Author: Abner Norton
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This material has been written to compliment Mark Greene’s Fruitfulness on the Frontline series. It provides a framework of lessons and options for teachers and parents to work through with children in grades 1 to 6 and follows the weekly outline of the series. Week One

The Big Picture

Week Two

Modelling Godly Character

Week Three

Making Good Work

Week Four

Ministering Grace and Love

Week Five

Moulding Culture

Week Six

Mouthpiece for Truth & Justice

Week Seven

Messenger of the Gospel

Week Eight

The Journey On

Resources, excerpts and artwork have been used from LICC’s website http://www.licc.org.uk/splash/index.html


Making Fruit (The Big Picture)



Genesis 1:24-31 Creation Colossians 1:1-14 Fruitfulness

We are created to bear fruit in our lives for Jesus. We each have a unique place and way to do that.

2 The Jesus Tree (Modelling Godly Character)

Galatians 5;13-26 Fruit of the Spirit

Fruitfulness in our lives is displayed by the Fruit the Holy Spirit Produces in us. What is it and how do we grow it?

3 The Daily Grind (Making Good Work)

Genesis 37-45 Joseph's Story

What we do and how we do it is all part of how we contribute to God’s great fruitfulness plan. How can we do our best in every situation?

2 Kings 5:1-19a 4 Random Acts of Kindness Naaman Healed of (Ministering Grace Leprosy and Love)

It’s in the way we respond and how we interact with people that God causes blessing to flow and expands His Kingdom.

Acts 4 5 Little Fish in a Big Pond Peter and John (Moulding Culture) Matthew 5:13-16 Salt and Light

Never underestimate the power of small actions and how following God’s plan can influence a community, nation and world.

6 Confronting the Giants (Mouthpiece for Truth and Justice)

There are times when following Jesus means speaking up against things that are wrong and making a stand for what is right… we can only do that with Jesus’ help.

2 Samuel 12:1-13 Nathan confronts David

“You may not get an opportunity 7 Best Postman Ever Acts 18:18-28 (Be a Messenger Priscilla, Aquila and every day, or even every month, but ask God who He might want of the Gospel) Apollos

you to pray for” (FOFL)… and be ready to share what God has done for you!

8 Prepare for Departure (The Journey On)

2 Kings 6:8-23 Elisha and the Arameans

Where do we go from here? Taking what we’ve learned and ‘hitting the road’, knowing that we’re not alone on the journey, but equipped and surrounded by God.

Instead, you must worship Christ as the Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. 1 Peter 3:15


Lesson Overview BOTTOM LINE: God longs for the lost to be found and He has invited us to be part of sharing the great news of who He is with others on our very frontlines. As we’ve been learning that happens with more than just our words, but words are still important. What is the gospel and how can we share it? Let’s break down the ‘scariness’ of the idea and share how we can practically go about doing this. OBJECTIVE: To grow in confidence and our understanding of how God wants us to share the good news of Jesus with others on our frontlines. KEY PASSAGE: Acts 18:18-28 MEMORY VERSE: Instead, you must worship Christ as the Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. 1 Peter 3:15 SUMMARY: “You may not get an opportunity every day, or even every month, but ask God who he might want you to pray for. Ask someone else to pray for you, to offer wisdom and hold you accountable. Be ready ‘to give a reason for the hope that is in you’ (1 Peter 3:15). Don’t be driven by false guilt. Rest in God, trust His timing, build trust and relationships, care for people and share what Jesus has done in your life and what He offers to everyone. Celebrate the steps you see people making towards Jesus.” Fruitfulness on the Frontline Participant Guide, p. 6


Letterbox, letter and parcel (which contains a bible, a picture/ USB, a tool, a cut out arrow, a piece of paper with GOD’S WORK) A portion of the memory verse for each line of ‘whispers’ Clock and couch/chairs String/leather, coloured beads for Gospel Bracelet (Grades 1&2) Copies of Gospel Whirligig sheets, red, black and yellow pens Copies of activity sheets to take home.


