Pre teaching

Whilst teaching

1 Sela: Sekarang Miss mau ngajarin 2 satu lagi , dengerin baik-baik ya, kalau Miss ngomong ‘one,two,three eyes on me! ‘Kalian jawabnya ‘one,two, eyes 6 on you’. Coba? Atau mau dituliskan (Then the studentteacher writes the lyric on the white board) 10 Sela : Ok,jam berapa? Ss : 6 o’clock

12 Sela : Kalau present tense masuknya yang masa apa? Ss : kebiasaan 15 Sela : jadi kalau kebiasaan itu masuknya masa? Ss : Sekarang 18 Sela : Miss mau kalian sekarang keliling, tanya temen-temen kalian

21 Sela : Tapi rules-nya gak boleh berisik! Gak boleh ada suara! Ada suara sih tapi gak boleh keras-keras! Ss : Ok 33

Kinds of class interaction Classroom management: „giving rules‟ *event: The student-teacher gave the rules at the beginning of the lesson

Checking comprehension: „Listening activity‟ *event: The student-teacher gave a question about „When do Mongo wake up?‟ Checking comprehension: „grammar‟ *event: The student-teacher checked the students‟ comprehension about simple present tense. Giving instruction: „speaking activity‟ *event: The student-teacher asked the students to go around as the instruction of the activity. Classroom management: „reprimanding the students‟ *event: The student-teacher reprimended to her students to speak smoothly when

Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

27 Sela : Jadi Marry masuknya ke ‘she’, kalau John masuknya apa? Ss: He…

30 Sela : Kalau Marry, John and I masuknya apa? ‘We’ atau ‘they’? Ss : ‘We’

33 Sela :Masih inget gak ‘verb’ itu apa? Ss : (raising their hand) kata kerja

35 Sela : Tadi yang I, You, We, They kata kerjanya pake s/es atau gak? 37 Ss : Gaaaaakkk

Post teaching

discussing. Checking comprehension: „grammar‟ *event: The student-teacher asked the students about the pronoun in the text (*reading text: our daily activities) Checking comprehension: „grammar‟ *event: The student-teacher asked the students about the pronoun in the text (*reading text: our daily activities) Checking comprehension: „grammar‟ *event: The student-teacher asked the students understanding about the meaning of „verb‟ Checking comprehension: „grammar‟ *Event:The student-teacher checked the students‟ understanding about the use of verb+ s/es based on the subjects


: Student-teacher

*S/ Ss

: Student/Students

*S(1), S(2) : Student one, Student two

Observation Protocol Name of course: English Class length Date


: Present Continuous tense

:80 Minutes Class/ Total number of Ss: VII B/ 25 students :12th Sept 2012 Name of ST : Hani Expression of Bahasa Indonesia

Pre teaching

38 Hani : Sebentar kalau baca harus pakai intonasi, kayak Miss Hani sama Miss Santi tadi.

Kinds of class interaction Giving instruction: „speaking practice‟ *event: The ST asked the


Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

Whilst teaching

41Hani: Tadi dialognya tentangapa? 42 Ss: Tentang itu Miss, telpontelponan. 44 S(1) : Iya, tentang percakapan „tanya lagi ngapain‟ 46 Hani : I have an exercise for you, you have to match the correct translation, so you have to match the sentences A which use English sentences to sentences B which are its Indonesia translation. S(1): Gimana Miss nggak ngerti? Hani: Jadi kalian harus cocokkan sentence A yang pakai bahasa Inggris ke sentence B yang terjemahan Bahasa Indonesianya. 57 Ss : O…h (I see…) 58 S : Pake –ing gak Miss Hani : Masih pakai , am, are pasti pakai –ing

Post teaching


61Hani: Nanti kalian sambil nyanyi, jalanin bunga ini ya sampai lagunya berhenti


students to read the dialogue by using good intonation (*Dialogue: about a conversation by phone between 2 persons about the activities they are doing at that time) Giving instruction: „speaking practice‟

Giving instruction: „grammar practice‟ *event: The ST gave the instruction to the students about the exercise

