Comparative Civilizations 12

Ms. J. Liew

UNIT 4 STUDY GUIDE: Greece & Rome LESSON 1: The Importance of Geography (notes, handouts) Terms to Learn: Aegean Sea Mediterranean Sea Apennine Mountains Tiber, Po & Arno rivers

Alps North, Latium & Campania plains

Study Questions: 1. Be able to locate the Greek and Italian peninsulas and their major geographic features on a map. 2. What were the geographic advantages and disadvantages faced by the Greek civilization? 3. What geographic advantages and disadvantages did the Roman civilization face? 4. How did the Greeks and Romans overcome some of their geographic challenges? 5. Of Greece and Rome, which civilization had geography better suited to empire building? LESSON 2: The Rise and Fall of Democracy in the Ancient World (station study notes) Terms to Learn: Minoans Mycenaean city-state/polis apoikai/colonies hoplite tyrannos/tyrant archon Draco Solon Cleisthenes ostracism direct democracy Pericles oligarchy Etruscans republic patricians plebeians Pompey Crassus Julius Caesar Triumvirate Augustus Pax Romana Study Questions: 1. Describe the Minoan civilization. How was it governed? How did it end? 2. Describe the Mycenaean civilization. How was it governed? How did it end? 3. How did the Minoan civilization influence the Mycenaean civilization? 4. How were city-states governed? Why did city-states need to establish colonies? 5. How did the middle class come to have more power in Greece? 6. Describe the various reforms introduced by Draco, Solon and Cleisthenes to bring democracy to Athens. 7. Why might the time of Pericles be described as the golden age of Athenian democracy? 8. How was Sparta governed? How was Sparta’s government different from other governments in Greece? Were there any similarities? 9. How was law and justice administered in Greece? In Rome? What aspects of Greek and Roman law are still part of our legal system today? 10. Describe the Etruscan civilization. How was it governed? How did it end? 11. Describe the Roman republic. 12. Why did democracy begin to decline in the Roman Empire? How did Caesar end up with all the power? 13. How did Rome’s first emperor come to power? How did government in Rome change after the republic ended?

Comparative Civilizations 12 LESSON 3: Achievements in Architecture (video notes, handouts) Terms to Learn: Lions’ Gate corbelled arch Parthenon aqueduct arch keystone post and lintel fluting frieze Doric order Corinthian order dome

Ms. J. Liew

corbelled dome Claudius Colosseum capital Ionic order concrete

Study Questions: 1. Describe the architectural achievements of the Mycenaeans. 2. Describe the construction of the Parthenon. Why was this such a significant architectural achievement? How did it differ from other temples of its time period? 3. Why are the Roman aqueducts such significant architectural achievements? 4. Describe the theory behind aqueduct construction. 5. What were some challenges that engineers faced when constructing aqueducts? How did they overcome these challenges? 6. What was the purpose of the Colosseum? Why was it such a significant architectural achievement? 7. Who influenced Greek architects? Who did the Greeks influence? 8. What were the major differences between the Doric, Ionic and Corinthian orders? 9. How did the principles of symmetry and proportion influence Greek architectural design? 10. Who influenced Roman architects? Who did the Romans influence? 11. What circumstances inspired the Romans to invent concrete? LESSON 4: Men, Women and Society (handouts, notes) Terms to Learn: patriarchal dowry Study Questions: 1. Describe the social structures of Athens, Sparta and Rome. What can the social pyramids tell us about who can be citizens? The rights of women? The priorities of their society and culture? Their style of government? The presence of conquered people or slaves? 2. In what was were ancient Greek and Roman attitudes towards sexuality different from each other and from our attitudes today? In what ways are they similar? 3. What aspects of Greek and Roman sexual attitudes reveal that their societies were patriarchal? 4. How did attitudes towards female sexuality differ from attitudes towards male sexuality? 5. How did attitudes towards homosexuality change after Christianity became more common in the Mediterranean world? 6. Describe the lives of men and women in the ancient world. How did their lives differ? 7. Compare the lives of women in Greece and Rome.

Comparative Civilizations 12 LESSON 5: Entertainment: Then & Now (notes, handouts) Terms to Learn: epic poetry lyric poetry Pan-Hellenic public baths

Ms. J. Liew

fable circus

Study Questions: 1. Has the nature or purpose of entertainment changed since ancient times? 2. Describe the different ways in which men and women were involved in ancient forms of entertainment. 3. Describe the role that slavery played in ancient forms of entertainment. 4. Describe what attending a theatre performance in ancient Greece or Rome may have been like. 5. In what ways were the ancient Olympic games similar to the modern games? In what ways are they different? 6. Describe what you would have seen at a Roman chariot race. 7. Who were the gladiators and how were they trained? 8. What were the benefits of sponsoring gladiator games for wealthy Romans and politicians? 9. What was the purpose of gladiator games? LESSON 6: Achievements in Art (handouts, notes) Terms to Learn: Kritian Boy Polykleitos


