United Way of Salt Lake Presenta4on

United Way of Salt Lake Presenta4on Adam Whalen ------------------------- Ashleigh Berry ------------------------- Howard Cooke ----------------------...
Author: Meryl Barker
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United Way of Salt Lake Presenta4on Adam Whalen ------------------------- Ashleigh Berry ------------------------- Howard Cooke ------------------------- Alex Hall ------------------------- Kenadee Hatch ------------------------- Molly Cook

Presenta4on Overview Internal Brand Overview

Marke4ng Research

Quan4ta4ve Qualita4ve Brand PlaGorm

Strategic Messaging

Goals Strategic Messaging Plan Social Media

Crea4ve Campaign

Strategic Partnerships Conven4onal Adver4sing

Our Brand Research… The Meaning To be part of United Way of Salt Lake, is to be part of a community. A desire to change the odds… The Vision Envision a community where all individuals and families achieve their poten4al through educa4on, income stability, and healthy lives…. The Mission To change the odds so that all children and their families, regardless of their circumstances, have the same chance to succeed in school and in life…

Market Research

“Research is crea4ng new knowledge…” -Neil Armstrong

Survey Overview 140 Respondents: Qualtrics created, media / intercept distributed

18 – 24 (74%) 25 – 34 (12%) Misc. (14%)

Female (55%) Male (45%)

White (91%) Afr-Ame (2%)

Misc. (6%)

Why Demographics? What we have is a representa4ve sample of the University of Utah student base.

Unaided Mindshare Unaided Mindshare (Of 140)

Chari4es / Non-Profits

Above Average 35+

Red Cross Ronald McDonald House Make-a-Wish Founda4on Church Programs

Average 20-34

Boys & Girls Club Habitat for Humanity Salva4on Army Big Brothers Big Sisters Utah Food Bank Best Friends Animal Society

Below Average 9-19

United Way The Road Home

Aided Mindshare

Brand Knowledge “I know what United Way of Salt Lake does as a non-profit organiza4on…”

“I have been involved in United Way of Salt Lake’s charitable work in the past…”

Charitable Ajtudes The importance of dona4ng, volunteering, and advoca4ng… Response Rate 60% 50% 40% 30% Response Rate

20% 10% 0% Important

Somewhat Important

Not Important

Non-Profit Par4cipa4on Percentage of individuals who have par4cipated in any of the following ac4vi4es in the last six months…

68% 69% 62% Donated



These numbers are rela4vely high, and demonstrate an inherent interest in the millennial group to be involved with charity and non-profit organiza4ons…

Charitable Mo4va4ons Top 3 reasons why these individuals donate, volunteer, and advocate…

Charitable Mo4va4ons Cont. Top 3 reasons why OTHERS would volunteer / donate / advocate…

Charitable Mo4va4ons Cont. The main alractor for millennials is a Personal Tie to the cause, with altruism, incen4ves, and requirements following suit…

Compe44on Chari4es


Church Dona4ons


On-Site Coin Drops


Educa4on Programs


Local Compe44on


Media Consump4on Millennial media consump4on habits have been well-versed in countrywide quan4ta4ve research... Social Media


Best Prac4ces: Millennials •  Less obliga4on, more reward… –  Millennials want to feel like investors, not donors. Give them a return on investment, intrinsic or extrinsic.

•  Simple is best… –  Keep it minimal, from messaging to crea4ve collateral. Millennials pay alen4on for all of 4-7 seconds, make it count!

•  Tangible, personal impact… –  Much in line with the first point, Millennials want to see current impact rather than those that happen 20 – 30 years in the future. Sources: Accredited research ins4tu4ons & newspapers countrywide, including (but not limited to) Pew Research, General Social Science Survey, Boston Globe, and Wall Street Journal.

Strengths & Weaknesses STRENGTHS •  A na4onally trusted presence and name. •  Quality work with quality results. •  Unique; changing the odds and selling for no less than the elimina4on of the designated problem. WEAKNESSES •  Lack of mindshare for the United Way of Salt Lake brand name specifically. •  Goal, objec4ve, and service con4nuity. •  Social media presence, par4cularly on sites popular with millennials.