Responding personally the student‟s question *event: One of the students asked about the use of verb + ing that the ST have explained before Giving instruction: „speaking‟ *event: The ST gave instruction to the students about the game (*Game: singing „Are you sleeping‟ together while passing the flower from one student to another till the ST says „stop‟ and the student who get the flower have to get the punishment-making a sentence by using present continuous tense based on the picture given)

Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom


: Student-teacher

*S/ Ss

: Student/Students

*S(1), S(2) : Student one, Student two

Observation Protocol Name of course: English Class length Date


: Present continuous tense

: 80 Minutes Class/ Total number of Ss: IX A/ 26 students : 12th Sept 2012 Name of ST :Andre Expression of Bahasa Indonesia

Pre teaching

64 Andre : Since this is my first time entering this class, I have the rules during at least eighty minutes with me. The first one is I want you to respect each other. 72 Saya pengen kalian saling menghormati, saya gak pengen kalian cuma menghormati saya, tapi saya pengen kalian menghormati temen-teman kalian juga 76 Andre: Sebisa mungkin tolong kalian berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris selama 80 menit ini 79Andre: Ok, now we are going to learn about the pattern or the formula of present continuous tense. When we talk about present continuous tense, it means we talk about something that is happening now, right? Ss : Right… Andre: Yes, so the formula will be subject plus Verb-ing plus object. Kenapa kita pakai Verb plus –ing? Ada yang tau? 85 S(1) : Karena „sedang‟ pak. Andre : Yes correct! Andre : Jadi ini nanti Bahasa 36

Kinds of class interaction Classroom management: „Giving rules‟ *event: The ST explained about their own rules in class to the students

Classroom management: „Giving rules‟ *event: The ST explained about their own rules in class to the students

Giving explanation *event: The ST gave explanation toward the material to the students

Giving instruction:

Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

Whilst Teaching

Inggrisnya, bahasa Indonesianya di sini dan semua kalimat Bahasa Indonesia-nya harus ada sedang-nya. Tulis di kolom nomer 1 89 S : (Raise his hand) Sir mau Tanya, Ini yang pakai –ing tadi present continuous tense ya Sir? 93Andre : Iya tadi kan sudah dijelaskan kalau ditambah –ing itu kata kerjanya dikasih „sedang‟ S : O iya tau (Inaudible)

„grammar exercise‟ *event: The ST gave clearer instruction of the activity to the students

Responding individually the student‟s question *event: One of the students asked to the ST about the material (present continuous tense) that had been discussed



Post teaching


: Student-teacher

*S/ Ss

: Student/Students

*S(1), S(2) : Student one, Student two

Observation Protocol Name of course: English Class length : 80 Minutes Date : 13th Sept 2012

Topic :Procedure text Class/ Total number of Ss: VII C/ 26 students Name of ST :Raisa

Expression of Bahasa Indonesia Kinds of class interaction 98 Raisa : Boleh tentang dislike atau what do you like

Giving instruction:

„writing activity‟ *event: The ST gave the clearer instruction to the students about the activity (*activity: The students have to write about themselves on the piece of tissue)

Pre teaching

100 Raisa : Dicoret saja, tapi kalau yang sudah terlanjur gak apa-apa

Giving instruction:

„writing activity‟ *event: The ST asked


Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

102 Raisa : Identitas diri kalian kan banyak yang penting

104 Raisa : Ok, kuis, Dia lahir dimana? Ss : Tangerang Raisa : Ya benar

Whilst teaching

107 Raisa: Ok, sekarang ambil yang kosong! Taruh di depan kalian! Lalu tulis pengalaman kalian dengan past tense waktu independence day!

111 Raisa: Jadi yang biasanya kalian nulis kalimat pernyataan itu kan dari subject plus verb plus object, kalau di procedure text jadinya Verb plus object tanpa subject di depan, because in imperative sentence we do not need a subject. Biasanya kan kalau kalimat perintah pasti ada exclamation mark-nya, tapi kalau di procedural text beda, 122 di sini kita gak perlu menambahakan tanda seru, but the meaning or the purpose is still same, to direct or instruct someone to do something . 127 Raisa : Coba kalian bikin satu procedure text tentang apa saja terserah!

the students to just cross out when they write the wrong words/sentences Giving instruction:

