the VIII International Security Conference,

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November 2011

VIII International Security Conference of Forte de Copacabana NEW ISSUES ON THE INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AGENDA

Overview Seite 1 – Perspectives from Latin America and Europe Seite 3 – Climate change and energy as security issues Seite 5 – Maritime Security Seite 7 – Illicit traffic, border control and national security

On November 3rd and 4th the Konrad

Zacarias underlined the importance of regional

Adenauer Foundation (KAS) hosted to-

organizations in such a world and gave a quick

gether with its partner, the Brazilian Cen-

overview on the recently established European

tre for International Relations (CEBRI)

External Action Service (EEAS), which gives

and with the support of the European Un-

Europeans a new tool in pursuing their com-

ion the VIII International Security Con-

mon interests and which enables them to act

ference, Forte de Copacabana. The gather-

as one block in questions of global importance.

ing took place in the Marriott Hotel, Co-

Mr Neves provided the public a glimpse into

pacabana, and united numerous speakers

the near future by speaking of the continuous

from both sides of the Atlantic discussing

rise of China and with it the pacific region, un-

“New Issues on the International Security

derlying his argument with numbers and facts,

Agenda”. The event was open to the pub-

such as that in a few years the Chinese middle

lic and was covered by the media, local as

class could reach close to a half a billion peo-

well as national.

ple. Mr Knirsch spoke of the importance of the

Seite 7 – Armed forces and urban

cooperation of South America and Europe,


The conference was opened by the Represen-

bound through common history, language and

Seite 9 – Retrospective and up-

tative of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation,

culture, sharing a common interest in shaping

coming topics

Thomas Knirsch, the Executive President of

the world of tomorrow together.

CEBRI, Ambassador Castro Neves and the Representative of the European Delegation, Am-

Perspectives from Latin America and

bassadress Ana Paula Zacarias.


The three speakers shared their views on a

After this short introduction, the keynote spea-

changing world and the new security chal-

kers followed. First to speak was Francisco

lenges that come with it. They agreed that

Carlos Modesto, General of the Brazilian Army

power is moving away from its traditional cen-

and Director of the Department for Strategic

tres towards a new set of actors, state as well

Intelligence at the Brazilian Ministry of De-

as none state. As a result, power will be more

fence. General Modesto was followed by Ulrich

fragmented and dispersed around the globe. At

Schlie, the Director for Policy Planning at the

the same time, globalization is still doing its

German Ministry of Defence. Third speaker was

work, internationalizing all of the big questions

Diego Pupato, Representative of the Interna-

of our time, turning national security chal-

tional Affairs Secretariat at the Argentinean

lenges into international ones. Examples that

Ministry of Defence. The debate was moder-

were mentioned ranged from crime - cyber-

ated by Ambassador Marcos Castrioto de

crime as well as traditional organized crime - ,


environmental problems, food- and energy security, financial and commercial stability and

General Modesto’s intention was to provide a

so forth. In such a new world order multilater-

security perspective from a Brazilian point of

alism and cooperation are keys to a successful

view as well as explaining Brazil’s position in

and peaceful relation between states. Ms

the context of its geopolitical position. He


agreed with the general picture painted by the

come of the 21st century. He stressed the im-

opening speeches and the mentioned threats,

portance of understanding one another and in


dividing them in several categories, i.e. mili-

order to achieve this, he underlined the impor-


tary-, natural- or economy-related. He argued

tance of understanding oneself, what one


that the military of the 21st century must be

wants, what the driving interests and goals


aware of all these kinds of threats, and must

are. Regarding Germany, he explained the on-

prepare its personnel adequately. This implies,

going process of realignment of the German


he said, that soldiers of the future must be

armed forces Bundeswehr, in order to adapt it


trained in new ways, must acquire a broader

to current trends and to enhance the strategic

general knowledge, must know how to use

role of itself and of Germany as a whole in the

their traditional tools, such as the assault rifle,

world. Identifying common goals, Mr Schlie

but they must also know for example what in-

pointed towards the desire of both countries to

ternational law is, and how to act accordingly

gain a permanent seat at the United Nations

while facing the aforementioned new chal-

Security Council (UNSC), a goal in which both

lenges. General Modesto went on to argue that

states could and should assist each other.

many new challenges such as international

crime, trafficking, drug trade and so on are

Mr Schlie went on to affirm that the world is

linked to the ongoing proliferation of failed and

changing continuously and fast. The Arab

semi failed states, and that it is thus in the in-

Spring has brought the ouster of Ben Ali, Mu-

terest of the world community to counter this

barak and Gadhafi, while at the same time Bin

trend, which can only be achieved through in-

Laden has been killed. But, he went on, the

ternational cooperation.

disappearance of long standing despots and

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.

