Utility Computing Services

Xvand Technology Corporation 11333 C himney R ock ▪ Houston TX ▪ 77035 ▪ (713) 729-7400 ▪ www. isut ility.com Utility Computing Services Introduc ing...
Author: Derick Chase
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Xvand Technology Corporation 11333 C himney R ock ▪ Houston TX ▪ 77035 ▪ (713) 729-7400 ▪ www. isut ility.com

Utility Computing Services Introduc ing Xvand’s IsU tility ®

Table of Contents TECHNOLOGY CHALLENGES FOR CONTEMPORARY BUSINESS.......................................................................3 SECURITY ...........................................................................4 PERFORMANCE .....................................................................4 ACCESS .............................................................................5 MANAGEMENT ......................................................................5 UTILITY COMPUTING.....................................................6 ISU TILITY SERVICE®............................................................6 HOW CAN BUSINESSES GET PEACE OF MIND KNOWING THEIR DATA AND APPLICATIONS ARE SECURE ?....................................................8 C OMPLETE OUTSOURCING SOLUTION.........................................9 HOW CAN MANAGERS REDUCE COMPUTER COSTS AND HEADACHES TO RUN THEIR BUSINESSES MORE EFFICIENTLY? .............................11 ELIMINATE C OSTLY HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE UPGRADES ..........11 INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY .....................................................12 THE TRUE ADVANTAGES OF TECHNOLOGY .................................12 ADAPTABLE ENTERPRISE.......................................................12 HOW CAN BUSINESS PEOPLE STAY CONNECTED TO THEIR OFFICE DATA FROM ANYWHERE ? ..............................................................14 VIRTUAL PRIVATE THIN NETWORK ..........................................14 BUILT-IN EXPANDABILITY .....................................................14 DESCRIPTION:...................................................................14 HOW CAN BUSINESSES STAY UP AND RUNNING SO THAT THEIR APPLICATIONS ARE ALWAYS AVAILABLE TO THEIR EMPLOYEES? .......15 ISUTILITY® ................................................................ 18 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ....................................... 19 WHY SHOULD I STORE MY DATA OFF SITE? .............................19 WHAT ABOUT MY E XISTING INVESTMENT? ................................20 WHAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO XVAND? ..............................20 CONCLUSIONS ............................................................ 21


Technology Challenges for Contemporary Business Cr eat ing a Perf ect Wor ld f or Business Com put ing T he great est cont emporary c hallenge t o business is adapt ing t o cont inually c hanging mar ket condit ions. T his c hallenge drains bot h f inanc ial and human c apit al. Corporate assets are expended on c ost- reduc ing rat her t han on revenuegenerat ing priorit ies, often leaving inadequat e inf rast ruct ure plaguing c orporate perf ormanc e, reduc ing product ivit y and draining prof it s. T hese

tec hnology


unf ort unat ely

inc rease

exponent ially w it h growt h. A batt le ensues t o keep up w it h c ust omer

dr iven

t echnology


de mands. inc rease

Cont inual

corporat e





f orc ing

invest ment s in new er t ec hnology on a cont inuing basis. T his usually

occ urs

i mple ment


w it hout ut ilize

int ernal t he

expert ise

tec hnology


w hic h,

properly in

t urn,

produces a devastat ing ef fect on product ivit y and prof its. Ut ilizing and imple ment ing

c omput er tec hnology using a

value- driven approach is mandat ory f or organizat ions of all sizes t o

stay c ompet it ive

c hallenges. object ives,

T he

c hallenge

w hen f ac ing t oday’s lies


and leveraging spec if ic

sat isfying resources t o

business business achieve

t hose object ives w hen needed. Inherent t o t his c hallenge are t he f ollow ing t ec hnological obst ac les t hat businesses must consider.


