What is Rainbow for Girls?

What is Rainbow for Girls? The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls is a nonprofit organization that strives to provide girls the training and...
Author: Annice Mitchell
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What is Rainbow for Girls? The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls is a nonprofit organization that strives to provide girls the training and encouragement to grow into responsible, caring, leaders in a safe, fun, caring environment. In 1922 Rainbow was created for young women whose fathers were members of the Masonic Lodge, and their friends. Although a Christian minister named W. Mark Sexson founded the organization, today the leaders of Rainbow Girls respect and welcome all girls from every religion. Their main focus is more on the spiritual principles of being a kind and caring person. While the Rainbow practices and programs continue to evolve, the basic teachings of faith, hope and charity remain a cornerstone of this dynamic girl’s youth group.

Washington Idaho Mission Statement The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls is a service organization for young women which, promotes values, teaches communication and leadership skills, encourages cooperation and improves our communities through service while forming lasting friendships.

Today there are more than 850 assemblies across the world that have bi-monthly meetings. This is how the members learn standard meeting protocol and parliamentary procedure. Adults are always present to provide support, guidance and help interpret the rules. Members also learn to memorize meaningful lectures and to be prepared for extemporaneous speeches. Some meetings conclude with a presentation or unique entertainment. In addition, members and advisors work on different service projects throughout the year. Since November 1951, the world headquarters for the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls has been located in McAlester, Oklahoma. (source: Supreme Assembly Website) Mother Advisor Handbook Tips

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General Information about Supreme and Grand Assembly Supreme Assembly headquarters are located in McAlester, Oklahoma. This building houses all Rainbow records, the business office and Assembly room. The governing body is the Supreme Assembly ―House of Gold‖. Members are Supreme Officers and/or Supreme Inspectors. They are elected into the ―House of Gold‖ by current members. Supreme Deputies are non-voting members of Supreme Assembly, having equal authority within their own state with a Supreme Inspector, but have non- voting privileges. All legislation is taken care of by the ―House of Gold‖. Only ―House of Gold‖ members are eligible to hold Supreme Offices. Elected offices are equivalent to offices in the local assemblies. The Supreme Worthy Advisor appoints appointive officers. Supreme Assembly meets every two years and is open to all Rainbow girls, parents, guardians, Eastern Star, Amaranth members and Master Masons. Acting Supreme Officers are Grand Worthy Advisors or Junior Past Grand Worthy Advisors of the respective states. Grand Assembly headquarters are located at the home of the Supreme Officer of the State. The Supreme Officer is in charge of the affairs of that particular jurisdiction. On the state level, there is a Grand Executive Committee (GEC) acting in like capacity as a local Advisory Board. In Washington/Idaho there are equal members of adults and girls on the Grand Executive Committee. The GEC makes jurisdictional policy that is binding to local assemblies and advisory boards.

Assemblies can be sponsored by an Eastern Star Chapter, Amaranth Court, White Shrine of Jerusalem, Masonic Lodge, or Parents Club. If sponsored by an Eastern Star Chapter, Advisory Board members are selected by the incoming Worthy Matron. If sponsored by any other group, the Grand Deputy works with the Advisory Board selection committee to select potential members. All proposed members must be approved by the Supreme Inspector before appointment. Members of an Advisory Board must abide by Washington/Idaho Operational Policy and Procedures, and Supreme By-laws and Statutes. Our Jurisdiction held its first Grand Assembly in 1927. Mr. ―Daddy‖ Swindle was the first Supreme Officer. Since that first Grand Assembly there have been four Supreme Officers in Washington/Idaho and formally Territory of Alaska, Mr. ―Daddy‖ Swindle, Mrs. Margaret A. Kenrick, Mrs. Alice Yoder and currently Mrs. Barbara M. Brown. There are 12 area Rainbow districts made up of individual assemblies in the current Washington/Idaho jurisdiction. Each district is under the director of the Grand Deputy. It is the Grand Deputy’s responsibility to assure that the assemblies are following Supreme Assembly by-laws and statutes and Grand Assembly policies and procedures. They provide ritual and floor-work instruction and counsel to the Mother Advisor and Advisory Board Chairman.

(source: Advisory Board Training 2009, CA I.O.R.G.) Historian Lecture Mother Advisor Handbook Tips

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Being the Mother Advisor LET’S BEGIN The wise woman is one that says ―yes‖ to being Mother Advisor with a mixture of excitement and anticipation as well as fear and trembling at the prospect of the responsibility and work-load. As Mother Advisor, you will experience some of the most wonderful moments of your life watching the young girls in your assembly grow into women. As Mother Advisor you will experience some of the most challenging moments of your life – stretching yourself to learn new things, finding creative solution to problems, dealing with conflict, learning you can’t solve all of the Rainbow world problems. The following pages are the ―road map‖ for this wonderful journey that is Mother Advisor. FOOD FOR THOUGHT: BOUNDARIES/SAYING ―NO‖ - Know your limitations and set boundaries. It is perfectly okay for you to say ―no‖ to someone or something. You will never be liked by everyone, so be true to your needs, knowledge and instincts. Self Care– It is absolutely critical that you, as a Mother Advisor, take time out for yourself. Take vacations. Celebrate your anniversary or birthday if it falls on a Rainbow meeting night. If you get sick, stay home. Ask your Grand Deputy or a past Mother Advisor to sit in for you at the meeting. Do whatever it is that you need to do to nurture yourself. Ask others for Information – There is no way to become a Mother Advisor or to know all the information overnight. There is simply too much information. There will be subtleties that are unique to your Assembly that you will learn Mother Advisor Handbook Tips

as you go along. Regularly seek the advice, counsel, ideas of your, Grand Deputy, Advisory Board Chairman or other Mother Advisors. Take advantage of any trainings available to your through Rainbow or other organizations. Keep things in perspective — Most likely no one is going to ―die, starve to death or go naked‖ if something doesn’t come off smoothly. There has never been a ―perfect‖ Mother Advisor. Remember, part of your ―job‖ is to teach the girls how to handle things that go wrong and this is often done by example. Delegate– Too often, Mother Advisors see themselves as the ―be all and end all‖. This thought can hurt you and the assembly. You are responsible for coordination of adults and the teaching of the girls. Delegate responsibilities on a regular basis to other adults in the assembly, board members, parents and other adults. By allowing others to have a ―piece‖ you are allowing them to ―buy into‖ Rainbow and the assembly and participate more. This is how new Advisory Board members are recruited. Friends/Family — Family must come first, for to do less than that may build up guilt and resentment on your part towards the organization or worse the girls. If you do not have the support of your family you may need to rethink being a Mother Advisor. Keep or make friends outside of the Masonic family. Page 3

There is more to life than Rainbow or the Masonic Family. Keep your life in balance. Being on the top — It is said that it is lonely at the top and for some Mother Advisors this is true when she becomes M.A. Relationships change as you are in a position of power and those who were close to you before may now view you differently. Survival means having friends outside of the Masonic family as well as a supportive family. Additionally, there are people who see ―people at the top‖ as a ―target‖ or a place to focus their own frustration and anger. The trick is to separate off their ―agenda‖ from you. If you have difficulty with an individual, seek help from your deputy or a professional as a way of coping with being a ―target‖. Simplify — Although you should remain involved in other organizations (church, your child’s school), while you are Mother Advisor you may want to minimize your activities in other organizations. Some Mother Advisors find this position to be nearly a part-time ―job‖ stating that they are doing something for or about Rainbow every day. Look at your home life and see if there are ways to simplify your life there. (Does the dusting really have to be done daily?) Leaving – One of the most important aspects of being a Mother Advisor is the topic of leaving. First there is the question of ―when‖. There will always be the ―tug of the heart strings‖ to do it one more year because…(choose a reason). When you find yourself becoming overly tired all the time, beginning to lose the joy, finding yourself growing more and more impatient with the girls, adults and yourself, when it becomes just another job, then it may be time to think about leaving. Mother Advisor Handbook Tips

