What do you have there, Tammy?

“What do you have there, Tammy?” The pretty cephalopod grinned as she stood beside Katy. In her hands was a thick blue sweater with two holes at the t...
Author: Rolf Pope
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“What do you have there, Tammy?” The pretty cephalopod grinned as she stood beside Katy. In her hands was a thick blue sweater with two holes at the top. “I made the twins a sweater!” she giggled. “It was a real pain to do, but I know it’ll all be worth it once they see it! They’ll just love it!” And she swooned and hugged the material close to her, heart thumping in anticipation as they all waited. Hardscrabble regarded the ever increasing population of monsters around Frat Row. So much room had been occupied she had to stand atop the highest roof of OK's house. However, it was a fortunate selection as everyone was surrounding the residence, knowing that this was where the frat itself would arrive. Straight from the hospital. After that text Mrs. Carlton had sent Brock and Claire, followed by a small message in regards to the doctor who no doubt remembered the Dean, there was no further information. Of course, what more needed to be said? The twins were coming home, their beloved friends waiting for them. With her wings tucked in and her centipede legs clasped gracefully atop the panels of the rooftop, her eyes peered over the cul-de-sac. Her heart pattered just a bit. Although she knew that it could not compare to the hearts of the various frat and sorority members waiting in anticipation. And especially from students of various schools within MU itself who were crowding into Frat Row. There was barely enough room to move due to the huge amount of monsters present, even a group of enormo monsters were squatting outside the cul-desac in a nearby field, talking among themselves as they awaited OK’s return. Hardscrabble had lost track of how long it had been since that incident at the Science department. How long they had been in a coma. Far too long to even count. For all she knew, it felt like an eternity since she had seen those identical faces, or even heard a pointless argument break out when she was nearby. At least things would return to normal once Terri and Terry arrived. She made it her duty to greet the family at the steps of their own frat house. It was the least she could do, having managed to pull some strings with her contacts within the Monstropolis government in dealing with the hospital. She felt she could sleep a little better as well knowing she would no longer have to endure excruciating hours wondering how dear Mrs. Carlton was holding out. Below her, Hardscrabble witnessed various Greek students conversing with Greek Council members, as well as other monsters from other schools within MU. They seemed to be reaching out and opening themselves like blooming flowers for others to talk and joke with...unlike the semester before when each team normally kept to itself, following flareups that regarded petty matters and lack of understanding toward each other.

They had all changed. She especially. Some would assume that because of the respect she had for Oozma Kappa (as well as being called a very close friend to the frat mom herself) that she held absolute favor for them. That was ridiculous. She respected them like she did every other team. Kind, true, and quite daring as she recalled last semester. She did admire them, but from a Dean to student perspective. No favoritism of the sort, although the RORs could pick up some lessons from them... But that was too much to hope for since the Worthington heir and his members had not changed much from the previous semester. Hardscrabble had witnessed Carla of EEK speak to the leader of ROR a few times, indicating that the sorority president was doing her best to “tame” the reluctant (and very envious) Scarer. But so far the purple queen to her princesses had not breathed a word to him since everyone gathered in front of OK’s house. In fact, since the Dean had arrived to speculate further arrangements for the JOX party, it almost seemed as if Carla was avoiding him. And, surprisingly, it was Johnny who appeared to be in need to speak with her. Maybe to toss in his own hopes not about the twins but about the future of the Scare Games. Hardscrabble wouldn’t call him a selfish monster, but his previous actions have made her reconsider about how “honorable” her own university had become since she became the Dean. A lot of things to feel ashamed about...If the Scare Games needed to be postponed further, she would accept it without batting a lash, and she had a whole university backing it up. Seconds ticked by, until the sight of the OK mom's van appeared in the distance. Her heart about leaped to her mouth as she watched that familiar vehicle circle toward Frat Row. Others had noticed immediately and released praise followed by cheers, as if a celebrity had made way into MU. She could see Mrs. Carlton at the wheel, her smile sunny and full of life as ever before. Beside her was her husband and son, keeping eyes on everything and appearing even more than delighted. Hardscrabble could see the rest of Oozma Kappa, all sitting in the backseats. And there, as she could barely make out, were Terry and Terri. The two-headed monster of twins centered in the middle, sitting between Sulley and Randall, looking much better than she had hoped. Their skin was practically glowing, their blue eyes full of so much life as their frat mom’s, and their heads much closer to each other than ever before. Hardscrabble felt a smile play on her lips as the cheers became even more deafening. Monsters parted as the van slowly merged toward the OK frat house, students and Greek members eager to see the twins after what felt like forever. As the car stopped in front of the residence, already a huge crowd circled around the van. Thankfully, Greek Council staff had already received orders by Brock and Claire to hold the earnest students back to give the family space to move. Eyes focused on the side doors where they could see the Perry twins, the cheers only got louder even as Dean Hardscrabble watched.

There was definitely joy and happiness in the air, followed by relief. Maria and Sonia managed to make it to the front, having pushed and shoved and not caring if it was polite or not. Their Greek neighbors were already closer, knowing that they of all needed the best view of their long-absent friends. They managed to be near the sliding doors of the van, hearts thumping with anticipation as Mrs. Carlton parked the car beside the house. Naomi stood still, having found herself next to Katy McCrea of the EZ sorority. The PNK girl's knees felt rather wobbly, her throat lumped with anxiety as well as excitement. The nightmare having vanished from her mind, she was at least content that Terry and his brother were okay. And that there would still be chances in the future, she just needed to reach out and claim them. Johnny folded his arms, his expression calm and collective. With a hint of sorrow in his features. He glanced over across the array of monsters. Carla, with her tentacles clasped together as if giving a prayer of thanks, smiled warmly toward the rising family. Her words still penetrated him, and seeing her this close to Oozma Kappa made him even more concerned that what she had said earlier just might come true. Still, he did not call out to her, knowing he would ruin a "miracle moment" right now if he did, and monsters would be peeved. He just stood among his frat, waiting for those doors to open while the cheers resumed. Brynn, having put away her clipboard and pencil, adjusted her headband as she stood beside the girls of the EZ sorority. Her mouth formed an open smile, her glossy lips curved with excitement. She had her special gift ready and stored somewhere secretive until it was finally time. She caught sight of Chet standing beside his frat president, but she hardly cared about him right now. This wasn't about the RORs, this was about Oozma Kappa. Katy bit her lip, her fists tightening as she stood much closer to the van than any of her sorority sisters. After having snuck into the hospital, challenged the policy of the medical staff and CDA, and braved upon an agent and even Hardscrabble of all monsters, it was worth it as she watched those doors begin to open. She just wanted to see her friends again. Students waited with bated breath as the twins still sat inside the van. The doors slowly slid open. Mike got out first, followed by Sulley's huge bulk, while Mrs Carlton alighted from the front seat along with Don. Art extended one leg out and plopped it onto the ground before the other joined, much like a slinky going down the stairs. Squishy and Randall were the last two to join him before it was the twins’ turn to come out. What happened next blew everyone's expectations out the window when they finally received a full view of Terri and Terry. Assisted by crutches and their fellow fraternity members, Terri and Terry exited out the OK van as gracefully as they could. Both brothers held their heads high while all four of their arms tightly grasped their mobility tools. Terri gave a nod to everyone, a smile as uneasy as his

brother’s plastered across his face while Don held his arm in case his multitude of legs gave out. Terry looked around him, his smile more of an embarrassed wince while Sulley placed his large hands on his crutches, aiding him in his walk. The older twin just wanted to toss them away and march up the steps despite his new stubborn legs. But he allowed for the blue behemoth’s assistance. A collective gasp echoed throughout Frat Row at the sight of this. For as long as anyone had known the twins, the image before them appeared as if someone cut their portrait in half. The sight of those new hands, and all those legs, it was almost as if they had never been together at all! Both were equally lanky and scrawny, their faces still intact along with their teeth, horns, and especially vibrant eyes. Yet how could have the explosion resulted in this? The sight of them trying to even walk with their crutches was a heartbreaking display, of course. They all made their way to the small clearing at the front porch of their house. Hundreds of bewildered monster eyes followed them silently as they turned and faced the entirety of MU, putting on their best smiles as much as possible. While Mrs Carlton and her husband, as well as the rest of OK appeared with expressions of joy and happiness, the Perry twins appeared even more uncomfortable than they already were. Maria’s and Sonia’s mouths dropped as they regarded the handsome twins, both unsure of what to do next. Terry stood a little far off from his brother. Terri was at least an inch or two shorter than his elder brother in terms of height, Terry’s head usually hovering over his protectively. But now he no longer did, the distance they had ensuring that they could no longer depend on the other. The sight of those many hands, and all those legs, both girls wondered what life would be like for them now. It was scary to imagine that this was all due to the explosion, and what the hospital believed needed to be done to aid their survival. It would change their lives forever, as well as everyone else’s. Naomi’s dully clawed hands flew to her mouth, gasping in shock at the sight of Terry and his younger brother. Tears threatened to flow from her eyes once more, her heart spasming in pain and guilt of what she must have indirectly done to cause this. Her knees wobbled dangerously, and if not for Katy's assistance, she would have crumpled to the ground and sob uncontrollably. Never did she expect the Perry twins to experience something so life-changing and almost traumatizing. And the fact they were in crutches both pained her and worried her. How were they going to live like this? Could they even handle being away from the other, like one of them was just a closed door away? Those new hands, all those legs, the expressions of remorse, it killed her inside to see them unable to even touch each other. Terry still stood close by his brother, still willing to protect him even though they weren’t together. They were still the twins everyone knew and love, only with one huge difference that left the university in disbelief. Katy stood in horror by the revelation, both sadness and anger washing over her concerned features. Sad that that her once conjoined friends had to live their lives now like this, which was

going to be a long journey from the sight of their crutches. Anger at the hospital and CDA staff for having allowed this to happen. Could they not have even tried to put them back together? Was there even an possibility? She still remembered the sight of that one hand on the operating table, doctors surrounding it as they used all their tools to work on the once single body. Looking at their new arms and legs, it must have been one heck of a workload. Especially when it came to exacting their bodies and every other proportion that was relevant to their former form. She wondered if they had to slice them down the middle, since the explosion already started that for them... Carla could only gawk at the unexpected sight. Mrs. Carlton had said the twins were alright...but she didn't mention "separated but pretty much still alright"! The EEK leader stood frozen as she watched Terri stand away from his own brother, being assisted as he worked his crutches. She had seen his head inch as far as it could from his twin's, but the great amount of distance this time around was rather compelling. And recalling how many legs they had altogether, it was a real eyesore to see each with a large amount that tried to work across the pavement. Like limp spaghetti noodles. Brynn's fins deflated upon her head, taken aback by the display of the twins. Yes, they were okay, no broken bones, no bruises...except the fact they were separated! How the heck did that happen? It was strange for all three of her eyes to take in: the larger amount of legs and arms, how far apart the twins were as they handled their crutches, and just the fact Terry's head no longer clung to Terri's like the same way as before. Is this why the doctor had been refusing Mrs. Carlton visitation all that time? Because of this? What had the explosion done to them? What would become of them now that for the very first time they could not be a "two-headed team" as she always remembered them as? She then realized that despite how much money she made, she doubt it was even enough to fix this... Tammy felt her insides churn, her stalks taking sight of something no one had ever expected. Just seeing Terri’s head slightly away from Terry's made her almost assume her mind was playing tricks on her. But no, both were there, in the flesh and very much apart. It was as if their heads had been plucked off, their single body had been duplicated, then placed a head on each one, just like a toy figure. And crutches! She watched as both twins struggled to use them, needing assistance from their frat brothers and mother. The sight was still so strange to her, and no doubt everyone else felt the same way. And Terri and Terry were still keeping up strong with those familiar smiles on their faces, the spirits still up as they were lifted by their brothers and mom. It was a real eyesore that Tammy found herself blinking continuously to see if she wasn't dreaming.

She really wasn’t. And she just remembered the sweater that was in her possession! How good a gift would it even be when it was practically useless now? The cheers from the surrounding students died down rather quickly, and most of them fell silent. The realization sank in and their minds struggled to process the new sight in front of them. Johnny gawked at the sight of the older twin himself, still the same guy who threatened to beat him up last semester and scared the living heck out of everyone that day. He and his twin looked quite vulnerable, their crutches supporting them and their multitude of legs barely giving them movement. If he could be grateful about one thing at this moment, it was that he was glad he didn't buy them an expensive suit with two holes. Hardscrabble could not believe what she was seeing. The first thing that came to mind was what the hospital had done to these poor fellows, but then her mind negotiated about the explosion. And perhaps there was a reason why the hospital refused immediate access, why the CDA needed to refrain family from seeing Terri and Terry. For whatever reason, she quickly swooped down onto the front porch of the OK house, making her presence known before the family itself. She turned to Mrs. Carlton who tried to give an assuring smile to the students of MU, her form standing between Terri and Terry. “What...what happened?” the Dean asked carefully. Mrs Carlton turned to the head of Scaring, her blue eyes hinted with sorrow. “Oh, Abigail...” she sighed sadly. “I don't know how to say this...but the doctors had to separate them...” She played with her hands. “But it doesn’t matter, they’re back and a mother couldn’t be happier!” She lovingly gripped onto both twins’ hands, the two brothers leaning towards her. Though she was still pained by the fact that her precious Oozmas still had a long way to go, at least they were home and back in her arms. Of course, she was their mother, and neither blood nor papers told the Dean otherwise. And right now they needed their mom more than ever, seeing that this newfound condition was taking its toll on them. Hardscrabble watched as they balanced on their crutches, both still having to become immune to their extra arms and legs. It broke her heart just to see them like this. Terry swallowed, he and his brother exchanging a look before the older turned to the Dean. “The explosion...” he explained mournfully, “that was solely responsible for making us this way. “Doctor said they would have tried and put us together,” Terri added, “but that proved to be a risk.”

