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COVER DESIGN BY ISTVAN MOLNAR OF HUNGARY: An artistic interpretation of the New York Skyline, accentuated by the rays of the rising sun.



GENERAL INFORMATION Th e State of New York observes Eastern Daylight Sav ing Time. All events take place in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel unless stated otherwise.

HOSPITALITY The Hospitali ty Des k will be open during the followin g hours, unless otherw ise posted:

Saturday, May 29 Sunday, May 30 Monday, May 3 1 Tuesday, Jun e 1 Wednesday, Jun e 2

1:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00

p.m.-7: 00 p.m. a.m.-8:00 p.m. a.m.-6:00 p.m . a.m.-7:00 p.m. a.m.-5:00p.m.

Jansen Suite Louis XVI Center Louis XVI Center Louis XVI Su ite Crane Su ite

M LA The Medical Library Association Desk will be in the Silver Corridor during the ent ire Conference. MLA publications, membership app li cations, scho larship donations, job openings, etc., may be obtained from the Executive Secretary or her representative at this Desk.

Be sure to visit the MLA Desk! Headquarters and Press will be in th e Regency Room A & B during th e ent ire Conference.

REGISTRATION The Registration Desks will be in the Silver Corr idor and will be open during the fo llowing hours:

Sunday, May 30 Monday, May 31 Tuesday, Jun e 1 Wednesday, June 2 Thursday, June 3

1:00 8:00 8:00 8:30 8:30

p.m.-9 :00 a.m.-9:00 a.m.-6:00 a.m. -4:00 a.m.-2:00

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

REGISTRATION FEES Ind ividu al Members Institutional Members (one representative per institution only) Non-Member Library Sc hoo l Student (full time enrollees only ) Da ily Reg istrat ion fee fo r MLA members

$15.00 22.50 22.50 7.00 5.00

There is no charge for reg istration of an accompanying spouse.

T ICKET SALES Sa les for all functions wi ll stop 24 hours before the event begins. Be sure to buy yo ur mea l tickets EARLY or in ADVANCE. No refund s.

EXHIBITS Ex hibits wi ll be located in the jade, Basi ld on and Astor Ga ll eries and will be open during the following hours:

Monday, May 31 Tuesday, June 1 Wednesday, June 2 T hursday, June 3

12:00 noon 8:30 a.m. 8:30a. m. 8:30 a.m.


5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:00p. m. 12:00 noon

A li st of ex hibi to rs and a map of the ex hibi t areas and booth locat ion s will be posted in the Reg istration Area.

Atte ntion MLA Members: Please make a spec ial effort to introduce yourse lves to persons wearin g YELLOW NAME BADGES. T hese are ou r new MLA members and many have never atte nd ed a co nvention before.


70th ANNUAL MEETING MEDICAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION MAY 30- JUNE 3, 1971 WALDORF-ASTORIA ; NEW YORK, NEW YORK Please note that, for th e first time, committee meetings have been includ ed in the printed program . This was requested by the membership. Some committee meetings are marked "(closed)". This indicates that on ly members of that committee can attend. All other meetings, including the meetings of the Board of Directors, are open to the MLA membership.


Friday, May 28, 7977 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Regional Medical Library Directors' Meeting (N LM) Astor Gallery

5:00 p.m. to 6:30p .m.

Convel1tibn Committee Meeting Chairman: Helen Kovacs Park Ave. So.

Saturday, May 29, 7977 1 :00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Hospitality Jansen Su ite

Saturday, May 29, 7977 3:00 p.m. to 8:00p.m.

Continuing Education (CE) Information Desk (in Hospitality

area) Jansen Suite Class Admission Tickets MUST BE OBTAINED in ADVANCE for all CE courses.

5 :00 p.m. to 9:00 p.r,n.

Continuing Education (CE) Committee Meeting (closed) Chairman: jess A. Martin French Salon


Sunday, May 30, 79 77 8:00 a.m. to 8:00p.m.


1:00 p.m. to 9:00p.m.


7:30a.m. to 9:30a.m .

Continuing Education (CE) Information Desk Silver Corridor

Louis XVI Center Silver Corridor

ADVANCE REGISTRAT,ION REQUIRED FEE : $20.00 per day. (Limit- one course per day, eithef; Sunday or Monday. For two courses, Sunday and Monday, $40.00) Room assignments wi ll be given at the CE Information Desk on ly to registrants ho lding Class Admission Tickets.