When you leave — leave! When telling the girls and adults that you are resigning, tell them you will not be involved for at least 6 months at the assembly level. (It’s okay to attend installations or Official Visits, District Meetings, Receptions or Grand Assembly using good boundaries, but avoid attending the meetings.) The girls and adults will need time to adjust and connect to the new Mother Advisor. To stay active or to come to most everything will only make it more difficult for the assembly to grow and remain strong and to move on. Additionally, the new Mother Advisor will have to learn things, make mistakes and will have a different style of teaching and leading than you. After first thoroughly passing on to her your notes and other information and tools (please, do not sabotage her it will only hurt the assembly and the girls!) Offer to be available for her behind the scenes should she ask for your help. Do not criticize to her or about her to anyone else! Keep your comments to yourself! Do not offer ―advice‖ after leaving the position unless you are asked. (See ―Being on Top‖) Make sure that if someone, (girl or adult) calls regarding a Rainbow topic to set the clear boundary that you are no longer the Mother Advisor and you have confidence in the new Mother Advisor being able to help. Someone once said that being a ―Mother Advisor‖ is the best job next to being a ―real‖ mom. Thank you for being willing to share yourself with the future leaders of our nation. It is the gentle, loving touch that will make all of the difference in their lives and in the lives of others they touch. It is hoped that you will find this position a real blessing in your life.

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THINGS TO REMEMBER...The Successful Mother Advisor LEADERSHIP  Set A Good Example. You can’t expect the girls to know their ritual parts by memory, be on time, be organized or follow the dress code - if you do not.  Set and show a good relationship with Advisory Board Members and parents.  You set the tone at meetings and activities. Leave baggage at home. Make meetings and events ―Smile Zones‖.  Don’t have favorites (this can be hard, but the girls will see it if you do). Give all girls a chance to shine.  Let the girls do their job. Yes, you could get it done quicker, but you are not teaching the girls anything. Everything does not have to be perfect.  Do not give false praise to a girl, but if correcting is necessary, be understanding and positive.  Praise in Public, Correct in Private.  Set aside time to prepare for events and meetings. Do not wait until the last minute. It will only cause you undue stress.  Allow others to help you, and then let them do their job. Delegate.  Play, laugh and have fun. MEETINGS  Communicate with your Worthy Advisor. You decide how much time is necessary. The amount of time can and will change with each Worthy Advisor. 1-2 times a week is suggested, more if it is right before a big event.  Allow time for discussion and fun.  Plan events early. At least 4 weeks ahead, 6-8 weeks for an Official Visit or Mother Advisor Handbook Tips

 

 

Reception. 4-5 months for Grand Assembly. Plan the meeting agenda with the Worthy Advisor - 1-2 days before a meeting. Use the agenda outline in this Notebook. Do not do the agenda for her! Contact her the day before to review last minute agenda changes. Use a Podium Book at meetings. Follow up with the adult event chairmen. Have they contacted the girl chair and proceeded with plans so reports can be made at the meeting? Girls give progress reports at meetings not adults. Arrive early to meetings and give yourself time to get organized before the girls arrive. Be available to the members before the meeting. Use caution allowing items to be put on the agenda at the last minute. Start on time.

RESOURCES No Mother Advisor has all the answers or are they going to learn everything overnight. Below is a list of resource material and people who can help a Mother Advisor be successful. Gold Book * Statutes and Bylaws * Mother Advisors Handbooks Pledge Program Book Mother Advisor Trainings Advisory Board Chairman Parents Other Mother Advisors

Ritual * Puzzle Book A.L.P.S. Book R.University Books * Grand Deputy Board Members Majority Members Supreme Web Site

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Working Relationships A Rainbow assembly works best when all adults involved (from the Mother Advisor, Board Chairman, Board members, District Deputy, Supreme Inspector, parents and other interested adults) see themselves as a team working toward a common goal. It is the Mother Advisor and the Chairman of the Board that, as team leaders, set the tone for the adults. As a Mother Advisor it is to your benefit (and consequently a benefit to the girls) to have a good working relationship not only with the present advisory board, but also with the past advisory board members and past Mother Advisors. In them you will find wisdom, experience and the history of the assembly. Keep in mind that their wisdom will be based on their perspective and own personal biases; seek them as sources of additional information and history. Do not shut them out, allow them to ―help out‖ as they can, keeping in mind appropriate boundaries. You will have your own style and method of leading and directing the assembly and that there is no ―one perfect way‖ of being a Mother Advisor.

of the position. (Get help from your board and other adults!). A word of advice…be cautious when feeling overwhelmed, tired or frustrated for the temptation to criticize others might seem like a good option, but this will only hurt you and the girls. Conflict– A quick word here about conflict. When working with people in the assembly, whether girls or adults, be especially careful when dealing with conflict.  Never make assumptions.  Work with just the facts.  Try to reach a common ground.  Don’t judge.  If you are wrong, say you’re sorry.

Change– As a new Mother Advisor, one often comes to the position with mixed emotion. It is often exciting to think of all of the things you might create or implement for the benefits of the assembly. You, of course, must be flexible in your dreams for as you learn more about being a Mother Advisor these ideas might change. There may be feelings of frustration as you realize that change comes slowly – especially in organizations - and that your ideas might not be as warmly embraced as you expect. Some Mother Advisors also feel overwhelmed at the numerous responsibilities Mother Advisor Handbook Tips

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Mother Advisor Job Description To Guide Teach and Inspire the members of the Assembly, so they might build healthy lifestyles, and learn skills to manage their homes and careers, and develop their own self esteem and spirituality. The Mother Advisor is the Chief Executive Officer of the Assembly. She is the primary point of contact between the Advisory Board and members of the Assembly. She is the conduit of information between the assembly members and the Advisory Board.  

        

 

Oversees meetings & activities of the Assembly. Serves as a mentor to the Assembly Membership and is available to them as needed. Maintains the history of the Individual Members accomplishments. Completes the year-end report. Assists the WAA in planning her term & budget. Instructs the Assembly in their ritual and floor work. Maintains the members’ permission slips and releases. Hold regular (monthly) Line Officer Meetings Attend Mother Advisor Meetings Attend Rainbow Sunday, Grand Assembly and other Jurisdictional Events Instruct the members to be proactive in membership, finding new members and retaining current members. Trains the members in the use of and ensure that the ALPS program is being followed. Be the advocate for the girls and communicate their needs Follow the guidelines of the Gold Book, Book of Ceremonies, Supreme Statutes

Mother Advisor Handbook Tips

and By-Laws, Assembly By-laws. As the installation part states she is ―to be a Mother to these girls‖, and all that being a mother entails. Reference: RU Training Leaders page 47 WAID IORG OPS

Expectations of a Mother Advisor As Described by Rainbow Girl Members

                     

Don’t be a dictator Communicate Don’t be afraid to ask for help and accept the help from girls Don’t gossip Encourage Enforce dress code Attend events Be understandable Be approachable Flexible Have standards Be respectful but firm in beliefs Come prepared Ask & don’t tell Meet and enforce deadlines Be a role model Be tactful Don’t smoke at Rainbow Be punctual Have fun Disciplinary Set goals

Mother Advisors shall NOT:  Be expected to carry the adult share of responsibly for all things, or provide all transportation. The Board must assist.  Disregard the Organizational Chart of the jurisdiction.

