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I. Sources The lists of sources exclude most biographical references in the notes. a. Biblical References Gen 3:7 103 Gen 12:1-3 233 Gen 15:1 254 2 Sam 5:7


1 Kgs 8:1 1 Kgs 13 1 Kgs 20:36

136 253 253

2 Kgs 2:19-22 2 Kgs 17:26

44 253

1 Chr 11:5


2 Chr 5:2


Ps 8:3 Ps 22:19, 21 Ps 73:12

248-9 253 92

Ecc 2:5-6


Song 7:4


Is 1:8


Ez 5:5 Ez 38:12

88 88

Joel 3:2


Amos 3:4


Mic 3:12


Zech 14:4


1 Mac 4:37, 60


1 Mac 5:54 1 Mac 7:33

137 137

Mt 1:20 Mt 8:28-34 Mt 9:18-26 Mt 9:27-31 Mt 10 Mt 10:22

254 43 43 103 250-2 27, 215, 232, 248-51 43 43 254 179 179 43 138 190 209, 253 183 237 179, 180 184, 197 25, 179, 200, 201, 230, 248, 253 179, 181 183 119 70, 108 125 131 125, 126, 129, 130, 133 125, 126 125, 126, 133 125, 126 126, 133 254 125 254

Mt 11:21 Mt 14:22-36 Mt 14:27 Mt 14:32 Mt 14:41-52 Mt 17:1-13 Mt 21:5 Mt 24:3-26:4 Mt 25:1-13 Mt 26:14-6 Mt 26:23 Mt 26:36 Mt 26:36-45 Mt 26:41

Mt 26:45-56 Mt 27:3-4 Mt 27:32-28:8 Mt 27:33 Mt 27:52-3 Mt 27:59-60 Mt 27:60 Mt 27:61, 64 Mt 27:66 Mt 28:1 Mt 28:2 Mt 28:5 Mt 28:8 Mt 28:10




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Mk 5:11-20 Mk 6:30-56 Mk 6:50 Mk 9:2-8 Mk 11:12-25 Mk 13:3-37 Mk 14:10-1 Mk 14:15 Mk 14:32 Mk 14:32-42 Mk 14:41 Mk 14:41-52 Mk 15:20-16:8 Mk 15:22 Mk 15:46 Mk 16:3 Mk 16:4 Mk 16:5

43 43 254 43 193 190 183 145 180 184, 197 187 181 119 108 130, 131, 133 126, 133 133 131

Lk 1:26-38 Lk 1:28 Lk 2:8-18 Lk 2:10 Lk 2:41-50 Lk 8:32-9 Lk 9:28-36 Lk 10:13 Lk 10:38-11:4 Lk 12:35-6 Lk 22:3-5 Lk 22:12 Lk 22:39 Lk 22:39-46 Lk 22:41

42, 75 201, 248 45 201, 248, 254 156 43 43 43 193 253 183 145 179, 180 179, 181, 184 4, 184, 185, 196, 199, 201 119 108 130, 131 126, 133 132 103 254

Lk 23:26-4:10 Lk 23:33 Lk 23:53 Lk 24:2 Lk 24:10 Lk 24:31 Lk 24:36

Lk 24:50-1


Jn 1:44 Jn 2:1-11 Jn 4:5-42 Jn 4:20 Jn 5 Jn 5:2

43 42 50 201, 248 23 23, 149, 151, 160-1, 230, 259 148, 153 152 201, 230, 248 43 254

Jn 5:2-9 Jn 5:4 Jn 5:8 Jn 6:16-21 Jn 6:20 Jn 9 103 Jn 10:23 Jn 12:5 Jn 18:1 Jn 18:1-12 Jn 18:2 Jn 19:17 Jn 19:17-20:18 Jn 19:20 Jn 19:41 Jn 19:42 Jn 20:1 Jn 20:19, 26-9 Act 1:3-11 Act 1:11

Act 1:12 Act 1:13 Act 2:1-41 Act 3:1-10 Act 3:11 Act 3:12-26 Act 5:12 Act 7:54-60 Act 9:1-18 Act 9:4


149, 156, 157 138 180 179, 181 180 108 119 113 108, 121, 130, 135, 230 131 126, 133 144 203 201, 202, 205, 209, 210, 214, 230, 248 203 145 144 156 149, 156, 157 156 149, 157 146 43 201, 248



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Act 9:40 Act 18:9 Act 21:7

103 254 51

Rom 5:12-21 Rom 9:33 Rom 11:26

117 138 138

1 Cor 1:31


Heb 11:8-16 Heb 12:22 Heb 13:12

233 138 113

1 Pet 2:6 1 Pet 5:8-10

138 254

Apoc 1:17 Apoc 5:13 Apoc 14:1

254 248 138

Al-Tabari (see R. Schick (1995)) 60 Ambrose, De orbitu Theodosii 65 Ambrose, Expositio Evangelii Secundum Lucam 117 Anastasius of Sinai, Interrogationes et responsiones 59, 139 Antiochus, Epistola ad Eustathium 69, 204 Antiochus, Exomologesis 139 Armenian Guide 17, 56, 69, 72, 86, 96, 111, 115, 116, 117, 122, 123, 139, 145, 146, 154, 166-171, 176, 178, 187, 191, 211, 214, 217, 219, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 257, 258, 260, map 16 Armenian Lectionary 16, 54, 144, 145, 184, 204-5 Augustine, In Iohannis Evangelium Tractatus 207

b. Ancient Sources ᎑ -Yu᎑ suf (see R. Schick (1995)) Abu 60, 62 Acts of John 190 Adomnán, De locis sanctis 18-9, 21-2, 34, 43, 56, 62, 63, 65, 69, 72, 74, 77, 79-98, 102, 110, 111, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133-134, 139, 140, 146, 147, 154, 163, 165, 170, 171, 175, 176, 183, 187-8, 190, 191, 192, 196, 197, 199, 203, 204-5, 208, 209-10, 211, 214, 218, 222, 227, 257, 258, 259, tables 1, 3, manuscript drawings 19-20, 72, 92-3, 99, 116, 145, 146, 147, 164, 257, 259 Alexander the Monk, De Inventione sanctae crucis 145

