United States History Industrialization and Manifest Destiny 1790-1850 How does the development of new technology enslave America? Why do Americans feel entitled when it to comes Manifest Destiny?

Name_________________________________________ Due Date ______________________________________ Period ________________________________________  I can explain how inventions in farming, industry and communication contributed to American Expansion.  I can explain the changes in working conditions caused by the Industrial Revolution.  I can explain how cotton connected the North, South, and West.  I can list pros and cons of Andrew Jackson’s presidency.  I can explain what Manifest Destiny means  I can explain why the battle of the Alamo is important to Texas Independence  I can understand the American and Mexican viewpoint for the War with Mexico  I can name the Military leaders of the War with Mexico that became Military leaders in the Civil War  I can compare and contrast the different groups of people that came west like the Mountain men, Mormon pioneers, California 49ers, and Asian and Irish Immigrants.

Define the following in your book: (glossary) 1. Industrial Revolution:

2. Revolution (come up with your own definition):

3. Factory System:

4. Capitalism:

5. Cotton Gin:

6. Interchangeable parts:

7. Turnpike:

8. Canal:

9. Sectionalism:

10. Internal Improvements:

The Industrial Revolution “How did it happen?” From class discussion and information in the different texts, complete the following: The Industrial Revolution took place in the world from _________-1850. In the United States it began in ___________. The Industrial Revolution marked an economic shift from _______________ to _________________. What are the six major characteristics of the Industrial Revolution? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The factory system began in ________________, where they tried to keep control of the new technology by _______________________________________________________________________. Identify the following individuals and explain the significance of their contributions: Samuel Slater:

Francis Cabot Lowell:

Eli Whitney

How did the following lead to the Industrial Revolution? Slater borrowing technological advancements imported from England

Better transportation systems

New inventions

New Inventions of the Period and Changes in Transportation For this assignment, your group will be given an invention, or a new method of transportation. You need to create an advertisement for your product. You will also need to present your product in a commercial for the class complete with a jingle. Your advertisement should explain the product and how it will benefit the customer. You also need to explain how your product helped America progress and moved people, goods, or ideas westward.

Invention/New method of Transportation

Cotton Gin

Morse Code

The steel plow

The McCormick Reaper Telegraph

Pony Express




What it did

How it helped America progress and/or moved people, goods, or ideas West


How did the factory system help industrialize America? 1. 2. 3.

Answer the following after you participate in the factory system simulation:

What job did you have in the simulation? _________________________________________________ What was the most stressful part of the simulation? _________________________________________ Did you ever get frustrated with your coworkers? Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Do you think you could have worked in a factory? Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ What are some positive effects you can see of the factory system? ___________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ What are some potential negative effects of the factory system? ___________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

How did the Industrial Revolution change working conditions? BEFORE the Industrial Revolution working conditions = Typical hours worked: Health of workers: Income: Who is working? Cleanliness of working environment: Where do the workers live?

AFTER the Industrial Revolution working conditions = Typical hours worked: Health of workers: Income: Who is working? Cleanliness of working environment: Where do the workers live?

Which would YOU prefer and why? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

BIG QUESTIONS: Answer the following questions. You should fill up half a page with your answer for each question. You should bring in specific examples and evidence from what we have discussed in class in order to support your viewpoint.

1. Is progress in the areas of industrialization and manufacturing always a positive thing? Do the benefits outweigh any negative consequences? (Include examples) _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Does this period deserve the title “REVOLUTION?” Why or Why not? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

Cause and Effect What caused the Industrial Revolution? 1. 2. 3. What changed in America as a result of the Industrial Revolution? 1. 2. 3. How did the people in the North make their money?

How did the people in the South make their money?

What were the issues that led to sectionalism (division among the country)? 1. 2. 3. What was the Missouri Compromise?

What is the Monroe Doctrine?

Andrew Jackson “Old Hickory” Who was Andrew Jackson? (give some life information about him pg 327-328)

What is the job of the President?

What is “mudslinging”?

Give an example:

What is the Spoils System?

What was the Tariff Debate and the Nullification Crisis?

What was the Cherokee trail of tears?

