American Legion Riders Fountain Hills Chapter 58 By-Laws

American Legion Riders Fountain Hills Chapter 58 By-Laws Article I—Name Section 1 The name of this Chapter is The American Legion Riders of Arizona, F...
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American Legion Riders Fountain Hills Chapter 58 By-Laws Article I—Name Section 1 The name of this Chapter is The American Legion Riders of Arizona, Fountain Hills Chapter 58. and may be hereinafter referred to as ALR CHAPTER 58.

Article II—Membership and Dues Section 1 The requirements for membership for this Chapter are as set forth in the Constitution. A member must have a motorcycle of at least 400 cc in size, except that Supporting members are not required to own or operate a Motorcycle. Section 2 All new applicants should be sponsored by a ALR member or recommended to a ALR member for membership. The applicant must fill out the ALR Chapter 58 membership application form. Dues and initiation fee are not required until the applicant is voted on and accepted. If the applicant is accepted, the initiation fee of $20.00 is then payable to the chapter by the new member. Section 3 All applications for membership shall be acted upon at the next meeting and after the applicant has completed two (2) ALR organized rides and attended one (1) general meeting of the Chapter membership. The President or his/her designee shall present such application to the membership at the next regular meeting with the recommendation for acceptance or rejection. If 51% or more of the membership attending the meeting cast their vote for the acceptance of such applicant, then such applicant shall be recorded as accepted. If not then such applicant shall be recorded as rejected. Section 4 Chapter 58, at their own discretion, may allow Supporters or Honorary Members. A Supporter or Honorary Member does not pay dues or carry a card, but can attend meetings. They may not hold an elected office or vote. Membership is a means to provide recognition to those who show strong support to the ALR Chapter. Supporters or Honorary Members shall only display issued ALR emblems or insignia that shall include the words "Honorary or Supporter", as appropriate to each such member's status Supporter or Honorary status shall not be granted with the promise or expectation of any material, financial, or political benefit to the Chapter, any Officer, or member.

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Section 5 Any member may be expelled or suspended from the ALR Chap. 58 by majority (51%) of vote of the general membership at a regular meeting. Dues

Section 1 The annual dues for the Fountain Hills Chapter #58 will be $10.00 and can be renewed every November 1st for that year. If the dues are not paid up for the year by January 1st, the member will be considered delinquent and all privileges of membership shall be suspended until dues are paid. The amount for dues can be changed by a 51% vote of the general membership. Article III Management Section 1 The elective officers of the Chapter shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms, Road Captains, and Chaplain.

Section 2 Between Chapter meetings, the administrative authority of the Chapter shall be vested in the Chapter Executive Committee, which shall consist of all elective officers for the current year, and in addition the immediate Past President who will have a voice and vote. Section 3 Officers of this Chapter shall be nominated annually in April and elected at the May meeting. They will take office at the fall of the gavel following the American Legion Department of Arizona state convention. All elections of officers shall be by ballot and the candidate or candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected to the respective office or offices for which they are candidates. Section 4 All vacancies existing in any office of the Chapter from any cause other than the expiration of the term shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining members of the committee, and any person so appointed shall hold office for the unexpired term of the member of the committee or officer whose position was vacated. Section 5 A vacancy shall exist when a member or officer is absent from the Chapter due to resignation, loss of qualifications, incapacity from injury or illness, or for a continuous period of unexcused absences considered detrimental to the interest of the Chapter by the remaining members of the Executive Committee. Article IV Meetings Section 1 The regular meeting of the Chapter shall be held on a day and time mutually agreed to by majority vote of members in regular meeting, at which may be transacted such business as may properly be brought up for action. Such meetings may be converted into informal meetings by a majority vote of the members.

Section 2

A special meeting of the Chapter, may be called: a. By the president. b. By a majority vote of the Executive committee. c. Upon the written request by 3 members. Section 3 Three members, and three elected officers shall constitute a quorum of any meeting. Article V Chapter Executive Committee Section 1 The Chapter Executive Committee shall meet for organizational or such other business as may come before it at the call of the Chapter President or within 15 days after the installation of the new officers. Thereafter the Chapter Executive Committee shall meet as often as Chapter President may deem necessary. The Chapter President shall call a meeting of the Chapter Executive Committee upon the joint written request of three or more members of said Chapter Executive Committee, and five members of the committee shall constitute a quorum thereof. Section 2 The Chapter Executive Committee, based on a majority vote, shall hire such employees as may be necessary; shall authorize and approve all expenditures; shall hear the reports of chapter committee chairs; and generally, shall have charge of and be responsible for the management of the affairs of this chapter.

