Towards Brain-Computer Interfacing

Towards Brain-Computer Interfacing edited by Guido Dornhege, José del R. Millán, Thilo Hinterberger, Dennis McFarland Klaus-Robert Müller A Bradford B...
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Towards Brain-Computer Interfacing edited by Guido Dornhege, José del R. Millán, Thilo Hinterberger, Dennis McFarland Klaus-Robert Müller A Bradford Book The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts London, England © 2007 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means(including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval) without permission in writing from thepublisher. This book was set in LaTex by the authors and was printed and bound in the United States of America Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Towards Brain-Computer Interfacing / edited by Guido Dornhege, José del R. Millán, Thilo Hinterberger, Dennis McFarland, Klaus-Robert Müller. p.; cm. (Neural information processing series) “A Bradford book.” Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-262-04244

Sellers, E.W., Krusienski, D.J., McFarland, D.J., & Wolpaw, J.R. (2007). Non-Invasive Brain-Computer Interface Research at the Wadsworth Center. In G. Dornhege, J. Millan, T. Hinterberger, D. McFarland, K. Müller (Eds.), Toward Brain-Computer Interfacing, (pp. 31-42). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.


Noninvasive Brain-Computer Interface Research at the Wadsworth Center

Eric W. Sellers, Dean J. Krusienski, Dennis J. McFarland, and Jonathan R. Wolpaw Laboratory of Nervous System Disorders Wadsworth Center New York State Department of Health Albany, NY 12201-0509


Abstract The primary goal of the Wadsworth Center brain-computer interface (BCI) program is to develop electroencephalographic (EEG) BCI systems that can provide severely disabled individuals with an alternative means of communication and/or control. We have shown that people with or without motor disabilities can learn to control sensorimotor rhythms recorded from the scalp to move a computer cursor in one or two dimensions and we have also used the P300 event-related potential as a control signal to make discrete selections. Overall, our research indicates there are several approaches that may provide alternatives for individuals with severe motor disabilities. We are now evaluating the practicality and effectiveness of a BCI communication system for daily use by such individuals in their homes.


Introduction Many people with severe motor disabilities require alternative methods for communication and control because they are unable to use conventional means that require voluntary muscular control. Numerous studies over the past two decades indicate that scalp-recorded EEG activity can be the basis for nonmuscular communication and control systems, commonly called brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) (Wolpaw et al. (2002)). EEG-based BCI systems measure specific features of EEG activity and translate these features into device commands. The most commonly used features have been sensorimotor rhythms (Wolpaw et al. (1991, 2002); Wolpaw and McFarland (2004); Pfurtscheller et al. (1993)), slow cortical potentials (Birbaumer et al. (1999, 2000); Ku¨ bler et al. (1998)), and the P300 event-related potential (Farwell and Donchin (1988); Donchin et al. (2000); Sellers and


Noninvasive Brain-Computer Interface Research at the Wadsworth Center

Donchin (2006)). Systems based on sensorimotor rhythms or slow cortical potentials use components in the frequency or time domain that are spontaneous in the sense that they are not dependent on specific sensory events. Systems based on the P300 response use time-domain EEG components that are elicited by specific stimuli. At the Wadsworth Center, our goal is to develop a BCI that is suitable for everyday use by severely disabled people at home or elsewhere. Over the past 15 years, we have developed a BCI that allows people, including those who are severely disabled, to move a computer cursor in one or two dimensions using µ and/or β rhythms recorded over sensorimotor cortex. More recently, we have expanded our BCI to include use of the P300 response that was originally described by Farwell and Donchin (1988). Fundamental to the efficacy of our system has been BCI2000 (Schalk et al. (2004)), the general-purpose software system that we developed and that is now used by more than seventy BCI laboratories around the world (see chapter 21 for a complete description of the BCI2000 system).