Bede, De locis sanctis 80-1, 86, 92 Bede, Historia ecclesiastica 30 Benedict of Nursia, Regula Benedicti 250 Bernard the Monk, Itinerarium Bernardi 20, 33, 56, 69, 89-90, 110, 112, 118, 122, 123, 124, 126, 133, 139, 145, 146, 147, 153, 154, 164, 165, 175, 176, 183, 187-8, 190, 191, 195, 199, 201, 204, 207, 209, 211, 214, 218, 219, 222, 223, 229, 257, 259, 260, map 18 Boniface, Epistolae 38, 246 Bordeaux Pilgrim, Itinerarium Burdigalense 16, 110, 137, 138, 150-1, 155, 181-2, 219 Breviarius (all recensions) 16, 64, 65, 71, 72, 76, 84, 115, 117, 122, 146, 147, 174, 183, 190, 214, 219-20, 221, maps 11-3




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Cambrai Map 23, 149, 155 Commemoratorium 20, 55, 56, 72, 93, 96, 102, 104, 110, 114, 116, 126, 139, 154, 175, 191-4, 204 Cyril of Jerusalem, Catechesis 16, 110, 122, 133, 137, 144, 180, 182, 184-6, 188 Cyril of Jerusalem, Homilia in Paralyticum 150 Cyril of Scythopolis. Lives of the Monks of Palestine 46

Eusebius, Onomasticon 141, 150, 151, 181, 184-6, 228 Eusebius, Vita Constantini 71, 95, 120 Eutychius of Alexander, Annales 5960, 71, 93-4, 175, 186, 190 First Guide 145, 159-60, 259 Georgian Calendar 17, 56, 59, 175, 191, 194-5 Georgian Lectionary 17, 55, 56, 59, 89, 139, 144, 153, 174, 175, 188, 195, 205

Daniel the Abbott, Wallfahrtsbericht 20, 21, 22, 24, 46, 63, 65, 76-9, 88, 89, 91, 94-5, 97-8, 103, 106, 145, 149, 160, 166-7, 172, 178, 183, 199, 257, 258, 259, 261, tables 2, 3 De situ urbis Jerusalem 199 Didascalia of Addai 145

Hugeburc, Hodæporicon 13-4 (see Hugeburc, Vita Willibaldi) Hugeburc, Vita Willibaldi, cited throughout, including 1, 6-15, 21-7, 66, 231, 236, 256-64, table 1, maps 8-10, 17 Hugeburc, Vita Wynnebaldi 12, 15, 39, 66, 67, 177, 214, 248, 251, 252, 256

Egeria, Itinerarium Egeriae 16, 54, 104, 110, 144, 145, 182, 184-6, 188, 192, 195, 201, 203, 204-5, 219, 235, 257 Epiphanius, Hagiopolita 17-8, 19, 21, 22, 43, 56, 63, 65, 72, 73-7, 84, 86, 88, 91, 92, 94-8, 103, 107, 117, 122, 139, 145, 146, 147, 153, 154, 159, 161, 165, 166-71, 175, 176, 178, 180, 183, 187, 190-1, 207, 211, 214, 217, 222, 223, 229, 257, 258, 259, 260, tables 1-3 Epiphanius of Salamis, Adversus haereses 117 Epiphanius of Salamis, Treatise on Weights and Measures 138 Eucherius, Epistula ad Faustum Presbyterum 16, 80, 87, 110, 139, 140, 141, 144-5, 148, 151, 190, 191, 204, 207 Eusebius, Demonstratio evangelica 137, 206

Itinerarium S. Willibaldi (Vita III ) 14-5 Jachintus, Pilgrimage 123 Jerome, Commentariorum in Hiezechielem Prophetam 80 Jerome, Epistulae 16, 86-7, 108, 131, 133, 144, 216, 218, 219, 235 Jerome, Hebraicae quaestiones in libro Geneseos 117 Jerome, In Sophoniam 204 Jerome, Liber Locorum 141, 148, 151, 181, 185-6 John of Damascus, Homilia I in Dormitionem B.V. Mariae 75 John of Damascus, Homilia I in Nativitatem B.V.Mariae 154 John of Damascus, Homilia II in Dormitionem B.V. Mariae 167




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John Rufus, Vita Petri Iberi 16, 87, 151, 204, 207, 214, 219 John of Würzburg, Descriptio Terrae Sanctae 187, 197-8 Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews 137, 157 Josephus, The Jewish War 52, 137, 150, 157

183, 186, 192, 207, 219, 229, 259 Protoevangelium 74-5, 97, 153, 260 Prüfening Manuscript (Clm 130002, fol. 4v) 80-1, 87 Rodulf Glaber, Historiarum sui temporis 206 Rufinus of Aquileia, Historia ecclesiastica 65, 103

Koran 244

Origen, Commentaria in evangelium Joannis 150 Origen, Commentaria in evangelium secundum Matthaeum 117 Ottobonian Guide 92, 145

Saewulf, Relatio peregrinatione Saewulfi 20, 47, 145, 198200, 201, 261 Sebe¯os, History of Heraclius 55, 56, 139 Second Guide, 154-5, 162, 199 Socrates Scholasticus. Historia Ecclesiastica 65 Sophronius, Sophronii Anacreontica 17, 89-91, 118, 133, 145, 147, 153-4, 174, 176, 186, 190, 214, 218, 219, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 257, 260, map 15 Sophronius, Vita Sanctae Mariae Aegyptiacae 73 Sozomen. Historia Ecclesiastica 65 Strategius, The Capture of Jerusalem by the Persians 55, 143, 191 Sulpicius Severus, Chronicon 65, 103, 207

Paulinus of Nola, Epistulae 65, 103, 206-7 Photius, Amphilochia 113, 118, 121, 130, 131, 133-4, 140, 141, 148, 158-9, 160, 257, 259 Piacenza Pilgrim, Itinerarium 16, 33, 42, 46, 85, 86, 87, 97, 114, 115-6, 120, 132, 133, 134, 141, 142, 146, 147, 151, 153, 157-9, 160, 174,

