Unit 5 The body is big business

Unit 5 The body is big business Unit 5 The body is big business Seite 54 endurance flexibility muscle [9n1dj84r4ns] [!fleks41b9l4ti] [1mcsl] Ausd...
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Unit 5 The body is big business

Unit 5

The body is big business

Seite 54 endurance flexibility muscle

[9n1dj84r4ns] [!fleks41b9l4ti] [1mcsl]

Ausdauer Beweglichkeit; Flexibilität Muskel

to socialise


adrenaline rush

[41dren4l9n rcS]

Kontakte knüpfen, geselligen Umgang pflegen Adrenalinstoß, -schub, -kick

Running a marathon requires great endurance. Yoga helps to train my flexibility. I go to the gym regularly to strengthen my back muscles. Doing sports gives you so many opportunities to socialise. I’ve already made lots of friends at the gym.

© 2012 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin und Veritas Verlag, Linz.

Seite 55 surgical facelift gastric band

[1s3.d79kl] [1fe9sl9ft] [!gästr9k 1bänd]

deformity corrective surgery

[d91f0.m4ti] [k4"!rekt9v 1s3.d74ri]

to breathe


chirurgisch Facelifting (Gesichtsoperation) Magenband (Behandlungsmethode bei Fettsucht) Missbildung, Deformation Korrekturoperation; rekonstruktive Chirurgie atmen

to tattoo modification

[t41tu.] [!mqd9f91ke9Sn]

tätowieren Veränderung

sportspeople (pl)





Entdeckung, Aufdeckung

genetic engineering

[d74!net9k !end791n94r9N]

Gentechnik, Gentechnologie

health club

[1helT klcb]

Sportstudio, Fitnesscenter

cosmetic surgery

[kqz1met9k] [1s3.d74ri]

kosmetisch Chirurgie; Operation




transformation procedure

[!tränsf41me9Sn] [pr41si.d74]

Verwandlung, Transformation Prozedur, Maßnahme; Verfahren






Unvollkommenheit, Mangel




brow injection forehead nose job revision cheek nasolabial

[bra8] [9n1d7ekSn] [1f0.hed] [1n48z d7qb] [r91v97n] [tSi.k] [!ne9z481le9bi4l]

fold lip chin reduction

[f48ld] [l9p] [tS9n] [r91dckSn]

Augenbraue Spritze, Injektion Stirn Nasenkorrektur Nachoperation, Revisionseingriff Wange nasolabial (zwischen Nase und Mundwinkel) Falte Lippe Kinn Reduktion, Verkleinerung

liposuction breast enlargement

[1l9p48sckSn] [brest] [9n1l2.d7m4nt]

Fettabsaugung Brust Vergrößerung, Erweiterung

I did not have nose surgery because I wanted it to look better, but I wasn’t able to breathe properly. Body modifications can take many different forms – piercings, tattoos, or even surgery. Unfortunately, many sportspeople resort to doping to enhance their performance. A common approach to the detection of doping is to search the athletes’ team facilities for any banned substances. According to the World Anti-Doping Agency it is essential to stop the misuse of genetic engineering in sport.

Seite 56

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She underwent cosmetic surgery because she didn’t feel comfortable in her own body anymore. People who judge a book by its cover are really superficial. The surgical procedure took about 2 hours and cost her $ 6.000. The surgeon promised her that the scars wouldn’t be visible. It’s your imperfections that make you unique. You should learn to cherish them. Lynne suffered from many insecurities due to her deformed nose.

Her constant backache forced her to undergo a breast reduction.

Unit 5 The body is big business

hip outer thigh buttocks (pl) obsessed (with)

[h9p] [1a8t4] [Ta9] [1bct4ks] [4b1sest]

Hüfte äußere/r/s Oberschenkel Gesäß, Po besessen (von)

flaw it would bring …

[fl0.] [w8d]

Makel, Fehler es brachte immer …

to bring sb to tears looks (pl)

[!br9N t4 1t94z] [l8ks]

jdn zum Weinen bringen (das) Aussehen



Medikamente, Medikation

bald lumpy to ruin

[b0.ld] [1lcmpi] [1ru.9n]

kahl klumpig Ruinieren

to go through with sth

[!g48 1Tru. w9D]

durchziehen, zu Ende bringen

to strengthen



to debate


debattieren, diskutieren




nerve to heal

[n3.v] [hi.l]

Nerv, Nervenheilen

to put sb through sth

[!p8t 1Tru.]

jdm etw zumuten

painfully (shy)




furchtbar (schüchtern), extrem (schüchtern) kontaktfreudig




to confess


zugeben, (ein)gestehen

confirmation makeover

[!kqnf41me9Sn] [1me9k48v4]

addiction (to)


Konfirmation Schönheitsbehandlung; Neugestaltung Abhängigkeit (von)

to lay (your) eyes on sth to dare (to do sth)

[!le9 1a9z qn] [de4]

etw erblicken sich trauen (etw zu tun)



elektiv, Wahl-

merely facial

[1m94li] [1fe9Sl]

bloß, nur Gesichts-




(nothing) short of (wonderful) to disfigure

[1S0.t 4v]

ausgesprochen (wunderbar)



Cindy is obsessed with plastic surgery. She’s already had more than 20 surgeries. Her classmates’ jokes about her nose would bring her to tears. When will people realise that looks aren’t everything? Beauty comes from the inside. She received strong pain medication after her surgery.