Hardscrabble regarded both boys, her usually sharp eyes softening with sympathy. “Would there be any chance...that you can be back together again?” Terry sadly shook his head. “The doctors mentioned that the risk is too high.” Terri swallowed. “They said this was the best way to save us.” Just hearing this broke the hearts of everyone around them. While they were overjoyed to see them again, knowing that struggles were still ahead made it seem like a sad day for everyone. Naomi could see the anguish in Terry's face, his eye always turning in his brother's direction every now and then. Seeing him in those crutches, just barely standing, and having to rely on both his frat brothers and especially his own physique, it pained her to see how much he was going through as of right now. If anything, she would just rush over there and embrace both of them. Of course, any of their fangirls would do it, especially Sonia and Maria. But now was not the time to be hugged by any woman that was not their mother. Although the Dean looked like she wanted to... Both Sonia and Maria just wanted to race to their sides and hug them, but they refrained from doing so as the brothers looked like they needed a lot of personal space to themselves to think things over. They both kept their distance, and so did the rest of the twins' various fangirls, having enough sense to keep their comments to themselves. It would take them a while to adjust. It would take everyone a while to adjust. Beside Naomi, Katy felt herself feel quite saddened over the fact that the twins nearly lost their lives, not to mention they had to endure untold pain and hardship adjusting to their new bodies. Painful didn’t even cover their current condition, and it was an understatement at best. Big Red, Flora next to him, could see the hurt in the older twin's eye. Talk about a disheartening moment that had befallen their entire university at this moment. While it relieved him to see both twins fine and well, just watching them try to adjust to their crutches brought out all forms of misery in the JOX leader. They looked like they needed a lot of aid and assistance, especially with all those legs, some of which they never bore. He began to wonder if the party was even a good idea, which was still a surprise for later on. Big Red especially wondered if watching everyone dance was going to kill Terri even more... Terry regarded everyone who had waited here just for them. He was aware that at this time was supposedly class time, yet no one gave a darn about it. They gave only a darn about him and his brother. Here stood his Greek neighbors, classmates, and beloved friends, all who had been there for his frat since the day he started to love his university once more. Their expressions read both joy and

sympathy, knowing that while he and his brother were still alive, it was a long process to go. But a week and a half taking the crutches was no big thing, knowing that he was back and that nothing, not even mild mobility, would keep him from showing the smile on his face. Both he and his brother grinned at each other, then returned their gazes to the crowd. “See, boys?” Don said in a jovial tone, patting Terry’s back. “These monsters have been waiting for your return. Doesn't that make you feel even better?” “You're right, Don,” Terry responded with a nod. He smiled at the crowd. Students especially held up banners welcoming him and his brother home; Maria and Sonia who stood close by gave him cute kitten expressions that made his heart warm; Brock and Claire who kept nearest of the people to smile and wave to them; Rosie Levin and her HSS girls showing true, beautiful smiles that contrasted to their supposed darkly natures. Even Johnny and his boys were here to see them! Although the older Perry was pretty sure the Worthington heir and his team were probably "forced" to do it, seeing that Carla and her girls were nearby, yet the EEK leader's eyes dared not look in Johnny's direction. He wouldn't be surprised if the popular sorority president had a fallout with the popular frat president, it would just be another jab at Johnny's irritating prideful manner. But never mind Johnny, it blew Terry and his brother away about how much attention they were receiving. For a long time they had wallowed in loneliness and could only depend on each other. Despite the separation, he would never stop not needing his brother. And the love of his university and its monsters would never die. “Thank you, everyone,” he said aloud, trying not to tear up. “I know that my brother and I are pretty much in a...” he glanced at his crutches before turning to his brother's set of legs, ” ...fix, but that won't keep us from being what we love.” He smiled. “And that is to be students of Monsters University.” Terri beamed, loving to see his brother smile that made his grow even more. Standing beside him, holding onto his own pair of crutches, the younger Perry stared at the monsters who meant the world to him. Just like his brother and their frat, and especially Mrs. Carlton. He spotted Katy in the crowd, and his heart about leaped into his throat. Those few hours they spent in the hospital before coming home were filled with information of the past week they were comatose. And in one of those stories that entertained him and his brother while snacking on sandwiches Mrs. Carlton had bought for them, they had been told of the break-in by the three girls that were determined to see them. He was not too surprised that Lane Picca would challenge the CDA to get that one good photo. And while most of his frat, or anyone on campus, didn’t know her true purpose, Terri knew that Naomi would risk it all just to see his brother, comatose or not.

But it blew his mind to realize that Katy had not only broken into the hospital, but challenged the CDA of all monsters. Just to see them. She even stole a suit, talked back toward an agent when she and the girls had been reprimanded on campus, and even responded cooly to the Dean. Just for them. She had some guts, and the fact she would do this for her friends said so much. Not even Rosie Levin could have toughened through these many collisions! His single eye caught sight of her blue ones, her expression calm yet elated at the sight of him and his brother. There was a hint of remorse for what had been done to them, but overall there was happiness in her twinkling irises. He just wanted to go over there, say anything that came to mind. Let her know that while what she did had to be even crazier than what OK did last semester, he nevertheless appreciated it. He and his brother would have done the same too if their roles switched. However, he realized that they still had a crowd to thank. He smiled to every monster that surrounded his frat house. He'd give them a little dance if he could, and with some assistance, of course. “Our frat has told us what you've all done for us,” he spoke to his student body. “We couldn't ask for better friends. My brother and I are even more proud to be members of this Greek community. Of this proud university. Both twins beamed as the smiles and concerned faces were returned to them from from every single MU student. Even the enormo monsters standing above the rest grinned as much as they could. Terry looked over the crowd, pointing out familiar faces that both warmed and melted his heart. He could see George Sanderson with his winning and cuddly bear grin able to shine from across a block; Brynn Larson whose trio of twinkling eyes never lost its stars; Rosie Levin who neither looked stoic or terrifying but overall loving and sisterly; even Maria and Sonia who wrestled to the front of the crowd, standing evenly beside Katy and the rest of EZ. He couldn't be more happy to see any of these girls, especially Katy who he wanted to call as the craziest yet most hardcore girl he and his brother ever met. His eye flickered over a certain face, whose five duplicates stood a little behind EZ. Something churned at the pit of his stomach that moment, but he pushed it aside, wanting to drink in the better aspect of this moment. He turned to the Dean, whose smile was incredibly blissful for such a monster of indifference. Seeing her face light up like that told him that today was to be a good day, despite the falters in his and Terri's condition. “Thank you, Dean Hardscrabble,” he told her, “for waiting for us this long. I didn't think the games would still be there for us, especially since we've been absent for so long.”

Terri nodded. “We...we were really shocked that the other teams...” he looked at them, “...would sacrifice the biggest tradition of Monsters University just for our frat.” Hardscrabble gave a pleasant smile before she gestured to her Scare students. “Well, everyone here was of the same mind when I suggested the Scare Games to be temporarily postponed. And so I’m sure they can wait a a little longer for you and your brother to be fully recovered. Just get some rest and be sure to enjoy the company that has always supported you.” “Thank you, Dean Hardscrabble,” both twins said in unison. They turned to the rest of MU. “And thank you all, everyone!” They managed a little wave with their own individual hands, and although it looked clumsy at best, no one faulted them for it. Terry could see the relief upon everyone's faces, their expressions having been that way since Mrs. Carlton had brought them here. They really did make a sacrifice letting the games go like that for their sake. They had done so much while he and his brother had been in their deep sleep. Thinking about last semester's Scare Games, and how it ended on a disgraceful note (they did not hold it against Sulley anymore, of course), having them again instead of waiting for another year was what one would call a fortunate experience. The teams would compete once more, and this time all of them had received the chance because of the member count. Not to mention this would be his frat's second time in those events. But the very first time in which they would compete with the Greek monsters they could now call their dear friends. He remembered how over the summer he and his frat really got to know their neighbors. And vice versa. He recalled how Mrs. Carlton encouraged the girls of EEK that although training was good, fun and family was much more significant (those purple princess had skipped out on holidays just to train for the games!). There was the first time Percy revealed he had a genius side, thus allowing others to experience the cool and wacky inventions he made for as long as he could remember. The older Perry could especially recall the time they encouraged other monsters to join them at the community center where Mrs. Carlton offered her services when she wasn't working. And then there was planning the wedding. But it wasn’t a stress freak-out like the ones on TV. It was much easier, especially with an entire university and a Dean who was the Maid of Honor to back them up. These monsters had done so much for them, and it pained Terry to realize that they still had to wait on them until he could really move his legs. He glanced over to his brother, seeing his much more vulnerable state. The older twin still felt fault for what had happened the day of the

explosion, and had he not pushed his innocent twin they might have made it out of that coma still together. They had been conjoined by fate, but brothers by choice. But now fate took a different turn... Unable to go anywhere without assistance, unable to show monsters his hardcore dance moves alongside his older brother, Terry knew his twin needed more rest even than him. The taller Perry could still feel a few of his legs, the ones that were not "added", and his two upper arms. His brother could take his time with his. Last thing Terry wanted was letting his brother hurt himself. And the last thing he wanted was letting all the monsters he knew and love endure more wait for the games that were the sole tradition of MU. Holding his head high, he turned to the Dean. “You know,” he began, “you guys don't have to keep postponing the games.” Dean Hardscrabble looked at him in surprise, and so did everyone else. “Don't be ridiculous, Mr. Perry,” she responded. “We could never resume them without your team. It just wouldn't be the same without Oozma Kappa, and that is a fact.” she added with a click of her tongue. “I understand,” he replied with a nod, “but I can suggest something.” He turned to his Greek neighbors, and especially Brock and Claire, all wondering what he was talking about. He glanced at his brother and their family, all giving him questioning looks. He gave them an assuring smile, then gritted his teeth as he lifted himself from his crutches. He almost wanted to toss them to the floor, stand tall and prove he can still move without a second head helping him sway his body. “Well, a team needs to have at least five, right?” he asked. “Seeing that my brother and I are separated, with just me on Oozma Kappa we still reach that amount.” He looked once more at Terri who was utterly shocked by his idea. “Let my brother rest. I just know I can still go on, and right away.” Unsurprisingly, Terry did receive expressions of shock and disbelief from every monster present, especially among the Frat Row students and even the Greek Council. He knew they would insist that he and his brother just settle for their much needed recuperation, and take time for them to be more comfortable in their new forms. He especially noticed doubt on quite a few faces. It wasn't that the student body was still rude to his frat, they just couldn’t believe he would put everything aside to get back into the Scare Games once more. And risk his own health while making sure his brother took a backseat! Brock and Claire stared at the older twin in disbelief. What they had just heard was definitely brave and courageous, but they knew Terry needed his rest as much as his brother’s. He could

barely walk without support from others, much less manage to go up the stairs. While they respected his determination, they both felt that his request was just too much of a risk. And the last thing they wanted was to see the older Perry land himself in the hospital, and this time alone while his little brother mourned with worry. Sonia and Maria could only stare at Terry, their hearts truly thumping at such courageous words yet their eyes filled with concern. Although they were impressed and incredibly touched by the selflessness of the elder Perry, they knew he was putting his already fragile body in danger. But that didn’t stop him, and he would rather take hits to his weakened form while making sure Terri didn’t have to lift a finger. If that didn't count as a sign of brotherly love, they don’t know what was. Terry was more than willing to let his younger brother rest rather than himself just to rejoin the Scare Games. They, as well as every other girl who secretly dreamed about being Mrs. Perry, clearly admired that certain aspect about him. But both sorority girls were still against Terry’s sacrifice, refusing to see him get hurt and wind up in even worse condition. While his claims were very strong, he was still very weak. Carla slowly felt her jaw drop open, and beside her Johnny nearly did the same. The elder Perry twin was on the verge of collapse, and yet his single eye burned with determination that one rarely noticed in him until last semester's Scare Games. Both leaders had expected the older Perry to just say a few more words before accepting the fact the events were postponed for his and Terri’s sake. This development shocked them both. While Carla would be more than happy to wait a a bit more for the games to resume, she could not say the same about Johnny. She only hoped that he would have the least bit of sense in that big head of his, or else the Worthington heir would find no friends within MU itself. Dean Hardscrabble regarded Terry closely, her eyes raising for a moment before she cleared her throat. “Absolutely out of the question, Mr. Perry,” she responded, her voice firm yet kind. “You need your rest, and so does your brother. The Scare Games are right now postponed until further notice, yet what's wrong with if it needs to be longer?” She gestured to the student body once more. “I’m sure everyone here agrees that while your request is very considerate, we simply can’t allow for you to just put yourself in danger, risking your body just for your frat. And your brother.” Murmurs of agreement echoed through the crowd, and Terry's expression paled at the realization that his own Greek friends would, indeed, wait out even more for his and Terri's sake. While he appreciated the Dean's insistence that he join his brother in resting it out, he felt that he was being too selfish. Here he was basking in the attention and being served like a king, while his friends gave only for him and thought nothing about the possibility that there would still be a Scare Games.

He turned to his brother and frat, judging by their expressions already siding with Hardscrabble on this. They all were agreeing with her, believing that despite his good intentions, he would hurt himself. But he just knew he could still go on! He wanted his brother to sit back and rest his hands and legs, the older Perry practically desperate to make this easier for everyone! No more waiting, no more worrying, and especially no more guilt. Grunting, he wheeled toward Hardscrabble. The immediate jolt of his body frightened all the worried monsters, especially Mrs. Carlton who rushed over in case he dared toss his crutches aside. Which he almost did. He stared the Dean in the eye, her height still hovering over his yet he aimed to stand tall with his decision. Terri gulped, watching his stubborn yet wonderful brother fight for his request. Since before MU Terry had always stood up for the both of them, especially for his little brother. And just getting in the Dean's face like that, demanding the younger rest while he performed the roles for both of them was the best example as of right now. Nearly topping his confrontation with Worthington last semester. Maria and Sonia bit their lips, seeing the agony in the older twin's face. His frat meant the world to him. MU and the Greek community meant the world to him. His brother meant the world to him. And although they deeply admired what he was willing to sacrifice (like a heck of a lot of broken bones, they feared), they wished Terry would just accept what they all agreed on. But they could see there was a fire in his own belly that burned for MU's beloved games to resume. Just so everyone would be happy. “Dean Hardscrabble, I really must deny your proposal,” he countered, trying to keep his voice steady. The Dean peered at him, raising her eyes in slight dismay. Hands clasped in front of her, she pursed her lips together, trying to regard the older twin more clearly. “Mr. Perry, I highly recommend you accept this plea,” she insisted. “For all of us.” The older twin turned back to the crowd, all eyes looking at him in both fear and uncertainty. Worried. They were all worried. He wished they wouldn't. He felt fine. He kept telling himself he felt fine. He glanced over at Brock, the vice-president's curved beak indicating he was swallowing the lump in his throat. The older twin noticed the insignia on his jacket, something that displayed a student's love and support for MU. Much like everyone did for him and his frat.

They did so much for Terry and his brother. He owed them just so much in return. And to make them wait this long once more, it was like taking away the most precious thing this university was gifted with. He felt wetness at the corner of his eye, but he sucked it back in before turning back to the Dean. “I assure you!” he declared, his voice carrying some force. “I'm fine!” Terri's eye widened, seeing the hurt in his brother's face and the agony that wedged in the older twin's throat. It was a painful display for everyone to see, especially as Mrs. Carlton tried to grasp Terry's hand to calm him down. Hardscrabble's expression melted into one of grief and disappointment. The older Perry had a way of speaking his mind out, and she admired him for that. But he was being quite...frustrating to say the least. Not that she would be angered by it, she knew he was only trying to make things right. Even though what he suggested was in all forms wrong, especially for his health. “Mr. Perry, please,” she said in a careful yet strong tone. “For our sake, just calm do-” “For your sake just let me lead Oozma Kappa on!” he cried, startling her as well as everyone else. “Last thing I want is for the Scare Games to end because of me!” Terri watched in horror. “Terry-” “Brother, I want you to rest and be okay for as long as it takes,” the older twin cut in. “Let me make up for my mistakes.” He turned to the crowd. “Let me make up for making you all wait like this! The games would never have been postponed this long if I hadn't argued with my brother! I nearly lost him in that explosion, and for that I'm willing to have him sit this out while I make double the effort for both of us.” He immediately turned to Brock and Claire, both flinching at the wild look in his eye. They weren’t sure whether he was going to sob, rant, or even faint right there. He just got out of the hospital from a coma, they were scared for him! “Come on, guys!” he pleaded. “Just call the postponing off! Everyone's here! I can do this! If I can take it, I can make it! Brock fidgeted nervously. “Well, um...” The Dean frowned yet she was still worried. “Mr. Perry!”