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Mother Advisor’s Supply List BE PREPARED! It’s true for the Boy Scout, and nothing could be truer for a Mother Advisor. Taking time before a meeting or event to plan and prepare will make a BIG difference. (More to come on this.) Below is a supply list of valuable items that every Mother Advisor should have on hand. Think about keeping it in the trunk of your car for easy access anytime. In addition to the supply box a Mother Advisor should carry a First Aid Kit to all events and activities.

SUPPLY BOX - A plastic box with a handle and a lid containing:  The current copy of the membership roster with phone numbers and Medical Permission Slips for assembly members  Tampons and Pads  Sun Screen  Tissues  Tape  Tacky Stick  Scissors  Package of safety pins  Package of Needles  Pins  Phone Card  Ziploc Bags  Hair Bands  Bobbi Pins  A bottle of hair spray  Hard Candy  Stain Wipes  White Ballet style slippers  Nylons  A small pad of paper and pen  Pair of Needle Nose Pliers  An assortment of color thread  An assortment of buttons  Hook-N-Eyes and Snaps

Mother Advisor Handbook Tips

The items listed are certainly not everything, go ahead and add! In an Emergency, do not take on anything you aren’t trained to handle, CALL 911. NOTE: This is not to suggest that the Mother Advisor purchase all these items herself. Ask each board member to donate one or two items, or maybe this is something a Parents Club or your sponsoring body can provide.

FIRST AID KIT A First Aid Kit can be purchased at your local Drug Store or Costco at a minimal cost, or can be assembled individually. It should include the following:          

Gauze Pads Ace Bandage Latex Gloves Non-Aspirin tablets Antiseptic swabs Hot/Cold Pak Band Aids Medical Adhesive Tape Tweezers First Aid Book

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Mother Advisor’s Yearly Calendar JANUARY

At the girl’s meetings:          

Recorder collects yearly dues. Hold Elections. 4 & 6 month terms (installation must be within 30 days of election)* Recorder Reads Yearly Report to Members Collect point sheets* Members review and discuss Assembly Standing Rules and possible changes Recorder reads the Annual Report Submit service hour sheets online Schedule assembly scrapbook and ALPS parties. Remind the assembly reporter to send information to the district reporter. Distribute a yearly members packet that includes:  Driving Permission Form  Medical Permission Form  Media Permission Forms Have girls turn in point sheets for Merit bars. Have members of the Advisory Board listen to the girls say their ritual parts for merit bars and line officer advancement*

FEBRUARY, continued At the Board Meeting:  

Begin Grand Assembly planning Discuss and vote on Standing Rules

Other:   

Send monthly membership update to Data Base Manager and Membership Chairman Hold assembly scrapbook and ALPS parties. Term Audit due 30 days after Installation


At the girl’s meetings:   

Distribute Foundation Grant information to girls. Distribute applications to qualified girls for jurisdictional appointments (Grand Officers, Correspondents, Choir) Begin Grand Assembly plans (Registration, Transportation, Ritual Competition, Meals, Talent, Swappies) Distribute pledge sheets for Walk Plan/hold Grand Officers Reception** Planning for Grand Worthy Advisor’s Reception Submit service hour sheets online Remind the assembly reporter to send info to the district reporter.

At the Board Meeting:

    

  

At the Board Meeting:

 

Chairman distributes WSP & Insurance forms to members Review and approve Board Standing Rules WAA’s meets with Board to review and approve term calendar and budget * Board members choose “mentoring duties”

Other:     

Make any changes to the bank accounts (i.e. new signature cards) Attend adult training workshops Send monthly membership update to Data Base Manager and Membership Chairman. Complete Yearly Audit. Send copy to Finance committee and Grand Deputy Final meeting with the Worthy Associate Advisor to complete installation and term plans ***

Continue Grand Assembly planning

Other:    

Send monthly membership update to Data Base Manager and Membership Chairman Hold assembly scrapbook and ALPS party Complete & submit your scholarship recommendations. Meet with Worthy Associate regarding her term plans and budget.


At the girl’s meetings:


At the girl’s meetings:       

Members discuss vote on Assembly Standing Rules changes Recorder reads Annual Audit to members Submit service hour sheets online Remind the assembly reporter to send info to the district reporter. Review new term calendar and budget at first meeting after installation. Planning for Grand Officer’s Reception** Planning for Grand Worthy Advisor’s Reception

Mother Advisor Handbook Tips

          

Give Proficiency I test Attend Rainbow Sunday (the first Sunday in April). Attend Walk Attend Grand Worthy Advisor Reception Attempt to contact missing members Begin to collect Grand Assembly fees Collect Foundation Grant applications. Distribute applications to qualified girls for jurisdictional appointments (Grand Officers, Correspondents, Choir) Continue Grand Assembly plans (Registration, Transportation, Ritual Competition, Meals, Talent, Swappies) Submit service hour sheets online Remind the assembly reporter to send information to the district reporter.

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APRIL, continued

At the Board Meeting: 

Continue Grand Assembly planning

Other:     

Send monthly membership update to Data Base Manager and Membership Chairman Hold assembly scrapbook and ALPS party Complete and submit your scholarship recommendations. Meet with WAA regarding her term plans and budget. District Talent and Ritual Practices

MAY At the girl’s meetings:        

Elections ( 4 month terms)* Collect all Grand Assembly registrations, fees, and applications Deadline for All Things Grand Assembly is May 15 Attend Walk* Attempt to contact absent members Continue Grand Assembly plans (Transportation, Ritual Competition, Talent, and Swappies) Submit service hour sheets online Remind the assembly reporter to send information to the district reporter.

At the Board Meeting:  

Worthy Associate Advisor meets with Board to review and approve term calendar, budget and A.L.P.S. outline.* Continue Grand Assembly planning

Other:      

File assembly 990 form with IRS Complete the Mother Advisor recommendations forms for girls applying for state appointments. Remember the May 15th Deadline Send monthly membership update to Data Base Manager and Membership Chairman Hold assembly scrapbook and ALPS party Meet with WAA regarding her term plans, A.L.P.S. and budget. Talent and Ritual practice

 

Have members of the Advisory Board listen to the girls say their ritual parts for merit bars and line officer Advancement. Begin Planning Fall Membership Activities

At the Board Meeting:  

Chairman Updates Insurance Forms Final Grand Assembly planning

Other:      

Send monthly membership update to Data Base Manager and Membership Chairman Hold final assembly scrapbook and ALPS party Make Assembly Banner for Grand Assembly Meet with Worthy Associate regarding her term plans, A.L.P.S. and budget.* Talent and Ritual practice Term Audit due 30 days after installation


At the girl’s meetings:      

Attend Grand Assembly Review new term calendar and budget at first meeting after installation. Continue plans for Dream Camp Submit service hour sheets online Remind the assembly reporter to send information to the district reporter. Plan Fall Membership Activities

At the Board Meeting:  

Chairman Updates Insurance Forms Term Audit due 30 days after end of term

Other:  

Send monthly membership update to Data Base Manager and Membership Chairman Make another attempt to contact missing Members


At the girl’s meetings:


At the girl’s meetings:        

Elections ( 6 month terms)* Final Grand Assembly changes or additions due June 15th. Hold an End of Grand Year Recognition Night for the Assembly. Acknowledge the hard work and successes throughout the year. Last minute Grand Assembly planning Make plans to attend Dream Camp Submit service hour sheets online Remind the assembly reporter to send information to the district reporter. Collect point sheets for merit bars.

    

Many assemblies do not have formal meetings this month. Do not neglect the assemblies banking and finances Hold fun events Attend Dream Camp Plan Fall Membership events. Plan Make a Difference Day event.

