Wickliffe Progressive Elementary School 2014 - 2015

PARENT HANDBOOK Mr. Chris Collaros Principal

ABSENCE AND ATTENDANCE Regular attendance at school is in the best interest of your child’s educational growth. When your child is absent please call the school office to notify us at 487-5150, ext 6500. An absence may be excused for personal illness, illness in the family, quarantine of the home, death of a relative, observance of a religious holiday, and other emergency situations which make attendance impossible. The dates for holiday recesses are identified in the school calendar, included in this handbook and can be viewed on the district web site, (www.uaschools.org). However, should circumstances arise that will require taking the child out when school is in session, please contact the school to comply with the District’s planned absence policy. I have attached a copy of the Planned absence forms, also available in the school office. BICYCLES Students who desire to ride bicycles to and from school are permitted to do so. Parents can best determine when their child has developed the physical skills and the necessary understanding of bicycle safety rules to become a responsible rider. The wearing of helmets when riding a bike is strongly encouraged. Parents and students are responsible for the safe and lawful operation of bicycles. Responsible safety precautions should be learned and practiced before coming to school on a bicycle. The City of Upper Arlington has a program of licensing for bicycles, extremely valuable to the Police Department in locating lost bicycles. Parents are urged to register their child’s bicycle and to secure a license. Bicycle racks are provided and it is strongly urged that every bicycle rider use some type of lock to secure his/her bicycle to the rack. While reasonable effort will be made to prevent loss or damage to bicycles when parked at school, bicycles are brought at the risk of the owner. Bicycles are to be walked on school property. Skateboards may not be ridden on school property or any time during the school day. This includes the sidewalks around the school. CAFETERIA AND LUNCH PROCEDURES The school cafeteria serves lunch each full day school is in session. Milk may be purchased by children who prefer to bring a sack lunch from home. Payment for lunches is in a computerized system. You can put money into this account several ways: a check made out to Upper Arlington Board of Education and brought to school, cash, or credit card on line through EZpay. Check out the web site. It is the parent’s responsibility to be sure that this account is not overdrawn. When overdrawn, your child does get a full lunch. 1

Elementary children must eat at school or go to their home(s) for lunch. If there is an exception, the parent must inform the school in writing. When a student leaves the school during the lunch period, the parent and the student become responsible for the student’s behavior and safety. If a child is leaving the school for lunch, the teacher needs to have either written or verbal permission from the child’s parent that provides permission and the plan, including where the child will be picked up. Written permission, which can include email, is preferred. The child needs to sign out from the office with either the parent or the secretary so we have a record of the child leaving the school grounds. Likewise, the child should sign back into the office upon his or her return and before returning to the classroom. In any instance when a child indicates to a teacher he or she is leaving for lunch and no permission has been communicated either verbally or in written format, the child must gain permission through the help of the school secretary who can call the child’s parent. If a student leaves during the lunch period, without parental permission, to go to a destination other than home, the student has violated the Board of Education Policy on the elementary school lunch period(s) and is subject to disciplinary action. The first violation will result in a telephone contact with the student’s parent. A second violation will be regarded as a minor infraction as found in the Student’s Rights and Responsibilities Handbook, 2014-2015 (available in the school office). DISCIPLINE AND CHILD BEHAVIOR Children at Wickliffe School are encouraged and expected to be responsible decision-makers in both their academic and social lives at school. Three overarching rules guide our school: 1. Children are expected to act safely and responsibly in the school community. To children, we say: TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF 2.

Children need to act kindly and safely as they interact with others. To children we say: BE KIND TO OTHERS IN WHAT YOU SAY AND DO


Children need to act responsibly in caring for the materials and equipment in the school environment. To children we say: TAKE CARE OF THE THINGS IN OUR SCHOOL

Specific expectations for appropriate behavior in the hallways, the lunch room, and during recess periods are developed together with children and referred to as “I will” statements. These norms are regularly revisited and also accessed when children are in violation of them. Children are expected to maintain appropriate behavior in all school settings. Each classroom teacher has developed a discipline plan with a series of consequences for inappropriate behavior. Logical and natural consequences are part of a young child’s development and education. 2

