Who is the Real God of the Bible?

Who is the Real God of the Bible? Martha Rose Crow, M.S. “It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.” – George Washington...
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Who is the Real God of the Bible? Martha Rose Crow, M.S. “It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.” – George Washington

Everywhere His presence is everywhere: it’s hardwired into almost everything and everyone on this planet. His tentacles of influence are in almost every institution of the modern world. He is the approver and distributor of power and evil licenses to his “elect”, including the licenses to “righteously” judge, steal from, harm, rape and kill others. Never once does he say he loves us or shows it, although he regularly showers ancient Jewish kings with power, wealth, battle victories, plunder, sons, virgins, concubines, wives, old age, fame and “wisdom.” But are those real or material expressions of love?

ism. This includes Christianity and Islam because the Pentateuch or the first five books of the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) are the wellspring and foundation of those major religions. He is the god of hypocrisies, contradictions, paradoxes and legalized violence. He sets standards and rules for people but there are no rules to govern him, including his actions, thoughts and words. He does anything he wants and gets away with it just because he is “god”. He is the supreme spiritual authority and deity described in a collection of Bronze-Age books. His authority has grown in strength and power over the millennium so much that his book dominates the leadership of many nations. Congresses pray to him along with pivotal leaders. In

America, elected politicians including the president, swear on his name to uphold (and enact) laws in his likeness. He is the God of the Sword. Wars are constantly fought in his name. He is the god who saves with one hand and slays with the other. You must tithe to his priests and temples. He must be flattered (praised and worshipped) and served or suffering, illnesses, plagues, death (plus death to one’s family, town, city or nation) will befall those who refuse to tithe, flatter and obey. The established biography of his persona has profoundly (and negatively) impacted one side of the world for millennia and the whole world for hundreds of centuries.

The only “good” he’s possibly done is create us. Ironically, there are two accounts of this “creation” in Genesis (the first is Genesis 1:1-2:3, and the second is Genesis 2:4-25). This scholar believes that this may be a veiled attempt to describe two gods and thus, two races of men. He shows no ”mercy” to weak people or other peoples but the Jews. Ironically, he is the god of other religions besides Juda28

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He’s the biggest moneymaker of all time. He is the god of the Bible. But who is he? Who were the ancient scribes who sat down and wrote about him and other things of their time? How did a dominant desert culture play a part in their writing? What were the political times like back then? And more importantly, who was the most influential god of that time and place?

Monotheism “No one knows when the idea of a single god became part of mankind’s spiritual heritage.” – “Toward a Hidden God,” Time Magazine, April 8, 1966 Monotheism, the worship of a singular god, is a recent phenomenon in the history of the world’s people. Even today, over half of the world’s people are polytheistic. It is a known fact in archaeological, theological, Bible archaeological, anthropological and other circles that Israelites worshipped many gods for a very long time. The Israelites did not embrace monotheism until thousands of years later in the post-exile period. The name Yahweh is mentioned over 6,823 times in the Jewish Bible (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yahweh) and he goes by other names as well including Jehovah, The Lord, Ba’al, Elohim, El Shaddai, Adonai and more. For a short list of these names see http://ldolphin.org/ Names.html. Monotheism in Israel was a long, evolutionary process that took a long time to evolve. “… The evolution of God, from a multitude of various earlier deities to the currently accepted and locally popular version of a single omnipotent deity, is well documented. It is a scholastically well known but, an unde- appreciated fact, that many portions of the Old Testament are dedicated to establishing Yahweh’s superiority over the other Gods... Contrary to popular belief the Hebrews did not originally have a monotheistic religion. Theirs were the gods and goddesses of the land

