Welcome and Introductions. Harley Tomey, Chairman Richmond Public Schools Special Education Advisory Committee

Welcome and Introductions Harley Tomey, Chairman Richmond Public Schools Special Education Advisory Committee Required SEAC Functions 1. Advise the...
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Welcome and Introductions

Harley Tomey, Chairman Richmond Public Schools Special Education Advisory Committee

Required SEAC Functions 1. Advise the Richmond Public Schools of needs in the education of children with disabilities; 2. Participate in the development of priorities and strategies for meeting identified needs; 3. Submit periodic reports and recommendations; 4. Assist the Richmond Public Schools in interpreting plans to the community; 5. Review policies and procedures prior to submission to the Richmond Public Schools school board; 6. Participate in review of the

Required SEAC Procedures 1. Advise the Richmond Public Schools board through the superintendent. 2. Publish public notice annually listing:  the names of committee members and  ways in which public comment can be made. 3. Hold committee meetings at least 4 times a year. 4. Open committee

Required SEAC Membership 1. Members are appointed by the local school board. 2. A majority of committee members must be parents of children with disabilities or individuals with disabilities. 3. Each local SEAC must include one teacher. 4. School division personnel serve as consultants to the committee.

Roles and Responsibilities     

SEAC Members SEAC Chairperson Director of Exceptional Education Superintendent of Schools Other School Division Personnel School Board Members

Roles and Responsibilities SEAC Members 1. Work collaboratively to fulfill the six functions defined in Virginia regulations. 2. Serve as advisors. 3. Consider issues/needs at a systems level. 4. Attend regularly scheduled meetings. 5. Maintain a good working knowledge of special education law.

Roles and Responsibilities SEAC Chairperson 1. Provides leadership. 2. Facilitates meetings (from agenda development to follow–up). 3. Serves as spokesperson. 4. Promotes collaboration. 5. Assists with recruitment of new members. 6. Mentors new members.

Roles and Responsibilities Director of Exceptional Education 1. Serves as a consultant to the SEAC 2. Provides relevant and current information 3. Assists the chairperson 4. Provides administrative support 5. Facilitates communication with the school division 6. Supports the SEAC in carrying out its

Roles and Responsibilities Superintendent of Schools 1. Receives and reviews SEAC reports and facilitates their presentation to the school board. 2. Stays informed of the work of the SEAC. 3. Makes requests of the SEAC for advice and recommendations. 4. Considers recommendations made by the SEAC.

Roles and Responsibilities Other School Division Personnel 1. Serve as consultants to the SEAC. 2 Provide information on areas of expertise. Note: If a school employee serving as a consultant is also a parent of a child with a disability, the employee must be careful to represent area of expertise and not as a parent in order to avoid conflict of interest.

Roles and Responsibilities School Board Members 1. Appoint members to serve on the SEAC. 2. Receive and review SEAC reports. 3. Respond to SEAC’s recommendations as appropriate. 4. Implement plans that incorporate SEAC recommendations as appropriate.

Conducting SEAC Business Recruiting and Orienting New Members Planning the annual calendar  Identifying Needs and Setting Priorities  Participating in the budget process and the annual plan  Reviewing policies and procedures  Developing periodic reports  Conducting meetings 

Conducting SEAC Business Planning the Annual Calendar  Establishes

meeting dates, times, and

locations.  Outlines the major topics to be considered at each meeting.  Informs the school community and the community-at-large of the intended work of the committee and of opportunities to make public comment.

Posting the Annual Notice of Members and How Citizens Can Communicate with Them School division web-site  Cable TV Channel  Provide at Annual IEP Meeting  Attach to Procedural Safeguards 

Communicating About Meetings Cable TV Channel  Opt-in e-mails from schools  Announcement on school division web-site  Notices home with students 

Ideas for Conducting SEAC Business Identifying Needs 

Establish opportunities to collect information to assist with identifying needs. Ideas for consideration include: Focus Groups Surveys Planning Meetings Public Comments Hotline Data from Parent Resource Centers

Ideas for Conducting SEAC Business Setting Priorities Based

on the data from collection of information regarding needs May impact budget requests Priorities provide the foundation for periodic reports Delineate systems issues from personal issues May result in additional data collection

Conducting SEAC Business Participating in the Budget Process and the Annual Plan and Application Know

the timeline Be clear on priorities Offer recommendations

Ideas for Conducting SEAC Business Developing Periodic Reports * Prepared by the SEAC * Submitted to the school board through the superintendent * Balance of strengths and needs identified through various methods * Limit recommendations to a few * Back up findings and recommendations with data * Use to develop a dialogue with the school board and

Ideas for Conducting SEAC Business Conducting Meetings  

 

Consider logistics Use an agenda Use Robert’s Rules of Order Establish Meeting Norms or Rules

Sample Meeting Agenda Welcome and Introductions  Public Comments  Presentations  Committee Business/Decisions  Announcement of next meeting and adjourn 

Conducting SEAC Business Meeting Topic Ideas    

   

  

Sate and RPS Exceptional Education Data RPS Exceptional Education Programs RPS Balance Score Card Extended School Year Services Long-term Financial Planning for Children with Disabilities Self-Determination – What it is and its importance in education Transition Needs Partnering with Your Child’s School Participating in IEP Meetings What is a Prior Written Notice and Its Importance Disability specific information (depending on interests

Conducting SEAC Business Meeting Norms or Ground Rules  Respect

confidentiality by not referring to families, students, or school employees by name.  Respect each member and differing points of view.  Respect people’s time and stay on agenda (move off-topic items to a “parking lot”).

Conducting SEAC Business Opportunities and Guidelines for Public Comment Limit

total time devoted to public comment Limit each public comment Do not respond to public comment Record summary of comments

Conducting SEAC Business Reviewing Policies and Procedures Dedicate a section for each meeting to review  Ask questions for clarification  Include both formal policies and procedures that are approved by the school board as well as operational procedures  Know the difference between formal and operational  Be prepared to refer public to 

Working Collaboratively to Improve Services to Students with Disabilities 

Collaboration: working together to achieve a common goal… Mutual respect Trust Interdependence Accountability Shared knowledge Hearing and valuing contributions

Developing the Power of Influence   

  

Learning Listening Understanding the big picture Using data to make recommendations Holding meetings that inform and invite participation Responding appropriately to concerns by providing information and referring to appropriate school representatives Establishing a collaborative relationship with the school division

Comparison between Requirements and Suggested Practices Required 1. 2.


4. 5.

Minimum members LEA employees serve as consultants Participate in development of priorities Submit periodic reports Review policies

Suggested Considerations 1. Diverse membership Have consultants available at meetings 3. Review data used in the development of priorities 4. Have a regular schedule for reports 5. Review formal and operational procedures 2.

Additional Requirements VA Conflict of Information Act (COIA)  Ensures that there is no conflict between a member’s life activities and the activities of government entities VA Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)  Ensures transparency of government  Meetings must be public  3 people constitute a meeting

Next Steps Ask yourselves, “What do we need to do to strengthen our SEAC?”