TIPS ON SELLING YOUR CAR by Buddy Evans Co-Owner of Big Bucks Auto in New York City, one of the largest car-buying services in the tri-state area.

1 Chapter one

How to Sell Your Used Car There are in general three ways to sell your car:

Trade-ins You have to first decide if you’re buying another car. If you are buying another car, you could trade it in to a dealer. The disadvantage is that you never really know what the numbers are that you’re paying for the car or that you’re selling your car to them for. Because there’s always a mathematic equation that doesn’t add up. You can’t get top-dollar for your car and get the best price on the new car. So something’s got to give. And usually it gives on the new car. They just take money off the top and make it seem as though you’re getting a good deal, and in reality, you’re overpaying one way or the other.

You can sometimes also sell your car to a dealership Some car dealerships will offer to take your car on consignment. Which sounds really good, but they have no incentive for really selling your car. If someone happens to walk in, and is interested in your car, they’ll sell it, but however they’re in the business of selling their cars - so there’s not really any motivation to sell your car.

You can also try to sell your car yourself Looking to get cash for cars on your own terms? There is always the option of going back to the ancient roots of marketing. There are several ways you could go about it. Sitting your car in a busy location with a big “For Sale” sign on it is how our ancestors got cash for cars. Through word of mouth and lots of flashy posters, those who were wishing to sell their cars put their vehicles on the market. Another old traditional way is putting an ad in the paper, and that brings in a whole different

kind of clientele to your house. You have to make appointments. You have to assume that they’re real buyers, and especially if you’re working and you have children, its a very time consuming process. And in today’s world, maybe a little dangerous. The Internet is truly an amazing tool that has revolutionized the way the world does business. With endless information at our fingertips at all times, we now have recourse to reach out to those who are looking to buy a car at a much greater distance. We can use the information to determine, roughly, what a fair price is and even to work out amateur contracts. To get cash for cars by using the Internet can sometimes bring with it dangers. If you do not discuss business face to face with another person, or if they’re not affiliated with any sort of business, you could be dealing with untrustworthy people and not be aware of it until too late. The Internet might be the most convenient way to get cash for cars, but it is also potentially the riskiest.

Get cash for cars through a local car buying business The other option then is a car-buying service. Selling your car to a local car buying business will allow you to work with individuals in your community. You will also be handling all monetary transactions with a legitimate established business so can be at ease knowing that nothing will be stolen from you and that contracts are in place to protect you. Using a local car buying service is a convenient way to get cash for your car. Typically a transaction can be made within a half hour of your arrival. The workers at the car buying service are professionals who know cars and know what the appropriate prices are for each make and model. All you have to do is drive it down there and they will handle the rest. The best part: you generally actually leave with a pocketful of cash for your car. As an example, Big Bucks Auto, is New York’s largest car-buying service. In general, our business model is that we only buy cars, trucks and motorcycles. We don’t approach our business as having something to sell to you. The process is very quick, and safe, and convenient. You bring your vehicle in, we’ll evaluate it, we’ll make you an offer, and basically you get paid within 20 minutes.

2 Chapter two

How do you know when to sell your car? The easy answer is simple replacement. You have purchased a new automobile and the older one has got to move on. You might find that the cost of car ownership is too high and want to sell your car for economic reasons. What if you have been laid off or your spouse’s hours have been cut back and the loan amount and monthly car payments are now just too high and you just know; it’s now time to sell your car. Or perhaps you

have recently relocated to an area where you don’t actually require a car as public transportation will do? Or you are looking to sell your car to joint the ever growing movement of living without a car. Our Best Cities in the US – Living without a Car article can help you find a great place.

We Americans have a love/hate relationship with our cars We love our cars when they are bright and new and shiny, or even when they are just new to us. We are fiercely dependant on our cars, even when we don’t have to be. On the flip side, if our cars don’t work properly and cause us troubles, we will easily curse and scream and kick them. No matter what your relationship with your car, always comes the time that you must part ways. No matter what, there will be a time to sell your car.

Selling your car does not have to be a daunting process whatever your reasons, whenever the time comes Granted you can sell your car privately through the local classifieds or Craig’s List, but with the economy as it is right now, most people are not buying much of anything, much less cars. You also have to ask yourself: “What is my time worth?” Paying for an add, taking all the phone calls, waiting around for strangers, hoping to sell your car and that the transfer will happen is a long arduous process that can be stress inducing under the best of circumstances.