November 2011

tyrants does not necessarily make the world Regarding Brazil’s geopolitical position, he de-

safer; power fragments as states are becoming

scribed the country as a giant in the south,

less important in relative terms and non-state

further away than others from the most impor-

actors move into the spotlight, hence increas-

tant markets and marked by an almost end-

ing the complexity of the international system.

lessly long land border with ten different coun-

And while globalization is turning states more

tries. Together with many of these countries,

interdependent, the already mentioned set of

Brazil shares the Amazonas rainforest which is

threats are also turning ever more interna-

still thinly populated and holds vast treasures.

tional in their scope and reach. Thus, alliance

Many of these treasures are still hidden on the

systems and collective security are keys to

ground of rivers or underneath the earth. Oth-

counter the negative trends of globalization.

ers are there in form of plants and animals.

The defence and protection of any given coun-

These treasures attract many criminals and

try´s citizen, argued Schlie, does not end at

illegal poachers who in their pursuit of quick

the own borders. Through international alliance

money leave a trail of death by poisoning riv-

systems, states can and must rely in the future

ers and destroying the flora and fauna. In or-

on their partners to act in the interest of all, to

der to prevent such from happening and to se-

secure the position of all and to provide secu-

cure the well being of the ecosystem as well as

rity to all.

the people living in it, the state should increase its presence and all countries in the region

On the United Nations, Mr Schlie said that it

must work together in controlling the porous

remains one of the most important organisa-

borders and sharing know how as well as in

tions, as it is the only organisation that truly

conducting training together. Closing his

brings all states together. As such, the role of

speech, General Modesto touched upon the

the UN must be strengthened, but it must also

question of the Southern Atlantic, saying that

be reformed to adapt to the new realities. In

this subject will have to be further discussed in

closing, Mr Schlie once more reiterated that

the future.

Brazil and Germany must be included in permanent consultations on the highest levels,

Mr Schlie started his presentation by describing

and that both countries have an interest in aid-

how his ministry understands Brazil: as a

ing each other in achieving this goal.

driver of growth, enabler of international relations and as a country that will shape the out-


Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.

Mr Pupato then presented a view from Argen-

The second day started with two workshops

tina. He stated that the overarching mission of

which were held simultaneously.


the Argentinean armed forces is the preserva-


tion of Argentina’s independence and sover-

The first workshop was concerned with climate


eignty. Referring to South America as Argen-

change and energy as security issues. To talk


tina’s home region, Mr Paputo said that the

about these subjects, three specialists were

subcontinent is blessed with unspeakable ri-

invited: Francine Jácome, Executive Director


ches: Water in abundance, fertile soles, miner-

and Researcher of the Venezuelan Institute for


als and other raw materials and so on. But, he

Social and Political Studies, Jeffrey Mazo, Re-

went on, no country on its own can secure the-

search Fellow for Environmental Security and

se, and as such the countries must come to-

Science Policy at the International Institute for

gether in regional organisations in order to

Strategic Studies (IISS) in the United King-

protect themselves and the natural riches

dom, and Odilon Marcuzzo, Secretary of the

against external threats. Among the existing

Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and

regional organisations Argentina would like to

Control of Nuclear Materials (ABACC). The

see the strengthening of the Union of South

opening statements of the speakers were fol-

American Nations (USAN). He added that in

lowed by an audience including debate, mod-

the process of further integration in Latin Ame-

erated by Leonardo Paz, from the Brazilian

rica, all elements of the many societies must

Center for International Relations (CEBRI).