Article VI Duties of Officers Section 1 Duties of President. It shall be the duty of the Chapter President to preside at all meetings of the Chapter and to have general supervision over the business and affairs of the Chapter, and such officer shall be the chief executive officer of the Chapter. The President shall approve all orders directing the disbursement of funds and shall make an annual report covering the business of the Chapter for the year. The President shall perform such other duties as directed by the Chapter. Section 2 Duties of Vice President. The Vice President shall assume and discharge the duties of the office of President in the absence or disability of, or when called upon by the Chapter President. Section 3 Duties of Chapter Secretary. The Secretary shall have charge of and keep a full and correct record of all proceedings of all meetings, keep such records as the Post and Department organizations may require, and under direction of the President handle all correspondence of the Chapter. Section 4 Duties of the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have charge of all finances and see that they are safely deposited in some local bank or banks and shall report once a month to the Chapter Executive Committee, and membership at the regular meeting the condition of the finances of the Chapter, with such recommendations as he or she may deem expedient or necessary to carry on the financial activities of the Chapter. The Treasurer shall be a signer for all checks disbursing the monies of the Chapter. The Treasurer prepares the Chapter's monthly financial report for the sponsoring Post Executive Committee. Page 3 of 7

Section 5 Duties of Chapter Chaplain. The Chapter Chaplain shall be charged with the spiritual welfare of the Chapter comrades and will offer divine but nonsectarian service in the event of dedications, funerals, public functions, etc., adhere to such ceremonial rituals as are recommended by the National or Department headquarters from time to time. Section 6 Duties of Road Captain. The Road Captains shall plan all tours, runs, activities, and events; lead the chapter in formation riding or parades; arouse interest in activities; enforce all rules of safe motorcycle operation and group riding. Additionally, the Road Captains may select assistants to aid in special tasks and may chair appropriate activities committee as directed by the chapter President or Executive Committee. Section 7 Duties of the Sergeant-at-arms. The Sergeant-at-arms shall preserve order at meetings and gatherings, assist the Road Captain in enforcing all rules of safe riding during rides and runs; and perform such other duties or chair such committees as may be from time to time assigned by the President or Chapter Executive Committee.

Article VII Appointments Section 1 The Chapter President, immediately upon taking office each year, may appoint standing committees or commissions for the furtherance of chapter programs. Section 2. Such standing committees shall consist of such persons, and the chair thereof, as designated by the Chapter President. 2a. MEMBERSHIP Duties of Membership Chairman. The Membership Chairman is appointed by the President and is responsible for maintenance of membership records. The Membership Chairman shall collect membership dues as determined by the Chapter bylaws, and provide same to Treasurer on a regular basis. The Membership Chairman is charged with the review and/or collection of eligibility documentation as required to demonstrate compliance with National membership requirements, and to demonstrate any additional requirements as may be defined by the sponsoring Post Executive Board, applicable Department rules; or State and Local laws. The Membership Chairman shall render detailed membership reports annually or when called upon to do so at regular meetings of the Chapter. Additionally, the Membership Chairman shall timely send renewal notification to members of record for the following membership year.

Article VIII—Rules of Order Section 1 All proceedings of this Chapter shall be conducted under and pursuant to Roberts' Rules of Order (Newly Revised), except as herein otherwise provided.

Article IX—Limitations of Liabilities Section 1 This Chapter shall not incur, nor cause to be incurred, no any liability or obligation whatever which shall subject to liability any other Chapter, subdivision, members of The American Legion, post, departments, or other individuals, corporations or organizations.

Article X Legion Rider Back Patch Section 1 Members will display the ALR emblem back patch and other patches in a manner agreed upon and accepted by the majority vote of the general membership, subject to the requirements of the national and any Department rules or standards, and as follows: a. The ALR emblem back patch will be centered horizontally on the back of the vest. b. Rocker-type patch can be worn on or above the ALR back patch. c. No dual organization will be displayed on the back of the vest with the ALR emblem patch (i.e. another motorcycle organization). d. Member designation (i.e. supporter member) rocker will be sewn above the ALR back patch. e. POW/MIA patch must be worn on right shoulder, Nothing except the KIA patch can be worn above the POW/MIA patch. f. The American flag must be worn on the left breast of the vest and nothing (such as patches, pins, etc.,) will be worn on or above the American flag. g. Arizona state flag patch should be worn on the front of the vest somewhere below the American flag.

Section 2 ALR back patch and charter rocker patch will be subject to recall from any member who brings discredit upon the American Legion family or allows their membership to be delinquent for more then one year, and then only after a majority vote of the membership at a regular meeting.

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Article XI—Amendments Section 1 These By-Laws may be amended at any regular Chapter meeting by a vote of two-thirds of the members of said Chapter attending such regular meeting, provided that the proposed amendment shall have been submitted in writing and read at the next regular meeting. Any changes will be reported to the sponsoring department or post.

Date of first reading: _________________________

Date approved for acceptance: __________________________

Jim Pilon ________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________ President, American Legion Riders Post 58, Fountain Hills, Arizona

Robert Schmitz _______________________________ ____________ Date: _______________________________ Commander, American Legion Post 58, Fountain Hills, Arizona

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