Further information regarding student behavior can be found in the Upper Arlington School Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. A copy of this booklet is located in our school office and on the district website (www.uaschools.org). EMERGENCY SCHOOL CLOSING The dismissal of school in case of an emergency is the decision of the Superintendent. Should inclement weather or some other circumstance require the cancellation of school, notification will be broadcast as early as possible over local radio and television stations (normally prior to 6:00 a.m.). Parents who have provided contact telephone information will receive a recorded message and email. Please ensure the school has all relevant contact information. Should it become necessary to dismiss students during the school day for an emergency (such as heating or electrical problems) every possible precaution will be made to provide for the safety of the students. The office should have on file the Emergency Early Dismissal Plan form you returned at the beginning of the school year indicating where your child should go in case of an emergency dismissal during the school day. Children should be instructed to know what to do should parents be away from home when an emergency closing occurs during the day and it is the parent’s responsibility that the school is provided the form and that it is kept updated if changes are made. Please discuss with your child the actions they should take if school were to be closed. We encourage you to avoid calling the school during these times as telephone lines must be kept open to receive emergency calls. FIELD TRIPS During the school year there are educational experiences provided for children through planned field trips. These will be scheduled by the teaching staff and will utilize school buses for the most part. A written parent permission form must be completed and on file in the school office prior to any field trip. Upper Arlington School Policies do not allow us to take parent permission over the phone, so this is especially important! HEALTH In order that your child may have a happy and successful year at school, his/her health is very important. Your child should stay at home if s/he shows any signs of illness in the morning or night before such as: a fresh cold, elevation of temperature, G.I. upset, skin rash or sores particularly around mouth and nose or an inflamed eye. If your child is sent home because of an inflamed eye or sores on the skin, it will be necessary to have a note from your child’s doctor to return to school, unless the condition has cleared. The school should be notified if your child has a contagious disease. Your child must stay home until your doctor says it is all right for him/her to return. 3

All children are expected to participate in outdoor activities at recess and noon unless they have a medical reason and a signed excuse from their parents or doctor. In general, it is much better that the children are properly attired (especially in winter) and become involved in outside activities than to stay in the classroom the entire day. A health record completed by you and your doctor is required of all new students in grades 1-5 within two weeks after registration. A completed health record is required of all kindergartners. In general, school personnel are not authorized to provide or to administer medications. Variations from this may be considered only with written permission using the school administration of Drugs Prescribed by Physicians and an Emergency Card on file. It is necessary that accurate, up-to-date emergency information be on file for each student. Should you change the telephone numbers, doctors, or person to call in case of a school emergency, please notify the school secretary so that she may change the information in your child’s emergency health file. Questions about health records, administering medications, or other health related concerns can be directed to our school nurse, Mrs. Nancy Kimnach (487-5150, ext 6503). Screening Tests Screening tests are administered by, or under the supervision of the school nurse at various grade levels. The testing includes the following: 1. VISUAL -- Visual screening is conducted at grades K, 1, 3 and 5. In addition, all students new to the system, as well as other students referred by parents or teachers, are tested at the earliest opportunity. Parents of students who are identified as having possible visual problems are notified by the school nurse. 2. AUDITORY -- Auditory screening is conducted each year in grades K, 1, 3 and 5. New students and others referred by parents or teachers are tested at the earliest possible opportunity. Parents of students with potential hearing problems are notified by the school nurse. 3. STUDENT ALLERGIES – Increasingly more and more children are being identified with food-related allergies. Your classroom teacher will alert you to any specific food allergies which may be present in your child’s classroom and subsequently request that certain foods not be made available for parties, birthdays, etc. so that all children are safe.


HOMEWORK POLICY (developed by a staff committee) We value the growing child and family time. We realize many students are involved in extra curricular activities and after school functions. Therefore, parents reading books to children, children reading books to parents and children reading independently every day is our main focus for homework. We believe this is essential in creating lifelong learners. Additional homework, such as handwriting practice pages, family activities, spelling lists, math assignments and incomplete work, is left to the discretion of the individual teacher. Teachers will communicate their personal homework policies and expectations at Parent Information Night. Our hope is for students to be actively engaged in schoolwork while they are at school. We believe in order to do this, children benefit from a break from classroom work. In addition, family and free time provide opportunities for children to continue valuable learning from the interaction and exploration of the world around them. HOURS AND DISMISSAL PRECAUTIONS HOURS The regular school day for children in grades 1-5 is from 8:15 a.m. until 2:50 p.m. There is a 60 minute lunch period from 11:05 to 12:05. The time your child should leave home to arrive at school by 8:15 a.m. or 12:05 p.m. should be determined by the distance and means of getting to school. Children should not arrive at school before 8:00 a.m. and the school is not responsible for supervising children prior to this time.