from which they were native; the hier- of monotheism in Israel as well as archy of gods and goddesses includour characterization of its emergence ed Ba’al [a god of human sacrifice]… both in theory and in our pedaA little known fact is that the Hebrews gogical literature (Halpern 1987; also had twelve main deities and a Petersen; Fishbane, pp. 49-63; Dearmultitude of minor ones… Judaism, man, pp. 35-50). Michael Coogan (pp. Christianity, and Islam were deeply 115-16) proposes that we consider rooted in the Near East, and as often biblical religion as a subset of Israas not shared beliefs and legends elite religion and Israelite religion with their predecessors… We are as a subset of Canaanite religion, so very much the inheritors of civilizathat the biblical faith may be seen as tion in its earliest, Sumerian, forms… a ‘reconstruction’ out of the matrix of The efforts of the Hebrews in the 7th Canaanite religion... (http://www. and 6th centuries BCE were not so biblicalstudies.ru/OT/44.html) much the creation of new gods There are too “Although some researchand new conmany gods in cepts from whole ers say he was a god of ferthe Bible to list cloth, but rather this article. tility to some people and/or in the taking of For a comprea fire god to others, he was hensive list of older concepts and adding a all the gods in also the god of the under“New Twist”. the Bible check Yahweh-El is the world and a god of human out http://www. result of the new sacrifice.” palmyria.co.uk/ twists derived superstition/Bifrom a re-working and transformablegods.htm tion of older concepts by the Hebrews, who followed in the footsteps Out Of The of their Mesopotamian predecesCanaannite Matrix sors…” (http://personalpages.tds. net/~theseeker/Yahweh.htm) The belief in a God of Evil was replaced by the belief in all evil “...Even by Jeremiah’s age (580 demon. B.C.E.), however, monotheism still appears to be a minority view, deHistory of the Devil: Israel (http:// spite the earlier attempts at reform www.sacred-texts.com/evil/hod/ by Josiah (620 B.C.E.)... Scholars hod08.htm) who have researched other aspects of pre-exilic Israelite religion also The root of biblical faith is a ‘reconstress the great continuity with struction’ out of the matrix of CanaanCanaanite religion and culture. H. C. ite religion. The Canaanites were Brichto (1973), Alberto Green (pp. indigenous to the lands that Israel 156-87), George Heider (1985), John would later call its own. Like most Day (1989, pp. 29-71), Susan Ackerancient peoples living around the man (1992, pp. 101-63; 1993), and Jon Levenson (pp. 3-52, 111-24) conclude Mediterranean Sea, the middle-east and Persia, they not only worshipped that infant sacrifice was an integral a Pantheon of gods, but they were part of the Israelite cult until Josiah’s very careful to worship Molek who reform, and it may have involved the was known by a host of other names. worship of an underworld chthonic deity of healing and fertility, Molek, in a cult of the dead (the Rephaim). Molech The Devourer Perhaps infants were sacrificed directly to Yahweh. ... Susan Ackerman Before he was Satan or the devil, the (1989; 1992; 1993) concludes that god of evil went by Molech, Molech Asherah worship, fertility rites, child the Devourer, Moloch, Chemosh, sacrifice, the cult of the dead, and Ba’al, Beezebub, Cronos, Milcom, the worship of several deities were Melkarth, Baal-melech, Malcom, practiced commonly as a normal part Milcom and other names as well of Yahweh religion and that necrothroughout the Bible lands. Although mancy, child sacrifice, and fertility some researchers say he was a god rites endured into the post-exilic of fertility to some people and/or a era ... Some further maintain that we fire god to others, he was also the must assess critically our definitions god of the underworld and a god of

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human sacrifice. In essence, almost all the peoples in the ancient biblical lands including the Israelites gave him human sacrifices, usually the first born, but there is evidence that other people were sacrificed as well, including virgins, prisoners of war, veiled capital punishments and more. Some Greek cities also worshipped him. Plutarch, in his Life of Themistocles, tells us that just as the battle of Salamis was about to begin,”. . . Themistocles was offering sacrifice alongside the admiral’s trireme. Here three remarkably handsome prisoners were brought before him. . . At the very moment that Euphrantides the prophet saw them, a great bright flame shot up from the victims awaiting sacrifice at the altar and a sneeze was heard on the right, which is a good omen. At this, Euphrantides clasped Themistocles by the right hand and commanded him to dedicate the young men by cutting off their forelocks and then to offer up a prayer and sacrifice them all to Dionysus, the Eater of Flesh, for if this were done, it would bring deliverance and victory to the Greeks. Themistocles was appalled at this terrible and monstrous command from the prophet, as it seemed to him. But the people, as so often happens at moments of crisis, were ready to find salvation in the miraculous rather than in a rational course of action. And so they called upon the name of the god with one voice, dragged the prisoners to the altar, and compelled the sacrifice to be carried out as the prophet had demanded.” (c. 13; tr., Ian Scott-Kilvert, Penguin Classics) The name Molech in Hebrew probably means “to ascend the throne.” According to the Hebrew consonants in the ancient deity’s name, it might mean “the king”. At http://dictionary.die.net/moloch, the author says Molech is “a tyrannical power to be propitiated by human subservience or sacrifice.” Ancient peoples obeyed him because they were terrified of him, his wrath and the destruction from his wrath. Molech the Terrible had many more temples than the other gods of that time. More, like the god of the Bible, he had to be obeyed or terrible 30

curses and things would befall those who offended him. His tribute had to be paid in human blood. “Experience has shown no matter what we say, no matter what we point out, no matter how much evidence is given, it has no meaning for these creatures. They have one goal: to fool us into classifying them as human so they can concentrate on murdering our human values. Without human values, the next step is murdering human beings.” – Amos M. Gunsberg

Psychopaths are hard to identify as many wear a “Mask of Sanity” to keep their twisted behavior and view of the world as secret as possible. These psychopaths don’t bother general society, but take out their evil on people close to them like family and co-workers.

Henry See writes about psychopaths: “Whether we like to admit it or not, there are those who have no conscience, the psychopath, man’s main predator, but a predator that It doesn’t take a psychologist to reclooks exactly like its prey, the predaognize that Molech is a psychopath. tors that move invisibly throughout His personality, determined by his society feeding off of the weak and deeds and words, reveal this. ignorant. In the case of psychopaths, for too long we have all lived in A psychopath is a person who has ignorance because this oh, so clever no conscience. They always leave predator has worked very hard to destruction in their wake. They lie, make sure that we are not even aware cheat, steal, cause trouble for exciteof his existence and his wiles and ment and do ways of attack... other evil This endless need for the bi- (http://www. things as ble god to be propitiated by sott.net/signs/ well, includmaharaji.php) blood is also reflected in the ing murder, whether indiNew Testament Epistle to the There is a book rectly (usuyou can read for Hebrews: “Indeed, under law free about psyally through third-person almost everything is purified chopathy and means) or dithese “invisible” with blood, and without the rectly (more psychopaths. shedding of blood there is no It’s called The rare than indirectly). Mask of Sanforgiveness of sins.” ity by Hervey (Heb. 9:22) Psychopaths Cleckley, M.D. are people A psychiatrist, who use manipulation, violence and he was one of the first professional intimidation to control others and people to understand the hidden satisfy their selfish needs. They can psychopathy in society. The book is be intelligent and highly charismatic, at http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/ but display a chronic inability to feel sanity_1.PDF guilt, remorse or anxiety about any of Cleckley speculates on what is “retheir actions. ally wrong” with these people. He comes very close to suggesting that Five to six percent of the human they are human in every respect population are psychopaths. Most – but that they lack a soul. psychopaths are males, but there is a small minority that are female. Then there are the “secondary psychopaths”, people born with Most psychopaths are born that way consciences but lose them as a conbut psychopathy can happen when a sequence of living in psychopathic person gets a head injury or trauma societies. America is a good examas an infant or small child. Most ple of this. These people become so psychopaths remain hidden to us corrupted by evil that they begin to because they operate under a “Mask lose their consciences and act like of Sanity.” On the surface, they look the devil/molech/satan. like everyone else. They “act” sane, but inside their psyche, their world The “natural” psychopaths are the is totally different from ours. Their most dangerous ones. More, beworld is a world of evil thoughts and cause of their aggression, manipuladreams. tive behavior, risk taking and lack of

