Author: Jerome Pierce
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Br. J. Anaesth. (1982), 54, 723


The Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) refers to the clinical expression of severe injury to the gas exchanging units of the lung: the alveoli and their associated capillary beds. It is characterized by marked parenchymal pulmonary inflammation and increased permeability of the alveolar capillary unit resulting in severe hypoxaemia and widespread infiltrates on chest x-ray (Ashbaugh et al., 1967; Petty and Ashbaugh, 1971). Adult respiratory distress syndrome is not a single disease, but rather a final common pathway for many insults which may injure the lung directly or indirectly (table I). Its importance is reflected by the estimated 150 000 cases seen in the United States in 1976 (Lung Program, 1972). Our own recent experience indicates that ARDS constitutes approximately 5% of all critical care admissions, with systemic sepsis accounting for 50%, trauma 15%, cardiopulmonary bypass 15%, viral pneumonia 10% and drug ingestion 5% of cases. Mortality is high in the syndrome, ranging from 20% (Douglas and Downs, 1977) to 83% (Lee et al., 1981), probably reflecting the diversity of lung injuries and patient populations reported. The clinical presentation of the ARDS has been described as progressing through four phases (Gomez, 1968). Phase one is characterized by profound dyspnoea and tachypnoea with a normal chest x-ray. In phase two, or the latent period, increasing cyanosis and hypoxaemia are associated with minor chest x-ray abnormalities. Respiratory failure, with profound hypoxaemia, reduced compliance, and diffuse bilateral infiltrates, superevenes in phase three. Finally, hypoxaemia becomes unresponsive to oxygen, and metabolic and respiratory acidosis develop. It must be emphasized however, that a given patient may present in any of these stages. Progression may or may not occur, depending on






FISCHER, D O ; L. MORGAN, M D ; Albert Einstein

Medical Centre, York and Tabor Road, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19141, U S.A Correspondence to A M F 0007-0912/82/070723-14 $01 00


Conditions associated with ARDS

Presumed direct injury

Presumed indirect injury

Thoracic trauma—Contusion Aspiration Gastric juice Drowning Hydrocarbon Inhaled toxins Smoke Corrosive chemical? Infection Viral, bacterial MiliaryTB Legionella Emboh Amniotic fluid embolus Fat emboh Lymphangiogram Radiation

Systemic sepsis Shock of any cause Non-thoracic trauma Drugs Heroin, mcthadonc Aspirin, barbituates Ethchlorvynol Blood transfusions Pancreatitis Severe neurological in)ury Post-cardiopulmonary bypass Diabetic ketoacidosis

the nature and severity of the insult, treatment and host response. PATHOLOGY It is generally accepted that injury to the alveolar units results in similar pathophysiological consequences regardless of whether the insult is delivered by inhalation or carried by the blood stream. As stated by Bachofen and Weibel (1977)"... the pattern of cell damage and repair is lung specific rather than specific for the damaging factor..." The normal alveolus (figs 1 and 2) provides an extensive surface area for gas exchange. The alveolar space is surrounded by an epithelial layer beneath which a vast capillary bed is supported by a fine connective tissue network (fig. 1). The alveolar wall measures 2 ^m in thickness, but is only 0.5 \im at its thinnest part where most of the gas exchange takes place (fig. 2). Approximately 95% of the alveolar surface is covered by Type I epithelial cells and the remainder by Type II granular epithelial cells. Type I cells do not divide and are believed to be derived from Type II cells which are metabolically active and synthesize surfactant (Bachofen and Weibel, 1977). The alveolar epithelium and its associated © The Macmillan Press Ltd 1982