Theoderic, Libellus de locis sanctis 197, 199 Theodoret of Cyrus. Historia Ecclesiastica 65 Theodosius, De situ terrae sanctae 16, 32, 44, 46, 110, 114, 115-6, 138, 141, 153, 174, 180, 182, 183, 186, 192, 199, 207, 214, 217, 220, 221, map 14

Life of Constantine 17-8, 191 Lucian the Priest. Epistola Luciani 146 Madaba Map 16, 22, 44, 46, 82-9, 139, 142-3, 147, 169, 171-2, 228 Melito of Sardis, Paschal Homily 84, 147 Mukaddasi, Description of Syria, including Palestine 75, 156, 161 Nikulas of Þverá, Extract from Nikulás of Þverá 89-90, 118




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Theophanes, Chronographia 61, 186 Typikon on the Anastasis 17, 59, 89, 188

Cramp, R. 67

Victornius of Poitiers, de Pascha 80, 92

Finegan, J. 182

Dickerhof, H. 5, 6 Donner, H. 82, 95

Geyer, P. 16, 19, 157, 158 Gibson, S. 53, 78, 99, 100, 116, 150, 152 Gil, M. 114 Gottschaller, E. 7, 8 Grabar, O. 2, 18, 57, 258 Grabois, A. 251

Willibald of Mainz, Vita Bonifatii 12, 38-9 Work of Geography 153 Yâkût (see Le Strange (1976)) 84 c. Contemporary Sources and Scholars Abel, F.-M. 74, 76, 82, 127, 141, 168, 191, 193 Avi-Yonah, M. 82, 85, 87, 226

Harrison, D. 51 Head, T. 13, 14 Heidingsfelder, F. 5, 29 Hoade, E. 197 Holder-Egger, O. 12-4 Hoyland, R.G. 234, 240 Hunt, E.D. 54, 185, 235

Bagatti, B. 175, 194 Bahat, D. 53, 81, 86, 87, 94, 97, 140, 141, 142-3, 168, 180-1, 191, 195, 221 Barag, D. 127 Barefoot, B. 35 Bauch, A., cited throughout, including 5, 12, 14, 29, 47, 68, 86, 100, 101, 127, 168, 192, 196, 212, 241 Biddle, M. 20, 94, 120, 127-8, Borgehammar, S. 64-5, 71 Bowman, G. 11, 263 Broshi, M. 142, 143 Brown, P. 176-7 Brownlow, W.R. 11, 12, 14, 68, 70, 133 Bultmann, R. 152 Busse, H. 94

Kopp, C. 145, 187, 191-4 Krautheimer, R. 213 Kühnel, B. 90 Lecoffre, V. 85 Le Strange, G. 156 Limor, O. 10, 240 Linder, A. 97, 197 Magness, J. 57 Mango, C. 97-8, 242 Maraval, P. 235 Meehan, D. 18, 82 Meistermann, B. 196 Milik, J.T. 158, 189, 194, 195 Molinier, A. 12, 13, 14, 16 Murphy-O’Connor, J. 53, 138, 186, 195, 196, 197

Canisius, H. 11-4 Cohn, E. 223 Corbo, V. 182

Noble, T.F.X. 13, 14




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O’Loughlin, T. 18, 90

Willis, B. 128 Woods, D. 18, 34 Wright T. 12

Paczkowski, M.C. 82, 87, 90 Parsons, D. 19, 214 Payne, R. 135 Pixner, B. 138 Prinz, F. 10, 35, 240 Pullan, W. 81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 90, 168

Yorke, B. 29, 51, 67 II. People a. Biblical Names Abraham 46, 232 Amos 46 Ananias 33, 41 Andrew, disciple of Jesus 33, 43, 124, feast of St Andrew (Nov 30) 33, 37, 41, 51

Reiter, E. 5 Schick, C. 85, 208-9 Schick, R., cited throughout, including 3, 166, 195 Schneider, A.M. 17-8 Shoemaker, S.J. 163-5 Simek, R. 81 Stewart, A. 158 Storme, A. 200 Strickert, F. 43 Sumption, J. 30, 51

Christ, cited throughout Cleopas 254 David, king 161 Dorcas 47, 103 Elijah 43 Elisha 50

Talbot, C.H. 12, 14, 68, 69-70 Taylor, J. 53, 78, 99, 100, 116, 138, 181 Tobler, T. 12-4, 16 Tsafrir, Y. 101, 142, 143 Twain, M. 233-4

Gabriel 42 Herod 45 Isaac 46

Verdier, P. 81, 82-3, 86, 87, 168 Vincent, L.-H. 74, 76, 82, 127, 141, 168, 191, 193

Jacob 46 James 184, 192, 199, 220 Jesus, cited throughout Joanna 132 John the Baptist 50, feast of St John the Baptist (June 24) 32, 89-90 John, disciple of Jesus 156-7, 184, 199 Joseph of Arimathea 74, 122, 126, 131 Joseph, foster-father of Jesus 74-5, 260

Webb, D. 11, 15, 233 Weinfurter, S. 5, 14 Wightman, G.J. 82, 140, 142, 158 Wilkinson, J., cited throughout, including 3, 8-10, 13, 16, 27, 46, 47, 68, 74, 76, 82, 85, 86, 99, 101, 127, 157, 158, 159, 169, 171, 222-6, 241




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Judas 179, 181-3, 187, 223

Adomnán of Iona (abbot, d. 704), cited throughout as author of De locis sanctis Agatha of Catania (Christian martyr, d. 251) 31, 177 Agrippa, Herod I (king of Judea, d. 44) 52, 113 Aldfrith of Northumbria (king, d. 705) 18 Aldhelm of Malmesbury (bishop and scholar, d. 709) 8 Al-Walı¯d (Umayyad caliph, d. 715) 41, 58, 60 ‘Amr b. Sa’d (governor of Damascus, fl. 705) 689 Anthony of Egypt (monk, d. 356/7) 105 Arculf (Holy Land pilgrim, fl. 680), cited throughout as source of Adomnán, including 18-9, 34, 82, 88, 90-2, 96, 99, 126, 218

