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Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ABSTRACT TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Background of the Analysis ..................................................... 1 1.2 The Problem of Analysis ................................................................ 4 1.3 The Objective of Analysis .............................................................. 5 1.4 The Scope of Analysis .................................................................... 5 1.5 The Significance of Analysis .......................................................... 6 1.6 The Method of the Analysis............................................................ 6 1.7 Review of the Related Literature .................................................... 8 2. THEORITICAL FRAME WORK 2.1 Noun .............................................................................................. 10 2.1.1 Classification of Noun ........................................................... 11 2.2 Verb ............................................................................................... 16 2.2.1. Classification of Verb ........................................................... 18 2.3 Phrase ............................................................................................ 24 2.3.1 Noun Phrase ....................................................................... 28 2.3.2 Verb Phrase ........................................................................ 31 3. THEORY OF TRANSFORMATIONAL GENERATIVE GRAMMAR 3.1. Transformational Generative ......................................................... 37 3.2. Bibliography of Noam Chomsky .................................................. 44 4. METHODOLOGY............................................................................... 46 4.1 Data collecting Method .................................................................. 48 Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

4.2 Data Analysis Method .................................................................... 48 5. AN ANALYSIS OF NOUN AND VERB PHRASE IN D.H. LAWRENCE’S NOVEL “SONS AND LOVERS” 5.1 An Analysis of Noun Phrase ........................................................... 50 5.2 An Analysis of Verb Phrase............................................................ 52 6. CONCLUTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS58 6.1 Conclusions .................................................................................... 56 6.2 Suggestions .................................................................................... 58 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIX

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

ABSTRACT Skripsi ini berjudul “AN ANALYSIS OF NOUN AND VERB PHRASE IN D.H. LAWRENCE’S NOVEL “SON AND LOVERS”. Sons and Lovers merupakan salah satu karya yang fenomenal, meceritakan kisah cinta antara seorang ibu dengan kedua anak lelaki kandungnya. Novel yang dikemas dalam 15 bab ini akan ditelaah dari aspek linguistik. Dalam analisis ini, permasalahan yang dibahas dalam novel tersebut adalah Noun Phrase dan Verb Phrase. Frasa merupakan satuan linguistic yang lebih besar dari kata dan lebih kecil dari klausa, yang memiliki inti kata (head). Noun phrase (fraseanominal) adalah kumpulan kata yang head (inti kata) berupa kata benda. Verb phrase (Frasa verbal), kata kerjanya bertindak sebagai predikat yang menjelaskan si subject. Tujuannya adalah untuk mencari dan menelaah jenis frase di dalam novel yang didasari oleh sebuah teori Grammatik Strutur Frasa atau Transformational Generative Grammar (TGG) yang diperkenalkan oleh Noam Chomsky. Metode Deskriptif kuatitaif dengan menggunakan purposive sampling (sample bertujuan) diaplikasikan dalam skripsi ini agar bisa menentukan jumlah NP dan VP, dimana bab-bab dalam novel telah terseleksi.

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009


I, KHAIRUN NISA, declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. Except where references is made in the test of this thesis, this contains no material published else where or extracted in whole or in part from a thesis by which I have qualified for award another degree.

No other persons work has been used without acknowledgment in this main text of this thesis, this thesis has not been submitted for award of another degree I any tertiary education.





Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009




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I am willing that my thesis should be available for reference at the library of English Department Faculty of Letters USU, and understanding about the topic of the thesis for other English students.

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Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

1. INTRODUCTION “Language learning starts with basic language units like word, and then moves on the complex structure”. (English Grammar Glossary)

1.1 Background of the Analysis The languages which are interpreted into writing is one of the great God’s bestowals for human. Through the writing, people recognize the history, literature, and science. Writing is a concrete material that can be seen, touched, reread, reminded, and analyzed. It has the legality form which is responsibility and everlasting. One of the known everlasting of writing form and likely by readers is novel. In recent times, novel is not only as a reading material to spend leisure time or to love the story, but also as a means of entertainment that contain full of knowledge. Novel has been discussed in several of linguistic and literature analysis. Because novel is one of the written grammatical, this can be analyzed from structure and literary works. A language of the novel can be analyzed into small parts by linguists, students, or common people who are interesting in it, if it is supported by knowledge. The analyzed language aspects discuss about: part of speech (verb, noun, adjective), sentences building (phrase, clause and sentence), and microlinguistic (morpheme, phoneme, and affixation). The aspect that is analyzed in this thesis is Noun and verb phrase in D.H. Lawrence’s novel Sons and lovers. Phrase learning is still rare studied, not because it is less important in sentence Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

unit, but scholars consider that the phrase learning is complicated grammatical structure. Therefore, to relearn noun and verb phrase, this analysis is going to give simple understanding about them in the novel through Chomsky’s theory. Phrase consists of a single word or a group of words that function as a single unit in syntax of a sentence. Phrase and can be identified by substitution, movement test, and constituent- that are replacing one expression with another. But discussion about them is not included into this thesis. This thesis specifies phrase in Chomsky’s theory: Phrase Structure Rules. Phrase has form, function, and category to be analyzed. Noel Burton (1986:34) says that the students need to distinguish between the category and the function of a constituent, because most category of phrase has a variety of different function. Although subject is always noun phrase, this does not mean that all noun phrase function as subject. For example: Some doctors examine patients S P O (Noun Phrase) (Verb Ph) (Noun Ph) In this thesis is going to analyze noun and verb phrase by using theory of Transformational Generative Grammar (TGG). The Transformative Generative Grammar is a generative grammar that approach towards language, inaugurated in 1957 by Noam Chomsky. He published syntactic structure by TGG, the function is to develop the idea and to specify transformational grammar in each sentences in a language which has two level representations: a deep structure and a surface structure. When a deep structures are generated by a set of phrase structure rules. Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

Noam Chomsky was born on Born 7 December 1928 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His Best Known theory is a generative grammar. Noam Chomsky is a leading linguistic scientist and a longtime professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). His book is Syntactic Structures (1957) outlined his theories of transformational generative grammar . Grammatika adalah pernyataan yang jelas daftar kalimatnya dan grammatika seharusnya bias menurunkan kalimat-kalimat baru (Ramalan, 1986:39). Ramlan defines this term above is a gramatika generative (Generative Grammar). A grammatical structure must have purpose 1). To interpret a sentence entirely from function, category, and nucleus of a word, 2). Create a sentence becoming simple structure (by diagram tree), 3). Can be clarified into micro unit (modifier or determiner). Term such as “transformation” can give the impression that theories of Transformational Generative Grammar are intended as a model for the process through human mind constructs and understand sentences. (Chomsky)

The structure of TGG is analyzed by using diagram tree, which the Phrasemarkers are initial symbol (S, P, and O), auxiliary symbol (NP, VP, PP, Ad.P), and terminal symbol (micro element of grammatical structure, divided into small lexicons. Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

Sons and Lovers is one of the most engrossing works of a world-famous novelist, D.H. Lawrence. David Herbert Lawrence (11th September 1885) was born in Eastwood Nottinghamshire, England. This novel is dedicated to Garnet. Garnet, as the literary advisor to the publishing firm Duckworth, was an important figure in leading Lawrence during 1911-1912. He began working this novel in the period of his mother’s ill. The idea of the novel is love and torment with major themes is Oedipus complex. It is an absorbing story of a son’s struggle to escape from the inviting devotion of his possessive mother. Sons and Lovers was the first portrayal of a phenomenon, become easily recognizable as the Oedipus complex.