Normal human lung Pulmonary capillaries lie in thin septae. A = alveolar ipace, septum. Horizontal bar represents 0 1 mm

capillary will be henceforth called the alveolar capillary membrane. The pulmonary response to acute injury and subsequent repair can be studied in three stages: first an early exudative phase (24—96 h), and a subsequent proliferative phase (3-10 days) in which a florid cellular reaction is followed finally by a diffuse fibrotic reaction beginning 7—10 days after the initial injury (Orell, 1971; Katzenstein, Bloor and Liebow, 1976; Bachofen and Weibel, 1977; Pratt et al., 1979; Connors, McCaffree and Rogers, 1981). The early exudative phase (figs 3 and 4) is characterized by oedema, capillary congestion, and infiltration of the interstitium by erythrocytes and leucocytes (Orell, 1971; Bachofen and Weibel, 1977). The Type I alveolar lining cell is more susceptible to injury than the resistant Type II cell and shows variable degrees of degeneration. Marked necrosis is noted primarily over the thinnest portion of the alveolar capillary membrane where most of the gas exchange takes place. The capillary endothelial cell remains relatively normal, even in areas subjacent to severe epithelial cell destruction. Surprisingly, there are no visible endothelial gaps which could account for passage of protein-rich oedema fluid,

= alveolar

erythrocytes and leucocytes from the vascular to the interstitial and alveolar spaces. Hyaline membranes are conspicuous in areas of severe epithelial damage and are most prominent in the respiratory bronchioles and alveolar ducts (Orell, 1971; Pratt et al., 1979). Microthrombi and capillary plugging by leucocytes which are frequently observed bear no relationship to the extent of the injury (Bachofen and Weibel, 1977). In the proliferative phase (fig. 5) dividing Type II pneumocytes completely cover the alveolar septum in some area. Denuded basement membranes are rare and alveolar oedema is less widespread. As the syndrome progresses there is thickening of the epithelium by proliferating Type II cells, enlargement of the interstitium by oedema, leucocytes, fibroblasts and fibres, and a decrease in the number of capillaries (Bachofen and Weibel, 1977). The fibrotic phase (fig. 6) is characterized by the deposition of fibrous tissue in the alveolar septae and hyaline membranes and can progress to diffuse involvement of the entire lung. Hyaline membranes become infiltrated with fibroblasts and are transformed into fibrous tissue. Alveolar duct fibrosis is a characteristic feature of patients who die after pro-



and gas exchanging properties result directly from injury to the alveolar epithelium and pulmonary capillary bed. AS

FIG 2. Normal alveolar septum. The alveolar capillary membrane is composed of capillary endothelium, epithelium and interstitial space Note thin portion (arrows) where fused basement membranes separate endothelium from epithelium and most of the gas exchange takes place. AS = alveolar space, EPI = Type I epithelial cell, BM = basement membrane, EN = endothehal cell, C = capillary Horizontal bar represents

longed respiratory distress (Orell, 1971; Pratt et al., 1979). It has been observed that the severity of pathological change does not correlate with the duration of the illness and it is speculated that high concentrations of inspired oxygen may contribute to hyaline membrane formation and alveolar duct fibrosis (Pratt et al., 1979).


ARDS is characterized by reduced lung volumes, reduced compliance (increased lung stiffness) and severe hypoxaemia (Pontoppidan, Geffen and Lowenstein, 1972). These alterations in the mechanical