Luke the Evangelist 33 Mark the Evangelist 141 Mary, mother of James 132 Mary, mother of Jesus, cited throughout, including. 3, 4, 38, 74-5, 96-7, 126, 135-6, 140, 144, 147, 153-4, 16278, 260 Mary Magdalene 126, 132 Moses 43 Obadiah 50 Paul 33, 41 Peter, disciple of Jesus 43, 47, 103, 124, 156-7, 177, 184, 199, 254-5 Philip, disciple of Jesus 46 Pilate 55, 56, 158, 222 Sheba, queen 161 Simeon 159, 220 Solomon, king 71, 155-61, 229, 259

Bede (monk and scholar, d. 735) 19, 30, 80-1, 86, 92 Benedict of Nursia (abbot, d. 550) 35 Bernwelf (priest, fl. 785) 41 Boniface of Crediton (archbishop, d. 754) 1, 5, 19, 36-40, 104-5, 243, 246-7 (also see AngloSaxon Mission in Germany) Burchardt of Würzburg (bishop, d. 753) 38

Tabitha 103 Thomas, disciple of Jesus 144 Timothy 33 Zacharias, the prophet 46, 220 b. Historical Names ‘Abd al-‘Aziz (governor of Egypt, fl. 689) 61 ‘Abd al-Malik (Umayyad caliph, d. 705) 58, 186, 241 Abu᎑ ‘Ubayda (commander of Islamic army, d. 639) 60 Æthelbald of Mercia (king, d. 757) 40, 246-7

Carloman (mayor of Austrasia palace, d. 754) 40 Charlemagne (emperor, d. 814) 20 Chosroes (Persian ruler, d. 628) 55 Chrodegang of Metz (bishop, d. 766) 40 Constantine (emperor, d. 337), cited throughout, including




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53, 64, 72, 110, 128, 138, 212

Jerome (priest and scholar, d. 420), cited throughout as author, including 145 Johannes Tzimiskes (emperor, d. 976) 141 John Chrysostom (patriarch of Constantinople, d. 407) 33 John II (patriarch of Jerusalem, d. 417) 146 Justinian (emperor, d. 565) 54 Justinian II (emperor, d. 711) 241 Juvenal of Jerusalem (patriarch, d. 458) 174

Daniel of Winchester (bishop, d. 745) 104 Didymus of Alexandria (scholar, d. 398) 105 Egeria (pilgrim, fl. 380), cited throughout as pilgrim and author Egwald (abbot, fl. 705) 29 Einhild of Milz (abbess, fl. 783) 41 Epiphanius of Salamis (bishop, d. 403) 32 Eudocia (empress, d. 460) 54, 141-3, 153

Leo III (emperor, d. 741) 34 Licinius (emperor, d. 325) 53 Lucian (priest, fl. 415) 146 Lull of Mainz (bishop, d. 786) 41

Frigidian of Lucca (bishop, d. 588) 177, 236

Mary the Egyptian (ascetic, d. 421) 73, 78 Martin of Tours (bishop, d. 397) 176-7, feast of St Martin (Nov 11) 30, 38, 45, 218, 236 Mauritius (emperor, d. 602) 54, 174-5 Maximus (bishop of Jerusalem, d. 349) 138 Megingaud of Würzburg (bishop, fl. 785) 41 Melania the Elder (patroness and ascetic, d. 410) 207 Modestus (patriarch of Jerusalem, d. 631) 56, 71, 116-7, 139, 204 Mu‘a¯wiya b. Abı¯ Sufya¯n (caliph, d. 680) 57

Gregory II (pope, d. 731) 34 Gregory III (pope, d. 741) 1, 9, 36, 228, 246 Hadrian (emperor, d. 138) 52, 56, 86-7, 137, 138, 173, 261 Hakim (Fatimid caliph, d. 1021) 121, 200 Harûn (Abbasid caliph, d. 809) 20 Helena (empress, d. ca. 330), cited throughout, including 21, 33, 64-5, 68-9, 73, 78, 100, 101, 107, 110, 113-4, 118, 257, 259 Heraclius (emperor, d. 641) 56, 97-8, 172, 173, 261 Hugeburc (nun and author, fl. 780), cited throughout, including 7-15, 21, 44, 66, 68, 127, 133, 227-9, 235, 238, 248-9, 251-2, 264

Nicephorus II Phocas (emperor, 969) 241 Odilo (duke of Bavaria, d. 748) 37




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Paula (Holy Land pilgrim and companion of Jerome, d. 404) 86, 131, 144, 235 Paulinus of Nola (bishop, 431) 207 Peter the Iberian (bishop, d. 491) 87 Poemenia (imperial patroness, fl. 390) 204 Pulcheria (empress, d. 453) 174 Remigius of Strasbourg (bishop, fl. 778) 41 Sergius I (pope, d. 701) 175 Sola (priest, d. 794) 40 Sophronius (patriarch of Jerusalem, d. 638) 55 Suidger (Bavarian landowner, fl. 740) 37, 243 Sulpicius Severus (scholar, d. 425) 206 Theodosius I (emperor, d. 395) 54 Theodosius II (emperor, d. 450) 115 Titus (emperor, d. 81) 52 ‘Umar (conqueror of Jerusalem, d. 644) 59-60, 93, Pact of ‘Umar 59-60, 93, 244 ‘Umar II (Umayyad caliph, d. 720) Walburga (abbess and sister of Willibald, d. 779) 8, 15, 39, 66, 251, 256 Willibald of Eichstätt (bishop, d. 787), cited throughout, including 1-52, 216-264, as bishop of Eichstätt 1, 5-6, 9, 21, 27, 28, 38-41, 67-8, 103, 232-55, 262-4, childhood 1, 8, 11, 21, 28, 29-30, 66-7, 71, 100, 102, 248, 264, crucicolus (‘lover of the cross’) 21, 64, 67-8, encounter with