He quickly turned to her with desperation on his face. “Dean Hardscrabble, please! I can't keep doing this to everyone! It's my fault they have to give up the most important event of Monsters University, and I can't just sit down and let that happen! For the love of glob! I SAID I'M FINE!” The moment he jerked his body forward, he grunted in pain, unable to control his new legs. The crowd watched in horror as the older twin began to fall. However, thankfully, Maria and Sonia rushed over just in time. While Terry was thankful that he had someone to hold him up, he felt as though his own body was rejecting the words he had so strongly spoken. His noodle-like tentacle legs could barely move themselves, much less hold him up without the aid of his crutches. Sonia and Maria gently held onto either of his arms, trying their best to support him. Both tried their best to give the elder Perry twin gentle and heartfelt smiles. While they would love to see the entire OK frat back in the Scare Games, seeing Terry Perry taking all the blame for something that wasn’t his fault scared them and pained their hearts even more so. After muttering some words of thanks to the two sorority girls for holding him upright, Terry caught sight of a certain PNK girl whose eyes never left his single one. She looked extremely worried, her trio of eyes threatening to burst with tears. He scowled for the moment, but was too absorbed in his own self-pity, shamefully feeling relieved that Sonia and Maria had rushed in to hold him up. Their arms linked around the ones he was born with, he shifted his gaze toward the Dean of Scaring. He could see she was getting quite agitated, but kept herself calm in the faces of her university. The stern expression never changed, and Terry was certain that if looks could turn someone to stone, Dean Hardscrabble would have turned him into a statue right on the spot. “Brother...” Terri murmured, heart crumbling at the sight of his twin’s saddened state. Hardscrabble cleared her throat, wings slowly extending yet pointing downward. She fought to keep her temper down, not wanting to be angry with someone who had just suffered both a coma and a life-changing operation. As much as she admired the older twin for being so selfless and caring, his demand to just basically get himself killed was too much. “Mr. Perry,” she said, her voice becoming stern, “you will listen to me. Your current behavior is very inappropriate of a student, and you should know better to listen to me and everyone else here. You will only be causing more trouble for your fellow frat members as well as yourself if you continue this course of action. And since the Scare Games have been postponed, I highly advise you to recover for as long as it takes. Only when you and your brother have sufficiently recovered enough, and pending a final report submitted by the Greek Council, will Oozma Kappa be cleared to rejoin, and the games will resume once again.”

Her eyes narrowed, practically staring into his soul. “If you do not heed my advice, I will take certain steps to ensure that you will listen to me.” She gave him a warning glare. “Do I make myself perfectly clear, Mr. Perry?” she concluded. Terry swallowed, eye falling to the floor shamefully. He had hoped to glob they would all accept his request and everything. Now here he was having to be cared for like an infant still learning how to walk. Although he did appreciate Sonia and Maria's help, the girls pressing their hands to his chest and refusing to leave his side. He was pretty much outnumbered in this idea right now... “Yes, ma'am...” he muttered. Hardscrabble's eyes softened, seeing the guilt and anguish remain on his innocent face. She had to sympathize with him, knowing that his only intention was to try and appease things, especially for his dear brother. While her words had come off as strong and rather threatening, the last thing she ever wanted was to hurt poor Terry. With that, she slowly approached him. And, right in front of everyone, especially to the shock of Maria and Sonia, she laid a hand on the older twin's shoulder. It was a moment before he lifted his gaze, daring to look up at her in surprise. Her expression was warm, gentle, and overall a bit motherly. The last one she hoped would not appear like favoritism, especially for a certain ROR fraternity who felt they were "losing their thunder" to MU's most beloved team. “Mr. Perry,” she began, her voice much softer and kinder, “you are not blamed for anything, not for your brother, and especially not for the postponing of the Scare Games.” She gestured to everyone who showed mutual agreement. “These monsters are willing to wait for you more than anything else, and for that it should make you realize that the Scare Games are a small possession in comparison to having you and your brother back.” She placed a hand on his other shoulder, giving both a gentle squeeze as she looked him directly in the eye. Her expression appeared almost pleading, her lips pursing rather earnestly. “So please, for our sake,” she added, “let us carry you now. Listen to your brother, your mother, your family, and everyone else who only wish for you to receive rest and heal in time.” Terry just looked at her, then felt Mrs. Carlton's hand grasp his and squeezing it affectionately. He then looked over to his brother, who smiled hopefully and gave a nod. The older twin sighed, then turned to the crowd, then looked back at Hardscrabble. “Okay...I will...” he murmured.

A wave of relief descended upon the watchful monsters, especially Brock and Claire who were just grateful he didn't pop a vein or something. Carla breathed openly, as if she had been holding her air this whole time before she managed to receive a glance from the ROR president himself. He said nothing, although his purple eyes read that for once he agreed with everything. That was more than enough to please her. Hardscrabble smiled, patting the older twin's shoulder before her eyes fell over the crowd. “Why don't you and your family go back into the house?” she suggested. “There’s a big surprise waiting for you and your brother.” She motioned a clawed hand toward the JOX fraternity, the leader gulping as her eyes focused on his. “I'm certain Mr. O'Growlahan must make some extra finishing touches to his "welcome back" party, don't you?” she added. “Uh, of course, Dean Hardscrabble, ma’am,” Big Red muttered nervously. “I’ll get to it right now...” Maria and Sonia, after much gesture from their sorority leaders, slowly removed themselves from Terry, leaving him to the assistance of Mrs. Carlton and Don. They watched as the OK family made their final words of gratitude and waved to the crowd before entering their door. Terri made one last look over his shoulder while being assisted by both Squishy and Randall. He could see Katy still among the crowd that was beginning to disperse to make preparations. Her blue eyes never lost light in the moment, her lips formed in a delicate smile of both relief and sympathy. Her face was the last thing he witnessed before Sulley closed the door to Frat Row. The moment Oozma Kappa was officially at home, Brynn whipped out her clipboard and pencil. All her boxes were checked and double-checked, but a third time would appease the proud organizer. She turned to Big Red. “Right, let's brew some more tea while we're at it. You got that, boys?” she asked the rest of JOX. “Every flavor that’s Terry’s favorite, ma’am,” George responded. Maria rubbed her hands together, an excited grin on her face. “Oh, glob! I can't wait to see the look on his face when he tells me he loves the tea set I got him!” Sonia looked at her enviously. “Well, I sent him a box of chocolates. And a picture he can use as a tattoo!”

The EEK girl glared at her. “A tattoo? Terry's not that kind of guy!” “No, he's perfect!” the HSS girl argued. “I just think a tattoo would symbolize our relationship!” “Relationship?” Maria protested. “Oh, my hair you're going to get him first, Lewis!” The cephalopod rolled her eyes. “Oh, we'll see about that...” The redhead placed her hands on her hips. “May I remind you of who he danced with last semester?” Sonia gritted her teeth. “You had a lucky break...” “And I'm bound to get another one today!” Maria replied with determination. Watching over the crowd, Hardscrabble turned to Brock and Claire who already exchanged their knowing tasks with Carla and Rosie. “Mr. Pearson, Ms. Wheeler,” she began, “make sure not one monster breathes a word about the Scare Games during this celebration. I do not want Mr. Perry to be further unstable on the matter that he believes the postponing was his fault.” Brock swallowed, the image of Terry beating himself up like that embedded within his mind. “Of course, Dean Hardscrabble. You have our word.” “Understood,” Claire responded carefully. Hardscrabble nodded. “And I expect to be informed once the OK fraternity is cleared to rejoin the Scare Games.” “Yes, ma’am,” Brock answered. “Good,” the Dean said. “Carry on.” As the two leaders of the Greek Council parted from her to return to their duties, Hardscrabble kept eyes on everything. She had been overall shocked by the state the older twin had been in, constantly blaming himself for what had happened. She as well as everyone knew that none of this was his fault. They all agreed on it, and without Oozma Kappa the games just wouldn't be the games. Of course, the older twin looked out for his frat, looked out for everyone. With his heart of gold and overly caring attitude, it broke her own heart to see him like that.

But certainly before they were to be brought to their own party, their mother would comfort both he and Terri with her words. For as long as the Dean had known Mrs. Carlton, she had been there for all of them, especially the twins. Treating them like her own, and would do everything in her power to make things easier for her formerly conjoined boys. Another thing the Dean deeply admired about that woman. With that in mind, the Dean turned back to the cul-de-sac before descending the steps. She would see to it that last-minute preparations were in order. And despite the twins' unexpected condition, she would make sure that they would be able to have fun at their own celebration. Especially Terry. Naomi stayed close by Nadya as the HSS girl led her up the steps of the JOX house. The former's trio of eyes never left the sight of the OK house. Her heart teetering a bit, she still felt the warmth knowing that at least Terry and his brother were back. While it still pained her to see how much the older twin was beating himself up over this matter, she still felt a little weight off her shoulders knowing the nightmare was completely false. True, there were still problems ahead. But she would rather deal with them again and again than to never see his presence in MU. All those days she yearned to hear news of the twins, having risked her herself to break into that hospital just to see their comatose state. She would do it all again just for him, but that would be a bit stupid and she had already gotten in trouble with the Dean. But love made one do stupid things. And she would become the biggest idiot in the monster world if it meant Terry finally understood her. Johnny could only stand to the side as everyone worked harder than before. His frat brothers had scattered amongst the crowd, probably aiming to at least add what little help they could offer. Even though his brothers despised Oozma Kappa as much as he did, this was the ultimate exception. Obviously, the Worthington heir never had a twin, so he couldn't exactly relate himself to Terry and Terri as of now. But he could feel sorry for them. Bite his tongue and just feel the heck sorry for them. Of course he made sure no one noticed his expression of pity. He popped his collar a bit, hoping it would hide his facial features as his eyes roamed the state of Frat Row right now. Monsters went left and right, bringing out food, throwing in final decorations, and especially chairs. His purple gaze caught sight of the EEK leader herself, who was helping Carrie haul in a huge barrel of root beer into the JOX house. Besides Blort, Terri did have a love of the frothy and sugary liquid that made his tongue tickle. Johnny didn't flinch when Carla met in his direction.

She just looked at him. Her lips morphed between a smile and a grimace. Then she quickly returned to aiding the slightly weaker of the two-monster pair as the PNK leader nearly fell forward with the barrel under her dull claws. Johnny watched as she disappeared through the JOX house's doorway. He knew what else needed to be done. And she didn't have to nag him to do it. _____________________________________________________________ While everyone outside was preparing for tonight, Mrs. Carlton and her boys sat around the living room, resting a bit after the trip from the hospital. She smiled at Terri and Terry who shared the couch together alongside Randall and Squishy. “Alright, sweeties, you should probably get to your room right now,” she suggested with a giggle. “I’m sure you’re going to be very happy once you get up there.” “Why don’t you make something for the boys to eat while I help them to their room?” Don asked. “Oh, that’s a great idea, honey,” his wife beamed. “Mike, Sulley, I need your help in the kitchen.” “Can I help too?” Art asked. Squishy looked at him who grinned sheepishly. “You’re just going to eat another gift again!” Mike looked at him carefully. “He ain't the only one, kid. If I recall, a certain someone took half a box of scones with him just yesterday before Scaring class.” The smallest of Oozma Kappa blushed, having not assumed his coach would figure him out. Every member of the household had taken a few bites from the twins' gifts, even his mom. And Mike mostly placed the blame on either Sulley or Art. “I couldn't help it...” he responded quietly. Mrs. Carlton giggled before waving it aside. “Never mind that, dears. Art's going to look for my yarn and knitting supplies.” Sulley looked at her in confusion. “What for?” Mrs. Carlton bit her lip before looking at the twins who were too busy gazing up the stairs worriedly. “I have a lot of clothes to make, and boxes to fill with ones that will no longer be necessary...” ~

After delegating the various jobs to the reunited members of the OK frat, Art, Squishy and Don Carlton helped both twins up the staircase. For Terri and Terry, they have walked it many times before...but this time going up the stairs felt like a painful journey. Their tentacle legs wobbled and twitched as they climbed the stairs, and the other members could see that both Perry twins were struggling as if they were climbing up a mountain. They knew better than to offer to carry them, because either twin would refuse, especially Terry. The older brother grunted as he pushed on his crutches, trying not to rely too much on Randall whose hands never left his back in case it arched. Finally the twins were escorted to their single bedroom, and Don smiled at them before gesturing toward the door. Art, Randall, and Squishy grinned. “Well, this is it, boys,” the OK leader said cheerfully. “Why don't you both open the door and see the surprise? Both Perry twins looked at their "team father" and fellow frat members, then turned at each other before the younger twin motioned for Terry to open the door. Slowly, the older Perry placed his hand on the knob and worked, before opening it and allowing whatever was inside to reveal itself to them. What they saw nearly made them fall off their crutches. Their wide, spacious room was overflowing with colors as brightly-wrapped gifts stocked all over their polished wooden floors. Presents ranging from big to small, wide to long, overcame their bedroom. Some had to be stacked to make room for others, various gifts especially had to settle for the bed, even on the pillows. And a good amount had to be arranged on the desk, moving aside some school supplies like paper and pencils just for the presents to occupy more space. Some gifts had especially been presented without wrapping being done. Terry's eye glazed over the sight of a beautiful tea set sitting on the chair beside the desk. It's fine China and beautiful design made him even more wobbly in the knees. And the sight of all those flavored tea packets made his mouth water. As for Terri, he could dance with joy if he could, seeing an assortment of Blort just waiting for him to pop open. And that complete with Blort-labeled merchandise like arm bands and sweatbands. Thankfully, there was no Blort sweater, because that would be a major problem... But all these gifts! It was like a combination of their birthdays and Christmas! And all of these were just begging to be opened one by one! Growing up, they only received two gifts, one for each other. There was never anyone else who would celebrate them, especially since they never really made friends before Monsters University. But they knew now that they did have friends, family even, who would do anything

to assure their happiness. The more Terry witnessed this awe-filled display, the more he accepted the fact that the games were postponed for a reason. He felt a little lighter now, and not because he didn't have a second head on his shoulder. Don smiled at their expressions. “We had to move most of the gifts to the kitchen. You know, keep them refrigerated.” “I confess I had a little for snacking earlier,” Art admitted. “Uh, yeah, same here...” Squishy added sheepishly. Randall adjusted his glasses. “Guilty.” But neither twin minded, gawking at the mountain of gifts that were all for them. Terri could only beam, his heart pounding against his own chest. Terry was on the verge of a bliss coma, but he knew too well that one was enough. “Oh, glob...” the older twin muttered, his vision nearly blurred by the range of color before him. “I...we can't accept all this!” Randall frowned playfully. “You have to! No give-backs!” He then smiled hopefully. “So, uh...what do you think?” Terri continued staring at the assortment of presents, almost on the verge of bawling his singe eye out. “Hey, brother, “ he said, pointing to something covered by a red blanket. “What do you think that thing is?” Terry followed his gaze. “I’m not sure.” He turned to Don. “Are those for us too?” Don smirked. “Of course! Everything in this room is for you!” He turned toward the hidden present. “And I definitely know you’re going to love this one.” Both twins carefully approached the gift while hobbling on their crutches. At the same time, they pulled the cloth away. Both gasped at the sight before them. Beautiful, glimmering sequin green plating greeted the older twin's eye as he regarded the guitar that was a musician's dream come true. No doubt it was custom-made, having seen monsters on television do wonders with instruments for a certain price. Each string was strong and vibrant and looked promising to play a sweet melody. And what made him even more full of awe was the sight of his frat's insignia featured wonderfully on the front.

For Terri, the set of drums was astounding, each one large and round and full of promise. The sticks were an eyesore of beauty as well! Long, thick, and polished perfectly for one's grasp! Like his brother's guitar, it shone with as much pride, especially as it donned the OK insignia as well. Don, Art, Squishy, and Randall watched as the twins continued gawking at what was theirs. And from their expressions alone, the other OK members knew too well it was a image in their heads they would never forget. “New instruments!” Terri said happily. “Oh, my glob,” Terry muttered. “Who sent these? Oh, man, it must be from the EEK sorority, I just know it!” “Actually,” Don said as he rubbed his head, “the sender’s anonymous.” Terry glanced at him in confusion. “Anonymous?” “Someone just left it right in front of our house!” Art exclaimed. “I honestly think it could be a stalker or maybe Fear Tech pities you so much they didn’t care that we’re the enemy.” The older twin looked back at the shining guitar that greeted him so lovingly. “Wow...” “Oh, man, this is too much!” Terri cried. “I...I need to really sit down! All this excitement is making my legs feel tired!” Don and Squishy quickly helped the twins sit on their single bed before carefully taking their crutches, laying them against a nearby table. Randall and Art hurriedly but carefully pushed presents aside so the twins would have a little more space on their comforter as each set of new legs deflated onto the floor. They smiled as Terri and Terry’s expressions grew in even more astonishment that their jaws could fit every single pastry and delicacy gifted to them by the monsters they knew and loved. The twins turned back to the instruments, even more in bliss as their hearts could nearly explode from excitement. “So you really have no idea?” Terry asked, unable to tear his gaze away from his new guitar. Terri's eye lifted in surprise, and he suddenly had a giddy feeling that made him grin. “Do we have a secret admirer?” he asked hopefully. Terry frowned at him. “I hope not!”

