Skit# 7: Opening doors for community involvement (Begin by giving a brief overview of OISE/UT’s Internship program) Scenario: Two student teachers discussing their internship possibilities. Student#1:

So, what have you decided to do for your internship?


Still trying to decide. You?


Same here. There are so many possibilities but it’s so hard to decide really.


Yeah. Working for World Vision sounds cool, or even Right To Play. You know they set up sports camps and games in refugee camps around the world.


That sounds so fascinating, and a great way to get to travel and help those in need.


Yeah it is. What are you thinking of doing?


I have a chance to work in a reception centre, helping newly arrived students from other countries. I would be using my own language as well as English.


That’s amazing. Great way to use your language skills!


Yeah… who would have thought a Bachelor of Education degree would open up so many doors!


Skit# 6: Become a teacher, see the world! Scenario:

Two student teachers are having a conversation about teaching jobs in the near future.


So, have you applied to any of the school boards yet?


Actually, no. How about you?


Yeah, I’ve applied to the Toronto District School Board and the Peel Board. Why haven’t you? Don’t you want a job in September?


Well, I’ve decided to travel a bit. Maybe for a year or two.


How are you gonna do that? Where are you gonna go?


Well, I’ve thought of several places like Japan and Korea, but there also some opportunities in Europe. The possibilities are endless.


That’s good…. but how? You mean you are going to get a teaching job in another country?


Yeah. A lot of countries are in need of teachers from all over the world. This way I can travel and see new things, while making money as well.


Wow, I guess I never thought about teaching outside Canada.


There are many opportunities for all levels of teaching. For some you don’t even need a teaching degree. You can just teach English while traveling and experiencing different cultures. Actually I spent a year teaching English in Korea before I applied to teacher’s college. I loved it and that’s how I knew I wanted to be a teacher. Plus I’m sure that experience helped me to get accepted into the program!


Hmmm, you’ve given me something to think about!


Skit# 5: Why be a teacher? Scenario: This is an interview. Choose the questions that seem the most appropriate and add new ones if necessary. You could interview your fellow presenter(s) and/or some members of school staff who love the job. Interviewer: What made you want to become a teacher?

Interviewer: When did you decide to become a teacher?


What skills or strengths do you need to be a teacher?


Did someone influence you to become a teacher?


What is your perception of teaching now that you have practised it for a while?


What’s the best thing about being a teacher?


I hear that some teacher’s colleges are trying to attract more people from different racial and cultural groups. Why is this?


Skit#4: Everyone is a teacher #2 Scenario: Two guys playing basketball together after school in the schoolyard. Kid# 1:

Good shot, dude! You’re getting better at this every time we play.


Thanks, man. I’ve been practising in my spare time.


Oh, darn, just lost the ball. I’d better go get it.


(grabs the ball) Hey, is this your ball?


Yes it is. Can you please pass it over?


Sure, here you go.


Hey, that’s a great shot. Do you want to play with us?


Well, I don’t really know how to play basketball but maybe you could teach me.


Sure thing, come on over.


Cool, are you going to play with us? This guy can teach you some great tricks.

Scenario: Two girls playing basketball together after school in the schoolyard. Kid# 1:

Good shot, girl! You’re getting better at this every time we play.


Thanks. I’ve been practicing in my spare time.


Oh, darn, just lost the ball. I’d better go get it.


(grabs the ball) Hey, is this your ball?


Yes it is. Can you please pass it over?


Sure, here you go.


Hey, that’s a great shot. Do you want to play with us?


Well, I don’t really know how to play basketball but maybe you could teach me.


Sure thing, come on over.


Cool, are you going to play with us? My friend can teach you some great tricks.


Skit#3: Everyone is a teacher #1 Scenario: Two siblings are sitting at the kitchen table doing homework. Sibling#1:

Li, I need you to help me with my math homework.


Oh, can’t you figure it out yourself. I am busy here.


Come on Li. You did this last year and I really don’t understand it.


Okay fine, I’ll help you. What don’t you get, anyway?


I don’t understand how to do this equation. What formula do I have to use?


Give me a second so I can look it over. Okay, so you have to use the formula your teacher taught you. See. (Older sibling sitting down with younger, showing her/him how to do the work).


But why? I still don’t get it. I’m confused.


Well, by process of elimination, the second formula has too many equations and the third is not made for this problem, so you are left with this one. Here let’s do it together and you’ll understand afterwards.


Thanks, Li. You’ve really helped me out a lot. I actually get it now.


You’re welcome. Actually in the end I feel quite good about helping. Seeing the lights go on in that tiny brain….




Skit# 2: What makes a good teacher? Scenario: Two students are hanging out after school talking about a teacher they really like. Student #1:

Hey, wasn’t Mr. Singh’s class just awesome today. Showing us scenes from World War 2 newsreels made the stuff we’ve learned about the war so realistic.

Student #2:

Yeah, I totally agree. It’s so much easier to learn about and understand something from the past to see it. It’s like when we went to the ROM to see the Egyptian mummies.

Student #1:

And he is always there to give you extra help if you need it.

Student #2:

Like the time I needed help with a research paper, and he made things so much clearer for me.

Student #1:

Yeah, he’s helped me out too. And he always has a smile on his face.

Student #2:

I wonder. Does this guy have a social life? I mean doesn’t he coach the baseball team too?

Student #1:

Yeah, I think so…I guess he really likes his job. He’s made me think about my own career. Maybe I would enjoy being a teacher!

Student #2:

Yeah… I think good teachers work really hard but the pay is quite good and the holidays are great!

Student #1:

You know there’s a lunchtime meeting tomorrow for anyone interested in teaching. Wanna come?

Student #2:

Sure, why not. Maybe we’ll both be teachers one day!


Skit# 1: Why I want to become a teacher Scenario: Two grade 11 students are sitting in a school cafeteria at lunch having a discussion.

Student# 1:

So, what do you want to do after high school?

Student# 2:

I don’t know. Haven’t really thought about it much. How about you?

Student # 1:

Well… It may sound funny but I am thinking about university, and getting into teaching eventually.

Student # 2:

You mean, like becoming a university teacher?

Student #1:

No, I want to teach little kids.

Student #2:

Why do you want to become a teacher? We’re trying our hardest to get out of here!

Student #1:

Yeah, but there are lots of different ways to be a teacher. You can teach little kids, or you can even teach adults. My sister’s friend teaches kindergarten and she loves it!

Student #2:

I guess you’re right. And even some of the teachers here are pretty cool and seem to like what they do. You get two months off in the summer too!

Student #1:

Well… yes and no. The holidays are good but my sister’s friend is always getting her lessons ready on the weekend and she sometimes takes extra courses in the summer too. But she seems so interested in what she does. Must be great to feel like that about your job.

Student #2:

Well I don’t think it’s for me, but you go for it!

Student #1:

Yeah… I’m going to see about doing my Community Service helping the kindergarten teacher at that elementary school down the street.

Student #2:

Good idea. You will soon find out if teaching is for you or not!



These skits are intended to stimulate interest in the teaching profession. Two FTC volunteers presenting together can perform the skits, or you can give the skits to a couple of students to rehearse ahead of time. Additional skits are welcome. Please send your contributions to Elizabeth Coelho: [email protected]

Skit# 1:

Why I want to become a teacher

Skit# 2:

What makes a good teacher?


Everyone is a teacher #1


Everyone is a teacher #2

Skit# 5:

Why be a teacher?

Skit# 6:

Become a teacher, see the world!

Skit# 7:

Opening doors for community involvement