The West Texas State Park

T*«^'" -••» w •f'.S ,-i-''.- " &:: « ' •• • might be made and used for $ » >O'the bill, who offered the modifying 10:00 A. !\r. „,J E*tfo1lment...
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•• • might be made and used for $ » >O'the bill, who offered the modifying 10:00 A. !\r. „,J E*tfo1lment r amendments, said that m'"Qne year ^IW'J^Ikiiith^keri;^; g r a f e E-\^"'.purpose. I A m Onwii t Organization., S^ss^onie Belli l i t and 7th grade* Rigid instructions on the amount afer the Volstead law wrne imports lOr^^V.^l.l.'.'iia^ley's Ma MeKiean School—: of i>ther intoxicating j liquors t^hat jumped from 28,000 gallons to l,"• Chapters i and 2, ^ Mrs. J, H. Taff, Principal. physicians may prescribe for p a - 300,000 gallons. .'• NOOIIE \ " • During the debate' Senator WilMr-s. A. §>. Carver, 4^ssi»anL tents also are imposed in tne bill. 1:00 P. M - ...Text Book Law liams, Democrat Mississippi, declarMissi Claudia Jones, assistant. megal Searches a Crime' 2m P. M.......:... ..Bagley's pfanage•fer ••%/: • ' , :. E . ., • - s - , . . . . : ..." * ' -.-. ed i h £ owner of baggage opened by Lii? Z was surnrised at the attitude of sensen- charged al citizens, shall be \ situation in congress was such that ator Doylt^. the only ex-co«federate fittingly victimized by certain sects H,gh School *™' a..

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education. Pub- manitarian gain should e x ^ s T t l Wmm-ThB GL Geo& Hotel bas Tite& 8 the CtaTth o?'the hill "» 8IUS u, ° f ^ 5 8 8 8 6 , , 0 n 0 t a p p e a r - - ^ - U S l h e f a t e h t n , , ^ .„ CiT "">a"w» »" . . . . tuberculosis,! your patronage. Hob* » T S r * SU H t n t legWation, Vvm 8h»ifld the bHl d u s ^ «»«th. Where are uiey now? cal vaponngs of fanatics and half«-j ^ ^ i..,. in nassinc fiia. rubbish heans. h o tinn heaps, whftpp where fthe lionor»rl and baked doe tinaires. Says Todd, in his syphilis, and typhoid; jinihe desue^ fa, ^^easT^ita. M^W. and tt»v hill _*?..? wriioh n ^ ^9J Tgasoline " ; " ' succeed succeecim passing in'Hi** in tlie hnneo house, the IL O U i a IK 0 paeea And ^ " ^ are ^ it ^ * sdefeated e a t e d in ^ 5 i^ckal ^ T ^ tax l Ton^ moving J I ^ "pictures ^ ^ iTa ' chances would bo Jackal hide themselves. Says Theories oi Social Progress: The o u t p l a c e s of .amus^ent ^ ^ senate, as the senators have so t h f i . f T h for the old pioneer restraints of n e - i z e ' t o evoluie solve problems Brady house bill, which nrovidp* . —- *«.»*,... ot*i "





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HIGH CLASS PIANO FOR SALE One Becker Bros. Piano and bench practically new, in first class condition except it4ias not been tuned • for two (2) years. Will make low price and good terms to Responsible parties.. Piano can be seen a t resM dence of Mr. J. D. Nichols, Marfa. This piano was made especially for a dr yelirnate and shipped direct to me from New York, F o r price and terms see Mr. H..M. Fennel, Marfa. H. J. F . TIGNER