STARTING TIME 8:15 A.M. 12:05 P.M.

DISMISSAL TIME 11:05 A.M. 2:50 P.M.

8:15 A.M. 12:05 P.M.

11:05 A.M. 2:50 P.M.

The school office is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on days that school is in session. DISMISSAL Children are dismissed only at the times indicated above. Since safety to and from school is a primary concern of both the home and the school, all children are expected to go directly home, or to some other location approved by their parent or legal guardian. When a child stays after school to engage in voluntary activities (such as Scout groups or PTO sponsored after-school programs), the student has the responsibility to inform his/her parent or legal guardian prior to the day of the activity. Students who stay after school for intramural activities are expected to remain in the gym.


When a child stays after school at the request of a teacher, the teacher will contact the student’s parent or legal guardian prior to 2:50 p.m. of the day that the student remains after school. The teacher will also coordinate with the parent the approximate time that the student will be leaving school. Student Dismissal and Arrival During the School Day All children leaving the school at a time other than our regular dismissal times must be dismissed through the school office. Parents should sign their child out in the office. Teachers have been instructed not to release students to any location other than the school office to meet their parents for doctors’ appointments, etc. If you need to pick up your child at school, we request that you do so through the school office. If the child’s dismissal plan deviates from the norm, written or verbal permission and description of the change is required. Otherwise, the child is held at school until the parent can be reached for clarification. When returning a child to school during school hours, parents should sign their children in at the office. These rules are necessary to assure the safety and protection of all our students. INSURANCE Early each fall, parents may purchase accident insurance for their child(ren) if they wish. An enrollment form was mailed home with the first newsletter and if enrollment is desired, this form must be returned to the school. This is a convenience provided by all Upper Arlington Schools. MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Wickliffe Progressive Elementary School is to educate children in a learning environment which nurtures and develops thoughtful, capable, and compassionate individuals. Our goals are to foster intellectual growth, curiosity, and excitement in learning through Progressive Education practices. We will build a school community which respects diverse people and ideas, encourages democratic decisionmaking and values responsible actions in school and in the broader community. PTO The Wickliffe PTO is an integral part of our overall school community. Membership monies and profits from PTO fund raising events are spent directly for services and equipment that benefit our children. You are encouraged to become a member of the PTO and become actively involved. Find PTO contact information at Wickliffepto.org 6

PARTIES There are usually four parties for all children during the year: a Fall Harvest Party, Friday, October 31st, a Winter Break Party, Friday, December 19TH, Valentine’s Day, Friday, February 13th, and End of the School Year, Wednesday, June 3rd. Room parents and teachers plan the parties together. Parents may be asked to contribute a small amount of money to cover refreshments expenses for these parties. Swimming pool parties at home, shaving cream, etc. are not allowed for the End of the Year party. Note: Room Party Parents should complete the Room Party Protocol Form with the classroom teacher distributed at Parent Information night. Please consult with your child’s classroom teacher when considering how to celebrate your child’s birthday at school. PERMISSION FORMS In addition to the required field trip permission forms that parents sign, Upper Arlington School also requires the signing of a Technology Use Agreement and a Permission for Publication of Student Images and Student Work. The Technology Use Agreement is required for your child to use the internet in the classroom, and the Publication of Student Images form is used when children’s work or name is used on the district web site or other publications. Both forms are no longer carried over from year to year and must be re-signed every year. PERSONAL PROPERTY Care for personal and public property is a part of growing up and exercising good citizenship. Each year many articles of clothing remain unclaimed in the school’s Lost and Found (located next to the main office). Name labels on personal property are extremely helpful in identifying owners of lost items. Items turned in to the Lost and Found during any given month will be kept until the 10th of the next month. After this time any remaining items will be donated to a charity. Expensive toys brought to school (IPods, Gameboys) are done so at the risk of the owner. Teachers will clarify with students when and where it is appropriate to access such toys. The school cannot be held responsible for damaged or stolen/lost items.