Don chuckled. “Well, whoever it was, he or she really cares about you.” “It could be anyone for all we know,” Randall said. “It was right in front of the house when Mike found it,” Squishy added. “No name, just there.” Terry regarded the beautiful guitar. “Well, whoever that person is, I consider that monster a true, true friend.” What none of them realized was that just standing across from their house, having watched the events unfold through their window, that monster smiled to himself. Popping his golden collar once more, he turned away and lost himself in the crowd of students that were still making lastminute preparations. _____________________________________________________________ Evening had finally fallen on Frat Row as the cul-de-sac became even more crowded, especially with enormo monsters involved. The final task had been completed, which earned the last triple checkmark on Brynn’s list. The lights had never been brighter in the Greek neighborhood, and the JOX house was shone so high it was as if they had bought themselves spotlights just for the night. Murmurs and chatter echoed inside and outside the frat’s residence before it grew quiet at the presence of their honored guests. The twins were nearly blown away by the various cheers given to them by their student body. Monsters were quick to part as Oozma Kappa made their way toward the door of Jaws Theta Chi. It took some time before Terri and Terry made it up the steps, struggling with their crutches while also being assisted by their brothers and frat mom. They were soon met by Big Red himself, as well as Hardscrabble who stood atop the steps of the JOX house. A kind smile formed on her lips. “I hope you were able to get a good rest,” she told the twins before nodding toward Mrs. Carlton. Terry managed a smile, despite the lingering thoughts about the games. “We did. After we opened up our presents, of course!” he added with a light-hearted chuckle. “And we still haven’t finished yet!” Terri added happily before turning to the crowd. “Thanks, everyone! Your gifts mean so much to us! They were met with even more cheers and applause, especially by their dear Greek friends. Sonia and Maria quickly exited out of the JOX house just in time to see Terry once more. They fought to keep themselves from just latching their hands around his, not wanting him to tumble like he almost did earlier. Still, they smiled lovingly toward him and his brother, the latter’s true blue eye simply making their hearts melt. “Did you see the tea set I got you?” the EEK girl asked hopefully.

Terry grinned, making her almost squeal. “I love it. Thank you so much. Drinking tea will be even better now!” Sonia shoved her aside, making the latter grunt and glare at the HSS girl. “What about my gift? Liked the drawing?” “It’s beautiful, Sonia,” the older twin told her sincerely. “I have it hanging right by my desk so I can see it every time I work.” The perky goth sighed happily, almost near faint as she eyed him adoringly. She yelped when Maria shoved her back, feeling the other sorority girl was taking too much space. Both glared at each other before Big Red walked in and placed a hand on Terry’s shoulder. “Your party awaits,” the JOX leader told him and Terri with a smile before leading them inside the house. The familiar appearance of the frat house was gifted with streamers hanging from the ceilings, a rainbow of colors dominating OK’s trademark ones. That was not all as party hats, which sported green, were positioned on every piece of furniture, from the shelves to lamps to even the tables, like little hills of nature plopped into the comforts of home. And the food! As if their kitchen wasn’t stocked enough with sweet treats the buffet went for miles here! Terri and Terry were practically salivating like dogs to bacon as they regarded the heavy dishes of poultry and meats. And they had yearned for a hamburger since they woke up! The Blort stock was beyond surplus, with various other beverages revealed in a few coolers next to the table that held the punch bowl and...tea thermos! Terry’s eye nearly watered at the thoughtfulness that his friends had prepared a machine that brewed his most preferred drink! And there were little cups on saucers, no doubt the result of Mrs. Carlton’s assistance since those were the same ones used at the center where she worked if not at MU. The older Perry always encouraged his fellow Greek monsters to consider tea more, and although they were still chugging the sodas and energy drinks, this was more than enough to intrigue him! A huge banner hung above the tables, its white parchment adorned with glitter, stickers, and even signatures and sweet, thoughtful comments made by monsters who had a chance to write on it. Between all the adorable designs was the twins’ names, followed by words of welcome, having been tediously written in bubbly font with golden markers then traced over with various other forms of green variant. Dot, having risen from her seat, grinned at Terri and Terry. In her hands were just few of the markers from her collection. There was a heart-shaped sticker on her cheek, showing her expression more vibrant than she already was.

“Welcome back, boys!” she said sweetly, giving a dainty bow like a princess before a prince. Katy turned from her conversation with Monnie, who was sitting behind the DJ system, as her eyes caught the sight of the twins finally entering the living room. The Vocal Music major had spent her time inside the JOX residence, lending as much help as she could, mostly assisting her roommate with stuff that was needed for the music. Colette was somewhere getting her wardrobe ready for the party, while Dot was on a nearby couch nearly dozing off from waiting too long and playing on her eye-phone. Laura, of course, sat across from her, having waited patiently while eyeing the JOX memorabilia to past the time. The moment she saw the twins, Katy wasn’t sure what to feel as they hobbled in while being assisted by their frat brothers. Happiness because they were home and breathing the air that was their lives? Sympathy for their life-changing incident? Anger that they now had to do without the other because the doctors had to split them like celery stalk? It was a wave of emotions as Katy’s dulled claws clenched, her lips pressing together like a tight ribbon as she watched monsters part and applaud for the guests of honor. It wasn’t as if she ever dealt with situations that involved friends having stayed long in hospitals before returning home. Back then she never had anyone to feel sorry for. And in those years she would rather save her own skin than the person right next to her... She made a quick glance at Monnie who immediately pressed a button. Music blasted through the speakers in swift, heart-thumping beats that immediately brought more life to the party. At least her roommate finally got the opportunity she had been waiting for. The redhead monster bobbed her head, her locks bouncing to the rhythm as the sound of what could have been drums vibrated through the house, making every body jump and twitch in enjoyment. The twins grinned at each other as the applause nearly deafened their hearing. The young brother’s body swayed to and fro, gripping his crutches tightly while nodding and thanking various friends and fellow MU students. While Terry was complimenting Big Red for all he and the others have done just for them, Terri’s single-eyed gaze glanced at decor, food, and JOX memorabilia. He immediately stopped in his tracks when he caught site of two eyes capturing him. The sight of Katy, her blue irises a mixture of relief and pity, gave him a little more strength than he reasoned to believe. It was rather strange to see her after suddenly waking up from his coma, especially after hearing all that was there to know about the events of the earlier week. But neither he nor his brother could exactly chide her for being so valiant, challenging the CDA and even Hardscrabble because of their friendship. He just wanted to say so many things to her. But most of all, if he was able to balance just for even a second, he wanted to give her a hug. It was the least he could do to thank her for her sensitivity and sacrifice. And maybe he and his brother would bring her something to eat while she was busy working off her punishment along with the other girls.

The salmon pink aqua just smiled, nodding in his direction before strolling away from the music table. Terri wished he had the strength to bolt over to her, tell her everything he learned, and commend her before just throwing his crutches aside and embrace her. But Mrs. Carlton was making sure he didn’t try and perform anything like his brother had earlier, and that was especially said for everyone who refused to see either twin push it to the limit. So he would either have to take his time getting to her carefully or just wait for her to come over. He hoped for the latter. Soon monsters who followed behind the twins dispersed as the party began in full swing. The music was at its most appeasing level as the twins were beckoned toward one of the buffet tables. Sonia as well as Maria were there to greet Terri and especially Terry before the HSS girl held out her tray of chocolate fangs. Her pretty eyes twinkled adoringly toward the older twin while Maria fought her hardest to appear just as adoring. “Here, boys,” Sonia said tenderly. “Chocolate fangs?” Terry exclaimed before bending down to pick one up, followed by his brother. “Oh, man, I love these!” “And I made sure that you two would be the first ones to eat one before anyone else,” she added, her heart beating joyfully that she earned yet another token of his praise. She and Maria watched as he sank his teeth into the gooey center, a soft crunch of the nuts making her almost giggle. Both he and Terri took their time, allowing the contents to move around their mouths, rub their taste buds, before finally sinking down their throats. The sight of their brightened faces was more than enough for Sonia’s fantasies. “They’re great!” Terry told her before finishing his piece. “Thanks a bunch!” Terri added after licking the chocolate off his fingers. Sonia smiled breathlessly, her blue face becoming red with arousal while Maria just folded her arms and pouted. The HSS girl didn’t notice a certain ROR roll his three eyes, leaning against a table opposite the one she was next to. At least he helped himself to the nachos before anyone could give his hands a good slapping... “So, guys, what do you think?” Big Red asked hopefully as he showed the twins around the entire celebration. “What do we think?” Terry exclaimed with a laugh. “Red, this is all amazing!” Then his smile softened, nostalgia evident in his single eye. “This is just like last semester, my friend.” He beamed. “My good, caring, amazing friend.”

Relieved and overcome with gratitude, the JOX leader smiled, so did the other monsters who gave their time to making this party worthwhile. “Oh, man!” Terri exclaimed, music ringing through his ears and a bright grin on his face. “I hear my song!” He wriggled on his crutches. “I just got to dance!” Mrs. Carlton, noticing him trying to force more power into his extra legs and on the verge of possibly running without his assistant tools, hurriedly took one of his arms. “Sweetheart, calm down,” she told him. “You can dance, but maybe later, okay?” Sighing with disappointment that his passion would be limited, the younger Perry just nodded. He couldn’t help but watch all those lucky monsters move themselves like pepper shakers, bouncing on their toes and letting the music take control. He could only wonder what he would do when he returned to his dancing class...and with or without Terry? “Uh, maybe they should sit down?” Squishy suggested to his mother. “Made sure no one touched the couch,” Big Red said proudly before motioning to the furniture in front of the television. “It’s all yours, boys.” “Oh, how thoughtful of you, Roy!” the OK mom squealed as she led her two Oozmas toward it. Terry nodded in thanks toward the JOX president as Don held onto his arm, assisting him toward the couch while Mrs. Carlton did the same for Terri. He really just wanted to sit right now, feeling just a bit less energized right now. True, he and his brother had rested those hours since they returned to their frat house, but after what they went through prior to they eventually being discharged, sitting down was all he wanted despite he wished he could fight it. After what he made himself to appear in front of his student body and even his own brother, he reluctantly honored all their pleas that he take it easy. That none of what had occurred during his coma was not his fault. Just as they were nearing the long couch, the older Perry felt his form bump into another. Grunting in surprise, he turned to the person to apologize. However, no words could escape his mouth as he gawked at the sight of a certain mauve-haired monster who gazed at him almost fearfully with all three eyes. He never thought he would see her after just coming home. Suddenly the joys and excitement just died away, replaced with uncertainty. And a hint of bitter reproach as Terry swallowed the lump in his throat.

Naomi Jackson just stood before the monster who her mind thought of 24/7. While her heart was enthralled with happiness that he was alive and well, the pain still lingered as she felt the hatred still atmospherically released. She tried to smile, but it came out as more of a wince. From behind Terry she could see her own sorority leader appear worried and somewhat scared for her. Terri as well as Mike and Sulley were just as fearful by this sudden cross of paths. The youngest PNK girl wished she could say anything, but, like Terry, her mouth just hung open. “Oh, hello, Naomi, dear!” Mrs. Carlton greeted cheerfully before patting Terry, not noticing the expression of discomfort on his face. “Aw, look, Terry, it’s Naomi! Aren’t you going to say high to your little friend?” If she had been Mike or even his own brother, Terry would have turned in the other direction and bolted as fast as his crutches could carry him. But in the eyes of his fraternity mom, he would do no such thing. Just grin and bear it. But he had a hard time cracking even a small one. “Hello...” he muttered, eye casted to the ground. It felt like the first time in forever since he uttered a single word to her. Naomi gave a pained smile, nodding to him. “H-hi...” she responded softly. “Oh, isn’t this sweet?” Mrs. Carlton squealed, standing between them. “Friends finally seeing each other again!” She touched Naomi’s arm. “Terry, why don’t you give her a hug?” The older twin gawked at her, his jaw hitting the floor while she didn’t even notice the expression of horror on his paled face. The PNK girl bit her lip, her trio of eyes widening in shock. “Oh, gee, uh...I don’t know...” Terry said, gripping his crutches as if for protection as he looked away. “I wouldn’t want to get hurt again if I’m not careful...” While Mrs. Carlton took it as a precaution, Naomi immediately felt the cold jab in those words. She could have sobbed right there, knowing that even being near death would not change his mind of her. But she just stood, daring to hold her head high as she waited. “Oh, don’t be silly, honey!” the OK mom laughed. “Here, let me help you!” “Wait, what are you-” Terry cried. She took his arm, then took Naomi’s, then gently but quickly guided them toward each other. Next thing he knew, his form was pressed against the PNK girl’s, and suddenly all four of his arms were thrown around her. Terri, Mike, Sulley, and even the rest of the PNK sorority watched

in apprehension but mostly astonishment. The younger twin recalled sometime before the first event how his brother would rather cut his arms off before even touching Naomi Jackson. Yet here Mrs. Carlton unwittingly twisted fate and Terry was embracing the girl he hated almost as much as he despised Johnny Worthington. The older twin held his breath, counting the seconds he was holding Naomi of all girls. He would rather hold the Dean once more, closer than they had at the wedding, than her! But he closed his eye, pressing his lips together as he tried not to move. His upper hands were on her back, and the lower two on her waist. Glob help him he just wanted to puke... Yet for some odd reason, for just that one second, he felt a little lighter. But it was immediately gone as Terry yearned to be free from this prison Mrs. Carlton had thrusted him into. Naomi froze, her head having found itself nearly pressed to his shoulder. In the suddenness of him being pushed into her, the PNK girl’s arms had suddenly flung around his frame. She had always yearned to have a decent word with him, she never thought anything like this could occur between them. She could have cried her heart out, hold him tighter and beg for him to reconsider her. Let him know how sorry she was and that she would never hurt him. But none of the words progressed as she just laid her dull clawed fingers upon his back. She could still smell the hospital off him, all her worries rising up once more wondering how he was going to deal with life now that he was no longer literally a part of his brother. She wanted to hug him even closer, let him know she would always be there for him even though he refused to even acknowledge her presence. For the seconds she hugged him, she savored each one. Her heart nearly leaped in her throat, her eyes nearly pricked with tears as she felt him slowly yet hurriedly remove himself from her. The PNK girl’s arms slid off him and flopped downward like hanging laundry. She managed to catch a glimpse of his single blue eye, his expression still unsure before he turned back to Mrs. Carlton. “See?” she said sweetly. “It’s never a problem to hug your friends, dear!” “Yeah, sure, okay...” Terry muttered, eye to the floor once more. Naomi just stood there, watching him assisted by the OK mom as he was led to the nearby couch. Soon she was forgotten as his brother joined beside him. She found herself surrounded by her sorority sisters, all jumping at her with questions and exclamations. She didn’t hear them, she felt lost in her own little world. A world that felt right. ~ The twins spent most of their moments on the couch, balancing between watching sitcoms on the giant television and making conversation with the monsters they knew and love. And most of them were especially girls from their classes, fans that cheered them on in the Scare Games, and

just students they began to know even more. They oozed the twins with compliments, sweet thoughts of sympathy, and even encouragement, especially toward the older twin. Terry was rather shy yet impressed by how most of these girls wanted to feel his new arms or even run their hands down his chest. He never thought they would have so much interest in touching the places where his brother used to be part of. Although no one probably had never seen twins that formerly were conjoined before having been forced to separate, so Terry had to allow them to appease their curiosity and just feel where the doctors had worked on. He didn’t mind, it was just simple touching from good monsters who wanted to use their fingers to believe the predicament. And the claws didn’t bother him anyway. He shivered when one girl caressed his neck and just above his arm, no doubt feeling the place where Terri’s head used to be. Terry smiled appreciatively toward the girl who just responded with a giggle. He didn’t bother to tell her that that area was not as significant as his lower torso, knowing that she was just as curious as the others. Terri leaned his head against the couch, his eye closed for the moment after feeling as if conversation and fun were sucking the energy out of him. He never thought he would feel this tired but what did he expect after just being released from the hospital knowing he could no longer rely on his brother? But he wouldn’t let fate bother him as he enjoyed the noise in the background, followed by the music he yearned to dance to. “Hey, man.” His eye flew open at the sound of that smooth, rich tone before he lifted his head. Standing behind the couch was no other than Katy, her blue eyes soft and her expression cooly calm. “Oh, uh, Katy!” he exclaimed in surprise. “Um, uh, hey there!” Glancing over at the other brother who was too busy chatting with the ladies that surrounded him, the Vocal Music major took this chance for some real talking with the younger Perry. She circled the couch before taking a seat on the arm right next to Terri, who just smiled and leaned back once more. “So,” she began nonchalantly, folding her arms, “this is what’s been going on at the hospital, huh?” Terri blinked at her in confusion. When she ran her dull claws over his extra pair of arms, he immediately understood before blushing. “Well, the doctors said it was for the best,” he responded, trying not to sound sad. “I mean, it’s not like we lost each other. We’re just...not together.” Katy nodded. “I’m guessing you heard about what I did, huh?”