It is interesting thing if the students or the literature lovers desire to analyze some syntactic structures from a novel. We can get much information about the both structures in novel; deep and surface structures. From one sentence, the student can recognize micro-linguistic of a language, it is same with phrase grammar structure. The clarification of noun is formed by its head and preceded by determiner, pre-determiner and post-determiner.

1.2 The Problem of Analysis Based on the description in the background of analysis above, the problem that will be analyzed are: 1. How many noun and verb phrase are found in D.H. Lawrence’s novel Sons and Lovers? (by selected chapter)

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

2. Which syntactic structure does present in D.H. Lawrence’s novel Sons and Lover? 3. How is the Transformation Generative Grammar applied in D.H. Lawrence’s novel Sons and Lovers?

1.3 The Object of Analysis The objective in this thesis based on the problem of analysis. The objectives of analysis are: 1. To find the number of Noun and Verb phrase by the selected chapter in D.H. Lawrence’s novel Sons and Lovers? 2. To understand and to determine syntactic structure (Phrase structure) of Noun and Verb Phrase in D.H. Lawrence’s novel Sons and Lovers? 3. To describe the usage of Noun and Verb Phrase in Transformation Generative Grammar.

1.4 The Scope of The Analysis I try to limit NP and VP with Phrase Structure grammar by following of Theory TGG. Then, the capture of both phrases: noun and verb phrase from the novel is scoped by purposive sampling, which the each chapters of the novel will be selected. I only take the data from the first to the eight pages each of the selected chapter for Noun and Verb phrase. The scope of the analysis in this thesis is to analysis two types of phrase, they are Noun Phrase and Verb Phrase in D.H. Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

Lawrence’s Sons and Lover. Both noun and verb phrase are the united structure into a sentence and re-explained into small category of Phrase Structure Grammar, by following the theory of Transformation Generative Grammar.

1.5 The Significant of The Analysis I hope this analysis can give many advantages in linguistic learning, understanding about Phrase Structure Grammar and more important thing; it can be used as a reference in doing the next thesis. The student of English Department is also interested in practicing this theory because I consider that the theory of TGG is easy to be understood. A grammar is finite, but the sentences which people produce are theoretically infinite in length and number. Thus, a grammar must generate, from finite means, all and only the infinite set of grammatical sentences in a language (Chomsky: 1970).

1.6 The Method of The Analysis This research uses a descriptive quantitative analysis method. Descriptive quantitative method is a method of research which is limited counted data and numbering. First, I choose the novel that will be analyzed, that is Sons and Lovers D.H. Lawrence. Then, I read the novels are structured in phrase unit. After that, I list some sentences by selected chapter that support both noun and verb phrase and start to count them by some formulas. Applying the library research is relevant doing to complete this thesis. And the last, I read some supporting books and references that related to this thesis. Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

To collect this thesis, I will apply a purposive sampling which the chapters of the novel will be selected. Amounts of the chapter are 15 chapters; I divide them into two parts: odd number (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15) and even number (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14). I choose 3 chapters from odd number (3, 7, and 11) and 2 chapters from even chapter (4 and 10). So, amounts of the chapter which is selected are 5 chapters. Following the accounting formula of quantitative analysis method that is published by Nawawi (1991: 150)

X x 100% + N Y


: Number of Type Noun /Verb phrase


: Total number of all data


: Percentage of type of Noun / Verb Phrase

Examples of Verb Phrase “…make him stop drinking…” (P. 64: line: 20) S VP V Make






ing V drink

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

“She wanted to see what the boy would do” (P. 64,Line:34) S









CL. V inf. to see

what the boy would do

1.7 Review of Related Study In supporting the idea of this analysis, I collect some books and references which relevant to the topic of analysis. I also use some theories from the linguists and some the similar research study. Following the reference in the discussion: Jawasi Naibaho (2006 : 9) state that the simplest grammar will consist of both the phrase structure rules, which directly generate a limited a set of underlying strings, and transformational rules, which perform permutation, deletion, and addition operation of these strings to produce all possible sentences. Chomsky defines language as the infinite set of grammatical sentences in a language and grammar as a set rules that generate the infinite set of grammatical sentences, non sentences. (Jawasi, 2006:8). In Syntactic Structure, Noam Chomsky defines a grammatical transformation as a rule that “operate on a given strings with a given constituent structure and converts it into a new string with a new derived constituent structure”. (1957:44)

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

Ramlan (1986:39) states that “Grammatika sebenarnya ialah suatu pernyataan yang jelas tentang daftar kalimat yang ada itu. Grammatika haruslah dapat menurunkan kalimat-kalimat baru dan Gramatika yang mampu menurunkan kalimat-kalimat baru disebut gramatika generative”. Diane D. Bornstein (1977:37) assumes a Transformational Grammar has two levels for each sentence, a deep structure that represents the meaning, and a surface structure that represents the sound. John Lyon (1981:125) terms that Generative grammar and transformational grammar are frequently treated as synonyms. A generative grammar is a set rule which operating upon a finite vocabulary of units generates a set (finite or infinite) of syntax (each syntax is being composed of a finite number of units). Doughlas Biber, at all (2002:41) states that Syntactic role: Phrase can be described according to their function or syntactic role in clause (e.g. subject, object). In generally; meaning of phrase is to specify and or elaborate the meaning of the head word and its relation to other elements in clause.

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009


2. THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK 2.1. NOUN In linguistic, a noun is a member of a large lexical category whose members can occur as the main word in the subject of a clause, the object of a verb, or the object of a preposition. Noun also can occur with article and attributive adjective and can function as the head of a noun phrase. Noun is a word which: a) can occur as the subject or object of a verb or the object (complement) of a preposition, b) can be modified by an adjective, c) can be used with determiner. Nouns typically refer to people, animals, places, things, or abstractions. (Jack Richard: 1985, P.196) For example: Children play kites in the garden. A noun clarifies the name of a person, place, thing, or idea. In this chapter will explain several things that include a forming of noun phrase, where noun phrase refer to classification of noun unit. The functions of noun are as subject, direct object, indirect object, objects of preposition, and subject complement.