At the Board Meeting: 

Assure the assemblies financial duties are not overlooked

Other: 

Make another attempt to contact missing Members

JUNE, continued Mother Advisor Handbook Tips

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At the girl’s meetings:       

Elections ( 4 month term) Planning Official Visit** Review new term calendar and budget at first meeting after installation Recorder reads the Previous Term Audit Begin plans for Grand Cross Observance Submit service hour sheets online Remind the assembly reporter to send information to the district reporter

At the Board Meeting: 

Appoint Board Selection Committee for assemblies not sponsored by OES chapter

Other:   

Send monthly membership update to Data Base Manager and Membership Chairman Begin assembly scrapbook and ALPS parties Hold “Back to School” Membership party


At the girls’ meetings:     

Plan/Hold Official Visit** Plan for Grand Cross Observance Submit service hour sheets online Remind the assembly reporter to send information to the district reporter. Participate in Make a Difference Day

At the Board Meeting: 

Report from Board Selection Committee

Other:  

Send monthly membership update to Data Base Manager and Membership Chairman Hold assembly scrapbook and ALPS parties.


At the girl’s meetings:   

Submit service hour sheets online Schedule assembly scrapbook and ALPS parties. Remind the assembly reporter to send info to district reporter.

NOVEMBER, continued    

Inventory Merit Bars and other supplies. Place Order to Supreme Assembly (Dues Cards, Parent Cards, Other needed supplies) Send monthly membership update to Data Base Manager and Membership Chairman. Meet with the Worthy Associate Advisor to complete installation and term plans Hold assembly scrapbook and ALPS parties.


At the girl’s meetings:    

Begin collecting yearly dues. Complete all financial business, close books at second meeting of the month for Year End Report and Audit. Submit service hour sheets online Remind the assembly reporter to send info to district reporter.

At the Board Meeting:       

Grand Deputy attends this meeting Vote on Grand Cross recommendations New Advisory Board Members have their Organizational Meeting. Elect: Board Chair, Mother Advisor, Board Secretary Distribute Board Standing Rules and WA ID Policy and Procedures to New Advisory Board for review/ discussion at the January Meeting Complete Year End Audit Retiring board members complete GO recommendation Worthy Associate Advisor meets with board to review calendar, budget and A.L.P.S. outline.*

Other:    

Complete Year End Report with Grand Deputy Send monthly membership update to Data Base Manager and Membership Chairman. Meet with the Worthy Associate Advisor to complete installation and term plans Hold assembly scrapbook and ALPS parties.

* - Might be moved one month. Check jurisdictional calendar ** - Plans for Receptions or Official Visit should begin 2-3 months before the scheduled date.

Other Notes (specific to your Assembly):

At the Board Meeting:    

Begin Grand Cross selection discussion Submit proposed new Advisory Board list to the Grand Deputy. Complete all year-end business. All Supreme Invoices must be paid within 30 days after ordering supplies.

Other: 

Hold Grand Cross “Break Bread” Ceremony

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Do not forget those Rainbow girls who have graduated high school, and can no longer regularly attend meetings due to school, work, distance, etc. These older Rainbow girls are a wealth of information and experience. They are the mentors to the younger girls. Let’s not lose them just because they are no longer able to attend every meeting or activity. A strong jurisdiction includes retention of these older members. Let’s make sure that they know that Rainbow has not forgotten them and that they are still considered a vital part of the assembly!

Majority members are a wealth of knowledge and ideas. So often though, we lose contact with them. Make an attempt to keep them in contact with Rainbow throughout their lives. Beyond sharing their knowledge and ideas with Rainbow they can also be a source of volunteer help, locating new members (their own daughters, friends of neighbors and co-workers), fundraising, donation of services and goods, and a membership database for the Order of Eastern Star and Amaranth (with the Majority member’s permission).

Assign a board member, this adult might also be administering the Majority Members data base to develop and maintain a current address data base for these members. Keep in touch with these girls.

1. Assign a board member, this adult might also be administering the Alumni program. The board member responsible would:

1. Send a copy of the assembly newsletter and term calendar. Highlight special events, or events that will happen when she is home. 2. Send notices and invitations to state events.  District Grand Officer’s Reception  Grand Worthy Advisor’s Reception  Grand Assembly 3. Make sure her school or out of area address has been sent to the Confidential Observer database manager. 4. Before leaving for college, present her with pre-addressed note cards and ask her to send notes. Read the letters during the assembly meetings. 5. Send her a card once or twice a term, let her know she is thought of and missed. 6. Keep her parents informed of assembly events, installation or dinners. They can continue to be a wonderful source of assembly support and help. 7. When she is able to attend meetings or events, welcome her warmly and introduce her to the newest members. Mother Advisor Handbook Tips

2. Maintain a data base with current addresses and telephone numbers of the girl and her parents. Update the listings regularly. 3. Inform the Confidential Observer staff and Alumni Association advisors of address changes so they can be informed of jurisdictional events. 4. Consider having a district Coordinate this with the Deputy. (Ideas might include to have an alumni night breakfast, etc.)

alumni event. District Grand asking the WA or an alumni

5. Maintain an accurate and updated Grand Cross list for your assembly. Invite majority members to the ―bread breaking‖ event in November. 6. Invite Majority members to assembly fundraisers or special ceremonies (baby dedication). If they have a special skill or hobby, asked them to come back and help out with a special event, or share their skill with the girls at an assembly meeting.

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Assembly Meetings As a Mother Advisor, you are the coach, the assembly members are your team and the assembly meetings are the games. You will lead, advise and teach the girls in your assembly about Rainbow. Knowledge that the tools; Ritual, Gold Book, Puzzle Book, this Mother Advisors notebook and A.L.P.S. book provides to you is absolutely necessary and practices are a must! ―Practice makes perfect‖. Practices are vital to the success of our assembly. Installation First Meeting Initiation Special Ceremonies Balloting Have practices with the assembly officers. Correct floor work is as important as ritual perfection. You do not need to have all the officers at one time, but consider having one or two officers come early for a more individual practice session. You as the Mother Advisor do not wait to correct a ritual or floor work errors. Take some time after the meeting and correct any errors that were seen. This can be done by an Advisory Board Member if they are the ritual advisor. Remember; be positive when correcting a girl You as a Mother Advisor cannot expect ritual success if you cannot instruct the girls, so, it is important for you to know the floor work and ritual. Take time to read, study and learn. If as a new Mother Advisor you are not comfortable instructing in floor work then call your Grand Deputy. PODIUM BOOK - You as well as the Worthy Advisor should have and use a podium Book (see the page on podium books for more information) Mother Advisor Handbook Tips

Do not wait until right before the meeting to work out the agenda with the Worthy Advisor. She must have time to prepare and get comfortable with the agenda. If she does not fully understand what she is talking about, the meeting will drag down because she will be forced to constantly be asking you questions and clarification. Take time before each meeting to greet visitors and thank them for taking time out of their schedule to attend. Make sure every girl gets a warm welcome. Meetings are necessary to deal with assembly business, but they do not have to be boring. A lighthearted meeting with planned fun activities or a theme, will keep the girls attending but still allow for the business to be conducted. Encourage discussion at the meetings, but don’t let the girls get off the subject. If they do, assist the Worthy Advisor to gently guide them back on topic. No question or comment is ever stupid and a girl should never be made to feel that way. Meetings must start on time. No Exceptions! Meetings should be over between 8:00—8:30 on regular nights, 9:00 on initiation night. The fellowship after the meeting is important; give the girls time to socialize. Provide each girl with a member’s notebook. Encourage them to bring it to meetings and take notes of the upcoming events. Incentives or awards are a great way to reinforce proficient ritual work, good posture, remembering a notebook or doing community service since the last meeting. Let the Advisory Board Members choose a girl of the meeting or give a proficiency awards after initiations. The Rainbow Dad should be the last person out of the building.