The younger twin relaxed before looking at her carefully. “As well as Naomi and Lane Picca.” Whether she expected a light scolding or massive praise, she waited for it. With her legs crossed and her back hunched, she looked at him with a raise of her eyes. “Katy, what you did...” Terri muttered, “and for us...” “You mad?” she chuckled teasingly. “I mean, what’s that compared to what you and Mike did?” Terri blushed even more. “Well, we weren’t exactly chased by CDA, just a few security guards, jumping roofs and all that,” he said with a light laugh. “So I guess I one-upped you, huh?” she laughed. “Pretty much,” he answered playfully. “That was so dangerous what you did!” he added not with disapproval but with amazement. “You’re welcome,” she responded, sticking her tongue out. He laughed a bit harder, just so simply astounded by her cool, relaxed attitude. “Heard you got punished for it.” “Yeah, service ain’t my thing,” she responded bitterly, “but, hey, it’s better than anything else Hardscrabble could have come up with.” “And you did all that...” he murmured almost breathlessly, “for me and my brother.” She smiled, seeing the child-like awe in his eye as she kept her hair fin down, trying not to bask in the praise too much. “Again, you’re welcome.” Terri smiled, then he heard the music once more. He could feel his tentacle legs shift in rhythm to the beat, and he was more than ever desperate to get up and do what he loved. He glanced over at Katy, the music making her body sway while she sat upon the arm of the couch. The younger twin held his breath for a moment, then finally dared to speak. “You...you think you’d dance?” he asked hopefully. “You know, with me?” She gave him that cool smile that made her so composed and almost showy in her features. “Um, problem,” she said, still smiling, “you can’t even walk.” He chuckled nervously. “Well, we can improvise, you know?”

“Improvise?” she repeated. “What do you mean by that?” He answer was one of his hands raised toward her, his expression pleadingly innocent like a little monster needing assistance after tripping. She fought the urge to roll her eyes but she laughed before getting to her feet. She reached toward him and gripped his hand, the smooth yellow fingers rubbing against her dull claws before she pulled him up. He was now to his feet, wobbling a bit but pretty much alright and willing. “You’re not expecting me to carry you to dance floor, are you?” Katy asked sarcastically. “No,” he responded meekly, “but could you hold my other hand and walk me over there?” She let out a scoff, though she still smiled. Her other hand linked around his, then, ever so carefully, she guided him toward the dance floor that was occupied by other monsters. She felt rather foolish to be in a position like this, but the guy couldn’t walk and he left his crutches behind just to reignite his passion. She had to give him props for being so determined and having only asked little from her. Once they were centered at their destination, Terri slowly slid his hands out of hers and stood up as straight at he could. He smiled pleasantly, all four of his hands on his waist. “Easy peasy,” he said flamboyantly. However, having stood too proudly, he felt the weight beneath him give out and he gasped as he began to tumble. He would have fallen on his face had it not been for Katy. Her hands held his chest, holding him back upright while his legs still wiggled like grass blades in the wind. “Okay, I spoke too soon...” he muttered. “Here, I got it,” she told him playfully as she linked her hands with his once more. “Okay, baby steps now.” As her body swayed, his joined in and found itself in rhythm with hers. While it wasn’t exactly the fast-paced, toe-tapping, pelvic-thrusting dancing he was so passionate about...he did like this. They may have been the lightest of every dancer on the floor, he was thoroughly enjoying it. He looked up at Katy, her height almost a head higher than his, and she gave him that smooth smile while her blue eyes relaxed. He smiled nervously, chuckling to ease the sudden awkwardness he felt as she led him in this slow dance. “Um, I guess you’ve danced at a lot of parties before coming to MU, huh?” he asked to cease the silence.

Katy pursed her lips together for a moment, a flicker of disgust upon her facial features. Her smile faded as her lids lowered in reluctance. “Yeah, I guess you could say that,” she said in a tone almost as stoic as Claire Wheeler’s. But Terri didn’t notice, his expression contrasting hers as he danced with her. Katy’s slightly foul mood disappeared, reverted back to her calm, pleased state of mind as the two swayed across the floor. Carrie turned from her plate of chicken nuggets as she watched the younger twin handle lightly on his new legs while his brother became even more surrounded by women, fangirls to be exact. She bit her lip before glancing over at Naomi who leaned an arm against the edge of a buffet table, deep in thought as she chewed on a cheese stick. No doubt her mind was still focused on what just occurred earlier, and if Carrie had noticed anything, it was that maybe that one little hug could have opened a lot between the youngest PNK girl and the older Perry. And the fact that the ladies just couldn’t keep their hands off him. Always touching and serving him compliments, catering to his every whim as if he were a god. Well, a handsome god, of course...And Naomi was doing her best not to regard this, turning the other cheek and stuffing it with cheese and any other finger foods she could grab instantly. While the sorority leader was still concerned that the next interaction would result far worse than the library incident, that one moment gave her some hope that maybe Naomi should try again. While there may be a slight chance Terry would disregard her, throw himself even more into the ladies that adored him so lovingly, what more could Naomi lose? Besides maybe her sanity... The president of PNK immediately ripped that thought from her mind, refusing to acknowledge the stupid magic that plagued her mind that night. None of it became a reality, so the troll predicted nothing. Just made them suffer and that was it. Carrie glanced across the living room and spotted Nadya Petrov conversing with Violet Steslicki. The HSS girl had not breathed one word after Carrie had confronted her about what Pyapi had done. Of course, the troll made them swear not to make one mention of any of this or risk the consequences whatever they were. And Naomi was doing much better, for the time being. Still, maybe a little encouragement would aid her in getting the guy before any other girl became lucky. “You know,” she began, picking up a drumstick from her plate, “if Terri’s dancing right now, I’m pretty sure his brother would do the same...if a certain someone asked him to dance, of course.” she hinted. Naomi nearly gagged on her cheese stick before looking at her sorority leader in horror.

“Are you nuts?” she cried. “I just think maybe you got a chance this time,” Carrie insisted. “I mean, he hugged you, didn’t he?” “That was all Mrs. Carlton!” Naomi exclaimed. “Terry would rather throw his hands into a griddle than touch me!” “He ever told you that?” the president asked. “No...” the youngest muttered, “but he would!” Carrie rolled her eyes. “Look, it can’t be as bad as before. I mean, compared to the fact he and his brother are pretty much separated for life, you’re the least of his worries right now.” The purple-haired PNK contemplated her words. Maybe this special night would mean special treatment. After all, maybe that awkward hug meant something. The fear still lingered like the smell in the sorority house after another one of Carrie’s failed cooking attempts. But a little bit of hope began to seep through as she thought about possibilities. The PNK president nudged her gently before jerking her head in the older twin’s direction. “Just ask him for a dance.” That was the last thing they did before everything fell apart, Naomi remembered almost tearfully... Terry gave a polite nod as one of the girls handed him a cup of tea, the fine China smooth and warm on his hands. He would have just gotten up to get it himself, but these monsters were very considerate and insisted he sit down a bit more. A bit more before one of them, Sonia Lewis, who made her way toward him, tossed in the hopeful question. “Are you feeling well enough to dance?” the HSS girl asked rather flirtatiously. With Maria in the bathroom right now, she took the chance and hoped it would be her whose waist Terry’s arms would wrap around this time. The others followed and leaned closer, desperate that he would romantically take one of them by the hand and guide her across the floor...however possible that was for someone who could only work four of his legs and would need support at all times. The older Perry chuckled appreciatively, taking a sip and letting the delicious taste relax his throat before speaking.

“You know what?” he grinned. “I think I can do a little dance. I mean, my brother can’t take all the dancing without me.” he added, eyeing the younger twin who wrapped one arm around their friend Katy and another on Carla Delgado. “Which one of us will you dance with first?” another fangirl asked, bouncing on her toes. “Oh, me!” one begged. “No, me!” another one barged in. “I’m the one who asked first!” Sonia hissed. “I should get the first dance!” “Ladies, easy,” Terry assured, “I’m sure I got enough energy to dance with all of you. Now since I’m going to do this without the crutches, I will need a little help and...” His voice trailed off, the corner of his eye catching the sight of a pair of furry leg warmers in his direction. Three eyes and a hopeful smile directed at him, hands down and slightly clenched. His heart violently thumping, he nearly panicked had he not remembered the nice monsters in front of him. But there was one thing he could do. He took a leap. Straight into Sonia’s arms. The HSS girl grunted in surprise, nearly shoved backward as she found his chest pressed against hers. And all of his arms, especially the surgically added two he was still working, were wrapped around her! The others girls gasped before becoming immediately envious that the sorority girl got him first. She looked into his eye, realizing just how close his face was to hers as he clung to her like a child to a parent. “Just lead the way!” the older Perry practically pleaded. She just stared at him. Then her glossy lips welded into a very pleased gin. “It would be my pleasure...” she murmured seductively as she wrapped her arms around him. Naomi just stood there, watching as the HSS girl assisted him across the floor. His legs were dragged almost like spaghetti noodles as Sonia practically carried him off, but he did his best to support himself while using the legs that did work to walk. He was holding her much closer, tighter, and refused to let go any time soon. As long as Naomi was within a few feet in his direction. The youngest PNK girl felt her heart tighten before plummeting down like a trash chute. She didn’t notice behind her that Carrie was biting her lip, looking incredibly remorseful.

Maria descended down the stairs, having finished using the bathroom. Now felt like a good time to approach Terry Perry. She was certain he would permit a dance or two, seeing that his brother was still taking the floor despite his condition. However, the moment she saw the Lewis girl wrap herself like ribbon around the handsome twin, the redhead seethed, eyes blazing enviously. “Oh, you were just lucky!” the EEK girl growled, having hoped what happened last semester would grant her the chance once more. There was no telling how long Sonia would hog Terry, maybe all night or until all his legs gave in. That HSS girl was a sly one, Maria would give her that. But next time she would treat the next opportunity like a marathon! And Maria was darn good at marathons! Dean Hardscrabble helped herself to a cup of tea, standing beside the buffet table with her wings neatly tucked. She watched as the party resumed with wild frivolity, and with no care for what time they might possibly go to bed. She herself just stood to attention, simply acting more of a chaperone than a guest. And she kept her sharp eyes on the twins, especially the older one. What had just occurred earlier still burned itself within her mind, and she made it her duty as the Dean as well as the beloved friend of Mrs Carlton to make sure Terry was not pushing himself. Nor blaming himself for what happened. None of what happened was his fault, all an accident. She watched as he danced with one of the many girls who had given him undying attention since the party started. The line was incredibly long, girls eager to twirl and spin with the cautious yet open Terry Perry. Hardscrabble made note to intervene later, knowing that too much dancing would wear him out and he just got out of the hospital today! His younger brother was already resting, sitting on a nearby couch while conversing with students who either wished him well or were curious about his new “advantage”. The Dean blinked a few times, before finally absorbing the reality that the twins were most definitely parted. That was going to take a while to adjust to, for all of MU. She turned just in time to see Mrs. Carlton, who had just finished a dance with her husband before joining the Dean at table and helping herself to a can of Blort. “My, this party is simply amazing!” the petite woman giggled. “Look at all the food and decorations! And that Monnie Monstre is a wonderful DJ!” Hardscrabble nodded, sipping her beverage. “I’m grateful to know you’re pleased. And I’m especially grateful that your boys are enjoying it.” Mrs. Carlton smiled at her. “Thanks for being firm but patient with Terry,” she told him. “I know earlier was very difficult, but you have to understand that he is a very caring person.” And very protective if the Dean remembered too well the previous semester.

“I understand greatly, Mrs. Carlton,” the former Scarer responded. “I only wish for much better things in his days to come.” “You know, as soon as we got in the house,” the married woman chuckled, “I started knitting as if my life depended on it!” “Why so?” the Dean asked curiously. “Well, Abby...” the blue-eyed monster spoke quietly before gesturing toward the direction of the twins. The Dean watched before taking notice that their attire were sweaters with one hole for a head. “I’ve packed up all their clothes,” Mrs. Carlton went on casually. “Stored them in the closet in case, you know, maybe another two heads would like a generous donation to them. Because, well, I don’t think my boys will be wearing them anytime soon...” Hardscrabble looked at her carefully. “How are you feeling as of now about this?” she asked. “Oh, Abby,” Mrs. Carlton sighed as she watched the twins danced, “I will admit it will take some getting used to. But the most important thing is that they’re back and I will never lose them again.” The head of the Scaring program nodded. “I’m happy to hear that, Mrs. Carlton.” “Oh, Abbs!” the petite woman chuckled. “Seriously! Just call me Sherry!” “Very well...” the Dean responded quietly. “...Sherry.” ~ Lane snapped another precious moment as she explored the JOX party. While photos for the upcoming paper were crucial for her, she still basked in the fun and wildness of the celebration. After taking another picture of a nearby group of students who were daring each other over who could eat the most chicken nuggets, she looked at the screen of her camera. Having switched from the one that required film to the more advanced device, she peered at the photo she took and smiled at the high definition perfection. That was more than enough for now as the photographer hooked her camera to her side like a purse. She already had a few snapshots of the twins themselves, some of them dancing and enjoying the party that was just for them, while especially having taken some angle shots that showed their entirely new physiques as monsters. She was still shocked as of now despite enjoying the frat party. She still couldn’t believe that during the time she had been sneaking around the hospital, she had been this close to taking a photo of those twins being surgically separated. Of course, some pictures were definitely not meant for the papers...