November 2011

be included, that it cannot be a project only for the ones representing business or security in-

Ms Jácome opened by presenting the topics of


her presentation which were the change in the security situation in Latin America and the role

In the following debate, the speakers deep-

of the climate change, energy security, USAN

ened some of their arguments. On the implica-

and ALBA (Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of

tions of the ongoing drug trade, General Mo-

Our America) in the region. In her view, the

desto affirmed the importance of further col-

Latin American security agenda has suffered a

laboration, which includes the sharing of satel-

change in its main themes, which means that

lite imagery and intelligence in general. The

non traditional threats such as drug dealing,

drug trade, according to General Modesto, is

organized crime and natural disasters are be-

creating an entire set of challenges, turning

ing prioritized, instead of traditional threats. In

states on the African coast into narco states

this context, the USAN surged with the pro-

and then failed states, as a result of the drugs

posal of an alternative arena for conflict resolu-

which pass through them into Europe. On an-

tion and dialogue between its members. She

other issue, Mr Pupato´s affirmation, that for

highlighted the function in this arena of the

his country sovereignty is the highest goal

South American Defense Council that has de-

while at the same time expressing the desire

fence technology and industry as main con-

for further integration and strengthening of

cerns. There is a tendency, she said, to deal

regional organizations, was cause for many

with sovereignty in a new way, based in the

questions emanating from Mr Schlie. Drawing

growing significance of the protection of natu-

on the experience of the European project, Mr

ral resources and of democracy. The mission of

Schlie wanted to know how Mr Pupato thinks

the Council would be the assistance in case of

these two positions can be combined. Mr Pu-

emergencies in such issues.

pato answered that in his view cooperation does not imply the weakening of sovereignty.

Ms Jacóme also discussed the differences between USAN and ALBA, showing the particu-

After this first round of official speeches, the

larities of each organization. Concerning en-

first day of the conference ended with ongoing

ergy questions, Ms Jacóme compared USAN

discussions amongst the participants in a more

and ALBA, showing that the first has a special

informal ambience during an evening cocktail.

program called Initiative for the Integration of the Regional Infrastructure of South America

Climate change and energy as security is-

(IIRSA), that manage projects related to en-


ergy, natural resources and communication. In the second organization, energy is not just an


important topic amongst others, but a central

ted that if the question of energy sources is

issue, that motivated its creation. Its emphasis

solved, then the problems of humanity are also


lays in the production of oil, a very important

solved. There are many kinds of energy sour-


export commodity for its members. Concerning

ces, like the sun, winds, fossils, nuclear fusion


the defence strategy, the focus of ALBA is in

and water. All of them present pros and cons,


the prevention against possible US American

but the nuclear energy is in his opinion the

interventions in the region. To summarize, in

best choice, because of its high energy density,


Jácome’s view, energy has definitely become a

that is its capacity to produce much energy


regional and geopolitical theme in Latin Amer-

with a small amount of resource.

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.

ica. A polemic theme also discussed by Mr MarMr Mazo then touched upon challenges related

cuzzo was the nuclear accident in Fukushima,

to climate change. He explained that there are

in Japan, which he sees as a proof of the qual-

many diverse difficulties ahead which are a

ity of nuclear energy. That is because the plant

direct result of climate change, such as the

was actually prepared for a tsunami. The prob-

spread of diseases and social instability in

lem was that the tsunami’s size was bigger

communities affected by environmental degra-

than any system could predict.

November 2011

dation. Global warming has the potential to provoke and aggravate conflicts, fuel terror-

During the debate some interesting ideas were

ism, lead to dangerous food shortages and

exposed. Ms Jácome remembered that the AL-

wide spread famines as well as lead to civil

BA is a fundamental tool of the Venezuelan

wars. He underlined his argument argument by

policy, playing an important role on its foreign

emphasizing that “Climate change simply mul-

relations with other ALBA countries. Mr Mazo

tiplies the threats”.

called for the need of a global agreement concerning climate change, which should be ac-

Mr Mazo gave some examples of conflicts

cepted by every country in the world. And Mr

which he believes were at least partly caused

Marcuzzo ended the debate, highlighting the

by changes in the climate system. One such

need of a redistribution of power within the

conflict which he pointed out is the still ongo-

United Nations, so that it represents the world

ing low intensity civil war in the Dafur region of

like it looks today and not 60 years ago.

the Sudan. He further affirmed that climate change is a long-term problem and its conse-

Maritime security

quences, like the rise of the sea level, have to be solved through cooperation. The constitu-

The second workshop was about common

tion of a consensus concerning the way how to

threats to maritime security. Speakers where

deal with global warming and how to avoid or

the Chilean Rear Admiral, Ivan Valenzuela

diminish it is an important condition to solve

Bosne, Director of Security and Maritime Op-

this problem the best way possible. For him,

erations of the Chilean Navy. Second, there

catastrophic scenarios are likely and coopera-

was Markus Kaim, Head of the International

tion is the best way to prevent them.