Opportuni4es & Threats OPPORTUNITIES •  Unify who UW - SL is through the need to simplify for millennials. •  Take the mindshare of UW knowledge and transcribe that to UW-SL itself. •  Alract a new genera4on of UW - SL followers who are likely to be charitable, but have yet to become familiar with your work. THREATS •  Mindshare, mindshare, mindshare… •  Failure to meet millennial interests in a simple and tangible way. •  Further loss of brand cohesiveness through muddled messaging, goals, and ill-iden4fied services.

Research Takeaway(s) •  Opportuni4es for major growth among the millennial crowd… •  Millennials want a personal 4e to their chosen cause…. •  Simple, cohesive messaging is just as important as the content itself…

Consumer Evalua4ons Millennial interests and behaviors are vast and diverse, but we’ve boiled it down to five key personas…

Rebecca, the “Millennial Mom”

●  Rebecca is 28 years old ●  Recently divorced Mother of 2 boys ●  Very involved with her son's school and aver school ac4vi4es

●  Loves reading local “Mommy Bloggers” and is ac4ve on Facebook ●  Posts pictures of her lovely boys onto her Instagram page

Talia, the “Barista” • 

22 years old


Just graduated from the U


Loves Instagram & Snapchat


Lives in Salt Lake City area and works part 4me


Difficult to find free time to volunteer and extra money to donate

Sam, “Mr. Greek” ●  19 year-old sophomore ●  Member of on campus fraternity ●  Volunteers twice a month ●  Par4cipates in fundraisers for philanthropic causes ●  Ac4ve on Facebook for Greek Life, and Twiler for the news

The Maddox Family •  Janessa & Landon, 24. Knox, 1. •  Young family, selling into careers and life. •  Janessa, social media guru, shares DIY Instagram projects and life with son. •  Went to low income schools, they know the importance of programs like UW – SL’s. •  Concern is leaving the world a beler place for Knox. “How can we advocate for him?”

Preston Johnson •  21-year old college Junior. Is in school full 4me while working part 4me.

•  Hardly any disposable income, but is very cheap anyway

•  Very ac4ve on social media (Instagram, Twiler, Snapchat, etc.), uses it to stay informed

•  Concerned about school and resume

•  Recognizes the United Way of Salt Lake name but is unclear about what they do

•  Doesn’t believe he has the means to volunteer

Strategic Messaging “Strategy without tac4cs is the slowest route to victory… …tac4cs without strategy is the noise before defeat.” -Sun Tzu

Brand Posi4on - Millennials •  United Way of Salt Lake not only makes a difference in the lives of the children it seeks to help, but it also makes a difference in the lives of those who donate their 4me and money… Strategically, our campaign needs to reflect this promise of fulfillment, both internally and externally.

Brand Promise - Millennials •  United Way of Salt Lake offers fulfilling and meaningful opportuni4es across the valley… Just as our market research showed, we need to keep with UW – SL’s promise of fulfilling work that feels worthwhile.

Brand Personality - Millennials •  Young, accessible, exci4ng, organized, and reputable… Focus on the ‘young’ and ‘exci4ng’ to draw in millennials to United Way of Salt Lake’s fantas4c culture and personality.

Our Goals… 1.  Create beler awareness and understanding of United Way of Salt Lake 2.  Build and foster rela4onships with millennials 3.  Posi4on United Way of Salt Lake as the trustworthy non-profit in Utah The sum of these three goals will increase the amount of dona4ons and volunteers UW – SL receives…

1: Create Beler Awareness / Understanding •  Clearly and concisely define what UW - SL does •  Clearly define how millennials can contribute •  Effec4vely promote these defini4ons •  Promo4on techniques –  Events –  Social Media Campaign –  Student outreach –  Strategic Partnerships –  Tradi4onal Adver4sing

2: Build Rela4onships with Millennials •  Engage millennials in areas specific to them –  Social Media, School, Events

•  Illustrate that millennials can make an impact –  Every dollar or hour of volunteering counts –  U4lize millennial’s skills

•  Make charity more appealing

–  Highlight the benefits –  Incen4vize –  Establish emo4onal connec4on –  Make it more relatable