Instead, you must worship Christ as the Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. 1 Peter 3:15


ACTIVITY *Offering collected as enter







Welcome: Mail Delivery (The Big Question)

Letterbox and mail

Kids’ News, Prayer


Connect Time:




Memory Verse Challenge

Portion of the memory verse for each line of ‘whispers’



What’s your



Chinese Whispers

Explaining the hope...

PowerPoint & Parcel Props (see notes provided)

Example & explanation of sharing the Gospel

Couch or chairs, a clock with a set time on it. You can pre-prep the participant if you like.


3 T’s: This Time Tomorrow




Whole Group Activity: Bible Input

Age Group Coord.

Props according to age group— see notes provided



Small group leaders

Gospel bands—Gr. 1&2 Gospel Whirligigs—Gr. 3&4, 5&6

Activity Sheet (optional) Small group leaders 0:55



Farewell: Fruit Salad Kids’ News, Prayer

Could be a take home if you run out of time.

‘Fruit Salad’ Items


Best Postman Ever Welcome: Mail Delivery (The Big Question) Welcome the kids in your usual way, and open in prayer. The Letterbox Has anyone received a real letter in the mail? What was it? (allow the kids to answer). Now we have lots of other ways that we might receive mail—what other ways are there? (explore with kids). Well this morning we have the (insert the name of your program) letterbox here and there is some mail for us!! Pull out the letter and choose a child to come up, open it and read it out. The letter says something like: Dear Kids, I hope you’re really enjoying your time together, getting to know each other and learning all about me. I so love being able to be part of your Sunday morning, and every moment of each day throughout the week. How are things going on your frontline? Have you seen how my Holy Spirit is helping you to love others and be patient, to be kind and to show selfcontrol? Thanks for living each day for me - I love seeing how you do everything for me… making your beds, getting your homework done, listening to your parents. You are doing a great job! People are seeing your love for me. Someday soon someone might ask you about it. How come you love me, why do you do what you do? Why you come to church on a Sunday? What are you going to say? Have a great morning at (name of program). Love you loads, God


Welcome & Big Question After reading the letter talk it through just a little with the kids. When we live God’s way, when we see God’s fruit growing in our lives, when we’re the salt and light in the world… people see that we live ‘different’. We show love to those who aren’t loving to us. We are peacefilled when things are tough. We do kind things for no reason… Eventually someone is going to want to know why. What are you going to say?

CONNECT TIME… Arrange the kids into pairs - preferably in similar age brackets. The younger kids might like to be in small groups rather than pairs with a leader to help facilitate. We’ve been modeling the 3Ts through the past few weeks and today we’re going to get a go at asking each other those questions.   

What is your frontline? How have you seen God working on your frontline? What can I pray for you?

As it may still be overwhelming for kids to pray out loud for each other, provide the opportunity to pray ‘silently’ for each other and then have a leader say a prayer to close the segment.

MEMORY VERSE GAME 1 Peter 3:15 Memory Verse Instead, you must worship Christ as the Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. Chinese Whispers This is an activity everyone can be involved in. Arrange the kids into long lines - however many you need to make them long enough to pass the message but not too long that it will take forever.

WEEK SEVEN | BEST POSTMAN EVER Before you begin… Traditionally the idea with this game is to try and maintain the integrity of the message as it travels down the line, however kids being kids will try and distort it as much as they can. Before you begin explain to the kids that the competition this time is between each line. As each line has a different message, you want to see who is the best and the fastest at passing the message along but keeping it as close to the original message as possible! Have the memory verse broken into as many portions as you have lines. Then have the person at the back of the line read their portion on the paper. When you announce ‘go’ they tap the shoulder of the person in front of them and whisper the message into their ears. This continues until the message has made it to the top of each line. As each line will have a different message you will need to hear the end result of each one as well the message they started with. Announce a winner if there is one. Then begin to piece the memory verse together.

Explaining the Hope...