Smal ler


t hat





f ull

t ime

inf or mat ion tec hnology support person c onstant ly st ruggle w it h inf rast ruct ure issues; Int ernal employees, or out side consult ant s, are usually c alled on t o keep t he business running. Larger organizat ions t hat house a f ull t ime T echnology


st af f



Inf or mat ion hundred


t housands, and even mill ions, of dollars on building and managi ng



inf rast ruct ure

Even c ompanies


relat ed


t hat

c an c reat e

t heir a



inf rast ruct ure can better ut ilize t heir f inanc ial and t ime resourc es


revenue- produc ing

act ivit ies


servic ing

c ust omers. Security With a conventional client/server computer network, the challenge to control unauthorized access to privileged business applications and








infrastructure, information and software are housed on both the server and the client desktop, an open environment which leaves them vulnerable to unauthorized access. It also increases the risk of lost or stolen information.

Performance The







applications has rendered older computer networks inadequate for achieving maximum performance levels. Businesses that connect remotely or utilize lower-bandw idth connections place excess strain on their already congested networks, resulting in poor performance.







significantly decreases office productivity.


Access Competing in today’s complex computing landscape demands that businesses deploy a wide assort ment of desktop equipment and remote-access network connectivity. To access critical Windowsbased applications, businesses are compelled to continually invest in costly upgrades and rew rite applications to ensure continuous access.

Manageme nt Managing business technology is often unpredictable and has become exceedingly time-consuming, expensive and difficult to maintain.








personnel or turn to consultants. These professionals are asked to juggle the tasks of allocating applications to each workstation while having to update and patch applications, provide remote support









companies grow and users increase, the cost of owning and managing an in-house IT inf rastructure can spiral out of control.


Utility Computing Rea l i z in g the Hea dac he s

Va l ue


T ec h no lo gy

w it ho ut

t he

Ut ilit y comput ing is a unique alt ernat ive t o ow ning and managi ng

t ec hnology

invest ments.

Ut ilit y

comput ing

enables business planners to accurat ely forec ast t he cost s of t heir inf ormat ion tec hnology . Just as elect ric it y, w ater and t elephone amount

ut ilit ies allow c ustomers


services t hey





for t he

ut ility c omput ing

allow s

organizat ions t o pay only f or t he t echnology inf rast ruct ure t hey require, w it hout purc hasing, managing and support ing a comple x and expensive inf rast ruct ure in house. Wit h ut ilit y comput ing, c ompanies enable t heir tec hnology inf rast ruct ure t o adapt, c hange and grow as t heir business nec essit at es.

IsUtility ® Solution Xvand T ec hnology

IsUt ilit y® solut ion helps

Corporat ion’s

organizat ions of all sizes to unloc k t he int rinsic value of t echnology, enabling business growt h and prof it t hrough an eff ic ient inf rast ruct ure. Whet her an organizat ion employs f iv e


f ive

t housand comput er


IsUt ilit y®


organizat ions t o operate more ef f ic ient ly, using a plat form t hat only F ort une 500 c ompanies c ould previously af f ord. IsUt ilty ® eli minat es t he need f or organizat ions t o cont inually invest


invest ment

comput er in

syst em,

tec hnology


and all.


virt ually

Addit ionally,



companies no longer need t o internally budget f or cost ly inf or mat ion t ec hnology personnel – eit her on st af f or as outside consult ants.


IsUt ilit y® provides an inf rast ruct ure t hat inst ant ly adapt s to c hanges and operates w it h eac h organizat ion’s unique needs in mind.

By i mproving proc esses t o c reate business value

t hrough

applicat ion


aut omat ion,

int egrat ion, organizat ions

web can

enablement make


and on

T echnology v ersus v iew ing IT solely as a cost c enter. Xvand allow s organizat ions t o take advant age of t hese enabling t echnologies t hrough a dev elopment proc ess know n as t he DevelopIT Program® .


How c a n businesse s ge t pe ac e of mind knowing the ir da ta a nd a pplica tions are sec ure ? Ever t ight ening government

regulat ions on securit y and

audit ing standards and practic es suc h as Sarbanes Oxley and HIPAA nec essit at e detailed doc ument at ion. IsUt ility® provides t he same level of sec urit y off ered t o a F ort une 500 F inanc ial Inst it ut ion and rout inely exceeds t he inf rast ruct ure sec urity st andards of t hird- part y audit ors like t he Securit ies & Exc hange Commission and Pric e Waterhouse Coopers.

