Words Associated with Leadership

Words Associated with Leadership Word: Control Short Definition: to exercise power or authority over something such as a business or nation Similarity...
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Words Associated with Leadership Word: Control Short Definition: to exercise power or authority over something such as a business or nation Similarity or difference to leadership: "Power and Control???" NO!!! This word should not even be uttered in the same context as Leadership! -----------------------------Word: Management (v) Short Definition: organizing and controlling the affairs of a business or a sector of a business Similarity or difference to leadership: Hierarchical versus collaborative; Boss>Subordinate relationship -----------------------------Word: Supervision (n) Short Definition: to be in charge of a group of people engaged in an activity or task and keep order or ensure that they perform it correctly Similarity or difference to leadership: Again, hierarchical versus collaborative; Boss> Subordinate relationship. -----------------------------Word: Lead (v) Short Definition: the ability to guide, direct, or influence people Similarity or difference to leadership: This is more indicative of “collaboration” or “team” mentality. ------------------------------

Word: Inspire (v) Short Definition: to encourage someone to greater effort, enthusiasm, or creativity Similarity or difference to leadership: Leaders who inspire, practice encouragement, induce energy and excitement, and support individual creativity. They possess significant characteristics of greatness. -----------------------------Word: Integrity (n) Short Definition: adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty. Similarity or difference to leadership: Integrity is an important trait of leadership. It has to do with the consistency with which a leader acts upon his/ her beliefs, and is able to communicate those beliefs. ----------------------------Word: Mentor (n) Short Definition: a senior or experienced person in a company or organization who gives guidance and training to a junior colleague Similarity or difference to leadership: A great Leader must be willing to serve others and be an authentic counselor and enabler to those who follow. “If you can find a successor who can carry on after your season of leadership has ended. That’s always the hallmark of a great leader.”(Ken Blanchard and Mark Miller) ----------------------------Word: Purpose (n) Short Definition: An intended or desired action towards a result. Determination and resoluteness. Similarity or difference to leadership: Purpose operates at the same level as vision. Purpose speaks to the “why”. When a leader knows the purpose and the “why” it is much easier to define the how and the what to those they lead.

-----------------------------Word: Communicate (v) Short Definition: to transmit or reveal a feeling or thought by speech, writing, or gesture so that it is clearly understood Similarity or difference to leadership: Without communication, there is no Leadership. Great Leaders must communicate vision, and reinforce individual worth and value to each follower. Otherwise, the Leader will walk alone. -----------------------------Word: We (pl pron) Short Definition: used to refer to the speaker or writer and at least one other person Similarity or difference to leadership: The concept of “We” vs “I”. “Leave your ego at the door.” We Leadership includes multiple persons, I Leadership includes just one person! -----------------------------Word: Competence (n) Short Definition: the ability to do something well, measured against a standard, especially ability acquired through experience or training Similarity or difference to leadership: A Leader must be competent! He/she must inspire (express?) confidence, and must have self-knowledge (of his/her strengths weaknesses), if he/she wants followers. -----------------------------Word: Community-building (Community) (v) Short Definition: a group of people with a common background or with shared interests within society Similarity or difference to leadership: This seems to define Leadership at the ground level. If your followers do not have common goals or interests, they likely will not follow!

-----------------------------Word: Commitment (n) Short Definition: something that takes up time or energy, especially an obligation (responsibility) Similarity or difference to leadership: I view commitment to be in step with “passion” and energy. Leaders need to be authentically committed to vision, people, success, truth/honesty, etc. (all characteristics, really, that exemplify great Leadership) -----------------------------Word: Authentic (adj) Short Definition: all leaders have the ability to learn to be authentic -often viewed as a process learned over time Alternate Definition: not false or copied; genuine; real. Similarity or difference to leadership: I currently view this term as being true to oneself and treating others in a real and genuine manner. There are so many definitions of leadership out there and it's easy to try to adopt a philosophy that might not be appropriate to who you are (what a leader's strengths might be). I am learning that while I need to know what philosophies are out there, I still need to come back to who I am (and stop comparing myself to others) and use that in my leadership approach. -----------------------------Word: Organizer (n) Short Definition: finds the best way to do something Alternate Definition: Someone who systematizes entities into a whole of consisting or interdependendant coordinated parts. Similarity or difference to leadership: a leader will assess a situation and assist his team in finding a solution. The solution may or may not be an idea or process generated from the leader. -----------------------------