9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Continuing Education (CE) Courses Chairman : jess A. Martin

(Li st of Courses on next page)



Sunday, May 30, 79 77 Basic Punched Card Princip les for Librarians



Impli cations of Machines in LibrariesSocial, Economic and Adm ini strative



Techniques of Syste ms Ana lysis and Design



Selected Biomedical Reference Too ls



Human Factors in Med ica l Library Adm inistrat ion



· Comp uters and Programm ing- An Introd uct ion

CE - 7

Quantitative Measures as Manage ment Too ls



A Rev iew of t he L ite rature of Dentistry



Mater ials for the History of Med icin e



Rece nt Adva nces in the Literature of Pharmacy



Techniques of Interlibrary Lending



Advanced Biomedica l Reference



Grant Applications and Manage ment



Planning Health Sc iences Library Bui ldings



Literature of Nwrsing


Sunday, May 30, 7971 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1 :30 p.m. to 6:00p.m.

Board of Directors Meeting Presiding: Donald Washburn,

D. D. S., President Park Ave. Center

2:00 p.m. to 5:00p.m.

Regiona l Medical Programs Chairman: Aleene K. Schneider Jansen Salon

6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m .

Informal Discussion. "Th e Medical Library Training Program at Case Western Reserve University: Its Implications for Styles of Library Management" Moderator: Robert G. Cheshier (Limited to 50 members) jansen Salon

7 :00 p.m . to 9:00 p.m.

Reception - Welcome Party Grand Ballroom Co-sponsored by:

Abrahams Magazine Service, Inc. New York, New York

Monday, May 37, 7971 8:00 a.m. to 6 :00 p .m.


8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.


7 :3 0 a.m. to 9:30a.m.

CE Information Desk (for details see Sunday, May 30th) Si lver Corridor

Louis XVI Center

Silver Corridor


Monday, May 37, 7977 8:00a . m . to 8:45a.m .

Nominating Committee (closed) Chairman: Isabel McDonald French Salon

8:00a. m . to 8:45a .m.

Ida and George Eliot Prize Essay Committee (closed) Chairman: Dagmar Michalova Carte Blanche

8:00a.m. to 11 :00 a.m.

Special Meeting: Council on Developing Libraries (closed) Chairman: Emil F. Frey Jansen Salon

9:00a.m . to 5:00p.m.

Continuing Education (CE) Courses will be repeated. (for details see Sunday, May 30)

10:00 a .m . to 11 :45 a.m. and 1 :45 p .m. to 5:00p.m. 12 :00 noon to 12:15 p, m. 12 : 1-5 p.m. to 5:00p .m. 6:00p .m. to 8 :00p .m .

Board of Directors Meeting Presiding: Donald Washburn,

D. D. 5., President Park Ave. Center Official Opening of Exhib,its by

Donald Washburn, D. D. 5., Pres(dent Exhibits

Jade, Basildon and Astor Galleries

Reception at the New York Academy of Medicine Library, East 103rd Street and Fifth Avenue, New York, New York. Hosts: Dr. james E. McCormack,

Director, and Thomas G. Basler, Librarian Limited bus service will be ava ilable. Please inquire at Information Desk.


Tuesday, june 7, 7977 8 :00a.m. to 7 :00p.m.


8:00a.m. to 4:00p.m .


8:30a.m. to 5:00p .m.


7:50a.m . to 9:10a.m.

Recruitment Committee Chairman: David Bishop Park Ave. Center

7:50a.m. to 9 :10a.m .

Bib liographical Projects and Prob lems Committee (closed) Chairman : joan Staats French Sa lon

8 :15a.m. to , 9:10 a.m. ·

Membership Committee (closed) Chairman : Gilbert j. Clausman Park Ave . So.

9·;15 a.m . to 10:15 a.m ;

Louis XVI Suite

Si lver Corridor jade, Basildon and Astor Gall eries

Opening Session Grand Ballroom Presiding: Donald Washburn, D. D. 5., President, Medical Library Association and Director, Bureau of Library Services, American Dental Association, Chicago, Il linois We lcoming Address: Dr. Ernest L. Boyer, Chancellor, State University of New York, Albany, New York


Tuesday, june 7, 7977 Opening Session (cont'd .) Pres id ent ial Address: "Chan.ges Cost- Changes Pay"

Donald Washburn, D. D. 5., President 10 :15 a.m. to 10 :45 a.m.

