TRX – Suspension Training – Simple, Fast and Efficient TRX – SUSPENSION TRAINING – SIMPLE, FAST AND EFFICIENT Victor DULCEAŢĂ 1 Abstract Lately ther...
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TRX – Suspension Training – Simple, Fast and Efficient


Abstract Lately there is more and more talk about TRX. The results obtained by numerous performance sportsmen people, with these exercises in a relatively short period of time, makes TRX raise interest both to performance sportsmen and to those who make sports for maintenance. It is known the performance of Steaua football team, which, after a training stage in which it used mostly TRX SUSPENSION TRAINING exercises, turned from any first league team into an international competitive team. TheTRX can be the perfect workout companion for someone with little space or limited equipment. Although it can’t do everything (some goals will require using free weights and other equipment), suspension training is a great way to add variety to a stale routine. T his article is highlighting useful information about the TRX SUSPENSION TRAINING and the benefits for these type of exercises.

Keywords: TRX, muscles, strenght, flexibility JEL classification: I 10, I 19, I 20

Introduction The field of suspension training is a form of resistance training that includes bodyweight exercises in which a variety of multi-planar, compound exercise movements can be performed. These are done with the aim of developing strength, balance, flexibility, and joint stability simultaneously. Lately there is more and more talk about TRX. The results obtained by numerous performance sportsmen people, with these exercises in a relatively short period of time, makes TRX raise interest both to performance sportsmen and to those who make sports for maintenance. 1. Content TRX is a simple and efficient fitness accessory, formed of a nylon belt which splits into two adjustable arms. The ends of the arms are equipped with ETRIERE for hands and feet. This belt may be suspended on the ceiling, door, a bar, a tree, etc. It may be used both in fitness rooms and at home, in the park or where we have 2 m² available and a support to anchor the TRX apparatus. 1

Victor Dulceaţă, School Sports Club no 1 Bucharest, [email protected]


Vol V• Nr. 2 • 2013

Marathon TRX was created in 1990, when an officer from NAVY S.E.A.L. named Randy Hetrick improvised an apparatus from the cords of a parachute, which he sewed by hand. With this new training instrument Randy Hetrick and his comrades developed a new set of exercises based on using the own bodily mass in suspension, which is known as SUSPENSION TRAINING.He declared 'As a SEAL Team officer, I made a point to always be forthright and truthful with my guys. The activities we were involved in might literally kill you if things went wrong. Given that, I believed that all teammates were owed the full score, not some edited version of the details. SEALs want and expect that from their leaders, and they’re equipped to deal with it (in Human Kinetics - Core assessment and training, 2010). In the first stage, as it was an instrument dedicated to soldiers, it was conceived as a multifunctional apparatus, which would be easy to transport, to occupy little depositing space and which may be placed anywhere so that you may train anywhere, anytime and anyhow. TRX is a system of levers between the gravity and body weight, perfect for anyone due to the fact that the level of resistance and difficulty may be controlled. Depending on the tilting angle, the level of stressing the muscles directly involved, but also the abdominal one, which makes the movement balance effort, is modified. Nothing happens without the strong engagement of the abdomen, its contractions being involuntary. Unlike standard trainings, which allow the stress of a muscle group, TRX allows the use of a larger number of muscle groups simultaneously as well as a larger spectrum of multi layering movements. By these exercises, you can develop at the same time:  Strength  Balance  Flexibility Ever since TRX suspension training took the fitness world by storm, we've been rather obsessed with its ability to whip anyone, not just Navy SEALS, into shape. Using the suspension of two straps, TRX is an effective way to build muscle while combining cardio with strength training. Although it's a fairly simple concept, there is still a lot to know about the core-powered workout. Depending on the intensity and volume of the exercises, TRX trainings can be:  Cardio  Strength  Intervals TRX SUSPENSION TRAINING helps the resistance of the body and body shaping, without swelling the muscles, but only shaping them; it develops the muscle resistance, the activity of profound muscles, the posture muscles and joints Vol V • Nr. 2 • 2013