Ne twor k prote c tion De sc ription: Xvand off ers several layers of f irew alls, web and netw ork f ilt ering f or mal ic ious c ode and spyw are, and emai l f ilt ering f or Viruses and spa m. Int ernal Acc ess Cont rol Polic ies

c reat e

inf or mat ion



environment on


grant ing

organizat ional



st ruct ure.

Syst ems monit oring and sec urity audit s over and above t he standards and procedures necessary to comply w it h GLB, HIPAA


ot her


r igorous

audit ing

pract ic es


regularly used and amended as business c ondit ions w arrant . Be ne fit: All aspects of IsUt ility® are t ight ly c ont rolled to reduce vulnerabilit ies to a degree w hic h f ew c orporat ions w ould ever be able to ac hieve ot herw ise.

Se c ure Da ta Ce nte r De sc ription: Xv and’s c o- locat ion f ac ilit y is built spec if ically f or t he F ort une 500 c lass. T his data c enter inc ludes every possible feat ure designed for reliably and sec urely housing,


prot ect ing and delivering inf or mat ion t echnology.

Eac h

system c abinet is individually c onnected t o redundant, dual pow er


w it h

bac kup



generat ors.

Int ernet c onnect ivit y is provided t hrough four separat e f iber loops t hat c onnect t o mult iple f iber point of presence ISPs. Redundant failover rout ing monit ors all t raff ic , bandw idt h and



aut omat ic

re- rerout ing


perf ormanc e is ever af fected. Be ne fit:

Applic at ions


protect ed

f rom



cont ingenc y, inc luding f ire and nat ural disasters, t heft and environment al problems.

Secure Se rvices Description: To help protect network data, Xvand offers end-toend 128-bit encryption.

Benefit: isUtility® provides a higher, more efficient level of security between the client and the server. Organizations can ensure that data being sent over the network— even to the most remote locations—is secure and manageable.

C omplete Outsourc ing Solution Xvand’s solut ion. all areas

IsUt ilit y® service


a c omplet e


outsourc ing

Cert if ied t echnology expert s support and maint ain pert aining t o


inf rast ruct ure

and applicat ion

availabilit y so t hat organizat ions never have t o w orry about IT

relat ed issues. T ransparent


and migrat ions

come st andard w it h t his service at no addit ional c harge. Net w orking and emai l / Out look / Exc hange Soft w are are also inc luded w it h basic pric ing. Addit ionally, w ireless access t o email as w ell as Blac kberry support is also inc luded.


Session Shadowing Description: Xvand administrators and help-desk employees can remotely join or take control of another user’s session to see the display on the screen or control the mouse and keyboard.

Benefit: This feature


remote support, diagnosis and

training easy, and is

ideal for online

interactive teaching—

especially for introducing users of non-Windows clients (such as Mac and UNIX) to Windows-based applications.


How ca n manage rs re duce computer costs and headac hes to run their businesses more e fficie ntly? IsUt ilit y® allow s businesses t o operat e at opt imu m levels on an inf rast ruct ure delivered and servic ed as a ut ilit y. Off ice product ivity

inc reases

subst ant ially



communic at ion, great er business growt h, responsiveness to ma rket f luct uat ions and adaptabilit y dramat ic ally improve day t o day business

operat ions. In many

inst ances, IT

expendit ures are reduced by 10% or more. Only t he services t hat are necessary eac h mont h are billed t o t he c lient . IsUt ility® delivers only w hat is needed for an organizat ion.



c an st ill

ut ilize

loc al

net work

resourc es, or it c an t urn over all desktop and net work (LAN/WAN/ISP) responsibilit ies t o Xvand.

Eliminat e Cost ly Har dwar e and Soft war e Upgr ades IsUt ilit y® c ust omers never w orry about Mic rosoft ’s lat est operat ing syst em, net work or email applic at ion upgrades again.

Basic servic es f or IsUt ility® insure t hat business

processes servers,

operate storage,

on t he

lat est

inf rast ruct ure

inc luding

netw orking devic es and communic at ion

equip ment . Ot her

c apabilit ies

t hat


int egrate



netw ork inc lude net work f axing soft w are and voic e over IP phone


Mic rosoft

T hese

Out look


addit ional servic es Exc hange,

c reat ing

int egrate a



int ernet- based messaging environment .