Reduced lung volume There are several mechanisms by which lung volume is reduced. These include: (1) fluid-filled alveoli which occupy a smaller volume and do not participate in ventilation, (2) alveolar collapse consequent to abnormal surfactant function, (3) reduced ventilation to alveolar units as a result of small airway compression by interstitial oedema fluid, and (4) increased surface tension which decreases compliance and results in smaller lung volume at any given transpulmonary pressure. The abnormalities in surfactant function may be consequent to decreased production, the synthesis of an abnormal product or inactivation of surfactant by oedema fluid (Connors, McCaffree and Rogers, 1981). Despite the proliferation of metabolically active Type II cells, normal surface active material may not be synthesized by them. Reduced compliance Another feature of ARDS is reduced lung compliance, manifested clinically by the high airway pressures necessary to deliver an adequate tidal volume. The mechanisms include increased surface tension and loss of lung volume as a result of atelectasis and oedema fluid (Nobel, Kay and Obdrzalek, 1975; Ryan et al., 1978). In experimental models (Cook et al., 1959; Johnson et al., 1964; Nobel, Kay and Odbrzalek, 1975; Ryan et al., 1978) interstitial oedema and vascular congestion have been shown to have little or no effect on lung compliance. The development of diffuse parenchymal fibrosis further reduces lung compliance and makes the alveolus more difficult to distend and ventilate (Lamy et al., 1976). Gas exchange The profound hypoxaemia which characterizes ARDS appears to be caused by shunts and perf usion of lung regions with extremely low ventilation-perf usion (V/0) ratios (Dantzker et al., 1979). Shunting results from alveolar collapse and flooding with oedema fluid. The creation of low V/Q regions may result from compression of small airways by interstitial oedema with a reduction of ventilation to distal alveolar units. Alternatively, there may be some fluid-filled alveoli the volume of which increases sufficiently at the end of inspiration




FIG. 3. Early ARDS. Swelling of Type I epithelial cell cytoplasmic extension (EPI) overlying thin portion of alveolar capillary membrane. Note hyaline membrane (HM) lining alveolar wall AS -alveolar space, C - capillary. Horizontal bar represent!

FIG. 4. Exudative phase, ARDS Inflammatory interstitial and alveolar ezudate Hyaline membrane lines alveolar duct. AD = alveolar dun, HM -= hyaline membrane Horizontal bars represents 0.05 mm


ARDS • 4.


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FIG. 5 Probferanve phase, ARDS. Marked increase in Type II epithelial cells which bulge into alveolar space. EPII = Type II alveolar epithelial cell, C •- capillary, AS = alveolar space. Honzontal bar represents 1 fun.

FIG 6. Fibrotic phase, ARDS. Organization of alveolar exudates with almost complete obliteration of alveolar spaces. The alveolar septae are thickened by an infiltration of fibroblasts and fibrous tissue. Horizontal bar represents 0.1 mm.

to permit some gas transfer, especially at high inspired oxygen concentrations. Using the multiple insert gas method, Dantzker and his colleagues (1979) defined a bimodal distribution of ventilation-perfusion ratios in ARDS. The upper mode consisted of units with a normal V/0 which received 52% of the cardiac output. The lower mode receiving the remainder of the cardiac output consisted of either pure shunt or shunt plus a small region with very low V/Q ratios. These abnormal distributions account for all the observed hypoxaemia, making reduced diffusion an unlikely mechanism in this setting. Lamy and colleagues (1976) made pathophysiological correlations in 45 patients with severe ARDS and defined three distinct groups. The first demonstrated a fixed shunt with no improvement in

when the inspired oxygen concentration was increased or when positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) was added. Open lung biopsy showed extensive consolidation by interstitial and alveolar oedema, exudates and haemorrhage. A second group snowed improvement in Pac^ with increasing FI02 and PEEP, but the response occurred slowly over several hours. Lung biopsies revealed marked fibrosis with organization of alveolar exudates. A third group with less severe hypoxaemia had no fibrosis and less extensive oedema than the first group. Ps^ improved with increasing FU32 and a prompt and dramatic response to PEEP was observed. Early in the course of the illness carbon dioxide elimination is normal. As the disease progresses there is obliteration of pulmonary capillary beds



(Bachofen and Weibel, 1977) creating lung regions with high V/Q resulting in increased physiological deadspace (Pontoppidan, Geffen and Lowenstein, 1972; Dantzker et al., 1979). This can lead to impaired carbon dioxide elimination and an increase in Paccn if minute ventilation does not increase (Hopewell and Murray, 1976). PATHOPHYSIOLOGY

Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome may be understood as the disruption of normal fluid and solute filtration in the lung resulting from diffuse pulmonary inflammation. Under normal conditions, fluid


filtration is governed by the Starling equation (Starling, 1896) (fig. 7) which states that filtration across the endothelium into the interstitial spaces is the resultant of hydrostatic and protein osmotic pressure gradients. Several mechanisms act to prevent pulmonary oedema under normal clinical conditions (Staub, Nagano and Pearce, 1967). Pulmonary lymphatics actively pump fluid out of the interstitium in the early stages of pulmonary oedema. Without adequate lymphatic function alveolar flooding will develop even when there is normal integrity of the alveolar capillary membrane (Cowan, Staub and Edmunds, 1976). Alveolar Type I cells are joined by tight junctions which are almost completely im-



Fio. 7 The Starling equation states that Q = XI(P M v - P PMV ) - o (n M v - n P M v )] where () = fluid flux, K = apparent filtration coefficient, P^\ " perimicrovascular hydrostatic pressure, a = apparent reflection coefficient, 7iMV = microvascular colloid osmotic pressure and n PMV = perimicrovascular colloid osmotic pressure. This equauon indicates that fluid filtration across the endothehum of the lung is determined by the balance between hydrostatic and osmotic pressure gradients.

ARDS permeable to water, solutes and protein, thereby limiting their access to the alveoli (SchneebergerKeeley and Karnovsky, 1968; Goetzman and Vissher, 1969). In addition to these mechanisms, any increase in the microvascular hydrostatic pressures will dilute interstitial proteins thereby lowering protein osmotic pressure and reducing the outflow gradient. It has been estimated that half of the increase in microvascular pressure may be offset by this mechanism (Erdmann et al., 1975; Staub, 1980). Pulmonary oedema may develop when there is a significant alteration of any aspect of the Starling equation. However, most important clinically are those changes leading to an increased permeability as occurs in ARDS, or high pressure as occurs in left ventricular failure. Permeability pulmonary oedema (ARDS) has been characterized as rapid in onset, producing a protein-rich oedema fluid as a result of injury to the alveolar capillary membrane. Driving pressures as reflected by the pulmonary capillary wedge pressure are normal or low (Vreim and Staub, 1976; Fein et al., 1979). Greatest attention has recently been focused on the role of (1) disordered neutrophil kinetics (Lee etal., 1981; Morgan et al., 1981), (2) complement activation (Craddock, Fernet al., 1977; Craddock, Hammerschmidt et al., 1977; Hammerschmidt et al., 1980) and (3) haemostasis in the generation of indirect lung injury (Saldeen, 1976; Belew et al., 1978). Although all of these mechanisms may be important, it is most reasonable to view them as an interacting feedback system leading to ARDS. These will now be reviewed. Our own work has recently demonstrated that the acute phases of ARDS are associated with neutrophilic alveolitis (Lee et al., 1981; Morgan et al., 1981). Events gleaned by observations in haemodialysis and cardiopulmonary bypass indicate that activation of complement C5a produces sequestration of neutrophils in the microvasculature of the lung (Craddock, Fehr et al., 1977; Craddock, Hammerschmidt et al., 1977; Chenoweth et al., 1981). Clinically, activated complement has been found in patients who are septic (Hammerschmidt et al., 1980) or have undergone cardiopulmonary bypass (Chenoweth et al., 1981). Such neutrophils, when stimulated, elaborate three classes of inflammatory mediators (Weissmann, Smolen and Korchak, 1980): proteolytic enzymes, arachidonic acid metabolites and oxygen-free radicals. Only the first has been definitely associated with clinical ARDS. Elastase, although initially absent from the bron-