Lion of Samaria 50, 253-5, Holy Land blindness and recovery of eyesight 21-2, 46-7, 64, 69-71, 79, 98, 100, 102-5, 107, 238-9, 252, as Holy Land pilgrim 1, 9, 26, 41-52, 63-264, illness in Rome 30-1, 248-50, 252, image of the Holy Land 5-6, 8, 11, 26-7, 232-55, 262-4, imprisonment in Emesa 26-7, 33, 234, 238-9, 242-6, 251-2, as monk of Monte Cassino 1, 9, 28, 35-7, 264, need for Visa 33, 49, 51, 239, 245-6, as peregrinus ex patria 1, 6, 11, 28, 177, 231-3, 242, 247, 251, 255, 262-4, perseverance and the Christian life 6, 11, 25, 26-7, 179, 200-201, 215, 232-55, 262-4, as smuggler of balsam 51, 245-6, as the source of the Vita Willibaldi 1-2, 6-11, 256-7 Willibald, father of (d. 720) 9, 15, 26, 30, 37, 234, 235-6, known as King Richard 15 Willibald of Mainz (monk and biographer of Boniface, fl. 760) 12 Wizo of Buraburg (bishop, fl. 741) 38 Wynnebald (abbot and brother of Willibald, d. 761) 15, 30-1, 36, 38, 39, 177, 235, 236, 249, 250, 251, 256 Yazid II b. ‘Abd al-Malik (Umayyad caliph, d. 724) 60-1 c. References to other groups and cultures (including time periods and events) Anglo-Saxons, cited throughout, including 1-52, 232-3, 246-7, 263-4, Anglo-Saxon mission



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in Germany 1, 5, 11, 28, 31, 36, 247, 263, 264, council of Anglo-Saxon Bishops 40 (also see Boniface, Walburga, Willibald and Wynnebald) Armenians 15, 225 (also see Armenian Guide and Armenian Lectionary) Assyrians, Assyrian conquest 253-4

Abbasid period (750-975), 20, 58, Arab Conquest of Jerusalem (638) 17, 57, 94, 173, Arab Conquest of Spain (710) 246, Early Islamic Jerusalem (638-1099), cited throughout, including 2, 17-20, 57-8, Fatimid period (975-1073) 58, 60, MuslimChristian relations 24, 59-62, 242-7, 260, Post-Byzantine period (614-1099), cited throughout, including 2, 17-20, 56-8, Seljuk period (1073-1098) 58, Tulunid period (870-905) 58, Umayyad period (660-750) 2, 3, 24, 57-62, 159, 173, 178, 258, 260, 264

Crusaders, Crusader period (10991187) 20, 25, 26, 55, 58-9, 135, 155, 159-62, 172, 179, 184, 190, 195-200, 216, 225, 226, 261, Templars 155, 162 Greeks 27, 31, 32-33, 75, 95-6, 225, 240-2, Byzantine period (325-614), cited throughout, including 3, 16-7, 25, 26, 53-6, 59, 61, 71-2, 83, 110, 116, 137, 216, 219-223 (also see Arca, Constantinople, Cyprus and Nicea), Council of Chalcedon (451) 54, 174, Council of Nicea (325) 34, 212, Inter-conquest period (614-638), cited throughout, including 2, 17, 24, 56-7, 97-8, 221, 261

Persians, Persian Conquest (614) 2, 4, 17, 19, 24, 26, 55, 71, 93, 116, 120, 134, 139, 154, 155, 172-3, 175, 178, 186, 188, 190, 191, 195, 197, 204, 216, 221, 258, 261, 264 Romans, Latin pilgrims and culture, cited throughout, including 30-1, 79, 95-6, 110, 225, 240-2, Roman period 52-3, 82-3, 116, 152 (also see Rome)

Irish monks and pilgrims 232-3 Jebusites 136 Jews 3, 24, 43, 56, 61, 80, 92, 163-6, 172-3, 178, 261, Bar Kochba Revolt (130s) 152, Israelite period 138, JewishChristians relations 24, 172-3, 178, 261, Second Temple period 137-8, 141, 150, 152

Saracens (see Muslims) III. Places a. The City of Jerusalem Abraham, altar of 4, 112 Aceldama 227 Adam, tomb of 4, 22, 107, 114, 116-7 Aedicule 120-1, 125, 127-30 (also see Tomb of Christ)

Muslims 3, 27, 32, 42, 49, 50, 57, 59-62, 93-4, 158-9, 233, 238, 239, 240-7, 251, 260, 262,




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Aelia Capitolina, known as 52-3, 80, 81, 86, 137, 142 Agony, church or place of 3, 4, 25, 54, 55, 58, 63, 178-202, 217, 218, 222, 223, 229, 230, 248, 253, 257, 260, 261, maps 8-10, 17, 18 All Nations Church 185, 202, 260 Al-Aqsa Mosque 57, 59, 94, 158-9, 226, 245, 261 Anastasis 22, 58, 118, 122-4, 134, 135, 215, 230 Anne (St), basilica of 150, 155 Ascension, church or place of 3, 10, 19, 25-6, 47, 52, 61, 63, 148, 188, 189, 191, 192-3, 202-16, 217, 218, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 227, 229, 230, 248, 2523, 257, 262, maps 8-10, 13-8 Asclepius, sanctuary of 152 Assumption of St Mary 164-5 (see Mary (St), church and tomb of ) Axis mundi (see centre of the world)

68-70, 73, 89, 100, 108-19, 140-1, 189, 216, 230, 257, 259, 262, rock or church of Calvary 22, 89, 90-1, 93, 108-19, 230, 262 cardo maximus 77, 95, 98 Centre of the world 22, 79-80, 86, 88-92, 107, 114, 116-8, 147-8, 171, 262 Chapel of the Angels 129 City of David 137 Column of the Flagellation 19 Court of the Gentiles 156 Cross (Holy), legend of, including the Miraculous Healing 3, 4, 21-2, 57, 63-107, 110-1, 113, 161-2, 171, 229, 259, 262, feast of the Holy Cross (Sept 14) 48, 49, 52, 73, 97, 104, 227, place of the finding of the Holy Cross 21, 47, 63-107, 111-2, 216, 218, 222, 259, relic of the True Cross 55, 56, 90, 97, 104, restoration of the True Cross by Heraclius (629) 56, 97-8, 261 (also see Willibald, childhood and Miraculous Healing, monument or place of ) Crown of thorns 4, 56, 258 Crucifixion, place of 22, 25, 53, 65, 72, 78, 80, 84, 89, 99, 102, 107, 108-19, 135, 122, 222, 224, 147 (also see Calvary)