Automatic System Update


Description: The automatic system update utility provides for automatic updates of the isUtility server. This tool provides Xvand’s administrators with the ability to install the latest version of client software without interrupting client sessions.

Benefit: Customers no longer need to worry whether an isUtility client device is running the latest version of the client software. They are now ensured of the most recent software available. Inc re ase Produc tiv ity T hat dist inct ion bet ween tec hnology business


compet it ive ®

isUt ilit y .

tec hnology

advant age






a cost of doing


import ant

produc ing

c omponent


As IsUt ility® c ust omers reduc e t he cost and

comple xit y of t heir inf rast ruct ure, t hose f reed resources can be reinvest ed int o more st rategic tec hnology issues. T his is t he greatest benef it of t he IsUt ility® Advantage, bec ause eac h organizat ion’s IsUt ility® based net work c an be unif ied w it h exist ing business processe s.

T rue value can be

c reat ed t hrough more ef fect ive c ustomer service and more eff ic ient

operat ions,

allow ing




opport unit ies t o dramat ic ally inc rease.

The Tr ue A dv ant ages of Technology Xvand’s IsUt ility® service serves as a st epping st o ne f or t rue business growt h by using t ec hnology as a c ompet it ive advant age.

An inf rast ruct ure servic e t hat provides value is

i mport ant t o t he bottom li ne of any business. T he unique capability of IsUt ility t o mold t hat inf rast ruct ure around business processes t o c reate value is w hat sets it apart f rom alt ernate tec hnology solut ions. Adaptable Ente rprise


De sc ription:

T he

IsUt ility ®

inf rast ruct ure

eff ort lessly

adapt s t o t he speed of t oday’s business. Employee c hanges, inc luding acc ess t o applic at ions and remot e acc ess can be acc omplished via email. Be ne fit:


c hanging


delet ing



servic es is perf ormed quic kly and seamlessly.

Develop-IT Program De sc ription: Customized project s Xvand’s




w hic h

delivered t hrough t ailors

tec hnology

init iat ives to specif ic

business object ives, delivering c ost

eff ect ive


applic at ions

Xvand c ustomers



enhanc e


inc ur any

perf ormanc e.

addit ional c ost s f or

deployment or t est ing. Be ne fit: Businesses can now v iew tec hnology not only as a cost



prof itabilit y,



ma rket share.






perf ormanc e



and inc rease

By automat ing suc h f unct ions as applicat ion

int egrat ion, ERP, and CRM, companies are t hen f reed to pursue addit ional or large r revenue opport unit ies, inst ead of administ ering proc esses.


How c an busine ss pe ople stay conne c te d to the ir office da ta from a ny whe re ? IsUt ilit y®

c reates


‘Virt ual

Net work’

f or


allow ing high perf or manc e access t o net w orked applic at ions f rom any locat ion.

IsUt ility ® requires only a low bandw idt h

connect ion, so t hat even dial up mode ms are ef f ect ive w hen higher bandw idt h connect ions are not available. IsUt ility® off ers a signif icant improve ment ove r t he speed and security of

VPN c onnect ions

and drast ically

reduc es c onst raining

bandw idt h and support requirement s.

Virtual Ne twor k De sc ription:

Mult iple

off ices


inst ant



cent ralized applic at ions and dat a, enabling employees to easily and eff ectively share c rit ical business inf ormat ion. Be ne fit: E mploy ees are no longer t ied to t heir desks; w hen aut horized t hey can instant ly access t heir spec if ic net work applic at ions and servic es f rom anyw here.

Built- in Expa nda bility De sc ription: IsUt ilit y® is a highly f lexible plat form. U nli ke standard netw ork roll- out s,

IsUt ilit y inst ant ly cust omizes

business netw orks for depart ment al as w ell as spec ialized individual needs. off ic e

St andard servic es inc lude a complet e

net w ork w it h connect ivity, along w it h hardw are /

w orkstat ion support if required. Be ne fit: Automat ed soft ware admin ist rat ion allow s Xvand’s help desk to bring new employees on line and manage acc ess cont rol polic ies quic kly and seamlessly.