„writing activity‟ *event: The ST gave the clearer instruction to the students about the activity (*activity: The students have to write about themselves on the piece of tissue) Checking comprehension: „listening activity‟ *event: The ST gave a quiz to other students after one of the students read her/his writing in front of class Giving instruction:

„writing activity‟ *event: The ST gave the instruction to the students about the second activity (*activity: The students have to write about their experience in past tense about independence day)

Explaining English tenses : „Imperative form‟ *event: The ST explained the additional information toward imperative form in procedure text

Giving instruction: „writing activity‟ *event: The ST gave instruction to the students to make a


Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

procedure text


Post teaching



: Student-teacher

*S/ Ss

: Student/Students

*S(1), S(2) : Student one, Student two

Observation Protocol Name of course: English Class length : 80 Minutes Date : 14th Sept 2012

Topic :Recount text Class/ Total number of Ss:VIII A/ 25 students Name of ST :Ardy

Expression of Bahasa Indonesia Pre teaching 128 Ardy : Recount text, apa aja generic structure-nya? Siapa yang tau? S(1) : Aku nggak tau Pak

Kinds of class interaction Checking comprehension: „grammar‟ *event: The ST checked the students‟ understanding about recount text that they have already learned before

131 Ardy: Terus tenses yang dipakai apa? S(1) : Yang verb 2 itu sir S(2) : Past tense sir 134 Ardy: Ya betul

Checking comprehension: „grammar‟ *event: The ST checked the students‟ understanding about tense that is used in recount text

135 Ardy: Itu yang dibelakang, mau dilanjutin gak pelajarannya S(1),(2): Ya pak Ardy : Ok,good

139 Ardy:Inget pattern-nya past tense? Ss: Subject plus Verb 2 terus object 39

Classroom management: „Reprimanding the students‟ *event: The ST reprimanded the students who make noise in the back row Checking

Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

comprehension: „grammar‟

141 Ardy : Now, I have an exercise for you. Tulis cerita tentang independence day, 3 paragraf ya! Menceritakan pengalaman kalian waktu hari kemerdekaan kemarin, 145 nanti dikumpulin ya!

Whilst teaching

*event: The ST checked the students‟ comprehension about the pattern of simple past tense Giving instruction: „writing activity *event: The ST asked the students to write their own experience in last independence day

146 S : Pakai –ing ya pak? Ardy: Pakainya lampau, kan masa lalu

Responding individually the student‟s question *event: One of the students asked the ST about the previous explanation of the material (present continuous tense)



Post teaching


: Student-teacher

*S/ Ss

: Student/Students

*S(1), S(2) : Student one, Student two

Observation Protocol Name of course: English Topic :Giving invitation Class length : 80 Minutes Class/ Total number of Ss:VIII B/ 26 students Date : 24th Sept 2012 Name of ST :Vina Expression of Bahasa Indonesia Pre teaching

147 Vina :Nah sekarang coba bikin ekspresi untuk mengundang temen-temen kalian! Bisa didiskusikan dulu sama temen yang lain. 152 Ss: Ok Miss 40

Kinds of class interaction Giving instruction: „speaking practice‟

Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

*event: The ST asked the students how to invite someone, then asked them to perform forward 153 Vina : Bikin invitation card ya!

Giving instruction: „writing activity‟ *event: The ST asked the students to make their own invitation card.

Whilst teaching

153 Vina : Baca ya!

Giving instruction: „speaking activity‟ *event: The ST asked the students to read the dialogue about inviting someone.

154 Vina : Nanti kalian bikin jawaban sendiri ya! Ss : Ya

Giving instruction: „speaking activity‟ *event: The ST asked the students to make their own answer when their friend invites them in her/his party.



