Seminar Series in Mathematics: Algebra

2003, 1–9

TREES AND QUASI-TREES ∗ Let ∆ be a simplicial complex on the vertex set [n] = {1, . . . , n}. A facet of ∆ is a maximal face of ∆. We denote by F (∆) the set of facets of ∆. Let K be a field, S = K[x1 , . . . , xn ] the polynomial ring over K in n indeterminates. With ∆ there are attached naturally two monomial ideals: • the Stanley-Reisner ideal I∆ = (xF )F6∈∆ , and • the facet ideal I(∆) = (xF )F∈F (∆) . Here xF = xi1 · · · xik for F = {i1 , . . . , ik }. If F (∆) = {F1 , . . . , Fm } then we write ∆ = hF1 , . . . , Fm i, and say that F1 , . . . , Fm generate ∆. Example 1. Let ∆ be the simplicial complex 2



4 3 Figure 1:

Then I∆ = (x1 x4 , x1 x5 , x2 x5 , x3 x5 ) and I(∆) = (x1 x2 x3 , x2 x3 x4 , x4 x5 ). If dim ∆ = 1, then ∆ is a graph G, and I(∆) = I(G) is the edge ideal of the graph. We want to discuss the following problems: (1) When is S/I(∆) Cohen-Macaulay? (2) When is the Rees ring R (I(∆)) =


i≥0 I(∆)

∗ This lecture was held by J¨ urgen Herzog University of Essen, Germany e-mail: [email protected]


it i




For the Stanley- Reisner ring K[∆] = S/I∆ the well-known Reisner criterion tells us when K[∆] is Cohen-Macaulay. However, for S/I(∆) no such criterion is known. For the edge ideal of a tree, Villareal [17] gives a criterion when it is Cohen-Macaulay. More recently there are two extensions of this, namely in the case that: (a) (Herzog-Hibi [8]) G is a bipartite graph, or (b) (Faridi [5], [6]) ∆ is a higher dimensional tree. In this lecture we discuss mostly the work of Faridi. Definition 2. Let ∆ be a simplicial complex. A facet F ∈ F (∆) is called a leaf, if either F is the only facet of ∆, or there exists G ∈ F (∆), G 6= F such that H ∩ F ⊂ G ∩ F for each H ∈ F (∆) with H 6= F. A facet G with this property is called a branch of F. A vertex i of ∆ is called a free vertex if i belongs to precisely one facet. The simplicial complex in Figure 1 has two leaves, namely {1, 2, 3} and {4, 5}, and has one branch, namely {2, 3, 4}. The free vertices are 1 and 5. Definition 3 (Faridi). A simplicial complex is called a forest, if each subcomplex Γ of ∆ which is generated by a subset of the facets of ∆ has a leaf. A forest is called a tree if it is connected. The simplicial complex in Figure 1 is a tree. However the simplicial complex

Figure 2: is not a tree, because it has no leaves at all. Definition 4 (Zheng). A simplicial complex ∆ is called a quasi-forest, if the facets of ∆ can be ordered F1 , . . . , Fm such that Fi is a leaf of hF1 , . . . , Fi−1 i for i = 2, . . . , m. Such an order of the leaves is called a leaf order. If a quasi-forest is connected, then it is called a quasi-tree. The following simplicial complex is quasi-tree, but not a tree. Because if one removes the inside branch, then the remaining simplicial complex has no leaves anymore. One always has: ∆ tree ⇒ ∆ quasi-tree. However the converse is not true in general. We will study quasi-trees in Lecture 2.



Figure 3: Of course a graph which is a tree is also a tree in the sense of Faridi and a quasi-tree in the sense of Zheng. Lemma 5. Localization of a tree is a forest, i.e. if ∆ is a tree, I = I(∆) and P ∈ Spec(S) with I ⊂ P. Then IP ⊂ SP is minimally generated by monomials corresponding to the facets of a forest. Proof. Let P0 ⊂ P be the prime ideal generated by all xi such that xi ∈ P. Then I ⊂ P0 , and IP0 and IP have the same minimal set of monomial generators. Thus we may replace P by P0 and assume that P is generated by a subset of {x1 , . . . , xn }. Let P = (xi1 , . . . , xir ). Then the simplicial complex corresponding to the generators of IP is obtained from ∆ by removing all vertices j 6∈ {i1 , . . . , ir }. For example if we localize the simplicial complex shown in the next picture at P = (x1 , x2 , x3 , x5 , x6 , x7 ) 6




