
tapam ow


Mfttft row want somoont

knowyouanprwctofo ovofythtng about hot, Tryaprodout gom from Woknowyougoto ■lot uoahowyquhowtotolhor.

IUPUI News Students make parking hard for handicapped byJehaRaatey Student* at IUPUI are making a dtl hcuit altuatloo warn by cenUnut* to Igaora univanity regulation by paritag »a spaces raaarvad far uaa by baadkappad atudonta and staff, tayi Ma­ jor John OUbart ot tha ua!vanity

la OUbart, a n iaeatod aide at Blake Straat Library whan tha

lag dock ana. at both M b Straat

areat at tha lav acbool. waat of the Union Building, on Middle Street araat ot tha Nuntng Building, aouth of Riley

It la important tor tha studant body to watch out for Um Gilbert laid

A P O sets b lo o d d rive record

White no proctea (Utiatica ara avaiiot ear* toured

by JehnKmky A record waa aat by the aomi-annual Omega (APO) blood (blve bold at IUPUI during the flrat weak at October After two dnye at taking pledgee and throe daya at re­ ceiving donatiaaaot blood, thefrator nity obtoinad l « pinto at wboto blood for Um Central Indiana Regional Blood Cantor

coataa* that at many aa T or I can a day have bean towed from ouch tecattoaa. Tha importance ot maintaining tbaao apacoa for Um hambeappod waa atnaaoa by Don Wakafleid. director ot lUPUI'a Hambeappod Student Sorricoa, arhoa boaaid that the phyaicaliy

Join the


BAND PROGRAM — Basketball Pep Band— — Jazz Ensemble— — Concert B a n d -


Jim Tagbort, co-chairman at tbo APO blood *tvo, termed the drive aa

they got ttekatod and towed away, la that Um tocatMa waa poorly marked i at

■aid. due prlaaartiy to tbo good dly the prapaa goto and tbo w ■oaa ot IUPUI atodaata to volant

Tom Woodward, IUPUI Band Dir actor, taid that aU inatrumonta ara naodad for tbo three phono program which will Include the boakotboil pop band, a jssi onoomblo, and a
■ e d . - S a t , Oct. 18-21 9-.30 show $1 50 admission

M cfcb o m e * 1 * dmttS*on Wed., Thun. S2 admission Fri., Sat.

This week's Sunday M ovie is! Shows at 2 ,4 ,7 ,9 pm Dancmg 4 Co d iU * N ^ a iy

New releases provide howling, rocking byTMaLaahom Al Stewart haa followed Year af tee Cal wite the much nicer and well pro duced Time Passages, which gives his

guitar, Paasagm ia almost aa perfect aa any album can be. but it demands

Join us


log. even though the songs are woven in a much more approachable style Al * voice makes alining seem so effortless, yet so much emotion is tied up within the lyrics it's eaay to aee

Dag and Batlcrtty, and butterflies drop dead from the iky dag's none and Nancy haa charming guitar grace of aptettered butterfly guta on the gnlhrori of your car. This album's a howl R U Ready 2 Rock? Good Blue Oyster Cult have kicked out the jama with another remarkable live art called Some Esc hailed Evealag (which follows strangely doae to their recent On Yarn Peel ar On Yarn Haem) that was made in lieu of any

non* of "The Reaper," "E.T.I.” and tee liaard king

technical advantages of tee studio, but what tee heck, I still wamm party with the Ciilt (just aa long aa they don’t invite tee guy on the cover .) Ned Young has returned with what could be his finest effort since • up in hte soap ami coL tect on his albums like dust His new Cemm a Time shows none of the moody phases that made Earns so hard to listen to, but instead reveals a lighthearted acoustic (almost com try) approach There's no real elec trie guitar on Comm a Time; nothing as powerful as "Hurricane" or "Bite the Bullet" Nicolette Larson provides some shaping background vocals that mix well with Nail's (purity voice, and out in tee instrument section Hope­ fully this album Is a new door beu* opened for Y ou*, but I think I'll love his musK no matter how he c doit

It'* realty hard tebalteet t e l I

of their latent reteaae says It all Never Say Die! Nine m ap of (hiving rock, hinting guitar hate from Tony lornml, stomach churning vacate from (tezy . all point to Me cenduaiaa Black Sabbath a still* potent and vm uncus musical force ami they’re still at chain Rock ’a' roll

Chicago’s running down Hot Streets these days, and they've finally taken a giant step out of their Ic^yenr nit Thte change manifested itself on Cht cago Eleven but probably grew (The gram ■ no

iaMSi) and have turned to a pop-rock sound with tern influence from the bora and more (ram the guitar there "Alive Again" is most likely b e i* played somewhere at this very mo ment Let’s hape for more of the same

'Girl Friends’ acclaimed worldwide by SJ. Casper Girt Friends. Claudia Weill’s first feature film, is a spirited and witty environment of New York City Exploring the irreplaceable but sometimes underestimated value of friendship. Girt Friends is the story of an aspiring young photographer and