Security Division from the Science and Politics Foundation (SWP) in Germany, and last but

Mr Marcuzzo used his time to focus on energy

not least, Alfredo Valladão, Professor at Sci-

again. He discussed the energy question relat-

ence Po in Paris, France. The debate was mod-

ing it to power and security. At the beginning

erated by Aline Soares from the Konrad Ade-

of his speech, he remembered that the world’s

nauer Foundation.

population is growing fast and reached the number of 7 billion habitants this year. So the

Admiral Bosne opened by affirming the impor-

population question gains in importance in the

tance of control of the seas. The control of the

present situation. One of the main questions

seas is directly correlated to trafficking of nar-

is: “How do we feed in a fair way the growing

cotics and the smuggling of other illegal con-

population without destroying the planet?”

traband, to global trade, to the spread of piracy, and to crime in general. Admiral Bosne

The key point to answer this question, accord-

went on to argue that while this has always

ing to Mr Marcuzzo’s view, is energy. He poin-

been true, after 9/11 the international com-


munity came together and increased coopera-

Mr Kaim went on to talk about the response of

tion on the seas, recognising the additional

the International Community which takes place


threat eminating from international terrorism.

in form of several armed missions, in which a


As a result maritime awareness programs were

wide range or otherwise little connected part-


implemented which would monitor the seas by

ners work together in sending ships and in pa-


coordinating assets and by sharing satellite

trolling the high seas together. About the out-

imagery. Furthermore, Admiral Bosne stressed

come, Mr Kaim said that for now there are


the importance of international organizations

good results, that many important shipments


and their role in patrolling the international

get protection (for example the aforemen-

waters, and that they should be equipped with

tioned food shipments) and in general shipping

the most recent technology and should be sup-

lanes are better protected. But, Mr Kaim ar-

ported by the international community with

gued, piracy was not a “sea problem”, but a

funds and manpower: everyone must pool its

land based problem. Failed states who aren’t

resources and work together. As such, Admiral

able to patrol their own coasts and police their

Bosne argued, the idea of complete and total

territories encourage rogue elements of its so-

sovereignty to which some states still cling,

cieties as well as organized gangs to pursue

must be reconsidered, technological advances

piracy in the open seas. Furthermore, there

having made this concept obsolete in many

are legal problems facing the international

ways anyway, i.e. trough satellite imagery.

community, what to do with pirates which are

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.

November 2011

caught, what country or organization should Mr Kaim then took on piracy. He argued that it

prosecute and sentence them? A real solution

is no new phenomenon, indeed already the

would thus include the stabilizing of states

ancient Romans had to cope with this problem.

from which the pirates operate.

But while piracy was long thought gone, it has come back in recent years. The European Un-

Mr Valladão opened his presentation by point-

ion defines piracy as organized crime, and as

ing towards the re-emergence of the South

such it constitutes one of the five major

Atlantic as a strategically important region.

threats as defined by the Union. The way in

Several key factors play a role in this process,

which this threat plays out is by interrupting

for example, the many new discoveries of (fos-

the free flow of commerce and raw materials,

sil) energy sources in deep water areas. These

vital for the European economies. Mr Kaim

more traditional energy carriers, Mr Valladão

named four main geographical areas where

argues, will continue to dominate the interna-

piracy constitutes a threat against freedom of

tional markets while renewable and green en-

trade and shipping: the Gulf of Aden, the Gulf

ergies will still take many years to be available

of Guinea, the Straights of Malacca and the

in sufficient quantities to guarantee the work-

seas around the southern tip of the Indian

ing of modern societies. Then there were the

subcontinent. Providing some statistics, Mr

increasingly accessible amalgam fields, which

Kaim said that out of the 20.000 ships which

harbour a great potential source for all kinds of

passed the Gulf of Aden in 2008, 49 got hi-

minerals, vital for all industries around the

jacked which in turn constitutes less then a

world. Next, there are the fishing grounds, so

third of a percent. On Germany Mr Kaim said,

important in feeding the growing world popula-

that the country exports around 20% of its

tion and providing it vital proteins, as well as

goods through the seas, and that 42% of all

an important source of income for thousands

ships that were attacked in the Gulf of Aden

of people. Finally, the growing importance of

were in some way or another connected to

shipping lanes which cross the South Atlantic,

Germany. While those attacks did not in any

be it in form of new huge ships that cannot

way threaten the functioning of Asian or Euro-

navigate through the more traditional routes of

pean economies, it did have an impact on food

Suez or Panama and thus choose the Cape and

security where ships were hijacked destined for

the southern tip of South America; or the in-

refugees. Another consequence of piracy is the

creasing commercial fleet of Brazil which fulfils

rise of shipping costs, as the risk is passed on

the needs of the growing Brazilian economy.