When it’s time to sell your car find someone that can make the selling process as easy as possible for you Basically, it’s a lot easier to sell your car to a specialty used car dealer. We know exactly how to do it efficiently because that is what we do, everyday. Plus we are professional about buying cars. We treat our customers respectfully without haggling and debating the pricing of a car because we always offer a fair price right from the get go. Not to mention the convenience and time savings when you bring your car to us to sell. At our service Big Bucks Auto for instance, selling your car takes about 15 - 20 minutes.

When it’s time to sell your car, a specialty used car dealer should be able to answer all of your questions: how to sell your car when you have a loan? early lease termination sell car? how can I sell my car with expired tags?

how can I sell my car if the registration is expired? can I sell a car with money still owed? what paperwork is needed to sell my car? No matter what your personal situation, or concerns, professional specialty used car dealers have simplified the process of selling your car and should be able to answer any of your questions.

3 Chapter three

Selling your Car Privately? Be Careful! So you’re interested in selling your car privately. After all, you can probably make more money selling privately than you would by simply trading the car in on your next new car. But before you list your car for sale in local newspapers, on local car sites, or on an auction site like eBay, there are safety issues to consider. After all, you’ll be meeting with potential buyers who are also complete strangers. Follow these tips to ensure your safety when attempting to sell your car privately. Before you go through the trouble, bring your used car in for a fast and free quote from a reputable used car buyer. You may find that you can skip the hassle of selling privately. If you would still rather sell privately, follow these simple precautions – and be safe!

Ask to see the car buyer’s license This may sound like a no-brainer, but most car sellers don’t practice this when meeting with potential buyers. Ask to see a valid driver’s license! If you ask to see a license and then make copies of the license, you’ll be able to cover yourself should a car accident occur. You’ll also be assured that a legal – and hopefully skilled driver – is test driving your car.

Meet in a safe public place Rather than asking the car buyer to come to your residence, meet in a public place. It is best to not let total strangers know where you live. Also, don’t give out too much of your private information. The car buyer does not need to know your address or any private info at this stage.

Be careful about allowing test drives Chances are that a serious potential car buyer will want to test drive your car before making a decision. But be careful about who you hand over the car keys to. Young drivers who may not yet be especially skilled at driving may not be the best people to let behind the wheel of your car. In this case, ask the buyer to bring an adult or parent to test the car. Also, if your car has a manual transmission, make sure you trust that the buyer who will be test driving your car is fully skilled at driving a manual. The last thing you want to do is cringe at the smell of your burning clutch as your potential buyer destroys it.

Watch out for “tire kickers” and “test pilots” Some people love test driving cars just for the heck of it, while having no real intention of purchasing your car. Keep an eye out for “car buyers” who fit this profile. If your car happens to be a sports car, be especially wary. Sporty cars tend to attract a ton of “test pilots” who are simply interested in a free thrill ride.

Keep an eye out for scam attempts When you post your car for sale privately – especially online – you’re asking for attention from potential scammers. Many of these attempts will be all too obvious, but some scammers have come up with some pretty unique ways to rob individuals of their cars or money.

Watch out for certified check scams and bogus Escrow Services Scammers today, both near and abroad, have come up with some very genuine looking counterfeit checks – and even phony escrow services – that look like the real thing. To ensure you’re receiving a ‘real’ payment, always physically cash a check or any other form of payment before handing over the keys.

Selling Your Car on an Auction Site If selling your car on an auction site like eBay, be sure to carefully research the potential buyer and bidding history before completing the transaction. According to the Federal Trade Commission, the most frequently reported internet fraud occurs on auction sites. Car sellers are often most targeted by scammers, as cars are generally such high-dollar items; leaving scammers with potential for big rewards.

Selling Your Car to International Car Buyers Last but not least, watch out for international buyers, especially those who offer to pay your full asking price, plus more, to ‘cover shipping charges’. These buyers, who offer to send a generous certified check in exchange for you sending the car, are extremely common today. Try to stick to selling within your own country if possible, and remember the old saying; “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.”

Don’t Go it Alone If possible, bring a friend along whenever you meet with a potential buyer. A friend can help provide good judgment and also provide a bit of protection in case you end up meeting with a shady individual. If you follow these steps and use your better judgment, you’ll be a whole lot better off when you’re attempting to sell your car privately.