Ba¯b al-‘Amu᎑ d, or Gate of the Column 22, 52, 87 (also see North Gate) Basilica of Constantine 19-20, 21, 22, 54, 58, 63, 69, 70-3, 76-9, 84, 93, 98, 99-102, 106, 107, 109-15, 118, 124, 189, 258, 259, 260 Beautiful Gate 156-7 Benjamin Gate 22, 81 Bethesda, pool of 10, 23-4, 25, 148-62, 167, 172, 178, maps 8-10, 14, 15, 17 (also see Paralytic Healing, pool of ) Betrayal, place of 4, 25, 178-202, 223, 227, 258 (also see Gethsemane)

Damascus Gate 22, 82, 85, 168 David’s Gate 81, 168 Dedication, festival of, or Encaenia 104, Jewish festival of Dedication 156 Dome of the Rock 17, 57, 59, 97, 159, 226, 245, 261 Dominus Flevit 25, 179, 190, 194-6, 201

Caiaphas, house of 4, map 14 Calvary, place of 22-3, 52, 63,




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Dormition of St Mary (see Mary (St), church and tomb of ) Dormition Abbey 135 Dung Gate 142

8-18, atrium 73-4, 77, 93-4, 100, inner courtyard 89, 92, 101, 121-2, front façade 74, 77, 78, 99, 106, propyleaum, 95, 106, three crosses 22, 63, 72, 68, 98-102, 106-7, 112, 259

Earthquakes 58, 141, 186, 196, 197 East Gate 22, 24, 62, 76, 86, 91, 94, 95, 97, 150, 162, 163, 166-72, 178, 217, 218, 221, 222, 258, tables 2, 3 Eleona, church of the 25, 54, 55, 58, 179, 190-4, 201, 223, map 13, 15

Imbomon 203-4 (see Ascension, place of ) Israel, pool of 23, 149, 154-6, 162, 261 Jehoshaphat Valley 140, 162-8, 172, 178, 180-2, 189, 192, 198, 217, 220, 222, 154, 155 Jephonias monument 3, 4, 17, 24, 57, 62, 63, 85-6, 95-6, 136, 163, 166-74, 178, 217, 218, 220, 221, 226, 257, 258, 261, table 1, maps 8-10, 16, 17, described as tetrakoinin 95-6, 170, 259, table 1, the Jephonias legend 24, 165-6 (also see Mary (St), church and tomb of ) Jeremiah, pit of map 14 Jerusalem Circuit 3, 10, 24, 26, 169, 216-28, 257, 260-1 Jerusalem Liturgy 16, 47, 52, 54, 59, 75, 89, 104, 110, 138, 144, 174, 182, 184-6, 188, 194-5, 198, 201, 204, 226, 227 Joseph, garden of (also see Garden, Holy) 122 Joseph, house of 73-7, 91, 96-8, 260, tables 2, 3, Jerusalem tradition of the Annunciation 4, 75, 97, 260

Fuller’s Gate 81 Garden (Holy) 22, 92, 100, 108, 118-9, 121-2, 124-5, 135, 127, 230 (also see Holy Sepulchre, inner courtyard) Gethsemane, place of 4, 25, 86, 96, 147, 165-7, 171, 174-6, 178-202, 220, 221, grotto of 145, 180, 182-6, 188, 196, 198-9, 200, 202, 223, 258, 261, maps 13-4, 18 Gihon Spring 137, 152 Golden Gate 97 Golgotha 70, 72, 80, 81, 90, 92, 108-19, church of Golgotha 19, 101, 112, 116 (also see Calvary) Haram esh-Sharif 58, 94, 159, 222, 226 (also see Temple Mount) Herod, palace of 137 Holy Cross, monastery of 114, 259 Holy Sepulchre, complex of 4, 19, 22, 23, 45, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 63-135, 136, 138, 139, 140-1, 143, 148, 171, 216-7, 219-24, 226, 258, 261, maps

Kathisma Church 175 Khan el-Zeit Street 77 Kidron Valley 137, 180, 199




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Lance, sponge and cup, relics of 56, 99 Last Supper 4, 23, 136, 138, 141, 145-146, 148, 179, 183-4, 200, 258 (also see Holy Sion and Gethsemane) Lent 48-9, 104, 234, 239 Lion’s Gate 22

Miraculous Healing, monument or place of 4, 21-2, 57, 62, 63-107, 172, 178, 229, 258, 259, 261, tables 1-3, described as tetrakoinin 95-6, 170, 259, table 1 Moriah, Mt 116, 137, 140 Mount of Olives 24, 54, 96, 150, 159, 163, 178-202, 203, 205-6, 212, 217, 218, 220-1, 223, 224, 228, 257, 260

Mark the Evangelist, house of 141 Martyred Saints, feast of (June 6) 194 Martyrium (also see Basilica of Constantine) 72, 87, 99, 110, 112 Mary (St), church and place of Nativity 23, 25, 74, 149, 178, 153-4, 221, 222, 227, 258, map 15 (also see Sheep Pool, Bethesda, pool of and Paralytic Healing, pool of ) Mary (St), church and tomb of 4, 24-25, 54, 63, 140, 162178, 180, 182, 184, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 192, 193, 195, 196, 198, 147, 217, 220, 221, 222, 223, 229, 258, table 3, maps 8-10, 13, 14, 15-8, death of St Mary 23, 24, 141, 144, 147, 148 (also see Holy Sion), Dormition of St Mary 3, 24-5, 49, 52, 57, 162-78, 227, 229, 262, feast of the Dormition (August 15) 175, funeral procession of St Mary 4, 24, 62, 85-6, 91, 140 (also see the Jephonias monument) Mary (St), church and relic of Weaving 96-7, 260, table 3 Mary (St), girdle of 97 Mary (St), headband of 97 Mary (St), icon of 73-4, 77, 97, tables 2, 3 Mary (St), pool of 155