She had conversed with the twins face to face (to face), and she mentally chuckled to herself over how they both thanked and chided her for having challenged the CDA like that. Of course, they already knew it was mostly Katy who did all the big stuff. Lane and Naomi were just grateful that the EZ girl saved them from being apprehended by the monsters in yellow hazard suits. The twins were pretty fine despite Terry’s outburst earlier in Frat Row. He was much calmer now, accepting the reality that MU would rather wait out a little longer for the games than watch the older twin shove himself into even more danger. She had to admit he had some serious guts. Just like Wazowski. “Being a better photographer, I see.” She turned and smiled playfully toward the Greek Council president and vice president. She gave them a mocking salute before helping herself to some chips from the buffet table. “I’m not stalking anyone, I’m giving the twins their space,” she said confidently, “and I know the pictures I’m taking will make good for the paper tomorrow.” Brock nudged Claire with a grin before feasting his eyes on Lane Picca. “So you talked with them, right?” “Of course,” the photographer chuckled. “After all, I was one of the three students who broke into the hospital to see them, right?” “Were they mad?” Claire asked, her expression remaining stoic yet with a hint of curiosity. “Of course not!” Lane retorted. “Okay, so they were a little disapproving of what I did. But like Katy, I got some praise for it!” “Any ideas for what’s going to be written in the paper?” Brock asked. “Other than the fact Terri and Terry are no longer one monster?” Lane responded. “Basically thoughts and comments of their return. I got a lot of monsters interviewed written down.” Brock smiled before giving a nod. “So, you still working right now?” Lane smiled pleasantly, and quite adorably. “Well, I’m taking a pause for the moment. Why?” And, much to Claire’s surprise, the vice president extended a hand toward the photographer. “How about a dance, babe?” he said, trying to add charm to his tone.

Lane’s eyes rose before looking up at him in question. He just smirked, his beak curved quite handsomely just as every girl enjoyed seeing. Especially her. “Why not?” she laughed before placing her hand in his. Claire just watched, her expression a mix of shock and apprehension as her vice whisked Lane away onto the dance floor. Completely forgotten, this hadn’t been the first time Brock had showed himself to the ladies. On the side of his desk there was always a list of phone numbers, some of them with hearts scribbled underneath. Whether on or off campus, he was always trying his hand with the girls and it usually worked. She only wondered, as she folded her arms and frowned, who the next girl would be after he was done with Picca. ~ The redhead with glasses flipped through her various CDs while the current one ignited enthrallment for everyone. Each disk possessed her own custom flair, and so far monsters were enjoying the music that echoed through the entire JOX residence. Monnie was able to perform a few scratch performances, mainly to show off and let monsters know she was a DJ of promise. The students could see that, dancing and mingling as if it were the hottest night club in Monstropolis. She sat back in the chair that stood in front of the table connected to the booming speakers, the disks swirling like pizza pies tossed in the air. A pleased smile crossed her lips, appreciative that she was finally playing her beats for a Greek party. She would re-join the others as well as her fellow sorority girls after she rested a bit on her seat. A cup of punch was centered between the swirling disks, almost vibrating due to the loudness of the music behind her. She watched Dot danced with Carla and Carrie, her height towering over theirs as she wriggled like a sunflower in the wind. Katy was chatting it up with Brock, the latter eyeing her ever flirtatiously. And no doubt Monnie’s roommate was returning the gesture just for laughs. Colette was with Flora, both giggling by the buffet table as they discussed about the Cosmetics Club as well as guys, especially the latter’s boyfriend who was proud of the party in his own house. Laura, however, merely stood by another buffet table, not doing much except watch. She did smile, simply drinking in the pleasantness before her. Monnie wondered if any guy or girl was going to approach her and request a dance. The yellow monster bit her tongue the moment a familiar Oozma with cute purple glasses slithered toward the EZ leader. As Monnie witnessed his smile widen at the sight of Laura’s, her blood boiled hot enough to warm a tea kettle. Her hands gripped the music case, the other two gripping the table furiously. Her green eyes narrowed, trying to keep her temper under control and remain a happy face in front of her student body. Of all times for her to see the cute lizard feed his attention to her sorority captain, it had to be tonight. She could only hide her wince as she watched Randall shuffle cutely, those big, green eyes blinking toward Laura who spoke casually to him. They discussed, share a mild laugh, and

for a moment Monnie thought one of his four hands had reached out to touch hers. Or her wings. Either way, it was a never-ending display that ultimately peeved the redhead off. Groaning almost with disgust, she wheeled around in her seat, turning away from the scene as her eyes fell on her CDs once more. As she flipped through the pages to find a new disk to add in ten minutes, she felt a light touch on her shoulder. She peered over her shoulder and they shot up in alarm at the cute face that beamed at her. “Oh, uh, Randy!” she exclaimed, nearly choking on her own spit as she hurriedly placed her CDs down. “Um, hi!” She gave an embarrassed wave, praying to glob her cheeks weren’t as red as her hair. “Hey yourself,” he greeted, adjusting his glasses. “Great music. Everyone loves it!” Her face heated up, feeling her insides squirm joyfully. She gave a sheepish grin, hands resting on the table to support herself from accidentally falling off her seat. “Thanks, Randy,” she tried not to giggle, “means a lot to me for you to say that.” “Hey, I mean it!” he expressed cheerfully. “Everyone says it’s great stuff to listen to, and you pretty much got a chance for the MU Radio staff next week.” She almost forgot about that. Monnie still remembered the amazing feeling she had when the members of the radio station applauded her music pieces, right before handing her a note that ensured her a spot among the finalists. She was confident she would receive that spot, and her music would surge farther than just a frat party. And Randall remembered it all for her! “Well, thanks,” she said, resting her face in her hands as she looked at him admiringly. “Will you...will you be with me when the moment does happen? That I get chosen?” “Hey, I was with you for your audition,” he responded happily, “how can I not be there when they eventually choose Monnie Monstre as their radio DJ?” It was like a fantasy hitting her in the face as she felt her insides melt like buttered popcorn. She kept herself from sighing out loud, her green eyes looking into his own as he said that. He didn’t notice, of course, just smiled like a good friend. “Katy going to be there this time?” he asked almost timidly. “Because if I recall she couldn’t see you audition on account of...well, you know.” Monnie rolled her eyes. “Yeah, she promised not to get in trouble again before the big unravel.”

“Alright, good!” he said. “Say, want me to bring over some food while you choose new music? Buffet’s going on for miles and there’s still some of my cupcakes left.” “Oh, I’d like that,” she said sweetly. “I’d like that a lot.” For a moment she thought one of his hands had reached across the table, just about to touch her fingertips. But he pulled away, the gesture nothing more than just a careless movement of his form. He gave her one last smile before slithering off, intending to bring the DJ of the party a good amount of food to snack on while the music brought the house to life. The EZ girl watched him disappear among the crowd, her heart nearly bursting with both joy and relief. ~ The fashionista sat on one of the couches facing the television, half-paying attention to the DVD that was being played while also glancing in Flora’s direction every now and then. She and her Cosmetics Club buddy had just conversed moments before until her JOX boyfriend dropped in and flirtatiously asked her for a dance. Colette let her go, and she couldn’t help but feel rather envious that the fuchsia-colored beauty had a guy wrapped around her waist while the EZ girl herself only had a purple sash around hers. Dressed in a scaly, sandy yellow dress and yellow heels, Colette rested her head on the arm of the couch, wishing she could just have the same thing as Flora right now. She rolled her head to the side, watching as the party continued and even the twins were getting themselves onto their feet and managing a dance or two. It wasn’t that she had no feel for their little celebration, she was just a bit bored on her part because the one guy she was aiming for was nowhere to be seen. How could that cute JOX monster with the handsome smile and adorable fur be even hard to miss? Unless some other girl had him in her clutches, then Colette would might as well dance with Brock Pearson. “No, no, wait!” She gasped in alarm when something suddenly landed on the couch next to her, nearly having the pillows topple onto the floor. Raising her head up, her ruby brown eyes widened in astonishment as her wish suddenly laid beside her. George swallowed, his chin uncomfortably propped between the couch cushions while his belly was squeezed in an awkward position. Although his head was low and the couch’s front completely covered his view, no doubt Percy was smiling victoriously, having wrestled the Sanderson monster into getting up the nerve to speak with Colette. He nearly had the orange monster land on her! Although maybe that was Percy’s plan all along...

He dared to look up at the EZ girl, her eyes making his heart melt instantly. George smiled awkwardly, almost lost in those twinkling irises that reminded him of red roses and dark chocolate mixed together. Colette’s heart beat against the fabric of her dress, mentally thanking the gods or whoever was watching her right now for this wish come true. The only problem was how to start off. They were still in the “friend zone”, unfortunately for her... “Uh, hi,” she greeted as casually as she could. “Hello...” George responded, lifting himself before sitting right beside her. His cheeks grew red under his orange fur. “You, uh, dropped in from something?” She mentally smacked herself for sounding so cheesy right there. “Oh, well, um...” George racked his mind for a good explanation. “Tried some dance with my frat brother...ended up here.” She giggled softly, which made him feel a little proud of himself. He chuckled as well, the moment no longer strange to them. They had conversed before, and the discussions were usually pleasant and interesting. “I can only wonder how you dance with a girl,” she laughed. “Oh, well, last semester when Oozma Kappa hosted their first party ever,” George informed, leaning back onto the couch as he reflected, “I did dance with Naomi Jackson, and it was pretty nice. No accidents there. Especially with all the other girls.” She looked at him, blinking carefully. “Um, other girls?” She played with her fingers. “Uh, who else?” “There’s Brynn Larson,” George added, “then Sonia Lewis. Then I found myself dancing a little with Mrs. Carlton too.” That made her feel somewhat better. “Must have been fun. Heard OK’s party was totes better than ROR’s ever was.” “That is a fact,” he declared with a confident smile. “I do hope OK hosts more parties in the future. I mean, they have their own frat house here in Frat Row now. And who wouldn’t want to go to their parties?” “Um, the RORs?” she joked. Both she and her secret crush shared a laugh.

“Well, they have to come,” he admitted. “Because who are they to say no to Mrs. Carlton if she invites them? Dean Hardscrabble just can’t deny her either.” “Yeah, I heard about the party your frat hosted for OK last semester,” she added, her smile fading a little. “An apology party.” George felt his heart deflate just a bit. “Oh, yeah, that... “Hey, I’m not going to shove the past right in your face like Katy sort of did earlier,” Colette assured him gently. “I just want to say that is was so sweet what your frat and everyone else in Frat Row did just for Oozma Kappa. They couldn’t ask for better friends.” Her soft, lovely tone made his insides spasm almost too happily. He gave her a widened smile, feeling even closer to her despite that their relationship was basically just “friendship”. Dirk did call it “friendzoning”, and the Sanderson son had retorted that that was what he and Violet were right now. “Well, thanks for that, Colette,” he murmured sheepishly, rubbing his hands together. “Of course,” she smiled sweetly. “I mean, look what you guys did for Terri and Terry. Especially Terry. The one with the ‘Y’ in his name.” she added with a wry grin. George nodded, feeling even more blissful within. “I was almost afraid he and his brother wouldn’t be able to enjoy their own party because of...well, you know...” “Hmm, I’m just glad my present wasn’t an expensive sweater from the mall,” Colette mentioned. “I do feel bad for the monsters who did though.” “What did you buy them?” he asked curiously. “Scarves,” she answered proudly with an enthusiastic giggle. “Now you know I made a smart choice.” “Hey, that’s a nice one,” George encouraged. “I’m sure they love them.” “Anyway,” Colette said as she crossed her legs, her lips caressing each other almost with earnest, “why don’t you tell me more about your fraternity?” Since it has way cuter guys compared to the RORs? she thought, eyeing the handsome JOX monster who aroused the fire within her heart.

George noticed none of this, just thrilled to have another great conversation with the EZ girl. He folded his arms behind his back, contemplating other aspects that made his team special. “Well, funny stories, to be honest...” he began, “...and some of them do involve me getting the bad end of it...” ~ The RORs had dispersed in the duration of the party, each member fulfilling their own interests as the night wore on. Some monsters were already getting tired, becoming so worn out from dancing and enjoyment that a few crashed onto couches and chairs. Some had even dared to snooze a little until they were awaken by a friend or classmate. Reggie Jacobs had a chocolate fang protrude from the side of his mouth, his sharp teeth nibbling it every now and then. He had nothing better to do, simply eat what was present and overhear monsters’ conversations, most from women who practically worshipped the ground the twins and their green and yellow team walked on. As if the RORs weren’t getting enough garbage from their Greek community about last semester, hearing the praise for their top rival was the ultimate punishment! Sonia’s stupid comment still hit a nerve in his body of steel, and he wondered just how far she would gut him if it meant earning even more of Terry’s sickeningly sweet verbal caresses. Reggie had seen the red-lipped HSS girl salivate even more than he did when he was hyping for Scare exercises. All the girls together would flood MU’s river and through the School of Aquatics. He watched as Sonia Lewis clung to Terry’s side, while Maria did the same. Always smiling and flirting, the younger Perry joined in because he was the brother, of course. It made Reggie wonder if these girls would go so far as to make their teams lose on purpose just for his love. He never had a girlfriend, so he wasn’t sure what that was like. But it must feel pretty nice... “Yo, Jacobs,” Chet greeted casually before extending his larger claw to grab a hot dog on a stick from the table. “S’up, Alexander,” Reggie muttered, swallowing the chocolate fang. After eating his link, the crab-like monster looked up at him. “Say, Reggie, do you think we’ll ever get back to the Scare Games?” The sewer green monster shrugged before grabbing himself another chocolate fang. “Probably. Hardscrabble said that it won’t happen until those guys can really walk.” “I’m just asking because, well, this is the second event,” Chet added. “And if we remember last semester, the second event was when Oozma Kappa started to-”

“Prove themselves?” Reggie sighed. “Chet, I already know our team’s in trouble because these guys know what they’re doing. With Wazowski training them and the fact that they got Sullivan as a roommate, this is going to be even tougher than last semester.” “Aw, come on!” Chet urged him. “Lighten up! We’re still the top frat in MU! Yeah, some are saying OK is...” he muttered with a sigh, “but still! We’re the big monsters on campus! We can take these guys!” Reggie grunted under his breath, but he managed a hint of a smile. “Yeah, alright.” He glanced at him. “You going to pigsit if Johnny invites those EZ girls again?” “Oh, heck no!” Chet exclaimed, snapping his claws. “Javier and I already did our jobs! Next time you and Chip are going take over if Johnny ever brings those toiler paper punks to our house again!” The larger ROR monster chuckled before turning his attention back to Sonia and the twins. “Better Johnny’s than my room...” ~ Grateful to Sonia and Maria for assisting the twins to one of the buffet tables, Terry leaned his body against one while still holding his crutches. After having broken away from the many girls that surrounded him and Terri earlier, it was good to enjoy a moment with just two very special ones. And there was no sign of her either. He managed to grab a few chips from a nearby bowl, extending one of the arms he was born with to grab a handful before shoving them into his mouth. He was about to lean his body forward, trying to reach for the nuggets and veggie pieces, but he was stopped by Sonia, who laid a gentle tentacle on his hand. “No, let me!” the HSS girl insisted, her eyes gazing into his single one flirtatiously. “I’ll do it!” Maria insisted, throwing her a glare. Terry had no say in this as both girls immediately grabbed plates before scouting the table for anything that would placate his appetite. He merely shrugged at this before turning just in time for he and his brother to meet Tammy Rollins. “Tam!” he exclaimed happily. “Hey, I was hoping to see you here!” Their English classmate gave a small wave, forcing herself to smile despite the mild anguish in her eyes. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Terri asked.