I ntermiss(c;m · Coffee served in Exhib it areas

10:45 · a.m. to 12.: 30 p.m.

Genera l Sess ion




Grand Ballroom "Manpower for Medical Libraries" Moderator: Louise Darling, Biomedical Library, Center for the Health Sc iences, University of Cali fornia, Los Angeles, Ca liforn ia.

; _.

_, ,


.. '

"The Preparation and Use of Library Manpower" Lester Asheim, Ph.D., Director, Office for Library Educat ion, American Library Association, Chicago, Illinois. r "An Investigation of the Educat ion al ' Needs of Health Sc iences Library ,; ' Man-power : Summary and Conc lu s i on~'

David A. Kronick, Ph.D.,

Librarian, University of Texas Medical Schoo l at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas and

Alan M. Rees, Professor of Library Science, School of Library Science, Case Western Reserve University, C leve land, Oh io .


Tuesday, june 7, 7977 General Session (cont'd .) "Preparation for Medical Librarianship: Status and Potential" Martha jane K. Zachert, D. L. 5., Associate Professor, School of Library Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida. 1 :00 p.m. to 2 :45p .m .

Honors Luncheon Starlight ~oof Presiding: Gilbert j . C!ausman, Chairman, Membership Committee Welcome to New Members:

Gilbert}. C!ausman, Chairman Presentation of Scholarships: Mayo Drake, Chairman, Scholarships Committee Presentation of Certificates:

Christa M. Sykes, Chairman, Certification Committee 3:00p.m. to 3:40p .m.

Janet Doe Lecture Grand Ballroom "The Pursuit of Excellence" Estelle

Brodman, Ph.D., Librarian and Professor of Medical History, Washington University, School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri. 3:45p.m. to 4:00p.m.


4:00p.m. to 6:00p.m.

Business Session Starlight Roof Presiding: Donald Washburn, D. D. 5.



Board of Directors Donald Washburn, D. D. S. The Secretary Marie Harvin The Treasurer and Finance Comm ittee Richard A. Davis Subcomm ittee on Central Office Elliott H. Morse, Chairman The Executive Secretary Helen Brown Schmidt REPORTS OF COMMITTEES

Bylaws Comm ittee Exchange Committee

Virginia Parker, Chairman

Minnie Orfanos, Chairman MLA/NLM Liaison Comm ittee Robert F. Lewis, Chairman Committee on C urri cu lum june L. Huntley, Chairman Committee on Internsh ips Miriam H. Libbey, Chairman Committee on Certification Christa Sykes, Chairman Committee on Scholarships Mayo Drake, Chairman Comm ittee on Recruitment David Bishop, Chairman Comm ittee on Continu ing Educat ion j ess A. Martin, Chairman Legislation Comm ittee jacqueline W. Felter, Chairman Com mittee on Internat io nal Cooperat ion john B. Balkema, Chairman Membership Comm ittee Gilbert j. Clausman, Chairman


Tuesday, june 7, 7977 6:30p.m. to 9:00p. m.

Exchange Co mmittee (cl osed ) Chairm an: Minnie Orfanos Park Ave. Ctr.

6:30p. m. to 9 :00p.m.


Nursing Libraries

Hi lton Room Presiding : Dorothy Dralle, Chairman "Nursing Sc hoo l L ibrary Accred itat io n"

Sarah L. Sh erlock, Member, Board of Review for Diploma Programs and Director, School of Nursing, The Mountainside Hospita l, Mo ntclair, New Jersey and Frances K. Peterson, Director, Department of Dip lo ma Programs, Nationa l League for Nursing, New York, New York History of Medicine

Jansen Sui te Pres iding: Nancy W. Zinn, Chairman "Co nservation of Library Materials" H. Wayne £/ey, Jr., Conservation Specialist, T he New York Public Library , New York, New York


Wednesday, june 2, 7977 8:00a .m. to 5:00p.m.


8:30a.m. to 4:00p.m.


8:30a.m. to 5:00p.m .


Crane Suite

Si lver Corridor Jade, Basi ld on and Astor Gall er ies

8:3 0a.m . to 11 :00 a.m .