•  Build a community people want to join

3: UW – SL as the Trustworthy Charity • 

People trust brands they are familiar with. –  Exposure à Familiarity = Trust •  Be ac4vely engaged in the community. –  In-person & on social media •  Establish posi4on at front of people’s minds –  When they think of charity, they think UW-SL –  All examples of charity point to UW-SL •  Be the charity that unites a community

The Strategic Thread So many things, so many thoughts… how can we ever unite our goals?!? Why with the slogan…

United We Change The Odds

Unify….. •  “United We Change The Odds” –  Internal and External

•  UW - SL is built on unifying

–  Organiza4ons and individuals –  Variety of charity ini4a4ves

•  Unify the message

–  Main focus educa4on –  Secondary focuses

•  Financial stability/Poverty •  Health Care

•  Example: Pillars holding up a roof

…..and Clarify •  UW - SL’s brand will be clarified by example. –  Show real life examples of United Way of Salt Lake’s programs and efforts. •  UW - SL’s brand will be clarified by insight. –  Descrip4on and results of current and past campaigns. •  How can we make this unifica4on and clarifica4on most appealing?

Hero Needed

Save. The. World.

“Don the cape…”

Crea4ve Campaign

But WHY Superheroes?!? •  Builds and fosters rela4onships ... •  Personal 4e to millennials... •  Makes the idea of charity exci4ng... •  Forms a community ...

The Underlying Mo4ve… •  Rather than market the literal things that UW – SL does, we decided to demonstrate it metaphorically to beler explain in a simple way who UW – SL is while increasing mindshare among millennials… •  UW – SL is the Avengers of charity…

Superheroes = Millennials The majority of comic book / superhero fans are between the ages of 18 and 30...

The Superhero Aesthe4c •  Unifies and clarifies the UW – SL brand •  Metaphor to help illustrate what United Way does •  UW – SL is the “Avengers” of charity…

•  Fits messaging of “saving the world” by “changing the odds” •  Feels less overwhelming, establishes a personal 4e, and encompasses all 5 personas…

Social Media Strategy The social media strategy will be United Way of Salt Lake’s Bat-Signal for getting the message out and recruiting UW – SL superheroes…

Facebook •  United Way of Salt Lake’s exis4ng Facebook will act as the founda4on for our social media campaign •  It will be used to

–  Highlight and promote United Way’s programs –  Provide visual examples of what United Way does –  S4mulate interac4on between United Way and users • Contests, Giveaways, Ques4ons –  Educate public on charity of charity related issues

Twiler •  United Way of Salt Lake’s exis4ng Twiler will be used to extend the reach of the Facebook. • U4lize Twiler polls to increase interac4on. •  Twiler will be key in promo4ng hashtags. •  Some ideas for hashtags are #UnitedToChangeTheOdds #StudentsUnited #ShowOffYourSuperhero

Snapchat •  Main use of Snapchat would be to highlight United Way of Salt Lake events. – Day of Caring • U4lize Geo-filter. – Superhero • Create Snapchat United Way story – Provide insight and promote brand

Instagram / Students United •  The main goal of the Instagram account will be to target students. •  The Students United account will

–  Spread beler awareness of United Way of Salt Lake among students –  Will be used to promote volunteering and dona4ng –  Foster rela4onships and increase interac4on –  The plaGorm of choice for certain campaigns and contests

#ShowOffYourHero •  Photo submission would be accepted across all plaGorms of social media •  Purpose: Show off someone in your life who is a superhero because of their acts of charity •  Winners will have a chance to be featured on United Way of Salt Lake’s social media accounts. Will also be eligible to win a United Way Hero Cape

The Importance of Strategic Partnerships • 



United Way of Salt Lake is built upon bringing together individuals to solve the problems of educa4on disparity in our Greater Salt Lake neighborhoods. As such, we felt it would be best to focus on the rela4onships we can foster with other stellar organiza4ons rather than take on the problems singlehandedly, it is the United Way aver all… Rather than market the literal things that UW – SL does, we decided to demonstrate it metaphorically to beler explain in a simple way who UW – SL is while increasing mindshare among

Salt Lake Comic Con •  A booth at SL Comic Con brings exposure to the alendees (majority are millennials) - alendance was 127,000 in September (3 days). •  Vendor floors are packed with high priced merch, it’s a chance for UW - SL to give away items with their logos for different dona4on sizes, as well as gather contact informa4on for upcoming volunteer opportuni4es. –  No dona4on = UW s4cker –  $15 dona4on = shirt or cape –  $30 dona4on = hoodie

Salt Lake Comic Con Vendor Floor

Salt Lake Comic Con Hallway

Comic Con: Cost Evalua4on •  The basic idea is that the costs can range anywhere from $200 to $1,200 (which can be steep!) but considering the exposure PLUS our alrac4ve millennial themed swag we know the benefits will outweigh the monetary cost.