“Oh, nothing at all...” the cute cephalopod sighed. “I just...I had a gift for your guys...” “A gift?” Terry repeated. “But we already found your gift in our room. Terri and I opened it.” “We love the flowers you got us, by the way!” the younger Perry added. “Well, I thought I’d make you guys something...” Tammy muttered. “And, well, it was a sweater. But then I saw you guys and then I realized...” “Oh...” the twins murmured in unison. Tammy sighed miserably once more before taking the sweater from behind her back. The twins regarded it sadly. However, Terri’s eyes lit up as an idea formed in his head. “You know,” he began as he took the sweater from her, “maybe Terry and i can still wear this.” “How?” Tammy asked, surprised. “It has two head holes.” “Simple!” Terri assured as he slid the clothing over his head while his surgically added arms clung to his crutches. Terry watched as his younger brother wore the sweater before them. Terri grinned before grabbing the other head hole, yanking it carefully. In the blink of an eye, he worked the opening and tied the ends together. He then left it to the side of his shoulder before pulling it downward a bit. “Ta-da!” he announced, showing off his design. “Now our sweater has a bow! Guys and girls will be so jealous!” Tammy’s hands flew to her mouth, stifling her giggle as the younger twin showed off and wiggled his form like a model expressing more openly. Even Terry had to admit, it was a rather good idea. “So you love it?” “Tammy, we love it,” Terry responded. “Thanks so much.” Her heart lifted anew, she smiled joyfully before gesturing to the older twin. “You know, can’t wait to see your first book in the future. Have you looked into it when you got home?” “Oh, that,” Terry chuckled sheepishly, “well, I still got a lot of ground to cover. But other than that, it’s looking pretty good.”

“Can’t wait to read it,” she told him, “I’m sure it’s going to be great. I bet even Johnny will read it!” “Yeah, I’m sure he will,” he responded, feeling slightly bitter at the mention of the Worthington name. ~ Johnny made his way through the array of mingling monsters as he searched the house. While most of the attention was being given to the twins, his was rather focused on something far more significant. He grinned to himself as he spotted the lone EZ leader standing by herself behind a nearby buffet table. If he didn’t know any better, he would have assumed she was just blending in and hoped no one would find her. He almost overlooked her, but thankfully he didn’t as he knew that no other guy had been near her yet. Especially that pink eraser with the green cap. He had thought about looking for Carla first as he felt the item in the pocket of his ROR sweater, but this opportunity was just too good to pass up. Laura gazed down at the food, unsure of which to sample next. She already tried all of them, she only wondered where to start again. The Sharp heiress felt a presence beside her before glancing over her shoulder. She only flinched for a moment, her eyes soft and almost unfeeling as Johnny hovered over her. “Noticed you were all alone and thought you’d need company,” he told her with a smirk. “I appreciate the action, Mr. Worthington,” Laura responded, resting her eyes back on the food. “Oh, again with the Mr. stuff, huh?” he chuckled. “I’m always formal,” Laura admitted. “Well, I’m always a gentleman,” the ROR leader said suavely before extending his hand to her. “And as a gentleman it would only be fitting if I asked you for a dance.” Laura laid a small smile for him, which excited the ROR president that maybe this was the chance he would finally claim. “Thank you,” she told him, glancing in his direction, “only I don’t dance.” Johnny was slightly disheartened by this as his hand lowered back to his side. “Really?” Her smile grew just a little. “But Dot does.”

As if on cue, the orange sherbet colored monster raced in, her green eyes twinkling with excitement as she swayed her body. “Hi, Mowgli!” she greeted happily. “Great to see you again!” Johnny’s eyes widened before turning to Laura. She just gave him a sincere expression that held just the tiniest bit of mischief before gesturing to Dot. “Oh, I don’t think-” he tried to utter without wanting to offend her EZ sister, but already Dot grabbed his hand and led him away. Next thing Johnny knew, both his claws were in her fingerless arms as he found himself moving in rhythm with the taller monster’s. Dot laughed playfully, the sticker on her cheek simply vibrant on her flesh as she grinned at him. He just recalled she had openly called him “Mowgli”. How did could she have been that far off? “This is fun!” Dot stated cheerfully as her gelatinous locks jiggled with every movement she made. “I hope you’re having fun too!” “Uh, yeah...” he muttered, trying his best to please her. “Having lost of fun...” He flinched when one of her hands suddenly reached toward his face. It was as if a soft pillow had pressed on his cheek. “Boop!” she giggled before pulling away. Johnny reached up toward his face and felt a sticker present. He was not the sticker kind of monster, and no doubt the kind she just embedded on him was super humiliating. He almost wanted to tear it off before any of his ROR brothers saw him, but he didn’t want to offend Dot just for being generous. “Don’t worry,” she told him with a childish laugh, “it’s not a marker! Trust me, I tried that in high school and it took forever to get it off!” She rolled her eyes. “Never use markers that are for a white board!” Johnny forced a grin out of himself, feeling the sticker cling to the tiny particles of his fur. He only wondered if it would hurt once he took it off afterwards. “T-thanks...” he murmured. “Dude, eat a Shriekers bar!” she laughed, taking note of his lack of enthusiasm. “You’re not happy when you’re hungry! And trust me, I never thought frat parties would bring out candy!”

“How nice...” Johnny said, trying to add more enthusiasm to his tone as he continued dancing with her. Laura watched as her EZ sister took care of Johnny in the draconic monster’s place. Her sky forest eyes absorbed the humorous sight of the ROR leader trying to bide by the fun atmosphere Dot was giving him. The newest Greek president was unable to suppress a small chuckle from her lips. “Enjoying yourself, Ms. Sharp?” She gasped before turning and then lowering her head to regard the green cyclops, his much taller girlfriend clinging to his arm. “Hey,” he greeted with a calm smile, giving her a wave, Celia as well. “Oh, Mr. Wazowski,” Laura nodded to him, getting over her surprise. “Ms. Mae.” “Formalities?” Celia laughed. “Really?” “I, uh...” Laura’s ears lowered. “Aw, come on, Schmoopsie-poo!” Mike chuckled, nudging her a bit. “I think I like this Mr. Wazowski stuff. A little more than the way Hardscrabble says it!” Celia giggled before turning back to Laura. “Are you excited for the second event?” Laura swallowed, having forgotten about that. She never once thought about it during the time everyone was focused about the twins. Now that her mind was clouded with fearful possibilities of what could occur, she felt her wings droop a little. The current Fear Tech student pressed a hand to her mouth, cringing regretfully toward the former. “Ooh...well, maybe it won’t be that bad. I mean, Oozma Kappa made it out in one piece last semester as Googly Bear here told me.” “Well, they’re Oozma Kappa,” Laura murmured, looking away. “And Mike trained them. He’s actually good at what he does...” Both single-eyed monsters glanced at each other before regarding her. Celia placed a hand on her boyfriend’s head, before leaning toward him. “Michael, I think maybe you should have a few words with her alone,” she told him.

“What about you?” he whispered back. “I’ll just busy myself while you take care of poor Laura here,” she told him with a smile, her snakes chirping in agreement. “Maybe ask her for a little dance just to lighten her up.” Mike nodded at this, smiling appreciatively. “Great idea, Celia,” he said as he gave her hand a gentle squeeze. She smiled, patting his back before leaving him to the EZ president. Regarding her closely, Mike stood up straight as to make sure his one big eye was looking directly into her smaller two. Laura shuffled a bit, glancing at him nervously and offering the tiniest bit of a smile. “So,” he began casually, “maybe you want to do a little dancing?” Laura looked at him with a raise of her eyes. “Oh, I don’t-” “Please?” he asked, his tone that of a monster child asking for more milk in his cup. Then he smiled. “Come on. I know even someone as overly secure as you would let out a little shimmy.” She peered at him carefully, his large eye innocently pleading as he extended his hand to her. Laura found her own slowly reaching toward his, unable to come up with any sort of protest in her head. Next thing she knew, her body was slightly swaying while his shifted left and right like a ringing bell. Her lips pressed together in a sheepish grin, her wings practically tightening on her back. Mike just smiled at her, pretty confident with himself. They didn’t shake as rapidly compared to everyone else dancing, simply taking it slow as the green cyclops began to converse. “So I’m guessing you already know about the second event, huh?” he asked nonchalantly. “I mean, why worry about it now when the games are still postponed?” Laura was quiet for a few moments, hoping to glob she wasn’t sweating into his palm. “I’m...I’m aware that the next event takes place in the library.” she stated timidly. “Oh, boy...I’m guessing you’re already aware about her, huh?” he asked. She recalled Katy’s comment about showing no fear for a “little old librarian”. Already her heart thumped at the possibility that luck would not be on their side this time. “I...uh...” Laura swallowed. Mike bit over his retainer, trying to think of something else to say. His eye darted past Laura, his lips melting with relief.

“Oh, look, there’s Squishy!” he announced. Said Oozma, with a plate of chips, immediately halted in his tracks. He was surprised that while he was simply grabbing some food, he never expected to find himself close by Laura. And when the girl herself turned in his direction, he felt his face grow beet red. He gawked at Mike nervously while the latter gestured him to Laura. “Hey, Squishy, boy!” Mike called, nudging toward Laura. “Look who it is! You aren’t going to say hi?” Squishy swallowed, the plate shaking in his tiny hands as he looked up at Laura. “H..hi...” The EZ leader nodded while Mike smirked at the much smaller monster. “Well, isn’t this nice?” the former MU student chuckled. “Two Greek monsters meeting each other almost coincidentally. You know, kid, I was just talking to Laura here about the ‘Avoid the Parent’ challenge. You remember that event, don’t you?” “Um, yeah...” Squishy responded quietly, rubbing the back of his head. “It was honestly hard...” “But you made it anyway!” Mike insisted, his eye flickering from him toward Laura who merely listened with interest. “I mean, come on, what other monster can walk as silently as you can?” He turned to Laura. “Modesty! I tell you!” Laura smiled tenderly. “Well, I can only imagine how much easier it will be for your team again, Squishy. I’m certain you’ll do even better.” Mike grinned, seeing the flushed expression on the Oozma’s face as he gazed at her with even more awe. Things would go smoothly as long as his coach was nearby. As well as Johnny getting occupied at the moment. Johnny tried to relax a bit more as he danced with the tallest of the EZ girls, her polite and enthusiastic attitude quite beneficial to him. At least he wasn’t with that Katy girl who toilet papered his room. Or, glob forbid, Monnie! From the corner of his eye he could see that small Oozma make nice talk with the EZ leader, and Wazowski playing the smooth wingman! The Worthington heir tried his best to hide his contempt from Dot, who was having a blissful time as her hands wrapped around his own. “You alright, Jeremy?” she asked, noticing the slight malice in his purple eyes. “Huh?” He quickly turned to her, forcing a smile. “Oh, uh, yeah, I’m good. I, uh, think it’s the sticker. It really feels weird.”

“Oh, that,” Dot giggled, “yeah, it’s a good thing I didn’t put a second one on you, huh?” Before he could reply, he felt a light tap on his backside. Ceasing the dance, he turned behind him to find no other than the purple legs himself. “Mind if I have this dance?” Art asked with a cool grin, playfully bowing down like some Monstro Prince Charming. Johnny nearly exclaimed his approval, but not wanting to offend Dot he just smiled at her before releasing his hands from hers. Thankfully, she didn’t mind at all as she stepped toward the craziest of Oozma Kappa. She swayed her body with euphoric glee, Art wriggling his legs and proceeding to make the wackier poses just to make her laugh. The Worthington heir mentally sighed with relief, watching as Dot became more occupied with the crazy pair of legs as Johnny slowly walked away. He was just within distance of the two other Greek monsters when his chest suddenly bumped into someone else’s“Worthikins!” His blood stopped cold as he gazed into the many eyes of the Homecoming Queen herself. She grinned at him, all her teeth glinting and her expression practically hungry. His purple eyes became mere periods as he gawked at her fearfully, wondering where the heck his luck was turning tonight. “Uh...Steph...” he gulped. The moment she offered her hands to him, he immediately bolted off. Of course, she did not comprehend the action, and was soon after him. The ROR leader dashed past monsters and dancing couples as he treated this entire predicament like a race through the first Scare Games event. Although stinging urchins that exploded were less terrifying compared to the queen hot on his tail... He reached into his pocket once more, feeling the little object he was more than determined to give. But right now he was running for his life! “Get down!” Before he could react, he grunted the moment a smooth tentacle grabbed him around the shoulders. The next thing he knew he was shoved underneath a buffet table, his horns hitting the surface rather hard. Confused and almost bewildered, he shoved the table clothe aside just in time to see a number of fuchsia pink legs that appeared to be blocking his view. Rather, hiding him further. He lifted his gaze to see it was no other than the EEK leader herself, her eyes focused as she looked ahead of herself. That was when Stephanie came rushing to her, no doubt

confident she could get some information off the most popular sorority leader that met ROR’s standards. “Have you seen Johnny?” the Homecoming Queen asked desperately. “Oh, him?” Carla pretended. “Well, I did see him take a detour through the backyard. I’m pretty sure you can catch him!” “Thanks!” Stephanie said before she hurried off. Johnny remained under the table for a few more minutes as he watched the pink figure of his most obsessed fangirl disappear through a crowd of monsters. Despite his legs cramped and his tail curled in an uncomfortable position, he was mentally cheering. He found Carla grinning at him, arms folded as he slowly made his way out from underneath the table. He looked at her, quite stunned. “Man, Delgado...” he said, trying to laugh off what he nearly endured just moments before. “You saved my life.” Carla scoffed. “It wouldn’t be the first time, Worthington.” She then gave him a mischievous smile that tweaked at the corners of her face. “Looks like you owe me even more now.” It was then Johnny remembered what was in his pocket. He motioned for Carla to wait a moment before he reached into his sweater and pulled something out. Smiling, he gave it to her. “A piece of paper?” she said, unimpressed. Johnny rolled his eyes. “It’s a receipt. Just read it.” The EEK leader scanned it carefully. Then her pupils rose in disbelief. “You ordered the twins pre-paid decorations for their room?” she asked in astonishment. “Shush!” Johnny hissed, slamming a hand against her lips. He ignored the harsh glare from her as his eyes darted back and forth. With no one glancing in their direction, he removed himself before looking at Carla. “And you mean rooms. With an “s”. I mean, they’re separated, aren’t they?” Carla just gave him a cool smile, folding her arms once more. “Always buying affection, aren’t you?” “It’s not like they’ll ever know it was from me!” Johnny remarked. “Just like those instruments I bought for them!”

“Still...” she waved the receipt in front of his face. “Why did you do it?” The Worthington heir sighed, as if it was the obvious question in the world. “Hey, you made me do it.” The EEK leader laughed, as if that was the most typical answer in the world. “Made you feel bad, that was it. The rest was up to you.” Then she gave him a cheek grin. “Is big monster Worthikins starting to soften up to Oozma Kappa?” she cooed teasingly. “Okay, first off,” he growled defensively, “no way am I ever going to become their friend. Second, don’t call me that stupid name! It’s bad enough I got one girl calling me that, but no way are you doing it too!” “You know, if I was Laura you’d even let me call you Sweetums,” Carla rebutted casually. He remained silent after that. He looked at the sorority president who had been assisting him since the moment Laura first came to Monsters University. He was pretty sure he wouldn’t be able to make much progress without his EEK counterpart. Heck, he doubted he would have survived the the animosity of others who still blamed him for last semester had she not stepped in to defend him. “So...” he began hopefully. “You’ll still help me?” “Our deal still on?” she asked without a second thought. “Remember, I get something every single time you get somewhere good with her.” She recalled the gift cards he handed to her in class recently which was a starter payment. Johnny rolled his eyes, although he smiled. He was lucky they were both wealthy heirs. “It’s still on, Delgado,” he told her. “Good,” Carla smiled pleasantly as she patted him on the back. “Now come on, let’s get you something to eat. I have a feeling you’re pretty worn out after what you’ve been through.” ~ Terry smiled at Sonia and Maria as he and his brother ate from the plates they piled with various treats from the table. They ate as if they hadn’t eaten in forever, which was pretty much the case given that they had only been fed through tubes during their coma. Even after being fed by Mrs. Carlton earlier, their hungers were yet to be placated. The food gave them some energy, their bodies still standing even as they clutched their crutches close to themselves. There was just so much food in the house, and the chicken nuggets just kept coming in in larger portions! And the

tea really hit the spot as he thanked Maria for getting him another cup while Sonia offered Terri a can of Blort. “You ladies are very kind,” the older twin told him, trying not to burp. “Anything for your pleasure, Terry,” Sonia told him sweetly. “And I do mean anything for your pleasure.” she added with much more sugar in her tone, earning her a glare from Maria. Before either twin could say anything, a voice called out to them. They turned to see Brynn Larson approach them, something hidden behind her back. The EEK girl grinned from fin to fin, simply overjoyed to see her friends again, and especially excited knowing that they were in for a real surprise. Although her trio of eyes trailed over their sides where the other used to be attached, and her smile faded for a moment before she pushed any unnecessary thoughts aside. “Hey, Terri and Terry,” she greeted. “Brynn, it’s great to see you!” Terry said. “Carla told us that this plan involved some great thinking and organizational skill from you!” “And you’ve been triple-checking that list of yours, too!” Terri added. The EEK girl laughed. “Well, I’m just glad this party was a success for you.” “What do you have there?” the older twin asked, pointing at her hands still hidden behind her back. “Oh, well,” she responded innocently, “I sort of did a little fund for you guys.” Terry blinked. “Fund? Oh, Brynn, you didn’t have to-” But the EEK girl held her hand up to silence him, a determined grin on her cheeks. Her smile could not be any wider the moment she finally pulled the object out in front of her. Her eyes lit up with happiness the moment the twins gazed at large, decorated container that was filled with every single cent she earned from her charity. It was metallic green and cylindershaped with the twins‘ names encrypted onto the side in gold cursive font. She hadn’t been sure how else to design the exterior without overdoing it, but she did plaster an MU sticker on top just to let them know how much their university cared. Simple yet sweet, and rather heavy since many monsters had offered change and other forms of generosity. The EEK girl had been very fortunate to have found the right size, as well as the perfect color. And just durable enough to withstand the amount of money she managed to squeeze in without any difficulty.