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conscience, many psychopaths find ways to work their way up into all the hierarchies of institutions and power of the world (religion, government, military, business, so forth) so they can control people plus force their dark psychopathic world on everyone. Judaism and its “spin-off” religions, Christianity and Islam, are particularly suited to the crafty schemes of psychopathy. This has resulted in social and economic effects, thus a cultural effect, for the past several thousand years to promote, influence, force, propagate and sustain a psychopathic world, institutionally, literally, metaphorically and spiritually.

They continued to the floor of the valley and approached the statue. The drums began to pound slowly, with the beat increasing in frequency and volume as the man approached the statue with its extended arms. The throng began to dance and shriek with anticipation. The man paused a few steps from the idol. He could hear his wife behind him, begging him not to do what was required. He clenched his jaw and approached the red-hot hands of Molech. This close to the statue, the pain in his heart was joined by the agony of heat on his exposed skin. He took a breath of stifling air, raised his boy to heaven and tossed him into

list of ancient nations who performed human sacrifices were the Ethiopians, the Babylonians, the Assyrians, the Phoenicians, the Canaanites, the Ammonites, the Scythians, the Egyptians, the Chinese, the Persians, the Indians, the Gauls, the Carthaginians, the Britons, the Arabians, the Romans, Africans, peoples of the Americas and of course, the ancient Hebrews. Many scholars have discovered and/or conjectured the reasons behind ancient human sacrifice. Some call it infanticide to curb population growth, other scholars try to say that ancient peoples were superstitious and thus performed these blood rites.

The inflluence of psychopathy is higher in the US and western countries for another reason: Western style capitalism attracts and selects for psychopathy. It seems that psychopathic economics and a strong belief in a psychopathic god of the Bible make people more evil, thus psychopathic.

A tremendous portion of the Old Testament is a chronicle of geneaologies, genocide, regicide (the sacrifice of the sacred king) and animal/human sacrifice. Bloodlust, including a blood-lusting god, constitutes a significant portion of the Bible. Blood ritual is fundamental to the god of the Bible and its related Abrahamic religions. Some blood sanctifies while some blood defiles.

HUMAN SACRIFICE It [religion] is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind; and, for my part, I sincerely detest it as I detest everything that is cruel. – Thomas Paine You can’t understand much about ancient middle-eastern religions without learning about human sacrifice. The man walked down the path, his first-born son in his arms. His wife trailed behind, trying to hide her tears. The valley ahead was still too far off for him to see their destination, but the smoke rising in the distance assured him that all was ready. The dusty soil swirled around their feet as they walked, evidence of the extended drought upon the land. Eventually they reached the rim of the basin and started down the narrow path. Below them, they could see the idol and the crowd around it.

the hands of his god. The pounding drums and the singing of the people behind nearly covered the screams of his son, just a few feet away. The boy thrashed on the heated brazen hands, trying to escape their searing touch. Finally, mercifully, he rolled down the arms and into the hollow statue filled with fire. (http://kingof-fools.com/blog/weblog/posts/ molech/) Human sacrifice is as old as time. Since the dawn of man, human sacrifice has been practiced at different times all over the world. Among the

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This endless need for the Bible god to be propitiated by blood is also reflected in the New Testament Epistle to the Hebrews: “Indeed, under law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.” (Heb. 9:22)

The Bible One of humanity’s oldest histories is perhaps also the bloodiest, filled with tales of mass murder and torture. These murders were usually committed to seize land and peoples in efforts to secure fuel and resources. The Jews of the Old Testament, led by Moses, began an era of genocide as they acquired their Promised Land. www.uncensored.co.nz


The practice of invading and annihilating the inhabitants of Biblical lands, with the approval of the Jewish God, is a predominant Old Testament theme.

it seem that naked theft of land and belongings of others was not so naked and that murders of non-Jews were just. The ancient Judahites justified the murders and/or violence by painting their enemies (who were wiped out, enslaved or forced to migrate somewhere were else) impure, worshipping the wrong god/s or subhuman. The people on the wrong end of weaponry were thus made

copied from a common source that predates them both.

If the Bible is truly “divinely inspired” and the absolute “true word of god,” then why does the Bible and its stories resemble other, older stories from other older religions in the area? Could the writers behind the Bible plagiarized from those other religions?