4 Chapter four

Getting Out of a Leased Car Maybe you’re moving to the big city and you’ve decided you won’t need your car anymore. Maybe you’re simply tired of driving your current car. Whatever the reason, you want to get out of your current car lease. Only problem is, your lease hasn’t expired yet and you don’t want to wait any longer to get out and move on.

How Can You Get Out of Your Car Lease? Fortunately, there are options available to the individual who wants to get out of a leased car. But unfortunately, there’s no ‘magic pill’ to take when it comes to getting out of a lease. This chapter will review all the options. Chances are, one of the possible solutions outlined in this chapter is best for you – but it all depends on your current situation. Read on and learn how you can get out of your car lease with: Lease trading websites A Buyout Returning the leased car early Allowing a car buyer to negotiate the terms on your behalf and then buy the car from you

Leased Car Trading Websites In lawyer speak this is called “lease assumption.” These sites are — you guessed it — places where current lease holders can list their cars, lease details and contact information. Lease seekers then browse these websites in search of cars and opportunities that match what they were looking for. But before you go and annul your current car marriage via one of these lease trading sites, there are some major issues to consider.

Does your car leasing company allow transferring the lease? First and foremost, some car leasing companies prohibit the transferring of car leases altogether! That may or may not apply to you; so you’ll have to do some homework to find out if trading your leased car is even a viable option.

Finding a lease trade partner can take time Remember that it could take some time before the right person – who is hopefully local enough to do a deal – finds your car and contacts you about a potential lease trade. If time is an issue, lease trading isn’t the answer.

And what if the individual you trade your lease with defaults? This is a big one that many in the lease trading world don’t want you to know about. If the person who you trade your lease with defaults on the lease at some point, you’re still responsible! In other words, you carry a great deal of risk even after you’ve traded your lease. If your lease partner quits making those lease payments, even several months or years down the road (depending on the lease), you’ll wind up in some very hot water. So say lease trading isn’t for you. Say you’re looking for an instant exit. Fear not, as there are still other escape routes to explore. Like, for instance, the buyout option.

Buyouts By buying out your leased car, and then selling it yourself, you can effectively avoid things like wear and tear charges and early termination fees. These features all make the buyout option look pretty darn appealing. But remember; in many scenarios, the red tape, hefty buyout price offered, and sales taxes can be enough to make this option look quite unappealing too.

If you’re interested in buying your car out and then selling it, be sure you know whether or not the buyout price offered is a good deal. A reputable car buyer, like Big Bucks Auto in the greater New York area, or similar companies in other regions, can tell you exactly how much your car is worth with a free car appraisal. This way, you’ll know if the buyout option really is a good deal, and you’ll have an idea of how much you may be able to then sell the car for.

Turning in the leased car early With the loads of early termination fees and possible legal ramifications depending on your lease, this may not be much of an ‘option’ to getting out of your leased car. There will almost certainly be a huge cost involved if you try to turn in your leased car early. In many cases you will still be obligated to pay the remaining balance on the car lease, or some combination of these payments, along with other penalties, like charges for wear and tear or mileage over the allotted limit. For most individuals, turning in the car early is simply not an option. You may be thinking that there has to be an easier way...

You could actually sell your leased car to a used car buyer But why? If you choose an honest and professional car buyer experienced in these types of transactions, this may very well offer the best and most immediate“bang for the buck”.

5 Chapter five

How Do I Sell My Car...Fast? You want to sell your car quickly. Where do you start? If you’re living in...greater New York City, for instance, and you’re wondering, “how do I sell my car fast”, a service like ours can complete the process in about 20 minutes. But before we begin, let’s look at why you want to sell your car. The easiest way to get to the heart of the matter is to finish this sentence: “I want to sell my car because……”

You want to sell your car because you’re tired of the payments. It’s too expensive! People want to sell their cars for a multitude of reasons. Some folks are tired of the car payments, the poor economy, the price of fuel, or a number of other things. Other people want to sell their vehicles because they simply want to get a different car, or because a new car has caught their eye.