Equipment Needed: A parcel in the letterbox: 1. Bible 2. Photo of a child person in your group (used with permission) or (video testimony of a child/teen if you have one) 3. A tool of some kind or small tool kit 4. Cut out arrow 5. Paper with the words: GOD’S WORK Intro Sharing the gospel with others is something that we do as part of who we are in Jesus. The message comes across as much in what we do as what we say and that’s why we’ve been learning through these past few weeks all the other things that are important for us as we love God, love others and live fruitful lives. Being a messenger of the gospel means that we are still praying for those on our frontline, still caring for them and sharing God’s love… and we’re also ready to share the good news too!


The Bible

How do we share the gospel? Well the first thing we have to help us is the Bible. The bible teaches us God’s way and His thoughts about things - His word helps us to live every day and so we can share that every day help with others. An encouraging word from the Bible that gives hope in difficult times… yes. But it doesn't mean we have to make the conversation happen. (perhaps illustrate what not to do in a funny way… you could play the ‘grandmas’ undies’ game but replace the words with ‘the bible’ so that every answer you ask the leader they just say “the bible says…”) God teaches us His way, gives us wisdom, shows us the way to live and that in turn helps others just by encouraging them in their situation with godly wisdom and a biblical perspective. 2.

Share your story

The most powerful thing you can do to tell other people about Jesus is to tell them what he has done for you. It’s your story of Jesus and no one can argue with you that it’s true because it’s happened to you! I’ve got an example of one person’s story to share/show you right now… [If you have a picture—hold it up and share the story / alternatively, your person could share it live / or if you have video testimony you could show it] 3.

A Tool

To share the gospel, it’s helpful for you to know what the gospel is and have an easy tool to share it. There are some catchy ways that can help you remember and to guide what you say. Sometimes you might share only a part of it and sometimes you’ll get to share it all. In our Discipleship group times today we’ll talk about some of these tools. 4.

The Arrow

It’s a journey with God and people are on all different parts of the journey. What’s the next step for someone to take in their journey with God?

WEEK SEVEN | BEST POSTMAN EVER It might be getting them a bible to read for themselves It could be inviting them to church It might be offering to read through the bible together/do a devotion It could be inviting them to a church function - like a Kids club or holiday camp… It might be introducing them to some of your friends who know Jesus and hanging out together. 5.

God’s Work

Remember though that this is God’s work. We can’t make the fruit in us grow, we can’t make people choose to follow Jesus. God does the work in people’s hearts. What’s our job? Just to love God, love others and be ready to share why we have the hope that we do!

THE 3 T’S: THIS TIME TOMORROW Choose a child today to do our 3T’s… they’ve already had a chance to have a go at this in our Connect Time, but this is a great way to reinforce what is happening on the kids’ frontlines too. Equipment Needed:  A couch or two chairs for the person doing the interview and the one answering the questions.  A clock (without a battery) set to a certain time… [This is because if we do the exact time from our service for the following day each week we are going to receive pretty much the same answer: school. This enables us to get a bit of variety in our answers :)] Questions: What will you be doing this time tomorrow? How do you see God at work on your frontline? Can you tell us any stories of fruitfulness on your frontline? How can we pray for you?


DISCIPLESHIP GROUPS GRADES 1 & 2 - as a whole group Author/Source: Karl Bastian http://www.kidology.org/zones/zone_post.asp?post_id=120

