This is Assignment #4 and it is due January 30 th. Please be sure to use pencil with your bubble sheets. Extra sheets are on my office door

This is Assignment #4 and it is due January 30th. Please be sure to use pencil with your bubble sheets. office door. Extra sheets are on my MULTIPLE...
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This is Assignment #4 and it is due January 30th. Please be sure to use pencil with your bubble sheets. office door.

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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1)In a longitudinal study students who were more susceptible to to their close friends' influence at the study's outset were A)more likely to be more dependent one year later. B)more likely to have problems with drugs and alcohol one year later. C)more likely to be more independent one year later. D)more likely to be well adjusted one year later. Page Ref: 333 2)Suppose you were a participant in one of David McClelland's studies of the need for achievement. You would be given the Thematic Apperception Test and be expected to A)compile a list of your most important lifetime achievements. B)check off those goals that most apply to you. C)rate yourself on a series of achievement-related questions. D)generate stories in response to a series of ambiguous drawings. Page Ref: 368 3)The authors of the textbook suggest a list of "year-round resolutions" as guidelines to better mental health. This advice includes all of the following EXCEPT to A)give yourself and others only constructive criticism. B)acknowledge setbacks but move on. C)have several close friends to share feelings, joys, and worries. D)focus only on the present, forgetting the past and ignoring the future. Page Ref: 411-412 4)The approach to emotions taken by the early psychologist William James seemed to run counter to common sense. According to James, A)people will respond only when they are not emotional. B)emotions are experienced after the body reacts. C)behavioral responses follow emotional responses. D)people feel emotions when what happens is expected. Page Ref: 383 TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 5)Biofeedback is a self-regulatory technique by which an individual acquires voluntary control over biological processes. Page Ref: 408 MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 6)In his book The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals, Charles Darwin takes the position that emotions A)develop through observation and imitation. B)are maladaptive. C)are learned behaviors. D)evolved. Page Ref: 378-379

TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 7)Neuroanatomy research has focused on the amygdala as a part of the limbic system that controls emotion and the formation of emotional memory. Page Ref: 382 MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 8)To call your co-worker competitive would be an understatement. In addition, she is aggressive, impatient, and hostile. She complains about not having enough hours in the day and is irritated by people who are late for appointments. Her behavior fits the description of the ________ behavior pattern. A)hostile B) optimistic C) Type B D) Type A Page Ref: 410 9)Most people experience both positive and negative experiences in their lives. When researchers have looked at the relationship between such positive and negative events and immune system responding, they have found that A)undesirable life events are associated with stronger immune responses and desirable events with a weaker response. B)desirable life events are associated with stronger immune responses and undesirable events with a weaker response. C)only desirable life events have an effect on immune responses. D)only undesirable life events have an effect on immune responses. Page Ref: 397 10)In a study that is described in the textbook, procrastinators and nonprocrastinators who were enrolled in a health psychology class and had been assigned a paper to be due late in the semester were compared. Researchers found that the procrastinators A)had fewer symptoms of physical illness early in the semester. B)had fewer symptoms of physical illness late in the semester. C)received better grades on their papers. D)had more symptoms of physical illness early in the semester. Page Ref: 394 TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 11)Researchers studying twins have come to the conclusion that there is a specific gene for happiness. Page Ref: 388 12)Physiologically, with mild unpleasant stimulation, the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system is more active, and with mild, pleasant stimulation, the parasympathetic division is more active. Page Ref: 382 MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 13)As pioneered by psychologist Neal Miller, ________ is a procedure for making an individual aware of ordinarily weak or internal responses by providing clear external signals. A)the relaxation response B) stress-inoculation C)cognitive control D) biofeedback Page Ref: 408

TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 14)Acute stress is defined as a transient state of arousal with typically clear onset and offset patterns. Page Ref: 389 MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 15)The general goal of health psychology is to A)use psychological knowledge to promote wellness and positive health behaviors. B)use the principles of medicine to treat the physical body as separate from the psyche. C)encourage individuals throughout the world to get regular medical checkups. D)eliminate the presence of western scientific thinking in the medical community. Page Ref: 403 16)Moods differ from emotions in that moods A)may last several days. B)are relatively intense. C)are more closely tied to triggering events. D)are typically short-lived Page Ref: 378 17)The differences between American and Japanese participants on what each considers proper behavioral display of pain is due to___________,as pointed by the researchers who conducted this study. A)traditional penance B) traditional practices C)traditional skills D) traditional stoicism Page Ref: 381 18)Research on societal hostility toward homosexuality indicates that A)society would prefer lesbians to "come out" and gay men to remain hidden. B)hostility could be decreased markedly if homosexual individuals remain segregated from society. C)the more gay men and lesbians a person knows, the more favorable his or her attitude. D)societal hostility will decrease if homosexuals keep their sexual preferences concealed. Page Ref: 368 19)A student studies more than his roommate for an upcoming test. A behaviorist would explain the difference in behavior between the roommates as a matter of A)differences in level of motivation. B)willpower. C)differences in reinforcement histories. D)motivational strength. Page Ref: 352 20)In the expectancy theory of motivation in the workplace, ________ refers to the perception that performance will be rewarded, and ________ refers to the perceived attractiveness of particular outcomes. A)valence; expectancy B) instrumentality; expectancy C)expectancy; instrumentality D) instrumentality; valence Page Ref: 372

TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 21)Evolutionary psychologists use the term "erotic plasticity" to describe the time and energy parents must spend raising their offspring. Page Ref: 364 MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 22)A child entered the spelling bee hoping to win, but was eliminated in the first round. According to attributional theorists, his future motivation will be influenced most by A)what he believes is the cause of his failure. B)his level of intelligence. C)the true reason for his failure. D)whether he was unlucky. Page Ref: 370 TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 23)According to the DSM-IV, an individual would be diagnosed as having bulimia when he or she weighs less than 85 percent of expected weight, but still expresses an intense fear of becoming fat. Page Ref: 358 MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 24)From an evolutionary perspective, the different mating strategies we observe in males and females are due primarily to A)the cultural forces that control the sexual behavior of males and females. B)the higher level of sexual interest in males and the lower level of sexual interest in females. C)the capacity of men to have only one orgasm per sexual episode and the capacity of women to have multiple orgasms per sexual episode. D)differences in the number of times males and females can reproduce. Page Ref: 363 TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 25)The thalamus is the brain structure that is most involved in the control of eating. Page Ref: 355 MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 26)Evidence that stomach contractions are not responsible for hunger comes from studies showing that A)rats without stomachs will not learn mazes when rewarded with food. B)injections of sugar into the bloodstream will stop both stomach contractions and hunger. C)people with their stomachs removed still experience hunger. D)gastric distension caused by an inflated balloon will cause a person to end a meal. Page Ref: 354 27)Martin Seligman's research on people's explanatory style has focused on the importance of the dimension of A)global versus specific. B) optimism versus pessimism. C)internal versus external. D) stable versus unstable. Page Ref: 370-371

28)Which of the following is NOT a dimension along which it is suggested that attributions can vary? A)internal versus external B) well-defined versus ill-defined C)stability versus instability D) global versus specific Page Ref: 370 29)With respect to sexual arousal in nonhuman animals, research supports all of the following EXCEPT that A)touch and taste can serve as external stimulants for sexual arousal. B)the presence of pheromones signals that females are not receptive to sexual advances. C)ritualized display patterns may be a necessary condition for sexual responses. D)the presence of a novel female often renews the interest of sexually-satiated males. Page Ref: 361 TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 30)Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by binge eating followed by measures to purge the body of the excess calories. Page Ref: 358 MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 31)Which of the following is NOT one of the three components of the expectancy theory of work motivation? A)instrumentality B) valence C)expectancy D) fairness Page Ref: 372 32)Your nephew loves to read science fiction. He particularly likes works in which alternative worlds are described and he has begun writing his own story set in a world where good triumphs over evil, and cunning wins out over treachery. Your nephew is probably in the ________ stage of cognitive development. A)concrete operational B) preoperational C)sensorimotor D) formal operational Page Ref: 314 33)A group of adults is asked to learn a new set of ZIP codes for different areas of the country within a limited period of time. This type of learning requires ________ and is ________ likely to show a decline with age. A)crystallized intelligence; less B) fluid intelligence; more C)wisdom; less D) crystallized intelligence; more Page Ref: 318 34)Many theorists believe that important aspects of the acquisition of grammar are biologically predetermined. In order to determine what knowledge is innate, it has been especially helpful to design cross-linguistic studies of A)the match between adults' and children's styles across many languages. B)how quickly children enter the naming explosion phase. C)whether children are referential or expressive in their language usage. D)what is hard and what is easy for children to acquire. Page Ref: 323

TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 35)Technically speaking, sex differences are sets of behaviors and attitudes associated by society with being male or female and expressed publicly by the individual. Page Ref: 337 MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 36)According to John Bowlby, an influential theorist on human attachment, infants and adults will form attachments A)despite biological predispositions to remain independent. B)based on a one-directional process of conveying emotion from infant to caregiver. C)due to biological predispositions. D)to everyone in their social environment. Page Ref: 327 37)An infant actively searches for a toy that her blanket. Her behavior should lead you to conclude ________ and that she is at least ________ old. A)conservation; 8 months B) object permanence; 8 C)conservation; 3 months D) object permanence; 3 Page Ref: 313

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38)A child has parents who require him to conform to appropriate rules of behavior that they have established, but they are also willing to talk with him about his concerns. This style of parenting is classified as A)demanding. B) authoritative. C)indulgent. D) authoritarian. Page Ref: 328 39)A friend has finished school and is thinking about moving out of the family home. As the youngest child, however, she is concerned about how her parents are likely to react, so she asks you what you think. You should tell her that it is most likely that A)her father will react positively, but her mother will react negatively. B)her parents are not going to view her departure as a traumatic experience. C)after a few years her parents will ask her to return home to live. D)her mother will react positively, but her father will react negatively. Page Ref: 334 40)Comparisons of the intellectual and social development of children who stay at home and those who are placed in day care have found that children placed in quality day care are often at A)a disadvantage both socially and intellectually. B)an advantage socially, but not intellectually. C)an advantage both socially and intellectually. D)an advantage intellectually, but not socially. Page Ref: 330

41)What needs to be addressed when seeking an answer to the question "how does day care affect children's development?'' A)Deciding how to assess the feelings of the children in day care. B)Deciding dimensions on which children who do and who do not participate in day care are to be matched . C)Deciding whether day care is "good "or "bad". D)Studying whether working mothers or stay-at -home mothers send their children to day care. Page Ref: 330 42)In a study that is described in the textbook, senior professors were compared in their intellectual functioning to younger colleagues and to a control group of same-age older adults on a variety of tasks. It was found that the senior professors A)did more poorly than the others on all tests of intellectual functioning. B)showed typical patterns of aging on some tasks but no impairment on other tasks. C)did better than the control group participants, but not as well as the younger colleagues on all of the tests. D)did better than the others on all tests of intellectual functioning. Page Ref: 318 TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 43)In the nativist view of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, development occurs as a result of the stimulation people receive as they are nurtured, an approach known as empiricism. Page Ref: 312 44)According to linguist Noam Chomsky, children are born with mental structures that facilitate the comprehension and production of language. Page Ref: 323 MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 45)Developmental psychologists use the term "attachment" to refer to the A)reflexive grasping an infant exhibits when an object, such as a finger, is put in the infant's hand. B)intense, enduring, social-emotional relationship that develops between child and caregiver. C)tendency of all living creatures to follow the first moving object that is seen or heard. D)child's need for a favorite toy or object, usually a stuffed animal or blanket. Page Ref: 327 46)The monkeys that became attached to a "cloth mother" in Harlow's research showed deficits in adulthood in their ability to A)form normal social and sexual relationships. B)retain information about the environment. C)defend themselves. D)perform simple tasks. Page Ref: 329

47)In order to understand how children learn word meanings, the authors of the textbook suggest the viewpoint that A)the process is not really as difficult or as complex as it may seem. B)word meanings are transmitted genetically to children. C)the absence of errors in children's use of language facilitates the process of acquisition of word meanings. D)children act like scientists, developing hypotheses about what each new word might mean. Page Ref: 322 48)The findings of research on the early perception of language-relevant speech sounds are significant in that they demonstrate that A)adults lose their sensitivities to language-relevant speech sounds as part of the natural aging process. B)adults have sensitivities to sounds that infants do not have. C)infants start out with sensitivities to sounds that they lose if these contrasts are not used in their language. D)there are no differences between infants and adults with respect to their sensitivities to language-relevant speech sounds. Page Ref: 322 49)Over the years, many studies have explored the complex issues of childhood abuse and intervention. One finding that is supported by research is that A)children who are removed from abusive environments often want to return to these environments. B)children are almost always happy to be removed from their abusive homes. C)nearly all adults have experienced some type of abuse. D)a very low percentage of those who have been abused as children will actually develop psychiatric disorders. Page Ref: 331 TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 50)An elderly adult is more likely to have difficulty hearing high-frequency sounds, even though speaking voices increase in pitch with aging. Page Ref: 311

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