I don’t just WANT to sell my car; I NEED to sell my car. NYC or (insert your city name here) is too expensive as it is, so I have to unload this car now! While a number of people WANT to sell their car, some people actually NEED to sell their car. With the economy the way it is these days, that second car or more luxurious auto might be an issue preventing more vital bills and expenses from getting paid for. There is a huge difference between what we want and what we need and the actual need also can put time constraints or a real rush on the issue. If you need to sell your car in NYC fast, for whatever reason, you’ll want a quick solution. The category you fall into, either “I want to sell my car” or “I need to sell my car,” will help car buying services determine the most appropriate and effective course of action. If fast sale is important to you, then we can narrow down your viable options on how to really sell your car fast. Here’s a recap of what we covered earlier in this e-book. You could put your car up for sale privately, with a newspaper or listing ad that you have to pay for. Attempting to sell your vehicle that way can take quite a while depending on your asking price and the number of people searching for a used car like yours, so be careful. If selling your car privately, you should also be careful for another reason: you’re attracting attention from shady individuals and potential scammers who have been targeting individuals just like you. For a faster and safer sale, you could always consider a used car buyer. A used car buyer’s sole purpose is simply to buy your car, so instead of searching for someone who might want to buy your car, you go to the place that you know has a real business interest in your car. Working with a car buyer can make things a heck of a lot easier for you. Your potential car buyer does not have to check with his wife to make sure she likes the color. You won’t get a sob story over why you should lower the price or hold the car until his next payday. Plus you don’t have to wait about, spending hours of your valuable time and not knowing what the outcome will be. At our car buying service, Big Bucks Auto, we’re able to give you a free quote on your used car in as little as 20 minutes (talk about fast cash for cars!).

But, how do I know that I am selling my car for what it is really worth? When figuring out what your car is worth, just remember, Kelley Blue Book Values can be misleading. You may find that you’re simply not able to sell your car for its Kelley Blue Book Value no matter what avenue you pursue. KBB values are often completely inaccurate. All used car buyers have their own method of determining a car quote, so this is where reputation really matters. A reputable licensed and bonded bar buyer will give you a fair, accurate price, even if this price is not always the same as the KBB value. At Big Bucks Auto for instance, we always strive to buy cars for extremely fair prices. Whether over our toll free number or via the internet, we provide customers with a quote to they can make a sound accurate decision on how to sell their car with no obligation at all. Reputable car buyers anywhere should do likewise.

It’s that simple? I get a quote and I sell my car? How long until I actually get paid? Again, different places have different standards in their business. At our company Big Bucks Auto, the whole process usually takes less than 20 minutes and we like to make it as painless as possible for our customers. Ideally when doing business with a reputable car buyer - the process should be quick and simple: you come in with a car and you walk out with cash.

Do your homework There are times when one needs to reconcile their financial obligations. One of the quickest and surest ways to obtain money in a timely fashion is by selling your car. Again... there are many ways to sell your used car: online through classified ads putting a sign on your car’s back seat window going to a used car dealer selling your car to an authorized car buyer By doing just a little bit of homework, you can be sure you’re getting the best deal possible – whether selling on your own, or selling your car to a used car buyer like Big Bucks Auto. The goal is to get the most for your money.

Used Car Values – Evaluating Your Car Before Selling It Research the market for the car you want to sell. If it’s a popular make and model, you could sell your car quickly. If your car is not all that in demand, you might need to do a little extra research to find the best markets for your particular car. Know the popularity and desirability of the make and model of the car you want to sell. Take the time to research the going rate for your car. Read used car reviews online. Look up used car ratings and find out if your car is a top seller. Only then will you know how much you can sell your car for and the most reliable place where to sell your car. For up to date information, reputable car buyers can sometimes provide you with a free car appraisal that will let you know your used car’s real value.

Know the Asking Price for Your Car Knowledge and research are the keys to deciding your asking price. Your asking price will always be higher than your selling price. Visiting a professional car buyer like Big Bucks Auto or similar companies in other regions of the country for a free sales price appraisal will often tell you exactly what is a fair selling price. To research asking prices: Read classified ads for comparable vehicles or search for sites online that include phrases such as sell your car, used cars, used car dealers, used car reviews and used car ratings. Keep in mind using the Kelley Blue Book for pricing your car can be misleading. Sales prices will always be lower. You can also use and other car appraisal sites to figure out your car’s value for asking prices. Once you find out the basic price range for your car, you will also need to consider: Mileage – check and log your odometer reading Condition – fix those pings and dents Improvements – did you buy new set of high-end tires? Was your transmission recently changed? When was the most recent tune-up? Any enhancements to your car can increase its value. And, be sure you have the paperwork and receipts to show the buyer. Once you have decided on the price you want to sell your car for, remember that a fair sales price will be slightly lower.