5. God is tired and rests (Ex 31:17). God is never tired and never rests (Is 40:28).

The writers of the Bible also got their “information” from Hindu legends of the creation and early history of humanity. Stories of Hindu heroes Adimo, Heva, Sherma, Hama and Jiapheta apparently were replicated into legends about Adam, Eve, Shem Ham, and Japeth.

“During a few extraordinary decades of spiritual ferment and political agitation toward the end of the seventh century BCE, an unlikely coalition of Judahite court officials, scribes, priests, peasants, and prophets come together to create a new are so many contradic“If you sit down and cull out all the There movement. At its core was a tions in the Bible, religious sacred scripture of unparalleled wise sayings (learned by many peo- forgers/editors/defrauders literary and spiritual genius. It ples of the world-not just ancients of couldn’t fix them all so the was an epic saga woven togethBible would be more seamless the Bible world), genealogies, “iner from an astonishingly rich and coherent. Hundreds of collection of historical writings, spirational” prayers and love songs, contradictions slipped through. memories, legends, folk tales, have a list of 143 and I will list all you have a Black Book of Murder Ithe anecdotes, royal propaganda, first eleven: and Human Sacrifice.” prophecy, and ancient poetry. Partly an original composition, 1. God is satisfied with his partly adapted from earlier verworks (Gen 1:31). God is dissions and sources, that literary master- exploitable/expendable and the satisfied with his works (Gen 6:6). piece would undergo further editing ancient Jews could then commit their and elaboration to become a spiritual awesome crimes against others or 2. God dwells in chosen temples anchor not only for the descendants of each other with clear consciences. (2 Chron 7:12,16). God dwells not in the people of Judah but for communitemples (Acts 7:48). ties all over the world.” (From: “The According to the Bible and Bible “inBible Unearthed; Archaeology’s New terpretations”, it seems the “perfect” 3. God dwells in light (1Tim 6:16). Vision of Ancient Israel and Origin of God of the Bible decided to reveal God dwells in darkness (1 Kings Its Sacred Text,” by Israel Finkelstein his wishes in this imperfect, indeci8:12/ Ps 18:11/ Ps 97:2). and Neil Asher Silverman, pgs. 1-2) pherable amalgam of books written in the imperfect language of imper4. God is seen and heard (Ex 33:23/ From the beginning, ideological fect man, that has been translated, Ex 33:11/ Gen 3:9,10/ Gen 32:30/ justifications were invented and edited, copied, interpreted, voted Is 6:1/Ex 24:9-11). God is invisible contrived by the Judahites to make on, “reinvented” and related to by and cannot be heard (John 1:18/ John imperfect man. 5:37/ Ex 33:20/1 Tim 6:16).

The Bible is an astro-theological literary hybrid. The authors of Genesis picked up parts of their stories from the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Babylonians, and other middle-eastern peoples. The Babylonian text “The Epic of Galgamesh” and the Hebrew story are essentially identical with about 20 major points in common. Their texts are obviously linked in some way. Either: Genesis was copied from an earlier Babylonian story, or The Galgamesh myth was copied from an earlier Hebrew story, or both were 32

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6. God is everywhere present, sees and knows all things (Prov 15:3/Ps 139:7-10/Job 34:21-22). God is not everywhere, neither sees nor knows all things (Gen 3:8/Gen 11:5/Gen 18:20-21). 7. God knows the hearts of men (Acts 1:24/Ps 139:2-3). God tries men to find out what is in their heart (Deut 13:3/ Deut 8:2/ Gen 22:12). 8. God is all powerful (Jer 32:27/Matt 19:26). God is not all powerful (Judg 1:19). 9. God is unchangeable (James 1:17/ Mal 3:6/ Ezek 24:14/ Num 23:19). God is changeable (Gen 6:6/ Jonah 3:10/1 Sam 2:30-31/2 Kings 20:1,4-6/ Ex 33:1, 3, 14, 17). www.uncensored.co.nz

10. God is just and impartial (Ps 92:15/ Gen 18:25/ Deut 32:4/ Rom 2:11/ Ezek 18:25). God is unjust and partial (Gen 9:25/Ex 20:5/Rom 9:1113/Matt 13:12). 11. God is the author of evil (Lam 3:38/ Jer 18:11/Is 45:7/Amos 3:6/ Ezek 20:25). God is not the author of evil (1 Cor 14:33/ Deut 32:4/ James 1:13). For thousands of years, the books of the Bible have been copied, altered, translated into other languages (thus losing some of the original meaning), edited, “reinterpreted”, so forth. This was done in various places in the ancient world and the medieval world. The scribes in Memphis, Jerusalem, Greece, so forth, and the “illuminated” monks did not connect much or at all with each other to compare texts. Followers of the Bible have been taught that the Bible is the “perfect word of God” and those persons behind it were “divinely inspired.” I’m a theologian and I’ve never found any “proof” of any “divine inspiration” behind the book, unless it is divine inspiration of a corrupt, ancient group of people uplifting an evil god. Why would someone do something like that? Follow the power, follow the wealth and understand the original writers of the Bible, the Judahites.