Committee on Committees (closed) Cha irm an: Bernice M. Hetzner Fre nch Sa lo n

9:00a.m . to 11 :00 a.m.

Medical Library Technicians Training Program Committee Chairman: Robert Braude Pillement Suite (G)

9:00a.m. to 12:00 noon


ADVANCE REGISTRATION REQUIRED No Additional Charge for FORUMS The Forums will be repeated from 2:00p.m. to 5:00p.m.


LIBRARY PROGRAMS Hilton Room Moderator: Erich Meyerhoff, Librarian, Corne ll University Medical Col lege, New York, New York


Wednesday, june 2, 7977 FORUM 1 - (cont'd.) Paneli sts:

Robert Braude, Associate Librarian, Charles Den ison Memoria l L ib rary, University of Co lorado Medical Center, Denver, Co lorado.

Eleanor C. Cairns, Librarian, Maine Regional Medical Program, Maine Medical Center Library, Portland, Maine.

Richard A . Davis, Assistant Librarian for Regional Medical Library Services, John Crerar L ibrary, Chicago, Il linois.

Dorothy Dralle, Medical Librarian, Ellis Hospita l, Schenectady, New York.

Ne lson j. Gilman, Associate Director, Pacific Southwest Regional Medical Library Se rvic e, Biomed ica l Library, Ce nter for the Hea lth Sc iences, University of Ca li forn ia, Los Ange les, Ca li forn ia.

j ean Miller, Director, Regional Medical Inform atio n Dissemination Program of the Regional Medica l Program of Weste rn New York, Buffa lo, New York.

Roland Peterson, Assistant Director for Program Planning and Evaluation, Regiona l Medical Programs Service, U. S. Pub li c Health Serv ice, Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, Rockvill e, Maryland.


Wednesday, june 2, 7977 FORUM 1 -

Panelists (cont'd.)

Aleene K. Schneider, Formerly Research Assistant, Medical Planning, Bi-State Regional Medical Program, St. Louis, Missouri.

john A. Timour, Library Services Director, Con necticut Regional Medical Program, New Haven, Co nn ectic ut.

Robert A. Walkington, Deputy Associate Director for Extramural Programs, Nation al Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland . FORUM 2: ACQUISIT IONS POLICIES AND PROCEDURES

Louis XVI Suite Moderator: Myrl Ebert, Director, Division of Hea lth Sc iences Library, University of North Caro lina, Chape l Hil l, North Caro lin a. Panelists:

Theodora Andrews, Librarian, Pharmacy Library, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indi ana.

Anne j efferson, Acquisitions Librarian, Lyman Maynard Stowe Library, University of Connect icut Health Center, Hartford, Connec~icut.


Wednesday, june 2, 7977 FORUM 2- Pane lists (cont'd.)

Robert T. Lentz, Librarian, Jeffe rson Medical Co ll ege Library, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

james W. Montgomery, Librarian, New York State Psychi atric Institute, New York, Ncvv York . FORUM 3: CATALOG IN G A ND CLASSIFICATION

PROBLEMS Starli ght Roof So. Mod erato r : Stanley D. True/son, Jr., Librarian, Yale Med ica l Library, New Haven, Co nn ecticut. Panelists:

Edward j . Blume, Assistant Chief, Sub ject Cataloging Division, Processing Department, Library of Co ngress, Washington, D.C.

Ruth j. Mann, History of Medicin e Librarian, Mayo Clini c Library, Rochester, Minnesota.

Salvador B. Waller, Chief of Reference Services, Health Serv ices and Mental Health Adm inistration Library, Rockville, Maryland.

Emilie V. Wiggins, Head, Cata loging Section, Technical Services Division, Nationa l Library of Med icin e, Bethesda, Mary land .



Wednesday, june 2, 7977 FORUM 4: SER IALS HANDLING AND CONTROL

Star li ght Roof No. Mod erato r : jacqueline W. Felter, Director, Medi ca l Library Ce nter of New York, New York, New York. Paneli sts:

Dorothy R. Hill, Acquisitions Librarian and Assistant Professor, Mount Sin ai Sc hoo l of Med ici ne of t he City University of New York, New York, New York.

Lothian Lynas, Assistant Librarian, New York Botanica l Garden, Bronx, New York.