Nea Church 54-6 North Gate, column, gate and plaza 22, 52-3, 82-8, 95, 168-71, 258, map 9 Omphalos (see centre of the world) Ophel Hill 137, 140 Paralytic Healing, pool of the 4, 23-4, 63, 136, 148-62, 216, 217, 220-23, 229, 230, 248, 257-9, 261, church of the Paralytic Healing 151, 153 (see Bethesda, pool of ) Pentecost 23, 47, 52, 136, 141, 144-5, 148, 204, 227, 258 (also see Holy Sion and Church of the Ascension) Peter, prison of 222 Pilate, Praetorium or house of 17, 55, 157-8 (also see Sophia (Holy), church of ) Pinnacle of the Temple 220, 221, 223, maps 11-4 Portico of Solomon 3, 4, 10, 23-4, 63, 136, 148-62, 216, 229, 230, 257, 259 Pool of the Patriarchs 156 Prison of Christ, 92 Resurrection, place of the 3, 23, 89, 102, 107, 132, 134-5, 147, 148, 215, 224, 262,




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feast of the Resurrection, or Easter 31, 32, 33, 37, 47, 49, 52, 104, 225, 227, 239 (also see Tomb of Christ) Return of Christ 25, 202-15, 224 (also see Ascension) Rotunda, see Anastasis Royal Portico 157 Russian Hospice 94

Summer solstice 83, 89, 95 (also see centre of the world) Temple, Jewish 52, 88, 117, 137, 151, 153, 154, 156-61 Temple Mount 17, 24, 53, 59, 143, 149, 150, 154, 156-61, 168, 197, 220, 221, 222, 225, 226, 259, 261 Temple of Solomon 59, 157-60, 226, 259, 261 Temple of the Lord 59, 159, 226, 261 Temple (Roman), western forum 53, 115, 120 Tenth Legion, camp of 137 Theodosius (St), monastery of 56 Theotokos, icon of (see Mary (St), icon of ) Tomb of Christ 10, 22-23, 24, 25, 53, 58, 63, 72, 73, 84, 91, 93, 100, 101, 108, 110, 111, 113, 115, 118, 119-135, 138, 141, 177-8, 203, 215, 222, 229, 230, 252-3, 257, 262 bench, or lectum 125, 130-3, 177, stone before the tomb 22, 119-20, 125-6, 129, 133-5, 230 Tomb of Helena Abiadene 86-7 Tomb of the Kings 86-7 Tombs of the (Jehoshaphat) Valley 192, 220, 221, 223, 227, map 14 Tomb of Bene Hezir 192 Trial of Jesus before Pilate 4, 55-6, 179, 200, 223, 227, 258 (also see Sophia (Holy), church of ) True Cross (see Cross (Holy)) Trumpeter’s Gate 81 Tyropoeon Valley 137, 226

Saints of Jerusalem, feast of (Sept 11) 191 Second Coming (see Return of Christ) sepulchrum Salvatoris (see Tomb of Christ) Sheep Pool 23-4, 148-62, 259, tables 2, 3 (also see Bethesda, pool of and Paralytic Healing, pool of ) Siloam, pool of 103, 142, 151-3, 157-8, 162, 220-3, 227, 258, maps 12-4, church of 153 Sion (Holy), church of 4, 19, 23, 24, 54, 55, 59, 63, 74, 86, 135-48, 150, 162-3, 165, 167, 170-1, 174, 216, 217, 219, 220-3, 226, 228, 229, 261, 262, maps 8-18 Sion Gate 168 Sion, Mount 4, 17, 57, 135-48, 167, 168, 199 Small Gate 81 Sophia (Holy), the church of 4, 17, 55, 56, 142, 157-8, 220-3, maps 11-5 South Gate 168, map 10 Stephen (St), the basilica of 54, 87, 146, stoning of St Stephen 4, 23, 146, 148 (also see Holy Sion) Stephen, the gate of (St) 22, 81, 82, 85, 88, 168 Street of the Chain 226 Sudarium 80, 96, 114

Upper City 137 ‘Umar’s Oratory 93-5




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Walls of Jerusalem, cited throughout, including 22, 23, 27, 52, 81, 83, 113, 137, 141-3, 148, 155, 167 Western Hill 137 Wilson’s Arch 158 Wisdom, Holy 157 (see Sophia (Holy), church of )

2, 4, 5, tomb of Ananias 33, 41, cathedral of St John the Baptist 41, 60, 244 church of Paul’s conversion 33, 41, 248 Dan 123 Dead Sea 224 Diospolis 47, 85, map 4, church of St George 47

Zacharius, blood of 74 Zion (see Sion)

Elisha’s Spring 44 Emesa 27, 33, 48-9, 234, 239, 242-4, 245, 246, 251, fig. 1, maps 1, 2, 5, church of St John the Baptist 32 Emmaus 254 Euthymius, monastery of 45, 54, 256, map 2

b. The Holy Land (Syria, Lebanon and Palestine) Acre 51, map 6 (see Ptolemais) Antaradus 32, 242, 243, maps 1, 2 Antioch 54 Arca, or Arche 32, 109, 242, map 2

Galilee 42, 257, 264 Galilee, the Sea of 43 Gaza 46, map 3 Gilgal 44, map 2

Bethany 17, 203, tomb of Lazarus 224 Bethlehem 45, 46, 52, 54, 74-5, 124, 218, 228, 224, map 3, church of the Nativity 45, 54, 124, 224, house of David 74-5, Bethsaida, 43, 124, 189, map 2, house church of Peter and Andrew 43, 124, 189 Bethzur 46, map 3

Hebron 46, map 3 Jacob’s Well, the church of 19, 50, 189, 248, map 6 Jericho 17, 44, 45, map 2 Joachim, the house of 74-5, 153, 160 John the Baptist (St), the house of 74 John the Baptist (St), the monastery of (place of Jesus’ Baptism) 44, 48, 52, 62, 189, 229, map 2, feast of Jesus’ Baptism, or Epiphany (Jan 6) 44, 48, 52, 104 Joppa 47, 103, map 4 Jordan River 44, 62, 224-5, 228, 229, map 4 Jordan River Valley 44, 47-8 Judah 253