Sensorimotor Rhythm-Based Cursor Control Users learn during a series of training sessions to use sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) amplitudes in the µ (8–12 Hz) and/or β (18–26 Hz) frequency bands over left and/or right sensorimotor cortex to move a cursor on a video screen in one or two dimensions (Wolpaw and McFarland (1994, 2004); McFarland et al. (2003)). This is not a normal function of this brain signal, but rather the result of training. The SMR-based system uses spectral features extracted from the EEG that are spontaneous in the sense that the stimuli presented to the subject provide only the possible choices and the contingencies are arbitrary. The SMR-based system relies on improvement of user performance as a result of practice (McFarland et al. (2003)). This approach views the user and system as the interaction of two dynamic processes (Taylor et al. (2002); Wolpaw et al. (2000a)), and can be best conceptualized as coadaptive. By this view, the goal of the BCI system is to vest control in those signal features that the user can most accurately modulate and optimize the translation of these signals into device control. This optimization is presumed to facilitate further learning by the user. Our first reports of SMR use to control a BCI described using a single feature to control cursor movement in one dimension to hit a target located at the top or bottom edge of a video monitor (Wolpaw et al. (1991)). In 1993 we demonstrated that users could learn to control the same type of cursor movement to intercept targets starting at a variable height and moving from left to right across the screen (McFarland et al. (1993)). Subsequently, we used two channels of EEG to control cursor movement independently in two dimensions so users could hit targets located at one of the four corners of the monitor (Wolpaw and McFarland (1994)). We also evaluated using one-dimensional cursor control with two to five targets arranged along the right edge of the monitor (McFarland et al. (2003)). This task is illustrated in figure 2.1a. Cursor control in these examples was based on a weighted sum of one or two spectral features for each control dimension. For example, an increase in the amplitude of the 10Hz µ rhythm, located over the sensorimotor cortex (electrode C3), could move the target up and a decrease in the amplitude of this µ-rhythm could serve to

2.3 Sensorimotor Rhythm-Based Cursor Control




Figure 2.1 (a) One-dimensional four-target SMR control task (McFarland et al. (2003)). (b) Twodimensional eight target SMR control task (Wolpaw and McFarland (2004)). (1) The target and cursor are present on the screen for 1 s. (2a) The cursor moves steadily across the screen for 2 s with its vertical movement controlled by the user. (2b) The cursor moves in two dimensions with direction and velocity controlled by the user until the user hits the target or 10 s have elapsed. (3) The target flashes for 1.5 s when it is hit by the cursor. If the cursor misses the target, the screen is blank for 1.5 s. (4) The screen is blank for a 1-s interval. (5) The next trial begins.

move the target down. In this case, feature selection was based on inspection of univariate statistics. We found that a regression approach is well suited to SMR cursor movement since it provides continuous control in one or more dimensions and generalizes well to novel target configurations. The utility of a regression model is illustrated in the recent study of SMR control of cursor movement in two dimensions described in Wolpaw and McFarland (2004). An example trial is shown in figure 2.1b. A trial began when a target appeared at one of eight locations on the periphery of the screen. Target location was block-randomized (i.e., each occurred once every eight trials). One second later, the cursor appeared in the middle of the screen and began to move in two dimensions with its movement controlled by the user’s EEG activity. If the cursor reached the target within 10 s, the target flashed as a reward. If it failed to reach the target within 10 s, the cursor and the target simply disappeared. In either case, the screen was blank for one second, and then the next trial began. Users initially learned cursor control in one dimension (i.e., horizontal) based on a regression function. Next they were trained on a second dimension (i.e., vertical) using a different regression function. Finally the two functions were used simultaneously for full two-dimensional control. Topographies of Pearson’s r correlation values for one user are shown in figure 2.2, where it can be seen that two distinct patterns of activity controlled cursor movement. Horizontal movement was controlled by a weighted difference of 12-Hz µ-rhythm activity between the left and right sensorimotor cortex (see figure 2.2, left topography). Vertical movement was controlled by a weighted sum of activity located


Noninvasive Brain-Computer Interface Research at the Wadsworth Center

Figure 2.2 Scalp topographies (nose at top) of Pearson’s r values for horizontal (x) and vertical (y) target positions. In this user, horizontal movement was controlled by a 12-Hz µ-rhythm and vertical movement by a 24-Hz β-rhythm. Horizontal correlation is greater on the right side of the scalp, whereas vertical correlation is greater on the left side of the scalp. The topographies are for R rather than R2 to show the opposite (i.e., positive and negative, respectively) correlations of right and left sides with horizontal target level (Wolpaw and McFarland (2004)).