Reginald W. Smith, Assistant Librarian, Co ll ege of Med icin e and Dent ist ry of New Jersey at Newark, Newa rk , New Jersey.

Betty Ann Withrow, Librarian, Ca lifornia Co ll ege of Medicine, University of Ca lifornia, Irv in e, Ca liforni a. FORUM 5: PRACTICAL MACHI N E METHODS FOR THE

SMALL OR M EDIUM-SIZED MEDICAL LIBRARY Go ld Room Mod erator: Estelle Brodman, Ph.D., Librarian and Professor of Medical History, Washingto n University Sc hoo l of Medi cin e, St. Louis, Mi sso uri . Pane li sts:

Warren P. Bird, Acting Librarian, Duke Uni vers ity Med ica l Cente r Library, Durham, Nort h Caro lina.


Wednesday, june 2, 79 71 FORUM 5 - Panelists (Cont'd .)

Glyn T. Evans, Acting Deputy Librarian, Washington University Sc hoo l of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri . Irwin Pizer, Librarian, Library of Medical Sc iences, University of Illinois, Chicago, Il lino is. joan Titley, Librarian, Ko rnh auser Health Sciences Library, University of Louisvi ll e, Louisvil le, Kentucky. FORUM 6: Cl RCULATION POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Park Ave . Suite Moderator : jess A. Martin, Librarian, University of Tennessee, Medical Units Library, Memphis, Tennessee. Panelists:

Richard Eimas, Librarian, Sc hool of Medic ine, Vanderbi lt University, Nashvi li e, Tennessee . Frances G. Livingston, Co ll ege Librarian, Ke nt ucky Sout hern Camp us, University of Lou isvi ll e, Louisv ill e, Kentucky. Raymond A . Palmer, Assistant Librarian, Franc is A. Cou ntway Library of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts. Peter Stangl, Assistant Librarian, Ya le Medical Library, New Haven, Connecticut.



IN HOSPITALS Emp ire Room Mod era tor : Helen Yast, Director, Division of Library Serv ices, Amer ica n· Hosp ital' Assoc iat io n, Chicago, lllin'ois. Pane li sts:

Th omas H. Batt, Associate Executive Director, Sp~ingf i e l d Hosp ita l Medi ca l Ce nter, Spri'n gfi eld, Massac hu setts.

Harriette M. C!uxton, Medical Librarian, Noah V anC leef Med ica l M emoria l Library, Illinoi s Maso ni c Medica l Ce nter, Ch icago, Illin ois .'

Daria Drobny, Medical Librarian, Reh abilitation Institute, Detro it , M i c h i g~ n.

A lice M. Duva, Medical Librarian, Hali f ax District Hosp ital, Dayto na Bea ch, F lorida. ·

Margaret Miller, Librarian, Borgess Hosp ital, Ka lamazoo, M !c hi gan.

Marie A '. Norto~, 'Librarian, L~ nk e n au · Hosp ital, Philade lphia, Pennsy lvan ia.

j ean Scougall, Librarian, Springfield Hosp ital M edical Center, Springfi eld, Massac husetts.

Cli f.fo rd Wolfe, Executive Staff, Kiff, Vo ss and Franklin, Architects, Offi c~ of York and Sawye r, New York, New York .


Wednesday, june 2, 7977 FORUM 8: ADMINISTRATION PROBLEMS OF THE LARGE MEDICAL LIBRARY Jan sen Sa lo n Moderator : Harold Bloomquist, Librarian, Franc is A. Co untway Library of Medicine, Bosto n, Massachusetts. Panelists:

Robert G. Cheshier, Librarian, Cleve land Health Sc iences Library, Cleve land, Ohio.

Louise Darling, Librarian, Biom ed ica l Library, University of Ca liforni a, Ce nter for t he Hea lth Scie nces, Los Angeles, Ca liforn ia.

M. Doreen Fraser, Librarian, W. K. Ke llogg Health Sc iences Library, Dalhousie University , Halifax , Nova Scot ia, Canada.