729 choalveolar lavage of patients with ARDS (Fowler, Gidas and Hyers, 1981), is found in increased concentration within the first 48 h (Lee et al., 1981). These proteases can injure the pulmonary microvasculature directly (Cochrane and Aikin, 1966; Janoff, 1970) and generate activated complement (Henson et al., 1979; Olsson and Venge, 1980) and elastin fragments (Morgan et al., 1981) which are chemotactic for monocytes and macrophages (Senior, Griffen and Mecham, 1980). Neutrophilderived arachidonic acid metabolites have diverse effects depending on the molecule released (Kitchen, Boot and Dawson, 1978). However, members of the PGE series potentiate the inflammatory response and are weakly chemotactic for neutrophils (Farel-Hutchinson et al., 1980). Oxygen-free radicals produced by neutrophils are highly reactive. They damage the structure of the alveolar capillary membrane (McCord and Fridovich, 1978; Sacks et al., 1978) and inactivate alpha-1-protease inhibitor (Carp and Janoff, 1979; Abrams et al., 1980) the most important local defence against protease injury. A role for disordered coagulation in the generation of ARDS has been suggested by the presence of platelet and fibrin microemboli in the lung (Saldeen, 1976), and pulmonary platelet accumulation during the acute phases of ARDS (Schneider, Zapol and Carvalho, 1980). In addition to obstructing the pulmonary vascular bed, platelets synthesize and release a variety of vasoactive peptides and proteases, including histamine, bradykinin and elastase (Mustard and Packham, 1979). Sustained permeability changes have not, however, been demonstrated following platelet embolization in animals (Binder et al., 1980). A role for deficient or damaged surfactant in the generation of ARDS is supported by several pieces of circumstantial evidence. First there is similarity between the half-life of surfactant and the "latent" period between lung injury and clinical manifestations of ARDS. This suggests that alveolar Type II cells, damaged early in ARDS, are no longer producing surfactant, or that surfactant is being inactivated. Second, loss of free and intracellular surfactant in experimental lung injury is correlated with acute alveolar injury and reduced compliance (Ryan et al., 1981). Finally, surfactant recovered from humans with ARDS is abnormal structurally and functionally (Petty et al., 1977). Thus, disturbed surfactant production and function may contribute to the manifestations of ARDS.



Mechanical ventilation The primary treatment objectives in ARDS are improvement of arterial blood oxygen tension and tissue oxygen delivery without precipitating pulmonary oxygen toxicity. All patients are treated initially with supplementary oxygen by mask or nasal prongs. In patients in whom hypoxaemia becomes progressively worse, it becomes necessary to initiate mechanical ventilation. This decision is based on general patient status, rate of deterioration, and nature of injury. In general, mechanical ventilation is begun when hypoxaemia (Pac^*^ 8 kPa, 60 mm Hg) persists in the face of potentially toxic concentrations of oxygen (i^o2^*0.70) (Clark and Lambertsen, 1971). Volume-cycle respirators are used in order to deliver adequate tidal volumes in patients with "stiff" lungs. Large tidal volumes (10-15mlkg" 1 ) are used as a means to prevent progressive atelectasis and improve blood oxygenation (Sykes, Young and Robinson, 1965; Visick, Fairley and Hickey, 1973). Two frequently encountered problems in patients breathing spontaneously who are being ventilated are asynchronous breathing and hyperventilation. The former may be corrected by increasing the respiratory rate or inspiratory flow. Intermittent mandatory ventilation (IMV) may be of benefit in either situation because the patient is allowed to breathe spontaneously in-between ventilator breaths, thereby reducing minute ventilation and correcting the respiratory alkalosis. Furthermore, the use of IMV may reduce the need for sedation or paralysis. Positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) PEEP has an established role in ARDS management. Its beneficial effects result from an increase in lung volume with consequent improvement in .Rao2 and compliance (Nicotra et al., 1964; Kumar et al., 1970; Falke, Pontoppidan and Kumar, 1972; Pontoppidan, Geffen and Lowenstein, 1972; Sugarman, Rogers and Miller, 1972; Gong and Tierney, 1980). This permits a reduction in Fk>2 from potentially toxic values. In the oedematous condition, the increase in lung volume results in a redistribution of alveolar fluid with a reduction in the distance for oxygen diffusion (Staub, 1974). PEEP has not been shown to decrease extravascular lung water (Staub, 1974; Hopewell, 1979). Alternatively, it has recently been demonstrated