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

2.1.1 Classification of Noun: 1. Proper Noun Proper noun (proper name) is a noun representing the specific noun, person, place, or thing, which is capitalized. Proper noun is not preceded by an article or modifier, it is used to donate a particular person, place, or thing without regard any descriptive meaning or phrase. The specific names are days of week, month, historical document, institution, organization, religion, holy text and adherent. For example: Indonesia, London, Richard, Islam, March, United State, etc. For Examples: On April, Susilo Yudhoyono is going to participate on election. Many people take long vacation on Saturday and Sunday.

2. Common noun A common noun is a noun referring to a person, place, or thing in a general sense, it is not capitalized. Common noun is preceded by article or determiner. Form of common noun can elaborated in singular and plural form. Examples: book/ books, computer/computers, floor, people, etc. For example: All students of second class are in big hall, they are preparing for a Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

school seminar about drug addicted. The salesman has been promoting some product to customers.

3. Concrete Noun A concrete noun is a noun which names anything (or anyone) that perceive physical sense of human, such as: touch, sight, taste, hearing, or smell. For example: The judge handed the files to the clerk. The book agent promotes science books to schools.

4. Abstract Noun An abstract noun is a noun which names anything that can not perceive trough the five physical sense of human. Sometime, an abstract noun does not have physical form and a person cannot touch them. The form is singular form. There are some abstract nouns: anger, beauty, courage, education, help, luck, research, poverty, justice, heath, love, honesty, fun, experience, time, violence, hate, intelligent, etc. For example: In the childhood, they need to know about kindness and justice. We had a lot of fun on the picnic. Hate and anger are a bad behavior.

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

5. Countable Noun A countable noun is a noun with both singular and plural form can combine with numerals or quantifier (one, several. every, most) and article. The nouns can be counted. Nouns have a plural form: -s or –es. For example: A painter painted two tables, five chairs and a wall.


Uncountable Noun A non-countable noun (or mass noun) is a noun which does not have a

plural form, which refers to something that can not be counted. A non-countable noun is not preceded by article (a/an), number (one, two, and six). 1). In singular, they PLURAL can be precede by Books a/an Two books One book Some books NOUN Several books 1). They have a plural form: -s/-es. A lot of books Many books A few books History 1). They are not UNCOUNTABLE Some history immediately by A lot of history NOUN a/an Much history 2). They do not have A little history plural form(no final –s) Noun and Uncountable noun can be preceded definite article “the”. To show the exact noun. “The book is mine”. Or “The history tells about Greek”. Some common non-countable nouns: COUNTABLE



A. Clothing












Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009




B. Grammar







J. Water, Oil,


C. Advise Information












D. Grammar

G. History


Milk, Cream, Honey, Juice, K. Smog, Pollution, Oxygen,



Music, poetry

E. Advise

H. English,

Information News


Wood, Butter, Tea, etc.

F. Corn Chinese, etc


I. Housework,


For example: Air, water and soil are the natural resources for creature in the earth. I get much information from news. International schools make some new language programs for Arabic,

French, and Dutch.


Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

A collective noun is a noun that refers to group consisting of more than one individual or entity. The names are inflected for singular, but collective noun can be plural form, depending on the form of the group in a sentence. It can count and generate the individual members of the group, its mean that collective noun has groups in specific units, such as: of the group, its mean that collective noun has groups in specific units, such as:

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

Faculty (letters, economy, science),

Faculty of letters, faculty of science •

Class (music, business, etc),

Flock of geese •

Class music, class business. •

Flock (geese, goat),

School (business school, religious School, school of music),

Committee (stand committee, fund

Public (public transportations),


Council (British council, council of art)

The collective noun refers to non-countable noun, but not all are included in. Some examples of collective noun: army, audience, board, cabinet, class, committee, company, corporation, council, department, faculty, firm, group, jury, majority, minority, navy, public, school, team, and troupe. For example: The flock of geese ate grass in the field. Vegetable is a good nutrient for body and skin. A singer is singing to entertainment all audiences. 8. Material Noun A material noun is a noun that consists of raw material, it refers to singular noun. Such as: gold, silver, oil, powder. For example: A ring is made by precious gold. The basic ingredient of making cake and bread is powder.

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

2.2. VERB In syntax, a verb is a part of speech that always donates an action, an event and varies in including tense, aspect, mood, and voice. Verb is a word which, a) occur as a part of the predicate of a sentence, b) carries marker of grammatical categories such as tense, aspect, person, number, and mood, and c) refers to an action or state. (Jack Richard: 1985, p. 305) For example: A secretary typed documents two last days. The verb is important in sentence, express action, event, or state of being. In sentence, verb functions as a predicate which show the meaning and mention feeling of the sentence. Verb has argument that can classify kinds of verb; the argument is called valiancy or valence. Verb can be classified according to its valence. 1. Intransitive (valence 1): the verb only has a subject. For example: “they learn” and “she sings”. 2. Transitive (valence 2) : the verb has a subject and a direct object. For example: “they learn English” 3. Ditransitive (valence 3) : the verb has a subject, a direct object and an indirect or secondary object For example: “My mother gives me money”. English verb are often flexible with regard to valence. A transitive verb can change its object and become intransitive, or intransitive verb can take an object and Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

become transitive. A transitive verb is a verb which needs object and if the sentence does not place the object, it will appear question, because the sentence is not completed. For example: “my mother made“, this sentence does not give information clearly so it will ask more “what was made by my mother?”. Correct sentence is “my mother made cake”. Verb “make” shows an activity or doing where the action is to make cake. Because, one of the function of verbs is to inform the action or event of subject. Therefore, to write down a sentence, need to choose the particular verb. Sometime, a transitive verb can be independent without an object, compare She washed (Intransitive) She washed the dress. (Transitive) In the first sentence, the verb washed has no grammatical object and in valence 1. But, there may be a hidden object that understood by subject. The second is completed sentence; the verb washed expresses what the subject has done, “washed the dress” (Obj.). Its mean, the object completes the news. For further information, there are some transitive verbs: make, eat, drink, visit, invite, type, allow, obey, write, read, love, do, kill, tell, desire, want, call, take, bring, join, ride, meet, listen, give, send, order, etc. For example: “Jackson loves Diana”, Obj. “They desire money”, Obj. A boy gave flower to a girl, a strange man killed somebody, Obj. Obj Obj. . Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

Intransitive verbs are: go, run, walk, dream, fly, sleep, and flow. These verbs only need adverb or complement to inform about the subject. For examples: Arya went (to school), The birds fly (above the sky), A robber run (quickly on the road), They walk (every morning) The baby sleeps (on the bed) A river flows (slowly) 2.2.1. Classifications of Verb 1. Verbal Noun and Verbal Adjective VERBAL NOUN VERBAL ADJECTIVE Definition: describe the action of the Definition: generally called participle. verb.