Miriam H. Libbey, Librarian, A. W. Ca lhoun Med ica l L ibrary, Emo ry University, At lanta, Geo rgia. FORUM 9: MULTI -MEDIA DEVELOPMENTS AND USE OF MI CROFOR M S East Foyer Moderator : Omer Hamlin, Jr., Director, Medical Ce nter L ibrary and Co mmuni cat ion s Syste ms, University of Kent uck y, Lexington, Kentucky. Panelists:

Margaret Brooks, Chief, Refere nce and A rchival Sectio n, Med ia Reso urces Branch, Natio nal M ed ica l Audiovisual Ce nter, At lanta, Georgia . 18

Wednesday, june 2, 7977 FORUM 9- Panelists (Cont'd.)

Dr. joseph Leiter, Associate Director for Library Operations, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland.

Leigh R. Marquardt, Supervisor, Service Industri es Market , Microfilm Products Division, 3M Company, St. Pau l, Minnesota.

Dr. Irving R. Merrill, Director, Commun ications Office for Research and Teach ing, University of Ca lifornia, San Francisco Medical Center, San Francisco, Ca lifornia.

Dr. Vernon Tate, Executive Secretary, Nationa l Microfilm Association, Annapo li s, Maryland. 1 2: 1 5 p.m . to 2:00p.m.

Luncheon for Officers, Board Members and Comm ittee Chairme n (by invitation on ly) j ansen Blue Room

1 2: 15 p.m. to 1 :45 p.m.

GROUP LUNCHEONS Denta l Libraries

Jan sen Salon Presiding:

Vera Ortynsky, D.D.S., Chairman

Welcome: Dr. Leonard Corman, D.M.D., Ph.D.,

Associate Professor of Dentistry, Schoo l of Denta l and Oral Surgery, Columbia University, New York, New York.


Wednesday, june 2, 7971 GROUP LUNCHEONS (cont'd.)

12 : 15 p.m. to 1:45 p.m.

Medical Society Libraries Louis XVI Center

Presiding: Ruth M. Oettinger, Chairman 1 2: 15 p.m . to 1:45 p.m.

Pharmacy Libraries Carpenter Suite

Presiding: Gertrude Lorber, Chairman 2:00p.m. to 5:00p.m.

FORUMS WILL BE REPEATED (for detai ls see Morning Program)

2:30p.m. to 4:30p.m .

Committee for Advice on Medical Library Prob lems Carpenter White Room Chairman: Sonia L. Gruen

4:00p.m. to 6:00p.m.

Past Presidents' Cou ncil (by invitation on ly) Carpenter Salon Chairman: William D. Postell

6:00p.m. to 9:00p.m.

Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Goals and Structure of the Medical Library Association Park Ave. Suite Chairman: Erich Meyerhoff

6:00p.m. to 8:00p.m.

Group Dinner Hospital Libraries Jansen Salon Presiding: Marjorie DeForest, Chairman "Muti lation of Library Materials" Edward]. Huth, M.D., Associate Editor, Anna ls of Internal Medicine.


Thursday, june 3, 79 77 8 :30a.m . to 2:00p.m. 8:3 0 a. m . to 12 :00 noon 7:30a.m . to 8:45a.m .

Registration Silver Corridor Exh ibi ts

Jade, Basildon and Astor Gall er ies

Ca nadian Medical Librarians' Breakfast Meeting (by in vitation on ly)

M. Doreen Fraser Pi ll eme nt Su ite 8:00a. m. to 9:00a.m . 9:30a.m. to 12: 00 noon

Legislative Com mittee Chairm an: jacqueline W. Felter French Sa lon General Sess ion


Grand Ballroom Presiding: Bernice M. Hetzner, Vice President (President Elect), Medical Library Assoc iat io n, and Librarian and Professor of Library Sc ience, Univers ity of Nebraska, Medical Center Library, Omaha, Nebraska "T he Medical Library Assistance Act : An Ana lysis of the NLM Extra mural Programs (1965-1970)"

Martin M. Cummings, M.D., Director, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland and Mary E. Corning, Special Assistant to the Director, Nat ion al Library of Medicine, Bethesda, M ary land .


Thursday, june 3, 7977 CONT RIB UTED PAPERS- SESSION A (co nt'd .)

"Medical Library Reso urce Grants: T he Past and the Fut ure"

Arthur j . Broering, Chief, Resources Division, Ex tramural Programs, National Library of Med icine, Bethesda, Maryland. "The MEDLARS Demand Searc h Qua lity Co ntro l Program" Grace T. j enl

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