over left and right sensorimotor cortex in the 24-Hz β-rhythm (see figure 2.2, right topography). This study illustrated the generalizability of regression functions to varying target configurations. This 2004 study also determined how well users could move the cursor to novel locations. Targets were presented at sixteen possible locations consisting of the original eight targets and eight additional targets that were on the periphery in the spaces between the original eight and not overlapping with them. Target location was block-randomized (i.e., each occurred once in sixteen trials). The average movement times to the original locations was compared with the average movement times to the novel locations. In the first of these sessions, movement time was slightly but not significantly longer for the novel targets, and this small difference decreased with practice. These results illustrated that ordinary least-squares regression procedures provide efficient models that generalize to novel target configurations. Regression provides an efficient means to parameterize the translation algorithm in an adaptive manner that smoothly transfers to different target configurations during the course of multistep training protocols. This study clearly demonstrated strong simultaneous independent control of horizontal and vertical movement. This control was comparable in accuracy and speed to that reported in studies using implanted intracortical electrodes in monkeys (Wolpaw and McFarland (2004)). We have also evaluated various regression models for controlling cursor movement acquired from a four-choice, one-dimensional cursor movement task (McFarland and Wolpaw (2005)). We found that using more than one EEG feature improved performance (e.g., C4 at 12Hz and C3 at 24Hz). In addition, we evaluated nonlinear models with linear regression by including cross-product (i.e., interaction) terms in the regression function. While the translation algorithm could be based on either a classifier or a regression function, we concluded that a regression approach was more appropriate for the cursor

2.3 Sensorimotor Rhythm-Based Cursor Control


Figure 2.3 Comparison of regression and classification for feature translation. For the two-target case, both methods require only one function. For the five-target case, the regression approach still requires only a single function, while the classification approach requires four functions (see text for full discussion).

movement task. Figure 2.3 compares the classification and regression approaches. For the two-target case, both the regression approach and the classification approach require that the parameters of a single function be determined. For the five-target case, the regression approach still requires only a single function when the targets are distributed along a single dimension (e.g., vertical position on the screen). In contrast, for the five-target case the classification approach requires that four functions be parameterized. With even more and variable targets, the advantage of the regression approach becomes increasingly apparent. For example, the positioning of icons in a typical mouse-based graphical user interface would require a bewildering array of classifying functions, while with the regression approach, two dimensions of cursor movement and a button selection serve all cases. We have conducted preliminary studies that suggest users are also able to accurately control a robotic arm in two dimensions by applying the same techniques used for cursor control. A more recent study shows that after encountering a target with the cursor, users are able to select or reject the target by performing or withholding hand-grasp imagery (McFarland et al. (2005)). This imagery evokes a transient response that can be detected and used to improve the overall accuracy by reducing unintended target selections. As these results illustrate, training of SMRs has the potential to be extended to a variety of applications, and the control obtained for one task can transfer directly to another task. Our current efforts toward improving the SMR paradigm are refining the one- and twodimensional control procedures with the intention of progressing to more choices and to higher dimensional control. This includes the identification or transformation of EEG features so that the resulting control signals are as independent, trainable, stable, and


Noninvasive Brain-Computer Interface Research at the Wadsworth Center



Figure 2.4 (a) A 6 × 6 P300 matrix display. The rows and columns are randomly highlighted as indicated by column 3. (b) Average waveforms for each of the 36 cells contained in the matrix from electrode Pz. The target letter “O” (thick waveform) elicited the largest P300 response, and a smaller P300 response is evident for the other characters in column 3 or row 3 (medium waveforms) because these stimuli are highlighted simultaneously with the target. All other cells indicate nontarget stimuli (thin waveforms). Each response is the average of 30 stimulus presentations.

predictable as possible. With control signals possessing these traits, the user and system adaptations should be superior, and thus the required training time should be reduced and overall performance improved.