Types: English has active and passive.

Types: Gerund, infinitive, and supine. Reading is my hobby” (Gerund) “I want to see sea” (infinitive to)




participle) Passive participle (past participle) Example: “ I saw the paying children” (active participle) “ I saw the played game” (passive participle)

English has gerund that verb is top up by “ing” and function as a noun (Cooking, reading, swimming, signing, writing). Infinitive is to generate information Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

of the sentence. The active participle describes noun that perform the action given in the verb e.g. “the playing children”, it means that children as a doer, playing is a progressive verb- “children are playing”. 2. Agreement The verb is reflected to the subject (person, number, or genre). English shows distinctive agreement in the third person singular in present tense form. Verb on the third person in present tense must be added “-s” or “-es”. For example: “She goes to school” and “Mariam likes to listen the radio”. 3. Auxiliary Verb Auxiliary verb is called helping verb or verbal auxiliary. Auxiliary is a helping verb that does not have meaning. Its function is to give further semantic and syntactic about main verb and always accompanied by main verb. PARTS OF AUXILIARY •

Be (is, am, are, was ,were, been, being)

Do, Does, Did

Have, Has, Had

Modal (Can, Could, Will, Would)

Shall, Should, May, Might, Ought to, Must,

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

Following is part of auxiliary verb that is very important to make and classify sentence in each tense because English has different and specific form to arrange the sentence. In English, every clause has a finite verb which consists of full verb (a non – auxiliary verb) and optionally one or more auxiliary verb. There is syntactic different between an auxiliary verb and full verb: each has a different grammatical function within the sentence. In English, some verbs can acts as auxiliary or as full verb. Some example about above explanation A. I am reading a book.

C. I have read a book

B. I am a reader.

D. I have a book

In sentence A and C, auxiliary verb BE and HAVE as a pure auxiliary (helping verb), but in sentence B and D are full verb that has meaning. A. I eat bread (zero auxiliary) B. I have eaten bread ( 1 auxiliary = have) C. Bread has been eaten (by) me ( 2 auxiliaries = has + been) D. I have been being eaten bread ( 3 auxiliaries = have +been +being) Auxiliary is classified into three part: BE auxiliary, DO auxiliary, and MODAL auxiliary. P R E -

BE 1st person singular

Positive Am, ‘m

Unconstructed negative Am not

Contracted negative Aren’t, aim’s

Helping Verb DO

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

3rd person singular S E N T P A S T P E R F E C T


Is, ‘s

Is not



Are, ‘re

Are not,



Was not Were not

Wasn’t Weren’t


2nd and 1st person plural 1st and 3rd Was person singular were 3rdperson singular 1st and 3rd Been person singular been



3rdperson singular 1st and 3rd Was/ person singular being

3rdperson singular M All pronouns O D A L

Was not Were not

Wasn’t Weren’t

Cannot Could not Will not Would not

Can’t Couldn’t Won’t Wouldn’t

Were/ being Can_ could Will_ would May_ might

Following is the usage of Auxiliary: 1.

Tense ( present, past, ) Using DO/ DOES /DID in negative and interrogative sentence. “All managers do not present on meeting”. “Does nurse write a receipt?” “They did not take vacation last summer”

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

(Perfect): Using HAVE/ HAS/ HAD + VERB PAST PARTICIPLE (V3) in all sentence form: positive, negative, and interrogative. “All managers have not presented on meeting” “Has nurse written a receipt?” “They had not taken vacation on last summer. (Progressive): Using BE + VERB +ING in all sentence form. “All managers are not presenting on meeting” “Is a nurse writing a receipt?” “They were not taking vacation on last summer”? 2. Passive sentence Using BE + VERB PAST PARTICIPLE (V3) in all sentence forms. “A receipt was written down by doctor” 3. Question Tag Auxiliary is used to repeat at the end of a sentence, with negation a tag question form. POSSITIVE SENTENCE, NEGATIVE TAG? OR NEGATIVE SENTENCE, POSITIVE TAG? For Examples: You study English, don’t you?

Rizma sold her ring, didn’t she?

They have not gone to hall, have they?

Students are lazy, aren’t they?

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

She is not singing, is she?

4. Elliptic Sentence or Ellipsis Auxiliaries can appear alone where a main verb has been omitted, but is understood. Example: I will go, but he won’t Sisca never says honestly to me, but Susi does. 5. Inversion Auxiliaries invert to form question. For example: You will come? Will you come? 6. Emphasis The dummy auxiliary do is used for emphasis in positive statement. For Example: I do love you and do need you.


Phrasal Verb A phrasal verb is a combination of a verb and a preposition, adverb and a adverb,

or verb with both adverb and preposition. It is part of the syntax of the sentence, and so is a complete semantic. Phrasal verbs are particularly frequent in the English language. Then, a phrasal verb has a different meaning from the original verb. For example: look

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

(to see) → “look + preposition” has different meaning→ look for = find something, look out = aware, look after = keep, look into = investigate, look about = stare Phrasal verb that contains adverb and preposition is called particle verb. Phrasal verb is used in informal speaking because the listener or reader will easily understand a phrasal verb in a literal sense with preposition. Like a “crunch language”. The large usage of phrasal verb is in literal and idiomatic usage. The construction of phrasal verb: VERB+PREPOSITION/ ADVERB OR VERB+ PRONOUN+PREPOSITION

For example: “A man is looking for a job”. “He picked the plates up carefully”.

2.3. Phrase In grammar, a phrase is a group of words that functions as a single unit in the syntax of a sentence (Wiktionary: 2009). In Longman dictionary defines: phrase is a group of word which from a grammatical unit. A phrase does not contain a finite verb and doses not have a subject – predicate structure. (Jack Richard: 1985, p. 39). A phrase is a group of words that makes sense but not complete sense. A clause is a group of words which forms part of sentences and contains a subject and predicate”. (Wren and Martin: 1984, p. 3)

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

For example: The rich man sold his expensive classic car. Bruce love working in the luxurious office. Sometime, a phrase may consist of a single word or a group of word. Phrase can be identified by substitution by replacing one unit or expression with other, to see how the word fits into the structure. Then, phrase also can be identified by movement test. Its mean, a phrase is moved as a unit to a different position. In concise that, this thesis does not explain more about them, because they need more data and reference, so the next analysis will be researched for other level. Most phrases have a central word which defines the type of phrase; the central word is called the “head”. Phrase always has Head in each word, it can be analyzed, if knows about types of phrase and knows how to form it. For example: “the rich man”, “his expensive new car” and “working in luxurious office” head of them is man, car (noun phrase), and work (verb phrase) The types or classifications of phrase by using head are: 1. Noun Phrase 2. Verb Phrase 3. Adjective Phrase 4. Adverbial Phrase 5. PrepositionPhrase