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Meetings: Step by Step Use the Agenda provided in this book and the assembly’s term calendar when preparing the meeting agenda. Meet with the Worthy Advisor 2-3 days before the meeting; how and when will be determined by the Worthy Advisor’s skills. A face to face meeting is suggested for at least the first two meetings. Have a conversation with the Worthy Advisor about each upcoming event. Don’t just feed her information, make sure she has all the information and can explain the information to the girls and answer their questions. (If the Worthy Advisor is constantly looking to you at meetings for information, she is not adequately prepared). Have the Worthy Advisor contact the event chairman's 1-2 days in advance of the meeting to give them time to prepare a report. The event chairman should get back to the Worthy Advisor with information and the Worthy Advisor contacts you. Let the Worthy Advisor complete her own agenda. She can then make a copy for the Mother Advisor. Quickly review the final agenda before the meeting. (The Worthy Advisor should arrive 45 minutes prior to the meeting so she and the Mother Advisor can do a last minute review of the agenda before all the girls arrive). Verify the Worthy Advisor has all information written down on the agenda. Information will be forgotten if she tries to do it all by memory. If there is a special event planned for a meeting confirm that all preparations have have been made.  Election tallying committee has been asked in advance. Mother Advisor Handbook Tips

  

Decorations are planned Skit for an honor night has been planned. Pro-tems have been asked in advance.

Put the agenda into the Podium book for the meeting. All money and bills received by the recorder have been reviewed by the finance committee before being read to the assembly. Receipts presented for payment are equal to the amount approved by the assembly and are confirmed by the recorders notes or assembly standing rules. The Recorder and Treasurer are following R.A.T.T. protocol. The Recorders minute book must be a bound book. NO NOTEBOOKS. Give your recorder a copy of the meeting agenda so she can follow along. A complete treasurer’s report (the report form can be found in this book) must be give at each meeting. NO TREASURES REPORT, NO FINANCIAL BUSINESS CAN BE TRANSACTED. Any bill not previously approved by members motion or that are not in the Standing Rules must be approved before payment. To conduct business, you must open and close the assembly per the Book of Ceremonies. Allow time in your meeting for discussion, Sun Shine/ 5 minutes of fun. Don’t always cut these out. The girls enjoy this part of the meeting. OLD BUSINESS - any item brought up at a previous meeting that has not been resolved or that was carried over (until the event has taken place or the matter resolved to the satisfaction Page 14

of the members). A topic such as Grand Assembly will stay on the agenda for a few months.

Announcements - Don’t repeat everything. Allow visitors to make announcements if requested.

Girls should be giving reports, not adults.

Closing - Must be taken seriously. (There is no such thing as ―Short Form‖ closing).

NEW BUSINESS - any business that has not been discussed or brought before the assembly. New business items should be put on the agenda 2-3 meetings (one month) in advance, exception Grand Assembly, Receptions, Official Visits, they will need more planning time.

Repast/Refreshments - It is a part of the meeting. Allow it to happen if at all possible. Share the responsibilities of providing snack. This is where friendships are made. Rainbow friends come back to Rainbow meetings.

MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS - Report of Visitations– a report of the visitation committee must be give before there is balloting.

WHAT IS AN INFORMAL MEETING? An informal meeting does not have traditional Opening and Closing. No business is conducted. Minutes are not read but a record of the meeting is kept in the minute book.

Report on Project/Events - The event chairman should give a wrap up report. Teach the girls that a report is more than saying ―It was fun‖. The chairman should give specifics to the event. If the event was a fundraiser, the expenses and income should be reported.

An informal meeting happens when non– Rainbow people are attending. Example: friend’s night, teacher appreciation night, holiday party or special ceremonies.

Request for Petitions - Get the prospects name, address, phone number and parent’s name. Keep a list of the names and a status report given at each meeting until the petition is returned.

Informal meetings are limited because business cannot be transacted. Exceptions are assemblies that are currently under redevelopment and do not have the 7 girls needed to open the meeting.

Receiving of Petitions - All petitions must be reviewed by the Advisory Board before being read by the recorded. The girl who is the first line signer cannot sign the referring line. The petition fee must accompany the petition. Balloting - Follow the instruction in the Book of Ceremonies and the Gold Book. Just like Opening and Closing, balloting must be taken seriously. Good of the Order - Acknowledge the girls who have taken on extra responsibility as assembly and district chairmen. Mother Advisor Handbook Tips

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Worthy Advisor’s Meeting Preparation

 

Two Days Before the meeting:  Prepare the agenda with the Mother Advisor.  If you know you will need pro-tems, Call girls 2-3 days ahead so they can review the part if necessary. Use a podium book. Not a bunch of loose papers  Call any girl, who is to give a report at the meeting, in advance so she will have time to prepare.  Before each meeting, welcome your guests and thank them for coming. If you do not know a guest, ask if they are an officer in another Masonic organization. Update your introduction sheets.  Be the example. Know your ritual work, follow the dress code, come prepared and be on time. During the Meeting:  Make the roll call question fun!  Don't drag business -- sidelines are not interested in personal jokes or boring descriptions. Know what should be discussed and say it. A great deal of business can be conducted, if handled orderly.  Be sure that during meetings all members address you as "Worthy Advisor" -- not your name.  Appoint a chairman far enough in advance of an event in order to give the girl plenty of time to prepare properly. Planning far enough ahead allows for announcements and discussion at, at least two meetings where details could be worked out.  Have some theme, or dress up meetings or plan a fun game or activity as part, before or right after the meeting. Mother Advisor Handbook Tips

Wear your merit bars. It looks cool to the younger girls. The Worthy Advisor is responsible for all chairmen. Use the ALPS program guidelines. Follow up and communicate with them. In appointing chairmen, do not always choose the line officers or the Past Worthy Advisors. Girls who do not have major offices deserve a chance to work, earn points and show their ability. It is from these girls that the future line officers are elected. Greet the new candidate when she arrives the evening of her initiation. Make sure that the Recorder, Faith, Drill Leader, Outer Observer and Worthy Associate Advisor know the first and last name of each candidate and how to pronounce their name. Have fun at the meetings, but do not get carried away. Show respect for the ritual portion of the meetings. Excitement is contagious!

Introduction Tips  Don't be a parrot -- especially on introductions. It is not necessary to have every introduction "It gives me a great honor and pleasure to introduce..."  If you do not have a welcome quote, thank your guest for coming in a sincere, professional manner. ―Thank you for attending tonight‖.  Do not ask for any person or group during introductions if you know none are present. REMEMBER P.E.C.  Worthy Advisor instructs the Drill Leader to please PRESENT behind the bow.  Worthy Advisor instructs the Drill Leader to please ESCORT to the east.  Worthy Advisor instructs the Drill Leader to please CONDUCT back to their place in the assembly room. Page 16

Planning a term Begin working with the line officers early on planning their term as Worthy Advisor. Meet with each line officer and her parents as she travels up the line. Instill in them that a successful term is more than just a pretty installation and beautiful dress. Communicate to the parents the assembly’s expectations for a line officer and Worthy Advisor. Stress the time commitment and that once installed as Worthy Advisor that for 6 months their daughter will be the leader of the assembly and the other members will be looking to her for leadership and direction. Include in line officers notebook a complete copy of the ALPS program. The term planned must follow the ALPS guideline. All term plans and budget must be reviewed and approved by the Advisory Board prior to the installation. TERM PLANNING: Begin regular planning meetings when a girl reaches Charity. Schedule regular dates to meet and outline what will be accomplished at each meeting. There is an installation planning packet available in the MA Section of the website. Before the first planning meeting, provide her with:  A blank calendar listing:  Jurisdictional and District events  Assembly-meeting dates  Community and school events  National holidays.  Assembly events that have already been planned. (Fair Booths)  Copy of A.L.P.S. program requirements and planning sheets.  Copy of the current assembly budget and a blank form