Using the Wordless Book to Share the Gospel PAGE 1 The Black Page Romans 3:23 The black page stands for sin. The Bible teaches that all have sinned and fall short of God’s perfect standard. That is the “Bad News!” Everyone is guilty of sin and must pay for their sin! It also is effective to compare the black to darkness, and talk about what it is like to be lost in the dark, unable to find your way. The same is true of spiritual darkness. Without God, we stumble our way through life struggling to find the Way. We need salvation! NOTE: Avoid saying that “black is sin” with African American children who can misunderstand and think that you are saying ‘black people’ are sin. Black reminds us of darkness or uncleanness, then talk about those, not how ‘black is evil.’ PAGE 2 The Red Page John 3:16 The red page stands for the blood of Jesus (I John 1:7) which was shed for our salvation. In I Cor. 15:3,4 it says that “Christ died for our sins, that He was buried and that He was raised to life three days later.” He died to take our place, and rose again to prove His power over death! It is through faith in Jesus and through acceptance of His gift of salvation that man is saved and through nothing else. (Eph. 2:8-9) Jesus offers the salvation we need! PAGE 3 The White Page John 1:13 The white page stands for the cleansing of salvation. Once we accept Christ, we become a new creation! (II Cor. 5:17) God saves us instantly through our faith in Christ. He washes away all of our sin and makes us white as snow before Him! (Psalm 51:7; Isaiah 1:18) This is the promise of God, that He will forgive us all our sins! Also, if you talked about spiritual darkness on the black page, the white can be used as light, or the spiritual sight we are granted once we are saved. PAGE 4 The Gold Page Rev. 21:18,21 The gold page stands for heaven. Some people begin with this page; I prefer to start with man’s need and place the gold page here as another benefit of receiving Christ. Jesus has gone to prepare a wonderful place for those who choose to accept Him. (John 14:1-3) At this point, provide an opportunity to receive Christ. Ask your students if they know they are a sinner. Ask if they believe Jesus came to save them. If they answer “yes,” then ask if there is any reason why they shouldn’t receive God’s salvation through Jesus right now. Here is a sample prayer they can pray: Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and am lost without You. Please forgive me! I believe you sent Jesus to die for me, and that He rose again! I ask Jesus to come into my life and transform me into the person You want me to be. Help me to live for You! Thank You for forgiving me! In Jesus' Name, Amen.


DISCIPLESHIP GROUPS THE COVER The Green Page II Peter 3:18 The green page stands for the Christian’s need to GROW IN HIS NEW LIFE! Plants need three basic things to grow: Sunshine, rain and good soil. Well, for a Christian, his sunshine is prayer with the Son. His rain is the nourishment of God’s Word, and his soil is the healthy fellowship with other believers in the faith. All three of these must be present in the life of a believer in order for him to live a truly victorious life. This tool is very handy and flexible, so develop your own presentation! Some have added

Using the information provided above, go through the wordless book and explain the gospel to the kids. The idea is that they’ll be able to remember the key thought for each colour (shown below). That way once they make their bracelets, they’ll be able to share the gospel in a simple way with others.

GRADES 1 & 2 - in small discipleship groups After going through the wordless book as a whole group, have the children either make a book themselves to take home, or you could make a bracelet with the coloured beads. Remind them what each colour stands for and help them share the gospel as they explain their bracelet.

The popular Wordless Book version has the following colors: Black - reminds us of sin Red - reminds us of Jesus' blood White - reminds us of a clean heart Gold - reminds us of Heaven Green - growing to know Jesus


Name: _________________________________

MEMORY VERSE Instead, you must worship Christ as the Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. 1 Peter 3:15


reminds us of sin


reminds us of Jesus' blood

White reminds us of a clean heart Gold reminds us of Heaven Green

reminds us we’re growing to know Jesus


Here are a few things for you to do with your family this week to help you remember just what we talked about at Sunday Buzz IN THE CAR: Ask your child what they learned about this week on the drive home: Today we talked about the hope that we have in Jesus and the opportunities that we have to share that hope with others. That sometimes means that we just offer God’s perspective on things, sometimes it’s sharing our story and sometimes it’s explaining the gospel. HANGING OUT: Make this week’s lesson real: Set aside time this week to talk with your child about the tool/s you use to share the gospel. If it’s still a new idea… why not take the time to share your story - what difference has Jesus made in your life? AT DINNER: Here are some great discussion starters: What is the gospel? Why is Jesus our hope? What is scary about sharing the gospel with others? What can we do to make it less scary? Why does Jesus want us to share the gospel with others? What happens if people don’t want to listen? AT BEDTIME: Quiz your child on this week’s memory verse: Instead, you must worship Christ as the Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. 1 Peter 3:15 PARENT TIME: What you need to know: “As messengers of the gospel, we seek to be intentional about praying, intentional about developing relationships, and intentional about being prepared to speak. And we rely on God. It’s God’s work to help people to come to a place of understanding and accepting Him… our job is simply to be obedient, to love God, to love others, and to be ready to speak.