A failed plastic surgery ruined her modelling career. No designer wanted to book her anymore.

© 2012 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin und Veritas Verlag, Linz.

Seite 57 I was really scared of the surgery, but I went through with it. You’ve got to strengthen your arguments; otherwise you won’t be able to persuade her. Debates about plastic surgery on teenagers are heated. Infection and nerve damage are but a few risks of plastic surgery. Healing from a surgery can take quite some time. Surgery is a major shock to the body. She said putting herself through the physical stress of surgery wasn’t as bad as the mental problems she had to deal with.

She’s much more outgoing since she had her surgery done.

Seite 58

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While cosmetic surgery used to be a rarity a few years ago, it’s become quite common nowadays. People are no longer ashamed of confessing to having undergone plastic surgery.

Michael Jackson was a prime example of a person with an addiction to cosmetic surgery. Would you even dare to undergo surgery given all the risks? We should distinguish between elective procedures and those treatments that are really necessary. She’s undergone many facial surgeries, including a nose job and a face lift. Be sure to choose a qualified surgeon who carries out the procedure. You look nothing short of wonderful. Why don’t you see that?

Unit 5 The body is big business

Seite 59 orthopaedics trauma reconstructive to amputate transplantation tissue

[!0.T41pi.d9ks] [1tr0.m4] [!ri.k4n1strckt9v] [1ämpjute9t] [!tränspl2.n1te9Sn] [1t9Su.]

Orthopädie Trauma rekonstruktiv, Wiederherstellungsamputieren Transplantation Gewebe

to grow obsolete

[gr48] [1qbs4li.t]

(an)züchten, wachsen lassen überholt, überflüssig




scarring sense

[1sk2.r9N] [sens]

Vernarbung Verstand

to make a buck unashamed(ly) to reject stupidity

[!me9k 4 1bck] [!cn41Se9md] [r91d7ekt] [stju.1p9d4ti]

Geld scheffeln, Profit machen ungeniert, unverhohlen abstoßen (transplantiertes Gewebe) Dummheit

gene bioethicist to alter

[d7i.n] [!ba9481eT9s9st] [10.lt4]

Gen BioethikerIn (ver)ändern, abändern



trivial, belanglos

spirit catalyst to emerge

[1sp9r9t] [1kät4l9st] [i1m3.d7]

Geist Katalysator auftauchen, hervortreten



superhuman genetic oddity

[!su.p41hju.m4n] [d741net9k] [1qd4ti]

to possess


Kinesiologie (Lehre von Bewegungsabläufen) übermenschlich genetisch Sonderling; Eigentümlichkeit, Kuriosität Besitzen



überlegen, besonders gut

native to hone fast-twitch to ban

[1ne9t9v] [h48n] [1f2.st tw9tS] [bän]

angeboren verbessern schnell kontrahierend verbieten

to grab hold of to urge sb

[gräb 1h48ld 4v] [3.d7]

ergreifen, aufgreifen jdn drängen

to detect muscular dystrophy to inject (sb with sth)

[d91tekt] [!mcskj4l4 1d9str4fi] [9n1d7ekt]

wahrnehmen, bemerken, erkennen Muskeldystrophie (Erkrankung) (jdm etw) injizieren, spritzen

to combine



to inundate trial to reap to take a risk

[19ncnde9t] [tra94l] [ri.p] [!te9k 4 1r9sk]

überschwemmen, überhäufen Studie, Test ernten, einfahren, erzielen ein Risiko eingehen




Scar tissue has a different texture and is less flexible than normal skin. This kind of procedure has become obsolete due to replacement by a newer, less invasive treatment. In an “opt-out” legislative system like in Austria, anyone who has not explicitly refused can serve as an organ donor. She’ll undergo her 30th plastic surgery next week. Quite obviously, she has more money than sense.

© 2012 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin und Veritas Verlag, Linz.

Seite 60

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Researchers have found a gene for breast cancer. Medical procedures to alter our genes could transform a couch potato into a professional athlete. Genetic engineering would make training trivial. You would be able to run a marathon with no effort.

An emerging science called gene modification might soon be challenging the meaning of all sports competition.

Genetic engineering could help people possess enormous physical strength without lifting a single weight. Though technically superior, he wasn’t able to beat his opponent in the boxing match.

The World Anti-Doping Agency has already banned genetic doping. It’s declared illegal now. His trainer urged him to take the pills. He said it would enhance his performance.

He was injected with a gene for muscle growth. As a result, his body changed and became more muscular. Researchers have found that combining genetic modification with regular exercise was the most promising technique.

I knew I was taking a great risk when I took those pills, but I just wanted to win the match so badly.