Caesarea 54 Caesarea Philippi 43-4, 48, maps 2, 4 Cana 42, 229, map 2 Canaan 232 Capernaum 43, 103, 124, map 2, house church of St Peter 124 Caphargamala 146 Chorazin 43, 257, map 2 Damascus 33, 41, 47, 48, 57, 58, 60, 94, 244, fig. 1, maps 1,




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Kursi (see Chorazin)

c. Other Places Adriatic Sea 31, 47, 257 Alexandria 54 Alps 30, 37, 235, 256 Asia Minor 32, 237-8, 252, 257

Lebanon 245, Mt Lebanon 48, map 4, tower of Lebanon 51 Lydda (see Diospolis)

Baghdad 58 Basle 20 Bavaria 1, 37, 135, 251 Bishop’s Watham, monastery of 1, 8, 29, 66, map 1 Bobbio 99 Brescia 37, map 7 Britain 1, 66, fig. 1, map 1 Burgundy 246

Magdala 43, 75, map 2, feast day of Mary Magdalene (July 22) 7, house of Mary Magdalene 43 Mamre 54 Mathias (St), church of 46 Nazareth 4, 42, 60, 75, 189, 244-5, 248, map 2, church of the Annunciation 42, 60, 189, 244, 248

Calabria 31 Candeloro 32 Capua 35, map 7 Catania 31, 34, maps 1, 7 Constantia 32, maps 1, 2 Constantinople 1, 28, 33-4, 49, 51, 54, 158, 174, 202, 212, 240-1, 264, fig. 1, map 7, church of the Apostles 33, church of Hagia Sophia 34, relic of the True Cross 34 Corinth 31, map 1 Cyprus 32, 241, 243, fig. 1

Palestine 47, 104, 106, 186, 234, 242, 257 Ptolemais 51, map 6 Saba (St), monastery of 46, 54, map 3 Salaminias 48-9, 234, 239, map 5 Samaria 50-1, 189, 253-5 Sebastia 50, map 6 Shepherd’s Field 45, 223, 248, map 3 Sidon 47, 50, map 4 Syria 32, 48-9, 57, 239, 242 Tabor, Mt 42-3, map 2, monastery of the Transfiguration 189 Tekoa 45-6, 189, map 3, tomb of Amos 45-6 Tiberias 43, 108, 173, map 2 Tombs of the Patriarchs 46 Tripoli 47, 48, map 4 Tyre 33, 41, 47-8, 49, 50-1, 234, 245, 246, fig. 1, maps 4, 7

Eichstätt 1, 5, 6, 9, 11, 28, 37-9, 66, 67, 109, 136, 213-4, 243, 246, 251, 256, 263, 264, fig. 1, map 7, church of St Mary 38 Egypt 73 English Channel 30 Ephesus 32, map 1, legend of the Seven Sleepers 32, 177 Erfurt 6, 38-9 Etna, Mt 31

Zacharias (St), church of 46, map 3

Freising 12, 38, map 7




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Fulda, monastery of 19, 41

Naples 31, 35, maps 1, 7 Nicea 34, 202-3, 212-3, map 7, church of Nicea 26, 202-3, 212-3

Gaeta 31, map 1 Garda am Gardasee 37, 109, map 7 Gaul 18 Germany 5, 9, 36-41, 105, 263

Paphos 32, map 1 Patara 32, 109, 234, 237, 239, map 1 Pavia 37, map 7 Phygela 32, 234, 237, map 1 Provence 246

Hamblehaven 30, 109, map 1 Heidenheim 11, 15, 39-40, 66, 214, 251, 252, 256, 263, map 7 Hell of Theodoric 34, 123, fig. 1, map 7

Reggio 31, 34, 109, maps 1, 7 Rome 1, 8, 9, 15, 28, 30-1, 32, 34, 35, 36-7, 54, 177, 228, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 238, 241, 248, 249, 252, 262, 264, fig. 1, maps 1, 7, shrine of St Peter 1, 30, 177, 228, 235 Rouen 30, map 1

Iona 18 Italy 34, 241 Kea 31, map 1 Linthard 37, map 7 Lipari 35, map 7, church of St Bartholomew 35 Lucca 9, 30, 37, 234, 235-6, fig. 1, maps 1, 7

Samos 31, map 1 Scotland 18 Sicily 34 Spain 243, 246 Strobolis 32, map 1 Sülzenbrücken 38, 109, map 7 Syracuse 31, 34, maps 1, 7Teano 35, map 7 Terracina 31, map 1 Thuringia 38

Malvasia 31, map 1 Mecca 186 Mediterranean Sea 47, 257 Messina, strait of 31 Miletus 32, map 1 Mons Gallianorum 32, 234, 237, map 1 Monte Cassino, monastery of St Benedict at 1, 9, 28, 35-7, 39, 243, 264, fig. 1, map 7 Monza 99 Munich 12, 80

Vatican 17 Volcano, island of 34, map 7 (also see Hell of Theodoric) Wessex 1, 8, 15, 29, 30, 35, 66, 67, 68, 102, 177, 228, 233, 236




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Miraculous Healing Jephonias Monument tetrakoinin






Table 1 Pilgrim Descriptions of the Miraculous Healing and the Jephonias Monument




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Marian Commemorations

Miraculous Healing

East Gate Sites


Icon of the Theotokos and the House of Joseph


Sheep Pool

Daniel the Abbot

Icon of the Theotokos


Sheep Pool inter alia

Table 2 The Miraculous Healing The Sequence of Epiphanius and Daniel the Abbot




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Marian Commemorations

Miraculous Healing

East Gate Sites


Icon of the Theotokos and the House of Joseph


Sheep Pool


The Church and Relic of Mary’s Weaving


Tomb of Mary

Daniel the Abbot

Icon of the Theotokos


Sheep Pool inter alia

Table 3 The Miraculous Healing The Sequence of Epiphanius, Adomnán and Daniel the Abbott




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