Whatever the twins would do with the money, she was certain they would first take it out and put it into their bank account. Then they would use the container as some sort of treasure chest to hold their most valued items inside. Or maybe just a good place to put their pencils and pens. It was their choice, and judging from their expressions they couldn’t have felt more fortunate. Both Terri and Terry just gawked at how large the container was. How pretty the design looked. And how much thoughtfulness had been put into it for them. “And it’s up to about six thousand dollars,” she informed proudly. “Six thousand?” Terry gasped. “Brynn, we can’t take this!” Brynn feigned frustration, pushing the container toward them. “You have to!” she insisted boldly. “No give-backs!” She immediately albeit carefully shoved the concealed amount of money into Terry’s upper hands, making sure he was still able to support himself with his crutches. Her expression melted to one of warmth. “Do you really like it?” Terry swallowed, forcing himself not to tear up as he saw his and Terri’s names on the side. His brother was about ready to start a waterfall. “Oh, Brynn...” he sighed. “We love it!” “Uh, you know...” Maria intervened politely, she and Sonia sidling between him and Terri, “we added our bucks in there too.” “Everyone did,” Brynn added. “Inside there’s even some coupons for cool stuff!” “Coupons?” Terri exclaimed. “Oh, man! Jackpot!” “We appreciate all you’ve done for us,” Terry told her as he placed the heavy case onto the table. “Really, we love the gifts you’ve all given us. Really, you’ve done too much for us already!” “Does that mean you don’t want my next gift?” All heads turned to see Percy Boleslaw approach them, a smirk on his face and something large and rather lumpish in his possession. It was ovular and the height of it almost succeeded over his, only because he was carrying it in his arms. Judging by the white clothe that covered it, this was either a massive dish the JOX monster had cooked or something else he made with his own hands. After all, he was considered the “nerd” of the usually meatheaded fraternity. “Oh, Percy, really?” Terry laughed in surprise. “You really shouldn’t have!” “Aw, come on, man,” the other Scaring student chuckled, “I spent days on this little guy!”

“Little guy?” Terri gulped. “Um...you didn’t make us a robot servant, did you?” He had seen way too many robot movies to know how this could turn out... “At first, I was,” Percy rolled his eye. “But then I came up with something a little more useful. Something that will not let you down. Something that will always be there for you.” Then he smiled tenderly. “Something that will be able to take care of your pain.” The moment he said this, a certain EZ girl lifted her head in astonishment, turning away from the conversation she was just having with Nadya. The twins were almost afraid to ask. Sonia and Maria were especially concerned as they leaned their bodies against Terry’s, Brynn’s laying a gentle hand on Terri’s arm. They watched as Percy placed the object on the floor, gripping the clothe excitedly. “Ladies and gents,” he announced playfully, “may I introduce you to-” “IT’S BAYMONS!” Percy gasped, incredibly startled the moment Dot rushed in and nearly collided into him. Her green eyes were enlarged with joy and ecstasy as she began bouncing on her legs. It was as if she had eaten a whole pile of cotton candy that was enough for her to run around the world. “What?” the JOX monster asked in confusion. “Oh, come on!” Dot cried, flinging her arms out before turning to the other students. “It can’t be more obvious and I always dreamed that a parody would happen in my life!” Her teeth glinted as her face almost couldn’t withstand how much she was smiling right now. “I mean, young genius, that’s you.” She pointed at Percy. “Ming-boggling invention.” She pointed at the mysterious object he was yet to unveil. “And the fact that you said it would take care of your pain points out one thing...” She bit her lip to contain her fangirl-like screams, hands shaking with vigor. “We just stepped into the Huge Saviors 6 zone!” she screamed, loud enough for more students to overhear and turn in her direction. Her fellow EZ girls watched in amazement, Colette not too surprised since the Art major was her roommate. Although she had never seen Dot this excited before. Percy looked at her for a few moments before chuckling nervously. “Um, I know about the upcoming movie...” he said, “but, uh, I did not build an actual Baymons...”

He felt pretty awful as he saw the sparkle distinguish in her eyes, and her locks of gelatinous hair deflated instantly. “Are you sure?” she asked, her voice carrying so much disappointment that it hurt the JOX monster that he just crushed her hope like that. “I mean...you kind or remind me Sashimi...” “Well, sorry, Pressler...” Percy apologized guiltily. “But what I built was...” He quickly ripped off the clothe before everyone’s eyes drank in his next best invention. His frat brothers as well as his cousin Violet stood nearby, gawking at what all his time and work had been put into. It was an inflatable chair of some kind, made of white vinyl with its arms sticking out in front to ensure comfort. And from the way it was positioned, and how posable it could possibly be, the device could either be sat on or perhaps stretched out. The twins peered at it closely. “Wow, that’s amazing!” Terri exclaimed. “Uh, what is it?” “Dude, don’t you know?” Dirk commented as he came closer. “Percy made one of those Monstroland balloons that light up! People have to pay twenty-five dollars just for one!” “Uh, no, Pratt...” Percy sighed, shaking his head. Violet smiled, standing between Dirk and her cousin. “It’s a comforter. An electronic comforter.” “Electronic?” Terri repeated in awe before turning back to the device. “You mean my brother and I can actually relax on it?” “Whether you’re sitting or lying down!” Percy instructed proudly. He bent forward before holding the top of the vinyl-cased invention, then easily pushed it apart, turning it from a blowup seat to huggable blanket a monster could lie down in. “Does it give hugs?” Dot asked meekly. She giggled when everyone looked at her in confusion. “Oh, don’t tell me you didn’t watch the trailer! Terry made one last glance at the invention before smiling at Percy, his heart filled with even more happiness at the generosity of a dear monster friend. “My glob, Percy...” he muttered in awe. “You didn’t have to do this...” “Aw, come on,” the JOX monster grinned as he nudged him with his fist. “It was pretty fortunate I made it, huh? I mean, it’ll make your recovery a lot easier to take in.”

“Hey, Boleslaw,” Dirk said, “think you’d make one for me when you got the chance?” “For the next time I whip your tail again?” Violet asked him cheekily. The golden-furred JOX monster’s cheeks grew red as he threw her a glare. “You were lucky in that match!” “Don’t be so jealous, Pratt,” she said playfully, swaying her hips as she ran a claw down her curved horns. “Even though I like seeing you like this.” Although watching her body move so wonderfully, her beautiful horns caressed like that, was amazing, he still possessed some ill feeling for having been beaten by one of MU’s top wrestlers. Again. Nadya approached the invention, interest evident in her trio of eyes before she turned to Percy. “Not bad, Boleslaw. You really got your work cut out for you.” Percy smirked in her direction. “You asking for one too? I will have to charge you.” The HSS girl chuckled before sticking her tongue out at him. “I think I can use alternatives for comfort, thank you very much.” They watched as Terri and Terry poked the device curiously, their eyes widening in pleasure as the object moved, rather jiggly. “Vinyl?” Terry said in surprise. “Yeah,” Percy nodded. “Going for a non-threatening, huggable kind of thing.” “Looks like a marshmallow,” Terri chuckled. “Although it sure looks comfy!” “That’s not all...” Percy smiled before he pressed a switch on it. The younger Perry’s jaw fell in amazement as his hand pressed against the top. He felt a warming sensation that felt so soothing and relaxing that he could just rest on it right now. His brother pressed his hand to it as well, and he sighed with pleasure. “It’s like spooning a warm marshmallow...” Terri moaned blissfully. Dot could barely contain herself. She let out a not-too-loud but still noisy squeal as she clapped her fingerless hands together.

“This is just like in the movie!” she sang excitedly, earning surprised looks from her classmates. “Seriously! I can not wait for it to premiere!” She pressed her hands to her face, sighing breathlessly as she fantasized the moment she would be sitting in that theater with a large bucket of popcorn. She especially imagined herself wearing the shirt she recently learned was being sold at the Monstro store as of right now. She made a plan to go there this week and buy anything else that would show off her adoration for the movie. However, that film would arrive straight after“The Tome of Being is a total must-see!” she exclaimed almost frantically, eyeing everyone around her. Nadya’s eyes rose as the others listened to the rather overly enthusiastic EZ girl. Carrie stood beside her, curious as to know more about what exactly Dot was talking about. She hadn’t been to the movies in a while, and she wasn’t exactly up to date on the most recent of Monstro news. She did see Frostbite over the summer, of course, but she hardly thought much of it after that.

“I heard of the Tome of Being,” Nadya commented casually. “It’s amazing, isn’t it?” Dot cried euphorically. “I mean, a movie that talks about the Day of the Dead! And animated! Two things that go so great like peanut butter and hot dogs!” “I never tried that before,” Carrie whispered to the HSS girl, giggling at Dot’s amazing burst of energy because of just one movie, “but it sounds pretty tasty!” “Oh, my glob!” Dot said almost hysterically, bouncing on her feet. “Just thinking about it makes me wish time could go faster!” She was breathing so loudly that even students from across the house could hear her. “I mean, I want to see what Monstolo does to get back to Morgia! I want to see more interaction between Xibalba and La Muerte! Not to mention who Morgia is going to choose!” She stopped for a moment to take her breath, rubbing her chin as she thought about the plot of the movie. The trailer still teased her as of now, and she was more than desperate to know what would become of the characters. Especially that Xibalba. “I mean, the obvious choice would be Monstolo!” Dot exclaimed almost irritably. “But then this is the kind of movie that might have a twist! And usually twists peeve me off!” she cried, throwing her hands up. “I mean, not that I don’t like Jhonen, but this is Monstolo we’re talking about!”

Nadya reached up and patted the nearly spasming EZ girl on the chest. “I’m sure that all your questions will be answered once the movie premieres,” she told her calmly. “Not to mention it premieres the day before Humanween!” Dot announced. “Two fun-packed days in a row! Oh, glob, I hope all of you will watch it too!” The HSS girl smirked. “A definite yes for me, Pressler. I just adore the Tome of Being.” Dot shared her smile, her twinkling green eyes filled with so much innocence and beauty. The EZ girl heard her name called out and looked over her shoulder. “Hey, Dot, come give this thing a hug!” Terri called out as the electronic comforter stood up straight. He and his brother pressed their bodies against it, loving the warmth it brought. “I love warm hugs!” Dot said happily before racing to them, leaving Nadya with Carrie. The former folded her arms and simply smiled, watching as the cheerful Art major wrapped her long arms around the cushion. The way she just squeezed it to her chest like a plushie was incredibly adorable. “I think I heard that quote somewhere...” Carrie mentioned, watching. “Although I already forgot...” Nadya turned to her, smile fading a bit. “Hey, uh...is Naomi alright?” Carrie swallowed. “Oh, well...she’s just watching the TV right now. But she is doing okay.” “Saw what you tried to help her with earlier,” the HSS girl mentioned before motioning in the direction of the older twin. “”I wish I could have helped too.” The PNK leader placed her hands on her hips. “You know, I’m still wondering what happened to Pyapi after this morning,” she whispered. “Especially since she-” Carrie immediately silenced the moment Nadya threw her a warning glare. “We promised not to speak about this,” she hissed. “Especially in front of everyone.” “But still,” the sorority president whispered much more quietly, “did you ever ask her about why she did what she had just done to all of us? Including your best friend?” Nadya was silent for a few moments, then she sighed. “She said it was for the best.” “What?” Carrie questioned. “For the best? What do you mean?”

“Carrie, can we please not talk about her right now?” the other girl pleaded. “I mean, I put their race on risk just to help Naomi out. And even though I can trust you with this secret, I would really like for us to lay low on this subject, okay?” She looked up at her, trio of eyes practically begging. “Pabbie wouldn’t like it.” Carrie gave her an even more questioning expression. “But who’s Pa-” “INCOMING PIG!” Both sorority girls wheeled around just in time to see monsters immediately get out of the way. Sulley, Mike, and Katy were chasing Fear Tech’s mascot across the living room. The pig snorted, his many legs clacking against the wooden floor as his nostrils wiggled. “Kate, you said it was under control!” Laura gasped, getting between Carrie and Nadya. “At least I thought it was!” the Vocal Music major exclaimed as she and the former two MU students chased Archie. “Holy glop, someone stop this crazy thing!” “Look out!” Big Red cried as monsters quickly got out of the way. The smell of food tickling his nostrils, Archie was practically salivating in his tracks. Ignoring the cries of frightened monsters, and the pleas of his owner, he listened to his rumbling belly before taking one giant leap past the JOX leader. He landed on the row of buffet tables, trekking through enormous dishes of food that toppled in his path. A punch bowl fell to the floor, splashing it contents onto nearby students; a tray vegetables flipped on itself, scattering carrots and celery sticks; his teeth launched toward a huge plate of chicken nuggets which he gobbled as he kept going. Of course, he couldn’t stop in time, the table clothe ruining the skid on his hind legs. He found his weight thrown forward from the poor attempt to stop, and was immediately flung straight off the table. Into the twins. Students gasped in shock as Terri and Terry toppled onto the floor, their crutches dropping in all directions. Mrs. Carlton and Don immediately came to the front, fearing that much damage had been done at the actions of one little pig. Hardscrabble bolted beside them, her eyes widening in alarm. However, much to everyone’s surprise, and slight enjoyment, the twins were alright. In fact, they were laughing and ever more gleeful as Archie lovingly licked both their faces. The pig wriggled and snuggled against their chest, tasting their yellow flesh as if they were two big lollipops.

“Okay! Okay!” Terry cried, trying to push Archie off him. “Yeah, it’s great to see you, too, Archie!” Terri giggled as the pig laid more attention on his as well, his long tongue running over his chin and cheek. “Down boy! Come on!” Everyone watched in astonishment. Then joined in the laughter. Phones were taken out. Pictures were taken, Lane especially as she aimed her lens at the funny but very touching moment. It was a few more licks before Mrs. Carlton reached over and tugged the hog off her little Oozmas. “It’s clear!” she announced to her beloved university. “Everyone, and I mean, everyone,” she cooed at the pig in her arms, “is very happy you’re home, boys!” And everyone roared with laughter. Hardscrabble even managed a small chuckle.