that a decrease in cardiac output by itself can reduce shunt in patients with ARDS (Lemaire et al., 1978; Dantzker, Lynch and Weg, 1980). The effect of PEEP on cardiac output is unpredictable, but it is known that a decrease in output may result (see below). In such a circumstance, the improvement in P&O2 m a y result from reduced perfusion to the diseased areas of the lung in the absence of improvement in lung function. Therefore, oxygen delivery may be reduced following PEEP even when P&02 is increased (Dantzker et al., 1980). Several reports suggest that PEEP would prevent ARDS from developing in high-risk patients (Schmidt et al., 1978; Weigelt, Mitchell and Snyder, 1979) but this is not well substantiated (Hudson, 1981). Systemic oxygen transport Although mechanical ventilation and PEEP usually improve iV>2> a decrease in haemoglobin concentration or cardiac output can result in a decrease in the amount of oxygen delivered to the tissues. Tissue oxygen delivery (systemic oxygen transport) is the product of cardiac output and arterial oxygen content (C&o^)- C&02 is a function of ft^, the haemoglobin concentration and saturation. We recommend Pao2 between 8 and 9.3 kPa (60-70 mm Hg) and a haemoglobin concentration of lOgdl" 1 (by transfusion, if necessary) in order to maintain an adequate Ca^- The tissue delivery of oxygen under such conditions would then depend on the cardiac output. Several years ago Suter, Fairley and Isenberg (1975) proposed that maximal delivery of oxygen (and cardiac output) could be correlated with the highest respiratory system compliance in patients treated with PEEP. More recent evidence questions the validity of these earlier observations (Hudson et al., 1977; Hudson, 1981), and we feel that reliable and accurate cardiac output assessment requires direct measurement. Steroids The use of corticosteroids in ARDS is a controversial and confused issue. Substantial evidence of clinical efficacy is lacking. These hormones are known to stabilize lysosomal membranes (Wilson, 1972), prevent complement-induced neutrophil aggregation (Hammerschmidt et al., 1977), and superoxide damage to endothelial cells in vitro (Sacks et al., 1978). In animal systems, pretreatment with steroids prevents the increased lung vas-



cular permeability following endotoxic shock (Brigham, Bowers and McKeen, 1981) and may improve survival of rats exposed to pure oxygen (Sahebjami, Gawd and Massaro, 1974). Shumer (1976) demonstrated improved survival using steroids in a study of patients with septic shock. Sibbald and colleagues (1981) found alveolar capillary integrity to be maintained as measured by 131 I-albumin clearance. Other studies suggest possible benefits in radiation pneumonitis (Castellano et al., 1974) and fat embolism (Fisher et al., 1971) treated with corticosteroids, but these were not controlled studies. Currently, despite the controversy, we use corticosteroids in the treatment of septic ARDS. Benefits in other forms of this syndrome are even less well-defined. At the present time, despite the potential role of prostaglandins and fibrinogen in the pathogenesis of ARDS, there are no animal or human trials suggesting a clinical role for manipulating these substances. MONITORING