The Judahite Priests And Scribes, The “Creators” Of The Bible ‘How can you say that you are wise and that you have the LORD’s teachings? The scribes have used their pens to turn these teachings into lies. Jeremiah 8:8 God’s Word® Translation (©1995) If you could go back to biblical times in ancient Israel, you would see a world completely different from the one usually described by clerics in the pulpit. Not every Israelite lived in tents in the desert. Some lived in cities and one city was Jerusalem, populated mostly by Judahites. Thousands of years ago, scribes and others from corrupt priest classes gathered and transcribed the biblical texts for various reasons, including strengthening the priest classes (wealth and power), providing a

“model” system (elite-male hierarchal dominator model) for control of the people (behaviour modification). Learning from other religions of that time, the Judahites designed, created and implemented a tool to terrorise people into believing/worshipping/ tithing/sacrificing to the god of their collection of books. They wanted to sow a war-god world, to sow racism, genocide, “justifiable homicide” and misogyny, so forth. As in all religions past and present, there were psychopaths in power and this probably explains why it is such a psychopathic manual for a psychopathic world. If you sit down and cull out all the wise sayings (learned by many peoples of the world-not just ancients of the Bible world), genealogies, “inspirational” prayers and love songs, all you have a Black Book of Murder and Human Sacrifice. If there ever was a book to justify rape, war, authoritarianism, elite patriarchies and their systems, destruction of cities and nations, desecration of the dead, torture, suffering, materialism, nationalism/racism (“chosen people syndrome”), self-sacrifice for the wrong reasons, so forth, it is the Bible. The Bible and its god create homicide minds and a homicide world.

Molech Like many other people living in the heart of ancient Bible lands, the Judahites worshipped more than one god, including their favourite and the one they feared the most, Molech. Theological literature abounds with this fact and also another Big Fact: the Judahites sacrificed their first-born children to Molech. When the Judahites put the Pentateuch together, they wanted to create a set of books that would unite them as a group politically and spiritually, plus socially control the people. Fear and terror are proven tools to control people. A god of fear and terror makes people obey their religious and political leaders better than a god of love and justice. And if you’ve got psychopaths calling the shots (they infest all realms of power), these “holy” books are unholy. The Judahites also probably found it utilitarian to use monotheism for their Bible, than the polythesim they practiced. Why emphasise one

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“bigger,” “more powerful” one? Monthesim is easier to explain and reinforce than polythesim. To explain one god is very complicated. To explain more than one god is incredibly complicated. Moreover, if you’ve got one god, there’s no competition for worship between gods. With a “Supreme God,” running the show of life, people have to do what he says or what his agents on earth say. They can’t run down the street to another temple and obey the directives of another god who might be nicer. Moloch was the god the Judahites decided to chronicle and lift up. When people are faced with a big choice of who you pick as the “One” God, the odds are that people will pick their favourite god or the one they find that mirrors them more in beliefs, values, ideals, culture and future. Molech was an authoritarian like the Judahites were. Molech invoked terror in the masses and the Judahites knew they could roll this terror into making the Israelites obey him, the king and the priest class. It is very probable that the Judahites thought they would get extra “blessings” or goodies like wealth and power from Molech/Moloch if they raised him up and made him the “Supreme God” of their literature. Make Molech the supreme god, give him “kiddie snacks” (sacrifice of children), flatter him by worshipping and praising him, feed him other human and animal blood as well, obey his commands and he’ll cut loose with “blessings”, including blessings for the corrupt, psychopathic priest class. Here is an incomplete list of why the Judahites promoted Satan as their one god: • To elevate an imperfect, psychopathic evil god to the status of a “perfect” and supreme god while elevating the culture, worldview, systems of this god and his religion on the earth. • To unite the Jewish people with a history they never had. • To give Jewish people a special status above all others as the “Chosen of God”. • To unite the “tribes of Israel” into one “nation” under the political body www.uncensored.co.nz


of the Judahites. • Make people dependent on priests, “heroes”, kings, patriarchs and corrupt, psychopathic leaders to solve the questions and problems of life, society, civilization and the spirit. • To legitimize, justify and establish a system of kings and their priests to rule over all the Israelites. • To force authoritarianism on the other Israelites (Judhahites were authoritarian while the other groups were more democractic). • To exploit, capitalize, terrorize and extort a superstitious population to accept the Judahite priests’ chosen god (the god that would give the Judahites what they wanted). • To destroy and to replace original religions so the god of the Bible (and its priest class) will reign over every one and every thing. • To remove spiritual/occult knowledge from the populace so that power could be kept in the hands of a few to manipulate and enslave the masses. • To start, control, build and set standards of a universal religion. • To lay the foundations for a concrete Israel Nation by the deaths of others and the theft of others’ lands. • To entrench human sacrifice, something that was very dear to the Judhahites. (Although many scholars will say that human sacrifice has been died out in the modern world, I believe it has only gone underground or is disguised as something else like war, genocide, capital punishment, victims of poverty and hunger, so forth.) • To justify, legitimise and entrench established ancient desert male hierarchies as the epitome of all systems (forces a class and power system where elite males rule at the top and women, children, slaves and other “worthless people” suffer at the bottom with no social, religious or economic power). • To control people from the inside to the out (when people are controlled from the inside, they are easier to control on the outside). 34

• To justify and entrench evil and evil systems of the world emanating from the Bible as something “good”. • To justify, enforce and “legalise” state murder, suffering, plundering of nations, genocide, rape, wars, so forth, by “god’s elect”. • To legalise disenfranchisement, torture, punishment and/or murder against anyone who won’t bow to the god of the Bible or his priests and regents (representatives). • To get tithes of money and blood (human and/or animal sacrifice) for Judahite temples and priest class. • To influence history and society throughout human history (makes the Judhahites immortal). • To explain their world as they either understood it or wanted it to be. • To directly or indirectly force the Judahite priests’ will on people. • To create a false reality (when people live in false realities they are easier to control).

easier to control when they are corrupted by evil. • A universal religion means universal control (a death religion gives this more mystical power).