Elementary and Middle School students may possess a WCD (Wireless Controlled Device) on school property during school hours, provided that the WCD is WIFI-enabled and any cellular data access is disabled. Students may only access the Internet on a WCD through the District’s filtered wireless local area network (WLAN). WCDs used in the classroom to access the District’s WLAN shall be used for educational purposes only. Whether a WCD may be used in a particular classroom for a specific assignment or project is subject to the discretion of each teacher. PETS AND ANIMALS IN THE CLASSROOM AND SCHOOL If you walk to school with your pet, please do not bring it inside the building or onto the playground before school or during other designated recess times. The use of pets and animals in the classroom can be a valuable educational experience. However, the very presence of such animals creates the potential for injury. Permission must be secured from the classroom teacher before a pet is brought to school. Students bringing pets and animals into the classroom to share must be accompanied by a parent. Pets are not allowed on buses. Students are not permitted to touch the pets unless strictly supervised by the classroom teacher. All pets and animals that remain in the classroom for any period of time must be housed in protective shelters to prevent the animal’s escape or physical contact with students. PICTURES All children in Grades K-5 will have an opportunity to have their pictures taken and purchased for a nominal fee. The following day has been scheduled to take student pictures at Wickliffe:

AUGUST 28TH Additional information about the school pictures will be sent home soon. Any money realized from the sale of these pictures is used to benefit the children at Wickliffe. One small photo is placed on the permanent record file to keep it current. A make-up date, if necessary, will be scheduled. PLACEMENT PROCEDURES The faculty of Wickliffe Progressive Elementary School regards the placement of students into classroom groups to be a very important professional task. Our goal is to make the best possible decision, not only for an individual child, but also for groups of children. The classroom teachers, the support staff, EIS Teacher Julie Eirich, and Mr. Collaros, Principal, work together to make the best possible educational decision about each child’s placement. We consider the following variables to arrive at a decision for individual children and to achieve balanced groupings for each classroom: a. Continuity with the same teacher b. Achievement: reading, writing and math are given particular attention 8

c. Study skills and work habits d. Social needs: students with unique social needs who would benefit educationally by being placed with a given student(s) or separated from another e. Time intensive needs: students with physical, academic or behavioral needs who require extra time and attention from the teacher All parental input must be placed in writing by April 30th on forms available in the office. Because of the complexity of the placement process, requests for individual teachers or specific friends cannot be honored. Although in many cases it is desirable to have children stay with the same teacher a second year in a multiage or looping classroom, we have never been able to guarantee that this will happen. You may choose to explain this to your child if you think that he or she might be upset by not having the same teacher. Multiage and looping classroom are a highly desirable organizational structural practice of our program, but it is not the core of good teaching and learning. Rather, child-centered classrooms are based on the principles of Progressive Education. RECESS SAFETY We are extremely fortunate at Wickliffe School to have wonderful playground structures for our children to use during the school day. We also recognize the important obligation we have to support safe play for all our children using the playgrounds. The following expectations are communicated to children concerning playground rules: 1. Children are to be kind to others in what they say and in what they do. 2. Children need to take care of the playground equipment and return it to the appropriate places after it is used. 3. Children need to conduct themselves in a safe way. They are not allowed to play games where others or themselves are likely to be hurt. They need to use all playground equipment in a safe manner. 4. Children should not play on the grassy fields when the orange cones are set up on the edge of the blacktop. 5. Children need to walk going in an out of the building at all times. 6. Children are expected to be outside during the recess times, not in their classrooms, unless they are supervised by their classroom teacher. 9

Classroom teachers will review with their children appropriate expectations for children’s activity during an inside recess time (e.g., staying in the room, doing appropriate classroom activities, etc.). In addition, norms of behavior, developed by the children and known as “I will” agreements will guide student behavior. Repeated violations of any of these expectations may result in the loss of playground privileges. In the event of indoor recess, teaching staff and TA's assigned to supervise outdoor recess patrol the hallways and classrooms. REPORTING PUPIL PROGRESS AND PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES During the elementary years a combination of conferences and progress reports are used as the means of communicating pupil growth between the home and the school. Individual parent conferences are scheduled in November. A conference may be scheduled during the midyear reporting period by either the parent or the teacher. Additional conferences during the year may be scheduled by parents or the school as needed. Progress reports are sent home prior to the scheduled November parentteacher conference, and at the end of the second, third and fourth nine week periods. The conference schedule window for School Year 2014-2015 is November 3November 14. Monday, October 27 Wednesday, November 5 Thursday, November 6 Tuesday, January 20 Wednesday, January 28 Thursday, January 29 Monday, April 6 Wednesday, April 15

(NO school K-12, Teacher Work Day) Kindergarten Parent-Teacher Conferences (School all day K-5) (School AM only grades 1-5); NO Kindergarten; PM conferences (NO school K-12, Teacher Work Day) Kindergarten Parent-Teacher Conferences (School all day K-5) (School AM only grades 1-5); NO Kindergarten; PM conferences (NO school K-12, Teacher Work Day) Kindergarten Parent-Teacher Conferences (School all day K-5)

While children receive constant feedback from their teachers regarding their progress, the Progress Report is designed primarily with parents in mind. Any reporting process has limitations and is incomplete. At best, they serve as a springboard for continued conversations about your child and they never substitute for this type of communication.