Do you think that Andrew Jackson deserves to be on the $20 bill? Why or why not?

Manifest Destiny 1. What is the definition of Manifest Destiny? (359-360) 2. Causes of Westward Movement: A. B. C. 3. Effects of Westward Movement: A. B. C. D.

Analyze the Painting The title of this picture is “America Progress.” It was painted by John Gast around 1872. It is intended to represent Manifest Destiny.

1. Describe what is happening in the picture (what groups, inventions, transportation methods, animals, etc. do you see?) 2. What does the woman represent? 3. What does the dark and light imply? 4. What does the artist want you to notice, think, and feel? 5. What does this picture imply about the time period? 6. What is the painter’s opinion about westward expansion?

Mountain Men Who were they? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Why did they go west? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________

What role did they play in the story of the settlement of the west? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________


Mormon Pioneers What do you already know? Write down as many facts as you can think of about the Mormon Pioneers in the space below. Then talk with your group and see what else you can add to your list: (Think of people, dates, events, reasons for going west, etc.)

Who were they? Why did they go West? When did they arrive at their destination? Where did they settle and why did they choose that location? What was so unique about the Mormon Settlers (versus others who came west for a new life)?

Manifest Destiny Revisited… What reasons did different groups have for moving west? (List at least 3 reasons) 1. 2 3 What impact did these different groups have on the development of the west? Mountain Men:



Chinese immigrants:

Oregon trail pioneers:

TEXAS Independence Who were these People? Davy Crockett: Tejanos: Moses Austin: Stephen F. Austin: The old 300: Santa Anna: Jim Bowie: William B. Travis: Sam Houstin:

Remember the Alamo What happened at the Alamo? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ DEBATE: Should the United States Annex Texas? Reasons for: 1.

Reasons Against: 1.





What Did Congress Decide? Why?


What year was it?

Why did we want California and the New Mexico Territory?

How did the war start and who started it?

Summarize the following battles after watching the video clips in class. If you were absent look them up on line and give a description of events and their significance. Palo Alto: Monterrey:

Buena Vista:


Cerro Gordo:

Mexico City/Churabusco:

What was the name of the treaty that ended the war?

What was the Gadsden Purchase?


Westward Expansion Map Project Create a US Map with each of the following sections: 1. Make a key and color each section of the map according to the colors on your key: The United States in 1783 The Louisiana Purchase 1803 Florida 1819 Texas Annexation- 1845 The Oregon Territory 1846 The Mexican Cession- 1848 The Gadsden Purchase 1853

2. Write the name and date for each of the colored sections of the map on the key 3. Each section will have a paragraph of information about borders, treaties, slavery etc. In your book you will find most information that you will need. If absent google it. Please be sure to include the 5 W’s. Who did we get the land from, What happened, When did we get it, Why did we get it and Where were the borders/treaties etc..) Staple the information page to your map or write it on the back of your map.

Additional information that can be used in the Facts Section of your map: War for independence fought- The US established by Treaty of Paris in 1783. Slavery allowed by constitution, individual states hose to end slavery gradually until the Civil War

Treaty of Paris gave area to US from Great Britain. Adams-Onis Treaty with Spain in 1819 transferred Florida to the US

Louisiana Purchase from France in 1803, Jefferson was President

Missouri Compromise of 1820 did not allow slavery above 36°, 30’ line Dred Scott decision 1854 opens territory to slavery Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 votes for slavery in those territories Northern boundary Convention of 1818 with Great Britain ceded the Red River Basin colony to US

Texas won independence from Mexico in 1845. Slavery Allowed. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848 with Mexico Texas and Mexican Cession Texas border dispute settled as Part of Compromise of 1850

Area acquired by Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848 with Mexico California- Compromise of 1850 closed territory to slavery Utah Territory opened to slavery by popular sovereignty as part of the Compromise of 1850 Gadsen Purchase acquired from Mexico in 1853

Oregon territory jointly occupied by US and Great Britain 1816-1846 US acquires Oregon in 1846 from Great Britain Oregon Act of 1848 declares no slavery in Oregon Oregon opened to slavery by the Dred Scott Decision in 1857