The God Of The Bible (And Torah And Koran) “And in that day, says the Lord, you will call me, ‘My Husband,’ and no longer will you call me, ‘My Ba’al.’ For I will remove the names of the Ba’als from her mouth, and they shall be mentioned by name no more.” Hosea 2:16 The god of the Bible is a collective male super-ego. He is a conceited, petty, jealous, cruel, dominant, aggressive, violent, violence-loving, homicidal, narcissistic, selfish psychopathic entity who loves only war, blind obedience, human suffering, human sacrifice, the destruction of women and his “enemies”, and complete subservience/slavery of people to him and his directions/ commands.

• To create an extremely powerful subliminal tool full of occult numbers, messages, allegories and metaphors (with stolen spiritual material from other ancient religions) to disempower and hypnotise people to obey Yahweh.

Somehow the patriarchal oppression by the god of the Bible and his “servants” is supposed to make a better people and a better world . Thus, this god expects people to adore and praise him for “his good works” when his works are of destruction and self-destruction, not construction.

• Censor/disappear/hide anything that does not support and justify the status quo that emerges from the Bible.

You can find 859 biblical examples of cruelty and violence of the god of the Bible at http://skepticsannotatedBible.com/cruelty/long.html

• Indoctrinate the the masses into a slave-like mentality of servitude for complete obedience.

Richard Dawkins, author of The God Delusion, summed up believers in the Abrahamic god as, “a tribal cult of a single fiercely unpleasant God, morbidly obsessed with sexual restrictions, with the smell of charred flesh, with his own superiority over rival gods, and with the exclusiveness of his chosen desert tribe.”

• To control sexuality (dominant male model to dominate over females while at the same time, control of sexuality corrupts people psychologically, mentally, physically and spiritually and when people are corrupted, they are sick and thus easier to control). • To discourage independent soul (spiritual) development. • To discourage independent thinking. • People and their consciences are

UNCENSORED 13: September - December 2008

The god of the Bible not only DEMANDS that people worship him, but DEMANDS that they BLINDLY OBEY him and his worldly “officers”. Deuteronomy is full of “consequences” to those who don’t worship and OBEY the “Lord” and his “Official Representatives.” Notice that it is the “Lord” God Himself is the one who curses and the one who punishes! www.uncensored.co.nz

These passages are from Deuteronomy, Chapter 28. Notice how often the god of the Bible is called “Lord”, the name the god Molech/Ba’al was always addressed as:

pressed and robbed continually, and there shall be no one to help you... (Deut.28:15-29)

15 - “But if you will not obey the voice of the LORD your God or be careful to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command you this day, then all these curses shall come upon you and overtake you.

“The Christian resolve to find the world evil and ugly, has made the world evil and ugly.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

16 - Cursed shall you be in the city, and cursed shall you be in the field. 17 - Cursed shall be your basket and your kneading-trough. 18 - Cursed shall be the fruit of your body, and the fruit of your ground, the increase of your cattle, and the young of your flock. 19 - Cursed shall you be when you come in, and cursed shall you be when you go out. 20 -”The LORD will send upon you curses, confusion, and frustration, in all that you undertake to do, until you are destroyed and perish quickly, on account of the evil of your doings, because you have forsaken me. 21 - The LORD will make the pestilence cleave to you until he has consumed you off the land which you are entering to take possession of it. 22 - The LORD will smite you with consumption, and with fever, inflammation, and fiery heat, and with drought, and with blasting, and with mildew; they shall pursue you until you perish. 25 - The LORD will cause you to be defeated before your enemies; you shall go out one way against them, and flee seven ways before them; and you shall be a horror to all the kingdoms of the earth. 27 - The LORD will smite you with the boils of Egypt, and with the ulcers and the scurvy and the itch, of which you cannot be healed. 28 - The LORD will smite you with madness and blindness and confusion of mind; 29 - ... and you shall not prosper in your ways; and you shall be only op-


In all established theologies, there are the “apologists” who work to smooth over, bridge, interpret and/or “reinterpret” the discrepancies of a religion, including “holy” books. Somehow these males (until modern times they were always males and females are rare in this field) are “experts” and are sold as being somehow mystically imbued with some special “divinity”, expertise, education and intelligence to “reconcile” the hypocrisies, contradictions, conflicts, controversies, original “intentions” and/or thinking, dogma, semantics, dogma, allusions, metaphors, allegories, theories, origins, histories and other problems that constantly crop up and cast doubt on the established beliefs of a religion. Apologists try to “bait and switch” by admitting that the god of the Bible is flawed and then change the subject or monologue to something positive in the Bible. Apologists will deemphasise god’s defects and emphasise the other “wise” and “good things” of the Bible. Indeed, the Bible is full of quotes, antidotes, advice, songs and poetry, but the Bible is about a primary deity, his will and his inflexible commands to humanity. Apologists are the public relations arm of religions, too, because after apologists change one thing into another thing, they’re part of the heavy propaganda that sells the “apologised” solutions, philosophies and “elder thought” to the rest of the flock so the flock no longer questions “revealed scripture”. Ancient Bible apologist scribes tried to soften a god of evil in later books of the Bible or make him a composite of the many gods worshipped in Bible lands, but the paradox is that you can’t turn an evil god into a good one or turn an evil god into a god of multiple personalities. But these alchemists of religious thought still try anyway!