Mother Advisor Handbook Tips

Have her complete the calendar with the ―Perfect Term‖ listing meetings, activities, fundraisers, service projects and events, activities and special ceremonies. Review and discuss the calendar offering support and guidance being careful to remember that each girl is different and allowing her to create her own unique term. Correlate the ALPS requirement with the activities planned. Making adjustments where needed. Remember that one activity can satisfy multiple ALPS categories. Begin working with her on her Worthy Advisor Ritual Part and Traditions. Once the calendar is complete and the activities meet the ALPS guidelines, begin development of the term budget. This will require some research to ascertain costs for activities and events. The Term Budget All assemblies are required to have a working budget for each term. This is a projection of the income and expenses during the term. Use the budget worksheet provided in this Mother Advisors Notebook. On the left side of the Budget form list any and all projected expenses during the term.  Operating Expenses – Per Capita, initiation and membership fees, Conf. Observer subscriptions cost and administrations cost. The Treasurer can provide actual cost from the previous year and projections can be made from those figures.  Fundraising expenses – Expected cost to have a dinner or car wash, including printing cost for flyers. Sometimes it takes money to make money.  Miscellaneous Expenses – Is the assembly paying for any activities? The cost for gifts to Grand Officers or the GWA are estimated under miscellaneous expenses. Page 17

On the right side of the work sheet, list any and all projected income during the term.  Dues - number of members multiplied by the amount of your assembly dues.  Initiation Fees - the number of estimated girls to be initiation during the term multiplied by the assembly’s initiation fee.  Activity Income - Are the girls paying for activities? Does your OES chapter help with Grand Assembly Fees? This is the Activity income.  Fundraising income – What is the projected income for your planned dinner or car wash? Use previous ALPS event journals to answer some of these questions.  Miscellaneous Income - Any projected income from sources not listed above such as interest or donations. Total the Projected Expense column and place the total in the Term Expenses field. Total the Projected Income column and place the total in the Term Income field. Subtract the Total Term Expenses from the Total Term Income. The sum will be the projected net gain or loss for the term. The term should not end in a loss if at all possible. A net gain will mean that there are funds retained in savings. The proposed budget is part of the term presentation the Worthy Associate Advisor makes to the Advisory Board. The term plans and budget are reviewed and approved by the Advisory Board before the installation and by the assembly members after the installation at the first regular business meeting.

Podium Book Nothing is more distracting during a meeting than to have the Worthy Advisor flipping and rustling though a stack of papers on the podium trying to find the information she needs. Not only is it distracting to the meeting participants, but it interrupts the flow of the meeting. Mother Advisor Handbook Tips

Worthy Advisors and Mother Advisors must use a Podium Book at all meetings and receptions. It is an organizational tool, and when used correctly aids in a smooth running meeting. The Podium book will have all the information the Worthy Advisor needs for the meeting at her finger tips in an organized notebook. The Podium Book consists of a three ring binder with clearly marked tab dividers: 1. Meeting Agenda 2. Introduction Sheets 3. Event Signup Sheets 4. Miscellaneous Info 5. Copies of old agenda Section 1: Include in this section, a copy of the Order Business Sheet and the completed agenda for the current meeting. Section 2: The Introductions sheets and the Welcome quotes. The Worthy Advisor can collect enough quotes for the entire term and stow them in this section. Section 3: Keep your supply of Event Signup Sheets in this section. Use them at each meeting to get a list of girls attending each event. After the meeting give the signup sheet to the event chairman for follow up and call out. Section 4: This is an open section for the Worthy Advisor. In this section have:  How to make a motion  Election Script  Blank Event Report Sheets  Blank ALPS Report Sheet Section 5: Keep copies of the previous meeting agendas are in this section. Refer to them as needed.

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Dress Code Dress or skirts, sweaters and blouses are worn at all meetings.

When formals are required, floor length are to be worn, and all are to have something over the shoulders. Plunging necklines and/or the ―bra less‖ look are not acceptable, but one inch ―spaghetti‖ straps are allowed. No ALL black, brown or navy dresses! These rules apply not only to Rainbow meetings but also whenever representing Rainbow at Eastern Star, Masonic, DeMolay or other Masonic functions.

NO MINI SKIRTS at meetings.

No tennis or athletic shoes are to be worn with formals.

Appropriate undergarments, i.e., slips are to be worn with dresses as well as nylons.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to talk to your Mother Advisor!

Nice jeans may be worn for practices, decorating, and to and from meetings. All jeans, pant suits and dresses MUST meet the following four criteria: NEAT, CLEAN, MODEST, and SAFE (pertaining to shoes).

When wearing jeans to and from meetings, DO NOT CHANGE into jeans until ready to leave the building. They are not to be worn at meetings or while having refreshments.

Attire for activities within the District, such as picnics, a-thons, car wash, etc., will be at the discretion of the Grand Deputy.

For traveling on Rainbow sponsored tours to other States, additional regulations will prevail and will be sent to each traveler. Mother Advisor Handbook Tips

Page 19

Things to Remember… Recorder and Treasurer Bookkeeping WHO KEEPS THE BOOKS: Girls, if at all possible, should be keeping the books in an assembly and an adult from the Rainbow Advisory Board should over see it. All checks and accounts must have 2 signatures. There is possibly an additional bank charge for the second signature line, but it is worth protecting SIGNATURE CARDS: Assemblies should have at least four (4) signers on all accounts. Signers should consist of the elected girl Treasurer, Recorder and 2 Rainbow Board members, other than the Mother Advisor. This is so that one girl and one adult are always available. Signers cannot be parent/guardian and daughter combinations. Signature cards must be updated immediately following Installation of Treasurer and Rainbow Board. In the event of a mid-year change of Recorder, Treasurer, or an adult signer, the signature cards must be updated so as to always have four (4) valid signatures. BUDGET: Each assembly should have a yearly budget as a guideline for income and expenditures. The incoming Worthy Advisor should also have a budget for her specific terms events and fundraising. RECEIVING MONEY: Any money given to the Recorder must be in a sealed envelope - with name, date, amount and purpose. The Recorder and Recorder Advisor count and verify the amount in the sealed envelope. Recorder should always have a stack of envelopes on the desk for that purpose. She records the amount inside the envelope in the Ledger Book and gives the envelopes to the Treasurer. The Treasurer only receives money from the Recorder. The Treasurer records the amount received from the recorder in the Cash Receipts Journal, fills out the Mother Advisor Handbook Tips

deposit slip and the Treasurer Advisor takes the monies to the bank promptly for deposit. The Treasurer attaches all envelopes to the assembly copy of the deposit slip. HOW TO PAY A BILL: All bills and requests for reimbursement must be attached to a payment voucher and given to the Recorder. The bills and requests for reimbursements are reviewed by the finance committee, consisting of 2 girls and one board member, then read for assemblies approval during the meeting. After being approved, the recorder enters the expenses into the Ledger Book. The Recorder gives all payment request and receipts to the Treasurer for prompt payment. The Treasurer writes the check and logs the payment into the assembly check register. The Treasurer keeps all bills and receipts. . HOW TO RECONCILE YOUR BANK ACCOUNTS MONTHLY: Bank statements for all accounts MUST be reconciled every month by the Treasurer and adult advisor. Follow the directions on the bank statements of how to reconcile the statement. The balance after the reconciliation should match the balance shown in the check register. Monthly reconciliation is an easy to catch mistakes before the audit. A Treasurer’s Report must be given at every meeting regardless if the Treasurer is present or not. It is the responsibility of the Treasurer and the adult advisor to have a report ready for the meeting – two copies: one for the file of the Treasurer, and one for the Recorder for the minutes.