Prepare Your Car for Sale Clean the car thoroughly. Detail your car if you have to, and replace small worn out parts if need be. Clean out the trunk, ashtrays and glove compartment. Vacuum the interior and wash and wax the body. You want your car to shine! Starting to sound like a LOT of work? Well, it can be. And can be well worth it.

Necessary Paperwork for Selling Your Car Contact your state’s DMV and find out the requirements for title transfer and license plate removal once you sell your car. Contact your auto insurance company and let them know that you sold your car – you surely don’t want to pay insurance on a car you don’t own If you bought the car with a bank loan, contact your bank or loan officer before you sell your car.

Decide Where to Sell Your Car As we mentioned earlier, there are a host of methods for selling a used car. You could put a “Car for Sale” sign on your car window and hope you get legitimate response – however, chances are you wont. An ad in your local paper or community bulletin board might bring a lot of strange people to your home, with only a few potential real buyers. You could try to sell your car online and end up dealing with people hundreds of miles away. Selling your car to a broker usually works, however, you do have to pay a brokers fee. Reputable car buying companies are sometimes a good, safe, convenient option.

6 Chapter six

Why Kelley Blue Book Values Can Be Misleading

An Interview with Buddy Evans When selling a used car, the first places people tend to turn to find out the value of their vehicle are often Kelley’s Blue Book, Edmonds, or other similar sites. In reality though, Kelley Blue Book’s and these other site’s suggested retail values can be misleading. As Buddy Evans, Vice President of Big Bucks Auto, and trusted automotive expert explains below, these values are far higher than what you can expect to actually sell your used car for.

How accurate are the suggested retail values of Kelley Blue Book and other similar sites? Buddy Evans: These suggested values are completely inaccurate. Their numbers have little basis in real world vehicle sales and sellers need to understand that. Kelley Blue Book values do not take into account key factors that change frequently, even on a daily basis, such as the economy or the number of that same vehicle on the market. There are any number of issues that can alter the true value of a car and Kelley’s Blue Book and its competiting sites completely ignore many of them.

What are some key issues that can be associated with Kelley Blue Book? BE: Kelley Blue Book has an inherent conflict of interest because it makes revenue off of ads placed by auto manufacturers on their site and in their book. This factor’s in to the suggested retail values they give, with newer cars and manufactures advertised through them getting higher values then those cars may actually sell for in the real world. Kelley’s or any other pricing guide for that matter, has never written a check to anyone based on this price. At Big Bucks Auto™ we not only give you an accurate vehicle value through our free appraisal program, but we are willing to write a check to you on the spot.

How does Big Bucks Auto™ determine a used car’s value? BE: Unlike Kelley Blue Book and similar sites, Big Bucks Auto uses two main sources, along with our expert appraisal, to determine a vehicle’s value. First we look at national online auctions, which help to tell us the actual prices people are paying for any given car. We also look at a standard east coast specific pricing guide which helps to give another real world number we can associate with a vehicle’s value. At Big Bucks Auto we do not base vehicle values on “suggested retail values” but rather the value a vehicle has to another person and on the actual market.

What is the best way for an individual to find out their car’s value? BE: Diligent research. Check classified ads to see both the vehicle price and how long a similar car takes to sell. Go as far as to call and ask how much they may have sold the vehicle for and how long it may have taken, along with how much their selling price might have changed since they listed their asking price. There’s a big difference between the asking price and the selling price and the only way to be informed on either of them is to do the appropriate research. It is a lot of work. You can easily avoid this entirely by coming directly to Big Bucks Auto for a free car appraisal and recieve the best price for your used vehicle.

What are some of the biggest external factors that affect a car’s value? BE: The two biggest factors that affect a car’s value are the condition the vehicle is in and its mileage. Accidents greatly alter a car’s worth because people are less likely to purchase cars with known issues. If a vehicle has very few problems and low mileage, the best ways to positively increase the value are to have popular colors and more factory options. It should always be remembered that one of the biggest keys to selling a car is knowledge of the market. Because of Kelley’s Blue Book and other comparable pricing guides inaccuracies, it’s inadvisable to use them as main source for vehicle pricing, and even avoid their suggested values if possible. To avoid the confusion visit a professional used car appraiser. Their (ideally free) appraisal will take all guesswork out, while giving you the option to sell your used car for that price immediately, and completely avoid the many issues associated with private sales.