5 7

3 Figure 4:

The leaves that “survive” are again leaves, but the resulting simplicial may be disconnected, in other words, it may be a forest. Theorem 6 (Faridi). Let ∆ be a tree. Then the Rees ring of I(∆) is normal and Cohen-Macaulay. The proof uses the theory of approximation complexes: let (R, m) be local with maximal ideal m (or a graded with graded maximal ideal m), I ⊂ m an ideal (or graded ideal, if R is graded). Let f 1 , . . . , fm be a set of generators of I (homogeneous, if I is graded).



then we obtain 2 5•

3 Figure 5: We denote by H(g1 , . . . , gr ; R) the Koszul homology of a sequence g1 , . . . gr ∈ R. Definition 7. The ideal I satisfies sliding depth if depth Hi ( f1 , . . . , fm ; R) ≥ dim R − m + i for all i ≥ 0. The definition does not depend on the particular choice of the generators of I. Theorem 8 (Herzog-Simis-Vasconcelos-Villareal). Suppose R is Cohen-Macaulay, with I ⊂ P. Then the I satisfies sliding depth and µ (IP ) ≤ dim RP for all P ∈ Spec(R) L Rees algebra R (I) and the associated graded ring grI (R) = i≥0 I i /I i+1 are CohenMacaulay. If moreover, I is generically a complete intersection and R/I is reduced, then R (I) is normal. Theorem 9 (Faridi). Let ∆ be a tree, and I = I(∆). Then I satisfies the conditions of the previous theorem. Proof. (1) Sliding depth is proved by induction on the number of facets of ∆. (2) Let ∆ be a forest, I = I(∆). We show that µ (IP ) ≤ dim SP . We may assume that P is generated by variables. Since IP is generated by monomials corresponding to a forest, we may well assume that P = (x1 , . . . , xn ). In that case µ (IP ) = µ (I) and dim SP = dim S. Thus we have to show that µ (I) ≤ dim S. Since a forest is a quasiforest, we may assume that ∆ = hF1 , . . . , Fm i where Fi is a leaf of hF1 , . . . , Fi−1 i for all i. Now each Fi contains a free vertex, i.e. a vertex j such that j ∈ Fi but j 6∈ Fk for k < i. Therefore, dim S ≥ number of vertices of ∆ ≥ number of leaves of ∆ = µ (I). (3) For any squarefree monomial ideal, S/I is reduced and I is generically a complete intersection. Let I ⊂ S be a graded ideal. If S/I is Cohen-Macaulay, then S/I is unmixed, that is, the associated prime ideals and in particular the minimal prime ideals of I all have



the same height. The converse is of course in general false. For example, any prime ideal is unmixed but usually is not Cohen-Macaulay. We say ∆ is unmixed if all minimal prime ideals of I(∆) have the same height. Theorem 10 (Faridi). Let ∆ be a tree. Then the following conditions are equivalent: (a) ∆ is unmixed; (b) S/I(∆) is Cohen-Macaulay. Of course only the implication (a) ⇒ (b) needs a proof. This requires some preparation. Let ∆ be a simplicial complex. Definition 11. A subset G ⊂ [n] is a vertex cover of ∆, if G ∩ F 6= 0/ for all F ∈ F (∆). The set G is a minimal vertex cover, if G is a vertex cover and G0 ⊂ G is not a vertex cover for any proper subset of G. We denote by C (∆) the set of minimal vertex covers. For example the simplicial complex 6 5

4 1



Figure 6: has the minimal vertex covers: {1, 5}, {3, 4}, {2, 6}, {2, 4}, {2, 5}, {4, 5}. For G ⊂ [n] let PG = (xi )i∈G . Then the minimal prime ideals of I(∆) are the prime ideals PG where G is a minimal vertex cover of ∆. Thus ∆ is unmixed if all minimal vertex covers of ∆ have the same cardinality. Definition 12. Let M be a finitely generated graded S-module. The module M is called sequentially Cohen-Macaulay, if there exists a finite filtration 0 = M0 ⊂ M1 ⊂ . . . ⊂ Mr = M of graded submodules of M such that each Mi /Mi−1 is Cohen-Macaulay, and dim M1 /M0 < dim M2 /M1 < · · · < dim Mr /Mr−1 .