Post teaching


: Student-teacher

*S/ Ss

: Student/Students

*S(1), S(2) : Student one, Student two

Observation Protocol Name of course: English Topic : Giving invitation Class length : 80 Minutes Class/ Total number of Ss: VIII A/ 25 students Date : 24th Sept 2012 Name of ST : Sandrina Expression of Bahasa Indonesia 41

Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

Pre teaching

156 Sandri: Karena ini listening and speaking activities Miss akan beri kesempatan kalian berbicara, tapi nanti

Kinds of class interaction Classroom management: „giving rules‟ *event: The student-teacher explained the rules to the students

Whilst teaching

160 Sandri : Ok, you will listen the recording twice, 2 kali, then you have to take a note. Understand? Ss : Yes… Sandri : (she plays the recording) Ss : (They listen the recording) ………………(Inaudible)……………… Sandri : Have you got all of important point in that recording? Ss : Not yet… Sandri : Ok, I will play it once more, but keep silent, biar bisa dengerin dengan baik 180 S(1) : Miss, boleh pindah kursi depan gak? Biar lebih jelas? 182 Sandri : Ok deh S(2),(3): Saya juga ya Miss? Sandri : Ok, tapi janji ya gak boleh pada berisik atau malah ngrumpi di depan? 187 S(1),(2),(3): Iya iya Miss… 188 S(1), (2): Ini cara jawabnya gimana, Miss? Sandri : Digaris bawahi saja

191 Sandri : Udah? S(1) : Sudah Miss Sandri: Ayo ngomong sama temen sebelahnya! S(2) : Dibaca kan? 196 Sandri : Iya 197 Sandri : Jadi tugasnya yang dapat kertas kuning, kalian harus mengundang teman kalian,


Classroom management: „reprimanding the students‟ *event: The ST reprimanded the students not to make noise in front

Giving instruction: „writing activity‟ *event: the students asked the ST about the instruction of writing activity. Giving instruction: „speaking activity‟ *event: the ST gave instruction to the students about the speaking activity. Giving instruction: „speaking activity‟ *event: The ST gave the instruction of the speaking activities *activity: there are two papers, green and yellow, the

Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

yellow one contains inviting expression, the green one contains the list of activities

Post teaching

201 Sandri: Jadi tadi kalau ngundang temen gimana susunannya? ……… (Inaudible)…………………..

Checking comprehension: „Grammar‟ *Event: The ST checked the students understanding about today‟s material


: Student-teacher

*S/ Ss

: Student/Students

*S(1), S(2) : Student one, Student two

Observation Protocol Name of course: English Class length : 80 Minutes Date : 26th Sep 2012

Topic : Feeling Class/ Total number of Ss: VII A/ 25 students Name of ST : Dita

Expression of Bahasa Indonesia Pre teaching

Whilst teaching

Post teaching

207 Dita : Feeling sendiri itu ada pattern-nya, jadi selalu ada pola untuk membuat suatu kalimat, dalam feeling sendiri itu ada Subject terus objeknya ada 5 am,is,are,were,was 213 Dita: The second pattern Is kalau subject-nya I,you,we,they itu pakeknya feel, bukan feels, 216 jadi kalau feels dipakainya sama yang bawah ini he,she,it 219 S : Tulis dimana Miss nomernya? Dita : Tulis di bawahnya kan

222 Dita: Ya tadi apa aja pattern-nya buat bikin kalimat tentang feeling? S(1),(2),..: Inaudible 43

Kinds of class interaction Explaining English tenses: „subject-verb agreement‟ *event: The ST explained about the formula to express the feeling Explaining English tenses: „subject-verb agreement‟ *event: The ST explained about subject-verb agreement Responding individually the student‟s question *event: The ST responded the student‟s question about grammar exercise Checking comprehension: „grammar‟ *event: The ST checked the students‟

Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

Dita: Satu-satu dong jawabnya! S(1) : Subject plus is,am,are plus adjective 229 Dita: Ya terus apalagi? Eh bentar contohnya gimana tuh? Emmmm…. Coba Joan! 233 Joan: Apa ya Miss… emmm… I am happy. Dita: Yes great, lalu apa lagi pattern-nya? S(1),(2): Subejct plus feel plus object Dita: Very good! Kapan pakai feel kapan pakai feels? Ss : Kalu feel itu subjectnya I, you, they,we, kalau feels he, she, it Dita: Great! You are all very smart 246 S(1) : Iya dong Miss

understanding about the today‟s‟ topic (Feeling)


: Student-teacher

*S/ Ss

: Student/Students

*S(1), S(2) : Student one, Student two

Observation Protocol Name of course: English Topic : Feeling Class length : 80 Minutes Class/ Total number of Ss: VII C/ 26 students Date : 26th Sept 2012 Name of ST : Wina Expression of Bahasa Indonesia Pre teaching