P300-Based Communication We have also begun to use and further develop the potential of the P300 class of BCI systems. In the original P300 matrix paradigm introduced by Farwell and Donchin (1988), the user is presented with a 6 × 6 matrix containing 36 symbols. The user focuses attention on the desired symbol in the matrix while the rows and columns of the matrix are highlighted in a random sequence of flashes. A P300 response occurs when the desired symbol is highlighted. To identify the desired symbol, the classifier determines the row and the column that the user is attending to (i.e., the symbol that elicited a P300) by weighting specific spatiotemporal features that are time-locked to the stimulus. The intersection of this row and column defines the selected symbol. Figure 2.4 shows a typical P300 matrix display and the averaged event-related potential responses to the intensification of each cell. The cell containing the letter “O” was the target cell and elicited the largest P300 response when highlighted. To a lesser extent the other characters in the row or the column containing the O also elicited a P300 because these cells are simultaneously highlighted with the target cell. Our focus has been on improving matrix speller classification. These studies examined variables related to stimulus properties, presentation rate, classification parameters, and classification methods. Sellers et al. (In press) examined the effects of matrix size and interstimulus interval (ISI) on classification accuracy using two matrix sizes (3 × 3 and

2.4 P300-Based Communication


Figure 2.5 Montages used to derive SWDA classification coefficients. Data were collected from all 64 electrodes; only the indicated electrodes were used to derive coefficients (see text).

6 × 6), and two ISIs (175 and 350 ms). The results showed that the amplitude of the P300 response for the target items was larger in the 6 × 6 matrix condition than in the 3 × 3 matrix condition. These results are consistent with a large number of studies that show increased P300 amplitude with reduced target probability (e.g., Duncan-Johnson and Donchin (1977)). Our lab has tested several variables related to classification accuracy using the stepwise discriminant analysis (SWDA) method (Krusienski et al. (2005)). We examined the effects of channel set, channel reference, decimation factor, and the number of model features on classification accuracy (Krusienski et al. (2005)). The factor of channel set was the only factor to have a statistically significant effect on classification accuracy. Figure 2.5 shows examples of each electrode set. Set 1 (Fz, Cz, and Pz) and set 2 (PO7, PO8, and Oz) performed equally, and significantly worse than set 3 (set 1 and set 2 combined). In addition, set 4 (which contained 19 electrodes) was no better than set 3 (which contained 6 electrodes). These results demonstrate at least two important points: First, 19 electrode locations appear to provide no more useful information beyond that provided by the 6 electrodes contained in set 3. Second, electrode locations other than those traditionally associated with the P300 response provide unique information for classification of matrix data. Occipital


Noninvasive Brain-Computer Interface Research at the Wadsworth Center



Time (ms) Figure 2.6 (a) Example waveforms for target (black) and nontarget (grey) stimuli for electrodes PO7, Pz, and PO8. The target waveform represents the average of 480 stimuli and the nontarget waveform represents the average of 2400 stimuli. The P300 response is evident at Pz and a negative deflection preceding the P300 is evident at PO7 and PO8. (b) r 2 values that correspond to the waveforms shown in panel a.

electrodes (e.g., Oz, PO7, and PO8) have previously been included in matrix speller data classification (Kaper et al. (2004); Meinicke et al. (2002)). In addition, Vaughan et al. (2003b) showed that these electrode locations discriminate target from nontarget stimuli, as measured by r 2 , but the nature of the information provided by the occipital electrodes has not been rigorously investigated. Examination of the waveforms suggests that a negative deflection preceding the P300 response provides this additional unique information (see figure 2.6a). While a relationship to gaze cannot be ruled out at this time, it is likely that the essential classification-specific information recorded from the occipital electrodes is not produced because the user fixates the target item. An exogenous response to a stimulus occurs within the first 100 ms of stimulus presentation and appears as a positive deflection in the waveform (Skrandies (2005)). In contrast, the response observed at PO7 and PO8 is a negative deflection that occurs after 200 ms. The r 2 values remain near zero until approximately 200 ms, also suggesting a negligible exogenous contribution. Moreover, whether or not this negativity is specific to the matrix style display or also present in standard P300 tasks is yet to be determined. While it is reasonable to assume that the user must be able to fixate for the response to be elicited, Posner (1980) has shown that nonfixated locations can be attended to. To our knowledge, P300-BCI studies that examine the consequences of attending to a location other than the fixated location have not been conducted. Furthermore, one may also assume that fixating a nontarget location may have a deleterious effect on performance because it is harder to ignore distractor items located at fixation than it is to ignore distractor items located in the periphery (Beck and Lavie (2005)). At the same time, fixation alone is not sufficient to elicit a P300 response. Evidence for this is provided by studies that present target and nontarget items at fixation in a Bernoulli series (e.g., Fabiani et al. (1987)). If fixation alone were responsible for the P300, both the target and nontarget items would