Word: Supporter (n) Short Definition: provides encouragement and positivity Similarity or difference to leadership: a leader focuses on ensuring his team is energized with positivity as negativity will deplete the team's creativity, spirit and motivational level. ---------------------------Word: Visionary (Vision) (n) Short Definition: characterized by unusually acute foresight and imagination Similarity or difference to leadership: “Leadership is about going somewhere. If you and your people don’t know where you are going, your leadership doesn’t matter.”Jesse Stoner, Ken Blanchard, and Drea Zigarmi ----------------------------Word: Process (n) Short Definition: a continuous action, operation, or series of changes Similarity or difference to leadership: "Process implies that a leader affects and is affected by followers." - Peter Northouse -----------------------------Word: Top Down (adj) Short Definition: from the highest part going towards the lowest Similarity or difference to leadership: traditional hierarchical view of leadership common in most organizations today. -----------------------------Word: Linear (adj) Short Definition: unideirectional Similarity or difference to leadership: similar to top down where leadership is directed from upper levels of the organization only

----------------------------Word: Situational (adj) Short Definition: the state of affairs depending on circumstances Similarity or difference to leadership: there is no best style of leadership, effective leadership is task relevant, and leaders should adapt their style to the situation - Paul Hersey ---------------------------------------------------------------------Key word: Integrity (n) Short Definition: adherence to moral and ethical principles: Soundness of moral character; honesty. Similarity or difference to leadership: Integrity is an important trait of leadership. It has to do with the consistency with which a leader acts upon his/ her beliefs, and is able to communicate those beliefs. -----------------------------------Word: Values driven (adj) Short Definition: Important and enduring beliefs or ideals shared by the members of a culture about what is good or desirable and what is not. Similarity or difference to leadership: Values exert major influence on the behavior of an individual and serve as broad guidelines in all situations. Thus "value-driven" means that the individual and or company is driven by enduring beliefs or ideals. Leadership should be value driven as it is the values that give it its vector and consistency. ------------------------------------Word: Coaching (v) Short Definition: Is the practice of supporting an individual or group through the process of achieving a specific, personal or professional result. Similarity or difference to leadership: Similarity of Difference to Leadership: Leading can also be defined as supporting individuals/groups through to the desired results. _________________________________

Word: Affiliate (v) Short Definition: To bring into close association or connection: Similarity or difference to leadership: Leaders connect (affiliate) subsidiary groups or people within, or to, an organization. __________________________________ Word: Democrat (n) Short Definition: A supporter of a society characterized by formal equality of rights and privileges. Similarity or difference to leadership: Democratic leadership, also known as participative leadership, is a type of leadership style (defined by Kurt Lewin) in which members of the group take a more participative role in the decision-making process. _____________________________________ Word: Pace Setting (adj) Short Definition: A leading instance in its field; to set the speed, rate, direction of advancement. Similarity or difference to leadership: Pacesetting leadership can quickly achieve results, however, employees can quickly feel overwhelmed by the speed and demands placed upon them. According to Goleman, this style should be used sparingly. ______________________________________ Word: Commanding (v) Short Definition: Dominating, as by magnitude or position Similarity or difference to leadership: Commanding leadership demands immediate compliance. This type of leadership is seen primarily in the military, but can also be appropriate in emergency situations or when urgent organization turnaround is necessary. ______________________________________