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

The important thing, this thesis only analyzes two types of phrase: noun and verb phrase. Explanations about noun and verb have been summarized above, for further classification about phrases, noun and verb, this chapter will generate clearly about them. In linguistic aspect, all structures of the language must tend to the rules; in order the reference or data of linguistic is valuable. Therefore, he learner should know about the main factor in phrase. Following the main factors are recognized as procedure: a). Form/ Structure: the main test for classification of phrase is structure., especially the word class of the head of phrase and other elements contained in the phrase. It is analogous to the morphological structure of word. b). Syntactic role: Phrase can be descried according to their function or syntactic role in clauses (e.g. subject, object). c). Meaning: the semantic nature of structure is to specify and elaborate the meaning of the head word and its relation to other element in the clause. There are identifications of usage of phrase. A. Word makes up phrase which behave like unit. B. A phrase can consist of either one word or more that one word. C. Differences in phrase structure show up in differences of meaning. D. Phrase can be embedded, its mean that one phrase can be part of structure to another. E. Phrase structure can be represented by tree diagram. Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

F. The real identification is a phrase put determiner. G. To separate into small elements of phrase structural rules. H. Each phrase has a central word or “head”. I. The forming of phrase follows its aspect, such as: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, or preposition.

2.3.1. Noun Phrase Noun phrase is a participle (participle) or infinite phrase which could be replaced by a noun or pronoun. (Jack Richard: 1985, p. 197). All noun and pronoun that function as subject is a noun phrase. Noun phrase or NP is a noun whose head is a noun and pronoun, optionally accompanied set of modifier. Noun phrase can use an opposition structure, its mean that the elements in the noun phrase are not in a head-modifier relationship, but in relation equality. For example: “I and Rose study “, where I and Rose do not modify each other (zero modifier). Moreover, noun phrase can be headed by elements other tan nouns, for instance, “He came” (pronoun), “I’ll take these” (determiners). Noun and verb phrase know about Category and Function of a constituent, because most categories of phrase have a variety of different function. But not all categories in noun phrase have similar function. Its means that from the definition above, all noun phrase have function as subject, but part of noun phrase structure function as object or adverb or complement, If the sentence contains noun categories. For example: “The policeman arrested the mad smuggler who had stolen money in a bank.” Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

S /NP/


O / NP /

Subject and object have similar function as a noun phrase but category is different, subject and object which has large clause. Noun phrase needs a basic structural in Transformational grammar which consists of the head. The head can be precede by determiner (consist one constituent in sentence), pre-determiners (which precede noun), and post-determiners (which follow it) as modifiers. 1. Determiner (DET) Determiners are function word used to specify the kind of reference a noun has. Determiners vary in the kind of noun head, and noun phrase normally consist of a head noun, which is optionally modified into determiner. Article (Art.)→ (the, a/an), Demonstrative (DEM)→ (this, that, these, those), Numeral (NUM) → (one, two, third), Possessive (POSS) → (my, her, our, their, mine, etc), Quantifier (Q) → (some, several, any, many, much, a tot of, a little, a few, neither, either, The WH- determiner→ (which, whose, whichever, whatever, whoever whether as relatives, indentified relatives, or interrogatives. These determiners are always followed by noun, or sometimes elaborated with adjective. Look at the simple form of using determiners: Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

DET + NOUN DET + ADJECIVE + NOUN For examples in diagram tree, “Some old bottles “

“My new book” NP DET








Q Some


Adj. old

N bottles

2. Pre-determiner (PRE-DET) Pre-determiners form preceded those central determiners and having quantification. It is placed before the noun and usually either as noun. Parts of pre-determiners are a). All, both, half b). The multipliers. All occur with plural count noun and with non-count nouns, for example: all the computers, all computers, all the music, all music. Both occur with plural count noun, for example: both the computers, both computers. Half occur with singular and plural count noun and with non-count nouns, for example: half the book(s), half a book, half the music, Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

As well as being pre-determiners: all, both, half can like demonstratives, be used pronominally. Look at the examples: All



the students read the test for their exam




both but

half failed

3. Post-determiners Post-determiner take their place immediately after determiner just as predeterminer take their place before determiners. Post-determiner has two classes: a) Ordinal: first, fourth, last, other. b) b). Quantifier: seven, many, few, plenty of, a lot of. For example: The first two poems My last few examinations My other many businesses. General form of noun phrases by using diagram tree The white feather cat ate fish S NP

VP Det







Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009







All the new smart students are in class S NP



NP Det.

Aux. be NP







N Adj.



new smart students

. are

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

2.3.2. Verb Phrase Verb phrase or VP is a syntax structure composed of the predicative element of a sentence and function in providing information about the subject of the sentence. All verbs that function as predicate is verb phrase. The head of phrase is a verb and constructed from a single verb, however, the verb phrase will consist of various combinations of the main verb and any auxiliary verb, plus optionally specifier, complement, and adjunct. According to Jack Richard in book Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistic, he defines that verb phrase is in generative transformational grammar, is the part of a sentence which contains the main verb and also any object, complement, and adverbial. (1985: 306). For example: “John sent a package to me” → all word s are verb p hrase, excep t “Joh n” as noun. Verb phrases have a lexical verb or primary verb as their head or main verb. The main verb can stand alone or be preceded by one or more auxiliary verbs. Finite verb phrases show distinction of tense (present/past) and can include modal auxiliaries, in spite of, Non-finite verb phrase do not show tense and cannot occur with modal auxiliaries. Verb phrase is essential part of a clause, referring to type of state or action. The main verb determiner can occur in the clause and can be interrupted by adverb or other adverbials.

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

General form of verb phrase “The policeman arrested the mad smuggler who had stolen money in a bank.” S NP DET


V past








NP V participle N




General Form of Noun Phrase NP PRE-DET



Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009






In this chapter, the analysis will focus about theory of Transformational Generative Grammar which tends to structure rules of both phrases: noun and verb. A language which is expressed into sentence can refer to grammatical structure and theory. A theory is developed by linguists who understand about language aspects. Therefore, one of the famous theories from syntax is Chomsky’s theory: Transformational Generative Grammar. In linguistic, a transformational grammar or Transformational Generative Grammar (TGG) is a generative grammar which analyze particularly of a natural language, it has been developed in Chomsky’s idea. The purpose of Transformational grammar is to specify a generative grammar.

“A grammatical transformation as rule that operates on a given string with a given constituent structure and convert it into a new string derived constituent structure” (Chomky:1957, p.44). A string is a representation of the abstract structure of a sentence. A transformation requires a string with a particular structure. For example: in active transformation of an active sentence will change the structure, if it is transferred Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

into passive sentence: “Robby sells a book” (active)→ “ A book is sold (by) Robby” (passive).