COLLAGE 78 A Campus/Community

TALENT SHOW Sponsored by

marries and move* out. It stars Melanie Mayron (who played Marsha, the buxom cashier in Car Wash) as Susan, and coaters Anita Skinner making her dehut as Anne movie was financed by a series of grants, loans and contributions by friends of producer-director Weill, a » year-old Radcliffe graduate lire first year it was planned as a

commented. "When we looked at the footage, the notion of what would out so intrigued us that we began to see the film as a feature dealing more heavily with Susan ” The product of two more yean work, the film has been acclaimed at the Rotterdam Film Festival, at Los Angeles' Filmex and at the Cannes Film Festival Jan Saunders, co-producer of the film, says Girl Friend* is not a feminist movie. " I t deals with

success The first is the fact that Warner Brothers, known for its multi at the chance to distribute tee I Another is tee fact that Eh Waltech and Viveea Lindon both agreed to do the movie al hoM-ocale pay.

When the film opened in New York, the promoter* were faced with the problem of publicmng the movie

how the changes in their lives affect that bond.” she said. Jan, knowmn the

a. they took to the streets passing out leaflet* advertising tee film What was really

was recruiter to help Weill in completing the film

the fact that Wallach joined in

WPUTs O pen Channel & the Indanapofis C h a pte r of the Am erican Diabetes Association A l proceeds w i g o to the Indkrtapois C h a pte r of the Am erican Dia­ betes Association.

Starring Mike Karp of WTTV's Weekend "Movies with Mike" as Master of Ceremonies Novem ber 3,1978 Lecture Ha« 101 7pm Grand prizes for winning contestants/door prizes w i be awarded

For more information coll 264-4796

n ig h t


BRT 924 W estfield Blvd. 251-8878 Music—small cover-must be 21. Friday and St urday nights showcase the While River Ramblers, a local Rxieknd jazz band

The Patio Lounge 6308 Guilford 251-7878 Oct. 14-17 (Mon.-Tina.) will most likely be Why On Earth,

Crazy A l's Pizza Piece 5408 N. C ollege 255-6464 Oct 14-17 (Man.—Then.) flute MU Wibao, i forming hit personal style of fob music

V ogue NKe Club 6259 N. C ollege 255-2828 Oct 17 (Tttaa.) is WFBQ km-dough coace

G azette

Th« Sagamore s guide to entertainment

Dooze, boolo-beelo, b u t and boogie* $25*

Billy Joel brings 14K class to Indy; superb musicianship unsurpassed

dhmporty A lf a only m rn dw S— idny> ■ ■— refrow.

by K.1- Wipa

h'» out

Bitty Jnal In concert ha

d expanded menu at tne West 16th Street Waffle House, where quafety and convenience

2621 W est 16th Street Cerry Out Orders: 631-5922 Cituen s Pay - Tuesday 3 p m -11 pm Haff-pnce

In December of last year tn a game against Athieteo in Action at the Granite City Clastic At that time, be received a blow to the head, caiuing a severe concussion Mike still suffers slight bearing and seeing difficulties as s result of that conclusion We will mws Mike tremendmwly." said Metro Head Coach Kirby Overman. He is an outstanding stu dent-athlete, and his physical ability and hU leadership talents are groat assets to our program We hope that be can recover from this injury and return to our team next year. "

calendar central October 17 Women's Volleyball: Metros at DePauw Un­ iversity/Franklin College Career Development Program : "T ra vel Procedures," Personnel Division, 9:00 am, Nursing Building October 18 Midterm Last day for automatic withdrawal Last day lor credit/audit Continuing medical education: “ Neuro-Opthalmology” Management in Action Seminar: ‘ (through October 20), “ Doing Business with the Rus­ sians and the East Europeans," School of Business, Union Building Anesthesia Conference: "Outpatient Anes­ thesia," 8:00 am; "Anesthetic Manage­ ment of the Bum Patient," 4:30 pm, School of Medicine Intramural: "Flag Football," entry deadline October i f All Campus Dance, 9:00 pm, Union Building Intramural: “ Flag Football,” Managers meeting Women's Volleyball: Vincennes University vs. Metros

Career Development Program: “ Statement of Accounts," Personnel Division, 9:00 am, Nursing Building Octobers* Intramural: “ Cross-Country,” entry dead­ line Biochemistry Seminar: "H ydrogen-ex­ change Studies of Red Cell Membranes," W P BRYAN, 4 pm. Medical Science Build­ ing, Room B26 Theater Production: Anton Chekov’s "The Boor" and "The Marriage Proposal,” Mt. Vernon High School, 7 pm. October 21 Mt Debate Tournament, 8 am, Cavanaugh and Lecture Halls Continuing Education Program: "Goal Set­ ting Seminar,” fee 832, 9 am, Center for I Women Intramural: "Cross-Country," 3 Mile Starts October 22 Intramural: "F la g Football," league starts Children’s Theater: "Androcles and the Lion," 2 pm, Union Building


Congressional Insight

Dean F ran cois.. .

