Unit 5 Lecture Notes: The Lipids

Pierce College Putman/NUTR&101 Unit 5 Lecture Notes: The Lipids INTRODUCTION 1. Include TRIGLYCERIDES 1. _____ % of body fats 2. Major energy storage...
Author: Doreen Booth
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Pierce College Putman/NUTR&101

Unit 5 Lecture Notes: The Lipids INTRODUCTION 1. Include TRIGLYCERIDES 1. _____ % of body fats 2. Major energy storage for body A. Stored in fat cells 1) We have a set number of fat cells 2) When more lipid is absorbed, fat cells _____ 3) Formed during a) ________ have more fat cells as adults, so harder to 4) This hormone secreted when fat is absorbed during meal a) Binds in ______, turns off hunger centers (1) Takes about ___ minutes B. Fat stores more than twice the energy of C. Provides most of energy needed for 3. Use of triglycerides in food A. _____ cal/gram (_____ cal/gram for carbs) 1) Good for survival meals! (Can carry more calories per given weight.) B. We crave _____ instinctively 1) Our ancestors barely had enough calories to survive a) Fat has most calories/gram, so is preferred in survival situations b) Now: Craving + ready supply + ignorance = obesity! C. Fats can help with weight loss! 1) 4. Structure: _____ + 3 _____ FATTY ACIDS 1. Saturated Fats A. Carbons all B. They pack together C. At room (or blood) temperature D. Bad for E. Elevate F. Should limit in diet (< _____% total calories) G. Sources: 1) 2) 3) Nuts: 2. Unsaturated Fats A. 1 or more _____ between carbons, thus carbons are not “saturated” with _____ Putman/Pierce College Nut& 101 05 notes/20131220/Page 1

Have an irregular structure, so don’t Are _____ at room (or body) temperature Regarding diet… Reduce _______% of total calories should be from unsaturated fats Should max out on these fats (within _____ limits) MONOUNSATURATED FATS (MUFA) 1) Have one _____ bond (hence “mono”) 2) Sources: a) b) c) d) Avocados (muy sabroso!) I. POLYUNSATURATED FATS (PUFA) 1) Have __________ bonds 2) Essential a) Linoleic acid (1) On omega(2) _____ acid + _____ made from this (a) Involved as hormones in (3) Recommendation: _____% of total calories should be (a) This is 12 to 17 g; better to eat (4) Sources: (a) (b) (c) (d) b) Linolenic acid (1) An omega(2) EPA & DHA made from this (maybe) (a) Functions of EPA & DHA: -Reduces inflammation of -Relaxes -Reduces LDL cholesterol -Needed for normal _____ system development -May inhibit some cancers (3) Recommendation: ________% of total calories B. C. D. E. F. G. H.

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(a) Better to eat more! (4) Sources: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Oils -Olive oil (Recommend: Consume ___ tablespoons per day!) (5) More on EPA & DHA: (a) _____ mg/day recommended of EPA (_____ g/day EPA therapeutic) (b) Sources: -Two 3 oz servings of fatty, cold-water fish/week -Due to mercury (and other toxins), go easy on -Free-range meats -Animals fed -Changes triglyceride composition -Eggs (some are very high in _____ ) -Fish oil supplements? -Don’t take fish _______ oils!!! -Toxic levels of vitamin A -Benefits of fish oil supplements: J. HYDROGENATED FATTY ACIDS 1) Problem: Unsaturated oils oxidize 2) Solutions: a) Cap b) Refrigerate c) Hydrogenate! (1) Add hydrogens to (a) Less susceptible to (b) Solid at (c) Results in the formation of. -Both sat fats and trans fats -Increase -Decrease -Increase -Markedly increase _____ disease risk (esp. trans fats) (2) Sources (a) (b) Note that nearly all trans-fats are

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PHOSPHOLIPIDS 1. Structure: _______ + 2 ________ + _________ 2. Make up cell 3. In diet, are an emulsifier: Can ______ oils in ______ a. Phosphate is hydrophilic b. Fatty acids are _____ 4. Lecithin (a type of phospholipid) a. Found in _____ b. Used to make _____ c. Can be taken as supplement 1) Inconclusive studies suggest it a) Lowers b) Raises STEROLS 1. Cholesterol a. Synthesizes 1) Vitamin ___ 2) 3) Sex b. Stabilizes c. Forms 1) Narrows _____, leads to a) b) d. Liver makes what is needed! e. Limit in diet! 1) < _____ mg/day if healthy; < _____ mg/day if you have cardiovascular disease -Note: One egg has about _____ mg of cholesterol DIGESTION & ABSORPTION OF FATS 1. In mouth: A. Enzymes digest _____ 1) Important for _____ 2. In small intestine: A. Bile _____ triglycerides B. Pancreatic enzymes (lipases) digest triglycerides into 1) 2) C. _____ & short-chain _____ enter intestine D. _____ helps long-chain fatty acids enter intestine E. _____ & _____ enter blood F. Long-chain fatty acids form _____, which enter _____ STORED FAT FOR ENERGY 1. Supplies about _____% of resting energy needs 2. When energy is needed: Putman/Pierce College Nut& 101 05 notes/20131220/Page 4