UNCENSORED 13: September - December 2008

The Pentateuch is the bedrock of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Therefore, the god of these five books of the Bible is the principal god of these religions. You can paint him anything you want later on like the Christians have done in the New Testament, but he remains evil. Evil is evil. Evil remains evil under the paint and/or under all the apologies of apologists.

The World Has Been Duped For Millennia As we have seen over and over, “Jehovah” is none other than Satan – the Devil. Those who worship that god, “The God of this Age,” and fill their mind with tales of its impotent rage, begin to display such behaviour themselves. Again I point the reader to the Christian Right, as well as Christian history, for confirmation of my claim. It is only logical that we would become like that which we worship, that which we give the highes place in our minds and hearts. Those who worship Jehovah/ Satan pose a continuous real threat to the lives of each other and to those of us who do not worship their nasty god. Christian and Jewish history (and today’s news) are overflowing with examples of the savagery of those who have filled their minds and hearts with the Jehovah/Satan fiend.” – Rev. Nathaniel J. Merritt, Jehovah Unmasked, Chapter 17 The god of the Bible is not a good god. He is not a good role model for people to emulate and the Bible is not a good model for humanity unless humanity wants to be evil. “Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we called it the work of a demon than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalise mankind; and for my part, I sincerely detest it as I detest everything that is cruel.” – Thomas Paine, Revolutionary, Cofounder of Modern Democracy The following is a quote from the Mormon Bible Dictionary’s definition of Satan. “One of the major techwww.uncensored.co.nz


niques of the devil is to cause human beings to think they are following God’s ways, when in reality they are deceived by the devil to follow other paths.” The Bible is the perfect way to get people to think they are following god when in many instances, they are following evil. “All that is necessary, as it seems to me, to convince any reasonable person that the Bible is simply and purely of human invention — of barbarian invention — is to read it. Read it as you would any other book; think of it as you would of any other; get the bandage of reverence from your eyes; drive from your heart the phantom of fear; push from the throne of your brain the cowled form of superstition — then read the Holy Bible, and you will be amazed that you ever, for one moment, supposed a being of infinite wisdom, goodness and purity, to be the author of such ignorance and of such atrocity.” – Robert G. Ingersoll 1833-1839, US Statesman, Freethinker, Humanitarian If you look at the Bible as just a book, you will see the true genius and genesis of evil. Satan/Molech, the “father of the lie” and the Great Imposter has duped many of the world’s people for millennia by taking the mantle of a “good god”! “The Word of God has shaped the history of our culture.” –Karen Armstrong, A History of God, page xxiii

The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates taught his students that the pursuit of truth can only begin once they start to question and analyse every belief that they ever held dear. If a certain belief passes the tests of evidence, deduction, and logic, then it should be kept. If it doesn’t pass the tests, the belief should not only be discarded, but the thinker must also then question why he was led to believe the erroneous information in the first place. Spirituality is a Great Work that takes effort. It takes time and work. Healthy spirituality is a journey and it is a personal one. As for natural psychopaths – those born with no consciences – well they have their own god and he is everywhere still shaping the history of our culture. For further reading, I suggest: “The Death of Moloch and the Dawn of Peace” http://www.interfarfacing. com/wd4april_1886.html “Is War a Ritual Human Sacrifice?” http://www.paranoiamagazine.com/ warritual.html The Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley, M.D. http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/ sanity_1.PDF •••

Now you know why the world has been so evil for so long and is getting more evil. Now you know why your conscience always hurt when you read that ancient book. Preachers will tell you that satan is the “god of this world.” This is true and ironically, they are selling this god. With the help of the Judahites and other similar scribes of other religions, satan has become the god of this world. That doesn’t mean that we should worship him or obey him or his priests. To do this is to become corrupted by evil. Instead of looking to others and religions for a god, it’s time to look for where the real and hidden good god dwells: within ourselves. That is where the Divine Spark begins for the majority of people who are born with consciences. 36

POSTSCRIPT The Real God of the Bible Proof of Molech Being YahwehI found the following in the Catholic Encyclopedia. I checked it before about nine months ago so they must have changed their entry! http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/ 10443b.htm This is part of what the entry says, “Of late, numerous attempts have been made to prove that in sacrificing their children to Moloch the Israelites simply thought that they were offering them in holocaust to Yahweh. In other words, the Melech to whom child-sacrifices were offered was Yahweh under another name.”