Word: Transparency (n) Short Definition: Implies openness, communication, and accountability Similarity or difference to leadership: Transparency in leadership is operating in such a way that it is easy for others to see what actions are performed. ______________________________________ Word: Relevant (adj) Short Definition: Closely connected or appropriate to the matter at hand. Similarity or difference to leadership: Relevant leadership is pertinent and appropriate at a given situation, person, time period, etc. Being relevant, is a daily leadership challenge as the world around us constantly changes direction, magnitude, and focus. _____________________________________ Word: Experience (n) Short Definition: Practical contact with and observation of facts or events. Similarity or difference to leadership: Often, leaders will be seen as credible (and thus followable) based on their experience level in a given situation. _____________________________________ Word: Direction (n) Short Definition: A course along which someone or something moves. 2. The course that must be taken in order to reach a destination. Similarity or difference to leadership: Direction cannot be given if it is not known by the leader in the first place…and a leader cannot lead if they don’t give a direction for people to follow them. _____________________________________ Word: Clever (adj)

Short Definition: Quick to understand, learn, and devise or apply ideas; intelligent. Similarity or difference to leadership: "Without clever people, leaders cannot hope to succeed. Without good leadership, clevers can never realize their full potential." (Goffee and Jones) ____________________________________ Word: Adaptability (n) Short Definition: The ability to change (or be changed) to fit altered circumstances Similarity or difference to leadership: A common reason for failure among leaders is the inability to adapt to change. Ironically, most leaders see themselves as THE agent of change and believe that NO change will happen in the organization without their knowledge or direction. That is absolutely NOT the case! __________________________________ Word: Trustworthy (adj) Short Definition: deserving of trust or confidence; dependable; reliable. Similarity or difference to leadership: Leaders need to be relied on to be honest and truthful. When they demonstrate and prove dependability, honesty, integrity, etc, they exhibit their capability to be trustworthy. _________________________________ Word: Strategic (ad) Short Definition: pertaining to, characterized by, or of the nature of strategy, and strategy is a plan, method, or series of maneuvers or stratagems for obtaining a specific goal or r esult. Similarity or difference to leadership: Leadership requires from the leader the ability to create a strategy towards leading. -------------------------------------Word: Principled

Short Definition: exhibiting, based on, or characterized by principle Similarity or difference to leadership: A leader needs to act with principles. ---------------------------------------Word: Humble Short Definition: not proud or haughty; not arrogant or assertive; reflecting, expressing, or offered in a spirit of deference or submission ; ranking low in a hierarchy or scale; Similarity or difference to leadership: The best leader is the one that lets others take all the credit -----------------------------------Word: Passionate Short Definition: capable of, affected by, or expressing intense feeling; enthusiastic, ardent Similarity or difference to leadership: Leaders must be passionate and inspire passion in others -----------------------------------Word: Empowering Short Definition: to give official authority or legal power to

Similarity or difference to leadership: Leaders empower others ---------------------------------Word: Sincere Short Definition: free of dissimulation; honest; free from adulteration; pure

Similarity or difference to leadership: Leaders must act with sincerity and authenticity --------------------------------Word: Risk Taker

Short Definition: Confident Similarity or difference to leadership: Leaders are sometimes described as risk takers --------------------------------Word: Wise Short Definition: having or showing wisdom, good sense, or good judgment Similarity or difference to leadership: ----------------------------------Word: Honest Short Definition: free from fraud or trickery, being just what is indicated, good in the eyes of society Similarity or difference to leadership: An essential skill for leaders to gain and maintain followers. ----------------------------------Word: Compassionate Short Definition: sorrow or pity caused by the suffering or misfortune of another, empathy Similarity or difference to leadership: Concern for others and compassion are necessary traits for leaders. -----------------------------------Word: Sensitive Short Definition: capable of responding to stimulation, readily affected or changed by the action of a certain thing Similarity or difference to leadership: Leaders need to be sensitive to different situations and the needs of people around them. ------------------------------------Word: Determined