from the insurance companies to the shipping companies and then to the consumers and

Mr Valladão then went on in arguing that new


needs of the South Atlantic should include all


Atlantic countries, north and south, because

and things go back to where they were in the

only together all the challenges can be ad-

beginning. As a result, the state must ask itself


dressed and a situation similar to the one in

if repression is enough, and the answer could


the South China Sea can be avoided. Further

only be “no”. The state must adopt a more


challenges named by Mr Valladão included the

comprehensive approach which takes underly-


rise of the narco and failed states in West Af-

ing factors into consideration. One important

rica. These are being increasingly used by in-

part of this equation, so Mr Francischini, is the


ternational drug traffickers as transit states for

international dimension. Decisions of foreign


drugs destined to Europe. Furthermore, Mr

leaders have a direct impact on criminal activi-

Valladão pointed towards the dangers that the

ties in any given nation. As an example, Mr

Russians have initiated by pushing for discus-

Francischini named the policy of relaxing laws

sions on the resource explorations of Antarc-

which restrict the plantation of coca plants in

tica, which could bring with it geopolitical com-

Bolivia. Bolivia´s president Morales may have

petition, involving a wide range of actors, from

good intentions towards his constituencies, re-

inside the region as well from outside. Thus,

specting their ancient culture and customs, but

the prosperity of the South Atlantic is a ques-

the effect for Brazil is an increase in cocaine

tion of collective security, and if well coordi-

influx from the region which in turn fuels

nated between all partners, the region could

crime. Staying on the topic of drugs, Mr Fran-

become a source for great riches for all.

cischini argued that, while Brazil is no impor-

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.

November 2011

tant drug producing country, it nevertheless is Illicit traffic, border control and national

an important drug exporting country because


international drug traffickers want to use its positive prestige around the world. Rather than

After a lunch break, the conference continued

exporting cocaine through Barranquilla, they

with a debate on illicit traffic, border control

prefer doing it through Rio de Janeiro which

and national security. Present were Rebeca

will less alert the costumes agents in the desti-

Steiman, a Researcher at RETIS group and

nation port.

Professor for Geography at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Fernando Destito Fran-

Going back to the question of other priorities

cischini, member of the Brazilian Parliament

the state should have besides repression, Mr

and a federal police officer, and Javier Fer-

Francischini presented a three part strategy:

nando García Duchini member of the Uru-

Prevention, Repression and the taking back of

guayan Parliament and president of the de-

areas that had been abandoned by the state,

fence committee. The panel was moderated by

in order to deny criminals safe havens.

Miriam Saraiva. Next, Mr Duchini talked about the challenges Ms Steiman spoke about indigenous adminis-

which are posed through international arms

trated and controlled territories in the Ama-

trafficking. He affirmed that this problem has a

zonas areas. She argued that the impact of

huge impact on South American societies and

this arrangement was of great advantage for

direct effects on the human rights of all citi-

the whole of Brazil, since the indigenous peo-

zens as well as their quality of life. He de-

ple made sure that the areas controlled by

scribed two dimensions – external and internal

them were well protected and preserved. To

– and said that there were two reasons why

contrast this picture, she pointed towards fed-

arms came to South America: political and

eral administrated areas, where there are

economic. Any solution would thus mean for

many problems with illegal poaching, logging

the countries in the region to come together

and trafficking.

and to coordinate their actions.