UNCENSORED 13: September - December 2008

Melech in ancient middle eastern tongue means “Shameful Ruler.” Molech, melech, baal and other related names mean the same maleovent god that everyone was sacrificing their children to (preferrably their first born) and others (sometimes grown men and women) to. Every one back then “knew” to give blood payments to this god. Besides, he’d cut them a deal for success, money, sex or whatever. People got the things of this world in exchange for blood or being part of the blood ritual. Musicians would beat drums and play the flute real loud to drown out the screams and the “worshippers” would dance! The Jewish Encyclopedia says http://www.jewishencyclopedia. com/view.jsp?artid=718&letter=M “The fact, therefore, now generally accepted by critical scholars, is that in the last days of the kingdom human sacrifices were offered to Yhwh as King or Counselor of the nation and that the Prophets disapproved of it and denounced it because it was introduced from outside as an imitation of a heathen cult and because of its barbarity. In course of time the pointing of “Melek” was changed to “Molech” to still further stigmatiSe the rites.” This is mostly true. The Prophets may or may not have disapproved. The Bible has been tinkered with so much over the millennia plus there is more power in making evil go underground (terroriSe the people to obey) that I wonder how many prophets really preached against human sacrifice. Not all prophets are good and many of the “people” in the Bible are made up. Back in ancient days, most of the world knew about the major gods (God of Light, Darkness-Evil and usually the Goddess). Human sacrifice to an evil god is as old as time and evidence to it is found all over the world! The ancient people of the world were well aware of the evil god. Monothesim is a modern concept. Why have one god? One god means one religion and universal religion means universal control. Not only that, with the predator god hidden (and reduced to a “fallen angel”), he becomes more dangerous literally! If people don’t know what real www.uncensored.co.nz

evil is, they don’t know how to protect themselves from it and thus, it rules this world plus it consumes us! “In the midst of the disasters which were befalling the nation men felt that if the favor of Yhwh could be regained it was worth any price they could pay. Their Semitic kindred worshiped their gods with offerings of their children, and in their desperation the Israelites did the same. For some reason, perhaps because not all the priestly and prophetic circles approved of the movement” If you look beyond the illusions, we’re still living in a human sacrifice world! The messages are different and the methods of killing are different, but it’s still human sacrifice. How many young men and women are constantly told in America to “sacrifice” for their country and end up dying in bullshit wars only for oil and profit and to keep the elite entrenched in power? How many innocents die because of maleovent evil rulers unleashing social and economic stressors on people, shocking them to cause stress to cause premature death? If you go straight to the root of premature deaths in this world, you will see that most people are murdered (most in indirect ways so the blood is hard to trace to it’s blood-extracting source). Most people die prematurely! Most people die from being constantly shocked (SHOCK=STRESS=PREMATURE DEATH). Poverty, wars, oppression, racism, depression, needless suffering, so forth, are secret ways Molech gets his tribute in blood! Remember, most of the “leaders” of the world are psychopaths on the material plane and demons on the ethereal planes. They are organic portals for the evil god. They are his puppets! They do as he tells them. Ancient people knew this but this knowledge was “disappeared” so this new reign of evil could begin. Many stupidly tried to “bargain” with all the gods, find some “middle ground.” But there is no middle ground with evil. You let it in and it consumes you; collectively and individually. And when people think that Satan is a fallen angel and the god of the Bible is the God of the Light (which he really isn’t), they’re running around all over the place looking for the wrong thing and

being totally ignorant so they are perfect prey!

is sold so hard by Christians and Moslims?

I’m telling you what I had to learn from a very painful spiritual journey: This is an underworld and not only is it an underworld, it is a Human Sacrifice Temple. The demons are in charge and it’s up to us to take our power back and return the earth back to a paradise!

Does the Catholic Church know this? Of course they do. Most of the high positions have always been held by demonic psychopaths and still are. By keeping ancient secrets secret, they score wealth and power. Also, there are some in the church that don’t want the majority aware of the demons in flesh suits swimming in the human sea with us. There are some people (not me) who would gather in groups and execute these evil people. When we start killing evil people, we become evil ourselves. We become the monsters that we kill.

Many of us are doing our part to make people aware of evil. You produce the excellent magazine that helps people wake up and helps awakened people to stay awake and build their spiritual armor with Knowledge. Roland is doing the same with his writing about psychopaths. Ted Twietmeyer writes those fabulous articles about what some are thinking but are afraid to say. My friend Sassy is helping me with the Power of Sound. All of you have a lot of courage! I’m doing my part in as many ways as I can think of There is more proof that Molech is the major god of the Bible. Check your history of the ancient Judahites who were the “writers” of the first five books. They walked “temple street” like the others back then and tried to cut deals with other gods. The Judahites were more of a political organization than a religious one and they put the five books together as a political tool to try to unite the other tribes with them as one tribe but the other tribes found the Judahites too elitish, classist and authoritarian (a king or ruling priest). The five political books based on myths, legends, oral stories, so forth, of other cultures and gods eventually morphed into a religious book. But take out all of “god’s words” in the old testament and you will find these words to sound evil and maleovent like Molech’s personality! Where in the Bible does “god” every say he loves us? Nowhere! In the NT, it says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son...” But those are the words and interpretations of men, not God’s words. The world’s been duped! Christians and Moslims make up almost half the world today and all are operating on a satanic book! This explains why the world is so evil and why we’re in a world of shit! Now do you see why evangelism and religious intolerance

UNCENSORED 13: September - December 2008

Humanity has to become aware of the real evil and come together to find a way to humanely deal with these people to keep them from harming us, including stealing our energy (Prana). Satan supposedly has a website http://fromdepthsofhell.blogspot. com/ and some demon as well http://molochnow.blogspot.com/ I was looking for something elseproof that Molech is the god of the Bible (I found it, too)-and ran into these puppies. They are evil but I don’t think it’s satan but that one guy may be a demon...It’s the end of the world. They’re starting to come out of the closet... Martha Rose Crow is an American ex-pat living in the Netherlands. She is a theologian, writer, poet, musician, vegetarian and Mystic. She has written 34 books, including 21 books of poetry and she is in the midst of finishing Mosaic: My Testimony of Light and Darkness. You can reach her at: [email protected]