Short Definition: to have a strong influence, to find out or come to a decision, to fix exactly or with authority Similarity or difference to leadership: One must be determined to accomplish their goals ------------------------------------Word: Courageous Short Definition: having or marked by courage; Brave. Similarity or difference to leadership: Leaders must be courageous and stand to meet adversity. Many leaders throughout history have risked all because they are usually seen as deviants. -----------------------------------Word: Vulnerable Short Definition: capable of being physically or emotionally wounded; open to attack or damage Similarity or difference to leadership: A leader should not be afraid of taking chances, even if it leaves them vulnerable. ----------------------------------Word: Vision Short Definition: the act or power of imagination; unusual ability to think or plan ahead Similarity or difference to leadership: Leaders are visionaries that move forward

---------------------------------Word: Focus Short Definition: a center of activity or interest, Similarity or difference to leadership: Leaders often help to maintain or guide the focus of a group. -------------------------------------

Word: Curious Short Definition: eager to learn, inquisitive, attracting attention by being strange or unusual Similarity or difference to leadership: Curiosity killed the cat and probably more than a few leaders. Ask questions. -----------------------------------Word: Trusting Short Definition: to place in one's care or keeping, to place confidence in, rely on; to hope or expect with confidence Similarity or difference to leadership: Leaders must trust their group and followers must be trusting of leaders, leaders must inspire trust and be trustworthy. ----------------------------------Word: Conceptual Short Definition: something conceived in the mind, thought, notion, a general idea Similarity or difference to leadership: Leaders must have a concept of the future ----------------------------------Word: Service Oriented Short Definition: Acting for the benefit of others, outside of self Similarity or difference to leadership: Leaders must act for others and not be selfserving ---------------------------------Word: Creative Short Definition: able to create especially new and original things; showing or requiring imagination Similarity or difference to leadership: Leaders need to use creativity or inspire its use by others around them. -----------------------------------

Word: Influential Short Definition: exerting or possessing influence Similarity or difference to leadership: Similar to leadership in that leaders are often viewed as influential in creating what happens in an organization ----------------------------------Word: Decisive Short Definition: having the power or quality of deciding; resolute, determined Similarity or difference to leadership: Leaders at times need to make decisions -they may choose to make them on their own or with the help of followers. -------------------------------------Word: Driven Short Definition: propelled or motivated by something Similarity or difference to leadership: Characteristic often thought to go in conjunction with leaders. __________________________ Word: Determination Short Definition: firm or fixed intention to achieve a desired end Similarity or difference to leadership: One of the list of adjective central to the trait approach to leadership. __________________________ Emotional Intelligence Ability to understand our emotions and those of others and apply this to everyday life. According to Goleman (1995, 1998), consists of both social and personal competencies. Ability to lead may be related to ability to recognize and work with emotional intelligence -the theory being that the more aware of EQ a leader is, the more in-tune, therefore successful they will be at leading. ___________________________

Word: Ethics Definition: A set of moral principles. In leadership, ethics and how a leader acts and who they are are related. According to Leadership: Theory and Practice (Northouse, 2010), "...ethical theories when applied to leadership are about both the actions of leaders and who they are as people." (pg 379) __________________________ Word: Consistency Definition: Harmony of conduct or practice with profession May be a compliment to leadership or a drawback. Ex: leaders can consistently make promises and follow through with those promises or can consistently lie and cheat _______________________ Word: Teamwork Definition: Work done with several members with each doing a part that contributes to the whole Related to leadership in that often when a team is assembled to work on a project, that project might be accomplished with more quality and less time. The exact opposite might occur, if the team has not been thoughtfully put together to include different strengths and perspectives. __________________________ Word: Why Definition: For what cause, reason or purpose A relatively new thought process in the world of leadership. Not What? or Why? Essential to understanding the reason behind creating a product, service, program etc., Asked by the leader, Why? can determine success/failure, brand loyalty and influence. __________________________