Study Questions: 1. Describe the evolution of Greek sculptural techniques. 2. What enabled the Greeks to create such beautiful works of art? 3. Describe Greek achievements in pottery. 4. What contributed to Roman achievements in art? 5. In what ways was Roman sculpture influenced by Greek sculpture? In what ways was it unique? 6. Describe Roman achievements in mosaics and painting. 7. Give examples of ways in which civilizations have influenced each other in terms of art. LESSON 7: Science and Philosophy (handouts, notes) Terms to Learn: Thales of Miletus Pythagoras Archimedes Hippocrates Socratic method Plato

Euclid Socrates Aristotle

Study Questions: 1. Describe Greek and Roman achievements in the areas of mathematics, medicine and time. 2. Describe Greek achievements in astronomy. 3. Describe Roman achievements in Engineering. 4. How did philosophy contribute to the development of modern science? 5. Describe some of the ideas that Greek philosophers discussed.

Comparative Civilizations 12 LESSON 8: Religion, Death and the Afterlife (handouts) Terms to Learn: Pandora Oracle at Delphi monotheism Romulus and Remus divination Messiah pogrom Diocletian Edict of Milan Theodosius

Ms. J. Liew

Dionysus Saturnalia scapegoat Constantine

Study Questions: 1. Identify and describe the function of the 12 Olympian gods from Greece. What are their Roman equivalents? You may download the card game from class to help you learn about these gods. 2. According to Greek mythology, how was man created? How was woman created? 3. How does Greek mythology help to explain natural phenomena? Give at least one example. 4. Describe how Greek mythology combined stories of the gods with stories of history. Give at least one example. 5. Describe some of the ways in which Greeks and Romans worshipped their gods. 6. Describe Greek and Roman beliefs about death and the afterlife. 7. Describe the influence of Greek religion on other cultures. 8. Describe the influence of Greek and Etruscan religion on Roman beliefs. 9. Compare the pagan religions of Greece and Rome with Christianity. 10. Describe the basic beliefs of Christians. 11. What factors led to widespread belief in Christianity in the Roman world? 12. Describe the persecutions that Christians faced within the Roman Empire. For what reasons did Romans persecute them? Why did these persecutions end? LESSON 9: The Economies of Greece and Rome (notes, handouts) Terms to Learn: biennial system three-field system water mill Ostia


Study Questions: 1. How did the ancient Greeks overcome the challenges of their limited arable land? 2. What were Greece and Rome’s most important agricultural products (both crops and animals)? 3. How and why did Greek city-states begin to specialize in certain crafts and industries? Give examples to support your answer. 4. Describe the working lives of Greek and Roman craftspeople. 5. What benefits did Romans receive if they joined a craft club? 6. Explain how trade contributed to the exchange of culture in the Mediterranean while also increasing wealth and providing access to valuable goods. 7. In what ways were land and wealth tied together in the Roman economy? 8. What technological innovations did the Romans develop that improved agriculture? 9. Describe the building projects that the Romans undertook to improve trade. 10. Describe the role played by slaves in the Greek and Roman economies. What benefits and problems are associated with the use of slave labour?

Comparative Civilizations 12 LESSON 10: Ancient Warfare (pp. 114-118, handouts) Terms to Learn: Marathon Thermopylae Leonidas phalanx Salamis Plataea legionary Carthage Scipio Africanus

Ms. J. Liew

Xerxes Immortals Delian League Hannibal

Study Questions: 1. Describe the Persian Empire. Explain what led to the Persian Wars. 2. Compare and contrast the weapons, armour and fighting techniques of the Spartans/Greeks and the Persians. 3. How did the Persian Wars contribute to the golden age of Athens? 4. Summarize the events of the Peloponnesian War. 5. Describe the organization of the Roman Legions. 6. Describe the equipment used by the Roman Legions and their fighting tactics. 7. Compare Rome and Carthage. Explain what led to the Punic Wars. 8. Briefly summarize the three Punic Wars. LESSON 11: Empire Building and Decline (handouts) Terms to Learn: Philip II of Macedon Alexander the Great Pax Romana empire

Julius Caesar

Study Questions: 1. What allowed Philip II to conquer all of mainland Greece? Why was this such a significant achievement? 2. What allowed Alexander the Great to conquer such a large empire? 3. How did Alexander govern his empire? Why was this a wise approach? 4. Describe the expansion of the Roman Empire. 5. How did the Romans govern their empire? 6. What factors led to the decline and collapse of the Roman Empire? LESSON 12: Great Leader Debates 1. How do you define greatness? 2. What qualities make someone a great leader? 3. Who do you believe was the greatest leader of the ancient world: Alexander, Hannibal or Caesar?