SAFETY Wickliffe has plans for various crisis situations including fire and other crisis evacuations (i.e. gas leak), tornado take-cover procedures, lockdown procedures at both the school and individual classroom level, and disruptive student behavior protocols. In the event that staff and children must evacuate the building for an extended period of time, Mr. Collaros has made arrangements to house children at Riverside United Methodist Church, 2701 Zollinger Road. A procedure is in place for notifying parents of such an event. All staff have received training in enhanced lockdown procedures. A school team is trained in Crisis Management to address traumatic events affecting the school community. Many staff have received CPR training, including operating the AED units at Wickliffe. All visitors to the school are required to check in at the school office by signing in and receiving and wearing a visitor’s badge. Staff are expected to ask adults without a name badge, “How can I help you?” and direct visitors without badges to the office. All visitors are required to enter through the main door off of Cimarron. You will note that all staff members are wearing name badges, as well.

SAFETY - Traffic Procedures The streets and driveways around the school will be congested at arrival and dismissal time. We urge you to take extra care if you drive your child to school. Buses will drop children off in the front of the school on Cimmaron Road. The combination of buses, cars and children make this street an extremely hazardous area during the busy before and after school times. Stop and Drop Procedures Signs have been posted for STOP and DROP both in front of the school and in the Big Toy lot. In conjunction with this we have some guidelines that we request that you follow for the safety and convenience of all Wickliffe students and their families when dropping off either in front of the school, in the Big Toy lot in the morning, or along Wickliffe Rd. at the stretch of Wickliffe Road that bounds the school. The front of the school on Cimmaron and the stretch of Wickliffe Road that bounds the school is Drop Off only. No stopping, and absolutely no parking are allowed during school hours, as per city ordinance. Do not exit and leave your car to accompany your child into school on Wickliffe Road or Cimmaron in front of the school.


If you have large items to transport into the school, such as musical instruments or classroom projects, please find a place to park in order to unload on the side street where such parking is permissible. Only exit the vehicle from the curb side, never the traffic side. Never back up into traffic, or turn around using any driveways around the school. Please proceed around the block if necessary. When dropping off in front of the school, please pull forward to the second sign, “Stop and Drop only, No Parking, Please pull forward”. Do not stop directly in front of the steps. This allows others cars to pull in behind you. Please wait your turn for cars ahead of you to pull in, drop off and pull away. Do not cut in and out of the drop off line. When leaving the drop off line, always check behind you for vehicular traffic. Please do not pull into the teacher lot on the north side of the school near the library, to drop off or pick up. This is for staff only and increases congestion for the stop and drop located along Wickliffe Road. Again, the front of the school on Cimmaron and the stretch of Wickliffe Road that bounds the school is DROP OFF ONLY. Please do not park and leave your car in either of these identified areas. When picking up after school in the Big Toy lot: The first vehicle should pull forward past the sign towards the exit to get as many vehicles into the lot as possible. Do not leave large gaps in the pick up line in order to accommodate as many cars as possible, and eliminate back up onto Eastcleft Road. If your child is delayed, please pull out of the lot and get back into line or pull into a parking space to keep the pick up line moving.

Please be reminded there is absolutely NO pick up in front of the school when the buses are in line at the end of the day. Once the buses pull away, you may then use this area for pick up. Please only cross at the crosswalks around the school. It is very unsafe to cut across the road in traffic and between parked cars and busses. We appreciate your consideration of these guidelines in order to benefit the entire Wickliffe community and remember to drive slowly and be patient. These are our children. We are working with the City of Upper Arlington and local residents to further ease the congestion around Wickliffe and improve safety. We will keep you posted as we continue to make progress. We appreciate your attention to these guidelines and the safety of our Wickliffe community. 12