247 Wina : Miss Wina pengen kalian bikin satu kalimat

Kinds of class interaction Giving instruction: „speaking exercise‟ *event: The ST asked the students to make a sentence about feeling and say it loudly

Whilst teaching

249 Wina : Tulis di tabelnya terus diartiin! 44

Giving instruction: „grammar exercise‟

Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

*event: The ST gave the instructions to do the grammar exercise 251 S

: Ini yang is, am , are berarti gak usah diartiin ya Miss? Wina: Ya gak usah, tadi kan uda dijelasin pattern-nya gimana, kalau di feeling, to be udah jadi satu kesatuan 257 sama subject-nya 258 Wina : Boleh kerja sama ya!


Responding individually the student‟s question *event: The ST responded one of the students‟ question about the grammar exercise Giving instruction: „grammar exercise‟ *event: The ST allowed the students to work the exercise with their friends -

Post teaching


: Student-teacher

*S/ Ss

: Student/Students

*S(1), S(2) : Student one, Student two

Observation Protocol Name of course: English Topic : Giving invitation Class length : 80 Minutes Class/ Total number of Ss: VII C/ 26 students Date : 28th Sept 2012 Name of ST : Josua

Pre teaching Whilst teaching

Expression of Bahasa Indonesia 259 Josua : Ok, now you have to make an invitation card behind that card you have brought. 263 S(1) : Apa Mr? Bahasa Indonesia aja! 265 Josua : Jadi, tugas kalian sekarang bikin invitation card di belakang kartu yang kalian udah bawa sekarang. It can‟t be 45

Kinds of class interaction Giving instruction: „writing activity‟

*event: The ST gave the students an instruction to do the writing activity (*exercise: choose one of the topics on the whiteboard then make an invitation letter about that topic).

Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

about your birthday party, farewell party maybe or anything up to you 275 S(2) : Gimana Mr? Pakai Bahasa Indonesia aja, biar nggak bingung 278 Josua : Aduh kalian ini, intruksinya simple lho padahal. Nanti terlalu manja kalau saya translate ke Bahasa Indonesia terus. Just ask your friends who understand what I have said, ok? 287 S : Kalau di opening tuh biasanya gimana Pak? Josua : Bisa pakai come and Join us


Responding individually the student‟s question *event: One of the students asked to the ST personally about the topic


Post teaching


Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom


Table of Interview Name of participant : Raisa Interview length : 28 minutes 6 seconds Date : 3rd November 2012 Opinion toward the use of Bahasa Indonesia

The use of Bahasa Indonesia in class interaction


Questions : At the beginning of your teaching in that video, for example in this part…. You often use English, but almost the end of your teaching; you start to use Bahasa, such as in this part…. What‟s your reason by using this strategy?


: Actually what‟s the role of mother tongue in your opinion?


: After each student have finished reading the paragraph about them. You often gave little quiz and all of those questions in Bahasa (mother tongue). What‟s your reason? : In certain parts, for



Answers Raisa : It‟s just based on the close relationship. In my opinion if I spoke in foreign language with Indonesian. It seems like there is a distance. At the beginning it‟s ok, but in the middle till the end of class, my students and I were getting closer, so our mother tongue comes out automatically. So, I just want to break „that distance‟ between me and my students. Raisa: The main role is to make the students understand what we ask to or what we are explaining about the English material. Another role is just to break or cut the distance between me and my students. It‟s for our closer relationship between teacher and the students. Raisa : The purpose is to make them pay attention to their friend who was reading, so to attract their attention. Why I used Bahasa is because just to make them notice faster.

Raisa : I used Bahasa when

Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom



example in this part…. You use Bahasa and in this part…. You use English. When did you use Bahasa? When did you use English or When did you use translation (both languages) in class interaction? : In certain parts of your video teaching, when there were students who were asking each other about translation. Why didn‟t you help them? Is there any purpose about it?

: In which other interactions you often used Bahasa in that class? and give your reason!


giving instruction. When the time was running out, it was just to make it faster, if I used English, when I had much time to explain.