Mr Francischini opened his presentation by tal-

Armed forces and urban peacemaking

king about the problem that seemingly every time when the police agencies around Brazil

The last panel of the VIII International Security

successfully imprison leading members of the

Conference carried the title “Armed forces and

criminal underworld, the vacant positions are

urban peacemaking”. The speakers were Lieu-

usually quickly replaced with other individuals

tenant-Colonel Paulo Agusto Texeira from the


public security secretariat of the State of Rio

or were handed in. In the wake of the opera-

de Janeiro, Jesus Ramirez Cano, director of the

tion, shootings and kidnappings and other cri-


urban security company from Colombia, Paolo

mes collapsed. But this did not mean that the


Tripodi, head of the ethics branch at the Le-

state could declare victory and move in. A mul-


jeune Leadership Institute, US Marine Corps

tidimensional approach had to be undertaken.


University and Kai Michael Kenkel, professor of

For one, Mr Cano said, the state would inte-

international relations at the Pontifical Catholic

grate certain elements on the illegal paramili-


University of Rio de Janeiro. The debate was

tary forces which were in part responsible for


moderated by Antonio Jorge Ramalho da Ro-

the violence, into their own ranks, thus remov-


ing them from the streets. Then, the state cre-

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.

ated rehabilitation centres where other ex irNovember 2011

Lt-Colonel Texeira started off by giving the au-

regular fighters could turn themselves in and

dience an overview on how the State of Rio de

receive support from the state.

Janeiro confronts the many bandit-controlled

shanty towns and the history that lead up to

However, this was not the “happy end”, Mr Ca-

the current state of affairs. He reiterated the

no continued. The criminals who were before

importance for the state of controlling all of its

organized in right wing paramilitary organiza-

territories. This involves in some cases armed

tions, adapted and changed their strategy,

confrontation and repression, but, Lt-Colonel

many of them aiming for political offices and

Texeira stressed, this is just one aspect of an

getting elected “parapoliticians”, as he called

overall plan and not the solution in itself. There

them. In 2009, there was a recurrence of vio-

is also a danger that if the state smashes one

lence and many parts of the city turned again

criminal group, another will fill the power vac-

into no-go areas, controlled by armed gangs.

uum that is left. Thus, once the state has en-

But President Uribe was committed to not back

tered a henceforth lawless area, it must occupy

down, and the military was to be called in

it and stay there. This is the underlying idea of

which swiftly returned control back into the

“Unidade de Polícia Pacificadora” (UPP), the

hands of the state. Many of the captured un-

program that was first formulated in 2008 in

derground bosses where then extradited to the

cooperation between the security apparatus

USA, Uribe wanting them out of Colombia, as

and the universities. The challenge included

Mr Cano explained. This move however back-

questions concerning logistics, building up a

fired when the USA made deals with many of

permanent presence and so on. But the idea

them. In return for parts of their fortunes or

was that once the police went in, they were

for important information, many were released

there to stay. Once established, the state

and returned to Colombia which in turn

would follow and provide the citizens with ser-

brought violence once again back to the

vices, such as healthcare and schooling etc.

streets. Even with those many setbacks, the

Until the end of 2010, many such UPPs units

state however was not about to give up, Mr

were established but a new challenge arose

Cano urged. Nowadays, it is widely recognized

when several criminal factions chose to pro-

that a solution would have to be supported by

voke a standoff. In response to this develop-

the whole of the Colombian society, thus the

ment, the Brazilian Marine Forces were called

state has started preventive programs by in-

in who themselves could draw on their own

forming the youth about the problems of mili-

experiences from peace keeping missions

tias, gangs and paramilitary forces. Programs

around the world, for example in Haiti.

were started to mobilize the general population and programs for rehabilitating criminals were

Mr Cano then talked about the Colombian ex-


perience in the city of Medellín. The city was for a long time one of the deadliest in the

Next to speak was Mr Tripodi. He opened by

world, controlled by many armed factions. Pre-

stating that the US Marine Corps have a lot of

sident Uribe initiated a long term program

experience in confronting urban guerrillas and

which after eight years yielded total victory to

insurgencies around the world, and that such

the state. In its course, the Colombian security

missions might more adequately be called

forces confronted the gangs, arrested their le-

“small wars”, as they are called within the US

aders and 35.000 arms were either confiscated

military and referred to in the manual destined


to this subject. Mr Tripodi then started off with

towards the use of its armed forces in domestic

a brief excursion into history, talking about the

scenarios. Mr Kenkel started off by arguing


British General Mike Jackson. General Jackson

that there is a huge difference in the way Eu-


was part of the Western Force in Bosnia, and

ropean thinkers handle this question, com-


when Russia unexpectedly occupied the Pris-

pared to the way it is done in Latin America.


tina airport in 1999, he was ordered to take it

Referring to the Northern Theory, Mr Kenkel

back. He however refused to apply force, argu-

explained that there is an underlying cultural


ing that there would be better ways than direct

component to the approach that in northern


confrontation. He has since become an expert

thinking the involvement of the armed forces

on pacification, peacekeeping and nation build-

in domestic affairs could potentially result in

ing. Mr Tripodi drawing on General Jackson´s

the weakening of civilian power and result in

experience went on to explain that the applica-

an eventual coup d’état, and should thus al-

tion is just one component in the quest for ur-

ways be shunned.