All new Recorders, Treasures and Advisors should attend a R.A.T.T. (Recorder And Treasurer Training) as soon as possible after their election/appointment. The R.A.T.T. will explain and train the approved jurisdictional recording keeping procedures and policies. Page 20

Things to Remember... Elections At the meeting before elections, the Worthy Advisor should remind the girls of the upcoming elections and anyone interested in running for an office should speak to the Mother Advisor BEFORE the night of elections. If there is a concern about any line officer, as to her ability to advance, or that she has not met the responsibilities of her current office. The Advisory Board should deal with the matter before the night of elections. No Assembly shall transact any business, ballot or elect officers, except at its regular meeting place without a Special Dispensation. (Statutes, Section 19 page 11). Assemblies…must provide for election of officers at the first regular meeting in: (Statutes, Section 18, page 11)

Four Month Terms - Officers must be elected at the first regular meeting in January, May and September. Six Month Terms - Officers must be elected at the first regular meeting in January and June/July (jurisdictional ruling). Elections held at times other than as stated above must be approved by the Supreme Officer.

If an elected officer resigns during a term, her resignation must be in writing and read aloud in a regular meeting of the Assembly. Vacancies in line offices are to be filled using the procedures outlined in the (Uniform Code of ByLaws, Section 22, page 35).

The Recorder’s and Treasurer’s term is one year. A resignation during that time would follow the procedures outlined in the Bylaws (Uniform Code of By-Laws, Section 23, page 36).

Mother Advisor Handbook Tips

If a girl is appointed or elected to an office and has been installed before reaching the age of twenty and is not married, she shall be allowed to fill out the term. (Statutes Section 35 page 21). She is eligible to vote. Elections should be the first unfinished business item. Other business can be conducted while the votes are tallied as long as the ballots are not being read out loud. Assembly members must have paid the current year’s dues before being eligible to hold an office, elect or ballot. (Uniform By-laws Section 9, 10 & 11, page 30)

Members who have paid their current year’s dues will stand and count off. This count determines the number of ballots to be counted and the majority. During the balloting the count has to be the same as the number of girls voting; if not, there must be a re-ballot. Every member in the Assembly, who has her current year’s dues paid to the Assembly, provided she fulfills the requirements of her own Assembly regulations, is eligible to fill any office in the Assembly, except the office of Worthy Advisor and Worthy Associate Advisor. Before a member is eligible to fill either of these offices, she must have been elected and served as Charity, Hope or Faith. (Uniform Bylaws Section 16, page 33).

The Tallying Committee is composed of two girls and one adult. (The latter may be a girl who has reached majority.) The girls will read the ballots and tally; the adult will check that the names read and tallied are correct. The total number of votes cast is announced first, and then the number cast for each girl. a) The Worthy Advisor will announce the results of the election and whether there is an election - not the Tallying Page 21

Committee. b) If a fictitious name is used, the Tallying Committee shall treat it as a vote unto itself. The Worthy Advisor should remind the members voting how important it is to use correct names when casting a ballot. c) It takes a simple majority to elect, exclusive of blanks. d) A ballot with the name ―No One‖ shall be treated as a vote unto itself and will not decrease the majority.

There should be no talking while the ballots are being cast. The Worthy Advisor will conclude elections and thank the committee for serving. Do not use an Australian ballot for elections as each officer must be voted on separately. This rule applies to all elections held in Rainbow, Assembly Officers as well as Advisory Board Officers and the Mother Advisor.

It is an unwritten law that line officers advance (Gold Books page 37). The Recorder and Treasurer, although elected for a year, are eligible for election to Faith. In the event they were elected, they resign from their present office and an election is held to fill that office. The Worthy Advisor reads the requirements for Faith if the Assembly has requirements, and what is expected of a girl if she is elected Faith. If the Assembly does have requirements, the Mother Advisor having previously checked the records, gives the names of those who are eligible just prior to the election. In the event only one girl is eligible, then the requirements are suspended, as there can be no such thing as an automatic election. Anyone wishing to decline can arise after the report of ballot, address the Worthy Advisor, gives her name and say ―I decline‖. The ballots for all line officers, except that of Faith, may or may not be counted out loud. If not counted out loud, other business that does not require movement on the floor may be conducted. The Tallying Committee may interrupt at any time to inform the Worthy Advisory of the outcome of the ballot. The ballots for Faith, Recorder and Treasurer must be read out loud. Mother Advisor Handbook Tips

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Read it carefully and check out any words you can’t pronounce correctly or do not know how to pronounce. Ask your parents or Mother Advisor for the correct pronunciation.


Know what the words and the sentences are saying and what they mean.


Listen for grammar


Match first letters or look for clues such as ―Charity and Hope‖ can be remembered as ―C&H sugar‖, or matching two ―L’s in a row‖. Take just one paragraph at a time, after learning one paragraph, move onto the next. Say the words with feeling and meaning. It triggers the memory.


Looking for rhyming

Please take time to say the words to the part before every meeting (when appropriate).


Say parts out loud when alone, when getting dressed, washing your face, riding in the car.

Although word perfect is not necessary, we do encourage all girls to learn their parts as best they can and strive to miss as few words as possible.


Say it to a parent each night before going to bed.


Say it standing up

An idea for helping a girl memorize her part includes encouraging her to:


Say it daily . . . anywhere! Practice in front of the mirror. When at the meetings, listen to the parts as they are being said by others

Part of Rainbow is learning to memorize parts for various times during our meetings. We realize that memorization is easy for some girls, more difficult for others. We also know that ―nerves‖ affect the way we perform. This is all part of the learning process of Rainbow. We encourage you to try your best. The more you participate, the easier it gets.

10. Envision the words on a page 11. Saying it in front of a mirror 12. Call the Mother Advisor or your Big Sister if you are having trouble! 13. Relax 14. Relax 15. Relax

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Page 23

Merit Bar Information Sheet The Supreme Assembly has developed an awards program for the girls based on participation, service and memorization. The awards are called Merit Bars. Merit Bars are earned during each term and are awarded at the installations.

Mother Advisors and Advisory Boards should encourage the girls to be proud of and wear their merit bars. They are the visual representation of their hours of hard work and dedication to Rainbow and inspire younger members.

Girls earn ―points‖ for participating in events, giving community service, and regular attendance at meetings, accepting and following through with leadership tasks, completing A.L.P.S. paperwork on time and ritual excellence.

Consider expanding the program to include a ―Beyond the Bars‖ program for older girls. This program allows girls who have earned all the merit bars to continue to be rewarded for their hard work. Points earned can be used to purchase items such as a Rainbow afghan, pillow or tea cup.

The Mother Advisor or an Advisory Board Member keeps track of each girl’s participation and the number of points earned each term. The bars are awarded based on the number of points accrued, and in many assemblies, the memorization of the color station lesson corresponding to the bar color being earned, or ritual proficiency The requirements for earning points or the number of points needed to earn Merit Bars can be customized to each assembly. Some assemblies have made it a requirement to be considered for a jurisdictional appointment, that a girl must have all, or is steadily working on earning her merit bars. Up to three merit bars may be awarded per year - one per installation except for the second installation of the year. If a girl has earned enough points and met all requirements, then two merit bars can be awarded at the second installation of the year.

