Vision & Mission. Welcomes YOU

 Welcomes YOU Vision
 Our Journey….. Vision
 Vision To be recognized as the world’s leading pioneer of a ...
Author: Diana Black
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Welcomes YOU


Our Journey…..



To be recognized as the world’s leading pioneer of a community based academic program in the study of spirituality.

Mission To explore the nature and qualities of spirituality including its traditional contexts and contemporary applications.  To accomplish this mission, the Program in the Study of Spirituality will: 1.  Encourage the sharing of ideas and knowledge about the practices of spirituality and their relationship to planetary and individual well-being. 2.  Promote community participation in multi-faith, multi-spiritual dialogue. 3.  Stimulate research in the burgeoning global phenomenon of spirituality. 4.  Explore the impact of spirituality across academic disciplines and professions. 5.  Offer formal curricula in the study of spirituality at undergraduate and graduate levels. 6.  Provide a platform for invited practitioners and scholars of spirituality on campus and in the community.

PSS Director

Exec Board (EB)

Comm Dev Board (CDB)

Comm Invol Board (CIB)






Executive Board 2011 Director NK

Director N. Katz

Academic (AC) W. Bauman P.Dickson

Ombudsman C. Perry

Program & Events (PE) N. Katz H. Nunez

Image & Development (ID) K. Mathee L. Winters

Community Liaison K. Dubitsky


Academic Committee

Academics Mission: Develop the undergraduate certificate program, encourage research & advance the exploration of spiritual traditions 1.  Academic •  Advise, administer, and develop •  Create realtionships with other academic units 2.  Promote research •  Create a “habitat” for research •  Seek grants to support 3.  Immersion programs •  explore the spiritual traditions of various cultures •  Develop travel experiences •  Promote dialogues 4.  Collaboration •  Provide feedback loops •  Support curricula, research and exchange programs

AC – Major Goals 1.  Promote PSS Certificate Program 2.  Develop Relationship with FIU Professional Programs 3.  Develop Web-based Bibliographies and Resources 4.  Identify PSS’s Niche 5.  Summer Study Abroad/Immersion Programs

AC – Tasks 1.  Assist in Developing Web-based Resources 2.  Web Research on Other Programs 3.  Organizing Study Abroad 4.  Identify Grants


Program & Events Committee

Programs & Events Mission: Present a robust annual lecture and symposia series that is well-balanced, diverse and representative of its constituencies. 1.  Academic review •  Review and screen each proposed program •  Ensure quality & balance 2.  Logistics •  Identify venues •  Coordinate logistics •  Evaluate program outcome •  Host speakers 3.  Marketing & Promotion •  Technical aspect of promotion •  Promote

PE – Three Major Goals 1.  Annual Lecture Series 2.  Identify and Recruit Volunteers 3.  Annual Fundraising Lecture

PE – Tasks Three Principal Volunteers in charge for each lecture/ event 1.  Logistics of the meeting •  Venue and Date •  Publicity - Flyers •  Book signing activities 2.  Logistics of the speaker •  Travel, Transport and Lodging •  Housing  3.  Logistics of the day of the event •  Food •  Greeting table •  Certificate of recognition, or flowers


Image & Development Committee

Image and Development Mission: brand, develop and sustain the PSS Inform, Involve and Inspire 1.  Brand •  Develop a verbal snap-shot (a sound-bite) •  Create an identifiable logo 2.  Develop •  Create giving opportunities •  Create database •  Public outreach •  Build, strengthen and encourage participation of CDB and CIB 3.  Sustain •  Founders program •  Establish a center and a sanctuary

ID – Three Major Goals 1.  Host the Annual PSS Meeting 2.  Logo Competition to Brand PSS 3.  Sense and Spirituality Gala for Sustainability

Logo Competition 1.  Promotion •  Design flyer •  Media savvy – community outreach, promote the competition 2.  Develop rules and regulations 3.  Logo exhibition •  Logistics •  Other tasks

Sense & Spirituality Gala 1.  Project Chair •  Design flyer •  Promotion 2.  Program Chair 3.  Treasurer 4.  Food & Drinks Chair 5.  Sponsorships 6.  Logistics Chair

Thanks You