the first indication of complicating pulmonary disease and improvement of these measurements follows the institution of appropriate therapy (Bone, 1976). Haemodynamic Pulmonary artery balloon-tipped catheters (Swan et al., 1970) permit the measurement of pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP), which estimates left arterial pressure, cardiac output by thermodilution and mixed venous oxygen tension—a reflection of tissue oxygenation. The indications for catheterization include: uncertainty about the presence of left ventricular failure, refractory hypotension, suspected low intravascular volume and an anticipated use of high levels of PEEP. In general, haemodynamic monitoring guides the physician in dealing with two major clinical dilemmas. First, the patient who presents with acute dyspnoea, hypoxaemia and diffuse infiltrates on chest x-ray may have either cardiac or permeability pulmonary oedema. As the distinction is difficult on clinical grounds alone (Dershaw et al., 1981), measurement of the PCWP permits the separation of these two entities. Second, there is the problem of appropriate fluid management. A low wedge pressure would support the need for fluid repletion; a high pressure, the need for restriction and diuresis. In many instances the physician must balance the risks of hypovolaemia and consequent reduced cardiac and urine output against the use of a higher wedge pressure which will increase extravascular lung water. Although PCWP 15-18 mm Hg has been recommended as a optimal left ventricular filling pressure following myocardial infarction (Crexels, Chatterjee and Forrester, 1973), this would be inappropriate where there is increased alveolar capillary permeability. We recommend a pressure of 5-10 mm Hg, provided cardiac output can be maintained. The type of fluid, either crystalloid or colloid, is probably less important than the volume administered (Stothert and Carrico, 1981). Colloid offers no particular advantage since the osmotic gradient between the interstitial and vascular spaces is reduced because of the increased membrane permeability to protein.

Ventilators Ventilator monitoring is used in conjunction with clinical examination, chest x-ray and arterial bloodgas measurement in defining resolution or progression of illness. The monitoring of respiratory system mechanics (lung and chest wall) in patients on respirators has recently been reviewed (Bone, 1976; 1981). These techniques include measuring effective (dynamic) and static compliance of the respiratory system. The tidal volume divided by the peak end inspiratory airway pressure is the effective (dynamic) compliance. The same tidal volume divided by the plateau pressure, recorded when the patient relaxes against a momentary occlusion of the expiratory tubing, is the static compliance. The effective (dynamic) compliance reflects the elasticand flow-resistive components of the system, while the static compliance measures only the elastic properties. The combined use of these two measurements may permit the early identification of complications. For example, reduced effective (dynamic) compliance without a change in the static measurement can occur in bronchoconstriction or increased airway narrowing as a result of retained secretions. In addition, the use of the pulmonary artery A reduction in both compliance measurements can balloon catheter permits calculation of cardiac outbe seen in tension pneumothorax, atelectasis, bron- put either directly by thermodilution or indirectly chial intubation, worsening parenchymal consolida- by measurement of the mixed venous oxygen tention and oedema (Bone, 1976). sion or saturation. Recent evidence suggests that the These compliance characteristics are frequently thermodilution method is to be preferred since the


732 mixed venous oxygen tension may not accurately reflect decreases in cardiac output and tissue oxygenation in the critically ill (Getz et ah, 1979; Danek et al., 1980; Hudson, 1981).

which should alert the clinician to the risk of pneumothorax. EXTRACORPOREAL MEMBRANE OXYGENATION