How c a n businesses stay up a nd running so tha t the ir a pplic a tions a re a lwa y s a va ila ble to the ir e mploye e s? Reliabi lit y


w it h





arc hit ecture. Business can rely on an inf rast ruct ure designed and built t o deliver 99.999% reliabilit y. Syst em upt ime is guaranteed – your net w ork is delivered on a complet ely redundant


c omplet ely

mo nit ored and managed 24

secure x 7.

platf orm

w hic h

Connect ivit y


is also

redundant, prevent ing single point s of f ailure. IsUt ilit y ®’s core c omponent s exist on a net w ork bac kbone designed t o opt imize pat hs,

system resourc es t hrough mult iple

delivering virt ual business

users w henever t hey c onnect. ma xi mu m redundanc y and a

net w orks t o


T he overall design allow s f or grid- based servic es


providing t he highest levels of service and sc alability. Any Client Device Description: Extends the reach of Windows-based applications to virtually any client device including 286, 386, 486 and Pentium PCs, Windows-based terminals, w ireless devices and personal digital assistants (PDAs). Supports all types of Windows clients, including Windows 3.X, Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95, Windows NT Workstation and Windows CE. Benefit: Organizations can deliver the same set of applications to virtually any client device without rew riting a single line of code, changing client hardware or adjusting client system configurations. Any Network Connection Description: Connects users to the network through standard telephone lines, WAN links (T1, T3, 56kb, X.25), broadband connections (ISDN, F rame Relay, ATM) and w ireless connections as well as over the Internet or corporate Intranets. Supports all


LAN and WAN protocols, including TCP/IP, IPX, SPX, Net BIOS and direct asynchronous connections. Benefit: Ideal for enterprises that need to extend applications to users everywhere —regardless of connection type or available bandw idth. For companies w ith multiple networks and f ile servers, it’s a convenient and efficient way to get enterprise-wide application deployment. Any Application Description: Users can access the full range of business and personal productivity applications including the latest Windowsbased applications, client/server and even Java applications, from a universal client, regardless of available horsepower or operating system. Benefit: Organizations can reduce the total cost of application ownership by leveraging their existing technology invest ments. Users are able to access the most advanced business-critical and productivity applications w ith their preferred devices, eliminating the expensive training normally required. Disaster Recovery Platform Description: The isUtility platform includes the additional intelligence to support multiple sites (such as a primary and hot backup) w ith different addresses for the same published application name. Benefit: Xvand utilizes multiple server sites. In the event of a disaster, disabling our primary data center, IsUtility can be running at our backup data center within 48 hours of the disaster. Client Print Manage r Description: This unique client-printing enhancement allows users to define which client printers can be configured on their client device. IsUtility is capable of supporting virtually any printer currently in production. Benefit: This feature provides for an even higher level of seamless experience giving users additional flexibility and access to local system resources. Printer Mapping Description: Users can transparently access their local printers. Client printers are configured automatically for Windows-based clients and are added to the Print Manager.


Benefit: Mobile users can print remotely, regardless of location.


IsUtility ® Out sourced Ut ility Com put ing Servic es


Administration Applications Operating Systems Storage Computing / CPU Services LAN / Web Infrastructure


Questions and Answers

Why Should I Store My Data Off Site ? Essent ially,

import ant c orporate

inf ormat ion is

of ten an

view ed as so c rit ical t o t he f ut ure of your business t hat moving it t o an off site data cent er w ould eit her int roduce sec urity vulnerabilit ies, or make it less accessible in t he event of an emergency or pow er failure.

Neit her concern,

how ever, is w arrant ed. A

c orporat ion’s

import ant,

propriet ary


(inc luding

int ellect ual propert y) should be stored in t he most secure environment possible. shared


How ever, if inf ormat ion needs t o be


ac ross

vulnerabilit ies

require c onstant

t hreats

int ernal

f rom



net w ork, attent ion.

ext ernal



T his

int rusions


inc ludes to

y our

corporat e netw ork, as well as viruses and ot her f orms of ma lic ious c ode t hat c an be int roduced via net work, e mail, int ernet and internal act ions. Xvand takes all sec urity t hreats very seriously.