A. _____ & _____ are used first 1) We have only about _____ hours of glycogen reserves B. Fat cells break fat into _____ + _____ 1) Released into _____ 2) Most cells absorb both for _____ 3) Some _____ bodies released from fatty acids C. With _____ in blood, either from food or liver release 1) Nervous system & red blood cells absorb only glucose 2) Other cells take in _____, _____ & _____ too! D. With insufficient glucose entering cells: 1) Resulting from a) Low blood glucose from a low b) Inability to absorb glucose, as in 2) Proteins are broken down into 3) _____ increases fat breakdown & release a) Liver absorbs _____ & _____ (1) _____ turned into glucose & released (a) Only about _____% of fat molecule is glycerol! (2) Some fatty acids used by liver & other cells for energy (3) Excess fatty acids released as _____ bodies (a) Brain uses ketones only after _____+ (b) _____ results -Blood pH _____ (becomes more _____) -Urination & dehydration -Respiratory rate DIETARY FATS & HEALTH 1. Heart disease, stroke and some cancers linked to A. B. C. LIPOPROTEINS & HEART DISEASE 1. Large, water insoluble fats move in blood as _____ 2. Lipoprotein composition: A. Lipids 1) 2) 3) B. Proteins: 3. Lipoprotein classes: A. Chylomicrons 1) < _____% protein 2) Mostly triglycerides 3) Size: Putman/Pierce College Nut& 101 05 notes/20131220/Page 5

4) Block B. VLDLs 1) ____% protein 2) Triglycerides + cholesterol 3) Size: 4) Form 5) Easily oxidized; damage walls of arteries a) Antioxidants reduce this (1) (2) C. LDLs 1) _____ % protein 2) Triglycerides + cholesterol 3) Size: 4) Also form D. HDLs 1) _____% protein 2) Low in triglycerides 3) Size: 4) Remove 5) Reduce risk of 6) To increase HDLs in blood: a) Don’t b) Maintain c) Exercise d) Eat good fats, especially (1) (2) (3) FAT IN THE DIET 1. Top three fat sources in the US diet: 2. Dairy products A. Contain lots of 1) Butter & cream are a) Replace with B. Try low fat/fat free dairy C. Buy & use 1) Have stronger taste, so you use less 3. Beef A. Has lots of _____, especially prime & choice B. Eat smaller _____, less often C. USDA Food Guide recommends only _____ oz/day of protein 1) An 8-oz steak is considered small! D. Buy lean, ground beef Putman/Pierce College Nut& 101 05 notes/20131220/Page 6

1) Regular hamburger (4 oz): 23% fat, _____ cal, _____g fat/24g protein! 2) Ground round (4 oz): 10% fat, _____ cal, _____ g fat/24 g protein! 3) Super lean (4 oz): 4% fat, _____ cal, _____ g fat/24 g protein (the best choice!) 4. Chicken & Poultry A. Eat without the B. Careful about buying ground turkey!!! It may be ground up with the _____ 5. Eggs A. Good source of unsaturated fats & omega-3s B. Eat sparingly due to DEFENSIVE DINING! 1. What we need to do: A. Know the sources of B. Limit _____; omit _____ C. Maximize _____ and _____, especially _____ 2. At the grocery: A. Read B. For everyday staples, choose 1) 2) C. Buy whole foods & add flavorings at home! 1) For example, buy frozen veggies without D. Choose _____ meats, if you want pre-cooked meats 1) 2) Don’t buy a) b) c) E. If you must have deli meats, choose 1) They yield more flavor per ounce! F. Choose healthful oils! 1) 2) 3) What about cocoanut & palm oils? 3. At home: A. Use small amounts of _____ cheeses 1) Not large amounts of _____ cheeses! Less _____ B. Use _____-fat or filled cheese products 1) Sat fat and cholesterol replaced with _____ C. Use olive oil instead of butter! 1) Eat 2 tablespoons + per day! D. Use healthful cooking methods: 1) Healthful: 2) Not optimal: a) If you pan fry, use canola oil sparingly; never use solid fats (butter, lard) 3) Unhealthful: Putman/Pierce College Nut& 101 05 notes/20131220/Page 7

E. Eat less _____, use _____ ground meat & mix with oatmeal & mushrooms! 4. At restaurants: A. Eat _____ salads 1) Use _____ dressings (or _____ & vinegar!) 2) Warning! Some salads have more fat & calories than fast-food hamburgers! B. Think small (especially when you’re hungry) 1) Small burger (without mayo) & side salad are okay! C. Avoid fast food _____ chicken, fish, etc. Trans fat city!!! D. Order broiled E. Use salsa instead of _____ & _____ on Mexican foods! TRY THE MEDITERRANEAN DIET! 1. Foods eaten daily? A. Whole B. C. Beans, D. E. F. Glass of 2. Foods eaten a few times/week? A. Fish & B. C. 3. Foods eaten a few times/month? A. Red

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