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How many more pounds of ~W*M be.&lmeinbefc|o^^ _ pork OT mutton well M pirodtmed of bogs ranges from 65 to 80 per cent from a ton of feed by a l&ereioroV being highest in puxe-breds. fa-po** Duroc r Shropshire titan by a scrub creas^ the averagft d^eafeea^w^igit^ steer, a razorback hog or a monferel p£j$enta$$ of fifiywfrye millTon h sheep? ki the outset of this invest ^ftMidii^ ntn^ V:tigation I w a # ^ t & a t ^ ^ thejnabiliyof be advocates of.pure- 1914 w. breds and better sires to aaswerUities o t m ^ a t these questions. J ; i ' ] You &£*& ^m^m^^m^^& It isn't enough for -the farraeH study , s ^ e p . -We s l ^ u g h ^ annually merely to know that pure^reds/are in the i ^ i t ^ : - ^ ^ ^ ' : i B ^ H t : 14,000,000 better than grades or scrubs. He sheep yieldm^ eo^OOO.OOO^pouhdls.of must know bow much better they ^mutton* The * 4 ^ s ^ ^ £ h * kptik*:< are. If a registered Holstein will rentage can be Iner^asefl by breedgive only 20 per cent more mi^t than ing, a$ w i ^ steers and hogs* ':& a grade Hoi stein, thep ractical dairy The same lesson is tat*ght by d i e man cannot afford to pay three times experiments in poultry twreeatng. as much for her. Thus W-^A". lii^pmco^t at the Kansas The"economic argument must be Experiment; Station ^ m ^ #94?3 hft^ clearly* presented with figures and been istudyiijg tfee efl^et of p u r e » details. The pure-bred must fee bred eocksrels-^m\\ om prodnetten. >E i.'sV*'*" /standardized as a merchantable WJteti a Single Comb White Leghorn commodity, advertised Honestly and cpckrel was used, ift.a^^ pen of tndn,i*..»V.V*»H**-' »•>>-' sold on a basis of.-definitely proved and sunerioritv jas com- ^ ^r ^a(w s with an everage laid e ^ r e155 c^ ana measured measurea superiority s com-v daughters pared with scrubs and grades. grades _ E •• **&-.. v. ^z$t ?,&?•; i 2 S N each, ei$ 188 egsg "The average production in 4920 of 38.000 grade cows in cOw~testiag and the great-grak^dauihters 192. But il* you i*ave gathered from this associations," said J. C.rMcDowell, of the Efairy Division of 'the (United •argument -the notion th&t evesy pure i,, States Department of Agriculture, bred is heifer tban any• grade r let "was 5980 pounds of milk and 246 me hasten to correct that impr^sspotinds of butterfat, while the aver- ipnv There a^e put^ei bred scrubs age production of all cows was 4000 as well as plain scrubs. P j^erbreds and 160 pounds. In other words the are often not so well culled m the average milk and butter yield" of scrubs. They are ft^quently kept grade cows was 50^,per cent higher wjbetber they are good producers or tfB than the average for all grades and not. Tt is moren neeessiayry to dis*. scrubs taken together. And the card the pure-bred scrub or weed economy of production was more than the ordinary scrub, for the v .former kindles false hopes. than 100 per cent greater." Of course the superiority of. the Breeders an$ livestock men in gengrade over the scrub cow is to be eral feel that a great boom in the use credited to her pure-bred sire: No of/pure-breds is in siarbf. There are one should expect to find as much riot enough pure-bredisio go around^ /(difference in productive capacity Even at a liberal estimate there are between a good grade and a pure- not enough, of them to allot one to bred as between a scrub and a grade. each farm. With 5,000,000 farms For in traveling from a scrub* to a {destitute of p u r e - h r ^ i will breedgood grade you have already gone *rs awake to their giveat opportunity more than nine-tenths of the waytWill ttiey deal Jtiehestry with fapmew from scrub to pure-bred in so far as'W** *dwi $^\\$%\ mer^hilldisi^ production is concerned, methods? . . ,- L A ' Scrub-Cow Experiment j V we are ready for the task, wliy The results obtained by the use of: ««t proceed? But J e t us cut out all better sires at New Windsor, Mary-j fancy sale-ring ideas and stick to land, are equally convincing. Seven- j merit. perfor*nance and production. teen daughters of registered bulls \ And let all breeders' associaUoas and ordinary cow§ of mixed breed-1 fallow up the new bu^of ° l g l ^ ing gave on an average 1144 pounds. breds ana See iba't he gef§ a square more milfe and 0 3 , pounds more • deal. Finally, let u s tie / t o purebutterfat than I heir dams, an in-lbred^ for the solid, economic reason creaso of 26 per cont. At the sawMf'that-ih^ produce more milk, beef, time, a scrub cow yielded .446^pounds w « * * » ' * i * ' * * -


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u ++++++++++*++++++**** ++++1 as, and you shal cause said notice to . ' ,' of the tree trunks ara six feet in Presidio County is now in the 83rd d i a m e t e r a l l d m o r e i h a r i ( m e h u n a r e ( i be printed at least once each week judicial district and for several| f m h • l e n g t h < I n l h f i p g t f o r e s t for the period of ten days exclusive of the first day of publication beweeks there has been a persistent t h e r e ^ a f i n o t r u n k t n a t fonm a fore the return day hereof: rumor thiit C. E. Mead of Marfa bar n a t u r a l b r i d g c Q v e ] . ft smM rayin(v been urged by many influential citi- t h o w a t e i . h a v i n g f j r s t w a s h e d a w a y NOTICE zens, not only in this county, but t h c o v e r l a v i n g ^ s a n d l l l d c l a v a i u 1 The State of Texas: several surrounding counties, to be . t h e n f o l ! o w i n g a c r e v i c e , worked To all persons interested in the come a candidate for district judge, o u 4 t n e c n a n n e l unc lorneath. welfare of James Fen ton Reynolds subject t> the Democratic primary: T h e p c t p i f i w , W O D d s a r o beautiful and Howard Reynolds, minors. H. W. in 1922. Presidio county is justly o b j e c t s W s t u d v . W hon Ihin slices Reynolds has filed in tho County entitledFoi» to over at least one district o r - 1 ed downthey ani*(»bable that., the Texn^ Neither did the men who worked for Cook arid wife Jesus Cook as a party, churches may escape the penalty of h i m . T n P y p o f wrought up to high of Presidio. Presidio County. Texas being meddled with by the Legisla- piirhes of excitement, with the redoing business under the firm name hire. This is comforting, for up to s u ] t t j i a t i,« v r a n ; m u i n d in blind the present time nothing, however- tM,vh>s when hey ru^hf t i have mov- of La Junta Farms, was on (h>«8^K«^»MKHJ*«^ cutting to death the institutions that spring styles—Mitch3ll-Gillett. v | x \ » r *•*'




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