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New Member Visitations Arrangements for a visit to a petitioner should be made as soon as possible after the reading of their petition, at the convenience of the petitioner and her family. When the meeting is made, refer to the initial visit as a ―Visitation‖. Be sure to call the night before and confirm your visit. The purpose of a visit is to answer questions and get to know the girl and her family. The girls should answer as many questions as they are comfortable in answering. Practice with them before the visit. Be enthusiastic and positive about the order. Things to discuss on your visit (take this sheet with you): ___________________Assembly #____ meets at the __________________Masonic Center. Members are encouraged to arrive no later than ________ as the meetings begin at 7pm. We meet the ________ and ________ of each month, except_______________. The Mother Advisor’s name and phone number is The Worthy Advisor’s name and phone number is  Describe your local assembly, and how is it run. Describe the district, jurisdiction and international.  What to wear to various types of functions. Be sure that you know the dress code. Discuss proper dress so that everyone will feel at ease at their first visit to the assembly. Let her know that she should come to her initiation in a dress with nylons and comfortable shoes. Mother Advisor Handbook Tips

 Merit Bar System. Take a set of merit bars along with you, and discuss how you have earned them.  Notebook. Have a Copy of The Members Note Book. Discuss what sorts of information are found in a member’s notebook, and what items are required to bring to each meeting.  Money Making Projects. Talk about how we raise money, and how the funds are used.  Service Projects. What projects have both the assembly, district and jurisdiction participated in recently?  Fun Projects. Talk about Rainbow Camps, slumber parties and other activities. What activities are scheduled in the next 2-3 months?  Family participation. Be sure to invite the parents to the initiation and all of the meetings. Be sure to let them know that parents are encouraged to attend all assembly events. Also, let them know which other events are open to all friends and family. Remind the parents that siblings who are not members cannot come to initiation, but to other events.  Initiation. Be sure to discuss the date, time, and attire. Don’t let them be embarrassed for a lack of knowledge. Be sure to let them know that girls often share and exchange dresses. If a new member needs assistance with her first dress, be sure to. contact the Mother Advisor so that she can have at least . one formal.  Rainbow Sister. Talk about what a ―Big Sister‖ is, and what responsibility she will have in interacting with the new member.  Ritual. Let them see yours! Let them know that although it is old, it is beloved, even if it seems out of date at times.  Religion. Be sure to let them know that we respect the church and religions of all members. Stress that we are not church related, but that we are definitely reverent, Page 25

we have an open bible at our meetings and our members believe that it is important to have a belief in God.  Bring and leave a copy of the Confidential Observer or assembly newsletter. After providing the petitioner and her parents with information about Rainbow, engage them in conversation. If you do all the talking they will lose interest.

Things to ask on your visit To the new petitioner:  How did you find out about Rainbow?  What made you want to join?  What other groups have you belonged to?  What are your favorite things to do?  What activities that we described sound fun?  Have you ever done any community service with other groups, church or school?  Do you have any questions? To the new parents:  How did you find out about Rainbow?  What have you heard about Rainbow?  Have you or any member of your family ever been a part of a Masonic organization?  What groups have you belonged to, and were they international, national or local.  What kinds of service projects, fun activities, etc, would you like to see your daughter doing in Rainbow?  Do you have any questions?

Mother Advisor Handbook Tips

Once the visitation is over and all information has been provided, leave. The Visitation should be no longer than 1 hour. Be respectful to the family’s time. Thank the family for allowing you to come to meet with them and tell them when they will be hearing from you again. (If you give them a date to get back to them, keep it). If there are activities between the visitation and your balloting meeting, have the Worthy Advisor call and invite the petitioner to attend.

Additional info on Rainbow can be found on the following websites: Washington Idaho Website www.nwrainbow.org

Assembly Website www.nwrainbow.org/_____________ Supreme Assembly Website – www.gorainbow .org

Rainbow Foundation www.nwrainbowfoundation.org

Page 26

THINGS TO REMEMBER… Being a New Member General Information:  The meetings are held on the and , of every month. They will start at PM. If this is a regular meeting the meeting should be over by 8:30pm at the latest. If it is a special meeting, it should be over by 9:00 –9:30pm. 

If you cannot stay that late, arrange for you parent to pick you up early. Be safe, wait inside the building for your ride after the meeting, and tell the Mother Advisor when you are leaving. All parents and/or legal guardians of a Rainbow girl are invited to attend all meetings and activities of the assembly Ask questions! You will not remember everything told to you at your initiation. So, if you do not understand something during the meeting, ask your Rainbow Big Sister. (This is what she is there for.)

Read your Book of Ceremonies. It will help you remember everything that was said to you when you were initiated.

If unable to participate in an event, please notify the Mother Advisor or the Worthy Advisor immediately.

If you need a ride… please call the Worthy Advisor or Mother Advisor at least 24 hours in advance so one can be arranged. If you need to cancel a ride, please do so as soon as possible. Please do not cancel without letting your ride know.

A long or short dress is worn to meetings unless it is a special ―dress-up‖ meeting. The Worthy Advisor will let you know.

Please be punctual.

Come to as many events as you can.

Meetings:  Please arrive and be dressed 15 minutes before the meeting. 

Apply make-up or brush your hair before the meeting starts.

Please try to square all corners when you are walking around the assembly room. (It looks really cool when you do!)

Please no chewing gum or eat during meetings.

Bring your Members Notebook with you to all meetings.

Bring a couple of coins with you to the meetings for Sunshine bank.

Cross your legs at the ankle when sitting Try to sit straight and have good posture! (Does this sound like something a mother might say?)

Ask questions during the meeting. It’s o.k.!

Please do not cross in front of the Worthy Advisor’s station when the Bible is open on the altar. (You’ll probably hear a lot of ―gasps‖ if you do!)

If you have a Rainbow problem or concern calls the Mother Advisor.

Have a Good Time - Rainbow is for you and will be what you make of it.

General rules of courtesy are observed at all Rainbow activities.

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New Member’s Notebook List Provide each new member with a Member’s Notebook with critical information to help with her transition into being an active member. Encourage her to bring the book to all meetings and have one of the roll call questions be ―Have you brought your Notebook?‖ Use a hard side 3 ring binder and divide the notebook into sections with colorful Rainbow tabs. Include the following:  A pencil pouch and rainbow pencils.  The Ritual and Gold Book  A current membership roster

 Things to remember— Memorizing (a copy is included in this book)  Jurisdictional Dress Code policy (a copy is included in this book)  How to make a motion (a copy is included in this book)  The Assemblies Merit Bar and Point System Guidelines  The Assembly ’s Standing Rules  A.L.P.S. forms  Blank pages for notes.  Any other information specific to your assembly.

 A copy of the current term calendar  Welcome page (a copy is included in this book)  What is Rainbow (a copy is included in this book)  Permission Slips (copies included in this book) o Driving policy o General Permission slip o Movie Permission slip o Media Authorization  ―What did she say?‖ (a copy is included in this book)  Things to remember—Being a new member (a copy is included in this book)

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RAINBOW CAMPS The Washington Idaho jurisdiction is privileged to have available to its members and advisors three beautiful camps. The Rainbow camps are a wonderful resource that we as volunteers and members have come to enjoy. Use them often, they are here for all of us to enjoy. They can be a great membership resource, a place for assembly bonding, an adult retreat, workshop location or a place to go and enjoy the out-of-doors. ―Don’t forget that a portion of your time belongs there‖.

DADDY SWINDLE DREAM CAMP: Found in the heart of the beautiful Masonic Park in Granite Falls, this camp offers a Chalet, Lodge with Sleeping Quarters and Kitchen, Gazebo and Amphitheater. RESERVATIONS: [email protected]

Below is the contact information for each of the camps. Remember that these camps are maintained by volunteers, they can use your help. Donate some time or money. Treat them with kindness, love and respect them so they will be here for the generations of Rainbow girls come. These are your camps, use them. Call the caretakers for information on reservations, prices, rules and directions. Usage fees may apply.

M.A.K. SUNNY ACRES (Not Owned or Operated by Washington Idaho Rainbow). A large two story lodge in sunny Eastern Washington.

POTTS OF GOLD: A beautiful, rustic home with magnificent fireplace right on the Hood Canal.

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