DISCIPLESHIP GROUPS GRADES 3 & 4 - as a whole group



http://www.cefkids.com/more-club-resources.html The original PDF from the site listed is also attached separately as it’s a little easier to read and print from. As a whole group, you may like to go through your favourite tool to share the gospel and also explain the concept behind the ‘Gospel Whirligig.’ Make sure you have a go at doing this before the lesson so you don’t get confused helping the kids .

GRADES 3 & 4 - in small discipleship groups After going through the components of the ‘Gospel whirligig’ as a whole group, take the time in your small group to make it and then kids can have a go at sharing the gospel with others.


Name: _________________________________

Have a go at writing down your story of how Jesus has made a difference in your life. You can write a few points, or the whole thing below 


Here are a few things for you to do with your family this week to help you remember just what we talked about at Sunday Buzz IN THE CAR: Ask your child what they learned about this week on the drive home: Today we talked about the hope that we have in Jesus and the opportunities that we have to share that hope with others. That sometimes means that we just offer God’s perspective on things, sometimes it’s sharing our story and sometimes it’s explaining the gospel. HANGING OUT: Make this week’s lesson real: Set aside time this week to talk with your child about the tool/s you use to share the gospel. If it’s still a new idea… why not take the time to share your story - what difference has Jesus made in your life? AT DINNER: Here are some great discussion starters: What is the gospel? Why is Jesus our hope? What is scary about sharing the gospel with others? What can we do to make it less scary? Why does Jesus want us to share the gospel with others? What happens if people don’t want to listen? AT BEDTIME: Quiz your child on this week’s memory verse: Instead, you must worship Christ as the Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. 1 Peter 3:15 PARENT TIME: What you need to know: “As messengers of the gospel, we seek to be intentional about praying, intentional about developing relationships, and intentional about being prepared to speak. And we rely on God. It’s God’s work to help people to come to a place of understanding and accepting Him… our job is simply to be obedient, to love God, to love others, and to be ready to speak.


DISCIPLESHIP GROUPS GRADES 5 & 6 - as a whole group



http://www.cefkids.com/more-club-resources.html The original PDF from the site listed is also attached separately as it’s a little easier to read and print from. As a whole group, you may like to go through your favourite tool to share the gospel and also explain the concept behind the ‘Gospel Whirligig.’ Make sure you have a go at doing this before the lesson so you don’t get confused helping the kids .

GRADES 5 & 6 - in small discipleship groups After going through the components of the ‘Gospel whirligig’ as a whole group, take the time in your small group to make it and then kids can have a go at sharing the gospel with others.


Name: _________________________________

Have a go at writing down your story of how Jesus has made a difference in your life. You can write a few points, or the whole thing below 


Here are a few things for you to do with your family this week to help you remember just what we talked about at Sunday Buzz IN THE CAR: Ask your child what they learned about this week on the drive home: Today we talked about the hope that we have in Jesus and the opportunities that we have to share that hope with others. That sometimes means that we just offer God’s perspective on things, sometimes it’s sharing our story and sometimes it’s explaining the gospel. HANGING OUT: Make this week’s lesson real: Set aside time this week to talk with your child about the tool/s you use to share the gospel. If it’s still a new idea… why not take the time to share your story - what difference has Jesus made in your life? AT DINNER: Here are some great discussion starters: What is the gospel? Why is Jesus our hope? What is scary about sharing the gospel with others? What can we do to make it less scary? Why does Jesus want us to share the gospel with others? What happens if people don’t want to listen? AT BEDTIME: Quiz your child on this week’s memory verse: Instead, you must worship Christ as the Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. 1 Peter 3:15 PARENT TIME: What you need to know: “As messengers of the gospel, we seek to be intentional about praying, intentional about developing relationships, and intentional about being prepared to speak. And we rely on God. It’s God’s work to help people to come to a place of understanding and accepting Him… our job is simply to be obedient, to love God, to love others, and to be ready to speak.

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