Not hing is

mo re i mpo rt ant t han our c ust omer’s data, and st rict polic ies and

proc edures


enf orced t o


y our c orporate

inf or mat ion is prot ected t o t he same degree as t hat of a F ort une 500 F inanc ial Inst it ut ion. IsUt ilit y® insures your data is alw ays accessible; how ever you are now bett er able t o cont rol exact ly how and w hen it is accessed and by w hom.

Access cont rol polic ies are put

int o place f or you t o grant access t o your dat a at a more granular level so you cont rol w here, w hen and how it is acc essed at t he f ile, f older, netw ork and applic at ion level. T hose w ho need f ull access can now hav e f ull access f rom anyw here,

w it h st ronger sec urity t han could have

been 19

i mple ment ed on your off ic e netw ork.

Ot her employees can

be loc ked dow n t o spec if ic w orkst at ions, and even spec if ic t imes f or access.

When changes are necessary a 24 hour

support staff is available t o t ake your call 365 days a year. If




occ ur,



w ill


available, exact ly as you left it . If pow er does not prompt ly ret urn, you can go to anot her loc at ion t o ret rieve your session.

Xvand’s dat a cent er is bac ked up by dual diesel

generat ors and mult iple power grids t o insure cont inuous operat ion.

What About my Existing Inv e stme nt? Y our exist ing inv est ment in net work hardw are and soft ware can be f ully ut ilized w it h IsUt ilit y® . seamless

c onnect ivit y

w it hin

t he

In fact, because of IsUt ilit y®

netw ork,

peripherals in one locat ion can be remot ely accessed in anot her t hrough Xvand’s user admin ist rat ion security.

F or

examp le, w hen someone needs t o send f axes, t hey can si mply print t o a netw ork print er in anot her off ic e T he princ ipal adv ant age t o IsUt ilit y® is t hat you no longer have t o maint ain or upgrade your net w ork inf rast ruct ure. When f ile servers or net work devic es w ear out, simply move t hose serv ices ont o t he IsUt ilit y® netw ork, Y ou w ill never w orry about upgrades, support or sec urity f or t hose servic es again.

What if Some thing Happe ns to Xvand? Xvand is a ‘second generat ion’ company

t hat has been

off ering tec hnology integrat ion servic es for 26 years. We have never left a client in a precarious posit ion.


Our “pay -as-you- go” agreement f lexibilit y .


serv ices

allow s c lient s


deliv ered

maxi mu m




inc rement s, just like a w at er or elect ric it y bill, and c lients are

alw ays


prot ect ion

f rom


pot ent ial

c irc umst ances. Our Servic e

Level Agreement

guarant ees c lients

spec if ic

right s pertaining t o a c hange of business plan on Xvand’s part. If t hat occurs, our engineers provide an immediat e t ransf er of import ant applic at ions and data t o any local devic es and servers. not ice




Client s are guarant eed 6 mont hs


IsUt ilit y® ,

f or

c hange







t his

cont ingenc y is ext remely unli kely due t o Xvand’s posit ive business growt h and burgeoning success. Xvand is a c omplet ely self f unded organizat ion, loc at ed in t he same address f or 26 years, and w it h zero debt . Xvand’s c redit rat ing w it h Dun & Bradst reet is among t he highest possible, and Xvand is a me mber i n exc ellent standing w it h t he Bett er Business Bureau.

Conclusions As


t echnology-


exec ut ives





related issues f rom t he st andpoint of value

versus cost, t hey w ill be more l ikely t o out sourc e areas t hat are not considered core compet enc ies. F urt hermore, as long as

alt ernat ives



w hic h

ac hieve


product ivity w it h low er annualized overhead, t he market w ill mo re readily accept t hose alt ernat ives as mainst ream. Xvand leads t he indust ry in delivering inf rast ruct ure and t echnology on a

ut ility




f orc es



business decision makers t o select cost eff ic ient models t hat provide maxi mu m value, IsUt ility® w ill c onsistent ly be t he t echnology inf rast ruct ure of choic e f or businesses t hat st rive t o achiev e t rue c ompet it iv e adv ant ages.


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