TRX – Suspension Training – Simple, Fast and Efficient mobility; it can be a good means of recovery for those with joints and back problems. With TRX you have the opportunity to be creative, to develop your own exercises depending on the level of training, increasing gradually the difficulty and complexity of exercises, observing the basic principles:  From easy to difficult  From simple to complex  From known to unknown Many performance sportsmen: swimmers, tennis men, UFC fighters, athletes, use TRX strips in their trainings. Being very easy to assemble and deposit, with a maximum weight of a kilo, the strips are taken by sportsmen in competitions and tours and use them in hotel rooms, in cloakrooms, etc. It is known the performance of Steaua football team, which, after a training stage in which it used mostly TRX SUSPENSION TRAINING exercises, turned from any first league team into an international competitive team. Thomas Neubert, physical trainer declares: the training with TRX is a very complex type of exercise. This type of exercise is something new not only for the First league teams, but also for the Western teams. I consider that the excellent shape in which the players are right now is owed to a large extent to TRX SUSPENSION TRAINING. It is a pity that not more benefit is obtained from these strips in the European football. Thomas Neubert is considered a pioneer in the use of TRX strips in the First League. To be recorded is the fact that Steaua Bucharest is the first team in which TRX was used. The swimmer Natalie Coughlin, 18 times world champion and 12times Olympic medallist uses TRX strips in her training both for strength and mobility. She declared that, if in the classic training she allocates 1:30 as time, now with TRX SUSPENSION TRAINING the training does not last more than 50 minutes. “Swimming is all about connecting your arms to your core to your legs and being really efficient. The TRX forces you to stabilize your core and use your entire body in coordination (Swimm, run, bike, 2012). Bardon Vera, UFC fighter, uses TRX after each specific training to improve his strength. He says that he takes it anywhere in the world because it is easy to pack and as easy to use. The tennis player Bojana Jovanovski used TRX as a recovery method, returning in the circuit in a shorter time than foreseen. She declared“I’m able to get a full-body strength workout no matter where I am; whether I’m at home, in a cramped hotel room, or at home at the gym, I can always do the same workout.” (in the All about strength, 2013)


Vol V• Nr. 2 • 2013

Marathon There are many benefits of TRX and these below will help you understand what you’re getting into if you decide to purchase this suspension training equipment. It doesn’t matter if you’re the most elite athlete or just someone looking to shed some pound, TRX suspension training can help you achieve any goal you may have. Because of the high level of versatility with these exercises, you can easily alter any movement to be easier or much more challenging. TRX workouts will help you build functional strength, but will also help you improve anaerobic cardiovascular endurance. You have the choice to perform any exercise at a rapid pace or with a slow and controlled motion. Of course, the faster you go, the greater cardio training potential you will have. There are six basic body positions you can use with TRX equipment. In the standing position you can face the anchor point, face away from the anchor point, or face the side of the anchor point. While on the ground, you can lay face down, face up, or lay on your side. But if you noticed, I said BASIC body positions. By slightly angling your body one way or another, you will create additional or less resistance. There are literally hundreds of different variations of exercises you can use to target every muscle of the body. The entire TRX training equipment weighs a whopping two pounds, making it super easy for you to transport anywhere. This means you can practically train anywhere. Suspension training is an excellent way to improve any muscle imbalances you may have. This is primarily because of the amount of balance you must have to perform any of these exercise. Because of the constant instability, your body will perform as single unit to maintain the necessary balance. Many training injuries are a direct results of muscular imbalances throughout the body. As previously mentioned, TRX will help correct such imbalances, and can be a great tool for people who are recovering some injury. TRX is an extremely attractive training technique because of its ability to active the core. This is due to the constant instability that the straps provide. You must be able to balance and keep your core tight throughout every movement or you run the risk of looking like a fool! TRX will strengthen all muscles of the core including the rectus abdominis (front of abs), transverse abdominis (sides of abs), and lower back.

All TRX exercises are very low-impact and are excellent for people looking to give their joints a break. This is especially true for runners who tend to get overuse injuries due to repetitive movements. There is very little chance you will get injured when use TRX equipment. You Vol V • Nr. 2 • 2013


TRX – Suspension Training – Simple, Fast and Efficient don’t need to worry about being crushed by heavy weights because the only resistance you use is your own body. TRX Suspension Training is a great way to spice up your training routine. It doesn’t matter if you primarily lift weight or focus on cardio. Including a TRX regime 1-2 times a week can really keep your routine lively and ensure that your workouts don’t become stagnant. 2. Conclusions and Proposal As we can notice, either used for mobility, strength, strength in resistance regime or recovery, TRX SUSPENSION TRAINING will soon replace the classic trainings which are longer as time, but not so complex. In order to use TRX in safety conditions and efficiently it’s a must to have a basic training by a specialized person. Suspension training develops core body strength, as well as joint and muscular stability, reducing the risk of injury. It could be a limitation in using this training method because some sports scientists have expressed concern that weaker individuals may not have the core stability or joint integrity to use the system safely and effectively. REFERENCES 1. 2.

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Vol V• Nr. 2 • 2013

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