“Transforrmasi adalah suatu mekanisme atau alat untuk mengubah suatu konstruksi menjadi konstruksi yang lain” (Samsuri: 1980, p. 266) In theoretical linguistics, generative grammar refers to a particular approach to the study of syntax. A generative grammar of a language attempts to give a set of rules that will correctly predict which combinations of words of forming grammatical sentences. In most approaches to generative grammar, the rules will also predict the morphology of a sentence. The Chomsky approach towards syntax, it is termed a generative grammar. Chomsky has maintained that much of this knowledge is innate, implying that children need only learn certain parochial features of their native languages. There are a number of different approaches to generative grammar. The term generative grammar has been associated with at least the following schools of linguistics: •

Transformational grammar (TG) o

Standard Theory (ST)


Extended Standard Theory (EST)


Revised Extended Standard Theory (REST)

Beginning in the late 1950s, generative grammar originates of Noam Chomsky’s work, there is a number of competition versions of generative Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

grammar currently that is practiced within linguistics. Chomsky's theory is known as the Minimalist Program. Other prominent theories include or have included Head-driven phrase structure grammar, Lexical functional grammar, Categorical grammar, Relational grammar, and Tree-adjoining grammar. Noam Chomsky has also argued that many of the properties of a generative grammar arise from an "innate" universal grammar (basic grammar universally), Proponents of generative grammar are not the result of communicative function and is not simply learned from the environment generative grammar but takes a point of view different from Cognitive grammar, functional and behaviorist theories.(Chomsky:1960)

Chomsky defines a grammar is finite, but that the sentences which people produce are theoretically infinite in length and number. Thus, a grammar must generate, from finite means, all and only the infinite set of grammatical sentences in a language. Chomsky has further argued that all languages have the same underlying, abstract structure--universal grammar. The hypothesis is adequately to describe the grammar of a human language, because each sentence has two different structures, called "deep structure" and "surface structure", the both structures are called .transformations.

Structural grammar is an approach to the written and spoken language that focuses on the mechanics and construction of sentences. A structural grammar is not concerned with the implications of the words that is used to create the sentence, but with the construct of the sentence itself. This concern with sentence structure provides a basis for the creation of most written documents, and makes Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

an assumption that what is seen on the surface is also the straightforward meaning behind the words of the sentence. The function of structural grammar can be contrasted with that of transformational grammar, or known by TG grammar. The transformational approaches to grammar towards the surface structure in the sentence. TG grammar is also usually considered to be the logical progression of the written and spoken word, taking the process of analysis boundaries of structural grammar. More information about transformational grammar will be discussed next explanation.

3.1. Transformational Generative Grammar Before the theory of Transformational Generative Grammar is published, Noam Chomsky in 1957 publishes two seminal books on linguistic theory--Syntactic Structures (1957) and Aspects of the Theory of Syntax (1965). Syntactic Structures introduces ideas about language that transform the study of linguistics, human language, and communication. Several important works expand Chomsky’s views. They are included in Current Issues in Linguistic Theory (1964), Aspects of the Theory of Syntax (1965), Topics in the Theory of Generative Grammar (1966), and Sound Patterns in English (1968). Syntactic Structure developed the idea that each sentence in a language has two level representations: a deep structure and surface structure.

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

“Transformational grammar assumes that there are two levels for each sentence: deep structure that represents the meaning, and surface structure that represents the sounds” (Bornstein:1997, p. 37)

In Bornstein’s statement, surface structure relates to more than one deep structure, it is ambiguous case. Transformation is also mechanism which connects to deep structure with surface structure in a sentence. Moh. Adnan Latief is a linguist of Indonesia, gives definition about transformation which is referred to two level structures. ” Transformation adalah proses yang terjadi dari deep structure menjadi surface structure”. (Moh. Adnan Latief:1980, p. 220)

The deep structure represents the semantic relation whose concept plays an important role in transformational grammar. In early transformational syntax, deep structure is derivation trees of the context free language. Deep structure concerns to the meaning of a sentence. The deep structure of a linguistic is a theoretical construct that the aim is to unify several related structures. Surface structure corresponds to actual spoken sentence or proper phonology information, and represents to the syntax. Surface structure concerns to context. To study of syntax, there are main elements involved a sentence; there are deep and surface structure. For example, “Joe hates Clara" and "Clara is hated by Joe” (deep

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

structure), compare with these sentences “Joe kissed Clara” and “Clara was kissed by Joe” (Surface Structure). The role and significance of deep structure change a great deal as Chomsky’s theory since the mid 1990’s, and then change into transformational grammar. Some linguists, in particularly Noam Chomsky, have tried to similar by making positive of two sentences, although they are distinct surface forms that derive from a common deep structure. Deep structure generate surface structure trough some transformational rules, the distinction between deep and surface structure are to explain about transformational rules in tense (present, past, perfect or future). Chomsky argued that the grammar of human language is a formal system consisting of abstract logical structures systematically, then rearranged by all components of linguistic description. The purpose is to generate all possible sentences of a language. Chomsky's theory is applicable to all components of linguistic description (phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics). In phonology, Chomsky argues that the sound system of a language consists of a set of abstract binary features (phonemic level) which are combined and recombined by means of phonological processes to produce the sounds which people actually say (phonetic level). (Chomsky and Halle's: 1968). Chomsky's concept of "transformational grammar", that it was possible to predict sentence combinations in a language and to describe their structure.

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

Chaedar Alwasilah has ideas that is important to know about Transformational analysis, these are conclusion (Chaedar: 1993, p.167) A. Language as symbol of communication B. To explain the exact rules of grammar C. To differ between the principles sentence (simple, active, statement) with the transformational sentence (compound, passive, statement). D. To explain that every one born with favors innate ability E.

A deep structure is the principle structure which does not supervise the inner thinking of a speaker or listener and its competence they transform into surface.


To explain the important of meaning to construct analysis of language grammar.

In syntax, the theory specifies a set of abstract phrase-structure rules in deep structures, which reveal in transformations grammar in surface structures in order to produce or result a context of sentences. Therefore, Geoffrey Samson has some ideas that concise about generative grammar, he states that the language should be treated from the syntactic point of view, as a particular subject of the class of all possible sequence of item in the dictionary of that language. In brief, some points about generative grammar deal with the noun phrase of the grammar generally (Geoffrey: 1970)

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

1). Every normal native speaker has his own competence in his language. The competence can produce new sentence and understand the sentence that he/she never heard it before. The competence is different from the performance. 2). The grammar is a set of sentence. Every sentence consist of a set basic elements which has certain structure, such as: word and phrase which has function as subject, predicate, object, complement, and formed into noun and verb phrase, clause or complex sentence. 3).Every language has its surface and deep structure. The deep structure is not

always reflected in the surface structure.