Unit 5 The body is big business

(anabolic) steroid disqualification

[!änebql9k 1ster09d] [d9s!kwql9f91ke9Sn]

(anaboles) Steroid Disqualifizierung

to hold (much) promise humanity

[!h48ld 1prqmis] [hju.1män4ti]

(viel) verheißen (die) Menschheit

rogue to prohibit to regulate overwhelming(ly)

[r48g] [pr41h9b9t] [1regjule9t] ["!48v41welm9N]

GaunerIn, VerbrecherIn verbieten, untersagen regulieren überwältigend

supersized cell oxygen

[1su.p4sa9zd] [sel] [1qks9d74n]

überdimensioniert, übergroß Zelle Sauerstoff

to revolutionize to sense work ethic gain to legalize anarchy frontier

[!rev41lu.S4na9z] [sens] [1w3.k eT9k] [ge9n] [1li.g4la9z] [1än4ki] [1frcnt94]

revolutionieren spüren, fühlen Arbeitseinstellung Gewinn legalisieren Anarchie Grenze

amphetamin to experiment (on)

[äm1fet4mi.n] [9k1sper9m4nt]

to progress


Amphetamin experimentieren, Versuche durchführen (an/mit) fortschreiten, vorankommen



human, menschenwürdig; tiergerecht



Gene modification is an indeed questionable procedure with regard to enhancing physical performance.




Purchasing membership of a gym is quite an expensive thing to do.

trial joining fee

[tra94l] [1d709n9N fi.]


to waive


verzichten auf, erlassen



Kündigung, Aufhebung

to renew crèche

[r91nju.] [kreS]

(sich) verlängern (Kinder-)Krippe

certification degree to cancel

[!s3.t9f91ke9Sn] [d91gri.] [1känsl]

Zulassung Studienabschluss, Diplom kündigen, aufheben

in writing

[9n 1ra9t9n]

in schriftlicher Form

to vary


BA (Bachelor of Arts)

[!bi. 1e9]

variieren, unterschiedlich sein; schwanken Bachelor-Abschluss

© 2012 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin und Veritas Verlag, Linz.

Seite 61 Although it is largely viewed as a form of illegal doping, gene therapy could do a lot of good for humanity.

She’s an overwhelmingly beautiful woman. I just can’t keep my eyes off of her.

He required oxygen therapy because he couldn’t breathe anymore. Do women and men sense pain differently?

Gene-doping may soon be the next frontier in sports cheating.

If you compare the results from last year and those from this year, you will see that the team have progressed greatly.

Seite 62 questionable

Seite 63

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If you decide to sign the contract straight away, we will not charge a joining fee. They waived the entrance fee because a few attractions were down for maintenance. I wanted to cancel my gym membership, but they asked me for a cancellation fee. My contract expires soon. I would like to renew it. The gym even offers a crèche, so I could take my children with me. She finished her studies with a doctorate degree. Today’s course had to be cancelled because the trainer was ill. If you want to drop out , you will have to cancel your membership in writing. Fees vary depending on the number of courses you would like to join. She’s a highly qualified personal trainer. She’s got a BA in Health.

Unit 5 The body is big business

Seite 63 Transkript to pedal


Rad fahren, in die Pedale treten

treadmill free weight introductory

[1tredm9l] [!fri. 1we9t] [!9ntr41dckt4ri]

Laufband (Frei-)Hantel Einführungs-

to punch energy running track occasional bruise

[pcntS] [1en4d7i] [1rcn9N träk] [41ke974nl] [bru.z]

boxen, stoßen Energie Laufbahn gelegentlich blauer Fleck, Hämatom




to scare sb (to death)


jdm (riesengroße) Angst machen

it’s a shame

[9ts 4 1Se9m]

es ist schade / ein Jammer

to split sth


etw aufteilen

training plan

[1tre9n9N plän]


health care

[1helT ke4]



Gesundheitswesen, Gesundheitsversorgung Entfernung, Beseitigung

distress aptitude practitioner

[d91stres] [1äpt9tju.d] [präk1t9S4n4]

The trainer told me to keep pedaling for another ten minutes before I start doing the body-shaping exercises. Treadmills bore me. I prefer jogging outdoors. We offer introductory training sessions for all new members.

I was lucky when I fell off the climbing wall. I only had a few bruises. The gym’s got two childminders who will take care of your children in the afternoon.

© 2012 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin und Veritas Verlag, Linz.

Seite 64 Transkript I’m not going to try the climbing gym. Heights scare me to death. It’s a shame the gym’s so expensive. I would really like to work out regularly. Mom, do you think we could split the costs? I can’t afford it on my own.

Seite 65 I’m afraid this treatment is not included in public health care. You should really think twice about the tattoo. Removal will be expensive and painful.

Kummer, Leid Neigung, Begabung jd. der/die etwas praktiziert (z. B. Sport)

Seite 66 specialist terminology

[!speS4l9st !t3.m91nql4d7i] Fachvokabular, Fachsprache

I’ve just received my therapy plan, but I don’t really understand it. It’s full of specialist terminology.

Seite 67 mass obsession

[mäs] [4b1seSn]

Masse Besessenheit, Zwang(svorstellung)

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He lifts weights to gain more muscle mass. She can’t stop having cosmetic surgery because of her obsession with being perfect.