SAFETY PATROLS The safety of our children is a concern to everyone. The Wickliffe Safety Patrol, consisting of fourth and fifth grade students, exists to assist students crossing streets adjacent to school property. The students are on duty fifteen (15) minutes before school in the morning, and ten minutes after dismissal at noon and twenty (20) minutes after school each day. They are to assist students crossing Cimmaron, Eastcleft, and Wickliffe Roads. These patrols serve in all kinds of weather. However, they are young people (9 or 10 years of age) and their judgment is limited by age and experience. Parents can support the services of the Safety Patrol by encouraging their child to respect the requests and directions of the patrol while on duty, and to cross at the corners with the patrol rather than in the middle of the block. SCHOOL VISITATIONS AND VISITORS It is not unusual for visitors and new parents to remark on the number of adults helping out in our building. A genuine invitation is extended to all parents to visit their child’s class at any time. If a parent is interested in a particular facet of his/her child’s educational program it is advisable to confer with the teacher prior to the visit so it will be possible to observe at a time that will be meaningful for the parent. We also have many visitors from universities and other school districts observing Wickliffe’s alternative approach to education. All visitors are required to sign in on a clipboard in the main office, and wear a visitor’s badge.

STUDENT RECORDS AND DIRECTORY INFORMATION In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) the Upper Arlington Schools collect and maintain student records of personally identifiable information. Most of the information is confidential and is only released upon the written request of the parent. Some of the information is considered to be Directory Information, and is released without written permission to school-related and nonprofit organizations such as the PTO, Scouts, etc. Occasionally, in connection with student activities, selected Directory Information is released to news media. In the Upper Arlington Schools the following items comprise the listing of Directory Information: student name, grade level, address, and parent name and listed phone number. If you have any objection to this information being listed for your student, please contact the school office or the PTO President by September 14th.


TELEPHONE NUMBERS The numbers you should use for reaching us at school are as follows: Wickliffe Main Office Nurse’s Office EIS Office Library Guidance Office

487-5150, Ext 6500 Ext 6503 Gifted Program Ext 6521 Kitchen Ext 6523 Latchkey program Ext 6522 FAX

Ext 6708 Ext 6525 Ext 6530 487-5161

(Classroom voice mail box numbers will be sent home in early September) TORNADOES AND STORMS In the event of tornado warnings, the Superintendent will contact each elementary and secondary building. The following is Wickliffe’s procedure during both a tornado watch and warning. IN THE EVENT OF A TORNADO WATCH 1. Parents may elect to pick up their child from school They should stop in the office to sign out. Teachers will not release children to anyone other than the child’s parent. 2. The principal will monitor the local weather station. 3. Students will be kept indoors during recess periods. 4. Before dismissing students for home, the students will be made aware of the serious weather conditions prevailing. 5. At the end of the school day, students will be advised that the building shall remain open for a reasonable amount of time if they are directed to stay at school during the “watch” by their parents.

IN THE EVENT OF A TORNADO WARNING 1. Parents may elect to pick up their child from school. 2. The school staff shall immediately be notified of the “warning” 3. Students will be directed by the school staff to previously identified areas of the school building for shelter.


4. Students and staff shall remain in their sheltered locations until authorized to return to their rooms or until dismissed from school. 5. In the event a warning is received before a regular school dismissal time, students will not be dismissed unless their parents have made previous arrangements. Students will be held at school until all danger is passed. Alternative Building Evacuation Site In the event that staff and children must evacuate the building for an extended period of time, Mr. Collaros has made arrangements to house children at Riverside United Methodist Church, 2701 Zollinger Road.

Wellness Advisory Council On June 30, 2004, President Bush signed Public Law 108-265, the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004, requiring school districts that participate in federally funded food programs to develop and institute, by the first day of school 2006-2007, a local wellness policy that addresses student wellness and the growing problem of childhood obesity. In response, a group of representatives - including principals, parents, teachers, school nurses, dietitians, food service and school administrators, and outside medical experts - formulated what is now Upper Arlington’s District Wellness Policy. The policy includes guidelines for good nutrition, physical activities/education, and health/nutrition education for our students and staff. UA’s wellness policy devotes special attention to the following concepts: • The school environment should encourage students to make healthy choices • The eating spaces at school should be pleasant for students and staff. • Vending machines should offer nutritional options. • Classroom rewards should emphasize nonfood items. • Classroom celebrations should be healthy. • School fund-raising should use healthy and nonfood options. • Curriculum should offer health and nutrition education in every grade. • Physical education and physical activity at school should work together to help children maintain healthy lifestyles. • Physical activity should not be withheld (e.g. recess) or assigned (e.g. running laps) as punishment at school. • School staff should model healthy eating and physical activity. • Schools should offer wellness education opportunities to parents. A complete copy of the policy can be found at www.uaschools.org/wellnesspolicy. 15