7 Chapter seven

When to sell your car: Junking a vehicle can sometimes be the wrong option

End of life vehicle recycling is proper for your car when it’s either wrecked or inoperable. Otherwise, you should consider when would be the best time to sell your car. We’ve written extensively about the process of when it is time to sell your car and have compiled a valuable list of things to remember before you make a decision to sell or consider end of life vehicle recycling: Research the market. If you have a popular make and model, you could sell your car quickly. If not, you need to do more research to find the best markets. Take the time to research the going rate for your car. Research, collect and consider used-car reviews. Investigate used car ratings to find out if your car is a top seller or a difficult car to sell.

How to know when to junk a vehicle and recognizing end of life autos What’s an end of life vehicle? Well, simply put, an end of life vehicle is an automobile that is inoperable; no longer able to be used because it’s wrecked or mechanically irreparable; or otherwise a hunk of junk. So, end of life vehicle recycling is the process by which you rid yourself, your driveway, or your yard of that vehicle in an environmentally safe and responsible way.

Junking an end of life vehicle the right way The folks at are spearheading the efforts to spread the word about end of life vehicle recycling and pushing for end of life vehicle regulations in the United States. Bottom-line, people junk vehicles for two reasons: They either wrecked it or the car doesn’t work anymore. When a vehicle is no longer useful, here at the basic steps in the end-of-life treatment process The removal of the battery for safety reasons. All fluids are drained and contained appropriately. These fluids include: fuel, engine oil, transmission fluid, engine coolant, windshield washer fluid. The refrigerant is recovered, if applicable. Wheels are removed. Tires are separated.

The effect of end of life vehicle recycling on nature The environmental impact of end of life vehicles is striking, considering how many cars reach the end of their life each year. According to, end of life vehicle recycling can relieve the environment of some serious pollutants and ecological stress:

Each year in North America, close to 12 million vehicles reach the end of their useful lives and are taken out of service. Seventy-five percent of your old car can be recycled Forty-two percent of all new steel in this country comes from recycled metal. Using recycled metal saves up to 74 percent energy and 40 percent water consumption. It also reduces air pollution by about 86 percent and water pollution by 76 percent.

Make sure you don’t miss an opportunity to sell your car before you consider end of life vehicle recycling End of life vehicle recycling is still an early concept in North America, with few end of life vehicle regulations. But, be sure that junking your vehicle is the only out before you bypass selling your car as an option.

8 Chapter eight To leave you with some helpful reminders, we’ve assembled Big Bucks Auto: Seller’s Checklist: please take these few simple steps when preparing to sell your car (to us at Big Bucks Auto... or to anyone for that matter): Obtain title for this vehicle to show proof of ownership (if applicable). If lien release was sent from financing company, bring this letter of satisfaction along with the title. If vehicle is being leased or financed, bring billing statement or coupon book containing contact information and account number for this company. Owner must bring valid identification If available, gather all manuals, service/maintenance records, receipts, window stickers, remote controls, headphones, and keys and bring with you. Clean the car thoroughly: Remove all personal belongings and debris from the vehicle. Clean out the trunk, ashtrays and glove compartment. Detail your car if you have to, and replace small worn out parts if need be. Vacuum the interior and wash and wax the body. You want to make the car shine!

Remember... To sell your car fast for the best price possible call Big Bucks Auto™ - the easiest, fastest, safest and most reliable way to sell your car at the price you want. At Big Bucks Auto we’ll contact your lender or lease company to obtain the lowest possible payoff amount on your account. Learn more about how our free used car appraisal works – call us today at 1-888-44-BUCKS or 1-888-448257 or Local: (718) 291-0850 … or get in touch by Email: [email protected]

Big Bucks Auto, 139-03 Queens Blvd. (at the corner of 87th Avenue), Briarwood, NY, 11435 Click Here for Mapquest

Location 1-888-44-8257 Hours of operation: Monday-Friday (9am-6:30pm) Saturday (10am-4pm) Sunday (11am-4pm)