Raisa : Maybe at that time, I was coming to another student personally. So, maybe the students who were asking each other are typically passive students, so I didn‟t notice them. My purpose is to make them practice with their friends in order they like to find the answer/ translation from their friends, so their friends also can practice, too. Raisa : Usually when explaining the material, especially when I explain about the imperative form in procedure text because at that time my topic is procedure text. Most of the explanation, I used Bahasa Indonesia because that was the first time, the students learned procedure text. So, I used mother tongue to explain the sentence form that they should use in procedure text. My reason of using Bahasa Indonesia is just to recall their memory about imperative form, but as the additional information, in procedure text, we do not need an exclamation mark that we usually use in common imperative form.‟

Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

Additional information


: After watching your Raisa : I think I haven‟t managed own video teaching, my mother tongue well, what‟s your opinion because I still spoke toward your managing Bahasa automatically, so the use of mother it‟s automatically came tongue in that class? from my mouth. It‟s because maybe I am too close to my students, so I often speak in Bahasa or our mother tongue. I think it shouldn‟t be like that, if we are teaching English, we should speak English more, that‟s great to make a closer relationship between me and my students in class but the main goal of teaching is to share the knowledge in class. I can be a good friend for my students in class but not too much, maybe I should keep my own essential professionalism as an English teacher by still speaking English as much as possible in certain vital parts such as giving instruction of the exercise or explain the formula.


Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

Table of Interview Name of participant : Dita Interview length : 25 minutes 30 seconds Date : 5th November 2012 Opinion toward the use of Bahasa Indonesia



The use of Bahasa Indonesia in class interaction

Questions : Dita, In some parts of your video teaching, you often used English then directly translated it into Bahasa (mother tongue), for example in this part…. Why did you use this strategy? : In your opinion, what‟s actually the role of mother tongue for English class interaction?

Adel : Can you give one example or situation when you use Bahasa Indonesia?




Answers : Actually, at the first time, I planned to use all English, not Bahasa more. But it‟s almost impossible to use full English, because some of the students didn‟t understand it. They‟re very bored using English all the time.

: The use of mother tongue is very useful, because it emphasis and more explains about what we are teaching about, in here English material. It‟s especially the formula. If you teach about grammar, and giving example, Bahasa will help your students understand well. Dita: Well, when the first time but it was not the first time for them actually, when I reexplain about the pattern that can be used when we are going to talk or speak about feeling, such as the first one is Subject plus to be plus adjective or feeling, then I mentioned that ada 5 subject yang dipakai di sini yaitu am,is,are,was dan were. The second pattern is subject plus feel plus adjective, I explained that kalau subjectnya I, you, they, we itu feel-

Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

Adel : Do you have any reason?


: In which other class interactions you usually used Bahasa Indonesia (mother tongue)? Please mention the interactions and give the reason for each interaction)


nya nggak ditambah –s di belakang jadi tetap feel, tapi kalau subject-nya he, she, it itu harus ditambah –s jadi feels something like that Dita : Yup, like I have said before that the use of mother tongue is very useful, because it emphasis and more explains about what we are teaching about, for example the explanation of the formula or English pattern. The use of Bahasa Indonesia is badly needed to make the pattern understandable and the students will be able to directly apply it in sentences. I also think that it‟s just useless if we explain it in English all the time but the students can‟t grab the point of the formula and later can‟t make a correct sentence by using that pattern. Dita

: Because my topic was about feeling, I gave the students explanation about the formula, how to use the feeling or how to describe people feeling, and then I gave them examples. Then when I explained how to differentiate between adjective plus –ing and adjective plus –ed. For example you can‟t say „I am boring‟ because it means ‘saya membosankan’. But, you should say, „I am bored‟ that means ‘saya bosan’. I explained that part for my students half in English, half in Bahasa, because I considered about my

Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

Additional information




students‟ experiences. They came from different background English learning, not all my students understood what I was talking about. So, I ensured to myself „Ok for this explanation, I use Bahasa instead of English‟ : My mother tongue in this class is about 60 % from 100 %

: How many frequency of your mother tongue (Bahasa) during teaching in this class? : After watching your own video teaching, what‟s your opinion toward your managing the use of mother tongue during class interaction?