The development of membrane artificial lungs for the treatment of acute respiratory failure was stimuThere are several problems which frequently arise in lated by the belief that maintenance of gas exchange the ventilatory management of patients with ARDS. would sustain life while the lung healed (Zapol and These include: a paradoxical decrease in Pa^, a Snider, 1980). A study designed to evaluate the efficacy of this therapy has shown that extrapulreduction in cardiac output and barotrauma. monary oxygenation did not increase survival in The application of PEEP to lungs where there is patients with severe ARDS when compared with localized disease may have adverse effects on Paozmore conventional therapy (Zapol et al., 1979). The In such a circumstance, the positive pressure is majority of patients died with progressive deteriorapreferentially transmitted to the normal more comtion in respiratory function in the presence of diffuse pliant lung units, thereby overdistending these alinflammation, necrosis and fibrosis (Pratt et al., veoli. This can cause compression of pulmonary 1979). capillaries, leading to a redistribution of blood flow Despite the disappointing results, considerable away from normal to diseased areas. The end result interest remains for continuing research in this area. is a decrease in the arterial oxygen tension. Several conditions could account for the reduc- As a result of the previous experience efforts are tion in cardiac output in patients treated with PEEP. being directed toward improving the technology of These include a reduction in venous return or pre- blood oxygenators as well as investigating the body's load (Cournand et al., 1948; Lenfant and Howell, physiological response to the procedure (Hempel 1960; Lutch and Murray, 1972; Asbaugh and Petty, and Lenfant, 1981). It appears at this time that 1973; Qvist et al., 1975), an increase in pulmonary extracorporeal membrane oxygenation remains an vascular resistance (Powers, Manual and Neclerio, investigational technique. 1973; Hobelmann et al., 1975) and impairment of SUMMARY: PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT myocardial performance (Cassidy et al., 1978; Sharf, Caldini and Ingram, 1977). A recent study In summary, therapy of ARDS is directed at im(Calvin, Driedger and Sibbald, 1981) concluded proving gas exchange and maintaining adequate that, in ARDS patients treated with PEEP up to fluid balance. There is no established therapy which 15 cm H 2 O, a reduced left ventricular preload secon- will prevent the syndrome in high-risk patients or dary to increased peripheral venous capacitance accelerate resolution and promote healing in cases of seemed responsible for the reduced cardiac output. established disease. We attempt to improve gas This observation stresses the importance of exchange by mechanical ventilation and PEEP, and haemodynamic monitoring for fluid management. assure proper fluid balance by haemodynamic In some patients, however, direct myocardial dys- monitoring. An arterial Po2 of 8-9.3 kPa function may occur consequent to PEEP. Several (60-70 mm Hg) is sufficient to provide adequate mechanisms for this depression of myocardial func- tissue oxygenation provided the cardiac output is tion have been proposed and include changes in left normal and the haemoglobin concentration is at ventricular geometry as a result of right ventricular least 10 g dl" 1 . If inspired oxygen tensions of 60% or overload (Jardin et al., 1981), neurogenicinfluences greater are necessary, then PEEP should be applied (Glick, Wechsler and Epstein, 1969) and a hormonal in order to decrease Flo2agent released from distended lungs (Manny, Patten and Liebman, 1978; Patten et al., 1978). PULMONARY FUNCTION FOLLOWING ARDS The risk of barotrauma is associated with the use The mortality in ARDS is extremely high. Death of high tidal volumes and PEEP (Steir et al., 1974; results from either progressive respiratory failure Bone, Francis and Pierce, 1975; Hudson, 1981). (Lamy et al., 1976) or associated multi-system disOnce maximal recruitment of alveoli occurs, a furth- ease (Morgan et al., 1981). Among survivors, reer increase in tidal volume could produce overdis- ports of sequelae are limited to small numbers of tension of alveolar volume. This is reflected in a patients (Klein et al., 1976; Lakshminarayan, Standecrease in compliance measurements (Bone, 1976), ford and Petty, 1976; Rotmanetal., 1977; Yernault, COMPLICATIONS



Sequelae of ARDS % Abnormal

Clinical symptoms Chest x-ray abnormalities Hypoxaemia at rest Hypoxaemia with exercise

25 20 13 30

Pulmonary function tests Restrictive Obstructive Airway hyper-reactivity Reduced diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (I\CO)

34 22 24 40

Englert and Sergysels, 1977; Simpson et al., 1978; Yahav, Lieberman and Molho, 1978; Gregory, Morris and Cengiz, 1981). Although they suggest that residual abnormalities in survivors improve with time, the cases studied tend to reflect a younger population with a predominantly infectious aetiology for ARDS. A summary of these published reports is presented in table II. Prominent problems after recovery include dyspnoea, wheezing, recurrent infection and, rarely, upper airway obstruction. Physiological studies show marked impairment in 30-40% of survivors with airway hyper-reactivity occasionally developing. The factors that result in permanent lung damage are as yet unknown, but may relate to the nature and severity of the insult, oxygen concentrations used in therapy, age and underlying pulmonary dysfunction. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

The authors wish to thank Dr George Weinbaum for critical review of the manuscript and Miss Gina Kapusnick for its preparation. REFERENCES

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