Who Am I? Reiki By Stewart

Who Am I ? Reiki This flavour of reiki is based on the teachings of Ramana Maharshi and on personal experience. Ramana Maharshi was a sixteen year old boy living in the south of India when he had what we call today a panic attack. He was afraid of dying. But he was also very stubborn and wanted to be free of this fear. So he tried something unusual. He acted as if he already had died. He lay still, tried not to breathe, and kept silent. And he found his point of view of Self changing. He fled through all his emotions and ideas down to the Viewer inside his head. The part of him that watched ideas and emotions. And he turned this awareness upon itself. He asked, What is this? Who Am I? And he developed a sense of this deep wordless “That”, and held to it in meditation, and discovered a wonderful peace and bliss welling up from his heart. This experience he called Reality. Or Realization. Maharshi says we all have this deep inner Self, which is Spirit and is the only true thing about us. That we chase after mysterious religious rites and spiritual methods, when all we have to do is ask ourselves Who Am I? Who is the I Within Me? When I try to practice this, I do feel an inner thing which is aware and watching and fills me up, but it is hard to put into words. I also feel at peace and happy. And sort of “expanded” as to who I am. It’s as if my “usual” sense of myself is a tight knot, but this “deep self” or “thatness” is a looser field of being. And it recognizes something similar in other things. So I have put the feeling of this reiki in an energy “moment” or chi ball for people to draw down.

If you like this energy you could attune to it just by asking for it, but you will have to practice meditating on who you are, as well. It is not difficult, just try it. You may not become a realized saint in twenty minutes, like Maharshi did, but you will get a taste of it. Enough for you to say “wow, this is real.” In healing you could say “I am That” or “I am Self”, (or Big Self or Happy Self) and relax into contemplating your inner watching awareness, while your thoughts settle down, before going on with your usual methods. Anyway, enjoy this reiki. I ask you to give it away for free since that is what Maharshi requested about any of his teachings. I will include some of his sayings for you. Good luck! Stewart 2011 Disclaimer: As usual this reiki is to promote well being but is not a substitute for medical care by your own physician. It is intended for adults over 18 years of age.

Sayings of Ramana Maharshi

: Your duty is to Be, and not to be this or that When the mind turning inward inquires “Who Am I?” and reaches the heart, that which is “I” sinks crestfallen, and the one Self appears of its own accord. Limited thoughts having disappeared, there shines in the heart a kind of wordless illumination which is pure consciousness. Grace is within you. The Realized Person weeps with the weeping, laughs with the laughing, plays with the playful, sings with those who sing, keeping time to the song. What does he or she lose? “I am that I am” sums up the whole truth. The method is summarized by “Be Still.” You give up various possessions. If, instead, you give up “I” and “mine” you give them all up in one stroke and lose the very seed of possessions. There are no stages in Realization or degrees of Liberation. There are no levels of Reality, only levels of experience for individuals.

There is no greater puzzle than this: being Reality ourselves, we seek to gain Reality. We think that there is something hiding Reality and that it must be destroyed before truth is gained. This is clearly ridiculous. A day will dawn when you will laugh at your past efforts Either surrender because you realize your inability and need a higher power to help you, or investigate the cause of the misery. The Divine never forsakes one who has surrendered. Your true nature is that of infinite spirit. The feeling of limitation is the work of the mind. When the mind unceasingly investigates its own nature, it transpires that there is no such thing as mind. This is the direct path for all. You speak as if you are here, and the Self is somewhere else and you had to go and reach it… but in fact the Self is here and now and you are always It. Just be the Self, that is all.