: The fact is I haven‟t managed it well, because I used about 60 % of 100 % Bahasa. Whereas actually I am an English teacher, but if I used Bahasa to give more understanding for my students, I think it‟s not a problem, instead of I used English all the time. They would think that „ What are you saying Miss? I don‟t understand‟. I reflect a lot from the video that you show to me. It was horrible, so in the next teaching I will use about 60 % English instead of Bahasa, and I hope the students will understand what I am saying about?

: And what‟s your suggestion for other English student-teachers who also usually used Bahasa for class interaction during teaching English?


:Be patient! And the studentteachers have to manage their Bahasa well. I know it‟s not as simply as the theory but at least you can look at oxford dictionary or another reference. Maybe it can help you.


Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

Table of Interview Name of participant : Ardy Interview length : 28 Minutes 39 seconds Date : 5th November 2012 Opinion toward the use of Bahasa Indonesia


Adel The use of Bahasa Indonesia in class interaction



Questions : Actually, in your opinion, what‟s the role of mother tongue (Bahasa) in class interactions?

Answers Ardy : to make the students have a better input by using Bahasa. They can‟t understand well if I just explain the instructions in English. But if I give some instructions or examples or explanation in Bahasa, I think they can understand it better. In my opinion, the most important one is actually the knowledge that we transfer to the students, not just the English skill itself. Ardy : I think they didn‟t understand the instructions well if I spoke in English all the time. I wanted to make sure that they will understand the instructions by giving the instructions in Bahasa Indonesia.

: Ardy, when you‟re giving rules at the beginning of your video, you used Bahasa Indonesia (mother tongue) besides English. Why? : In your video Ardy : it‟s a simple way to make the teaching, you students understand the often used instructions and the material English then that I gave to them. directly translated it into Bahasa, such as in this part…. And in this part….. why did you use this strategy? : In certain part Ardy : sometimes Bahasa, but I also of your video, mixed it with English. It‟s there were many because I think they wanted to 53

Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom


Additional information



students ask you personally and you came to him/her, such as in this part….. what language did you mostly used with your students at that time and please give your reason! : In which other class interactions you mostly used Bahasa? Please give your reason!

: How many frequency of using Bahasa in this class? : After watching your own video, what‟s your 54

know more and most of them haven‟t mastered English yet and they still needed to be helped by using Bahasa Indonesia. I think I used more Bahasa Indonesia and mixed it with English. But I guessed mostly Bahasa Indonesia.

Ardy: First, for giving rules at the beginning of my teaching. The rules are important. If the students don‟t understand the rules, so they can‟t perform well in that class. I have my own rules, and they have to obey my rules. If they didn‟t understand the rules, they wouldn‟t perform well in particular parts. Then, for giving instruction of the exercise, it‟s very vital, because if they didn‟t understand the instructions, they never know what they have to do and then they will ask each other and make noise. Like what I‟ve said before, most of them haven‟t mastered English yet. So, I guess I have to use Bahasa to make a clear instruction. When I summed up the lesson, I also used Bahasa, but mostly English because I have explained it before, so I used mostly English and just little Bahasa Ardy : As long as I can remember, Bahasa is 40 % and English 60 %. Ardy : Actually I wanted to use most English in that class. But based on the explanation of

Managing the Use of Mother Tongue in English classroom

opinion toward your managing the use of mother tongue in this class?


: What‟s your suggestion for other English student-teachers who also often use mother tongue (Bahasa Indonesia) in class interaction in order to manage it well?


my mentor teacher about this class, this class is actually a special class because the students are very noisy, and sometimes they don‟t understand English well. Then, I have to use more Bahasa Indonesia. So, the percentage of English and Bahasa Indonesia is changing from the previous class that I have taught. So, I think it‟s quite well for this class. Maybe I have to be stricter if I am going to teach class like that and have some more interesting activities, because at that time, I think the class in the afternoon, so the students felt sleepy and some of them were very noisy. Ardy : We can use mother tongue (Bahasa Indonesia) but not too often, because we teach English actually, not Bahasa Indonesia (mother tongue). Sometimes we can use mother tongue for certain interactions like I have mentioned before. Maybe not more than 40 %, and the use of English itself should be more than 50 %

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