CTS T h ea tre.. . Mkee'a TW T i n t 8**I Fnday, Oct. M i t tha

Proaorw family living In a amaU

The profemonally oriented community theatre will preaeot U performancaa of thia drama o*er three weaken* Call the theatre at «IS-1S1« for pertor-

Fumlth your Apartmont or Hom m

Marketing C lu b .. .

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The Marketing Chib will foe ture Its aecood apeaker at tta neat meeting on Thureday, OcL It.

10 parcant discount on moat Itsms

AL-HA8HBAZ IMPORTS 5076 Nortbwsatsm Avenue Hours: 12-8/Mon.Fri., 12-6/Sat ASun

Election of officer* will alao take place at the meeting, to be held in the Roof Lounge of the Union Building atlpro Refreeh

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INTERNSHIPS T h e P r o fe s s io n a l P ractice In tern sh ip P r o g ra m is accepting applications now for spring semester intern- j ships, juniors and seniors with a

2.5 G P A

and desiring to;

; work a semester with business or industry

Parking controversy continues to gro w

Contact R o n L in d le Student U n io n . . .G025M. . .2*4-2554 *************************************************

A com p lete Hne of A t * * H M ttports II lustra ted sp o rts g a m e s Football, Bas ketbaN, B aseb al. Auto and Horserecing. and G o lf

O u td o o r Survival.

S p o rts

Yesteryearftnvie) and tbe n ew StaOs-Pro N B A B asketbol. too




by 8.J. Cooper Partin g at IU P U I has always been a hot topic of dicuaaion among faculty, staff and students As the university has grown, so has the controversy surrounding parting and the future, to some, loots as if It will get worse before it gets better But in assessing the situation and searching for solutions, many factors must be considered First, it must be realized that IU P U I is only one part of a much larger complex In effect. IU PU I is sharing this land and th erefore competing for parting spaces with hospitals, research centers, residence halls, maintenance organizations and aU the patients and visitors who utilize these facilities Even with the new parting garage near Riley Hospital for Children, the hospital area is still one of the moat congested in the complex It is also important to understand the logic behind how this hospital university complex is b e iig built As Robert I f Tirmenstein, assistant director of the Department of Parking Services, said, “ Those who have planned t^e univarsity wanted to avoid a ‘hunk of concrete' as is the c a te with many other city universities.’ ' Higher enrollment and staff growth have continued to aggravate those en volved with planning parking facilities In the past, facilities have been trying to keep a bread* with the expansion of the university But now, as Dr. Robert Bogan of the Parking Policy Committee has stated. "W e ’ ve reached an enrollment plateau We still need more parking, but we must m ove m ore c a re fu lly in our planning "

The fa ct that studants h a ve sta ggered classes helps tremendously I f all of IU P U I’ s students arrived at the same time, a huge traffic jam, the biggest the d ty has ever seen, would result Presently, the university is still expanding, and with each construction project,, more parking spaces a re lost The new B usinets/SPEA B uilding, the sidewalk renovation of M ichigan Street, a new ambulance entrance at Wiahard M em orial Hospital, and ram p construction behind the University Library have all taken away prime parting spaces. Also, 100 spaces will be lost between Limestone and Lansing Streets for construction of m arried student housing In all. approximately 000 spots will be lost this fall, according to Tirmenstein. To offset this lam, a gravel lot east of the K/T Building has been readied with a capacity of 560 spaces. Tirmenstein also reports that the new parting garage east of the Dental School and south of Michigan Street will be started next sp rii*. When the project begins, 000 spaces will be lost, but atfftl be replaced with 1100 when the garage is completed The facility is expected to take at least 11 months to complete As Tirmenstein said, "Th ere are all kinds of things to delay it (the garage's completion), but nothing will speed it up " The Parking Po licy Com m ittee meets once a month to grapple with these problems, and there are two openings on the committee for student representatives In the past. Bogan said, these positions were never filled.

but Mike Reardon, president of the student body, has promised this year will be different He has appointed Cathy R iggs ( A B p , a Student Assembly senator, and Dion Foulkes to represent student interest at the committee meetings Recently, a number of students w ere in terview ed about parking problems by G e m Jones, Anthony Heasion and Marsha Gutwein, who were conducting the project for their Speech Department class Although the sampling was small, some general conchiajoas srooe from the study Participants were asked to compare parking facilities with those of the past, and students responded IS to one that the situation is now worse than before When asked how long it took to find a parting spot, a big difference was noted between those students who arrive before 9 am and those who cam e later. Th e ea rly a rriv a ls reported finding a spot in lass than five minutes, while those coming later said it took between 10 and 30 minutes to And a place to part Students responded to the question of parking being equally divided between the different types of stickers with and overwhelming "n o ." Tbe main reason students gave for their negative response was the fact that faculty and staff lots are closer, and many stated that these lots are often times net being fully utilized As to the solutions to lU P U I’s parting problems, high-rise garages a re e v e ry o n e ’ s number one recommendation But these will take time to complete, and even when completed, it has not been decided if students will be allowed to use them

When you compare


0 >*v a Hebb* on *mt ro ettl .1\ f M ( to you te not m* mhmet at o w at ( w cop* c « t > » o « M M *