4). The structure of the sentence consists of some components: •

Base component consist of: a. a set of category as a S, NP, VP b. Lexical component

Transformation Component directs the change of one structure to another structure

Semantic component determines the meaning of surface structure of a sentence. These ideas will be helpful to show a diagram tree how this grammar

out line. Theory of Syntactic Structure that is published in 1957 has also discussed about three main parts of a transformational grammar: Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

1. Phrase Structure rules 2. Transformational rules 3. Morphophonemic rules 1. Phrase Structure Rules To find the form position and function of noun phrase depends on transformational Generative Grammar’s theory, this term have to define clearly. Phrase structure rules are a way to describe a language syntactically. They are used to break a natural sentence down into its constituent part (syntactic category). These rules are usually of the form, means that the constituent A is separated into the two sub constituents B and C. Look at the first rules: This rules begins with a single symbol “S” (Subject). A Sentence (S) consists of NP + NP. This means sentence A consist of a noun phrase followed by a verb phrase determiner. A NP consists of a determiner followed by a noun. General form that is constructed by Noam Chomsky, it can be generated into diagram tree: A.

S, Det, NP, VP, AP, PP








Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

Syntactic category has two categories: phrasal and lexical category. Phrasal verb includes noun phrase, verb phrase and prepositional phrase, lexical category include part of speech:

noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective,

conjunction, article, interjection, and number. Phrase structure rules are common used in Transformational Generative Grammar (TGG). These are Phrase Structure Rules: S → NP + VP VP → V (NP) (Prep P) Prep P → Prep P Prep →

to For By At About


V1/__NP V2/__NP for V3/__NP by V4__NP at V5__NP about V6__to V7__for V8__by V9/__at V10/__about V11/__NP

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

V12 NP →

Pronoun (Det) N That



Det →

Def Indef

Following the other form of Phrase Structure Rules: S → Det + N + Present + be+ ing + V + Det +N NP → (Det) + (Adj) + N

3.2. Bibliography of Noam Chomsky Noam Chomsky as a famous linguist who publishes about Syntactic Structure theory that refers to this analysis: phrase. Studying about phrase will involve this theory. Noam Chomsky (December 7th, 1928) is an American linguist and philosopher, responsible for the theory of transformational grammar. As a political commentator he was critical of American foreign and domestic policy. He studied at the University of Pennsylvania, receiving his Ph.D. in linguistics in 1955. After that year, he taught at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

where he was Institute Professor of Linguistics. Chomsky received international acclaim for his work in linguistics, philosophy, and social/political theory. A prolific writer, he revolutionized linguistics with his theory of transformationalgenerative grammar. His work in epistemology and philosophy of mind is controversial; his social and political writings were consistently critical of American foreign and domestic policy. Chomsky's assumption was that a grammar is finite, but that the sentences which people produce are theoretically infinite in length and number. Thus, a grammar must generate, from finite means, all and only the infinite set of grammatical sentences in a language. Chomsky has further argued that all languages have the same underlying, abstract structure - universal grammar Chomsky's rationalism engendered a resurgence of work in faculty psychology, the theory that the human mind consists of discrete modules which are specialized for particular cognitive processes: vision and language, for example. One of his statements in rationalist philosophy was Modular Approaches to the Study of Mind (1984). Chomsky was also an ardent critic of American domestic and foreign policy. His libertarian socialist ideas can be found in such works as American Power and the New Mandarins (1969), For Reasons of State (1973), The Political Economy of Human Rights (1979), and Towards a New Cold War (1982). Chomsky's position was always that American international aggression is rooted in the American industrial system, where capitalism, by its aggressive, dehumanizing, and dominating nature, spawns a corresponding militaristic policy. Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009


The purpose of the methodology research is to solve the problem by describing the facts and systematically based on the recent fact. This thesis will use the library research. Library research is one of the methods, which is supplied by collecting data or information from references which have been written, by linguists or other experts.

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

In library research, I also use descriptive quantitative analysis method and apply purposive sampling. This aim is to limit the chapter of the novel, in order the analysis is easy to understand and get complex data. Nawawi states, “Methode descriptive dapat diartikan sebagai prosedur atau cara memecahkan masalah penelitian dengan memaparkan keadaan objek yang diselidiki (seseorang, lembaga, masyarakat, pabrik, dll) sebagaimana adanya, berdasarkan, fakta-fakta yang actual pada saat sekarang “. (1995: 67)

After reading the novel and apply the purposive sampling, I choose five chapters from the whole chapter in the novel (fifteen chapters). Then, from the five selected chapters, I only take the data from the first to the eight pages each of the selected chapter for Noun and Verb phrase. The data for the both phrases will be analyzed from word by word and then classified into their phrase structure rules. After that, the data will be counted by using some instrument or formula. In order to get the noun and verb phrase that occur mostly in the novel, the following formula from Nawawi (1991; 150) will be used:



100% = N


= Number of type of Noun and verb Phrase


= Total number of all data


= Percentage of type of Noun and Verb Phrase

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

This thesis will apply systematically, to describe and analyze noun and verb phrase with their form and examples. Analysis of noun phrase needs more explanation about its form than verb phase. Therefore, this analysis uses the diagram tree as a way to determine element of phrases. For examples: She did all her sewing by hand, made all shirts, and children’s clothing. (51:2) S NP



NP1 Pron






NP Det


N NP Conj.

N pos


Data Collecting Method The collecting data is very important. The analysis of noun and verb phrases use some references which has been selected trough the pattern of Chomsky’s theory and phrase structure rules. The books that I use are Sintaksis by Pro. Drs. M. Ramlan, Analyzing Sentences: An Introduction of English Syntax by Noel Burton and Robert and Prosedur Penelitian by Prof. Dr. Suharsimi Arikunto. Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

In D.H. Lawrence’s novel “Sons and Lovers” has 15 chapters, then, I divide them into two parts: odd number and even number. I choose 3 chapters from odd number (3, 7, and 11) and 2 chapters from even number (4 and 10). Data Analysis Method I try to analysis the data by collecting some references which are related to this thesis. There are some steps that I had done to analyze the data: 1. Collect the data First of all, I collect the reference about Noun and Verb Phrase from some references. 2.

Select the data

Then, after collecting the reference, I select them. 3. Identify the Noun and Verb Phrase I read the novel of D.H. Lawrence “Sons and Lovers” by selected chapter in the novel by following procedure of purposive sampling. 4. Classify Next, I classify the according to the Chomsky’s theory, Transformational Generative Grammar (TGG) 5.

Finally I analyze the form of Noun and Verb Phrase to find the the most occur in the novel and the technique of the novel’s writer and how the most dominant noun and verb phrase affect the novel.

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009



Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

The description of the analysis is generated by following selected chapter trough purposive sampling method. The analysis will generate the phrase structure into two forms: noun phrase and verb phrase in sentences in each certain selected chapter. A. Odd Chapter (chapter 3, 7, and 11) NOUN PHRASE He was a greater lover of medicines, which strangely enough.. ( 3/ 49:2) S NP Pr

Aux. be past

NP1 Det Art.










of medicines



Which strangely enough


The neighbors were very good to her (49:27) S NP Det


Aux. Be past

NP Adv.



Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009



Det. Poss


The last child was also a boy, fair, and bonny (51: 28) S NP Det




Aux Be past





Adj. Conj. Adj.

.These were the happy moment of her life now.(52:1) He often put his hand to his head, pulled down the corners to his mouth.. (50: 11) C H A P T E R

Paul had been many times up to WilleyFarm during autumn. (142:1) S NP

VP Aux.



NP Be perf.





7 P


N Prep.





up to Willey Farm during autumn.

Her great companion was her mother/ (142: 115) She beat up the sofa cushion for the youth/ ( 144: 31) They gave her feeling of life again, and vivified things which had meant Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

nothing to her. (151:42) C H A P T E R

A good many of the nicest men he knew were like himself. (272: 3) S

NP Det








11 Det

NP Prep.



A good many of the

past Adj.


Aux be past


men he know



Miriam killed the joy and the warmth in him.. (273: 6) There was a great crop of cherries at the farm. (277: 21) Cherries touched his ears and his sleek, cool fleshed fruit. (277:37)


VERB PHRASE He was sickening for an attack of an inflammation of the brain. (49: 18) S





Pre. Part.





Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

3 Prep. Det






Prep. Det N Prep. Det

attack of an inflammation of an brain


(147: 19)


” I didn’t know a bird was watching (150: 20)

”She suddenly became aware of his keen blue eyes upon her taking her all in.(145: 18) She went into the scullery, blushing deeply. (145: 21) The boy loathed the other cheek of jangle when it was presented to them

# italic sentence is an adverb of the verb


He could not have faced his mother. ( 271: 31) S NP


VP. Aux perf.




11 She looked at him with startled dark eyes. (274: 16) B. Even Chapter (Chapter 4 and 10)



NOUN PHRASE She had a big doll of which she was fearfully proud,. ( 61: 20) A light came into his blue eyes almost like a laugh (62: 38)

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

T E R 4

They heard the water of the tap drumming into the kettle, which their mother was filling for morning (64: 10) The children, alone with their mother, told her all anything. (66: 16) She always felt a mixture of anguish in her love of him. (69: 21) # Italic sentence is an adverb of the noun.



They saw his tapped cap over the short curtain. (247: 17) He poured out some of the black stuff. (254: 7) The brown paint on the door was so old that the naked wood showed NP = Det+Adj.+N between the rents. (253:7) ↓ PP = P+NP ↓ Det + N # Italic sentence is an adverb of the noun.

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009


VERB PHRASE Annie rushed up, uttered a loud wail, and sat down to weep a dirge.(61: 20) He seemed to hate the doll so intensely, because he had broken it. (62: 11) They lay with their hearts in the grip of an intense anguish. (64: 1) Darkness shut down over the valley. (64: 44) The children felt secure when their father was in bed ( 68: 40) # Italic sentence is an adverb of the verb.


He was beginning to grow ambitious. (247: 4) He told her everything that took place, everything that was said. (249: 36) She passed her hand down his back to feel him. (249: 26) He had shoveled away all beliefs that would hamper him. (250: 13) VP = Aux perf. + Vpast + prep. ↓ NP = Det + N → S (that)

10 # Italic sentence is an adverb of the noun.

Following is the total of Noun and verb phrases are taken from the novel that has been listed and selected. This method uses formula from Nawawi (1991; 150). This purpose is to show amount of NP & VP of the analysis from “Sons and Lovers” novel.. This percentage is a quantitative sample that is limited.

Number of Noun Phrase ( X ) x 100% = Percentage of NP ( N ) Total number of all data ( Y )

22 NP

X 100 % = 4, 4 %

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

5 Chapters 17 VP

X 100% = 3, 4 %

5 Chapters

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009


6. COCLUSION AND SUGGESTUION 6.1. Conclusion The writing of this analysis analyzes two types of phrase: Noun and Verb phrases through of theory of Transformational Generative Grammar. This theory was formally started in 1957 with the publication of Noam Chomsky’s Syntactic Structure. Chomsky has argued that all languages have the same underlying, abstract structure--universal grammar. Chomsky's assumption was that a grammar is finite, but that the sentences which people produce are theoretically infinite in length and number. (Chomsky:1957) Thus, a grammar must generate and grammar can classify small units from a sentences. One of generative grammar is Phrase Structure Grammar that can generate elements of lexical category of a language. Grammatika adalah pernyataan yang jelas daftar kalimatnya dan grammatika seharusnya bias menurunkan kalimat-kalimat baru (Ramalan, 1986:39). Event, the scholars are able to understand some functions and categories of phrase if it is learnt by generative grammar. Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

Noun and verb phrase have own explanation base on the theory and syntax. The phrase can elaborate into one sentence, because one sentence includes these phrases. Following is the general form of phrase. S NP VP V N Det

: Sentence :Noun Phrase :Verb Phrase :Verb :Noun : Determiner

In general pattern can be preceded into diagram tree, such as S Nuc NP Det





In grammar, a phrase is a group of words that functions as a single unit in the syntax of a sentence (Wiktionary: 2009). In Longman dictionary defines: phrase is a group of word which from a grammatical unit. A phrase does not contain a finite verb and doses not have a subject – predicate structure. Noun phrase is a participle (participle) or infinite phrase which could be replaced by a noun or pronoun. (Jack Richard: 1985:197). All noun and pronoun that function as subject is a noun phrase. Noun phrase or NP is a noun whose head is a noun and pronoun. Verb phrase or VP is a syntax structure composed of the predicative element of a sentence and function in providing information about the subject of

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

the sentence. All verbs that function as predicate is verb phrase. The head of phrase is a verb.(JackRichard:1985, 306). Besides discussing the forms of the English noun and verb phrase, this thesis also learns their position, function and category in the sentence. It is clear that the nucleus off the sentence is formed by a noun and verb phrase. The two syntactic structures firmly always are in each simple or complex sentence.

6.2 Suggestion Understand about a theory of a linguist should need everlasting analysis. It is important to get more information about the language which can be researched from the semantic or syntax. Transformational Generative Grammar is one of researchable theory of the great linguist, Chomsky. This theory has been applied several thesis in collage. Transformational grammar can teach such individual to use more complicated structure or pattern by the theory. For further research, this analysis can develop. The last discussion about noun and verb phrase is direction of using the Chomsky’s theory. In general, knows about syntactic and generative grammar of his idea. Finally, the scholars or teachers can understand a language from its syntax; they are able to recognize the pattern of English Phrase.

Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

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Khairun Nisa : An Analysis Of Noun And Verb Phrase In D.H. Lawrence’s Novel “Sons And Lovers”, 2009. USU Repository © 2009

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