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.

November 2011

ban pacification. Other factors include the

creation of economic opportunities, respecting

Mr Kenkel then went over to present a view

the needs and desires of the people living in

that could explain why Latin America struggles

the area. Thus, force must be applied in a wise

more with violence within its societies than Eu-

way, not too much but also not too little and at

rope. According to this theory, almost all ques-

the right time.

tions concerning borders between the several states had been resolved by peaceful diplo-

Generally, there were three stages that a

matic means while in Europe they were estab-

commander must take into consideration when

lished over the years at the price of blood. As

moving into an area: First he should go in with

such, in Europe anger was often directed to-

force and overwhelm the enemy. This is impor-

wards the outside while in South America it

tant because it will open a window of opportu-

was directed inwards. Mr Kenkel admitted that

nity. Second, once the area is occupied, force

there are certainly many doubts regarding this

must be applied in a wise way to keep that

view, but that it can help in understanding why

window of opportunity open. Furthermore, the

the southern armed forces have often focused

commander must act decisively; there is no

their attention inwards. Another important dif-

space of dithering and confusion which would

ference is, that in Europe the police was al-

close the window of opportunity. Third and

ways meant to fight internal agents of vio-

last, there must be an exit strategy about

lence, including terrorism, over the years suffi-

when and how to leave. As an example, Mr

ciently equipped and trained for such so that

Tripodi pointed towards Rwanda, arguing that

there was never the necessity for any Euro-

if the UN Contingent would have used decisive

pean society to call the army for help. An ex-

force in the early moments of the genocide,

ception would be Switzerland where the mili-

the perpetrators would have been probably

tary has a limited role in a domestic context,

dispersed and the genocide would have never

for example in protecting foreign embassies or

had taken place.

in possible deployments for crowd controlling purposes.

Mr Tripodi then presented four components that create good peacekeepers: First, the sol-

Retrospective and upcoming topics

diers must have the right mindset being committed to help humanity and not simply to earn

Before the official closure by Ambassadors Za-

money. Second, the level of training is of grea-

carias and Neves and Mr Knirsch, Matias Spek-

test importance which means not only the art

tor from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation and

of war, but also language, education and cul-

Patrick Keller from the Konrad Adenauer Foun-

tural understanding. Third would be the right

dation in Berlin gave a short round-up on the

set of equipment and fourth is leadership

conference and pointed out untouched topics

which must be committed and knowing what to

which might be of relevance in the upcoming



Mr Kenkel held the closing presentation which

Mr Spektor pointed out that, despite the huge

was concerned with the European approach

variety of topics of regional importance for La-


Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.

tin America covered by this year´s Forte de Copacabana, Mercosur was not mentioned in


one panel. Especially in the debates about drug


trafficking and internal security, the link be-


tween an integrated market and a cooperation


in security issues was obvious, but also challenges such as climate change and energy se-


curity could only be effectively dealed with in a


higher integrated region. As a very important development in the security policy of Brazil, Mr Spektor underlined the release of the first White Book on defence and security policy in the

November 2011

history of the country, next year. This issue could be of highly interest for the discussion

during next year´s Forte de Copacabana, he

said. Mr Keller raised the discussion about the topic of this year´s security conference on a more theoretical level and asked if it were really new issues on the security agenda discussed during the conference or if it rather were traditional security topics discussed in a new context, thus, the context of an ever more globalized and interconnected world. He then came to speak on the future role of Brazil in areas such as the relations to NATO and the involvement in UN peacekeeping missions, especially as part of the policy in reach of a permanent seat in the UN Security Council. He closed in saying that the Forte de Copacabana had the potential of implementing and establishing a deeper dialogue between Europe and Brazil in issues of security policy.