2.5 A Portable BCI System


produce equivalent responses because all stimuli are presented at fixation. Hence, we argue that a visual P300-BCI is not classifying gaze in a fashion analogous to the Sutter (1992) steady-state visually evoked potential system. To be useful a BCI must be accurate. Accurate classification depends on feature extraction and the translation algorithm being used for classification (Krusienski et al. (2005)). Currently, we are testing several alternative classification methods in addition to SWDA. To date, we have tested classifiers derived from linear support vector machines, Gaussian support vector machines, Pearson’s correlation method, Fisher’s linear discriminant, and SWDA. The preliminary results reveal minimal differences among several different classification algorithms. The SWDA method we have been using for our online studies perform as well as, or better than, any of the other solutions we have tested offline (unpublished data, under review).


A Portable BCI System In addition to refining and improving SMR- and P300-BCI performance we are also focused on developing clinically practical BCI systems. We are beginning to provide severely disabled individuals with BCI systems to use in their daily lives. Our goals are to demonstrate that the BCI systems can be used for everyday communication and that using a BCI has a positive impact on the user’s quality of life (Vaughan et al. (2006)). In collaboration with researchers at the University of Tu¨ bingen and the University of South Florida, we have conducted many experimental sessions at the homes of disabled individuals (e.g., K¨ubler et al. (2005a); Sellers and Donchin (2006); Sellers et al. (2006b)). This pilot work has identified critical factors essential for moving out of the lab and into a home setting where people can use a BCI in an autonomous fashion. The most pressing needs for a successful home BCI system are developing a more compact system, making the system easy to operate for a caregiver, and providing the user with effective and reliable communication applications. The current home system includes a laptop computer, a flat panel display, an eightchannel electrode cap, and an amplifier with a built in A/D board. The amplifier has been reduced to 15 × 4 × 9 cm, and we anticipate a smaller amplifier in the future. We have addressed making the system more user-friendly by automating some of the processes in the BCI2000 software and employing a novice user level that allows the caregiver to start the program with a short series of mouse clicks. Thus, the caregiver’s major task is placing and injecting gel into the electrode cap, which takes about five minutes. We have also modified the BCI2000 software to include a menu-driven item selection structure that allows the user to navigate various hierarchical menus to perform specific tasks (e.g., basic communication, basic needs, word processing, and environmental controls) in a more expedient manner than earlier versions of the SMR (Vaughan et al. (2001)) and P300 (Sellers et al. (2006b)) software. In addition, we incorporated a speech output option for users who desire this ability. A more complete description of the system is provided in Vaughan et al. (2006).


Noninvasive Brain-Computer Interface Research at the Wadsworth Center

Finally, we have provided one severely disabled user with an in-home P300 system that he uses for daily work and communication tasks. He is a 48-year-old man with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) who is totally paralyzed except for some eye movement. Since installation, the BCI has been used at least five times per week for up to eight hours per day. The format is a 9 × 8 matrix of letters, numbers, and function calls that operates as a keyboard and makes the computer and Windows-based programs (e.g., Eudora, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Acrobat) completely accessible via EEG control. The system uses an ISI of 125 ms with a stimulus duration of 62.5 ms, and each series of intensifications lasts for 12.75 s. On a weekly basis the data is uploaded to an ftp site and analyzed in the lab, and classification coefficients are updated via our previously described SWDA procedure (Krusienski et al. (2005); Sellers and Donchin (2006); Sellers et al. (In press)). The user’s average classification accuracy for all experimental sessions has been 88 percent. These results have demonstrated that a P300-BCI can be of practical value for individuals with severe motor disabilities, and that caregivers who are unfamiliar with BCI devices and EEG signals can be trained to operate and maintain a BCI (Sellers et al. (2006b)). We plan to enroll additional users in the coming months.