Comic Con: Crea4ve Superhero Themed UW – SL Swag for Comic Con Booth

Comic Con: Crea4ve More Comic Con swag!!!

Comic Con: Superhero Trivia •  Give alendees a chance to win 4ckets to Comic Con through a local trivia night! •  Held at a near-campus establishment, with proceeds going toward UW – SL… •  UW – SL Superhero swag will be available…

The University of Utah •  Partnering with The University of Utah will help United Way reach their target demographic. •  This will also bring brand awareness to the students of the U. •  Partnering with the University will bring numerous opportuni4es for United Way to host events on campus and offer volunteering opportuni4es.

U of U: Superheroes Under the Stars •  Outdoor movie series screening superhero films •  On or near college campuses; all ages so the Maddox’s and Rebecca’s family are welcome! •  Held early in the fall semester •  Objec4ve: Mindshare

U of U: Crea4ve The first 10 in line get United Way throw blankets to watch the movie on…

U of U: Greek Team-Up Past results of sorori4es and fraterni4es dona4ng their 4me and money to charitable to causes…

U of U: Fraterni4es Unite to Change the Odds… •  Fraterni4es and sorori4es are ways looking for a local cause to get their philanthropy hours in with. •  Team up with a fraternity and/or sorority to have monthly reading club gatherings in which the college students read to young children, making the college students the heroes…

U of U: Crea4ve

Kid to Kid •  Kid to Kid is all about allowing families to buy gently used goods at an affordable price. •  Partnering with Kid to Kid would allow United Way of SLC to gain brand exposure. •  A possible event Kid to Kid & United way of SLC could do is to have a percentage of Kid to Kid's sales be donated to United Way of SLC.

Kid to Kid: Kids in Capes! •  Invite local mommy bloggers to bring their young kids in for a day of service ○ Stuff the Bus ○ Bookdrive •  Teach children the importance of being a superhero at a young age

Kid to Kid: Crea4ve Not only do the children get the volunteer experience, they will also take home a United Way cape. This cape con4nues the familiarity with the logo from a young age beyond.

Conven4onal Adver4sing A digital image doesn’t capture the heroic nature of our conven4onal adver4sing good enough… So we’ve provided mock-ups for you!


Print Ad’s

Mul4purpose print; can be used as a web banner, pamphlet cover, or on-campus poster…

Print Ad’s


Radio What if I told you heroes do exist, and they lived right here in our neighborhoods. No, I’m not talking about people with superhuman strength or bulletproof skin, I’m talking about each and every individual who does their part to change the educa4on and living condi4ons of our at-risk neighborhoods right here in Salt Lake. At United Way of Salt Lake, we know that when our communi4es come together, we won’t just help some of those at-risk youths in our struggling neighborhoods; we can help all of those individuals and end educa4onal disparity once and for all. Real heroes aren’t those who singlehandedly win the balle, they are the ones who bit by bit and piece by piece come together to make a real impact, because only United can we truly change the odds. Go to www.uw.org for more informa4on on how YOU can donate, volunteer, and advocate.


Website • 

You have 5 to 10 seconds to catch your viewer’s alen4on. –  When dealing with millennials it’s even less –  That’s 5 seconds to find volunteer informa4on before you leave the page


Current website feels geared toward donors.


There are so many success stories and other links to siv through that it’s easy to get distracted from the original purpose.

The Millennial Portal •  The idea is to create a www.uw.org deriva4ve website geared specifically for millennials and their unique interests… •  Hand out business cards at events with the portal on it, that way students have a simple link with causes and events that impact them directly. • 

The millennial has a direct way to get to volunteer opportuni4es as quickly as possible. hlp://home.utah.edu/~u0716702/UnitedWayWork/FinishedSite/index.html