Theorem 13 (Peskine). The following conditions are equivalent: (a) M is sequentially Cohen-Macaulay; (b) Extn−i S (M, S) vanishes, or is Cohen-Macaulay of dimension i for i = 0, . . . , dim M. We say ∆ is sequentially Cohen-Macaulay (over K) if K[∆] = S/I∆ is a sequentially Cohen-Macaulay S-module. The pure subcomplex ∆(q) of ∆ which is generated all q-dimensional faces of ∆ is called the pure q-skeleton of ∆. Theorem 14 (Stanley). The following conditions are equivalent: (a) ∆ is sequentially Cohen-Macaulay; (b) for all integers q, the pure subcomplex ∆(q) is Cohen-Macaulay. Corollary 15. Let I ⊂ S be a squarefree monomial ideal. The following conditions are equivalent: (a) S/I is Cohen-Macaulay; (b) S/I is sequentially Cohen-Macaulay and unmixed. Proof. (a) ⇒ (b) is trivial. (b) ⇒ (a): Let ∆ be the simplicial complex such that I = I∆ . The minimal prime ideals correspond to the facets of ∆. Therefore, I is unmixed if and only if all facets of ∆ have the same dimension. Thus, if d = dim ∆ and I is unmixed, then ∆ = ∆(d). Since ∆ is sequentially Cohen-Macaulay, ∆(= ∆(d)) is Cohen-Macaulay, i.e. S/I is Cohen-Macaulay. Theorem 16 (Faridi). Let ∆ be a tree. Then S/I(∆) is sequentially Cohen-Macaulay. The preceding discussions show that this theorem implies Theorem 10. For the proof of Theorem 16 Alexander duality is used. Definition 17. The simplicial complex ∆∨ = {[n] \ F : F 6∈ ∆} is called the Alexander dual of ∆. One has (∆∨ )∨ = ∆. Lemma 18. Let ∆ be a simplicial complex, and let Γ be the unique simplicial complex such that I∆ = I(Γ). Then I∆ =

\ G∈C (Γ)

PG ,


I∆∨ = (xG : G ∈ C (Γ)).



Example 19. Let I∆ = (x1 x4 , x1 x5 , x2 x5 , x3 x5 ). Then I∆ = (x1 , x2 , x3 )∩(x1 , x5 )∩(x4 , x5 ). Therefore I∆∨ = (x1 x2 x3 , x1 x5 , x4 x5 ). Theorem 20. Let K be a field, ∆ a simplicial complex. Then (a) (Eagon-Reiner) K[∆] is Cohen-Macaulay ⇐⇒ I∆∨ has a linear resolution; (b) ∆ is shellable ⇐⇒ I∆∨ has linear quotients; (c) (Terai) proj dimS K[∆] = reg I∆∨ ; (d) (Herzog-Hibi) ∆ is sequentially Cohen-Macaulay ⇐⇒ I∆∨ is componentwise linear. We explain some of the notions used in the previous theorem: An ideal I has linear quotients if it has set of generators f 1 , . . . , fm such that ( f1 , . . . , fi−1 ) : fi is generated by linear forms for i = 1, . . . , m. It is easy to see that if I has linear quotients then I has a linear resolution. A graded ideal I ⊂ S is said to be componentwise linear if for each integer i, the ideal generated by the ith component Ii of I has a linear resolution. Now, in order to prove Theorem 16, Faridi shows: let ∆ be tree, and write IΓ = I(∆). Then all components of IΓ∨ have linear quotients. Hence IΓ∨ is componentwise linear, and hence S/I(∆) is sequentially Cohen-Macaulay. The following question remains: when is a tree unmixed? Definition 21. A simpicial complex is grafted if ∆ = hG1 , . . . , Gs i ∪ hF1 , . . . , Fr i such that (i) V (hG1 , . . . , Gs i) ⊂ V (hF1 , . . . , Fr i); (ii) G1 , . . . , Gs are all the non-leaves of ∆; (iii) F1 , . . . , Fr are all the leaves of ∆; (iv) Fi ∩ Fj = 0/ for all i 6= j; (v) if Gi is a branch of ∆, then ∆ \ hGi i is also grafted. The answer to the above question is given in Theorem 22 (Faridi). A tree is unmixed if and only it is grafted. The tree below is a not unmixed and hence not Cohen-Macaulay. However after grafting it becomes Cohen-Macaulay.



Figure 7:

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