Discussion The primary goal of the Wadsworth BCI is to provide a new communication channel for severely disabled people. As demonstrated here, the SMR and P300 systems employ very different approaches to achieve this goal. The SMR system relies on EEG features that are spontaneous in the sense that the stimuli presented to the user provide information regarding SMR modulation. In contrast, the P300 response is elicited by a stimulus contained within a predefined set of stimuli and depends on the oddball paradigm (Fabiani et al. (1987)). The SMR system uses features extracted by spectral analysis while the P300 system uses time-domain features. While the P300 can be characterized in the frequency domain (e.g., Cacace and McFarland (2003)), to our knowledge, this has not been done for P300-BCI use. We use regression analysis with the SMR system and classification for the P300 system. The regression approach is well suited to the SMR cursor movement application since it provides continuous control in one or more dimensions and generalizes well to novel target configurations (McFarland and Wolpaw (2005)). In contrast, the classification approach is well suited to the P300 system where the target is treated as one class and all other alternatives are treated as the other class. Done in this way, a single discriminant function generalizes well to matrices of differing sizes. Finally, these two BCI systems differ in terms of the importance of user training. BCI users can learn to control SMRs to move a computer cursor to hit targets located on a computer screen. This is not a normal function of this brain signal, but, rather, is the result of training. In contrast, the P300 can be used for communication purposes without extensive training. The SMR system relies on improvement of user performance as a result of practice (McFarland et al. (2003)), while the P300 system uses a response that appears to remain relatively constant across trials in terms of waveform morphology (Cohen

2.6 Discussion


Machine learning

Operant conditioning

Optimized coadaptation




BCI system

BCI system

BCI system

Figure 2.7 Three concepts of BCI operation. The arrows through the user and/or the BCI system indicate which elements adapt in each concept.

and Polich (1997); Fabiani et al. (1987); Polich (1989)) and classification coefficient performance (Sellers and Donchin (2006); Sellers et al. (In press)). An SMR-BCI system is more suitable for continuous control tasks such as moving a cursor on a screen; however, Piccione et al. (2006) have shown that a P300 system can be used to move a cursor in discrete steps, albeit more slowly than with an SMR system. While most BCI researchers agree that coadaptation between user and system is a central concept, BCI systems have been conceptualized at least three ways. Blankertz et al. (e.g., Blankertz et al. (2003)) view BCI to be mainly a problem of machine learning; this view implicitly sees the user as producing a predictable signal that needs to be discovered. Birbaumer et al. (e.g., Birbaumer et al. (2003)) view BCI to be mainly an operant conditioning paradigm, in which the experimenter, or trainer, guides or leads the user to encourage the desired output by means of reinforcement. Wolpaw et al. (2000a) and Taylor et al. (2002) view the user and BCI system as the coadaptive interaction of two dynamic processes. Figure 2.7 illustrates these three views of BCI. The Wadsworth Center SMR system falls most readily into the coadaptive class, while the Wadsworth Center P300 system is most analogous to the machine learning model. Ultimately, determining which of these views (or other conceptualizations of BCI systems) is most appropriate must be empirically evaluated for each BCI paradigm. We feel that one should allow the characteristics of the EEG feature(s) to dictate the BCI system design and this will determine the most effective system for a given user. We currently test users on the SMR- and P300-based BCI systems and then select the most appropriate system based on analyses of speed, accuracy, bit rate, usefulness, and likelihood of use (Nijboer et al. (2005)). This may prove to be the most efficient model as we move BCI systems into people’s homes.


Noninvasive Brain-Computer Interface Research at the Wadsworth Center

Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by grants from the National Institutes of Health (HD30146 and EB00856), and the James S. McDonnell Foundation.

Notes E-mail for correspondence: [email protected]

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